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California Limited Santa Pc Route T2 CHICAGO This is the quickest running and most luxurious train across tho continent. Connecting Train Leaves Saw Fkanciscos I P.n. Monday. Wednesday. Friday and Saturday, arriving In Chlcaco at 2:15 P.n la time to connect with all limited trains for New York. OVERLAND LeaTes San Francisco at 5:39 FvnnFcc p. m. with Palace and Tourist * ... 5 cars for Kansas City, St. Louis, DAILY Chicago and East. Local train* t>etween Stockton. VALLEY Fresno, Banford, Visalla, Tnlare nr»An and Bakersfleld. KUAU SEC YOU ItS San Francisco office. 623 •fDKrO Market Street, Phone Main TKI3IU aUUHt IS3I . Oakland, 1118 Broad- way; Sacramento, 301 J Street; San Jose, 7 West Boat* Clara Street. HORTH PACIFIC COAST RAILROAD. Via Sausallto Ferry. Commencing: April 22. 1900. FROM SAN FRANCISCO TO MILL VALLET AND SAN RAFAEL. WEEK DAYS— 7:OO. '8:30. 9:30. 11:00 a. ra.; 12:45. m VAa. !:15. 4:16. *5:15. 6:15. «:40 pn m. EXTRA TRIPS— For Mill Valley and Saa Rafael, on Mondays. Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays, at 9:00 and 11:35 p. m. SUNDAYS— 7 :CO, *t:W>, *9:W. »10:0 O. 11:00. 11: JO a. m. : 12:45. *l:30. 2:30. *3:15. 6:00, «:00. 7:2J p. m. 11:00 a. m. does not run to San Rafael Sun- days. Trains marked (•) ran to San Quentln. FROM SAN RAFAEL. TO SAN FRANCISCO WEEK DAYS— S:3S. »6:30. 7:50. i:4O. •10:15 a. m.: 12:30. 1:15. 2:15. »3:30. 4:30. 5:30 p. m EXTRA TRIPS on Mondays. Wednesdays and Saturdays at "6:43 and 10:20 p. m SUNDAYS— «:IS. «S:00. »9:50, '11:00 a. m. ; »12:00 m.; 1:00. 2:15. 'Z.Zii. 4:30, »5:45. 6:45, 7:30, 10:20 p. m. Trains marked (*) start from San Quentln. FROM MILL. VALLEY TO SAN FRANCISCO. WEEK DATS— 6:S3. 6:45. 8:00. 8:55. 10:J0 a. m.; 11:35. 1:45. 2:45. 3:30. 4:50. 5:20 p. m. EXTRA TRIPS on Mondays. Wednesdays and Saturdays at 7:10 and 10:20 p. m. SUNDAYS— 4:3S. 8:05. 10:05, 11:10 a. ra. : 12:15. 1:20. 2:30, 3:45, 4:66. 6:15. 7:05, 10:30 p. m. THROUGH TRAIN! 7:00 a. m. week days— Tasadero and way sta- tions. 3:15 p. m. Saturdays— Cazadero and way sta- tions. 5:15 p. m. weekdays {Saturdays exeepted) — Point Reyes and way stations. 8:00 a. m. Sundays— Cazadero and way sta- tions. 12:45 p. m. Sundays— Point Reyes and way stations. MILL VALLET AND MOUNT TAMALPAI3 BCENIC RAlLWAY— Commencing Sunday. April 22. 1900. Tla SausalJto Ferry. Week da>s— Leara San Francisco. 9:10 a. m.. 1:45 p. m. Sundays— Leave Ban Francisco. S a. tn., I a. m.. 10 a. m.. 11 a. tn.. 1:30 p. m.. 2:39 p. m. Tlcktts can be purchased at the Sau- sallto Ftrry. north end of Union Ferry Depot, foot of Market St.. San Francisco. Fan. round trip from Saa Francisco, fl 40. W?Btly Gall $1.00 per Year TWO= Ea^gpTßAlß Knickerbocker Cnprial Noonday u\) wLIal Train From ( NEW YORK. QT I OFIIQ tn ) BOSTON, bl. LUUIb 10 < BUFFALO. ( CINCINNATI. Via Bifi Four Route and New York Central Railway, JVO TUNNEL AT ST. LOUIS. NO FERRY AT NEW YORK. STOr AT NIAGARA FALLS. White City JpCCicl! From , CINCINNATI. C WASriINGTON, CHICAGO tO < BALTIMORE. / PHILADELPHIA, x NEW YORK. Via Big Four Route and Chesapeake & Ohio Railway. CARLTON C CRANE. Pacific Coast Agent. nF^HE past week was one of the most brilliant of the social season, and £ probably win be considered the la*t of the season. Now every one is looking toward "preen fields and pastures new." and all the life and gayety of the social world will have its being at the fashionable resorts. Pretty gr'rls and handsome costumes were in evidence at the final assembly tr,d perman of the Entre Nous Cotillon, which closed its tenth season at the Pal ace Hotel on Friday evening. "The club has a membership of fifty couples, and the six permans giren have all been en joyable affairs and successful in every re epect. Each fathering has had its indi vidual share of originality and effective ness, and the directors in charge during the past season deserve great credit for their devotion to the social success and prosperity of the club. Early next winter the Entre Nous will re-form for its elev enth season. On Friday evening six pret ty and praccful figures were danced, un der the leadership of G. Lewald and Miss Irene Metrodorffer. Those in the leading set were: Misses Belle Herzor. Gertru<U- Scott. Doris Heuer. Mabel Mc- Fadden, Carrie Brunner. Kittie Barkhaus, May Nolan. Lillian Lubben. Linda Priber. Kate Pyir.gton, May McDonald. Adelaide Samuels. Eisa Priber. Kate Games and I>r. and Mrs. Frank L. Platt; Messrs. Frank C Sykes. Dr. J. D. Mlllikin. Vin cent O'Neil. Fred W. Burgers, Charles Fli kett. Dr. William C. Hopper. Arthur Muessdorffer. Dr. Edward Keeffe. Philip Heuer. Walter H. Rtflrinson. D. T. Berry. Alphonse Putter. S. Howard Smith. Byian I». Bent. W. L. Muf ssdorffer. Herman H. Herzer and James T. Ludlow. They're Engaged The engagement has been announced of Miss May Lowell, niece of Colonel Frank W. Sumner. and John E. Medau. son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Medau. The young couple are well known in this city, where they have a host of friends. Miss Jxiwell is highly accomplished and owing to her charming manner is