Newspaper Page Text
AMERICAN LINE. RSW YORK. SOUTHAMPTON. LONDON, PARII Stopping at Cherbourg.' westbound. ¦ From New York every Wednesday, 19 a. m. 6t Paul... .Feb.. . 7 Frlesland ...... .Feb. 28 New York. Feb. 14 New York March 7 St Louis ...Feb. Jl St. Paul..... ..March 1* ¦ . RED STAf? LINE. .- • ;*>;vv. '. New York; aod, Antwerp. From New York every Wednesday, 13 noon. Westernland ....Feb. 7[Frlesland Feb. 28 Kensington Feb.. 14j South wark ...March 7 Noordland Feb. 21 1 Westernland ..March 14 EMPIRE. LINE. SeattU. St. Micboel., Dawson City For full Information regarding freight . and < -> passage apply to nrrBTWATTONAL NAVIGATION COMTANT, 10 Montgomery St., or any of Its agencies. Leave Arrive r Ban Francisco. In Effect San Francisco. ¦ October 15. Week j Sun- 18S9. Sun- Week ;. Days. I days. Destination, day*. ' Days. 7:39 am 8:00 am Novato, 10:40 ami 8:40 am 1:30 pm J:3o«m Petaluma. 6:05 pmflO:2s «m 5:10 pm 5:00 pm Santa Rosa.' 7:35 pm| 6:23 pm Fulton. 7:SO am Windsor. 19:25 am Healdsburg. . Lytton. Geyservllle. 8:30 pm 1:90 am Cloverdale. 7:C pm 6:8» pm 7:30 ami IHopTand and I I ( 8:00 ami Uklah. I 7:15 pm! «:23 pm 7:SO am " 10:26 am 8:00 am Gueraeville. 7:35 pm ••. - 3:80 pm «:gpm "7^30 am 8:00 ami Sonoma (10:40 am S:4i>ant I and 1 • 6:10 pm S:Copm| Glen KUen. |»:Cspm >>_¦ pra 7:30 ami 8:00 ami SebastcpoL 110:4) ara!lo:2s am 3:30 pm| 6:00 pm| . | 7:85 pm| 6:g pm Stages connect at Santa Roaa for Mark West Eprings and White Sulphur Springs; at Lytton lor Lytton Springs; at Geyserville for Skaggs Springs; at Cloverdale for the Geysers; at Hop- land for Duncan Springs. Highland Springs. Kelseyvllle, Carlsbad Springs. Soda Bay. Lake- port and Bartlett Springs; at Uktah for Vtchy Springs. Saratoga SpriDgs. Blue Lakes. Leu~! Dell Lake. Witter Springs, Upper Lak?. Porno. Potter Valley. John Day's. Riverside. Llerley's. Bucknell's. Sanhedrin Heights. Hulivlile. Orr-s Hot Springs. Mendoclno CJty. Fort Bragg. Westport, Vsal. Wiltlts. ftytonvtlle. Cum- inlngs's. Bell's Springs. Harris. Olsen s. Dyer, Scotia and Eureka. • Saturday to Monday round trip tickets at re- duced rates. On Sunday round trio ticket* to all points beyond San Rafael at half rates. Ticket offices. 650 Market St.. Chronicle bid*. H. C. WHITINO. R. X. RYAN. General Manaxtr. . «!_«.»__«. a--**. Sun rises • ...:.... 7:10 Sun sets ........,......;.... ..6:24 Moon scts..t • 0:00 a. m. Sun, Moon and Tide. RAILROAD TRAVEL. CALIFORNIA NORTHWESTER!* RY. CO. . ¦ LESSES SAN FRANCISCO ANO NORTH PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. Tiburon Ferry. Foot of Market St. SAN FRANCISCSO TO SAN ItAFAEI.. WEEK DATS — 7:30. 9:00. 11:00 a. m. ; 13:13. 8:50. 6:10. 6:SO p. m. Thursdays— Extra trip at 11:80 p. m. Saturdays— Extra trips at 1:59 and 11:30 p. m. SUNDATS — 8:00. 1:10. 11 a. m.; 1:30. S:M. B:00. 6:20 p. m. SAN RAFAEL TO SAN FRANCISCSO. WEEK DATS— «:IO., 7:SO. 9:20. 11:10 a, m.; 11:45. 8:40. 5:10 p. m. Saturdays— Extra trips at 1:55 and S:SS p. m. SUNDAYS— B:IO. 9:40. 11:1Q a. m.: 1:40. 1:40. 3:06. 6:26 p. m. Between San Francisco and Scauetze* Park same schedule as above. PERSOXALS. LKADING theatrical and masquerade cos- turners; rr.ake-up ar.d wigs: country orders so- » '.c-ted. GOLDSTEIN & CO.. 733 Market St. IF J-ou wish fu!l value for your caet-off cloth- _ ir.gca.ll on B. Cohen. HI Third; tel. black 412». FIBER'S sweepers are the beet and cheapest. A.l ktnds repaired and for sale at 342 Butter. COLEMAN buys dotting, bric-a-brac tools. carpets. o ij gola . >end tor hlrn KcaraV- HIRSUTINE CO.. hair specialists, grow hair or no pay: bock for stamp. C Eddy st. WANTED— OId frold for"manurg. O. NOLTE, ' iwtoy.tO QryJKwM. bet. Powell and Mason. FTAMMEIUNG corrected: booklet. J. WKITE- HOUN. A.M.. Ph.D.. HIS Ltrden. Oakland. PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES. rOLYCHUOME "paperi ~rtcbHin~^nX~«*y~to work: low price; umplt dozen 4x5 and dere-1- tr-er mailed 25c. ral. Camera Co.. 22 Geary. PHYSICIAN'S AXD SURGEOXS. TAIvALYSIS: ALL NERVOUS DISEASES; OSSIFICATION; HAlil) TUMORS; ALL ABNORMAL ENLARGEMENTS; RHEUMATISM IN ALL FORMS; SCROFULA. ECZEMA; FKIN DISEASES. CONSUMPTION'; * OLD ETAXDBCO CHRONIC DISEASES. Curti where all other have failed. NO DRUGS! NO KNIFE! D'.fTerer.t frcm er.r other treatment. Writ* fcr references. Consultation free. r>it L. J. STRATTON. tCT. 60S and 60S Tar- r->tt buiiair.g. (Over the Emporium.) DR. C. C. ODONNELL— Office and residence, iraw Market tt., bet, eixth and Seventh. PROPERTY WASTED. WANTED— To purchase, equity in house ajid lot. E rooms or more, old styl* or modern. Aiflreßs box 56X, Call office, statin* price location. REAL ESTATE CITY — FOR SALE. A. M. SPECK & CO . .-* „¦ ' ¦ Market •*•• C ?P- Kearny. 175.000— Grand cor.. €0 ft., within block of Baldwin; positively the cheapest property tfi^wntown) In the city. t-".f*y^— Hare investment: vicinity Powell and Gfary; 4-Ftory brick building; etcres and lodg- tng-bouat above; 36 ff>et front. BC&M—Stou- Ertdr and Jcres; store and 28 room* abov«»: modern: pays 7 per cent net. f24.'fOo— Sixth ft.; 75 feet frcst; rents t:4?0 yearly: go'-xi building; 4 stores. sr:,ino— Third ?t., about 2^ feet from Market; rtere and Jcdging-house; terms, 'i cash. flfi. s-«^— Mission Et.. near Third; best bargain r.i Mlssicn «t. to-<iay. JlS.OftO — GranO investment : r«its fIST Jir.OCV-tE. cor. Mason and Washington; 82:8 j'tf: make effpr. V s:C3O-*6tx rood fiats; rents S?O yearly; down- town: lot 50 feet front. fKWO-Port et.; 2 good Cats; rents t6O; lot rxno. $6000 — Corner lot near Union Iron Works; 100 rV*>: fine business site. J^SO— Cor. strre and « rocra flat; rent* $37; foreclosure. Sl7y>-Tw<» nice flats: rents fl« 50. 1750 — € rooms and iot 45x72 ft. A. M." SPECK & Co.. 657 Market st. IJ«PO— BARGAIN: large :H-story. high stoop. tay-window cottage; vestibule entrance; bev- tt i. plate glass dcuble doors: handsomely paneled 7-foot wide hail, with winding stair- case ee4 «Vj-foot newel post: parlor 11x17. wairsccted £ r.rr rocxn 12x14; sitting room (Wxl4: wainscoted extension kitchen lOxlJ; celling* 12 feet high; ventilators; plaster cor- r.ices; pantry, glass closet, etc, ; 2 bedrooms end bathroom upstairs; 7-foot high cellar un- der all with double-door entrance under bay; !?t 15x120. with a rustic stable 10x25 at end; rr.agiuSc«?nt view: all fcr JlSiO; no agents. J. W. NEWTON. IE3O 12th aye.. sear X St.. Sun- «et CUtrict. ! blocks frcm Golden Gate Park. WALK TO OFFICE. WALK HOME. Only t'iX' — Two cory bay-window fiats. 6 T r *zrrit 9.T.i bath each: latest plumbing: 6 man- te:*: pay well; near Hotel Granada; $4700 bank r;Ttcage at 6 pvr cent; tV.le is a very fine bar- pain. a« it 1* very desirable and worth more Eooney. H. E. POEIILMAN. Real Eetate Agent. £21 Montgomery «t. A HARGAIN; SlOOO. part cash, buys a corner house cf i room*. I Tats of 4 rooms: separate errrances; streets graded; central location; near street care, electric lights, etc ; the cheapest ana most desirable place of resi- cer.f* ia San Francisco is at Ocean View; houses on Installments; lots from 5125 to $250 . in choice location*. THISTLETON. 