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saw the dry bones come together and i'.ve was there such an awakening as that of the church in English-speaking countries. When the century. was beginning Daniel O'Connell was cherishing the dream of restoring liberty to his fellow Irishmen. The first quarter of the century, saw his struggle. He is the hero of religious lib erty in English-speaking lands. He is the one leader who as his test and made it his life work. He succeeded, and the tremendous growth of the Church in Ireland and Great Britain, in Canada and Australia .is the result of Daniel O'ConneU'a agitation. good. Let us not write them In the sand. Write them deeper. Engrave them on our souls. Do not put off until to-mor row what you should do to-day, and wnat you do, do well." FATHER WYMAN AT ST. MARY'S CHURCH The Paullst -Fathers at St. Mary's Church made a special feature of their usual vesper service last night. At th» close of the benediction the German choral "Te Deum" was sung by the choir, composed of sopranos. Miss Paula, Miss Higgins and Miss Johnson; contraltos. Miss Josie Murphy and Miss Nettie John son; tenors, W. Moore and Dr. J. F. Smith; basso, W. G. O'Brien: organist. M 133 Giorgianl. The sermon was preached by the Rev. Father Wyman. He said in part: • "This is a special year in the Catholic church. The holy Father in Rome has ordered that the opening of the new cen tury shall be recognized by a midnight niass or the day is to be marked with some special form of praise. The ser vices to-night will be followed by the singing of the '-'Te Deum" as a sign of our thankfulness "to God for his kindly guardianship over us in the past. God has given great blessings to the Christian people in the past and the great blessings that we may hope God will send will be ours if we are only faithful. ood works, as we know, in hidden yet most effective ways, for the benefit of hla people. The benefits of God are known and most deeply appreciated by those who think serously and most desire those things which are of lasting value. The superficial mind does not always see what is most real and substantial and as a rule has little appreciation of what it receives. On the other hand, those who are guid ed by divine wisdom find in the act 3 of providence infinitely more blessings than it is possible to suppose God would give to such weak creatures as we are." IMPRESSIVE MUSIC AT ST. IGNATIUS Services in St. Ignatius Crrireh last night were solemn and beautiful. Th> sacred edifice was brilllantlv ll S hteri anrl was crowded with worshipers who offered up thanks for blessings received during the past year, and prayed for a con tinuance of them during the next twelve months. Rev. Father Prelato. S. J., recited the Rosary and Litany and then vespers, the responses being made by Rev. Angelo Cptelll. S. J. The choir augmented for the occasion by the ladies' sodality choir rendered sweet music durins the services. Rev. Father Frieden, S. J., delivered the sermon. It was an eloQuent.jelTort and. touched the auditors In part he said: "We have assembler! before God's altar to-night to thank the Almighty for ths good things that have come to us in the course of the year which is now drawing to its close.' Yes, the year is well nigh passed— out a few hours to remain. It is for the last time in the year '90 that the preacher speaks to you from this pulpit; the last time you adore our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and receive his bene diction. And what has become of 'the year? The days which it wa<» made of are no more — they have passed to eter nity. And with the passing time, we our selves have passed; and at the close of the year we are one year nearer to eter nltv - vi-v^ ? "God grant to the members of this reli gious community and to all those who have recourse to our ministrations a sea son of virtue and holiness; a time of such happiness as can be had here below. May we 'share in that sweet contentment of soul, in that precious peace, which in deed the world cannot give, but which is the heavenly heritage of men of good will. May the divine blessing descend upon your household and may it ever dweii there. May the great God bless those whose descending years remind them that eternity i 3 not far off; and may he blesa the young, lest the health and strength of body that God has be stowed prove the. ruin of their virtue; may the Almighty guide and bless the rich, that they may prize the wealth of a holy life and cling to the treasures of heavenly merit: and may the same sweet Lord graciously bless and console the needy, that their poverty may help them to lay up to themselves treasures in fieav en. May he, who is so truly the Father of all, bless you and