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«c;ursibn,;y - L. rain; :¦ ¦ ito^'Phfladelphiii; then 'op.'. Wyshingtpn. ,_.':-.i ; §tfiyed. in .these .places quite!: ibrig enough.. " /^d^theri xitpQk :.a -.quiet Vruridavyn ;^, Mount Vernon. ;I : fcveri'- pai«i niy-fare down on the; tfain-^I Ranted to b« ' feeling -triy ;. best ¦_ arid ; perfectly .^hbiloraDle^wh'en • 'I . saw the -.thihgsj sacred to the riienjo'ry and. assbciatipns of "the • 'Father of His -But. I didn't often pay ¦ fare-f ;..s^ :^ was;aU my-.trips: cost me as' far as 'i^y transporta- .. jUpn was' concerned. . : ¦ , -.. ." . . '., . :' ; .'. ; .;' ,•'*. i "Then . back to ; New-. Vprk—- and T saw the- magnificent .' ' DeWey. celebration:' It : , was grand.r pver, I.began. to think'qf .getting. .back ; to' the; Pacific Coast ; I . was sopn in Harrisburg.-Pa.,' Between Harrisburg arid PittiN.. biirg I canie,very-neai- being drowried prie'night:; '= I was : riding ¦ the; blind baggage... Well;' sir,, traiiis On this run "don't stop! very many ; times and. consequently the engine, takes; water 'bn the fiyj . You- know-, about! those patent arrarigemerits. "My ' engine took" ; water i four times that iight and i every timei she-did the front end of the bag- '¦'.- : gage 'car jwas deluged : and ; I was, wet through to my . ¦- skin aridalnipst Wa'shid off. the platform: The night was: cold J srid '-frosty and I almost' froze to death^ just as ; I would- get : tfomewhat dry- and a little warrii along woiil i >- come ; another and I- would be ; almost drowned : Ugain.-. Four^^ times' r was enough,*! tell you.';: ¦¦'¦ : ¦ "Fi pm ' Pittsburg I went to Columbus, 0., then to Q»» ¦. drinati,; then .to; St> Louis thd ; Kansas O^--»ad>'thaL-.tii : ! : Albuquerque, where; f ;toofc; : quite-a -.•.reafc i..:?\>'f -'-I r • "At-'Wifaslpw, Ariz., the hostility • Of the; trainmen waj; ¦ spmethiog terrible>i Some dozen or. more tiamp« w^eri: ; ; ¦'fired, off, but I--ani, another fellpw'-sacceeid'ed;ui;\itijliig.i' 'on:-' The .dirty, ¦lurd-Ipbkins;':^ .Well; f l l noticed j that th e . man : oh . the train whhine caN ' :' ried- 1 an- umbrella .j^ad -a": fine: "overcoat, 'but; ' I'co^tdb't. ;; quite.-. settleymy inm.d .^about : him'v "so M}";'wrbildn't : - hir*".'; '¦ anythirig!: t<> dp with ham. and "Vv'e didn't '.get acquainted./ }'¦¦'-¦ \ Octdbeir 23;iripm s MpjiT^^^ ...the,- over land, and^after: sleispjng :-..i : iday : and ¦:'4 : ;riight :; to ; ..make;. up .for . lost time,-: I put on 'my good -clothe* and ' meahdered into the dining-rb<>m: of x first-class ",'¦_ hotel;' prepared to do justice to a lot of fine grub, whefl- to xsQr. • tstohishment: somebpdy 'across; the tab^e ; addrcsted'.nw... cbrHialiy. ¦¦• •? ; ¦¦.-.; ':¦< ';••.-;:¦¦¦ " :i';\ f^jf i : '. : \ : yv: \v::' : ; : ' '--^ v-";.>";. : ;; " 'Well, how. are you?— and so yoo got ; ia txit, £h& . . you?'-'- .-".•-: >V' :': : .~" '.