Newspaper Page Text
¦ games' at; Mott-Haven, '. which occurs 'every yean .-In/.these games all ¦. col leges.!ln the /. Intercollegiate Associa tlori wilicornpete.". 'r'..- " ¦' '/•'•' ••'.'/!'••¦ .¦ : California.' ¦ has / been/ ¦ lnylted- :' : by Princeton ;.to make .Its- headquarters . .with them.. and. will probably : do/so. The team will; leave/in the latter part of April. It is estimated that $4600 will V be.- needed, and-, this '¦ has.- been :ippor ; tloned-^jISOO from .'gate- .receipts"; $1500 from the! alumni and $1500 from the As ¦¦ sociated Students;/ ¦¦'•ri-Vr ¦:' • '-¦ -. ¦; '-" : ':¦'.-. : .V '< ¦ \Th« CaliforfiianV. the student ,: daily : publlBhea at Berkeley; contains the fol- 7 •lowing article on. the., personnel of th« : .team and lts'plans: /.; : : :'~:': ..\-'j w i'i:fi;-; ; ..'California had a;strpng team . In 1895, hut • , we hayo .' prospects of a :' far;' stronger .team '¦' •;th!s ¦ year. Conservative- enthusiast* V con- - 'slder that our .team's average:. Ability 1?' equal If not. better thah-that of 'any :col-.' -.-•lege". In .'..•America, "with .the •'exception' .'of ' . Pennsylvania. ' -The -team '.would •. probably. consist/ of ten ' iren/;. Amoni • these would; . be. Drum for the. sprints," Hoffman .for ; the-' ¦ pole .vault.. .Ben. Bakewell .Vf or •• the hurdles, . •',Broughton for the broad' Jump, -'"Plaw for' . the. hammerr throw,'. Woblsey-..for'vthe shot-: •put,' Squires^ for '..the -distances and Cadoganr '..for .the;quarter-mlie. ¦' .All : of,.: these. ¦ arej : ; capable of ' competing. In other eYenu'beside ¦'their :'6peclaltles.-"'.' California: .knows : WJhat "-'these- athletes" have done- In the "past -.and /•can. be "sanguine that, their best; is..yet';t(>'. ;'be. shown, .'tVlth college 'support.; arid ;en-' '•. thuslasm' behind'- .'them valid/- success and «lory- before /.them our; team- ought, to-.- make .'.¦' a- record that has": never been surpassed ' by • .-.any lridivldual ; athletic':; team;:.lnr; Amirica;' .-¦The.'c6HeKe^lt'self : ''w6uld;'be^ • " : yanced !in .'¦ the -. Estimation ... of; nil;-. Anierlcan 5' -^universities;:." Pacifier: Coast: tennis ¦ m«n ;have : 1 demonstrated, that . they.-are riotj. f ar behind S; 'tbe. ? >East.V;'.'^''r : ;fMtb^li:->t«ata^'haaf<' : '«iarned : ' '/•[the "rlght-Vtolje, classea : a:mong- the', 'nation's ¦- best. 'The track team : ji now; ready to 1 ihow ... America ¦ that^th'ey ; are T .;flt.*to: be ¦> ranked' ¦:' among tha champions. ' '¦'.- .'*;'-y.'?'j - ';. ;'T. ¦:..".'/'¦":'.'. eERKELEY, . Febi 28.— Thaj Uni versity of .California will .send J a crack- team to compete with the great Eastern colleges and sustain the record: that was made on the occasion of the first trip In 1895. At that time California returned with the Western intercollegiate ' championship, • the defeat of Princeton and . two ties with Pennsylvania. It Is expected that • the University, of California will dp even better: this year. • .'••¦•••••. - ; '. Manager Decoto Is now. selecting his team and making dates with the East- . ern colleges. for meets as a' result of the ' decision -reached last' night • that the team should go.' The first thing .necessary waa. to have the. University j of California .reinstated In the' Inter- . collegiate.' Athletic ¦¦.Association,' from ¦ which -It. had. been.: dropped owing ' to ¦ come technicalities/ There waa little difficulty • about thls t and Manager' Pecotp, has : received, notice of the rer-' lnstatemfent. . Now dates, are. being;ar ranged with ' Yale.Prlnoeton.'.Penn- ' Bylvania,-:the . University ; of Wisconsin : and the University of MichIgun'.-;There vwlll bo. a ."triple-., lii'eet : between Callfor-... !nJa, : ,:Cornell y ; and-. : ; Columbia colleges,'" the : ;Rg.reement.; : 'fdr ;.. which' -has been " made, but the date of : which A has not yet been set- "Th«. great meet Of all' will ;b9: at the -general intercollegiate : CUT OFF SIX CHILDREN AND FAVORED TWO Julia* Brand Did • Not Want Pet Daughiersfto^ork / '¦;•: :> 5 for tHe: Others;' ; She/: Appointed 'Her Brother i. Their Guardian ' and Made Several Peciiliar: Provisions in | "o.'HerJLast ;Will. ; -•¦;/ •-; Qajcland Office • San Franclßco, C»iK ¦• • . •.•..¦;;; 1118, Broadway, i FebJ. 2s. ; :^rsl Julia Brand, T?ho. died- in Fruftyale.. February' 2o; 'did hijt-proposetolleave htr two minor daughters to the mercy. of her six other children or allow., them .to • work for others after she' was - dead and ¦' gono:. .Moreover^ .in 'her;; wlili :; she reniemb'ered her- six- .adult /Children- with inoiriinal ¦ be quests of $1 each r and left ythe residue' of hersfeveral:; thousand, dollar estate:' to the ;two'.