Newspaper Page Text
t * TJhe Oalrt-On western shore of Clear L * k «- lv «_s h l ey^nS » north of Lakeport. Rail and stage to Lakeport; livery beyond ! Boating, fishing and bathing. Can accommodate rt Ad r^. s - $7.00 per week. Address, Mrs. Emma L. Lyon. Lakeport. m* 1 CoU cftnU?i Cottage - Town Home - hSES J grounds. Edge of town, on shore of Clear Lake. Qu?et home - Can accommodate four. Adults. $7.60 per week. Address. Mrs A. J. Everett, Lakeport. Lake County. Cal. •-.„ t Clendenln'M— Three miles from Lakeport. Means of trana . fer, rail and stage to Lakeport. where giiests will **™ et --I™, . ranch, fifty acres. In Scott's Valley. Pleasant location. Twentj . cows. Can accommodate seven. Adults. $1.00 per day. «¦«.» . rates for families by the month. Address. L. P. Clendenin. Lake : Will meet guest. Qatar home place Large, airy rooms; hard finish. .Beautiful ¦had • trees, flowera. etc. Can accommodate eight. Adults, *«•"" p*i . week. Address, Charles G. Rlppey. Uklah Mendoclno County. Cal Chllßon'a-Town Home-Ukiah. Will meet guests. Qule ? home. On edge of town, Jn foothills. Adults. $;. 00 per .week , children, $3.w: Address. Mrs. O. H. Chllson. Ukiah. Mendoctm County, Cal. j i St. Joneph'l VHIa-Ukiah. On the edge of town, neaj . the foothills. Will meet guests. New modern house, fntlreij : separate from the Convent. A garden amidst flowers and shad • trees. Can accommodate twelve. Adults. $9.00 and JlO.OO pc: week. Special rates for families. Address, Mother fauperlor. faa r cred Heart Con\ent, Uklah. Mendocino County. Cal : Mountain View-Six miles from Uklah. Hunting am ¦ fishing. Good elevation. Mountainous surroundings. Can ac • commodate eight. Adults. 57.00 per week; children, half rates Address. J. W.; Shoemaker. Uklah. Mendoclno County. CaL Kniery'n-^Eight miles from Uklah. Will meet quests Mountainous surroundings. Fishing and hunting. Can accommo date two. Adulta. $7.00 per week; by the month. $5.00 per week. ; Address, F. Emery, Calpella, Mendoclno County, Cal. Redwood Vnlley— Nine miles from Ukiah. W^U mcci guests. New house. Surrounded by hills. Soda springs. Mount ain streams near by. Trout fishing. Ponies for riding. Can a* commodate ten. Adults, $7.00 per week. Address, Mrs. Mai Thompson. Calpella. Mendocino County, Cal. Mountain Uoine- Twenty-one miles from Ukiah. Meant of transfer, stage. Mountainous surroundings. Mineral springs. Gentle horses for riding and driving. Guide and dogs furnished to hunters. Can accommodate twenty. Adults. $6.00 per week. Address. Creed Moxley. Sawyers. Mendoclno County, Cal. Deer Ridge— Twenty-two miles north of Uklah. Means of transfer, stage. Good elevation; overlooking Wlllits and Little Lake Valleys. Surroundings heavily timbered. Can accommo date six. Adults, $7.00 per week; children, half price. Special rates for families. Address. Mrs. M. R. Sawyers. Willtts. Mendo clno County, Cal. Mountain Home— Twenty-four miles north of Uklah. E>aily stage. Mountains surrounding. Can accommodate ten. Adults, $7.00 per week; children, $5.00 per week. Special rates for families. Address. Mrs. Jennie McCabe. Sawyers, Mendo clno County, CaL. or Mr. W. Perry, Ukiah. Hopkins' Rnneh— Twenty-eight miles west of Uklah. Means of transfer, stage to Half- Way House on the Orr'« Springs and Mendoclno Stage Road. Will meet guests there. Small opening in the Redwoods. Altitude, 1260 feet. Can accommodate eight. Adulta. $1.00 per day. Address, R. J. Hopkins, Comptche, Mendoclno County, Cal. Kovre'n — Thirty miles from Uklah. Means of transfer, stage. In the Redwoods. Hunting, fishing, etc Can accommodate twelve. Adults, $7.00 per week; children under ten, $3.50. Ad dress, H. D. Howe, Wlllits, Mendoclno County, Cal. nranncoiub'K- Fliiy-two miles from Uklah. In the Red woods. Means of transfer, stage. Mineral eprings, hot and cold; mud springs. Trout fishing, hunting, etc. Can accommodate eight. Adults, $3.50 per week. Special rates for families. Ad dress, J. H. Branacomb, Branscomb P. 0., Mendoclno Co., Cal. Pax ton Itimcli- Five miles from Uklah. Means of trans fer, livery. Plenty of shade. Sulphur baths. Can accommodate four. Adults, ?1.50 per day. Address, D. E. Paxton, Ukiah, Mendoclno County. Cal. .Mountain Retreat— Eighteen miles west of Uklah. Will meet guests. Mountain ranch. In the Redwoods. Several fine trout streams adjacent. Mineral springs. Can accommodate eight. Adults, $7.00 per week; children under twelve, half rates. Grounds open to campers. Tents supplied. If desired, at low price. Furnished cabins rented to ca.mpers from $10.00 to $12.00 per month. Grounds free to those who bring their own tenta. Fuel free. Address, F. M. Bellby, Ukiah, Mendoclno County, Cal. Cnstle Garden— Eighteen miles from Uklah. Means of transfer, livery- Soda Springs. In the Redwoods. Mountain streams. Hunting, fishing and bathing. Can accommodate four. Adults, $1.00 per day. Address, H. A. Snow, Ukiah, Mendoclno County, Cal. Handle}'* Summer Renort — Twenty miles west of Uklah, on the Orr'» Springs and Mendoclno Road. In the Red woods. Dally mail. Long distance telephone near by. Mountain stream. FiEhing and hunting. Dancing, picnics and other amuse ments for guests. Can accommodate forty. Adults. $7.00 per week; children under ten, half rates. Address, F. J. Handley. Orr's, Mendoclno County, Cal. Diiy'i*— Twenty-three miles from Ukiah, on ths Eel River. Five miles from Potter Valley. Means of transfer, stage. Mount ainous surroundings. Hunting, fishing, boating, bathing. Adults. $7.00 per week; children under twelve, one-half. Special rates for families. Address, J. L. Day, Potter Valley, Mendoclno County, Cal. » Cook'st— Twenty-four miles from Uklah. Staga to Wlllits. Quiet race. Plenty of shade. Hunting and fishing. Good deer dogs. Horses to ride. Can accommodate five. Adults, $7.00 per week: children, $3.50. Address, Thomas Cook. P. O. Box 32. Wll lits, Mendocino County, Cal. ' Rlvernlde Ranch— Twenty-five miles from Uklah. Means of transfer, cstage. On the banks of Eel River. Fishing and bathing. Mountainous surroundings. Can accommodate ten. Adults. $7.00 per week; children under twelve, half rates. Special ! rates for families. Address, T. J. GiUesple, Potter Valley, Mendo cino County, Cal. Traveler* Home— Twenty-five miles from Uklah. Means of transfer, ptage. Mountainous surroundings. Soda and sulnhur sprlngfi. Mountain stream. Hunting and fishing. Can accom modate fifteen. Adults. $6.00 per week. $20.00 per month: chil dren under six, half rates. Special rates for families. Address. M. L. Sawyers. Sawyers P. 0., Mendoclno County, Cal. lilerley's — Twenty-five miles from Ukiah. on the western slope of Mount Sanhedrln. elevation. 2200 feet. Means of trans fer, stage. Hunting and fishing. Can accommodate fifty. Adalta. $7.00 per week. Address, Jerry Llerley, Llerley P. 0., Mendocino County. Cal. • Rucker'a— Twenty-five miles north of Uklah. Means of transfer, stage. On banks of Eel River. Fishing, hunting and bathing. Mountainous surroundings. Can accommodate eight. Adults. $7.00 per week. Address, Mrs. M. H. Rucker. Potter Val ley, Mendocino County, Cal. Hnlf-AVny Hoiipi- — Twenty-five miles west of Uklah. on the Orr's Springs and Mendocino Stage Road. Means of trans fer, ntage. In the Redwoods. Daily mall. Mountain streams. Fishing and hunting. Can accommodate twenty. Adults, $7.00 per week. Address, Mrs. J. Hansen, Comptche, Mendoclno Coun ty. Cal. - Mountain Honae— Sanhedrin. Thirty miles from Uklnh. Means of transfer, stage. Altitude, 4000 feet. Fishing, hunting, etc. No accommodations for ladles. Can accommodate ten gen tlemen. Adults. $7.00 per week. Grounds open to campera. Chargea reasonable. Address, James E. Booth. Potter Valley. Mendocino County, Cal. Cornncoptn Fnrm— Thirty-four miles from Ukiah. Means of transfer, stage. Altitude, 2100 feet. In the Redwoods. Fish ing and hunting. Quiet place. Can accommodate six. Adults. $25.00 par month; children, half rates. Special rates for families. Address, C. W. Bradford. Wlllits, Mendoclno County, Cal. Me.Math'n— Thirty-five miles from Uklah. Means of trans fer, stage. Can accommodate three. Adults. $7.00 per week. Will furnish separate well-finished house of six rooms In a grove of oaks close to river bank. Address. R. F. McMath. Hullvllle. Lake County. Cal. Hnnter'm llnntlnc and Flnhlna; Renort — Thirty five miles from Ukiah. Means of transfer, stage. Hunting, fish ing and ewlmmlng. Can accommodate twenty. Adults. $7.00 per week; children, half rates. Grounds for campers. Address, W. C. Hunter. Hullvllle, I^ake County, Cal. Illnck Rook Ranee— Fifty-three miles north of Ukiah. Means of transfer, dally stage via Laytonvllle and Covelo. Daily mail. High elevation. Ten thousand acres rich In all kinds of game. Hunting reserved for guests. Five miles on Eel River, three miles on Woodman Creek and four miles on Burger Creek, affording fine trout and salmon fishing. Saddle horses at reasona ble rates. Can accommodate twelve. Adults, J7.00 per week; children, half rates. Special rates for families. Can also accom modate camping parties. Rates reasonable. Address, T. J. Crow ley, Laytonville. Mendoclno County, Cal. 