Jest Arrived — Cargo cf Evans' Ale asrl «rrut: dealers r:;j;".*.;. Sherwood -t Passed Bad Dollars. Sped*! Dispitch to The C*TL SXS RAFAEL,. Jan. 7.— A wamat was procured to-day for tne arrest of "Joha Doe" upoa ti» charge of passiac two counterfeit dollars. According to tie description of tie man wanted he £s be- Ueved to be one cf tie suaxds at Saa Quentla Prtsoe. Rev. John Fee Not Dead. RICHMOND. Ky.. Jan. 7.— The report seat oat last we«k tiat P.ev. Joha Fee. the founder of Berea CoHexe aad the noted abolitionist, was dead was not cor rect. Dr. Fe« L» recovering. Many Coral offertnffs were s«at to- Berea, thinking tie noted dlviae was dead. Workman Drowned. S-O« JOSS, Jan. 7.— A workaiaa named Pepe fell o^rerbcard Croaa tie dredger at Alvlso on Sunday evening, and was drowned. The body has not been recoT ere<}. He begaa worklay on the dredger Saturday arorninj-. m w* m mi tr ft u/lnrK DEPOSIT GUARANTEE. Erie* af a car* ta arr saa Ft»2c:jo<} bajaX to tx» pa:ii only iftar tisy *r"? Hft Prici^ r?aa«;naii<». No otier decters will caka such *a ciTsr. T'::j Csn tlia F:i! • v'h lilsnts: Privar; Dis«3s«s ! Lest Msohbbd « Kiinsy Dtsiraass jNsrvoos Deiili^r B!add-r Dis^as<;s Stesplsasn^ss Liv;r Disiisss Desrcaisnc? H:ar: Disiases »3en;r2l D-bility Seine Diseases L:sscf iVl«n:cry Stomach Diseases Bleed Pobca .Yo tecuni/e Ccses Tdttu ct Any Prfca. Oft. MEYERS 4 CO. era tf* ealy apee/aJrsta aa Via Pacific Cacst mho cara diaacsas sad madaaaa cf aaa txdutitaty. DR. JCSTTEBS * CO. ¦sea&set ti« Zarr- «t ami b««t ««j3lsT*« *rs car*rally cumgcgndeit la taetr p*l ji*» laScratsry. wttaca: cc«t ta tieir B*ti«ata. HOME CUHE9—FAEE BOOK. Taeuaasda of siea ar« -rjr*-I at scss rr«ry- y»*r. X Tf* canaot Tiatt San Fraa.- etsco. wrtta for frA CO . Xf.i Mxrx". SIL. 9. F. F Badwa/s Pills Psre!r »«r*tAif*- =-¦! •= latcrsal vtaccra. Sc a bex. A£ D. 'JMXtMta. ar br mall HAOWAT A CO.. Xew T ;rt • AMERICAN BANK IN MEXICO. JTe-w Concern Opened Under the 2lan a^enient cf Gecrg-e Has. CTTT OF MEXICO. Jan. 7.— A new banking concern opens her- Monday for business under the title of tie United States Banking Company, with COO.*'*) paid tn capital. George J. Ham i 3 man ager. Tie American Eank earned last year -TO per cent. Tie growth of tie Americaa banking establisimeat is one o" the most utgnttteaat signs of success, as Is the augmentation ta value cf Ameri can investments. Mme. Bazaine Not in Danger. CITY OF MEXICO. Jan. 7.— Madame Bazaine. widow of tie late Mar3ial 3a raine of France, continues ill. but is not supposed to be in immeiiiat* danger. Pr-Ciricn Thar He T*lll Occtrpy the CHICAGO. Jan. ?.— Ur»y We**d*oc it ¦ Sleatucky, National Ccmnt:tt-»«?~a.n frcm tiat State ar.d a memrer of tie Ways j and Yet r^ CoztaiLttee. wna <•%•-¦*¦ to Chi- ¦ cago ca arteaa tie JacJtsocian :an«uet. j ¦aid: "2£r. Gceiel win TS? in possess: ;n cf tie Gor-error' • c£c« tetweer. Jaasary and ?"«rruary. 3kfr. BJackicra a--.d no< Mr. ; *yztt*± is tie man -*-±.c insisted oa carry ing tie contest up to tie Legislature." CAPTAIN SAMUEL REBER. OWING to the recent visit to tils city of Major General Nelson A. I Miles witi his wife and daughter, additional Interest Is found by tie people of San Francisco In the en gagement cf Miss Miles. The young lady. 3.3 ia pretty generally known, will be come tie bride of Captain Samuel Reber. U. S. A., tie coming "Wednesday. Tie young cScer. whose mother was a* Sher- \ man. is a cousin of Miss Miles, and the : two have been sweethearts since tiey . w ia Missouri and is a graduate of i West Point. He nas had a distinguished j career ta the army and rendered excel- j lent service tn tie stsrnal department witi : tie army in Porto PJco. The captain is an expert in electricity. Tinnka. vaJts«3 and poclcetbocka otir spectiltles. AH I«a.ther roods Istteriwi la cold fr Just one hour before tie end came. Koreans Admitted. Sp^ctal tUsoasch ta Tae CaC TACOIIA. Jan. 7.