Newspaper Page Text
10 SAN FRANCISCO CALL. BUSINESS OFFICE of the San Francisco Call, corner of Market and Third streets, open until 12 o'clock every night in the year. BRANCH OFFICES— S27 Montgomery street, corner Clay: rpen until 1:10 p. m. SCO Hayes street: open until 9:30 p. m. 639 McAllister street: open until 9:CO p. m. SIS I^arkln street: open until 9:30 p. m. j?4l Mission street; cp?n until 30 p. m. 2261 Market street, corner Sixteenth; open until 9 p. m. 106 Eleventh street: open until 3 p. m. 1056 Valencia street; open until 9 p. m. Northwest corner of Twenty-second nnd Ken tucky streets; . ■-!-. until 9 p. m. MEETING NOTICES. ' MOUNT Mi rial) Lodge No. 44, F. and A. * M.— Special meeting THIS (WEUNES- DAY) EVENING, at 7:30. for instruc- tlon of new work. Master Masons In- ' x vited. THEO.. FROHLICH, Secretary.^ CROCKETT Lodre N'> 139. F. and A. » M.— Degree third THIS (WEDNES _**^ DAY) EVENING; November 15, at 1 '"< /ki>\ oJclock. By order of the W. M. '^r x H. FORTRIEDE. Secretary^ EXCEI^IOR Lodge No. 168, F. and A. ■ M.— Special < 'ting THIS (WEDXES- f*. DAY) EVENING, November 15, at 7:30 J^\ o'clock. Second decree. " ' ~ THEO. E. SMITH. Secretary. MISSION I/odge No. IC!>, F. and A. M.— • Called mating THIS (WEDNESDAY) _J\_ . .EVENING, at 7:30 o'clock. Third do ]&J\ gree. C. D. BUNKER, Secretary, /jw » THE regular meeting of the San Fran- ()j cisco Bricklayers' Association will I* jl held THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVEN- Jfij JNG ■..:•»••• 15. IS.3. at Una: B'rlth <l^>/ I Hall, 121 Eddy st., at 8 o'clock. A full < T]'k > attendance requested. Business of im- jjj portance. E. J. BRANDON. Pres ANNUAL meeting— Regular annual meeting of the Rtockho'ders of the Honolulu Sugar Com- pany, will be held at the Bee of the com- par.-. No. 327 Market et.. San Francisco. Cal.. en MONDAY, the 20th day of November. 1599, at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m., for the jiurpose o? electing a board of directors to serve for the ensuing year, and the transac- tion of Euch other business as may come before the meeting. Transfer books will close on Tuesday, November 14. 1899, at 3 o'clock p. fci. E. H. SHELDON. Secretary. ANNUAL meeting- Regular annual meeting of the stockholder;- of the Honolulu Plantation Company will be held at the office of the company. No. *27 Market St., Pan Francisco. Cal.. on MONDAY, the 20th day of Novem- ber. IS??, at the hour of 11 a. m.. for the purpose of electing a board of directors to ■• Eerve for the ensuing year, and the transac- tion of such- other business as may come before the meeting. Transfer books will close . r. Tuesday, November 14. 1599. at 3 o'clock p. m. E. H. SHELUON Secretary. SPECIAL meeting— A special meeting of the stockholder* of the OCCIDENTAL BEET SUGAR COMPANY will be held at the office cf th» company. 327 Market St.. in the City ur-\ County of San Francisco. State of Call- fornia, on SATURDAY, the isth day of No- . veml lS n 9, at 11 o'clock a. m.. for the pur- pose cf considering a proposition to dlsln- rnrr-orate the company. X H. SHRLDON. Bifretary . ATTORNEYS AT LAW. • ADVICE free; R. W. KING, sixth floor. Chron- • icle building; no advance charges; all cafes; estates. mortgagee, damages, collections, bankruptcy, wills, etc., drawn; moderate fees; call or write. ADVICE free; divorce law a specialty; private; no fee without success; collections. G. W. HOWE, any at law. S."-0 Market, cor. Stocktn. NOAH F. FLOOD. ?"> Market «.. ajip. Mason; consultation free; mr*i»rat« fees. L. S. CLARK. Emma SpreckeU building. 927 Market; consultation free: no fe«"s in advance. | ADVICE free; no charge* unless successful. W. j W, DAVIDSON. 927 Market St.. opp. Mason. j _UC;YCI.ESUr:PAIJtS-!&? THOS. H. B. VARNEY. Market and Tenth. RAMBLER AND IDEAL BICYCLES. ' REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. 1«M\I{I) AND ROOMS. . NEW family hotel; flrst-clase in all appoint- , ■ njents; excellent table. SC7 California St., oc- cupying corner opposite Grace Church. •'BELGRAVIA HOTEL," Polk and Clay— Sun- ny suites: best boani: for 2. $45 up; singe, $20. ELI. IS. 3.7— Elegant table boar 1. home cooking; neat and h-«Tie-llke; $4 a reek. LAP PALMAP. IS2O Market— Suite of .' or 3 '■ rms.; private; bath: sin. rms. ; board optional. j O'FARRELL" 742— Large sunny front rooms; good hutne cooking; also single rooms; $20 up. j $100,000 TO loan on diamonds, watches.silver,' seal- i skins, pisnos. guns. Uncle Harris. 15 Grant ay. i BOARDING FOR CHILDREN. i A SCOTCH lady wants the care of a little boy; a good home. Apply "33 Shotwell tt.. bet. . Nineteenth and Twentieth. REFINED, experienced nurse has a comfort- : able home for children. EBIA Castro St. : HOARD AND ROOMS WANTED. ROOM and board; vicinity Mason and Union: ! German family preferred. KRAUSE 2°4 Shctwell st. • i ROOKS — NEW AND OLD. SCHOOL BOOKS bought and exchan-ed ! Holmes Bouk Co.. 704 Mission st.. near Third: | 800 I A>i> SBOKB. BOYS' shoes, splendid vaiue. sizes 9 to 13i4..5,.^c | Children's shoes, all styles, sizes. R to J1...7?,c j Lalles' lace or button, $1: men's shoes. ..fl "5 People's Shoe Store. 1203 Stockton, nr. Bd~y. | Bl SINESS CHANCES. THE NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO ?~ '-'27 Mitrket st.. Rooms 20l and 202 WE MAY HAVE IT. READ OUR LIST TREASURER- for one of the best theatrical propositions In the market; amply secured; ; handle your own money; salary LOO per month: 5 per c«nt on net profits; tuna... capi- tal required: lady or gentleman; strictly first class: caJl for full Information at once. BAR with grocery wanted at once for soot cash. STAPLE merchandise wanted for cash and free bikl clear property. HARDWARE stock wanted Immediately; must be good location and price right. LADY or gentleman wanted for an Interest In g t.uslnosg. SIJ\ ERAL good business chances in near-by towns; you can get half interest In same; they are all right and thoroughly staple; no bonus required. J2OOO TO invest, with sen-Ices; what can you ■ ffer? STOCK boots and shoes; pood one; in near-by town; investigate this 8' once. PHOTOGRAPHIC business; one of the best in the State; this is an up-to-date plant; old es- tablished; can be hr.d cheap. BAR and billiard room In good paying hotel; Mno competition; owner has other buslne get information on this one: sure If you want a good thing. . HAVE several parties from the East who warn good business openings. What have you? CASH paid for stiiple. merchandise. ROAD house wanted; Sonoma Co. preferred - HAVE party who wishes to well a half interest in one of the best Investments in this section; chance *?i>2om offered. MANUFACTURING plant— You can get the whole or a linlf Interest; cheap rent; will stand close Investigation. GROCERY stock— This la a good one; cheap rent; party obliged to go East; bargain. RELIABLE man wanted to take half interest In paying business: must be a bustler. SALOON wanted— Have spot ranh. IF ycu want to buy, sell or exchange a business of any kind you will do well to call upon us; we .1o not oharge any commission unless we do business; you •> ■:: always receive due cour- tesy from experienced attendants. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO., &27 Market St., rooms 201 and 202. A — '"' "AND! factory and ice cream parlors on Valencia St.; established years and doing n g"od paying business; rent $1:,; a splendid busl-n.