'Willtamnnn'fl— Town Home— Covelo. 'Can accommodate ten. Address, Miss Lily Williamson, Covelo, Mendoclno Co.. Cal.- Smidford'n .Mineral Sprlngii-On Eel River. Gravelly Vnlley, Lake County. In the midst of a great hunting and fishing region. Arrangements for camping are to be made with John Panford, at St. James Hotel, corner Laguna and McAllister streeta. San Francisco. No one permitted on grounds without permission from him. Lngruna Farm-One and one-half miles from Mount Olivet Station, eight miles from Santa Rosa. Will meet guests. On the shore of a lake. Boating, fishing and bathing. Can accommo date fourteen. Adults, $0.00 per week. Special rates for families. Address, Mrs. R. Ballard. Mt. Olivet. Sonoma County. Cal. White Onlc Farm- Two miles from Trenton. Will meet guests. Quiet home. Woods, • running streams, fruit orchard, etc. Can accommodate fifteen. Adults, $7.00 per week. Special ratea for families. Address, Mrs. E. Surryhne, Trenton, Sonoma Coun ty, Cal. • Ideal Fruit Farm— Two miles from Trenton. Will meet guests. Fifty acres. Fruit ranch. Shady groves, running streams. Children's pond, with boat; swings. Six cottages and floored tentß. furnished for housekeeping; $15.00 to .".0.00 per month for cottages. Camping facilities for those who bring their i own tents.- Address. N. A. Griffith. Trenton. Sonoma County. Cal. Wall'n SprlnßK-One mile from Green Valley Station. Will meet guests. Fn the hills a short distance from Russian River. Hot sulphur baths. Can accommodate forty. Adults, $7.00 per week. Special rates for families. Address. 11. C. Wall, Hilton, Eonoma County, Cal. . . "•.¦ Hilton Summer Renort— At Hilton Station, on the banks of the Russian River. Fruit ranch. Redwood forest. Boating, fishing and bathing. Can accommodate twenty. Adults. $7.00 per week: children, half rates. Special rates for families. Address. T. P. Brown. Hilton. Sonoma County. Cal. Florence*—T own Home— Guerneville. Pleasantly situated. Can accommodate ten. Adulta. $fl.oo per week; children under twelve, one-half. Address, Mrs. M. Florence. Guernevtlle. Sono ma Itedn'ond 'lleiffhtu— Near Guerneville. Good location for campers At home we will furnish board, If desired. Can ac commodate five. Address, Mrs. G. W. Beebe, Guerneville, Sonoma ° UI *»tnirK i »«'— Quarter of a mile from Guernevllle. Will meet guests. Can accommodate twelve. Adults. $7.00 per week. By the month, special rates. Address, Mrs. H. A. Stagga. Guerne ville. Sonoma County, Cal. _. Southslde— Quarter of a mile from Guernevllle. Will meet guests Pleasantly situated on a knoll overlooking the Russian River and the town. Can accommodate thirty. Adults, $10.00 per week: children under twelve, $7.00 per week. Special rates for families. Address, A. L. Guerne. Guernevllle, Sonoma Coun ty, Cal. Yarbrongh'«-Onc mile from Guernevllle. Will meet guests. Farm home. Surrounded by mountains covered with redwoods. Plerfty of shade; hammocks. New house, newly fur nished. Baths. Can accommodate fifteen. Adults. $1.00 per day; children under ten, one-half. Address, N. L. Yarbrough, Guerne ville. Sonoma County, Cal. Pino Grande Ranch— Six miles from Guernevllle. Will mcct 5 guests. Mountainous ranch: elevation, 800 feet. In the Redwoods. Creek and swimming pool. Cottages. Can accommo date twenty. Adults, $7.00 to $8.00 per week; reduced ratea for children. Excellent sites for campera who wish board. Addreas, N. Danlles, Guerneville, Sonoma County, Cal. • Steven*'— On banks of a branch of Sonoma Creek, half a mile- from Schellville. Will meet guests. Fishing, boating and bathing. Can accommodate four. Adults, $8.00 per week. Ad dress. Mrs. W. Stevens, Schellville, Sonoma County, Cal. • Willow Ranch— One-half mile from Vineyard Station. Pleasant surroundings. Can accommodate six. Address, Mrs W. : B. Hunt,- Sonoma, Sonoma County, Cal. McGlll'ji— Town Home— Sonoma. On the edge of the town Will meet guests. Plenty of shade. Pleasantly located. Can ac commodate nine. -Address, Mrs. P. L. McGlll, Sonoma. Sonoma County, Cal. . . -Lawrence Villa— .Town Home — Sonoma. Will meet guests. Pleasant location.,: Plenty of shade. Can accommodate twenty-five. '¦ Adults, $5.00 per week; children, $2.50. Address Henry Pellissier, Sonoma, Sonoma County, Cal. ;• ' AVehber'n— Three-quarters of a mile from Sonoma. Means of transfer, omnibus. ' Pleasant location. Address, C. X Web ber, Sonoma, Sonoma County. Cal. Pcrklnn'— One mil*- from Sonoma, on the banks of Sonoma Creek.' Bathing,' boating- and fishing. Grove, hammocks, swings croquet 'grounds.' Can accommodate eighteen. Adults. $7.00 per week; children under ten, one-half. Special rates for families Address, Mrs. C. D. Perkins, Sonoma. Sonoma County. Cal Agna Rica Hot Mineral Sprinc*— Two and one-half miles from Sonoma, at Verano Station. Will meet guests. Min eral baths, water 112 degrees F. Pleasant surroundings. Fine shade trees. A few choice spots for campers. Address. Captain and Mrs. Boyea. P. O. Box li Sonoma. Sonoma County. Cal Pioneer Grove— At Verano Station. Partly furnish-j house, as well as a number of unfurnished rooms. Cannot fi nish board. Grove. Splendid place for campers. RBBni B stream. Address, J. P. Key. P. O. El Verano, Sonoma Co.. r' a :> l'ennlon Fra ncaiie- On Sonoma Creek, near V>~j,j lo g, • tlon. Will meet guesta. Fishing, swimming and taOdag. can accommodate fifteen. Address, C. Dutil,, P. O. El Verano. s oa ma County. Cal. Dowdall'n- One-half mile- from Verano Station. Win aifl , t guests. Charming surroundings. Can accommodate four. A j dress. Ed Dowdal'l. Sonoma P. 0.. Sonoma County, Ca!. Hill's— A few minutes' walk from Eldridse Station. Two four-roomed furnished cottages. So board. Beautiful location Plenty of shade, etc. Rent per cottage, $20.00 per month, aj dress. R. P. Hill. Eldridge P. 0.. Sonoma County. Cal. Lennt Vlneynril- One-half mile from Glen Kllen. In th* foothills. Pleasant surroundings. Can accommodate six. Adults J7.00 per week; children under seven, one-half. Address, m,-^ Charles Kennedy. Glen Ellen. Sonoma County. Cat. Glen Oak* Ranch— Three-quarters of a mile from o> n Ellen. Will meet guests. In the hills. Old oak trees Rxrnxtnd* Ing house. Romantic canyon close to ranch. Large, airy rooms Can accommodate twenty. Adults. $7.Ci» per week: children *.. der twelve. $4.00. Address. Frederick Quien. Glen Ellen, Sonor"i County Cal. Idlevrlld— One mile from Glen Ellen. Will meet guesta Cannot furnish board. Two completely furnished houses. $15 i>j to $25.00 per month; one of five and the other of three rooms Pleasantly located. Lots of fruit, free. Address. J. O. Crom well. Glen Ellen, Sonoma County. Cal. Wegrner VlHn— One mils from Glen Ellen. Will ir.e»t guests. In the foothills of the Sonoma Mountains. Grow walks, large playground for children. Mineral water. Hot ani cold batha. Croquet and quoit grounds, dancing hall. shuj?:» board. Can accommodate forty. Adults. JS.Oy to $10 00 per week children, according to age. Special ratea for families. Address J. Wegner. Glen Ellen. Sonoma County. Cal. Redwood Farm— Three miles from Glen Ellen. Will weet guests. Mountainous surroundings. Mineral springs. Sulphur tub baths. Wide verandas, croquet grounds. Plenty of shad» Can accommodate twenty or twenty-five. Adults. $8.00 per week children, $4.00. Special rates for families. Address, W. a" Thompson. Glen Ellen. Sonoma County. Cal. ~. O" 1 * Shade Farm— Three aod one-half mile* from Glen Ellen. Will meet guesta. Quiet, homelike farm. Capital ac commodations. Pretty surroundings. Can accommodate eight Adults. $7.00 per week; children, one-half. Address. H. W Brunlng. Glen Ellen. Sonoma County. Cal. Lo» Gntllco* Wnrru Spring" — Three and one-half miles from Glen Ellen. Will meet guests; charge 80 cents each way. Including baggage. Warm sulphur baths. Swimming pool In Sonoma Creeß. Grand old oaks. Dancing pavilion, tennis court, hopa and musical entertainments. In cottages can ac commodate twenty. In tents can accommodate on* hundred. Adulta. $7.00 per