Newspaper Page Text
NEWHOUSE IS CHARGED WITH A SERIOUS CRIME Accused of Commit ting Forgery. E. WILTSEE THE PROSECUTOR ♦■ — - COLONEL DCOLITTLE SWEARS TO THE WARRANT. Detectives Cody and Dillon Search for Prisoner a Week nnd Finally Capture Him — Story of the Offense. Oscar Xewhouse, a mining man, was arrested last night by Detectives Dillon and Cody on a warrant sworn to by Colo nel Jefferson Dooliitle, charging him with forgery. The detectives had been in starch of Newhouse since Tuesday. The forgery is alleged to have been committed by .Mr. New house several months ago. but the complaint was not sworn to before for various reasons. The prisoner is suid to have gone to the Ful iun Engineering and Mining Company and purchased a lot of pipe lor $312. On receiving the bill for the pipe he by some means got possession of a blank billhead ■>f the corporation and hi typewriting made out * bill for $612. Having done this he Is alleged to have receipted it per Heynemann, secretary. and sent it to Mr. AViltsee, the well known mining man, who was away at the time. Mr. Wiltsee sent Newhouse a chock for the amount. At the same time he sent the bill to Colonel DooliWle to •ant. mines in ■• sent the m t o S -neer i lm- rgery Mr. . • i dings ssuaded by eler, his attor • to defer the :.< be n which N rtner In va On Tt; ■ laj • ■ uit mining business, to have ■ ■ ■ ■ te the com onlan • ■ admitted the 1 [ j-ed by Wl ■ him. ling where tsee for an a know why he v urt. EAGLES FORSOOK THEIR AERIES TO SCREECH A Larg-e Flock of Noble Birds In- vaded B'nai B'rith Hal! and Mad? Merry Until Morn. . ■ - ■ ■ ■ - moraine. Th< r. In sful as hall. T'n»> i and the ■ lirman f -he- ent( r ■ r the James BUv< ■ - H. Reynolds, I ■ -• . ■ ■ en ledin - membi ra I I ■ - ■ he municipality ■ • ■ B. L. W ■ ■ : ::. I - . • ■ y si r waj ln( ■ -. Barton, Huk>> Emmett, \V< • r'esten ■ ■ Ival will b»> siv.^n by ■ A SUSPECTED POISONER. Carrie Kelly Detained at the City Prison Pending an Investiga tion. Carri( Kelly, tin fnmnt«- of B lodging -. itreet, was an • p I tinan and • to the City Prison, suspicion of :: her landlady, ■ he Kelly woman ■ ■ i gro- I It she shelf, wIKTf it remains! I am pr ca«e of opium or morphine addiction, no matter make a statement of this character a:ui v down un it. When I say CURE there is r. . •. it. and the fa<"t that the money can }>c deposited in other hands until everything is satisfactory to the patient is proof that I it. 1 claim ihat complete eradication of the dreadful habits of mor- phine a!u! OPIUM lies within the power of my great remedy. Coma and see for yourself If I iin not talking s-n^e. which will be backf-<1 up by results. No cure, no pay. T.i BO clean«e in* eystem of the drugs with which the HABIT barged i! Is the business I tin .-:;k-i>-"1 in. There Is no long drawn- out '- ' ! ' uf niarvelously quick action of no injury whatever t>> the ■ t, which opens up a new vista of life in a periud of time astonishingly rail '.r wri!<-. Everything strictly confidential. Hours 10 a. m. u> 4 p. D m. Hi. liEo. W. WILLIAMS, 216 Kearny stret :, San B^mncfseo. Cal. several days, when she gave it to Mrs Delbose. Aftei partaking of the Jelly Mrs. Dei bose became violently ill and the jcl! was given to her physician, l>r. Terrili, t be analysed. Dr. Tcrrill stated last night that he hn not as yet determined whether poison ha been placed in the can after it was op< or whether It became suffused wit); or other chemicals used in its preparation The police believe that the Kelly womar is innocent of any malicious attempt t< do away with her landlady, and in all probability she TviH he released this morning. "THE MUSKETEERS" WORTH TWO WEEKS. THK Alcazar management haa wax> d tlly ambitious and is produc ing "The Three Musketeers" in i.n siizziiiL: ecen%B. They ar.- pretty pictures. The .-;;■•■ of the stage n< ■ a tollhouse them which docs not accord with the swash buckling s-.iir.t <>f the play, hut the verj best j ossible baa ' i en done under existing . conditions. The run of a San Frtin t j • t warrant the buy ing of Improved property back of a dowtj : town theater in order to build an addl ifl was done in New York for "The Great Ruby." All things ■ :-. their time. • and foremost credit belongs not bo mvi )■ to Mr. Ormonde as t' l Charles •r. Mr. Bryant is responsible, it r the stut,-.- direction, which is enough in Itself. Furthermore, lie Ible for an Athos whose success • ■ Mr Bryant's dead earn- Is ne\ er ■ r.;'i ;•• d him j the !