SAN FRAACISCO CALL. BUSINESS OFFICE of the Fan Francisco Call, corner of Market and Third streets, open ur.V\ 12 o'clock every night in the year. BRANCH OFFICES— £27 Montgomery street, corner Cay; open until 9:30 p. m. SOO Haye* street; open until 9:30 p. m. C 35 McAllister street; open until 9.55 p. m. CIS Larkln street; open until 9:39 p. m. JS PACIFIC Lodge No. 130, F. and A. M.. _ _1 Eddy st.. metta THIS EVENING at _*_. 7:30 o'clock. 3 d. I_X GEORGE PENLINGTON. Sec. /V> ORIENTAL Lodre No. 144. F. and A. * M— Third decree THIS (TUESDAY) J^ EVENING, at 7:30 o'clock. V2f A. S. HUBBAKD, Secretary. /V^ IVANHOE Lodge No. 6. K. of P.. ;ur will confer the- Knight Rank (long _ ft*> form), WEDNESDAY, February 21, 5"6-&* 1900. at Pythian Castle. 909 V» Market .#"?_* ct., at £:30 p. m. Members of sister lodges cordi_ly invited JOHN WISE, C. C. O. NORCROSS. K. cf R. and S. THE California Debris Commission having re- ceived applications to mine by the hydraulic process from A. B. Jacks In the Badger Hill mine, near Span*-h Ranch. Plumaa County, to deposit tailin-. t In Whltlock ravine; from Manuel Leal. 1.. the Union mine. In New York Township. Tuba County, to deposit tailings on New York Flat: from Walter E. Peterton, In the Manila Placer -nine, near Igo. 6hasta County, to deposit tailings In a worked-out pit. and from the Cherokee Grarel and Gold Mlnlrg Company. In the Cherokee gravel mine, near Carters. Tuo- lumne Ceur.ty. to deposit tailings In Baar Creek, gives notice that a meeting will be l.eJd at room f9. Flood building. San Fran- clsco. CaJ.. on March 6. l? 00. at 1:30 p. m. ASTROLOGY. PROF. A MAEEIIT of Egypt, greatest aetrolo- f\fX and palmist In the world: eatlsf action guaranteed. 437 Golden Gate aye. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ADVICE free: law- a specialty: private; no fee without success; collections. G. W. HOWE, any at law. R5O Market, cor. Stocktn. ADVICE free: no charge unless successful. W. W. DAVIDSON. ?27 Market St.. opp. Mason. F. H. Mr.P.ZBACH. attorney at law, has re- nsmed practice at JO3 Cal. St.. Clunle bldg. L S. CLARK. Spreckeis bldg.. 927 Mar- ket rt.: consultation free; no fee* In advance. IIOARD AND ROOMS. A^bIeaUTTFUL sunny suite with board; also etngle room*; convenient Sacramento, Hyde or Jackson street line; private family. 1308 Jones et. M-;w family hotel: flrst-class In ail appoint- ments; excellent table: special Inducements to select people. 807 California St.. occupying corner opposite Grace Church. HOTEL FAinMOUNT. 1714 Market St.— Ele- cuntly furnished euany rooms; en eulte or sin- gle: with or without board; table first-class; reduced rates. PRIVATE family has an elegantly furnished fiat; will rent Eunny front room with board to couple; central. Address box 3551. Call. ••RELORAVIA HOTEL." Polk and Clay— Sun- ny FUltes: best board; 2, $W up: single. $22 60. IiUFH. 1124— Elegant rooir.s and board, $30 up; reception room; grounds; no children. GUERRERO. 114— Sunny furnished or unfur- nished rooms to let with board. LAS PALMAS. IS2O Market st.— Suite of 2 or 3 rms.; private: bath: sin. rms. : board optional. O'FARRELL. 742— First -class board and rooms; , t?0 up: special rates to students. VAN NESS. 544 (The Wallace)— Rooms and board; reasonable; modern conveniences. BOARDING FOR CHILDREN. PRIVATE family will board child 2 years and over: sunny yard; terms $1&. S34H Valencia. WANTED— ChiId 13: small ranch: good home. P. O. box 16, Dlmond, Fruitvale. LADY with rrown .family wishes young child to board: (rood home: reasonable. Box 8518. Call. BOOKS — NEW AND OLD. ECHOOL BOOKS bought and^ exehan^edT Holme* Book Co.. 704 Mission st.. near Third. IMIOT AMI SHOK HAItGAINS. BEND for our price l!st; it's chuck full of bar- | gains; we i>ay the freight on country orders. P_OPl_76 f-HOE STORE. 1303 Stockton st., n«-ar Hroa<*way. DCSIK—SS CIIA>C_S. A— JTOOO; SALOON, located on Market and Pow- j ell st?.; established years; doing a flrst-class j paying business; rent $100; no better place or I location In this city. Call R. G. WILKE, SO6 i Market St.. room %. A— $1100; DAIRY/ and route: 13 cows. 4 horses. 1 milk wacon, 1 cart, etc.; include 10 acres en p of barley hay; business established 20 years. R. G. WILKE. MM Market St.. rm. 8. j A-$~0; RESTAURANT and chop house en i Ftcckton bt. ; establ. many years and clearing above %.".¦.< per month. Call room 8, 906 Mar- ket et. R. G. WILKE. A-SSSO; DELICACY and dairy business, kept I by present owner for S years; a splendid busl- j ness: offer; place clearing about $90 per mo. W< Market »t.. room 8. It. G. WILKE. A— s4Zoo; CORNER grocery, on one of the prin- cipal business streets of this city; first-class paying; only carh trade; stock all fresh: will lr.vclce the price; a Eplendld and rare chance. Particulars. R. G. WILKE. SO6 Mark«t St.. room 8. A— JliOO; SALOON'; choice location on Keamy •t. ; splendid business offer. Call R. G. WILKE. room 8. 9ht Market et. j A-J110D; BAKERY on Polk St.; baking I<4 ! barrels; all etore trade; dally receipts above I t23: rent £S. Call R. G. WILKE. 906 Market, j A— 8200; FRUIT store, with living rooms, on j Polk St.; splendid paying business and good j rtock on hand. R. G. WILKE. 906 Market. A KALOON on water froijt. with 4 years' lease* | fine fixtures: large stock; rushing business; no better location on Hast St.; splendid ! chance. R. G. WILKE, 90S Market bt. 12-nOOM house; a enap $500 | 30-room house: a bargain $1009 A dear store; fine location $s.,••-« COAL oil route for sale cheap; parties going away. Apply office Crystal OH Co.. 312 Capp ft., near Eighteenth; phone White 1298. ROUTE of 144 papers on this paper for tale. Box t. Oakland Postofflce. COFFEE and tea routes supplied from GEO. ¦ W. CASWELL _ CO.. 412""S;ieramento st. . CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office. 2200 Flllmore st. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscription! has been established at 1096 Va- lencia et. A BRANCH office for the reception of adver- tisements and subscriptions has been opened at 1223 Polk St.; open till 9 p. m. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at the I northwest corner of Twenty-second and Ken- tucky sts. : open until 9 p. m. . CHEAPEST and best In America— The Weekly I Call. 16 pages, sent to any address In the United Stafy. postpaid, for 31 per year. CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. j TO close estate the stock of 200 new and sec- ond-hand wagons, buggy, carts and over 150 sets of harness will be sold at half cost, as the b'islness must be closed. 1140 Folsom St.. near Eighth. ALL kinds of wagons, buggies, carts, harness, I etc.. cheap. EGAN _ SON. 2117 Mission St. I NEW & 24-hand wagons, buggies, carts & har- ness, wk A- driving horses. Uth and Valencia. j CARPET BEATING AND CLEANING. i WHEN you become disgusted with poor work eer.d to SPAULDING'S Pioneer Carpet-beat- I Ing Works. 3_-~7 Teharaa St.; tel. g. 40. > CITY Pteam Carpet-beating Works. G. H. j STEVENS, nipr., SS-40 Sth st.: te!. South 250. j J McQUEEN'S California Carpet Cleaning Co., ! 4E3 Stevenson St.; tel. South 225; lowest rates. ] CARPETS cleaned at 3c per yard: laid at 4c. I STRATTON'S. 3 Eighth st. ; tel. Jessie 944. j J. E. MITCHELL Carpet Cleaning Co.. 240 14th St.; cleaning. 3c per yard; tel. Mission 74. ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co.. 402 Sutter St.; tel. Main 394. GEO. WALCOM, proprietor. CONKLIN'S Carpet-beating works, 333 Golden Gate aye. ; telephone East 126. SPIRITUALISM. ATTENTION! Removed. Removed. MRS. DR. A. D. HOWE. The World's Most Famous Medium and Clairvos'ant. Has remo\ - ed her offices to her residence, 1061 Seventh avenue. East Oakland, Cal. Reveals Your Life From the Cradle to the Grave. Every Hidden Mystery Revealed To the Sick Especially Her assistance Is priceless. Her "Revealed Medicines." registered and copyrighted, cure all diseases on earth, consumption, paralysis, rheumatism, all skin diseases, heart and nervous affections. The wonderful cures which she has made are the talk of the whole slope. WRITE If you cannot call, for thousands upon thou- sands have been made rich, happy and healthy without ever having come to see this wonderful woman. Consultation by mall Is always most successful and satisfactory, and all correspondence Is kept sacredly confiden- tial. Address or call, MRS. DR. A. D. HOWE. Fee, $1 and UDward. ' Diajnosls Free. N. 8.-MRS. DR. A. D. HOWE, 10C1 Eex-enth aye.. East Oakland. Take the broad-cnuge ferry and get off at Clinton station. 2d station from Broadway. CLAI^R^OYANTS^AN^^PmrrIuATISMr ATTENTION! MRS. P. FABBER. a gifted lady; most famous in reading tea leaves and cards; advice confidential. Can be found daily i except Saturday and Sunday at 873 Polk st.; | no sl~ns. DINSMORE, Renowned clairvoyant: private sittings; mar- velous results; 10 a. m. to 8 p. m., 21S Eddy. MRS. J. J. WHITNEY, 1104 Market: trance, test, "business medium; life reader; also medi- cal clairvoyant: stamp for circular; sittings sl. MME. A. CERVANTES, the celebrated Spanish fortune teller: best advice In difficult matters. S Jla-yes St., room 7, second floor. HEALING md developing medium: satisfaction | guaranteed; readings 25c and 60c this week. ! HI Mission st. i MME. MOREAU. the best medium and card | reader; 2T.C up. 73 Fourth st.. near Mission. | ATTEND Mrs. Dunham's circle of truth. 2. 8 I p. m.. 14 ' McAllister, room 35; admission 10c. ' MRS. HARL AND'S circle to-nljht. Friday. Sunday eves., 10c; readings, GOc, $1. 136 Sixth. MME. HANSON— Palmistry. 10c; card reader; j past, present, future. 2Sc. 14$ Sixth, room _. ! MEDA HOPKINS. 1423 Mrket.. bet. 10th & Ilth; dr. Tues. 8 p.m.; Thurs. 2 p. m.; 25c; sit dally. RESPSONSIBLE card reader moved from 1522 to 1425 Mission st. : satisfaction guaranteed. MME. YOUNG'S convincing test circle to-night. CCS McAllister St.. 10c; come, skeptics. C. V. MILLER'S materializing trumpet seance, 8 p. m., 23c. 409 Leavenwcrth st. CONSULT the lucky medium; fee 25c. tiv% Minna at., near Fifth. YOUR future told by cards, 25c. 944 Howard ¦t.. 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. MME. ZEREDA of 6 Seventh st. Is the original gypsy life reader; readings 25c. MRS. EBERHARDT, spiritual test meeting. 7:30 p. m . 10c. 3250 22d, bet. Mission and Valencia. MRS. ELLlS— Tests to all: circle Tues.. Frt.. 2 p. m.: Man., 8; 25c; sittings Jl. 233 Valencia. EDWARD EAItLE, independent slate writer, 330 Ellis St.: circle Bun. and Wed. evenings. MME. AUGUST, clairvoyant, card reader and i palmistry, £sc; truth or no pay. 1149 Mission. MME. SHAFFER, clairvoyant, card reader; sit- tings dally. 21244 Sixth st. MME. RAVENNA reads life fluently; business advice; names glvrn; 25c up. 6 Fourth St. MME. SYBILLE— CradIe to grave; .future hus- band's picture. 25c; ladles. 9H O'Farrell st. CHEAPEST and best In America— The Weekly Call. 16 pages, sent to any address In the United States, postpaid, for $1 per year. COLLECTION OFFICES. GEORGE W. KELLY'S Agency: no charge un- le«s rucces^ful. Room 810. -.127 Market st. COTTAGES TO LET. '~ COTTAGE— S rooms and' bath; large yard; rent $10. Apply SE. cor. Folsom st. and Preclta avenue. COTTAGES of 4 and 5 rooms; basement; yard; stable. Apply at 1876 15th St., near Dolores. COTTAGE. 5 rooms and bath; plenty of light; large basement. 219 Point Lobos aye. COTTAGE of 4 sunny rooms; yard. Key 623 Second Ft., near mall dock. EIGHTEENTH. 4232, near Castro— Sunny de- tached four rooms and bath; $16. FOLSOM. 2326— Cottage: 7 rooms, bath; large yard: rent $20. ¦¦- ¦ - TWENTY-SIXTH, 2381. near Mission— Cottage to let; S rooms; water free; $10. v^ C-ROOM ccttage; 234 Morris aye., bet. Hani- Eon and Bryant, nr. Cth; key next door, N0.23. DRESSMAKERS AND SEAMSTRESSES 488 GEARY— FIrst-class dressmaker, direct from Boston, would like engagements; best of references. ¦ . ~ * " ! S. F. Dressmaking. Ladles' Tailoring School; French tailoring system taught. 305 Van Ness. PARISIAN dressmaking. 387 Geary St.; dresses made, $5 up; dresses made over; perfect fit. McDOWELL Dressmaking School— Leading pys- tem; easy payments; evg. classes. 103 Post. ACCORDION pleating factory. All kinds pleat- Ing.plnklng. 