week; children under twelve. $5.00. Address Mrs. P. T. N. Wate. Lock Box 83. Kenwood. Sonoma Co.. Cal. waldrnhe's- Four miles from Glen Ellen. In th» Sonoma Mountains; elevation, 2000 feet." Will meet guests. Electric lights. Croquet, bathing and fishing. Pl«a*ant drives. Can ae :ommodate thirty. Adults, $7.00 to $3.00 per week: children, one tsalf. Address, C. H. W. Brunlng. Glen Ellen, Sonoma Co.. Cal Soda liny— A few miles beyond Highland Springs and reached by etatre la Soda Bay. a resort on Clear Lake, a counter part of Lake Chautauqua, New York. The grounds of the hotel have a shore margin of two miles. Large live oak, pine and tnanzanita tree* afford a bountiful shade. On the beach th«r« ia fxcellent bathing. In an alcove of tho Lake, at the bottom. Is a •Soda Spring, called the Great Sprlng3 or Omar-Ach-Hah-Bee. It wimes out of the earth below with great fcrea. flowing fully a million gallons dally of delicious effervescent soda water. Over .his spring la a bath house, affording every opportunity for bath ng In this exhilarating water. Boating and tailing on th« lake, rerms, $10.00 per week and upward. Address. Ben Ely. Kelsey- B-llle. Lake County. Cal. CAMPING. In Marln. Sonoma, Mendoctno and Lake Counties th» Camper finds his natural horns. T . may be alonssido a quiet stream In the valley, or by the mountain brook as It tumbles down th« canyon; perhaps on the bank of a river, the shor* of a lovely lake, or In ths mountain glades under the towering Redwood. The spot for an ideal camp la under shado traes. ciJntlgraous to a stream. In these counties there are. besides a number of lakes, 300 streams. Russian, Eel and other rivers, furnishing over 6.000 miles of water length, which are k?pt well stocked with trout from the Fish Hatchery of tho California Northwestern Railway, at Uklah. Whilst many like to camp out In th« country, far away from the railroad, many wish to be near their homes, so that father, son or brother and friends can make frequent vislta. For these, attention la called to the following picturesque spots, which ar« especially adapted to campers, and are of easy accesa to San Francisco: Glen Ellen Park— ls situated on the Sonoma Branch of the California Northwestern Railway. Thl» Park contains flrty five acres, beautifully shaded. Sonoma, an excellent trout stream, and one of the prettiest creeks in th« State. boun<la the Park on the north and affords safe bathing. This Park is fre« to camp ers, and In addition, the country for four miles along the So noma Cretk. Mr. W. W. Beck. Agent California Northwestern Railway Co.. at Glen Ellen, will show locations. Joining the Park and also skirting Sonoma Cree'.c la the ranch of Dr. C. C. O'Donnell. on which are many beautiful camp ing spots which are free to campers. The Doctor will supply tents and furnish them for a reasonable rental per month. For particulars address. Dr. C. C. O'Donnell, 102IH Market street, San Francisco. Between San Francisco and Glen Ellen this Road runs two passenger trains dally. Supplies are delivered on tha ground by the merchants of the surrounding towns. Mirabel Park— la en the Ouernevil> Branch, twelve mllos from Santa Rosa. The train stops at the Park, and Mr. Ojrburn, the party in charpe, will be on hand to receive and locate camp ers. Mark West Creek skirts the Park and la dimmed, aiTor.itnsf fine bathing, fishing and boating. Boats for hire at reasonable rental. Between Mirabel Park aad Pan Francisco this Road runs two passenger trains daily. Supplier are delivered at the Park by tha merchants of the surrcur.dinK towns. Currnevillp — In the midst of the redwood country, and on the Russian River, U practically the terminus of tha Guernevlllo Branch. Mr. R. N. Tunstall. representing the Business Men's Association, will take parties in hand and show them the differ ent camping locations. Ths Russian River will be dammed, af fording a magnificent sheet of water for boating and bathim?. j There are free locations, but In p?neral there will be a reason»-~' ble charge. Correspondence may be had direct with the following, who have (grounds specially prepared for campers: Guerne and Mc- Lane, F. L. Clar. W. H. Neely. Joa. Berrl. Guerneville. Sonoma County. Cal. For location on, the grounds of the Sonoma Lumber Co.. address Sonoma Lumber Co.. Claua Spreckela Bulldlnjc. 3aa Francisco. Between Guerneville and San Francisco this Road runt two passenger trains dally. Supplies are delivered on the ground by the nl^rchants of the surrounding towns. On the Orr's Eprings and Mendoclno Stage Road, runnlnj from Uklah to Mendocino, there are numerous camping spots From Orr's SprinKS the Hot Springs Creek runs due west eight mllen, where It forms a Junction with Dougherty Creek, and to g-ether they empty Into the South Fork of the Bi/? River For over ten miles alone the banks of these streams are a great number of most beautiful camping spots. Although In the heart of the redwoods the camper can receive his mail regularly, as the stage passes daily. From the ranchers In tha neighborhood can be procured plenty of milk. eggs, butter and fresh vegetables. The butcher's wagon makes regular trips over this road. Camp ers who do not wish to do their own cooking can get table board at Orr's Springs. Handley's and other homes In the neighbor hood. Through tickets are sold from San Francisco to all points along thla Road, which campers should procure, aa the stage company on these ticketa will carry free from Uklah the tents and poles belonging to th^ party, and one hundred pounds of bag gage for each camper. For locations, address Mr. J. L. Johnson proprietor of the Orr's Springs and Mendoolno Stage Line Uktah' TICKETS FOR CAMPINO PARTIE3 ARE TO BE PRO: CURED AT TICKET OFFICE. W0 MARKET STREET A3 THEY WILL NOT BE SOLD AT TIBURON FERRY. ' HOTEL LIST. The towns along this Road ar» delightfully situated, and th« country around affords every diversion for the pleasure seeker Parties stopping at these hotels can find In the Immediate vicinity a new and picturesque spot for an every day outing, which can be reached by moderate walking or short drives. Tlbnron- SONOMA HOUSE. Mrs. O. Erdin, Prop. Bates, tl.oo Ilelvedere— HOTEL BELVEDERE. Mrs. A. T. Moore. Prop Rate*. $2.50 per day. San Hnfnel-HOTEL RAFAEL. R. C. Haltou. Prop. Rates J3..-.0 per day; $17.50 to $20.00 per week; $80.00 and upward per month. THE CALIFORNIA, 'P. Kempt. Prop. Rates, 60c per day and upward. COSMOPOLITAN HOTBX, Mrs. R. Scott. Prop. Rate*. 11.00 to $1.50 per day. ORAND CENTRAL HOTEL. M. R. Rama*. Prop. Rate,, $2.00 per day. MARIN HOTEL. J. Schneider. Prop. Rates. $2.00 per day. THE JORDAN HOUSE, Mrs. H. Jordan. Prop. Rates. $1.00 and upward per day. Sonoma— ClTY HOTEL, L. Quarteroli. Prop. Rates. $3.00 per week. TOSCANO HOTETL. Clued & Martenonl. Props. GARIBALDI HOUSE, L. Modlni. Prop. Rates. $5.00 per week. UNION HOTEL. A. A. Enke. Prop. Rates. $8.00 per week. Glen KIIen— MERVTN HOTEL, A. Harrison, Prop. Ratea. $3.00 to $io.(i.i per week. Petnlnma— ClTY HOTEL. Bolettl * Pometta. Prop*. Rates. $1.00 to $1.50 per day: $3.00 to $.' per week. WASHINGTON HOTEL. E. D. B«nrardl. Prop. Rates $LOO to $1.50 per day; $5.00 to $7.00 per week; $20.00 to $23.00 per month. • . AMERICAN HOTEL, T. J. Conway. Prop. Rates. $1.00 to $2.00 per day: $25.00 per month. Santa Hour- EAGLE HOTEL. J. Robinson, Prop. Rates. $1.00 per day: $r>.oo per week. TUPPER HOUSE. G. A. Tupp«r. Prop. Rates. $1.00 per day $5.00 to $6.00 per week. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. P. H. Qulnn. Prop. Ratea. $3.00 per day. MAGNOLIA HOTEL, J. F. Smith. Prop. Rates, $1.00 to $1.23 per day; $5.00 per week. GRAND HOTEL. P. Morshead. Prop. Ratea. $3.00 to $14.00 per week. Sehnntopol— ANALT HOTEL, J. B. Loser. Prop. Rates, $8.00 to fU.oo per week. Fnl ton— FULTON HOTEL. F. Tartter. Prop. Rates. $3.00 to ?7.00 per week. Guernevtlle— GßANt> CENTRAL. W. F. Graham. Prop. Rates, ?7.0U per week. Windsor— WESTERN HOTEL, William Welgand. Prop. Rates $8.00 to $12.00 rer week. .. ' ' Healilxbarp-UNION HOTEL. A. L. Learn. Prop. Rates. $1 00 to $2.00 per day: ?«.00 to $7.00 per week. SOTOYOME HOUSE. J. McDonough. Prop. Rates. $1 50 to $2.00 per day: J7.00 to SIO.OO per week. * w xo Gey«ei-rllle-GEYSERVILLE HOTEL. Mrs. J. STcaggs. Prop Rates. $600 to $7. 0n per week. rrov - Cloverdale-UNITED STATES HOTEL, M. Menihan, Prop Rales. $10.00 to $IR.OO per week. *' Hoplnnd-THATCHER'S HOTEL, W. W. Thatcher Ptod $0.00 to $8.00 rer week. " v " - Lakeport-LAKEVIEW HOTEL. E. Hudson. Prop. Rates $-.