>art. Entirely kicking the pres ence which Dumas has attributed to -. he nev- i Tiiake his words ■ tell for all that ;s in them. Eugene Ormonde is a right winning D'Artagnan, and he shows the young ii .volution by light and firm touches. He does not play with depth. \\f does not play as if "he had ■ ■ novel first— his understanding come from the lines But he Is magnetic. ■ | I 'rosby as tl - easily the i: lady, although Gertrude Poster |s for the part The wiles and guiles ol Lady de winter arc as remote ir.'iii Miss Foster's heart ;*s absinthe is from She makes the ''.cans; • wife in tl world, lvi - ... r. Noi . Henry any more I i itf the m« f of Coi • • . ;ii a white Kit ten. The audience Is invited at 8. It is not dismiss-.-", until 11. And yet ai - :;;-, is warranted. SARAH i '^M STOCK. RECEPTION TO GILMAN. Former President the Guest of Uni- versity Regents at the In stitute of Art. Never did the halls and palleries of the -Mark Hopkins' Institute of Art look more attractive than they did Last night when thronged with men and women an xious to be presented to President and Mrs. Daniel C. Gilman of the Johns Hop. kins' University. The reception was ten dered to President [man by the Repent? of the University of California and the following constituted the reception com mittee: Ernst A. Denicke, chairman. President Benjamin Ide Wheeler. Isaias W. Hellman, Mrs. Benjamin Ide Wheeler, Mrs. Ernst A. Denicke, Mrs. Isaias W. man. ■ • 'Jilman was introduced by ral W. H. 1.. Barnes In a short, pithy sptveh. ir. which be remarked, re- Gilman: "We h;ul of hin power •>vii<-: the! m have ■ ■ • tten him and he found when he Ban Francisco that he was com -I'r. sident Gllman ma«l«> a brief speech in reply. In the course of which ho said: "1 had no Idea that after so iung .tn | • I should return and fe< 1 -\ as if 1 had never left. I feel delighted [look round and s< many young men and women who ring my with it out ' world I devoting - • ■ life work. I with this gi thing, magnificent Si fd to Pn sl ed In the throne-room, beneath n canopy of chrysanthemums and palm bram WAR OF PRINCIPLES. ■ the Ter n last evening upon the situation in Smith Africa. He BpoKe of the Boer war in connection with the war ■ --n thi? country and Spain, and showed where one had been thrust upon by the pi • a nation inimical Co pri-Rr, .-, and civilisation, as it is <n this • other was • ■: the same principle— a nation march n needs and means. He reviewed the terms of the treaty between the English and the Boers, in which it was agreed that all white peo ple in South Africa should have equal rights, and then went on to tell how the Uoers had gradually circumscribed these rights so far as they affected foreigners, and had extended them so far as they related to those of their own number. He described it as a war between meth ods, between principles— the old and the new— and one in which that nation which stood for what has brought civilization to what it is must triumph in the end. SPORT AT SUTRO BATHS. The usual weekly ;>r'->prnmme of aquatic prepared by the manape nt of Butro Baths for to-morrow. The the various events are as r>i- 50- yard dash, novice— A. Kaufman. F. Neal. W. Fleming. O. Lowentbal. C. Schilling R. Took. F. Rlttor, \V. Wilson. 50-yard dash Juvenile?— E. Minter, J. Wilbur C. L.urvlln T L&Husen. J. Laird, C. Sullivan, .1. Wilson E. Smith. 100-yard tub mm r Donovan A Hau.iain. E. Wells, G. Adler, H. Stellje* E. Bej-or. C. Augustus, O. Ehrman. H. Olsen, K. IJebolt. Trick and fancy pprinjrboard diving:— W. Wil<.f»n. F. Ralston, .T. O'Rrien J. C&th art. R. P.idinc. R. Ordell. E. Peters O. Mlsner. J. MrCormiok, W. Hoffman. W. Doug lass, A. Ba«anatoH. Fry Sues for Divorce. Robert D. Fry. well known In business and social circles, he* sued his wife. An nie G. Fry, for a divorce. Desertion Is alleged as cause of action. The litigants were married July 30. 1889. and have one child, Robert T>. Fry Jr.. aged 9 years. An Insane Bura-lar. SANTA c.KVZ. Oct 8 Q OOCOOVIch. who w.ts arrrste.l in San Francisco a tew months ag-. for burglarizing a cabin tp for trial before the Superior » ourt tonday. It was dis^ covered that he is insane and he was, ■rnmitted to Arn»ws THE SAN llJA^s CISCO CALL. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1899. ALAMEDA COUNTY NEWS. INQUEST HELD ON THE REMAINS OF ANNA BAGGO Sheep Island Tragedy; Still a Mystery. PINOLE, Oct. 25.