OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, January 23, 1900, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1900-01-23/ed-1/seq-8/

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Time Ball.
Branch Hydrographlc Office. V. B. it.. Mer-
Securities were dull on the morning session.
Hawaiian Commercial declined to $87 and
Oceanic Steamship advanced to $95.
Business wa» better In the afternoon.
Oceanic sold up to $95 50 and Gas & Electric
was higher at $52i@51 874-
Following is a list of Cripple Creek, Colo.,
mining dividends during the first ten days
of January: Gold Coin. $10,000: Golden Cycle,
$10,000; Gold King, $30,000: Last Dollar, $30.CO0;
LUlie. $11,250; Modoc. $5000; Mary McKlnnie.
$30,000; Portland, $90,0C0; Raven, $10,000; Strong,
$25,000: Vindicator, $50,750; Amazon. $12,000;
total, $314,000.
The Homestake Mining Company has de
clared a regular monthly dividend of 23 centa
for December, payable on January 25; also an
extra dividend of 25 cents payable at the same
The last dividend of the Ontario mine, paid
on January 20, makes the total given to stock
holders $13,617,500.
MONDAY, January 22—2 p. m .
Bld.Ask. Bld.Ask.
U-S Bonds— Cent L St. P.... — ¦ 5
4s quar coup.. — — Eqult G L Co. 4«.J 5
4s quar reg.... — 114% Mutual L Co.. 134 14^4
4s quar new... — — OG L & H... 434 45
3s quar coup.. 1104 — Pas Gas Imp.. — 46<-j
Miscellaneous- Pac Light Co.. 41 _-
New York Stock Market.
NEW TORK. Jan. 22— The clock market
eho— -ed continued indifference on the part of
th* puW'c and even of professtona! speculators
to-day. Net changes in prices are without any
ri*~Sflcano«» as bearing on the condition of
fou«Sn«"*s or affairs. There was some show
of Mrenirth In the local traction group which
may be attributed to a covering demand from
the short interest. Notwithstanding the better
feeling reported In London on account of pro
k ¦¦ — raid to be making in the accotnpllßh
tnent of the British plan of campaign the
nr.jrliKh financial public showed no disposition
to pay her i>ric»»s for American securities. As
fioon i.c prlc^a were lifted in this market sell-
Ing orders for London account were executed
In the leading international stocks. This
•^emed to discourage any further operations
for a rise and prices drifted back near Satur
day's ckaing l»-vel and oscillated very feebly
from that level for the rest of the day. What
ever «p*culativf> disposition was current seemed
to be divided between the cotton and wheat
markets where there was some show of ani
mation and considerable strength reflected from
foretj— , markets. While the market was thus
listless the undertone we* firm and whatever
l ¦.. * >-' There was was attributed to covering
t>>- a latrpe outstanding short interest. There
— aa n<» further marked change in the rates
Tor money to-day. A further drop In sterling
exchange rates marked the continued relaxa
tion In the money situation abroad as well
_s here. The factors making toward greater
«.r* liable to seem interrupted
et no v»ry distant |>eriod. The money coming
fror- the rub-treasury Is due In part to heavy
disbursements for pension payments, which are
now about completed for the present period.
The deposit of internal revenue collections In
depository banks cannot be Indefinitely pro
longed for lark of government bonds at se
curity. If the drain from the banka Into the
¦üb-treasury by reason of the taking up of
purplus revenues in resumed the present rate
cf return from the Interior will scarcely be
rufneient to offset it. ThU Is a remote con
tingency at present, but It plays some part in
the eluirgishneta of the money market.
The bond market was not so active as during
the latter imrt of last week, but etlll over
shadowed the market for stocks. The forced
liquidation last fall <!ld not at any time affect
the hlch-rrade Investment bonds and they are
not affected by the present upward movement.
Such middle, lower-grade bonds which were
bought to realize on are now in large demand
and art- steadily advancing in price on a large
at*orpt!on. Total sales, par value. $3,180,000.
United States old 4s f registered) declined H
and old <s (coupon) M In the bid price.
Share* Closing
cold. bid.
__ AtchUon 13T»
:.:.(. Atrhicon prefd 61
S(iO Haitimore & Ohio .'«'¦;
2nd Canadian Pacific 93%
100 Canada S-iuthern 49%
I.CIO ChM,ai»«"ake & Ohio 30
1,230 «'hlrajro Great Western 13>4
t,6M3 Chicago, liur'.ington & Quincy 122%
300 Chicago Ind & Louisville 15%
Chicairo Ind & Loui«vUle prefd 46
200 Chicago & Eastern Illinois S3
Ohiciiro & Northwwestern 161
J.'-::' Chl^Ko Rock Island &. Pacific ....10*4
*G0 V. C C _. Xt Louis 61
»..".... Colorado Southern 6%
100 Colorado Southern Ist prefd 43>4
143 Ctilcrado 2d prefd IS
b Delaware &. Hudson lli'.i
Cal-st Cab 55..115Ji - |S F G & E.... 61H 62
C C Water 55..106%107% Ean Francisco. 4% 5
Ed L& P 65.. 130 — Stockton Gas.. 13 —
F & Cl Ry 65.. 115 — Insurance—
Geary-st R 6s. — 95 Flrem's Fund. 22o —
H C & S 545.. 10S 111 Bank Stocks—
HC& S 5s UtiVi — Anglo-Cal Ltd. 63 —
L A Ry 65....104V4 — Bank of Cal. -.400 —
LAL Co 55... — — Cal S D & T.. — 98
Do gtnd 65.. — — First Nat10n1..250 —
Do gtnd 55.. — 103 Lon P& A 131 132V4
LA& P R 55.102Vi103 Merchants" Ex — 16
Market-st 65...1254 — Nev Nat 8k... — —
Do Ist m 55..117%115U Savings Banks—
NCN G R 7s. — 103 Ger S & L...1.00 —
NR of Cal 68.112 - Hum S & L.. - -
NR of Cal 53.114 - Mut Say Bk. 40 45
NPCRR6S.IO3 - S F bay L... 500 -
NPC R R 65. 106 — Say & L 50... 724 SO
NC R R 55.. .109 - Sec Say 8k... - -
OGL & H 55.10S 110 Lnlon T C 0... - -
Oak Trans 65.. - 113 Street Railroads-
Oak W Co 55.. 105 1064 California .... - 120
Oceanic SS C0.104%105% Geary-st ...... 50 -
Om CRy 65... - 12S Market-st Ry.. 61 62
P&Clßy6s.. - - OSLtH...:;- 50
Pk _O Ry 6s. - - Presidio •¦•••¦•» ~
Powell-st R «s. - 121 P°5 de , r Stocks—
Sac El G&R5s — 100 California 1m lio
«: vx-vv> v* ii^st E Dvnamlte... So —
1F & Jj/ssf-1164 - Giant Con Co.. 94 95
SRy of Cal 6s. - 109 Vigorit ••¦••••- 2 ~* ~
SPof A 65....11<*411'>% Su X a !l Stc^s—
S P C 6s(l9os).lo9%lloU|Hana P Co.^. .£ .^
SP C 6s(1906).lll — [Haw C&S Co Sb 4 —
S P C 6s(1012). — - I Honokaa S Co. 3^* —
SPCIsc S ss. - - jflutch S PCo. 2R4 27
SPBr 6s 124412S Kllauea SCo. — -7
S V Wat 65. ... 115 - I Makawell SCo 434 -
S V Wat 45.... - 1044 jOnomea b Co.. 2.4 —
SV W 4s(3dm). 102^4 - Paauhau S Co. -.% -**
Stktn Gas 65. .101 105 Miscellaneous ,T a ,,, w
Water Stocks- Al Pack A55n. 1194120
Contra Costa.. 73^ 73 Mer Ex Assn.. — 100
Marin County. 50 — Oceanic S Co.. 904 w*
Spring Valley. — 94 Pac A F A.... IT* 24
Gas & Electric— I'ac C Bor Co.. 147 —
Cent Gas Co.. — — J Par Paint Co.. 94 —
Morning Session.
Board— , -«
250 Hana Plantaticn Co • £!,.
10 Hana Plantation Co ' *t *
65 Hawaiian Commercial and Svgar — »; w
40 Oceanic S S Co »- ™
90 Oceanic S S Co *> £j
50 Paauhau S P Co *l 3.4
$2000 S F ie N P Ry bonds J« M
$2000 S F & N P Ry bonds 1" »
$3000 Los Angeles-Paelflc It R bonds 102 25
54000 Spring Valley 6's lla Za
Afternoon Session
25 Ala B sk a a rd plckers' Assn 119 50
100 Equitable Gas * 2°
200 Honokaa 3° "°
50 Hutchinson S P Co 2" •»
$1000 Market Street Ry Ist con s's US 00
10 Oceanic S S Co 9,-> 00
10 Oceanic S, S Co 95 2->
50 Oceanic S S Co *« w
20 Onomea Sugar Co 2i au
75 Paauhau S I' Co 27 37ft
$3000 Park & Cli House 6's 104 50
160 S F Gas & Electric Co 52 00
50 S F Gas & Electric, b 10 32 00
50 S F Gas & Electric 51 87} i
$2000 S P of A bonds HO 50
$1000 S V 4' s, 3d mortgage 102 50
1 Spring Valley Water 93 87»^
5 Spring Valley Water 93 50
2 Spring Valley Water 93 6ZV2
Morning Session.