272 Sa-' dowa St., Ocean View. MODERN flats— *£*>; containing 5 and t rooms each; fclctly deccrated aad finished with all modern conveniences; 621 Waller et., one Mock from Height and Pierce; easy terrae. F. NELSON. Builder. POR sa'e cheap — House cf C rooms, conserva- tory ir.l bath: lot ZZxZST-.t; all street and sewer work done; will b* sold fhfsp on ao- count of departure. Apply 221 W tiler «t. COMTTiTTTABLE dweJTlr.g; 8 rooms and attic; TIB But!) st.. ccrth side, near Webster, with ¦ : ¦nl-.h'HH rnrsltore, at a bargain. Apply H. M. HETXEMAX. ICJ Sausome et. FOR *a!e, cheap— New 2-story houses. 7 rooms; latest itrrrcverr.ents; Noe and Hill eta.; Bear Cartr^-rt. <-ars; patent sidewalk. REAL ESTATE COI'XTRY — For Sale A SPECIAL ofrenng of gilt-edge. Income, home ranch, that simply cannot be surpassed; £5 acres, every inch cf which Is very choicest of <i»«>p and rich, highly cultivated, practically ipvei loam; Al fenciryt; is a.ere« perfection of Fdl-beartßC orchard; 20 acree rurrants. yleld- r-1 Gr> • :.¦-*'.* JaM year; masniflcent t-room. modern residence; complete set of Sr.e out- ? fell shad**! by grove of large oaks; abanSance pure water under pressure In fcuildiiigs aad ground*; living creek; adjoin- ir.g traded school; only 2 miles by level. ppr:nkied road from Haywards: will sacrifice; rs!zbt subdivide. N. I>. SICKELS. the LAND AGENT. II G«ary rt.. opp. Chronicle building, 8. F. /.'.'ERAGE Income over 11500 a year; unequaled '.ocailon and most magniflcent orchard home ;r. the State; «acrlSeed at JiMO; worth SI3.G4J; -cc cf debt but p<-c*j:!ar circumstances com- ;'l ..-.- N. D. SJCKELS— THE LAND GENT, If G*»ry, cpp. Chronicle blfig.. S. F. I." yoa have real estate., any county or Ptate in th» Union, cesh cr exchange, list with us; try- ; Ir.g to ciEj»c£e of it yourweif you lose chance of investment. Parl£c States P-ealty Co., 220 Parrott buildtng : ' - JVPS VALLEY lar.d and homes for sale at re- duced prices. JAMES TUNSTEAD. San R*- f ad. • ¦ J~W. HORN. SIS Main tt , Petaluma; real es- tate end thcrourhbred Belrlan hares. Send {or free list 'of Sonczr.a County bargains. LOVELY Ml"brae villa tract ; f enc«*d ; trees; complete water worka. BUTTERFIELD. 827 Market st. WANTED— Unimproved cheap Kern County lar.d for caeh; etate price and location. Box 3HI, C*H ofn*-"^ CHEAPEST ar.d best In America— The Weekly <"all. I*> r»R~*. •"'Et to any address in the United State*. r>oe;pald. {or tl per year. ROOMSFOR HOISEKEEPIXG. OLIFOPVIA 2^22— Sunny room; 1 cr 2 gentle-; breakfast, if desired; private faaliy; rf-fercnce* exchar.ged. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscription* received at Call branch oJ.ce. 2200 Ftllmore st. TLLIP 141t— Two unfurnished rooms; sunny; prate and closets; light housekeeping. FITIL £¦«>— Double parlors, kitchen and bath, rumisbr-d. UO; also 3. SV.; con., single. $4 up. FOL6OM. ZZr— Large runny furnished room; I ttcfct housekeeping: tl to weekly. HA RJtISOV 731— Front and back parlor, furn. complete for hcurekeerg: large yard; rent HZ. Hyi>E. 4f«— Funny parlor eulte; completely fur- r.if.h#d tor housekeeping, also front parlor. JJAKKET, IC2S— Two rooms, partly furnished for housekeeping. X: yjngle rooms t3. SIARKETT. IS24— Nice cczy room; wa; large cl«"?t; telephone; r*nt $8. NATOMA. €o—2 houpekeeping rooms, $J M: no cfcildr^n; no dogs; «un all day^ OAK. 11$— 2 sucny rooms complete for heavy noußekeeping. $10: also 1 room, same, $€. PIKE. ISOO— 2 suncy. nicely furnished front cor- ner rooms: es* ranee; folding bed; reasonable. FIXTn. IS6— Hooms for light boueekeeplng: quiet- house. TU'ENTY-THIRD. f72«. near Doloree—* ennny bay-wlsdow rooms, complete. VALENCIA SZ4S. near Twentietlj — Sunny front rwai and kitchen, furnished; rent reasonable; bath; no children^ -;' . Van* NESS nve . SOO-fluit* of rireJr 'urn!sh«d runny parlors for housekeeping: also others. * BRANCH olflce for C»ll'*dyertwsmeßta and eubfccrtptioM fca« been established at IWI Va- kr.cla ft. A BRANCH office for the retention of adver- tisements and subscriptions has. been opened at 323 Polk st.: open till » p. m. J- nRANCH office for Call advertisements ani • übMrriptlcns has been eetabllnhed at the Tierthw^rt corner nt Twenty-second and Ken- torlry rt«. : or?gn t!H > p. m. ROOMS TO LET — Fnra. and I,'nfßrn. A— BRUNSTCICX HOUSE. 14« .Sixth -Rooms lie to {1 i«t night; $1 £5 to $S per week, and .•' : housekeeping; open all night. AT Hotel Francisco, Turk and Taylor »U.~ Homelike house: modern service; elevator; tath: rooms 60c to tl 60 day. MRS. J. KINO. AT a Second— Nice new papered and reoo- «atc« fro&t rocmz; Jl M to « 60 a week. ROOMS TO LET— Fnrn. and Cnfarn, A^^llS^Lld^R^llOU^/^^iT^u^h^itr. T aT- Jolnlng the Huss Hotel; 84 rooms; all prices. BOHEMIA, 23? Poet., cor. Stockton — Sunny cor- ner suite and single rooms; hot and cold water; elevator and ail conveniences. BURNETT. Hit Market et. (old No. 1864)— Fur- r.ished rms., suites, single; also unfurnished. CARROLLTON. 12« Market, cor. Golden Gate •ye.— Sunny corner; well furn.; rme. A offices. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office. 2350 Flllmore. FIFTEENTH. 1530— Neatly , furnished room; lady or gentleman; $5 per month. FOLSOM. 965, comer Sixth (The Oliver)— Sunny furnished rooms; suites or single; new mgmt. FOLROM. 1107B— Furnished front room, suitable for 2 men, with stove. 12 a week. FOURTH. 222H— Nicely furnished bay-window and single rooms; reasonable; quiet. FRANKLIN. 21 (Newport Huum)- Sunny rooms; bay windows: run. water; gas; tl 25 to $2 50. GEARY. R5« (The San Joee)— Sunny bedroom; newly furnistied suite; hot water: bath. GEARY. 405 (The Navarre)— Elegantly furnUh- ed roorr.e. en rulte or Blngle. MRS. H. HYER. GOLDEN GATE aye,, 727— Nicely furnished front room; private family: reasonable. GRAND SOUTHERN, southeast cor. Seventh ar.d Mission sts.— Sunny rooms, en suite or tingle: ladies' parlor; reading room; elevator. HANCOCK House. 7SI Mission— Select family rooming house; $1 SO to $6 per week. HOWARD. $29— Clean, respectable; 25c-$l per c'.ght: fl-$3 rer week; Howard cars to door. HOWARD! 7f1»4— Nicely furnished sunny bay window; other rooms; reasonable, HYDE. 4f.S— Elegantly" furnished front parlor: I housekeeping suite; 116. j KEARNY at,, near Chronicle — Suite of I or 8 elegant parlor* suitable for a club of gentle- men; rent reasonable. Address box 2513, Call. LEAVENWORTH, 405, near Bills— Rooms to let. MINNA. 657. corner Eighth— Newly furnished bay-window room, tl per week; transient. ; MISSION. 76S— 1 large and 1 small fur. front room: quiet Ger. fam.: cheap to steady rmr. • OCTAVIA. *IS— Quiet sunny furnished, rooms; ' reasonable. 1 O'FARRELL, 20— Sunny furnished rooms and offices; elevator; electric lights: day, wk.. mo. O'FARRELL, I<C2— Sunny unfurnished front bay-window room. OLIVE aye., 127—2 unfurnished rooms, with use of kitchen: 16. '¦ POWELL. 612, bet. Bush and Pine — Sunny front single room; modern house; bath, etc ROSEDALE House. Sl9 & 821 Ellis St.— Rooms per night, 25c to tl; week, tl 25 to $4; open all night. ROYAL House. 126 Ellis St.— lncandescent light. reading room. Emoking room and ladles' par- lor; rooms, per right, 35c to Jl 60; week, t2 to tS; month, tS to t3O; elevator en office floor; room? with tot ar.d cold water; baths. SHERMAN Apartment House. 2S Eighth St., near Market— Furnished and unfurnished. STOCKTON, 603— Nicely furnished eunny rooms, single, double and housekeeping. THE Oaks. 119 Third— A good rooming bouse fcr good people. R. HUGHES, Proprietor. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at the northwest corner of Twenty-second and Ken- tucky sts. ; open until 9 p. m. A BRANCH office for the reception of adver- tisements and subscriptions has been opened at 1223 Polk St.; open until 9 p. m. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and rubscriptior.s has been established at 10?J Va- lencla st. • SPECIAL NOTICES. ROOMS papered from tS: whitened, tl up; peintir.g done. Paint Co., 319 Third. BAD tenants ejected for t4: collections made; city or country. PACIFIC COLLECTION CO.. 4.5 Montgomery St.. rooms 9-10; tel. t£2o. se\Vixg~machiS"es~axd i supplies. RENTED, repaired, bought, sold; machine sup- plies. Standard Agency.Ho 6th: phone Mint 45. ALL kinds bought, sold, exchanged, rented: re- pairing at lowest rates. 205 Fourth st. STORAGE AXD WAREHOUSES. i PIERCE-RODOLPH Storage and Moving Co. I Orfice. 401 Post St., cor. Powell: tel. Main 5713. BERKELEr ADVERTISEMEJiTS BERKELEY REAL ESTATE. 1 WSO9— NEW J-roora house; adjacent .to V. Ci I perfect In design and finish; corner lot. I Sl3&0 — Near station; 6 rooms: same as rent. . Jlooo— S room*: 5«-foot lot; Golden Gate. t2OG— Lot K>xl3o: half price. tlOO— Several lots: one third of actual value. M. L. WURTS. 17th and Broadway. Oakland. I OAKLAND, ADVERTISEMENTS. CFFICE— 9OS BROADWAY. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE. ( -_,*.^_,_ ¦ -,_. -?,-x. „ -w i J3?3O— OWNED by a bank and . have lnstrue- ! tions to sell for cash or easy terms, this 9- I room house, bam, coachman's room, etc.; lot I €5- foot front; splendid flower garden; foun- I tain in front yard: parlor laid in hard wood; an ideal home and right In the heart of the city and close to trains to San Francisco: see It. J. S. MEYERS. 1002 Broadway. Oakland. t2200 ONLY. 1 7 rooms, bath; all the latest improvements; } lot 40x225: street work all complete: splendid I residence location; cost late owner t*5W; must ; r.» sold this week. J. S. MEYERS. 1002 j Broadway. Oakland. I FOR »a!e In i Oakland— Eight-room residence, modernised and complete in every detail; lot C0xl09: Alice et.. near 13th; best residence neighborhood in Oakland; 8 " minutes from Narrow Gauge depot; attractive price; month- ly payment* if desired. HERON A HOLCOMB, 1060 Broadway. Oakland. 77-71 Crocker building. San Francisco. OAKXAXD FCRXISIIED ROOMS. FRANKLIN. 1427— Sunny rooms: newly fur- nished: near to narrow gauge. OAKXAXD FCRMTUBB FOR SALE. AN Introduction to you from H. Schellhaas. the faralture dealer. 11th and Franklin. Oakland. • PROPOSALS. SEALED proposals will be received at the of- fice of the Lighthouse Inspector. San Fran- cisco. Cal.. until 12 o'clock m.. March I. 1900, and then opened, for furnishing and deliver- ing, provisions for vessels and stations in the Twelfth Lighthouse District for the fiscal year ending June 80. 1901. In accordance with speci- fications, copies of which, with blank propos- als and other information may be had upon application to U. SEBRCE, Commander, U. S. N ___ J ¦ : SEALED proposals will be received at the of- fice of the Llrhthouse Inspector. San Fran- cisco, Cai.. until 1J o'clock m.. March L 1900, an>i then cpened, for furnishing and deliver^ lrur fuel for. vessels and stations. In the Twelfth Lighthouse Dlatrict for the fiscal year ending June 83. 1301, in accordance with specifications, 'copies of which, with blank proposals and Information, may be had upon application to U. SEBREB, Commander, U. 8: N. ' - - ~BIRTHS— MABRIAOES— DEATS& Birth, marriage and death notices 6ent by mail will t>ot be inserted. They mutt be handed In at either of the publication offices and be indorsed with the name and residence of per- son* authorized . to have the same published. dIEd. Abrahams. Lesser KoHrer. Anthony Bofcart. John W. Kramm. Charles H. Buckley. Mary A. linomis, Barney* Uoegernhausen. So- McColgan. Cella j.hia. Malmedy. Julia Brunner. Phillip Murphy. Amy M. Blanehfield. Mrs.Han- Mayhew. George H. - nab Martin. Miriam K. Bockman. John C. Mahany. Sarah Cluff. Thomas M. Nelson. Charles A. Cottello. Edward Nelson. Cella Crosby. Sarah F. ONetl. Ellen Itettelbarh. Morritz Peterson. Daniel Davis. James Russell. Emma Fay Sophia Rohrs. John D. Godfrey Rebecca B. Etanton. Hannah B. Hamlll. Amelia C.H. . Texton. Clara A. "*^ Westfleld. Robert ABRAHAMS— In this city. February 3. 1900, Lesser beloved husband cf Riecke Abrahams. 'aihVr" of Sam and Jack Abrahams, and brother of^Mrs. H. Jacobs. Mrs. R. Jacobs and ! LlppmSn M.. Charles and H. Abrahams, a native of Germany, aged 88 years and- S ""cy Friends and acquaintance* are respect- fsilTv "Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow • Tuesday) at 10 o'clock, from his late resl- i^nre 1407 Powell street, near Broadway, and "henci by 11:30 o'clock train to New Salem Ometery for Interment- . ' . ¦ BOOART-m this city. February 8. ISOO. John W eon or the late John M. and Christina T^'Bcrart. and brother of Charles H., Eugene it and Jamet A. Bogart. a native of San Francisco, aged 85 years. . .', CXFrleads and acquaintances are respect- , Shipping Intelligence. THE 0. R. & N. GO. . DISPATCH FAST STEAMERS TO From Epear-street Wharf at 1» a. ra. ' •EADE £l 2 F |rst Cla»s Including Berth rMIIL $8 Second Class and Meals. COLUMBIA sails...... Feb. 7. 17. 27, Mar. J, 19 STATE OF CALIFORNIA sails Feb. 12. 22. March 4, 14. 24 j Short line to Walla Walla, Spokane, Butte. Helena and all points in the Northwest. I Through tickets to al! points East. E. C WARD. General Agent. 630 Market st. GOODALL. PERKINS ft CO., ~\ Superintendents: TO ARRIVE. Steamer Movements. fully notified that the funeral will take place this day (Monday), at 1 o'clock, from his lale residence. 150SH I Sacramento street, thejice to St. Peter's Episcopal Church, cor- ner Stockton and Filbert streets, for serv- ices .at 1:30 o'clock, and thence to Mountain View Cemetery, Oakland. ABRAHAM LINCOLN Council No. 2. Jr. O. U. A. M.— Officers and brothers: You are re- quested to attend the funeral of our late •brother. J. W. Bogart. at Bti Peter's Church, corner Stockton and Filbert streets, this day (Monday), at 1:20 o'clock. By order of H. M. SCHMIDT. Councilor. J. W. COBBT, Rec. Sec. MARTHA WASHINGTON Council. D. of L.— Ofdcers and members: You are requested to attend the funeral of our late brother. J. w. Bosart. at St. Peter"* Church, corner Stock- *ton and Filbert streets, this day (Monday), at 1:30 o'clock. By order of • ¦..;;---•— ¦ M. MOORE. Councilor. M. LATHROP. Rec. See. BUCKLEY— At rest in this. city. February 4. 1900. Mary A., beloved wife of Jere J. Buck- ley, and mother of J. A. and J. Buckley. Mrs. E. Summerville and the late C. A. Buckley, a native of South Boston. Mass. (Boston, Mass..' papers please copy.) E7The funeral will take place to-morrow (Tuesday), at 10:S0 o'clock, from her late residence, 108 Brewster street, near California avenue, thence to St. Peter's Church, where servlcee will be held for the repose of her soul, oommenclns; at 11 o'clock. Interment • private. Holy Cross Cemetery. BOEGERSHAUSEX— In this city. February 8, 1900. Sophia, beloved child of John and Er- nestina Boerrerthausen, a native of San Francisco, aced 1 month and 10 days. BRUNNER— In this city, February 4. 