a preat favor ite in society. Mr. Medau is connected with the firm of Baker & Hamilton, and 5s popular In business and social circles. No date has been set for the wedding, but it will probably take place during the summer months. Mrs. C. Siiverstone announces the en gagement of h>-r daughter. Miss Lizzie, to Leon Siess of Minneapolis, Minn. Weddiog Bells A quiet wedding took place at St. Pat rick's Church on Wednesday evening, the l*th inst., the contracting parties being Miss Clara Mac Mullen, daughter of Thomas F. Mullen, and Charles L. O'Brien, late of Honolulu. The ceremony was performed at St. Patricks Church by the Rev. Father Barry. Miss Mary Daley, cousin of the bride, acted as maid of honor, while John Costello officiated as best man. After the wedding Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien left for Monterey. Dr. W. Bruce Ffolkes. A. A. surgeon. V. S. A., formerly of this city and later health officer of the Port of Manila, was married early in April at Sydney, Aus tralia, to Miss Jeanette Smith, daughter of Mrs. Smith of Sydney. Beatrice E. Simi and George E. Stiles were married Thursday night at St. Pe t» re Episcopal Church by Rev. Dr. W. M. Hours. The bride is the daughter of P. Simi. a prominent wine merchant of Healdsburg. The groom is the cashier of the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Com pany of. this city. Fn-d Krone was best man. and Miss Edna. Sham. attended the bride. After the ceremony a sumptuous bar.quet was given at a downtown hotel. The your.g couple left for a tour of the south on Friday night. They will be at home at 102S Greenwich street late In June. William S. Vagg of Oakland and Ger trude S. Mair.warirjg of Monterey were quietly marrit-d at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Rod rick of Monterey. Thursday, the 10th inst.. at 9 a. m. The or-rtmony was preformed by Rev. L. W. Krahl of Pacific Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Vagg left on the 11:30 train for a short trip, after which they will go to their home in Oakland. They will be at home to their friends after May 1 at J'j3o Fifty-third street. Oakland. One of the prettiest of the post-Lenten •weddings took place in St. Mary's Cathe dral Tuesday evening. April 24. when 11. J. Collins and Katie Sweeney were united in marriage by Rev. Fathr-r Prendergast, Vicar-General of the arch-dU>cese of San Francisco. The bride was attended by Nora Dwyer and the groom by Thomas Hourihan. After the ceremony a recep tion was tendered the happy couple at the home of the bride's aunt. Miss Margaret Hogan. After a sojourn in the southern part of the State Mr. and Mrs. Collins will reside In this city. Home Gatherings A very successful farewell surprise party was tendered to Miss Alice Condon en the eve of her departure for an ex tended tour at the residence of her pa rents, 755 Harrison street, on Friday even ing. April 20, by the junior class of the Sacred Heart Presentation Convent. The committee having charge of the arrange ments of the affair consisted of the Misses Carrie Lc-dden, Hazel Brennan, Mary Nash. Mary Guerln, Helen Goyhenix and Marguerite Keenan. The evening was passed in the rendition of aji impromptu prGgTamme of unusual merit. After a de- Reunion of Parishioners. The parishioners of St. Francis Church will hold a reunion and picnic on May day In Shell Mound Park. The commit tee having the affair in charge is as fol lows: A. Connich (chairman), P. F. Quirk (secretary), P. Connors, P. A. Buckley, C. Nlcholes, E. J. Ryan, D. J. Hennessey. J. McFadden W Antonlvich, J. Campodonico, B. Dowd. Mrs. Mckles. Mrs Stevenot, Miss Dowling. Miss Mc- Givney, Miss Foley, Mrs. Green, Miss Mullin, Mrs. Bardet, Miss M. Gleason, Miss Casey and Miss K. Fitzstmmons. , lightful supper, dancing was Indulged In until a late hour. Among those present were: Tho Misses Edith Stukes. Gertie Townley. Minnie Budd. Nellie Van Kne rin. Francos lvcs. Kate Sullivan. Annie Sullivan. Marcella McCarthy, Emma Har 1«>, Nettie Haulton. Lottie UrockofT. Nel lie Rcllly. Alice O'Brien. Julia Cummings. Henrietta K<atlng. Irrne Wichman, Fan nie Brady. Charlotte Sullivan. Mary Mc- Carthy. Bertha Brandt. Eva Pincus Ame lia Le«lden. Rose Condon, Alice Condon and Ethel Robertson: Messrs. Jack Rob ertson. James W. Hnrr.e, George Clayton, George Gladwin.! Elmer Freed. George Drummond. Louis Kraker, M. D.. Norman Jones. Clifford Morris, Ralph Cook. Ar thur Townley. Walter Brennan, Harry Geary. Pct< r Kavanagh. Jerry Sullivan. Frank Becker. William Kune. Wallace Meyer John Goyhenix. Louis Issac. Thomas? Evans. Hugh Garrity. R. W. Con don. Ueorge Condon. William Brennan, Thomas Geary, John Ledden, William Ledden, Joseph Ledden. Joseph Madden. Eddie Hause, Harry Overington. William Canavan: William Condon and Charles Friend; Mr. and Mrs. Coffey, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Condon, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Condon Jr. and Mrs. Sullivan. A veiy enjoyable surprise party was given t"i Charles Simmons at his resi dence, 245 Eleventh street, on Saturday evening. April 21. Games were ' played, Rfter which refreshments were served. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Orack. Rose Sim mons. Mattie Kohn. Miss Douglass, Jean ette Kohn. Gertrude Mehrtens. Rose Orack, Florence Levy. Pearl Grahm. Ju lia Orack. Edith Knox. Oiga de Curtoni, Mamie Roener, Lulu Burkardt, ¦ George Satorious. Henry Levy, Joe Forrine, Ed Simmons. Ed Johnston, Isador Simmons. Julius Verdier. Charles Simmons. Ben Levy, Emile McCartney, Gilbert Shearer, George Zaro. A pleasant surprise party was tendered Miss Kffie Nidever by Miss Emma Estes, on Saturday evening, April 21, at the home of her parents, 314 Third street. Among those present were: Miss Erne Nidever. Miss May Jameson. Miss Emma E^tes. Miss Myrtle Jameson, Miss May Grant. Miss Ethel Harrlgan. Miss Annie Conroy. Miss Grace Collison. Miss Frankle Conroy. Mr. and Mrs. Strock, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford. Mr. an.l Mrs. Weymouth, Mrs. Alice Kelly, George Roach. Ed Es tos. Jim Lucas, Wallace Nidever, Rich ard Condon. Mr. Price. George Svetrlch, Roy Ross. Ed Lucett, George Ushold, Will Hutchinson. Ben de Spain, John Cox. Claude Conilson, Bill Green, Mr. Ford, Mr. Gable and 11. Thurber. Club Parties. The San Mateo Fortnightly held Its last meeting of the season April 19 at the resi dence of George W. Dickie. The pro gramme began with a vocal solo by A. L. Hall. Mr. Dickie introduced the theme of the evening. "The Work of Women In Social Progress." Miss Bonnie Waggoner followed with a recital, "The Red Fan," and gave an amusing number as an en core. C M. Morse road a short paper on the evening's subject and a poem by the wife of Professor Markham. the author of "The Man With the Hoe. f Mrs. D. F. Walker sang "A May Morning" and "The Last Rose of Summer." Mrs. H. E. Hlphton and Miss Sisson made addresses concerning the work of the Women's Ex change of San Francisco and the univer sity settlement work in San b rancisco and elsewhere. The meeting closed with a musical number from Handel. "Tne Lar go " by Mrs. J. H. Doane, pianist, assisted by S. "a. Maclure at the organ. "On Tuesday evening April 17, the Sterling Club tendered a banquet to Ben J Miller prior to his departure to accept a responsible position at Cape Nome. Tlic affnir took place at a downtown restau rant. The banquet hall was beautifully decorated for the occasion, and merry making was indulged In till midnight. Toasts were responded to by J. J. Rielly, I ieutenant W. M. Gill and Senaior Lynch. T J. Horan acted as toastmastcr. The following members of the club were pres ent- T. J. Horan. Lieutenant iUiani M. Gill J. A Colleton. William Hayes, Sen ator Lynch, William Li.ndie. Alex Mc,- Curte Thomas Ken. George Finnigan. Jo seph Derby, Frank Williams. J. Grant and J Relfly. A most enjoyable entertainment was given by the Red Caps at St. John's Guild Hall Friday evening under the manage ment of Captain O. Wilson and Mrs. L. C Sanford. The following programme was rendered: Song. Red Cap Drill; banjo solo Miss Ruth Bockious; tableau, the three graces. Faith, Hope and Charity; coon pong Lucius Newell; piano solo. Miss Florence Holt; coon song, William Potts; recitation Miss Kennedy: vocal solo. Miss Giovanette. with violin accompaniment by Mr Dumont; piano duet, Miss Lang etadtei- and Mrs. Gardner; vocal solo, Mr. Wilkins: dance. Miss Eunice Miller and Miss Dudley: pantomime. "Who's That Tapping at the Garden Gate"; remarks, Mr. Sanford. ; In the Future The Fleur-de-Lls will hold Its third so cial dance Tuesday evening. May 1, In So cial Hall. Foresters' building. The Astorias will give their closing party of the season at Union-square Hall, Tues day evening. May 1. On Thursday evening. May 10. the Sine Cura Club will give its seventh hop at Hinman's Hall. Howard and Twenty-first streets. The invitations are out. but on account of the great demand they will be limited to those who have been hereto fore favored. Mrs Matthew Powers announces the en gagement of her daughter. Miss Mary \pnes Powers, to George Alfred Bates of Detroit. The wedding will take place In the near future. The Columbia Dramatic Club will give an entertainment and social In Mission Opera Hall, on the evening of May 2. the proceeds of which will be devoted to the Angels' Sodality booth, St. Paul's ba zaar In addition to a musical prgramme a comedy In one act, by K. McLeod, en titled "Tactics," will be presented. Sailed Away. The following Callfornians Balled for Europe -en the Hamburg-American line steajner Belgravia from New York April 24.: H. Braunschwelger, Theo Dierks, Mrs. Theo Dlerks. Theodore Dierks Jr., Miss Olga Dierks. Miss Erma Dierks, Mrs Dr. Frederick Westerberg. Master Joshua Westerberg. Mrs. L. Strandberg. Master Charles Strandberg. Mrs. E. M. Grimes. Master E. T. Grimes. Miss Gert rude Macfarlane, Mrs. William Schoening, Miss Adele Schonening, Master Ernst Schoening. Herman Strauss, Lewis Mor ris Mrs Julia Lafrenz, Master Adolph Lafrenz. Master Willie Lafrenz, Rev. A Krause. Mrs. A. Krause and three children, Mrs. Sophie Miller and William Weimar. On the Hamburg-American Line steamer Palatia, April 28: Mme. C. Lanfranchl, Mr 3 A. Lagarde, Ernst W. Kaufman, Miss Emma May Kaufman, Miss Minnie Sorge. Mr. and Mrs. J. Slevert, Miss Clara Si-vert. Miss Olga Slevert. Andreas Siev ert. G. Knappe, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jens, Miss Annie Jen?. Master U. Hiram Jens, Miss Bertha Mohrdleck. John Helg, Miss F J. Hlnrichs, L. H. Zimmerman, Maxi milian Herzog, Mrs. Maximilian Herzog, Mrs. Tillie Lichtensteln, C. A. Noble, Miss E. c. Peters, Mrs. Sophie Meyer. Miss Auguste Harrenberg. Airs. O. Cochlus, F. Micheelsen, Mrs. F. Micheelsen. Joseph Dobke. Mrs. A. B. Palmer, Master Paul Palmer, Ingwer H. Peters, Miss Fannie Seel Ig, Paul Hoefllch. Personals. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Platz and youngest daughter Clella of 263 X Pine street sailed on April 21 for Europe, after spending sev eral weeks In New York. They will prob ably be gone a year. Mrs. Sam Davis has given up her apart ments at CO5 O'Farrell street and taken a cottage at 1205 Pacific avenue, Alameda (Bay station). At home fourth. Tuesdays. Mrs. I. Magnln has removed to her new residence, 1452 Page street, corner of Ma sonic avenue, and will be at home every first Wednesday in the month. Mrs. Stephen 8. Rau has removed to her new residence, 1482 Page street, corner of Masonic avenue, and will be pleased to pee her friends every first Wednesday In the month. Dr Josef t Man son of 917 Van Ness avenue has returned from a trip to the Eastern hospitals. Captain L. G. Emerson, a well known ship master of this port, left for his home in Maine on Thursday, after spending six months In this city. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Friedman will re ceive their friends Sunday, April 29. and Wednesday, May 2. at 1343 Pierce street. Attorney L. C. Flstolesl and wife hay« returned from their northern trip and have gone to Orovllle, Mr. Plstolesi being a delegate to the Grand Parlor, N. S. a. \v. Miss Ella V. McCloskey, accompanied by her brother and sister, will Bpend the next four months at Larkspur. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Kapp have re« turned from their three weeks' stay at Byron Springs. Dr. and Mrs: C. E. Cooper- left yester day for an eight months' European trip. iJr. Cooper will attend the International Medical Congress' at Paris. Ex-Consul J. Simpson and family have returned to San Francisco after a two weeks* pleasant stay at Gllroy Hot Springs. Mrs. C. A. Owynn has returned to the city after a pleasant stay at Gllroy Hot Springs. Henry Wihlein. president of the Schlitz Brewing Company, Milwaukee, Wls., and Mrs. Wlhleln will spend a short time at Gllroy Hot Mr. and Mrs. Morton Llndley and Miss Josephine Davis of San Francisco left Saturday morning for Castle Crag. Miss Celia E. McDermott and Miss Win ifred V. Rowlands have returned to the city after several days' sojourn in Liver more Valley, where they were the guests of Mrs. T. Owens. Comedian L. R. Stock well, Mls9 Nevada Heffron and Miss Mary Scott of the "In Paradise" company, while In Helena. Mont., were entertained by Governor and Mrs. Smith and other well-known society people on several occasions. Mr. and Mrs. B. Nathan and daughter leave to-morrow for the East and Europe. Mrs. William D. Shea of New York Is here on a visit to her mother, Mrs. B. Hahne, at 1324 California street. Oscar L. Fest, scenic artist of the Tiv oll Opera-house, with Mrs. Fest and their two daughters, Lennie and Mattie, will leave early next week for an extended tour of the southern part of the State, taking In the Catallna Islands and Mex ico. They will be gone two months. At the Resorts. HIGHLAND SPRINGS—The season at Highland Springs has opened up earlier ! than usual, and there are some forty '• guests at the hotel. Among the golf en thusiasts who dally frequent the new links may be seen Dr. F. W. Skaife and K. O. Steers of San Francisco; Miss Lou Stephens. Mrs. W. B. Hopkins, Miss Sue Gordon, Misses Marie and Cecil Sorbier of Woodland, Miss A. I). Ames, Miss I. Q. Hunter of San Francisco. J. Craig Is rap idly recovering from a severe attack of pneumonia. Among recent arrivals are: E. J. French, Mrs. M. H. Wardwell, E. P. Fish. J. F. Foster, Dr. C W. Hibbard and wife, J. Hanson, H. H. Elliott, J. Oliver, L. P. Bolander and son, Mrs. W. C. Rob inson, F. Pascrt, C. C. Sculp, F. M. Moore, Miss A. D. Huner, E. C. Ewell and wife, Dr. F. W. Skaife, Dr. K. O. Steers, C. Buck, C. A. Hallowall, Mme. L. A. Sor bier, Misses Marie and Cecile Sorbier, <;. E. Buckner, P. H. Lacy and wife, B. Con way and Earl Kelr, all from San Fran- Cisco. SKAGGS HOT SPRINGS-The follow ing guests are registered at Skaggs Hot Springs, Sonoma Countyr T. P. Smith, L. N. Kercheval, Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Marcum, George W. Richardson, D. J. McKay, W. J. Tiffany, Chester Skaggs, Val R. Burry, J. A. Buck, J. A. Buck Jr., Walter E. Buck, Rev. V. G. Martin, Dr. T. D. Mahr. Mr. and Mrs. F. Marriott, E. B. Blood, A. Irvine. Mr. and Mr6\ M. H. Glrondln, Mr. and Mrs. Percy J. Young. Mr. and Mrs. Archie A. Tlsdall, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hibbard, Mrs. J. O. Rountrec, Harold