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"serves ah Interest In the iriyestment; and we will get a profit. too.- -AYe" wlU'allow- it toremP..r. : operi for forty days at a license .of $100 - day: That means,, with, taxes, $7500. a year to the city." ¦•'.; I ¦** '•¦' >^-*' i s*«^; "Very true," said" Dr. Dille. "If all in vestments.: must bear interest, why not guarantee .that the. burglar, shall be as sured ah.lnterest upon his investment In his burglar's tools. The city would, profit' more If the. people' paid that -money to ..keep Ingleside closed," -said" Dr. Dille; .otherwise the money- which' lngleslde* will pay- will be filched from tills of merchants by .dishonest .employes." :•• •-...- .'- Cqntinuous. Racing Assured. ¦' Mr. Tobin had- ceased" to be "Jocose", for the afternoon at- least. . '•¦•'. ' - And so -the argument proceeded. There was but one side to It:- The reopeninp of Ingleside had but one' sponsor, and that was represented- by $4000 a year.' Rev. -Dr. Woods added .to" his words, showing ho\v manifestly. evil, will be the revival of race gambltngin this city. The ministers then retired and the surprise- of , the afternoon was sprung. -• .'. '. : v, \— -. Supervisor Tobin produced and read : his owii resolution closing poolrooms without exception, prohibiting :- gambling . of, all kinds and permitting any association^of men- who. may -.ask and-receive permission from the Supervisors the. privilege Of hold ing'races for forty? days,^wlth* gambling rights,' upoh payment of a dally license of $100. There is no restriction, upon the num ber of men • who may make . this applica tion, and it simply means the gigantic outrage of opening the way to continuous racing In; this city. After one association has finished its forty: days: another 'may begin, and so the frightful. procession may continue.. ; .-¦ ; " . ' .' : . . But Supervisor Tobin thinks that if one association only operates : and we receive Into the , city treasury ' $4000. ¦ fo.r a year's gambling 'and vice breeding we': should be thankful. * Since. - he : Is .¦¦ quick at : figures, he ' probably, will' not • hesitate - long < in: cal- broken by rambling. One of these min isters, the Bey. Dr.- E, Nelander, de clared that it Is his ' duty ¦to • ccc and' know all manner of men, to.' hear, the Ftory of sadness and -misery ' that ¦ enter into homes through', evil influences.- and' lie came, he eald, as' the representative-of 10,000 families of this city, who ." protest against the re-establ!shrrient'of the curse uf the Ingleside eambllng'aett.. •- .¦.'¦'¦'•¦- An Appeal to a Banker. Opposed to these men "we're M-.' A, : .'Dorn.' iate of the Pacific Bank and Egypt; F: H. Oreen, late ppeculator In. M-arin-* Coua'ty cream and secretary .of Ingleside 'and Tan foran, and . Frank -McQuaid, gatmbler. It was natural that M. -A.! Dorn should I>q the first to address the committee through its chairman. Mr. Dorn has had an ex l^rience with a bank and. with bankers." He knows what It is to secure Interest «>n an investment, and he wasspeaking-to a banker. Mr. Dorn knows what, it is for manipulators to rob and cheat the public in order that Interest may be regular. He has heard the plea of defrauded prople; he has become callous to the cry. of -le-. celved men and women; he knows of men who ended ihelr distress of wrecked, lives in Fuicide. And- he knowe. also, that when the - clamor of- public . Indignation was raised against the men who preyed on .the city And .the lash -of denunciation wan aimed at the conspirators It struck Vis liack. Consequently he was In a mood yes terday to Jter at those who opposed . his plot and to sympathise with Mr. Tobin when that worthy gentleman said that be felt "jo<.ose." . Mr. Dorn had all the craft of the law yer in his petition, although he in no way surpassed the attorney for Mr. Tobin. In brief, Mr. Dorn asked that a bill closing all poolrooms and opening Inglesiae for eighty days at a license of $20 a day be re-commended for adoption. _ He did not waxt eighty days, but thought that the public would be blinded into, a beUef that a reduction to forty days would be aeon- Mir^&TgJRSIDENOUNCE THE CURSE, OF INGLESIDE TRAGK. . VISOR TOBIN; insists that; all' investments must; be guaranteed a reasonable' interest. \ Should > we; then pledge. a burglar; \3 interest. on few investment pflntrglarfs toolsf"r—Rev. Dri- E. R. Dille^ • ' . , : *' •' ..:,.: : . ; . . .X' ; " of this city wJw protest against the re-establishmeni of the crinie-ntst of Ingleside."