-The Coroner'B in- { on the remains of little Anna ■ was he!d in San Pablo yesterday. The first witness was Mr. Ibsen, a tlsher tnan, who expressed 'lie opinion that the child had been killed by her mother. The last time he talked with Mrs. Buggo was oaturduy morning. She told him about | her family troubles at that time. She ' ikfd Huns Hanson, they having been i friends lor a goud many years. The next witness called was Hans Han son, who discovered the body of the mur dered child. "I lived on Sheep Island about two years and a half and worked for Mr. Baggo," he testified. "I think Mrs. liaggo killed her child and then drowned herself." Baggo, the father of the child, stated that he had been married about ten years. "I saw my wife last Saturday In Oakland," said he. "I went to see a lawyer to turn my property over to her, because we could not agree and had con- I eluded to separate. Anna Rosa Baggo, i the child, was born in San Francisco about nine years ago. My wife seemed to be of sound mind, and wherever she went she would take the child with her." Other witnesses testified to finding the ';•' •■!■!■ of the murdered child and the search for the mother, but none of them could throw any light on the crime. Tli, father of the child broke down on the witness stand. The jury returned a verdict that Anna Rosa Kaggo met death at the hands of her mother. SUES BECAUSE WIFE REFUSED TO SPEAK OAKLAND, Oct. 27.— Eugene Grams paeher, by his attorney, Fred K. Whitney, to-day filed an amended complaint in his divorce suit against Mary A. Grams r, which rpoites acts of cruelty on the part of the wife in refusing to speak to the husband when they passed by. When the wife wished to communicate with her husband she would leave a let ter on the bureau for him, says the com plaint, and the contents of these epistles were frequently such as would cause him ■ mental anguish. In one instance >mmunicnted a warning to her hus band not tv bring friends into the Grnms r household to board because they would be likely to set shot. Gramspacher also alleges that his wife on erne occasion threatened to poison their children. BISHOP NOW STANDS CHARGED WITH ARSON "AKI.AXP, Oct. 27.— Robert Bishop, who is suspected of having set fire to his building in Golden Qate yesterday, is to be prosecuted. Kire chief Ball to-day i" a complaint in the Police Court ging Bishop with arson, though the aged prisoner s:ill clinps to his story that burglars must have set fire to his place. li. L. Bishop, his son, who was also ar rested, has been reli ased, his employer in th*> office of the New Zealand Lnsur- Company In San Francisco having vouched for him. Moreover Chief Ball is of the opinion that the young man knew nothing: of the attempted arson. DIAMONDS SEIZED BY CUSTOMS OFFICIALS Former New York Dealer Accused of Having Smuggled Precious Stones. NEW YORK. Oct. 27.— Collector Bid well and Deputy Collector Theip* o f the customs Bervice were much chagrined to ver the publication of a story deal inu' with the alleged smuggling operations ■ tolpta i eabody, formerly a diamond .ienlor in this city. Peal)ody was before Collector Bidwell yesterday on charges that he had smuggled a quantity of dia monds, valued at from $15A>0 to $30,«i(W, into this city by way of Canada. Peabody, according to the story In cus toms circles, failed in business here about a year ago and tried to make a satisfac tory settlement with hris creditors, among them two large diamond importing firms In the Maidenlane district. It is sup posed the news of Peabody's diamonds being detained fame from one of the* • sources find that the motive was revenge. The diamonds are now in the hands of the Collector and will bo appraised in a day or two. Peabody voluntarily pur rendered the greater part of them yesterday, taking them from a safe de box in -i • '■ of the National Park Bank. The Collector declined to discuss the matter to-day beyond admitting that the diamonds were in his possession. HUNGERFORD COMMITTED. His Attorneys Will Move for a Nev: Trial. SANTA ANA. Oct. 27.