— lmmigration Inspec tor ¦Walker to-day admitted eljrnt Korean passengers on the steamer Queen Ade laide, who are carrying ta San Francisco a. doien bty trucks and boxes filled with Oriental herbs and drugs. They are g-o tasr to- San Francisco to start a drag- store having been written to by friend 3 thai they can make fortunes there by operat ing aa apothecary shop on tie Korean plan. GREAT DEMONSTRATION AT GAMBETTA'S TOMB Freraier Waldeck-Roussaaa Given, a Vote cf Thanks for His Defence of France. PARIS, Jaa. 7.— There was aa impos ing- republican demonstration to-day en tie occasion of the annual pllgTimag-* to Gamb«?tta"3 monument at Ville d'Avray. a subtirb of Paris. Despite the inclem ent weather, aa enormous crowd was in attendance. The premier, M. Waldeck- Rousseau, and tie Minister of War. the Marquis de Gallifet. sent represeata t)ves. •-'-•» ¦ Senator Tiecdore Caxot delivered the principal speech, appealing ta tie name 1' Gaaibetta for '"union and concord, of which France never atood more ia need cian she dees to-day." The meeting voted aa address of con gratulation to the premier upon bis cam paign ia defense of the republic EX-CHIEF KINGSBURY DEAD. ?assed Away Suddenly at His Home in Stockton. Special Dispatch to The Call. STOCKTON, Jaa. 7. -Ex -Chief aad ci- Captaia of Police Klagsbury died sudden ly this mo rains about * o'clock. His wife awoke and heard him Kive a few gasps as tiouga ta pain. Speaxln? repeatedly to hlai aad recelvtay no reply, she be came alarmed, aad. iriil-r. lit tie g&s. She fouad her husbaad dead. He attend ed the L O. O. F. Lcdce tastallatioa La«t evening 1 ta best of health, returning home about midnight. He coaversed with his wife aad made no complaiat of Illness. Milton H. Kiayibury was a native cf Maiae aad abent v) years cf age. He waa well connected, and had been a leading Odd Fellow for many years. He leav-a a widow aad three children. Hs was ft popular yart, best kaown for aia ganiaJ good nature, aad was liked by all classes. Dairyman Disappears. Special THspatca ts Tae Can. PASADENA. Jin. 7.— August Hailau ft dairyrnaa et tils city, who was thotirht to have teea a steady fellow, has disap peared witi tie proceeds of tie sale of tie business, and It Is not known whether he Is the victim of foul play or has de serted his family. The latter, consisting of a. wife and four children, are let: ta destitute circumstances. They came here from Germany a year axo aad cannot speak Ec£li3h. They have no relatives here who are able to take care of them aad tiey are tierefcre placed upoa tie ciarity cf netfhbors and the benevolent organization. Mrs. Haila will not near to anything- a«aiast her husband, whom she believes has been made away witi far tie large sum cf money he had oa his per soa. BRYAN AND ALTGELD ATTEND A LUNCHEON Fare-JE-ell Fn2.ctioa. in Hcncr of San B. Ccok of Denocratic Naticnal Ccnmi**"ee. CHICAGO. Jan. 7,— Maaa^ex J. G. Join son cf tie Democratic National Commit tee gave a farewell luncieon at tie Sher man House tiis evening- ia honor of Sam B. Cook cf the Ways and Means Com mittee. Mr. Cook left to-aig-it for Mis souri to look after hl3 canvass for Secre tary of State, after a year's work witi the National Committee witi Chicago as his he^iifjuarrers. Amoag those present a: the luncieon wer^: William Jennings