-ss offer. CalMt. G. Wilke, 906 Market. HOOO— OLD established bakery nnd Tee !■:.-- -lors; In choicest location; doing a splendid business; large outside trade; fullest inves- tisHtic:; solicited. Call H. G. WILKE, l<0« Market it. j " SALOON, near Market p.nd Mason BtsT; ■ large pjace; fine fixtures and well mocked *tde entrance and dubrooms. R O WILKE ;>O6 Market st. . '-.-.' • A— s3oo; HOME bakery and restaurant on Ellis St.; cheap rent; splendidly paying. Call j> O. WILKE. 906 Market Ft. A— {6oo— BOARDING-HOUSE with ;; finely fur- ' nished rooms; rent $35; nnst-class paying; widow It compelled to sacrifice. Particulars R. G. WILKE. 906 Market st. A— WOW— SALOON in wholesale district ; »-Btabl. • years and doing a good paying buainesa; no night or Sunday work; rent $50. Call It. G. WILKTC. 9C6 Market (it. $_oo— BRANCH bakery and stationery; Western Addition, close to SChoolhouse; furniture of living rooms included; sickness of owner cause of sale; bargain. H. G. WILKE. JO'S Market. CORNER grocery and bar; Rood part city; bar- ■ gain. See COWING & CO., 995 Market Bt. jjjjw— PARTNER wanted; pork & sausage mfg. business; investigate. Cowing & Co.. >35 Mkt. HOUSE and lot at Fruitvale to exchange for rooming house. OWING & CO.. 395 Market. 7-trATI store fine location, at a bargain. See • COWING * CO., '■'■■■ ■ Market et. »/-foV-V"irRY and bar: centrally located; bargain; "so. COTTING_fc CO., 995 Market st. t rvTAI nractlce; 4 .hairs; No. 1 location. and outfit: rhance of lifetime; 24 years .Slibed. ° COWING & CO.. »6 Market rt. BUSINESS CHANCES— Continued. $SOO— RESTAURANT at railroad depot; 9 fur- nished rooms; low rent; old-established busi- ness; well paying; well fitted up; , 0 ™ 1 double; full Investigation. M. Leas, 765 Mrkt. $550— CREAMERY and delicacy business: prin- cipal street; large transient and .regular trade; low rent; 'nvestlgate. M. LESS."\76s i Market, $350— PARTNER wanted In commission busi- ness « itab. many years: good business; must be sober, steady man. M.- LESS. 765 Market. $:75— RESTAURANT and bar: good location; paying place; rent only HO; good -fi^ "Market wife or two partners. M LESb. <6j Mar net. $4500— HOTEL for sale, exchange or lease.; 30 furnished rooms, bar and bowling alley. In heart of adjacent city. .ALFA C 0.. .935 Mrkt. 110 man to take partner's place: light, gen- teel paying business. ALFA CO.. 935 Market. PARTNER tailoring business: estab. ; small capital; partner retiring. Alfa Co.. 93-. Market. RESTAURANT; well located; low rent; good trade; for sale cheap. ALFA CO., 935 Market. FIRST-CLASS bakery, delicacy store and school supplies; account of departure. 19j4 Mission st. FIRST-CLASS bakery to let. 712 Valencia St. GOOD paying business and fixtures for sale at $250. Apply 706 A Larkin st- OLD established barber shop, with furniture and 2 chairs; rent low. 1103 ward st. C A N D Y~stonT r sale; $225. JNO. MALUFF. 203 Second st. GROCERY and bar; fronting 2 streets: cheap. 27 Folsom aye. and 14 Heron. PARTY wishes to trade Interest in good oil land for trilling machine. Box 2452. Call. INVENTOR of several new and useful novel- ties wishes manufacturing partner or will sell; principals only. 511 Eighth st. $350— OLD-ESTABLISHED restaurant In whole- sale district; no Sunday work. Apply 226 Batten' st. FOR sale at sacrifice; retiring from business: wholesale and retail store established 2i5 years: suitable for wholesale and retail gro- cery or drug store or hotel; can be rented separate: long lease If desired. '-.''.'). MON- NIER. 1153 Howard, bet. Seventh and Eighth. FOH sale— a well-paying downtown grocery and liar; fine location: new store: low rent: good reason ; for selling- Inquire WILLIAM CLT'FF CO.', Front and Pine Bts. FOR sal>--— First-class bakery doing a good counter trade; and also a good route, two horses and" two wagons. Address Box 394. Call Office. __ $350— HOME bakery for sale; portable oven; guaranteed profits $25 p«r week. Box 293. Call. BARBERS— 3-chalr hotel barber shop for sale In the center of this city; reason, death of pro- prietor. For particulars cal™ on H. SCHEU- XF.P.T, 527 Market st. $250— BAKERY: receipts $16 day; all store trade: genuine bargain. JONES, SGS Market. FIRST-CLASS Krocery and bar at Invoice: two-thirds cash; balance on time. Inquire box 302. Call office. FOR sale — Good fruit stand; 3 living rooms; cheap. Apply 130 Eighth st. H— $32riO-HOTEL. f>o rooms; richly furnished: good will: splendid business: grand location. E. E. BUNCE, flOB Broadway. Oakland. FOR ale in a booming town: best paying hotel and bar; oheap: SO miles from city; death In family. Address A. R., 9S Crockett. Cal. BARGAIN; corner saloon and lunch house: good location; no agents. Inquire box 2429. '"all office. FIRST-CLAPS French II |U ir store: established 25 years ago; horse, wagon, cellar, etc. 1401 Powell st. | GOOD paying business and fixtures for sale at j $250. Apply 708 Larkin st. ; FOR sale— Blacksmith shop; cause of selling, death of owner. Apply at 22 Cortland aye. ! $600— BRANCH bakery: dairy produce for sale. j Address box 2S2S. Call office. PRIVATE house: 15 rooms; 20 regular boarder.-": ! north of Market. Box 247, Call offlc. j COFFEE and tea routes supplied from GEO. W. CASWELL •■: CO.'S. 412 Sacramento st. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and ' subscriptions has been established at the northwest corner of Twenty-second and Ken- ■ tucky sts. Open till 9 p. m. j A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and I subscriptions has been established at 1096 Va- j lencia St. ' ! CHEAPEST and best in America— The Weekly j Call, 16 pages, tent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1, J ■ -•■!■•* rjaid CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. FINE top buggy, almost new; business buggy, new: business wagons, new. suitable for dry goods stores; rockaway. S2S Harrison st. ALL kinds of wagons, buggies, carts, harness, etc., cheap. EGAN & SON. 2117 Mission st. 130 SETS eecond-band hpmess; wagon?, carts, bnct-ie«. mirreTF and horses. 1140 Fols,,m st. CARPET BEATING AND CLEANING. | WHEN you become disgusted with poor work | Bend to BPAULDING'fi Pioneer Carpet- : beating Works. 253-357 Tehama St.: tel. S. 40. I CITY Steam Carpet itini Works. G. H. STEVENS, mgr.. 33-40 Sth St.: tel. South 250. ! J. McQUEEN'B California Carpet Cleaning Co., AT", Stevenson St.; tel. South 228: '.ov.-«-st rates. ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co., 402 Sutter St.; tel. Main SIM, GEO. WALCOM. Proprietor. CARPETS cleaned at "c per yard; laid at 3c. j S""RATTON'S. 3 Eighth Et.: tel. Jessie 944. J. E. MITCHELL Carpet Cleaning Co.. 240 14th St.; cleaning, 3c per yard: tel. Mission 74. CONKLIN'S Carpet-beating Works. 333 Golden Gate five. : tel. Ea«t 126. CLEANING COMPOUNDS. UTICA cleaning and Toilet Compounds and Compound Paste: a household blessing; a sure cure for poison "oak. SAMUEL SEYMOUR, Agent. Office and factory. 21 Spear st. CLAIRVOYANTS AND SPIRITUALISM. MRS. DR. CLARK, the well-known trance medium, may be con- sulted un ail affairs of life. While entranced she reveals every hidden mystery; she will snow you how to overcome your enemies; re- move family troubles; restore lost affections; unite the separated: recovers lost or stolen property: locates minerals; tells your entire dfe, while In a perfect trance; satisfaction guaranteed by mail; send stamp for circular wnn special terms. MRS. DR. F. CLARK, 205 Turk St., near Jones. Home Sun. and eves. MRS. J. J. WHITNEY, the celebrated test medium, life reader and medical clairvoyant; Fittings $1; diagnosis free; "new method" treatment for chronic, private, obscure dis- eases; send stamp for circular. 