121 Post, over O'Connor _ Moffat. DENTISTS. A— DR. T. S. HIGGINS' dental parlors, 927 Market St., over Cafe 7.inkand— Teeth extract- ed without pain by use of electricity, gas or chloroform; also by local anaesthetics applied to the gums; the best and most artistic dental work at reasonable prices; pure gold fllllngs from $1 up; other fillings from 60c: badly de- cayed teeth carefully treated and filled or crowned without pain; plates that fit from $4 50 up: open evenings and Sundays. AT the ELECTRO-DENTAL CLINIC. 809 Mar- ket st.. cor. 4th, rm. 7 Flood bldg., you can have your extractions done painlessly: ¦ teeth ¦without plates our specialty: gold crowns, $3 &0 up; plates, extractions free; $4 60 up; of- fice hours, 9a. m. to 10 p. m. ; Sundays. 9to 2 p. m. G. W. WILLIAMSON. M. P.. Manager. A FULL set of teeth on a rubber plate. $5; a full set of teeth on a gold plate, $25: teeth without a plate; crown and bridge work our specialty; ccc our flesh-colored plates, thinner and stronger than rubber, warranted for 20 years; fillings, 60c; crowns, $3 50; all work painless and warranted. Chicago Dental Par- lors. 24 Sixth st. ¦ • DR. GEORGE W. LEEK. 20 O-Farrell St.. ex- tracts and fills teeth painlessly by his won- derful secret method: crowns. $2; bridges, $4; rubber or flexible plates. $3: received 8 first prizes; no students; guaranteed 12 years. FULL set of teeth. $5; gold crowns, $8: new methods In bridge work; fillings, gold. $1 tfp; silver. 60o; painless extraction. 60c; gas given- New York Dental Parlors. 969 Mission, cor. 6th. DR. LUDLUM HILL. 1443 Market st.. near Eleventh— Crowns, bridge work and fllllnrs a specialty; all work reasonable: gas given. GUARANTEED dentistry: $1 week; we refer to 6000 patients. Esmond Dental Parlors. 48 Sixth. PARIS Dental Parlors. 2J5 Keamy. cor. Bush— Full set of teeth. $4; crowns, $3: fillings. 26e. DR. C H. CUMMINGS. 218 Valencia; dental 'work reas.; painless extraction; hours I to 6. VAN VROOM— "Painless" : evenings and Sun- days. 1001 Market st.. corner Sixth. ; SET of teeth without plate. DR. H. O. YOUNG. 1841 Polk st. ' OHIO Dental P»rlors. Inc.: 8 graduate opera- tors: open evenings and Sundays. 850 Market.- DOG —OSPITAL. DR. BUZARD'S Dog Honpltal. Post. FlUmore— Advice and medicine 76c; city visits $160: all animals treated: dogs boarded. Tel. West 636. EDUCATIONAL. HEALD*S Business College. 24 Post St.. 8. F.— Practical courses In bookkeeping, shorthand, typing. languages. telegraphy English branches, civil, electrical and mining engin- eering, etc.; new SO-page catalogue free. WANTED— A teacher of elocution, competent to instruct In both Qerman and English. Ap-, ply Dominican Convent, Guerrero st.. near Twenty- fourth^ - ¦•*-:?*."¦• BOOKKEEPING — Neither time nor money wasted; most thorough course on earth: rapid calculation. Tarr, exp. account.. Flood bldg. ALL students but two taking full course ' this year got positions. SAN FRANCISCO BUSINESS COLLEGE. 1236 Market st. ENGINEERING school, civil, electrical mining, mech., survey, assay, archl.: day and even.; est. 1864. VAN PER NAILLEN. 933 Market. ARITHMETIC, bookkeeping, grammar, writing, etc. ; day or eve. ; $5 mo. 1021 Mission, nr. 6th. ESPINA. Penman: business writing a spe- cialty; English. Spanish. 337 Phelan bldg. LAW school?. 927 Market, S. F., and 906 Broad- way, Oakland: day and night; correspondence. CIVIL *enrlce coaching; day. evening. San Francisco Business College. 1236 Market st. VIOLIN, mandolin, cultar. Prof. Merkl. success- ful teacher. 10OS Mission; best methods, results. FRENCH. Spanish, etc. Prof.DeFillppe's Acad- emy of languages. 32o Post;est.lB7l:ablest profs. PIANO, banjo, mandolin: reasonable term*; thorough Instruction. Studio. 405 Geary, r. 47. AYRES' Business College, 723 Market St.; life scholarship. $50: tend for catalogue. CLASSES In German. French. Spanish; $2 per month. Add. Language Teacher, 904 Taylor. SHORTHAND taUßht personally and by mall; languages. Miss M.- G. Barrett. 302 Montgy. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. A JAPANESE and Chinese employment office, No 80 Geary St.. established over 6 years, re- moved to 421 Post St.. near Powell. GEO. AOKI, 421 Post st. ; telephone Bush 135. ORPHEUM Employment Office — Japanese. Chi- nes*. 426 Powell, near Sutter; tel. Black 1321. CHINESE and Japanese Employment Office— best help. 414K O'Farrell ft.: tel. East 426. EMPLOYMENT WANTED — FEMALE. FIRST-CLASS chambermaid and laundress desires situation: best of references. MISS CULLEN, 325 Sutter st. y COMPETENT Norwegian second girl desire* a. situation; young and strong. MISS CULLEN, 325 Sutter St. COMPETENT woman with a child desires a situation: good cook and houseworker; refer- ences. MISS H. CULLINAN. 323 Sutter at. FIRST-CLASS German cook desires a situation, bost city references, city or country: also a flr*t-class Swedish cook desires a situation. MISS H. CULLINAN, 323 Sutter St. NEAT Kill desires a situation as cook; 3 years last place. MISS H. CULLINAN. 323 Sutter. SWEDISH woman, good cook and laundress. $15 to $20; references. MItS. NORTON. 813 Sutter. NEAT colored girl, good cook and houseworker. J2O. MRS. NORTON. 313 Sutter st. GERMAN woman wishee light housework, $12 to $15; city or country. MRS. NORTON, 313 Sutter st. SITUATION a« cook in private family; under- stands German and American cooking. Ad- dress 445 Jessie st. COMPETENT bookkeeper, cashier, stenographer desires a position; city or country; correspond- ence English and Italian; experience; flrst- class references. Address box- 4246, Call. GERMAN midwife wishes some more engage- ments by ladles In confinement. MRS. WOLTER, 132 Sixth st. SWEDISH girl with best of . references wishes place to do cooking in private family, or will do general housework. Call 2 Miles court, oft California St.. near Powell; $25 or $30. ELDERLY German lady seeks employment as seamstress, either at home or In families. 