Newspaper Page Text
THE STOCK MARKET. There was a good business on the morning session' of the Bond Exchange. Spring VaUey Water- declined to $98 25. Market-Street Rail road advanced to $63 and Gas & Electric to $;2 25. .•' .-. : ¦ v. : ;. ; '¦.'¦'¦ I -,¦:.; ¦.'.;;•¦¦;¦•'¦¦%¦.:; s ¦ Sales were neary. In the afternoon. Oceania Steamship wjld up to- $93;. Spring Valley Water; to's9S7s, Gas & Electric to $54 and Paaunau Plantation to $27. Hawaiian Commercial sold at . $84. • Contra Costa Water declined to $72 jOY The oil stocks were dull, and f eaturelets. ' : : The Alaska Packers" : Association will pay tts seventy-fifth dividend of 75. cents on . the Utb. The Independence Mining Company of Colo-, rado paid a dividend of : $12.250 . on -.the Ist. being at the rate of 1 cent per share. ¦'¦';¦<¦¦¦':'; The Republic Mining Company of Washing ton will pay a dividend of 1 cent per share, or $35,000. on the 15th. . ' . V:, -...< The Calumet & Hecla Mining Company has declared a dividend of $20: a ; share- . :--'.'' - The Pacific Lighting Company, has declared a . dividend of 35 cents per. ; share, payable on the sth. ¦ :;.:. •-,"¦. ¦"•-¦;¦?.- '-•* ¦¦:;.- ¦<;'¦¦ ' A local broker gives the following' points: The Argonaut Mining Company has reduced Its rate of dividend and is now paying only 5 cents -. on a capitalization of 200.000 and therefore distributing- $10,00Cf. per month; ;¦ ¦ The Gwln Mining Company has increased. Its capitalization from 20.000 to 100,000 shares and is . now declaring a monthly dividend- at the rate of 5 cents per share, .making the; total amount of $3000. '¦-'- -v-j. ;-.~.; -.~. -,¦-¦•.'."; ''.-' .;.:•. The Pennsylvania Mining Company -has re duced its dividend to .10 cents per share and now distributes. $3150 per month-only;. '¦'•¦'¦ ' ¦-.'. - The Los Angeles Oil and . Transportation Company pays a dividend of 25 cent* per month per share on a capitalization of IO.COO shares, making a total of $2500 per month. : '. '.- V: ' : • STOCK AND BONO EXCHANGE. . ? ... FRIDAY... March 2— 2 p. m. •: •.'¦'.' ' Bid. Ask. ¦.US Bonds— •• ; 4s quar c0up. . 114% — 4s quar reg..*.- — . 114H 4s'quar new., ,136 -—•. 3s quar coup..-^ —V. Miscellaneous — ': ¦¦ '¦'. Cal-st Cab 6S..HT — C C Wat 55. ..-.lOfcK'-r Ed L & P 65. .1» — F & O Ry 65. .113 — .'.' Geary-st R ss. — .' 95 ' H C &. S SHs.lO5 U0 Do 3s ........106Vi - L A Ry 55. ...105 lOa 1 * L A- L Co 55.. — ...- — Do gntd 65.. — — Do gntd 55.. — 103 L A & P R ss. 102^102% Market-st 65... 1274 — Do Ist m 55..115H — NC N G.K 75.106 — N R of Cal b5.113 114 Do 5s ...US — N P C R R 85.103 i; — Do os Hi««iW7 N CR R as...lf# — Oak GL&H Ss.IH — Oak Tran 65. ..112 — Oak WCo 55.. 105 - Oceanic SS Co.WSU — Om C Ry 6«... - t2S4 P & Cl Ry 65. .104^ — Pk &O Ry 6s. — — Ppwell-st R 65.117 — Sac- L G&R as. — 100 S • F & SJV 55..U7 — S Ry of Cal 6s. — 103 S P of A 65. ..11 l — S P C 65(19U5).H0 111 Do (1*06) 112' 113 |- '-= ."-'; -• ¦:- BidvAftk:, Mutual El Cot —-. 12H ICeti* L-4: P.-..;- 4 ' 4H JO G L& H.... 50S »t Pac Ga* Imp.. 534 — S F.G & E....:53H54»i : S F G.i'E.,.. 52 . 52i» San Francisco.' 4^». 4-\ Stockton Gas.. II . ¦ Insurance—- ' -' .. ¦ ¦ Flrem's Fund. 223 — •* Ba nk Stocks— •'. . ¦ Anglo-Cal Ltd — : (Wfc Bank or Ca1. :.40544t« Cal S D & T.iW»tOO First Nat10n1..2".0.- SO5 Lon P'& A,.. .133 ; -f. •'. Merchants' Ex 14 .— ¦ Nev Nat 8k...r-.;-\ Savings Banks'— - Ger S & L....1500 — Hum S & L... - — Mut Say Bk.. 43 — : S F Say U... 5074 — Say A L 50... 74 73 Sec Say Bk.. — ¦"¦— ? Union T C 0... ;-»V — t Street Railroads- California 1184 m Geary-st W> — Mark^t-st Ry.. 83 «4 OS L & H.... - 50 Presidio 13 — Powder Stocks- California ....150 169 Giant Con Co.. &&\ — Vlgorit 2% 2H Sugar Stock*— Hana H P Co, 84 «\ Haw CftSCo 84 S5 1 * Honokaa S Co. »4 30 .- Do (1312) — — Do Ist eg ss. — SPBr 6s 127 - S V Wat «5... 114 118 Do 4s 104 — SV W 45(3dm)102 — : Stktn Gas 65.. — — Water Stocks— Contra Costa.. 72*-i 72? i Marin County. 50 — Spring Valley. 98% 99 Gas & Electric- Cent G L C... — — Eqult G L Co. 3% 4 Hutch S P Co. 234 28 Kilauea S Co. 13 — Makawell SCo 43Ti — Onomea S Co.. 284 — Paauhau S Co. 26** rPi Miscellaneous— Al Pack Assn.l29 — Cal Kruit Assn r4«41C2 Mcx Ex Assn.. — 100 Oceanic S Co. 92% 93' i Pac A F A.... I — Pac C Bor Co. 1174 — Par Paint Co.. 10 — Morning Sesston. • 55 Giant Powder Con » 50 10 Giant Powder Con ** 824 100 Giant Powder Con. a 30 ............. 8S 50 • 100 Hana Plantation Co « «24 33 Honokaa - » £> 110 Hutchlnson S P Co 25 20 ' 50 Kilauea S P Co ;.;. IS 0O 115 Makawell. b 3 43 73 (500 Makawelt • £ .3 M Market-st Railway «2 .0 110 Railway «3 00 110 Paaubau S P Co 28 o<> 10 Paauhau S P Co. cash 28 00 lfO Paauhau S P Co 2S 12 » •2Q S F Ga« ft Electric Ca 52 23 " 25 S V- Water - >S 50 2 S V Water, cash t.. 9S :; > $lftfi« Market-st R.R Con 5s .116 jtf $13 OCOLos Anselen Railway 5s .......... 100 2j • . -Afternoon Session. - Board— ;. 25 Cal FruH Canners 1«J W 20 Contra Ccsta Water >- eO 100 Contra Costa Water, s 90 72 M 40 Contra Costa Water 72 23 35 Giant Powder Con , S8 50 10 Hawaiian C A S M CO \M Honokaa B Co »M 13 Hutchinson.S P CO7 25 82^ *>C 0 Kilauea Sugar Plantation Co ....... is 00 20 Oceanic S S Co 92 sft 10 Oceanic S S Co- 92-73 ' 100 Oceanic S S Co 93 00 SO Makawell 4.» 874 BOakland Gas SO Ofl 5 Oakland Gas 50 J7V BOakland Gas ...;...„ 50 JO 250 Paauhau S P Co ; 2« &7* 15 Paauhau S P Co 27 00 5 Pacific Gas Imp. Co s; jo 50 S-F Gas & Electric Co- .......S3 00 ¦60 S - F Gas & Electric Co 54 00 JS S.F Gas ft Electric Co ..,. S3 75 ' CS-V Water. 9S 50 25 S V., Water ...:....... 9S 75 . 25 Vtgorit Powder C 0.....,:..... 225 $1100 U S 3 per cent bonds .iv 50 . ' Street— " . ¦ . , . . . ¦"¦.'. ¦¦ ' 150 Paauhau S P Co :............„ 26 50 $SOOO Oakland -.Water 5 per cent bonds.... 105 CO • CALIFORNIA OIL EXCHANGE. •¦- -¦ - Morning Session."3ra»W^M^S Board— ; ¦ 100 Barker Ranch .....'...'. .-... .1 15 100 ' Anacond- ."¦.....,..•... - -(0 100 Anaconda ii "Afternoon Session. : ¦ Board— - 300 Anaconda ...» '. ...".... ,ss 100 Caribou;.^; .'....; » Nczu York Stock Market. NEW YORK. March 2.— The stock market faHed to 6how any positive strength at any lime during the day and in the late dealings the whole list yielded to bear pressure on the news of the threatening- aspect of affairs among the metal workers in . Chicago. The lc sfc of iron and steel stocks yesterday, which . »a*> due to Urge selling ordeis -on Chicago ac cc^unt. was thus explained. The bears were bu»y in this group of etocks all-day and sup plemented the news of the labor troubles with Tiisny \ ague rumors: of . a purpose to defer dividends which have hitherto been foretold on more- or less reliable authority. Reports were circulated -also, of enormoua rival com binations 10 be organized to compete In this Industry. As : the -result of this pressure -the Juajority of the stocks in the group were de- 2 v to 3 points. The character of much or the selling wa> made obvious by the sharp ra!li<"» on btar^covering. American Hoop, T«n n«*s«^ dial and National Steel recovering from 2 to 2 jMints at different times. Sugar was •Objected to heavy selling all day. which was .without other explanation than the continued doubt over, the dividend prospects, but which .'.was. attributed ;o a new bear account. The .e.trtck-"dri--ppe<l to par for the first time since the .-¦uninier drpresnioa of U>*«. Incident to the ration*! pidttfcal campaign, and feH further to Wi. . rtii!>!ng feverishly and closing unsteady st «. act lots or 6',:: Third Avenue suffered f rum additional liquidation ttfcidenl to fears Of a heavy assessment, fell an extreme Z\ tv> a level almost 29 points under the high fcri'-e of l-'ebnjary last year. The stock rallied •sharply ar.d was well supported during the Inner pun or i!:* day. Peoples Gas was fuidrfl on' ttt« report of the rroj«scteil proceed jfigt! asu.inyt the legality of the combination. i"'U:*'l.Jatej'«Jaji waa forced down 9 points on .'