Newspaper Page Text
MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. A CARLOAD of new style Decker Pianos Just received; they are beauties; call and see them. MAUVAIS'. 769 Market St. IF you want bargains go to MAUVAIS'. 769 I Market st . they have lots of them. LARGE stock of Baldwin and other standard' pianos; prices reduced to !ns#ra prompt sales. W- C. HAMILTON. 324 Post st. 24 NF.W" pianos to rent; $3 per mo. SCOTT- CURTAZ. CO.; 660 Hayes st. FINE STEINWAY upright, left by private rur'y— sacrificed. Room 12, Flood building. Fourth and Market ets. PIANOS at auction prices in storage cheap for cash. WILSON'S Storage, 1710 Market st. ■ GOOD upright piano, nearly new; cheap. iiop.N! am. 216 McAllister st. LARGE church organ used at Mechanics' Fair; a bargain. BYRON MAUZT, 308 Post st. BARGAIN— Good upright; cheap. SCHMITZ. 16 McAllister St., next Hibernia Bank. BOHMER, Byron Mauzy and other pianos. SOS ■Post st. BUPERIOR violins, zithers, old and new. H. MT'LLKR. maker, repairer " Latham place. OFFICES AND STORES — LET. FOR RENT— A double store; one suitable for restaurant; the other for barber shop and cipar ?tand; opposite Where new union depot will bs built. Inquire saloon, cor. Fourth and Townsend Eta. HOWARD, ISP2, near 14th-Store with 2 show windows and 2 living rooms: rent cheap. STORE to Rent cheap. Apply grocery hi. re. corner Hayes and Laguna sts. PALMISTRY. MME. NEERGAARD, pupil of Count St. Ger- main 616 Geary St., above Jones; classes; of li ■■<? hours, 1 to S p. m. ; reading by mall. $1. personals; " JAMES A. BORBNBON. watchmaker and Jew- eler, removed to 103 Sixth at., near Mission. ERER'S Quint.. not only cleanses the scalp, hut beautifies the hair, gives a fine gloss. G. LEDEREU. 123 Stockton st. GO to LEDERER an& have your hair drosstd a la mode tor only 25c; Lederer restores ;ray hair to Its natural color with Sch<»llier's Col- orine. 75c box. G. LEDERER, 123 Stockton. ELEGANT remnant! for suits. $10 75: pants, $3 T. or overcoats, $12 50: made to order; samples' sent to interior. One Price Tailoring Co., 1644 Market St., St. Nicholas HoteK SUITS to order on easy Installments. L. LEMO3. 1117 Market st , bet. 7th and Sth. J.l'. L. B. WOOD: dental work in all branches: examinations free. 719 Market s-t., rms. 2 & 3. LABORERS, rare opportunity— recently returned from 2 years' sojourn at Dawson: can furnish reliable information, etc. Address box 271. Cull. , TAINTING and paper hanging; rooms papered. $2 50 up. JENSEN & BATH. 308 Sixth St. THE IdeaJ Hair Co., hairdresslng and mani- curing. 22 Kearny st., first floor. MRS *L- J WHEEL has removed La Varite Parlors to 1140 Market; phone Folsom 446. FRINGES braids, beads and Jewels made to order. ETTTNGER'S. 723 Market St. MLLE. CLAIRE BERTRAND, manicure par- lors, 228 Kearny st., first floor, room 2-3. JOHN L. BOONS, Patent. Tradmark Attorney at Law. and Copyright No. 4 Sutler st.. Laws a Specialty. Ban Francisco, Cal. American and Foreign Send for circular. Patents Solicited. ELECTRIC lights in every room: Winchester Hot*!. 44 Third St.. near Market; 100 rooms; Hie to $1 50 per night; $1 50 to $6 per week: free 'bus and baggage to and from the ferry. SLAUGHTER In unredeemed pledges. Jewelry, clothing, etc.. for amount loaned and inter- eFt. CUT RATE LOAN OFFICE, 22 Mason. MRS. BENNETT, 1165 Mission— Cancer cur« 6 days; no knife, no caustics": references. ALL gents wishing to marry wealthy send 10c for latest list. MRS. HERT2). 706 Ellis St. HIRSUTINE CO.. hair specialists, grow hair or no pay: book for stamp. 6 Eddy st. A. KLEIN buys clothing, bric-a-brac, tools and old gold; send for him. 109 Sixth st. ANTIQUE and curiosity shop; goods bought, sold, exchanced. 525 Dupont St., nr. Cal. INCRUSTATION— New Invention for china dec- orators. See S. R. CHURCH. 307 Sansome st. LACHMAN & CO.. mfrs. of fine furs and seal garments: also remodeling. 104 Kearny St. IF you wish full value for your cast-on* cloth- ine, call on B. COHEN. 157 Third st. RI'PTURE, stricture cured: no knife; no Injec- j tion: guarantd. Dr. . rdin. 514 Pine.ab ! WANTED- gold for manufa'ng. O. Nolte, Jeweler. 24S O'Farrell. bet. Powell & Mason. CHEAPEST and best In America— The Weekly Call. 16 rage.«, sent to any address In the | United State* or Canada one year for $1. ■ ■ _ ■ ■ '. PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES. FINEST and fullest stock; square deal and prompt service; country orders our specialty; catalogue free •■!! '"am Co.. 22 Geary st. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. PR. C. C. O'DONNELL. office and residence. l^lH Market st.. i ■■• Sixth and Seventh. PROPERTY WANTED. WANTED— real estate for cash. Apply A. M. SPECK 4 CO.. C 67 Market st. REAL ESTATE CITY — FOR SALE. AT A. M. SPECK & CO. for good bargains. (136.000— New building: rents $10,000 yearly. $40, W'ft— Grand Investment; rents $402. jafi/jt-K)— tores and flats: rents $300. $!.".oO— Three flats on lot 22x56 feet; near Pow- ell st.; rents $18: all rented: foreclosure. $14. CO— Three grand new flats; rents $115. $14,000— Geary »t., near Mason; store • and lodging house. $14,500—1 elegant new flats, near Mason st. ; rented for $142; an estate: must sail $12, 5 ft) — Store and flats: lot 50-foot front; half block rom Taylor and Market; rents $100. $15000— First St.; 87-foot front; 2 fronts: near Mission st. $10.oG«">— New flats; very fine: rents $95. $:-5CO— Mason st.; corner; with 7 flats; renting low for $«0. Transfer corner; store and 2 flats; mortgage $6200. • Three new flats; rents about $S0; near Powell and Bush sts. IfiCK 1 — Post St.; 3 flats: rents $60. (—California st. ; 3 flats; rents $45. $4750 Turk St.; 2 flats and stable; reduced fr. m $6500: large lot. J4-00 — (> nice flaw: near Sixth st. ; rents $46. $20*:*— Flats: rents $30. Other bargains at A. M. SPECK & CO.'S. 667 Market st. NEW CORNER FLATS M 8"0; RENT t s'.4O A YEAR $1000 CASH. kAL. MONTHLY Five and nine rooms each, with all modern conveniences. F. NELSON, builder, corner Twentieth and Castro sts, $900 FOR new house of 6 rooms and lot 60x100, In Oakland: terms $200 cash, balance $9 per month; lot and house cost $1200. Inquire WM. HENDRICKSON & CO.. 614 Call building. RARE bargain: fine residence near park; every convenience. HUNSAKER. 6 Eddy st. $1800— $14 per month: 4 rooms, 9-foot basement, barn, stalls for 2 horses; lot 30:8 by 114 feet. Particulars 409 Thirtieth st. IF you have lots north of Golden Gate Park. w*et of First aye.. and you wish to sell them, call on W. .1. QUNN, 410 Montgomery st. VAN N'KSS rv<>.: $110 front foot; st. bltumln- Ized anfl i-ewer'-d. Apply '-'740 Van Ness nv. REAL ESTATE — COUNTRY — For Sale A— 2oo ACRES farming land near Sunol, Ala- meda Co., fronting on county road; $25 per acre for quirk sale. H. H. Crane. 410 Montgy. !?' U REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. 15000— 70- A CUB ranch, 29 In fruit, 35 hay, In I Sulsun Valley; Income property. $4200—21 acre.-. Al fruit ranch. Va«avlll«; 15 acres bearing: for city or over the bay prup- erty. GERMAN-AMERICAN. 