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and demands that in his ruin they must share . and :; with "' .nini ; go 4b\vn in the contempt and honor in which he -falls. Burns I has been true to his nature. - The man who would rob: and .cheat ] - his business partner, who ..knows ; that the expiring breath ;of - ; his ; \ictim was given in "a curse upon j his betrayer; could not; be ' ex-;l pected to keep a pledge § which all decent men feverer. ; * » : . - Tlie / man vwio isj :aj self confessed embeziler of die funds of the State, who nas proved him self to • have bedi ¦ more than once a defaulted could not ROLL OF HONOR. &ENATORS-16. 1 nWYCB. : CUTTEB^ •¦¦ JO3TB*. " RO-R-ELL, ¦tctjua; .-.-. :•-.•- Davis, ..:•' i.~£>\ Lrcßsi-fCGER, smith. -¦..•:',;. BTRJSETT,; aTL-CTfj^'i-i' maggard; sthattox; - CTRRIER, ' "''dniL|B l iiiiß,=::;. .;- KIJTTjM.' •.-'• "¦". \V > TAYLOB*".; "X ASSBMBLYMEN-30. AKDERSOH. ;. : -'<- BLISS, ¦ -'•¦ --':¦;¦ ¦v*:-'-': ;VV;'--";'- : //.\ BRovrv, ' ' : '¦'¦ *•;• . f : -¦;'; M l CLARK. : -. •;•: :,v-V;--^:: ,v-V ; --^: COSPER, ¦¦":.'; ¦, : : "••'¦:'••' DC LAXCIE. V :,:•".' HIBER, ' -.\f.^ ¦'/¦¦^- " LA BAHEE, "i %.' : ."-- McbO XALD of ilanfda, MERRITT, . ¦ . : , : . v - ; :v-'.; ; RADIX IFF, ' . • ¦ .- ROBINSON, ; : : r : .', i : ; ATHERTOH, : .-;:.• *¦?•;*/• \£y. BLOOD, ¦'."'{. \- ) %ii-:-~--: ' : : r' ; CARGULL, ¦¦< <:. :' ' i •• .. • . : . - 1 £ . :cxoi:gh;\;Vmv : ;>•::; : :z[^: CR6-WT3ER, ' ]yX'4: '' : X\ DIStAP, ' : '\G. : '<r-si&tM KXicpTS, f- : ::^:"-" ' ::• ¦ • ¦¦'-. US BARROX, . I/,': \M3fef- MeDOULDaf Tnoiunine r MILICE. ; '.I:; •¦;.;¦' ¦'*¦.'-¦ ¦'¦''¦': '^ raib, •' .*¦;¦.¦; ' ; •:•¦: : r.v : va-lextijob, . ¦-¦ .;¦;¦"¦ -.. ,¦¦: BELSHAW, ¦'•¦.•:; BdYiirT63r,\v' y.; CHYSOWETH, ¦OiALByCV^. ] :::. (iREESWELL, K\OWXASD, . LARDSEH,-: /.:; miicKJv'-'-v' MrEBfTER, f-'::; •wai*V- ¦•¦.¦¦'¦;!.• ¦¦¦:'¦¦ ¦y.J/m* AXL. HE ADQ.I ABTERS, SACRAMESTO.'r Feb..':*.— .TlionMMi - : H. ; ;':¥.; ¦ ; . Ilijirrt arrived In the city thl» forenoon and rttabUthfi j: \_-; ¦¦¦ :}t<ema*ynmrtt>-rm Wt'eil- X Mreet. Imwedlateljr noon hla *r»;. "; .;rlv»l"l»e - vrn* ndvlned br hi* 1 confidential lapportfru that: . >:. ; . ?, (he forfcant In Thf Call o( thli mornlnn w«» correct, and.--' that the Rnpportrr» of IrTlns M. Scott:" were ready <• aike, «o»-:' •' yjceiialon* to iiecnre the/eleetlon of a- candidate for Senator of her; | .than p. Bonn, and would manfnlly' awlac wkat wtrenistti they •": ; poMfißfd to . the candidate deVeloplnar the ¦ «reate»t force !»-.•;. - '";<eo.nfer«nce. ; a^.'4*-o'eioclc thla'afternooit...'.--;.:' - ¦ * -v " :•¦ •. • ...¦' ;¦.'¦?..-;¦• -:t«ter' ln the dar Irtlnn M. Scott and Thomaa R. llarfV«i*! : . :. chanufcd friendly visit*. The . afternoon conference reunited In a»; . ;.;¦ agnreemen* . 'that v . Mr. Bard ¦ . ahonl d receive • tile nnant mona aanpaat - . . l;of the forty-one members atten dinar. The news of perfect ¦ eon- '. solldatlon of the stalwart Republicans spread rapidly. Presently -.' , ;/ M : r. ; Bards--' rooms -were thronged with . supporters eagtr to extend! consrmtalatlona. Ho received the members with cordial dtft-nlty. I ;. and Krace, assnrlnar his friends that -It all tecaei •tnwi* aai' '.' ;:M*den.f.? ¦;<'-•'> ;lv- : />.-v ;; ; -';/-.; :,': •\i'<-^ : '/^'-r- ¦.¦¦' '? '"¦'¦'• A :"\: '"' ¦¦ .