.Ch? trtUwaeUos*. i'ojimiu, Sucar preferred. 2..barc> and Ji«;r.>i>o!luui Street Itallway suf fr-rc-<1 «<i tr.f extent of S to 3'.s. The railroad m;ocK» viei-ied mmCUedr until tlie late raid on the rr.i.rkrft. wtMar Jare^ blocks -*ere thrown tj\rr. fit. ;•»•:, ir., »'l;h an extreme drop of Z pu<:it«. Raliimorc an.l Ohio. New York Onirs.; ana Southern Pacific were also notably • fluted. Xfce later rally on bear covering re c ic««.l th« net !fs?es of the rallroaOs to frac li -re -exi-rjit in the i-of-s mentloneJ. There ka* that London uid not re • ¦•itiJ »!th c: cater #nthußla«m to the newi. of lz? '~r,*t :'. l*4>-£mUh by buying «tocks The .o:*pi*iM-.n there was tj re«lU« and London *v* a ftamU\matef here. T:.e prospect of a J.cavy Jecllae in surplus reserve* in the bank • titemem induced come eelllnfc. but the nre- JiftUnary rs-timate* of the oash movement by txr-vss 1r.d1.-ate a o:na]| net gain on ihe in terior jno\f:ncr.t. This l« attTlbuted to Rhlo monts by lm^ 1... hkb 10 New York for the iiurpfys-. <jf buying Unvernmeat bonds But the sa.!n on ihis acceunt is quite Cnnlrnlficant coc-.paifd with the week's loxses by the banks I- J^lwf" treaBUr> '' whl£>h have amounts to $-4^,000. ih,,» making', inevitable a further de cline- of several sn!i:jon« iv ihe surplus •'e «nw of t.Se banks. ,. T t : '« r^ b ? P - 1 marke « WM rather dull and prices S£^sEKw& wlth btocJ ' J - Tcli! **'"• United Elates Us declined X In the Md price. NEW TOKK STOCK LI3T E ™r.. /.... . . ; og <.Wt Atrhi^on ...'.. iSL USM; Atchison prefd '.'.'.'. '"¦"¦ Z'.Z «".-'.» Baltimore & Ohio «i J'<o Cunad!p.:i pacific '.'.[' s i . SM Canada Southern " 47-2 2.S*l Chesapeake & Ohio .......... " m Vy» CUn«a Gre«t Western ........[["[' iju S.t-P Chk-a>ro Burllnrton & Qulncy izzv. :o* «:hlc«go Ind & Louisville ?... nu .....i. <"h:caKO Ind & Lguisville prefd.. *" E3 Chicago i- Eastern Illinois sjii •• Chicago & Northwestern "iss J.22i Colorado Southern '. • g, 10) Col-irado Southern Ist .pref'i"" ft - U-0 Colorado Southern 2J prefd ... " 16»' 400 I via ware & Hudson I t|'* ZV) Delaware Ijjckawanna & Western "iSO'li 250 Denver & Rio Grande .. . \vs 100 Denver A hio Orande prefd '.'.'.'.'.'.'" 71 '* 100 Eri# ..; i*i2'4 :j0 Krle Ist prefd £sr«3 HI Great Northern prefd ......... "*IB6 ../.... Hoc-king Coal "'" I{l , 110 Horkine Valley " »'* 490 Illinois Central- ""112 600 lowa Cer.tral .„ " tj^ »3 loi/a Central prerd ' «g Kntisaa Citj F'itt^burs A Gulf ', " lju ICO I^ike lirle &. Western : ju J-al.f Krie *. Wettern prefd sju .....'.'. \M\:r Shore. - 194 -, 5.400 Louisville & Nashville §1% l.tV) Vftjiliattan Elevated sjl? «.f-2S SJctrojK>litkn fitreit Railway 1C74 1.4C0 Mexicc-.t Central 12ii ....... Vlr.n»ar | olls *• St Loul* ci Minneapolis & Si Loul* prefd. ..*... Jl4 r.,T70 Ml*so«irl Pacific « liO MiU> *; Ohio :.-..-. 44H Mir.souri Kansas It Texas .'... y{^ «00 MiFSCUri Kansas t Texas prefd .;.. 32% 200 Nor Jersey Central US 4,100 New York Central .....U!^ «.«* Norfolk & Western 3l\ 1.42$ Norfolk *• Western prefd 74* l.t-jO Nortbern P»dflc £21, Exchange and .Bullion. Sterling Fxchange," sixty .days..... — ¦ $4 85 Sterling Excnange. 8ight..."........'— ¦ 488 Sterling Cables' :. ' — . 4 89' New York Exchange, sight...... j — ¦ ; 174 New York- Exchange, telegrapblc — 20 Fine Silver, per ounce..... -.v. -..-. 1.'.-.— • .- 59H Mexican Dollars. .':...-"........¦ 48V4 " — Wheat and ' Other Grains. WHEAT-r^The Cleomerie takes' for .Cork- 59,410 ctls; valued .at $60,000." •-' ;"- '¦ . . ¦ The local market was unchanged and quiet. Liverpool was. lower and. Paris higher. .Chi cago was ! easier oh- favorable \ weather . and heavier shipments- of- 3. OCO^OOO" bushels from the Argentine. Later on the'feellng Improved on the advance In Paris and t.h.e reported decrease of 4,500,000 busheJs in North »veste'rn' . elevator Etocks. The market was largely oversold.. Spot Wheat— Shipping,' 95@?74c; .milling. 9S>*c©Jl. - - - ' .'¦ ¦- • . : ' . CALL BOARD SALES. ' Informal Session— May— l2:ooo ..ctls, 96T4c: 4000, 97c. December— lo,ooo. $lO3*i: 6000, $1 03 T 4. Second Session— December— . ctls. $1 04; 10,000. $1 044- May—, 97c; 18.000, 974 c: Regular Morning Session— December-^-12,C00 ctls; $1 04%; 40.000, $1 04U- May-r4OOO, 97?ic; 46.0 C.0. 974 c; EO.'OOO, 97% C. •- - •• . Afternoon Session— May— 4ooo. ctls, 97% c. • BARLEY— The market dull and ¦nominal. . •••'-.'¦ • Feed. 75®774c for No.' 1 and «5®724c for off grades; Brewing and Shipping grades. So®B74c; Chevalier, nominal.' :. ; - CALL BOARD SALES. Informal Session— 9:ls o'clock— No sales. Second Session— No ' sales. Regular Morning Session— No sales. Afternoon. Session— No sales. OATS— Dealers report a continued demand, though the market is not active.' .The feeling White. $110(3130; Red, -95c®$l 174; Gray. $1 074®l 154 : Black, 95c®$l 05. CORN— Eastern White is quoted at 95c per ctl and Eastern Yellow at $I@l 024; mixed, 974 <Bsl. . - . • RYE— 97Hc@sl 024 per ctl. BUCKWHEAT— NominaI. - Flour and .Mill stuff s. The Dalny Vostok took out 2900 barrels Flour, valued at $C9OO, to Hongkong. FLOUR— California family extras, $3 60® 3 75; usual terms; bakers' 'extras, $3 40® 3 50; Oregon and Washington, $2 73@3 per barrel. MILLSTUFFS— Prices -In- sacks 'are as fol lows, usual discount to the trade: Graham Flour. $3 25 per 100 lbs; Rye Flour. $2 75; Rye Meal. $2 50; Rice Flour.' $7; Corn. Meal. $2 50; Out Groats. $4 50: Hominy. $3 2303 50; Buck wheat Flour,. $4<B'4 25; Cracked Wheat, $3 75; Farina $4 50: Whole Wheat . Flour, -$3 50; Rolled' Oats < barrels). .s6@7 25; In sacks, $5 75& 7; Pearl Barley.' S3; Split Peas. $5; Green Peaa, $5 60 per 100 lbs. . '':'.¦::¦s¦.-• -i-.'c.i, Hay and Feedstuff s. Indlcatlens of rain softened the Hay market, without, however, changing prices. • BRAN— SI2@I3 Per ton. ' MIDDLINGS— ?I7<S?2U per ton. . FEEUSTUFKS- Rolled . Barley. JiajTU per ton: Oilcake Vealatthe mill.- $16327; Jobbing, •27 CP(S2S; Coconmit Cake. $20fi'21: -Corn Meal $23023 50; Cracked Corn, $23 50«?24; Mixed Feed. $15 DO:>Ootton!>«''»<l Mral.-S2S i>er ton. H\Y — Wbi-at. $"'99 ' for common to good s 9 50 for choice and occasionally $10; Wheat and Orit. $6 fO«T9: Oat, $6®S; Barley^ $5®7; Alfalfa. $Gfa7 50 per ton. - ;• • STRAW— 2I^4OO per bale. Beans and Seeds. The old quotations rule, with a dyll market UICANS— Bayos. J3 2"t?3 35; small White. $320 ©3 35: large White, $2 90^3 10; Pinks. $2 50© 2 85; Reds. .$3 50: Blackeyc, . $450; Butters, nominal ; Lima, to 15(&5 25; Pea. $3 20®3 40; Red Kldnoys. $3 50ifi4. SEEDS— Brown Mustard. " nominal; Yellow Mustard. 4> r (&4%c: Flax... $1 905^2 20J Canary 34c l>er lb for California, nnd 4c for Eastern- Ail'altH. '¦ MMiV: Rape. 24«3cj Hemp, 4tH> lC ; Timothy. 4(544c . , • ¦: DRIED PEAS-Nlles,- $1 60@l 90; Green. $1 75 g2 10 per ctl. '¦'- ? '. . . .. ? Potatoes, Onions and • Vegetables. Vegetables did better supplies be- Ing lighter. Sweet Potatoes advanced. There was no change In Oaions. ¦•.*.'. ' - POTATOES- F.arly Uose. 75@55c; River Reds 7.'@Soc: Hurbankr. 40$jrtiT« : ncr sack: Oregon Burhankn. 65cfl$l: Sweet . Potatoes, -$1 25 for River and $2 for Merced; New Potatoes 2>A® 34c. "'• ¦-"•."' -- '•¦ -•¦ -¦•'•:¦ -•¦¦-..• -.¦?, i' ( INTONS— Oreeons. V 7S®2 per -etl; Nevadas $2@225. :•-.-'.- '• :¦ :., . -.. . .¦,-, ?•• ¦ .VEGETABLES— Hothouse Cucumbers, 40®75c per dozen ; Rhubarb, ¦ 6<9Bc I per. lb; - Asparagus fi«!'Uc; Green Peus. -24<fr4Uc'. per -. lb:- JString Beans," 4®Sc: Cabbage. 40<g50c: Los Angeles To matoes. 