Newspaper Page Text
MONEY TO LOAN. ANY amount at 6 per cent: Ist. 2d and 3d mort- gages, undivided interest, real estate In pro- bate; mortgages and legacies bought: no de- lay get my terms before doing business else- where. R. McCOLGAN. 24 Montgomery, r. 3. HIGHLY respectable private place to obtain liberal advances on diamonds. Jewelry at low- est rates. Baldwin Jewelry Store. 84« Markst et.; tel. Main 1644. Branch 13 Third st. ANY proposition any amount; 6 per cent: first, second mortgages, estates In probate, interest In estates, lesacle*, Ufa insurance: chattel morteaeea; confidential: advice free. G. E. OLSEN,. room 16. first floor. Chronic!* bldg. AVOID delay; try all others, then see me; $C 0 to $100,000; 6 per cent; Ist. 2d or chattel mort- gages.estates In probate.undlvided interests In estates. legacies and mortgages bought: a>lvic» and money furnished. P. A. Dolan. 632 Markt. MOST reliable place to borrow on diamond*, watches. Jewelry. "W. J. HESTHAL, 1) Sixth; highest price for old gold, silver, diamonds. ANY amount by private party on furniture and pianos; no removal; low rates; confidential. BONELLI, Conservatory bldg., 130 Powell st. AT lit Kearny, rm. ». r«spectab!» private plac» to borrow on watches, diamonds; lowest rates; take elevator. Tel. Davis 995. ON furniture and pianos without removal, quick service; money direct; lowest interest. Rooina 68 and 89. Donohoe building. 1170 Market st. ON PEAL estate, Ist or 2nd mortgages, and on, furniture or pianos: no removaJ: any amount: lowest rates. BECKER. 26 Montgomery at. MEN can secure loans on personal note. AUS- TIN'S SALARY LOAN CO.. 366 Parrott bMg. LOANS to salaried people. TOUSLEY." 430 Par- rott building. CASH loaned to salaried people or note without lndorser. MORRELL. 609 Examiner buildins. TO salaried men; without collateral or Indorsee. S. F. Discount Agency, 143 Pheian building. $50 TO $;0.C00: lowest rates: Ist and 2d mortis.; any proposition. DRYDEN. 413 Montgomery. ON furniture pianos, without removal: no commission: private. LICK. 116 McAllister. IF your property is mortgraged an d you need mo— money see H. MURPHY. 630 Market st. CHEAPEST and best In America— The Weekly Call. 16 pages, sent to any address In the "United States, postpaid, for $1 per year. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. AGAIN we remind you that you should pur- chase your medium and low-priced planes where they can be exchanged for a Steinway within three years and have full purchase price allowed. We are selling new upright pianos for $6 per month, and some pood pianos for $3 $4 and $3 per month. SHERMAN. CLAY & CO.. Steinway Dealers, cor. Kearny and Sutter tt9., San Francisco; cor. Thir- teenth and tiroadway. Oakland. ABSOLUTELY the oldest and largest houss west of Chlcaso fs KOHLER it CHASE'S. 26, 23 and 30 O'Farrell St.: pianos, organs and all other musical instruments of all grades and prices: terms easy; prices lowest: every- thing possible done to please and satisfy the customer. 50 SLIGHTLY used high and medium grade pianos; special discounts for cash; open Sat. evenings. Heine Piano Mfg. Co.. 13S Ellis ?t. A BEAUTIFUL Packard Baby Grand Just re- ceived at MAUVAI3'. 763 Market st. THE Decker piano- • the universal favorite; new styles: full assortment; low prices. At MAUVAIS'. 7»>9 Market st. A GOOD bargain can always be found at MAUVAIS'. 760 Market st. L ' RGE stock of Baldwin and other standard pianos prices reduced to Insure prompt tales. W. C. 'HAMILTON. 324 Post st. UPRIGHT piano. " Neumann Hamburg" : pro- nounced by experts the best in S. F. : nearly new of solid construction: wonderful power and sweetness of tone: value $600; to be sold for only $300 cash. 1236 Market St.. room 121-. KNABE pianos: new scale: new styles. KOH- LEh & CHASE. 30 OFarrell st. A NICE piano; must be sold at once for cost of storage. Room 10. Flood building. WE are still renting new pianos at $3 per month. Scott-i.'urtaz Piano Co.. 560 Hayes st. Vv O. BADGER. 413 Sacramento st.. agent for Francis Bacon and Hallett & Davis pianos. CON'OVER. Colby and Spencer pianos. Spencer warerooms. ISIB Market st. FINE upright piano, little used, cheap for cash. Ul3 Powell st. FINE Fischer &. Steinway upright; sacrificed. KEEFFE'S. 1019 Van Ness aye.. nr. Geary »t. BARGAIN— :. Ice upright piano; only $60 cash; sold for storage. 1710 Market st. GOOD upright piano; nearly new; cheap. HORNUNG'S.2I6 McAllHter St. BARGAIN— Good upright; cheap. SCHMITZ. 1« McAllister st. next Hlbernia Bank. SUPERIOR violins, zithers, old and now H. MI'LLFR. miker. rprntrer. 2 Latham rince. OFFICES AND STORES TO L_T. " FOLSOM. 870— Large sunny store, sultableTor any business; also 10 sunny rooms; upper part. UMBSEN. 14 Montgomery st. STORE. 4 living rooms and stable; 2 blocka from Market st. KELLY, owner 437 Farrott building. $20— STORE; 2 show windows and r, large rooms; adapted to any business. 422 Sixth gt. LARGE, elegant store. 'J93 Valencia street; busi- ness center: low rent. PARTNERS WANTED. " W l'\ NTN TF D r2 33 2 0O: P artner general merchandise; established 7 years: pal.l $15C6 year 1539- ob- ject, to Increase business: money to be t«- Invested. Address S. J.. Call office. PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES. POLYCHROME~^a^er. rich la~toie77_y" ti .? rtc * : "jraPle <lsw« <x 5 and d«v£ *p«r mailed JSc C_ Camera Co.. 23 G****, EMPLOYMENT W AJfTEP M * I JB. DANISH- AMERICAN lad wants any "work; rome experience cabinet making. Box 4137, Call office. RELIABLE private family man wants situa- tion; good hand with horses, garden, cows, fowls or any work about place: flrst-class references. Address M. C, 641 Bush st. GERMAN man wants work by the day as flrst- class house and kitchen cleaning. Address C. H.. 127 Turk st. BARBER, 12 years' experience, wishes position in small town. Address T. G. ADAMS, 204 Turk St., room 15, San Francisco. A POSITION as nurse, valet or Indoor servant by middle-aged man of good habits: best of references. M. "W., box 1506. Call office. AN intelligent young man of good address is desirous of securing home in return for serv- lces. Integrity, box 2570. Call. BY a first-class painter and decorator: a good all-around mechanic; best of reference; 2 days from New York City. Address 11. yon HOVELING. Brooklyn Hotel, city. $25 TO person procuring position for young man of good habits as collector or any cleri- cal or office work; good security; no triflers. Box 1048. Call. COACHMAN, Englishman, wants situation, or man about place; understands cows, chickens and Is a thorough horseman in every way; a good place appreciated; references. Box 4144, Call office. JAPANESE housecleaning boy wants situation to work by the day or the hour. SASAKI, 521 Jessie st. POSITION in engine room by young man hav- ing had two years' experience running trao- tion and stationary engines. Address box 1025, Call office. POSITION as bookkeeper, accountant, cashier. business manager, ordinary clerk or all com- bined: references unexceptionable. Address box 4263. Call office. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office, 2200 Flllmore st. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1096 Va- lencia st. A BRANCH office for the reception of adver- tisements and subscriptions has been opened at 1223 Polk st.; open till 9 p. m. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at the northwest corner of Twenty-second and Ken- tucky sts. : open till 9 p. m. EXCHANGE. FOR exchange for something valuable: San Jose residence property. A. K. SPERO. 2154 University aye.. Berkeley. Cal. • EXPERT OPTICIANS. OEORGE MAYERLE. German expert optician; German eye water by mall. 50c. 1071H Market st.. San Francisco: examination fre*. FLATS TO LET. CORNER flat, T rooms, all sunny; formerly occupied by a. doctor. 417H Third Bt. FINE sunny flat of 6 rooms and bath; $18: Seymour aye., near Golden Gate aye. and Scott St. Apply G. H. UMBSEN & CO.. 14 Montgomery st. FLAT to let— 6 rooms and bath, yard and basement attached. 122V4 Noe st.. bet. Four- teenth and Fifteenth. • IK you want to move get printed list flats to let frcm BALDWIN & HOWELL. 10 Montgomery. TURK. 520D — Sunny flat 4 rooms: large bath; basement and yard; $13; no children. TV.'O flats; 4 roms each; 1 flat furnished; 2 baths; 2 toilets; all necessaries. 1917 Geary. SUNNY upper flat; six rooms, bath; rent rea- sonable. Corner Clay and Webster ats. $C— TWO rooms and yard. 726 1 ,£ Harrison St., between Third and Fourth. $11— SUNNY flat; 4 rooms, bath; hot and cold water free. 2718 McAllister St., nr. park. $11— No less; fiat 4 rooms; folding doors; marble mantel. 715 Tehama St., near Eighth. $12— ELEGANT sunny bay-window flat; 4 rooms, bath. 314 Preclta aye.. near Folsom st. FREE TO ALL.. BKAUTIFULLY Illustrated book,' by sending I address to lock box 643. Los Angeles. Cal. FURNITURE FOR SALE. ENAMELED iron bedsteads, all sizes, $2 90; heavy matting, 10c r p r yard; 30x60 inch rugs, $1. Eastern Outfitting Co., 1310-1312 Stockton ¦t., near Broadway; open evenings. ALMOST new Brussels carpet; reasonable. 507 Eighth st. 4 ROOMS furnished In oak for $48 50. with No. 7 range. King Furniture Co., 1127-1131 Market. FURNITURE WANTED. ALFRED WOLLPERT, 773 Mission St., pays the highest prices for your 2d-hand furniture. W. E. CODY (late with J. T. Terry & Co.) buya furniture, carpets. 7u7 Mission; tel. Red. 33.'5. HELP WASTED- FEMALE. A— lo SECOND girls, $25 and $20, city and coun- try; chambermaid and waltreps, $25; a wait- ress, private family. $23; 4 nurse girls, $20 to $25; governess, 1 boy 9 years old, $15; 6 Ger- man and Swedlßh cooks, $30 and $35. House- work—San Rafael, $25; Berkeley, $25, 3 In family; Oakland. $23; San Mateo, $25; Sau- salito, $25; Belvedere, $25. Twenty housework girls city and country, $25 and $20; 10 wait- resses and chambermaids, $20 and $22 50, city and country: « arm waitresses, city, $7 and $3 per week. MIPS CULLEN, 325 Sutter st. C. R. HANSEN & CO PHONE GRANT 185 HOTEL DEPARTMENT 5 more waitresses, Los Angeles, free fare, $25: 12 waitresses, Pasadena, • special rates, $20; 6 waitresses, Coronado Beach, special rates, $20; 4 chambermaids, Coronado Beach, special rates, $20; waitresses for St. Helena, Watsonvllle, San Joae, Fresno, Keswlck (fare here) and city, $20; 2 cooks, city boarding- house, $33: fancy ironer, country, $25. FAMILY DEPARTMENT Woman about 55 years of age to care for two nmall children and superintend housekeeping, $15- 2 cooks, German families. $25; 14 girls for general housework, $25 and $20; 2 nurse girls. $10 and $15. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 104 Geary st. MRS. M. E. DAY, recently manager of the "Hotel Gazette" Employment Bureau, ha« resumed charKe of our female department and will be pleased to see or hear from all her friends and patrons, old and new. C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 104 Geary st. WANTED— Waitress for officers' dining-room for institution, short distance In country, middle-aged woman preferred, first-class po- sition, at $25 per month. "W. D. EWER & CO., 610 Clay st. WANTED— Neat girl for general housework for American family, short distance in country, $25; see party at our office this forenoon. J. F. CROSETT & CO., 316 Sutter St. WANTED— ParIor maid and waitress, $25; sec- ond girl. San Rafael. $20; 5 second girls, $20, $2.V, 2 nurse girls. $20, $25; 3 cooks, plain wash, $30; 5 cooks. German style, $25, $30; 6 hotel waitresses. $20; restaurant cook». $7 and $10 a week; chambermaids and waitresses, $6, $7 a week; a large number of girls for the coun- try, $20. $25. $30. J. F. CROSETT & CO., Sl6 Sutter st. WANTED— Typewriter and stenographer, must speak German, act as office clerk. See J. F. CROSETT & CO., 316 Sutter st. COOK, $35; two cooks, $30 and $25; Second girl. $20; nurse girl, one child 6 years old, $12; young second girl to assist, $12; house girl, $30: 4 house girls, $25 each; house girl, Berk- eley. $30; middle-aged woman, light house- work, $15 to $20. MRS. NORTON. 313 Sutter. 4 SECOND girls, city, $25 and $20; a waitress, country, $23; a cook, American family, $30; a number of housework girls and girls to as- sist, from $25 to $15. MISS H. CULLINAN, 323 Sutter St. WE want a few more flrst-class house to house solicitors; a liberal proposition and good commissions. Western Advertising Com- pany. 313 Bush st. WANTED— Strong girl for general housework. 1460 O'Farrell st. OPERATORS on vests; highest wages paid. 641V4 Stevenson st^ GIRL for light housework; 2 In family. 224 Broderick st. NEAT young German girl to assist with light housework. Call 954 McAllister at. WANTED— A girl for cooking and housework: 3 in family. 836 Union St., corner of Taylor. COMPETENT girl; housework and cooking; wages $1*; call before 9 a. m. 142S McAllister. WANTED— A girl to do light housework. 6» Eighth St., between 8 and 10 a. m. RELIABLE girl to care for children; com- fortable home; $12; call 1 and 3, Tuesday only. 615 Powell st. • : ; 25 EXPERIENCED operators on silk waists; aleo corder. B. F. Mfg. Co., 409 A Turk st. COMPETENT, neat girl, housework and cook- ing; Infant's small wash: $15 to $20; steady place; apply after 9. 720 Bay St., near Hyde. WANTED— A good waitress. 704 Larkln st. GIRL for general housework and cooking for one lady; references; 2 to 4. 1632 Sacramento. YOUNG girl as cook; references. Call 536 Sut- ter at., between 10 and 3. GIRL for general housework; must be good cook; references. Call Tuesday, between 9 ! and 12. 2303 Van Ness aye. MIDDLE-AGED or elderly woman for house- work; plain cooking and washing for family of 8. 1521 California St., upstairs. LOST AND FOUND. LOST— Last Friday, Eighteenth and Valencia, black cocker spaniel, white under neck. Re- turn 1330VJ Natoma St.: reward. LOST— GoId spectacles Friday, near Alcazar Theater. Return 1422 Green st. ; reward. LOST— Set of teeth. Return to 225 Drumm at.; reward. A GREYHOUND pup. white, with red mark- ings on ears. Suttable reward if returned to I. H. FRANK. 1408 Post st. LOST— A passbook with The Hlbernia Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, in the name of HENKIETTE RAFELD. No. 229-743. The finder will please return to bank. LOST on Market st. — Enamel and diamond locket. Finder return to SE. corner Califor- nia and Laguna sts. : liberal reward. . ? LOST— January 8. a black and tan deerhound bitch. Return to A. MAZUE. 