-i^-'uv^- : : --= ¦•.'?¦'¦•¦" :-'-:Wy^:: -'- : Wy^ :: ~: : -':: ; :'.^-r; ;¦'.':_' Yes,.-L guest so,*: I replied coldly^ for. l^ <ilda'tkabirv; who ih^the worl^J- my>. taikatiyc fritnd -couid he. v -¦:¦•'¦?::•¦, .¦ \ " 'Well, you; don't know- me, do ybu^- he quicltjy r»-f ¦ • marked./.' • :-:-'-'-.: -:-'-'-. -; : ; ;".': •"':'-. '¦'¦ ¦¦'-','-¦ ;";1.' : ;- ;"¦¦.::¦' 'i" : :% ;^' "\ '>'¦'•"¦ " . ;" ¦ - f I;- certainly' don't/;; I answered." v.^..;.-\.; : X;' ¦'¦*'.. . you ¦ renieiniiier - the . m^ ; with the: blf coat . and umbrella Who/ rode, up from. Winslow- with . yoij the other night, don't you?'-:" ; ' '' :..'- '¦'. . ' ; '\ :¦'/'¦¦ 'p- : : ¦'/¦ ) ;¦ =' / . v '. \ ¦ ' "'I do;, are you v / but. he ; cut ••"off- '.my : remark o at ¦'. astonishment; with ah elated reply. ;.-; :.'¦.; •*¦ KX\\'!:%'if : . -. • '"I. am the; sanie : fellow/ ' :, ;. ; '"¦;¦."¦.; : - ./ -;V, : ' •;/¦- ' : "Arid sure he was the same man, but I should never have known him^ . He looked like a bloated bond holder and I. guess, he. did have, mbriey,- too,. aU .'¦tight:-. enough, . There are lots. of fine fellows With; money who : do some of their traveling "ort the economical basis." : '•] -.'*..;• . Goppier usually" takes all his tripa alone, avpidi tha • professional tramp when he can and : never lets -Pa thai .=". he has any money;: ;;;• ; ' . v - : '" ;:;'."• V /: ; ;. "¦ J:- ; **H6w about work, can a tramp usually get it If ls«." ,- ; ' ¦' "•' ; ".>•: •'•-• '.".. ;"' ;':.;' ./¦ /: ; ; .- : . - : .i' ; ' '¦.' ''Well, yes. if he wears good cjothes arid keeps cleaik But if lie once Rets down it's all • with him." • CoopexiiarU ia May for the Paris Exposition. . : >;;•-.. ¦ : ;/nrHASI.rL; COOPER; is > trai^p^' : Hfc':ls- : ahta" : 'k I / ...grjsai; deal fflore.:; At/ii^ei/you; ni%lit;i!magini ; Ajjy him a rich man's son. f\ jFbose- who know, him;ciW V» : not resist "the desire 'to " think oi 'hinv ¦ai-^a^ sort: of ¦Dr. Jekylf , . and .-.JkIK . ',Hy4c' \ personage •. ;in.; -.'his: -lipey When; not traveling he is -it.- n^.n : :bf>leisure,.r : >rHpn:,''<>a : the road" he Is a tramp. At night he is a '"burn," beat ing the railroads, in the "dii^me/he.'is ¦ a/gefttf c^anrr-aj tourist, a respectable sightseer, . To be ablevto ;'do;tbis • Copper- tra^ps-'-EcicTitiS^y^ ? He. tises his brains, and before : lr6in ; ;his.lhipme ; In Hamilton, 0., over ¦ four yearsfigo, he tftpught'lpn^; •ad hard.'-' ICow he employs a /method. in hisitnuriping: that makes him uniquely successful. He. ;ha* : been tramping for /four : years and has never yet • been :ar* rested for vagrancy. To the ordinary tramp this would . b«. inconceivable; vagrancy is his one. besetting.' hind-: -faace,'. - But Cooper easily baffles constables and pol:ce •fiiccrs — he fools them all. ' - "My object," says Cooper, "is to see the world. But I 'aa not rich and all I am worth is what I can earn •rhh my hands, but I get there just the same." Cooper is a determined young man pl/2.