40c(?f$l: Egg Plant * from. Los Angeles, g @10c;; Dried Okca. 12Uc.per Ib; Garlic, .2»i©34e- Qreen Peiipers from l.o«' Angeles, ; 8©10 c; Dried" Peppers, 8iil0c: Cnrrots.^2s©3sc. per, sack; .Los Angeles, Summer Squash. $1 per box ;. Marro wfat Squashy $li per. ton. ;. -• -. ••--:• . -,'•¦•;' Poultry' and [Game. ' Poultry rule* firm, stocks being better cleaned up than for some time. ;. : . Game Is nominal," .' POULTRY-Llve Turkeys.nOifUo for.Gobblwa EASTERN MARKETS. Charters. The Golden Shore loads lumber on the Sound ?or Australia. £2s 6d: May Flint, wheat at Tacoma for Europe. 27s 6d. . Customs Collections. Local custrm-house collections thus far this year amount to $1,254.9:6, against $l.O5«,O0O for tiie same time lael year. r.- . . Weather Report. . . <120 th Meridian— Pacific Time.) \ SAN FRANCISCO. March 2-* p. ra. .The following are the seasonal rainfalls to date, as comj-ared with those of the same date .]tn>t' season, and rainfalls in la*t twenty-four hours: -¦•'..¦-:.- - . .'¦'•. . Last 24 This Last . Ptaticns — ... ¦".'.-• houre. sea»on- season. Kureka Trace 10.70 23. 8S TJ<;d Bluff Trace 1«.47 13. SJ i"-«cr»mcnto 0.00 13. 59 7. 53 Han Francisco ........... 0.00 15.11 7.99 - rrt-sne- ...-. Trace 6.20 3.56. Independence. 0.00 2.12 1.15 >in Luis Obispo Trace 12.57 7.16. L.* Angele* 0.00 4.57 2.98 t-*n U.fgo 0.00 2.64 J. 76 Yunia 0.00 0.75 IS4 S«n Francisco data.: Maximum temperature, 6rt <l^gre<"i.; mir.lmum, 53; mean, 86. WKATIiEIt CONDITIONS AND GENERAL FORECAST. The pressure has failen steadily along the northern -coast, and an area of low pressure overlie* Washington «nd Oregon. Conditions ere more favorable for general, rain on the r'«n than they have bet?n for #ome months i ..!¦:. L'.gtt rain has fallen at Fresno, Red iilufT. K-jrrka and San Luis Oblspo. The tpinpernture 1 ha* remained nearly station ary excet/t in Nevada, where there has been a :.•;: of frtm to 10 degrees. Forecast made at San Francisco for thirty b'»ur« «-nding midnight March 3: For Nortnern California— Cloudy Saturday. v. ith rain in the northern portion and showers slßfwhere; brink southerly winds. For Southern California— Cloudy, unsettled weather Saturday, with occasional showers; fret-n southerly winds. For Nevada — CJcudy Saturday, with showers. For Utah— Cloudy Saturday. For Arizona— l'loufiy Saturday. For San rranc«?.co and vicinity— Rain. Satur day; brisk southerly wind*. ¦. ¦ ¦. ALEXANDER G. McADIE. Forecast Official. Good trading in local securities.- ' . . " Silver .a fraction loiver. Excliange unchanged. Wheat . and Barley, about the same. '..'¦:' Oats Arm- and in fair demand. . Corn and Rye dull, indications oj : rain softened .the Hay < market. 'j Beans and. Seeds dull and nominal, .. ,;-':'* Potatoes inactive and weak. Sweet. Potatoes/ firm. , Vegetables . doing better under lighter supplies. . i'endtry well cleaned up and. firm! Game didl.. : No further decline it: Butter, Cheese and Eggs. Oranges brought better prices at auction. . . Mexican Limes about cleaned up.] Lemons quiet, Provisions now reported dull. V. :•, : -. Hides depressed, zvith sellers making concessions. No further change in the Meat market. : Increased Customs collections. . . ¦; . • . • Articjes.- ' . . ".-' Receipts." Shipment^ Flour, barrels ........' • 43;000. \ 53.000 Wheat, bushels 27.000 . 11.000 Corn, bushels ..V.... -1. .413.000 .. ¦ . £S:OW Oats, bushels ...'......... J10.009 252.000 Rye. bushels ..;......:......... 2.000 -. • 1.000 Barley, bushels .....•.:. 4«.000. '¦ -31."00 '¦¦ ? AUCTiOWfev;-i):^i.; AUCTiONI AUCTIdN! •"-.-- : - :-: ¦ . wedxesdayl . :¦;--. :-.- WEDNESDAY .:!. .:../..1...i.i-.. MARCH TTH '.:. ': ¦-'¦¦¦ BY CATALOCUr.;. ;; ;\ : ' ' -At 11 O'clock A. MC on Premises.. V: ¦ 516-518 WASHINGTON STREET. -••' : BO,\RP : OF HEALTH DEP'T. .Sir: A proper fumteatlcin having been made of theniuartermasters' sut n lies,. tents.' etc.. at 518 Washirigton st.. you are. at liberty to pro- ceed with the tale. -A. P. O'BRIEN, : . - , ¦•• ': .•',.•. Health Officer. GOVERNMENT SALE! '¦¦ sale- consisting -of -2000 Tentsr ?000 Cortain* And Nets-: «OCO Duck an<t DriU Mattress Covers; 10CO I Steeping ' tiaps: 63C0 Pillow*; ¦ 4COO Shelter t- Tents; -SuO German Silver Band lns«trutnenf*. . I -Bass and Snare Drums; 100- Fitters: SCO Galvan- ized Water -RuckiptiO 500-' Assorted Shovels, etc. .' 'Contractors,? Klandlk*rs.:rt.«ort-keei..ers,.earr:{v; ¦ er?.. hotels: steambiiat!". sall-mwkers. tent and ; »wnln«r: makers. -attrntjon OTlled to this sale, , NF.WYORK At-CTION CO.. Aurtloneerx. anJ 13®14c for Hens; Dressed Turkeys. l"S14c; Geese, per pair, $1 75@2; Goslings, . $2 So@3: Ducks.- $4.^5 for old and $4@s'cor young: Hen*., $4 50(g$5 50: Young - Roosters* ' $6} 'Old Roost ers, $4 sC®s;' Fryers, .$5 50-&6; Broilers,' $sirj aO for large arid $3 50®4 50 for. .small; Pigeons. 41.259.1 50 per. dozen -for old" and . $2®2.50.-.for "^GAME— Hare. . $1;. • Rabbits. * $18150; Gray Geese. $2 &0;. : White. $1 25; - Brant. $1 25@1 75; Honkers,. s3 s.oig4,per doxen.-..;; •- ... .. . ? .... Butter, Eggs and Cheese, 'There Is no further "decline 'ln" anything,- and .the" market .shows less demoralization, though the feeling is far from steady. . Stocks of But ter. Cheese- arid Eggs continue free. . : IiUTTER—- •¦-.= : - ; - .¦"•';•;¦-*,. -Creamery— Fancy Creamery.; tic: seconds., p : Dalir-Fancy. lgs : l*S>4c; good to choice,' l6V4@ l"4'cr ccmrr.on. nominal. . "¦•'.¦ *- 4 . .„"". CHEESE— Choice mfld new. " 9c: old, Ycung America; 9H«S''loc: Eastern, U4«l«c. \\'p*t»rn," I3«j*f V>c per. lb. . r. '-.•'•'.. :' . ' ','i,.~ : EGGS-Quoted at Uffl2cfor store, and 1240 134 c per dozen for ranch. •"¦.:-.'¦ •;. -." " : Deciduous "and Citrus ¦ Fruits: ¦ Four cars of Oranges .were auctioned as fol lows: iFahcr Navels/ $2 45«2 70; choice do, $1 ©2 35: standard do, j 80c#$l 50; Seedlings, 55c© $i 35.--. • : r •-.• ¦¦:-•"-"¦•¦. •:"•¦•.•¦¦¦¦. ¦¦; '. 'Limes are about cleaned up and nominaL -There nre but few Apples left now. = . - -. "'DECIDUOUS FRUITS— •:.• „_,„ ' APPLES— SO<g:7Sc per box for CoTn ™2?;.*'S*i $1 25 for good .to choice, .and $1 60®l .» for • CITRUS- FRUITS— NaveI Oranges. .$1 50f12 50 per box;. Seedlings. ¦ 75c@$l 50: Pomelos. <*c© $2 60:. Lemons. $1«1 » fcr common and =>» for eood to choice: Mexican Limes. ™>™J™}!. California Limes. 50@75c; "Bananas.. $1 rVS2 M per bunch; Pineapples. $3 50@4 per.doien. .: , Dried Fruits, Nuts and ' Raisins. DRIED FRUlTS— Prune*, in sacks. 4®44c for 40-50' s."3H©S9ic for;Eo-60's, 3%S3Hc for 60-«0'«. «>4c.for 70-Ws. Sc for.Bo-9Cs and 2%c for 90 100's; Apricots, 11®124c for Royals. 124315 c for Moorparks, and 12©134 c for Blenheims: Peaches, 54@6c for Standards. «tt®6*c for choice and 7®Bc for fancy; Peeled Peaches. 10g 124 c; Evaporated Apples. 6#7c; Sun-dried, m 54c per lb:. Nectarines. -B®9c; Pears, iKQ**? for dark : and 7CBc for bright halves: Black Figs. 2@24c: White Figs. : 2®3c; Bleached Plums. ' 8O8c; unbleached .Plums. .7®"H« .for pitted and and 14c for unpitted. ;.. ' • - RAlSlNS— Bleached Thompson' s— Fancy, per lb. 10c; choice. 9c; standard. 8c;. prime. 6c: un bleached Thompson's, per lb. 6c. Sultanas— Fancy.- per lb. S4c: choice. THe: atandar.d. f%e; prime, 6c: unbleached Sultanas. 6c: -Seedless, 50-lb boxes. 6c; 2-crown, loose muscatels. 54c: 3-crown. «iic; 4-crown, 7c; London Layers, 2-crown. $1 50 per box: I-crown. $1 60. Fancy Clusters. $2: Dehesa. $2 50; Imperial. $3. All prices are f. o. b. at common shipping . points In California. . • NUTS— Chestnuts. B©9c; Walnuts, B®9c for standards and 9£loc for softshell; Almonds. 11HS12C for paper shell. 9®loc for soft and 48 Sc for hardshell; Peanuts, 6%<ee%c for Eastern and sc.for. for California: Brazil Nuts, 74®8c: Fil berts, 12@124c; Pecans, ll®13c: Cocoanuts, $4 50@5. ¦ ¦ • • ' * • •¦ . - ! HONEY— Comb. «H®l2c for bright and 10*49 lie for light -amber; water white extracted. 