Newspaper Page Text
PERSONALS. JOHN L. BOONe! rTaTenX~T7ade^Tartr Attorney at Law, end Copyright No. 4 butter Bt.; ( Law s a Specialty. i a " FYnnclsoo. ■ !al. American and Foreign Send for circular. Patents Solicited. tX 'i A H,V HTER In unredeemed pledgeaT jewelry. .■ntning etc for amount loaned and Inter- -. -st. ILT RATE LOAN OFFICE. 22 Mason. A ' i? LE i^ X buys clothin E. bric-a-brac, tools anl "Id gold; send for him. 103 Sixth it. °?R} £. U "? L nat b "Vs old gold, jewelry and _cast-oft clothing. 1 !? • IMAN'S, 500 Kearny. a^a bric-a- MAB JAMES a. SORENSENJ watchmaker and jew- l eler.l removed j to |103 j Sixth \ gt.7l near Mission. S V I T^^- 0 ,, 0 r d , cr on tasy Installments. U -h!^^_i n7 Markt "*■• bet. 7th and Sth. DU - I -, n - WOOD; dental work inTll branches; examination free. 719 Market Ft., rms. 2 & 3. PA n l .^ riNG an<l PaP*rhanKingj rooms papered $2 .0 up. JENSEN & BATH, 30S Sixth st. MRS L. J. WHEELOCK has removed .a VerUe parlors to 1140 Market St.; phone Fo'.som 446. MLLE CLAIRE BERTRANdT manicure par- lors, 23$ Kearny st.. first floor, room 2-3. MRS. r>EN^ETl\~ir67~Mlsslon-o l -ure i _ _ ys: no lu;lfe - no caustics: references. HIRSUTINE CO., hair specialists, grow hair or no pay: book for ■ imp. 6 Eddr Et. ANTIQUE and curiosity hop; books bought -— "*i!L-- X 5 nant;cd - 523 Du P°"t st.. near Cal. ' I N CRT; ST A TION-New invention for china dec. - Oralor!i - So>> s - R - CHURCH. 307 Sansome st. I.ACHMAN & CO., nifrs. of fine furs and seal garments; also remodeling. 104 Kearny bt. IF you wish full value for your cast-off cloth- _lng call 'on B. COHEN. 157 Third st. KfPTUKE. stricture cured: no knife- no inie^- gtfon: guarantdj Dr. Gordin, ri4 Pine. ab. Krny. WANTED— OId frold for manuf'g. O." NOLTE, jow.ler. 24S O^Farrell, bet. Powell and Mason. A WEEK'S news for 5 cents— The Weekly Call. !•■ rages, in wrapper, for mailing. $1 per year. PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES. FINEST and fullest stock; square deßl and prompt service; country orders our specialty: cntnlog'ie free. Cal. Camera Co.. 22 ij.'ary st. PROPERTY WANTED. WANTED— For cash customers, Richmond lots; must be bargains. C. F. MOORE, t'33 Market Rt., room 6. REAL ESTATE CITY FOR SALE. EASTON. ELDRIDGE & CO. A NORTHEAST CORNER. $23,000— 0n Geary st., few blocks fror.i Market; eld improvements; rents $110. WESTERN ADDITION FLATS. $10,000 — On Grove St.. near Laguna: 3 modern flats on Grove st. and 4 en rear street; 2 frontages; lot 22:11x120 feet; rents $102. $8,500 — Two new elegant modern flats of 6 and 9 rooms and bath; rents $60; on Webster St., near Post; lot 22:6x87:6 feet. {1.000 cash, balance mortgage at 6 per cent; 2 elegant modern flats of 5 and 6 rooms and bath on lot 25x100. Any offer sub- tted, MISSION FLATS. SNAP $4,500 REDUCED FROM $6,000. MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK. Three line well-built fiats, costing $4500. on $2000 lot; size 25x120 feet; rents $44; 'near Sixteenth and Howard sts. $s,ooo— Belcher St., near Thirteenth: 3 modern flats of 5, 5 and 6 rooms and bath; rents $46; let 25x128 fe«t. SOUTH OF MARKET INVESTMENTS. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. $4,000— Rented low at $46; 6 flats of 4 and E rooms; in good condition; all rented; large lot 33:9x75 feet. PATS 18 PER CENT. $6,000— Six flats of 7 and 4 rooms: separate en-- trances; all In excellent condition; lot 10x75 feet. $l,?0O— fats of 8 and 4 rooms; rents $21; lot 25x75 feet; near Eighth and How- ard sts. MUST BE SOLD. |87S REDUCED FROM $1,250 Two lota at Intersection of boulevard to the Cliff House and boulevard from Presidio to Golden Gate Park, at one- half -Trice asked for any lot in the neighborhood; lots 23x120 each; $450 can remain on bank mortgage. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALS. $250— Nice let on Dunca.n 6t., near Sanchez; ready for building; size 25x114 feet. fIOO per foot; lot 55x154 feet, on Twenty- third £'.. near Valencia; street bl- tuminUed. • HOMES AT TOUR OWN TERMS. $100 cash, balance same as rent; elegant new 2-story and basement house of 6 rooms and bath; porcelain tub; tile mantels; dome ceilings; every modern improvement; fine view; block from electric cars. EASTON, ELDRIDOE & CO.. 638 Market et. AT A. M. SPECK A CO.'S for good bargains. $136,000— New building; rents $10,000 yearly. J4O 000 — Grand investment; rent? $4<"2. $30.0C0— Stores and flats; rents $300. $1500— Three flats on lot 22x56 feet; near Pow- ell st , rents $1S; all rented; foreclosure. $14. fiCO— Three grand new flats; rents $115. $14,000— Geary bt.. near Mason; store and lode*- !r;g house. j!4 500 — Three elegant new flats, near Mason st.: rented for $142; an estate: must sell. $127, Jf>0— Three ... elegant: rents $108. 112.500 — Store and flats; lot 50-foot front; half block from Taylor and Market ats. ; rents $100. $10.fi0 ( >— New flats; very fine; rente $I<s. $;i;0O— ' - m-st. corner, with 7 flats; renting low for $SO. $7200 — Transfer corner; store and 2 flats; mort- gage $fi2oo. j7f/fl— Three new flats; rents about $80; near Powell and Bush sts. $»iooo— Post st.; 3 flats; rents $60. •4100— Two elegant fiats; Sutter St.; lot 27-foot front: very cheap. $5000— Califi-rnla It ; 3 flats; rents $45. {4.V)(V_Fix nice flats: near Sixth Bt. ; rents $46. J2coo— Fiats: rents $JO. $2>>">— Two flats; Mission; 10 rooms; rents $20; lot 2.'.x114 feet Other gains at A. M. SPECK & CO.'?, 657 Markft st. CHEAP— Grant sve. corner, near Sutter; must be sold at once. Apply A. RUEF, attorney- at-law, 402 Montgomery st. $3400— MODERN 5-room cottage on bltumlnlzed Ftreet; lot 2:.\130; also a large 7-room house on Pierce ■: , near Haight; houses built to suit purchaser: easy terms. Inquire on prem- ises. F. NELSON, builder. $509 FOR new house of 6 rooms and lot 50x100, ln Oakland; terms $200 cash, balance $9 per month: lot and house cost $1200. Inquire XV XL. HENDRICKSON & CO., 614 Call bunld'ng. SACRIFICE; must be sold; make an offer; new S-room house and lot 26:9x100; No. 386 Rlch- lami aye ; co«t.s3oCo; less than $2000 will buy It. SHADBURNE, 616 Sacramento st. IF you have Ir.ta north of Golden Gate Park. west, of First aye., and you wlrh to sell them, call on W.-J. OITNN. 410 Montgomery st. REAL ESTATE — COUNTRY — For Sale M. GRIFFIN, 715 Market St.. near Call build- Ing. Llt,t of cheap lands free. 2S ACRES of choice fruit or early vegetable land. For particulars address P. O. box 137. Vacevllle. ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING. A BRANCH office for C:vll advertisements and subscriptions has been established at the northwest corner of Twenty-second and Ken- tucky streets. Op'-n until 9 p. m. CLAY. 2421. near Flllmore.— 2 large unfurnished upper rooms; yard; water; rear: rent $7. CLASSIFIED ftdvsrtisementa and subscriptions received at Cal! branch office. 2200 Flllmore st. EDDY, ©J4-- Two ( famished rooma, com- plete for housekeeping. FIFTH. 253 — Funii«he<s housekeeping! 3 con- ntcting. $13; also s?ln£rle, $5 to $7. FOLSOM. o34— Sunny front bay-wlndjw room and kitchen, bath, modern conveniences, $3 week; also 2 sunny front housekpg-, *- CO wk. LAP.KIN. 326— Clenn sunny housekeeping apart- ments; $10 to $25 per month; central. LEXINGTON aye., 570. • near Twenty-first— Fur- nished flat, complete for . . r -.