10 Cclllnswood s^ WANTED — Situation by nice, respectable Amer- ican woman In small family; real, good cook; enpabie of taking full charge; wages $15 to $20; references from last placet Box 4247 Call. COMPETENT, trustworthy woman wishes any kind of light housework by the day, or would take care of children. Box 4243. Call. COMPETENT young girl, speaking English. German." Danish, knowledge of kindergarten work, fine needlewoman, desires position as child'R nurse; city or country; references. Box 4242. Call. ¦ YOUNG woman, with boy 7 years old, wishes situation to do general housework. Apply ES3H Folsom st. .' CAPABLE young woman wants position as maid and attendant to invalid lady; or as governess and music to children: or position of trust; city references. Box 4250, Call. HOUSEKEEPER— German lady wants position as housekeeper. 1 Fifth st., room 52. A YOUNG woman wishes a position to do housework. Apply 532 Eddy St., near Larkln. A GERMAN woman wishes a position to do general ..ousework In a small family; no ob- jections, to country. Call 175 Linden aye. WOMAN wishes- work by the day; no cards. Call at 624 Chestnut st.. ¦ between Taylor and Mason. COMPETENT girl wishes housework. Address box 4252, Call office. GOOD chambermaid, married woman, wishes work In a flrst-class hotel. 80x. 4251. Call. COMPETENT Scotch woman wants work by the day: city references. 812 Church st. GERMAN girl, age 14 wants to assist or take care of child. 3090 24th St., near Folsom. - WANTED— Engagements to treat your hair at your home for any trouble ever heard of, on a guarantee, by hair specialist; also bust devel- oping. Address box 4235. Call. LADY with good reference, speaking German and English, wishes a position as lady's maid or to take care of grown children to travel to Burope and , return. Apply at 40 McAllister Et.. from 2 to 5. . • . WINCHESTER House, 44 Third at., near Mar- ket; 200 rooms; 25c to $1 DO night; $1 50 to 18 week: convenient and respectable; free 'bus and baggage to and ; from - ferry. A BRANCH office for Call . advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1096 Va- lencia st. M_B9ttMHfJMI A BRANCH of flee for Call advertisements and subscriptions has . been established at the northwest corner of Twenty-second and Ken- tucky sts.; open until 9.p.-m.V,.r EMPLOYMENT WANTED— MALE. A COLORED boy wishes a position a« office boy. Box 4249. - ¦ GOOD barber wants steady work In city; state wages. • Box 4244. ¦ Call office. -' - " *'* ¦ WANTED-By a practical man and wife, posi- tion as ranch manager: reliable and compe- tent. .Box 4240, Call office. POSITION on ranch by married man; been foreman 5 years; thorough vlneyardlst: car- penter; blacksmith: wife good plain cook. G. E., box 4245. Call office. A BARBER wants situation: 5 years' experi- ence; no B-oent shop. Address Howard and Spear sts., care Relmers. POSITION ¦ wanted by sober and honest man (Swede); any kind. Address 657 Howard st. C. STROEM. A BOY wants a position as errand or bellboy. .. Address 1011 Minna st. ¦ COMPETENT man wishes situation; a good ; baker, also fine cook; In Italian or French "" restaurant; city or country. Address box 3519. Call. ' -y-y-. WANTED— By thoroughly trustworthy marrieU man. ' position as collector or any place of. trust; flrst-claos references as to character, nbllity. etc. Address box 3599. Call. . . MIDDLE-AGED man. handy with horM-s and tools, wants light work; wages $10 per month; best of reference. Address H. W., 405 Francisco st. SITUATION wanted by man and wife to take charge of hotel kitchen and dining room; good cooks an 4 economical managers; city or coun- try. Box 4201. Call. REFINED Japanese schoolboy wants a situa- tion in a nobie family. 1010 Pine St.. Japanese Mission. YOUNG German engineer and machinist wants employment. Address H. G.. 811 Bryant st. WANTED— Position as bookkeeper, cashier or otherwise. . Address Spreckels, box 4208. Cali. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office, 2200 Fillmor* st. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and ¦subscriptions has been established at 109$ Va- lencia st. . ¦ A BRANCH office fcr the reception of adver- tisements and subscriptions has been opened • at 122 a Polk st-; open until » p. — . A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at tho northwest corner of Twenty-second and Ken- tucky tits.: open until 9 p. m. EXPERT OPTICIANS. GEO. MAYERLE. German expert optician, .1071H Market St.; examination free: German eyewater by. mail, SOc. Phone. Mint 257. _£i^2__E?_Jb_Zi-- A. M. SPECK _ CO.. 667 MARKET ST. 627 Larkln: 6 r....522 601916 Buchanan;s r. 15 00 2937 Cal.: 6 r...... 15 001686 Hermann; 5 r. IS 00 BOWIE aye.. 6. off Eleventh St.— Flat of 3 rooms; bay window and hall; cheap rent. FLAT of 2 rooms and bath; furnished for housekeeping: rent $20. Apply 1408 Bush st. GROVE, 627. bet. Octavla and Laguna— Lower flat; 4 rooms and yard: rent $10. HAVES. BS7V4— Flat of 3 rooms, bath and yard; rent $8. rv - IF you want to move get printed list flats to let from BALDWIN & HOWELL. 10 Montgomery. NOE. 105— Elegant new modern upper corner flat; 6 rooms, bath, basement, yard, I bay windows. $B— FLAT of 4 rooms; sun all day. Apply 63 Chesley St. ' $18— ADULTS; 4 comfortable rooms: bath: toilet; 2 beds: gas and coal stoves. 1917 Geary. FURNITURE FOR SALE. ~ FOR SALE— Furniture of a 4-room cottage In Mission; rent cheap. Box 4225. Call office. 4 ROOMS furnished In oak for $48 60. with No. 7 range. King Furniture Co.. 1127-1131 Market. ENAMELED Iron bedsteads, all sizes. $2 90; heavy matting. 10a per yard; 30x60 inch rugs. $1. Eastern Outfitting Co.. 1310-1812 Stockton at., near Broadway: open evenings. FURNITURE WANTED. CHAS. LEVY buys your furniture; carpets, piano. ,1135 Market St.; telephone Jessie 761. ALFRED WOLLPERT, 773 Mission St.. pays the highest prices for your »d-hand furniture. W. E. CODY (late with J. T. Terry _ Co.) buys furniture, carpets. 757 Mission: tel. Red. 3351. HELP . WANTED — AGENTS. A BETTER proposition— Only authorized life of Moody by his son; most liberal terms: send 25c for handsome outfit, showing styles of binding and over 40 Illustrations. R. R. Patterson, publishers' agent, 429 Montgomery St., S. F. A SNAP FOR AGENTS. A book that everybody buys at sight. "CAMPAIGNING IN THE PHILIPPINES." 