7*lc: light amber extracted. 7%®7Vic; dark. 64<g6c t>er lb. - ' - • ¦ : - -. •¦ •BEESWAX— 24@26c Der lb. ; . ¦ . . Provisions. ' Dealers now report, a very dull market at the 61d quotations'. .. '. ' .. ¦ CURED, MEATS-^Bacon.9%c per lb for heavy, 10c for light- medium. He for light. 12c for extra light and 134 c for sugar-cured: East ern su'jrar-cured Hams, 135134 c; California Hams, nominal: Mess Beef, $12 per bbl:. extra Mess. $13: Family. $14; extra Prime Pork. $14 50; extra clear; $17; Mess. $16: smoked Beef, lie per lb. •-.'.•: v •-LARD— Tierces quoted at 6\G~c per lb for compound and 8c for. pure; half-barrels, pure. S&c: 10-lb tins. S%c; 5-lb tins. 9c. '. COTTOLENE^TIerces. 7T4©B4c per lb; 10-lb tins, 9Hc. . " . "»..". Hides, Talloiv, Wool and Hops. Hides continue very, quiet- and weak. The tendency. Is downward,'. and 1 sellers give buyers concessions. Tallow la -steady. . ' . .. .HIDES AND SKINS— CuIIs and brands sell about lc under quotations. Heavy salted steers. lOHSllc; Medium, 9%©10 c; light. 9H@loc: Cow hides. 94c; Stags, Tc; Salteu Kip. »4c: Calf, S'^QlOs; Dry Hides, sound, ISc; culls and brands.- 15®16c: Dry. Kip and. Veal. 17c: Dry Calf." »94j2Cc:" Sheepskins, yearlings, 15i830c each; short Wool. 356-60 c each: medium. 70<e90c: long Wool. $1@125 each: Horse -Hides, $2 25® 2 75 for large and 75c@$l 75 for small; Colts, 60c. - TALLOW— No. 1 rendered. 5&S4c per lb: No. 2. 4@44c: refined. '64c; grease. 24®3c. ¦¦¦ WOOI^— ' ¦:¦' .¦¦•-".-' - '-.:••"•.*/• ' Kail cllb. San- Joaquln - plains. . 9@loc: South ern.. SiSlOc: Middle County. ll@13c: Humboldt and • Mendoclno, 17®20c: Eastern Oregon. 13^ 16c; Valley Oregon. lS®2oc; Northern Mountain, free. 114U4C-.. Northern Mountain, defective. 10© lie Der lb. " . . ¦-¦-. .-, • .. HOPS— 7®llc per lb. . San Francisco Meat Market. •Hogs continue to . arrive freely, especially from the East, and pnekers have all they want to " work ' on. : Other descriptions remain 'un changed. .- . .;'¦¦ BEEF— 6>4©7c per lb for fair to choice. . ¦ VEAL— S®94c ¦ : v. '.. . -. MUTTON— Wethers, SSS4c; ewes, per lb. .LAMBr-Sprlng, lOg per lb. r . PORK— Live Hogs. 6c for. small and medium and sHiJs\c for large; stock Hogs and feed ers. 6Vi&6Hc; dressed Hogs. 7®B4c. . General Merchandise. .- BAGS— San • Quentih Bags. $3 63: Calcutta Grain Bags, • 6'/iS6Vic; .Wool Bags, 25V4©324c; Fleece Twine, 74c. •". "." ¦ " - - COAL-rWelllngton, JS per ton; new Welilng ton. -J8; Southfield Wellington, $7 50: Seattle $6 50; Bryant. -$6 60; Coos Bay. $5 50; • Wallsend' $8; Co-operative Wallsend. $S; Scotch, — ; Cum in bulk and $13 M ln sacks; Penn sylvania .Anthracite Egg, $13;.Cannel, $11 per ton: Coke, $15 per ton-ln bulk and $17 in sacks Harrison's Circular says: - "During the week there have been three arrivals of- Ccal from British ' Columbia, with 10,507" tons; two from Washington, 4940 .tons;' two from Oregon SSO tons; total. 16,427. tons. This is considerably less, than the actual quantity consumed here this week, hence our position Is not improving besides, the Alaska fleet has commenced to take delivery of its fuel for the season at British Coltimbla. thus necessitating some delay in get ting what Coal is -demanded for our local uses. Prices are unchanged, with no apparent desire on the part of producers to advance same For tunately for some of. our factories, crude oil Is .being substituted temporarily, thus easing the strain-that would otherwise exist for Coal "Australian and English products are seldom asked . for now by large consumer*, as their prices, have become almost prohibitory, j Coal quotations in the' colonies have riot been ad vanced, but freights are high and carriers' are not procurable, as Honolulu is a more 'profitable port for vessels to seek.. Freights on Coal from England are less than from Australia but Coal values have 'been in some cases advanced over ICO -per cent, which shuts those' ports out for future fuel supplies. -Before . the end of this month there will be some new steam collier* drilled into the service; these combined with a decreased consumption for ¦ house purposes will ease ud our present congestion" RlCE— China Mixed. (4 15(84 25; China No- 1 U 1604 60; extra do. $5®5 M; Hawaiian. $&i 2i2 i- Japan, $4 7565; Louisiana, J4 50@7 •.*"«*»». SUGAR— The Western .Sugar Refining Comp any quotes, terms net cash. In 100-lb h»».. Cubes.A Crushed and Fine Crushed SHc-Pow" dered. 5Hc: Candy Granulated. 514 - D?y Gran ulated. 6Vic: Confectioners' a • s>ic- Mae^fi?=T A. 4%c: Extra C. 4*c: Golden C? 44c- bfrrel, 1 - 1 "° mm J ?^ : K half - b . arrels - « c ""rev boxA 4c more: 50-lb bags, He more. No orders talcpn'&, less than 75 barrels or its equivalent Dom?n£ hnlf-barrela. s"ic: boxes. -64c per lb Domlno> . rSSoooVJu"?.. the Island 9 ln : r * i ™'* w Receipts of Produce:- ' ¦ '*¦ FOR FRIDAY. MARCH 2 Flour, qr 5k5..... 20,44) Wool bacs ' ' '?'« Wheat, ctls 12.KV1 Broomcorn "bdls* inr. Barley, ctls 7.52) ivits. bdls J2? OaK ctls... ¦ *»• HluVv No.! S? Butter, ctls 27* Sugar, bbls *?? Cheese, ctls.. 11l Chicory/ bb i'""" r Taiiow. ens.. gars? "::-.: m j^ Beans.. ?ks.. "OO; Lime bbls -•?£ Potatoes, 5k5..... 2.sortiEgE'a dm " «. ll Bran. »k5. ........ 1 «84QSfcksll°er" fllV; 6^ Middling..- sks... '330 Leather, >oiu" k * « Hay. tons 4.» ; Ralslns, bxs "• n Straw, t0n5....... 5 . „ • " tv'o. . OREGON. ' - Oats, ct15. ......... 325 Potatoes, 51c5..... <S5 Family Retail Market. • [ : Seattle Coal Is 'cheaper. . Butter," Cheese and Eggs "are all lower ' Meats and Poultry *how little change from last week. Quail ; and ; Wild ' Duck are out of season.' • ' - • ¦:•• '- ¦-¦¦•»¦ Fruits j- and ¦ Vegetables sell . about at last week's prices. -¦ • ' ,' I&e^-1 &e^-- M N^^!!T_«io oo'io^^-- zij?g Dairy Prwluce. etc.— . T Butter, fancjr. per •-. . • square ....". .45®50 Do. per r011.;.". .40®— Do. good ..374&— Cheese. Ca1.....:;. 12^-^ rhewii'. Ka<"tern.". I7«tJO Cheese, Swiss.. ".-;. 20935 Meats, per lb— - - 8ac0n......:..;;. 12(317 Beef,' choice......' 13*20 .- Do.'' s;oo<] lo«i; Corned Be«f.;.T..'— ©10 Ham. Ca1 ;..... . . . . 15® Do, 1 Eastern... l7V4§—l Common Eggs. .-.124©— Unnch Eggs, per dozen ...; 1.13® — Honey Comb, per 'pound -. 12515 ¦Do.- extracted.. — ©10 Pork.'^ fresh.'.'..'..'. 15©20 Pork. salt. 12515 Pork Qh0p5....... 1501s Round Steak 10{iU SI rloln Steak .... 15»— Porterhouse . do.'. .' 20^25 Continued on Page Eleven. Cash quotations were as follows: ¦ ¦ , Flour, alow. No. 3 spring wheat.' 61065 c; No. Bradstreet's on Trade. NEW YORK, March'2.— Bfadstfeefs to morrow will say: Stormy vW.eath'er has \ re tarded the development : of : spring trade,' 'at many markets Interrupting telegraph and" rail way communication and naturally ; checking tbej movement |of merchandise. ' In. : prices ag gressive strength In ¦ still . the feature of the cotton and cotton goods market, wh-lle retails remain steady. Food products, however, have weakened • and some raw . materials, . like ; wool and-, hides, . are , quotably . lower. - Railway re turns continue to reflect- large ga,in» over a year ago, though as pointed out last week comparisons from now on- will' be with better conditions in transportation matters a year ago and 'phenomenal gains arc less likely of attainment. That underlying .business condi tions are In a high degree healthful will be gathered from ' the fact that business failures for February are at a minimum as regards the numbiy- for that month a year. ago and liabil ities only slightly exceeding those of the same month a year ago. have shrunk to .< a phenom enally low percentage. ¦; • •• - . -. , .; Wheat, • Including • flour,, shipments for the week aggregate 3.563.557 bushels, 1 against 3,660,- KO bushels last week. 5.815.585 -bushels In the corresponding week of 1599, 3.252.003 bushels- In 1898, 2.7E5.435 bushels In 1537 and 1.407,379 bushels In 'IS9C. : ¦;•-•¦ ' • ;' . * , '-¦¦¦¦¦¦ •: Since- July 1. this season, . the -'exports -of wheat' aggregstc 134,570,628' bushels," against 188,712,874 bushels 'last • year' and ¦ 164,456,753 In I&9S. . . - . - ...•¦ - .1 . ,- .• . , ', - -V- Faljures In the 'United' States, forth* month of February- number 745.-wlth aggregate liabil ities.of $3,995,464, a decrease of 3.5 per ceot'ln Bradstreet 's Financial Review. NEW YORK. March 2.— Bradstreefs Finan cial • Review to-morrow will : say: In spite of the, continuance of favorable- factors bearing upon the position of the stock markets here, and abroad speculation continues to be limited and: dragging. The public here does not re spond to the remarkable Increase In earnings by purchasing stocks at the present level iif prices,, and In London, while the succession . of Brlttsb victories In South ' Africa i has caused an- Improvement In prices,. It has. failed to stimulate any decided influence upon the course -of values. It nan continued to be a profes sional market and the activity by commission bouses, - which shows the. extent to which, the public Is Interested in current, speculation, has been Intermittent and timid. .The most strik ing. Incident of the week was the placing of the .Third Avenue aurface road In the hands of a recclvsr. This actlcn, however, appeared to", relieve the anxiety otHttiOi street as to whether .the troubles of that property might not hflve far-rcaclilng effects In oertaln finan cial quarters. . The fate of the road • had - been indeed hanging over the market for a fort night or more and the announcement that ihe courts had -at last, taken -It In charge resulted In h. general rally, in prices Wednesday. Third Avenue, after a recovery from !U depression sold down again later < In the week •¦ to still lower figures and all of the . local New York stocks which possess f ranchliet taxable under the new State law were -.lnfluenced more or less unfavorably hy the fact 'that the assess ment of these franchises Is now In progress Th* industrial stocks were for the most part heavy and «eemed to be affected by liquida tion .of long' holdings. This wits In some quar tern'attributed to the possibility, of anti-trust legislation being considered In Congress. There w ji s*Q 111 h« iirHr* instinofi) > c v lilc nc** of nil— loading by pools In these stocks. Sugar was a weak nml disturbing feature, : the price 'of the Ktock dropping on the : unfavorable antici pation* about the next dividend. There' 'was no .luck of bearish- activity on the part of the traders 'iii these and other Industrials and special stocks. Selling pressure .of that de scription also extended to -portions of the rail road share list, -notably :. Baltimore, smd Ohio At the same time railroad stocks, showed . a considerable undertone of strength and In some cases, notably the Atchlson. which has been heavily bought for foreign account, a moder ately bullish tendency was exhibited . -' 2so Northern Pacific, pre fa .....' 74U 2.450 Ontario A Western..... .....'.. 23H .., Oregon Railway & Nay .....-....."-. 42 ........ Oregon Railway A Nay prefd. , '.. 76 S.SSO Pennsylvania .-. ; 1331 X 260 Reading 121J 4.5T0 Reading let prefd '.....:.-. 6SV 1.050 Reading 2d prefd 29% ... — Rio: Grande Western 52 200 Rio' Grande Western prefd ..'... S8 1.250 St Louis & San Fran... : 104 St Louis & San Fran Ist prefd..... 68' St Louis A San Fran 2d prefd... 34 100 S* Louis. . Southwestern ' n«i 1.000 St Louis Southwestern crefd ........ 29>4 IT.KO St Paul ..*..:..,.... A2O-1 ....... St Paul prefd i 171 ....... St Paul A Omaha ; 105 11.65? Southern Pacific- 37% 10.165 Southern Railway 13V 4 .7.625 Southern. Railway prefd es 600 Texas A Pacific 16 17.455 . Union Pacific .- ..; 4Ssi 5,260 Union Pacific prefd ..' 73% ; ... -Wubnsh '. . '...,. 6H 149 \\ abash prefd 20\ 910 Wheeling & Lake Erie..... = \o\ 100 Wheeling A Lake Erie prefd 27>4 205 Wisconsin Central 17H Express Companies — r Adams 115 American 145 United States 45' ....... Wells. Fargo A Co's 123 Miscellaneous— , •¦ - '•• American Cotton Oil.'. 1 33>4 American Cotton Oil prefd 93 9.200. American Malting 3% 100 American Malting prefd 21 ¦ »00 American Smelting and Refining.... 39 1.666 Am Smelting and Refining prefd.. . 90 American Spirits 24 American Spirits prefd 17 IL2IO American Steel Hoop ¦ 37 600 American Steel Hoop prefd-..' SO 21.270 American Steel A Wire 5I« -5i 5 American Steel A Wire prefd..: 99* 2.0.0 American Tin Plate : 32 -•-¦-• American Tin Plate prefd 81 30.[.i0 • American Tcbacco 104\ ... American Tobacco prefd ..." 13S>« S.lfO Anaconda Mining Co 43C 26.255 Brooklyn Rapid Transit : 66>» 809 Colorado Fuel A Iron 42k 4.655 Continental Tobacco 304 260 Continental Tobacco prefd S3V lMfi Federal Steel Bl . 2,507 Federal Steel prefd " vy S*X» OneraJ Electric ¦ /I2S j ¦ 3.070 Glucose Sugar ' ' SOU Glucose Sugar rrefd •...;'.' ' 3?C 110 International Paper '. '20 ....... Interr:«tlonal Paper prerd ...'. ...'.' 65N .'.' Laclede Oa.< ; 7$ S2O National Biscuit 35^ .....:. National Biscuit prefd ' on National Lead.... ..."" J3 ' ¦;; m National Lead prefd 21.5T5 National Steel. 4 av 300 National Steel prefd ....: 9« CSO New York Air Brake ;..... Y.'.'lK 2.30(1 North American ' w&i • Pacific Coast 49 ........ Pacific C<ia»t Ist prefd ;'.'." 80 .....:. Pacific Coast Id prefd , " «i 1.43« Pacific Mall 3 71/ 30.360 People'- Oa« \ Eg 300 rressM Btee] Car .. *"" 54 I "2 Efewd :.«fel Car prefd :...'.'.'.''.".'.'. S4 1 V*> Pullman Palace Car- .. I<!J 100 Standard Rope & Twine ;'." T.v 149,02fl Sugar...... "" s-rl 485 Sugar prefd .". "' ,?« 4.2«) Term Coal A Iron .... . " siu J4.115 United States Leather . 111?. l.::5 X'nited States Leather prefd"!!"" v 71* 610 I'nited Ptat»s Rubber". ; ' -33 ''i'iii llP lle4 s «ates Rubber prefd :'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 92 l.l<^ Union..... . g i V 1.182 Republic Iron A Steel .. • 21^ 750/ Republic Iron & Steel prefd '.,/"" 67 '*' ;,....; P C C A St Louis ¦ '? , ## - # eg 592.500 Shares sold. '.'••. -\ CLOSING BONDS US 2s reg 1..103 ; VS 2s reg......;...]i>4 t. s 3* tvk mv, U S new 4» re*.....137u V B new 4s c0up... 1374 U S old 4s r*K....11?4 US old 4* eoUp.Vr.II7H V P 55 rrg ..11."»h: U S 5» coup.. 1134 Dl»t of Col 3-655...m Atehlson gen 4s )01Vi Atrblson adj 4s n' Can So 2ds 1064 Chrt & Ohio 4145... *n\ Ches * Ohio 5« ....118V4 C A NW con 75. ...141 C &. NW SFdebs«.l2l Chicago Tesrm 4(«.. W4 D A R G Uts VQV, D A R O 4s M E T Va A Ga lsts. .lol Erie g»n 4s TCT4 Ft W t D C l»ts. 70 Gen FJectrlc 55....120 Cat H 4 S A r«..K9 Gal H f.- P A :<!;u hat c 5s :.nn . H At T C con «ii....nn In^ra C»n l»t- 113 X C P .* C lsts.... 72H liii new rnz\ r*....1M Ty ft N nnlfl'd 4«.. HH M X * T':d!<...... «S»; M X ft T 45.. SIH S , T^ CC * nt I *t»-..109-i N J Cent lsts 123»i No. Carolina 6k 1127 No Carolina 45. ...105 No Pacific 35...... 664 No Pacific 4s 103 V N V C & St L 45. .108 Nor*; W con 4n... 95U Nor * W gen 65. ..130 Or.Nay lsts 110 *> Nmv 4s io:v; Oregon S L 6s 127T t Oregon 8 L con 80. 114 Red pen 45.. gj.v R G W lots., 4j£ St L AIM con 6».Ul^ St L & S F gen 6s. 120 Pt Paul con ]«;u Ft P C & P 15t*.. ..120 St P C t P 5s i2n So Rv &s JOSU Stand R «; T 65.... 75 Term new set 3s '95 T & P l«t« iir, TAP M«.: g»u t'nloij Paolflc 45...1f14U TViibagh l*t» H7i» WabßKh Ids ss W»»t Shore 4s 114 W!« Cent 1»t5. ...... g»% Va C^nturle« ; sc Va I>f«rred..: »\r r-olr, A p 44 sjl So Pacific 4s ....... 83U MINING PTOCKB. •• • > Cho!l»r .' .- .'. JSI Crowi Point 10' Con Cal * Va 1 *Sj rvadwood -.1. . w f!miM A- «>rry .... IS I Hale & Norcross... 30- Hem»»tske'- ..50 m Iron Silver ......... ?0' Mexican ......:.... 15 P^'w-'o. sso Ophir « 0 Plymouth '. 1$ Quick:-.l!rpr 1 g; An prefd -7 6( i sierra »va<ia 1% Standard ...<*. j 55 Union Con , v Yellnv.- -Jarket 13 BOSTON STOCKS AND BONDS Money — Call loans t\i<fii '.4 Time loans 3\<3i Stocks— . . , Atchtson ..<........ 22 - do jr.-fd H% Am i-ui:ar *s <lo pref d .'...107 B*U Telephone ...313 Boston &. Albany. .24o. Ucftton Elevated... l!< Doaton A Maine... l»< C B &. Q.. 123 . Dom Coa! ........'.. 42,4 do prefd 11« Fed Steel ; 6H4 do prefd "l\i FitchburK' prefd. ..llo • Gen Klectrlc 1 ......124 do prefd , 136 Mcx Cen* ...1 11-' i Mich • Telephone ..100 N E O & Coke... IS Old Colony ........207, O'.d : Dominion 18' Rubber ..'...... 32« i i Union Pacific .V... «« il.'nlon Land ....... " V\'est Und-.....- ojix ;VVeitlngh Elec ... 4JV Wls Cent i;u Bonds— V* Atchison 4s • 3j *»;S V & Coke 5a - « ; Mining. nhares— Adventure 41/ Allouez Mln Co.. " 2Z Amalg Copper .... %£ Boston & Mont.... 263 Butte & B-j«ton... £8 Calumtt & Hec1a..760 Centennial ...;.; lgii Frar.kllu " v , Osceola ...> 73 Parrot .: 4114 Qulncy ;1; 13 3^ Santa Fe Copper.. 5% Tamarack isg Utah Mining ....." f Winona '. jia Wolrerlnes '.'. 40V, New I York -Money Market. NEW YORK. March 2.-Money pn call ¦t*ady; actual" transactions : ranged from 2>'« liier cent; last loan, 2% per cent; prime mer cantile paper, . 4H®5 - per cent; sterllnr .x change easy, at $4 66'4(g4 S6»* for demand and $4 82!i04 83 for- sixty Cays; posted rat« $1 f?* 4 M(4 and.s4-87H64 8S;" commercial btils' v <3» 4 83U : silver certificates, bW@W%c; bar silver 69% c:. Mexican dollar., 47% c. Bonds-Govern: ment, ea«y; State. Inactive; railroad, easier. Condition of ¦ Treasury. WASHINGTON. March 2.— To-day's, state ment-of the . condition of the Treasury show<- London Market. NEW YORK. March 2— The Commercial Ad vertiser's London financial cablegram says: ' The | markets were ?¦ extremely quiet '. to-day, the' public still holding,; apparently waiting for the coming. issue of consols. It has just. been announced in Parliament that the budget state menf.wlU;be made on Monday^ a month earlier than usual, the last precedent being In ISSI. . Prices . w«r« . dull on the Inactivity, American* Bank Clearings. NEW YORK. March 2.— The following table, compiled t>y Bradstreet, shows the bank clear ings at all principal cities. for the week ending March 1, with the percentage of Increase and decrease as compared with' the "corresponding week last year: . ". . 1 i. .. ' . Percentage. I Cities— Amount. ¦ • Inc. Dec. , New York :.. w51;041,1'63,252w $l;041,l'63,2S2 .... 26.5 Boston.. -118,376,972 ¦ .'19.3 Chicago 14t.Z51.186 - 1.1 Philadelphia ........ 105,516.»54 -...."' 14.3 St. Louis ; ... 34.117,914 15.7. ' ..'.. Pittsburg 32.266,651 ..... 2415 Baltimore 22,311,772 .... 36.2. I San Francisco./ 19,436,950 :• ...."• ' 2.7 ancinnati .: M.123,650 .16.7 ' • ?,: Kansas City........ • 12.123.23S ¦ 11.2 ...'. i New Orleans 12,081.42! i • ' 20.6 ' • Minneapolis-....- 10.360,971 ' 25.6 Detroit 8,023.042 2.7 ..,. Cleveland ......;... : 11.067,884 .... .... Louisville' ;. 8.052.030 • 2.7 ' .... I'roVldence 6.261.W0 '.... -8.3 Milwaukee ......... 6,110,295 8.9. • St. Paul ;..„.. 4,638,167 .14.6 .M, Buffalo 4,627,231 .... • ' .... Omaha .....:.. .6,447,041 6.1 Indianapolis ..'..-... 6,651,91S -69.8 ' ."..': Columbus,. 0hi0.... 5,893,000 21.1 '...". Savannah 6,844.443 170.6 Denver 4.636,693 .44.4 Hartford 2.529,234 Richmond .'. 2,753.125 '- ...." 21.4 Memphis . 3.408.027 . 45.2 .;.. Washington ...;.... 2.713.078. "9.0 Peoria 2.064,697 ! Rochester ;.... 1.762.312 ..... 30.5 I New Haven ........ 2.377.273 : 42.6 . „..' ! Worcester 1.215.115 51. 6 Atlanta '. • 1.594.455 ' j 24.6 ' Salt Lake City 2.451.838". • 67.2 Springfield. Mass... 1.379,859 t 28.4 Fort- Worth..-. : 1,520.076 23.5 .... Portland, Me.. 1.043.032 .... J1.3 Portland, Or 2,142.497 33.1 St. Joseph 3.962.760 66.7 Los Ange1e5........ - 2,538.893 66.1 - .... Norfolk 1,798.349 65.3 Syracuse - 1,087,624 .... Dcs- Mclnes 1,340.688 .... Nashville 1,054,954 21.8 .... Wilmington, Del... 1.113.13* ; -2.4 . .... Fall River ;.... '834,193 ...; • Scranton 1.529,686 11.9 .... Grand Rapids .-. . 1,184.493- 15.8 " .... Augusta, Ga. 1.921.617 ¦' 106.1 .... Lowell 630,301 11.6 Dayton, 0hi0....... 1.163.746 29.3 Seattle 2.195.778, 106.3 Tacoma 775.767 .... .... Spokane 1.386.151 17.1 ...: Sioux City 1,152.324 14.1 New Bedford 419.649 -• ' 85.9 Krioxvllle, Term.... 803.210 .... 23.0" Topeka 788,167. 48.9 :... Birmingham ....... 798.434 33.0 Wichita .646.739 .... .... Blnghamton , 304.000 .... 28.9 Lexington. Ky 433.4 M 8.7 ....- Jacksonville Fla... 307.245' 21.2 ....• Kalamazoo 405.601- 40.1 ..., Akron 612.5U0 - 48.8 ¦?.. Chattanooga .....'... 330.837 • 8.5 Rockford. 111.. 252.6J2- 20.5 Canton. Ohio • 2J3.600' 2.8 Springfield. 0hi0... 370.050 ; 2.0 Fargo. N.D. ....... '324.578' 11.7 ; .... Sioux Falls. S. D.. 100.583 Hastings. Nebr 170.341 ¦ 41.9 -Fremont, Nebr..... 108,659 .33.3 Davenport '. 756.798 69.1 Tolodo 2,8:3.214 IJ.O ....: Oalveston • 7.731.000 • 43.4 Houston 5.591.858 • 66.6 Yoiinnstown ' 643,231' 24.2 ' ¦..., Helena ¦ • 459.641 «.i Macon 715.000 •" .... • ...". Evansvllle ..~ ' . 949.504 -65.S Little Rock 629.f«> 40J -.... Sprlncfleld. 11l 209.110 .... Sa s lnaw 262.709 . ¦', ..;. . 1.2 Totals. U, S .$1,715,196,307 .... 29.1. Total* outside of " ". - "i ' : . New York 674.133.045 ;...>y'./.7.5' DOMINION OF CANADA. . .' Montreal,'..' "... $11,905,741 '.... .41.2 Toronto 5.500.M4 .... 24.6 Winnipeg ..'..*. .,'... 1.655.313 1.9 " Halifax : .:.'... 1.3117.725 ¦ 22.» Hamilton 6f.6.166 . ..:•: - • 11.6 St. John, N. B "627.446 g.2 ...; Vancouver 681.905 -9.8.. •....' Victoria. B. C • 432.034 .... 48.1 To.tais ...: '.. $25,543,874 . .... 30.6 Foreign Futures, SUMMARY OF" THE MARKETS. being, especially^ affected.., London .completely neglected them and New .York .sold lightly. The closing was heavy. - Paris was cheerful, buying Spanish fours and Tlntos. 1 the latter on t . rumor that - the final dividend for the year at the end 0f..-Aprll .will-be 48 shillings. The bank of France Is expected to reduce its discount -rate next week.-- . ¦ --" :• ¦¦•-¦" .•. '. The bank lost £200.000 gold, engaged for the Cape and -£R6,CCO for South America. •• ',' Call money and fixtures wera steady, and there was less demand for- bill*, which were In fair supply. ' .-• . . Perls cheque. JS.U; Berlin.' ¦'. ;>:,k;. • closing. . • - LONDON. March 2.— Canadian, Pacific, 100%; Unfon Pacific preferred, 75!*:) Northern Pacific preferred. 76\; ' Atchison. S3*; . P.and mines, 37H: Grand Trunk. S's; Anaconda. »H; bar sIN ver. steady. 27V4d per ounce. V'NEW TORK. I March 2.-R. '¦ G. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review. of Trade to-morrow will say: Besides the BSI commercial failures for $9,931, 045,. which .'were reported to-day, there Vere in February; six > banking failures for . *620,1-i. and ' receivers- were appointed for "»« i l^ l *° States Flour Millln? Company with $20,000,WW of stock and ; $15,000,000 of bonds authorized at Its organization last April and for the Third Avenue Railroad Company a tier Hens for sev er»! millions had been placed upon the prop erty.; Unless separated lrom such events com mercial failures .could not be compared with benefit. The manufacturing failures for $4^ 257,638 were larger than in February of IS»6 or .1895, but more than half the amount was In .two: classes, one clothing and four large lumber failure* i making 3« per cent of the whole. The trading failures were larger than in February of last year, only; but. 20 per cent of; these defaults were made In nve failures. In most branches r (he oomparlson wltn pre vious,'years is • encouraging . and an analysis brings out in .strong light theremaritably low average of liabilities in the' smaller : failures which constitute the great majority, indicating ¦sound business ¦ conditions and unusually sat isfactory collections. The rise of cotton to i 9Hc. .the highest, point since January, 18*3, has done much to stimulate business, drawing from Southern plantations and country towns more than double the quantity marketed last year,, distributing millions to producers, whose pur chases of supplies are thus increased and swelling beyond all • expectation the purchases for export. Heavy selling of cotton by people who had none.- but felt certain that 8c would mark the limit of the rise,- had placed them quite at the mercy of holders.- But pie mar kets both for goods and for cotton have been affected all over the world- and. the country will reap some benefit In a larger excess of merchandise exports over Imports.' ¦ •.-.'. The market" for goods has been pushed to sreater activity, though they have risen only 3, per cent Blnce the year" began.- while- the material has risen over 25 per cent. : • ¦Except across, the ocean, -where events in. South Africa caused nearly all business to be forgotten, changes In the stock market rank next In financial interest to the rise in cotton. It wasr a reVelation of the appreciation la which: American railway stocks are held to see them strongly supported, with Third Ave nue-falling to about 50 and Flour Milling dis missed to the. hands of receivers. : ¦The small rise in wheat; though the price is quite low, sufficed to- call from the farms such receipts. 4,105.661 bushels, against 3,1j9.437 last year, as to Indicate that supplies are not nearly exhausted.- Exports from Atlantic ports continue small . for the week, flour included, only 1,812,306 bushels, against- 4,069.984 last year, and in four weeks from both coasts, exports have been 11.639,260. against 14.823.373 bushels. Though exports ran behind last year,, whiph were -almost unequaled. they have already ex ceeded In eight-months those of the full-years, and the exports of corn, in four weeks, 12.724. 655 bushels, against 12.051,053 last year, explain much' of -the .difficulty, corn rising three quarters of a cent during the. week, while wheat declined l^ic. The "Iron and steel Industry continues the greatest weekly . output ever known, even while. ir.en speak of it as waiting for more definite atsjrance about the future. Price of pig yielded a little, some sales of.bessemer having been trade at Plttsburg for $24 and anthracite No. 1 Is quoted here at $23 50. Bil lets have been sold at $33 at Pittsburg. For most finished products prices are stronger than a week ago, or as strong, bars and sheets being strengthened by large business while oniy plates appear weaker, $2 10 being quoted for sizes not the widest. Coke Is scarce and higher In spite of the largest output ever, -known and the wages ! of • hands have been raised 12V4 per cent to the highest ever paid. The decline in hides at- Chicago continues, having been over 2 per cent the past week and 9 per cent from the. highest point -in, De cember. Leather -ha* declined only 3 per cent from the -highest point. Boots and shoes have yielded ' very little and ' many dealers ended their Eastern trip without buying and Intend to wait until April -as they did last 'year, when they paid rather less than the price asked in February. Yet . shipments on past orders have been in February 380,214 cases, about 50,000 more than . in IS9B or any other year. . Failures for the week have been 222 "In the United States, against ISB last year, and 2S In Canada, against 47 last year, v.-.-.i • • | Dun's Review of Trade. On the Produce Exchange ¦ to-day . the butter market was strong: creamery. tS@23Hc: dairy, 16#21c. Cheese, firm, 12Q13c. Eggs. .firm, fresn. isVic. ' . •: - - _^ :' : - <%y .*_ — L. — v — ",•¦¦- ; • .;• :-h: -h COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL NEWS number from February a year ago. Liabilities are - 3 per ' cent . heavier, but assets , are con siderably, emaller than : In the .same perioa a • Failure's wera more numerous in the- Middle •States and In .the Northwest.' but were fewer In Ntw, England, the Central West, the boutn. and. the far. West. . Business ' failures for the week number: 173,. against 168 last wee k . 1.0 In the week a' year ago »32 iv IS9B, 2C2 In IS9. and 270 InilS96. ' AUCTION SALES THE- SXN FRANCISCO CALI^ SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1900. 2 red,- 67«i6S*ic. . No. 2 i com, 33% c. No. 2 oats. 23@:8%c; No. 2whlte.- 25Vi©2€c: No. 3 white. 25ii@:Gc: No. 2 Kye, .55«,4c- No. 2 barley. S*@ 41c. No. I fiax seed. $1 60. .Prime -timothy" s,eed. t2 45. Mess park, per bbl. $9 60© 10 60. Lard, per 100 pounds. T3 70@5 77't4.. Short ribs sides- (loose). ?5 70(g5 05. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), 6\»tJ>- C%c. '-' Short clear sides (boxed), .$5 90{?6. Whis ky, distillers' -flriished.coods^ per gal. $1 23^. Sugar, -.cut loaf, unchanged.' y . " .-,¦¦ ¦ " :t-ard .....1........ 12RU:5n»oked Deef ?.; 1231-, *S ii t u- n . . - •—ft 13 Pork Sausage*. . 12',fe -'> Spring L«mb......Ei62»!\'eal ......'..:. lo^a ¦'¦ Poultry and Gaine^ • ¦¦" ' '¦' -. •' . ; '- • ¦ ¦• Hens, each.. ;...-. 60085; Geese. J3tf2 SO -Younc.-.KoDSters; : ' ¦¦ ! t iceons. pair: .:.:.4>VB^) . «»ch :....;..'.",...'.7s®oo|Rnbblts.palr ...:-4flQ:vi Old Roosters, ea..6s@7;tH'ar<>. each ........— e?.> Fryers., each... ...6s@73; Wild: Geese, pair.. 40Q«) Brbilem," each 50®«ai English Snip«. - rutkeys. -per 1b..-15«»2Oi per. doien 3 <**3~ Pucks. each.......«o^T»i Jack .Snipe , i TZQi -Fruits and Nuts— ' ; ¦¦.."¦.¦¦¦,• ¦.:¦-¦¦¦' • Almonds.- per©MLliae9. per^— Apples -... 49« Raisins, per 1b... ia;o . Bananas .-dozen". .-.10015 Walnuts, -per tb...— ©u Cranberries. <jt....— §10 Strawberries pw Oranges, dozen.. ,.\mtt basket ...;,..... ».J23 Lemons. ; d0zen.... 10©20 ; -,'¦¦ ::;-' ' .": . : : -:/- ... •Vegetable*— ,!¦¦•¦ ¦.'¦¦'¦¦¦'¦ -..•'.'..; :¦.::;. Artichokes, dz.soc©sl.0 r >!O»tra. dry. per !h.— «V< Asparagus, 1b.i;..10©2J. Peppers, green. lb. 15^~ Beets. dozen ;. 12!^13J Potatoes, per lb. 3'a h Beans, white, -Ib.'-.-54»—'' Sweet Potatoes.... .4® $ : Colored, per lb.. 4'tf 5 Parsnips, per <«— Lima., per lb....— it S Rhubarb, per lb...l»J'J Cabbage, each..... B«W Radlsbes. dz bchs.iog:; Cauliflowers, each 54*10 Sage, doa bnchs...233oi Celery. • bunch .... s©-- String Beans. lb..lO^li Cress, doz bnchs..2O«a3s Summer Squash. Egg Plant. lb-....12<3U per pound .;..... J«;ij.: Green Peas, 1b.... 6<B S Thyme, per tb....2<v»30 Lentils per lb 6® 8 Turnips, per-«<l.V Lettuce, per— Tomatoes, per lb.. 59 I Onions, per lb 2& 3 .; .-. '¦¦'¦- . ¦ .. Fish— ¦ ''- ; - ¦¦¦¦'-' ':¦'¦¦ /¦':: ' -V-I- Barracuda — <815 shrimps ?.—« Carp -...- 12®— 3had - .......i:; Codfish — «15 Sea Bass ?—4 t--- Flounders .......,.12»— Smelts ....« U'i?7) Halibut ...........20<9— Soles ; 12§~ Herrln* 10(812 Skates, each .10^:1 Klngflsh — «13 dams, gallon.. ...Siva- Mackerel — S— Do hardshell. 100. 4.i«vi Do, Horse —®— Crabs, each ......lo^u Perch... 15(8-. Do softshell. dz.CSK Pompano —&— Mussels, quart — 10«U Rockflsh .15S IS Oysters. Cal. 100..40fM Salmon, fresh WH-') Do Eastern, d'jz.iiy'w Do, smoked .... — V'M > ¦-.¦: ¦•.'.. .-_5 : — ? — • — .. •; " .- --¦ -¦ - LIVERPOOL. ' • '• , . - ¦ ¦Wheats- •• Mar.! ' May; July. Opening .•...'....:..¦.... 5 7T4 -5 BVi' : : 6;SVi Closing .'...; ....584 ¦ .68% 58% ¦ * - ;•• .• PARIS: : Wheat— • ' • '¦ ' Mar, • May-Aug. Opening .' 15 .60. . 20 60 . Closing ;....:. ....... 