Board —
10 Alaska Packers' Aesn 120 00
25 Contra Costa Water 73 00
100 Equitable Gas 4 87»i
10 Giant Powder 93 50
50 Honokaa Sugar Co, s 20 30 25
10 Oceanic S S Co 94 124
10 Oceanic Steamship Co 94 25
15 S V Water 92 »24
100 Vigorit Powder 2 874
Afternoon Session.
10 Alaska Packers' Assn 120 00
60 Contra Costa Water 73 124
60 liana Plantation 7 124
30 Hawaiian Commercial 87 00
100 Honokaa. Sugar Co. s 90 30 00
10 Oceanic S S Co 95 00
100 Onomea Sugar Co. s 90 2S 124
50 Paauhau Sugar Co 27 23
23 S V Water 93 50
Mornin_ Session.
325 Barker Ranch 1 15
300 Century 1 25
200 Anaconda 1 0")
100 Yukon 145
Afternoon Session.
200 Anaconda 100
Momlnr Session.
200 Burlington 100
150 Horre Oil 3 Hi
10>> National 6 '•>
100 San Luis 5 374
Afternoon Session.
200 Burlington 1 0O
10) National "60
100 National TOO
150 San Luis 5 124
Following 1 were the sales In the San Francisco
Stock and Exchange Board yesterday:
Mornlnr Session,
100 Alta 03 100 Hale & Norcrs. 40
300 Best & Belcher. 26 4CO Mexican 34
200 Best & Belcher. 25 500 Ophir 71
100 Best & Belcher. 24 COO Potosl 2S
300 Chollar 25 600 Savage 17
100 Chollar 26 400 Sierra Nevada. 49
200 Con Cal & Va,..l 6u 100 Sierra Nevada. 50
200 Crown Point.... 13 tOCO Union Con 31
200 Gould & Curry. 24 1 100 Yellow Jacket.. 23
200 Gould & Curry. 23,
Afternoon Session.
500 Alta C 3 I 200 Justice- 04
HjO Con Cal & Va...l 65 50 Ophir 72
100 Hale & Norcrs.. 41 1 500 Potosl 31
Following were the sales In the Pacific Stock
Exchange yesterday:
Mornlnsr Session.
500 Best & Belcher. 2S 600 Ophir 72
2CO Best & Belcher. 27 400 Potosi 29
200 Chollar 27 400 Potosl 30
800 C C & Va 165 300 Potosl 31
100 C C & Va 1674 600 Potosl 33
600 C C & Va....l 624 300 Savage 17
200 Crown Po'.nt .. 12 700 Sierra Nevada. 49
509 Gould & Curry. 24 300 Sierra Nevada. 50
COO Hale & Norcrs. 41 400 Sierra Nevada. 51
100 Mexican 36 j 500 Union Con 32
400 Mexican 35 600 Union Con 31
200 Mexican 34 I 500 Yellow Jacket.. 23
Afternoon Session.
200 Gould & Curry. 24 300 Potosl 31
200 Kentuck 03 300 Utah 04
MONDAY. Jan. 22—4 p. m.
Alpha 02 04 Kentuck — 03
Alta 02 04, Lady Wash 02 —
Andes 07 09 ' Mexican 33 35
Belcher 11 12 Occidental IS 20
Best & Belcher 26 27 Ophir 71 72
Bullion 04 05 ' Overman 06 07
Caledonia 60 52iPotosi 31 32
Chollar 27 28 Savage 17 18
Challenge Con. 19 20 Scorpion 02 —
Confidence 65 .63 Peg Belcher 02 03
Con Cal & Va.l 65 170 [Sierra Nevada. 49 51
Con Imperial... — 01 Silver Hill 03 05
Con New York. — C4iSt Louis — 07
Crown Point... 12 13 jStandard —2 95
Exchequer — 02|Syndicate — 05
Gould & Curry- 24 25 Union Con 31 32
Hale & Norcrs. 40 41 Utah 04 03
Julia — 02 Yellow Jacket. 23 24
Justice 02 04.
Monday. January 22.
Stmr Pomona. Parsons. 13Vi hours from Eu-
Stmr Greenwood. Faeerlund. IT hours from
Stmr Leelanaw. Storrs, 33 days fr^m Manila,
via Naeasaki 2* l i days, via Kobe SZH clays.
Stmr Albion, Ericsson. 40 hour 3 from Cres
cent City.
Stmr Scotia, Jacobs. 16 hours from Albion.
Stmr Cleone, Higsins. 17 hours from Caspar.
Stmr Brunswick. Andresen, 32 hours from
RMondo. . -.
Stmr Santa Cruz. Hlnkle. 70 hours from N«w-
Umatllla. Cousins, SO hours from Vic
toria and Pu*et Sound ports.
Stmr Newsboy. Walvl*. 20 hours from Lsal.
Stmr Del Norte. Allen. 51 hours from San
DießO. _
Stmr Empire, Nelson. 5V^ hours from Coos
Br «h!D Clan Graham, Mclntyre. 74 Cays from
Newcastle, NS"VV.
Bark Gatherer. Youngrren. 17 days from, Tir
coma, via Clallam Bay 4 days.
Schr Ralph J Lonj. Islgkelt. 25 day* from
Suislaw River.
Schr Mary Etta. Anderson. 3 days from
Bowena Landlnff.
Schr A 31 Baxter, Marshall, 12 days frota
Monday. January 22.
Stmr State of California. Ga«e. Astoria:
Goodall, Perkins & Co.
Stmr North Fork, Bash, Eureka: Cb as Nel-
Stmr Bonlta, Nicolson. San Pedro: Goodall.
Perkins ft Cb:
Br stmr Alsoa. Hansford, Hongkong-. rl_ Yo
kohama: P M S S Co.
Br stmr Wellington. Salmond. Nanalmo: R
Duns— uir Sons Co.
Monday. January tt.
Stmr North Fork. Bash. Eureka.
Stmr Alcazar. Gunderson. — -.
Stmr San Pedro, Zaddart. San Pedro.
Stmr Sequoia. Thwlnar. Fort Brag*.
Br stmr Wellington. Salmond. Nanalmo.
Br stmr Algoa, Hansford. Yokohama and
Schr Volante, Ahrens. CoQullle River.
Per Br ship Clan Graham, from N>w castle.
Aus— D— : 13. lat 24 30 S. lon IS W— Br ship
River Falloch. from Vancouver, for Liverpool:
all well. Dec 22. lat IS 30 S. lon 1~ 58 W. Br
ship Bermuda, from Astoria, for Queenstown:
all well.
Dec 4. lat 14 S. lon 34 W— Br ship Ancor.-,
from Manila, for Boston.
PANAMA— Arrived Jan ft-Haw sttnr Earra
couta. from ChamDerlco. with cargo shitted.
decks swept, bulwarks stove and tails split
and lost.
POINT LOBOS. Jan 22. 10 p m— Weather
foggy: wind SE. velocity 10 miles. .^-/ ¦
BOWENS LANDING— SaiIed Jan 22— Schr
Corinthian, for San Francisco: achr Bender
Brothers, for San Franc!sco.
FORT BRAGG— Arrived Jan 23— Stmr Noyo,
h CLALLAM-In bay Jan 22-Bark V!<Sette
from Tacoraa. for San Francisco: Ger bark
Pirat from Port Blakeley. for France: schr
Lizzie Vance, from Seattle, for San Pedro: schr
Wm Renton from Taeom a. for San Pedro; schr
Meteor from Port Luillow. for San. Pertro.
GRAYS HAKBOR- Sailed Jan 21V-Schrs Ida
McKay. Falcon and Laura May. for' San Pedro:
ichr La Glronde. for Redondo: m"hr Reporter
nnd blctn Monitor, for San Francisco; schr
Zamra. for Santa Rosalia: stmr W H Kreu
ger. In tow tvs: Astoria, for San Francises.
Arrived Jan 2ft— Schr North B»nd. henc« Jan
10- schr Dauntless, from Guaymas; schr Nettle
Sundborr. hence Dec 27.
TILLAMOOK— Arrived Jan 19— Stmr Tin*
monk, hence Jan 14.
SEATTLE^ — Sailed Jan 21— Stmr Chas Nelson,
for San Francisco.