— After two h<->urs deliberation the jury in the rase of Luther Hnngerford, who with his brother Henry was charged with killing lames 'Jregg in Santiago Canyon. cm June 10, last night found accused guilty of murder in the second degree. Judge Ballard set Monday next as trie time for passing sentence and defendant's counsel have announced they will then move for a new trial. In rase the motion is denied they will take .in aj ; The date for the trial of Henry Hunger ford, who is charged with having bei'n a party to the same crime, will be set on the same day. Roth men were releas .d on bonds soon after their arrest, but ctlon having resulted in Luther's case, he was ordered Into custody. The murder of Gregg occasioned much r xi'itement in this county. wh»re all the parties concerned were well known and the trial just closr-d has heen the subject •ieral interest In this city since Us beginning eight days ago. TEACHERS AT RED BLUFF RED BLUFF, Oct 27— The fourth ?e<- si<m of the Teachers' Convention was opened thls> morning by the Rev. 1.. | \ Renfro, who delivered the Invocation. Music followed by the Lyric Quartet, af ter which J. O. Durfee rave an Interest ing talk on "The Mind Trainer." !!.. «-.i. followed by Professor C. A. Dual way who spoke on "Methods of Teaching His tory." At the afternoon session Profe?sor Duniway followed his address \vl:!: on "S !oa«t History." Professor J. D. Huchcs gave an Interesting talk on "The School 'VmpnMtion." and in the evening Professor Barnard Moses lecture.! on the "Historical Significance of the Re cent War. After the lecture the visitors enjoyed a reception and dance in the Pavilion Opera-house. Young Peter Jackson Wins. I.OS ANGELES. Oct 27.— Young Peter Jackson, a colored boxer of San Francis co, knocked out Jim Trimble of Ln s An geles In the twentieth round in a contest before the Los Angeles Athletic Club to night. The fight was slow for the llrst ten rounds and Trimble seemed to be do ing the heavier work, but in the last three rounds the colored fighter landed some hard punches on Trimble's face and In thy latter part of the twentieth floored Trimple twice. The last time Trimble stayed down ten seconds and then had to be assisted to his corner. Vatican Organ Sequestrated. ROMK. Oct 27.— The Osservatore Ro mano, tho organ of the Vatican, was se i questratfl this evening In consequence : of tho publication of an article on the Papal service offensive to the Onerr: --1 UK' Jit. BABY'S HAND IN PAPA'S SOUP CAUSED A DIVORCE OAKLAND, Oct. 27.— The simple fact of a baby jabbing Its plump little hand into papa's soup one supper time last January while mamma was pouring out the broth and holding; baby at the same time was tiie primary aad alleged overt act warranting the declaration of domestic war between Hprman Dinslage and his pretty young wife, Mary, the trial of whoso divorce suit, brought on the ground of cruelty, was commenced to-day before Superior Judge Greene. "I couldn't very well pour the soup with ihe baby in my arm," said the young wife on the witness stand this afternoon, "and I had asked my hus band :o take the child, but he refused. The baby didn't scald its hand and no one was hurt until afterward my husband, RtlH angry over the affair. grabbed me by my wrist, drawing- blood. Then he bit me and abused me. "The next day the fuss was kept up. My husband finally told me I could go and take all the furniture, because I had complained about his brother boarding with us and because I would no longer do the brother's washing. That night when my husband came home I waa prying in the kitchen and he askrd why supper was not ready. 1 told him his brother had carried oti the back ii"'>r key. The brother called me a liar and then they told me that I came from a degraded family. "Finally when I told them that I was surely as good as themselves the brother grabbed me by the throat and threw me against a trunk. Next day I took half the furniture, leaving what I thought my husband might need, and went to my mother's house. That was la si January and he has never called on me or baby since then. Frequently my husband would not speak to me for days. He would talk German to his brother at the table and I couldn't understand what they were saying. "The first disagreement occurred over a game of casino at his mother s home in Paso Robles, three days after our marriage, which game I claimed wasn't being played according to Hoyle." To-morrow the defense will put in its testimony. MURDERER CHEESEMAN ATTEMPTS TO ESCAPE OAKLAND, Oct. 27.— Frank H. Cheese man, who murdered Henry Brooke in this city in August, 1898, and then shot his sweetheart, Etta Payne, and who twice escaped from the Napa Insane Asylum, being only recently recaptured in Mon tana and returned, nearly gained his liberty for the third time a few days ago. according to the statement of the Nap.i hospital authorities. When he war- taken back to Xapa seven weeks ago he was placed in a cell with wooden bars over the openings, and Cheeseman immediately began scheming to escape. A few evenings since an at tendant discovered two pieces of saws concealed under Cher-seman's bed. In vestigation disclosed the fact that Cheese man had succeeded In cutting off two of the wooden bars. The bars have since been replaced by iron ones. When Cheese man saw this lie facetiously remarked, "That seems to be pretty strong now," and intimating that he would once more try for liberty. _ Death of Mrs. Dowd. BERKELEY, Oct tt.