(*> to $10.00 per week. **" *«""• HOTEL. GISELMAN. A. H. Spurr. Prop. Rate*. $10.00 per HOTEL BKNVENUE. F. 4A. M. Scales. Props. Rate». $1.00 L'kufh-GRAND HOTEL, B. S. Hlrsch, Prop. Rates. $S.OO to $10.00 per week. • * UKIAH HOUSE. J. F. Dlnwlddle. Prop. Rate* $1 00 r*»r Any PALACE HOTEL. O. E. Williams. Prop Rates $1 J5 to 12.00 per day. S£?;^sii < oTp£ MM o 9 ntn N " lepp * Co - p ™> 9 - ™~- »-oo Potter Valley-TRAVELERS' HOME. R. Warders. Prop. Rates. $100 per day. WI R%TY™ $^r^y TEU MrS - A - L ° n * I - d . *"* OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. Thos. Flanlgan, Prop. Rates $1 00 per day. \ .+. PALACE HOTEL. Cha». Whlted. Prop. Rates. $3.00 per week. TICKET OFFICE— 6SO Market St. (Chronlcla Building). General Office— Mutual Life Building, :or. Sansome and California sts., San Francisco, Dal. H- C. WHITING, General Manager. i B. X. BYAH,GenL Pasaenger and Freight Agent. - r T"*HE California Northwestern Railway (Lessee of I San Francisco and North Pacific Railway). "The * Picturesque Route of California," furnishes trans portation facilities for Marin, Sonoma, Mendocino and Lake counties, which lie north of San Francisco. Larce and well-equior>cd steamers perform -the service on the bay between San Francisco and Tiburon, a distance of six and a half miles. The road traverses Marin, Santa Rosa, Russian River, Ukiah and onoma valleys, which are skirted by foothills and moderate mountain ranges. All the hills are wooded. The territory directly contiguous to the line of the California Northwestern Railway runs from thirty to fifty miles from the Pacific Ocean. It is not situated in what is called the interior of California, and therefore not subject to the great heats of that section: nor directly on the coast, and therefore not subiect to the fogs and winds of the Pacific Ocean. It occupies an intermediate position wherein Sol's rays are tern- ; percd by the ocean breezes, producing that happy me dium — a salubrious climate. The topography of the country, valleys, foothills, and moderate mountain ranges, together with the salu brious climate pervading the whole, makes this section a natural health and pleasure resort. With over three j hundred streams — mountain torrents, creeks and riv ers — flowing: in all diections. there is no Mineral Sprinc Resort, town, or hardly a ranch, not directly on a running stream or very close to one. Some people for their outing prefer the Mineral Spring Resort where they can get the benefit of medi icinal waters: some prefer the quiet home-life of the ranch; others prefer to remain in the smaller towns. OXE cf the features of this part cf California is the great J number and variety of mineral springs. It is truly said | that tiowhere «!«b on the American Continent of a similar are« axe there «o many mineral waters and of such varied qua::t!ea. It is aleo true that cheml<»l analysis and the experience of eminent travelers prcve that the waters of the famous springs of the world ere here duplicated. Naturally these Fprtnjr* are the resort of. those peeking health and pleasure. In this article we refer to the Mineral Spring Resorts only in a peneral way. We do not attempt to rive in detail the special features of each, nor a description of ihftr location end beautiful j surroundings. Our readers, however, can reft assured that a i visit to the Reports in this rr.ost picturesque section of California, ] blessed with the choice climate o£ the Pacific Coast, will be a I pleafure and a. benefit. SoTie of them are but a few hours' ride from Fan Francisco, some ar« reached in the afternoon, and the most distant one In ! the ear!y e-venir.g. The transportation rates are low. {•¦n Knfiiel— V.'hl^h etat'etlo* show to te th? •healthiest | roscrt on the Pacific Coa>t. if the ideal suburb of Psm Francisco, | and flietarjt therefrom cn!y fifteen mile*. It is a city of pretty cottages, beautiful homes and magnificent residences, all cra bower»d In rofes and a. wealth of fcliage. Its c'.linate Is of that delightful medium so pleasant to all. For the accommodation of visitors this city reicrt offers private homes, villas and ele fcact hr>te!s. The Hotel Rafael is among the finest in the West. | and yields to n^r.e in its complete modern equipment and the beauty of its grounds, with winding drives, lined with trees and shrubbery, through a twenty-ecie park. Terms— By the dny, f3.CO and upward, ecccrdlng to rocm: by the week, JI7.T-0 and ; upvard. Adflret-s Hotel Kaf.-jel. Pan Rafael, Marin County. Cal. California Hot M>rlnif— ln Sonoma Valley, on the So nnrr.a branch of the California Northwestern Railway (leF^ee S. F. * N. P. Ry>. Is California Hot Spring (formerly the Aitna < nlii-nte >r»rlna!"i This Fprinp has been famous since er.rly : days. The hot*! there at the present time is a large and modern I building. In the lirprcvements. however, the oM adobe was not | destroyed, and the rooms which Grant, Fherraan and other noted I soldiers used to oecuj.y are still preserved. Warm Mineral Fwim- ] nilng. hot and cold tub baths. One of the lareest swimming tanks (n California. Only a couple of hours' ride from Pan i Francisco. Two trains daily. No stairing. Terms— Slo.T.o and j upward r>er week. Address. Cooper & Stewart. Proprietors. Asrua . Caliente, Porraia County. Cal. Mark Went SprlnK-ss — Are eituated nine miles from Santa i Roea. A picturesque ride through Santa Rosa Valley brings the ' fruert to the mountain range, and when the crest Is reached, j Merle West Fprinps. resting In the miniature valley below, affords j one of nature's most beautiful pictures. The baths are naturally •uai-m er.i are free to grues:s. The Mineral Bprlaci are Soda. Magnesia, Fulri'ur. Iron. Iron and Arsenic. Three trains each war daily between Fan Francisco and Panta Rosa. Stage con- I nects reg-u!ar!r with the morning train from Ran Francisco, and ! with the a'ternocn train cf Saturday. P^stofflce and telephone, j Terms— s2.oo per day: adults, per we*k, $9.00. 110.00 and $12.00; I children under ten years. f-C.OO. Address, Frese & Juersensen. I P. O. America, Pwrr.a County, Cal., or Charles Juerger.sen, 012 Larktn street. Pan Francisco. Lytton SprlnKPi— So well and favorably known for years. are ftlrectly en the line of the railroad. No staging. Recently the prTT^rty cramfJ hamis and th» new owners have spent i many thousand collars la Improving and beautifying the grounds. The hotel and cottajres are equipped with all modern Improve ments. The 1000 acres of Jand rise in a gradual slope from the railway Ftati«n to the hills beyond Lytton eprings nr . berth a par.iteriurn and a resort. The waters are Lytton California Pelt eer, and Lytton Geyser Soda. A large swimming tank, shady proves, winding walks and drives, croquet and lawn tennis grounds, and invigorating waters afford rest, pleasure and health j to the ruests. Postoffire and telegraph. Terms — Adults, f 10.00 to $2r..00 per -week: children. $7.00 to ? 14.00. Special rates for families. Address Wm. Hensley, M. D., Lytton, Sonoma Coun ty, Cal. SUaps-ii' Hot Sprtnerii— Are nine miles west of Geyser v!'l». in the Coast Range of mour-tair.s, and about twenty miles east cf the Coast. A quick stage ride on an excellent road over rolling hills, through Dry Creek Valley (one of nature's beauty spots) arid Warm Springs Canyon. Is a delightful feature of a vieit to these springs.. No fogs, no disagreeable winds, no mos- C«lto*s. Kot baths, mineral eprings, trout streams, excellent hunt ing, and well-wcvxjed Wlls, form a most desirable combination for the health and pleasure swker. Baths free to guests. Post office and telephone. Terms— ?2.oo per day. $12.00 per week. A<s4ress, John F. Mulgrew, Skaggs' Hot Errlngs, Sonoma County, Cal. Bine Laken— Eighteen miles east of Uklah lie Blue Lakes and Laurel Dell Lake. These lakes are nearly surrounded by high mountains, and are the moet picturesque In America. They' find their counterpart In Lake On«va, Switzerland. At the upper lake Is lilue Lak^s Hotel. Guests have the choice of hotel or cottages. There is also a lake house built over the water. . thus serving as a dance hall, boat house and bathing place. The temperature of the lakes runs from 65 degrees to 72 degrees, and for the greater pleasure of the guests a Jumping tower, sliding and fprtr.gboards are pnn-lded. These lakfß have been heavily ftocked with Lake Tahoe trout. Tenr.s— s2.oo per day, $12.00 per week. Address, O. Wiseman, Proprietor, P. 0.. Blue Lakes, Lake County, ral. Laorrl Dell — Joins the Blue Lakes. Its topography is a •surprise and a. wonder. The lakes are greater in length than In width, and are favors