9 Jansen St., and receive reward. LOST— English setter. Return to JOHN BER- GEX. 334 Pin" St., and receive reward; name on collar. LOST— A passbook with the Hlbernia Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, in the name of EMIL GLARNER: No. 212-784. The finder will please return to bank. LOST— A passbook with tne HI Derma Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, in the name of MRS. CATHERINE DALTON- No ISS-020. The finder will please return to bank. FOUND— A lady's red enamel watch. Apply at 614 Kearny st.. room 51. MEDICAL. MRS. DR. KOHL, the only reliable ladles' phy- sician and specialist of long and successful practice; private home for patients before and during confinement; best of care; guaranteed treatment at office. $o; safe and reliable; con- sultation free. 1122 Market St.. between Ma- son and Taylor; hours, 9 to 5. DRS. GOODWIN, the welf-known ladles' spe- cialist, formerly of 401 Van Ness, 1362 Market, has returned from Europe with Improved methods and advanced knowledge; cure at office $3: warranted; 15 years' successful prac- tlce In 8. F. Office. 118 Eddy st.. near Mason. MRS. DR. WYETH. reliable ladles' physician and specialist: home for patients In confine- ment or with chronic diseases: best care; guaranteed treatment at office, $5; consulta- tion free. 942 Post St., bet. Hyde and Lar- kln: hours 10 to 5, 7 to 8. DR. G. W. CDONNELL. the world-renowned ladles' specialist; safe and reliable; has prac- ticed in S. F. for years; treated thousands of cases successfully; treatment can be used at home: consultation free: success cuaran- teed. Write or call at 1023\$ Market «t. MRS. DR. ALLEN. 1035 Market St.— Ladle, specialist; guaranteed treatment at office. $.". safe and reliable; consultation free; hours Id to S. WOMEN'S medical and surgical Institute: sci- entific treatment; confidential: consultation free. 1236 Market. Murphy bldg.. rma. 127-138. DR. POPPER, ladles' physician for 37 years; call on a physician with man's fcm~ledxe; cure $5; consultation free. 318 Kearny st. DR. and MRS. DAVIES. 1228 Market: ladles' . physician; chronic diseases treated: late sden- tlfic methods; cure guaranteed; treatment $S. DR. WISE, the ladles' specialist. 111S Market st.: every case guaranteed; $3 up. MRS. DR. GWYER, 510 Eddy st., bet. Hyde and Larkln: hours. 10 to 12. 2 to 4 and 7 to 8. Mrs. Dr. Allen. 1035 Market. ladles specialist; guaranteed treatment at office. $5. Hrs..lO to g. DR. and MRS. M. WEGENER— Private home In confinement. 1312 Golden Gate are. DR. W ONO HIM. herb doctor, treats all dl»- easea of the human body. 115 Masoa at. HELP WANTED— FEMALE. "WANTED— Young girl to assist In »rener»l housework; wages $12. 317 First st. WANTED— An apprentice for dressmaking; paid while learning. 1933 Howard St. WANTED— A good plain cook; wages $20. Ap- ply at 1140 Oak at. WANTED— Young girl for light housework; $10 per month. 124 A Eleventh st. GIRL for light housework; 1 in family; no washing; wages $S; references. Address box 7643, Call office. RELIABLE girl for light housework and as- sist with baby; wages $15. Call after 10 at 2222 Geary st. TAILORESS on flne coats: only flrst-claes young girl need apply. 629 Post st. NEAT girl for general housework; references; good home. 603 Guerrero st. GIRL for housework; call in forenoon. 2126 Post st., near Scott. WANTED— GirI to assist In general housework. 737 McAllister gt., near Octavla. STARCH work lroners at 790 Elizabeth st.. be- tween 23d and 24th; good wages. GERMAN girl: housework: one stopping home pred. Call after 9 a. m.. 10S3 Mkt. upstairs. GIRL to learn halrdresslng; also one to learn manicuring and face massage. 240 Stockton. GIRLS looking for housework call at MRS. O. D. SCOTT'S. 2143 Dwlght way. Berkeley. SINGLE ladles wishing to Join a social club send address to MRS. HERTZ. 706 Ellis Bt. WOMEN and girls on steam power sewing ma- chines; experienced or inexperienced. Shirt Factory. 36^4 Fremont St.; elevator. LADIES' cloaks, suits, $1 per week. Eastern Outfitting Co.. 1306 Stockton, near Broadway. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 109 C Va- lencia st. A BRANCH office for the reception of adver- tisements and subscriptions has been opened at 1223 Polk st.; open until 9 p. m. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at the northwest corner of Twenty-second and Ken- tucky sts.; open until 9 p. m. HELP WANTED — MALE. YOUNG couple take charge of residence; woman cook; man assist; $30; country; light place. MISS CULLEN, 325 Sutter st. AT C. R. HANSEN & CO.. PHONE GRANT ISX HOTEL DEPARTMENT hotel clerk, country, flrst-class place; head waiter, country, $50; second cook, $65; night cook, $60: elevator and bellboys, country and city hotels, $15; French waiter, $40; third cook, $45; German waiter, $9 a week MISCELLANEOUS 100 coal miners for New Mexico, special rates of fare; teamsters for the Coast Road, free fare; miners, $2 50 a day; farmers, woodchop- pers and others. C R. HANSEN & CO.. 104 Geary st. __^______ SECOND cook for mine boarding-house, $40. C R. HANSEN & CO.. 104 Geary st. MURRAY & READY PHONE MAIN 6S4S LEADING EMPLOYMENT AGENTS AT 7 A. M pile driver; 2 single hand miners $60 iron molder, miller, 2 butchers $52 to $60 TEAMSTERS AND LABORERS 4-horse teamster, dairy $30 and found 8 4-horse teamsters, $1 fare $2 day 6 2-horse teamsters, $1 fare $175 day 10 laborers. 25 miles from city $45 50 2 more swampers for woods $30 and found 9 farm hands $20, $25 and $26 and found 15 pruners for vineyards and orchards $26 and found tlemakers: woodchoppers; shingle bolt mak- ers; 45 woodchoppers, 4 ft. and stovewood, $1 73, $150, $125 and 73c per cord; 15 shingle bolt makers, $150 per cord: 23 tlemakers, 13c. 12c. 10c and 9c each. MURRAY & READY. 634 | and C!t Clay st. | BLACKSMITH'S helper and wife, see boss here, $40 and found. MURRAY & READY. 634 and t3G Clay st. COOKS WAITERS DISHWASHERS cooks, $<0, $35 and $30; waiters, $30, $25 and $20: waiter, country north, $25 and found; German younjr man for grocery store, city, $7 week; washer for country laundry. $30 and found. MURRAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay s^ FARE PAID FARE PAID 20 laborers for large Sawmill Co., no experi- ence required. $20 and found. MURRAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay Bt. GERMAN Catholic choreman, ccc boss here, $23 and found. MURRAY & READY, 634 and 63« Clay st. "WANTED— Gardener, private place, near city, must be able to drive, etc., $25 and found; sec- ond hand baker on bread, city, $9 per week; young man about institution, no experience required, $10 per month, board, room and washing; 5 more miners, $2 per day. part fare paid; 50 men, different places, to chop wood, shingle bolt, ties, etc, at going prices, see party In city; farmers, milkers and others. W. D. EWER & CO.. 610 Clay St. "WANTED— Stableman and driver for institu- tion; plumber for Arizona, fare paid, see boss here: man and wife, private family, $30: car- riage smith's helper and finisher, $2 25 day; 2 milkers and choreman, $25; machine black- smith: cooks, waiters, dishwashers and oth- ers. J. F. CROSETT & CO., 628 Sacramento. WA.NTED — Porter and assistant waiter for club; young man; $20 to $25 and found. J. F. CROSETT Si CO.. 628 Sacramento st. "WANTED— A butler, with references; $40. Apply MRS. NORTON, 313 Sutter st. BARBER'S Protective Union— The only legal organized union on the coast. J. J. HEINZ. Employment Secy., 630 Market, downstairs. BARBERS' Progressive Union— Free employ- ment. H. Bernard. Sec. 104 7th: tel. Jessie 151. INDUSTRIAL Insurance solicitor and collector wanted. Apply 12:30 to Ip. m., W. 11. CHAP- MAN, Ell Montgomery. GOOD waiter wanted at 315 Grant aye. BARBER wanted at 433 Pine st. COOK wanted. 