% yeirsand ; he kring» about what: he- 'jsets : ,»ttt. to . : dtt.^rd^;fias;h>pf;'.iiis;: gyc will tell yon that. 7 - v How does he do it? .'His methods are so; ; very 'reasonable; :^that/manyvre-? : •pectable people may feel . like '.taking/ the ni; up ; ',.£' And. ftt they are cheap— -of necessity. : For the past three years he has.- spcrit-Jiis;: winters :nv Southern California at Ontario, : Sari Bernardino,' Cbunt£v .AD winter long he works— -works hard- and ' iay'es - hisl money. He is an, excellent ranch- :han<f \aiiid/ jfodsf;cbn-~ •taut employment on the Harwood^orange-r^ches^aV' losf v he will stay;: Many 'others^ would' glidj^jgive; kirn work, but the time ¦'comes /wheti^h«.;Jtnusi ; ftad off. • - ;.: -/¦ ; :'•; ; 'j- } - a: ¦¦'¦ :f: f- |O 7'-. v .'^ : :'] -v ';) ': ' C ¦ Hi." V. '¦ ;•¦; "I cannot stand prosperity," • said Cooper ; the . otlier : day ** the writer called upon him. m. the field piirkihgr. orsunges and bossing a gangyof Chinamen. y.?.i •; must :see : the world. If I was rich I would, travcr all the .time.'' 1 After Cooper has worked long enough to siveJupeoTi^;. tiderable money he make. preparations; "tbjtaite^ a trip.-' ¦ AVhere he. is going and what route he will travel .hiving: been determined he carefully, packs into -a small btiiidle i ft suit of fine Suaday -clothes , . (fashion;; frock) ; :¦ tpgiether ¦ •rith an : abundance of linen;; nc^ktafes an^"kerchiets;;;^rid| cypresses them- to; the first ¦ princii>al^poiiit: bi^ interest 5; »here he- will careito stoj)." ; :': 'y f ri\>:':[:.'i:\ ¦: ;;J' ?;..•¦•¦ Then he follows his clothes:; ', -./¦ VI- ''. •"; ; v:;.^ 1 f|;i-.Vvr;iv Of course, he intends".to. pay; nd '; railroad :fareV yet nis : whole dependence for^^transportation.: is; ' necessarily on the train service. . He always carries with: brm a isniall Hbrary of guides and time .-tables... : yy : :.-/'\. .•;•.' ; ";'. ™ The suit of clothes that :h<rwearis to ; travel ; in r ,th;ou^h ; k finally becomes badly ; worn^ he h keeps .^punctilfotisiy; clean, and for a further proteetioh . from dirt and cinders; : he weari a 'pair of mechahics*;toveralls;. : ..withithe: Mb-j; Kke extension of ii breast ; protector^ r Then;^wuh/ a^ comb, a small 'jk^^~T^^i^^*^pw^Mm^l^i 'is; ready to board his train.) ' ; : ; ;':V. ;" :^;H ''''¦¦> vl':1:!-i % : r-:P' Brakebeani, blind, baggage, ;! or .^.freight '¦:, traia— and of! ; he goes. ¦;. : - YC. : i '¦" -K^^i^'^t;^' \*k .. . Most of his traveling is .done' at.ttight - As ra(oriijng;. . draw* oear and to get off Jest he. ;bc caught.vJhe- brushes Voff.-Jiis'. hai-»nd' : clothes until not a speck of dust remains,' with Jhiv hanUv: kerchief cleans his face and hinds and finally combs ¦'. his • = ~'i $y':< \ : \ ':¦/¦- "¥&&^£&Mk W^ , Withhis Overalls In a roll imderi his arm he ;-leayes" his .; ¦train and quickly mingles .v/ith.