—^Rev. Dr: E^ /Nelander. '•*:- ; .-i:" : r-/'i"' \. ¦./'¦¦¦.:¦.'/. '>•>¦'. '¦? : -\ t ¦''¦/'¦' ¦¦ ; 'v-- : "- : -:.:-: ': ':'."''¦ ' ¦ - ' '".''. "'¦ ¦¦' ' ••¦:; ;-'. : - : - ' ''.'¦¦¦ : -' : '. \ .'¦ "Ingleside was.closed response to a i universal, unanimous 'public sentiment, aroiised by outrages committed among Us. The;re opening of the track a tnovemeiit toward the subversion 'of morality, the mcouragepient of vice .and the propdgatidn of .crime". —Rev. Dr. B. A^. Woods. :V; r V -"-v-:.: - ¦,•¦-•¦¦.-,. 'y : '/. 1;'1 ;' "'\' ¦':.:¦;'* ": ;- : v-' : -^'. : ¦": ¦•'.. -'/:--' : ' '}:-M}'M ¦:.:'¦ '¦¦¦¦ ¦ '¦ :-- : ;-'-' : - :: - - : ''¦¦'-' : -'- culatlng that it; will take. Ingleside twen ty-nine.years;- at $4000 a year, to pay back into 'the city ' treasury the $116,000 that slipped, through 'A.. C. Wldber's fingers Into its coffers.. Supervisor Toblri might . amuse himself; make ' himself poßitlvely hilarious Instead of "Jocose" and startle the city by estimating what It will cost San- Francisco in, the trial of ' Ingleside •criminals, during tl?bse.twenty-nine.-years. Qaatnblers Sneer at : Horsemen.; ; . When . Supervisor Tobin had finished" reading ' his '• resolution Attorney. Dorn arose and declared that it was. altogether unsatisfactory to him, as the racing sea son should be sixty days Instead of forty, and the license should be lower.-: • Tobin replied that the ' horsemen and legitimate . epprtsnveri favored a restriction of racing " as long -seasons were absolutely injurious to honest sport. Mr; Dorn replied that he 'did not care. ' He. was Very frank in his position; he represented the gamblers, not the horsemen. • He insisted that the longer Ingleside ¦ remained open the. greater, its profits,; and . profit was the"purpose of the track's existence... Artd there" the discus sion-ended," the committee announcing that it will render Its report to the board. This means .that Supervisors Tobin, , Reed and; Helms will announce on Mpnday that they^ favor the crime nest, in exchange for $4000 to the city. " \ ; . • - Half an 'hour after .the time appointed the.v Policed Committee .of the'; Board n of. Supervisors convened ;to discuss the mat ters before it. Chairman Tobin had . to be , telephoned . to before he < would con descend to call the meeting to order,', and as a' result the gentlemen' who laid aside their business to come before ; it : and ex press 5 their ; disapproval i on ; the :; reopening of Ingleside racetrack were forced to cool their heels In ;an • anteroom. ;-¦ Owing !to the Fire ; Committee , holding forth: in -. the committee room the members of : the Po lice Committee found it necessary; to hold their ¦'¦ meeting .in v the ; chambers 'of the board. . Supervises 'Tobin sat tatha nhair. would say close the .. racetrack first and the poolrooms afterward. Supervisor Tobin then said: ."I want to state my As. I understand It Ithe. bill presented 'here purports absolutely t& pro hibit betting or bpokmaklng or. selling of pools oh any contingent -event, whether on racing, prizefights or any. trial of skill, or "visitlMg^any pla<^e where boolcs. are made or pools. are soldi : I. am opposed to that- bill, as it stands;- but I am : .. in favor of closing poolrooms," absolutely, all over town."... V- . : V-. . :'•: ;¦:;.->: ;.="; .=" : l ?\ - "..'; -Soihe of the ministers present could not restrain: themselves, and on hearing this honest admission, were heard to whisper. VGood'."-/ ••;," .;-: - : ; " ;¦-';'.': .".¦...••.-' •• : -;.,--"?:' : • Contiriulng. :sfrl: 5frl Tobin said. he believed a- reasonable opportunity ought to. be. given the" men .who Invested their money find" built Ingleside to realize "• something 6n their Investment; He- said all pool-: rooms should be closed' and -that; Ingleside or any other racetrack should ';.. be . per mitted forty days- in ' each ' year. : That if there were two -racetracks, each should be '' to.-, bold- racing- • twenty. -d ays each year,- and ¦ that", they, should." paytha sum of fIOO each. day they.- remalned.-open. . •He then read ":the."bin.he prepared,' which embodies the foregoing statement,.'. .- ' . ' When he concluded .reading It he said • : A ' genius i . of .Cincinnati ¦ hus . ptaeed on. . the . market a. new Bath CahtneC. whereby.: any one; re«ting. ; on a; chair within; enjoys "th« .famous Turkish.- hot vapor'or medicated baths at home for •8 " cents .' each. •: heretofore S enjbyed only . by: . the, ri«h\ at public ; bathrpo'ms, : health .'resorts. ¦ hot .. springs and sanitariums;:" . These baths" are celebrated ' for their, marvelous ... cieansihsrv.cura- : tlve,- purtfying and Invigorating upbh the "human" system, .and this:- invention .brings them within 'tha reach of the poorest person In the country. . ;'¦: ,' "•;¦:¦'¦}'¦." '. : '.:-- :¦'. ¦ ¦¦ : : . ¦'':''-: ..".' ! ¦ Clouds "of hot vapor .or medicated vapor sur- round the entire body., openinc' the millions of sweat. ' pores, - . causing . : prof am * persplratlotC MAYOR PHELAN'S WARNING MESSAGE. Stirring ;Appeal^ Committed 6f : :]: ]f tiie )B g aird^^^S-;: of. honor.and ipnelther sldeof. him were Supervisors. Reed and Helma. members of the committee. .".•'.•• •••• ¦•.."-•.-¦¦•.• - : --' HUnistera Were Present, •' . When • . Chairman* • Toblri -. .- opened' " the session there were, .present Rev. Drs.- Nelander, Dllle. Coombe, Woods and Dugan; N. B. Greensfeider and GUs tave Schnee. vice president and secretary of the Public Improvement Central Club of >Civic-O rganizations, all- of whom, are" opposed- .to racetracks- : and -..poolrooms. ¦ Attorney. M. A. Dorn,, Secretary F.: H. Green and Frank McQuald were present In the interest of the. gamblers. ¦•':-'¦;: ••'¦" Chairman Tobin. after announcing the bill to be discussed/ asked Attorney Dorn what. the Ingleside track was. assessed for and ; the ¦ latter \ replied that he had • been Informed, by - Mr. Green that the taxes amounted, to J3400, and « that the actual cost of the Improvements was $490,000, or practically . |50O;000. ¦-.;•"• ;. -..."....•... Chairman Tobin then: turned to the min isters present and asked, them whether they desired" to address the . committee, and Rev. E. R. Dllle arose. ' Before he could begin, however, . Supervisor. Reed misrepresented- the present ' condition of affairs as to poolselling :and . bettlnif ". in this city.. He said that an ordinance had been passed by the preceding board which prohibited betting on horses. in the limits of this city and county, but there was no prohibition, on any other kind of betting. He also stated that the people interested in the racetrack represented that they had a lot. of property at Ingleside, which they ..valued in the neighborhood, of J600, 000 and that they thought they were entitled to reap benefits therefrom. He also insisted that immediately . over the line at Tanforan' and "at Oakland races were "being held and that Just: as much betting was going on in San Francisco as heretofore. : - . . . ¦'¦' \: ,¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ • Dr, Dille's Warm Attack. Supervisor-. Tobin added, that the ; law was only operative to close Ingleside and that betting elsewhere was not prohibited. The present status having been misrepre sented to the entire satisfaction of i the committee. Dr. Dille wa* permitted to ad dress-its members. He said- that as he lived across the bay he thought It might seem Impertinent in him to address i the committee, -but- as the. matter. "was one in which every citizen was vitally interested he took the liberty of speaking. '.'There is no greater evil In our country than the racetrack," he said, "unless it be the evil of Intemperance. In -a single year three minion . dollars have been stolen and have been traced 'to the race track. . Many . an • unfortunate Is now spending his life in San Quentin and owes it to playing the races. There were pool rooms In Oakland, but, thank God, we stamped, out the curse there. The people of Louisiana are no more moral than our selves, but they refused a two million dol lar bribe; from the Louisiana Lottery Company, and stamped out : that crime. Why; cannot- the city .of Sari Francisco stamp out the racetrack and the poolroom curse? - ¦;-•-. ¦•.¦¦.• -. '.•..': .- ;¦ , :"•:: -..- ¦; . •.-. . •-. ;. "Nothing threatens the -community more .than ' the ' presence 'of a racetrack In its midst:.. It Is the cause of the down fall of :>the Widbers,..the Melvllles, the Welburns and. scores of. other men who once held • honored places in the com munity; but ¦ who .now are in disgrace. What struck me as being rather peculiar was the fact that a year ago the news papers'published columns decrying, the racetrack, yet: in another portion ; of the papers-., were articles oh the races, charts-':.- and -other news of -.the track. '"I appreciate the stand they- take at this time,- and every citizen should appreciate it, because it may lead to the suppression of the evil. . What stronger object lessons could one; have before their eyes than the downfall of Melville and Welburn? I like a good " horse; • and I believe . in -. the spirit ; I believe in the l development of horser flesh, but ¦It Is a strange .'.thing- that - such a¦- noble brute should ; gather., around 7 it siichabad set o( men-man vultures { who ¦would. come after' his yery:bones;when he is dead. A number of large Eastern cities drove; the racetrack out- of. -their midst, and. as a. result a flock' of men have come to bur. Golden State of California.- \ v . Evils Ought to. Be. Scotched. "The racetrack and the. poolrooms ought to be scotched: Ghauncey.-.M.- DepeW -rto.f long, ago stated that the. large: business, failures,' defalcations and ,-enipezzlemtrits of the past year -have-been wholly due" to racetrack gambling; \that\ .$250,000,000-. is spent annually in" racetrack.' gambling. Be door- : of, the racetrack, before/you . place;. a : wedge"-" in. the'.;pool rooms," lt-.-.seems';to'-rhe,- .gentlemen... .that ypu should bear in .mind.the evil that you.' are bound' to bring aboyt."- : . v ¦; .. -.'..•• ¦ Mr. Reed interrupted at this moment to. say that he thou.ght';the reyerehd. gentle man had misunderstood, him^that ".it -was not: the intention* of ' the.-board -:%6- allow pools to ,be sold in the'-clty' and county; out- to" confine- it to the -racetrack. '¦'. "\\e. propose to grahf the" privilege- to'thetrack only."; Mr; Dille wanted to. know of. the Supervisor -whether It was not. a fact that by adding. Ingleside to Tanforah and tho Oakland tracks. the evil.-was Increased: A<s he aptly put it. If .you increased the; sup-, ply you Increased the demarid, and If you. hadadozen sa.lboris lri.San Francisco, •would' not .have as -great a' ctemahd for: liquor as.' if vou-hada-.-few'thousand. •" • Chairman Tobin then asked Dr. Dllle that If ha could, take his -pen-in- his. hand and write the;o.rdinahce^"what,he..thought a conservative' .ordinance, r-^woyld- he'- not close the i>oplr6oms ; ln. his very first sec tion? • -Dr;. bille" announced he would;".but he would- go further : and close the race track itself, the feeder, of poolrooms, their, ¦inspiration , and" fountain, head. •- Dr. . Dilte said that racing, as it Is now. carried on, was : an unmitigated evil and ¦ that : ha would hot have it at all." • Dr. ..Dille. ex pressed an earnest' hope that- the commit tee would not- take a backward step by reopening • the - portals ", of the track,, but would '¦ advance a step and- .keep -them cldsed. : . ••:••'•¦¦¦-.••:"¦¦'..¦ ."•¦'.." -. ¦-•¦ Supervisor Reed- evidently, became tired of. listening to the sound advice, given him by the . minister; -He. was. more; anxious to take up the "ordinance on boxing," which he had "framed, .but ..Chairman Tobin would not 'entertain; the; request" until .he had thanked the. ministers for coming. be fore the committee. Dr.. Nel&nder arose , and, i having gained the attention 1 - of the committee, added some strong sentiments to what had • already been said, by Dr." Dille. ¦"¦.'. , -- "• .." ' '¦.••• •'• - ' Keep th*. Track; Closed. '.'Gentlemen," he said. ". ''I- .feel '- that I ought 'to • say : what . I : Intended to say . in the •• matter. •I. am .rather -sorry, that "I •sKould appear "before, you as a clergyman.' for it . might seem that . I represented a church only, but-'as-'a matter-of-fact the modern '.city, pastor cfimes- into contact with all sorts .and -conditions -of men. During the past week I- have "met with almost "every possible character ¦ of" man" and I--' have never "heard. of ahy.measure that called. forth such a unanimity of'opin ion as the one now before you,- and" that is that this privilege should granted to the Ingleside racetrack. A pastor has peculiar, opportunities to. judge the course of : vice ' and '• crime. ; When a boy. or > girl goes wrong the family. does not proclaim it ' from j the housetops. ¦ They : are very likely. to pour It Into the. ear. of the paa tor and ask for advice and comfort. From what.l- heard in the past 'year 'l say to you; gentlemen of the committee, that I may : speak in behalf -.of ¦• .ten: -thousand families.' asking ¦ that . you do .not • grant that privilege." ?'• ¦•"'". :.'. ' ' • Young ; Men .Were Ruined. "Tou said in the last year"," Interrupted Chairman Tobin. '.'The ordinance closing Ingleslde ¦ was . passed :a , year ago. They must have lost their money, speculating in other. racetracks and In the poolrooms."" • The interruption of the Supervisor did not 'i disconcert the reverend gentleman and ; his : reply made' .the * chairman f^el sorry that he spoke. Dr. Nelander said: "Mr." Chairman, most ? of the cases I refei : to .were. those of. young men who had now reached the downfall of their career, ; but whose .-¦ beginnings were ;-s traced ¦;¦ to the Ingleside . racetrack .'and '¦ whose end - was •In the penitentiary.". • ¦•¦-?¦ -¦'.-,* -- Chairman Tobin ,then asked the min isters whether they did •¦ not.' think It pre ferable ,to close . up ; poolrooms » but ' permit the racetrack ' to operate '-. for ' forty : days in ; the ; year. Dr.- pille- replied ; that ' If it was to be a choice" between. two evils he THE SAN; FRA^NCIStiOv CALL, FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1900. ¦ Cr^rp- FTJZK listening to a protest that ' -if W i? 1 reading, its sincerity, its ~/fr- : ~ : \\ '.\erriprtaslg janffltt recital of past ¦It .... . A- 'outnap^s. - arid ; - threatened dan ¦JS ¦'. •. .• 'i-o. €an Francisco should have- "b>en;'-= -impressive . -'and '.-.convinc in'gv.; 'Buperi'lspr; .; TTobin came 'to the assistance '-¦oi: the r. gamblers of Inr j. ..:¦>• ••¦y«rterday: - "afternoon • • and ' In-" trxid'uc^d '. ¦ before '-tne' : Police- - Commlt t^X<>f--th>. bobtrci.,.o'f;;whicri ; he. ls.'chalr rftan;'-a- reJsbluti'qn-permttting" the reopen ing : Of ; '.the;' raceiracto Supervisor .. : Tobln presented the; measure .as:, his own. ¦ The men who pleaded.': with him did "not. know, that he lntehded. to-" father.' the .very out rage against which" they made, their sol emn, protest .and which they -.supported with facts .cf -which, the public have not heard.' and which- add- another chapter . to the .*ppallina: arraignment. «f the '-'eyii. of the course! And the only, reason which Supervisor Tobin"." gave. . for "- his -extraor dinary action -is: that the samplers of In gleside possess. si valuable'". property ¦ and should be guaranteed a reasonable inter-. est upon, their investment. ,«yen .at the expense -of -the "honor- of ; men,"the..p' rlty of -women; the .sanctity. andVintegrl / of homes and thefnture of the youth r '. thla dty. ;':'¦'•¦'. : 'W ¦'['.¦¦:."¦': ¦?.'.'.'.¦ ::¦"}:¦ ;: ':." : ;¦;'. A virtue becomes Intelligible to. Supervi sor Tobin only when Is translated Into dollars .and cents' arid . represents. Interest upon an Investment '• He sees'; In "• the re opening of . Ineleslde. a double, \-lttue, a profit to the gamblers aiid : a profit to the city treasury- In '.Ucinses,.'. although he knows that Ineleslde sucked; from the treasury of. San .. Francisco more than It ever will give backl He pleaded yester day that Iccleside will pay to San Fran cisco 14X0 a year as a licensed prostitute of morals and was told that the money would be filched .from the cash drawers of merchants by ¦ thieving employes. He arg~ued that barter? rs -In horse flesh should be encouraged and was counseled r.ot to make them also trafackers In hu man flesh. ¦¦'¦:'•';¦ '¦•".'• v' r.-;:V- '..¦"¦¦ Champions of Public Decency. The Police Committee of the Board of STipexvisorß had announced . that yester day they would discuss the petition of the gamblers to reopen Irgleelde and listen to &rg-ument4 for and. against: the appeal. When the committee met two opposing forces appeared before it. On one side vrere the Rev. Dr. E. A- Woods, Rev. Dr. B. Nelander, Rev. Dr. E. R, lsllle. Rev. L>r. W. E. Dugan and Rev. Dr. Philip Coombe, ministers of this dty t men of nffalrs and of the • highest reputation. They are qualified to know the evil that the racing course h&a brought to this city. They know what the newspapers never l^ara, nor the criminal courts, peniten tiaries and morgue never record— the se cret sorrow and distress, the suppressed shame and dishonor of lives wrecked and To : Cure a;Cold (in One, Day Take Laxative ' Brorao :' Quinine \ Tablets. ' All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. si. sv. QcQYe'a KbaiAtura lioaiuh ba& aft* San Francisco by Ingleside. They cen sured the newspapers for publishing, the advertisement of .:the • tracks and laying snares for. victims In "tips--' and gambling. .suggestions..' Dr. Dille" declared that the commercial community^of this city has lived in dread oorf r It and homes have felt the. blasting touch of its Influence. -''Other . States and -other- communities have driven the race course out: as a. curse and" San ¦Francisco should- not' dishonor itself ; and 'Imperil Us people, by Inviting It back.; Thousands. Plead . Protection. .."But/'' urged. Supervisor Tobin, "if : -we ¦¦close" all the poolrooms, what then? Can't .the.track go on?'.'- .".• : -.' "No," replied Dr.. Dllle; "the racetrack Is the feeder, of the poolroom, the Inspira tion-and the! very-source' of- the. evil.;^ If is like -hell and 'destruction;- ' It 'wants everything.." • . -'• .• " - :..-.• •- The . answer. -did • not seem to make Mr. ..Tobin feel so. "Jocose." ' , ¦ ¦ ¦ And then Dr. .Nelander spoke with an apology that he came as a clergyman. But" he wanted the committee to know that he.has-met all classes', all manner of men, and . within ' the . last week had heard a unanimity of opinion, .such. as he had never heard before,- that lupleside's Rambling should'ndt again be tolerated In San Francisco..- He said he spoke with no exaggeration when he said that 10.000 families In San Francisco do not- want the irack. reopened andF the -blessing', of .last year replaced by a curse. • " . "When you speak of men being ruined by Ingleside, aren't you thinking of other, tracks?" asked .Tobin. "I am thinking 1 "," was the minister's re ply, "of the men whose career in ' crime began within the gates of Ingleside and .ended in the penitentiary." That "Jocose" mood of Mr. r. Tobin was rapidly shading into one very decidedly morose. ? ?' ¦• . - -.. .•.•-,! _"But.": the Superyisor"iriterjected,r""we will close up all of the poolrooms; Ingle- Bid© has Invested •money~4soo.Qoo— and de-. he thought- It was reasonably fair- to. the men whd Invested their money.. In' the venture; fair to the people, of San Fran cisco and .fair to the municipality Itself." That Mr. .Beed had his own ideas, on boxr Ing. but. neither boxing, nor horse racing were .Issues ¦.before the committee.- '. He, then called. attention to an amateur tourn ament which wIU . shortly be held . at : ; the Olympic Ghib.'ln support of-his contention that poolrooms. did not aid the sport -.and that members. of the- club would not-bave" the slightest hesitation in saying .that., tire poolrooms should be- closed up.; •..- Dr. Dtlle-.TemaTked at this. Juncture that the city, should not ask the racetrack peo ple, for- $l(»i.-.a. day to -self -pools, but . it ought: to. pay thejn that amount, so as to prevent selling Ihem-: that the' men wh»i infest the racetrack levy out of. the tll.Is.-of the merchants.- ;. ; • •' . ¦ .¦¦ - Rev. -E. A. Woods opened up. a new fleUV of inquiry . by asking .what action- h-ff'l" been taken a year aga. Chairman .Tq bin informed- the doctor that • the racetf.ack ! was' 'closed-, indefinitely, and that. his bill' would grant it permission to remala op«n forty, days each yeac ..•.•¦-. • --.•¦ .; : y : 'Supervisor -Tobin Explained. ¦_ • . ' Dr. .. Woods' then ' questioned Chairman Continued" to -.-Page Three.' drawing', out of the system all Impure . salts.', acids and poisonous matter, which, if retained., overwork the heart, kidneys," lungs : and - skin, causing ' disease, ; fevers, - debility and sluggish- ness. • ,' '¦[:¦¦' ¦'¦;' /;.-:-.. .¦¦'¦¦•.;¦¦"•! -V.-"- -¦ Astonishing la the improvement In health, feelings and complexion -by the us» of ¦'. this Cabinet, ' and It • seems . to us ' that the long- sought- for natural- method of curing and pre- venting disease without medicine' has certainly been found.. ...-;"¦-. " ¦ ¦.. ." -.. "¦ '¦¦•• •';¦'¦ . ; .The makers Inform th« writer that mor«.than US.3S7 of the Cabinets ..have -been sold -'sine* August, and' showed -letters from thousands of users who speak of this Cabinet as giving entire ' satisfaction, .and ' a : most ¦ marvelous Health Producer and 'Preserver.: ; ' X¦¦¦¦"¦K ¦¦¦¦"¦ -- : '¦'-.; " Dr. M. R. Beech^ Chicago: ¦E. M.- D;- Moore of Brooklyn and hundreds of our best, doctors have glvenup their, practice "tQ.;: sell ' .these Cabinets because they say; it benefits-h umanity more than • drugs, . and 1s: all that , is " necessary to set well and keep we.II. \ ..: /; ; ¦.•.."' •• •'¦'.¦ Congressman- John J.'Lentz, Rt. Rev.. Bishop J. L. Spaulding; Rey. C*..M. Keith, editor Holi- ness Advocate; Prof,;Kllne,' Ottawa' University: Edw/ Rlschert, ' M: D., University ; bf -Pennsyl- vania; Senator McCarrell; , Mrs. '¦ Kend ricks-,' principal Vassar College; ; Mrs.. Senator Dougr las, ¦ Rev: John A. Ferry, Brooklyn, and a host of our most: eminent people use and recom^ mend it. • ¦-'."' -. .-¦.-. •¦ ." ..... •- ' • . ¦ Persons who ; were, full of drugs and nostrums, and had been' given up: to die, were restored to cession. He was willing to accept a license of $100 a day, but named $20 with the pur pose of assisting Mr. Tobin and creating an lmpresElon that the gamblers were be ing harshly treated. The subterfuges were palpable- In concluding Dora, at the re-. <iuest of Mr. Tobin. gave the assessed eval uation of Ingleside. and Mr. Tobin with a sigh said he had some painfully, recent memories of . dividends.'. . : -. :.-\* : :•. Gambling's Blasting Touch* He then asked if there were, any pne present who ; -would like., to discuss ' the question of reopening Inpleslde.; He looked Innocently at the assembled ministers; and Supervisor Reed exercised his favorite privilege of interrupting." He abused an other In deliberately misrepresenting. th« question and attempting to deceive- the men who had come to protest against, the proposed outrage. ' . -. • .." . . . •'¦ : .' .• Mr. Reed asked the clergymen If they understood that a gross discrimination had been made against Ingleside Track: that it had been closed while the pool rooms had. been allowed to thrive openly and unmolested: that the tracks of Oak land and Tanforan were as accessible as Ingleside, the reopening of which would not Increase, gambling In this city. . "¦¦ "Yes, our poolrooms are •¦ flourishing," added Tobin, who could not resist the opportunity to support the deliberate mis representation of Reed. If either of them thought, to deceive the ministers he was mistaken. They could not. be blinded to thf> seriousness of an Issue: which has made their; life of ministering a solemn duty to soothe the stings of evil" ln decent homes. They spoke of Ingleside as they know It in its results. In the crime and disgrace which it has bred. They told of vast Bums of money which, have been stolen by dupes to feed the vultures of the track. They called attention to the men and women who had been ruined In' ! : T/fyF HEN Ingleside • was/ closfd last year Mayor Phelan, y y..; : .>recognizin^ legislation '-. ¦ i. ; s'^ra^a*^/4|;Vj^ ; fM]^3tn^Tto|/^ popular demand that: m [delay (be ' toleratedin (destroying so -gigantic a public evil, .signed, the. ordinance out of handy '.In ih^xinnualwessage to the.pres ent Board- of Supervisors Mayor Phelan: declared on January 8 that public gambling is an unmitigated curse. 'He .wrote 'then as follows:-: " ' • " :''¦ > ' ' - ' , ¦ ;.'.•¦'.';. ;'-. = ¦•, \~~ ;¦'; '"PublkgambUngisa great evil, leading to- poverty, disgrace, defalcation and death, 'zvhick- the records of this city 'abundantly 'j^pw/^jan)i.[its'^pr^tu:eXsho^id'i- be), discountenanced .and sup' pressed." .- .'¦"•¦<; 'V- ;•'¦'' ?:? C : : r"'- ; "'•¦'•;¦:.¦,"• r i' :' : -'-' .' ' :;£: ;£ '¦'".- '¦.''¦. •- ' : In order tod^trrmineifdny change had come \so htm in his ideas of .what constitutes public gobcL, Mayor- Phelan : was asked yesterdayby The Call; _ "Do ycni. know of any change in your-, at titude regarding the- proposition; to reopen .Jngleside?" . . , ¦•".'". And Mayor Bhelan-. replied: "I know of nothing that lias causedstne to change my position. 'I am, decidedly, opposed- h public; gambling of any 'description,: because there is no doubt that it leads to many 'crimes of '; defalcation, suicide . and murder. It is a bad set before the eyes of our grow-. ing youth" >' , _ *' ~' h '',1 \* ?¦:? ¦ : The •'¦ gamblers- are boasting that tjiey. have votes with which to pass their vicioiCs .measure 'throughthe Board of Supervisors: And The; Call has an absolute assurance that there, are' enough men in the : board to: sustain thje Mayorfs [veto .}; ' ;-. ; \ ¦ . > v: - = IVLiriisters Urge the Superyisors I^l^Spi^lnflict^ the Qurse c>f S^Si^ra^ls^^ CRIME AND MISERY WILL BE IN THE WAKE OF INGLESIDE'S GREEDY GAMBLERS ADVERTISEMENTS. mm^mSßßumußk Bnyehts^ii/jbeYlce Happffig^aSfl Health ta Eyery; UseWaßdMc^ ; -['-'i- ;• \ ;• '¦. Without Drugs : tie ; Most ¦ Obstinate^isieases i\ Jaiiire'siMetijoi. )S-M. of'SteajMng-M^Pdisqnsr^ perfect. Vrobust health; to . the astonishment .¦" of :• their friends : aad i; physicians, '• -'• v-.; %:¦¦,'.'' /:/- ' ;• ' 3 >. -V <s«l>ring,:B« Naghten street. CorambTl»» Ohio. ¦ afflicted for . years . with Rheumatism fa. its. worst: form, also PleurlsT.: Headaches.. DU-.. ziness.. Stomach Troubles, was. cured With, three - treatments.-, and. .says: ,'/My -= wife'- find# -Jt,' & "• grand remedy for. her; ills ; - : afso- fcr. our ¦ ichrl- . ' dren. A. . hetghbOr. cured Scrofula and ; . bHA Blood, after. dru«:s' failed. '¦' .. .W/t. "firawhr -On- .' ford, Ohio, found it better than $50 worth: of ' drugs. A lady In- Rochester.. Mrs.. F. B. Wil^ llama, -was cured of : woman's :. ailments: " after-' suffering for years.-- and write*:. ¦••ft'».a:Ood- : sent blessing t»: me .worth; $1COO.; . • No., woman should be without it."' :QV .Mr-Lafferty; : Coving.-' ton; "Ky.. unable ta walk, was^ cured ot. Rheu-? maUsia, Piles and Kidney Troublei A proini^ nent citizen bf :Slt :Healthy,''' Cfhio.VMr. -Owen ' C.:' Smith; afflicted "since - : chtldhood.- wit* .cured"/ bf Catarrh." Asthma..- Hay .Fever, j and ; write«:.: ''Have 'sold: hundreds of. these .Cablftets.-. Every/ ~ one : :was delighted/"' : Rev. : .If. '.' ci- 'Roexnaes." Everett; . Kan.; says: ;"Ifs: a ;;;inade};, m» full, of .: life .and. vigor. .' Shbutril b« . la- -use'.' in every family."- ; Rev. ; Baker Smith.- iD.R;. of .Fairmont,-: says: . ••¦Tour. : :tra.Wnet",rtds'-the--.". body of aches and pains, and, as ; :cleanllnf'^s. : i 9' .' Oodllness.: it merits hrgli Vecdrn'tnenda-: . tibn." 1 .;. .> ;'- : ; >:¦;'¦- Y<.y. ¦':-.. ~;J \-«>:';k's*s ':¦ -~'C -'-y. . ¦ After, examination. -we cftn. sajr.'thia- 15<J2.-st»l» '? Square. Quaker Bath is a B«h'ulne-Cabinet^:*-iin : :: a door, handsomely, and" dura^ty- mad*.' -j>f:-be>f;. materials, rubber /lined.' ha» a 'Stftei fra-m<»,-.flrh;J. ; should cifrtainfy'last; a. : lifetime^ , ; It' tnlixa^ 'flat /, in'- 1 .inch Space -.when- hot iri us? f- cah-: : be: ; easliy- ¦ taifried;' --weighs bur-'l.ft/pound^-^ ¦.¦"'•.•:•¦.-.;::¦ *rI- .IT IS IMPORTANT . to"- know, that ' the ;tnakers'. Kuarante^'.:rfsj3lt.!».. , and assert positively, "as do; thousands:' of! us*ri.;V that; this Cabinet, win." clear the/.'skin: piirily'.: and : enrich -the bipod; • cure- Nerypusness.' : We;i4t >- j ness', : -.that.:Tired: Feeling and the v worst -forms' :' pf .Rheumatism. ;• (They offer $50 reward . (or -ii... case: not relieved. }'. Cures Sleeplessnesii'..- Neural : ; '.' gla. Headache.'- Pile*, Drppsy;' Eczemsu ..liaiarla:; « all • Blood', and. Skin Diseases, '¦ Stomach!'-': Uve'r. Kidney. Bladder, Nervous Trbobtes. and .all. aiu ments peculiar '• to :'women.- .: If cure* -the ..worst ¦ cold in one. night and breaks, up; all.symptom* of La..Grlppe,. Pheumonia;. .Fevers,. .Bronchitifr. : and Isreallya'.househoild: necessity— a Godsend - to every family..' ,:¦'¦ •'¦ "' , . :J-.. "..;"•:.: .-.''%• ::r y_i-}. please. ..the ladles a .face and head steam-;'. In*, attachment" Is furnished. If. desired; '.whic.h.V; clears- the skin.- beaatlfies the- complexfon.-' re- moves -Pimples.. -.Blackheads^ Eruptions,- and- .is. a, sure .cure- for* Skin Diseases. ¦Catarrh' and- Asthma.- •¦ • . •' '.;. : . " • .'• : . : ' ''•'....* -.•-¦.¦ , .:• .:'.-¦:-. ALL OITR REAPERS; should • have one of-. these remarkable. Cabinets. ': The price is wonderfully .low; "Cabinet com- V plete,- 'with Heater., formulas- .and-- directions. '". only ."¦ $5.- ¦ Head Steamer, Jl extra; '.and- It Is: ' ' indeed,, difficult to. imaKtne- : - where ' one "coiiM" : Invest t^at amount of money In anything: else - that iruarantees. ." so much cefiufne ¦ health/ strenKth and vigor. . :-. ' ¦'... ¦¦-¦.•¦¦.•'¦.•-." • -1-. Write to-day to the World Mfg. Co.. I6>".a World bulldine. Cincinnati.. Ohio, for full in-;.. formation;, or, better still. -order a. .Cabinet.'' .. You won't be disappointed.' .as. l-.the: maker* . ... guarantee every Cabinet, .and -wJU. refund your money, after 30 days' -use if not Just as reprey. sented. We- know them td'be perfectly reliable/ ¦ Capitaf.-. JIOO.OCO. ¦ The Cabinet -Is just as. repre- •¦• sen ted. '.and does. an they claim: tUnd ' win.-T>e.' sent promptly on receipt of .remittance -bj? «-.-.' press or P. O . money-order; draft or check. '¦•¦" ¦Don't fatl to send for' booklet anyway; ; : ¦.-¦."¦" . This'- Cabinet ¦ ' , : .^¦..¦¦'•'ir .":..:.-r- \ ' ?-:' ¦;:IS,.A.:WONDEBriIt:SELLER?;.: v for agents, as there are millions of'.hbmes with'-.'. ouf bathing -facilities." and- th* firm, offers: -slpe-- : . cial inducements- to both- men and. women- upon ' ; request; and.- to ourknowledne. '.many are raaki. ... Ing from JlOOto $150 per month and expenses. " Write them. to-day and mention" our paper.:-..:"... ¦"-¦••':. -:¦ ¦..¦'.:¦ :¦.- : ..•..:•'••, ',".\ ¦¦••."•-• •: . = •'•V. V- - -. - .'.¦ ,-"' -.; '— : :' .'j^J.- ."'¦' ' ""•' - '- ' : ' .- '¦ ' ' ••'¦'¦'¦-. ', : ¦ ' '• . ' : . 1 1 For a few days— sl.7o I j nI . The yeists are new— just created — we made them. I a 3 § - T^y are double-breasted, in black, navy, brown, tan j | ¦ 1 and gray grounds, with harmonizing checks and plaids. I I II We have a big collection of them — see them. 11 m\ . Fancy silk vests in neat figures and dots; double- ff\ ¦ I breasted ; prices from $2.50 to $5.00. fj I S 8 Out-of-town. orders filled— write for illustrated catalogue Mo. 2. | M 2