yours when you are in health, and may he blesa you more abundantly when sickness visits your houses: may the blessings of God be upon you in the day of joy and prosperity, and may it not depart from you when in the unsearchable ways cf Providence th«> hand of the Lord has touched you. "That these blessings may come to you my dear brethren, we pray. And so we wish you. from the bottom of our hearts, a happy and holy new year— ln the namn of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen." At the conclusion of the singing of the Te Deum there was solemn heneriirMnn LESSONS THE OLD YEAR TEACHES US '•At St. Francis Church. Vallejo street an<i Montgomery avenue, the New Year was observed at the evening vesper service Father McMahon preached the sermon He said: "My dear people assembled here together at ,the cull of the Holy Father We all rejoice for the blessings we have received in the past and we should also ask for a renewal of the blessings In the future. The new year should remind us that we are only here for a short time It is certain that we all must die. and we shall then be judged for our good and bad deeds. It is appointed that we must die The patriarchs lived for over a hundred years, but even they were mortal. So will all the. future generations die. The church bell tolls for our friends, but who can tell how soon will thd same bell toll for us. God has mapped out our lives and the time f hen he has decided to call na The man who laughs and says 'Eat drink and be merry' may be the first one called We may ask ourselves, shall IRo wh ill r am walking on the street? Shall I recpfv* the sacraments? * receive. "We cannot answer these question* But it will help us in our life, if as we say our evening prayers we study ourselv% and rind out if we are prepared On th* eve of the nineteenth century let' unmake new resolutions to lead better lives xvt may not know which of us may soon ri*» who is now sittlmr In this churchThS young as well as the old are just' as li able to get the death summons." At the close of the sermon and th* bene diction, a solemn Te Deum was sung by the choir. The choir was composed of- Sopranos, Miss Ina Collins. Miss Dowllnsr' Miss Paullissen and Miss Madden: altos' Miss M. Foley and Miss L. V . Lautin : tenor. .W. A. Schmidt, and basso, li Riley. ; ~* VOLUME liXXXVn — 3S T O. 32. "To fcirn and to his methods we owe the great campaigns in favor of religious liberty carried on by Montalembert in France and Windthorst in' Germany. The result of these campaigns was to •prove to the** world that the ancient church had, like the eagle, renewed 'her youth. Her children were as devoted as ever, her influence as potent, her doc trine as Inspiring. Compare the con dition of the church In Europe in the year ISOO with her condition now, on the threshold cf the year 1900. Then she .lay, like the temple, desolate. The" Gentiles trod her ruined courts "and. the [sacrifice one knows how much further the weary pilgrimage may go or when the soul may pass to the master. Our joy should not permit us to lose sight of our spiritual welfare or to forget to look back and from the lessons and mistakes of the past pre pare ourselves for the future. Time ob literates- many things. The deeds of our greatest heroes are forgotten, and there Are • but few true hearts that beat re sponsive to their names. Their memory has perished with the day. To us all that remains of the. past is our accountability for sin and our reward for our sacrifices. "This is the time for resolutions for .' -.."As- we. are about- to, pass • over the threshold of another year and Into, a new century it behooves us to: look back and see: what use, we haveinade of the time that .has.- gone, . and . from what we find form , strong, resolutions for our better ment during the year/to come. Another year, has passed and another is now be fore; us. " ; Whether it : will be for us or against us, for weal or for woe. Is for you to determine...- Another year is coming on, during, which*,; maybe,- there are some among us who are doomed to destruction. Time^ls l ithe, gift of God.. Every minute, every; hour, every day, every year comes in Maryland . and Pennsylvania, a few French missionaries with the Indians In the West, the ruined pueblos of the southwest and the chain * of: missions along the Calif ornian coast. In a hundred years we have not only, kept pace Lwith the growth of population, but we ' have outstripped It. We have 'met prejudice arid persecution, but they fought against us : in vain. In the ; beginning we were despised and .hated, then we were feared and ; . hated; 'now. men wonder at us, but hate: us none: the. less. The Catholic has his position In, American life too secure .to-be. ever- seriously menaced, and.' the INSPIRING SCENE IN ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL. The 1 hope of that ; consummation , tinges our prayers and our thanksgivings.- The shepherd stands upon' the mountains and numbers his sheep. , . May ~ he 'grant , that before the new century ends his prophecy shall be. fulfilled and there shall' bo one fold and one shepherd." . SOLEMN SERVICES AT THE CATHEDRAL V The /closing > of > the . century * was . com memorated iby_ the most, solemn arid .im? -S the Catholic churches of this fJT ( city last night services of a most interesting and remarka ble character were celebrated. Never before in the lives of .. the thousands that thronged • the sanctuaries was the theme -ILi that cf l;st night, and never again will any of those tnat bowed the r heads in prayer do co again f r the same purpose. In obe4!ence to the Tope's decree Catho lics soajrht their chirches to unite .in praise and thanksgiv ng fcr the century cf 'ife and progress 0 at was closing with the r.lght. and to knctl In hope and plead ing for the good that may come with the century that would d. wn before the day. At 7 o'clock the s.icred edifices were crowded to the door;. The sanctuaries were adorned as only for the great fes tivals of the ecclesiastical year. The splendid altars Mazec with a wealth of lights and glistening ornament* that re turned and reflected their dazzling beauty c thousand fold. Borers of ferns and palms and choicest flovers made a strik ing forepround to the pirgeou? altars. Tne rcene, beautiful in itself, won new sig nificance from thn purpose for which it ¦was created. Here and there superbly robed priests moved t" and fro In the va rious phases of the sol^ mn service that in its dignity and Impress veness was chant ed as the last tribute of Catholic Chris tians to the dying century. Psalm? and soncs of praise floated from organs and choirs In answer to the chants of the vespor^ service. Then &11 the vast congregations, assembled In mai y churches, were on their knees to receive the solemn benedic tion which closed a . passing century and welcomed a coming era. Splendid In their ritualism, enhanced by the attending n&gr.lflrence of lipht ar.d color and sound, the e«r\ices charmed the senses and held the imagination. And the words spoken from th» pulpits were those of the tri umphs and trials, the good and evil, of the hundred years that had been counted Into history.. In many of the sanctuaries the imposing cererccr.ies of the night ended by the singing of the Te Deum by the congrega tions. The time and the occasion, the vast throngs that flocked to so many places cf worship, the splendor of decoration and gorpreousness of ceremonial made the went one that will be Jong remembered in San Francisco. By authority of the Pope's decree the Catholics of this city could have partici pated in the tacrilice of a midnight mass In their churches. Suoh a spectacle is unknown to the generation and it was feared*^ that the churcl _s would be over taxed And that some accident might hap pen. VT^ar General Prendergast decided therefore' tkat 10 mass would be cele brated In"! any of the large local sanctu aries. In chapels, however, there was no restriction, and In them at the hour cf mlrtrJght. at the very meeting of in* o«*t;;rie».'fcvnSre£s -f <lttle conrnvni tles met 'at convent shrines to offer tnelr praiw» slt6 worship. In connection with these remarkable ceremonies the controversy regarding the close of tfce century has received a local Interest. R«v. Father Peter C. Yorke. •whose optnirn naturally is entitled to great consideration, says that the cen tury unquestionably closed last, nisht at rrJdright and will :icf continue until mid night of December Zl of this year, as most of his disputants insist. The rev erend gentleman argues that the Chris tian era began with the birth of Christ and not when the Savior was 1 year of age; that In our calculations we must begin with tte year naught and not with the year on*. If this calculation be ob served we will not count our years until we have passed them and when we register tha year 10W we have recorded the passage of nineteen centuries. THE GLORY OF A CENTURY NOW DEAD In no other Catholic church In the city 'perhaps were the services In honor of th« closing century more imposing than they ¦were at St. Peter's Church. The sacred *aiflc« was splendidly adorned as if for the greatest festival of the ecclesiastical year. Myriads of lights glistened and flashed upon the altars. Palms and rare plknte shed their fragrance &e4 gave new ; beauty to the sanctuary- The service was as imposing and as dignified as a splendid ritual could endow it. Solemn vespers, the benediction and the -Te Deum were chanted in honor of the century that was dying. =•. 