- minors.- : ; ' : ~i '¦¦'. :"*-. '.¦¦ ¦ ..•"..--.¦':=' ¦¦ '.'.¦.[¦ v '•^¦' ... Mrs. . Brand was tS years old. when • the died. . She was one of thi». earliest settlers of :-Frultyalel' ¦ To-day ' her win," dated.Oct ober 23, 1690, was offered for: probate by Albert. D. Williams, whom- she. named'as executor.-';' ;••:''. v.':----^. .'rr-V -¦••-•-". • -. The will waa witnessed by Attorneys O." Q. Dodge and :F. W,. Fry; and by.its terms $1 each is .bequeathed to Johanna. >Vil viiams, Philip Ruppi. Julia :C. Lamp, Anna Mary Harwood. Barbara vßrand >.nd / Teresa '.Elliabeth 7 . Keened The oresidue. of ¦ the' estate is -.devised to Julia and. .Hen rletta Brand, share and share alike: : •, ".' Jacob Scheithe;, the dead-woman's'broth- er. Is named as guardian Vof the persons, and estates of the two minor daughters. "I particularly request of . and-direct j>aid guardian^'', recites the.-will; "not to allow said Julia and Henrietta t6 work for any '.other, of,- my. said daughters; -.:-I . further request; and vdiF.ect'- the; said. -guardian to '.give my said, children Julia and -Henrietta .'a- proper support' and' -good education, to -be provided, for. and -maintained. out- of the. '.funds, assets and' prppertyi.of.'my estate.'-'- The estate includes. a : ; handsome home-.-ln Frultvale. . •• •"' .'¦ : : : ¦'.-., ;'•-•"-;'-••.—' • •• •.: :/The will of Mrs.' Jennettift H. Hopps. who < died in Alameda February. l2.. was.flled for probate, to-day by George H,.Hopp» and- HOTEL ARRIVALS. NEW WESTERN HOTEL* ;• ¦ li-F Martin. Tulare . J Roche, Rio Vista . • Mrs. Brown, S Jose .' -.. M"D Flowers. Pa.- ."• '• L D Ulrichs. Plttsburg P-Kirig,-. 6 Rosa C U .Watson, V/allejo : J : . Anderson." Modesto •' D M -Parker,.- Lbs Ang C.F Da-vidson, L.Ang-i H O Fleming. Va . M Oppenhelm. N V¦Y ¦ ' . ' M R Schneitxer, NY W F Graham, Cal- Miss M Barr, Minn ' A R : Shea, Indiana- G Wells,. San Mateo" ' Mrs N Xenis, Seattle: J W Martin & wj-. Cal B D -Fleming, Va -.= . GRAND HOTEL. J. E Ruffln;' Seattle .-' . j JE Davis. Gal •.'-¦"- M T Thurston;:Cal ¦'. -' II X Shead..' San-. Jose B B SaGkett. Winters ,R . E ' Kent;'. Sacro.: ' ' ¦ G ¦ Pollifck. ' ' A- G.: Bennett,. S: Jose W. M .Burdlck;. Tesla. B Whlppl«i.,vi)ep6tb- .%. T; F-Ricks: Eurekk G B 'Halt, .wf..' Eurika A ".• Khle;. Chlcaeq : - ' ¦ . . .T';H'-Barclay',.'i^o3 .AHg R : J Jordan. ;,N'.Y- --.' G. Blebotd,-; St Louis' Li :E Williams,. Wihnpg F. V T6rnr>kln./'Kalam« M'B/Montgomerj'.- do. ' G W Rice. -Chicago :. : G. D Taylor, wf. St PI G. B ¦ Ellis; -Reaianda '/• J '.Thomann.-. St.' Helna E^ T-Garyer.-'HealdbrK B . H Blssell; Mirineaplj. J • J: Morey; -Watsonvtlle. C L;'. Chg; D J McFall. :Nev.Qlty FA White, wf,/ Everet.l F'.. A -.Mann. -. Chicago- :' L "-Coheri,'-'-&hf6airo.' •¦/ J Melneke, Cal -. -V : ' ' W A Dana. St Paul . O"ff'DavU..San Jose.. J T Grace. S Rosa ¦ . C J Hood. Nev •¦ - Miss 3 H Drala. Lckfd Mrs W'• A . Root, -' Porte Mrs •W- A Root. . Ptrvle C- IftertV Santa: Crus ¦'. T H . Slmbndß. • Gs . Val J M .'Bell. Kihrniaa •'• .:;. L.''B'.MaUory.'.Los Gato Mrs- 3. M ¦• Wllklhspn; " ":•; "• CG Martin, wfi Petal J P : On>tott.' Xapa ;• . C.N. "Mills. Denver. H Grunt.. Wood: •; S CD Hayward, Woodsd E'lt Thomas..N' J. ¦"¦¦ f . O J Larson, todl .. -.'¦ •• H E BurleiKh. wf. Mon Mrs RossV Auburn. .-:.: O F Kotelstrand, Cohn .W C Christopher/;- ¦ wf .- ; ¦ ; lioaVAngeles'... •.•':•> J. Blair;. ¦. Plaeervilie -? J' W- Boweh. lios Ans ¦T G V Walker. 'Watsrivie T/S Enrisrht. Sacto .. ¦¦¦ W -Wirsori- Jr^ Newcstle R :W: W- Skinner.!- MarysVt Gus- Panshaw. -Eureka PAUCEvHOTEL. Dr A G Brpwer, N X . G F.Scbtt.U S. A. ¦¦¦,'.• O Li Sbauldlnc. V- S ?A Dr J II Payne JfsVSSti J C Baker. Cht6>-- :; -..-.i Mrs J C Baker. \ Chgo : ;\ H J : StevB.tT?; l^os Ang S ' A HutchlnsOn.'.Ne.b', j.woiff.:; N-T-- -..•-.•:?:¦ F ,A : 'Waldner. Clhgid '..- A BilcCreery, Cal i . Dr^A O B.rpwer. N; V . G G : Scott.- Alcatrn*'' . O R Spauldlns;. Cal.'./f G • Ha rt,:- Denver ¦ ' : ' : ¦'. li'-J : -MacTitrtand.-.Cal'-:.- F'G " Bonflli'-.Dehver -¦ .-.'; Mrs F G Bohfll.:Dfny»f BMalone,' Denver '-.' -.•• Mrs -B Malone.' :penveri S A D Puter.: Portland W ¦ McLaiiKhllh; ' Sacto- Mrs- W -MpLaughlih; :-Sactd/:'-.-:: : ..-. /¦ ¦ ' J :.F.: Mannlnr/'Maw/-. C -Dunphy;' Cal -.": • •'. : F¦ J Brandon,' : S • Jo#» '.: A -M- Bergman. S Jost J a.Coriedon; : C»l ¦• " :¦¦¦ P R. Jarboe.. 