34 K>arny Bt. —rr _ . ; . i ROOMS FOR HOL'SEKKJiI'IXO. ; A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and j subscriptions has been established at the northwest corner of Twenty-second and Ken- \ tucky streets. Open until 9 p. m. BUSH. 2526-2 nicely furnished sunny front rooms; light housekeeping; adults only. CLAY, 2421, In rear, near FiUmore— 2 unfur- nished upper rooms; water; rent $7. DORLAND St., 33, off Guerrero, near Elght- eenth— B sunny furnished hskpg. rooms; $10. EDDY. 915— Unfurnished sunny rooms- newly papered; kitchen: private residence; adults. FIFTH, 119— Second flat; furnished rooms; i housekeeping: also others: reasonable. FIFTH, 353— Furnished housekeeping; a con- necting. $13; also single, $5 to $7. FIRST. 2S— Three front furnished sunny rooms, suitable for housekeeping; $10 a month. FELL. lIS, near Van Ness— Sunny room, house- keeping if desired: single, $5; double. $3. FOLSOM, 1136—3 sunny rooms; complete for housekeeping. [ FOURTH, 225— Furnished rooms for housekeep- ing; also sunny room. GEARY, 891— Sunny unfurnished rooms; very reasonable. ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING. HOWARD. 704, cor. Third— Nice large furnished rooms; also housekeeping rooms. . . ■ HOWARD, -Sunny bay-window suite with kitchen; man and wife; others; moderate. HOWARD. S29— Furnished rooms for housekeep- ing, from $7 to $10; also other rooms. HYDE. 408— Sunny suite of unfurnished house- .ping rooms; also parlors and basement. ivy aye.. 223, near Franklin-Nice, large, sunny • room; closet, stove, suitable housekpg; $5 00. LARKIN. 326— Clean sunny housekeeping apart- ments; $16 to $25 per month; central. MARTHA PLACE, 2—2 well furnished sunny rooms; complete for housekeeping; yard. NINTH. 20, near Market— 2 connecting rooms, housekeeping. $10; 1 front, $9; single, $6; gas; water; stove. , POLK. 1532-Sunny furnished or unfurnished rooms; suites, $7; single. $4; J^j_ parlor SCOTT, 113—2 large connecting rooms; gas; bath; partly furnished for housekeeping. SEVENTH 192-One large unfurnished room: housekpg. rms.^jßUltes 1 MRS prahl. prop. STOCKTON, 603— Nice sunny rooms, single or double, furnished or unfurnished; housekpg. I STOCKTON.*! 1307— Nice furnished rooms for housekeeping: rent-cheap.' ' : . • TWELFTH. 40 2 tunny front connecting rooms ! for housekeeping' ; $10. , , TWENTY-THIRD, 3166. near Howard— 2 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms: bath, laundry. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1096 Va- lem-ia st. . ROOMS TO LET — Furn. and Unlnrn. ; 1 AN up-to-date new fireproof building— "San ; Antohio"; opening Oct. 14; electric alevator; hot and cold water: radiators and coal grates; rate reasonable. 21 Taylor St.. near Market. , A-BRUKSWICK»HOtJSE, 148 Sixth-Rooms I Be to $1 per night; fl 25 to $5 per week, and light housekeeping; open all night. AT Hotel Francisco. Turk and Taylor sts.— Homelike house; modern service; elevator; | ," U V: rooms 50c to $150 day. MRS. J. KING. BURNETT 1426 Market (old No. 1364)— Fu- rnished rms., suites, single; also unfurnished I CARKOLTON, 1206 Market, cor. Golden Gate Sunny corner; well furn. rms. & offices. CLIFFORD, 204 Ellis, corner Mason— Elegantly furnished sunny rooms; prices reasonable. EDDY, 121 (United State Hotel)— Clean, neat rooms; $1 50 week up; elevator day and night. FOL6OM, 1530— Furnish sunny alcove front I room for housekeeping; bath connected. ! FRANKLIN. 21 (Newport)— Nice sunny bay- window room for 2 young men; also housekpg. FULTON, 431— A single front room for a gentle- man. ■ . ■ GEARY, 217— Furnished or unfurnished rooms; j rent reasonable. | GEARY. 405 (The Comfortable furn. rooms; travelers accommodated. MRS. HYER. GOLDEN GATE AYE., 1404— Sunny front room; nicely furnished for 2; $8 50. GOLDEN GATE aye.. Three unfurnished rooms, pantry, bath; $13. GRAND SOUTHERN— Southeast cor. Seventh and Mission sts.— Sunny rooms, en suite or single; ladles' parlor; reading room: elevator. HANCOCK House. 781 Mission— Select family rooming house ; $1 50 to $6 per week. HOWARD, 715—200 sunny rooms; nicely fur- nished; every convenience; electric lights. , HOWARD, 262S— A sunny front room (private family); nice locality; bath; reasonable; ret- | erences exchanged^ HUGHES House. 214 Third— renovated; 25c to 50c per night; $1 50 to $3 per week. IVY aye.. 223, near Franklin— Nice large sunny room; closet, stove; suitable for hskpg.; $5 50. JONES, 41S. near O'Farrell— Sunny, newly fur- nirhed front and back rooms; $12, $15, $20, gents preferred. ' LAGUNA. 1310, bet. Ellis and O'Farrell— Sunny rms. furnished: running water; prlv. family. ; LARKIN, 103— Large sunny furnished or un- furnished offices or living rooms; reasonable. ! MARKET. Newly furnished sunny front rooms and bath. . MASON, 1013— Front furnished room; 1 or 2 • gentlemen; Spanish people. MCALLISTER. 416, third flat— Nicely furnished j sunny rooms, with or without board; gentle, men only. 1 MCALLISTER, 641— Front and back parlor; nicely furnished rooms; also unfurnished. - MCAU-.ISTER, 702H— Sunny furnished or un- furnished rooms; suite or single; private fam. MINNA, 224 — 4 unfurnished rooms; sunny; | quiet; bath; gas; yard. MINNA, 667, corner Eighth— Newly furnished bay-window room. $1 per week; transient. MISSION, 1220— Large alcove room: grate; run- i ning water; also single room; reasonable. NATOMA. 62—2 furnished housekeeping rooms; $10 a month. < OAK, 116— New elegantly furnished sunny bay- i window room, bath, gas; also single bedroom. • O'FARRELL, Sunny pleasant rooms with or without housekeeping privileges. POLK, 1403— Nicely furnished rooms and board: private family; gas and bath. POWELL, 309— Two front suites at the Wal- dor' for rent: without board. ROYAL House, 126 Ellis st.— lncandescent light, reading-room, smoking-room and ladles' | parlor: rooms, per night, 35c to $1 50: week, $2 ' to $S; month. $S to $30: elevator on office floor; rooms with hot, cold water; baths. | SEVENTH, 23"A— large front room, with I closet; nice new furniture; new house; rent $J. I SHERMAN Apartment House. 28 Eighth st., j near Market— Furnished and unfurnished. SIXTH. Nicely furnished sunny rooms; i suite or single; reasonable. ! SUTTER. 705— Office of late Dr. Robertson; ! other sunny furnished rooms. THE Oaks. 119 Third— A good rooming house for good people. R. HUGHES, Proprietor. j THIRTEENTH. Large, nicely furnished j front room: rent $6. I VALENCIA, 204B— Sunny bay-window rooms, ! I furnished or unfurnished. | i A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and j subscriptions has been established at the northwest corner of Twenty-second and Ken- ! tucky sts. Open till 9 p. m. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1096 Va- I lencla st. ROOMS WANTED. ROOM wanted by lady with piano In exchange ; for lessons. MISS C, 639 McAllister St., Call | Branch. SEWING MACHINES AND SUPPLIES, j $2 MONTHLY, rented; repaired, bought, sold; j machine supplies. 145 Sixth; phone Mint 45. ' , ALL kinds ! ought, sold, exchanged, rented; re- j pairing at lowest rates. 205 Fourth st. SPECIAL NOTICES. ROOMS papered from $3: whitened, $1 up; painting done. Hartman Paint Co., 819 Third. BAD tenants ejected' for $4: collections made; ' i city or country. PACIFIC COLLECTION j I CO . 415 Montgomery St.. rooms 9-10; tel. 5520. : STORAGE AND WAREHOUSES. CALA. Storage Warehouse. F. SMITH, prop.. 722 Mission; goods guaranteed; tel. Clay 25. PIERCE-RODOLPH Storage and Moving Co. Office. 401 Post, cor. Powell: tel. Main 5713. WATCH REPAIRING] WATCHES cleaned, 75c: guaranteed V years" The Roy Jewelry and Optical Co.. 540 Kearny. DIVIDEND NOTICES. DIVIDEND Notice— Dividend No. 88 (500 per share) of the OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COM- PANY will be payable at the office of the company, 327 Market st., on and after WEDNESDAY, November 1, U99. Transfer books will close on THURSDAY. October 28, 1899, at 3 o'clock p. m. E. H. SHELDON. Secretary. ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS^ ALAMEDA REAL ESTATE. $1300— LOT 60x150, with large cottage of 6 rooms and bath: stable, windmill, tank, etc. $2500— Lot 40x115; fine 2-story house 8 - rooms and bath; near station; must be sold at once; I worth $4000. $2800— Lot 40x160, on Morton St.. bet. the rail- roads, with fine new modern cottage 7 rooms; $500 cash, balace $25 per month. $3350— L0t 40x150; Morton St.. near Santa Clara aye.; elegant new house of 8 rooms; i $500 cash, balance $30 per month. Houses to let In all parts of AUmeda. H. P. MOREAL A CO.. 1432 Park st. GREATEST bargains ever offered In Alameda: houses to rent In nil parts of Alameda, E. D. JTr>n *- CO.. 1424 Park st. ' Al.Ull'.iH ROOMS AND BOARD. HOME for ladles In delicate health; large grounds; private. MRS. DR. FUNKE. 14U sth. THE SAU FRANCISCO CALL,, TUESDAY. OCTOBEB 31. 1899. BERKELEY ADVERTISEMENTS BERKELEY REAL ESTATE. FOR exchange for San Francisco property- House of 7 rooms; lot 156x125; within two blocks of railroad and half block from electric cars: price $4000. Apply J. J. MASON. ad- joining Postofflce, Berkeley. YOU sould see those" new houses Just being fin- ished in the Hlllegass Tract; with all modern Improvements; within 5 minutes' walk from | the university, and only 4 blocks from Dwight i way station: lots 50x160; for sale either for cash or easy terms. JOS. J. MASON, adjoin- ing Postofflce, Berkeley. SOUTH BERKELEY property, near station; I house of 1 rooms, ■ easily adapted for two i j families; bath, plenty water, windmill, stable, j etc.; decided bargain. To see owner apply to C. WILLMOTT. m Market st. ' A NEW map of beautiful- Berkeley, showing the proposed extension of the university i grounds, can b* had by sending a 2c stamp to i JOSEPH J. MASON. Real Estate, adjoining P. 0.. Berkeley. CHEAPEST and best In America— The Weekly Call, 16 pages, sent to any address in the j United States or Canada on« year for $1, I postage paid. : — : OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. OFFICE— OOB BROADWAY. 1 OAKLAND REAL ESTATE. " ' OIL. OIL. OIL. OIL. FOR A FORTUNE— S2S One Week Only. $25-BUYS 100 SHARES THIS WEEK— S2S NEXT WEEK STOCK GOES ON THE EX- CHANGE. MT. DIABLO OIL CO. ORGANIZED BY HOME PEOPLE. TO BE CONTROLLED BY THE PEOPLE. TWO HOURS' RIDE FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR THE ROUND TRIP— REMEMBER! WE DO NOT HAVE TO BORE FOR OIL. WE DO NOT SAY WE EXPECT TO STRIKE OIL. WE HAVE STRUCK OIL. OUR OIL ON EXHIBITION. COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. YOU MAY STRIKE A FORTUNE . BY BUYING NOW. THE COMPANY INTEND BORING WELLS ALL OVER THEIR PROPERTY. : THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY UNEQUALED ! IN ALL THE OIL TERRITORY. AND AS ' THE COMPANY PROGRESS WITH THEIR ! BORING, THIS STOCK WILL GO UP SO THAT THE INVESTOR WILL REAP HUNDREDS FROM THE INVESTMENT. BUY AT ONCE. DO NOT DELAY. GET IN jON THE GROUND FLOOR. SECURE A • CATALOGUE FREE. J. W. LAYMANCE, Secretary and General Manager. 636 MARKET ST., San Francisco. 460 Eighth Street. Oakland. j ~L , jA— CASH, $7 50 monthly; HSx5l5 feet; grove of trees; 300 feet new 6-foot high board fenc- ing; fronting on 3 streets; single dwelling; Just the thing for a bachelor; site, climate j and soil none better; plenty of good water; near electric cars; 90-foot wide boulevard: I I Bchoolhouse; price $600 In all; Allendale Tract, Adjoining East Oakland. Call or send for cir- ' ! cular, 465 Seventh st., near cor. Broadway, ; Oakland; carriage free. HENRY Z. JONES, ; i ■ Owner. : $25 CASH, balance $5 monthly; 10 lots sacri- j ficed at Lcrln in Oakland; electric cars; 2 blocks local train; electric and gas lights, city water, etc.; owner widow lady; must sell j at a sacrifice. Particulars J. W. LAY- MANCE. 636 Market st., 2 to 4 p. m. i A BARGAIN— LoveIy 9- room house; best resi- I ; dence portion of Oakland, west of Broadway, ; lot 61x120: Improved with choice .flowers and j ! shrubbery; house In perfect order; all modern I conveniences; 1 block from electric cars; con- venient to local to S. F. ; will seX at a sacri- i flee on account of owner leaving Oakland. In- quire M. L. WURTS, Seventeenth and Broadway, Oakland. i WEBSTER st.: I have the finest residence lot i left vacant on this street, and I will sell ' ! It for $55 per foot; owner refused $65 a short : I time ago: 50x150; see it. JAS. S. NAISMITH, : i 452 Ninth st. . j FOR SALE— A bargain. $220; building lot near I Telegraph aye., North Oakland. R. J. MONT- ■ ! GOMERY, 470 Thirteenth st., Oakland. ! FOR sale — New house of 9 rooms on Frultvale aye.; 10 minutes' walk from station; lot 9Sx 130; horse, surrey nnd cart and carpets; must sell. Box 811. Cell. OAKLAND HOUSES TO LET. HANDSOME residence. 9 room.", bath, barn; 589 ! 24th. Inquire R. Franke. 1622 Grove; rent low. ] OAKLAND COTTAGE TO LEI". I _ i ' FOR rent— slo 50; 2 cottages, 2 and 4 rms each; city water; stable; lot 100x450; all fenced. R. J. MONTGOMERY. 470 Thirteenth, Oakland. | | OAKLAND FURNITURE FOR SALE. AN Introduction to you from H. Shellh&aa, the furniture dealer, lltli and Franklin. Oakland. PROPOSALS. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. BERKELEY. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS AND MATERIAL MEN. Notice Is hereby given to all concerned that sealed proposals or bids are solicited for the ! erection of an addition to the Chemical Labo- ratory building on the University grounds, Berkeley, Cal.. and for performing the labor and furnishing the materials necessary there- for; and said bids or proposals will be re- ceived at the office of the Acting Secretary of the Regents of the University, In South Hall, Berkeley, Cal., at or before 3:30 o'clock p. m., of the 6th-day of November. 1899. - And notlc* Is hereby further given that the plans and specifications of said buildings have been made and adopted and are placed In the office of Curlett & McCaw. architects, 314 Phelan building, San Francisco, where the same may be seen and examined during each day. from 10 o'clock a.' m. until 4 o'clock p. m.. from this date until day of • No bids or proposals will be considered un- less the same are accompanied by a certified check or a bond of said proposer In the sum of ten (10) per cent of his proposal, with suf- ficient sureties, conditioned that, if said bid or j proposal shall be accepted, the party pro- j posing will duly enter Into a proper contract i to faithfully perform the duty and obligations In accordance with said proposal, and plan | and specifications, which shall be and are I hereby required to .be a part of such con- tract. The right to reject any and all bids Is hereby reserved. ..''.: ; This notice is given pursuant to an act, en- ! titled "An act to amend an act entitled an act to create and organize the University of California," approved March 25, 1868, and an I act amendatory of section 25 thereof, approved March 28, 1572, relating to the construction of buildings, approved March 3, 1897. By order of the Committee on Grounds and Buildings of the Board of Regents. E. A. DENICKE, Chairman. W. A. McKOWEN. Acting Secretary. Dated October 24. 