'is The pas=u>r. Rev. Father Peter C. Torke, was eloquent In his sermon. of the night. His theme was the century that was dying. In part he spoke as follows : ••At the behest of the Holy Father, my brethren, we celebrate this the last day of the old year with solemn prayer and t!iankspivir.£. Not only -do we close the year, but we close the century. Therefore there is a special reason why we should look bark on the past hundred years and glorify God, who has done such great things fcr his church and people. "A hundred" years aco the moral world looked &h the physic*!' world may have looked after the great deluge. The foun dations of the rreat deep had been broken up and th<- French revolution had swept away the ancient landmarks in church and state. Never had things looked so black. Infidelity^ brutal and brutalizing, •was rampant In the countries that had remained faithful during rtse reformation. In Protestant lands Catholics were the eurvivcrs of three centuries of persecu tion — co*ve<J., timid, without irioney. with out volet-, without influence— the pebbles, ¦ sNewm'ar. says— thfd< tritus of the great deluge. In America the Latin countries wre tainted with the same disease as the 5101 norlands. In the United States we •v-ere but a handful, deprived in most of the Stairs of our rights as citizens or but. n^wly enfranchised. Never had the Papacy «unk s,o low. If it were possible for the church to fail the beginning of the century saw her failure. "The darkest hour was bffore the dawn. When the ctorra was at its height God was ewcetly disposing all things 'for his own good purposes. • The early years of the century saw '¦'.he restoration . of morality and religion to Frange. Napoleon recognized that there could" be r.o state unless God was recognized and he brought back the church, not for love of the church, but because he thought he could use her. \Yh<n he tried to bend her to his ambi tion he found himself face to face with a , power he could not conquer. The Pope ' went Into prison" rather than betray the trust committed to him by Christ. Na poleon fell as fall all those who make war on God, but the Papacy remained. His dynasty has gbne forever, but the church ! is Kill there. "Not elnce the time when the prophet seemed to be ended -forever. To-day her walls are lifted up in beauty. . She re sounds with the voice of gladness.' Her children throng round the. altar and the sacrifice is offered up from the rising- of the sun to the going down' of theisame, for the Lord hath promised the ; gates of hell shall not* prevail. "If the resurrection of the church In the old world has been wondrous, not' less wondrous has been Its planting* and- its growth here ) In this new republic. A hundred years . ago we were .nothing in the domaip covered by the United States some £0,000 of - Irish and English descent wisest of .those. who are. outside recognize that we alone have' a religion big enough for- a big country.: • . . ¦•:- I "Therefore we have reason to rejoice and be glad, not for selfish or personal reasons, but because we. believe that God has established his church for the bene fit of mankind, and that it. Is to the ad vantage of. all men to, belong to that church. 'I would to God," said the apostle, 'that , botii in a little and., in much, not only thou but also all that hear me . this ¦ day should become such as I also am, except these bands.' That is our prayer for our fellow citizens. pressive services at St. Mary's Cathedral, Van Ness avenue and O'Farrell street, last night. There were vespers and the benediction, with the special feature of the "Te Deum." Rev. Father Prendergast preached a sermon appropriate ¦to the oc casion.^ fcr'r^ . . Nearly every pew In the big cathedral was occupied. The music was superb, es pecially the solos. Father Prendergast dwelt in his sermon upon the perishability of time, and. sought to impress upon the congregation the Importance and the duty cf -taking advantage of. the precious gflt of God. He said in part: •/,;•¦ from him -who controls 'all things. God Is the source of life and the whole creation. Time— so perishable and yet so precious is the gift of our Lord and Father. The good that it is to us can be measured by its duration, the spiritual benefit we take from it and the moral exultation we re ceive. It partakes of the Immensity of eternity. "Why do men rejoice and exchange con gratulations on New Year's day? Is It be cause another year has rolled by and that their allotted portion • of - time has been shortened to that extent?- Do those who cheer and congratulate stop to think? No ' SAN. MONDAY, JANUARY i, 1900. PRICE FIVE CENTS. The San Francisco Call. IN SOLEMN CLOSE THE SERVICE CATHOLICS CENTURY