1900. Phillip, dearly beloved husband of Barbara Brunner, and faxher of Fred and Phillip Brunner Jr.. a native of Germany, axed 48 years and 14 days. (CTFriends and acquaintances are resjject- 1 fully invited to attend the funerai to-morrow (Tuesday), at 1 o'clock, from his late resi- dence. SSS Dolores street, near Twenty-eec- ond, thence to Elntracht Hall. Twelfth street, near FoUom. where services will be held under the auspices of Verein ElntracHt, com- mencing at 2 o'clock. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. Please omit flowers. ¦ ; , . .-- BLANCHFIELD— In this city, February 4. WOO. Mrs. Hannah Blanehfield. dearly beloved wife of Thomas Blanehfield. and mother of Stella Blanehfleld, a native of County Tlpperary, Ireland. £7 Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Tuesday), at 9 o'clock, from her late resi- dence. 128 Oak street, thence to Sacred Heart Church, corner of Flllmore and Fell streets, where a solemn requiem hieh mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, com- mencins «t 9:30 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. BOCKMAN— In this city. February 4, 1900. John C. beloved husband of Maxle W. Bock- man. father of H. W., J. R. and F. C. Bock- man and Mrs. Marie yon Borneman. and uncle of Clara Bockman. a native of Ger- many, aged 70 veara 5 months and 8 days. A member of Golden Gate Stamm No. 74, U. O. R. M. (New York papera please copy.) ICTFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Tuesday), at 2 o'clock, from his late resi- dence, 414 Brannan street. Interment I. O. O, F. Cemetery. CLUFF— In this city. Feb->ary ». 1900, Thomas M.. beloved husband of Marearet V. Cluff. father of Alfred and Geraldlne Cluff. and brother of William Cluff and Mrs. Margaret Watkins, a native of Trelleck. bounty Ty* rone. Ireland, aged 40 years 7 months and 7 days. ICFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral this day (Monday) at 2 o'clock, from the Masonic Temple, oorner Post and Montgomery streets, under the auspices of King Solomon's Lodge No. 260. F. and A. M. Interment Masonic Cemetery. THE funeral of the late Colonel Thomas M. Cluff, Assistant Adjutant, Divi- sion National Guard of California, will be held from the Masonic Temple this day (Monday), at. 2 o'clock. In an order issued this evening by General Dickinson all officers of the National Guard who can do so are in- vited to attend the funeral In sen-Ice uniform and a military escort is provided for. The funeral services will be held under the aus- pices of King Solomon's Lodge, F. and A. M., of which deceased was a member. COSTELLO— In this city. February 4. 1900. at his residence. 1006H Natoma street. Edward, beloved son of tbe l&te James and Margaret Costello, and brother of Joseph, Michael, George. Julia and Margaret Costello and Mrs. Wallace Jamison and Mrs. Frank E. Wilson, a native of San Francisco, aged 25 years and 24 days. Cr Notice of funeral hereafter. CROSBY— In this cVty. February 2, 1900. Sarah F. Crosby, beloved mother of Emma F. Jes- sup, and beloved sister of the late Lucy A. and Emma A. Keyes. a native of New, Be- dford, Mass. (Massachusetts and New Hamp- shire papers please copy.) ETTFrlends and acquaintances are- respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral this day (Monday), at 2 o'clock, from her late resi- dence. W7 Van Ness avenue. Interment pri- vate. DETTELBACH— In this city, February 4, WOO, Morrltz Dettelbacb. a native of Germany, aged FS years and 8 months. CTFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral this day (Monday), at 2 o'clock, from the Hebrew Heme for Aced and Disabled, 607 Lombard street, thence lv 3:SO o'clock train from Third and Townsend streets. Interment Home of Peace Cemetery. DAVIS— In the City and County Hospital. Feb- ruary 4. ISO, James Davis, a native of Cali- fornia, ared IS years. FAY— In this city. February 4. 1940, Sophia Fay, beloved mother of Mrs. John Armstrong and Ctarles M. Williams, a native of New York, aged 73 years. GODFREY— In this city. February 4, 1900, Re- becca 8.. wife of the late Nathaniel A. God- frey, mother of Sadie A., Annie R., Mabel W.. Addle P. and Nathaniel A. Godfrey Jr.. and «'st»r r>t John A. Barber, a native of Nantucket, Mass.. aged 72 years and 4.months. HA MILL— In this city. February 3. ISOO. Ame- lia Coffin Hill Hamlll. widow of the late William Hamlll. a native of New York. |C7"Notlce of funeral hereafter. j KOI£LZEK— In this city. February 2, 1900, An- 1 thnny, beloved husband of Mathilda Koelzer, j and father of Anthony F. Koelzer. a native of Germany, aged 63 years and t months. C7Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral this day (Monday), at 1 -o'clock, from the parlors of ' 11. F. Suhr & Co.. H37 Mission street, between I Seventh and Eighth. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. KRAMM— In Oakland, February 4, 1900, Charles H., dearly beloved husband of Carrie A. Kramm, father of Caroline A. Kramm, son of Mrs. Augusta and the late Charles Krarom. and brother of Otto, Henry and Joseph Kramm. a native of Oakland, aged 28 years 11 months and 15 days. E7 1 Friend!" and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral services ¦Wednesday. February 7, at 2 o'clock, at the residence of his mother, Mrs. Augusta Kramm. 314 Telegraph avenue, Oakland. In- terment Mountain View Cemetery. . LOOMIS— In this city, February t. 1900, at his residence. 2715 Bryant street, Barney.' be- loved husband of Hannah A. Loomls, a na- tive of Westmoreland? Oneida County, N. V.. aged 70 years. (Westmoreland, Oneida County. N. V.. papers please copy.) (C7Frlends and acquaintances axe respect- fully invited to attend the funeral this day (Monday), at 6:45 o'clock, from his late resi- dence, 271S Bryant street, thence by 11 o'clock creek-route boat to Mountain View Cemetery. Oakland, for Interment. McCOLOAN— In this city. February 4, 1900. Cella, beloved *l«ter of James and George McColran and Mr». B. Redriek. a native of County Donegal. Ireland, aged 34 years. MALMEDT— In this city. February J, 1900, Julia Malrnedy. beloved mother of Ernest Malmedy, and grandmother of J. Henry and Gustave A. Wleser and Millie, Clara, Elsie, Leonle and Helen Malmedy; a native of Ger- many, aged 68 years 5 months and 20 days CTFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral this, day (Monday), at 10 o'clock, from her late resi- dence, 225 Day street, between Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth, Church and Sanchei. Inter- ment CyDress Lawn Cemetery, by carriage. MURPHY— In this city, February 2, 1900, Amy M. Murphy, beloved daughter of Daniel Murphy and Amy L. Dart, a native of Eu- reka. Cal.. aced 17 years 11 months and 17 da; s. -• r . CTFricnds and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Tuesday), at 10 o'clock, from the parlors of McAvoy & Co.. 1*35 Market street, between Eighth and Ninth. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. MAYHEW— In Oakland, February 4, 1900 George Henry, beloved husband of Rosa May- hew, and father of Mrs. Lowell Harday, a na- tive of Indiana, aged 45 years 10 months and ZS days. iryFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral services to-morrow (Tuesday), at 2 o'clock, at his late residence, 1071 Bruch street,. Oakland. Inter- ment private. . MARTIN— In Oakland, February 4. 