Arrived Jan 21— Bark German!*, hence Jan.
J; barJte Shirley, from Skasruay.
PORT TOWNSEND— Arrived Jan 22— Bktn
Katie Flle'icinarer. hence Jan ft.
USAL— Sailed Jan 22— Stmr Point Arena, for
Shoalwater Bay.
COOS BAY— Launched Jan 13— Bktn Joseph
L Erlston.
Arrived Jan 22 — Stmr Arcata. hence Jan 20.
SAN DlEGO— Arrived Jan 23— U S stmr
Adams, henc* .
Sailed Jan 22— Schr Admiral, for Port Gam
EUREKA— SaiIed Jan 22— Strar Samoa, for
San Francisco.
SAN PEDRO— Arrived Jan 22— Schr Comet,
from Port Gamble: schr C P Holmes, from Pnrt
Blakeley. Jan CO— Stmr Despatch, from Re
Sailed Jan 22— Rtmr Ruth, for Ssin Francisco.
ASTORIA— SaiIed Jan 22-Stmr Geo W Elder,
hence Jan ID.
PORT GAMBLE— Sailed Jan 23-Schr Ida,
Schanuer," for Pan Francisco.
REEDY ISLAND— Passed Jan 21— Stmr Trra
waddy. from Philadelphia, for Pan Francisco.
DOVER— Passed Jan I!V— P.r shti> Port Cale
donia, from Cnleta Buena. for Hamburg. Jon
20— Br ship Lord Elgin, from Antwerp, for San
FALMOUTH— SaiIed Jan 20— Ital bark Mario,
for .
CAPE TOWN— Arrived Jan KV-Br shlo Cam
brian Hlls. hence Oct 31.
Exchange and Bullion.
Sterling Exchange, sixty days.... — $4 54«4
Sterling Exchange, sight — 4 87%
Sterling Cables — 4 88%
New York Exchange, sight — li
New York Exchange, telegraphic — 174
Fine Silver, per ounce — 69*4
Mexican Dollars. — 4S
Wheat and Other Grains.
WHEAT — Liverpool and Paris advanced, the
latter rising 50 centimes, owing, according to
Broomhall's cable, to damage to French and
Russian crops by fro6t.
Chicago advanced lc in symDathy with for
eign cables. Corn was V*c higher and Prwi
slcns were strong. Private wires said that It
looked as l f we were to have a bull week. Tlv;
Northwest bought freely, and business In flour
last week was large. The visible supply re
mained about the same. At the close coarse
grains weakened and Wheat showed signs of
reacting. There was some cash demand, but
the timid shorts were well ashore.
In the local market futures advanced and spot
quotations were also higher. Trading in fu
tures was more active than for some time.
Spot Wheat— Shipping, 96>.i'g974c; milling,
9S?;c@sl 024.
Informal Session— 9:ls o'clock— May— 74,ooo
ctls.' $100%; 28,000, $100%: 2000, $100%: 16,000.
$1 004. December— 2 Coo. $1 03%: 6000, $1 03%; 4000,
$1 04%; 20,000, $1 044; 2000, $1 04%; 40C0, $1 04%.
Second Session— May— Cooo ctls, $100*4; 4000.
$1 00%: 12,000. $1 004-
Regular Morning Session— May— l2,ooo ctls, $1;
4000. $100%; 10.000. $100H; 2000, $100%.
Afternoon Session— December— 4COo ctls, $104%;
14,000, $1044. May— 4ooo, $100%; 10,000, $1004;
10,000. |1 00%.
BARLEY— The week opened on a dull and
featureless market.
Feed, 75@774c for No. 1 and €s®7;>/4c for oft
grades: Brewing and Shipping grades. So@S74c;
Chevalier, nominal.
Informal Session— 9:ls o'clock — No sales.
Second Session — No sales.
Regular Morning Session— No sales.
Afternoon Session— No sales.
OATS— There Is nothing new to report, the
market being extremely dull.
White. $1 10@l 30; Red, $1 074@l £0; Gray.
$1 074« l 174; Black, 974c@$l 074.
CORN— Receipts from the East continue large
and the market is dull. Eastern Wmte is quoted
at 95c©$l 024 per ctl and Eastern Yellow at
$1 05@l 10; mixed, 97Hc@$l 024.
RYE-SIIU 05 per ctl.
Flour and Millstuffs.
FLOUR— California family extras, $t 60©3 73.
usual terms; bakers' extras, $3 40@3 50; Oregon
and Washington. $3 40@3 50 per bbl for extra,
$3 25©3 40 for bakers' and $2 25<33 for supernne.
MILLSTUFFS — Prices In sacks are as follows,
usual discount to the trade: Graham Flour,
$3 25 per 100 lbs: Rye Flour. $2 75; Rye Meal.
$2 50; Rice Flour. $7: Cornmeal. $2 50: Oat
Groats, $4 50; Hominy, $3 25@3 50: Buckwheat
Flour, $4ff4 25- Cracked Wheat, $3 75; Farina,
$4 50; Whole Wheat Flour, $3 M; Rolled Oats
(barrels). $6«f7 25; in sacks, $5 75ii?7; Pearl Bar
ley, $5; Split Peas, $5; Greea Peas, $5 50 per
100 lbs.
Hay and Feedstuff s.
All descriptions remain as previously quoted.
Bran is firm with greatly reduced offerings,
while Hay Is weak and quiet with large re
BRAN— SI 3 60014 50 per ton.
MIDDLINGS— $17020 per ton.
FEEDSTUFFS— RoIIed Barley, $14@17 per
ton: Oilcake Meal at the mill. $26@27; Jobbing.
J27 50®28; Cocoanut Cake. $20@21; Cornmeal.
J23&24; Cracked Corn. $23 r.o@2» 50; Mixed Feed.
$15 50- Cottonseed Meal. $28 per ton.
HAY— Wheat, $7 50<gS E0 for common to Rood
and $3ijr9 60 for choice: Wheat and Oat. $703;
Oat, $6 EO@S; Barley. $j@6 60; Alfalfa. $5©S per
ton; compressed. $7®lo per ton. /
STRAW— 2S®SOc per bale.
Beans and Seeds.
Beans are no higher, but dealers quote a firm
market. Seeds continue dull and nominal.
BEANS— Bayos. $3 25@3'50; small White. $2 90
©3 10; large White. $2 60<J2 SO: Pinks, $2 500
2 75; Reds. 3 75@4; Blackeye, $4 50©4 75: Butters,
nominal; Lima, $5 10@5 20; Pea, $3^3 25; Red
Kidneys, $4®4 23.
SEEDS— Brown Mustard. 3®3Hc: Yellow Mns
tard. 4@44c; Flax, $1 90@2 20: Canary, 84c per
lb for California and 4c for Eastern; Alfalfa, 7@
8c; Rape, 24©3 c; Hemp, 4@44c; Timothy, 4
@44c '. . . *
DRIED PEAS— Nlles. $1 5001 90; Green, $1 75
©2 50 cer ctl. ________
Potatoes, Onions and Vegetables.
Sellers are trying to obtain higher prices for
Onions, but do not succeed very well. Potatoes
are weak and dull, owing to large arrivals from
the river. Vegetables ;are steady, with ample
supplies of moat klnds.^
POTATOES— Kariy Hose, Ss®9oc; River Reds.'
Ct'@7sc; Burbanks, 50@85c per sack; Salinas
Burbanks, $I©l 25: Oregon Burbanks. 85c@$l 2u,
Sweet Potatoes. $1 60@l 60 for Merced. v
ONIONS— $1 25©l 75 per ctl for all kinds.
VEOETABLES — Green * Peas. 2@sc per lb:
String Beans, 4@7c; Cabbage, 40@50c; Los An
geles Tomatoes. $I@l 75; Egg Plant from Los
Angeles, 10©15 c; Dried Okra. 124 c per lb;
Garlic. 6@7e; Green Peppers from Los Angeles.
'4@sc for Chile and 10c for Bell; Dried Peppers.
8#10c; Carrots. 3lKfT4oc per sack; Los Angeles
Summer Squash, 75c@$l per box; Marrowfat
Squash, $10 per ton.
Poultry and Game.
Two cars of Eastern were put on yesterday.
Turkeys continued dull and weak, but other
descriptions were firm.
POULTRY— Live Turheys. ll®l2V4c for Gob
blers and 11R124C for Hens: Dressed Turkeys.
13@15c; Geese, per pair. $1 75<fJ2: Goslings. $1 7a
UZ; Ducks. Hiii fur old and i4'jrf> >or younx:
Hens. $4®5; Young Roosters. $5@5 50; Old
Roosters, $4 50@5: Fryers, $4 6C©5; Broilers, $4
ff4 60 for large and $3@3 60 for small: Pigeons.