Rountree, Edwin C. Ewell, John Struven and family. J. P. Thorn, C. W. Kenitzer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schroth, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Young, Rev. William P. Kirby. Henri Omli, M. Gets, Mrs. A. Lux, Miss Selma Lux, Frank A. Lux, Gus Ferguson, H. H. Elliott, W. N. Wieboldt. Dr. C. F. Howe and wife. San Francisco; Miss Meta Neilson, Miss May Nellson, Oakland; S. H. Goldstein, Dr. J. R. Pow ell. J. \V. Seawell and wife, W. W. Skaggs, H. W. Peck, Miss Lon Seawell, Miss Lulu A. Mulgrew, Vernon Goodwin, Ernest L. Finlcy, Healdcburg; Mrs. Helmke, George Helmke, John McLen non, Blocksburg; R. Hopper, Yell Nobles, W. Ornbaun, Lee Nobles, H. Nobles, Dr. Hastings, San Diego; J. D. Wllkerson, Texas; W. P. Powers, Chicago. PARAISO—The following guests reg istered at ParaißO during the past week: Colonel Duboce and wife, William Hall, R. R. Richie, James Lannan, L. R. Ellert. Mrs. L. M. Johnson, A. M. Johnson, Mrs. McDurmett, Mrs. Fahrbach, child and maid, San Fran cisco: Miss Flint. A. B. Smith, E. J. Mar tin, Oakland; W. S. Joy, J. M. Taylor, E. P. Johnson. Alameda; Thomas Will iamson, Spreckels: C. R. King, J. A. Cot tie, Miss C. F. Wagner, A. C. Anderson, San Jose: M. K. Keokokalela, Honolulu; J. E. Toague, Salinas; A. B. Cole and wife, E. J. Brown, P. L. Benton, R. J. Camp bell Berkeley; Mrs. E. L. Williams and child. James G. Bailey, E. C. Godfrey, Los Angeles. GILROY SPRINGS—The following guests registered here during the past week: Olen Owen, John Thom son Grant S. Pyle, James Roche, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Ewell. Jay Scott, William E. Cunningham. Captain A. Nlcolsen. wife and child. San Francisco; Henry Wihlein and wife. Miss J. Wolfrom, Mips L. Swan, Haldo Rohurt and wife, Milwaukee; G. Pedemonte, E. Vaccarlggo, C. Pollard. G. Dowdy, Gllroy; Anton P. Petersen, San Ramon; Hans Nelson, Dan ville. Los Angeles. Rev. Bishop Montgomery, who will shortly leave for a visit In the East, was the guest of honor at a dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scott at their home on East Thirty-sixth street. Covers were laid for the following: Hon. Stephen M. White. Judge H. C. Dillon, Hon. R. F. Del Valle, I. B. Dockweller, John F. Fran cis and Z. Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Childs entertained at dinner on Monday evening at their home on Hoover . street. The following were present: Ex-Senator and Mrs. Stephen M. White, Admiral and Mrs. Bradley and Miss Morrison of San Jose. Mr. a*nd Mrs. Secondo Guastl entertained at dinner on Monday evening at their home on East Third street. Mr. and Mrs. William Hunt were the guests of honor and other guests were: Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Vollmer, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cham bers Mr. and Mrs. Marlon "Welsh, Miss Sue Johnson, Miss Aurella Amlllo, J. Fon tana and J. W. Nelson of San Francisco. The Midwinter Cotillon Club gave the last of its very successful series of danc ing parties at Kramer's Hall on Tuesday evening. Several hundred persona were present. Following Is the list of the club mem bers: Messrs. R. L. Horton, F. A. Hlnen, Dr. Robert Day. Arthur Bralay, Dr. J. T. Coffey. Robert Carhart. Warren Carhart, Addison Day, Ralph Day. J. Griffith. Fred Griffith. J. J. Fay, Charles Henderson, Fred Henderson, Horace Henderson, Cap- SUPERFLUOUS HAIR And all other facial blemishes are removed by Dlt and MRS. A. W. TRAVERSE. Donohoe bulldlntr. 11*0 Market »t., cor. Taylor, rooms 28-28. with the electric needle without pain or scar. Permanency guaranteed; hours 1 to 4 p. m. The rreatest skin food and tissue builder. BRAHMAN TOILET CREAM Removes wrinkles -by m&kln* the skin firm. It renders the skin soft, - emoolh. clear, white and Vss»TS>'k. " youthful. It is a liquid. iSft3kk»fcl> Any cream of the con- ,a€S£**B|fgfe slFt<-ncy of butter will 4^£tfjTi™ stimulate the rrowth of /tfSEyJJfcNttW l hzilr on the face. Brah- .'ACr "iy WKpS' man Toilet Cream Is Yf]£ _j. T^SSut cuarrntred not to do no. X£\ "lUkSBHL Price 5Ck-. Brahman Tooth «i?V *5S»^. Powder 10c. All drurel*ts .»77v*!J%(V*eSp ?t and at office of A. W . L r\H:*M*iX& ]J* TRAVERSE, M. D. r _- T rl SAY AND KIVEB STEAMERS. Stsamar "Montioclla." MON.. Tues., Wed.. Thurs. arid Sat., at S:« a. m.; 8:15. 8:30 p. m. (ex. Thurs. night); Fri- days, 1 p. m. and 8:30; Sundays," 10:30 a. m., & p. m. Landing and office. .Mission-street Dock Pier No. 2. Telephone Main 1508. FAKE .? 50c 10MFAQNI3 C£NESALETSANBATL«HTIQ.C£ DIRECT LINE TO HAVRBrPARIS. Sailing every Thursday Instead of *TTj*Xp» Saturday, from November 2, 1899. at •„*»• 10 a. -m.. from Pier 42. North River, foot or Morton St.. LA BRETAONK. May 3; LA CHAMPAGNE, May 10; LA GASCOGNE, May 17: L'AQUITAINE. May 24. First-class to Havre, JCO and upward; S per cent reduction on round trip. Second claJis to Havre, $43: 5 per tent reduction on round trip. GENERAL AOENCY FOR UNITED STATES AND CAN- ADA; 83 Broadway (Hudson building), New Tork. J. F. FUGAZI 4 CO.. Pacific Coast Agents. 