1500, Miriam X., wife of Dr. W. N. Martin, a native of Vermont, aged 83 years. MAHANT— In this city*- February 4, 1900. Sarah Mahany. a native of New York. NELSON— In this city, February 4, ¦ 1900 l Charles A., beloved husband of Mamie A. Nelson, father of Violet and Ethel Nelson, and son of Mary and the late Andrew Nel- son, a native of Baltimore. Md., aged. 3o yean* 11 months and 1 days. A member of Court Amerira No. 64j4. A. O. F., and Court Southerti Heights No. 1150, Independent Order of Foresters. (Baltimore papers please copy.) ty Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral Wednes- day. February 7. at ,2 o'clock, from his late residence. 231 Mississippi street, near Eight- . eenth. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. NELSON— In the City and County Hospital February 4, 1909, Cella Nelson, a native of Ireland, aged 33 years. O'NEIL— In thin city. February ' 3. 1900. Ellen * McAVOY «fc CO.. FUNERAL DIRECTORS * EMBALMERS. 1235 Market et, between Bth and 9th. • Telephone South 247. . ' - ¦: ¦; r.v. OCEAN TBAVEL. NOTE— In the above exposition lof the tides the early morning tides' are given In : the left hand column and the successive tides of the day In the order of occurrence as to time. The second time column gives the second tide of tbe day. the third time column the third tide and. the last or right hand column gives the last tide of the day, except when there are but three- tides, as I sometimes occurs.' The \ heights given are in addition to the soundings on the United States Coast Survey charts, except when a minus ilgn (— ) precedes the height, and then the number glen is subtracted from' the depth given by the charts; The plane of reference Is the mean of the lower low waters. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 8. t Weather Report. (120 th Meridian— Pacific Time.) « SAN FRANCISCO. Feb.* 4— 6 p.. m. The following are the seasonal rainfalls to date, as compared with those of same date last season, and rainfall In last twenty-four hours: Station*— . ** hours, season, season. Kurck-i ••••••••••••••••••• 0- ~~ ' 34 .88 ¦ IS. At Ked Bluff ••• 0M 15>w 13 - 1S Sacramento O.OT 13.71 7.85 San Francisco .».••• 002 1467 7.77 Fresno °-°° *- 14 l -S6 Independence 0-™ 2-M - 1.1& San Luis Oblspo Trace 12. « 7.15 Los Angeles Trace 4.57 . 2.68 Pan Diego '0.00 2.6J 3.87 Yuma °-°0 0.88 1.34 San Fr&nctsco data: Maximum temperature, 84: minimum. 46; mean. 60. WEATHER CONDITIONS AND GENERAL FORECAST. Generally cloudy weather prevails over the Pacific Coast. Scattering light showers have fallen in California during the day and snow is falling in Nevada this evening. The pressure has risen rapidly over the north western portion of the country and fallen over Arizona and Southern California. | The temperature has remained nearly station ary in all districts. It is nearly normal west of the Rocky Mountains. Conditions are favorable for fair weather In Northern California Monday, showers, and colder In Southern California and snow and colder in Nevada and Utah. Forecast made at San Francisco fox thirty hours ending midnight, February 6, 1900: Northern California — Fair Monday; fresh north wind. Southern California— Cloudy, with showers Monday; colder; fresh northerly wind. Nevada— Snow, colder Monday. Utah— Snow, colder Monday. Arizona— Snow. ln north portion, rmin In south portion Monday; colder. • - San Francisco ai»d vicinity— Fair Monday; fresh north wind.' O. H. WILLSON. ¦ Local Forecast Official: REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Elizabeth B. Hahn to Eleonora Howell. lot on N line of Pacific street. 100 W of Polk. W 23:6 by N 1C0; rift. • - Edwin S. and Rebecca C. Tucker to Jacob Cnna, lot on S line o< Jackson street,, 100 E of Buchanan. E 27 :« by S 120; JlO. Estate of Albert 8. Roeenbaum (by trustees). Joseph and Mary J. Brandensteln (and a» trus tees), Jane Brandenstein, Samuel M.. Albert M., Emil D. and Charles W. Rosenbaum and Virginia and Julia Strasßburger to Katherine M. Sperry (wife of Horace B.). lot on N line of Broadway, 102:6 W of Stelner atreet, W 42;6 by N 137 :«: $10. . Katherine M. and Horace B. BDerry to May belle Naphtaly (wife of S. L.), lot on N line of Broadway 102:8 W of Steiner, W 2:6 by N 137:8; UO. ; , . . ¦ ; TOYO KISEN KAISHA. STEAMERS WILL LEA^-E WHARF. COR- ner of First and Brannan streets. 1 p. m for YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG, calllne at Kobe (Htogo). Nagasaki and Shanghai, and connecting At Hongkong with •teamera for India, etc. No cargo received on board on day of -sallins. - NIPPON MARC ...Friday. Feb. 9 AMERICA MARU Wednesday, March 7 HONGKONG MARUs Saturday. March 31 Via Honolulu. Round-trip tickets at reduced rates. For freight and passage apply at company's office iZI Market St.. corner First. W. H. AVERT. General Agent. TO SAEL. HOTEL ARRIVALS. GRAND HOTEL E Carpenter. Sacto J Hyman. Cal F Hendricka. Rd Bluff S J Peterson, Rd Bluff M J Farrell & w, Cal A T Currier. Los Ang W Law son, Alvarado Miss Shlffer, Alameda J Jackson, Alameda A P Smiley. Cal A B Watson. Cal H Lion. San Jose P Rauke, Berkeley J A Johnson, Berkeley W H Cooper, Berkeley C D Prlngle, Berkeley B Henley. Berkeley F H Jacks. Berkeley J D Miller. Stanford F M Meuohan & w, Cal F Freskow, Crockett O Hrtroer. Sta Barbara W P Dickson. Tacoma C S Kin*. Oregon G W Drysdale & w, Cal J.M Jones. Colusa W N Klmball. Bacto W M Sims. Sacto O M SaJiders. La Ang J Threben. Sacto H C Ross. Sacto J Green, Courtland Mr» All*n. Courtland J Goldman, Merced C A Storke. Sta Barb J Neuschler * w, N V W Walker, Sacto H H Rose. Pasadena. D Campbell. Los Ang P W Morse, Watsonvll W M Glbeon & w. Cal G Nichols. S L Oblspo W S Lerman. B 1. Obis Miss H Heyer. Cal H A Smith. Astoria Miss N E PalmUg. Cal Miss P Keppler. N V M Gilehrist. Butte S Blath, Chicago M X Grant.* w. Cal W H Atkinson. Napa F H Busby. Cal J Applegate, Alaska Dr Weldon. 8 Pedro A A Smallfleld. Cal L C Black. San Joee . Dr R E Reese, Cal W P Thomas^ Uklah R J Nixon. Yreka L G Brayton. Sacto W Dlnsmore, Mary evil W Meseereau & w. Cal W M Straus, Mexico W J Rouse, Eugene PALACE HOTEL E Klauber, Chlcasro W H Oorham, Seattle F O Miller, Riverside G B Barham. Los Ang B Lee. Los Ang W Bergen, Milwaukee Mrs Bergen, Milwaukee L Demmer, Mllwkee Mrs Demmer, Mllwkee W M Pekin. Sacto F Mann, Milwaukee Mrs Balrd, Plttsburg Miss Balrd. Plttsburg Joe Gavin. Denver Mrs Gavin. Denver W. Heabay, S DleRO Mrs N Ward, Dakota Frank Ward, Dakota W J Ard, Ontario S B Hicks, Seattle H White, Seattle G P Rowell, N V Mrs. Rowell, N V R II Heron. Los Ang H Hensch. Philada J Drucker. Baltimore A Crowder. S Diego J Wilson. Brooklyn Mrs. Wilson, Brooklyn C E Halle. Loa Ang J H Allen, N T Ben Marx. N V T S Bunte. N V W Murphy, Carson H Brown, N V R Vauth. Taooma Mrs-Vauth, Tacoma S Gelplart. lowa O Hume, Richmond M Kahn. Philada J A McAfee, Toledo W Newberg, N V Mrs W Feldstein, Paris A C Morrie, Washtn Mrs Morris, Washtn X A tan!, Yokohama X Want. Yokohama T Mizutany, Japan Dr T Flint, S Juan Mrs Flint. S Juan - E C Hopper, Ky A-Thayer, NY ».