$1 25W1 50 per dozen for old and $2 0003 for
GAME— Quail. $1250150: Mallard, $3f?4; Can
vasback. $3@4 50; Sprig. $3: Teal. $1 60: Wid
geon, $2: Small Duck. $150; Doves. 75c per
dozen; Hare, $1 60; Rabbits. $1 75@2; Gray
Geese, $3if3 50: White. $1 50; Brant. $1 75^2 50:
Honkers. $5; English Snipe, $2 50@3 per dozen;
Jack Snipe, $1 CO. . : y -
Butter, Cheese and Eggs.
Dairy Butter is firmer, as It Is In moderate
supply and the demand for It Is good at the
moment. There Is no change In Creamery.
Cheese continues weak and dull.
Store Eggs are still lower, being affected
by Eastern, but the decline In ranch Is ap
parently stayed for the time being and they
are steady, with light receipts.
Creamery— Fancy Creamery. 24@23c; seconds.
Dairy— Fancy. 22(?!'224c: goctt to choice. 19®
20c: common. 13® 174 c.
CHEESE— Choice mild new. ll@HV4c; old.
104 c: Young America, 114@12c; Eastern. 154@
16c: Western, 1340,15 c per lb.
EGGS— Quoted at 17@lSc for store and 20®
224 c per dozen for ranch. Eastern — Cold stor
age, 15ig174c.
Deciduous and Citrus Fruits.
Four cars of Oranges were sold at the auc
tion. Fancy large Navels went at $2 30®2 40,
medium sizes at $1 50@2 10, and standards at
65c@$l 25. Seedlings sold at 65c.
Lemons are lower and dull, with free sup
plies. Limes are unchanged. Apples con
tinue plentiful.
Apples — 3541 05 c per box for common, 75051
for good. $1 25@1 60 for choice.
BERRIES— Cape Cod Cranberries, $4®7; Coos
Bay Cranberries. $1 per box.
CITRUS FRUITS— NaveI Oranges. $1 50^2 r>o.
per box: Seedlinjr* 50c@$l 25; Pomelos. $I(S2 50;
Lemons, $1(31 50 for common and $2(32 50 for
good to choice; Mexican Limes, $4 50®5: Cali
fornia Limes, 2o'' : '3sc; Bananas. $1 75@3 per
bunch; Pineapples. $3 50@4 per dozen.
Dried Fruits, Nuts and Raisins.
The demand for Prunes and Peaches has
fallen off considerably, and both are now dull.
The European demand for Prunes was their
salvation this season, for If It had not ex
isted there is no knowing how low prices
would have gone, nor how many hundreds of
cars would have been carried over.
UlXlirlU t'holTS-i'runes, in sacks, 44c for
40-50's, 4@4%c for 50-60's, 34c for 60-70's. 3>4c
for 70-80's. 3c for 80-90's and 2%c for 90-100's.
Apricots, ll@l3c for Royals, 124^16c for Moor
parks and 12@14c for Blenheims; Peaches, 54@
6c for Standards. SViigfiSic for choice and 7@Sc
for fancy: Peeled Peaches. 124®15c; Evaporated
Apples. 6*io74t: Sun-dried. s<gC4c per lb; Nec
tarines, B@9c; Pears. 6©74 c for quarters and
BSICC for halves: Black Figs, 24@34c: White
Figs 4@sc; Bleached Plums, BS9c; Unbleached
Plums. 7@74c for pitted and 14c for unpltted.
RAlSlNS— Bleached Thompson's— Fancy., per
lb.. 10c; choice, 9c: standard, 8c; prime, 6c; un
bleached Thompson's, per lb. 6c. Sultanas-
Fancy, per lb. 84c; choice. 74c; standard. 64c:
prime. sc; unbleached Sultanas. sc; Seedless,
60-lb boxes. sc; 2-crown loose Muscatels, 54c;
3-crown 6^o; 4-crown, 7c; London Layers,
2-crown, $1 50 per box; 3-crown, $1 60. Fancy
Clusters. $2: Dehesa. $2 50; Imperial, $3. All
prices ere f. o. b. at common shipping points
in California.
NUTS— Chestnuts. 8(j?10c; Walnuts. B@9c for
standards and 9@loc for softshell; Almonds,
liyjfil2c for paper-shell. 9@lCc for soft and 4@
6c for hard shell: Peanuts, s*;@6%c for Eastern
and 5c for California: Brazil Nutß. 74@8c; Fil
berts 12@12»4c; Pecans, ll@13c; Cocoanuts,
$4 £o^s.
HONEY— Comb, 114@12c for bright and 104@
lie for light amber: water white extracted, 8c;
light amber extracted. 74@<%c; dark. 64©6 c
per lb.
BEESWAX— 24®26c per lb.
Chicago reports a very sArongr provision mar
ket, and this situation continues firm In sym
pathy. Prices unchanged.
CUKED MEATS— Bacon, 9%c per lb for
heavy, 10c for light medium, lie for llgi::.
12c for extra light and 134 c for sugar-cured;
Eastern sugar-cured Hams. 124@13c; Califor
nia Hams, nominal: Mess Beef. Jl2 per bbl;
extra Mess, $13: Family. $14: extra Prime Pork.
$14 50; extra clear, $17; Mess, $16; smoked Beef,
lie rer .lb.
LARD— Tierces quoted at 6=ii©7c per lb for
compound and Sc for pure; half-barrels, pure,
SVic; 10-Ih tins. B%c: 5-lb tins. 9c.
COTTOLENE— Tierces, 7%@7%c per lb.
Hides, Tallow, Wool and flops.
HIDES AND SKINS— CuIIs and brands sell
about lc under quotations. Heavy salted
steers. H4c; medium, lie; light. 104 c: Cow
hides, lie; Stacs, 7V£c: Salted Kip. 104 c: Calf,
lie- Dry Hides, sound. lSifflDc; culls and
brands. 15c; Dry Kip and Veal, 17c; Dry Calf.
1S&20C; sheepskins, yearlings. 20@35c each; short
Wool 354i COc each; medium, 70@»v<:; lonj; Wool,
Jl®l 25 each: Horse Hides, salt, $2 25©J 75 for
larce and $1 for small; Colts. w>e-
TALLOW— No. 1 rendered, 5®34c per lb; No.
2 S4<S-»c; refined. 64c; grease. 2>4®3c.
Fall clip, San Joaquln plains. South
ern 8<310c; Middle County, ll@13c: Humboldt
and Mendocino. 16017 c; Eastern Orecon. 13@16c;
Valley Oregon, lS@2oc: Northern Mountain,
free, ll@14c; Northern Mountain, defective, 10®
lie per lb.
HOPS-7@Hc per_lb :
San Francisco Meat Market.
Small Hogs are quoted higher, being scarce.
Heavy* Hogs are cheaper. Otherwise there is
nothing new.
BEEF— 6%@7Uc per lb for Steers and 6@6\c
for Cows.
VEAL— S@IOc per lb.
MUTTON— Wethers, S@B4c; ewes, 7%@Sc per
LAMB- Sprinp. 15c: ypßrlincs, 8ffi!)« per lb.
PORK— Live Hogs. 5%c for small. syi4?3a;c
for medium and 5®54c for large; stock Hogs
and feeders. s@sVic; dressed Hogs, 7@B4c.
General Merchandise.
BAGS— Calcutta Grain Bags, 7@7Uc; Wool
Bars, 28@30c.
COAL— Cumberland has cgaln advanced.
Quite a fleet of. —?al ships has come In during
the past few days, and their cargoes were
needed, for the local yards had become about
bare. Wellington, J3 per ton;. New Wel
linston, *S; Southtield Wellington. $7 50; Seat
tle. J7; Bryant. $7; Coos Bay. $5 50: Wallsend,
JS; Co-operative Wallsend. JS: Scotch,. ;
Cumberland, $12 In bulk and $13 50 In sacks;
Pennsylvania Anthracite Egg. »13: Cannel. $11
per ton; Coke, $15 per ton in bulk and' $17 In
tacks. •'• •¦";• H*
SUGAR— The Western Sugar Refining Com
pany quotes, terms net cash. In 100-lb bags:
Cubes, A Crushed and Fine Crushed, 5%c: Pow
dered. 5%c; Candy Granulated, SVJc; Dry Gran
ulated, 5%c. Confectioners' A. 5%c; Magnolia
A, 4%c; Extra C. 4%c; Golden C, 44c; bar
rels. l-16c more: half-barrels, ',ie more; boxes.
4c more; 50-lb bags, %c more. No orders
taken for less than 75 barrels or Its equivalent.
Dominoes, half-barrels, 5%c; boxes, 6%c per lb.
Receipts of Produce.