Bryaa. former G<>vernor Alt^eld of Illinois aad Urey Woodson. of Kentucky, a menrber of the National Committee; Cfcta Sells of lowa. I EUmore "W. Hurst of Reck Island. IIL: i Wtlliam J. Abbott of tie Democratic Na | tional Press Association. Norman E. Mack. BuJTalo: former Governor William J. 3tone of Missouri. Major W. A. Deford. Kansa3. secretary to Manager Johnscr:: Jud^e E. F. Dunne of -Cilcagn. Sam B. Cook and Ju^s-fi Johnson. Mayor Harris«jn wij conspicuously ab ! ser.t. W. H. Hirtrelchsen of Jack3onvtlle. j 111., is said to be 3l.\:e DasfrtfCea tstBs:* C^ia-». t^» S«t arecl* frr ia=.lras- aad £C::=s: Rffs^arly H. ? Fclfe LEIC& 83125 521& 2:2 * wtta Coes; tatia cy Ei» a wa:>; ? a=»l can ;» carr!i-i Is. C:-* ;i;ciit. ? Ca^iia Stratus -?¦ La.r?st ;=:pr-jreul stTfea. fi«2 as» T ? WfJ: =joTraSte rlas. Bosfiuty r: » -• . -•:-• fCUO jU onl7 at ti«»p srtr^a. "*" Rftrr Mt^s Gt;:od «=aacr ? ?¦ V. LS. Sit 9Or ? t- S. Xow 51 . i¦« > *^^ «*^^i =aa7 Instances ti-» \ y^^3 c disease Ls cem- At a3 «n»!»f». 3Se. a »taL O=d» ts H»aia 3 At Auction! TUESDAY. TUESDAY January 9. I9OD, AT n (TCLOCS SOOX A? (hr Safcsrana, ISS Sark^t Strsst r^-w^tewn ?nT-ststes.-^ acrrisaae eerier Strwkt^n %=rj PactSc jta.: I-*t2r7 br*cic bu^i- i=»; ma »3 p*r =ctti; lot M:3t?B. L-?a.T-=-»crti-!t. iara: e&K aids: C 3 cad sicnti; ~:lix3C. • " B7 cri«r of Sa.f^is3 tsO. 1.-i.-. 3cci«r. tJ »!•- ra=t tix::ci:=ir lota -jn Jameson, Liriia *3tl ?^. cel>c; i3T»3tiri?n; tr t^sn-r-iil ir'.^a mciiar-: ¦^•?st»r2 Ai.iiticrt Sara: •»•»? «•.!<•: SU to I3tjS Scatter «t-. :. Socti ol Mari?* t=T»st=«=t; tut siim: 3 to S Z.:e St.. near ErTint: Stjk fcn»M:-» T: j «-jr-» *2d 5 iia it i rpcr=3 aad fcaia: i ¦ r?*r tntii- tajf ?•""" z..r.:-.r > r!ic3 oc 4 &2d S roomsi r.^r * ! nsts on r«r siesta. JCss-xa r-aiiancs: west tfte: tc Ca^p it.. sear TwentT-JJurti; ictiae I rxra mal Sata- SxSS. ¦VC»steT3 Aiiiac-E rwtience: east «ila: vr.t r.i.c^r st. cear- Sajrra=ynx r'.rwmrr' & m Sore Spot Eye=Glasses C*3 %• buuxat aarwSar*. 5e crsr «15?«. wifca it ta* cc«a wniscs •. ti-3 cr ;tat:X eu ;=..- ~.+ baa af aa. CcsliJts' BrwcrWlcßs Elsd. QslcX r*p»ir- v~t TiSXsrr es prcaiaes. Ficce. Yx'.i J. 642 MarxET st, aiTsaaim ? ? : Palace and : : Grand Hotels •• ? T?r 2*jrat;li t- Th* CaTL PARIS. Jan. ?.— Tie authorities of Bor i-a-i^ i.-tve acde.l to tie gayety of aa tirns by tie prosecution of Mac. Sarah B^rniardt. It appears tiat some weeks ago. during ier tieatneai tour, tie great trag-edienne was leaving- Bordeaux, when lust as tie train was about to start a ticket ccllector opened tie deer of la Sana's compartment and fouad her maid and pet dog. Ke immediately ordered the maia to have tie do? placed ta tie guard's van. The maid protested. "Eut IX is Mm. Berniardt's dogT *"I dont care tf tt i 3 tie dvz of tie President of tie republic, it will have to go Into tie g-uar-is van." was tie reply. Oa tie refusal of tie maid a commis sary cf police was cail*»d in, who con tented himself by noting the refusal «.f lie maid and allowing the train to pro ceed. same evening he made a formal report to headquarters. This put tne wncie legal machinery la movement. A rcgatory commission was at cure sent ont cf Paris. It asked nratly for full par ticulars regarding a person named Sa--ai Eernaardt and sectjndly for information regarding tie morality and caaa o* liveliaooc cf tiis woman. Tie incident caTiseti great amusement In Paris, and la Sarah, wio has been in terviewed. decLaxed tiat sic had been fcuad guilty o< contravention of railway reguiaUoas. She admitted that a magis trate had called ca ier ta ask her her christiaa name and surname ard other similar details, but was most perfectly polite ta fgmntns what was a pure for mality. MAY CARRY CONTEST TO THE FEDERAL COURTS E^tLblicans of Ke^tTicky Will Op pcae Sel-ctioa cf Go<-bei to ths XTnncst Linit. FRANKFORT. Ky.. Jaa. 7.