6 Montgomery aye., San Francisco. Pacific Coast Steamship Co. frfc. Steamers leave Broadway Ba>» wharf, Pan Francisco: VV^L^lk. I ' or Alaskan ports— lo a. m., |*3)«rJJO!H(k May 1. Chance to company's rkSkßCTifraH s^"""i«rs at Seattle. fe*ffws£W^\i For Victoria. Vancouver. <H. BH»Z}rt(««M C), Port Townsend, Se;lUl». f^^VEatSgA Tacoma. Everett, Anacortrs and New Whatcom (Wash.) — 10 a. m.. May 1 and every fifth day thereafter; change at Seattle to this company's steamers for Alaska and O. N. P.y. : at Tacoma to N. P. Ry. ; at Vancouver to C P. Ry. For Eureka. Humboldt Bay— lo a. m.-, April 29, May 4 and every fifth day thereafter. For Santa Cruz. Monterey. San Simeon, Cay- ucos. Port Harford (San Luis Oblspo), Oavlota, Santa Barbara. Ventura, Hueneme... San Pedro, East San Pedro (Los Angeles) and Newport— 9 a. m.. April 29. May 4 and every fourth day thereafter. For San Diego, stopping only at Port Harford (San Luis Oblspo). Santa Barbara, Port Lo« Angeles and Redondo (Los Angeles) — 11 a. m.. April 27, May 1 and every fourth day there- after. For Ensenada, MagdaJena Bay, Ban Jose del Cabo, Mazatlan, Altata, La Paz, Santa Rosalia and Guaymas (Mexico)— lo a. tn.. 7th of each month. For further Information obtain company's folder. The company reserve* the right to change steamers, sailing dates and hours of sailing w l»». <-t nrevlotlf" notice. TICKET OFFICE— 4 New Montgomery street (Palace Hotel). QOODALL, PERKINB A CO., Q*n. AgenU, 10 Market at.. San Fr&nclao. OCEAN TBAVEL. OCEAN TRAVEL. THE ALASKA EXPLORATION COMPANY Will Dispatch From BAN FRANCTSCO Direct for The Well-Known ALASKA FL.TEH, Si S. HUMBOLDT, failing WEDNESDAY ¦ • May 39. ELEGANT Si S. ZFALANDIA (1000 tons burden). First sailing (capacity engaged) May 21st Second catling (approx.)... June 25th S. S. AtORNING ST/IR, Balllne (capacity engaged). May 24th. Throutch nervlc* for Dawson and all Yukon River point*. For pannage and freight rates apply THE ALASKA EXPLORATION CO,, General Offices, 139 POST STREET. OPEN SAN FRANCISCO TO CHICAGO Santa Fe Route The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe kailway System begs to announce the completion of its railway from San Francisco to Chicago— 2sso miles. It Is the only railway which owns and controls its track from the Pacific Ocean to Lake Michigan. It proposes to furnish prompt and satisfactory service, and It hopes to receive a generous proportion of the public patronage May Ist freight will be handled regularly to and from the East and all points In the San Joaquin Vatley and Southern California. Freight Depot: Corner Spear and Harrison Streets. The date for Inaugurating passenger train service will be announced later. JOHN J. BYRNE, EDWADD CHAMBERS, General Passenger £gent, General Freight Agent, Lines west of Albuquerque. W. A. BISSELL, Assistant Traffic Manager, Santa Fe System. BAXLROAU TRAVEL. RAILRQAD TRAVEL. Girls Do Charitable Work. The San Francisco Nursery for Home less Children will derive a neat sum from a bazaar and entertainment held last nipht at the "Walters residence, 3028 Washington street, by the "Haymak ers." Th« organization is composed of the following young ladles: Anita Rose. Grace Taylor. Carrie McLean. Leslie Car ter, Edna Osborn, Edna de Wolff, Daisy Walters and Ottle Glfleland. Czarina. A ladies' shoe made of the very best Vie! kid, hand-turned, known for their style, elegance, ease .and service, called Czarina, worth $3 80, can be had for 52 50 a pair, and as a special Introduction of this elegant shoe 500 pairs will be sold on Wednesday only for $1 50 a pair. See tne window display of the Czarina at : the Bee Hive Shoe Co.'s, 717 Market street, near Third. AMUSEMENTS. -i-i-i-i 1 ¦!' n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i-i"i"i-H-8-H-»8"W-i"i"» -^ 1 m-i-m:: : :~h~h~i~: c Vl 1 1 "1 A riitLlU t DRY GOODS COMPANY. JUST RECEIVED! J Latest Novelties in FOULARD SILKS!! Elegant and Exclusive Designs, 7Sc* $1.00 and $1.25 per yard. % ....FANNE VELVETS.... t 200 PIECES COLORED TAFFETA LINING SILKS. | . Special salei I 3000 yards Striped, Piaid and Fancy Silks, reduced from f $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 to 75c to close £ COUNTRY ORDERS CAREFULLY AND PROMPTLY FILLED. I£ CITY OF PARIS DRY GOODS COMPANY, | SE. Corner Goary and Stockton Streets, San Francisco. -;« UNION SQUARE. ¦¦¦; I 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 T " " " ' -M-t-i-H-H-H 1 HI" tain J. J. Meyler. Lieutenant R.A. Miner. Cosmo Morgan, J. W. A. Off. E. T. St' lll^ spn George Steckel, T. A. Stlmpson. A. J. Waters, Will Wolters. J. H. Norton. W. Myrick, Godfrey Holterhoff, ,^ a " er Chanslor. J. Chanslor. E. H. Bagby, _Dr. D. J. Frick. W; W. Lovett, Robert B«* a "' Percy Schumacher, Sam Baskins. W. W. Stephens. J. G. Mott. W. S. Newha U, Dr. J. M. McGarry, E, O. McLaugnlln, J. Llewellyn. K. C. Klokke. Charles Chans lor. Douplas Burdette, F. F. Blake, Rich ard Bundrem, Arthur Bumiller, G. G. Ed wards, Fred Forrester, Jack Foster. oa> Lewis, Harry Tufts, Edward Tufts, Don yon Neumeyer. Bert Williams. A. A. Stev ens. F. Shoemaker, C. A. Miller. Fred Johnson, P. H. Lyon, F. E. Enpstrom. Carroll Allen. Russ Avery, G. A. Baldwin, W. S. Burnett, W. R. Burke, L. C. Brand, W. Barker. W. Chapman. J. Carson/yes ley Clarke, Earl Cornon, J. E. Cook, J. M. Elliot, A. K. Fraser, Allen Hancock, W. G. Hutchinson, R. h. Howell. ,W. H. Holliday, Oscar Lawler, C. N. Hacllow, A. P. Mprland. Lloyd Mach. E. K. Monk. C. W. Newmark, W. S. Porter, Joseph Sor tort. Ross Smith. Phil Wilson, W. K. R. Viel. Charles Seyler. L. D. Sale, T. J. O Hara, G. Perkins, T. Ruthven and Fow-r ler Shankland. Andy McCarthy of San Francisco ar rived In the city Monday from the north. H. Rosenfeld of San Francisco, accom panied by his wife, is a guest of the Hotel Van Nuys. > Colonel T. A. Lewla has i?one East to visit his old home in Louisville, Ky. He expects to be cone about six weeks. Mrs. E. R. Neidlj? has returned from a visit to friends In San Bernardino. Rev. George T. Dowling has gone East on a business trip. Dr. H. Bert Ellis has returned from San Francisco. Judge Carroll Cook of San Francisco was a g uest in the city durinp the week. Dr. M. L. Moore has gone to North Bend. Ind.-. where he was called by the sprlous Illness of his father. Nathan Cole Jr. ha» gone to Chicago on a business trip. He expects to remain about a month. United States Marshal 11. Z. ¦ Osborne has returned from a business trip to San Francisco. Dr. H. E. Fellows, who has been spend ing several days In our city, has returned to San Francisco. Mrs. A. F. M. Strong has returned from an extended visit in the East. Captain and Mrs. Charles J. Bell left on Saturday for the East. They will leave early in May for Europe, where they ex pect to spend several months in travel. Mrs. William Wlncup has returned to her home in this city after a visit In the East. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Coleman of East Fifth S tre e t have as their jgifjg Mr. and »1» 1 £ rn «fig tt AKS?r *•> draraatlc luncheon on Monday in honor of Mrs. U St Mr JOh a n n<f gfe^.SS^ have g one Watson Toung of I the LO9 Angeles School of Dramatic Art ga% c an excellent address on "CharacMr^BuMnß and Voice Culture" before 1 the current events section of the Wednesday Morn Ing Club on Monday afternoon. THE SAN FKAJNUISUO CALL, SUJsDAY, APRIJ^ «*>> IOKfKU IBARGAINS^^i £X*? * Second-hand, in good H M order, every instrument i guaranteed. U ; Chickering Square, . $508 Hallet& Davis " . 75 1 Emerson " • j ooh I Chickering " • 125 1 Stein way " . I s°i Bucher Upright, 50 1 VVoodwprth • " icxjH Ricca " 1 50 a Arlington " 175 H Newby & Evans " 185 1 Opera " I 9O[ Byron Hauzy | 308-310312 Post St. b Setamer ft Co., Byron Maury Pianos H RAILEOAD TRAVEL. ¦•iiTiiKR!! rAcirm cojimst. (FACINO STNTKM.) Trains l«»i»»r iiml nrr «tn« li> arrive nt WAN KU 4 \ «!*««». (Main Line. Foot of Market SUeet) LBAVB — ?SOX APRIL 13, 1900. — AltKlva •7:00* Benicia, Sulsao, Elmln. VacariUe, Bumsey »nti Hacramento *7:4"S* •7iooa ShMta Express- Datia, Willows, Bed Blufl. Portland *7:45r> •7i3»a Maxtinez. *»" Ramon. Vallejo. Napa, CalisV'g* »ml .Santa Ron *atl»p •S:3oa The O*e;Uml IJ ml ted— Ogden, Den- ver, Omaha. Chicago *3i!3r •liUOi Sa» .loar. LiTermore, Stockton, lone Sacramento. Placertlile. Marystilltr. Chlco, ltad ItlulT M:ISp •S:3O« •Milton, Oakilale.Sonora. Carters... MilSp •0:00* Howards. Nlicsaud Wai Stations. •11:13* •O:ou* Dark, Woodland. Knights Landing. MarTiTllle, Orotillo.. •7:I»F • 9:OOa Atlantic Kxpress— Ogden and Ka«l '1»:I3* •0:OOa Martlunx. Tracy. Latlirop, Btoclctou, Mcrci-claod lfre«i>« •la-.l.Tr •»!«•«» Port Costa, Kr »uo. .Mujaio and Anxel-R »e:l.lp •I«:OOa Vallfjo. Marthie* and Way Stations *B:4r>r- •ll:«t»A XUes, Lberraore, Stocktou. Hscrv mento, Mendota. Uauford, VUalla, Porterfllle 'IjlTp •1 3:Ottn Haywards. Nlles and Way Stations. *a:4"> P tl:OOp Sacramento l!l»er Hte«mer« tH:«u>. ¦3:OQp ii t nytrarU. Nlles and Way Stations. •»*ta .- •4:i»(»r Mtrtiii.-*, H»it lUiaoi.. Vallejo, Napa. C«]l»tiig«. HauU Kosa *":• ">• •liOOr Bi-uicia, VacavUl*. Maora»ieiito, Wouilland, KnlghU landing, MarysTille. Orofllle Ml>:4:j» •••.iSOr Nllea, SauJoaeand Stockton » •SiOOpThn Owl limited— Tracy. Fresno. BakantleUi. t<au«us (or dauta Bar- bara. Los Anfeles., •l<»:15» •StSOr Stockton. M«vce<l, KresDO •!»•»» •3<3»r Santa liirt »r». Los Angeles, I><vuii>*. El Fuo. New Orlraus and F.ast •»:«:»» •3iSOpHanU ?• ICmite— AtUullo Express for Mojaf •. aii<l KaH **l:l5p •6:oo r lUyir>[.!«. Nllea and Hau Josa "71-i** • «i::ntr Vallrjo ">»:ISp •tftitor Oriental Mall— "Ogilen. Cheyenna. Omaha. Chicago ••*•»* * *«:30r Oriental Mall— Ogden, Denver. Omaha. Chicago M:l.V' «»••' Vallrjo, Port Co«ta and Way Sta- tions. J»iS»p • Bi*sr Oregon and Califernla, Ki|>t«u. Mao- namla Marsavlttai Rwfcltnft PortUi..l. I'Mll-t H 1 ami l:««t •WllSt COAST IHfl^lO* (Harrow «a«g#). (Foot of Hi rket Street. i _______ 17:43 a SanU Cruz Excursion for Santa Cruz and Principal Wsy Btatiocs •St 1 3 * Newark. C<-nterilllr.."an J«w». Kriton. Boulder Crrek.MaiitaC'riix and Way Stations.. # 6.20» t2il.Tr Hewark, Ceiiterrllle, Han Jose, Snw AlmaJon, Peltoa. Boulder Creek. Sauta Cruz and I'riuclpal Waf Buttons f I •!.¦»•» MilSp Newark, Han .Tone, Los dates *'•«» o4:l3r01onwood. Felton. SanU Cmi <;«:.V>a CREEK ROUTE FERRY. mmtin rimisco— r»«i >r ¦»k«i sirM^r.n ?