8 .Mater. ; J'C FltTpatrlck..N- Y Mrs- J Gillesple, XT. Col WF Brooks. -Yuma W T.Camp.U S N •"•:.¦ GW Reeves. U S X ¦' TV Flint Jr.' S Juan--..;-' A v?»ieman,V /Vallejo-. L D: \N. Crouse;. N . V - : V Miss: Crouse; }tf V •• .' F' II Thomas. '.Los '-.Anff Mrs -JK H Thomu.L .'A J.-:.E Dwlffht, N V .-. L '.-E . Stevenson.- li Ans J Hudson. NY— . / • W ; M AHls, Wisconsin Mr»;W M AlUs.Wl*. Mrs-C •P: Austin. . Wis " . W- A .Maaon. Clijo ' • Mrs W. A Mason. Ch«^j Miss H: Drtseoll; lowa Mrs R Weigley, -lowa- • E T. Gall. Cal ••¦ F H Newburn. Cal . : - E M. O'Brien. Ch *»¦-•': J' a: :Dog;herty, Chuo E Campbell, 8 Jose -- J V Gottschalk. N V Mrs! J V .Gottschalk. -'¦NY.- ...v ¦,-.¦.. ; ¦¦. Mr» J C Fltipatrlek; Buffalo ... ¦¦.¦¦.¦.¦:.•. •- : ..'•¦ .. . BAY. AND BIVES STEAMER 3. FOR U. S. NAVY YARD AND YALLEJO.' Steamer- "Mbnticallo." MOM., Tue».. Wed.. Thura. and Sat. at 9:43 J. za.; 1:13. 1:30 p. m. (ex. Thura. night): Frl- ays, Ip.m. 'and 8:30: Sundays. 10:30 a. m. I p. m. Landing and offlce. Mlsslon-str««t Dock, Pier No. 1 T*l«phone Main 150*. fARS ?.... Opening of Washington Street. ''• OAKLAND,. Feb.- 28.— The Street Com mittee met to-night, and recommended -to the City Council the. adoption, of a reso lutloniof '•: intention • "for the ;¦ openinK -of ¦"Washington:.- street-"'"' from ;•":.- Fourteenth.; through the City Hall plat,: to San fablo avenue at Fifteenth.'. There/was consider able discussion, and Attorney Snook; on behalf of XL Dunn, owner, of the north west corner of Fifteenth street and San Pablo' avenue, .Urged that the proposed extension be made obliquely so as to not Interfere -with that corner, but ; this the committee. would not entertain. ..:¦- • There Is noihlnc like. ELECTRICITT '.to put life vim and vigor into weak- men, or women. Drugs give bat temporary- relief; -act' merely as a stimulant, " but Electricity flies to. all .weak parts of. •' the i body. Imparting , nature's force thereto and doing the required work surely and tri' a' permanent manner.- -;If ° "run 'down's In health and strength you had -better try Ele«- tricity.' 'Use an Electrio Belt, for -that Is the best method of applying It: but be sure you : get a good one while you are about It: In short, try "Dr.- Pierce' s." for it Is guaranteed tobt the best Electric Belt on. earth. °-o ¦ = = J ¦ ° C7"Booklet Ko."> r* .'free at c offlce or sent by mail for a Zc stamp, tells all about It. 9 Address PIERCE' ELECTRIC : CO., tt» Market street. BAN FRANCISCO. H Tribune Bulldin*, ° NEW YOJBJL S With iViouthpiece I I iOcents ibirlO I IHi Monopol Tobacco Works . . . \ FRESH AND SALT. MEATS;,: '.¦¦.'; 1 1 C R ATF^k R fft Bhlppin* Butchers, 104 JA> DUlEitt tO-» Clay. TeL Main 1284. &f^.ffZW2\%ili i The s - s - Australii iP^IJ Bi fil ?S 15. saIN for Honolulu ¦ J^B i Wednesday. Harch 7. IPP* T^" r*s: *• »' J p- ny ." . ;« ;^Vtßr AMMmSnine-' "* lls via Honolulu an>l 3»*y Auckland for Sydney .\3tff^- ' (OtfldWUh March a." ;.^~.' .-* •"• ~ r it Ip. *m» ¦¦' Favorite line around the* world via Hawaii. Samoa. Xew Zealand. . Australia. India. Snea. England. "etc.: »«10 first class. L U. Sf MfitKELS ii BKOS. CO.. Agts.^ 114 Montgomery Pier ?. Foot Pacific St. FnTiQhtO«Qc?.327 Market St. Miss Jollymour Succumbs. ALAMEDA. Feb. 28.— Miss Agnes Jolly mour. the young, lady who was so horri bly burned by an explosion of. gasolin* on: Monday afternoon, died at 9 o'clock this evening, after suffering nearly two days from her burns. « v . ¦-'¦-: ¦r.rr.'-'r COPPERSMITH. : :^ ; >'*.- ¦JOSEPH FOX. Bupt. '.-,:' H. BLTTH. ¦ Mgr. ' ' r W CMITH Ship Plnmbins;, . ¦ Steamboat VV - Jill 1 li> and Ship Work a Specialty. IS and 18 Washington st. Telephone Main 5641..: TOYft HSEN KAISHA. STEAMERS WILL," LEAVE ' WHARS*. COR- oer;ot First and Brannan ttreets, 1 p. na.. for YOKOHAMA and- IIONGKONO. cailin* at Kobe '(HtcEO), Nagasaki -,and" Shanghai, aad connecting at. Hongkong with steamers for In- dia. .-ftc. No ¦cargo received on board on day of •sailing ' " \<"".- '. . . AMERICA. MARl;......:,;'W«Jnes(Jay. March T HONGKONG MARU, Saturday. March 31 NIPPON MARU:-....,.:.^..W'edncsdar. April a ".-. ;¦'• -*"• .» v Via • Honolulu. , • ¦ . Round- trip ¦ tickets "at reduced rato.i. Far frelsht and passage applj* at company's office, 421- Market «t..- corner First. > ¦ r- •¦¦-*. • VT.-11. AVERT. General Arent." mmmom 6e ; responsible houses; S Catalogues and Price Lists Mallei 'VV- ¦:-¦}.