Flour, ar sks ... 25.604 [Pußar. bbls 70
Wheat, ctls ..... C.llR .Chicory, bbls 13
Barley, ctls 5.670 Eggs, doz 5,5.-,o
Oats, ctls 810 Pelts, bdls 277
Corn, East 1,200 Wool, bags 20
Rye. ctls 930 iSugar. ska 4.000
Butter, ctls ..*.. 193|Beans. sks 1.50!)
Cheese; ctls 50 iPotutoes, sks ... 6,342
Tallow, ctls 220 | Onlons. sks 120
Wine, gals 83,200 Bran, sks -941)
Leather, rolls .... 134 Middlings, sks .. 1,300
Hides, no 272 Hay. tons 67!)
Lime, bb'.s 364lstraw. tons 5
Flour, or sks ... S96|Oots. ctls 450
Flour, or »ks ... 800 I Flaxseed. sks .... 430
Oats, ctls 240|
NOTE— In the above exposition of the tlJes
the early morning tides are given in the left
hand column anil the successive tide* of the
day In the order of occurrence as to time. The
second time column gives the second tide of
the Jay the third time column the third tiJa
and the' last or right hand column gives the
last tide of the day. except when there are but
three tides, as sometimes occurs. The heights
given are in addition to the sounciines on the
United States Coast Survey charts, except
when a minus sign (— ) precedes the height,
and then the number given Is subtracted from
the depth given by the charts. The plane of
reference Is the mean of the lower low waters.
NEW YORK. Jan. 22.— FLOUR— Receipts, 17,
27J barrels; exports. 9391 barrels. Quiet, but
held a shade firmer with wheat, checking de
mand; Minnesota patents. $3 7S<g4: winter pa
tents, *3 50@3-S0; straights, $3 35@3 45.
WHEAT — Receipts, 45.000 bushels; exports,
71,945 bushels. Spot steady; No. 2 red, 74% c
f. o. b. afloat prompt; No. 2 red elevator, 7S%c.
Options opened strong on higher cables, good
foreign and domestic buying and absence of
offerings. They continued firm, supported by
a small visible supply Increase until the last
hour, when realizing developed and brought a
reaction, closing steady at %c net advance.
March closed at 73?iiC. May. 72%@73 5-16 c, closed
72*ic: July closed 72T»c.
HOPS— Quiet
HlDES— Steady.
WOOL— Dull.
COFFEE— The market for coffee options
closed barely steady at 15@25 points net lower.
Total sales 23,750 bags. Including: February.
$7: March. $6 50<g6 93; April, $7 05; May, »7 050
7 20; July. $7 10@7 15: September. »7 23@7 40;
October, $7 25@7 35; November. $7 25; Decem
ber. $7 45rg7 50". Spot Coffee— Rio. nominally
lower; No. 7 Invoice. SUe: No. 7 jobbing, &%c;
mild quieter; Cordova. B%@l2?ic.
SUGAR— Raw, strong; no sellers; molasses
sugar, 3%c; refined firm, but quiet: mold
A. 5.40 c; standard A, 4.?5c; confectioners' A,
4.95 c; cut loaf. 5.55 c; cubes, 5.30 c.
BUTTER— Receipts, 7750 packages: steady:
June creamery, 2<i i a234c; Western creamery. 21
Ig2se: factory, 16@2Cc.
EGGS— Receipts. 5555 packages: firm: West
ern 21c, loss off; Western ungraded at mark,
141513 c.
There was a good business reported for prime
evaporated apples to-day. The market was
firm, with rrlces slightly higher on account of
export Inquiry and favorable country reports.
California dried fruits dull, but steady.
efi6»ic; prime. 7@7V«c; choice, 7*4 <gSc; fancy.
APRICOTS— RoyaI, 13i?T15c; Moorpark, la^lfe.
PEACHES— PeeIed, 20@23c; unpeeled, 74510 c
Chicago Grain Market.
Sun rises ' Z2
Sun sets A'A;'"
Moon rises (third quarter) — 0:93 a. m.
Sun, Moon and Tide.
United States Coa3t and Geodetic Survey-
Times and Heights of High and Low
" Waters at Fort Point, entrance to San
Francisco Bay. Published by official au
thority of the Superintendent.
VOTF^ The hleh and low waters occur at
the city front (Mission-street wharf) a bout
twenty-five minutes later than at Fort Point;
the height of tide is the same at both places.
The Et. FrancJ. loads sugar at Hawaiian
If'.anfis for Delaware Ureakwater, J6-2SC lesa
The Cardigan Castle load? redwood at Eu
reka for Sydney: Ccrypbene, coal at Departure
Bay for Honolulu.
The Roby is chartered for wheat to Europe.
Wheat charters prior to arrival are the Clan
Graham. 32s 6d; General Gordon, aame voyage,
iirfvatf-; Ke'.burn. 3Ss 6d. .
The Aristidea was chartered prior to arriva,
for wheat. Cour or merchandise for London
direct. 355.
New York Dried Fruit Market
The New York Commercial say.:
"The prune situation Is unchanged. There
is plenty of small buying, but the large orders
exp*>ctf<s at this season have not Appeared,
and there are no present Indications leading j
one to think they will come Jor some time yet. 1
Holders en the Coast are firm, and refuse to
consider anything but a 3»»c basis In bags
lor the four sires, or 3c if they are permitted ]
to put in a <juatit!ty Of «J-£0». It is expected (
that sales will be large later. It would only
take email concessions on both sides to liven 1
ui> trade and brUig big orders.
•'I'eaehee appear to be quiet again, after a
tew days of brisk buying, chiefly for Phila
delphia and Western markets. It Is prob
able that a considerable proportion of those
left in first hands passed to jobbers or specu
lators last u«*?k, but this is unconfirmed and
may possibly be only a rumor.
•'Raisins are Lncii£.r.ged. Trade is email
and price* barely nominal. Seeders are taking j
a few. but the quantity is too email to exert '
any influence on the market. Foreign goods ;
are dull and buying limited to small consump- |
tive orders. Holders are firm in their views |
and reius*? to make concessions, though a
Blight reduction in price would cause heavy
Weather Report.
Pr.loth Meridian— Pacific Time.)
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 22. 5 p. re.
lUowlax are the seasonal rainfalls to
c as compared with those <jn same date last
!¦»•...-.•.. and rainfall in last £4 hours:
fLast ThU Last
Stations— 24 hours. »eaeon. season.
Eu ,eka 0.00 33.20 17.CS
Red Bluff O.W 14.77 13.12
Sacramento O.W 13.33 7.bj
San Francisco 0.00 14. 3S 7.67
Fresno 0.00 6.12 3:54
Independence 0.00 208 I.la
Saa Luis Obispo O.uO 12.41 6.57
I,* Angeles O.uO 4.57 2.*4
San Diego 0.00 2.60 5.43
Vuma 0.00 C.66 1.33
6an Francisco <I*ua— Maximum temperature.
60: minimum. 42; mean. 46.
The pressure ha? fallen rapidly on the coast
of Cape Blanco. A ttorm 01 some energy ap
pears to be moving in from the North Pacific,
«jid there are indications of a southerly exten
sion aionc the. coast to Car>e Mendocino and
even further south. An area of high pressure
overlies Itah. Colorado and New Mexico.
The temc*ratur» has remained nearly sta
tionary v.est of the Kocky Mountains, except
along tr.e Sierra*, where there has been a rise
Ralnlall of 1:35 lnche« Is reported at Neah
A mnilsrara wind velocitr of 30 miles per
hour from the fouth i» reported at Astoria.
The river at Sacramento is 23 9 feet and fall-
Sootheast etorm signals are displayed from
San Francisco to Eureka, and advisory mes
eases have been sent to stations on the southern
For*caat made at San Francisco for 30 noun
ending midnight January S3. 1300: •
Northern California— Cloudy, probably rain
Tuesday; frwh southeasterly winds, high on the
Southern California — Cloudy Tuesday, threat
ening Tuesday Dl<ttt; northerly, changing to
•outhesFterly wind*.
Nevada— Cloudy Tuesday, probably rain In
«xtrenif northern portion.
Utah— Cloudy; warmer Tuesday.
Arizona— Fair Tuesday.
Kan Francicco and vicinity— Cloudy Tuesday,
probably rain; brisk Foutheast winds.
Forecast Official.
Silver considerably higher. Exchange unchanged.
Wheat advanced all over the world. Barley dull.
Oals. Corn and Rye dull and unchanged.
Bran firm and Hay weak with free arrivals.
Beans firmly held, but no higher. Seeds dull.
Potatoes dull and weak. Onions firm. Vegetables steady.
Dairy Butter firmer. Creamery unchanged. Cheese weak.
Store Eggs lozcer, but ranch unchanged.
Two cars of Eastern Poultry arrived. Game lower.
Oranges went rather lower at the auction. Lemons declined.
Provisions strong in the West and firm here.
Small Hogs higher end scarce. Large Hogs easy.
Cumberland Coal advanced again.
Prunes and Peaches quieter.
Continued on Page Eleven.
Wheat— Mar. May.
Opening 5 BM, 6 8%
Closing 5 9 6 8%
Wheat— Jan. Mar.-June.
Opening 18 50 19 50
Cloßlng 18 85 20 00
. Flour-
Opening 24 60
Closing 24 90 26 05
Chicago Livestock Market.
CHICAGO. Jan. 22.— CATTLE— Good to choice
fat steers. 13c to 25c higher: medium and In
ferior Krades. 10c to 15c higher; Texans gener
ally 10c higher; cows and heifers, 10c to 15c
higher; canners steady; general market closed
easier. Strictly choice quotable up to $8 50; good
to cliolce, J5 25®6 25; poor- to medium. {4 10@5;
mixed stockers. S3 25®3 SO; selected ' feeders.
J4 20@4 90; good to choice cows, (3 GOtgt 60; heif
ers. :3 50; canners, 12 20if?2 90; bulls, $2 75@4 50;
calves. $4 6057 75; fed Texas beeves, J4@s.
HOGS— Market 5c to 10c higher; closed wftak;
fair clearance. Mixed and butchers, {4 55@4 85;
good to choice, heavy, $4 10(ijP4 85; rough heavy,
$4 5594 65; light, $4 55@4 72V&; bulk of sales.
J4 GS©4 75. .
SHEEP— Strong; lnmbu, 10c to 15c net higher.
Native wethers, U Co@s; lambs, $4 75@S 40;
Foreign Futures.
Steamer Movements.
CHICAGO. Jan. 22.— The advance In the Paris
market (equal to 2<S2%c per pound) founded on
additional reports of damage to both French
and Russian crops, while the prime factor in
a strong wheat market here, was not the only
Influence. Liverpool was also strong, sup
ported by the decrease on passage and In
the world's shipments, and It was rumored that
wheat would have to be Imported to relieve
the famine In India. Whtat opened %@%c
over Saturday, at 664^ 66%c, and advanced on
a good demand to 67®67%c, with foreigners
the principal buyers. On free realizing of
profits by traders the advance was lost. May
sinking to 66% c. May closed firm, %c over
Saturday at 66% c.
The corn market, after a degree of firmness
occasioned by the strength" of wheat, the
steadiness of cables, the amallners of offerings
from first hands and the fact that the Gov
ernment figures were not as bearish as ex
pected, turned tall and closed weak, very close
to the bottom. May closed %c under Saturday
at 33@33%c. '•¦-:¦.-.¦: ¦.-.¦ ; '-"¦ '-.¦'¦ '-, "-
The oats market was neglected and quiet
and mustered no strength even when corn and
wheat showed gains. May closed %@Uc de
pressed at 234 c.
• The provision market was firm early on re
ceipts of hogs under the estimate and the fact
that last week's receipts of hogs averaged
five pounds less than the average the previous
week, but as offerings later came with liber
ality from Influential sources the advance was
lott. May pork closed a shade over Saturday
at JlO 85@10 874; May lard a shade down at
$6 024, and May ribs equal to Saturday night's
final figures at $5 77%.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Shipping Intelligence.
London Wool Sales.
230 Delaware Lackawanna &. Western.. l 76
Denver & Rio Grande ITV4
210 Denver & Rio Grande prefd 69»»
Erie n't
Erie let preM 32%
1M Great Northern prefd 166 1 ,* \
Hocking Coal 15 I.*1 .*
Hocking Valley 30
1.120 Illinois Central 11l
lowa Central 12
lowa Central prefd 51
Kansas City Pittt-burg & Gulf SVi
ICO Luke Erie & Western 21
Lake Erie & Western prefd S3
Lake Shore 131
L«2O Louisville & Nashville SO-*
6.C10 Manhattan L 95%
4.530 Metropolitan Street Railway 165%
. 3.193 Mexican Central 12
Minneapolis & St Louis fahi ,
Minneapolis A: Ft Louis prefd 90 i
25.370 Missouri Pacific 43% (
Mobile & Ohio 40 [
Missouri Kansas & Texas 10
Missouri Kansas & Texas prefd .... 33
200 New Jersey Central 117 ;
2.& X) New York Central 131 Vi !
3.750 Norfolk & Western 25% I
1,360 Norfolk A: Weston preferred 7C 4
2.2'.>5 Northern Pacific 51%
212 Northern Pacific prefd T4". 4
400 Ontario & Western 21% j
Oregon Railway &. Navigation 42
Oregon Hallway & Navigation prefd 76 |
L3T2 Pennsylvania 129 Vi !
240 Reading 17' i j
2.300 Reading Ist prefd 6H,
SCO Reading 2d prefd 274
Rio Grande Western 33
«io Grande Western prefd S2
320 ft Louis & fan Francisco 9 L i
Ft Louis & San Francisco Ist prefd.. CS
St Louis & Kan Francisco 2d prefd. 334
1.610 St Louis Southwestern 11%
1.960 St Louie Southwestern prefd 28U
5.:60 St Paul US"»
St Paul prefd 170
St Paul & Omaha 118
S. 0&0 Southern Pacific 35%
1,050 Southern Railway 11%
l.sno Southern Railway prefd 54% j
3.350 Texas & Pacific 16 j
5.630 Union Pacific 47%
1.150 Union Pacific prefd 70% '
lGrt Wabash 7
500 WabaJh prefd 21V»
l.m Wheeling & Lake Erie 10
472 Wheeling & Lake Erie 2d prefd 274
4C/0 WiFcnnsin Central 19% 1
Express Comranies —
Adams 114 1
American 143 )
United States 47
Wells-Fargo 122
Miscellaneous —
440 American Cotton Oil 34
*» American Cotton Oil prefd 934
American Malting 6
100 American Malting prefd 27%
1.020 American Smelting & Ring 33
36-) American Smelting & RCng prefd.. S9
100 American Spirits 2%
American Spirits prefd 17
100 American Steel Hoop 42
100 American Steel Hoop prefd 80
3.945 American Steel & Wire 47%
2CO American Steel A: Wire prefd 90
200 American Tin Plate 25%
American Tin Plate prefd 79' i
5.260 American Tobacco 1004
American Tobacco prefd 135
40) Anaconda Mining Co 40%
41.143 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 724
600 Colorado Fuel & Iron 43»4
1.250 Continental Tobacco 32%
150 Continental Tobacco prefd 8o>«
3.553 Federal Steel E7%
400 Federal Steel prefd 73 7 i
2W General Electric 122
1.355 Glucose Sugar 61%
Glucose Sugar prefd 98
International Paper 23
370 International Paper prefd 69
Laclede Gas 794
111) National Biscuit 364
150 National Biscuit prefd P24
150 National Lead 26%
National Lead prefd 105%
400 National Ste*l 42
2SO National Steel prefd 92
250 New York Air Brake. 133
North American 14
300 Pacific Coast 51%
Pacific Coast Ist prefd S3
Pacific Coast 2d prefd fi4V>
1.920 Pacific Mail 44
4,310 People's Gas 105%
ISO Pressed Steel Car 554
123 Pressed Steel Car prefd 87
Pullman Palace Car IES
240 Standard Rope &. Twine &%
27.130 Sugar 118
190 Sugar prefd 113
2.380 Tennessee Coal & Iron 85%
16.3C0 United States Leather 17%
4U United States Leather prefd 76
fM United States Rubber 40%
331 United States Rubber prefd 1014
27$ Western Union 86%
1.265 Republic Iron & Steel 21%
1.230 Republic Iron & Steel prefd 664
P C C & St Louis 77
260,100 Share* sold.