300 Beautiful Illustrations. Give first, second and third choice of territory. Address at once THE HICKS-JUDD PUB- LISHINO CO.. San Francisco. Cal. - WANTED— Energetic agents; ladles and gen- tlemen; In every county In the State for a rapid selling article. 5 Birch aye.. S. F. WANTED— Collectors and solicitors; cash ad- vances made to the right parties: call between 8 and 9 o'clock mornings. Thursday evyitng between 7:30 and 9 o'clock. 300 Post st.. cor- ner Stockton. _^____^ HARPER & BROTHERS' subscription - works have never been pushed here; splendid oppor- tunity for good solicitors; entire line. J. N. ODELL. 206 Kearny st. HELP WAXTED- FEMALE. WOMAN with a child; $15: see lady here. MISS CULLEN, 325 Sutter St. A— TWO Infants' nurses; $25 and $20. MISS CULLEN, 325 Sutter st. •¦ MOTHER and daughter as cook and second girl, country, small hotel. $30. fare here; cook for a small hotel, country. $20: housekeeper, country; $17. MISS H. CULLINAN. 323 Sutter. C. R. HANSEN & CO PHONE GRANT 185 HOTEL DEPARTMENT 2 waitresses, city, $20; 4 waitresses, coun- try, $20; 2 flrst-class chambermaids to wait for dinner, $20; 2 restaurant waitresses, $6; 2 lunch and dinner- waitresses, $20; pantry girl, $15: 2 woman dishwashers, $23; girl to learn pastry cooking. $15 to begin. FAMILY ORDERS German nurse, confinement case; cook. $30. short distance In country: cook for 6 or 6 men, $26; 5 cooks, country, $20; 2 house girls, short distance in country, $18. $15; companion to young girl and assist with housework, $12; 25 house girls, city. $25, $10. - C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 104 Geary St. WANTED— German or Scandinavian cook. $33, no wash; cook. 2 In family. $30; 2 cooks, across the bay, $25: 4 cooks. German style. $25; French second girl. $20. $25: 3 second girls,- $2O, $25, city and country: meat cooks, home restaurant. $30; head waitress. $25: chambermaid and waitress, $20, city and country: houseßlrls, $20. $25. city and coun- try. J. F. CROSETT - CO.. 316 Sutter st. WANTED— Head waitress. $25; chambermaid and waitress. $20, short distance, fare paid ; 3 hotel and' private boarding house waitresses, $20; 4 restaurant waitresses, $5. $6 a week; lunch and dinner waitress. $20; restaurant cook. $7; Scandinavian cook. $35. no wash; 4 cooks, German style. $25; 60 Irish. German and Scandinavian , houseglrls. $20. $20, city and country. J. F. CROSETT & CO.. 316 Sut- ter «t. - ¦• ? : . CHAMBERMAID and seamstress. $25: 3 second girls. $20 each; cook. $30; nurseglrl. $20; 6 houseglrls. $25 and $30; houaeglrl. Alameda. $30; hotel cook. $30. short distance. MRS. NORTON. 813 Sutter «t. YOUNO German girl for light housework and care of children. 1351 Eleventh aye. GIRL to assist In general housework; small family. Apply 2634 Howard st. WANTED— Young girl to assist In small fam- lly; country; wages $15. ¦ 810 Shrader st. , WAITRESS— Bmall restaurant: $8 per week. 1008 Hyde «t. . . COMPETENT girl for downstairs work and cooking; $20. 1269 McAllister st. . YOUNG girl to assist In housework: $10. _ Hartford st.. off Eighteenth, near Castro. NEAT Kirl for jrpneral housework and plain cooking. Call at 410 Stelner st. to-morrow. , WANTED— GirI for second work and waiting. 1307 Hyde st. . NEAT girl for light housework and learn / trade. €09 Haight st. ¦ ¦ . • ¦ GIRL for waitress and chamberwork: must be neat anil quick: for. Berkeley. 90S Geary st. GIRL for light housework and assist with baby. 224 Broderick st. -¦ - - GIRL fcr general housework: good cook: refer- ences; $25. Apply. bet. 8 and 12. 1357 Post St. STRONG girl for general housework; wages 118. 2712 Folsom st. APPRENTICE on custom . vests. 839 Fifth ; street." ' . ,-'''_ , " i I WANTED — Feller hands on custom coats; . steady work. 40 Ellis St., room EJ. - ¦ < WANTED— FIrst-class tallOress on coats. 611% Jones' st., between O'Farrell and Geary.' NEAT steady girl for housework; good plain j cooking; small washing; wages $20. 1010 Do- ¦ lores st. „ YOUNG girl: general housework and cooking; j • $20. 1214 Eddy st. ' ... GOOD lroner. Apply 689 Howard st. YOUNG girl' for general* housework: small flat; ] wages $13. 1528 McAllister st. HELP WANTED— FEMALE. TAILORESS— Finisher on custom pants at 5H ¦Kearny St., room 18, top floor. '. - GOOD starch work Iro'ners at 790 Elizabeth St., bet. 23d and 24th; good pay. WANTED— Finisher, also apprentice, on cus- tom coats; steady work. 744 Folsom st. GERMAN; or Swedish girl; downstairs work; good cook; wages $25; ref. 1180 O'Farrell st: ABOUT 160 more sewing machine operators will find good .paying work In Levl Strauss _ Co.'s overall factory. 32 H Fremont st. MR. DA- VIS, Surt. LADIES and gentlemen wanted to paint pic- tures at home; we teach you free; send self- addressed stamped envelope for reply. WM. LEMOS. auctioneer, Santo Cruz, Cal. WOMEN and girls on steam power sewing ma- chines; experienced or inexperienced. Shirt Factory. 36V£ Fremont St.; elevator. WANTED— By a wholesale house, a traveling saleswoman; Eastern preferred. Box 4223. Call. PROTESTANT woman for light housework and children. Apply 679 Harrison st. FIRST-CLASS finishers and buttonhole makers; also -apprentices. 135 Natoma st. LADIES' cloaks, suits. $1 per week. Eastern Outfitting Co.. 1306 Stockton, near Broadway. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office. 2220 Fillmore st. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1096 Va- lencia st. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at the northwest corner of Twenty-second and Ken- tucky sts.; open until 9 p. m. . v---- - HELP WANTED — MALE. EMPLOYERS .......DO AS OTHERS DO 35.000 EMPLOYERS OF HELP Do now send their orders .to MURRAY _ READY. 634 and 636 Clay St.. for skilled and unskilled help: MURRAY — READY have each person listed for situation for which he Is Individually adapted. Help furnished free of charge MURRAY _ READY PHONE MAIN 6848 Leading Employment and Labor Agents. WANT TO-DAY, 7 A. M 26 farm hands, etc $30. $2«, $25. $20. found 13 milkers and butter makers, $30. $25. $20. fd 6 pruners, etc, vineyard orchards $26. found 284 woodchoppers, tie makers, etc, $2 60, $2, 11. 