210 Townsend st. JAP wanted for night bath man. Call at 9 a. m., 54 Third st. / FIRST-CLASS painter; must mix colors. 340 Third St., room 10. BOOTBLACK. 947 Fillmore St., corner of Mc- Allister; wages. "WANTED— Two extra waiters. 608 Seventh st. "WAITER wanted at 615 Clay st. DISHWASHER wanted; call early. 135 Fifth street. GOOD dishwasher. 517 Montgomery st. WANTED — A young man with experience as carriage painter. 933 Brannan St., nr. Ninth. LARGE, strong boy; $5 week. 1218 Market st. ACTIVE boy; drive wagon, help in grocery; wages $3 per week. Box 1078, Call office. WANTED— A young man willing to work two hours a day In exchange for full course In a business college. Address box 1077, Call. BOY wanted for Jewelry store; state references. Box 4139. Call office. COAT, vest, pants maker; call early. 635 Kearny st. YOUNG man who resides in the Mission to as- sist in waiting at table in cafe evenings. Apply 1001 Valencia st. OPERATOR wanted on custom coats; also er- rand boy. 304 Tehama st. BOY wanted to run elevator. Fair-mount Hotel, Market and Tenth sts. BARBERS — 2-chalr shop for sale cheap; good location. 320 Sixth st. SOI JCITORS* wanted for the "Memoirs of D-wlght L. Moody." written by his son and assisted by Ira D. Sankey; published with the authority of Mrs. Moody and family; only book authorized or authentic; demand enorm- ous; harvest time for agents; large profits; credit given; freight paid. Address The Do- minion Company, Dept. L, Chicago. SALESMAN wanted— Successful subscription book salesmen will learn of rare opportunity by addressing or calling at 927 Market St.. room 622. WANTED— Laborers and mechanics to know that Ed Rolkin. Reno House proprietor, still runs Denver House, 217 Third St.; 150 large rooms; 25c per night; $1 to $2 per week. 600 PAIRS men's shoes, slightly damaged, half price. £62 Mission at., between Ist and 2d sts. GET your shoes half-soled while watting; 25c to :-oc. 562 Mission St., between Ist and 2d sts. BEAMEN, green hands and ordinary seamen, at HERMAN'S, 26 Steuart st. WANTED— IOO men to try our 15c breakfast, dinner or supper; best in city. 406 McAllister. MEN wanted to learn barber trade In 8 weeks; day and evening class; special Inducement this season; handsome illustrated catalogue and souvenir free; only institution in the world teaching the barber and halrdresslng trades. MOLER'S BARBER COLLEGE. 635 Clay st. Branches — San Francisco, New York, St Louis. Chicago. Minneapolis. MEN and women to learn barber trade; day and evening classes. Expert instruction at S. F. BARBER SCHOOL. 741 A Howard st. PENSIONS-J. H. SHEPARD & CO.. attor- ney. Hearst bldg.. Third and Market. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at the northwest corner of Twenty-second and Ken- - tucky sts.; optn till B p. m. HELP IVANTEp~-MALB^^ sw^s7r?GLE~7urn?slhed rooms. 10c. 150 and 2So per night. Llndell. Sth and Howard; read, nn. WINCHESTER Hotel. 44 Third St.. near Mar- ket; 700 rooms, 25c night; reading room; free 'bus and baggage to and from the ferry. A BRANCH office for the reception of adver- tisements and subscriptions has been opened at 1223 Polk st.; open till 9 p. m. A BRANCH otflce for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1096 Va- lencia st. HORSES, LIVE STOCK. Etc — For Sal* 40 HORSES for sale; also wagons, buggies, carts, harness. Grand Arcade Horse Market. 827 Sixth st.; auction sales every Wednesday. SULLIVAN & DOYLE. Auctioneers. SO HEAD flne draught and driving borses at 1621 and 1625 Market St.. bet. Twelfth and Brady; also some fine matched black teams. 100 HEAD mares and geldings; 4. 2. 10 years old: 1000 to 1400 lbs.; }40 to SlOO-. mostly all broke. At the Canty Ranch, Grayeon, Cal. FOR sale — Cheap, brown team. ISH: 10 years old. DALZIEL. Vet. DentUt. 6C5 Q. G. aye. HOl'sES LODGING— FOR SALE. 109-ROOM house: corner: clears $300 $2500 10 rooms; on O'Farrell st 325 10 rooms; on Taylor; worth $SQO 450 33 rooms; corner; clears $150 1600 10-room flat: clears $150 COO I WILL SELL YOU EITHER HOUSE IN PAYMENTS TO SUIT. Corner on Market; clears $400.. 104 rooms. ,s4Soo Near Call office; worth $2000... 29 rooms.. 1200 Mod. house: elev. : clears $500.. 84 rooms.. 7200 Easy payments: Interest at 10 per cent; clears $150 32 rooms.. 1600 On one floor; clears $100 19 rooms., poo Flat: new furniture; rent $14.. 7 room*.. S5O Paying house; clears $150 23 rooms.. S5O Downtown; rent $25 21 rooms.. 325 New flat; rent $14 ?.xooms.. 250 Market St.; rent $75 26 rooms.. R.">o Corner; only $300 cash 18 rooms.. 800 Clearing $100; rent $50 26 rooms.. 550 Boarding: corner house 32 rooms.. 2000 Hotel and bar; 65 boarders 59 rooms.. 400 ICO other houses, 3 to 500 rooms; $T>o t0... 10. 000 CALL. I CAN SUIT YOU IN TERMS. PRICE AND LOCATION. MONEY TO LOAN ON ANY HOUSE. TELEPHONE JOHN 5L H. C. DECKER. 1020 Market, opp. Fifth st. 14 RCTOMS; well furnished; rent $40 $353 2X rooms; all rented; rent $43 300 40 rooms: flne location; rent $75 1000 100 rooms at a great bartrain: rent $200 3600 65 r. ; rent $100; $1700. BASILE. 3 Eddy st. J22fV> — PART cash; 42 rooms; best location north Market: finely fur.; all rented. Basile, 3 Eddy. 10-ROOM house near Market st. ; clears $30 month: rent $20 month. BASILEi, 3 Eddy st. $1600—23 ROOMS; all on 1 floor: $800 down: tal- ance at 1 per cent per month: paying well. $325 — 8 rooms; nice flat; on easy payments. $s©o— 22 rooms; good location; $50 rent; easy payments. 15 houses from $300 to $2000; paying well; good locations; easy payments. A. R. E. & R. CO.. 743 Mission tt. $375— Post, nr. Mason. $1250— Eddy, nr. Jones. $10.000— Sutter, near $3500— Powell st. Pleasanton. $650— U rooms down- s4soo— 6o- room corner. town. A. M. SPECK & CO.. 667 Market «L PRIVATE rooming house; 9 rooms, nicely fur- nished; 7 rooms rented; paying $15 above rent: no reasonable offer refused; rent $25. 1223 Folsom st. $200—8 ROOMS and bath, completely furnished, will Rell very reasonable; part cash; balance easy installments. 812 Howard st- LODG ING-HOUSE— S33 Broadway; 20 runny rooms; must sell on account of sickness; $450. 28 ROOMS: all full; paying well; good reason for selling; rent $60. 420 Sixth st. HOUSE of 13 rooms and bath, on Minna st.. near Third. Address box 1012. Call office. SMALL good-paying boardlng-hous*: full; steady: reasonable. Box 1043, Call office. 17-ROOM house for sale; no reasonable offer refused. Call at 108 Sixth «t. GEARY. 1016. bet. Polk and Van Ness aye.— House, 9 rooms and bath. HOUSE of 32 rooms, all taken: very reason- able. 704 Howard st.. corner Third. HOUSE. 8 rooms; bath: carpets; large lawn; flne view; see It. 3932 Twenty-fourth St. SIX rooma and bath; bringing in more than rent: bargain. 338 Turk St. HOUSES TO LET. A— PRINTED list; houses to let; send for cir- cular. G. H. UMBSEN & CO.. 14 Montgomery. BROADWAY, 1935, between Lacuna and Bu- chanan sts.