1899. PROPOSALS for stone wall— General depot. Quartermaster's Department, 86 New Mont- gomery street, San Francisco, October 31. 1899. Sealed proposals will be received at this office until 11 o'clock a. m., on Decem- ber 1, 1K99. and then opened, for construction of stone wall along southern boundary : of military reservation. Presidio' of San Fran- cisco, in accordance with plans and specifica- tions on file here, which can be seen on ap- plication. OSCAR F. LONG, captain and assistant quartermaster, V. 8. A., depot quartermaster. PROPOSALS. UNITED STATES engineer office. Flood build- Ing, San Francisco. Cal., Oct. 28, 1899. Sealed proposals for furnishing and constructing diverting channel for Sausal Creek, contigu- ous to tidal canal. Oakland -harbor, Cal., will be received here until 12, noon, December 28, 1899. Information furnished on application. W. H. HEI'ER. Major. Engineers. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. ' Superior Court of the "city and county • of San Francisco. State of California. In th« matter of WESTERN BEF.T SUGAR COM- PANY, a corporation, upon its application for a Judgment of dissolution. Notice— Notice Is hereby given that WESTERN BEET SUGAR COMPANY, a corporation organized and cx- i isting under and by virtue, of thr» laws of th« State of California, and having Its office and ■ place of business In the city and county of Ban Francisco. State of California, has died' a verified application addressed -to . the Supe- rior Court of the city and county of San Francisco, State of California, praying for i a Judgment of dissolution of said corporation, i and that MONDAY. November 13. 1899. at 10 I o'clock a m.. at the courtroom of said court. Department No. 2. In the City Hall of the city and county of San Francisco, have been appointed as the day. time and place for th« | hearing of said application. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my . hand and affixed the official seal of said Su- perior Court this 10th day of October. 1893. * WM A. DEANE. Clerk. By E. M. THOMPSON. Deputy Clerk. fSeal.l _™_^_^____^___ MARRIAGE LICENSES. Marriage licenses' have been Issued as follows: William E. Tucker and Sarah E. Tay10r.. .31-26 Charles S. RufTum and Hid* A. Conradt 34-22 Luclen T. Raskin and Julia Chartier 22-22 ! Clarence H. Swanton and Lollta Baettge. .22-18 Leonard R. Rosenberg and Enid A. Bird. 20-20 1 Valente Benasslnl and Edith M. Luchesi..27-17 1 John Carroll and Lizzie Donovan 21-18 ! Jacob Norman and Agnes M. CW»wley 39-42 j William Bosta and Henrietta Steffani 23-22 John J. Jones and Ella W00d5......... 23-18 Daniel Holland and Katie Regan 81-30 I Charles S. King and Florence B. Moff at... 36-23 | Arthur J. Styche and Caroline Middlehoff. 43-40 j Edwin P. Weber and Josephine A. 8ean. ..29-29 George F. McMacken and Kathie Altschul.23-lS Louis A. Raffloer and Maude King 24-22 BIRTHS-MARRMES-D™, Birth, marriage and death notices sent by | mall will not be Inserted. They must be handed 1 In at either of the publication offices and be | Indorsed with the name and residence of per- sons authorized to have the same published. • BORN. GILBERT— In this city. October 30. 1899, to the wife of R. J. Gilbert, a daughter. HAMBRECHT— In West Berkeley, October 2C, [ HOT, to the wife of L. Hambrecht. a son. • . JOSEPH— In Alameda. October 29. 1899, to the wife of William Joseph, a son. RINGO— In this city. September 16, 1899, to the wife of H. E. Rlngo, a son. SWA BEL— In this city. October 27. 1899, to the wife of Wilfred C. Swabel. a son. - MARRIED. AUSTIN— SMITH— In this city, October 30. 1899. W. H. Austin and Charlotte C. Smith, both of Salinas. DREW— FREDRICKS— this city. October IS, 1899, by the Rev. Father M. D. Connolly, John Sheehan Drew nnd Theresa Marie Fredrlclcs, both of San Francisco. , , , . ■ EDWARDS— MULLER— In this city, October ' 28. 1593, by the Rev. J. H. Scbroeder, Frank P. Edwards and Dora Mullet-. OLSEN— AARREBERG— In this city. October 29. 1599, by the Rev. E. M. Btensrud. Jo- hannes Olsen and Bertha Aarreberg, both of San Francisco. WILSON— FLEMING— In East Oakland. Octo- ber 4, 1899. by the Rev. Arnold T. Needham, Charles Peter Wilson and Lusltta Fleming, both of. San Francisco. DIED. -- Cahill. Margaret Olmstead, James M. Drlscoll, Patrick Olsen. Randolph B. Punster. John H. Rollins. William Ferguson. Malcolm Slaven, Frank 1 Forrest, Irene G. Simpson, John Gelke. Richard : Smith. Thomas C. Keiffer, Charles Sullivan, William , Lucas, Margarethe Sweeney, James P. Mealey. Edward E. Talbot, Alexandre J. Mitchell. William White. Charles D. < >■' '■' rinel!. Michael Wilson, Mary O'Connor. Eliza T. • Wong Wo CAHILL— In this city. October 30, 1899, Mar- garet, dearly beloved daughter of John "and j the late Lizzie Cahill, a native of San Fran- : cisco, aged 2 years. DRISCOLL— In this city. October 30. 1599, Pat- ! rick, beloved father of Daniel, James. Jo- hanna and Mary Drlscoll. and brother of : Daniel and Michael Drlscoll and Mrs. Tim- othy Hurley, a native of Valentla Island, , County Kerry, Ireland, aged 42 years. . . . .. £7Notice. of funeral hereafter. Remains at the parlors of J. C. O'Connor & Co.. 767 : Mission street. DUNSTER— In this city. John H., beloved husband of the late Isabella Dunster, and j father of George, Franklin J.. Thomas E. i and Irene M. Dunster, a native of New York, j aged 45 years. i CTRerpains at the parlors of H. F. Suhr & Co., 1137 Mission street, between Seventh and i Eighth. FERGUSON —In Boulder Creek. Santa. Cruz County, October 28. 1899, Malcolm, beloved husband of the late Nancy Ferguson, beloved stepfather of Mrs. Oscar Harmon and Miss Jessie Macdonald, and brother-in-law ot H. ] Corbett, a native of Scotland, aged 76 years, j (Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, papers plea*e j copy.) CTFrlends are respectfully Invited to at- I tend the burial this day (Tuesday), at 2 o'clock, at Odd Fellows' Cemetery. FORREST— In Alameda. October 30. 1899. Irene : I Gertrude, only and beloved daughter of J. S. I I and Delia Forrest, and beloved sister of i Edwin. §. W.. W. J. and G. W. Forrest, aged j ! 9 years 1 month and 25 days. GEIKE— In this city, October 2S, 1899, Richard, dearly beloved husband of Katie Gelke, j father of Louise Geike, son-in-law of Mrs. E. ! Hampel, and brother-in-law of Henry F., ! Fred C. and John H. Hampel and Mrs. Otto Gerhardy, a native of Bromberg, Posen, Ger- many, aged 36 years. A member of Loyal California Lodge No. 7005, I. O. O. F., M. U. ETTrlends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral this day (Tuesday), at 2 o'clock, from his late resi- dence, 1423 Octavia street, near Post. Inter- ment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. ! HOFFSCHNIDER— In this city, October 11. ISW. at his residence, 22 Hartford street. William Hoffschnider, aged 33 years. '■ KEIFFER— In this city. October 30. 1899, ! Charles Kelffer, beloved stepfather of Robert ! George Hirt and Henry Meyer, a native of Alsace. / Friends and acquaintances are respect- I fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow I (Wednesday), at 1 o'clock, from the parlors of Charles J. B. Metzler. 636 Washington street, under the auspices of Franco-Amerl- calne Lodge No. 207, Odd Fellows. Interment i Laurel Hill Cemetery. LUCAS— In this city, October JO, 1899,- Mar- garethe. beloved wife of William Lucas, and aunt of Mrs. A. Lange, a native of Bremen, Germany, axed 49 years 9 months and 26 j days. MEALEY— In South San Francisco. October 29, 1899, Edward E.. dearly beloved husband of \ Elizabeth B. Mealey, and beloved father of ■ Edward L. and Mary C. Mealey, Mrs. Ed- I ward Kennedy and the late William M. and j William J. Mealey, a native of St. Johns, • Newfoundland, aged 65 years 7 months and 28 ; days. A member of Bay View Lodge No. 159. A. O. U. W. (Lowell, Mass.. papers please copy.) ETFtlends and acquaintances an» respect- fully invited to attend the funeral this day (Tuesday), at 9:15 o'clock from his late resi- dence, 1629 Fifteenth avenue south, near Rail- road avenue south. South San Francisco, thence to All Hallows' Church, N street and Sixteenth avenue south,, where a solemn re- quiem high mass will be celebrated for the re- pose of his soul, commencing at 9:30 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. MITCHELL— In this city, October 29, 1899, Wil- liam, dearly beloved son of Thomas F. and Amelia Mitchell, and brother of Thomas, i Lulu and Mabel Mitchell, a native of San I Francises, aged 1 year 6 months and 4 days. CTThe fjineral will' take place this "day I (Tuesday),' at 2 o'clock, from the residence of his parents, 132* Utah street, between Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth. Interment private, in Holy Cross Cemetery. O'CONNELL— In the City and County Hospital, October 30. 1899. Michael O'Connell. a native of Ireland, aged 45 years. O'CONNOR— In this city, October 29. 1899, Eliza T., btloved wife of Chris O'Connor, a native I of County Roscommon. Ireland, aged 62 years. j ITTFrlendß and acquaintances are respect- I fully Invited to attend the funeral this day i (Tuesday), at 8:30 o'clock, from her late resi- dence, 22 Mint avenue, thence to St. Patrick's ! Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, com- . mencing at 9 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. OLMSTEAD— In East Oakland, October 80. 1899, James Monroe Olmstead, husband of Anna Olmstead, a native of Maine, aged 78 years. OLSEN— In Alameda, October 29. 1899. Ran- ! dolnh B. Olsen, beloved son of the late R. L. I and Bertha Olsen. a native of San Francisco, aged 21 years and 7 months. ROLLINS— fn this city, October 30, 1899. Wil- liam Rollins, a native of New Hampshire, aged 70 years. (Redwood City papers please copy) Friends and acquaintances are respect- I fully Invited to attend the funeral this day ! (Tuesday), at 10:45 o'clock, from the parlors i of the Gantner & Guntz Undertaking Com- I pany, 8 and 10 City Hall square. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery, by ,11:30 o'clock train from Third and Townsend streets. SLAVEN— In this city, October 28. 1899. Frank Slaven, a native of Ireland, aged 42 years (ETRemalns at the parlors of Charles J. B. Mctzler, 636 Washington street. SIMPSON- In this city October 30, 1899, John ' beloved husband of Catherine Simpson, and father of Mrs. Katie Peterson, Mrs. Isabella HENRY J. GALLAGHER CO., (Successor* to Finnnngan ft Gallagher). ' FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMKRB. M Fifth st., oppostt* Lincoln Bobool. Telephone South Bfc ■ • Simonson, Mrs. Theresa Martin and John F. Simpson, a native of Sweden, aged 73 years. [CXFrlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral Thursday, ' November 2, at 10:30 o'clock, from his late residence, 421 Greenwich street, thence to- St. Francis; Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of her- soul, commencing at 11 o'clock. Interment ts Mount Calvary Cemetery. SMITH— In this city, October 28, 1899, Thomas C, beloved husband of Ann Smith, a native of Ireland, aged 73 years and. 2 months. C7Frlcnds and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral this day (Tuesday), at 8:45 o'clock, from his late resi- dence. 1257 Union street, thence to St. Brigld's Church, corner of Broadway and Van Ness avenue, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul. In- . terment Holy Cross Cemetery. " i SULLIVAN— In this city, October 30. 1899. at his residence, 1426 Washington street, Wil- liam, dearly beloved husband of Ellen Sulli- van, a native of Ireland, aged 70 years and « months. [D^Notice of funeral hereafter. SWEENEY— In San Mateo County, at Cottage Mission Road, between Seven and Eight mile houses, October 30, 1899. James P., beloved husband of Annie Sweeney, and father of Grace, Willie and Etiiel Sweeney, a native of County Cork, Ireland, aged 45 years. E?"Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Wednesday), at 9:15 o'clock, from his late residence, 'the Cottage Mission Road, between Seven and Eight mile houses, thence to St. Ann's Church, Colma. where a mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, com- mencing at 10 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. . . TALBOT— In this city, October 29, 1899, Alex- andre J., beloved son of the late Alexandre and Bridget Talbot. and dearly beloved brother of Henry. Fanny and Nellie Talbot, Mrs. Annie O'Brien and the late Thomas and Kattle Talbot, a native of San Francisco, aged 36 years. . E3*Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Wednesday), at 2 o'clock, from the parlors of the Pacific Undertakers, 777 Mission street, near Fourth. Interment Mount Calvary Ceme- tery. WHITE— In this city, October SO. 1899, Charles Dewey, youngest son of Mary and Eugene White, a native of San Francisco, aged 1 year and 10 months. . WILSON— In this city. October 30, 1899. Mary, beloved wife of Thomas Wilson, and beloved mother of Thomas F. and Robert J. Wilson, a native of Valleboe, County Donegal, Ire- land, aged 63 years. (Sydney and London- • derry papers please copy.) (T?"Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Wednesday), at 10:15 o'clock, from her late residence, 417 Bryant street. Interment by train. Cypress Lawn Cemetery. WONG WO— ln the City and County Hospital, October 29, 1899, Wong Wo, a native of China, aged 52 years. • REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Estate John E. Ruggles (by Henry 1... Dodge and John W. • Ruggles, executors) to Isaac H. Morse, lot on SE corner of Cough and Bush street. E 65 by S 120; $15,000. Archibald and Amelia Jackson to Charles F. Doe, lot on E line of Middle street, 112:6 S of California, S 60 by E 89; $10. . Mattie P. Houston to Christine P. Donohoe (wife of Joseph A.), lot on N line of Broadway, 68:9 E of Fillmore, E 34:44, N 137:6, E 7:5*4. N 137:6. W 26:11, S 137:6, W 14:11. 8 137:6; $10. Lambert Van Laak Sr. to Hattle and Lottie Van Laak and Alyda. dwert (wife of Charle3 P.). lot on S line of Seventeenth street, 100 E of Howard, E 120 by S 100; also lot on W line of Howard street, 215:6 8 of Sixteenth, S 75. W 110:6, S 58:6, W 64:7. N 47. E 5:1, N 87:6, E 170; also lot on NE corner of Seventeenth and Howard streets, E 100 by 112:6; gift. William H. Yeaw to Oscar Heyman, lot on N line of Twenty-first street, 75 E of Alabama, E 25 by N 104; $10. Hibernia Savings and Loan Society to Mar garethe E. Nelson, lot on N line of Duncan* street, 265 E of Church. E 24 by X 114: $1000. Bernard and Rose Levy to James W. Hen derson, lot on N line of Morton street, 183:4 E of Stockton. E 22:11 by N 60; $4500. Pacific Hebrew Orphan Asylum to Mary E. yon Schroder, lot on SW line of Sixth street, 30 SE of Minna, SE 50 by SW 76. quitclaim deed; $10. Charles T'szynskl to Henry Singler, undi vided one-third Interest in lot on BW line of Sherman street, 115 SE of Folsom, SE 25 by SW 75; gift. Ann E. Short to John Deveney, lot on N line of Twenty- (Sierra) street, 75 E of Penn sylvania avenue, E 26 by N 60; $1. Emtle H. Elmiuest to Solomon GetE, lot on E line of Twelfth avenue, 150 S of Clement street. S 50 by E 120; $10. Julia Emlg, Lucy, Henry and Tillle Baum gartner, Annie Zipperlien to Louisa Mumford. ' lot on E line of Second avenue. 