75c cord, 10c, 12c each; laborers, city, $26, found; 3 blacksmith's helpers, 3 stablemen: wheelwright and b1ack5mith.. ...... .545, found 15 vineyard hands $18. found MURRAY & READY. 634 and 636 Clay st. 14 WAITERS, city and country Jobs, $40, $35, $30, $25 $20 and found 9 cooks $50, $40, $35, $30, $25 and found man to carry bread; shoemaker; milk wagon driver; 5 dishwashers; 2 boys for city stores; butcher. $2 day; washer for laundry; painter and whltewasher; young German for delicacy etore, $40 and found. "Tllßf' MURRAY _ READY. 634 and 636 Clay st. _ GOLD and coal miners... ..$3 50. $3. $2 50 day MURRAY _ READY. 634 and 636 Clay st. FARMER and wife for Sonoma C 0. .540, found. MURRAY & READY. 634 and 636 Clay st. AT C. R. HANSEN _ C 0.... 104 GEARY ST. FREE FARE FREE FARE FOR THE COAST RAILROAX> SANTA BARBARA CO 60 scraper teamsters, holders, loaders ana dumpers. $1 75 to $2 a day; 20 laborers, $1 75 a day; hire to-day, ship to-morrow: free fare. 60 coal miners for New Mexico, special rates of fare; 10 single-hand quartz miners. $2 50 a day: wheelwright, $45 and board; carpenter and wheelwright, railroad camp, $1 to $1 60 a day and board; 2 coal miners, see boss here. Porter and gardener for a summer resort, $25 and found. ?•.. HOTEL DEPARTMENT Meat and pastry cook for springs, $75: French or Swiss second cook, j country hotel, $50; cook, restaurant, Nevada, $50; pot wash- ers, dish washers and kitchen hands, $20. $25 and $30. Polisher and starcher, country laundry; $45; lroner country, $30; starcher, country, $30. C. R. HANSEN _ CO.. 104 Geary st. WANTED.. Young man about 20 for office work; must be bright, quick at figures and willing. Address, m own handwriting, stat- ing age, experience, ability and reference, box 4245, Call office. WANTED— Creamery .butter maker. $40 and found; 3 more quartz miners, $2 60 day; 2 blacksmith help».is, $45 month and $1 75 day; 7 woodchoppers, $1 70 and $2 75 cord; farmers and milkers and others. J. F. CROSETT _ CO.. 62S Sacramento St. WANTED— Cook and wife for logging camp, $50; restaurant cooks; restaurant second cook, $46; kitchen man for country hotel, $30 to $35; vegetable men; dishwashers; restaur- ant waiter, $40: porter and helper about bakery. $25; and others. J. F. CROSETT _ CO., 628 Sacramento st. WANTED. FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN. GENTLEMEN AND LADIES. GREAT AMERICAN IMPORTING TEA CO.. 146 Ninth St.. 621 Montgomery aye., S6l Market *st.. 365 Hayes et.. 210 and 212 Grant aye.. 21S Third St.. 705 Larkln st.. 2OOS Flllmore st.. 1819 Devlsadero st.. 3006 Sixteenth St.. 475 Haight St., 2516 Mission St.. 140 Sixth St.. , - ¦ 8285 Mission St.. 1419 Polk Bt.. 2732 Twenty-fourth St. BARBERS' Protective Union— The only legal organized union on the coast. J. J. HEINZ, Employment Eec'y, 630 Market, downstairs. BARBERS' Progressive Union— Free employ- ment. H. Bernard, Sec. 104 7th; tel. Jessie 152. WANTED — Energetic salesmen for city and country to solicit business from consumers for a large producing concern. Address, with references, box 4213, Call office. WANTED— Errand boy; wages $3. MANDEL, 206 Market st. BARBER wanted— Steady Job in suburban town. Apply 871 Market St., opp. Powell. FIRST-CLASS coatmaker wanted at 626 Mont- gomery st. COOK wanted for boarding house. 222 Main street. - ' ' STEADY barber wanted. EU Castro st. SHOEMAKER on repairing; steady work. 75« Howard st. and 548 Sixth at. WANTED— Blacksmith's helper, used to wagon work. 1191 Folsom st. COOK wanted at IS3O Haight sL WANTED— Night clerk; also an experienced bedmaker. Dewey House, 32 East st. SMART honest errand ' boy. M. B. MORA- GHAN, 68 California Market. t DISHWASHER; call early. 1008 Hyde st. ERRAND boy for tailor shop; $2 per week. SSS Howard st., over ball court. BOYS everywhere to distribute circulars and camples; good pay. Royal Gum Co.. Chicago. 111. . GET your shoes half-soled while waiting; 25c to SOc. 662 Mission st., between Ist and 2d sts. MEN wanted to learn barber trade In 8 weeks: day and evening classes; special Inducement this season; handsome Illustrated catalogue and softvenlr free; only Institution In the world teaching the barber and halrdresslng trades. MOLKR'S BARBER COLLEGE. 635 Clay st. Branches— San Francisco, New York. St. Louis, Chicago. Minneapolis. WANTED— Private students evenings; civil service, arithmetic, bookkeeping, etc. Box 4230, Call office. - MEN and women to appoint agents: $75 month: expenses; steady positions. BUTLER _ ALGER. New Haven. Conn. MOST liberal proposition will be made to cap- able, successful subscription : book salesmen. Call upon or address Manager, 927 Market st., room 622. WANTED— Laborers and mechanics to know that Ed - Rolkln. Reno House proprietor, still runs Denver House, 217 Third St.; 150 large rooms: 25c per night: $1 to $2 per week. 500 PAIRS men's shoes, slightly damaged, half price. 562 Mission st.. between Ist and 2d sts. YOUNG men and sailors for deep sea and steam whalers. HERMAN'S. 26 Steuart st. MAN to do Janitor work for his tuition. 3. F. * Barbers' School, 741 Howard 'St. ; GET your shoes half-soled* while waiting: 25c : to 50c. 662 Mission St., between Ist and Jd sts. PENSIONS— J. H. BHEPARD _ CO.! attor- neys. Hearst bldg.. Third and Market. 200 SINGLE furnished rooms, 10c. 15c and 73c per night. Llndell. 6th and Howard; read. rm. WANTED— IOO men to try our 15c- breakfast, dinner or supper: best In city.' 406 McAllister. WINCHESTER Hotel. 44 Third St.. near Mar- ket; 700 rooms. 25c night; reading room; free 'bus and baggage to and from the ferry. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office. 2200 Flllmore st. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1006 Va- lencla st. -...,..¦¦ HORSES, LIVE STOCK, Etc— For Sale 40 HORSES .'for eale; also wagons, baggies, rarts. harness. Grand Arcade Horse Market, 827 Sixth St.; auction sales every Wednesday. SULLIVAN & DOYLE. Auctioneers. CO HEAD fine draught and ' driving horses at 1(21 and. 1(25 Market st.. bet. Twelfth, and Brady: also romt fine matched black teams. $25, HORSE: $45, large . work horse: long body delivery wagon. $50. 