};:[ '-''¦ on Application. ;v • ¦ * : ---[ * ¦ FAT VRETTOS THREW FLESHY HENRI PETRI OAKLAND. Feb; 2»— The catch-a» ratch-can -. wrettlir.g match between Psodln Yrettos and rtcnrl Pfitrt -at the j:xpositlc!n building to-night was won by i he former; ln two straight bouts out of three. The first bout lasted 23 minutes. trie second IG. ' .The match was most •r.ique. Vrettoa weighed 340 pounds and •.he vanquiehed Petrt .333. The features were the porpoise puffs in the sea of pers- I.iration that flooded.; the stage end. the rteara that rose from, their bodies like vapor fiom a hct/epricgl Harry Geldcn r?fere*d. and the match /was for a £25") 'e'^e was" and the. gate receipts. The preliminaries were .by • Ilarry Platt and jlarrj- cir>\Af>xi. Chapp'.<i Portos and Jockey FTed'Maynard and Connelly and Talt. ; • :.- FIRST REAL ESTATE SALE OF THE SEASON OAKLAND. Feb. ».— William J.Dlnree announces the first real estate auction ¦rale of the season, to take place at the salesrooms, PO3 Broadway, Saturday ait r-rnoon. March 8. The property to be of fered at the special credit sale— one-third cash, one-third In twelve months and bal ance In eighteen months— includes '•' -a" Washington-street business corner, many choice residence lots and several cottage homes./ ,::.:.. ; ••-..•/....- -..;/..-.- ''? ';-¦¦ ]If Jesus Christ xs-ere to come to tiiis earth in this day and age he might be a professionalman or a business man, but lie could never become an office holder, for^ he would^^ never be able to get a nomina tion from a political party. AKLAKD, Feb. SB—^There have "been .many different ideas/ advanced // . y(' in many different /ways^ as/to .what the Savior might do /were/he to ' I Jl come *KBdn to thief earth and be confronted: with the conditions of s^-^r the present day, but none. Of these ideas have, .been .more remarka-: •• ; , ble than those of Mayor ii. W- Snow of this/ city, as advanced at th« annual/gathering of the Brothefhopd : of Andrew and Philip In Alameda . last evening. Mayor Snow made a few remarks; along this vllnev -but treating !.H from a political, point .of view., as he ..was /Justified jiv -doing, .being the elected Mayor of a^^ large city, and nls most remarkable statement was that •quoted. above.:-'-: '¦ ':¦-:: ~\y ¦¦] : /:V~ :<¦'-'¦:;¦':: ;- : -\'?.:'\- V-i'-!^ ' ;•; I:'". :¦:}'.¦¦ '¦ ¦'¦ ¦'•'•"•":"¦•¦.¦•• ' : "'.•;'• " : - ':':]¦ ¦/.;."•'; •- Mayor Snow was .Invited to speak Immediately/ following Dr. Thomas Ad/ <*!«=on. ¦ Dr. Addison had. In the course of :-hls'.- % remarks.v;wdd ; .V.jthat : :"^had Jesus <'hrist been ;on earth In^ the present -day^ he would probably; have ::'b'een-ia;''pr6- : ¦j+ftfirjivai • -jnmii f*>? 4^'* <I l*- '-Kft^wjS^n^'.ff'^w^ ** >^'! F>l^r!^'f^^.t.^!s' 'y^N^ljtTfltnO - • -Th^n came : Mayor Snow, and following Dr. Addison he added the political idea, *a>-ing- ."If Jesus Christ -were to/; come to this eirth in this day and a^e he might be a professional man/br a business man; but: he could Vneyer become an offlce holder, for he wbuld never -be able to. gei : a nomination from a political party. : The >elflsh politician of ;"; the present : day does not want Cnrlstlike';men.'' ; //:'X'.:.-...r. -¦•/;;//:/ ¦y^C'-.'y :-:\- -:: ; : : V ¦-?:";¦/} [: ':./'¦! V/ : /:/..v : '.'~. ".:.;¦ DROPPED PURE CARBOLIC ACID IN HIS OPTIC Mistake Costs Dep \ /, : uty ; ; Attorney) };. Melvin Sight. He Picked.; Up ¦. the IWfong-M Bottle ;:,' for^.ih©. Purpose;: of Applying ; .:¦'¦'¦' ' : -\ : iiotion/'; tp .'•¦ His' y/'-.< -. •¦ f y/ : '- '•.:•' ¦-"•:/; EE y es - ¦¦ : i" • ¦ ¦- ' >*. ¦'¦ ¦¦Vv-:"!"-^ ¦ -" *¦ "v: .-•"¦•.-; "¦ /: . : •¦'';•'¦'' .'/-'V-'- '¦''¦.'*'.-- ¦./"/ :' ' ; : : :\ ¦:'¦¦ ¦ '. J OBkiinA Otlict Brxi Francisco Call, .; ,' : - -¦: ' ¦'/¦ '. : /:'¦¦ .'.llW Broadway; Feb,2B.;' . Through^lnadvertent handling of bottles Chief : . Deputy ./ District Attorney • Hi'-JL Melylri had his right eye seriously burned this morning by carbolic acid. For a time the total loss of sight of the injured organ was feared, with sympathetic trouble to the left optic, .¦..""/' •: '.•-¦;.¦-•¦ ¦¦'... - ¦'.* ' • : Mr. Mel\in had been using an eye lo tion, and this morning started to apply some by means of a glass dropper. Acci dentally-he picked up a small vial' bolic acid instead of the right bottle and dropped a small quantity of the burning fluid into his eye, only, then discovering by the intense pain the ' mistake ¦he . had made. Rushing to the wash basin; he tried to cleanse the. poison, from -his: «ye,. and while applying a soothing lotion an ocu list was summoned.. who by prompt treat ment was able to allay the corrosive. burn- Ing and save the eye. ':'¦ .