— Mrs. Nellie Dowd, wife of Thomas Dowd, OX West Berkeley. passed away yesterday at hor home. 21".") Fifth street Bhe was tho eldest 'laughter of the late Nicholas Bnnls ana Bister of Mrs <' Welsh and Mrs. V. McLaughlln. Funeral services will be held at the late residence to-morrow morning at 9:30 o'clock A solemn requiem high mass will be said at St Joseph's Church at 10 ..'clock. The interment will be in St. Mary's Cemetery, Oakland. YACHTSMEN WILL DANCE. The closing hop of the San Francis o Yacht Club for the season of 1899 was postponed last Saturday on account of the Budden leath at Bausaltto of Mrs. A. L. Hill, mother of Commodore T. L. Hili. The San Francisco Yacht Club sent a handsome flower piece :«s a mark of re- Bpect and sympathy. The postponed ; dance and entertainment will tak" place at the clubhouse to-night, the invitations previous!} -ing good for this . date. Th' Corinthian Yacht Club Rave a mo.n successful links last Saturday at Tiburon and next day went out fur the last club cruise of th« season. Under signal from the flagship tho yachts cruised over to Sausailto, where the fleet of the Han Francisco club lay at its moorings. Thence the Corinthians made for Fort Point and along the Presidio short-, to gs wharf. Then, sighting the trans- Si itoi Just in :'r"m Manila With the Fifty-first lowa Regiment on board, the yachts cruised around h«r. gr the Voidl-Ts with guns, cheers, waving handkerchiefs and caps. Afterward they Bailed to the leeward sill.' of Angel Island and thence back to their moorings at Tibur. ■• 1 lay and to-morrow main "f he yachts will !>o stripped of iheir equip ment and diunantled for th^ winter. The Corinthian Yacht Club has had a BU fill and pl< ison. The bridge into tho lagoon will he raised on Sunday, No vember .",. on which day most of the sail ing craft will leave the waters of the bay for winter quarters. This morning •'colors" will be made on the yachts of the California fleet a* 8 ; o'clock. Commodore A. M. Clay will be ' ard the flagship Pactolus from 4 to 7. ready to receive visitors. There will b.-> no jinks at the clubhouse to-night. The (•'losing sall-ln squadron will take place to morrow. Last Saturday, owing to the threaten IN NEXT SUNDAY'S CALL OCTOBER 29, 1899. The Boers as They Really Are. By MISS SANNIE KFUGER Miss Kruger is a niece of Oom Pau Kruger. and recent'y came to San Francisco to compete her educa'ion In next Sunday's Call she ta ks interesting. y of her home life. WHY HE FEARS THE CZAR. Paul Me nikoff, Ru-s>an socialist, tells the sory of his life. Life Among the Arc- American Girls Who tic Whalers. Are Princesses. HALLOWEEN SUPERSTITIONS. The Most Valuable Bulldog in the World. THE BOOKS OF THE WEEK. Revewed by Professor H. B. Lathrop of Stanford Unversity. A Sunday Call Woman in the Fresidio Hospital. BISHOP POTTER-THE MAN. DOMESTIC SCIENCE— OAKLAND HOMES-DRAMATIC STARS— AND A BUDGET OF OTHER FEATURES.. PRESIDENT WHEELER TO ADDRESS TEACHERS BERKELEY, Oct. 27.— Professor Benja min Ide Wheeler of the University of California will leave to-morrow for Red Bluff to attend the meeting of the North ern California Teachers' Association. He will deliver an address before the con vention there. On Tuesday of next week President Wheeler will be the guest of the University of California Club of Los Angeles. The club is arranging for a public banquet and reception in his honor. His stay in Los Angeles will be but short, as hf 1 has consented to speak at the con vention of the San Joaquin Valley Teach ers' Association which Is to meet next week at Bakersfleld. President WheeUr has felt obliged to decline nearly 100 requests to speak be fore different clubs and teachers" insti tutes throughout the State. He states, however, that as soon as his duties as president of the university are better set tled he will be in a position to accept the invitations. Funeral of James McGee. BERKELEY, Oct. 27— James McGee, one of Berkeley's oldest pioneers, who died at the old homestead on Catherine street, between Dwight way and Char ming way. last Tuesday afternoon, was laid to rest