with a never-failing breeze. The border of Laurel Dell Is covered with trees whose branches- find their reflection in the crystal waters beneath. Whether boating on the 'lake, fishing lor trout, or rerllnlng on the chore under the ehafle of massive trees, one enjoys that pleasant rest which so relieves the mind and invigorates the body. Every accommoda tion for the comfort and pleasure of the bather has been pro vided, even to a marine toboggan. ' An excellent livery will be furniehed at reasonable rates, so that excursions can be made to the many points of Interest in the vicinity. Including Clear Lake. A new hotel building and cottages double the accommo dations of previous year*. Hotel and grounds lit up with gas. Terms— tl.BO to K.OOper day. fS.fK) to .?H.OO per week. Ad dress. H. Wambold, Proprietor. P. 0- Bertha, Lake County, Cal. Snrntoica Sprlns*— Are three miles east of Blue Lakes and Laurel I>oll Lake. This place ie particularly well favored in the number mid variety of its mineral springs. The hotel and cottages are located In one of those miniature valleys, so typical In the mountainous wctlins of California. Visitors have their choice of water from Sulphur, Soda, Iron or Magnesia Springs Facilities for the enjoyment of Mineral Baths, as well as Natural Water Baths, axe of the best. In the. vicinity are excellent trout Krearaa. an( 3 in the mountains roundabout deer are plentiful. Good roads for wheelmen permeate this entire section. The livery is of the best and very reasonable. On the grounds around Sara toga Springs are many beautiful spots for camping, and campers ercmont welcome. Terms — »2.< V) per day, $12.00 per week. Ad dress. J. Martens. Proprietor, Bachelor P. 0.. Lake County, Cal., r,r F. A. Busse. 416 Pine street. San Francisco, Cal. Bartlett From Ilrpland to Lakeport In a stage, thence eight miles across Clear Lake In a fast little steamer to TSartMt Ijanfllr.g, therxe In a stage, over hill ard dale to Bartlett Fprlngc. arriving th*>r« In the evening, affords a trip never to be forgotten In its changes and variety of scenery, and never mo- I notonous, no matter how frequently taken. A large hotel—capac ity £00— -twenty pretty cottages and large rooming houses furnish accommodations for the regular guests. In addition, there j ¦re 100 cottages, at a small weekly rental, for parties who wish i to <Jo their own housekeeping. A large swimming tank $ox2o. | Terms— From $10.00 to Jls.<V> per week; cottages for housekeeping, j ?2.fK> to $6 00 p*r week. Address, lUrtlett Springs, Lake County: j or r.a.rt!*U fprings Co., Ko. 2 gutter ftreet, San Francisco, Cal. Carlstbad Sprlnjjn— Are located In the central part of Lftk<* rvjunty. In full view cf Clear Lake. Means of transfer, etafre from Hoplar.d. Elevation two thousand feet. A mountain trout stream runs within a hundred feet of the hotel. There are twenty mineral springs. "The Springs" property of over one ' thousand acres Is co\-ered with p!ne and redwood trees and sur rounding mountains abound with all kinds of game. A new dam : Is being built which will afford boatlnjr and bathing. Also a new ' bath houw for baths of th« mlner&l water. Hotel and grounds •re Illuminated by gas. Can accommodate two hundred. Adults, jfS.OO and $10.00 j>er week: children, half; special rates for faml- i lies. Address, W. R. McGovem, Carlsbad Springs, Kelseyvllle. Lake County. Cal. The Gey»rr»- A great variety of mineral waters. Hot mineral baths. A tepid lake of mlnprol waters. Large snd email game In abundance. Mountain streams full of tmut. : Well-equipped burros ¦ for ascending Geyser Peak and Cnbb ' Mountain and to visit the celebrated "Indian spring" where 'Ed^ win Forrest camped In the early *&o's and was completely cured ! nt a reriou« rheumatic complaint. Accommodations for campers. J T>al!y stage to and from Cloverdale. Leave Tiburon Ferry. San . Francisco, for Clo\-erdale 7:30 a. m., via California Northwestern ' Railway, arriving at Geysers 3:30 p. m. Terms— $2.50 per day, f 12.00 and $14 00 per week. Address, J. Wertheimer, The Gey- \ eers. ficnoma County, Cal. Doncan Sprlnun— One mile from norland StPtlon In Dvn ran Springs, and a bus meets evrry train. The Hotel Is on quite j an elevation, which Joins a mountain range and overlooks Eanel ; Valley. Mineral springs are numerous, but a Magnesia. and a Soda spring are the principal ynes. The latter pours nut from the mountain Fide In a canyon. The Hotel is large and commo dious and the surroundings are charming. The climate is of that , delightful softness co beneficial to those afflicted with asthmatic • or throat troubles. Terms— s2.oo per day, or $10.00 per week, i Address, O. Hotrell, Proprietor, Duncan Eprings, Sonoma- County, •( Cal. Hlgrhland Sprints*— From the railroad Ftation at Hopland twelve miles of staging over' the, shortest stage rout* In Lake : County and on the best mountain road on the Pacific Coast ' takes you to Highland Springs. A largftinew hotel and a num ber of cottage* »have Just been finished, thu* doubling the ac- ! commodatlonß for jruests. Clear Lake Is contiguous. Over thirty j kinds of mineral eprings, a resident physician in attendance, su perb climate, beautiful mountain scenery, fine trout streams. ] de*r and email game plentiful, magnificent drives through the ; mountains, and unrivaled mineral water . baths, make this an ideal nesort. Large swimming tank. Terms— sl.TO to $2.50 per I flay. $10.00 to $1000 per week. Address, J. Craig. Manager High- t land Spring*. Lake County. Cal., or Lee D. Craig, 316 Montgomery ) ftroct. Han Francisco. CaL . Orr'n Hat SprlnsT"— Fourteen miles west of Uklah and towards the coast are Orr*« Hot Sprints. Here the water at a ' temperature of 100 degrees comes out of the solid rock. The ! situation of Orr 1 * Springs Is most picturesque, being right Jn the midst of the redwoods and surrounded by high mountains. Fish- j ing la excellent In the mountain streams, and game of all kinds , !¦ piectiful. - Orr' a Hot Springs have been known . for yean for j < t^elr efficacy In cases of rheumatism. In the early days the Indians resorted to these Hot Springs for their curative quali ties. Terms— s7.oo to $9.00 per week; children under twelve, half rates. Address, John L. Orr, Orr's Hot Springs, Mendoclno County, Cal. , Vichy Springs— There are a number of springs at thii ~ place, but the principal one Is the Vichy Spring. The flow o \ water is so alwndant and the tubs so arranged that' during thi 1 bath the bather lies in the tub. enjoying a constant stream o; water direct from the spring. The water is heavily charged wltl gas and electriclty t and its effervescent and exhilarating effect! 1 naturally lead to the affectionate term "Champagne bath." Thi f Ardeche Spring, largely charged with borax, Is a water of ex . ceeding softness. The effect on the complexion and skin is bucl that the bath is familiarly known as the "Beauty Bath." Th< i ground around Vichy numbers about 2000 acres. Uklah, a thriv l Ing town, and the terminus of the California Northwestern Rail (. way (lessee S. F. & N. P. Ry.), Is only three miles distant. J Terms— per day, M 2.00 to $14.00 per week. Address, J. A. I P.edemeyer. Vichy Springs, Mendocino County, Cal. > ii — FOLLOWING are the addresses of persons along the California : |f ==^ Northwestern Ry.. living on ranches or in the towns, whe I will be triad to receive guests. ' ¦,¦.,-. • £1 Whilst the valleys through which this road runs art - varied in their acreage, none of them are so large but that th« ranch In the valley, or the home in the town. Is .within easj walking or riding distance of the foothill* and the canyons in • the mountain ranges. To avoid constant repetition, wo have not specified for every , ranch and home given, that the table will be supplied with th« fresh products and fruits of this section. At every ranch and at '¦ j every home the guest will have vegetables direct from the garden, • plenty of milk, eggs, butter, fruits. The poultry will -not 'come ' from coops after lying for days In a Commission House. This road (California Northwestern) operates Us own Spawn 1 Ing Station thirty-five miles north of Uklah, and its own Fish Hatchery at Uklah. The streams are yearly stocked with trout, so that throughout the whole section excellent trout fishing is found, and it Is lawful to fish for trout from April Ist to Decem ber Ist. In correspondence please give number in party (children, if any) ppeclfylng how many gentlemen and how many ladles, and whether married or single, so that the rooms can be better ap portioned. At