-¦- ;--. : --. ••-.- ¦" ¦: *~The accident was purely inadvertent," said Mr. Melvln to-day. "We were tangled in the house over moving and some way or another the two bottles were put to gether In a snial I basket, where IV-had been keeping the eye lotion. Without pay ing attention this morning I reached for a vial and the glass dropper. I did not know how serious a mistake had been made until I felt the burning In my eye. I nearly fainted from the eudden Inten sity of the pain, but kept my senses to gether, realizing what was the trouble. ! "Being enough of a druggist to know the. antidotes 1 tried sweet oil and sent for an oculist Drs. Chamberlain and Musser have treated the eye and I believe the sight will be saved." : .-. . • . • ANGERED LOVER FINDS PLACE IN A PRISON CELL Girl -Who ;Refused!;tp e^Wed I > ;Says: She p ¦.'¦'¦ '¦'.••¦ and rßobbed. ..¦•'-": Miss .Rosa Callahan Tells the Police .: -..-; a Story of Persecution at the /;. '¦¦ ;;¦;•';•'' Hands ' of : .W«OTen :Hv-"\U./'/ ; v / : ¦;';;•'- '/'¦¦ •¦ - •xs*or«. ¦•':• ¦ : '"'; A?:"' '¦ '. - * -'- "•¦''"•.¦¦-'... :.'. V' - ; y"-'. : -.. Oakland Offlce San Frarjclscb Call, .';'/ :'. : ••• ' : 1118 -Broadway,' Feb. 28.: • •; Warren. M; Llvermore, a young .miner from Northern California, Is detained; in the- City. Prison pending the deoision of Miss Rosa Callahan, a sister-in-law of. Policeman Lee B. Andrews, -as .to his prosecution oh a charge of robbery." '¦'-. '"_¦ ¦¦: Miss. Callahan. has told the police that one evening last week, while promenading, with Livermbre near: Lake Merrltt, he choked her in a fit of anger, and stole two valuable -Jeweied. rihg» from. her;flngers. ; Not satisfied,' Llvermore sought to' compel, the young "woman to marry, him, threaten-: Ing,. so she declares, to blacken her : chari .¦ucter unless 'she consented.-. She asserts that his actions resulted from her . per sistent refusals to become his wife and the fact that he became aware she. was engaged to another, man. . . w / ¦ Llvermore. was carrying- a .big .loaded pistol when he was arrested, and. one of the rings which: Miss Callahan- claims were stolen, from her. was snugly encir cling one of his fingers. • A pawn ticket >found in his pocket disclosed where the other ring had been disposed of In- San Francisco. , •.:•'.-•¦'• .-'.•¦- Miss Callahan says she Is , unwilling to prosecute Llvermore,: being satisfied to have her Jewelry returned, with' a promise of Immunity from further annoyance. .But the police will prosecute their. prisoner for carrying a loaded pistol.- •' ' ' • -.:•¦-•¦/ "• • Llvermore does not deny having • the rings, but says he did ' not rob the-glrh- He says there was a rival tangled in the trouble.. .'•¦¦¦. ¦ ¦¦:- • . •'-' •' . •• "••¦ • : - • .'¦• PUTS KNOCKOUT DROPS IN HER MOTHER'S BEER Alice :;ourphy^ Rbbs v^Her Parent and Elopes With Frank Keeley. Handsome ; Tpung , iWoinan •of Emery-! ¦'-.•. • :•: • viile Runs Away^With. a; Man ¦ .;.. >; '¦¦; '.''•¦'.'•-':.•¦'..;¦-. /She: Preferred to'^Her.: :;y-:i: ; :\':\ : :?'¦¦ ¦'¦'¦¦':¦ '¦- -.'-'- : •'.¦HusbandJ't ¦:'.•;;/'¦' '.';.¦'¦':¦-.'.: 'i.. ....¦': Oakland Office San FVancisco. Call; .. : . After: giving^ /her- mother -VknockouV drops and ' relle vln gVh er bfa :pu ree cc ri '¦¦ tainirig : |75, .Mrs.. Alice Murphy hurriedly packed her clothes Inla valise at midru'tfht last night arid, .cliiriblhg through a rear window; eloped : ; with . ..Frank Ketley; ; . Whither' the 'elopers', have -gone; -neither the: mother; Joseph -Murphy,: ths young: .woman's husband, nor ; any one else knowby .' Mrs./Mullany, the: mother; conducts /a small lodging-house on Park avenue, near Halleck. street. Emeryville, and: those who know her. speak-well of her.- Her daugri ter Alice, who is 2i years -old-,- married Jo seph. Murphy a. race track man,: In 0c t0ber,.1897.-.;.The couple., however," lived-to gether only-- a few: mpnth^;. when- the : bride returned .to her mother's home.' Bhe .claimed she could not live with her hua ¦.band. •'-••..¦.¦'• ¦ •'. ¦: .- / .'.¦.•¦'.•¦/•• : . •¦•..:• Frank Keeley;-.the man with wh6m Mrs. 1 Murphy eloped, ls : 23- years. old' and until last -Monday : was employed' at -the' Jud son Iron. Works. He. resides somewhere •in the -Watts tract.. ¦¦' .-;. : ' '. '•.-¦". I hope I 'may never, see -my .-(laughter again, ¦ even . if ¦ I¦' aim • her .-.mother,'.. 1 . aald Mrs.