1*65 20 65' Flour— '. ' . • .••¦=¦¦¦'.¦ !'•*;•' Opening .',«.¦.,.,..........;.-.... 25 65 , W 70 -.:.• Clo«lpg .;....'....:.. 2S 70 26 7C ' , Chicago Livestock Market. . . CHICAGO.- Marcher— CATTLE — Receipts. '4600; generally, easier." : Natives, . good to prrm« steers, steady to .'slow; •: ja@6;- poor to- medium, slow-- to 10q lower, *4®4 KO; selected feeders.. best ' steady, others ¦ slow, $4 1504 75; mixed Btockers.' easy, J3 40#4 90; eowi, steady to 10c lower.- K&* 15: TieLfers, weak, S3 10@4 60; car men, slow, J2 25®3: bulls, • steady, 12 60®4 U; calves., about steady. : $508; Texas fed steers, steady..- 10c lower, J3 40@4 10;' Texaa bulls, steady. $3 2003 75.- ¦.'.'¦ '°'" • • • *•'• : ¦ ¦HOGS— Receipts " to-day, • J6,000; to-morrow, 20,000, estimated: left over, .3000;. Fair* steady at yesterday's closing prices; • top,' $4 87%;* mlied and : butchers.- $4 65@4 87H: . good to jcholce heavy, $4 80® 4 S7J4; rough heavy, $4 65@ 4 75; light.- $4 60S>4 80; bulk- "of sales, $4 75® 4 S2V4. . • ' . -¦ - . ... , SHEEP^-Recelpts. 10,000; sheep .and lambs generally steady. Good to choice wethers, firm," $5 6006; fair to choice ' mixed, • about . steady, ¦ U 60«5 40; Western sheep, steady,- $5 £>@5 90; yearlings, about steady, }6©6 40; native lambs, about steady, $5@7 35. ' : - -. " --" Portland's Business; PORTLAND; • Or. ,' MarTh 2.--CTearlngs, $311, 024; balances," $73,400. • , . .-" : .. • Northern wheat -market *'¦ — .—..—'..—... — ..—'..—.. Northern Wheat Market. ¦ • • • ' OREGON. . ¦ . PORTLAND, • March. 2.— There Is so Ut tle j wheat needed in Portland, at the present time that prices are .settling down' to -an ex port basis. Walla Walla. 52c: valley, 52c; blue* Bterii, 54(3j55c. •.¦ ¦• ' ¦. , WASHINGTON.. TACOMA, March- 2.— WHEAT— Market slug gish arid weak,', prices - fully lc lower. .. Ocean charters are advancing, which accounts In a measure for the weakness In grain. Blue stem. 53c; club, 51c; both export. •' . " ' • Foreign Markets. . LONDON, . March 2.— Consols, 100%: silver, 27V4»: .French rentes, 102f 30c: wheat -cargoes oft coast, nothing doing;" cargoes on passage, nom inal.- unchanged, cargoes No. 1- standard Cali fornia. 30s 6d;. cargoes Walla Walla, 28s; En glish country -markets,- easy. • - *¦• - LIVERPOOL, March 2.— WHEAT— Steady; wheat In Paris, -steady; -flour ln° Paris,- steady; French country markets'.- quiet. . ¦ • • • COTTON— Uplands. 's%d. . ".:.'."> :.-".- -^ CLOSING. • LIVERPOOL. March 2.— WHEAT— No. S Western winter, steady.'. 6s: No. 1 Northern spring,' ss lid;- futures, steady; March. May and July. 5» SVid. . ! - . ¦:¦¦¦¦¦ CORN— Spot. -American mixed. 3» B%d; Amer ican -mixed, old. firm, 3s 3d; futures, linn; May, 3s S%d ;" July. 3s 7%d. ; ¦ . . •-. • i ' ''• ' ' #— — :: — _ —^_ —hi- LOCAL MARKETS New York Grain and Produce. NEW YORK. March -2.— FLOUR— Receipts. 15.442 bushels;, exports.' 4731. The market was moderately active and weak, being shaded a ' little on some grades. Winter straights. $3 40® 3 60; winter extras. $2 60@2 90. - WHEAT— Receipts, 23.600 bushels. Spot, firm; ¦No. 2 red 734 c elevator, 75% c f. .o. b. afloat In store; No. 1 Northern Duluth, Tl?'»c f. o. b., afloat prompt; No. 1 hard Duluth. 79% c f. o. b. afloat prompt, i Options were generally weak and heavy nearly all day under big Argentine • shlpmehtß. lower Kngll."h markets, large North west receipts and favorable crop, news, all of which promoted active liquidation. In the last hour the niarke.t rallied on covering and closed firm at unchanged- prices to V»c net advance. March-73<3735.c. closed .73Vic; May 71V4@"1.11-16c, closed 7lSc; July closed "l&c; September closed 71Hc. . -• HAT-r-Flrnj, S7Hc. • HIDES — Firm. HOPS— Quiet. "WOOL steady. COFFEE — Options closed steady at 5@lS 'points net decline. Total sales. 54.000 bags, in cluding: March, $6 60<36 65; May, $G 00(36 63; July. $6 fiu<p6. 70;- September. 16 70(^6 SO; October, $6 70W6.75: . November, '$6 70@6 80;- December. $6 75(57; January, $6 95«?7 05. Spot— Rlq. nom inal; No. 7 Invoice, 8 3-1 6 c; No. 7 Jobbing, S 11-16 c. Mltd— Quiet: Cordova. »Vfc@l4c- SUGAR- Raw. steady; Kenned, quiet. ¦BUTTER— Receipts. 2738 packages; market firm. June creamery. 181323 c; Western cream ery.' 25c; factory, I"iffl9c. ¦ •- ¦ EGGS— Receipts. GS44 packages; market firm. Western at mark, 16c; Southern at mark, 15® 15% c. ; DRIED FRUITS., NEW YORK, March 2.— Evaporated .Apples ruled quiet, without any features of Importance. Receipts -were light, .which gave a steady under tone to. the. market,: and. country advices were about as expected. California Dried' Fruits were nulet nnd steady. STATE EVAPORATED AFPLES-Common. B(fJ6o;- prime, 6g>6Vic; choice. 7@74e; fancy, «SBHc CALIFORNIA DRIED PRUNES— 3>,i©7c. APRICOTS-rßoyal. 13(ffl3c; Moorpark. 13®lSc. -. PEACHES— PeeIed, 18#22c; unpeeled. 74139 c. New York Metal Market. . ; NEW YORK. March 2.— TlN— The price of tin continues "to ' advance. ; although the market showtvery little, business, and at JS3 73. closed nominal, firm, but dull, as officially stated, while In .the open market the advance falls to be respond! d to by the trHde at large. To-day's quotatlcn Is 75 points above the figure of yes terday for tin. . PIG I RON— Closed dull and easy. . COPPER— Quiet and unchanged, at $1C 25. i LEAD — About steady, at unchanged prlcei 14 7C'<g4 7S, ' - SPELTER— Easy, at $4 50Q4-CO; al»o un changed. -' ¦ ¦¦' ¦ The brokers' price ' for !eaJ lls $4 45 and fot copper Jl6 25.* . • . Chicago Grain Market. . . • ___ • •"¦ CHICAGO. Mureh 2.->-May • wheat opened at MVff64\,p.' a \r»* overnight of, He. due to the hravy . Argentine shipments and the easiness at Liverpool. .Trade, was quiet and for hours the price, .however close to Inst nljrht"» fig ures flcictunted narrowly on the little bicker ings of scalpers and steadied .by some covering by shorts. Shortly after noon reports of some good cash .business .formed. a buying Influence ¦which, sent May. to 65?iic. .There was some profit taking. on the bulge, but the market closed firm at" the -top, » shade over yester day.- ....... The corn market was nbout steady, a shade under yesterday's close. Trado was quiet, mostly -In the hands of scalpers.- May closed fairly steady at M\c. . .'¦ .'¦... - > The" feature In "the oars pit was the selling of July. and the buying of May, resultlns In a slight relative weakness In the deferred fu tures. -May closed unchanged from yesterday at 23H^23Hc ' ¦ . ', -The provision 'market opened; easier. 2%@74c down. Influenced -by the break In wheat, but ;rallJ^d/ and, closed firm. Trade ' was fairly nc-'tlve.- The. decrease In , the world's supply of lard and a better cash Investment demand and receipts. , of < hog* under the .estimate, together with small local stocks,, were the, -supports. May- oork closed 5c over ... yesterday. . May lard 24c up and- May i ribs- 24e Improved. : • The leading futures ranged- as follows: Articles— j ; Open." High. Low. Clob ¦Wheat No. J— ¦ March .... .... 644 May.. 64\ 65H 64H 65»4 Ju1y..*....:......... c 65%. 66% . 65% 66% ¦ .Corn No. 2—2 — March. i3S>4 •••• ••¦'¦ S3y," May/.. ................ 34% ,34% -34% 34% Ju1y...;.-. '34V 35 »4% 34% September ...'..• 2o\i' ,35% S3J4 • 35', Oats No.' 2— . . ¦ i . May „'..... '23V4. , 234 :s: s 23Vi 234 July. .................. 22«4 ¦ 22% - 2Zy % . 22ft ' Mess Pork, ; per barrel — - . . ¦ ,' ¦', • May-;...."... ..C.lO 47' A ,10 65' 10 45 10 60 July ....V.lO 52.4 .10 70 : . 10 524 . 10 65 Lard, ocr 100 pounds — ¦ - : May ..*... .-...7..'.. .,-5 S2H ; 6 90 5 824: '6 87U Ju1y....... '.-..•' 5 924 ; 5 97% 590 5 97»i Short Rib Sides, per 100 pounds— ¦.'-- May ...'..:..... 5 T!\i 5 874 675 585 Ju ly ........ .". .*. ... v 580>, * 6 87V4 •; 580 , 6 87V4 Board— 8