most of these homes a greater number can be accommo dated if the guests are willing to sleep in tents. Where it Is stated that the "means of transfer" is by stage, through tickets are sold over rail and stage, which guests should purchase. Dally mail, telephone and telegraph in every town. Dally mall and telephone at every Resort. With very few exceptions, ! dally mall at every ranch, and telephone communication near by. New ttngrland Villa— San Rafael— Short distance from I depot California Northwestern Ry. (broad gauge). Means of j transfer, omnibus. Hotel cottages situated in the midst of trees »-nd flowering plants. Can accommodate one hundred. Adults, | $7.00 to $8.00 per week: children under ten, half rates. Special : rate? for families. Address. M. O. Connor, San Rafael. Cal. j Goldfrap's— San Rafael— Few blocks from depot California ; Northwestern Ry. (broad gauge-> Means of transfer, omnibus. i Can accommodate four. Address, Mrs. Goldfrap, Fourth and E j streets, fan Rafael. Cal. Live Oak Villa— San Rafael— Means of transfer, omnibus. A few blocks from depot California Northwestern Ry. (broad gauge). Plenty of shade. Flowering plants. Can accommodate twenty-five. Adults. $7.00 per week; children, one-half. Address. j Mrs. M. Obltz. San Rafael. ¦Walker's— i?an Rafael— One and one-half blocks from depot j California Northwestern Ry. (broad gauge). Means of transfer, omnibus. Rooms by the month. No table, but would furnish breakfast. Address, Mrs. M. D. Walker. San Rafael, Cal. >Ic(; reevy*s— San Rafael— One block from depot California j Northwe«tern Rjr. (broad gauge). Adults, $7.00 per week. Ad dress. Mrs. R. McGreevy. P. O. box 525. San Rafael. Barker's— San Rafael — Short distance from depot California Northwestern Ry. (broad frauge). Means of transfer, omnibus. ! Can accommodate four, with board. Rooms without board. Ad j dre.s.o, Mrs. A. H. Barker, San Rafael, Cal. Kadriemnn'n— San Rafael— Two blocks from depot Cali- I fornla Northwestern Ry. (broad gauge), near Hotel Rafael. Ad i dres?. Mrs. J. Kaddeman, San Rafael. Cal. Johnson's— Short distance from Novato. Will meet euests. ; Garden, oak grove, fish: foothills near by. Can accommodate ! fifteen. Adults. $7.00 jkt week; children, half rates. Special ! rates for families. Splendid place for campers. Address,' Robert j Johnson. Novato. Marln County, Cal. The Tavern— Family Hotel— Novato. Will' meet guests. Near eaJt water bathing. Grove adjacent. Can accommodate j fifteen. Adults, $G.OO per week; children under nine, half rates. ! Special rates for families. Address, Messrs. D. L. & M. J. Hay i den, Novato, Marln County. Cal. Rose's— Town Home— Novato. Will meet guests. Boating, fishing, hunting and bathlnp. Can accommodate twelve. Adults, $ti.Oo per week; children, half rates. Special rates for families. Address. W. T. Rose, Novato, Marln County. Cal. San Antonio It n noli— Three miles from Burdell's; five j miles from Petaluma- Will meet guests. Fishing and hunting. i Very pleasant purroundtnpp. Can accommodate four. Terms. j $<5.00 per week. Address. Mrs. R. M. Skinner. Petaluma, Cal. Tihlietts'— Town Horn*— Petaluma. Means of transfer, street car. Pleasantly located, commanding good view. Airy an.l sunny rooms. Can accommodate four. Adults, $5.00 per week. Address, Mrs. I>. Tibbetts. Petaluma, Cal. I'ine Grove — ",'own Heme — Suburbs of Petaluma. Grounds ! two acres. Grove ol pine trees. Can accommodate four families, without board. Two huuses. Rent, $10.00 to $20.00 per month. 1 Address. Mrs. S. Drown, P. 0.. box 272. Petaluma. Cal. lluena Vlstu Itnneh— Near Petaluma. Will meet guests. Address, J. H. Caltoft, Buena Vista Ranch, Petaluma, Sonoma County, Cal. Llnehaneh's— Stony Point— Ten miles from Petaluma. Will meet ruests. Rolling country, natural groves, orchards; hunting and fishing. Can accommodate four. Adults. $7.00 per week. Address, Mrs. J. H. Linebaugh. Stony Point, Sonoma County. Cal. ' Llnehnuarli'M— Ten miles from Petaluma. Will meet guests. Home orchard, natural grove, charming surroundings. Can ac commodate four Adults. $7.00 per week. Address, Mrs. R. F. Linebauph. Stony Point. Sonoma County, Cal. Slaylleld's— Ten miles from Petaluma. Will meet guests. Quiet country home. Fruit Farm. Can accommodate four to Fix. Adults. $5.00 per week. Address, Mrs. G. W. Maytield, Ktony Point, Sonoma County, Cal. Kelley's Ranch— Six miles from Petaluma, Will meet ruests. In the foothills, between Petaluma and Sonoma. Lake on ranch. Boating. Can accommodate six. Adults. ?5.00 per week; children under twelve years, $2.50. Address, jamea J. Kellev. Petaluma. Sonoma County, Cal. AVhlllateli'n — One and one-haif miles from Corona Station. Will meet giests. Quiet country home. Rural delivery mall every day 11 a. m. Can accommodate four. Adults, $5.00 per week; children under ten years, half rates. Address, D. F. Whitlatch. Petaluma. Cal. Wilkinson's— Half mile from Perm Grove. Will meet guests. Quiet country home. Can accommodate six. Adults, $7.00 per week. Address, Mrs. Wm. Wilkinson, Perm Grove, Sonoma County. Cal. Mice's— Town Horne — Perm Grove. Will meet gruests. Quiet country home. Can accommodate six. Adults. {25.00 per month; children, half rates. Address, Mrs. E. B. Rice. Perm Grove, So noma County. Cal. Cheney's— One-third mile from Perm Grove. Will meet guests.* Farm, pleasantly surrounded. Can accommodate four to six. Ad'iltff, $*>.o<"i per week. Special rates for families. Address. Mrs. T. H. Ch»ney. Perm Grove. Sonoma County. Cal. Chandler Heluhts— fix miles from Perm Grove. Will meet ituests. In the foothills. Splendid view. Spring water. Abundant Fhade. Paily mail. Can accommodate ten. Adults tn.OO per week: children, hajf rates. Address, Mrs. J. Perry Whltnker, Panta Horn. Cal. Temperance House— Santa Rosa. Central part of town. Means of transfer, horse cars. Address, J.W. Curry, Santa Rosa, Sonoma County. Cal. Cottaire Home— Town Home— Suburbs of Santa Rosa, Will meet guests. Plenty of shade. Hammocks. Mall twice a day. Can accommodate two. Adults,- $7.00 per week. Address Mrs. M. Phelan, Santa Rosa, Cal. . 3lonntnln View-Town Home— Suburbs of Fanta Rosa. ¦Will meet guests. Plenty of shade. Hammocks. Mall twice a day. Can accommodate six. " Adults, $7.00 per week. Address Mrs. J. H. AbPhire, Santa Rosa, Cal. Rose Cottace— Town Home— Suburbs Santa Rosa, Will meet guests. Modern house, elegantly furnished. Telephone, electric lights. Splendid view. Running stream skirts the grounds Stable for horses and carriages. Can accommodate ten. Adults $15.00 r>er week. Address, Mrs. F. B. Cornne. Santa Rosa, Cal. ' White's— Town Horne — Suburbs of Santa Rosa. Pleasantly situated. Means of transportation, omnibus. Can accommodate two. Adults. $5.00 p«r week. Address, Mrs. Charlotte White Santa Rosa. Cal. Jones'— Town Home— Santa Rosa. Pleasantly situated. Can accommodate eight. AddreM, Mrs. J. M. Jones, Santa Rosa, So noma County, Cal. McMeans'— Town Home— Santa Rosa. Pleasantly situated lArjre. airy rooms. Ample grounds. Address, Miss Carrie Mc- Mean«. Panta Rosa, Sonoma County, Cal. White Snlphnr Sprintr*— Located In the foothills with in two and one-half miles of Santa Rora. Bus meets all trains Hotel and cottages are located on good elevation and command a view of the whole Santa Rosa Valley. There are abundant shade trees. Located as they are. the air Is always pleasant, no matter how hot the day. Sulphur baths. Can accommodate sixty Adults. $10.00 to $12.00 per week; children under ten, half rates Special rates for families. Address, John S. Taylor, Santa Rosa' I Sonoma County. Cal. Arlington Manor— Nine miles from Santa Rosa. In the mountains, among the pines. Camping privileges to a few quiet families or parties. Fuel free. Address. Mrs. M. A. Ransom Santa Rosa. Sonoma County. Cal. ! Valder's— Three miles from Santa Rosa. Will meet guests ! Pleasantly situated. Short distance off road In orchard Mark I West Creek flows through the place. Flfhlng. boating and bath- I ing. Can accommodate two. Adults, $7.00 per week. Address Mrs. 11. D. Valder, Fanta Rosa. Cal. Aaaress. Oak Shade Ranch— Seven and one-half miles from Santa Rcsa. Will meet euests. Seven hundred and twenty-seven acres In the foothills, 1000 feet above sea level. Hunting and fishing horses and rigs; 30 Jersey cows. Can accommodate fifteen Ad dress, Harry L. Jones. Eanta Rosa. Cal. " " Loser's— Town Home— Sebastopol. Will meet guests. Pleas antly situated. Can accommodate twenty-five. Adults $0 00 to $3.00 per week. Address, J. B. Loser, Sebastopol. Sonoma Coun- Collin*'— Six miles from Rebastopol. Will