-¦".' '0, To-nlKht after >Mr'.. Bard was declared the nominee of the Re- '. ;>nbllean canens. the. scenes of enthnslasm and delight at »«• headquarter* '-we're repeated. Senators and Assemblymen, from' every section of -the State joined in paylna; tribute to the .'man | /who had fairly, won. the support of the Republican party for* | vrnlted States Senator. .Thomas R. Bard modestly tells the story" >• of his own. life and the .achtevemenits of his career-. ¦ : :.; . .- ¦ :-..¦- ,-. I He wm bora -In -Chatnbersbnrs;, Pa; near the. Maryland ¦«¦¦•, ; : dary, line, December 8.c1841. The only education of , his \ youth ; was. obtn Inert fit Chambersburs; Academy, a well-known Instltn ,tlon of learning .Be heafan read In jr law at the age ot seventeen ;. with Hon. Georire Chambers, ex- Judjte of ' the Supreme - Court ••* '"Pennsylvania^ : • Before, completing his law studies he-found it -necessary to e'^rn": « livelihood, as Ills mother was « widow. A« cordlnKly he. entered acorps of railroad engineers* .. ' _. 4 . / farther to Tb- Call of Us life In the.East. If r. Bard V.'sa'ldr *>At nineteen years of age I went to Hagerstown. Md., aw | bookkeeper and:. manager of a forwarding - business;., connected' i with the Cumberland Valley. Railroad, a branch *r the Pennsyl vania Railroad system. I remained In Hagerstown during the i'War, taking active part, in a political organisation to • prevent Maryland from, seceding from the .Union. The organisation waa v aruDse^uently.' tie laloa leagae. I was one. of the twe- .' In. .that- county, of the. JTew York Tribune and Atlan tic Monthly. -I wns obliged, to; ran away from Hagerstown several I;, times on -the approach of the Confedemtes. On several occasions ' I a Xnlon scont. using a handcar for ¦ observatloa. My .-! mother's i home In' Chambersbnrg waa destroyed by the Confeder j »tea. in r iB«4i- Meantime -my : business at . Hagerstown • waa affected , • injuriously by rebel raids. In addition to my regular business I atctedf ns: agent and anslstaat superintendent .of the Cumberland ; , Valley Railroad.; and In thnt capacity became ac^ualated with ¦ 'Colonel. .Thomas -Seott' while he was Actlag Secretary of -War. ..." After the destruction of my" mother's home at ChamhersbaraT Colonel Scott, sent for n»e and said he was familiar with the In-. ¦- !. cidents of my, career. JBe asked me If I would go to California and > look .after. bis. large interests. I. accepted and arrived la San •"' ITran'eisco January 8. 1863.* Early la the year ¦ went to Ventura - -County • and have- since lived there..' I wna assistant superintend- . * ent of the flrst otleampany that, ever operated In this State. I "waa"a Presidential . Elector on the Repabl lean ticket In 18*© and | .-again In- IS»2, «nd was a delegate to the' Blalne convention to . V.1884. ;I ran once for the o mce of State Senator to my district, hut '.waa^defeo.ted.hy.-.taon. Pat Murphy." ,/ ,-..'.. '. ="; ?/ ' ".'¦,¦¦' Tkomii B. Bnrd was married to ISTO to Miss Mary Gerhard. | '.'lag.' daughter, of E. O. Gerberdlng. The union was blessed with • height children; four, boys and four girls, aad sevea survive. One -of the. boys died. - Mr. Bard Is a second cousin of Thomas Bard ' p McFarland; of the State ..Supreme Cowrt.^-^ ¦-"'. :..:..-,.,,.': ..:..-,.,,.' ¦ ::¦ oblivion. , * V; demanded^ ! :therefof e£ that : his iuppoiriers^ . j^^i^whiplrthey laid v si^iied; the calk *.- He commanded^theiri; to;Te^sterj;themselYes before- the people: i "'¦. 