U S 2s reg IC2HIN J C sren 5s 120
Do 2s reg K**i.N Carolina 6s 127
Do in coup 110 1 , Do 4s 106
Do new 4a reg 133 N Pacific lsts 110
Do new 4s coup... 134 [ Do 3s 66%
Do old 4s reg 114^1 Do 4s 103%
Do old 4s COUP-..114V4 N V C & St L 45.. 105
Do 5s reg 112 |N & W con 4s 94V4
Do 5a coup 113%! Do gen 6s 129
Dlst of Col 3.65«...119 |Or Nay lsts 110
Atchison gen 45. ...101%; Do 4s IC2
Do adj 4s H>4|Or Short Line 65. .129%
Canada So 2d* 108 i Do con 6s 112
Ches & Ohio 4»45.. 97 [Reading gen 45.... 84%
Do 5s 115H'R G w l»ts 95v4
Chi & N con 75. ...141 ;St L & I M con 55.1114
Do 8 F deb 55. ...119 iSt L & S F gen 65. 119
Chicago term 45... 95 St Paul cons 186
D &. R G lets 102%|St P C & P lsts. ..llBH
Do 4s 99 Do 5s 119
E T V & Q 15t5... 102 ;So Railway s<i 107%
Erie gen 4s 65% Stand R & T 6v... 82
F W & D C lsU... 74% Term new set 35... fo
General Elec 55. ...117 ITex A Pac 15t5. ...512%
G H & S A 6s 109 Do 2ds M
Do 2ds 105 U Pacific 4i> 104%
H&T C 5a 110 Wabash Ist* 113V4
Do eon 6s 110 Do 2ds 103 Vi
lowa Central lets. .lllVi ;West Shore 4* 113
X C P Sc O lsts... 69 |Wis Central lsts... !>O%
La new con 4a 100% jVa Centuries F;>4
L& N unl 4s SB% Do deferred 5
M X & T 2ds B9 IColo So 4s ?S
Do 4s SM>4'So Pacific i* iSVi
NYC lsts 109*/*:
Chollar 22 Ontario * 7 90
Crown Point 10 Ophir 66
Con Cal & Va 1 60 Plymouth 08
Dead wood ts Quicksilver 1 75
Gould & Curry .... 21 Quicksilver prefd.. 750
Hale & Norcross .. Si Sierra Nevada 45
Homestaka 60 00 Standard 2 50
Iron Silver 50 Union Con...' 27
Mexican 31 1 Yellow Jacket .... 20
Money— iWest Electric V>%
Call loans 4406] Wisconsin Central. 19
Time loans 4Q5 Dom Coal 414
Stocks— Dom Coal prefd ...115
ATA S F 19% Bonds—
AT& S F prerd... «l Atchlson 4s 100
American Sugar ..11$ Mining Shares —
A Sugar prerd 114 Adventure 6
Bell Telephone ...330 Allouez Mining Co. 2*i
liof-ton Elevated .. 85%, Atlantic 24 Vi
Boston & Maine ...199 ; Boston & M0nt.. .275
Chgo. Bur A. Q.....122% (Butte & Boston .. 45
Fltchburg prefd ..110 jCalum et & Hecla.."3o
General Electric ..1214'Centennlal 70
Gen Elec prefd 135 ;Franklln 1414
Federal Steel 67*»iHumboldt 1
Fed Steel prefd .. 73%'Osce.ola 68
Mexican Central .. 1214 Parrot 404;
Mich Telephone ...100 Quincy. ex-div ..,.130
NY & N E prefd.2o2 Santa Fe Copper.. s\i
Old Colony 17%, Tamarack ..t ISI
Rubber 404;Wtnona 4
Union Pacific ....'. 47% ' Wolverine* 39
Union Land 24! Utah Mining 26U
West End 92&1.
New York Money Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. 22.— CLOSE— Money on
call, steady.- at 24@4 per "cent; last loan. 24
per cent; prime mercantile paper, 4'i054 per
cent. Sterling exchange weak, with actual
business In bankers' bills at $4 86% for demand
and at $4 S3\ for nix ty ' days. Posted rates,
$4 b44 and $4 8704 88. Commercial bills, $4 53!,!
Silver certificates. 594@604c. Bar silver, 69ftc.
Mexican dollars. 474 c.
Government bonds, weak; State bonds, Inact
ive; railroad bonds, strong.
London Markets.
NEW YORK, Jan. 22.— The Commercial Ad
vertiser's London financial cablegram says:
The markets here are Idly waiting news of a
decisive victory In South Africa. There was
to-day a continued advance In consols, which
touched 102>i. They are apparently being
worked for purposes of the forthcoming war
loan. Home rails were notably flat on dls
apjxiinting dividend announcements, due to the
high price of coal and dear materials gener
ally. One speculative favorite fell several
points. American securities were absolutely
listless, but brokers complain that they cannot
fill New York orders for good business, for
European markets have been swept bare of
them. The Bank of England bought £36,000
rold in German coin. Foreign exchange rates
are as follows: Paris cheque, 25.19; Berlin,
20.49. It Is expected that the Berlin bank rate
will soon be reduced. Silver was strong on
the closing bear commitments and the Indian
demand. '
LONDON, Jan. 22.— Canadian Pacific, 95H;
Union Pacific preferred, 77%; Northern Pacific,
76*4: Atchlson. 20*fe: Grand Trunk, 1%; Ana
conda, 84. Bar silver, uncertain, 27 9-16 d per
Condition of the Treasury
WASHINGTON. Jan. 22.— T0-day's statement
of the condition of the treasury shows: Avail
able cash balance, $257,046,445; gold reserve,
New York Grain and Produce.
*w TH_ HORSE.ViEN'ci *>_
Of All the
Belonsing to
Consisting of such well-known money-wir.nc-i
as Coda. Dolore. Esptrando. Evirato. Festns.i,
Flero. Fuga. Glissando. Gravita. Garbo. Gratia.
Gusto. Giro, Giocoso. Galo and nine two-year-
olds ready to race, by Flambeau. CrescemH
Drum Major. Brioso and Bellicoso. Including \
brother of Crescendo. There are descendants • f
imported Brutus. Imported Foul Shot. Wlldicll-,
St. Saviour. Flambeau, etc.. In this sale whlcil
are unexcelled as Individuals and are sold only
on account of the retirement of the owner frorr.
the business of racing.
Sale Takes Place on
At 11 a. m. Sharp.
In the Saddling Paddock of the
Emeryville, Cal.
WM. G. LAYNG. Auctioneer.
Office, 721 Howard St.. S. F.
Catalogues ready. Trains leave at 10 o'clock
for Emeryville. Horses may be seen at th»
track. -^*
Western wethers. $4 40@4 SO; lambs. $5 60@6 40.
Receipts— Cattle. SSOQ; hogs, 20,000; sheep,
New York Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. 22.— T0-day's developments
In th« metal market were not specially event
ful. Spelter advanced slightly on increased
demand and better cables than anticipated.
Tin was Irregular, though not lower. As a
whole the market showed a fairly steady un
dertone: At the close the Metal Exchange
PlGlRON— Warrants, dull.
LAKE COPPER— Unchanged, at $16 50.
TlN— Barely steady, at $2S.
LEAD— Steady, at $4 70@4 75.
SPELTER— Firm, at $4 6CKff4 70.
The brokers'; price for lead is $4 45 and ror
copper $16 50.
Visible Grain Supply.
NEW YORK, Jan. 22.^-The visible supply of
grain in store and afloat on Saturday, January
20, as compiled by the New York Produce Ex
change Is as follows:
Bushels. Increase. Decrease.
Wheat 56,530,000 21.000.000
Corn 14,100,000 1,216.000
Oats 6, OSS. 000 45.000
Rye 1.213.000 37.0P0
Barley 1.920.000 112,000
Foreign Markets.
LONDON, Jan. 22.— Consols. 101%. Silver.
27 9-lCd. French Rentes, IOOf 2%c. Wheat car
goes oft coast, quiet and steady; cargoes on
passage, quiet and steady; No. 1 Standard Cali
fornia, 295. 3d; English country markets, partly
6d cheaper: import into U. X., wheat, 295.000
quarters: Import Into U. X.. flour. 188,000: wheat
and flour on passage to U. X., 1,890,000; do Con
tinent. SlO.OOO.
LIVERPOOL. Jan. 22. — WHEAT — Firm;
wheat in Paris, strong: flour In Paris, strong.
COTTON— Uplands, 4 11-16 d.
LIVERPOOL. Jan. 22.— WHEAT— Spot No. 2
red Western winter, firm. 5s 9d; No. 1 Northern
tsprlng, firm, Ds 10% d. Futures— Steady; March,
6s 9d: May. 5s 9%d. ¦ '¦'_ " Vir ii
CORN— Spot American mixed new, firm, 3s
6%d; old, firm, 3s 5%d. Futures— Steady; Janu
ary, 3s 5%d; March, 3s 6d.
£* £?* _£»
• ' . At 11 o'clock, at
Between Twelfth and Thirteenth.
From 90* to 1600 pounds. Sale positive, rain or
shtne; no reserve or limit whatever.
chants' Exchange. San Francisco. CaJ.,
January 22, 1300.
The time- ball on the tower of the new Ferry
building was dropped at exactly noon to-day—
I. c.. at noon of the 120 th meridian, or at t
o'clock p m.. Greenwich time.
Lieutenant Commander. U. S. N.. In charge.
LONDON, Jan. 22.— The offerings at the wool
auction sales to-day numbered 11.198 bales.
There was a better demand and prices ruled
slightly higher. Greasy merinos suitable for
America were taken .freely by the Continent.
Scoureds sold better to the home trade and the
Continent. There were fewer withdrawals to
day. American representatives purchased a
quantity of crossbreds at 5 per cent above last
week - s prices. Total American purchases to
date, 4000 bales.
Portland's Business.
PORTLAND. Or.. Jan. 22.— Clearings, $320,
358; balances. $27,906.
Northern Wheat Market.