- S Q Wlllets. N V NEW WESTERN HOTEU B Fisher, L Ang W Dierks, Nebraska. C W Ross,' Wlngham J Dilworth, High Bluff X Bezemer, Napa ' P C Mayf ord, N T F Crosby &. w. S R .¦ -. W Thomas, Vallejo . ' c McKlFslck. S Jose E» Johnson, Uklah • J Klne, Cloverdale C Westberfc. Stkn J Leeson, L Ang W S .Kendall, L Ane P Newman, I-Ans A Rickard. Martinez W E Stepherrson, Colo C F Mllea & w. Wash . A C Orattan. Waah RATLBOAD TBAVEL. , »«HTTHERS P*»IFIO CO9PAST. |r \ririo iitstcx.) i Tralai l«»v<> nml nr* «in« l» crrite m% ¦ HA9 Flt.l.X'lHCl*. (Xala Line, Foot of Market Street) I ls*tb — Vxov Dzczixsn IS, 1339. — akxitv •7iooa Bcnlda, Stdsnn, Ehs!x». V-oarQSp Rt&nseyand Kacnmento ; *7:t3r ' *7<o9a Shasta Eiprr«a— iKt'.i, WUlairs. • Ketl Bluft PcrtlacO.. ...7?..... *7t4Sr •7x3t»A llaitiuez. t_ul:a:::on. V.L'?jo. Calistcga ar.d Sinta r.nsa •«:13y •8:3«* The OtezUnil Limited— Osden. Deo. ter. ()_:al_k tt:ca» 1 *3:t3# I a Si3»A Sau Jo«e, liTerasors. .Stockfou. ">-• ¦¦• loce, Sacrameisto. Placerrillet > - JUrja»l]l^. Chico. i:<*l Eluflf •lil.i- •t:no* •Milton. Oakdale an.» Sonera »I:ISf i '0:00 a Haywards. .Niaar.l Vt'ay Stations. • 1 1 :!."»» ; »»:OO a Darit; WootUacd. Knigb-i Laadlag. HansTillo. OroTiU~.. •~:ISy •9;««* Atlantic r.xpress— Ogdcn ar.d Eass •0:43* '¦ "OsOO \ Slsrtlnex, Trrcy. Lathrop. Srocktca. M erced ami fresco MS:I3y : »HiOO» Port Costa, lisres, and Los Angeles ••:4.1p •lOiOOa Vallejo, Martfaei and Way Stations *H:lsr '. •lltOUAllaywardH.NUeaarU Way StaUcns. *2sl3y i •IS<OVx Hues, latenaoro, htochton. Maera- R?, j.'".iOju, lianforj. Vbalia, FcrteniUo .' Mn»» fl:«tp Sacramento i:iTerSt?»meni ! *tl:o9e Haywaxda, Nilca acd Way Btatiocs. •»« 13r »4:—t Martlner, han lUraoi.. Vallejo. : Naptk, C»lUtni;». fSaut- I'osA «UU3* : *4t9*w Benlcia, Vaeaf iile, Haeraiuanto, Wcoulaml, Unti.lita Lao diDZ, MaxjiTi!!?. Oio*i!!« •l»:4.1« "4iSO* UDes, Haa Joseantl Stockton *7>13» •B:**rTb« O»l llicited— Tracy, Titma. Bakera€elil. ir',j.:z".i fcr f.-tnta l!ar- bara.ix>s Ans-l-s. 'iftz-tSA •si»»p EcDset limited— El Taao. New Or. ¦ - • ¦' lescsaatl East «1O?4.1a •SiS*r Stockton, Merced. Fresco •IS:ISf •SiX«r Yremoa. UakeraiieM. Sauta lUr<<ara. Loe Aneelca, I^irJot El Fasot New Orleans and East *S:«.la *BiB*r 8«nt» F« Itoute— Atlantio Ex;reM for Mo!_Te kb<\ Km» m n-.4^e ••iO«p Hajwaxiu, KUesandUan Jose # ;.-l>v t«<SOr Vallejo »l2il^p •«i3Or Oriental Mail— Ogden and East •*:.!•* J7ioor Vallejo. Port Costa tr.4 Vizj 6U. Uoi*. tp>s3p •BiO3r Oregon and California Kxi>rei»,^ac- rauiento, Marjsviilc. I>c<l<l!::g, PorHitn.t. Tuget 50.i.,1 an.l f.-wt «<ils» C*ivr DITisEON (Ssrraw Ummgti. j (Foot cf Jl.-.rkct Street. > k StI3A NeTcaik.Centeriiiip.^'an Jcse, GVIr-on. Bcn.'der Creek, San ta- Cmz a»<l TV ay HtaUons •»».¦»•» I t2i 1 5p Newark. Centcrrtlle. Han .lose. New AlmadeD. I'eltcn, llculUer Creek, fianta Ciuz and I'riuclpal V>'»j BUtIODS tI»I«MA MilSpKewark, San Jcia. LosCatos. »U:2Oa { It li 13 p Hnn tors' V.zsr.nLu, San Jcse ar.i WayStstfcr-s :7igOp CREEK ROUTE FERBY. FnaSll MISCISCO— fjst •' latktt S:rnt iSi.i *)— •7:15 9:00 11.-00j.ll. U:C3 *2::3 t3:C3 •iX3 t3:C3 •&eafM. 1 rnsiCJlUH— ri«l«fßra»J»«T.— *«:Co 8:C0 10:C3*.«. ti2C3 *i:ca ¦ t:::a *3::3 tt::; '3:::r.M. j COAST DIVISION <nroa.Hi«Hge). 1 (Third ni-.d Towns* ml SU> I Id:lUi <ICf*i( \i.>». (-'.iiiMi K.ui !."¦..¦¦!<•,... t«:S«r ( ,*«tO«»A Han Jose ami War ,-^.lw (New I »'• ¦ Almailcu •1:SO» : ••»r«»» H*n Jose. Tittt Tiuos. - ; i Cruz. I ' Pacilio Gtata. l'aso r.-l.'. 1. Hau ¦ / Clilspo, . l iil, Lcmpoc ami rriuclpal W«y # <:|*»p •IOt4O« Ran Josa surf Way .Stations *feS3« •I liSOa Baa Jcs» ati>l TVar stations *S:UVr { I fit tie Sau Mat-n. r ..Im-n.!. Menlo Park. Palo Alto. Santa Clara, s-miw, , Tres Pico*. Santa Cmz. BaUaaa, Monterey ami l'aciflo Gro»3 tlrt::»3i fri:S»p Saa Josa aud Way Stations # 7:CUe fltlSpS-aJoseauaPticcipai WaySutlcns "J:lsi 4.1: OOp San Jose and Principal \VII7 .->:_tior« ?»:O«».» 1 *3:30p San Jcsoacil Principal WuySutioos '8:33 a ! •8::S0p San Jose and V aj Stations t«l:0tu ! t11:45r San Jpga mill Way StaHons A for MorniuK. 1* for Afternoon. • Daily. t Sunday errevfe'!. t B_ndaj only. 6 batnrday • n'-j. -Tiailiti and Fridajs • Thtavdsys aod Bondars. CfIUFORHiA Limited Santa Fe Route ToCIiSCAGO This Is the quickest maning? and ca«t luxurious - train across the continent. Cosseciiso Tiiiis Leaves Sax Francisco: 5 P.n. Monday. Wednesday. Friday and .Saturday, arriving In Chicago at 2:15 P.n In time to connect with ail limited . trains lor New York. - OVERLAND I«eaTes San Francisco at .5:30 FVDDF^^ p. ia. with Palace and Tourist * . Tw carafor Kansas City, St. Louis, DAILY Chicago and Easu Local trains between Stockton, VALLEY Fresno, Hanford, Visalia, Tulaxa nn * n and Baiersfield. ' KUAU SEE YOU IN San Francisco office. 63 'FDUm cnnN Market Street, Phone Main TKI3UU 3UUP« i; 31; Oakland, HIS Broad- war; Sacramento. 2)1 J Street; San Jose, 7 West Santa. Clara Street. ( NORTH PACIFIC COAST RAILROAD. Via Sausallto Ferry. •' S . K ¦.: Commencins October 1. 1833. FROM SAN FRANCISCO TO MILL VALLET AND SAN RAFAEL. WEEK DAYS— •7:«0. *9>3U. U:CO •- m.; *X; 45. •3.40. .6:15. «:00. 8:30 p. m. EXTRA TRIPS— For Mill Valley and San Ra- fael, on Mondays. W'eduesdays.and Saturdays, at 9:CO and 11:30 o. m. SUNDATS— *S:OO. •li):C0. *U:«) a. ni; I.IS, S;l3. *4:45. «:30, 9:0O p. m. TraJns marked (•> rua to San Quentln. FROM 3AN RAFAEL TO SAN FRANCISCO. WEEK DAYS— S:2S. *«:3:. 7:43. *9:W ». Nx; •12.50, 2:13. *S4O. "3:15 p. m. EXTRA TRIPS on Mondays. Wednesdays and Eaturdays at S-.40 and 10:15 p. m. SUNDATS— «:2O. '3:00. '10:00. •11:43 a. m.: •1:40. •S.iS. 4:45. »S:3O t>. l!i. Tram* marked <•> start from San Qnentin. FROM MILL VALLEY TO SAN FRANCISCO. WEEK DAYS— 6:43. 8:43. 7:55. »:45 a. m.; 11:35. 2:33. 3:45. J:2O p. m. EXTRA TRIPS on Mondays. Wednesday* aa4 Saturdays at 7: CO and \Q:V) p. m. SUNDATS— B:OS. 10:03 a. m.: 11:03. 2:15. 3:». 1:00. t:45 V- m. THROUGH TRAINS. 1:00 a. m. week days— Caradero and way stations. 1:49 p.' m. Saturdays— Tomales and way stations. 1:00 a. m. Sundays — Tomalea and way station*. A\OUNT TAMALPfJIS SCENIC RAILWAY Leave SaA Francisco via Sausaiito Ferry. Week days^ 9:20 a. m. and 1:45 p. n_ Sundays 8:00. 10:00 a. m. and 1:45 p. m. Steam-heated closed car on all trian^i. Fare — San Francisco to Summit and Re-rum. n a. -- a Dr. Gibbon's .Dispensary, f»Uv» «,*:.* R.wvr. Estabihined In I S3 * for tbe treatment of Private Di.<ieiiaes,'LnetMaabnod. Deblll:yor disease »?e*rtnsr on body and mind and Slcln Dfreaaes. 'l'hedoctorenreswheti otberafalL Try him. CharKea low. 4'orr*raarunlt>f<l. Ca!lorwrit«b Or. J. l'.til<uiO.V.Bes 1937.SaaFraaci»ca OCEAN. TRAVEL. 1 Pacific Coast Steamship Co. 1 Steamers leave Broadway __. wharf, Ean Francisco: kTVw_. For Alaskan ports, 10 a. m.. H?'^ra_k Feb. 5, 10. 15. 10, 25. Mar. |?_7f > *^_SMS M Chanare to company's *teaxn- LSTfeSKYgre em at Seattle. |K\sfil Val For Victoria. Vancouver. __S?_j_J£Wi»«*l (B. C), Port Townsen-1. r^^^BNs.Sa* Seattle. Tacoma. Everett. Anacortes and New What- "* com CV\'ash.). 10 a. m., Feb.. 5, 10. 15. 20. 25. Mar. 2. and every fifth day thereafter: change at Seattle to this company* steamers tor Alaska and O. N. Ry. ; at Tacoma to N. P. Ry.: at Vancouver to C P. Ry. For Eureka (Humboldt Bay). I p. m.. Feb. , 3. 8. 13. 18. 