19 City Hall aye. - . : FOR sale— Gentleman's- road horse and bike. buggy. DALZJEL. Vet. Dentist. 60S Q. O. ay. FINE gentle horses and new rubber-tired bug- gies; $30 per month. Pacific Carriage Co. ' HOUSES — LODGING FOR SALE . 16 ROOMS; sunny corner, near VAN NESS AVENUE Cost $2000; price only $SOO 62 rooms; fine corner; clears $250 180© 24 rooms: north of Market: clears $125.... 900 11-room house on Bush st 400 7-room house; only ISO 33 rooms; rent $40 1300 24 rooms: easy payments SCO 5-room flat; new 3">o 32 rooms; corner; only 1200 10 rooms on O'Farrell st 325 10 rooms; on Taylor St.; worth $SOO 4^o 32 rooms; corner; clears $150 16C0 10-room flat: clears $150 500 Corner on Market; clears $400; 104 rooms. ".MSix) Near Call office ; worth $2000: 29 rooms.. 1200 Mod. house; elev.; clears $^>0: 34 rooms. 6ZOO Tel. John 51. 11. C. DECKER. 1020 Market St., opp. Fifth. 11-ROOM house: downtown: price $400; only $200 cash. DECKER. 1020 Market_st ; A. M. SPECK & CO.. 867 Market st. 15 rms.; Post $750 14 rms.; Ellis $SO> 24 rms.; N. side. 1250 15 rms.: S. side 33> 40 rms. ; nr. Orpheum. J Mason, nr. Post.... 373 Money to loan! at reduced rates. A. M. SPECK & CO.. 1 667 Market st. $210— 10-ROOM loding-house, near Market St.; rooms always full: a good paying proposition; rent $25. M. LESS, 765 Market st. LODGING-HOUSES and good HOTELS at honest prices; money loaned buyers. Rooms 1-2. 917 Marke^ st. - ___^ A DESIRABLE. large, good-paying transient house; north of Market: will stand Investlga- tlon. Pac. States Realty Co.. 320 Parrott big. 875 WASHINGTON St.. Oakland: 24-room house for sale cheap; call; see party. $225— LODGING-HOUSE. 12 rooms, for sal*; bargain. 130 Second St.: no agents. HOUSES TO LET. A— PRINTED list: houses to let: send tor cir- cular. O. H. UMBSEN & CO., 14 Montsomrry. FOR rent— House eight rooms, bath; part fur- nished: convenient to trains: low rent. In- quire 313 Fourteenth St.. Oakland. TO let— House. _ rooms; stable; 60 bearing fruit trees; 2 blocks from station. P. GARD- NER. Mill Valley. Cal. £•_ TO LET— A house of 5 rooms; rent $13 per month. 2309 Polk st. ¦ LOST AND FOUND. LOST— Friday night, gent's open-faced gold watch, engraved M; gold chain with Elk's tooth charm. Finder will be liberally re- ¦ warded by returning to Corbett's. 33 EUls st. ¦ LOST— Monday noon; a fox-terrier; black and brown marking over each eye; white body, with black spot on tall; license 1094. Liberal reward if returned to 1321 Pine st. LOST— Saturday, 18th, child's open-face silver watch: Initials on back "A. M." Return to C. L. T.. 171 Crocker building. LOST— On Geary st... bet. Grant aye. and Ma- son St., pearl scarf pin. studded with dia- monds. Return to Manhattan saloon. 25 Geary St.. and receive liberal reward. LOST— Small purse Saturday evening. Return to room 5. Flood building, and receive reward. REAL mink collar: on Market. Pest or Kearny St.; from 2 to 6 p. m. Return 119 Bush st.. room 8; liberal reward. LOST— A passbook with the Hlbernla Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, in the name of ANNA M. RONAN. No. 228-150. The finder will please return to bank. FOUND— The pin which wa» lost at Dickey's roadhouse In Novembe*. IS9B. Owner will please address note to M. Box 111. Call Busi- ness Office. *.:¦!-•¦- MEDICAL. — DRS, GOODWIN, the well-known ladles^physU clan, formerly of 4W Van Ness, returned from Europe with advanced knowledge; guaranteed treatment $5; cafe and reliable cure In one day: 15 years' successful practice In S. F. ; maternity home; low fees. 1007H Market st. DR. G. W. O'DONNELL. the world-renowned ladies' specialist; safe and reliable; has prac- ticed in S. F. for years: treated thousands of cases successfully; treatment can be used at home; consultation free: success guaranteed. Write or call at 1023*4 Market et. DR and MRS. KOHL, ladles' specialists— Guar- anteed treatment at office, $5; safe and re- liable; consultation free. 1122 Market st.. bet. Mason and Taylor; hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. MRS. DR. WYETH. reliable specialist; home In confinement; guaranteed treatment at of- fice. $5; any ailment: consultation free. 942 Post St.. between Hyde and Larkln. DR. and MRS. DAVIES. 1223 Market; ladles' physician; chronic diseases treated; late scien- tific methods; cure guaranteed; treatment. $5. MRS. DR. ALLEN. 1035 Market, ladles' cpecial- Ist; guaranteed treatment at office. $3; safe and reliable; consultation free; hours 10 to 8. DR. WISE, the ladles' specialist. 1118 MarkeT St.: every case guaranteed: $5 up. DR. AND MRS. M. WEGENER-Prlvats horns In confinement. 1312 Golden Gate aye. DR. WONG HIM. herb doctor, treats all dls- eaaes of the human" body. 115 Mason st. MEDICATKD BATHS. INVALIDS who find no relief from drugging the stomach to investigate Dr. Conanfs method of absorption, which never falls. Call or address for booklet. Anldrosis, 47 Post, office No. 5; gents' baths. 6; ladles parlors, 33. »11SCE_1__«EOUS FOR SALI3. BOILERS, engines. 2-hand machinery. Mc- INTOSH & WOLPMAN. 195-197 Fremont St. BARS, back bars, mirrors, showcases, coun- ters, linoleum, office furniture, store and of- fice furniture and fixtures; new and second- band. J. NOONAN. 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission St.. above Sixth. BARS.- counters, showcases, shelving, mirrors. bought, sold and exchanged. 1063 Mission st. $750 WORTH tailors' woolens; private sale; to- day, afternoon. BECKER & CO., 26 Montgy. WAGON for sale; good for a painter; will take painting for It. 416 Shotwell st. 15-HORSE power boiler and engine. 318 Rail- road aye.. San Francisco, south. RAMBLER ' tandem; In good condition; new tires; will sell cheap. 121 Powell st. SAFES— New and second for banks, merchants, steamers, residences; portable safety boxes: specie chests, bullion safes, vaults, etc. Ths Walta Safe Co.. 109-111 Market St.. S. F.. CaL A— BUYS, sells or rents gear machinery, en- gines, boilers, water pipe, shafting, pulleys, etc. WHITELAW. 216 Spear st. IRISH setters: fancy pigeons; homers: runts; white homers. 