- Mullaily to-night.. "She is my child •nq longer." • She- knew. this. .man Keeley from:- childhood. -The. two -used'/ to-, be schoolmates, and when he came to work at the/JudBon Iroo Works he frequently called/on- her. / Last -night- Keeley and Alice came to my house together. -Idldn't like it at all, but they induced me to take a glass of beer with them. ¦ Suddenly I ;became dazed/- They, put 'knockout' drops or something like that in the glass. I was. campelled, to- lie down on my bed,, and while -I- was -lying" there, ¦ completely over come, Alice took $75 from my. purse; which was in the bosom of. my dress. It was all : thei money I had. ; . Then she packed In a valise what clothing she could gather, of hers and skipped out through the win dow..- I saw. no more -of them and .where they've gone I do not know... I can never forgive .her. • She .has deserted' her hus band, as good a man. as ever Jived, and 'she has robbed- her mother.-'who paid for her education/ and tried to. raise, her prop erly."^'- ¦¦¦..•*.-•• '¦' ;'.-"';; '.-"'; "¦ ::'¦ '/i-Xy^'rSy: ' :...'¦ - / : --. ¦Mrs.' Murphy, Is^.a decided- brunette of prepossessing, appearance. • She has large brown eyes, a' graceful, figure, and > ways' been .regarded -.- as a modost, • quiet, unassuming* young, woman. .; Her. eloper ment with.Keeley is the. sensation of.ithe hour. at Emeryville: . Her- mother .:has fe-< ported -.the -matter to -the Sheriff;;:.. ¦.-".; CHRIST WOULD NEVER GET A NOMINATION OCEAN TRAVEL. ADVERTISEiIiLNTS. General Graham' Reviews the Cadets. ' BERKELEY, Feb. 23.— Major General Graham, U. =S. V.. reviewed tha cad«t corps of the University of California on the campus this morning:. The corps made a good Impression and was highly complimented by the reviewing officer. Major J. R. Moulthrop waa In command. Cnrnmlnp^.' '¦¦ The estats I« veined at J4500,c which Is left to her six children, share and share alike. BERKELEY TO SEND CRACK TEAM OF ATHLETES EAST BURIED HAND PAINED HIM IN ITS GRAVE xoiing Man Undergoes ;a Serious/ Qper /" ation to Relieve H is M iiid. Carleton McCurdy Had His \ Amputated H and H urt/ H im. ". . CAHLETON McCURDY. . • OsJcland.Offlco San FrwiciFcb Call. • ¦:••.•¦¦ 111S Broaflway, Feb.: 2S. • ¦ ARLETON McCURDT hashadtis j^ ". vf. .eg.tlrearra cut oS at the shoulder \V J5 In order to rid himself of the weird •^^ idea that his hand, which nad be«n previously amputated, was paining' : .m. . So firm was McCurdy's belief that s aciputated hand was constantly pain- ; g him -that he was willing and anxious to have the rest of his arm cut off in or • r to relieve himself of the effect /of his :•: iKlr.atioa. x-'-.. '• ;. -.-.- '. .¦•/•-••. cases of this kind ar» not unknown to :. edical science, but a more strange .case ¦:.eti that of McCurdy Is not of .record In ::r-2Jca] works. It is known by surgeons • '.at people who endure amputations fre qiteatlyC believe that the ampuated mem- I .- pains them after it has been removed, > ;t a mere pronounced case, than/this Is : :to be found. ' ». .• ' !¦¦•/-.: /' .' ••'•- •:.••;¦¦•'.¦. *' McCurdy is £3. years old. and until a few ¦• -"Jtr ego held nightly vigils !n the capa < .:¦• of wwermnn at the Southern -Pacific Company's railroad crossing at Seventh and Webster streets, this city. It was there In the tower during the long winter nights while operating the signals for the local trains with the use only of his left hand that the fancied horror seized him. He had been previously employed about the engines In the West Oakland railroad yards. -. Ono day about a year ago, while occupied in wiping between / the driving rod and wheel, of a mogul locomotive that was ready to start out on a run, the big ma-chine suddenly moved about a foot, and before McCurdy could . escape his right arm was crushed so badly that the surgeons at the Receiving Hospital found it absolutely necessary to amputate the injured member at the elbow. .' .- . / When McCurdy recovered the railroad company assigned him to have charge of the Webster: fcjid Seventh, streets' -tower.-:' house.:- But "soon McCurdy began com plalninr that the/ dismembered and In terred hand: still pained him. This weird idea so preyed upon him that he con cluded: nothinu les6 than a further ampu tation would relieve him...;.. /..' ¦ ¦¦'. ' ¦¦-.-¦¦." \McCurdy was admitted to the Southern Poclflc Company's hospital in San Fran cisco; and there : several weeks ago; he submitted to an operation for the removal of about two Inches of the stump arm. Still the .awful hallucination : of the cramped hand in the grave remained en graved on his mind.