this morning In St. Mary? Cemetery. Oakland. After a brief and simple service at the old homestead the remains were taken to St. Joseph's f'hurch. on Addison street, where the Rev. Father O'Rlordan conducted a sol emn requiem high mass. ing weather, none of the California yachtsmen sailed to Tiburon to be pres ent at the closing jinks of the Corin thian?, but last Sunday Commodore A. M. ("lay's sloop Pactoius. the yawl Idler and T. Carrier's sloop Jessie E cruised in the bay. Handball for Sunday. Thf> veteran handball players. Lir.ehan and Kilsjallon, who got it put all over them last Sunday by the juveniles. Col lins and WV.iw-. are not yet satisfied and challenged the latter for an I game, to l»e played at Phil Ryan's court Hfoward street, to-morrow. In ad dition to the other attractions at Ryan's court a tournament will be inaugurated on Sunday in which the following players Will participate: D. J. Sheehan. N. J. Prendergast. Dr. Vf. H. Sieberst. W. ti. Kediau. Steve J. Costello, J. R. Bookman, E, McDonoujrta, K. J. \Yaterman and a. J. Griffith. The regular entries -or Sun day's games are". P. Uutchinpon and M. TMllon vs. P. Kelley and G. Hutchlnsoa E. Harry ami r>. Regan vs T Foley and J. Kirby: D. Rodger? and M M.-Pnnalii vs. O. McDonald and M. McNeil. A. MrYVker and T. I.each vs. J. Condon and K. Houamaa. T. Perres and R. Regll vs. A. White-man and J. Glynn. J. llarlow and E. Toy vs. W. Mneulre and J. Riordan. Diseased Cattle. FRESNO, Oct. 27.— A band of 550 head of cattle at Kingston, this county, brought there from HumboMt by a man named Warren, has been quarantined. The calves are suffering- with strongrylus fUiaria, an animal parasite new to Cali fornia. The lungs of the affected animals are filled with worms and cold does not affect them. Yesterday's Insolvent. Paul R. Mabury. business manager, San Jose. $585.91; no assets. AGED RANCHER DIVORCES FROM HIS GIRL BRIDE Clara Morrison's Ro- mance Ends. j OAKLAND. Oct. 27.-Aged Perry Morri • son. a wealthy rancher of Nile», waa granted a divorce to-day by Slip frior Judgo Ellsworth from Clara Morrison, the Kirl-wife he led to the altar in this city lin December. 1593. The decree was given : on the ground of desertion. Mrs. Morrison, who i« at present cm i ployed in an Indianapolis candy store, : bltterlv fought the cast-, and her lengthy depositio submitted at the trial to-day proved a deeidediy interesting feature, picturing her sad disappointment and shattered hopes of leading the life of a i lady when she plighted her troth. Ac j cording to her deposition the aged rancher ADVERTISEMENTS. ABSOLUTE^SECURTTY. Genuine CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS must bear signature of /^Lw^^w' Vk>ry small and as easy to take as sugar, SEF Ipadttd'c for HEADACHE. SEE Ml CAKTbRS FOR DIZZINESS. 3M / , , fTIITP iISITTLE 1 FOR BIUOUSKESS. rcwiTlV! r GENUINE Ibiver FOR TORPID liver. GENUINE MPS ILS FOR CONSTIPATION. WRAPPER JLj^ ' for sallow skih. WPAPPEB: ttKAITEIf laha^i I FOR THE COMPLEXION " RArrLIL 25 cents ! Purely VegetaMev/^^w^^*^, "!=K,IISrTEID O3ST K.EID PAPER." RAILROAD TRAVEL. CALIFORNIA NORTHWESTERN RY. CO. : L.SSS3H SAM FRANCISCO AND NORTH PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. Tiburon Ferry, Foot of Market St. SAX FRANCISCO -iv SAN UAFAEL WEEK DAYS— 7:BO, 9:00, 11:00 a. m. ; 12:35. 3:30, 5:10, 6:30 d. m. Thursdays— Extra trip at 11:30 p. m. Saturdays— trips at 1:50 and II .-an d. m. SUNDAYS— <:00, 9:30, 11:00 a. m.; 1:30, 3:30, 6:00. «:20 d. m. SAN RAFAEL TO SAN FRANCISCO. WEEK I 'AYS— 6:IO, 7:50, 9:20, 11:10 a. m.; 12:45. 3:40, 5:10 p. m. Saturdays— Extra tries at 1:55 and 6:35 p. m. SUNDAYS— B:IO, 9:40. 11:10 a. m. ; 1:40, 3:40. 5:05, 6:25 D. m Between San Francisco and Schuetzen Park same schedule as above. Leave I Arrive San Francisco. In Effect i San Francisco. _____*_ j October 15, — — — "Week \ Sun- ISS9.' Fun- Week Days. days. Destination days. ; Days. 7:30 am 8:00 am Novato, 10:40 am S:4O am S:3O pm 9:30 am Petaluma. 6:05 10:28 am 6:10 pm 5:00 pm Santa Rosa. 7:33 pm 6:22 pm Fulton, 7:30 am Windsor, 10:25 am Healdsburg. Lytton. GeyservUle, /r3O pm S:00 am Cloverdale. ■ 7:25 pm 6:22 pm 7:30 am Hopland and 8:00 am' Uklah. 7:35 pm 6:22 pm 7:30 am 10:26 am 8:00 am Guernevllle. 7:35 pm 3:30 pm [ 6:22 pm 7:30 am :00 am Sonoma 10:40 am S:4oam and 6:10 pm 5:00 pm Glen Ellen. . 6:05 pm 6:22 pm 7:30 am 8:00 am: Scbastopol.' 10:40 am 10:25 am 3:30 pm ; 6:00 pm| . I 7:35 pm 6:22 pm Stages connect at Santa Rosa for Mark West Springs and White Sulphur Springs; at Lytton j for Lytton Springs: at GeyservUle for Skaggs ' Springs; at Clr.verdale for the Geysers; at Hop- I land for Duncan Springs, Highland Springs, Kelseyville. Cerlsbad Springs, Soda Bay, Lake- ! port and Bartlett Springs; at Uklah for Vichy i Springs, Saratoga Sprlnjts. Blue Lakes. Laurel Dell Lake. Witter Springs, Upper Lake, Porno, I Potter Valley. John Day's. Riverside, Llerley's, Bucknell's, Sanhedrin Heights, Hullvllle, Orr's I Hot Springs, Mendocino City, Fort Bragg, 1 "Westport, tjsal, Willltts, Laytonvllle, Cum- ■ mlng s, Bell's Springs, Harris, Olsen's, Dyer, ; Scotia and Eureka. Saturday to Monday round trip tickets at re- : duced rates. On Sunday round trlD tickets to all point* 1 beyond San Rafael at half rates. Ticket Offlcs. 650 Market St.. Chronicle bldg. I H. C WHITING. R. X. RYAN. General Manager Gen. Pass. Agent. Santa Feßpute [I'M f i IELPAai I Sj |U33A>JCEt£» VpHOENIS y| r ** ! SAN FRANCISCO TO CHICAGO. =" THE MOST COMFORTABLE WaY ACROSS THE CONTINENT. EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR PULL- MAN PALACE AND PULLMAN UP- HOLSTERED TOURIST CARS LEAVB OAKLAND MOLE FOR CHICAGO AVI) THE EAST. TAKE MARKET STREET FERRY AT 530 P M. DINING ROOMS AND DINING CARS ARE MANAGED BY MR FRED HARVEY, AND ARE PERFECT IN KVERY DETAIL. Read Down. VALLEY ROAD. Read Up. •7:20 am fIC.W am Stockton 1 T»:4Q pm| 6:uO pot 1:10 am I 1:04 pa kUrced |tU:10 pm 4:11 pas 10:40 am I s:tt pm friMl j 19:00 am 2:41 pea 11 :W am I 7:16 pm Hanford / tT:ooam 1:45 pn» t:!S pm fl!:30 am BakenOald 11. am 11:00 am 11:5!) ami ti.K pm Vlsalia ) 15:20 am 1:23 pna 12:15 pml <6:53 pm Tulare J4:25 am »l:05 pm 'Dally 'Except Sunday. {Except Monday. 6an Francisco Ticket Offlee. 623 Market *Li Tel. Main lUL Oakland nee. UK Broadway. : .J Sacramento Office, 201 J at. San Joaa Office. 1 We*t Santa Clara it- NORTH PACIFIC COAST RAILROAD. Via Saasalito Ferry. Commencing October 1, 1889. FROM SAN FRANCISCO TO MILL VALLEY AND BAN RAFAEL. WEEK DAYS— *7:©o, •9:30. 11:00 a. m.: '1:45, «J:4O. 5:15. 6-00. <:S0 p. m. EXTRA TRIPS-For Mill Valley and San Ra. fael. on Monday*. Wednesday* end Saturdays. at 9:00 and 11 30 p. m. BUNDAYS-»S:00. '10:00. *11: M a. to.: »l:li »:15. '4:45. 6:30. 9:00 p. m. Train* marked (*) run to San Quentto. FROM SAN RAFAEL TO SAN FRANCISCO ' WEEK DAYS— 4:2S. •«:35. 7:43. •8:40 a. m. ! "12:30. 2:15. 3:40. »3:IS p. m. EXTRA TRIPS on Mondays. Wednesday* and i Saturdays at 6:40 and 10:15 p. m. ■• SUNDAYS— *S:00. •10:00, »11:45 a. m. • •1:40. »3:15. 4:45. »6:30 p. m. Train* marked <•) mart from San Quentln. ! FROM MILL VALLF.Y TO SAN 'RANCI3CO WF.EK DAYS— S:4S. 0:45. '. :16. 8:45 a. m : I 12:15.- 2:35. i:45. E:M p. m. • j EXTRA TRIPS on Mondays. Wednesday* and Saturdays at 7:00 and 10:20 p. m. i i SUNDAYS— B:OS. 10:05 a m.: 12:05. 1:15. t:&. »:««. t44 p. m — «* | THROUGH TRAINS. ; 1:00 a. m. week — Cazaderoand way itatlona. I 1:40 p. m. Saturdays — and -ay »tat|jn». ' t:00 a m. kijnd»n- and way *tatlOßJk • represented to her that he was worths $75,000, and that if she would become his bride she need not worry about household, duties, but could live the Itfe of a lady,, with nothing to do. After the marriage,, however, she claims she was compelled to assist the servant in getting the meals for the ten men who were employed on the> ranch. Then, too, she had to act as dairy maid. Incidentally, her a^ed spouse, so she Claims, gave hf-r little or no money, ex that prior to the nuptials he pre sented her with $500 to attend the World's Fair, Mr. Morrison denied all these allega and n« a corroborating witnessi Charles H. Sliinn. Inspector of the experi mental stations of the State University, was called, who bore testimony to plain tiff's good reputation for truth and hon eaty dating back In the sixties. Judge Ellsworth deliberated only a fftw moments and grantfd plaintiff's prayer. Newman Arrested. OAKLAND, Oct. 27.— Lewis Newman, was arrested at th« Emeryville racetrack, to-day by Deputy Marshal Lane and Captain Callundan of Morse's Detective Agency on a charge of felony embezzle ment preferred by Byron Erkenbrecher. a capitalist of Lcs Angeles, for whom Newman had been acting in the capacity of (ft ting commissioner." Erkenbrecher claims that Newman withheld $300 of his on New Moon about three weeks ago. Newman was taken to the County Jail. '.