^e.;cfbwd '^:the:dcp6ti . K'O constable, no ' pdliceman; ever -;•.- suspects." ¦:. Codper •: fteVer^daJlicsif gazes. idly about: "He walks •ipqt.oi .the'; train yard as if ¦ he \ had been there before^ had bus! ness ' • . el«a :!and it was . very' important that -he "get f ¦flMrrie. immediately'^' \ '•• ¦"¦•¦•:¦•¦¦;':¦ '¦..¦'"'¦'. ; '. '; - :.¦:'{'';¦ \A^ "¦¦} '.:. ¦ Then he buys his breakfast- This ...eaten^ he- hastens' • ¦wajrto some quiet,' respectable :lqdging-hou6Cf .rehts. a : tpora and takes' a resL This .room is', his. Jieadquarters ¦ «ntij he has .seen . the ; sights'; of the ¦'¦surrounding'' 1 -, country': ioid then he moves on. .•..'. ;•••' ;,'..', • " \. : '-.'; '¦ - v .':' ; - Wherii however, he catches up with his goodclbthes ; ;: be. domiciles himself in -a first-class ".liptel and stayi'.a ; week, living like, a prince. When. tired of this- he puts gio Hi mechanics' overallsand commences a' new round. One of Ids itinerariej ii '. interesting. Last year he .traveled :;'.. , / .• ' '' '"^^^^^^-^f^^^^^Rßw^^l -•isi.fed^t'.vc'n-i ...; ¦¦; '. 'P^^^^-B^^^^ .ty-two^S t ate a; '•: : ¦ : '^i^^^^P^^^jiHSi from the genial ell- ¦ ¦ ¦ .- r . .matevof- Caßiorriia •!».¦ ¦.; .. days. These- are^ from . ... methodical diary in which.he . .carefully jotted down. endless de- V ' -.'.^. :¦¦• tails. Duri n g ,-h is entire trip -he paid . - ¦ ¦ ¦ * -transportation three times, amount- -.;'; ing to $i 50. "And of rry PSo? mileshow many do ytrtf think I'aetua.ny waiked?" he Bskcd,. with a gleam in his eye. v- ¦¦¦ : ¦.-; ¦; . ¦¦¦ —¦..¦.;¦.¦¦•¦: ' ¦;.:•• . : I- couldn't even puess;-: I replied. •. ; - •¦¦ • ¦•¦- c . '¦Well; sir, only twenty miles!*'. And he seemed proud of, his record. -.-¦ ¦.-,•. ....... -y... : r. .After working long enough last. winter -to- » %xxy he left Los Angeles on a llyer July 5. He carries hii money, part of/ it in :a, .belt; about hiS waist, part lof it change, in his trousers pockets, for emergencies. ; Thus : If '.. iic: l.Jhappcn-tp.bc^ro ;hc;|^"ould''lbsielill-\W.-hsdj"''" : 'i - 1 ; ':- ; :;-'' .'':.'¦%'?¦¦.'¦ '.; ¦•'¦•" : .V'-. ; ( v' i • ;• ; "^s};iArigeles he ;.went:- to '¦ via, Sacra-^ ; mrn^m^Mtig- ooiy -a. .;jbriefi stayy ; ' ;.;Th ; en';; ip O^den; : s^^^:^wofd^jy:s; > ; : p<pvtr !^^ fiye'days; .Jtansas iCityv two. cs&j?Sfc $&j?Sf : 3.nil :-Chifcagb,.;- six : ]&yK .'Tfte • iromf ;; -Kansjii : •City : id ChJcAgo-^-540 -miles^-he ,madV;in thirteen hours/ •:- : His:-^ next \ stop - was" Buiffalo; ','] T^o /behoid '"klf .the ; beaiitjes \oi.^Niagara: JFalls; he ieatmlyi submitted: to pay r ! ing; i he. railroad compiany ;a fare; 01 50. cents; Therice be irah; inU> ! Canada ioV at\yo days*:stopf. ;: .¦;, ,:,. . = ';•' ¦¦; ;" !:" ' ;"l:'travel«d' thirteen'' :mi}et;'rjio'rc ojn passenger triiiii i'thaa on /freight ;trims," casualjy rerharked .Gpoper as Ihe" was : histily . running bwl again. .the trip • he' took ii«t :Siitt}rrje"r f ;V :; :r ;:\-;'.