— Elegant house of 12 rooms: bath, servants' room, etc. ; newly renovated. For further particulars apply to G. H. UMBSEN & CO.. 14 Montgomery st. A. M. SPECK & CO 667 MARKET ST. 2955 California; S r.sl4 1541 Eddy; 8 r $25 1705 Mason: 4 r $10 1345 Howard; 5 r $19 207 Ellis; 10 r...517 50 110 Natoma: 8 r $14 TO let— Furnished or unfurnished; medt-rn house of 10 rooms, with stable In rear; 317 Union st. Inquire A. DECOURTEUX. 529 Merchant st. NEATLY furnished house: 7 rooms and bath; sunny side of street; nice neighborhood; $50. 1614 Golden Gate aye., bet. Scott and Devisa- dero sts. | FINE bay-window house. 7 rooms and bath; hich basement: ft>» flower trarden: 1731 Bu- chanan St., near Sutter. Apply at 623 Golden ; Gate aye. $500— HOUSE 8 rooms neatly furnished; all rented: central location; rent $18. Box 4138. Call office. BUSH, 1224 — Sunny house of 9 rooms and bath; water free: large yard: rent $37 60. HOUSES TO LET — FURNISHED. AN nrtistlc furnished house to rent or lease: centrally located; 5 bedrooms; large parlors: music and dining rooms, etc. : 10 minutes' walk to Kearny st. : large grounds; rent $125. Address, with full name, box 1022. Call office. METAPHYSICS. COLLEOE-Sugsestive therapeutics . t-l-p,^" occultism; free clinic Tues. evy. 2Q a Larki^ MINES AND MINING. g £ a l£Jeßs' Gold H lne shares; fortune makers; dividend payers; quoted on Pacific Stock Ex- rhanire- 6^ cents per share or monthly install- mentft'send for prospectus CARTERS GOLD MINING CO.. 220 California St.. rooms 3-7. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. roii FRS engines. 2-hand machinery. Mc- ?NTOSfI & WOLPMAN. 135-157 Fremont st. BARS back bars, mirrors, showcases, cpun- s%*: linoleum, office furniture, store and of. flee furniture and futures: new and second- hand J.NOONAN. 1017-10W-1021-W23 M! S3l oa : st., above Sixth. BARS, counters, showcases, shelving mirrors, i bought, sold and exchanged. 1063 Mission it. STEINWAY piano, upright grand: also house- hold furniture: private sale. NW. cor. I i..h avenue and East Fourteenth st.. Oakland. THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn. Minorca eggs. «jc setting. L. ISAAC. Uimond. Krult- vale. A 1200 SEALSKIN, perfectly new. latest style. for |110. UNCLE HARRIS. 15 Grant aye. FOR SALE— Pleasure yacht; cheap: 27 ft. 1.. 11 ft. beam; must sell. Apply SC* Third st. DR. CREELY'S C. P. mange cure: by all drus- glsts, or Do* Hospital. 510 Golden Gate aye. PAINTER'S outfit for sala with trade. 127 Turk st. FOR sale — 40 or EO gallons good, pure ranch milk. Address Country Dairy, care 507 Sixth st.. Oakland. A — BUYS, sells or rents gear machinery, en- gines, tollers, water pipe, shafting, pulleys. etc. WHITELAW. 216 Spear st. AT less than cost; uncalled-for iuii> ar. i trousers to be sold at Charles Lyons', the London Tailor. 721 Market st. In the History Euildinsr. SAFES — New and second for banks, merchants. steamers, residences; portable safety boxes; specie chests, bullion safes, vault-, etc. Tha Walt* Safe Co.. 103-111 Market st.. S. F., Cal. ONE 4-sided sticker: 1 p!an«r and matcher: I air compressor; 5 locomotives. 220 Fremont. EDISON concert phonograph, price reduced to $100; concert records, |2 SO. BACIGALUPI. 933 Market «t., San Francisco. A-J3 50 DERBY and Fedora hats, »1 73. Pop- ular Price Hatters. 330 Kearny St., nr. Pine. DRESS pants. $2 75; flne suit. Jli). MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS. 513 Montgomery »t. BOILERS engines, drill presses, planers, lathes iron & wood: 2d-hand. J. BURKE. 133 Beale. NEW and second-hand slot machines bought and sold. W. C. BENTHAM. 1532 Market st. NEW style Singer sewing machines: S drawers; oak; complete: cheap. 1313 Mission, nr. loth. SECOND-HAND machinery, electrical supplies, boilers and engines. H. S. White. 518 Mission. SAFES— New and second-hand. THE HER- MANN 3AFE CO.. 417-421 Sacramento s*. A WEEK'S news fcr 5 cents— The Weekly Call. 18 pages. In wrapper, for mailing. $1 per yegr. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTED — 6 boxes of fresh ranch egr?s every week steady. Address box 2C27. Call. GOLD quartz rock for Jewelry: 122 per ox. for gold in It. 32S Bush St., 3d floor, room 4. HIGHEST price paid for all kinds ot curios and Philippine relies. 825 Dupont. nr. Calif. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1900. «AN FRANCISCO CALL. BUSINESS OFFICE cf the San FrancUeo Call, corner cf Market and Third etreets. open until 12 o'clock every night In the year. BRANCH OFFICES— S27 Montgomery street. corner Clay; cpen until 9:30 p. m. JW> Hayes etreet: cpen until 9:30 p. m. C 39 McAllister etreet: cpen until 9:SO p. m. CIS Larkin etreet: cpen until »:30 p. m. IMI Mission street; open until 10 p. m. 5261 Market street, corner Sixteenth; cpen entll 9 o. m. 106 Eleventh street: open until » p. in. 10«« Valencia etreet: open until 9 p. m. 3223 PoJk etreet; open until 9 p. m. Northwest corner of Twenty-seccnd and Ken- tucky etreets; cpen until 9 p. m. CALIFORNIA Chapter No. 8, R. A. . M.. « will meet THIS CTCESDAY} EVEN-_J^_ ING, January 23. at 7:30 o'clock M. J^X. M aezre-. By order of the H. P. '~^ * FRANKLIN 11. DAY. Secretary. GOLDEN GATE Lodge No. 30. F and fl A fc-M.-etinc THIS (TUESDAY) 4\ EVENING at 7:20 o'clock. D. 2 7%/\ GEO. J. HOBE. gecy. 'V PACIFIC Lodge No. 136. F and AM.. ¦ 121 Eddy et., »ijl meet Till:* E\EN-^%^ ING at 7:30 o'clJek. D. 2. XtJ\ GEORGE PKNLINGTON. Secy. / ~ * PACIFIC Lodge No. ISB. F. and A. M.. ¦ mill meet TO-DAY at King Solomon's -a\- Hal!. .V - i '••• •-. •<: : : ; m., n I\X attend the funeral of our late brother, ' ~^ A JOSEPH NEWIIAUER. Master Masons ar« '.r.vited. GEORGE PENLINGTON. Secy. ORIENTAL Lodge No. 144. F. and A. m M— F C. degree THIS (TUESDAY) /_^ K\ ENING at 7:30 o'clock. 5_K A. S. HUBBARP. Secy. fV> ANNUAL Meeting.— The annual meeting of the lot owners in the Masonic Cemetery will be held at the Masonic Temple on TUESDAY AFTERNOON. February «. IWO. at 2 o'clock, for the election of three trustees and such business as may legally come before it. GEO. J. HOBE. Secretary. AOOU BEN ADHEM Lo<J«. No. -jg^SSjj^ 112, : O. O F.- Members n- . ti- fled to attend funera! of our late Brother. THOMAS H. WELCH. -^VicN TUESDAY, 1:30 p m.. Memorial HaJl. THOMAS G. OBRAM. N. G. FTOCKHOLDEKS' meeting— The annual meet- Jr.c cf the stockholders of the UNION IRON WORK? will be held at the office of the com- p¦ ' > . 222 Market St.. fan Francisco, on TUtS- PAT January 23. IKK), at 1J :30 o'clock a. — i., for the purpose of electing a b -arc! of dlreators j to serve for the ensuing year and for the I transaction of such other business as may ccm: btXcre the meeting. J. 08. GUNN. Secretary. Office, 222 Market et.. San Francisco. Cal. January 9. 1900. KAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. January 20, 1900— To the shareholders cf the Independent Red Men's Hall Asa-viatlon— Gents: The annual general meeting of the shareholders will be held on TUESDAY EVENING. Jan. 23. at I o'clock, in Red Men's Hall, 510 Bush st. IS. A. PAMMANN. Secretary. Zl'.K annual meeting of the membership of the Workmen's Guarantee Fund Association will take place at its office, room 63. Flood build- ing. TUESDAY EVENING. Jan. 30. at 7:30 o'clock : H. G. PRINCE. Sec. ANNUAL — leetir.g.— The postponed annual meeting of the stockholders of the KILAUEA SUGAR PLANTATION COMPANY will be field at the offl.* of the company. No. 327 Market street. Pan Francisco. California, on THURSDAY. th« :r,«.h day of January. 3»CO. at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m.. for the pur- j pose cf electing a board of directors to nerve for the ensuing year, an-i the transaction of ruch other business as may come before the meeting. Transfer books will close on Satur- day. January IS. 19uO, at 12 o'clock m. E. H. SHELDON. Secretary. THE rrpular annual meeting of the stockhold- ers of the UNION TRUST COM- PANY ot San Francisco, will be held |«t the office of the company in the Union Trust Company's building, corner Montjrom- <«ry. Pest and Market tts.. Pan Francisco, «'iil., on MONDAY, the fifth day of February, IST', at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m.. for the purpose of «-lectlng a board of directors to perve for the fallowing year, the amendment nt the by-laws of the comj»any and the trans- action of such other business as may come j before the matins. I. VT. HTLLMAN JR.. Pecr-tary. ASTROLOGY. PP.OF. A. UASEBY of Ejrypt. greatest astrolo- gist and palmist In the world: satisfaction guaranteed. 437 Gulden Oate aye. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ADVICE free: divorce law a specialty; private: no fee without euccess: collections. G. W. HOWE, any at law. &50 Market, cor. Stocktn. ADVICE free; no charge unless successful. W. W. DAVIDSON. $C 7 Market et.. cpp. Mason. F. H. VERZBACH. attorney at law. has re- eumed practice at WC Cal. St.. Clunie bldg. L P. CLARK. Emma Ppreckels blig.. 92<" Mar- ket *t. : oon«i:?T!iMnn free; no fees In advance. BOARD AND ROOSIS. HOTEL" FaTrjToUNT. 1714 Market— Elegant new furniture; first-clars in every respect; table unsurpassed; hot and cold water: ele- vator; FUit<-s. with buard for 2. J5O month up. NEW family hotel; first-class In all appoint- ments; excellent table: special inducements to select people. 807 California et., occupying corner opposite Grace Church. "BELCRAVIA HOTEL." P.jlk and Clay— Sun- ny suites; l>es.t board: 2, J%O up; single, J22 50. JIAIGHT. 232— Sunny rooms with board; terms reaecncble. LAP PALMAP. 10 Market rt.— Puite of 2 or 3 mi s.: private: bath; sin. rms. : beard optional. O'FAEKELL. 7<2— Clean, comfortable rooms; irool home cooking: special rates to pents. BOARDING FOR CHILDREN. TO beard— An infant or email child: $10 per mcr'h. Tli Lexinrton nve. BOARD AND ROOSIS WANTED. ET~NNY room, board optional: within 23 min- utes' ride of Call; references. Addrees box IMP, Call office. BOOKS — NEW AND OLD. 6CHOOL BOOKS bought and exchanged. Holmes Bork <V».. 7 f >4 Mission St.. near Third. IJOOT AND SHOE BARGAINS. CLEARANCE EALE— GREAT REDUCTIONS. Men's regular $1 50 shoes Jl 16 Children* rpsrular ?1 00 shoes 65 ct« People's Ehoe Ftore. 1303 Stockton, nr, Br'dw'y. BUSINESS CUAACES. A CIGAR Ftore, connected with candy and ice i cream parlors, on transfer point, close to j Powell and Pr*t rts. ; rent $20; first-class pay- ing; large stock; nne fixtures. I\. G. WILKE. I i>o« Market st. A— s3so; DAIRY produce and delicacy store, with 3 living rooms; rent $12: a good-paying business. Inquire It. G. WILKE. SK.* Market. A— s4oo; PARTNER wanted In establ. butcher- shop; owner wants honest assistant: knowl- edge cf business not necessary. H. G. WILKM &0C Market Et. A— s3so; PARTNER wanted In chop and coffee house; lively country town; place clearing $60 for each partner. Call R. G. WILKE, 906 Market et. A— ssoo; CORNER Miloon; 11 furnished rooms; $40. R. G. WILKE. i-06 Market et. A— 11200; ELEGANTLY fitted up saloon on best transfer corner of this city; low rent; best class of custom; place first-class paying; P«.wner to attend to his ranch cause of eale. Call R. G. WILKE. K< Market et. i A— slsoo; SALOON on Market *t., close to Sev-; rent net $S0; splendidly paving place; other engagements cause of eale. R. G. WILKE. &0C Market tt. A— sS.'o: BAKERY nrar McAllister St.; estab- lished years; all etore trade; large etock; rent $25; 4 years' lease: II 1 *, barrels per day. Call It. G. WILKE. 906 Market et. A— FINE opportunity to secure the State rijrhts of a new patent required on every ranch: will cave a large amount of labor and do the work better than any other known; model to be pt-en at STENHEHG CO.'P. 26V, Kearny gt. $SS— FHUIT lsUire: 3 living rooms;ftood business; central; cause, sickness. BASILE, 3 Eddy st. FOR eale — A crockery business with rood, well- lestablishedI established ooaloil route, in a laree suburban town: j'rescnt investment about $4000; would | accept San Francisco property in exchange, i For particular* an>ly to F. W. DOHRMANN, ISO Sutter et. _^^^ j %Mt— SALOON and Junch house; best location among factories in the Mission; 4 living rooms; satisfactory reasons lor Belling. Ap- ply box 2583. Call office. CORNER grocery and bar; best business loca- tion; cash trade; sickness compels owner to retire: investigation solicited; sacrifice. Box 7CS3, Call ofnce J CORNER Etore for rent, with fixtures; suitable for enjeery and bar; north of Market st. Pa- cific Business Exchange. 1016 Market St. FOR tale— sEso: first-class grocery and bar. with living- rooms; cheap rent. Inquire 341 Pine et.. corner Montgomery. JI.*.O— FALOON and grocery etore: must sell at once: cood location. ?21>4 Howard at. TO ccii your business quick for cash call City rsusine«e Rxchange, 79 Third et. WE have epeclal bargains in rooming-houses to-day from $300 up. 79 Third et. BUSINESS CHANCES— Contlnned, ATTENTION^ SELLERS!'" "' wm ~~™~™ List whatever you have for sale with me. I can sell for cash. I will advertise it free for you. I want no exclusive contract. Have buyer waiting with cash. I sell city and country real es- tate and business pieces. H. C. DECKER. 1020 Market St., opp. Fifth. AN exceptional opportunity for a business man with $1000; experience unnecessary; will «tand investigation. GALE & BENSON. 320 Parrott building. A— s2oo; HOME restaurant in Alameda; big trade: fixtures cost more than asked; slck- ne»g. GALE A BENSON. 320 Parrott bldg. BAKERY In town near San Francisco doing a flne cash business; large stock; good fixtures; horee and wagon; cheap rent; trial K'ye". great sacrifice. JONES & CO.. Efa Market st. $175— DELICACIES and dairy produce; value in sight; fine location. JONES & CO., S&. Market st. A GOOD chance— Wine business doing a pay- ing business: only about $250 required. Apply A. M. SPECK & CO.. 667 Market st. $4iO— BRANCH bakery and variety store; bar- gain; going to Europe cause of sale, aic- LAUGHLIN & CO.. "~\k Market St. CORNER rrocery; full stock; sickness cause- See COWING & CO.. 1130 Market Bt. WANTED— Partner in business established 24 years In Oakland; pays from $400 to $500 per month; $7500 capital required, which will be fully secured by good real estate; no chance of loss; must be a business man, competent to keep books and collect bills. Call or ad- dress Call branch office, Oakland. INTENDING purchasers of restaurant fixtures attend auction of Golden Rule Restaurant to- day at 2 p. m. 559 Market gt. $350— PARTNER in saloon: will take part c_h; chance for steady man. 79 Third et. $125— MAN to open oyster and chop house with experienced cook. 79 Third st. TO let— Elegant cafe, furnished complete; rent taken out in board. 