^—— « ♦ * Speaking of fruit, the first apple caused a lot of trouble for the first pair. RAILROAD TRAVEL. WOt'TIIKBtN I*A«:iFl<: lOMPASY. iPACirK! -'oltM I Train* l«-i*» •• »ml me aliiw lo nrilv« :«« MAR nuM'l*M«. (Main Line, Foot of Market Street) leave — From Octouek 29, ISM. — ariiivk •7:<M>\ Benicia, Sni.siin and S»cram«uto *7:4-'»p- -♦7:im»a Mar>sviilc. Orovill,; via \T,-v;.", Eimira. Vitcaville a'Kl Uuaivy. . . *7:I--,f- -•7:OOa Shii-u Express-DivU, Willows, Re<l Bluff, Portland «7:45p- ♦7::»» a Martinez, .Sau Uaumu, Vullejo. Napa, UaUstogaanHßanta Rosa •B:l.lp- •«:OOa Th" (U.'il.ii.l Li;nited— Omaha, Chicago ! » |IBF •«•::»«.* -v.::. .lose. Uxcrmore, Stockton, lone, Hacmmeutn. riacirrille, H irysfill . < !i-.. Ub ' ISlnif *4ilV •.•t::iOA*Milton l Oak<lak>ai:>l fouora . ... '*l»( ♦»:O(»a HiiTwsnlg. Niltnaml Way .Slatiuiis. *« I: «•»*. ♦0:OOa Atlantic I'.ipresa-Ogden »d<l Ea«t "J-ASk *!):OOa Martinez,, Latlirop, Stockton, Mi-rectl ami l'restm * l ? sl ? E> *i»iO«a Port Costa, Kreano, Jlojavo ami I.os A , ,_,,,;,;/ !S : M " •I«:OOa Vallijo, Martinez ami Way Rtotlooa *i:l.>p- ■l I:OOa Haywardß, Niles and Way Stations. *^:I->P- •ia:U(tu Niles, LlTormorc, Stockton. iSacra- mento, Mcndota, liauforil, Visalia, PcrterriUe 'lilSr tl:OOpSacr:iiiiciit<«i:iTerHtoiiiiitrfi t l *:"'*! 1 *:{:O()p Ilayn-ards, Nilts and \?aj Sutions. »:43e- •4:M»i> Martinez. Man ISaimm. Valleju, Niil>:i. t'.i!i ■i!.»>::i. S.tnU lli«a •»£!»». MiOOrUcUicia, Vacavitlc, .Sucniiimnlii, Wooillani], Knights Landing, Marysfllle, OiotHle »IO:I»a M::i«p NBaa, Boa Josoaudßtodrtoo •7sia» •3:OOpTlio Owl limited— Krcaco. . Bakenfieltl, Bauftia for .Santa Jiar- bara, Los Ancelea *!*??* •s::iOp Stockton, Merce.l. Fresno *I2:|.»F •s::tOp, tiakersQelil, Kaiita llnrimra, Los Ads Demlng, Xl Paso, Now Orleans and Kast *n.4t%K •3i3»P Hants, I'd lUinlo— Atliuitlo I'.iprcss for Mojaro rii«l Bast "OM5p •0:« Op Hay>rard3, Niltaaml Kan Jose 'limit A tO:»OfVaflejo 'I2:irip •«:3t»i- Oriental Mail-Ogden and East •Si.'JOp- t7:OOp Vallcjo, Port Costa ami Way Sta- * Uons.. J9:33f •8:«3p Oregon and California i;xi>rc!w,Mac- ritmeiiti), Marysville, ItctWtug. r.irtlmi'l. rum-t 5..11...1 nii.l T.iiat *S:l3a. COAST IHYMON arrow <JaH?;c). (Foot of Market Street.) •8:1. A Newark, Ceutcr»ille,SauJo«e,Fclton, Boulder Crtelc,SaiitaCru7.a::<nV»y Sutlons ■•••- •5i.1«» * ta:l-"*r Newark, Contervillo, Kan, >*• Almaden, Fcltou, Itotilder Crook, Santa Cxuz and l'riocipal Way StaUona t' . OI '"JJ! A •J«l.">p Newark, San Jose, Los Gatos «U:^o4. bll:i3p Hunters' Excursion, San Jore and Way Stations ■- I«:20F CREEK ROUTE FERRY. From SIN WIKCISCO— roet cf )Urk«l Street (Slip 8)— •7:15 9:00 11:00.1.11. 11:03 *2:03 13:00 •4:03 15:13 •6:00r.'-. rrouOitUSD— foilorßro»4w»y.— *o:oo 8:00 10:001.11. li::: "1:33 t2:03 *3:03 ti:00 *S::3r.M. COAST DIVISION' (nr»a<l(;aas«). C.0.-'-h?.- (Thlra and Townscnd Sts.) '4O:IOi Ocean View, Houth Han Francisco.. t«:3Op •TlOOARail J08.3 ami Way SUliims (New Aluia<leii WeUiie«aaysonly) "1:80* *9:OOa San .logo. Tres Pinos. HauU Cruz, : . I'aciiia (lro»e. l'u» Rul.lcs, San Luis 01.15r.0, Surf, Lompoc and Principal Wny SUtioiis li'l?' •IO:4OA San .lose nu.l Way Ktntions .2 x A ■UiSttA San Jiiso and Way Stations •3i3op Ms4SrBan Mateo, Redwood, Menlo Park, Palo Alto, Santa Clara. .lose, Trca Pinos, Sai.U <' r .i*. Salinas. Moiiter«ryan.l Pacific GroTe : i? A ♦»t»«p San Jose and Way Stations ........ li.?* |l:15p San Jose ami Principal Way Stations *»««* Pan and Principal Way Stations 1 32 A •s:.tOr Sau.To«oau<l Principal Way Station* ■ : * a * San Jose au<l Wny Stations IX»« Hl:4sr San Jos? ami Way 5tati0n5......... *7:JOp AforMoming. P for Afternoon. •Daily. t Sunday exeer.te-1. J Sunday only. 6 Saturday only. New Fast Train. Via Rio Grande "Western and Denver and Rio Grande railway* in connection with Southern Pacific Company's limited train, leaving San Francisco dally at t a. m. Through Double Drawing- Sleeper. Free Reciining-Chair Cars. Perfect Dining- Car Service. For Information, rate?, etc.. apply airy Southern Pacific agent, or No. 14 Montgomery street. W. H. SN~EDAKER. General Agent. MuUNf TAMALPAIS SCENIC RAILWAY L<eav« San Francisco via Sau*aJlto ferry. Commencing SUNDAY. October L ISM. WEEK DATS— a, m. and 1:45 p. m. SUNDAYS— B.OO. 10:00 a. m. and 1:15 p. m. Far 9 H T. to Summit and Return, Jl 43. TUOB. COOK A BON. Agts.. (21 Market M. a Dr. Dispensary, KI'.AK.x V MV. Established in I £34 for the treatment of Private CHjwiws, Ixwt Manhood. Debility or - dispasf wearing on body and mind and . Skin : ' »pa3t-s. The doctor cores when others faiL Try him. Charges low <'iii*-«suarnnlrril. Callorwrtta. Dr. J. *■• tUBBOS. Box 1957, Sao Franciau* 11