meet guests In a fmall valley. Froit farm: Hills covered with redwood trees Can accommodate eight. Adults. $6.00 per week; children under ten. *3.n0. Address, C. B. Collins, Occidental. Sonoma Co Cal nremner's— Five miles from Santa Rosa— At the foot of Bennett's Peak. Near Matanza Creek. Fishing and hunting. Imlly mail. Can accommodate fifteen. Adults. $0.00 per week. HpeHal rates for families. Address, D. B. Bremner, Santa Rosa, Trlup'Pi-On Gold Itldge-One-half mile from Sebastopol and , eirht miles west of Santa Rosa, Hills near by. Will meet euests at Sebastopol. Can accommodate four. Adults $5 00 per week children under ten, half rates. Address. B. L. Tript) Sebastnnni .Sonoma County, Cal. u«iujjui. Lone Redwood Home— One mile from Fulton— On "' Mark West Creek. Bathing. Plenty of shade. Will meet rurstn Adults. W.OO per week: children, half rates. Addr? S s. Mra. M D. Brown. Fulton. Sonoma County, Cal. l.nlliiier Ranch-Four miles from Windsor. Will meet IK.' S5S$5 '^ I^,^. SSaSSKJtfg Live Oaks— Three miles from Windsor. "Will meet truest* Horses and vehicles for guests. Fishing and swlmmln "in^Rus: elan River. Free baths at mineral Rprings. Cat, accommodate twelve.' Adults. $8.00 Per week; children under ten. $4 00. Sp" Count* Car' Address, W. B. Rich, Windsor. Sonoma . Welcli'M-Quartrr mile from Windsor. Will meet guests. Farm pleasantly located. Can accommodate four to six. Adults 1 Cou^ty. er Ca¥ Address, Mrs. F. T, Welch. Windsor. Sonoma Ila'rnes'— Town Home— Healdsburg. Means of transfer om nlbui. Centrally located. Adults. $fl.oo per week: children half rates. Address. Mrs. T. J. Barnes, Healdsburg, Sonoma County, .v ne\lo's-Town Home— Healdsburg. Means of transfer, om ?. lbUi TT *? ea £. a y* y « tv^ ed - Can accommodate eight. Address.' Mrs. H. L. DeNlo, Healdsburg. Sonoma County. Cal. t Heald's-Town Home-Healdsburg. Will meet guests. Pleasantly situated. Cool shady verandas. Fruit trees, shade l- c £2' . * r f f I J>« lawn ' etc - , Cajl accommodate six. Party of two. $7 00 to $£00 per .WMk; four or more, $7.00 per week. Address Thou, T. Heald. Healdsburg. Sonoma County, Cal Karrar'n-Town Home— Healdsburg. Means of transfer, omnibus. V ill meet guests. Pleasantly located. Large, sunny rooms. Can accommodate eighteen. Address, Mrs. S R Farrar Healdsburg, Sonoma County, Cal. Peek T s— Town Home— Healdsburg. Means of transfer, omni bus. Pleasantly situated. Airy rooms. Can accommodate two. Adults, $5.00 per week. Address, Mrs. George Peck, Healdsburg, Sonoma County. CaL . . 3 SarßTinssou'n— One mile from Healdsburg. Will meet . guests.- At the foot of Fitch Mountain. Russian River flows f through .the farm. Swimming and fishing. Can accommodate , two. Adults. $7.00 per week. Address, Mrs. C. Sarglnsson, Healds burg, Sonoma County, Cal. , RoNebroujrh'a)— Quarter of a mile from Grant Station. Will . meet guests. Plenty of shade Fruit ranch. Can accommodate ', six. Adults, $7.00 per week. Address, C. E. Rosebrough, Healds : tvr «H_ Sonoma County, Cal Trendway's— Three miles from, Healdsburgr. Will meet i guests. Situated in the foothills. Can accommodate five. Adults, r $7.00 per week; children, half rates. Special rates for families, s Address, Mrs. D. O. Treadway, Healdsburg, Sonoma County, Cal. '• *,r.,, Monn * aln View Ranch- Seven mile* from Healdsburg. i will meet guests. Pleasantly situated. Can accommodate twenty. . Adults, $10.00 per week; children half rates. Special rated for . families. Address, Ed Shone, Lamberts, Sonoma County. Cal. ¦\ i, I * anc '" Farm- Eight miles from Healdsburg. One-quarter mile from Russian River. Will meet, guests. Fishing and hunt- Ing. • Can accommodate .ten in house. Adults, $5.00 per week. ' This Is also a desirable location for campers. Table board for . campers, $3.60 per week. Addresa, Mrs. A. Isaacs, Healdsburg. Qbl. j .- * '.. i i Chapneira— On the banks of the Russian River, nine miles , from Healdsburg. Fishing and bathing. Three hundred acres. Can accommodate eight. Adults $7.00 per week; children, .half ,- price. •¦ Special .rates for families. Address, J. D. CSappell. Alex , ander-Valley P. 0., Sonoma County, Cal. Pine Hat— Fourteen miles from Healdsburg. Means .of transfer, Pine : Flat and Healdsburg Stage. In the i midst of groves of pines and firs. Fishing and hunting. Can accommo date six. Adults, $5.00 per week; children under twelve, $3.00 per week. Address, C. A. Grimmer, Pine Flat, Sonoma Co.. Cal. : -• Barlow*— Town Home— Healdsburg. Pleasantly situated. Can accommodate six. ¦ Adults $10.00 per week. Address. Mrs. M. Barlow, Healdsburg, Cal • ' ' • SUriver Place— One-half mile from Lytton. Will meet guests. Plenty of • shade. Pleasantly situated. Can accommo date six. - Adults, $7.00 per week* children under twelve, $3.60. • Address, Mrs. Oeo. Shrlver Lytton, Sonoma County, Cal. .Patterson's— Four miles from Lytton. Will meet guests. lln Alexander Valley, near the foothills. Fishing In Sausal Creek near by. Can accommodate two. Adults, $7.00 per week. Ad dress, Mrs. E. Patterson, Alexander Valley, P. 0., Sonoma Coun ty. Cal. Merrill's— Town Horne — Geyserville. Large roomy house, pleasantly situated. Can accommodate eight. Adults. $7.00 per week; children under ten. $4.00. Special rates for families. Ad dress, Mrs. M. M, Merrill. Geyserville, Sonoma County, Cal. Country House— Three-quarters of a mile from Geyser vill*. Will meet guests. At the foot of mountains, in Alexander Valley. On the Russian River. Mineral spring. Can accommo date four. Adults, $25.00 per month. Special rates for families. Address, Mrs. L. M. Smith. Geyserville. Sonoma County. Cal. TJird'fi Xewt — Two miles from Geyserville. In the foothills, at the base of Geyser Peak. Will meet guests. Mineral springs. Can accommodate four. Adults, $7.00 per week. Address, Mrs. J. W. Parrott, Geyserville, Sonoma County, Cal. Albrid'n-r-Four miles from Geyserville. Will meet guests. On a small hill commanding view of the valley. Good fishing and hunting. Teams at disposal of the guests. Can accommo date twenty. Adults, $7.00 per week. Addresa. Mrs. Kate Albrid, Cozzen's P. 0.. Sonoma County, Cal. Lanrel Knncn Resort— Five miles from GeyserviUe. Will meet guests. On a hill overlooking the valley. Fishing in Little Sulphur Creek near by. Can accommodate fifteen. Adults, $7.0u per week; children under twelve, $4.00. Address, Mrs. Geo. H. Black, Geyserville, Sonoma County. Cal. Measner's— Five miles from Geyserville. Will meet guests. Mountain ranch. Vineyard. Mountain streams. Good trout fish ing. Can accommodate six. Adults, $8.00 per week. Addresa, Jake Messner, Geyserville. Geyner Pentc Uanch — Seven miles from Geyserville. Will meet guests. Elevation, 2000 feet. Three thousand acres. New house, large verandas. Fine trout stream flows through the place for three miles. Can accommodate twenty-five. Adult*. $3.00 per week; children, half price. Address, J. T. Harlan, Geyser ville. Sonoma County, Cal. linnhnm'ft— Town Home— Cloverdale. Means of transfer, omnibus. A quiet parsonage home, pleasantly situated. Croquet, tennis, etc. Can accommodate four. Adults, $7.00 per week. Ad dress, H. E. Banham, Box 265, Cloverdale, Sonoma County. Cal. Kincs Id's— Town Home— Cloverdale. Will meet guests. Pleasantly situated. Can accommodate six. Adults. $8.00 per week. Special rates for families. Address, E. Klncaid. Clover dale, Sonoma County, Cal. Locust Ilnll— Town Home— Cloverdale. Will meet guests. Pleasantly situated. Plenty of shade. Can accommodate elcht. Adults, $7.00 per week. Address, Mrs. John Fields. Cloverdale. Sonoma County, Cal. Linda Vlntn Cottiyre — Town Home — Cloverdale. V.'lll meet guests. Pleasantly t'tuated on the edge of the town. Can accommodate six. Adults, $7.00 per week. Address, Mrs. G. Hagmayer, Cloverdale, Sonoma County. Cal. Honilley'B— Town Home— Cloverdale. Charming surround ings. Can accommodate four. Adults, $7.00 per week. Address, Mrs. H. C, Hoadley, Cloverdale. /Shole*'— Town Home— Cloverdale. Will meet guests. Pleas antly situated. Can accommodate two. Address. Mrs. M. J. Sholes. dovenlale, Sonoma County, Cal. IriMli'n — Town Horne — Cloverdale. II«lf-mI!e from station. Means of transfer, hotel bus. Can accommodate six. Adults, $7.00 per week; children, $4. C0. Address. W. \V. Irish, Cloverdale, So noma County. Cal. Ivy Hell— Lovely farm which adjoins the town of Clover dale. Hunting, fishing, croquet, plenty of shade, hot and cold baths, etc. Can accommodate twelve. Adults,' $S.OO per week; children under twelve. $4.00. Address, William CaJdwell. Clover dale. Home Comfort— Quarter of a mile from Cloverdale and less than a mile from Russian River. Fishing- and hunting. "Will meet gupsts. Pleasant, shady grounds. Guests driven to points | of interest. Can accommodate twelve. Adults, ?7.00 and JS.OO per v.