23, 2S. Mar. S. and every fifth day ! thereafter. For Santa Crua, Monterey, San Simeon. Cay- j ncoB. Port Harford <San Luis Oblspo). Gavlota, ! Santa Barbara. Ventura, Hueneme. San Pedrov*! East San Pedro (Los Angeles) and Newport, 9 ¦ a. m.. "Feb. ¦». 3, 12. 18. 20, 21, 2J. Mar. 4, and | very fourth day thereafter. For San Diego, stopping only at Port Harford 1 (San Luis Oblspo). Santa Barbara. Port Los ; Angeles and Redondo (Los Angeles), 11 a. m .. Feb. 2. 6. 10. ¦ 14, IS. 23, 2*. "Mar. t. and every fourth day thereafter. i For Emenada, Magdalena Bay. Saa Joee del i Cabo. Mazatlan. Altata. La Pas, Santa Rosalia ! and Guaymaa (ilex,). 19 a. m., 7th of each, month. For farther Information obtain company's folder. The company reserves the right to change steamers, calling dates and hours of •ailing, without previous notice. TICKKT OFFICE —4 New Montgomery street (Palace Hotel.) GOODALL, PERKINS & CO., Oen. Agts., 10 Market it., San Francisco. iLASKA COMMERCIAL COMPANY .;.for/.. Nome, St. Michael, Dawson . , / ...AND... .t > . ALL POINTS ON YUKON RIVER. CARRYING THE UNIT V BD STATES MAIL. . FOR NOME DIRECT: FROM SAN FRANCISCO 8. S. "PORTLAND".. ApriI 30. 1*» FROM 6EATTLE ..„ S. 8. "DOBA" ...^Aprtl SO. I*oo, Jb.iOM'SAN FRANCISCO ...;......... S. 8. "RAINIER* '........ May 10, l»00 FOR NOME, ST. MICHAEL AND ALL OTHER POINTS: FROM SAif FRANCISCO ..........B. B. "BT. PAUL." May »U» A Steamer Will Be Dispatched Every Fortnight Thereafter. $vM ' — ~~ — ~~~ For Juncau, Sltka, Prince William Sound, Cooks Inlet, Kodiak and All Intermediate Points: FROM BDATTLB. ..'........ 8. 8. "BERTHA." ccmraenclng April Sta For sew folders, maps and further particulars as to freight and passage, apply to ALAS- KA COMMERCIAL. COMPANY. 810 Sansoma street. Baa Francisco. Cal. For Seattle sailings apply to CAPT..JAB. CARROLL. Mutual Life Building. Seattle. WaaiL AUCTION SALES ADVERTISEMENTS. beloved daughter of Patrick and the late Catherine O'Nell. and beloved sister of John. Denis, Patrick, Thomas and Mary O'Nell and Mrs. Ed Gallacher. a native of San Fran- cisco.: aged 13 years. 3 months and 9 days., ¦ cyNotlce of funeral hereafter. Remains at the oarlors of Theo. Dlerka. »57 Mission PETERSON-In this city. February ». 1900. Peterson, beloved husband of Emma • C Peterson, and father, of - Albert Peterson and Mrs J. A. Sandell, a native of Oland. Sweden, aged 62 years. ETFrlends and acquaintance* are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral this day (Monday), at 2 o'clock, from Foresters' Hall. 10» O'Karrell street, where services will be n»ld under the auspices of Court Star of the West No 6958, A. O. F. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery. Remains at the funeral par- lors of J. Hagan. 1707 Sacramento street. RUSSELL— In this city. February 3, 1900.' Em- ma Russell, a native of South Dakota, aged K~T Friends and acquaintances ar» respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Tuesday) at — o'clock, from the mortuary chapel of the Golden Gate Undertaking Com- pany. 2429 Mission street, near Twenty-first. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery. ROHRS-In this' city. February !. 1900. John D beloved husband of Meta Rohra, father of Mrs E. Hoffman and George Rohrs, and brother of George H. Rohrs. Mrs. John Scbeebe. Mrs. John Petersen and Mrs. H. Doscher. a native of Morlngen. Hanover, aged II years 6 months and 16 days. E7"Frtends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Tuesday), at 2 o'clock, from I. O. O. F. Hall, corner of Seventh and Market streeta. under the auspices of Concordla Lodge Nfl. 123, I. O. O. F. Interment I, O. O. F. Ceme- tery. ¦ STANTON— In Oakland. February 4. 1900, Han- nah E. Stanton, mother of James E. Stanton of lowa and Mrs. Edwin C. Morrison of Oak- , land,' a native of Chester. Mass. TEXTON— In this city. February 4, 1900, Clara \. , beloved wife of John Texton. a past worthy matron of Adah Chapter No. ». O. D.' 8.. of Washington, D. C a native, of Wash- ington, D. C, aced 69 years. WESTFIELD— In this city. Robert WestCeld. for twenty-three years eexton of Trinity Episcopal Church, a native of Canterbury, England, aged 88 years. - . "•* . ' (CFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeTal . this day (Monday), at 2:30 o'clock, from .Trinity Epis- copal Churchy . THE SAX FRAXCISCO CALL, 3IOXDAY, FEBRUARY 5,, 1900. AUCTION SALE fe fe fe EXTRAORDINARY HIGH-CLASS RACE HORSES IN TRAINIXO. (A chance to get a ready-made racehorse.) Compri.'incr SATSUMA. DR. BERNAY3. SYBARI3. WHITCOMB. TOM CROMWKLL. BLOOMINU CHANCE. CYRIL and CORE. TO BE SOLD ON FRIDAY FEB. 9 1000, _ At 12 m. at tbm OAKLAND RACETRACK. - ¦ (la the Paddock.) Catalogues now ready. CHASE & MENDENHALL. Successors to Ktllip & Co. Livestock Auctioneers. 1122 Market st. SPECIAL SALE OF 40 HEAD BROKE HORSES. fe AT fe 1615 MISSION PT.. BKT. 11TH AND mil. TO-MORROW. TUESDAY. Feb. f. at 11 O'CLOCK. By order of W. G. PALMER we will sell without reserve or limit. 40 horses. Must be sold regardless of price. ffifJlWMlfS The P. S. Australia T&weaili. F!i[is icr Honolulu ¦__ t sra """* Wednesday. Feb. /, ii ""--_«. ISCO. at 2p. m. Q+<<lJ,V/\Q +< <lJ,V/\ The S. S. Alameda nwynfin !)«¦> * alls vla Honolula and Cfl«'llUlliy Auckland for Sydney iCiHß3flth Wednesday. Feb. 20. •.- — f-"'*'-"*** at 3 p. m. Favorite line around the world via Hmi l Samoa - New Zealand. Australia. India. Suez, England, etc.: $610 first class. '. • i. 0. SPKECKtLSi3.tOS.CO.. Agts., H4Montaomer» Pier 7. Foot Pacific SL Freight Otnce.327 Market St COMPASMIS GEHERALE TRA.NSATLiSTIQUE. DIRECT LINE TO HAVRE-PARIS, Sailing every Thursday instead of <siTll> Saturday, from November 2. 1533. at -^***^ x 10 a m. from Pier 42, North River, foot of Morton st. : LA BRETAGNE. Feb. 8; L'AQUI- TAINE. Feb. 15; LA GASCOGNE. Feb. 22; LA TOURAINE. March 1. First class to Havre. $60 and upward; 5 per cent reduction on round trip. Second class to Havre. $45: 5 per cent re- duction on round trip. GENERAL AGENCY FOR UNITED STATES AND CANADA. « Broadway (Hudson building). New York. J. F. FUGAZJ & CO.. Pacific Coast 'Agents. 5 Montgomery aye.. San FrancUco. BAY AND BIVER STEAMEBS. FOR U. S. NAVY YARD AND VALLEJO. Steamer "Montlcello." MON.. Tues.. Wed.'. Thurs. and Sat. at >:43 a. m.; 8:15, 8:30 p. m. (ex. Thurs. nlsht): Fri- days. 1 p. m. and 8:30; Sundays. 10:20 a. m.. 8 p m. Landing and office. Mission-street Dock. Pier No. 2. Telephone Main 15CS. FARE 500 United States Coast and Geodetlo Survey- Times and Heights of High and Low Waters at Fort Point, entrance to San Francisco Bay. Published by official au thority of the Superintendent. NOTE— The high, and low waters occur at the city , front (Mission-street wharf) about twenty-five minutes later than at Fort Point; the height of tide Is the same at both places. ARRIVED. Sunday. February 6. U S stmr Mead*. Wlllson. 21 days from Ma nila, via Nagasaki. 17 days 2 hours. -_ . Stmr Luella, Miller. 45 hour* from* San Pedro. • ¦ ' -•__.- Stmr Progreso, Zolllng. 104 hours from Ta- Stm'r Columbia. Doran.- 65% noun from Port-; land, via Astoria 47 hours. Stmr Corona. Debney. 61% hours from Ban Diego and ¦»*ay ports. Stmr Albion. Ericsson. 19 hour* from. Fort Stnfr Cleveland.* KJltgaard. 11 days from Ka 'stnir Del Norte. Allen. 47 hours from Re-i d °Stmr North Fork. Bash. 27 hours fm Eureka;' Br itmr Benmobr. Wallace. 