— Republican leaders, who are on coendentiai terms witi Governor Taylor, intimated to-night that tie Republican contested may not quit tie rght m the event of tie Legis lature and State contest board voting to seat Gcebel ils Governor ami tie otber Ijemacraiic contestants. They have by no means given up tope thai tiey will win tn tie Legislature, but are taking time ty the fsreioc* tnd ars locking around for ether co-rea ta case Gcwbel should wta. It la ceearaHy believed they will seek to raise a federal question and take ti« case into the United States Su preme Court. The House will ta-ncrrow take up tie Information filed Ia the Senate Saturday cia-Ting Whilien and Ryaa with at tempting to bribe Senator Harrell ta tha GcT-mcratip contest, tcyetiex with tie resolution providing far a point tnvesti jatlca cotamittee. The resolution, ts prac ucally certain to go thrcugn. Seratcr Earrett. chairniaa of the Re publican Joint Caucea. has called a cau cus to meet to-morrcw night to nominate a candidate for Senator. Former Gov ernor W. O. Bradley will be tie nominee. Ke wi.l probably be caned by acclama.- MAYOR STRONG'S SUPPORTERS. Xcn-Partist-s Seek to Orgaaize Into TOLEDO. Ohio. Jin. t— The Kippcrt-rs cf Mayer Samuel H. Joaes In his nca- P2^tl san eampalga iro organizinir his strK: Sti into a party movement, which has for tts object the control cf several congressional districts in the corner of ti- State ce^t fall, and. if possible, tie elec uon cf Mr Jones to the United States Senate ia ~X2. There will be a la .urtieranre of the plan between tha mayor and leaders of the non-partisan movement In Cincinnati kad Cleveiar-.i as ¦ooa as Mr. Jrces rturru from New York. Refused to Pay Jury Fees. Sp*»ctal D!arat:2i ta The Can. SAN RAFAEL. Jan. T.-Jadgu Aacellot tl has ordered the Grtffea will contest stricken from tie calendar, for tie r«a soa that the jury fees, amounting ~zo XIOO. remaia enpaid. Kate O'Connor, a daughter of the deceased, with other rel atives, presented the wiU for pn>bate. It was contested cy Patrick Mulvaney a «oa-ta-law. No War Tax Revision. CHICAGO. Jaa. T.-A special to tae Tlmes-Kerald froo Waahingtoa quotes Coagressaiaa Hopklas of tie House Ways isJL Means Committee as saying there will be no revision of tie war revenue tax Law at tiis session of tie Flfty-ai^ta Con gress. TERMINUS FOR RUSSIAN SHIPS Government Agents Visit Coast Ports. PORTLAND, Jn£ ".— A. Ba--Iyrski and two other pmminent Russians arrived here yesterday. They represent the Rus sian Government in an oficial capacity, and came to tie Paciflc Coast for tie pur pose of recommending a terminus far a great Russian steamsiip line. The Russian Government has derided to establish a lineof steamers between Vladi vostok and seme port on the Pacinc coast of the United States. Mr. Eadynski sad his two companions are commissioned to examine the ports cf tie Pacinc and re port back to their Government on tie ad vantages of each. VV Uliam K. Mills, general land agent of the Southern Paci3c. met tie Russioa commissioners, and tiey started to-day for San Francisco as hi 3 guests In his pri vate car. PHILIPPINES ARE TOO FAR AWAY Bacon's Opposition to Retention. Sretia: Dlsjarca tn T>- Call. CAI-L HEAD American sol dier frcm tie island, urj-d tie reduction at tie military in iia own province by cne-half. Ncr do we forget that the province cf Sarrtiajra ¦was admittedly tie most diScult to govern. Governor Wood administered tie affairs cf tiat province in x manner eliciting- tie plaudits cf tn* ciTtllxe-I world. Ke cid not truckle to fac tion nor to ils own cruntrymen. but ie rained the !ct* and cor.idence of tie en tire community by his splendid work, his fearless and impartial management of af fairs and his evident d-?sir» to give tne Cubans every opportunity to prove them seivea worthy cf seif-eovernment.'