232 Stockton. MME. LEBT.'S. the only true destiny reader, brings separated lovers together, brings hap- piness to married couples, gives advice con- cerning business matters, locates stolen prop- erty; ladles, 2.".-; gentlemen, 50c. 310 Turk st. MME. MELBOURNE, gifted clairvoyant; never fails; satisfaction guaranteed; houi-s 1:30 to 5 p. m.. 7-10 p. m.; L. . 25c: ■; . 50c. 612'^t Eddy. MME A. CERVANTES, the celebrated Spanish fortune teller; best advice In difficult mat- ters. 8 Hayes ft., room 7, second floor. JOHN SLATER, circle to-nisht; 8:15 sharp: sittings daily. 10 to 4. 3809 Stockton st., near Greenwich. ARRIVED— Prof. Haley; reads your life; cradle to grave. 50c. $1. 39 Turk, cor. Taylor, parlrs 25.26. MME MOREAU, the best medium and card roader: 25c up. 73 Fourth st., near Mission. YOUR future told by cards. 25c. 102H Sixth St., 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. GYPSY life reader; satisfaction guaranteed; 25c; correct answers to all questions. 5 7th st. PROF. GEE. medium, sees and tells every- thing: COc. $1; clr. every night. 25c. 1035 Mkt. EDWARD EARLS. Independent slatewriter, 330 Ellis st.: Circle Sun. . and Wed. evenings. MRS. BURS 245 Fourth St.. Napoieon card reader and sympathy healer; prices reasonable. MRS. C. J. MEYER. H:!5 McAllister; readings; tests daily, 10c; dr., Mon.. Frl.. 25c, 2-8 p. m. M.ME. BYBILLE— < to grave; future hus- j band's picture. Ec; ladles. 914 O'Farrell st. MME. AUGUST, clairvoyant, card reader and p.ilmittry. 2Cc; truth or no pay. 1149 Mtbblon. MM! SHAFFER, clairvoyant, card reader; sitting dully. 212., Sixth St. MME. RAVENNA reads life fluently; business .advice: nnmes given; 25c up. .'> Fourth st. A WEEK'S news for D cents— Weekly Call; lij pages. In wrapper, for mailing. $1 per year. CLINIC. CALIFORNIA Medical College. 1422 Folsom; free medical and surg. treatment: 9 to 12 m. COLLECTION OFFICES. GEORGE W. KELLY'S Agency: no charge un- lerg successful. Room 310. 927 Market St. COTTAGES TO LET. REAR cottage; 3 rooms and bath; $8. 510 Cas- tro st. COTTAGES WANTED: WANTED— PIain furnished house; 3 or 4 rooms, basement, barn, cheap, for man and wife, by November 27. Address 11. de 8., 2122 Mission. THE SAN FRAJS CISCO CALL. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15. 1899. DENTISTS. DR. T. S. HIGGINS' dental parlors. 927 Market St., over Cafe TBnkand— extract- ] ed without pain by the use of electricity, gas I or chloroform; also by local anaesthetics ap- plied to the gums; the best and most artistic dental work at reasonable prices; pure gold fillings from $1 up; other fillings from 60c; badly decayed teeth carefully treated and ! filled or crowned without pain; plates that nt from $4 K0 up: flesh colored plates from $3 50 up: teeth without plates a specialty; open evenings and Sundays. A NEW anesthetic for painless dentistry. Bynol, on application to the gums, removes I the pain; see our flesh" colored plates, thinner ! and stronger than rubber; warranted for 20 years; crown and bridge work; teeth with- out a plate: fillings, 50c; crowns, $3 ID: plates, full set. $5; all work painless and warranted. Chicago D»ntal Parlors. 24 Sixth Bt. AT the ELECTRO-DENTAL CLINIC. 809 Mar- ket tt.. cor. 4th. rm. 7. Flood bldg.. you can have your extractions done painlessly; teeth without plates our specialty; gold crowns, $3 50 up; piates. extractions free, $4 60 up: of- : flee hours, 10 p. m.; Sundays. 9to 2 ; p. m. G. W. WILLIAMSON. M.D.. Manager. | DR. GEORGE W. LEEK, 20 O'Farrell Bt.. «- ! tracts and fills teeth palnleeslv by his won- j derful secret method; crowns, $2; bridges, $4; i rubber or flexible plntes, $3; received 8 first prises; no students: guaranteed 12 years. ! TEETH extracted free; the best work; the low- est prices: all work warranted and painless; teeth without plates a specialty. Modern Dental Parlors. 1206 Market, cor. Golden Gate. VAN VROOM— Painless extraction by electric- ity: guarantee 10 year*: lowest prices; 10 operators; no students. 997 Market st. DR. LUDLUM HILL. 1443 Market St.. near Eleventh; crowns, bridge work and fillings a specialty; all work reasonable; gas given. •SET of teeth without plate. DR. H. G. YOUNG, IS4I Polk st. : MEYER— Deutscher Z>ahnar_t, * Turk; lst-cla*9 work; prices reas.; gas: crown & bridge work. I OHIO Dental Parlors, Inc.. S graduate opera- tors; open evenings and Sundays. £50 Market. l PARIS Dental Parlors. 235 Kearnv. cor. Bush: I full set teeth. $4; crowns. «3: fillings. 25c. j LOWEST prices In S. F. ; work warranted 10 j years. N. Y. Dentists. »67 M'" 1 "' ™r. 'h. j DRESSMAKERS AND SEAMSTRESSES ! si^F Dressmaking, —.dies' Tailoring parlors; French tailoring system taught. 305 Van Ness. ! DRESSES made: skirts, $1 25. MME. RAG- j GAPSON. 171S I.eavenworth St. ' GEARY, 658— Skirt making especially; skirts from $1 76 up: suits from J5 up. I PARISIAN dressmaking. CS7 Geary: dresses ] made $5 up: dresses made over; perfect fit. j ACCORDION pleating factory; all kinds pleat- ' Ing. pinking. 121 Post.over O'Connor &■ M'ffatt. EDI CATIONAL. AVREs7~th7Teuding business college, 723 Mar- ket st conducted personally by Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Ayres. Individual Instruction In short- -1 hand, typing. English, penmanship and the I practical voucher system of bookkeeping. Life scholarship, $.'.O; catalogue. % ' HEALDS Business College, 24 Post St.. S. X. ; prHrtical courses In bookkeeping, shorthand, typing. languages, telegraphy, English branches, civil, electrical and mining engi- neering, etc.; new 80-page catalogue free. MISS M. G. BARRETT is unable to fill all de- mands for her shorthand graduates and de- sires more pupils: lessons personally and by mall. 302 Montgomery %t. i ALL students but two taking full course this" year got positions. SAN FRANCISCO i BUSINESS COLLEGE. 1236 Market st. i ENGINEERING school, civil, electrical, mining, [ mech.. survey, assay, arch!.: day nnd even.; ! est. IHJ4. VAN PER NAILLEN. 933 Market.- -j PRIVATE lessons; English branches; .coaching, telegraphing: 3 to 6or 7 to 3 p. m. Box 2407, Call office. ! FRENCH. Spanish, etc. PROF. DE PTLIPPE*S I Academy of Languages,32o Post; ablest profs. I LAW schools. 927 Market. S. F.. and 905 Broad- way. Oakland; day and night: correspondence. i PROF. MERKI'S mandolin club resumes Nov. 2: new members welcome: ref. 100S Mission. i ■'EXPANSION" the order at DURHAM'S Busi- ness College. 305 Larkln St.. opp. City Hall. BOOKKEEPING, arithmetic, grammar. writing; day and night: terms low. 1024 Mission, nr. 6th. EMPLOY OFFICES. i ORPHEL'M Employment Office— Japanese. Chi- i nese. 426 Powell, near Putter; tel. Black 1321. : FIELD'S Employment Agency— Help furnished free. 653 Clay st. ; phone Davis 821. __^ ■ JAPANESE Information Bureau; Japanese and , Chinese help. 421 Post; phone Main 1956. CHINESE and Japanese Employment Office; best help. 414'« O'Farrell St.; tel. East 426. JAPANESE-CHINESE Emp. Agency; all kinds help. GEO. OAK'I. 30 Orary St.: tel. «>rwnt ">«. EMPLOI WANTED FEMALE. j FIRST-CLASS chambermaid and waitress de- Bires a situation In hotel or boarding house; best city references. MISS H. CULLINAN. 223 Sutter st. 1 FIRST-CLASS German cook desires a situa- j tion; also first-class Swedish cook; best refer- [ ences; city or country. MISS H. CULLI- NAN, 323 Putter St.; phone Main 651. COMPETENT woman with a child desires a situation as housekeeper; city or country; best ref. MISS H. CULLINAN, 323 Sutter st. NEAT, respectable girl would like to do second work and assist with children; or would do light housework and plain cooking; reference. Please call or address 57 Chesley st., off Har- rison, bet. Seventh and Eighth. | COMPETENT woman wishes work by the day; j llrst-clasti laundress; makes herself generally ] useful; best references given. Call at 120 ! i Wildey St., near Steiner, bet. Bush and Pine. BY a refined, educated young lady, a position as governess or companion; excellent refer- ences. 2221 Dwlght way, Berkeley, telephone Black 13.".:,. EASTERN ' woman wants place to care -for small children and sew; good cook, etc.; wages moderate. Call 1522 Sanchez St., near Twenty-ninth, for one week. GERMAN woman raised in America Wishes a situation to do housework; is a good cook; wages from $10 to $12. Call at 609 Howard. WANTED— Ladles' and gentlemen's underwear to wash and mend at home. Call or address MRS. BEN, 2U 1 2 Polk st. YOUNG cirl wishes situation to take care of I children and do light housework. 608 Ten- nessee St., Potrero. I EASTERN woman wishes situation; general housework: city or country. tO7 Linden aye., off Hayes st., near I^aguna. COMPETENT English and French cook; best of references; city or country. Address box 2455, Call. RELIABLE young woman wishes position to do light housework with 2 or 3 adults; refer- ences. Call 731 Laurel aye., bet. Eddy & Turk. COMPETENT woman wishes situation; good cook; or will do housework; willing and obliging. Call 227 Hayes st. COMPETENT woman wishes position as house- keeper or cook for men In mining town or on ranch. Apply room 4, 652 Mission; no triflers. j SITUATION wanted by th*> day, washing, Iron- Ing or housecleanlng. 828 Howard st. GERMAN girl wish(*s a place as cook or to do housework. 129 Ninth St. FIRST-CLASS laundress wishes washing and ; ironing by the day. Please call 264 V. Tehama. YOUNG girl wishes to do chamberwork. Call 160 Steu..rt M.; no postals.' WOMAN wants washing or cleaning by day or I half-day. ChU 44 Linden aye. I $100,000 TO loan on diamonds, watches, seal- ■ skins, pianos, guns. Uncle Harris, 15 Grant ay. MAN and wife wish positions as cook; help his wife; good pastry and meat cook; board- I ing-houB», small restaurant. Address II , 123S Bush st. COMPETENT colored woman wishes position to do general housework; good plain cook. Address lf.»i Sherwood place, off Third st., between Mission and Howard. DISTINGUISHED Italian lady and daughter, speaking English, of correct manners and habits, wish employment as companion to lady or children or chambermaids. Address box 1301, Call. RESPECTABLE temperance woman wants ashing where she may have her boy of 12 with her; hotel or restaurant. Address MRS. CLARA. Berkeley. ! WASHING or housecleantng by the day want- ed ,by a reliable and capable woman; $1 and car fare. Sl7 Natoma St., bet. Tenth and Eleventh. AN experienced young lady desires a position as bookkeeper, cashier or saleslady; city or 1 . country; references. Box 245, Call office. SITUATION— By young girl to do light house- work. Address Box 2458. Call Office. WANTED— Light housework or take care of children. MISS NICHOLS, 718 Valencia st. WTNCII ESTER, House. 44 Third St.. near Mar- ket; 200 rooms; 25c to $1 60 night; $1 60 to $6 week-, convenient and respectable; free bus 1 wnd baggage to and from ferry. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office, 2200 Fillmore st. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at the northwest corner of Twenty-secona and Ken- tucky sts. Open till 9 p. m. m I A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and 1 subscriptions has been established at 1090 Va- I lencia st. ■ , . ■ : EMPLOYMENT WANTED MALE nurse, graduate of Bellevue Hospital, excellent testimonials, desires engagements by day, week or month or in private family. Address HIRAM NEWCOURT, Red Cross Tent. Union Square. COACHMAN— Competent .man, thoroughly un- derstands his business in all branches, Al ref- erences, desires situation. As to qualification address C. S., 1022 Jackson st. SWEDISH married man wishes a position as coachman; Is a sober reliable man. Please call at 995 Market st., room IS. WANTED— by *oung man at window and house cleaning by the day HENRY ANDER- SEN, 952 Bush st. ' " YOUNG man wishes position In saloon where he can learn to mix drinks; has had some experience. Address box 2481. Call. AN Al plumber would like situation In city or country. Address box 2479, Call office. GERMAN wishes position to do light work 0" as watchman. Box 2476. Call office. BARBER wants work evenings, • Saturday and Sunday; 70 per cent. Box 2477, Call office. FRENCH polisher wishes steady employment J. TENNETT, Postofflce, Oakland $100,000 TO loan on diamonds, watches.silver, seal- skins, pianos, guns. Uncle Harris, 15 Grant ay. NEAT, respectable old man wishes position to make himself generally useful around house In exchange for board and : room. Address Florence Hot*!, Ellis and Powell sts., room 19. INDUSTRIOUS, .sober and honest gentleman: understands the care of horses, cows, garden work; is handy with tools and has porter ex- perience; desires position. Address box 2474, Call. MIDDLE-AGED German, handy with carpen- ters' and blacksmiths' tools, has run different engines wishes employment. Address F. T.. _Hurr.holdt House, 13C9 Stockton St. A— A— sso OFFERED by competent accountant and salesman for Information lending to per- manent position at reasonable compensation. Address box 2997, call office. INDUSTRIOUS, sober and honest gentleman 1 desires position as porter In wholesale house I or store; understands the care of horses and I is handy with tools. Box 2570, Call. I YOUNG man. just come from the East, wishes good position: best of references. Address PH. MITT. 150 Fourth st. MAN handy with tools wishes situation as watchman or janitor. Box 24C0. Carl office. YOUNG man. just come from the East, wishes good position; best of reference. Address __ PH. MITT. 650 Fourth Ft WANTED— Situation by young Japanese as schoolboy. FRANK. 623 Pine st CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received nt Call branch office. 2200 Fillmore st. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at the northwest corner of Twenty-second and Ken- tucky fts. Open till 9 p. m. * A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and ! subscriptions has been established at 1096 Va- lenein. Bt. EXCHANGE. $5000 — FOR sale or exchange; good city Income business property; will tnk» flats or cottage In the Mission. McLAUGHLIN & CO.. 777H Market st. i GOOD renting Oakland property for ranches. J. H. EPSON 1 . 1?M Broadway. Oakland. EXPERT OPTICIANS. GEORGE MAYERLE. German expert optician. Ifi7l'.. Market St.. San Francisco: exam. fr»-. FINANCIAL. SAVINGS hank depositor* please call room 529, Parrott building. In reference to rate of In- terest. . . FLATS TO LET. AN elegant sunny middle corner flat: modern improvemts. 1000 Webster, cor. Golden Gate. FLAT hunting made easy with the printed [ list you get from BALDWIN & HOWELL. 10 Montgomery st. FOLSOM, 1744, nr. Thirteenth— sl3; runny low- ! Pr flat; 6 rooms, bath, yard. HOWARD. 2726— 527 50; furnished flat; 5 rooms; piano. Apply between 4 and 6 o'clock. LOWER flat of 3 rooms. 1310 Larkln st. Apply at 131S Larkln st. j PIERCE. 1336. near O'Farrell— Sunny upper flat I of 5 rooms; bath; rent $12. SUNNY new style flat. 7 rooms and bath; mid- dle flat. 736 Fourteenth st. 6 ROOMS and bath and all modern Improve- ments. Corner Castro and Twenty-second sts. $100,000 TO loan on diamonds, watches.silver, seal- . skins, pianos, guns. Uncle Harris. 15 Grant ay. FLATS TO — FURNISHED. FLATS— Just completed; modern 6 and 7 rooms; yard: basement. 1923 O'Farrell st. _ — —^— ■ FURNITURE FOR SALE. ENAMELED iron bedsteads, all sizes, $2 90; heavy matting, 10c per yard; 30x60 inch rugs, $1. Eastern Outfitting Co.. 1310-1312 Stockton St., near Broadway; open evening. ! 635 PAGE st.— For sale, elegant furniture of 8 rooms; flat fcr rent. '■ 4 ROOMS furnished in oak for $4S 50, with NoT 7 ranr* King Piirnltur*- Co.. 1127-1131 Market. VI lIMII IIK \VA NTED. ALFRED WOLLPERT, Ml*slc.n~str~pays the highest price for your id-hand furniture. WANTED— carpets, furniture, etc. : highest rrU- p 3 ld: postal. M. Silversteln. 1121 Market.. li KlUl'.K.-i, 1- I KS. KTC * : ELECTRIC seal capes. As-.rakan yokes, $10 to ;.~0 ROBT. WALLACE. 115 Kearny. top tloor. HELP WANTED — WE will pay a regular salary and a commis- sion to a selected number of high-grade agents. We want the best men and women to be had; those of experience and who can be relied upon for faithful work; persistent and energetic, of good address and with "gumption" and the tact to secure what they attempt. Retired ministers, school teachers, or those seeking outdoor life, make good agents; regular salary and a commission on each order to the competent man or woman. Call at agents' department. J. C. MURPHY, 29 Chronicle building, San Francisco. Cal., agent for the Curtis Publishing Company of: Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS everywhere to sell map of the battle-, fields In the Philippines; 46x64 Inches in six colors, showing all the movements of Eighth Army Corps, Write for particulars to P. E. LAMAR. 21 First st., San Francisco. SALESMEN wanted to sell the retail drug trade P. C. M. A.. 76 Flood bldg., after 4 o'clock. LADIES and gents to sell specially good Xmas ; article. Address W. M. DIGHT. Mercer. Pa. HELP WANTED— 50 TALENTED amateurs. Apply at Chutes, to-night, Wednesday, at 6:30 o'clock. HOUSEWORK, San Jose. $25; Oakland, $25; ! Alameda, $25; Berkeley, $25; Arizona, $20 and ! fare paid; San Mateo, $20; 2 housework girls, Stockton, $25 and $20: Menlo Park, $25; Palo Alto, $25; Modesto, $20; Merced, $20; Liver- more, $20; Vallejo, $20; Frullvale, $25, see lady here Monday; 2 boarding-house cooks, ! $40 and $30 each; hospital cook, $40; cook for Institution, $35; 4 second girls, $25 and $20 each; waitress, Los Angeles. 2 in family, $30; 24 housework girls, city and country. $25 and $20 each; 10 young girls to assist, $12 to $15. MISS CULLEN, 325 Sutter st. WANTED— Cook and caterer, country, $30; cook and plain wash, short distance, $30; 2 Gorman cooks, $35; ironer, country laundry, I $25; German cook, restaurant, $S week; neat 1 Scandinavian girl, housework, $25; German j nurse and seamstress, $25: 3 German - and Scandinavian second girls, $20 and $25; wait- ress, restaurant, $7 week; waitress, country hotel, $20; 3 waitresses, restaurant, $4 week and room: 40 girls for housework in city and country, $20 and $25. Apply to J. F. CROS- i:TT & CO., 316 Sutter St. ■ ■ ' WANTED— German waitress for country hotel, $20 per month. W. D. EWER & CO.. 810 Clay. GIRL; small family; general housework; wash- Ing sent out; $12;.' call after 10. 2323 Leaven- worth st. WANTED— Neat girl to assist with baby; must Bleep home; wages $10 per month. 1714 Van Ness are., near Sacramento st. WANTED— GirI to do general housework: must be good plain cook; wages $5 per week. 23a Post st. room' 6. WRITERS on short story magazine, "The Ra- ven": $37 in prizes. CHAS. McARTHUR, Oakland.; COMPETENT woman for housework. 2726 Greenwich st, near Baker. GOOD waitress. Rosemont Restaurant, 506 Howard st. » GERMAN girl to help In dining-room and up- stairs' work; wages $17. 662 Fulton st. WANTED— A first-class talloress on coats; ■ easy job. Apply 22^ Geary St.. room 46. YOUNG girl to assist In housework; no cook- Ing. Address 1362 Geary st. GIRL on coats. DRISCOLL, 103 Fifth st. FIRST-CLASS hairdresser, who understands ventilating. 24 Geary st. WOMAN who understands sewing. to look over work In factory. 723 Market St., room 35. HELP WA\"TED- FEMALE. C. R. HANSEN & CO PHONE GRANT 183. ' Ten waitresses; 2 chambermaids to wait; 2 laundresses, hotels, city and country; girl as counter girl in bakery and restaurant. $15 and found; 20 Scandinavian girls for housework, $25. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 104 Geary St. GIRLS to learn to sew; paid while learning. 723 Market st., room 35. MIDDLE-AGED woman for light housework; low wages; good home. 249 Minna st. WANTED— Girl about 14 years for light house- work. L'fiO7 ! « Sutter st. WANTED— GirI for second work and waiting. 1307 Hyde st. WANTED— MiddIe-aged woman to take care of baby. Apply 2C26 Bush St. WANTED— German woman for general house- work. Apply 1437 Seventh aye. South. WANTED— A talloress on pants. 8 Grant aye., I room 12. APPRENTICES at tailoring; paid while learn- ing; come prepared to work. 6 Eddy st, r. 102. WANTED— Quick, tidy waitress, up to busi- ness. In coffee house. 607 Clay St.- WANTED— GirI to assist with children. 2912 Clay st. ■■■-. WANTED— GirI to assist with light housework and baby. 129 Olive aye., near Van Ness. ; GIRL for general housework; cooking; wages $15; 626 Grove st. .'; r ,v.,' NEAT girl to assist, light housework; two and baby In family; $12. 930 Powell st. WANTED— GirI or middle-aged woman to do light housework. 509 Hayes st. WANTED— GirI to assist in light housekeeping- wages $£. 3824 Army st. GIRL for light housework; small family; wages $10. 1025 I-aguna st. ? i YOUNG tin to assist in light housework and children. 1649 Mission St.. bet. 12th and 13th. ELDERLY woman to assist with light house- work; 2 In family. 311 Castro st., near 16th. . IF you want to be developed as a medium call Prof. Haley, 39 Turk, cor. Taylor, parlors 23-26. $100.WO TO loan on diamonds, watches silver seal- I skins, pianos, guns. Uncle Harris. 15 Grant ay. WANTED— Second girl; must also wait at table. Apply 926 Grove st.. bet. 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. GOOD hairdresser; first-class salary to the _ right one. 240 Stockton st., near Post. WANTED— Good girl for general housework (31 Green st., near Mason WANTED— who want to make $2 to $4 a day it home. 472V4 Thirteenth St., Oakland. WANTED— GirI for cooking and general house- Work; 3 in family. Call between 10 and i. 836 Union st. ■-■.<> " A DAvF s yT ii 9 2 V,;,r ta{ apply ear "> r - ~* PAX IS. 119 Russ Et. I LADIES wanted throughout the State to sell the Samson Corset Strengthened. Apply _ SAMSON MFG. CO., 420 Montgomery, rm 20 WANTED— Four girls for light upstairs work . and cooking. 530 Pacific st. -.■ CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office. 2200 Fillmore St. LADIES' cloaks, suit. « ncr week. Eastern Outfitting Co.. 1306 Stockton, nr. Broadway. HELP WAMED-.MALE, 60 TALENTED amateurs. Apply at Chutes to-night, Wednesday, at 6:30 o'clock. C. R. HANSEN & CO.'. 104 GEARY ST. Teamsters for the Coast R. R.. free fare- stone masons. H. R. work, $3 50 a day. free fare: 10 farmers near city. $20 and $26 and found; florist and greenhouse man; 2 milkers $25; stableman, $"3. Fry cook, $30; cook, country hotel, $40; cook boarding house, $40: baker and pastry cook country hotel, $35 to $40; 2 waiters country hotels, $25; porter, $25. C. K. HANSEN & CO.. 104 Geary st. MURRAY & READY PHONE MAIN 5843 Leading Employment and Labor Agents, WANT 7 A. M. WEDNESDAY ....CARPENTERS BLACKSMITHS.... Carpenter for mining company $65 blacksmith for the mines " $65 all-around blacksmith, country shop.. s2 60 day j harness maker $33 and found STABLEMEN BUTCHERS stableman, country $30 and found hostlers, city livery stables, $30 and $35 & fd butcher and drive wagon, see boss here $30 and found all-around butcher, country $30 and found 6 plow teamsters, $26 and .found, $1 fare farm, orchard and dairy hands $20 to $30 and found chore men and boys $15 and $20 LABORERS TEAMSTERS 5 pick and shovel laborers, city work.sl7sday 10 laborers, quarry, near city $"2 10 teamsters, mountain R. R $2 and found drillers, R. R. work $30 and found 6 crosscut sawyers $30 and found 10 barkers $30 and founa tiemakers and woodchoppers, etc 6 boys to learn different trades, $3 to $.' week farmers and wives milkers and wives MURRAY & READY, fi.",4-C36 Clay st. COACHMAN, private family, near city, $30 and found; references. MURRAY READY 634- -636 Clay st. BAKERS COOKS : PORTERS cook, plain boarding house, near city, $4." and found; IS cooks, $30 to $50; cake and pastry baker, shop, north. $30; waiters, hotels and restaurants, city and country, $25 and $30; hotel porters, $20; polisher, country laundry. $40; piano player, country saloon: boy for Institution, $15. MURRAY Ac READY. 634-636 I Clay st. WANTED — Harness maker. $2 day: 2 men and wives, private families. $43 and $30; 4 quartz -miners, $2 50 day; lumberman for mine. $2 75 day: 20 laborers for quarries and railroad work, $1 day and board nnd $2 day; stable- man, $20 and found, and others. J. F. CROS- ETT &- CO.. 62S Sacramento st. AVANTED— Cook and wife, country hotel, *58; cook, country boarding house. $35; night cook. $10 week: restaurant cooled, waiters and others.- J. F. CROSETT & CO.. 628 Sacra- mento st. WANTED Driver for milk route In city, references re- quired, $35 per month and found; cook, coun- I try hotel. $. .0; miners, $33 and board; 10 la- ! borers for mill and railroad, HO and found | and fare paid; woodchoppers and 100 others. W. D. EWER St CO., 610 Clay st. ; BARBERS wanted; first-class men only, at the Barbers' Home,; barbers and bosses will be ' furnished free of charge with first-class help; office hours from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. ; In con- nection Tine sitting room for unemployed bar. bers; letters referring to shops for sale; must contain full particulars and stamped envelope for reply; orders for barbers for country must be accompanied by railroad fare; telephone South 51. WM. HABERECHT, manager. 1205 Market St., corner of Eighth, formerly of the Revere, Eureka, Humboldt Co., and Vallejo. NOW open — Barbers' home: free employment office; a social room connected fo- Journey- men; bosses will be furnished fr^ if charge with first-class help. 1205 Market St.. near Eighth: telephone South 51. Wm. Heberecht. BARBERS' Protective Union— only legal organized union on the coast. J. J. HEINZ, Employment Secy.. 630 Market, downstairs. BARBERS' Progressive Union— employ- ment. H. Bernard, sec, 104 7th; tel. Jessie 152. TAILORS — First-class operator wanted for J country on ladles' tailor suits; must be rapid, j accurate, understand pressing; good wages. ! Apply to STEIN, SIMON & CO., corner of I Second and Market sts. WANTED— boy under 10 years old and must reside with his parents; wages $1 50 per week. Apply at 873 Market St.. room 1. WANTED — Young man to drive butcher wag- on: must be able to cut meat. Apply Mason and Union sts. MEN and women everywhere to, look after spe- cial work; advancement after 26 days; salary and commission: permanent. Address Dept. Xl, The Werner Company, Akron, Ohio. USE painter wanted: come before 8 o'clock. F. 11. ABBES, 1803 Polk St. JEWELERS wanted. 32S Bush st., room 4, i third floor. __^ . ' SOLICITOR for printing office. 420 Montgom- ery st., room 33. , , WANTED- Steady man in well-paying busi- ness; small capital. Call 269 Third St. BEDMAKER wanted at Dewey House. 32 East street. FIRST-CLASS waiter wanted. Apply at 29 Stockton st. i WANTED — Young man to assist In dairy; $20 and found. , 2200 Point Lobos ay., cor. 11th ay. BOOTBLACK for barber shop and to clean baths. 120 Geary st. ERRAND boy wanted at J. COHN & CO., 775 Market st. . FIRST-CLASS barber for wholesale district; first -class wages. H. BERNARD, 104 Seventh. GOOD barber wanted; steady. 108 Fourth st. STEADY waiter wanted at 269 O'Farrell st. GOOD coat . and pants makers. 635 Kearny st.;. call early. ■ DISHWASHER wanted at ISOS Haight st. BARBERS— On account of sickness will sell my shop cheap. 427 San Pablo aye., Oakland. $ICO,OCO TO loan on diamonds, watches. silver, seal- skins, pianos, guns. Uncle Harris, 15 Grant ay. BARBER trade taught: 6 months' course and board for $75; no college. Apply Call office. WANTED— coatmaker; Apply at C. W. R. FORD & CO.' 116 Sutter st. BARBER shop: 2 chairs; finely located; up to date and good-paying business; must sell ac- • count of sickness. 302 J st.. Sacramento. Cal. HELP MASTED- MALE. WANTED— IO men for Cape Nome; must have $200 to $300; free passage. Box 400, Call office. 500 PAIRS men's shoes, slightly damaged, halt price. x 562 Mission St.. bet. Ist and 2d sts. SHOEMAKER wanted on repairing. Apply at 611 Laguna st. MAN to do janitor work for his tuition at S. F. Barber College. 741 A Howard st. MEN to learn barber trade; only 8 weeks re- quired; constant practice; expert Instruction; lectures on dermatology: Saturday wages; call or write for free illustrated catalogue. MOLER'S BARBER COLLEGE, 635 Clay st. — Laborers and mechanics to know that Ed Rolkln. Reno House proprietor, still runs Denver House, 217 Third st.; 150 large rooms: 25c per night: $1 to $2 per week. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office, 2200 Flllmore St. WANTED— IOO men to try our >c breakfast, dinner or supper; best in city. 406 McAllister St.. near Polk. PENSIONS— J. H. SHEPARD & CO., attor- ney?, Hearst bldg. Third and Market. SUITS to order on Installments at cash prices, $1 week. X. Y. TAILORING CO.. 115 Kearny. SAILORS and ordinary seamen for coast and AustrOia at HERMAN'S. 26 Steuart st. GET your shoes half-soled while waiting; 25c to BOc. 562 Mission St.. bet Ist and 2d sts. 200 SINGLE furnished rooms, 10c. 15c and 25c per night. Llndell. 6th and Howard: read, rm? TRY Acme House. ft.v; Market, st.. below Sixth, for a room; 25c a night; SI a week. WINCHESTER Hotel. 44 Third St.. near Mar- ket; 700 rooms. 2"c night: reading room: free 'bus and baggage to and from the ferry. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions his been established at the northwest corner of Twenty-second and Ken- tucky sts. ; open till 9 p. m. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1096 Va- lencia st. HORSES, LIVE STOCK, Etc— For Sale LOOK out for the big «ale of horses Tuesday, 11 o'clock, at Ormonde Stable. 1517 Mission st. S. WATKINS. Auctioneer. 40 HORSES for sale: also wagon, buggies, carts, harness. Grand Arcade Horse Market. 327 Sixth st.; auction sales every Wednesday. SULLIVAN & DOYLE. Auctioneers. E0 HEAD fine draft and driving horses at 1621 and 1625 Market St., between Twelfth and Brady; also some fine matched black teams. A WEEK'S news for 5 cents— The Weekly Call. 16 pages, in wrapper, for mailing. $1 per year. HOUSES LODGIXG FOR SALE. KREDO & CO 22>i^Geary^L Money to loan at low rates. 24 rooms; good furniture; clears $100 a month; a bargain; for $1100. $850—28 ROOMS; 1 block from Market; clears $90 to $100 month. KREDO & CO., 22^ Geary. $500—11 ROOMS; near Post; cheap rent: fine house; clears $30. KREDO & CO.. 22^4 Geary. $250— 11 -ROOMS; Geary st. ; worth $f.OO- must • sell; a snap. KREDO & CO. A BOARDING and rooming house: north Mar- ket: cause sale, sickness. COWING & CO., 995 Market st. FURNISHED house 37 rooms: all light rooms; on one floor. COWING & CO., 995 .Market st. BOARDING and rooming house; centrally lo- cated; nets $*0 per month. COWING & CO., 995 Market st. $550— 29-ROOM house; north of Market; central; fine furniture; low rent. BASILE. 3 Eddy st. $275— 12-ROOM house; half-block from Market St.; central; fine furniture. BASILE, 3 "Eddy. PARTY wishing to sell lodging-house see BA- SILE, 3 Eddy St.; new cash buyer daily. POST-ST. lodging house; $700; snap; clears $45 monthly; 16 rooms; going to Europe. MAR- ION GRIFFIN, 719 Market, nr. Call building. LODGING house for sale cheap; central; bnr- gain as owner is going East. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO.. 927 Market St.. room 20U FIRST-CLASS rooming house; X. Market; no reas. offer refused. Cowing Co., WO Market. WANTED, partner In good paying lodg- ing-house. 10.'. New Montgomery st. HOUSES TO LET. I A— PRINTED list: houses to let: send for clr- " cular. G. H. UMBBEN & CO., 14 Montgomery. A. .M SPECK & CO.. 667 MARKET ST. HOUSES. I FLATS. 1706 Broadway, 9 r.J6O 1 1."23 Pine, 6 r $30 1614 Bush. 6 r $3011355 Howard. 6 r $21 132 Tremont. 7 r. .$2." 1688 Post. 5 r $19 356120 th. 8 r $251 9 Dykeman. 4 r... $15 HOUSE hunting made easy with the printed list you get from BALDWIN & HOWELL. 10 Montgomery st. ELLIS. 2062— Sunny house; 7 rooms; bath; shed for laundry; large yard; fine view; $20. • $12— HOUSE of 4 rooms; grand view; to a small family only. 425 Fremont St.. near Harrison. $100,000 TO loan on diamonds, watches. silver, seal- skins, pianos, guns. Uncle Harris. 15 Grant ay. HOUSES TO LET — FURNISHED. j $35— BAY-WINDOW house, with furniture- 6 rooms and bath; 2609 Pine st. Apply to E ROBINET. room 6. 411»4 California st. HYPNOTISM. DR. EDWARD FISCHER, renowned hypnotist and clairvoyant; teaches the art. 142 Sixth. LOST AND FOUND. — Pocket memorandum book, near R. R. depot, or from Third to Sixth, Townsend. Re- ward by returning same to 20 Lafayette St., corner Minna, between Eleventh and Twelfth. LOST— Lady's gold watch. No. 101,796, Sunday, November 12. after 10 o'clock, between Steu- art street and ferry; monogram N. A. I. on j back. Return to 3657 Nineteenth St.; reward. FOUND— stick pin in silk waist lost five weeks ago. Apply JOHN F. SNOW & CO., 1623 Mission st. LIGHT purse; 2 keys and small change. Re- turn to grocery, comer Washington aye. and Mission st.: reward. LOST— Sunday night, at Chutes, lady's purse, containing nugget, chain, some silver, pri- vate papers; liberal reward. Box 2452, Call. LOST — Black, medium-sized water spaniel; name "Nig." Reward at 1139 Valencia st. LOST— Buggy robe on Mission road. Return to Pioneer Saloon, Sixteenth and Valencia sts. : reward. MATRIMONIAL. ACQUAINTANCE of Intelligent young lady or widow; object matrimony. Add. box 2473. Call. MEDICAL. MRS. DR. WYETH. ladies' physician; consul- tation free; home for patients in confinement or with chronic diseases; guaranteed treat- ment at office. $5. 942 Post at., between Hyde ! and Larkin; hours, 10, to 5, 7to 8. PRIVATE home for patients In confinement or chronic diseases, with best possible care MRS. DR. GWYER. 510 Eddy et.. bet. Hyde ', and Larkin. Office hours — 10 to 12, ito 4 and j 7to 8. PRIVATE confinement home; sunny : rooms; best of care; nice garden; medicated steam baths for ladles. DR. and MRS. WEGEXER phone Pine 27J31; res. 1312 Golden Gate aye. DR. POPPER, ladles' practical physician, for 37 years; call on physician with man's knowl- edge: cure $5; can be sent and used at home 318 Kearny; consultation- free. DR. and MRS. DAVIES. 122S Market: ladies' physician: chronic diseases treated; late scien- tific methods; cure guaranteed; treatment $5. MRS. DR. KOHL, ladies' physician, 1122 Mar- ket" St., bet. Mason and Taylor; guaranteed treatment at office, $5; hours 9a. m. to sp. m. I DR. WISE, the ladies' specialist. 1118 Market St.: every ca^e guaranteed: $5 up. HOME In confinement; treatment $5; consulta- tlon free. MRS. ALLEN. 228 Van Ness aye. DR. G. W. O'DONNKLL. the world-renowned ■ ladles' specialist. 1023 M, Market st. DR. WONG HIM. herb doctor, treats all dls- eases of the human body. ■ nr> Mason st. MISCELLANEOUS — FOR SALE. BOILERS, engines. 2d-hand. machinery. Mc- -INTOSH & WOLPMAN. 195-197 Fremont st. BARS, hack bars, mirrors, showcases coun- ters, linoleum, office furniture, store and of- fice furniture and fixtures; new and second- hand. J. XOONAN, 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission st., above Sixth. BARS, counters, showcases, shelving, mirrors bought, sold and exchanged. 1063 Mission st! A LOVELY diamond and turquoise ring- price $40: worth $75. UNCLE HARRIS. 15 Giant ay. A PERFECTLY new sealskin jacket for JllO- -worth $280. UNCLE HARRIS. 15 Grant aye. ' FINE sealskin coat for sale. Call at 134.1 Howard st. : FOR Christmas presents call on SORENSEN reliable jeweler. 103 Sixth St.. below Mission! BA^? BEHS ~ Second hand patent chair for sale , 108 fourth st. A-$3 50 DERBY and Fedora hats. $1 75 . Pop! ular Price Hatters. 330 Kearny Bt.. nr. Pine. BOILERS, engines, drill presses.planers.lathes iron & wood; 2d hand. J. BURKE, 139 Beale! MISCELLANEOUS — FOR SAliß.^^ SAF^New^dTecond for banks, merchants, steamers, residences; portable Jf fet J tc The . specie chests, bullion safes, vaults, etc. . The Waltz Safe Co.. 109-111 Market st.. S. F.. Cal. THREE double-barreled shotguns; English: (Dougall-Lang-Gates): bargain. Call 192 Sev- enth st. after 6 p. m. FRESH snowbaUs-"T. Carr" and all brands English fire brick, fire clay, brlckdust. S. R. CHURCH. 307 Sansome St.; tel. Main st)Bb. 8 HOISTING engines. 3 steamers. B . 1 ° c i om °' i r v l ; ■B«£K K JSE l B* lp SßflaS* 933 Market St., San Francisco. TWO-STORY new building to be removed on account of Santa Fe depot. 21 Bryant St.. near Main. . THOROUGHBRED Newfoundland P U P 9 _; *'!? fine talking parrot. Kfi Tehama St.. off Third. CREAM of Irish setter blood; Pf lees ™"£°' l" able, Gtenmore Kennels. 2041 Linden. Oakland. CLOSING out of 300 new and 2d-hand heaters and ranges: from $1 up. 213 Fourth st. SECOND-HAND machinery, electrical supplies. boilers and engines. H. S. White. o!6 Mission. BUYS, sells, rents gear machinery, boilers. water pipe; new.2d-hand. Whitelaw.2l6 Spear. DESKS, office and card tables: desks repaired or exchanged: turn, bought. 244 Stockton st. DR. CREELY'S C P. Worm Pills: by all drug- gists, or Dog Hospital. 510 Golien Gate aye. SAFES— New and second-hand. THE HER- MANN SAFE CO., 417-421 Sacramento st. DRESS pants. $2 75: fine suit. $10. MISFIT CLOTHLNG PARLORS, 513 Montgomery st. BARS, cnunters.shelvlnjr.showcases bought and sold. EIREN. im Mission: tel. Jessie 1161 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTED tor a collection— Fifty-dollar slugs. Inquire at 16 Post st , Palace of Art. E. HAQUETTE. LADIES' and children* s«cast- dresses bought and sold. J. Silvcrman. 984 Folsom, nr. 6th. -WANTED— Car-tiron tailor stove for four irons. 104 Kearny ?*; tailor shop. HIGHEST price paid for old feather beds anil pillows; send postal. CHARLES LEWIS. 611 Union st. WANTED— To hire 100 first-class scraper teams with harness an. l pead bars; long job. E. B. PTOVK. TT'mhur't. MONEY TO LOAN. ANY amount on furniture, pianos, without re- moval, or any other good security; payable back in Installments or as a whole: If you owe a balance on the purchase price we will pay it and carry the loan as long as you de- sire; avoid red tape and publicity: see us first; you will be waited upon quietly and quickly. Call 88-69 Donohne hide. 1170 Market st. HIGHLY respectable and private place »o ob- tain liberal advances on diamonds and jew- elry at the lowest rates. Baldwin Jewelry Store, 846 Market St.; telephone Main 1644; branch 19 Third st. ANY proposition: any amount; 6 per cent; first, second mortgages, estates in probate. Interest In estates, legacies. life Insurance; chattel mortgages: confidential; advice free. G. E. OLSEN. room 16. first floor. Chronicle bldg. LOANS on furniture or pianos lt» S. ST., Oak- land or Alameda at lowest rates, without removal: no commission: no delays. J. XOONAN. 1017 to 1023 Mission ST., abov» Sixth: telephone South 14. AVOID delays; try all others, tnen see me; $50 to $100,000; 6 per cent: Ist. 2d or chattel mort- gages; estates In. prpbat". undivided Interests in estates, legacies and mortgages bought: advica and money furnishpd. V. A. Dolan, C 36 Markt. ANY amount at 6 per cent; Ist, 2d and Id mort- gages, undivided interests, real estate In pro- rate; mortgages and legacies bought; no de- lay; get my terms before doing business else- where. R. M. "' >!.<; AN 24 Montgomery, r. 3. ON real estate, Ist or 2nd mortgages, and on furniture or pianos: no removal: any amount: lowest rates. BECKER. 26 Montgomery st. ANY amount by private party on furniture and pianos; no removal: low rates; confidential. BONELLI. Conservatory bldg., 130 Powell st. AT 126 Kearny, room 9. a respectable and pri- vate place to borrow money on watches, dia- monds, etc.; lowest rates; take elevator. CASH loaned to salaried people on note with- out indorser. MORRELL, 609 Examiner bldg. TO salaried men: without collateral or In- dorser. S. F. Discount Agency, 143 Phelan big. $8000 TO loan on furniture and pianos at 2 per rent. WINSTON & CO., 1026 Market st. MONEY loaned salaried people on their notes without Indorser. TOUSLE Y. 430 Parrott big. ALL propositions, small or large; salaries; rents. KLOTH. 220 California St., room 7. A RELIABLE place to borrow money on dia- monds. jewelry. W. J. HESTHAL. 10 Sixth. $50 TO $50,000; lowest rates; Ist and 2d mortgs.; any proposition. DRYDEN. 413 Montgomery. ON furniture, pianos, without removal: no commission: private. LICK. 116 McAllister st. IF your property is mortgaged and you need more money see H. MURPHY. 630 Market st. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. AS we are selling good upright pianos for $( cash and $6 per month, we ask you to Investi- gate and approve this method; prices are the same as If purchased for all cash; bargains In good second-hand uprights upon same easy payments and some good pianos for $3, $4 and $5 per month. SHERMAN. CLAY & CO., Stelnway dealers, corner Kearny and Sutter sts., San Francisco, and Thirteenth and Broadway. Oakland. ABSOLUTELY the oldest and lagest house west of Chicago Is KOHLER & CHASE'S, 26, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. ; pianos, organs, and all other musical instruments of all grades and prices; terms easy; prices lowest: every- thing possible done to please and satisfy tha customer. KNABE pianos: new scale: new styles. KOH- LER & CHASE. SO O'Farrell st. ONLY a few more "special sale" pianos left at MAUVAIS'. 769 Market st. . THE "best of the best" Is the "Decker & Son" : established in 1556. Sold by MAUVAIS, 769 Market st. "OLYMPIA" Music Boxes are bought by peo- ple who want the best. ZENO MAUVAIS MUSIC CO.. 769 Market St.. sole agents. CLOSING out a lot of second-hand pianos on storage at auction prices; cheap for cash WILSON'S STORAGE. 1710 Market st. LARGE stock of Baldwin and' other standard planes; prices reduced to Insure prompt sales. W. C. HAMILTON. 324 Post st. FINE Fischer & ttelnway upright; sacrifiecd KEEFFE'S. 1019 Van Ness aye., nr. Geary st. A— UPRIGHTS. $69 up: Installments, $5 75 up; rents, $2 up (allowed on sale). Heine. 136 Ellis. W. B. BADGER. 412 Sacramento St.. agent for Francis Bacon and Hallett & Davis pianos. WANTED— 7 square pianos. BYRON MAUZY. 308 Post st. GOOD upright piano, nearly new; cheap. HORNUNG. 216 McAllister st. BARGAIN— Good upright: cheap. SCHMITZ. 18 McAllister St.. next Hlbernla Bank. SOHMKR. Byron Mauay and ether pianos. SOS Post st. SUPERIOR violins, zithers, old and new H. MTTT.T.-FTT. rr,.,i- a^ Tyr>j.!r«. r . 2 T.nthgm place. OFFICES AXD STORES TO LET. TAYLOR. 21. near Market— 2 large stores in a new building. Apply to 712 Guerrero st. EMMA SPRECKELS building. !'27 Mark«t st — Light, sunny "fn><-«=. «12 SO to $20 n Pr m th. OIL. OIL and other lands cheap, and large oil leases on easy terms. Call on J. F. BECKETT, Land Agent. Arroyo Grande. Cal. PALMISTRY. HAVE your life read without a question or mistake at your own home; engagements by phone Larkln 1066. MRS. L. WORKINGMAN. 30 years t age, desires to correspond with honest working woman of Box at e disposition; object matrimony. Box 24,.4. Call. LADY, refined, desires to marry educated gen- tleman from 30 to 40. Box 550, Call. PRIVATE detective work; reasonable rates; 10 years experience. .1. p., box 2SSS, Call. MANILA French laundry; cleaning, dying: 542 Peary; curtains. 35c up; avoid holiday rush. LEDERER'S Qulntonica restores health to the hair. 3oc bottle; Lederer's Foamo Shampoo has no equal; 6c pkg. O. LEDERER. 123 Stockton. THERE Is but one Leaer«r, and his hairdress- inK styles are the leaders: 25c only; fin* switches II up; beautiful light switches a little higher. G. LEDERER, 123 Stockton st. ELEGANT remnants for suits, $10 IV. pains, %"~b, or overcoats. $12 50; made to order; samples sent to interior. One Price Tailoring Co.. 1644 Market st.. St. Nicholas Ho'.ol. ELECTRIC lights In every room; Winchester Hotel. 44 Third 'st.. near Market: I" rooms; 2..C to !1 50 per night; $150 to $6 per week; Iree bus and baggage to and from the ferry. SYPHILIS positively cured by a physician who has made a specialty of this disease. Addites box 2470. Call office. LEADING theatrical and masquerade cos- tumers; make-up and wigs: country orders so- licited. GOLDSTEIN & CO.. 733 Market fct.