100 S of Point j Lobes, S 25 by E 120; also lot on E line of Lott street. 100 N of Grove, N 25 by E 106:3; $10. Lambert Van Laak Sr. to William Nugent '■■ Van Laak, lot on RE corner of Thirteenth avenue and P street. E 300 by S 100, block 265, O'Nell & H. Tract: also lot on NE line of Thirteenth avenue, 250 SE of P street, SE 50 by NE 100,. block 2"0. same; also lot on ?W. line of Seventh avenue, 150 SE of D street, SE 150 by SW 100, • block 149, South San Fran cisco Homestead; also lot on NE corner of Gunnison and Norwich streets, E 55 by N 90, Precita Valley, lots 153 and 164; also lot on N line of Eleventh avenue, 150 W of D street, W 73 by N 100. block 202, South San Francisco Homestead: gift. Roman Catholic Archbishop of San Francisco (a corporation sole) to Theresa Brett (wife of Thomas A.), lot on SW line of Cotter street, £50 NW of Mission, NW 25 by SW 100. Academy Tract; $10. Mary G., McLellan to Eliza Alverson. lot on SE line of Arlington street. 313 SW of Roanoke. SW 25, SE 110. NE 25:3, NW 114, lot 38, Jones' Addition to Fairmount, $10. Estate James G. Fair (by J. S. Angus, T. G. Crothers and W. S. Goodfellow, executors) to Edith Gribble. lot on S line of Cortland avenue. 50 W of Bennlngton street, W 55 by S 100, lot 12. block 6. Fair's Subdivision Holly Park; $245. John H. Durst to Charles H. Athearn, estate Mary Marshall No. 18,493, deed and assign ment; $10. Deborah Piamant (or 'Dora Diamond) to Union Trust Company (trustee for Yetta M. Anls. Nathan and Charles Diamond, Fritz* Ellis. Chaya S. Gutstein and Maria Llchter), rorecord 1532 d 232 and 1539 d 124, estate Jacob Dusenbery, trust deed; gift. Maria Lichter to Pinkus Lichter, rerecord 1835 d 13S and 1536 d I"?, same: gift. Chaya S. Gutsteln to Edward K. Ash, estate Jacob Dusenbery; $10. Yetta M. Anls to Solomon G. Mish, same: $10. Pinkus Llchter to Jacob Stencel, same: $10. Alameda County. Georgine Wulff to Guilherme F. Perelra. lot on SW corner of West Fifth and Lewis streets, S 88, W 25. N 88, E 25 to beginning, being the N M feet of lot 31. block H. Bay View Home stead, Oakland; $10. M. and Eliza Rlnehart to A. J. Waterhouse. lot on E line of Telegraph avenue, 140.60 N from point of intersection with NW line of Clare mont avenue. N • 33, E 65, SE 36.97, SW 49J29, NW 19.77, W 42.8 to beginning, portion lot 2, block A. Vicente Peralta Reservation Tract at Temescal, Oakland: $10. Pacific Coast Dredging and Reclamation Com pany (a corporation) to William T. Hailing, lot on SW corner of Twenty-second and Willow streets, S 57? :9 by W 3SO, being lots 1 to 12, block 752, Hougham Tract; also lot on SW corner of Wood and Twenty-second streets. W 200, S 178:9, E 10. S 400, E 190, N. 575:9 to begin ning, being lots 1. 2. 8 to 11. block 571. of above tract. Oakland; $12,500. : James norland to Margaret Borland, lot on NE corner of Twenty-first and Filbert streets. N 154:6. E 125. S 145:6, W 49, N 100. W 25, S 100, W 51 to beginning, being portion block G, Northern Addition to Oakland, Oakland; gift. George P. Lovegrove to Walter R. Lovegrove, 4.40 acres, being lot 4, Cameron Tract, East Oakland; $5. H W., S. A., Minnie and Nettle Norman to Alys Arnett, lota 14 and 15. Fruitvala Cottage Home Tract, Brooklyn Township: $10. Lauretta M. Thorn to J. H. Hudson, lot «. block 179, town of Newark, on map surveyed by T. P. Wilson. C. E.. In 1876. and filed for record May 6, 1878, Washington Township: $10. Nora Clark to John and Alice Hagerty, lot on E line of Filbert street. 94 S of Fifth, S 25 by E 125. being lot 22, block 481, Adeline and Market Street Homestead, Oakland; $10. Mary J. Rellly (administratrix of estate of Richard Savage) to Julius S. Godeau. lot on S line of West Third street, M W of Linden, W 25 by S 94. being lot SI. block 446, Adeline and Market Street Homestead, Oakland; also property in San Francisco; $765. Alice S. Blake to Roberta A. Bulkley (wife of Milton), rerecord 588 D. 287, lot on 8 line of Albion street, 2SO W of Telegraph avenue, W 50 by S 142 :2V4. being the W 20 feet of lot 29 and E 30 feet of lot 30, Alden Tract, Oakland; $10. Mandana E. and George Chase- to L. G. Bur pee, lot on S corner of East Tenth, street and Fourth avenue, SE 120 by SW 140, block 8, Clinton. East Oakland: $10. James H. and Libbie Wallace to W. H. Brommage, lot on SW line of East Fifteenth street, 40 SE of Tenth avenue, SE 40 by SW 100, block 61, name. East Oakland; $975. Mountain View Cemetery Association to Mar garet P. Harris, lot 133 in plat 11, Mountain View Cemetery. Oakland. Township; $45. Same to Robert Ewing, lot 15 In plat 35, same, Oakland Township; $213. Louise I. H»nn to W. O. Henn. lot on S line of San Jose avenue. 99 W of Lafayette street. W 49 by S 150, block 14, Amended Map Bartlett Tract. Alameda; gift. W. J. and M. V. Parker to Caro Carpenter. lot on S line of Clinton avenue, 33:4 E of Chestnut street, E 33:4. S to boundary line of Rancho San Antonio, thence W to a point dis tant , 383:4 E from ■ Chestnut street, thence N to beginning, block 87. lands adjacent to Enclnal. Alameda; $10. John and Frances A. Leechmann to Sarah H. Burns, lot on E line of Audu^xm street or Col lege avenue, 199:6 N of Channlng way, N 4. . by E 200, being portion lots 23 and 24, map of Berkeley property. Berkeley $10. Harriet W. Blake (b- Anson 8. Blake, attor ney) to Blake Company (a corporation) of San Francisco, lot on NW corner of Oregon street and - Telegraph avenue, W 100:10, N 44:10, B 113:4. 8 46:7 to beginning, being lot 1, block G, Leonard Tract. Berkeley; $10. Frank Manese to Manuel Manese Jr., lot on E line of Blalne avenue, 200 S of Twelfth street, S 25 by E 125, being portion lot 5. block M. Huntington' Tract. Brooklyn Township; grant. • Charles and Carrie Groos to Helen Bruton, lot beginning at point 100 E from St. Charles street and 610 S from ' San Antonio avenue. S 100 " by E 50, being portion Fitch and Sharon Tract, Alameda: $10. Same to Daniel Bruton, lot beginning at a point 100 E from E line of St. Charles street and 610 S from San Antonio avenue. S 100 by E 50, being portion of same, Alameda; $10. COX MUST STAND TRIAL IN HAVANA I Government Insists on His Extradition. ♦ Special Dispatch to The Call. WASHINGTON, Oct. 30.