PORTLAND, Or., Jan. 22.— Exporters are In
no special need of wheat and are not quoting
over SOlgulc at the outside for Walla Walla,
with valley weak at 49#50c; blue «tern Is nom
inally 52c.
TACOMA. Jan. 22.— Wheat Vie higher; club,
51c; blue stem, 53c.
? .
Article*— Open. High. Low. Close.
Wheat No. 2—2 —
January 63% 64 63H 63%
May 66H 67H 66% 66%
July 67% 68 * 67% 67%
Corn No. 2—2 —
January 31H 31% 30% 30%
May 33% 33% 33 33>4
July 34V» 31% 83% 33%
Oats No. 2—2 —
January 22% 22% 22% ¦ 22%
May 23% 23% 23% 23%
Mesa Pork, per barrel-
January 10 77% 10 77% 10 62% 10 62%
May 10 92% 1100 10 85 10 £5
July 1107% 1107% 10 95 10 95
Lard, per 100 Dounds—
January SSO 590 6 87% 6 87%
May 610 610 6 02% 6 02%
July 6 15 6 15 6 10 8 12%
Short Ribs, per 100 pounds-
January •••• •••• 6 70
May 580 6 87% 6 77% 5 77%
July 5 85
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour,
Hrm: No. 3 spring wheat, 69@63%c; No. 2 red,
670f.Sc; No. 2 corn, 31% c; No. 2 oats, 23<323>»c;
No. 2 white, 26% c; No. 3 white, 26@25%c; No.
2 rye, 64c; No. 2 barley, 3S@44e: No. 1 flaxseed,
SI 50: prime timothy seed, $2 60; mess pork, per
barrel, $9 25@10 67%; lard, per 100 pounds, $5 52%
(25 92%; short ribs sides (loose), $5 65@5 85; dry
salted shoulders (boxed). 5455% c: short clear
sides (boxed). $5 92%@6 02%: whisky, distillers'
finished goods, per gallon, it 23%.
Articles— Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrels 27,000 28.000
Wheat, bushels 21.000 14.000
Corn, bushels ...: 178.000 126.000
Oats, bushels 257.000 156,000
Rye, bushels 5.000 -
Barley, bushels 65,000 43.000
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was steady; creamery, 19®24%c; dairy.
150"22 c. Cheese, firm; 12@13c. Eggs, steady;
fresh, 16@17e.
Steamer. ¦ From. Due.
Tellua Departure Bay Jan. 23
Progreso Tacoma jj a n. 21
R. Adamson.... Nanalmo Jan. 23
Santa Rosa San Diego Jan. 2^
Jeanle' Departure Bay Jan. 23
Samoa Humboldt Jan. 23
Volumnia iHamburg (Jan. 2i
Chas. Nelson... I Pueet Sound (Jan. 2(
Tlllamook ITtllamook Jan. 21
Columbia Portland Jan. jj
Coos Bay [Newport Jan. 23
Point Arena — Point Arena Jan. 23
Crescent City... Crescent City Jan. 25
Arcata Coos Bay j an . j;
Matteawan [Comox j an , o."
Miami (Departure Bay Jan. 2J
Czarina Puget Sound j a n. 2C
Corona ? San Diego jj a n. 21
North Fork Humboldt jj a n. 27
Curacao Mextco j an . j}
Queen Victoria & Pupet Sound Jan. 21
Orizaba IHumboldt |Jan. V
A. Blanchard...iCoo» Bay Jan. II
Bristol Departure Bay '.'. Janl 2<
Lady Jolcey China and Japan Jan. 2S
Bonita Newport Jan. 2: ;
Nippon Maru... China and Japan Jan. 3C
San Bias Panama Jan. 3f
Australia; Honolulu " Jan 3C
State of Cal Portland ?.. Jan. 3t
Steamer. ! Destination. I Satis. * | Pier.
State of Cal Portland...... Jan. 23. 10am rieizi
Bonlta San Pedro.. .„ Jan. 23. 9am Pier 11
Aberdeen .. Humboldt..... Jan. 13. 12 m;Plerls
China |Chlna& Japan Jan. 24, Ipm PMSS
Moana Sydney Jan. 24, 3pm Pier 7
Orizaba ....IHumboldt Jan. 24. 2pm Pier 9
Del Norte.. | Humboldt |Jan. 2J. 10 am Pier 23
Santa Kosa.jSan Diego Uan. 28, 11 am Pier 11
Excelsior .. (Alaska... Jan. 25. 9am Pier 34
Samoa fHumboldt Jan. 25. 10 am Pier 13
Umatllla .. Vie & Pgt Sd. Jan. 2«. 10 amiPler 9
Coos Day... Newport Jan. 27. 9am Pier 11
Pt. Arena.. Point Arena.'. Jan. 27, 2pm Pier 2
Arcata Coos Bay Jan. 27, 10 am Pier 13
Columbia .. Portland Jan. 23, li>amjPler2t
Colon (Panama Jan. 29. 12 m PMS3
C. N»lson..|PuKct Sound.. Jan. 23 |
Corona |San Diego Jan. 29, 11am Pier 11
A. Blanch'd Coos Bay Jan. 29, 2pm Pier 13
North Fork Humboldt Jan. SO. 9am Pier 2
Lady Joicey China & Japan Jan. 31. Ipm
Ft. I—
j-H W
. 4:13
. 4:50
. 5:36
5.1! H
5.1 V.
5.2' X
8.4 :
I 8:35
' 6 !
! 3:
. 0:13
. 1:34
3.2! '
5.2 '
- 2:36.
3.2' ;
¦ 3.->! !
I 4:21;-
Steamer. ! Destination. I Satis. * | Pier.
State of Cal Portland...... Jan. 23. 10am rieizi
Bonlta San Pedro.. .„ Jan. 23. 9am Pier 11
Aberdeen .. Humboldt..... Jan. 13. 12 m;Plerls
China |Chlna& Japan Jan. 24, Ipm PMSS
Moana Sydney Jan. 24, 3pm Pier 7
Orizaba ....IHumboldt Jan. 24. 2pm Pier 9
Del Norte.. | Humboldt |Jan. 2J. 10 am Pier 23
Santa Kosa.jSan Diego Uan. 28, 11 am Pier 11
Excelsior .. (Alaska... Jan. 25. 9am Pier 34
Samoa fHumboldt Jan. 25. 10 am Pier 13
Umatllla .. Vie & Pgt Sd. Jan. 2«. 10 amiPler 9
Coos Day... Newport Jan. 27. 9am Pier 11
Pt. Arena.. Point Arena.'. Jan. 27, 2pm Pier 2
Arcata Coos Bay Jan. 27, 10 am Pier 13
Columbia .. Portland Jan. 23, li>amjPler2t
Colon (Panama Jan. 29. 12 m PMS3
C. N»lson..|PuKct Sound.. Jan. 23 |
Corona |San Diego Jan. 29, 11am Pier 11
A. Blanch'd Coos Bay Jan. 29, 2pm Pier 13
North Fork Humboldt Jan. SO. 9am Pier 2
Lady Joicey China & Japan Jan. 31. Ipm
Steamer. ¦ From. Due.
Tellua Departure Bay Jan. 23
Progreso Tacoma jj a n. 21
R. Adamson.... Nanalmo Jan. 23
Santa Rosa San Diego Jan. 2^
Jeanle' Departure Bay Jan. 23
Samoa Humboldt Jan. 23
Volumnia iHamburg (Jan. 2i
Chas. Nelson... I Pueet Sound (Jan. 2(
Tlllamook ITtllamook Jan. 21
Columbia Portland Jan. jj
Coos Bay [Newport Jan. 23
Point Arena — Point Arena Jan. 23
Crescent City... Crescent City Jan. 25
Arcata Coos Bay j an . j;
Matteawan [Comox j an , o."
Miami (Departure Bay Jan. 2J
Czarina Puget Sound j a n. 2C
Corona ? San Diego jj a n. 21
North Fork Humboldt jj a n. 27
Curacao Mextco j an . j}
Queen Victoria & Pupet Sound Jan. 21
Orizaba IHumboldt |Jan. V
A. Blanchard...iCoo» Bay Jan. II
Bristol Departure Bay '.'. Janl 2<
Lady Jolcey China and Japan Jan. 2S
Bonita Newport Jan. 2: ;
Nippon Maru... China and Japan Jan. 3C
San Bias Panama Jan. 3f
Australia; Honolulu " Jan 3C
State of Cal Portland ?.. Jan. 3t
Ft. I—
j-H W
. 4:13
. 4:50
. 5:36
5.1! H
5.1 V.
5.2' X
8.4 :
I 8:35
' 6 !
! 3:
. 0:13
. 1:34
3.2! '
5.2 '
- 2:36.
3.2' ;
¦ 3.->! !
I 4:21;-

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