-^.;-.'- ';'"¦: ;."-y : \o "• . : -r :-.'. : ;'-.[• -^ :¦¦,:...:¦. '¦ r.v. : '\%jo<i<>. passehger/irainS: irejghtv miles'.' ; : >'- '¦¦' :'.: '. ; :>:.'.r' - \ '^- ¦¦'¦'.'.¦, ¦' :/..•¦ '•'''•";."¦, /:,.'.;;: -.'•• -V- . : -i '¦• ! , ; ;FVorn :Cah^dii he;' rode to Jersey. City/ .stayed there ;i d^^'and Avas;soon jiri :New ; Yarkv : The.^Dcwey: :cel«;brati6fi; lwa> ; .orie :.¦ of ¦; !thc i isigjits : '.! th^t ' had ¦¦¦ sent | him S^urtyiryg.acrioss. this contineiit; biiroij arriving he: fbund :h€:was{tw;c ! nty ; -thrisc;;!d^s alidad ; of 'tinie^; ;Then}he' dej-; :Cided to 'j^o tpj : Boston\and; bpjarded Jhe AdinisjExpTesSr vwhwh^ carries |and makes tiiej Vdn; of. 2J2 rntlfes 'like a; fla^h c*f-itgtithin|g:. l : The trgiin ;^bjt iht6 Prprw denscci R^ I- ,ifeout : i ii3o;p*tflock' in' iheimorhirig; : . ¦¦•/. .;; - \ : j ' -.?'Al}' i>l;,d .sjutMcn^wt Oshov '^Pbrillijthtiy •flighted^ :<iepiot and 'iilhpught^i4i:e)y';^. ; sKould 'be pinched/ 'said' ;<Cpoptrt P'Tfic'train ; -Had; stpppe'd to' talce tin: ;»(;'/;Biit! ;there /vvasii'v^^isoul!; to. •.bew ;get ;btf and^ cripss J<)Ver; to^thctbt'jiei'jjside ior^alety; wheir; isudiierilyi a -tfH.nrflan-yejted; at inic ?nd :l; thought • surely ' ; 'I." was .in^fejr it ; : :B;ut:lie: was : good ahd crossly .ir}-;'. ibiTneii'' tne; that 'l ."would •stfrely;/ he>pin.C;heH^lf -j'^erit < over there, ia.rjfd :Kc .'directed me: whir? to ; ;Starid : :in ' a '• sort ; of^4' slia'dOw]s;The^.traiii. 'sabn; outi/aiiJd>.l^ :was;, aboard." - • > Bbstori •Gpoipejf stayed, fotir ;da^s;;;gom^;totlie ; thcitcY;; visiting;. Buhfteri IJipr the -old^Sotith. 'Ghiirich^ •l^euU ¦ HiaHl ijand;-the-;fam6.ns;^ : H'e!a!sb,Tan classic ;VHai^^r-tf iv'aaiij^-'io'Qked'- 1 trough '.'. :_• • J?is:- ttekt? tufl? was : to Albany, ,'ari<j -after . seeirigc all the. :sig|if s: of: 'jthc^city '^he^tjil - : h3d->cyer^ .idiys- before the; iDe^ty; ceiebration;" He; decided, therefore, ; to -j^o^oUt.; into' the. hop cbtiritTy.abqut Aj[bany:.and ¦MJ/xiTyu, -:-¦ fie". s^%;yvAl^;<ia^.ibng^we; picked, hops '.in; the.- hot ; sun) >but • ! when . even JngVcarae, • everybody toak: a \ \ in a .beautiful: Jake: neir byr bneCof :New:' : VdVk's^g^m' : sp\jts/;-V: '¦;: •¦.:.'.^ "•'..-;¦ .; j|i He:- stayed .'there ; several rdaysv and ' then,; went : dbwn . the;:Hudsbn- Hiver ",thc steamer- AdirondackV^ust; as < hc-gotaboafdihe nQticeid a^^-.^oang ¦/man, whose. eve'Ty ap p'earariCi: was that pf a miHib; haire's sp.ri. ? -He was: finely dressed .and fastidiously gr<>d;medv "I thouglvt' his .face, was" familiar .and : we' soon reepgnize^ 'each^ btherJ He' was one pfthehop^pickert;.. -He was gecinj: the worid inthe same' way that : I wis, ¦'.)•' ¦ ;': " ; ' ..' ".;. ¦ ';%•:>¦:! ,-:: ¦;: ¦ "Still, ahead, of : the Dewey. celebratioti/' continued Cooper jatnitilj.'T had time tp'takeono other bit of aa SUNDAY CALL CALIFORNIAS ODDEST TOURIST