-iiing. LEWIS, 18. off Taylor, near Post— Furnished room and kitchen, $12; -: ■-. MCALLISTER, 40S— 2 or 3 sunny partly fur- nished rooms; light housekeeping. . MINNA, 28— Fui-nlsh<'ii housekeeping and single " rooms : moderate rent. NOE, 11)3— Two very pjeaaant rooms; modern; uiiii'er flat; gas Ftovo; $12. 1 * ~— -. ■ O'FARRELL. 128, near i'.w-ll— All light rooms: $4. Apply la Grant aye. TENTH, 186, corner Minna— Large front room for housekeeping; also single. THIRTEENTH, 405, cor. Valencia — Sunny cor-- n.-r front room, nicely furnished; kitchen, bath, telephone; $.12. ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING. ' T WEI/FT H7l2o—Suite of rdtelyfurnishedfront housekeeping rooms; gas range; private fam- ily; select locality. ! VAN NESS. 31— Elegantly furnished sunny I suite housekeeping rooms; bay-window; run- ning water. $101,000 TO loan on diamonds, watches. silver, seal- skins, pianos, guns. Uncle Harris. 15 Grant ay. I A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1036 Va- lencla st. ROOMS TO LET — Furn. and infurn. AN up-to-date new fireproof building— "San Antonio"; Opened Oct. 14; electric- elevatcV; hot and cold water: radiators and coal grates: rates reasonable. 21 Taylor pt.. near Market. BRUNSWICK HOUSE. US Sixth— Rooms 25c to $1 per night; $1 25 to $5 per week, and light housekeeping; open all night. AT Hotel Francisco. Turk . and Taylor sts.— Homelike house modern service; elevator; ■ bath; rooms 50c to $1 50 day. MRS. J. KING. I A— "EPWORTH"— Clean: respectable; $1 25 to $6 per week; housekeeping. 1037H Market st. i BURNETT. 1426 Market (old No. 1364)— Fur- nished rms., suites, single: also unfurnished. ' CARROLTON. 1206 Market, cor. Golden Gate j Sunny corner; well furn; rms. & offices. i CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office. 2200 Flllmore st. I EDDY, 123 (United States Hotel)— neat ' rooms; $1 50 week up: elevator day and night. ; FELL. US, nr. Market— newly furnished I rooms: running water; $S and $10. I FOLSOM. 1530— Furnished sunny alcove front room for two, or housekeeping. FRANKLIN, 21 (Newport)— Nice sunny bay- window room for 2 young men; also housekpg. FULTON, 21S— Fine large sleeping room; run- ning water; gas; rent $6. . GRAND SOUTHERN— Southeast cor. Seventh and Mission st*.— Sunny rooms, en suite or single; ladies' parlor; reading room; elevator. i GRANT aye.. 21 The Wellington)— Respectable | family rooming-house; new and elegantly fur- nished rooms; grates: running water; bath; EGc, 750, $1, $1 50 per night; $2 50 to $7 per.wk. HANCOCK House, 7SI Mission— family rooming house; $1 50 to $6 per week. HARRIET, 3. off Howard, near Sixth— Nice sunny bedroom ; $5. HAVES, 433, near Gough— Newly furnished front room, very nice; $5 per month. HOWARD. 715—200 sunny rooms; nicely fur- nished; every convenience; electric lights. HOWARD, £29— Clean, respectable, 25c to $1 per night: from $1 per week to $3; Howard-st car to the door. LEXINGTON aye.. 152— Warm belt Mission; sunny furnished room; bath: rent cheap. MASON, 213^j— Nicely furnished rooms; single or en suite; $1 50 per week up. ' MCALLISTER. 70214 — 2 nice rooms for house- [ keeping; also single and suites; bath; gas. 1 MINNA, 667, corner Elghtn— Newly furnished bay-window room, $1 per week; transient. NEW Arlington, 1015 Markat— Nicely furnished; 35c lay up; $2 week up; transient. O'FARRELL, Sunny furnished rooms and offices; elevator; electric lights; day, wk., mo. O'FARRELL, 323— Large sunny front room: gas. grate, run. water; suitable for 2 gents. i P.OSEPALE, 321 Ellis, nr. Taylor— rooms; 25c a night; $1 a week: transient. ROYAL House. 126 Ellis St.— lncandescent light, reading-room, smoking-room and ladies' parlor; rooms, per night, Sso to $150: week. $2 »- (8; month. JS to $30; elevator on office floor; rooms with hot, cold water; baths. i SEVENTH, 192 (Girard House)— 2 handsome ! sunny corner rocm3 as offices^ , SHERMAN Apartment House, 28 Eighth St.. near Market— Furnished and unfurnished. I THE Oaks. 119 Third— A good rooming house for good people. R. HUGHES, Proprietor. TURK, 127— Nice, furnished front rooms, $6 and j $S month; single room. $5. I TURK, 52?— Two single rooms, $5 and $7; will re-nt together; use of bath; sunny. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at the northwest corner of Twenty-second and Ken- tucky Ms. Open till 9 p. m. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1096 Va- ! lencla st. ROOMS WANTED. ROOM wanted— Young man will teach book- I keeping and telegraphy in exchange for room. Box 2499, Call office. SEWING MACHINES AND SUPPLIES. I ?2 MONTHLY, rented: repaired, bought, sold; machine supplies. 145 Sixth, phone Mint 45. ! ALL kinds bought, sold, exchanged, rented; re- pairing at lowest rates. 205 Fourth st. SPECIAL NOTICES. ROOMS papered from $3; whitened, $1 up: painting done. Hartman Paint Co.. 319 Third. MASSAGE vapor, electric baths. PROF. W. RIEDL, 108 Eddy, form, at Highland Springs. ' BAD tenants ejected for $4; collections made; city or country. PACIFIC COLLECTION CO.. 41* Montgomery ft., ro m« i-V; tel. 5520. STORAGE AND WAREHOUSES. CALA. Storage Warehouse. F. SMITH, prop.. 722 Mission; goods guaranteed; tel. Clay 25. PIERCE-RODOLPH Storage and Moving Co. Ofn>e. 401 Post, for. Pnwell: t»l. Main r.713. WATCH REPAIRING. WATCHES cleaned 75c: guaranteed 2 year*. The Roy Jewelry and Optical Co.. 540 Kearny. I ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS. ALAMEDA REAL ESTATE. $13W— LOT £oxlso, with large cottage of 6 rooms and bath; stable, windmill, tank. etc. $2500— Lot 40x115; fine 2-story house 8 rooms and bath: near station; must be sold at once; worth $40CO. 12S00— Lot 40x150, on Morton et., bat. the rail- roads, with fin« new modern cottage 7 rooms; $500 ash, balance $23 per month. $3350— L0t 40x1.'.0; Morton St., near Santa Clara aye.; elegant new house of 8 rooms; $'.00 cash, balance $30 per month. Houses, to I let In all pea ti of Alameda. 11. P. :.■•• ,I'.;-:a ;. ■*-. CO.. ■'.•?* Park st. ALAMEDA ROOMS AND BOARD. HOME for ladies in delicate health; large grou nd s; private. Mltß. nit. FUN'KE, Mil Bth. OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. OFFICE— 9OB • BROADWAY. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE. I $100— I HAVE for sale 60 lota 25x125 as a whole; \ this property Is worth $3000; the owner Is In absolute distress for the want of .Immediate funds and Is sacrificing this property that Ehe nay make an immediate pale; the lots command a magnificent view; within 40 min- utes of the city: has 2 railroad stations within 'i minutes' walk; running water, etc.; call and get full particulars. J. W. LAYMANCE, 636 Market St.. S. F., 480-461 Eighth st., Oaltland. TO lease— so acrep near Oakland on terms; 14 fruit, buildings, springs, etc. . SALSBUUY, 908 Broadway, Oakland. MODERN, nearly new, 2-story 8-room residence i In Frultvale, at corner of Champion and Nlcol | aye.; only $200 cash, balance to suit; house open to-day. ■ ■ ■ jjOOO— LOT, 4-room house, bath; suitable for chicken ranch: Haley St., East Oakland; take Highland Park car. CHEAPEST and best In America— The Weekly Call, 1G pages, sent to any address 'ln the United States, postpaid, for $1 per year. ~ OAKLAND ROOMS AND BOARD. SUNNY rooms, single or en suite; board; near narrow gauge. 