2041 Linden St., Oakland. EDISON concert phonograph, price reduced to $100; concert records. $2 50. BACIOALUPI. (33 Market St.. San Francisco. FIXTURES for sale cheap In stationery store. Call 2505V4 Sutter st. DOMESTIC sewing machine: 7 drawers; plated; almost new; cheap. 1915 Mission st.. near loth. ANY parties having Angora goats for sale ad- dress 11.. 226 National aye. San Diego. Cal. A 10-TON FAIRBANKS scale and fire and bur- glar proof safe. I California st. A— s3 80 DERBY and Fedora hats. $1 75. Pop- nlar Price Hatters. »30 Kearny st.. nr. Pine. %-H. P. MOTOR for sale. $15., 1221 Green St. DR. CREELY'S C. P. mange cure; by all irug- glsts. or Dog Hospital. 510 Golden Gate aye. ONE 4-slded sticker: 1 planer and matcher: t air compressor; 5 locomotives. 220 Fremont. DRESS pants. $2 75; fine suit. $10. MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, 813 Montgomery st. BOILERS, engines, drill presses, planers lathes Iron _ wood; 2d-hand. J. BURKE. 139 Beale* NEW and eecond-hand slot machines bought and sold. W. C. BENTHAM. U32 Market st SECOND-HAND machinery, electrical supplies boilers and engines. H. S. White. 511 Minion. SAFES— New and second-hand. THE HER- MAJtN SAFE CO.. 417-421 Sacramento it. A WEEK'S news for 5 cents— The Weekly Call 16 pages. In wrapper, for mailing, $1 per year. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTED— To buy or rent a medium slxe port- abl ',^ k ™ cru * her - Address by mail. Contrac- tor, 1209 Claus Spreckels bldg.. San Francisco. ¦*gy lV5_ Y n ard ma 2S4 hl^7,»o^ Ug .^ "^^ MOSEY TO LOAN. ~ ANY amount at ( per cent; lst.'rd and jTmorP gages, undivided Interest, real estate In pro- bate; mortgages and legacies bought: no de- lay; K et my terms before doing busln«as el*»- where. R. McCOLOAN. U Montgomery, r. 3. HiI.SHH i I .5 HL ', T /"Pectable private place to obtain liberal advances on diamonds. Jewelry at low- est rates. Baldwin Jewelry Store. 84J Market St.; tel. Main U44. Branch 19 Third st. ANY proposition, any amount; I per cent; first, second mortgages estates in probate. Interest In estates, legacies, life insurance: chattel f?? rt £?, Xe * : «>°ndentlal: advice free. G. B- OLBEN. room 1«. first floor. Chronicle bldg. -y°/D del*y: try all others, then see me; $M to $100,000; < per cent; Ist. 2d or chattel mort- gages, estates In probate, undivided Interests la estates, legacies and mortgages bought; advice and money furnished. P. A. Dolan. 832 Market. MOST reliable place to borrow on diamonds. ?.*!?"'"• J« welr y. ~. J. HESTHAL. 10 Sltth; highest price for old gold, silver, dlamonda. PRIVATE party, on furniture and pianos: 3 per cent; no removal; no commission. R.SI.« Eddy. M i? NE «riS ane(l wlarl ed people without secur- "y- HILL, room 44. Merchants' Exchange. 431 California st. i MO.NEY TO LOA!f. ANT amount by private party on furniture and pianos; no removal; low rates; confidential. BONELLI. Conservatory bldg.. 130 Powell st. ON REAL estate. Ist or 2nd mortgages, and on furniture or pianos: no removal: any amount: lowest rates. BECKER — CO.. 26 Montgomery. AT 12« Kearny st.. room 9. respectable prtvata place to borrow on watches, diamonds; lowest rates; take elevator. Tel. Davis tx. MONEY to loan on real estate, notes, checks, plano3 and all kinds of personal property. Ad- dress CONFIDENTIAL, box 2729. Call offlce. ON turniture and pianos without removal: quick service; money direct: lowest Interest. Rooms (8 and S9. Donoho* building. 1170 Market st. AUSTIN'S Salary Loan Co.. 33$ Parrott bulld- lng—Men can secure loans on personal note. AT I*4 per cent per month, on turniture. 1503 Polk St.. OTTO MAX. LOANS to salaried people. TOUSLET. 42> Par- rott buildlriz. GASH loaned to salaried people on not* without lndorser. MORRELL. tO3 Examiner building. $30 TO $50,000; lowest rates; Ist and Zd mortgs.; sny proposition. DRYDEN. 413 Montgomery. ON furniture, pianos, without removal; no commission: private. LICK. 11« McAllister. IF your property l» mortgaged and you need, more money gee H. MURPHY. «3O Market st. TO salaried men. without collateral or lndorser: other propositions; private rooms. San Fraa- . Cisco Discount Agency. 143 Phelan building. MOSEY WASTED. WANTED— To borrow on. choice suburban real estate $1200 not above 10 per cent per annum. Box 4202. Call office. MUSICAL I.NSTKUME.NTS. AGAIN we remind you that you should pur- chase your medium and low priced piano* where they can be exchanged for a Stelnwar within thre« years and have full purenaa* price allowed. We are selling new upright pianos for $6 per month, and some good pianos) for $3. $4 and $3 per month. SHERMAN. CLAY — CO.. Stelnway Dealers, cor. Kearay and Sutter sts.. San Francisco.: corner Thir- teenth and Broadway. .Oakland. ABSOLUTELY the oldest and largest h west of Chicago U KOHLER _ CHASE" S. It, 28 and 10 O'Farrell st.: pianos, organs and all other musical Instruments of all grades and prices: terms easy; prices lowest; every- thing possible dons to plea** and satisfy _• customer. KNABE pianos: new scale; new styles. KOH- LER & CHASE. 30 O'Farrell st. PIANOS \r* offered at lower prices than ever at MAUVAIS'. 769 Market st. HIERE Is only one place to buy a Decker or a Packard piano. MAUVAIS". 783 Market st. SEW $600 piano and furniture of S-rooaa hous« for sale or rent; 1425 Webster St., corner Sut- ter. HOOKER — LENT. Agents; apply on premises. LARGE stock of Baldwin and other standard pianos; prices reduced to Insure, prompt sales. W C. HAMILTON. 324 Post st. iO SLIGHTLY used high and medium gr* de- planes; special discounts for cash: open Bat. evenings. Heine Piano Mfg. Co.. _S Ellis st. t*ERY beautiful. 3-pedal upright piano; used s> few months; $175. Room 12. Flood building. PIANO. $400: upright: will be sold by the Z3D STORES TO LET. UNIO>TsQUAR_ building, opposite "city" of Parts. Stockton and Geary sts.— Elegant new offices and stores. MEW corner, suitable for drugstore; fixtures complete; cheap. Eighth aye. and Clement. FOLSOM. 870— Large sunny store, with S living rooms. Apply H. UMBSEN & CO. $20— STORE: 2 ihow windows and 5 large rooms; sdap»e