-eek;- children under twelve, ono-half rates. Special rates for families. Address, Mrs. A. Itentley, Cloverdale. Sonoma Co.. Cal. I'lenMunt View Raiielir-One mile from Cloverdale and half a mile from Big Sulphur Cr<vk. the famous trout stream. Quiet country hom«\ near to heavily wooded hills. Can accom modate fifty. Adults, $7.00 per week; children under twelve, $3.50. Address, E. M. Shelford, Cloverdale, Sonoma County, Cal. The ()ak» — One and one-half miles from Cloverdale. Will meet guests. One-half mile from Russian River. Fishing and bathing. Mineral springe near by. Can accommodate five. Adults, $7.00 per week; children under eight, one-half. Address, Paul J. Leroux. Cloverdale, Sonoma County, Cal. McKoon Ranch— One and one-half miles from Cloverdale. Will meet guests. Situated In a little mountain valley. Plenty of shade, walks, drives, etc. Can accommodate six. . Adults. $8.00 per week. Address. H. H. MeKoon, Cloverdale, Sonoma Co.. Cal. Mnr Well's — Two miles from Cloverdale. Will meet guests. Road adjoins Rursian River. Bathing and flshlnpt. Plenty - of shade. Can accommodate ten. Adults, $S,OO to $10.00 per week; children, one-half price. Special rates for families. Address. Ellas Markell. Cloverdale, Cal. "Wood's— Two and one-half miles from Cloverdale. Means of transfer, stage. In the foothills. Plenty of shade. Pleasant drives ami walks. Hunting and fishing. Can accommodate Blx.' Adults, $7.00 per week; chlldre-n, half. Address, Mrs. J. B. Wood. Cloverdale, Konoma County. Cal. • The Alder Glen Mineral Snrlnpr* — Two and one-half miles from Cloverdale. Situated in a picturesque canyon. Hill sides covered with timber. Adults, $8.00 to- $10.00 per week. Good location for campers. One dollar per week for family or tent. Store where supplies can be bought. Address, Harris Rob ertson & Son*. Cloverdale, Sonorna County, Cal. White Onk Fnrni- Three and one-half miles from Clo verdale, two and one-half miles from Astl. Will meet guests. Situated In a little valley surrounded by mountains. Plenty of shade. Dancing platform, croquet grounds, hammocks, swings, etc. Can accommodate forty. Adults. $7.00 per week; children under ten, $3.&0. Address, W. H. Hlatt, Cloverdale, Sonoma County. Cal. Stone Wnll F"rnlt Hnnoli — Three and one-half miles from Cloverdale. near Russian River. Fishing and bathing. Will meet guests. House on elevation, overlooking the valley. Adults. $7.00 per week. Special rates for families. Address, John H. Tur ner, Cloverdale, Sonoma County, Cal. Parker Vlneynril Ranch— Four miles from Cloverdale. Will meet guests. In the foothills. Plenty of shade, pleasant walks through the canyons, and hunting. Can accommodate forty. Adults, $7.00 per week: children. $3. 50. Address. John D. Winter, Cloverdale, Sonoma County, Cal. Vnlley Kami— One mile from Astl Station, four miles from Cloverdale. Will meet guests. Residence in the foothills. Rus sian River within a quarter of a mile, affording good boating. Can accommodate six. Adults, $8.00 per week; children. $5.00. Spe cial rates for families or parties. Addresa, Wm. H. Black, Clo verdale, Konoma County, Cal. Riverside Ranch- One mile from Astl, four miles from Cloverdale. Will meet guests. On Russian River. Fishing and bathing. Can accommodate six. Adults, $8.00 per week: chil dren, $5.00. Address. Charles E. Black. Cloverdale. Sonoma County, Cal. Cooper's— Eight miles from Cloverdale. Will meet guests. Hunting, fishing and bathing. Can accommodate ten. Adults, $8.00 per week; children, $5.00. Address, F. J. Cooper, Clover dale, Cal. Good Fellow* Home— Dripping Springs, on Pine Mount ain. Nine miles from Cloverdale. Means of transfer, livery. Ele vation, 5500 feet. Adults, $8.00 per week. Will also take campers. Furnish wood, grounds and water privileges free: $5.00 for the season for each camp. Tents and cottages for rent at low rates. Addresa. S. Stratlon. No. 3 Eighth street. San Francisco. Cal. Telephone Jessie 044. Kraxler Ranch— On the Oeyser Road, ten miles from Clo verdale. Sulphur Creek, the famous trout stream, skirts the ranch. Geyser stage from Cloverdale passes dally. Fishing and bathing. Surrounding country rich In game. Can accommodate twenty.- Adults. $6.00 per week; children under eight, $3.00. Ad dress, Mrs. E. E. Frazler. Cloverdale, Cal. Ornbann'a Mineral and Medical Snrlner Resort- Twenty miles from Cloverdale. Will meet guests. In .the Red woods. Fishing and hunting-. Can accommodate twelve/ Adults JO.OO per week; children. $.1.00. Address, John S. Ornbaun Orn baun, Mendoclno County, Cal. Clow's— Thirty miles farm Cloverdale. Means of transfer, stage. In the Redwoods. Hunting and fishing. Adults, $5 00 per week; children, S3. So. Address, Mrs. G. T. Clow. Boonevllle Mendoclno County, Cal. Oleander Farm— Quarter of a mile from Preston. Will meet guests. On the banks of the Russian River. Bathing and fishing. Near Sulphur Creek for trout fishing. Plenty of. shade; orchard. Can accommodate twenty-five. Adults, $7.00 per week children, half rates. Address, C. E. Worth, Preston. Sonoma County, Cal. Senter's— Town Home— Hopland. Pleasantly situated. Can accommodate six. Adults, $5.00 per week; children, half price. Address, E. Senter, Hopland, Mendoclno County. Cal. IlnrUer's— One-half mile from Hopland. Will meet guests. Pleasantly, situated; charming home. Can accommodate four. Adults. $i.OO per week. Address, Mrs. Henry Barker, Hoplaml. Mendocino County, Cal. Lowe's— At East Hopland." One mile from Hopland. Will meet guests. On the banks of the Russian River. Fishing and bathing. Can accommodate four. Adults. $7.00 per week. Ad dress, Mrs. D. M. Lowe, Hopland, Mendoclno County, Cal. Illatt's— One mile from Hopland. Will meet guests. Charm- : ing surroundings. Can accommodate four. Adults. $6.00 per week. Address, Mrs. M. Hlatt, Hopland, Mendoclno County. Cal. Leek'»-~Three miles from Hopland. Will meet guests. Hunting and fishing. Adults $7.00 per week. Address. Mrs. C. E. Leek, Hopland. Mendocino County, Cal. ' Daw Rnneh— Four miles from Hopland. Will meet guests. ; In' the hills. Quiet country home. Fishing and hunting. Can ac- ' commodate two. Adults, $7.00 per week; children, half price. ' Address, Mrs. J. Daw, Hopland., Mendoclno County, Cal. Iluclciuan's— McDowell Valley. Four miles. from Hopland. Will -meet guests.' Near headwaters of Pleta Creek. Mountain- ! ous surrqundlngs. Fishing and hunting. Can accommodate four. .- Adults, $7.00 per week;' children, half price. Address, J, R. ,' Buckman, Hopland, Mendocino County, Cal. ! Uenson'n— Four and one-half miles from Hopland. Cannot : accommodate party with board, but if they bring their own tents and bedding will board. Adults,- 75 cents per day. Addresa, J, B. Benson. Hopland, Mendoclno County, Cal. ' Kelsey Mills— Seventeen miles from Hopland. three miles ' from Highland Springs. Means of transfer, stage to Kelseyvllle, . where guests will be met. Mountain stream within one hundred ; feet of house. Waterfall over ferns and mosses. Shady walks, etc. Can accommodate ten. Adults, $6.00 per week; children, . half rates. Special rates for families. Addresa, W. H. Brown. Kelseyville, Lake County, Cal. . " , , ¦¦' ' Combs' Ran,ch— Eighteen miles from Hopland. Means of ' transfer, stage— passes the door. Large house, situated In oak grove. Always cool and pleasant. Can accommodate four. Adults, i $7.00 per week. Special rates for families. Address, James H.. ' Combs, Lakeport, Lake County, Cal. " • . 'j Onkvllle— Eighteen miles from Hopland. Means of transfer,' .' stage — passes the door. Mountainous surroundings. Can accom- < modate eight. Adults, $8.00 per week. Special' rates for families.' 1 Address. N. McNeiU, Highland Springs. Lake County, Cal. Johnson's— One mile from Upper Lake. Means of transfer. < stage to Upper Lake, where guests will be met. Ranch home. '< Pleasant surroundings. Address, Miss Annie Johnson, Upper ' Lake. Lake County, Cal. < <? . • .Whites-T hree miles northwest of Lakeport, In Scott's Val ley. Pleasant location. Stage from Hopland to Lakeport. where i guests will be . met. Address, Mrs. C. White, Lakeport, Lake < County, Cal. . , . i THE SAN. FRAK CISCO CAL.L, SUJSD AY, APRIL 29, 1900. TIPS FOR YOUR VACATION CALIFORNIA NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY THE PICTURESQUE ROUTE OF CALIFORNIA. Lessee S. F. and N. P. R y , 24