459 Geary et. FOR eale— Good business opportunity: will pay $300 to $COO monthly; very little money re- quired down: no experience needed; every- thing new; the- best of reasons for selling; can be handled In your own locality; send this ad. and address Drawer 146. Chicago, 111. FOR sale cheap— Cigar stand in good location; next to 'Orpheum. 117 O'Farrell St. PARTNER wanted in a produce business. Call 5 p. m. at 114 Lnr.gton st. $S3— CIGAR stand for Rale at 67 Third st.; rare chance; owner leavlnc city. $40— SHOE shop for sale; established 3 years: worth $100. sickness the cause of selling. Cor- ner Nineteenth and Castro sts. j^fv— FlNE candy store and bakery; near echools; worth double price asked; investi- gate. 3SOI Seventeenth tt. ISO— FOR sale; restaurant; rood paying part of city. Inquire GEO. W. H. PATTERSON & CO., 1706 Market Bt. A ROUTE on this paper for sal«. AddreM box €. Oakland Poetofflce. FOR rent— To in rp-to-date man with expert- i ence a fL-rnlshed hotel and race track In | Eureka. Cal.; located on main traveled road and good chance -to make a nice paying bu*i- nesp. Apply to J. O. LOVEREN, Eureka. Cal. BADEN. South San Francisco; hotel for sale, with *Q Fteady boarders, with good prospect?; must be sold on account of sickness. Inquire Grand Hotel. Baden. South San Franclcco. OLD establishe<l wagon-making and horseshoe- ing business; 15 years present location; cheap on account of death of owner. 22 Courtland avenue. IM-BOOM house for sale or exchange for lodg- ing-house In Chicago or other business; no a^ent*. Box 2522. Call : T<"»OLs\ stock, fixtures of a paintshop for Bale; cheap. Apply at fhop. D 26 Washington St. WANTED— A butcher shop In the Mission or Western Addition. Box 414-~>. Call. $17;n CASH: corner grocery and bar; flne stock; good location. Inquire 200 Hayes st. PLUMBING shop: well established. 605 East Twelfth St.. East Oakland. BRANCH bakery and candy store at your price. 43S Third St. $1.'.50— 19 ROOMS newly furnished: rent $75; $600 cash down, balance easy. Apply 743 Mission. COFFEE and tea routes supplied from GEO. W. CASWELL & CO. j. 412 Sacramento >t. A BRANCH office for the reception of adver- tisements and subscriptions has been opened at 1223 Polk St.; open until 8 p.m. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and Fubscriptlons has been established at 1096 Va- lencla ft. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at the northwest corner of Twenty-second and Ken- tucky Fts.: f.pen until 9 p. m. CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. HORSE, phaeton, buggy, harreps, etc., for sale at a bargain: can be seen at Golden Gate Sta- ble. Particulars 424 Battery st. NEW bakery or laundry wagon, S-can milk wagon, 2-seated spring wagon. 2 grocery or delivery wagons. 22 Coutrland aye. TWO hors=efi. an express wagon; good stand. In- quire at .219 Tehama ft. FOR sale— Fl.-'st Brewster Victoria, coupa and family carriage. Inspect 1011 Sutter st. NEW and 2d-hand wagons, buggies, carts and har- ness, wk. & driving horses. 15th and Valencia. ALL kinds or wagons, buggies, carts, harness, etc.. cheap. EGAN & SON, 2117 Mislon »t. 100 SETS eecond-hand harness; wagons, carts, buggies, surreys and horses. 1140 Folsom St. CARPET BEATING AND CLEANING. W^EN you become disgusted with poor work send to fiPAULDING'B Pioneer Carpet-beat- ing Works. 553-357 Tehama st.; tel. S. 40. J. E. MITCHELL Carpet Cleaning Co., 240 14th St.; cleaning. 8c per yard; tel. Mission 74. J McQUEEN'S Calif orna Carpet Cleaning Co., 4^ Stevenson St.; tel. South 228: lowest rates. ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co., 402 Sutter St.; tel. Main 354. GEO. WALCOM. proprietor. CARPETS cleaned at 3c per yard; laid at ic. STRATTON'S, 8 Eighth St.; tel. Jessie 944. CO:; KLIN'S Carpet-beating Works, 333 Golden Gate aye. : telephone East 126. CLAIRVOYANTS AXD SPIRITUALISM. A— PROFESSOR MAY, , ALWAYS SEE THE BEST 123 TURK ST. He excites the wonder and admiration of the moFt skeptical; gives advice on love, business and domestic trouble; unites the separated and restores lost affection; if in doubt, trouble or adversity call on this gifted midlum and he will ht-lp you; mediums dt-veloped In from 3 to 8 months- letters containing three questions and $1 answered; hours, 9 to 8; Sundays. 10 to 2. MRS. J. J. WHITNEY, 1104 Market St., trance, test medium; life reader and medical clair- voyant; treats all diseases; sittings $L MME. A. CERVANTES, the celebrated Spanish fortune teller: best advice in difficult mat- ters. 8 Hayes St., room 7. second floor. MME. YOUNG'S convincing test circle to- night. COS McAllisjer St.; 10c: come, skeptics. C. V. MILLER'S materializing trumpet seance, I p. m. 409 Leavenworth st. ; 25c. MME. ZEREDA of o Seventh St. is the original gypsy life reader; readings, 25c. MRS. HARLAND'S circle to-night; articlesread, 10c- readings. 60c, $1. 39 Turk, oor. Taylor. ATTEND Mrs. Dunham's circle of truth, 2, 8 p. m. 14 McAllister, room 35; admission 10c FOR sale — CofTee and chop house; newly fitted; doing good business. 5 Polk st. ARRlVED— Scientific palmist and psychic: sat- isfaction ; readings this week 25c. 230 A Turk. MME. MOREAU. the best medium and card reader; 25c up. 78 Fourth St.. near Mission. M.Mi:, HANSON, palmistry, iTc: card reader; past, present, future, 25c. 148 Sixth St., r. 12. MRS. WEST returned to 1206 Mrkt, parlor 31; trance test medium; home evenings and Sun. EDWARD E"ARLE. Independent nlate writer, J3O Ellis «t.; circle Sun. and Wed. evenings. CATHERINE DEAN, returned: scientific card reader. 989 Howard St., cor. Sixth, office 23. YOUR future told by cards, 25c >44 Howard et.. 10 a. nt. to 10 p. m. MME. SHAFFER, clairvoyant, card reader; slt- tlngs dally. 212 H Sixth et. MME. AUGUST, clairvoyant, card reader and palmistry. 25c; truth or no pay. 1143 Mission. MME. RAVENNA reads life fluently; business advice: names given; 25c up. 6 Fourth nt. MME. SYBILLE— CradIe to grave; future hus- band's picture. 25c; ladles. 914 O'Farrell st. COLLECTION OFFICES. GEORGE W. KELLY'S Agency; no charge un- less successful. Room 310. 927 Market rt. COTTAGES TO LET. $S— REAR cottage; 4 rooms, basement; 239 Jer- sey; water free; Castro cars. $10— BAY-WINDOW cottage. 4 rooms; water free. 103 Collins St., near Geary. ?:„. DENTISTS. A— DR. T. S. HIGGINS' dental parlon, 927 Market st., over Cafe Zlnkand— Teeth extract- ed without pain by use of electricity, gas or chloroform: also by local anaesthetics applied to the gums; the best and most artistic dental work at reasonable prices: pure gold fillings from $1 up; other fillings from 60c; badly de- cayed teeth carefully treated and filled or crowned without pain; plates that fit from $4 50 up: open evenings and Sundays. A FULL set of teeth on a rubber plate, $5; a full set of teeth on a gold plate, $25; teeth without a plate; crown and bridge work our specialty; see our flesh-colored plates, thinner and stronger than rubber, warranted for 20 years; fillings, 50c; crowns, $3 50: all work painless and warranted. Chicago Dental Par- lors, 24 Sixth st. AT the ELECTRO-DENTAL CLINIC, 509 Mar- ket st.. cor. 4th, rm. 7, Flood bldg.. you can have your extractions done painlessly; teeth without plates our specialty; gold crowns. $3 10 up: plates, extractions free, $4 50 up; of- fice hours. 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. : Sundays. 