-. -Yet determined to shake his own belief and ultimately ap pease- forever his imagination, the unfor tunate:, young towerman & few days ago araln submitted to an ' operation. ¦ This time Drs. Gardner, Lane and Miller am putated the stump arm at the shoulder socket. . Marvelous as It appears to relate, McCurdy declares to-day that the pain from the cramped and?..buried hand, his Imaginary,. Nemesis,- has disappeared. In a. few days ; McCurdy : will be able to re turn to hlg home; 1319 Ninth street, Ala meda. •'.•.¦•>-.:' .-:••-. '.:¦'¦¦ '.';. •¦¦¦ • Commenting '-'on her son's strange afflic tion and assured recover}'. Mrs. A. C Mc- Gurdy sEiJd to-day: "The hospital • sur geons consider It-one of the most peculiar cases that has come to their attention. My son us"cd to: say that his amputated hand was cramped In the (rrave, and that the flnpers pained him continually. We all tried; to disabuse /his -mind of . the Idea, but he would say. that the pain of his buried hand would drive him crazy. We hoped that after the. two : Inches were amputated from the crippled arm :Carle ton would be relieved, and were surprised when he informed the doctors that he was still troubled with the cramped fin gers. Even the physicians at the Oak land Recelvlnf. Hospital tried"- to: con vince xny son that when; his -amputated hand was burled It was laid flat on a piece of board co that the fingers could hot pos sibly draw up or: clench; but It ..was all. in vain,' -lie always-- complained, and said rather than suffer during llfe-with that awful ' thought he would prefer to have the;armvrempved: entirely.:^- '.;:-••¦ =• :¦:'¦ "We are all happy In the thought that Cartetoil's .imagination— as, of -the doctors : suggested— has been : finally ap- Eeased/: : ..Heis:dolng nicely arid .will soon »... home. - : ag)8.1n.'". .-:.(.";¦¦>¦; ':-''\'<*,'. : :- : ~'': : ' Jr :J'/ :'.''¦¦£*. ¦¦'¦ THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, -THURSDAY, -MABCH 1, 1900. - NEWS OF THE BAY CITIES OAKLAND ALAMEDA COUNTY BERKELEY SI An aristocratic bey- | HKerage -oat" a /popular 1 m. ;50rcups:.. . : .V. .30 cts I Si I. .No orie "is too rich -to use It-rfor'R H ; there l> no other quite as good. H H No one is too poor— for it is the H 911 ' ««it BEATS THE DUTCH.'- I ¦ 1 D/.GHIRARDELLieO.,S. F. | Pacific Coast Steamship Co. .- -" ¦'* '.' ; ° steamers leave Broadway |^ '¦• ' wharf. San Francisco: = .» • |^^_ For Alaskan ports. 19 a. in.. SKjß^ Mar. 2. 7. 12. 17. 22. 27. Apr. 1. tyJ^Jaflf^ Chanp- to company's steamers ImJSQ\^^ For Victoria, Vancouver, (B. bH|C«4Km! C * I>ort Townsend, Seattle. i *«fS'S*l( Tai-oma. F.vprett. Aruicortes. an<l New Whatcom (Wash.). .' : , /•* 10 a. m., Mar._ 2. I,' 12, 17, 22. 27.- Apr. 1 and every ttfth day thereafter: chant* at Seattle to this company's steamers for Alas- ka and G. N. Ry.: at Tacoma to N. P. Ry.; at Vancouver to C. P. Ry. ¦ ' , =? •• - . Fr.r Eureka (Humboldt Bay). 2. p. m.; Mar. 5. 10. 13. 20. 25. 30,. Apr. 4, and every ntth Uay thereafter. .-.<•'• ..-...,' 'For Santa Cruz." Monterey. San.S imeon. Cay- ucos. Port Harford (San Lula Obispo),- Oavlota. Santa. Barbara. 'VentunC Hueneme, Pan Pedro. East £an Pedro (Los- Ansreles) and Newport. 9 ¦&: ra.;Mar. 4. S. 12; .16. 20., 21.. 23. Apr. X. and every fourth day thereafter. •.-,••' -. .- '• * ' :• For 'San Dlesro.- stopplnK only at .Port Harford ,'(San -Lvis ¦ Obli"I*o). • Santa. Barbara,- "Port Los Angeles n,hft. Hedondl><Lo!r. Angeles); : 11 •a. m.. Mai.- Si 6. 1.0; 14..15 % 22..- 28,. 30 t Apr. 3., and every fourth" day- .thereafter. .. . "•¦';•¦• ..•;•:- .-¦ -For Ensenada.-. Ma^JaTena Bay. Saa Joee del Cabo. llaiatlan.- AJtata.lA Par. Santa Rosal!;* arid aiwymas i.Mex.i. ln>; -ra.; Mar. i. and 7th of- -each 'month thereafter! /-¦ •-"•.¦.'• '.'.•, ' ¦••¦ : For- further lnformaUori, : Obtain • company's folder^'.'.':'. . ,- -. V . : ' -•= '.•'- =' ~.--- " : . -. .' ¦ : -.The cbrapany r*s'erye» • the right, to. chanc* steamers, salllns dates' -an.d- hours ofsallinc;. wlthoHt rrevlouJi notic*i ¦¦•¦¦•¦ ; .•'•¦"•¦'. ". •• • ¦ TICKET OKFIC.K -=-.4 New Montßomery street (Palace. .Hotel). {.?*>'** : - ' / . •„ »•' .GOODALU PEUKINS.A.OO-.. Cen. Arts.. ' - i -."¦:.; :/•.•¦..¦; Ban Francl»««.'» V THE o; R. &N; CO! % W > •¦¦••¦ '-¦' DISPATCH. FAST STEAMERS .' TO . ¦¦¦¦ : -Frbro Sfcear-street "Wharf it 10 a. m. CAPC SI2 First Class / Inclndlae Berth THIIL $8 Second- Class •-¦ and ileala. COLUMBIA saHs.... Feb. : 17. 