— The Secretary of War has received a letter from the Governor of Louisiana relative to the case j of W. A. Cox, who is now held in cub- | tody in the city of New Orleans by the j ! State authorities of Louisiana pending the Governor's action upon a requisition for his surrender to the authorities of the United States upon the charge of fel ony, committed in Havana. The Gover nor stated that he had received a letter from a reputable attorney who had prac ticed law in Havana and was well ac quainted with Cox and the prosecuting j witness, which contained allegations of conspiracy against Cox in Havana and criticisms upon the manner of adminis tering justice there as reasons why Cox should not be surrendered. This letter j raised doubts in the Governor's mind as i to what action he should take in the premises. In response to the Governor's letter the Government takes the ground that the | only question for consideration is as to I whether there is a charge of crime duly presented against CoX that ought to re- I quire him to appear and answer in the court having jurisdiction of the offense. "We have a right," It is insisted, "to assume that the United States is main taining a government in Havana in which the rights of persona and of property are being protected, and that if we are to permit the United States in its prox- I imity to Cuba to be a place of refuge for Cuban criminals the probabilities are that a great many persons who commit crimes in the island will escape trial and punish ment by becoming fugitives to this coun- RAILROAD WORK AT SURF IS PROGRESSING Over 1100 Men Now Employed and Gaviota Will Be Reached, It Is Thought, by May 1. SAN LUIS OBISPO, Oct. 30.-In the eighteen construction camps along the I route of the gap between Surf and Elwood ! over 1100 men are now employed. Gaviota cannot be reached before May 1. There are two viaducts to be built, and one tun nel 800 or 900 feet in length to be driven. This tunnel is located about six miles ! above Gaviota. Beyond Santa Anita ! Ranch and extending to Jalima CreeJc : through Cojo Ranch, a distance of «ev j eral .miles, there is much work still to be done, including the completion of the lar gest fill on the line, said by some to be the largest railroad fill in the world. Rails are now laid to Jalima Creek, south from Surf, and a few miles north of Point Concepcion. From Jalima Creek to Gaviota is a dis tance of about twenty miles, most of ! which has yet to be graded, with one big fill, two large viaducts and a tunnel to be completed before the rails can be ex tended to the latter point. : Half an inch of rain fell here in a heavy shower this morning, injuring the grain. MAJOR COCHRANE THE MAN. Given the Appointment of Treasurer of Soldiers' Home. PASADENA. Oct. 30.-Major T. C. Cochrane of this city this afternoon re ceived the appointment of treasurer of the Soldiers' Home at Santa Monica, fill ing the vacancy caused by the accidental shooting of Major t'pham several weeks ago. Major Cochrane lives at 298 North Los Robles avenue and has a wife and two daughters. He has been an oil broker and is 60 years old. He enlisted in the Fifth Ohio in the Civil War and fought in both battles of Bull Run. He came here from Portsmouth, Ohio. Indians May Ignore Game Laws. ST. PAUL. Oct. 30.— 8y a bare majority of one the State Supreme Court this af ternoon decided that it is legal for the Indians to hunt upon their reservations in this State without regard to the game laws so long as they do not store their game to be sold contrary to law to traders. "Keeper of the Great Seal" Dies. WASHINGTON, Oct. 30.— George Bar tie, the oldest clerk of the State De partment, "Keeper of the Great Seal," and a close friend of Daniel Webster, died at his residence here last night. He was appointed by Secretary Buchanan In LATE SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARHIVED. tfonday, October 30. Stmr Samoa, Jahnsen, 24 hours from Eureka. SAILED. Monday. October 30. Stmr Miami. Rilpy, Seattle. Stmr Ruth, Lundquist, -■ HOTEL ARRIVALS. NEW WESTERN HOTEL. H Scott, Humboldt I A Lunigren, Cal O Meredith, Sacto |W G Hornbergr. Or E B Grubb, Los Ang !w P Peterson. Boston A Cohen, Sacramento , C Millane, Denver T Hansen. San Jose |P E Robinson, Denver R L House & w, Cal J H Brown, Denver G L Campbell, Cal C H Tooley. Modesto E Bailey, Cal F G Dickey. Seattle J A Riley, Loc Ang F P Powell, San Diegro C, E Mix, Reno J F Cross, Vallejo F Haftey, Crockett GRAND HOTEL. W Baird, New York il Applegate, Unalaska. T H Longton, Sacto G R Wilton, L Angeles A Ekman. Oroville W E McGlll. Pa W J Bell, Vicaiia W J Holden. Sonora E L Peacock. Woodlnd-Dr O H Dngge, S Jo9e E F Frazer. Sacto !Mrs H C Jones, S Cruz Mrs G Clement, Felton Miss N Jones, S Cruz Mrs F W Pope. S Cruz,T L Scddon. Seattle Miss M B Jewett.SCruz B P Tabor, Auburn C C Metcalf. Boston \S E Banks. New York I F T Dunphy & w. Cal H N Turrell, Boston A W Brooks. Stockton E W Preble, Cal F Peekey, Novato J B McCune. Boston B F Grauss. Calistoga Mr & Mrs Jerooie. N V A C Morrison. Placervl.F Mattison. S Cruz D J Healy. Petaluma ;Miss Mattison, S Cruz 1 F Russell. Portland W H Phipman, Boston F G Hughe*. SausalltoA B Law. LO9 Angelea ! I L Ramsdell. Holllster D W Pierce, L Angeles I J D Gale. San JoaquinMrs Marks. Stockton I O V Woodward & w, J \V Armstrong, S Jose Staten Island W S Cronweiler. Sacto A Oustsch, Cal jj L Johnson. Pa J H Winslow. Chicago P Romane. Honolulu B W Schneider. Omaha. F W Kohl. New York C S Peek. Nome D M Baldwin. N V Dr Kelsey, Nome IE Belllngton, N V F P Atha &w. Ohio [J McCudden, "Vallejo W M Elliott. L Ang JMtss McCudden. Vnllejo F M Frye. S Barbara !W J Carlisle. Tulare W* A Bromvich ft w, !j Brown. 8t Louis London H X Brown. Portland PALACE HOTEL. Jas, Allen. USA .P Baker. N V W Mackintosh. V X ! R Peltzer. Hamburg: J R Putman, NY W B Cline. Lob Ans; Mrs Putman. NY M H Ourley, Boston A Kaiser. Stockton <H Lord. N V G P Baldwin. NY IH L Leach. Chicago F B McKenna. U S A S Carlton. Groveland Mrs F U McKenna B 0 Steinman, Sacto G H Eklrldge, Wash Mrs Steinman. Sacto MrsOHEldridg-e, Wash : L A Davis, Dawson H H Wood. San Jose ;A Brodie. Dawson C L Thomas. Prov S F Graham, N V W C Codman, Boston V W JoFlyn. N V C McFarland. St Louis ;Lt yon Rosenberg, SS P Kittenring. Ohio , Geier Mrs P Kittenring. O iLt yon Krosigly, SS L M G Peterson, Phil I Geler H M Meyers. Chicago J S Gatchel, N V B Thomas. NY :R S Hayes. N V J H Shields. Chicago IMrs R S Hayes. N V A L Goodktnd. Mont Asien Tutt, N V Leo Little, Alaska Miss Bean. N V G T Rickard and w, Wh Maahams, Portld Alaska Mrs Maahams, Portld M F Rickard. Alaska C C Coolidge, San Jose R J Park. Alaska J Girdwood. N V Mrs R J Park. Alaska ;P Mendelsohn, N V \V M Moody, Alaska !H Wach. Boston S Hellpine, Pa |H E Field, Baltimore J F Moore. Pa 'Mrs H E Field, Md V H Blades, Los Ang Q B Llbby, N V Mrs N T Mellis. N T I KATLROAD TRAVEL. MOUNT TAMAL.PAIS SCENIC RAILWAY .Leave San Francisco via Uauaaltto Ferry. Commencing SUNDAY.. October L 1899. WEEK DAXB-»:30 a. m. and 1.4* p. m. SCNDAyB-«.». 10:0» a. m. and 1:8 jTm. Far* 0. F. to Summit and Return, $1 4s. TKOB. COOK . A SON. A«U.. 821 MarkTt st. y^TT^ Dr. Gibbon's Dispensary, Aa^m^'"* 5 ?, EARST - ST ' Establlshrd KHrii 1 " l«34forthetrpatmentof Private Diseases, Lost Manhood. Debility Cs2s KEARW ST, P:Btablishcfl 1834 for the treatment of Private Diseases, Lost Manhood. Debility ot saMgjram» disease wearing on body and mind and «tlftSBSPftSl ' «in Diseases. Thedoctorcnreswhen UllfflUMij utberslall. Try him. Charges low 7*«!^&£SaVnrv» aHrantf*d. Callorwrlte Dr.J.JP. IBBOM. B*x 1957. 5 an Francisco BATLBOAP TBAVEL. J SOUTHEBX PACIFIC COMPAMT. (PACIFIC SYSTEM.) Trains leave and arr dne to itrrlv* »l SAN FKANCIVCO. 1 (Main Line, Foot of Market Street) leave — Fro* OcTQBJtK 29, 1899. — ABBrv •7tOO a Benicia, e«isun and Sacramento.... »7i4.1f •7jO«a MarysTille, Orotille tia . Woodjand, Elruira, Vacaville and .... n:43p •7:00 a Shasta Express-Davis, Willows, Red Bluff, Portland .......... *7:45r •7iB»a Martinez, Hamon, Vallejo. apa, Calistoga and Santa Rosa •Oi\or •11:00 a Tho OTerland > Limited— Ogden, Omaha, Chicago # 5il0» ••iSOASau Jose, LiTennore, Stock ton, . lone, Sacramento, Placerrille, .... MarysTille, Chico. Kedllhifl •4tl»r •SiSO A •Milton, Oakdaleand Konora 4: :? r •D:OOa Haywarda, Niks and Way Stations. •! II :«a •9iOOa Atlantio Kxpress— Ogden and East *U:4»A *B:OO a Martinez, Tracy, Latlirop, Stockton, Merced and Fresno .'