* MOCKING BIRD A TOTAL WRECK Rushed Into a Solid Wall of Ice. NARROW ESAPE OF HER CREW c. h. DircrrrT szsioitsly is"- JTTSLED AIH> 3LLY DHL First Week cf the Sew Tear 21arked by Unprecedeiitedly Se-rers "Weathsr in tha North. ?-tc!±L Etsr»rrn ta Ti* Ci; VICTORIA. B. C. Jan. 7— Ti« 2r»t week cf the new year has been niark»d by unprecedenredly serere weather In tie aorta, tie tee on Lyna canal harbor freezing eighteen inches tiiclc la two Ga.y3 and nights and traiSc on the Paaa and Yukon Railway bein^ termin ated indefinitely by a succession of snow falls and slides that have buried tie rails from 30 to 2C4> feet. The only serious maritime disaster cf LmC l ta ram It. his steamer betnsr Stted witi a steel bow eils? tor winter wort Tie ice was too solid to be successfully charged. however, and tie ilockin^ Bir-I reboundeti i from the impact wtth a sapin^r hole in her bow, tirou^n which the wiser po>rred. She was seen tii have received her tieati blow, i aaa turning as speedily as possible Captain Hall ran for tie nearest snore, two miles astern, defying the tea and churning surf. A3 tie steamer ran for .he lives cf those aboard it became evident that ah* could cot make shore with her customary full speed, and casting: prudence to the winds Engineer Gibson made fast tie safety valve and "•turned her loose." Sic was within 3Cu yards cf shore when sic turned oc her side and the ice hammers com menced their work cf battsrinj her ta bits. Captain Hall. Hnsineer Gibson. C. H. Dewitt and Thomas Benson, passengers. Jumped when tiey saw tie end ccminx. and wer-s ultimately picked trp by a boat from shore. D«witt received so severe a nervous shock that he Is still ia tie hes- ', pital and likely ta dl*. GENERAL GREELY SERIOUSLY INJURED Famous Arctic Explorer Thrown Down a Long Flight of Stairs by a Drunken Assailant. VFf^^u 1 %T.TnX, Jaa. T— General A. TV. Greeiy. tie ciief signal cCcer of tie 1,-nr and ti« well-known Arctic ex - - -r. u<* ia a serious condition, at his ir=e as tie result cf an. aasa.ult com dtted -ye iim about iolf-raJt $ o'clock tr-ni^it by *^«. r -rtics. a aies scjn^er in tie e=p4Qy cf tie Adazaa Ex ;r-sa Contpany. Furnace, wio Irres la E»ltJ=icre, ta cc=peny wtts a. friecd named Gecrr^ Uirpty. «pen.t tie 43-7 la 'Wajiinrtca d.".nk^i? until late Ia tie Afternoon, wiea t.-*7 stirted fir a disreputable pcrtioa cf the tewn. Tiey lost their way and finally reached tie ncrti western section of tie ci-y ttrvzd. tie^tite. War and Navy de partatenta. l_ey arat tried to cxia adaiis ta tne residence cf E. D. Ktry fc^t ':¦-:-£ unable tj cf f;cd. in fact Zjls many iaxl '-"alities 1" valae, tat it wauid b« i:~ralt ta md a. mere iadlyestiile ar- zidLt tiar. fried cniotis. and ta many pea- pte taey ir» siatply poison; bt;t tie caioa ----- rtAnd alone ia this respect. Any arttde -f tao& tiat is not ticrcujfiiy d:- £'*' ed Z*w. fr^ ,* PXPE3 DEALERS. igFITE F- C BT€EtS. s - « rawrEH. v u>VA.i.w» ti Si=»cT2e tt.. 8. T. STATICNE"? AND PSIXTE3. r"SSr "5S! Bi ' PASTSH?a£ "* c^?» van ash stlui coal a OJw»_lEiirE^. i« t5« D»«t Cc«J la ti« r-.ATK-t. -j'.l^ ,^ Tint-CD Oljia «tr^»t. 3 SAYS GO EBEL WILL WIN .