6i ':(.: iGafif orma- jfJas f men wtiipse ;\yprds- ''ait. who S^iil^yiblate^any;^ pnn<ciple>br k>&-' Hgadqri ¦ niade * fcyCtSem ; jqj^ the; sakeof the^a^i>yho;h^^^ tjim tq'rem^s/^wirli^ iiis t shatV tered; stand^(l^ And j^ie Mexican; Ayas|<;6rrfect in ) hisV judgrri«lt V Vof. ttfenteniwhb,-^ ity, 'are , s^pportingvhini iji- hisTpD-r litical death/ struggle.; , tie ; Hvas fthiiikiiigithat^ithey'cherr ishrthei.r.honpr ¦/no ; >wreithah^iie; sdaess his^and since^he?c^t ivwlate } the '¦¦ objigatibns" tfiit^ men :; respect; arid V make ;Wmsel|Ufcbn-: : temptible- in thc^ey«K»^ of; meh^ 4 so. ¦canrthey. vVnd ,: they^Jbpjt^d^ the s^tcusVto-nig^ht{to ? theh> ; their^ma^er^boastere,; t^^ 7^pFof i;th<ey wjan nothing in their by ''-ttijeii treachery to paaty}; principles ;^ eiccept ¦to * place . ';the; pale;o£ j tHe ; political^ party;, -whose . laws ijityy and:\ whose .; ¦^yic^Vtliey neyfer agam can ask. ' |Tt^^pr^laiined to .1 the State ¦ ¦$i2£' thiey : :are Men cannot in^p .^pect -a^^^ya^i^cotlfidclice; nor I. Kono^}|>iit)Kc They .' ; ¦ .ad* ¦'; ') fvrCTtisecl- tib* all;- with whom they 1 may; . -have^^socialy business or. . pro^ | fesslpiwjt ; reiit^nship t to . they : . ;^e ; - treachero^ ; evicn to^ltfte^Jj jsliameies^^^degree of^^ taking jmtK j lie; their treachery.' - They placed. . * SAN FBAKCISCO, SATXTBPAY^ o FtJBBUABT 3, 1900. •; VOtmlE LXXXYIt^O j J65; Be 'aske^jto} -understand ithe: meaning OT/theiacre^n^ss of his wotdJ ¦¦He:\>yho^ .ha^jMade ;*asV cajs in pn^tejiife mV public friendsV confidante aiid .advisersi wh<> has consorted - v !.wit]S'.-. thieves; . >, gam^ blert.Vjcrimmals and sjojciil" oiLtt c^stev could. not^^beiex^etTed^to think btherWi^ thin f tfet^liis^fol^ 16 werS; are ; the friends in- vvvlibm he; found ,;his" ideals v life^tiiat they^ are^ newlxioundj^jcals and 1 corrupti6nist§ Jreaay , to accept !•; Jail standard ibf. personal i'and pailiti-. cal honor and to' (pjioyy. wKefe"hiß. leads «iiw;if CAREER OF HON. THOMAS R.BARD. lOrgaii^ Administers - a Stinging Rebup^^ Repulsive Mexican and to \ Herrin and Southern Pacific Company. Biirris Issu€|| Which He lil^thclraws From the illppntest. g§A€RAMENTO; : ; gefy 2. t- I desire to an ;ft tie; withdrawal of niy. name from fur itti^fs^qnsideratii6n a^ a giattdjd^te for- the of f ice (Of {itJnitedJ. States {Sep a |prmiid ip thank ajl t;he mgimt>ers^of Wthe 1-egis ally?;stoodThy: :f rom thev^fir^/Vd^yl'rl^^an noiiricied my candidacy. D. M. BURNS. ; /T\ AIX i> H E ADQ U A R \^y I'ERS; SAtRAMENTO, '• V. :•¦-: -V -: Fcbi. 2.--rScenes : --|;'iiiT ; cidents .of excitement; of / ;bustfe : apdi r^cohfusjoni; of . - : conferences aria /caucuses,- have : followed 'in ¦ quick succession : to-day, and ; out of: it -ail Thomas vjfc Bard ;^has.; emergea.tjie 'caucus inqmihee of theCßepublican; party . for -.United States Senator to: succeed ¦; . Ste-^ pticrt M .^VVhitc.: Under the )itrd- ver&ally recognized /laws}".' o£ all/ .political; parties tHe: fol](ov\xrs {.of .^ared^bonor :to vote for : : • ; ¦ Bard* ¦ ;. but: the '-"Mexican;', violating "every. :promise; and . trampling ; ; upon: rcve^rp.nnciple of. dedency^ ' has ¦ made political outlaws . qbf * • theni ; TRIUMPH OF HONORABLE REPUBLICANS BARD THE CHOICE OF THE CAUCUS. BURNS MEETS CRUSHING DEFEAT. TOli&B ITVE 3 CENTS. ; THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL