OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, March 18, 1900, Image 17

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1900-03-18/ed-1/seq-17/

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Facts, Fortifications, Fakes
and a Special Com
Special Dltpatch to The Call.
VICTORIA, B. C. March" 17.— The ab
surd story to ..which ; the San Francisco
Examiner gave three of Its* "valuable"
columns on Monday last, and which, was
purported to be the work of a "special
commissioner who had come 2000 miles; to
get it," in which the said '"special com
missioner" told of proposed fortifications
at Enqulmalt, on the authority of blue
jackets stokers -and marines who) have
aunties' and cousins in England, and are
therefore in close touch with the Admi
ralty, was . much ridiculed .-here. 'On all
sides the three-stranded yarn was laughed
at and none laughed more heartily, at the.
"bosh." as they characterized it, than
Rival Telephone Company.
Special Dispatch to The Call.
BAN : JOSE, March 17.— Tne people of
this city are again to enjoy the benefits
of an opposition telephone company. The
first of the 'year the Sunset Telephone
Company absorbed the People's Tele
phone Company, which, in the several
years it was in existence, cut the rates in '
half. Articles incorporating the San Jose -
Telephone Company have been filed with '.
the County Clerk. Its directors for the '
first year are: : H. C.Doerr. R. S. Am
men, E. Knickerbocker. F. C. Sanf ord. f
Frederick Brown. H. O. Hlckox and
Charles Herrmann.
Francisco the big. Chinese and ' '¦\S^&
Japanese bazaar inf this store is /^^H '
easily the finest. The rare ivories,
curious bric-a-brac, carved ebonies, *\jMfwT\P%
embroidered silks, beautiful elui- / B£J&\q7
sonne wear and curios from all parts ('• K&9Jk4tt£i
of the Orient are well worth a |JEE§|l"ss
visit of inspection. Tourists will '<vgßwg|jjyjj
miss one of the sights of San Fran- >ygl|^E.-vj|
cisco if they fail to ate this re- jSs&smSjfl
markable collection. Goods are UillMnJH^
marked in plain figures at surpris- »
ingly low prices. Both native and American clerks.
¦ MainFloor— Rear— East Stis.\'v:^ :y $W&
Brief Mention.
Mammoth Spring Catalogue out this week.
\'* * *
We sell 12jc Cigars for 100 each.
All 5c Cigars now 7 for 2 5c*
¦¥¦ ? *
Any Sheet Music published at half price. . 'j
' * *- ?*
Largely increased business in several departments has re-
quired a readjustment of some sections on the first floor.
Jewelry and Silver Plated Ware now occupy one-half the
counter room eround Cafe in Rotunda. Gloves and Toilet
Articles divide the balance of space around Cafe.
* * *
Ladies' Neckwear will be found in a handsome new depart-
ment in Rotunda. . .
? » ¥
It has been found necessary to give the Notion Department
an entire section in the Dry Goods Division.
per pack..-.*. •
"Bargain Counter —
Rotunda. m » :.
Special Sale £f^ o t:
Playing Cards.'*" 200 ° " cla
** m^- ¦ finest grade en-
ameled Playing Card* KT^Dx
with photographic * re- -c-^-^^^^"^^?
productions of the Em- /"j [yf a\
porium on back in delft '/^Tvt» /_^:^^^^^^
and steel-gray colors— J^; J^*j^!^^^^rj
quality equal to any 35c r^^f^^^^^*i^2i&£^^
card on the market — HSL^^*w§^^^^=^-*Sv
Laces— Season 1900
New Point Venise Bands — yard....Be to 25c
New Point Venise Edging5.. ...... .5c to 25c
New Cluny Laces -per yard...lOc, 15c, 25c
New Ghantillys— Cream, Black— yard
......10c, 20c and 35c
Mj*dzLL All-Overs and Yokings.
EMSW^/ Cut-out Taffetas— yard $2.00, $3.00 and 55.09
qffiF^Ls Gold Embroidered— yard. ...s3.oo, $3.00 and $7.50
r^\^ ' Point Veaise, black and creajn.....7sc, $1.50, $2.50
Tucked Taffeta, black and cream. ..'..... 52.00, $2.50
Escwial effect*, yard ...:...50c, 75c, $1.50, $2.00
Spangled Nets, yatd..... ...$2.00, $3.00, $3.00
Belts, Combs, Buckles.
Ladies Silk Pulley Belts, special at '— 7^ c
Latest designs Side Comb 3, pair....... .....:..:... 20c to $2.50
Popular Empire Back Combs, each.:....... .......20c to 52.50
Belt Buckles, new styles, each............................ .....25c to $5.00
m ¦ / Monday, March W,
mm -am*"- ¦ Tuesday, March 20,
Millinery, Woanesday, March 21.
Cloaks and Suits,
Dress Making,
Children's Wear.
A Fascinating Exhibit of Model
Hats, Gowns and Costumes from the
leading Milliners
Ladies' Knit J£
Underwear* S.
wear and Hosiery Department on the coast
now shows a full line of Ladies' Spring and
Summer Underwear — Pure Silk, Spun Silk,
Mercerized Silk, Woolens, Lisle and Egyp-
tian Cotton — the garment shown in picture
is a Ladies 1 Imported French Lisle Thread
Vest, low neck and -sleeveless — in black,
white, blue, pink or ecru color — an unusu-
ally good value at the price— each
, sOg\
S.'ccnJ Aisle — Ltft of Entravct. r . yj
Kit WJ
General Wheeler Reports Upon Con
ditions on Uncle Sam's New
WASHINGTON', March 17.-General
Wheeler called at the Navy Department
to-day to consult Secretary Long and As
sistant Secretary Allen, who is more di
rectly in charge of the islands under the
naval government, respecting the report
he was charged to make upon the island
of Guam and the administration of Cap
tain Leary. the Naval Governor. The re
port itself is not yet quite complete, but
the general read extracts to indicate its
character. In pubstance he found that the
island was well favored cllmaticallj', that
it was of strategic importance to the
l'nited States, was especially valuable as
a midway coaling place in the long run
from Honolulu to Manila and that the
f people were well satisfied with the change
n their condition. They were of a docile,
pleasing disposition, and those of the
inhabitants who preserved the traits of
the original owners of the soil were of fine
Considering the extensive reforms Cap
tain Leary Ead been obliged to Institute,
he had succeeded very well in boldine the
regard of the remainder of the people of
the inland. *
Road to Oil Fields.
BAKERSFIELD. March 17.-Collis P.
Huntingdon, now on his way from the
East, to-day telegraphed J. J. Mack, a lo
cal banker prominent In the oil business,
to secure rights of way for an eight-miH
spur track from the Southern Pacific's
main line into the Kern River oil district.
Mr." Huntington stated that as soon ad
there preliminaries had been arranged the
work of construction would begin. The
route has been surveyed and was recently
incpected, together with the oil develop
mer.te. by H. E. Huntington and J. Krutt
Invented a Mowing Machine.
NEW YORK. March 17.— Walter Kish
witz, the proprietor of large agricultural
implement works at Milllngton. X. J., died
to-day at his home in Barking Ridge. N.
J.. aged 70 years. Twenty-five years ago
Mr. Xlshwitr Invented a mowing ma
chine and «old his patent to the Waiter A.
Wood Company tor HW.Wi. Shortly after
this he patented tho Acme harrow and
built a factory at Milllngton, N. J. ffe
built up an enormous trade, wh'.ch extend
ed over the L'nited States, Kurone and
Australia. 4.
An old physician., retired frpm practice, had
rlaced to m» hands by an East India mission
ary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy
lor the epeedy and permanent <rure of Con
sumption. Bronchitis, Catarrh, AFthma and all
Throat and Lung Affections; also a positive
«n<"i radical cure for Nervous Debility and all
Nervous Complaints. Having tested Its won
derful curative powers in .thousands 'of cares,
snd (Wiring to r**llev« human suflerlng, I will
send tree of charge to all who wish It. this
tcelpe. in German. French or Kncli^h. with full
directions for preparing and ucing. ; Bent by
mall by addressing; with stamp, naming this
paper. W. A. No>e». (20 Powers'. Block, floch
t»ter, M. x. . , \~*— '•
Pacific Coast Pensions.
WABHINGTON, March . 17. — Pacific
Coast pensions have been granted as fol
lows:."---" :.:'; .¦•¦¦•¦;•-¦¦¦*¦*-¦¦"¦¦••;." " .' ' \ -'
California: Original— James M. Swartz.
Boldiers" Home, Los Angoles, $6. Special-
Patrick Mannering,- *-. veterans' m Home,
Napa, i $6; ! Joseph i Becsey, San Ftancisco,
$6; George W. Casey, Los Angeles, $B.< Res
toration and incre;ase— John Blrney , : Fres
no, |8 ¦to $12." Increese— Frank : Bnos, ! Ban.
Francisco, $8 to $10; Leandro Gulrado, Los
Angeles. $6 to ; $8;-David . Miller,-. Cudde
back, 96 to $10: l Ephralm Owensr; Ocean
side, $8 to $10; ; Isaac > L. • Plckard, Wood
land. $6 to $13. - Reissue— James : McCan
na, Ferris, $B. Original .widows, etc.—Mar
garet Birney, $8. « ¦ Special— Mary . A. : Bhar
key, Sierravllle, $8. " --'-".
Oregon:' 'lncrease— John W. Messinger,
Etsklnevllle, $6 to $8; . William C. Lyons,
Phoenix,' $6 . t0 $8. ' Reisaue-rMartin Guth,
Bandon, $12. / ' ¦ - -.'-¦¦' '¦¦•Z'--' ¦; ; - ¦ ¦'¦••¦¦•¦
Washington: > Original— John D. > Pitts,
Mount vvernpn/i $8; > Elihu ; C." Keith/ Fern
dale, $5.- increase-rHenry A.v Willey, Spo
kane, $6 tO $8.V.\; .:':.:..¦.-, ¦¦ : ""¦¦,:.• T:j y* ';[
Metal rustic Initials or! name stamped In
gold ¦ leaf * free ' of ¦ charge on al 1 C leather
goods I purchased at Sanborn & Vail's, 741
Market street. •¦¦¦-¦ -y.^r .<;%? ¦¦¦-:•;-'
President's Brother Director iof v a
Company Which Has Large Hold
• ings in C the District.
Special IM»patch ,to "¦ The - Call. '¦'/,.:"
SPOKANE,: March : 17.— 1t . transpires , to
day ' that •- McKinley. money is '-. being ? in
vested'ln-the mines of the iCoeur d'Alene
district, < in s the ; very", heart lof .* the camps
where : the ¦' labor.; riots , have "so often . oc
curred and .where General \ Merriam's | sol
diers last summer guarded rioters in the
infamous -bull pen." -^ „' ; • • - ' / ; .
¦ ¦ Abner McKinley is a director and one of
the S largest ' stockholders '¦' in • the Golden
Chest";: Miningi Company, of ; . Cleveland;
Ohio, -} which ,was formed I about Uhe . time
of ¦¦¦ the Bunker Hill •-: and Sullivan "; riots.'
This - company * has been - negotiating - for
months ' for ; a group ; of • claims ' near,- Mur
ray, Idaho," and to-day, tho final deals were
closed ¦ whereby; the company ¦ secured : the
largest body of gold-bearing quartz in. the
Coeur^ d'Alene^ gold ;. belt,'' together, .with
nearly half of all the ' Stamps In the dis
trict. "; The -new j deal. Is : for i forty .: sixty
fourths of the Dora, Katie Burnett.' Idaho
and ! Paymaster lodes.? and ;the ..ldaho <2o
stamp. mi 11., "; These J claims ; adjoin . others
already ownedjby the Golden Chest;Com
panyiandf equipped ;; y with '; j two ¦: 10-stamp
mills. ;, The consideration for, this Interest
is i said '¦ to <be $50,000. -,The ; company plans
big developments.
¦?••-.¦. ¦¦- •¦.• -¦-¦:-.¦'-¦; :: — • — - •\- .•¦¦;-.-- '¦-¦• -
McCulloch at Monterey.
I. MONTEREY, c March > 17.— The
States : gunboat McCulloch arrived 'at this
port this t morning -en route / south •* from
San ' Francisco. <k- ,•¦.-, ¦- ¦ ¦ ¦
the officers of the naval . yard and war
ships now in port. It was their. first ex
perience of close contact with a "speciar
commissioner," and to say that they are
amused is to put It ' very - mildly. They
were tickled half to death with the "com
missioner's" story, which tells of nothing
but what everybody ¦ all . along the coast
has known for, months. 1 . . :, "
. A local paper. In the course of an article
referring: to the story under the heads,
"Quite a. Pretty Story," "Exajnlner
Quotes Bluejackets' Without- Names as
Authority for Second-hand Information at
Esquimau," says: "To be charitable, 1 the
Examiner's story as .a 1 - work of art re
flects great credit on the office ¦ boy, if it
was the office boy who achieved this I lat
est triumph of journalism. To be accu
rate, the material used was but a" rehash
of the information which has been
lished time and time again in the.Exam
iner, as well as all other coast papers, re
garding.the defenses of Eequimalt that
nave been ¦ in r construction during' ten
years past.." Only it' was worked; up v and
dished .up alluringly as an . argument " for
the American desire , to fortify . the Nica
raguan canal. Of course no part of the
argument is sound, but. then what; does
that- matter -when - such • : authorities t 'as
bluejackets; stokers and ¦ cooks', assistants
arc considered sufficient in matters of in
ternational importance?" . .
;The Colonist has: the following editorial
on the story:
TThe; attempt on the part of the San
Francisco ; Examiner ¦to make it appear
t hat the ; fortifications at ! Esquimau have
anything to do s with ; the Alaskan bound
ary or the Cape Nome gold fields may. de
ceive a few hysterical people.' but > here ' it
will' simply, be laughed at. r Do our; neigh
bors wish really to know why Esquimau
is * being fortified? j-'VWeli;* the • reason tis
that the British : empire ; . Is a sea - power
and > s proposes , to ; remain one, and no t na
tion' can be a sea power, that does not
senator vuc FMPAB^HB I AJI Ja \
112-page I HJ^ ¦*¦?¦ ¦J^B% fI IE IB|H
spring p^"4EkrtktewlteMleffc»yaaru : '| : to»^ «„
Catalogue California's larqest-america-s orandest store vm-iionutst
JLf *»¦*# A B P rin^ novelt y
~~.rT- for boys 3 to 10
fTfrniirn years of age t
m3i*MU&w3 received from New
*^ : ' "mm- ' York. New shade
SSMIIOr of Cadet Blue, the
_^ " m^- . large collars pret-
SllitSm t' l ? braided with
contrasting red and
blue silk braid, shields handsomely em.
broidered, blouses cut extra long, one of
prettiest boys' suits we have ever had — a
genuine $6.00 value offered by the big
store f0r.....'.. ....... ........... ...... 54. 45
New Dress Trimmings.
Tom Thumb Fringes, yard .«... .2Bf
Black' Silk Fr.nges, yard ..803 to $5. iO
Spang'ed Trimmings, one row gold, silver or steel, yard.../5o
Chiffon and Spangled Bands, yard ...5'.:0 to $3m'aO
Fringed Yoke?, spangled, each ¦¦ $1»23 to $SmOO
Sflk and Spangled Robes, eacli $7.30 to $45. 00
Trimming Departm.nt- Rotunda.
Groceries and Liquors.
Sugar— Best Dry .Granulated, extra
special for Monday— -21. 1b5. $1
New Finnan Haddies, 1d".. ..13c " Whole Eastern Codfish, lbJOc
Best ¦ Smoked Salmon, sliced, Eastern Boneless Codfish, 2-lb
lb 30c bricks 25c
New Canned Salmon, 3 tins— Assorted Cakes, American
".:. : .........:..V..:*.....L... f ..fsc Biscuit Co., lb 12c
Canned, Lunch Shrimps, 2 New large Bloaters, 3 for.
tin 5........ ...;.. 25c 10c
New Eastern Mackerel, each.. Italian Olive" Oil, half gallon.
;.;.; tOe 51.15; gallon 52.00
Extra large Bloater' Mac- New California Mild Cheese,
erel, each............. 30c lb 15c
New Imported Sardines, tin... McLaren's Imperial .Cheese,
.....lOc jar 15c
Port or Sherry— Out 7-year-old
stock, regularly Si.fjo per gallon, extra
special for Monday-— |ja#/on ...99c
Ginger Ale, good quality, Champion Whiskey, ga110n....
dozen.— ....95c ..................*...:.....53.50
6-year-old Brandy, full quarts. Liebig's Malt Extract, bottle,
:.:......... .....75c . 20c; dozen . . 52.25
Good Claret, case 1 dozen Burkes 3-Star Irish Whiskey,
quarts....'..- ............$2.85 bottle — ..$l.OO
(Allow 60c for.bottlea when Raspberry Syrup, pure, quart
returned.) bottles 43c
Champion Whiskey, full
quarts r......~51«00 : CMain Floor — I{tjr.
New Society ?°t ti '™-
Writing Papers* SS"i»'S
¦ ¦ San Francisco.
Swastika, in the two square shapes known as Titian
and Donald, kid finish, white, J-ream, $1.25 — 12") Envelopes
to match, $1.25.
Tarlatan* 3 most popular shapes, in cream, chasseur
and Iris tints, j-ream, $1. VO and $I.26— Envelopes to
match, $I.OU and $1*25. .
Holland Linen, Octavo and Donald shapes, looks like
liiren cloth, the color burn blue, J-ream, $1. !O and
$1.25— 125 Envelopes to match, $1.00 and $1.25*
(Main Floor— Back of Rotunda.
' /^ Jf Oi^ffMf MM San Francisco's larg-
"jneMrmKng est assortments of
: Wash Goods* ::r m ;°L^.
| eign and domestic— await your approval, and wise is the shop-
;i>er who' appreciates the importance of early selection. .The
beautiful Cotton Fou'ards, so perfect in coloring and finish, are
difficult to distinguish from the silk fabric. The silk mixed
Madras weaves for waists and suits are fine, stylish and serv-
iceable. The mercerized effects prevail largely, both in white
and colored materials — dainty standard imported Dimities and
strong, serviceable Galateas are prettier than those of any
previous season. ;%*.:.,:; ,
Mercerized Oxfords— 32 inches wide, soft finish,
silk luster, solid colors, yard, 3Oc ; polka dot effects,
yard.. ;............. .350
Wash Foulards— -28 inches wide, satin j finish, French
blue, navy, black, etc. grounds, polka dots and figured ef-
fects, yard... ...................................................... 5Q0
Twill Suiting— Cotton Galateas and Covert Cloth 3, for
house, street or country outing 'purposes, 29 inches wide,
yard.....;........................:...... 12\O
POPOHIOS —We carry only the best quality and now 3how
about 500 different effects, they are all ' 36 inches wide,
yard...;......:....... ..-12\O
French Organdies— White, fine sheer quality. 63
inches wide,yard...... .....35c
Colored Organdies — American make, complete as-
: sortraent of plain colors, also white, 32 inches wide, very
cheap at the price, per yard.......;... -12\o
Wash Goods — {Main Floor.
m FM***r* H you wish to
me spring know just what wm
mm* ' 0% : —* n be worn this spring
UI*CSS "MCOSISm and summer, come
M . - v and see . v nore than
200 new weaves and colorings in Dress Fa bricsi. They are
displayed in . the lightest, brightest part of. the big' store,
where if there be any defects they can be detected at once,
but there are no defects in these perfect - specimens of the
weaver's art.
48-inoh HantOMpuna— 2 shades of gray, yard.os©
50-lnoh Granite OlOth— Crepe finish, , correct
weight and colorings for street or calling costnmes, yard....
............;....... ....„.......:....:.... ..$l.OO
52'lnoh Venetian Oloth-Hew pastel shades, yard.
52'lnoh Venetian Oioth— Kid finish, spring colors,
yard ..........1..... $2.00
New Blaok Dress Goods.
44~1n0h Orepe tie China— A beautiful silk and
wool novelty, in 8 exquisite designs, per yard..: $2mOO
44- Inch 811k and Wool Orepon— ln handsome
styles, including the latest striped effects, yard ...... $2.50
Black Venetian Ctoihu— We are showing a cora-
plete line of these most popular summer dress materials, 6
grades, per yard......................:...........
$1, $1.25. $1.50, $2, $2.50 and $3.80
First tAisle — Left of Entrance.
1900 Wash Braids.
Complete assortment now, every width and all the sew
Soutaches, the best quality; piece 20c
Mercerized Rick Rack, yard 4c, sc, 7c and 8c
Hercules, all widths, yard M sc t 7c and 10c
Pompadour, mixed colors, yard Be, 12c and 15c
Special Sate
Pickle Castors
We have a little lot of 38 Pickle
Castors, to be closed out Monday.
They are warranted quadruple sil-
ver plate and are worth regularly
from $1-00 to. $3.00 each. We
have divided them into two lots and
the special prices will be, each
78c and $1.08.
Silverware Counter — I^plunda.
Dressmakers 9 Findings.
Odorless Dress Shields — per pair 25*3
Brush Dres3 Bindings— per yard—.. 70, 12a and 150
Feath-rßone Covered — all colora— per yard.... lOc and 180
French Spool Cotton — 500-yard spool 150
Alcohol Heating Lamps— each....... .....250 to $ImOO
New Dress Linings.
"Spun Glass"— looks like silk — per yard ». 250
Silk Serges — black and colors — per yard.... SOo
Silk Moreens— black and colors — yard .....SOo
Black Moire Skirt Lining— yard— 12\o
Fast Black Waist Linings — yard.... 200 and 250
TTB-mg* J^f£»M##Me/ FSlf& ore tnan a thousand pieces latest Novelty Veilings were
* "*" *^ T^ —^ placed in stock during the past week— our own importation—
jfl V&§fimf~~HC£itiVa entirely new effects, without a doubt the largest selection of
¦:- ¦ • . -** ?'.. *f -.:¦¦ exclusive styles ever displayed in San Francisco. .
Alt-Silk Tuxedo Voltlngs— lB inches wide, 300 pieces, assorted styles, Spider Web or V , ¦; •*^\ A
Tuxedo Mesh, with velvet or chenille spots, in black, white, magpie and fancy mixtures, per yard.....
Novelty Beauty •'Spot Veilings— The latest complexion veiling, hair stripe almost Jt*/™iftS\^lfv
invisible mesh, with large chenille or velvet spot, per yard sOc " x ?Z2?^£3C^i2
Imported Pattern Volts— A large assortment of charming styles, applique, Point Lierre, £*™JP^C
or chenille border, in black and all the new coloring, each. ..st,3O, $i, 75C, 800 and 250 %Xr^ii*iw^-:'A
To Begin the Veiling Season We Place j?^SwPi
on Special Sale, Commencing Monday, &WW&'.-fM-'^
1000 Point Lierre Applique Cream Wash Veils, a large purchase from a New York
importer, veils worth 50c, 75c and $1.00 each, and without doubt the most de-
sirable high-cla=s, stylish Veils ever offered in this city at special sale, OO*»
Pfor the one day only, each ..... ........ . . . . ... *4Z&C
Veiling Dep t. — Hotunda. %
/*¦*»*•#* tf»f<C ZmWmtl ss P ecial offerings for*
<J>Zss pti&i <£» <rf Jiff the coming week:
Furniture* f72 e^ e Ss, JKdy
$3.50, special $2*50
Tapestry Carpels— Handsome line of designs in
durable colorings, regularly 65c a yard, best value that we
have ever offered at the special price ......450
Wilton Velvet Carpets— Rich, luxurious Carpets,
in greens, reds and Oriental effect?, regularly $1.25 per
yard, special ¦..¦¦.... Quo
Axmlnsler Carpets- Extra heavy, styles and colors
suitable for the most expensively furnished parlor, regularl y
$1.35 per yard, special $>I*OJ
Parlor Tables— Solid oak, 18-inch top, regularly 13.00,
special this week $1*75
EnantO ed <- ads— Full width, heavy posts, solid brass
trimming, regularly 58.00, special this week..... ....55 75
Ladies' Writing Dcs Irs— Mahogany finished, highly
polished, mirror top, one large drawer, regularly $12.00,
special price $8.75
Book Gases — Four handsome patterns, solid oak, highly
polished, regularly $20.00, your choice this v?eek..sls 25
Second Floor— Rear. ;'*'•' •; .^~, ',<
Spring Styies „ SW'SSJS
imi *****<& ##^»^«? BoyB> ll f 5 an i Ca?s
mWm m SMm O mWitMm&m . ara ready. Because
prices are less than
those you have been accustomed " __ > _^^
to pay, have no doubt 3 about ' the
qualities the big store carries . £p '•?^\
as tins hats as are made —to /% "vs=m
stilV further introduce oar Men's > rf : . V^SI
Hat Dspartment, we shall this e^' 'i^M
season sell the gennice John 8./5w^ — ¦
Stetson CO/3 D»rby Hat? in the NKfe^ t^y^i'
latest styles for.. : $3 a SO
CMain Flcor - Off Rotunda.
JlFjai IMff* es I kfvf There are very few books
JwC7 V!f CrOfl %W§ published, outside of mcdi-
Mkf m *mmam- : 'B>tT%m%tm-tm9 cal and school books, that
mW&ww mJFUOnS* »c do not give a discount
of 20 per cent ' or mart
from publisher' s prices. These ' seven books are now in great
demand: ."~ -''-.;,
: '.v- . Pnb. Price Our Price.
"To Have and To Hold"— Johnston $1.50 $1.15
"The Prelude and the Play"— Mann 1.50 J. 20
"Poor People" — Friedman 1.50 1,2 D
'The Minx"— lota ; 1.50 1.20
"Danvi3 Pioneer" — Robin.«on.-.. 1.25 1.00
"She Walks in Beauty"— Tynan 1.50 1.20
"The Boss of Toroomba"— Hornung 75 .60
Main Floor—'Back of Rotunda.
Men's wp have j ' nst
received ¦ the
lil-n mm Itftw late3t New Yor ' X
Mwuvuiiy fad 5n Metfa
, O«« mmmmrn mm Clothing - Nob-
&H™"9 . .by Sack Suits,/
f%m jr*L * ma< * e °' French^
irlOWntnCJm Casaimere Suit-,
. ing — they come
in several shades of grays and tans, in neat
stripes and invisible checks, lined and
trimmed with the very best material — hand-
padded shoulders — sewn throughout with
silk— equal in every way to merchant tailor
garments — made for fashioaablo dre33er3...
$15.03 and $20.00
{Ma n f-100r — N ar Eitranci. .
C §mm-f*t*m**T%M**fmmm*Tm Never before, so early
J- BMte.w£*Y^t£2b m MBKQjI in the season, have we.
i C»rffJU n; MM J> M .. been able to show such
*.. &lIHT UlSpit&SlVm large assortments, such
$ *~ perfect weaves, «beauti-
k° ful coloring and exquisite styles. Foulards are in greatest
f,' demand. Our stock is not duplicated in the West. The $1.00
*' grade is good enough for all purposes and will please the most
lT critical. Next in demand are the new waist silks, Plisse and
tf Lace Effects, in the new pastel and fresqua shadings.
•» 1 / IVash Silks, which will be more popular than ever this
»¦ summer, we are showing more than 100 different designs and
k* colorings-
I- 2f -inch Fancy P/Isso. in the very stylish shades of
£ Cray castor, goblin blue and heliotrope, yard $1.25
¦C 22 -inch Lace Strl.no* small Persian effects, in all
J- the new pastel shading^, yard..*... $I*sO
t 44* inch Blaok Silk Grenadines, strices and
X plaid?, very rich lace effects, yard $1,25 to $2.50
\- 21-IQGh Colored Poplin, splendid wearing silk for
i waists and dresses, in the new summer colorings, yard..
i $uoo
First Section— U f{ of Entrance.
Final Drafts Completed by
the Committee of the

Designed to Prevent the Formation
of Trusts or Combinations
Among Owners or
WASHINGTON. March 17.— The final
drafts of the amendments to the ship sub
sidy bill agreed upon by the House Com
mittee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries
have been completed. One of these amend
ments declares the Sherman anti-trust
law to be "specifically applicable to the
builder, owner, or either, or both of them,
of any vessel entering Into any comract
provided for by this act. and any such
vessel is hereby declared to be property
in the course of transportation within the
intent <;f the said law."
The other two amendments designed to
further prevent combinations either be
tween ship owners or builders are as fol
Section Ss— That upon complaint made to the
secretary of the Treasury that two or more per
*"->ns owning, controlling or operating vessels
regist«r*d and entitled to compensation under
tnl* act which aggregate In tonnage one-third
of the total tonnage of all vessels co registered
and entitled to compensation, have entered into
any contract, combination or conspiracy, what
ever be the form thereof, for the purpose of
controlling the terminal facilities for shipping
in any port or port* of the United States or for
regulating or increasing the rates or fares for
freight or passengers in trade of commerce
among the several States or with foreign na
tions, or for granting any special rebates or
privileges to thippers in euch commerce, or for
otherwise putting any restraint upon trade or
commerce among the several States, or with
foreign nations, the Secretary shall fix a time
and place for bearing such charges and give
notice thereof to the persons interested and may
recjuire the production before him of any con
tracts or papers which he may deem material
in the consideration of such charges. If. after
notice and bearing, the Secretary of the Treas
ury shall sustain such charges, thereupon the
right of the person or persons co found violat
ing the provisions of this section, and their
assigns, to any compensation from the United
States under this act shall Immediately cease
and determine.
Penalty for Violations.
Sec. C6— That any contract, combination or
conspiracy in whatever form made or entered
Into between the persons owning, operating or
controlling two or more shipyards in the United
State* which have constructed or are con* truct-
Ing cr are carable of constructing during any
one year vessels aggregating in tonnace one
third or the total tunnage of the new vessels
registered and entitled to compensation under
this act. for the purpose of limiting or con
trolling the number, tonnage, clasees, kind or
tyi>e of veeselF to be constructed therein, or
for regulating in any manner the terms or In
creasing thf prices of construction of such ves
sels, is hereby declared to be illegal, and any
consolidation, absorption, gale or transfer by
the cersons owning, operating or controlling
two or more ship yards in the L'nited States of
the capacity aforesaid, of the privileges, fran
chises or property of such ship yards for the
purpose of limiting or j-urpresFing competi
tion among euch chip yards and of placing con
trol of the terms and conditions of such con
tracts for constructing vessels therein under
one management, is hereby declared to be ille
gal. Iwn written complaint filed with the
i-ecretary of the Treasury by any person hav
ing a contract or application for a contract for
the construction of new vessels in the Cnited
Mat** under the provisions of this art of a
violation cf the proi-isionß of this section the
Fecretary of the Treasury shall give notice to
the interested iterton or persons of such com
plaint and fix a time and a place for a hear
ing upon the charges made, and may require
the person or persons against whom the charges
nre made to produce before him any con
tracts or pa.'trs which he may deem to be
material in th* consideration of euch charges
I the Secretary of the Treasury fhalJ find that
the provisions of this section have been violat
ed, he is authnriied and directed upon the
application of the person or persons having
contract* or applications for contracts -for the
construction of vessels if aforesaid within two
years next thereafter, to grant register as
provided by law. as \eFsels of^he United States
to fortigu-built vessels to the aggregate ton
n».ge of the vessels constructed by the persons
>o found violating the provisions of this sec
tion during the year next preceding such order
Puch foreign-built vessels so registered shall
he regarded as new vessels constructed In ac
cordance with the contract or application for
contract of such person or persons, and shall
bo deemed to be constructed in compliance
with such contract or application therefor, and
with the terms of any bond provided for by
this act, and shall be entitled to all the bene
fits and privileges, and be subject to all the
conditions end obligations applying by this act
t> new vessels constructed In the United States.
tyrfpt that f=uch vessels shall not enter the
roastwice or lake trade of the United States.
The words "person or persons." wherever used
in thi» section, shall be deemed to include
"corporations." "associations" and "partner
ships" existing under or authorized by the
laws of either the United States, of any Ftate,
of any Territory, or of any foreign country.
This section nhall not be held to interfere
with or crevent the enforcement of any other
l«w of the United Ftate* prohibiting con
tracts, combinations or conspiracies In restraint
cf trade.
have protected coaling stations and dry
docks In all parts of the world. If Uncle
Sam would learn this lesson it would do
him a lot of good, and perhaps materlaHy
Influence > his policy. . Ships are excellent
things, \ but . a modern ¦:¦ warship without
coal Is no better than a raft. There is a
map of the world showing the location of
our coaling stations. If the Examiner
will , buy a copy, and study It, the next
time it treats of the fortifications at Es
quimau it will be not likely to make such
an egregious exhibition of itself."
ft I \
wDfHlr MWiti
*^- ¦/ ' *"¦' Monday, March f 9, j f^^M KS&
*»««- Tuesday, March 20, wffiS&Mm SSvFk
Ullinery, Woaneaday, March 21. '
Cloaks and Suits, * %i^MKmW
Dress Making, ' ''-^S^^m^'
' Vhildren's-V^
A Fascinating Exhibit of Model
its, Gowns and Costumes from the '^^^^^^^Mm
Q iYiOQISteS . i^ \^j^^Wf JLstoest^-Sestson ISOO
I ai*lS ' \<^r H ' / / SfflC^7>' New Point Venise Bands — yard....Be to 25c
_ » _ir^^JMffiL_^nL_jr^' New Point Venise Edgings 5c to 25c
riGOn New Clun y Laces - per yard...lOc, 15c, 25c
V^ ' /^IPK New Chantillya — Cream, Black— yard ._..
*\m i u^\ JJj^L^lJI All-Overs and Yokings.
' W I fie/ r X^ \t%&]M#Zy ! y t Cut-out Taffetas-yard $2.00, $3.00 and SS.OD
\v\r «L a^rl/^rLk. y *,rf!uor?: ./AN&^Ls' * Gold Embroidered— yard.:..s3.oo, 53.00 and $7.50
'1 *>¦• -' ||»w^3p^V>s3)^^^^^F !^t^ Point Venise. black and cream 75c, $1.50, $2.50
Tucked Taffeta, black and cream. ....... 52.00, $2.50
. —^ a^^- S*~^*^y Escnrial effecta, yard ...:...50c, 75c, $1.50, $2.00
M^, , ,^r ' M Sp«i£l«d Nets, yard..... ..$2.00, $3.00, $5.00
v * - ' Belts, Combs, Buckles.
\k- i/\u >s%£/ 6&^S Ladies'. Bilk Pulley Belts,' special at '....... 7ic
jfel^^i^^^S^P^^^' kE^~*^ Latest design? Side Combs, pair.... ..;..:... 20c to $2.50
f*^~^~~'^\^fr^''*^ • Popular Empire Back Combs, each....................... ........20c to 52.5Q
S ' Belt Rnr.lclAfl. nnw atvino. arcli... :. ." ..25c to $5.00
JI& Del i cat c
Denti sts t r y
• fiisp££%w Means delicate methods and man-
; A*>r IP^ ners— easy and graceful workmanship
/r^\k£- W$ -—nothing bunglesome or rough.
/ ilw rlr ye DU^ t MP m y practice by per-
il jlfp/'^r feet workmanship — careful attention
/ nvWiP^'''- ' .i'^o; little ¦ things "in^dentistry. I guar-
/ VJk.P antee to please in every instance.
'Wfl^V^^^^ 927 Market Street — 55 1 3 Emma Spreckles Bldg .
wj^pil-' Opposite Phelan Fountain ,
Tnm f >«i'Jl^^irnflgT^*'TTllMTiJl)>lKnHlllffinriaDDri3B B-M^lMflirwWfßilMtflfTrßTlfMrii'liriltiiiamrran m9m9a*%*t*\W.WW
Spring and Summer Goods Are Here.
First inspection of the completed stocks can be made this week. It will take many greet the arrival of spring. You will be de-
lighted with the beautiful millinery, the stunning jd^^ in silks, woolens and cotton. A dainty souvenir 'to every
lady visiting the store to-morrow.. Welcome \to the show this week' in

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