9 to 2 p. m. G. W. WILLIAMSON. M. P.. Manager. DR. GEORGE W. LEEK. 20 O'Farrell St., ex- tracts and fills teeth painlessly by his won- derful secret method; crowns, $2; bridges. $4: rubber or flexible plates. $3; received 8 first prizes; no students; guaranteed 12 years. DR. LUDLUM HILL. 1443 Market St.. near Eleventh— Crowns, bridge work and fillings a specialty: all work reasonable; gas given. DR. C. H. CUMMINGS, 233 Valencia; dental work reas.; palnlees extraction; hours 9 to 6. VAN VROOM— "Painless" ; evenings and Sun- days. 1001 Market Bt.. corner Sixth. PARIS Dental Parlors. 235 Kfarny. cor. Bush- Full set of teeth, $4; crowns. $3; fillings, 250. LOWEST prices in S. F.: work warranted 10 years. N. Y. Dentists. 969 Mission, cor. 6th. SET of teeth without plate. DR. H. O. YOUNG. IS4I Polk St. ;__ OHIO Dental Parlors. Inc.; 8 graduate opera- torß: open evenings and Sundays. 850 Market. DOG HOSPITAL. DR. BUZARD'S Dog Hospital. Post. Flllmore— Advice and medicine 75c; city visits $1 50; all animals treated: dogs boarded. Tel. West 638. DRESSMAKERS AND SEAMSTRESSES sT^FTiDTMsnTaklngr Ladies' Tailoring School; French tailoring system taught. 30j Van J<ess. PARISIAN dressmaking. 387 Geary St.: dreisea made. $5 up; dresses made over; perfect fit. McDOWELL Dressmaking School— Leading sys- tem; easy paymonu; evg. classes. 103 Post. ACCORDION pleating factory— All kinds pleat- Ing. pinking. 121 Pott, over O'Connor & Moffat. EDUCATIONAL. HEALD'S Business College. 24 Poet St., 8. F.— Practical courses ir. bookkeeping, shorthand, typing languages. telegraphy, English branches civil, electrical and mining engi- neering, etc. ; new rO-page catalogue free. A SCHOOL In physical culture and swimming for young men, ycur.g ladles and boys; superb gymnasium and hygienic bathing facilities; fait water and swimming tank. Y. M. C. A., Mason and Ellis st!<. "The wise for cure on exercise depend." BOOKKEEPING — Neither time nor money wasted: most thorough course on earth; rapid calculations. Tarr. exp. account.. Flood bldg. ALL fturtents but two taking: full course this year got positions. SAN FRANCISCO BUSINESS COLLEGE. 1238 Market st. ENGINEERING school, civil, electrical mining, mech.. survey, assay, archi.; day and even.; e?t. 1864. VAN DER NAILLEN, 933 Market. PIANO, banjo, maj-dolin; reasonable terms; thorough Instructing. Studio. 405 Geary, r. 47. AYRES" Business College, 723 Market et.; life scholarship, $50; sei>l for catalogue. A-^INGING. piano. French. Spanish; Parisian graduate; J2 mo. 5?.0 G. G. aye., r. 6; hr. 2-S. CLASSES in German; French, Spanish; $2 per month. Add. Language Teacher, 904 Taylor. SECURE an experienced teacher. PROK. MKRKI. 1008 MiHPior.; violin, mandolin, guitar. SHORTHAND taught personally and by mail; languages. Mlfk M. G. Barrett, 302 Montgyy. BOOKKEEPING, arithmetic, grammar, writing; day and night; terms low. 1024 Mission, nr. Sth. ACTING an«i vaudeville people put on stage. Hallett. Lyceum Tl rater, 310 O'Farrell St. "EXPANSION" the ¦ rder at DURHAM'S Busi- ness College. 305 Lt.rkln St., opp. City Hall. DANCING, ballroom.or stago. quickly taught; rrlv. or class. IJarK»r's Academy. 927 Mission. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. A JAPANESE and Chinese employment office, No. 30 Geary st.. established over 5 years, re- moved to 421 Post st.. nexr Powell. GEO. AOKI, telephone Bush 135. ORPHEUM Employment Office— Japanese, Chi- nese. 426 Powell, near Sutter: tel. Black 132 L CHINESE and Japanese Employment Office — bert help. 414»4 O'Farrell Bt. ; tel. East 425. EMPLOYMENT WANTED — FEUALB. FIRST-CLASS infant's nurse desires position; 6 years last place; city or country. MISS CULLEN. 225 Sutter st. FIRST-CLASS German laundress desires situa- tion; test of references. MISS CULLEN, 323 Sutter st. FIRST-CLASS German cook desires a situa- tion: hotel or boarding-house: city or coun- try; test of reference. MISS 11. CULLINAN, 323 Sutter Bt. FIRST-CLASS Swedish cook desires a situa- tion; best city reference. MISS H. CULLI- NAN, 323 Sutter st. COMPETENT waitress and chambermaid de- Flres a ion; hotel or boarding-house. MISS H. CULLINAN. 323 Sutter Bt. A SWEDISH house girl, good cook. 8 years' reference; also a Swedish second girl. Rood waitress and seamstress. MRS. NORTON, 313 Sutter st A NEAT German woman, good cook and house- worker, $15 to $20; and a Swedish woman wishes work by the day. MRS. NORTON. 213 Sutter st. 2 FRENCH girls want positions as nurses or second girls. Apply C. R. HANSEN & CO., 104 Geary st. SCANDINAVIAN girl wishes situation to do second and plain house work. 1113 Fifth aye.. South San Francisco. COMPETENT laundress and housecleaner wants work by the day; terms $1; references. Box 1032, Call office. GERMAN girl wants place to do housework and plain cooking; wages $15 to $16. Call at £02 Bush St.; no postals. FIRST-CLASS cook wants a position in private family. Box 4143. Call office. GERMAN woman wants a few more daces to wash. Call Or address 264 First St., near Folsom. GERMAN woman wants work in restaurant over lunch hours. Call or address 264 First St.. near Folsom. COMPETENT woman wishes work by the day; $1 per day and car fare. S3SS Mission St., op- posite Thirtieth. GERMAN girl looking for downstairs work and cooking; wages $25. Apply at 146 Juniper Bt., bet. Harrison and Bryant, 10th and 11th. COMPETENT woman wants washing or house- cleaning by the day. Box B, Call Branch, 1223 Polk st. COMPETENT French and German cook wishes situation; private family; references. Call at 140 Minna St., near Third. COMPETENT cook wishes position; city or country. 216/4 Sixth st. EXPERIENCED stenographer and typewriter wishes position; salary to commence $5 a week. Box 3SI, Call office. GOOD reliable girl wishes a situation to do upstairs work and sewing; references given. Apply at 440% Jessie et. GENERAL housework; good cook, washer and lroner. Call or address 7?1 Bush st. TWO Scandinavian girls wish situations to do general housework: understand cooking well. Please call 6CO Willow aye. REFINED young lady wishes genteel employ- ment; office work preferred; no canvassing. Box 1076, Call office. SITUATION wanted by a respectable girl in a nice family; is Urst-class cook and housework girl; wages $30 a month. Call at 225 Dorland •t., between 17th and 18th. YOUNG German woman wants situation for general housework and cooking; is good seam- stress; can do any kind of work; sleep home. Call C 22 Howard St.. upstairs. - ••..- SEAMSTRESS wishes place to do upstairs work and pewing or care for children and sew. Seamstress, 419 O'Farrell, flat 4. YOUNG lady wishes position as cashier even- ings; experience; references. Box 1043, Call. LADY would like a position as housekeeper, nurse or companion. Address M. B. H., 1426 Ku.-u Sixteenth st., Oakland. AN experienced dressmaker and designer, who flte exquisitely, - desires work by the day in families or at home. 1127 Ellis st. YOUNG married woman wishes a situation as wetnurse. Call or address 19 Morris aye. WINCHESTER House. 44 Third St.. near Mar- ket: 200 rooms: 25c to $1 50 night: $1 50 to $8 week: convenient and respectable: free 'bus and baggage to and from ferry. - A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at the northwest corner of Twenty-second and Ken- tucky sts.; open until 9p. m. . ¦ •<'¦ ¦ . 10