. •l»:l»r •oiOOa Port Costa, Fresno, MojaTe and Los ■Anßele* IS,, •10:00 a Vall-j Martinez and Way Stations *' ! V' •1 I:OOa Haywards, Niles and Way Stations. *2:1»P •12:00k Jules, LiTermore, Stockton, Sacra- mento, Mendota, llanford, Vlsalia, # PorterTlUe. , !i s *%* tliOOrSaoramentolttTerStenrners |8:« op •8:00p Hay wards, Niles and Way Stations. # 3:-i&P •4:OOp Martinez, San Itanion. Vallejo, Napa, Oallstnga, Santa Itoßa •»il»» •4iOOp Benicia, Vacavllle, Sacramento, Woodland, Knights Landing, MarjSTlllo, Oro»ille '£ S 12 A •4ißorNlles, San .Toseaud Stockton *7:13» •s:OOpTho Owl Limited— Tracy, Fresno. Bakensfleld, Baugiis for Santa Bar- bara, Los Angles . 2 ,5 A •5:30p Stockton, Merced. Fresno 'la:!!** *StUUp Fresno, Hakerotield, Santa B»rl>ara, Los Angeles, Deming, El Paso, New Orleans and East •Si4B a •3iBOp Santa Vo lloule— Atlautlo Express •- ■ for Mo]a»e ami Kant 1? .?* ••tOOp Haywards, KilesaudSan Jose Tl'ti 4 +«::iOi' Vallejo M«tl»» •oi3up Oriental Mall— Ogden and East »8:50» 17i«Op Vallejo, l'ork <Josta and Way Sta- tions „•«•• *■*«»«* •Bi»sr Oregon and California Jsxpr»Bs.Hao- <>:• rftinento. MarjsTllle. neii-Uiif, Portlimii. Piigf l Hound and liast *»tIOA COAST DIVISION (Narrow «auge). i (Foot of Market Street.) ' •Bslsa Newark.Outerville,San Joee.FeUon. " BoulderCreek.SantaOruzaudWay Stations ••••• •StStf tailsp Newark, CenterTllle, San Jose, New Almaden, Felton, Boulder Creek, . Santa Cruz and Principal *»..^__ • Stations ••• : 2J A •4il3p Newark, San Jose, Lob 0at05....... "Diao* sllilSp Hunters" Excursion, San Jose and Way Stations I" 1 **? CREEK ROUTE FERRY. . Fr»mS4S FR&HCISCO— Foot or M.rktt SlMit (Slip 8)— •7:15 9:00 11:0Oa.U. }1:OD *3:00 J3:0B ♦4:00 *B:00 *8:00r.u. rrtmOilLAHD— Foot of Bco»dw»j.— "6:00 8:00 10:00* ■ tia:OO »l:00 t3:00 *3:00 U--03 "8:00 p.m. COAST DIVISION (nrosd Gauge). (Third mid Townsend Sts.) <O: lOa Ocean View, South San Francisop. . t««SOr »7:OOa flan Jose and W»y Stations (New Aluiadeu Wednesdays only) "liM* •ttiOOA San Jose, Tres l'lnos, Santa Crui, Pacilic (in)ve. Paso Hoblcs, han Jails Ol.Upo, Surf, Lompoo aud Principal Way Stations .......... iJ'SJ' •lO:4aASanJoMRn«I Way Stations *[|MA •11<»Oa San Jose and Way Stations. ....... ■«»««©» 42i45pSan Mateo, Kedwood. Menlo Park, Palo Alto. Santa Clara. Han Jose, : . Tres Pinos, Want* Crux. Salinas. Monterey and Pacific Orore «O«BSJ*. ♦B:»Op San Jose aud Way Stations ........ !X : s°. P jUISr San Joteaud Principal Way Stations ~%-*3l ♦SiOOpSanJoseandPrindpal Way SUtions t»:OOA *5:8 Op San Jose and Principal Way Statious » ! *»»A •«:HOp San Jose and Stations t»«O«A Hl:4sp San Jose and Way Stations «7i<W A for Morning. P for Afternoon. •Daily. t Sunday excepted. I Sunday only. 6 Saturday only. CALIFORNIA NORTHWESTERN IT. CO] LjH3SSE3HI SAN FRANCISCO AND NORTH PACIFW RAILWAY COMPANY. Ttburon Parry, Foot off Mwfc*t «*. SAN CISCO l 'iO SAN RAFAEL, WEEK DA 7:3O, 9:00, 11:00 a., m.; 13:85, 3:30. 5:10, 6:30 p. m. Thursdays— trio at 11:20 p. m. Saturdays— Extra, trips at 1:60 "and ll:M d. m. j SUNDAYS— 6:OO, 8:30, 11:00 a. m. ; I^o. 8:80. I ■ 5:00. (5:20 d. m. I SAN RAFAEL TO SAN FRANCISCO. ; WEEK DAYS— 6:IO, 7:50. 9:10, 11:10 a. m. ; 13:45. \ 3:40. 5:10 p. m. Saturdays— trips at 1:66 and 6:35 p. m. 6VNDAYS— «:IO, 9:40, 11:10 a. m.; 1:40, 3:40, 6:05, 6:26 d. m. 1 Between San Francisco and Schuelren Park same schedule ac above. Leave [ Arrive San Francisco. In Effect San Francisco. October 15. ■ . ' "Week Sun- 1899. Sun- Weelt Days. days. Destination 1 days. Days. I 7:30 am 8:00 am Novato, 10:40 am 8:40 am I 8:30 pm 9:30 am Petaluma. 6 : OS pm 10:25 am : 6:10 pm 5:00 pm Santa Rosa. 7:35 pm 6:22 pra Fulton, 7:30 am - Windsor, 19:23 an Healdsburs;, Lytton. Geyservllle, /(SO prn 1:00 am Cioverdals. 7:88 pm 8:21 pra 7:30 am Hopland and 8:00 am Uklah. 7:86 pm 1:12 pm 7:30 am 10:25 am I 8:00 am Guerntrllle. 7:85 pm 8:30 pm (:22 pm 7:30 am S :00 am Sonoma 10:40 am 8:40 am and 8:10 pm 6:00 pm; Glen Ellen. j 6:06 pra 6:22 pm 7:30 am 8:00 am Sevastopol. j 10:40 am 10:25 am 3:30 pm 5:00 pm - I 7:35 pm, 8:22 pm ' Stages connect at Santa Rosa for Mark West Bpringn and White Sulphur Springs; at Lytton for Lytton Springs: at Geyservllle for Ska#gs Springs; at Clcverdale for the Geysers; at Hop- land for Duncan Springs, Highland Springs, Kelseyvllle. Carlsbad Springs, Soda Bay, Lake- port and Bartlett Springs; at Uklah for Vichy Sprints. Saratoga Springs, Blue L&kes. Laurel Dell Lake, Witter Springs, Upper Lake. Porno. Potter Valley, John Day's, Riverside, Llerley's, Bucknell's, Sanhedrin Heights. Hnllvllle, Orr'» Hot Springs. Mendocino City. Fort Bragg, Westport, Usal, Willltts, Laytonvllle. Oum- ming's. Bell's Springs, Harris, dean's. Dyer, Bcotla and Eureka. Saturday to Monday round trip ticket a at re- duced rates. . On Sunday round trio tickets to all point* beyond San Rafael at half rate*. " ' Ticket Offices. 660 Market St., Chronic!© bMsj. H. C. WHITING. R. X. RYAN. General Manager Gen. Paaa. Agent. Santa Fe Route w\^^»k: i V ft """"Tftffl"! I 11l ]^ ■ ""\ IcLßua IPt^SAN FRANCISCO TO CHICAGO. =** THE MOST COM FORT ABWB WaY ACROSS THE CONTINENT. EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR PULL- MAN PALACE AND PULLMAN UP- HOLSTERED TOURIST CARS LEAVE OAKLAND MOLE FOR CHICAGO AND THE EAST. TAKE MARKET STREET FERRY AT 630 P M. DINING ROOMS AND DINTNO . CARS ARE MANAGED BY MR FRED - HARVEY. AND ARE PERFECT IN EVERY DETAIL. Read Down. * VALLEY . ROAD. » ReadTJp. •7:20 amjSlC:3o ami Stockton ! t3:40 pm| 6:00 pm : 9:10 am. l 2:05 pm| Merced tl2:10 pm 4:13 pra 10:40 am;| 5:35 pml Fresno t9:ooam 2:42 pm 11:3S am,s 7:4"; pm Hanford t7:00 am I:4s pra 2:25 $12:30 am Bakersfleld 11:00 am 11:00 am 11:59 am tG:2spm Visalla fs:2o. ami 1:22 pm 12:15 rflhi^tfi: s3 pm| Tulare |4:25 am »l:05 pm •Daily. tExcept Sunday. (Except Monday. San Francisco Ticket Office. 628 Market st. Tel. Main 1531. Oakland Office, 1119 Broadway. Sacramento Office. 201 J st. San Jose Office. 7 West Santa Clara st. NORTH PACIFIC COAST RAILROAD. Via Saasalito Ferry. Commencing October 1. 1889. FROM SAN FRANCISCO TO MILL VAULEX AND SAN RAFAEL. WEEK DATS- » 7:00, *■:*•. U:M a. m.: •1:44. •3:40. 5:15. 6:00. 6:30 p. m. EXTRA TRIPS— For Mill Valley and San Ra- fael, on Monday*. Wednesdays and Saturdays, at 8:00 and 11:80 p. m. ; _ 6UN DAYS- •8.00. •10:00. *U:3O a. m.: n:UL S:U. •*:*&. 6:30, 1:00 p. m. Trains marked (*) run to San Quentta. FROM SAN RAFAEL. TO SAN FRANCISCO. WEEK DAYB-6:25. »6:35. 7:44. •«:40 a. M.i •12:30. -1:15, *3:40, »6:15 p. m. EXTRA TRIPS on Mondays. Wednesday! and Saturdays at 6:40 and 10:15 p. m. , SUNDAYS-6:M. *8:00. «10:09. »11:4S a. ra., •1:40. # 3:15. 4:45. »6:30 p. m. . * Trains marked (*) start from San Quentta. FROM MILL VALLEY TO SAN FRANCISCO. WEEK DAYS— S:4S. 6:45. 7:55. 9:45 a. £3 U:35 r 2:35, 3:45, 5:20 p. m. ' - * ; EXTRA TRIPS 00 Mondays. Wednesdays and Saturdays at 7:00 and 10:20 p. m. SUNDAYS— B:O6. 10:05 a. m. ; 12:05. 2:15, t:t\ THROUGH TRAINS. tJ^ 1:00 a. m. week days— Cazadero and way station*. 1:40 p. m. Saturdays— Tomales and 'ay station*. %-M a. m. Sundays— Tomales and way station*. 13