83 days from Ma nila, via Nagasaki 21 days, via Kobe 19 days. Ship Occidental, Bennett, 10 days from Se- Brshlp Cleomene. Davis. S3 days from Aca- PU Bark Vldette, Liebtg. 14 days from Tacoma, via Clallam 10«4 days. - Ft bark Marie. Allaire. 77 days from New- Ca Fr >l barjfcanrobert. Boju. 240 days from Ham bur?, via Valparaiso 69 days. Schr Fanny Dutard. Rudbach. II days from Schr Chasiil Wilson. Johnson. 8 days from °Scbr Roy^omers.Bolland. I days from Grays H Schr r 'Mald.o« Orleans, Johnson, n days from Pike. Johnson. 10 days from Eu "^Schr Corinthian, Kortb, I days from Bowena C. Madsen. 3 hours from Bodega. Schr Reliance. Johnson. 80 hours from Fort Barbar* Hernster. Lindber*. M hours "sS/NJturSW. Low. 6 hours from Point R Ecnr" John F. Miller. Hotrobem;. » days from Gray, Harbor. Sunday. February 4. Stmr Coos Bay, Glelow.San Pedro. Etmr Aberdeen. Hlgglns. Seattle. Schr Urala Prlen. Hansen. CoqulHe River. - TELEGRAPHIC. POINT. LOBOS— Feb 4. 10 p m— Weather clear; wind north: velocity 8 miles. MEMORANDUM., Per stmr Cleveland— Left in port at Kahulul, bktn Mary Wlnkelman; the schr J. M. Weath erwax to sail Jan 25; brig Lurllne to sail Jan 26. Per Br ship Cleomene— Upon arrival had four of the crew down sick with malarial fever. The C *Per Fr'bark Canrobert— Put Into Valparaiso on Dec 5 on account of four of the crew being sick with scurvy. Put these four men ashore and shipped new men and sot a supply of fresh water and vegetables and sailed on Dec 7 for San Francisco. On Feb 2. In lat 3$ 64 N. long 129 8 W, exoerleneed a severe earthquake or electric shook, lasting about three "conds. It felt like as If something was exploding under neath the vessel. ¦'". «: : . • DOMESTIC PORTS. SAN PEDRO— Arrived- Feb 4— Schrs Annie Larsen and Alcalde, from Tacoma: schrs Ida McKay and San . Buenaventura. , from Grays H PORT ANGELES— Arrived Feb B— Ships Ori ental and Louis Walsh, hence Jan 17; bktn Re triever, from San Diego for Port Hadlock: stmr Washt.enaw, from Comox for San Francisco. In dl pORT HADLOCK-Salled Feb 8-Schr Esther,- Buhne for San Francisco. PORT LOS ANOELES-ArriTed Feb 4-^tmr B KWood; f^OR^ rt TOWNSEND-Arrived Feb 4-lSch- Robert Hind, from Mahukona; scbr Wawema, FA^HrtS^ Feb I: stmr Samoa, hence Feb 3. - < _^. „ Sailed Feb 4— Schr Fortuna. for Baa :;Fran- Cl COOB BAT- Arrived Feb £-Schr Monterey, hence Jan 18; stmr Empire, henoe Feb 2. ASTORIA-Arrlved Feb 4— Stmr State of Cali fornia, hence Feb t. • FOREIGN PORTS. HlLO— Arrived Jan 14— Brig Courtney Ford, hence Dec 24, to sail Jan 25 for Olymola. In nort Jan 20— Schr J M Colman. hence Dec SO. MAKAWELI— To sail Jan 24— Haw stmr Klnau. for San Francisco. HENRY j G4LLAGHER CO.. (Succetsors to Flannagan A Gallagher), FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMBR3, 20 Fifth st.. opposite Lincoln School. , . Telephone South 80. -.... 9 O Time Time Time Time P — — Ft. Ft. Ft. — Ft: • " H.W L "W H W L W , T7.. S:l» '6.7 9:E9 0.9 4:10 "4.0 •:»« 2.3 6 ... 4:08 6.7 11:13 0.7 6:15 3.7 10:28 t.t 7 .. 8:01 6.7 12:28 0.4 * 6:22 3.7 11:40 3.1 I 603 6.6 1:32 0.1 7:20 3.9 ...... ?.... LW'HW L W H W » ... 0:55 3.2 7:07 6.7 2:28 -0.1 8:29 4.3 10 ... 2:<V. 3.2 8:OS 6.6 3:15—0.3 9:80 4.5 11 ... 3:03 , 3.0 8:04 5.1 3:68 — 0.3 10:20 4.8 titeamer. Dae. Lady Joicey.... China and Japan........ Feb. * Washtenaw .... Comox. Feb. 6 Homer ......... Newp0rt......... Feb. 5 Crescent City... Crescent City Feb. i B. Thomson..... Oyster Harbor Feb. 5 Bonlta Newport.... .Feb. « Chaa. Nelson... Puget Bound Feb. 6 Uma,tllla, Victoria & Pug-et Sound Feb. 6 Orizaba .....;... Humboldt Feb.' « City of Para... Panama Feb. 7 Samoa Humboldt Feb. 7 A. Btanchajrd... Cooa-Bay ...Feb. 7 Tellus Oyster Harbor Feb. 7 Point Arena:... Point Arena Feb. 8 Pomona ........ San Diego Feb.' 8 Matteawan ..:.. Tacoma Feb. 8 Jeanle '. Seattle.. Feb. I Empire ......;.. Coos Bay Feb. t State of Cai;... Portland Feb. 9 AJamed*. .1..... Sydney Feb. 9 TUlamook ...... THlamook Bay Feb. 9 Arcata. ......."... Coos.Bay Feb. 9 Coos Bay A Nawport Feb. 19 Czarina ......... Puget Sound Feb. 19 Queen '• Victoria & Puyet Sound Feb. 11 Coqullle River.. Grays Harbor Feb. U Pt earner. Destination. Sails I Pier. ——————— — — — — — — — i ¦ ¦ Walla Wall Vie & Ppt Sd. Feb. 6. 10 ami Pier 9 Navarro ... Humboldt Feb. 5, 11 m Pier 1 Corona ..... San Pleeo Feb. 6, 11 am Pier 11 North Fork Humboldt...., F«b. 7. •am Pier 1 Columbia .. Portland Feb. .7. 10 am Pier 24 Curacao ... Mexico Feb. 7. 10 am Plerll Australia .. Honolulu Feb. 7, 2pm Pier 7 Homer ..... Oregon Porta. Feb. 7, 10 am Pier 19 Bonlta San Pedro Feb. S. 9am Pier 11 City Sydney Panama Feb. 8. 12 m PMS3 Volumnla .. Europ* Feb. 8, 10 am Pier T A. Blanch' d Coos Bay Feb. 8. 6pm Pier 13 Orizaba .... Humbotdt Feb. 8, 2pm Pier 9 Humboldt .Alaska .Feb. 9. 2pm Pier 13 Nip.. Maru. Chlna&Japan Feb. 9. Ipm PiIS3 Pomona .... San Dlegro Feb. 10, 11 am Pier 11 Samoa Humboldt Feb. 10, 10 am Pier IS Umatllla ... Vlo & Pgt Sd. Feb. 10, 10 am Pier 9 Pt. Arena.. Point Arena.. Feb. 10, 2 ptn Pier 2 State of Cal Portland Fteb. 12. 10 am Pier 24 O Time Time Time Time P — — Ft. Ft. Ft. — Ft: • " H.W L "W H W L W , T7.. S:l» '6.7 9:E9 0.9 4:10 "4.0 •:»« 2.3 6 ... 4:08 6.7 11:13 0.7 6:15 3.7 10:28 t.t 7 .. 8:01 6.7 12:28 0.4 * 6:22 3.7 11:40 3.1 I 603 6.6 1:32 0.1 7:20 3.9 ...... ?.... LW'HW L W H W » ... 0:55 3.2 7:07 6.7 2:28 -0.1 8:29 4.3 10 ... 2:<V. 3.2 8:OS 6.6 3:15—0.3 9:80 4.5 11 ... 3:03 , 3.0 8:04 5.1 3:68 — 0.3 10:20 4.8 titeamer. Dae. Lady Joicey.... China and Japan........ Feb. * Washtenaw .... Comox. Feb. 6 Homer ......... Newp0rt......... Feb. 5 Crescent City... Crescent City Feb. i B. Thomson..... Oyster Harbor Feb. 5 Bonlta Newport.... .Feb. « Chaa. Nelson... Puget Bound Feb. 6 Uma,tllla, Victoria & Pug-et Sound Feb. 6 Orizaba .....;... Humboldt Feb.' « City of Para... Panama Feb. 7 Samoa Humboldt Feb. 7 A. Btanchajrd... Cooa-Bay ...Feb. 7 Tellus Oyster Harbor Feb. 7 Point Arena:... Point Arena Feb. 8 Pomona ........ San Diego Feb.' 8 Matteawan ..:.. Tacoma Feb. 8 Jeanle '. Seattle.. Feb. I Empire ......;.. Coos Bay Feb. t State of Cai;... Portland Feb. 9 AJamed*. .1..... Sydney Feb. 9 TUlamook ...... THlamook Bay Feb. 9 Arcata. ......."... Coos.Bay Feb. 9 Coos Bay A Nawport Feb. 19 Czarina ......... Puget Sound Feb. 19 Queen '• Victoria & Puyet Sound Feb. 11 Coqullle River.. Grays Harbor Feb. U Pt earner. Destination. Sails I Pier. ——————— — — — — — — — i ¦ ¦ Walla Wall Vie & Ppt Sd. Feb. 6. 10 ami Pier 9 Navarro ... Humboldt Feb. 5, 11 m Pier 1 Corona ..... San Pleeo Feb. 6, 11 am Pier 11 North Fork Humboldt...., F«b. 7. •am Pier 1 Columbia .. Portland Feb. .7. 10 am Pier 24 Curacao ... Mexico Feb. 7. 10 am Plerll Australia .. Honolulu Feb. 7, 2pm Pier 7 Homer ..... Oregon Porta. Feb. 7, 10 am Pier 19 Bonlta San Pedro Feb. S. 9am Pier 11 City Sydney Panama Feb. 8. 12 m PMS3 Volumnla .. Europ* Feb. 8, 10 am Pier T A. Blanch' d Coos Bay Feb. 8. 6pm Pier 13 Orizaba .... Humbotdt Feb. 8, 2pm Pier 9 Humboldt .Alaska .Feb. 9. 2pm Pier 13 Nip.. Maru. Chlna&Japan Feb. 9. Ipm PiIS3 Pomona .... San Dlegro Feb. 10, 11 am Pier 11 Samoa Humboldt Feb. 10, 10 am Pier IS Umatllla ... Vlo & Pgt Sd. Feb. 10, 10 am Pier 9 Pt. Arena.. Point Arena.. Feb. 10, 2 ptn Pier 2 State of Cal Portland Fteb. 12. 10 am Pier 24