1427 Franklin st. OAKLAND FURNITURE FOR SALE. AN introduction to you from H. Shtllhaas. the furniture dealer, lHli and Franklin. Oakland. DIVIDEND NOTICES. DIVIDEND p.— Dividend No. 7$ (25 cents per share) of the Hutchlnson Sugar Planta- tion Company will be payable at the office of the company, 327 Market St., on and after MONDAY, November 20, 1899. Transfer books will close on Tuesday, November 14. 1899, at 3 o'clock p. m. K. H. SHELDON, Secretary. DIVIDEND Dividend No. 3 (25c per' share) of the Kilauea Sugar Plantation Com- pany will be payable at the office of the com- pany No 327 -Market St., on and after Wednesday, November 15, 1899. Transfer books will close on Thursday, November 9. 1899, at 3 o'clock p. m. E. H. SHELDON, Secretary. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1899. PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS for furnishing labor and material fur laying tile floors in the hallways of the main (or first) floor and the second and third il k ra of the Hall of Justice building. Office of the Clerk of the Board of Super- visors of th" City and County of San Fran- cieco, November 14, 1899. In accordance with Resolution No. 3GG4 (fourth series) of the Board of Supervisors sealed proposals will be received In open ses- sion of the Board of Supervisors on Monday afternoon. November 20, 1599, from 2 to 2:30 o'clock, for furnishing the labor and material for laying tile floors in the hallways of the main (or first) floor and the second and third floors of the Hall "f Justice building in strict accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by Messrs. Bhea .■t shea, architects, ' and to be seen p.t their office, No. 26 Mont- gomery street. Sun Francisco. The work of construction to be done in strict accordance with the said plans and specifica- tions and under the supervision o* Messrs. Shea & Shea, architects. Eight hours to constitute a day's work for all workmen employed upon the work, and the minimum rate of wages to be paid on 6aid work to be two ($2) dollars per day. Bidders will estimate and state a prioe for which the entire work will be performed to the entire satisfaction of the architects, Ml ssrs. Shea & ?heu. The party to whom the contract may be awarded will be required prior to or at the time of the execution of Bald contrapt, to pay the cost of advertising thi6 notice in three daily newspapers and the resolution award- ing the contract in the official newspaper. In order to preserve uniformity and to fa- cilitate the award the board has resolved to receive no bids unless made upon blank forma prepared by the committee and a certified check on some bank in the City and County of San Francisco for the sum of five hundred 15600,> dollars, deposited by the bidder with bid and made payablo to the Clerk of the Board of Eueprvisore, conditioned that if the proposal be accepted and the contract award- ed, and if the bidder shall fail or neglect to pay the printing charges, execute the con- tract and give the required bond within six days after the award is made, then and in that case the said sum shall be paid into the City and County Treasury by said Clerk as liquidated damages for such failure and neglect. Blanks furnished by the Clerk. The board reserves the right to reject all bids if the public good so require. JNO. A. RUSSELL, Clerk. Chief Commissary, fc-an Francisco, Cal., Oct. 16, 1599. Sealed proposals for furnishing and delivering fresh beef and mutton will be re- ceived here and at offices of Commissaries at Alcatrai Island, Angel ißland, Benlcte. lUr- racks, Fcrt Mason, Presidio of San Frnncls- co and San Diego Barracks, Cal., until 11 o'clock a. m., November 16. 18S9, and than opened. Information furnished on applica- tion. Envelopes containing proposals should be Indorsed "Proposals for fresh beef and mutton," and addressed to undersigned or to Commissary at post to be supplied. H. J. GALLAGHER, Major. Chief Commissary. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Marriage licensee have been Issued as follows: Luigi Malatesta and Ter.-sa Garibaldi 89-18 Charles R. P<Hers and Mary M. Ewlng 43-33 Sam Rushforth and Emily K. Ready 2S-23 Charles Neustadt and Flora Blbo Bti-228 t i-22 John C. Meyer and Minnie R. Rosenbohm.. 4o-29 Andrew Graham and Lizzie L. Wlnchester.B2-24 W. S. Rcbertsnn and Mollie F. Berryes<=a Antonio Scarafani and Antonla Tarantln ; Peter Yennl and Angelina Anselny 24-:^ Edward Hannan .-mi.T Ruse C. Peters 25-18 BIRTHS — MARRIAGES— DEATHS. Birth, marriage and death notices sent by i mall v. lll not be Inserted. They must be handed in at either of the publication offices and be indorsed with the name and residence of per- sona authorized to have the same published. BORN. GALLEGOS— In Berkeley, November 11, 1593, to the wife of Rafael Galle<;os Jr., a Eon. ' COHN— In this city, November 12. 1899, to the wife of Samuel Colin, a daughter. HAGGETT— In San Mateo, Cal., November 11, 1899, to the wife of F. F. Haggett, a son. HOLLENBECK— In Martinez, November 9, 1539. to the wife of J. L. Hollenbeck, a son. JANSSEN— In this city, November 5, 1599, to the wife of John J. Janssen, a son. MARRIOTT— In this city. November 10. 1593, to the wife of E. H. Marriott, a son. MURPHY— In this city. November 14. 1899, to the wife of Richard Murphy, a son. QUILLINAN— In this, city, November 13, 1539, to the wife of Matt J. Qullllnan. a son. ________ ""married. ANDERSON-CARLSON— In this city, Novem- ber 11. 1899, by the Rev. Dr. E. Nelander, John Anderson and Hilda Charlotta Carlson, both of San Francisco. MUENSTER— In this city, No- vember 11. 1599, by the Rev. Paul Branke, Albert Brilliant and Wllhelmina Muenster, both of San Francisco. CASSADY— FIND— In this city, November 12, 1539, by the Rev. W. S. Urmy, D.D., Harry J. Caseady and Mabel A. Fine, both of San Francisco. NELSON— SANDSTROM— In this city. Novem- ber 13, 1899. by the Rev. Dr. E. Nelander, Charles Fritlof Nelson and Anna. Sand- strom. both of San Francisco, DIED. Braly, Margaret J. Morken. Johanna _ Brooks, Eliza J. MulSer, Elizabeth Brown, Florence E. Page, Joseph Chaplin. James Quinn, Richard Cuff. Bridget Bitter, Anna Ferguson. William P. Rogers, Peter Flnherty. Mary Roman, Henrietta Graham. Robert S. String, Joseph A. Hall, Abraham Sullivan, John Hancock, David C. Thorn, Edgar D. Hutton, Caroline A. Thomas, John G. Klngsley, Alfred M. Warren. Sylvia Llndeman. Theresa Whltely. William H. McKay, John P. Wynne, Mary J. Madden, James J. BRALY— In this city, November 14, 1899. Mar- garet Jane Braly, dearly beloved mother of Mrs. William J. Bryan and William R. Sloan, a native of Alabama, aired S7 years. BROOKS— In this city, November 14, 1899, Eliza J. Brooks, beloved wife of David Brooks, and mother of Lizzie, James, Maggie, Mamie, Waller and Ethel Brooks, a native of Ire- la;.''