27. Mar. 9, 1J BTATE OF CALIFORNIA 5ai15.,,... ;,..-..:..... Feb. 22, March 4. 14. 24 Short Una to Walla Walla. Spokane. Butte. Helena and "all points In th* Northwest. Through tickets, to all polnt9 East.- -. . • : ¦'•'¦•- . ¦ • ¦¦E.-C. WARD, General Arent. ¦•' : •-- •'• ••• • : c*> Market stNet. - .GOODALL, PERKINS & CO.. ;•= : :,„ , :..-. .-:' ¦...'-••.• . •;:'-• *." Superintendents. '^ /-AMERICAN LINE. ' : ; nw.rosx. souTHAxrron. lo.vdos. pasis. ¦•Btopplngr' at Cherbourg;, westbound., • - - •. F>#>m .New Tork every Wednesday, 10 a. m. .Friesland •'..-.".. Feb. ZSfKenslngrton ...March n New York,... . March 1 New York.. ...March 23 Bt. Paul.-... ./.March 14) Bt." Paul.... April 4 ' -.' .;-' .' ?. ''-. ••- RED- STAFf.LINE.= .'"I.- '.'.'"'/;.-¦ s .New ..Yorl^-'aod Antwerp.- . ? ¦".• .- : Frbni New.Tprk- every Wednesday. 11 noon. ' Friesland '.:..;.. Feb.' 2Bf Ken.olnjton.'.. March Jl Bouthwark' ::.March-'7 Noordrand .'...March 2* Westernland .:March 14, Friesland ....... AprU t \ ; :.\. ":--". .. EMPIRE , LINE.. = I.--- . .: / . Seattle. -St Allcrjael, Oawson City. ForZ:fnlt. Information ' regarding frelsnt aaA - .-.-". —¦.¦: .-.' pacsaxe apply to • . INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANT. "¦l*. Montgomery st...or any of Its agencies. ; COAL. COKB AND PIO IROIt . :. /. I C WII ' *°° Battery Street. •' J. VnILDUn ttUJ-, Telephone Main 18«4. -.-: •:•¦-¦,'¦¦¦• PAPER DEALERS. ' ..:: Wlf I k MFTTF ru 1^ -and paper co.; : niLLAITICIIC -722 Mont«omery st. .-'; .. '.¦".,.-: '•:: ' : : ;¦ PHINTINX. .'¦••- ¦"¦:'' ?-Jc : yfi E-C OUUIICJi . Ml Sansome St.. S./P*. ./ '..- . AND PRINTEJJ. : . " • Tcl<>Krapblc I PAPTPmfiP ¦''¦ ** California Codes. * AK I KIUUC ..• atre«t.' WHITE ASH STEAM COAL, m h^ e Ela^ DIAMOND COAL, MINING' CO.. at 1U GREEN RIVER. COLLIERIEB, is the Best Coal ln-tho market. - Offlce and Yard's — *50 Main street. •" . 'cOMPAa-VIE 6ZHZBALK TRANBATLAKTIQCS. DIBECT^LINE to -HAVRE- PARIS, SaillnK . every . Thursday . Instead of <tS£s> Saturday, from November J. 1539. at "•***«** 10 a. - m.. from ' Pier 42. North Krver. foot of Morton st.: ¦ I<A .TOURAINE. March 1: LA BRETAGNE. March J; L'AQCITAINE. March 15> L,A CHAMPAGNE, March 23. First class to Havre, |C 0 and upward; 5 per cent reduction on round trip. .. Second class to Havr». $45: 5 per cent reductlon"'on round trip. GENERAL AGENCY. FOR UNITED STATES AND CAN- ADA. 32 : Broadway (Hudson buiMlns). New Tork. J. F/ FXJGAZI & CO.. Pacific Coast Agent*. 5 Montgomery aye.. San Francisco. I/A(>alAP I IWt HATHOK .5300 Ton» ¦ • 3GB A PIS .4000 Tona I ' Monthly satltng for Valparaiso and Kamborc ; TlaM«»»~nn "•"¦¦».*Ce- t *ral. < *" r "l> /merfea-etc •• ;B. 8. HATHOa SAILS ABOUT X ABC J li." . t. 9. HVUfCXiiS k R3AR. 1 1>_ i;«u, IM «oiljoi»ry St. BULL-TERRIER CHEWS JOHN SCHWARTZ'S NOSE fl' LAMBDA, Feb.' 28.^-John Schwartz, , driver of • a.^delivery, wagon -for-. k I I ..West End brewery,- was attacked by van .enraged .{bull-terrier ; to-day / \ and .had his nose chewed almost off. Schwartz is a dog fancier. and has |""V. frequently declared that, he was able to tame; the most vicious brutes. •; : I V- ••_-. Schwartz essayed the role. of tamer; tOrday at Mullev's' grocery,; cor ner of Santa Clara avenue and Bay/street.: He sought to subdue a bull-terrier by feeding him bologna sausage. '.This.was aninsult -whicll the dog could not stand and he sprang at Schwartz, who. was in a. stooping posture. . In an in stant the. brute, had caught the brewer's nose,. and- if; his teeth had/not slip ped that facial* adornment would have been completely removed.:: The;dog was caught, and muzzled by its owner .and Schwartz- was carried home and muzzled by a: surgeon.' His . nose ', has ¦ swelled to great proportions- and' he resembles those queer little/fellows ;>vhom. Rip ; Van "Winkle met. ih^the bowling alley in the Gatskill Mountains, before ;he awakened/ fronvhis long Osleep. :'¦.'¦'.,, . :."I: ."I guess id vas a case of dog eat dog," said Schwartz, ;Vand;de.bder. : dog got insulded, I don't know. vlclC I , haf got all -de • dog .1- vant anyhow. . uhd all de nose I vant too, ain't id ?. ; Id makes no laughing .m adder mid " me .: no madder how you look ad id— Do doctor .dells me I had beeter .look 'a leetle oudt fur hydrophobia und I guess I ytll. a leedle vile already yet. Yah. Id: vas bo funny obber I can't laugh." 1 : -.- . - ..- ¦;'; , ..; : '-. 9