. at r 35 years. C rFnends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral this day (Wednesday), at 1 o'clock, from James Ha- Kan'B undertaking parlors, 445 Valencia street. BROWN I i this city. Florence Emily Brown, beloved daughter of James F. and May 3. Brown, a native of California, aged 1 year and fi days. CHAPLIN— Berkeley, November 13, lSy9, at ' the residence of his daughter, Mrs. E. a. Bayley, 2147 Ward street, James Chaplin, father of Mrs. E. A. Bayley and Walter and Manley James Chaplin, a native of London, England, aged 80 years 9 months and 10 days. (London, England, and Australian papers plea?» copy.) P"The funeral services will take place this day (Wednesday), at 1 o'clock, at his late residence. Interment Mountain ' View Cemetery. CUFF— In this city, November 14, 1899, Bridget, beloved wife of Thomas Cuff of Sulsun, Cal., a native of County Galway, Ireland, aged 68 years. FERGUSON— In, this city, November 14, 1899, William P. Ferguson, a native of Scotland, aged 63 years. FLAHERTY— In Claremont, November 13, 1899, Mary Flaherty, beloved mother of Mrs. Annie Donnelly, a native of County Galway, Ire- land, aeed 70 years. (CTFrlends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral this day , (Wednesday), at 11:30 o'clock, from her late residence In Claremont. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery, San Francisco, by 1 o'clock ■ creek boat GRAHAM— In Oakland, November 14, 1893, Robert Shaw Graham, beloved father of Jean Graham, a native of Dumbarton, Scotland, aged 48 years 11 months and 26 days. HALL— In this city. November 13. ISM, Abra- ham Hall, a native of Massachusetts, aged 74 years 2 months and 6 days. [CyFriends are respectfully Invited to at- tend the funeral services to-morrow (Thurs- day.l, at 10 o'clock, at the First Unitarian Church, corner Geary and Franklin streets. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery, by 11:30 o'clock train from Third and Townsend streets. ,; 7--. HANCOCK— Into life eternal, at Phoe- nix. Ariz., November 13. 1599, David C, be- loved husband of Ida Soule Hancock, son of Mrs. C, E. Hancock, and brother of Charles E. and John Hancock and Mrs. George Churchill, a native of Mystic River, Conn. HUTTON — In this city, November 14, 1899, Caro- line A. Htuton. beloved mother of Mrs. J. 11. Nasoo and F. A. and W. H. Hutton. a na- tive of Now Brunswick, aged 69 years 11 months and 11 days. KINOBLBT In this city, November 13, 1599. Alfred M., dearly beloved husband of Char- lotte Klngsley. arid father of James, Sinter Plus, Sadie. Katherine and Lucy Kingsley, a native of Norwich, Conn., aged CS years. EXFrlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral this day (Wednesday), at i o'clock, from his late resi- dence, 1165 Oak Street, thence to St. Dominic's Church, Stelner street, where a requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of his- soul, commenolnd at 9:30 o'clock. St. Dominic's Sodality of Holy Name, please take notice, in- terment Holy Cross Cemetery. LINDEMAN— Alameda. November 13, 1899, Theresa Edith, wife of Ferdinand Lindeman. mother of Mrs. George Gray Gormley, Mrs. William J. Browne, Mrs. Ryan and Ferdi- nand, Eva, Isabel and Arthur LlnrJeman, and ■ sister of Mrs. C. E. T. Grnhnm and Mrs. 1,. D. Shortt, a native of London. England. E_?"The funeral will take place this day (Wednesday), at 9:30 .o'clock, from her late HENRY J. GALLAGHER CO., (Successors to Flannagan & GalK;h<!?), FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMDKS, 20 Fifth St., opposite Llncnln .School, Telephone South £0. mcAVOY «fc CO.. FUNERAL DIRECTORS & EMUALMERS, I 1235 Market St., between Bth and 9th. Telephone South 247. | residence, Sl2 Park street, Alameda, thence to St. Joseph's Church. Interment private. McKAY— In Chicago, November 8, 1599, John P., beloved son of John N. McKay, stepson of Mary McKay, and beloved brother of Mrs. W. C. Moorman and William N. McKay, agred 22 years and 20 days. (D^Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral services to-morrow (Thursday), at 10:30 o'clock, at the First United Presbyterian Church, corner Golden Gate avenue and Polk street. Inter- ment Laurel Hill Cemetery. MADDEN-In this city, November 14, 1599. James J., deaflrly beloved husband of Mary Madden, brother of P. F., John and Thomas Madden, and brother-in-lnw of John, Frank. Th nu and James Healy and Mrs. C. Mutti, a native of the parish of Kllkerin, County . I : vay, aged 8S years and 2 months. I (tyFrlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Thursday), at 9:30 o'clock, from his late resi- dence, 3C4i>j Third Btreet, thence to St. Pat- rick's Church for services. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. MORKEN— In this city, November 13, 1899, Jo- hanna M. A. Morken, dearly beloved and only child of William C. and Maria Morken, a na- tive of San Francisco, aged 5 years 11 months and 17 days. (TT'The funeral services will be held this day (Wednesday), at 2 o'clock, at the residence of the parents, 402 Larkin street. Interment Odd Fellows' Cemetery. MULLER— In KllnginmunsW, Rheinpfalz, Oc- tober 22, 1599, Elizabeth Muller (nee Gloss), I beloved wife of Mathias Muller. and beloved ! mother of Kati*, Klisa and Lena Muller of I Klinginmunster and Jacob and Louie Muller of San Francisco, aged 56 years. PAGE— In this city, November 13. 1899, Joseph Tage of British Ship Auldglrth, aged 43 years. QUINN— In this city, November 14, 1599, Rich- ard, dearly beloved husband of Annie Qulnn, a native of Ireland, aged 59 years. RITTER— In this city, November 12, 1899, Anna, beloved wife of Charles A. Ritter, and mother of George, William and Charles Ritter, Mrs. J. C. Schilling and Henry, Arthur, Gui-tave ! and Ferdinand Ritter, aged 03 years and 10 i months. (r^TFuneral this day (Wednesday), at 8:30 o'clock, from the residence of her son, Wil- liam Ritter, 157 Sixth avenue. Interment pri- vate. ROMAN— In this city, November 13, 1899, Hen- | ni'tta Roman, beloved mother of Mrs. Alvina i Bc-rowsky, the late Mrs. Bertha Levlson, Mrs. j Clara. Lowensteln. Mrs. F. Pauson. Mrs. 11. | SummeriieKl and Simon, Herman and Bruno | Roman, a native of Zduny, Germany, aged | S2 ytars. tC7"Friend= and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral services this" day (Wednesday), at 10:15 o'clock, at the residence of 11. Summerfield, 1207 Gough stre-t. Interment Hills of Eternity Ceme- tery, by 11:30 o'clock train from Third and Tnwnsend streets. ROGERS— In this city, November 13, ISO 9, Peter Rogers, a native of Ireland, aged 60 years. STANG— In this city, November 14. 1899, Joseph A., dearly beloved husband of Mollie S. Stang, father of Percy A. Stang, and brother of Mrs. William Dunn, Mrs. Fred Diem and Peter Stang, a native of Baltimore, ated 30 years U months and 3 days. A member of the In- dependent Kii'.es and San Francisco Commer- cial Travelers' Association. (C7"Krieni!s ar.d acquaintances are respect- fully invited tp attend the funeral to-morrow (Thursday), at 2 o'clock, from his late resi- dence. E3i Shotwell street, between N 1 ne- t-on th and Twentieth. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. INDEPENDENT RIFLES— To the officers and members of the Independent Rifles: You are Hereby notified to assemble at Saratoga Hall, M 4 Geary street, to-morrow (Thursday), at 12:30 oVi"ok, to attend the funern! of our late secretary, Joseph A. Stan?. By order L. SCHNEIDER. Captain. BUUUVAN- In this c'.ty, November 13, 1899, John Sullivan, a native of Ireland, agred 43 years. (n^Frlends and acquaintances and members of tl '..'ast Marine Firemen's Uni^n are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral. Remains at the funeral parlors of McGinn Eddy street. •his city, November 14, ISO?, Edprar .:m Thorn, only child of Charles and . aged 20 years and 9 day?. E^Frifni"" and acquaintances are re«pe<-t- -fully in-, ite.l to attend the funeral to-morrow (Thursday), at 1:30 o'clock, from the resl- : hn P. Thorn, 2109 Clinton avenue, corner Willow street. Interment private. MAS— In Oakland, No\omber 14, 1599, John .;. beloved husband of Franclsca Carolina Thomas, a native of Azores Islands, aged 47 f rprlends and acquaintances axe resDect- •ittend the funeral to-morrow (Thur . ■ !Cki from his late rcti- dence, S"i Campbell street, thence to St. Jo- seph's Portuguese Church, where a solemn rf-'iuU-m high mats will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9:30 o'clock. Interment St Mary's Cemetery. Oakland. WARREN— In this city, November 14. 1899. Sylvia Warren, mother of Mrs. William S. Mi-.;--*, a n:<- ■ • of New York, oeed 89 years ;:ths and 9 (ryintrrmcr.t at Yreka, Cal. WHITKI.Y— In this city, November 14 William H. \\ hltely, brr.iher of Margaret and Lauru Whitely and Mrs. 11. A. Dunbur, a native of New York. ItT'Notice of funeral hereafter. WYNNE— In this city. November 14, 1899, Mary J., dearly beloved wife of Henry J. Wynne, daujhter of Mrs. Alioe Morrison, and sister of Mrs. T. P. Ellis and David J. Morrison, a n-itiv.- of San Francisco. [CT-Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Thursday), at 9 o'clock, from her late resi- dence, 1719 Harrison street, between Twenty- thirl niiil Twenty-fourth, thence to St. Peter's if h. Alabama street, near Twenty-fourth. where a requiem hitrh may? will be celebrated for the repose of her sou!, commencing: at 9:30 o'c!" / II ' r :- ent Mount Calvary Cemetery. HOTEL ARRIVALS. GRAND HOTEL. T C Ramsey, Boise E C Hahn, Stockton J'P Campbell, Boise G Gingham, Sti.rkton j \v; w L O Brown, Stockton R C West, Moscow R S Taylor, Treka Q Howard, Moscow W H Nichols, Cal W W liuchanan, Mos- E F Crane, Colusa ccw Mrs C A Palmor, Sac G Vennlgerholz, Mos- J A Mewaunt. Ga cow -J "W Peart, Cal P Cook, Rio Vista C H Peart, Cal E W W.'Mgate. Cal Mrs M Vermillion, Cal Mil> Elliott, S Rnsa Mrs N Wrinllllon, Cal Capt Conroy, T»nn Mrs L Oarllch, Cal M w 1. '."'ill H 3 Linden, Portland C C Bush, Redding C S Nicemonger, Cat v M Bwasey, Redding B h Fulton, s Rosa c; s Bnyder &w. '"al Mrs j a Black, c a l D i' Durst, Wheatland G Kessler •■»■ w, Chlcgo \V C Barrett it w, Cal S R Graver & w, Chic mwo Fresno J E Paddock, Armada a ■; Wilson, Visaiia F B Clements, Cal D L Wilson, Visaiia C H 1" . aler, ihlcago )• Scott, Fresno J P Jarinan & w, Cal H E Burlelgh, Fresno A I: < Dowdell, Cal E N JatfK<':\ Fresno W Curti^s, Saito H i: Carter, Los M Wolff, New fork s M Haskell, Pomona C W Thomas, Woodld (' M Jl"i!.tz. Los Ang J B Porter, Salinas L V. ii It Los Ang It m M Shearer, Cal C X Holmnurg. Cal H L Beavers & w, L A 11 C Harbison, Cal C F. Williams, Stocktn A E Mist. Tulare Mrs .1 D Nash, Cal G w Allyman, Colnsa V H Woods, s? L O I :. Naylor, Idaho P Welch .'v w, Sacto W A Hopkins, U B N W n St. ut, St^.-kton j \ O'Connor, U 3 N A <; White, Stockton W B Harrison, Stkth E E Miller, Stockton G I" Wheeler, Or Dr A Wnrrten, N V j m Graham, Cal Ii E Wilbert, stktn M A Wrieht & w. Cal G S Crandall, Winter* EI- Webber, Napa Mrs Jones, Sacramento S Smith, Sacramento F (i Farrer. Carson A C Wlnn, Cal A L Hell, Colusa W B Raleb & w, Can PALACE HOTEL. H P Ny«, Ean Diego ' Mr? Babcock, Oakland P Guftuey. Brooklyn Mrs O»n J X Plckett. G Mitchell, New York Washington, D C J E Kunz, Term Miss r'yer, Oakland T L" Halbert. Term M Sohr, Halt Lake 1* E Long, Suisun I^ola Sohr, Salt Lake W Q Downing, Suisun T A Weber, Salt Lake J T Cjuarlee, USA J A Barbour, S Diego N Malone, USA C H Larkln. N YorU F L Boardrnan, U S N D McKay, Sacto C A Jones, Portland L F Graham, S Jose B Morrlman, Nashville G E Pickett. USA F A Kenney. Portland Mrs O B Pickett. C H Deuehler, Portlnd Washington, D C "W S Davis, Sta Rosa Mrs Gen G E Pickett, G G Wlgle & w,P Alto Washington, D C H McF Doble .v w.Cftl Mrs .1 M Stephenson, A H Btelnbach, Portld Palo Alto G B Larimer, Colo J Drew &• w, Topeka H Stahler, Honda Bay H Doyle, Vancouver C B Booth, I^os Ang Mrs D L C X Richards. L Ang 0 E Consldine. Mo T E Glbbs, Los Ang Mrs F I. CurtU, Oakld C V lvls !■., Los Ang Miss Haze, Oakland J D Works, 3x>s Ang V Kerens, St Louis NEW WBSTKRN Mi .TEL P Faliey, Seattle C Blodgett, Mass M Jennings, Seattle Mrs W\v Bean, Utah Mrs M G Smith, Wa«h Mrs J It "Ev.-rsoll, Utah .] p. Thomas, Ren i .' Devlne, Stockton 1 Soever, Vermont .1 Langford, M.-df-sto v.: Beatty, San Joee F R Brooks, Phlla .• ii a ■ ney. lS An X (l « Baumetster, la T T payne, Fresno M™ Hall, Rioomfleld a Cohen. Petaluma Miss Roe. Ashland .1 h Macht, Fresno IV Darand, Santa Rosa N Fry, Haywar l« Mrs. Simons Fails to Answer. OAKLAXD, Nov. 14.— Contrary to all expectations, Mrs. Augusta Simons, form erly the widow of the late Charles Kramui, the wealthy brewer, has decided not to answer the divorce suit brought re cently by her husband, Anthony Simons, on the ground of cruelty. Her default was entered to-day and the cause referr* .1 to Court Commissioner Babcock to take testimony. Alameda News Notes. AT.AMKDA. Xov. 14.-The annual meet ing of the Municipal League will be held next Monday evening at Llnderman'a Hall. The committee on new charter will preseni Its report and t!n> question of bonds fur school purposes ana a library building will be discussed. The members of the Alameda Boat Club ari making extensive arrangements/ for their entertainmentj that tukos place in Armory Hall on Friday evening, Novem ber 21. An excellent I'rogramme has been arranged. As a rule the saloon-keeper puts his money to a much better use than any of his customers do theirs. KING HUMBERT TO HIS PEOPLE Opens the Parliament of Italy. Special Dispatoh to The Call. ROME, Nov. 14.— Parliament was opened to-day by King Humbert In the | hall of the Senate. His Majt-sty was ac- j companied by the Queen and all of the , royal family except the Duke of Abruzzi, ' and by the Cabinet members and the j principal court officials and dignitaries. In the speech from the throne his j Majesty expressed the hope that tne | Deputies would actively resume their la bors und dispose of the measures not dealt with last session. Above all, he , ; added, it was necessary that the budget I be speedily discussed. The .King announced the projected bills, i including measures for the mitigation of j the taxation laws, and dwelt upon the notable economic Improvements in the i kingdom. Adverting to foreign affairs, King Hum- i bert said Italy's relations with the pow- i ers were excellent and that nothing i menaced the country In any direction, i He alluded to Italy's participation in The i Hague peace conference and after en- J larging on the responsibility of . Par Vi- • ment to secure to the country progress and the development 01 its economic resources, continued: "Tha forthcoming celebration of the holy year will be a signal event for tue Catholic world and our epoch and will af ford us an opportunity of showing once i more how dearly we respect and cause to be respected the obligation we assumed when, in achieving Italian unity, we j made good the title of Rome to be the capital of the kingdom of the Italian people. I am watching you, gentlemen, and I await your labors with confidence. May they be as fruitful as the events re quire. The innate satisfaction arising ! from the accomplishment of your duty j will be your most cherished ieward, and the good you have done the country by strengthening the confidence of the country in the national institutions. This is the dearest wish I can form to-day, as King and an Italian, that you will so act. I am convinced that I will have the satisfaction of seeing my desire realized. Everything leads to the hope that the ' notable economic revival In Italy will continue and that by sedulous work, by the utilization of our productive energies, and by the Intelligent and assured pro tection of our agriculture and industries, we will be able to lay solid and endurable foundations for the reforms of which so ' much has been said, but which have never been realized." The royal party was acclaimed by the people as it proceeded through the troop lined streets to the Senate chamber and was heartily cheered on its entrance into the hall. The same scenes were wit nessed when their Majesties returned to the QulrinaL ALAMEDA COUNTY NEWS BREVITIES OAKLAND, Nov. 14.— Judge Greene to-| day granted Emily Pfeiffer a divorce f rornl Herman Pfeiffer on the ground of habit-| ual intemperance and awarded to plain tiff the custody of the three minor chil dren. Mayor Snow and Messrs. Barstow, Meese and Mott of the City Council's finance committee counted the munici pality's cash to-day and found the total ajnount to foot up 1140.259 79, correspond ing with Treasurer Gilpln's books. A big lock adorns the door of C. H. Kucks saloon on Twelfth street, the li cense to run which the City Council re fused to grant last night. It is stated that Kucks will try to sell out to some other party. The attorneys for the Oakland Transit Company have filed notice of a motion for a new trial in the $25,000 damage suit "f Mrs. Ollie Bonne, who was given a ver dict for JIiNM) by a jury lasl week. Some time ago the corporation offered to promise for $2000, but Mrs. Boone refused. Mayor Snow has appointed William Diekerson as city expert. Dlckerson was recently a candidate for appointment as assistant sanitary inspector. He is popular in social ami militia circles ami is a prom inent member of the Young Men's Repub lican League. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Maybelle Naphtaly (wife of P. L.) to Lillian L. McCarthy (wife of E. A.), lot on N line of Broadway, to W of Steiner, AY ti:6 by N 187:6; $10. Klrkhara and Millie L. Wright to Hubert H. Bancroft, lot on NE corner of Pacific u::'i Si >tt streets, c ho by N 120; ■<: A. K. I. Jr. nrl Liz/.le D. Harmon to Michael J. Kelly, lot on W line of Tenth ave nue, 125 B of N street, S B0 by W 120; $10. G. 11. and Johanna Richmond to Augusta and Maria L. Mulier, lot on NE corner of Naples and India streets, N 160 by E 100, lot 5, biock EL Exc«lsior Homestead; $10. Charles W. Preston to Sophia R. Stockman (wife of J. M.), lot on S line of Caselli avenue, 975:4 W of Douglass street, S 100, \V 2i> \\v E 25: $10. Rose Thayer to Hibernia Savings and Loan ty, lot on SE line of Piedmont (St. Mary)' • 100 SW of Epstein, BW 60 by BE ife, and 6,' block 4, Flint Tract Homestead' Robert Adamson to John Barduhn, lota 3 and 4, block 34, Sunnyslde; $10. David and Alice J. Bpeers (by Charles Miche ner, commissioner) to Pacific States Savings, Loan and. Building Company, lot E line of Mos cow street, 175 S of China, B 50 by E 200 block S3. Excelsior Homestead; $802. Laura A. Burrls to H. Lacy, estate of Daniel Swett, No. .'a:::'. Alameda County, $1000. Mary M. Morton to Julius Radston, lot on NW corner of Webster and Wlldey streets, N 27:fi by W 10R.-3; $10. Josie and Marie A. Welch to Adolph Brandt, lot on W line of Potrero avenue, 160 S of Twenty-third. S 25 by W 100; $1800. Estate of Michael Hart (by Francis Hart, ex ecutor) to Henry E. I : .thin, lot on NW line of Natoir.a street, -ill SW of First, SW 34 by NW 75: $2',GO. Richard Lynch to Anna Lynch, lot on W line of Hampshire street, 100 S of Santa Clara, S 2.". by W 100; gift. Homestead Union (a corporation) to Elizabeth Vorrath (executrix of estate of Henry Vorrath), lot on E line of Twenty-fifth avenue, 225 N of A street, N 50 by E 120; $10. Harriet C. and Richard E. Tomlin to James B. and Joan W. Miln, lot on W line of Eighth avenue, 200 S of J street, S 25 by W 120; $3. Antonio Fonte and Michael Callahan (execu tor of estate of M. Ellen McLaunhlln) to Jo seph J. Agard, lots 955 to 989, Gift Map 3; $210. Frank J. and Margaret Corbett to H. E. Cor bett, lots 1011 and 1013. Gift Map 2; $10. Frank J. Hlllebrand to Henry R. Crane, lot on NW line of Paris street, 125 SW of Persia avenue. SW 25 by NW 100. block 11, Excelsior Homestead; $10. W. E. Floyd to Rebecca E. Davidson, lot on W corner of Fifteenth avenue and J street, NW 75 by SW 100, block 310, South San Francisco Homestead; also lot on W line of Bright street. 100 S of Stanley, S 50 by 100, lots 32 and < 33, block 61, City Land Association; $400. James Woods to Mary J. Woods, undivided half of lot on N corner of Ocean House road anil Delaware street, NE 35:6, NW 255, SW 40:3, SE 269, E to beginning, lot 10. block 33, West End Map 1; $10. John Sommers to Minnie Poscoe, lot 53, block V, Park Lane Tract No. 2; $10. Minnie Pascoe to Louis P. Boardman, same; $10. , Augustine A. Smith to Mrs. S. A. Dick, lot 42, Fountain Plat, North Addition, Masonic Cemetery; $373. Alanieda County. Charles H. and Mollie Hollmann, John H. Mitchell, H M ihr and C. Ruedl >by w. s. Harlow, commissioner) to John H. Mitchell. |oi or W line of Castro street. 2S N of Fifth N 49, W 75. N 2.".. W 25, B 100, E 25, N 2r>, E 75 to beginning, being lots 2u, 2?. and N 24 feet of lot :'i. Mock 49, Oakland; 41830. Lois M. Apgar to John F. and Evelyn H. Ames, lot 12 in plat 24. Mountain View Ceme tery. Oakland Township; $800. Anton H. Frank to Mathla Frnnk, lot on W line of Bakor street, 200 S of Blacfcstone. S J6 by W 100, being lots 18, 14 and 15. block A, Dohr Tract. Berkeley; cift. Daisy M. Rowcn to Rebecca B. Price, lot r.n W line of ShatttK k avenue, r.n S of Virginia street. W 134. S 46, X 131, N 45 to b-ginning, be ini DOrtion of lots 4 and 5, block C, Janes Tract. Berkeley; $10. W B. Harub to Mrs. William B. Curtis lot on NW line of Julia street. 2*7.80 SW of Mon roe. SW 2.50, NW 162.90, thence nt ri^ht angles 2.60. thence at right angles 162.95 to beginning. being portlofl Oak Tree Farm Tract, Brooklyn Townrnip' $ s *- Jobc- and Louisa J. Joseph to. Manuel S. Gomes, lots 67 an.l 68, Nevis Tract, Pleasanton, Murray lY*wnahi»; ?i n - Julia Robinson tn Ira Vaughn, lot on SW cor ner of Peralta nnd Taylor streets, S 50 by W 100 belnfT lot 7 and N 20 feet of lot 6, as per Survey No. 11H8 of block 60S, made by T I Arnold, Oakland; $10. Daniel and Lizzie (ieary to Charles M. Mac (lroror. lot on S line of Sycamore streot. "73 .;ri've. E W.A by P 100, b<-!ng thp W XV4 fwt of lot 25, block L, Kelsey Tract, Oak- Timothy and Mary A. Paige to George W Meeae, re-recori 4!>« d. 197, lot on N line of West Tenth street, 103:9 X of Cypress, E 22 by X 71, being the W >4 of lot 3, block 559, Eighth street Tract. Oakland: $10. Dominick W. Barrett to Edmond C. MeCon nell. lot on W line of Fallon street, 25 N of Sixth, N EO by W 100, being lots 18 and 19, block 188, Map of Dillon property, Oaklorui [en Rule Mutual Building and Loan Association to E. Besenthal. lot on S line of Ninth street, 114:9*; E of Center, E 50 by P ISO, beins lot 11, block 552, Eighth-street Tract, Oakland; 110. Andriene and Charles Llevaux to Marcano and Rose Gomes, lot on N line of Second stieet, 75 E uf Madison, E 25 b> N 50, being the S 5'J feet lot 28, block 131, Oakland; $600. Frank W. and Orcelia C. Dixon to Chloe K. Derlckaon, lot on X line of Harmon street aa | extended 80 E from E line of Regent-street Homestead, E 40 by X 141. being portion of 2, map of proi«rty of A. B. Dixon. Berke ley; $10. V. P. and Maggie Mltchels to Madison, Bruce & Sellers (a corporation) of San Francisco, lots 25 and 26, block V. Amended Map Moss Tract. Brooklyn Township; 110. A. J. and Mary Larson to Frpderick Bfim mann. lot on S line of Santa Clara avenue. 72 ; W of Pearl street. W 64 by S 138. Alameda; $10. Henry C, Mary. Edgar W. and "Fay Hinkel to .1. A. Marshall, let ;!. block B. Blake Tract. Maps 1 and 2. Berkeley property, Berkeley; $1.00. John A. and Emma V. Marshall to Fred W. , Fosk lot on F. line of Shattuck avenue. 160.21 8 I of Center street, S 24.35. E 113 .53, N 23.76, V. 109.585 to beginning, being- th" S portion ol lot 3, block B. Blake Tract. Maps 1 and 2, Berkeley property, Berkeley; $100. Charles H. Ham to A. F. Collings. beginning at a point 33 feet from NE corner Pacific aye- I nue and Stanton street, and 182.27 northerly, thence E «S:3, N !>:G. W 65:3. S 9:6 to beginning, being portion of Powers Tract. Alameda: V*o. Samuel 'Wakeham to Fannie Corbett, lot on SE corner of Charming way and Grove street, S 40.10, E 113.33. N 40, W 110 to beginning, por tlon of lot 19, block 5, Barker Tract, Berkeley; j gift. Some to Elvlna. Beer, lot on S line of Chan- i ning way, 110 E of Grove street. E 30 by S 135. ] being the E 30 feet of lots 19, 20 and 21, block 5, Barker Tract, Brooklyn; gift. Rosa M. Shattuck to Marion E. Donogh, tot on S line of Addlson street. 273 "W of Shattuck avenue. \V 60 by S 131.62, being portion of block 1, Shattuck Tract Map 1. Berkeley; $10. Matilda T. and J. H. Paul to Julius A. Rem mel, lot on E line of St. Charles street. 150 B | of Pacific avenue, S 30 by E 100, being lot 18, block K. Taylor & Page Tract, Alameda, quit- ! claim deed: $10. Builders' Contracts. Krujr & Zimmerrnann Co. (owners) with Huwe & Hippe'.y ('contractors'), architect ' R. Zlmmermann. Carpentry, tinning, glazing ' and r'aintingr, etc., for an additional store and warehouse on X side of present new malt kiln : house on SW corner of Eighteenth and Shot- j well streets; $4085. COMMERCIAL NEWS Continued From Page 8. 1 ime Ball. Branch Hydrographlc Office, U. 8. N., Mer chants' Exchange, San Francisco, Cal., November 14. If The time ball on the tower of the new Ferry building was dropped at exactly noon to-day — 1 c., at noon of the 120 th meridian, or at 8 o'cloak p. m., Greenwich time. C. G. CALKINS, Lieutenant Commander, U. S. N., in charge. Sun, Moon and Tide. United States Coast and Geodetic Survey— Time? ami Ht-ithts of High and Low Water* at Fort Point, entrance to San Francisco Bay. Published by official au thority of the Superintendent. NOTE^ — The high and low waters occur at the city front (Mission-street wharf) about twenty-five minutes lat^r than at Fort Point; the height of tide Is the same at both places. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15. NOTE— In the above exposition of the tides the early morning tides are given in the left hand column and the successive tides of the day in the order of occurrence as to time. The second time column cives the second tide of the day. the third time column the third tide and the. last or right hand column gives the last tide of the day, except when there are but three tides, as sometimes occurs. The heights given are in addition to the soundings on the United States Coast Survey charts, except when a minus sign — ) precedes the height, and then the number given i? subtracted from the depth Riven by the charts. The plane of reference is the mean of the lower low waters. Steamer Movements. TO ARRIVE. TO SAIL. Shipping Intelligence. ARRIVED. Tuesday. November 14. . Ktmr Alliance, Hardwick, 6 days from Port land. Stmr Progreso, Monroe, 116 hours from Seattle. Btmr Del Norte. Allen, 50 hours from Cres cent City. - Stmr Coos Bay, Glelow, 77 hours from New port 3), etc. Stmr Laguna, Ericsson, 62 hours from Fields Landing. Stmr Aberdeen, Hlsgins. So hours from Port land. Nor stmr Tellus, Pedersen, 102 hours from Departure Bay. Bcnr Maggie C Russ, Kallenberg, 14 days from Tillamook. Schr Newark, Beck. 27 hours from Albion. CLEARED. Tuesday, November 14. Stmr Lakme, Schage. Port Townsend; E T KrMse. Stmr Senator, Patterson, Manila and Hono lulu ;L 8 Government. Hr' stmr Ben Molir, Wallace. Manila and Honolulu; US Government. Br stmr Patan; Butler, Manila and Hono lulu: U S Government. Hr stmr Carlisle City, Aitken. Hongkong, via San Diego; Cal & Oriental S S Co. Br Bhlp Valkyrie, Jones, Queenstown; G W McNear. Bark Martha Davis, McAlmann, Honolulu ■ Welch & Co. . . Fr bark Sainte Anne, Bernler, Queenstown- Gin-in & Eyre. Bktn S G Wilder, Jackson, Honolulu; Wil liams. Dlmond & Co. v SAILED. Tuesday, November 14. Stmr State of California. Gage, Astoria Stmr Gipsy. Inland. Santa Cruz. Stmr Whitesboro, Ol>=en. . Stmr City of Sydney, Pillsbury, Manila and Honolulu. Stmr Scnta Rosa, Alexander, San Diego. Stmr Empire, Nelson, Coos Bay. Stmr Weeott, Burtis, Eureka. Stmr Tlllamook, Anflndsen, Albion. Stmr Lnkme. Schase, Port Townsend. Stmr Alcazar, Ounderson. . Stmr Washtenaw, Giltjoy, Tacoma. Stmr Alex Duncan, Nopander, . Br Btmr Pulhan, Butler, Manila and Hon*. lulu. Haw ship Fort George, Morse, Honolulu. Haw bark Diamond Head, "Ward, Honolulu. Bktn Monitor, Turloff, Eureka. Bktn Gleaner, Peck, Columbia River. Schr Parkersburg, Jorgenson, Coquilla River. Pchr Wt:ie Lo* ' at Reyes. Schr Eureka. Asplund, CoquMe River. TELEGRAPHIC point LOBOfi X,.\- 14, 10 p m— Weather hazy; wind west, velocity 6 miles. .-X' >ken. Sept 27, lat 14 N, ion 25 W— Br ship Gunfard, from Portland, for Queenstown -i Ut 4? x. lon 64 chip Mar gretha, from Antwerp, for Portland. Oct 28. hit 24 X. lon 34 W— Br ship Crown of India, July 6. for Queenstown. MISCELLANEOUS. LONDON, Nov 18— Br ship Glooscop, from Norfolk, for Manila, i>ut into St Vincent Oct 2'i with ted; hap b>>en resurveyed and carsro foun.l I • mplete discharge recommended. ?h<> is awnitlng instructions. I)IS '• - VICTORIA. Not 14— Stmr Alpha, which ar rived here to-day from 'V.r* Nome, has on board captain and crew • whaling bark Mer . Harbor during a heavy storm; one man killed. RTS. FORT BRAGG— Arrived Nov 14— Sunr Noyo, hence Nov 13. Sailed Nov 13— Schr Barbara Hernster, for San Fran.-. GRAYS HARBOR-Salled Nov 13-Bktn En core, for Valparaiso. Arrived Nov 13— Schr A J West, from Hono lulu. HUETNEME— Arrived Nov 14— Schr John F Millpr. from Grays Harbor. PORT GAMBLE— Arrh ■: N'ov 14— Schr Lot tie Bennett, from Port Blakeley; brig Courtney Ford, from Port Townsend. PORT TOWNSEND— Arrived Nor 14— Schr Endeavor, from Honolulu; Br ship County of Cardigan, f ak). Sailed i:;\\a:-'l Nov 14— Schr Emma Claudina, for — rtney Ford, for Port Gamble. TACOMA— Sailed Nov 13 -Ehip Jabez Howes, for Hirnululu. COOR BAY— Arrived Nov 12— Schr Gotama. hence Nov 9. Nov !4-Stmr South Portland, hence Nov 12; stmr Arrata. hence Nov 12. PORT LOS ANGELES— Arrived Nov 14— Stmr Greenwood, from Green y. El'REKA— Sailed Nov 14— Schr Lottie Car son, for Pan Pedro; schr Mary Buhne, for San Francisco. ASTORIA— SaiIed Nov 14— Stmr Columbia, for San Francisco; stmr Oregon, for Seattle; Br ship Blythswood, for Cape Town, NEWPORT-Sailed Nov 14— Stmr South Coast, for San Francisco. PORT BLAKELEY— SaiIed Nov 14— Ship In vincible, for San Francisco; schr Lottie Ben nett, for Port Gamble. • EASTERN P^RTS. NORFOLK— Arrived Nov 12— Ship Ersklne M Phelps, from New York. FOREIGN PORTS. YOKOHAMA— Arrived Nov 14— Br Btmr Ade laide, from Oreeon. LIVERPOOL— Arrived Nov 12— Br ship Glen finart, from Portland; ship Roanoke, hence July 27. PRAWLE POlNT— Pawed Nov 13— Br bark Zlnlta. hence Junr- in, for Queenstown. SHANGHAI— PaIIed Nov 11— Ger ship Mag dalene, for Portland. KINSALK— Passed Nov 14— Br ship Gunford. from Portland, Or. for Queenstown. HONGKONG — Sailed Nov 14 - Jap Etmr America Maru. for Pnn Frnnc!«co. OCEAN STEAMERS. MARSEILLES— Arrived Nov 14— Stmr Vic toria, from New York, for Leshorn, etc. BOULOGNE— Arrived Nov 14 Ptmr Rotter dam, from New York, for Rotterdam. NEW YORK— Sailed Nov 14— Stmr Trave, for ; Bremen, via S'-mthami't' n. ! Arrived Nov 14— Ftmr M intreal, from London. ' RuTTERDAM- Arrived Nov 14— Stmr New York, via Boulogne. FOT'THAJIPTON - Arrived Nov 14 — Stmr i Lahn, from New York, for Bremen. OCEAN TRAVEL. Pacific Coast Steamship Co. n^ Steamers leave Broadway isBBBBBB^. wharf, San Francisco: t'&i^'s&V For Alaskan ports. 10 a. ilHrKSsSBfe m., Nov. 2. 7. 12, 17. 22. 27. I |%N£m| Dec. 2, charge at Seattle, i jSsSsSjSVa For Victoria, Vancouver |i<J2J®|,» (B. C.I. Port Townsend. Se- «**^sSii**PH attle, Tacoma. Everett. An- acortes and New Whatcom (Wash.), 10 a. m., Nov. 2, 7. 12, 17, 22. 27: Dec. 2, and every fifth day thereafter; change at Seattle to this company's steamers for Alaska and G. N. Ry.: at Taeoma to N. P. Ry. ; at Van- couver to c. P. Ry. For Eureka (Humboldt Bay), 2 p. m., Nov. 6. 10, 16, 20, 25, «0; Dec. 5, and every fifth day thereafter. _ _ For Santa Cm*. Monterey, San Simeon. ' Cayucos Port Harford (San Luis Onlspo>. Gavlota. Santa Barbara. Ventura. Hueneme. San Pedro. East San Pedro (Los Angeles) and Newport. 9 a. n,. Nov. 4. 8. 12, 16. 10, 24. 23; Dec. 2, and every fourth day thereafter. For San Diego. stopping only at Port Har- ford (fan Luis Oblspo). Santa Barbara, Port Los Angeles and Redrndo (Los Angeles), 11 a. m, Nov. 2. 6. 10. 14. IS. 22. 26. 30; Dec. 4. and every fourth day thereafter. For Ensenada. Mapdalena Bay, Fan Jose del Cabo Mazatlan. Altata. La Paz. Santa Rosa- lia and Guaymas (Mex.), 10 a. m.. 7th of each m For h 'further Information obtain company's ■ °The" company reserves the right to Changs without previous notice, steamers, sailing dates ar A K-mr«> nt pailtne. , . TICKET OFFICE— New Montgomery 6t GOODAIl C V|^NS t^ a Gen.^^ THE 8. R. a ft. CO. DISPATCH PAST STEAMERS TO T=>o:R, r rx_ -A.!srr> From Ppear-street Wharf at 10 a. m. C»DC 612 First Class Including Bertti rAnt $8 Second Class «nd Meals. pot T-\rni \ ■ Nov. 10, 29 STATEOF CALIFORNIA Nov. 24 M Short Line to Walla Walla. Spokane Butte, Helena and all points In the Northwest. Through tickets to all points East. b e c WARD. General A rent. 630 Market street. GOODALL, reRKIN| u ft AMERICAN LINE. NEW YORK, SOUTHAMPTON. LONDON. PABI3. Stopping at Cherbourg, westbound. " From New York Every Wednesday, 10 a. m. <* t T> a ul Nov. SIPt. Louis Dec. 13 It Louis Nov.' 22 St. Pnul Dec. 27 St. Paul Dec. 6 New York Jan. 3 RED STAR LINE. New York and Antwerp. From New York Every Wednesday, 12 noon. Frlesland Nov. B!KensinKton Nov. 23 Southwark Nov. 15 NOQrdland Dee. • Westernland ...Nov. 22 I Frieslar.d Dec. 13 EMPIRE LINE. Seattle. St. Michac!, Da-.vson City. For full Information regarding freight and passage apply to INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANY. 30 Montgomery st., or any of its agencies. TOYO RISEN KAISHA. STEAMERS WILL LEAVE WHARF. COR- ner of First and Brannan streets, 1 d. m.. for YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG, calling at Kobe (Hlogo), Nagasaki and Shanghai, an 1 connecting at Hongkong with steamers for India, etc. No cargo received on board on day of sailing. NIPPON Saturday, Nov. X AMERICA-MARU .....Thursday, Dec. 21 HONGKONG-MARU Tuesday, Jan. 16 Via Honolulu. Round-trip tickets at reduced rates. For freight and passage apply at company's office, 421 Market street, corner First. W. H. AVERT, General Agent. ©■MinfiMldl Wednesday, Nov. 29, Siflmi vi;l Honolulu and »j£iKSiß% Auckland Qff^rnQfjinj The S. S. Australia G/ < iU:liOII!U sails for Honolulu (SjlirabLk Wednesday, Dec. 13, IMIIVUII-Sr at Jam, Favorite Line Round the World, via Hawaii, Samoa, New Zealand, Australia, India, Suez, England, etc. $610 first class. i. v. srrtL'Jri.fcLb a. H.iVi*. \<u., Arjts.. :I4 Montgomery Pier 7. Foot Pacific St Freight Office. 32? Market St. COMPAONIE QENERALE TBANSATLANTIQUE DIRECT LINE TO HAVRE-PARIS, Sailing every Thursday Instead of <;*j£jT"» Saturday, from November 2, 1599. at 5*"??" 1 * * 10 a. m., from Pier 42. North River, foot of Morton st LA NORMANDIE. Nov. 16; LA GASCOGNE. Nov. 23; LA TOURAINE. Nov. 30- I/A BRETAGNE, Dec. 7. First-class •to Havre, J6O and upward; 5 per cent reduction on round trip. Second-class to Havre," MS; 5 per cent reduction en round trio. GENERAL \GENCY FOR UNITED STATES AND CANA- DA 32 Bnmdway iHuJson building), New York. .1* F. FUG ASM & CO., Pacific Coast Agents, & Montgomery aye., San Francisco. BAY AND RIVER STEAMERS. FOR U. S. NAVY-YARD AND VALLEJO. Steamer "Monticello." HON., Tuts.. Wed.. Thurs. and Sat. at 9:45 a m., 3:l^, 8:30 p. m. (ex. Thurs. night), Fri- days, 1 P- m. and 8:30; Sundays, 10:30 a. m., 8 p. m. Landing and off; Mission-street Dock, Pier NO. 2. Telephone Main 1508. FARE 600 11