>— •7:15 900 11:004.11. }1:33 «2:03 UC3 •i:C3 J!:M *6:a3r.*. from OttUJJ— titi t'Jrjil«ij.— '4:oo 900 10:00 l.M. tI3:C3 '1:03 tt-CZ »3:03 t*:s3 *3:33r.M. COAST IMTISIO* (DrosdUaiife). (Third and Townsend Btg.) f«il*A (\»*a View. South Han FranciwX).. JSiOOf t?tO*A S*a Jo»« »..,! Wa» 8t»tlon» (Now AlmadAii Wr.lrißi.Uyn only) •1:30* J7:3*a Sunday Eieurslon for San Jose. SanU Crux. Pacinc Qrore and I'rindp il War Stations . . . - {»133» 1 33 r •U:OO» Hau Jo«o. Tre« Pliioa. HauU Cms. Pacltlc Urote. Pun Knbles. San I.ula Obianu, ft'irf, Lompoc and Principal War SUtlons MilO- •la:t»* Baa Jmo and Way ataUona. '«i»» ¦lli3Oa BanJo««,LosGatosaiidWajSUtlo»« # 3:30r , f*i«sr 8«n Mateo, Uedwood. Meolo Park. Palo Alto. SanU Clara. >i»» .lose. Tres Pinos. Hai.ta Cmr. Salinas, Monterey and Taoinc Oro»e tIWtIWA, t»:Sl»p San Jose ami Way *7i3«p f4:1.1r San Jose and Principal Way Stations # »:<3a t3:O»r3an Jose. Los Gatos and Principal Way SUtlous tB:Oi»4 •*:3Op San J.>t« and Principal Way SUtlons t.l:3.^* •«:HOr Ban Josa aud Way Stations ni:«»«\ «11:45p 3an .loseand W*y Statiuus •?:3»r A for Morning. P f or A rtern.wn • Daily. t Sunday eicepted. I Sunday •nly. b Saturday only. • Saturday and Sunday, c Sunday and Monday. CALIFORNIA NORTHWESTERN RY. CO. SAN FRANCISCO AND NORTH PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. Tlfcuron Ferry. Foot of Market St. HAN FRANCISCO TO BAN RAFAEL. WEEK DATS— 7:*>. »:00. ll:0O a. m.; U:3S. 1:90 1:10. tM P. Nt TUupßdays— Kxtr» tn» at iI:M o. m. 6»turd*jr»-Extr» trip* at 1:50 6UNDA«-s:o<?' tdß. U:« -. m.: 1:M. IM. k-Otl 110 D m. BANKArAIb TX> SAN FKANC3SCO. WEEK DAT3-«:l». T:5O. »:». 11:10 a. m. ; U.-4S. »•« I-1S P- m. Baturdays— Extra, trtpa at BUND^YS^ •"«. nil m. m.| I*l I*. Between San Franctsco and Bchaetzea Park same schedule as above. Leave I la Effect. I Arrive Pan Francisco. fApr. 15. 1900.1 gan Francisco. Week ' Sun- I I Sun- I V/e«k Days, f days. ( Destination.) days. | Days. "VJO^m l:C0 sml Novato. 10:40 anil »:4» am 1:30 pm 9:20 am Petaluma. 8:05 pm!lO:2S am 1:13 pm 5:00 pm! Santa Rosa. 7:35 pm! 6:20 pm ~ Fultoa, I f :S0 ara Wtndaor. 10:JS nrT « Healdsburs;. Lytton. Geyservtlle. 1:39 pm >:C0 am Cloverdale. 7:J3 ptu «:20 era 7:10 am! I Hopland 1 110:23 ara 1:33 pml 8:00 ami and Ulclah. | 7:r, rnij I:W pm T:3O am I 110:25 ant SH» ami Guemrrtlle. 7:13 pm! J:3O pm -I I C:H ptt» 7:30 am 1:00 am Sonoma »:li am ).(•) ra and t:10 pm S:0O pm Glen Ellen. t:O5 pm t:T> pm_ T:SO ami »:C0 ami [10:40 am! 10:25 am «:80 pml S:CO pml Bebastopol. I 7: 53 purl t:2O pm Etases connect at Santa Rona for Marie West Springs and White Sulphur Springs: at Fultoa for Altrurta: at Lytton for Lytton Springs: at QeyservlUe for Skag-xs Springs- at Cloverrfa:* for the Geysers; at Hoolanrt f^r Duncan Springs. Highland Pprlnjrs. Kelseyv-llle. Carls- bad Springs. Soda Bay. Lakeport and Bartlett t?prtni?s: at Uktah for Vichy Sprines. Saratoga Springs. Blue Lakes. Laurel Dell Lake. Witter Fprlnss. Upper Lako. Porno. Potter Valley. John Day's. Riverside. Lter!ey». Bucknells. Sanhedrin Heights. Hutlvtlie. Orr'« H^t Eprines. Mendoclno City. Fort BrasK. W?«t- port. Usal. WUllts. LaytonvUle. Cummins. Bell's Sprints. Harris. Olsen-s. Dyer. Scotia and Eureka. Saturday to Monday round trio tickets at reduced rates. On Sunday roanrt trip tickets to all point* beyond San Rafael at half rates. Ticket offlre^. «50 Market St.. Chronic?- bids. H. C. WHTTIVO. R. X. RYAN. General Manager. Gea. Pass. Aseat. THE 0. R. & R. CO. DISPATCH FABT STEAMERS TO PORTLAND From Bpear-street Wharf at 11 a. m. CA DC $12 First Class Including Berth rflnt $8 Second ' lass and Meals. STATE OF CALIFORNIA sails May 3. 13, 23, June 2 COLUMBIA sails May 8. IS. 28, June 7 Short line to Walla Walla, Spokane, Butte, Helena and all points In the Northwest. Through tickets to all points East. , E. C. WARD, General Agent, 630 Market st. GOODALL; PERKINS & CO.. Superintendents. AMERICAN LINE. Nt TOKX. f OUTHAMPTOH. LOHDOM. FABZt, Stopping at Cherbourg, westbound. From New York every Wednesday, 10 a, m. St. Louis May 2 St. Louis May 23 New York May 9 New York May 80 St. Paul May It St. Paul June I RED" STAR LINE. New York atyd Antwerp. From New York every Wednesday, U noon. Noordland May 2 Westernland ....May S3 Prlealand May 9 Kensington May 30 Southwark May le Noordland June « tMPIRt! tlNti. 5;. V:";5 ;.V:"; S. S. Ohio, from San Francisco, May 18, and from Seattle, May 24. to Nome and Bt. Michael. Subsequent sailings June 30. July SI, August 10. First and second class passage. No steerage. For full Information regarding freight and passage apply to INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION CO., 80 Montgomery st., or any of Us agents. f3fPF5MSff* Th * s - S. Australia [dMMsaMS. snllß fpr Honolulu •EE 8 *"""* Wednesday. May 2. b"^ ». l«>0. at 2p. m. Qisr I * > The 8. 8. Alameda SlfriniSlHlk' ralli vla Honolulu and GfIKIIIIJIIiy Auckland for Sydney fOfilP()rcy- Wednesday/ May it, \ r. i ¦>. 4 at S p.* m. Favorite line around the world via Hawaii. Samoa. New Zealand. Australia. India. Suaz, England, etc.: StlO first class. ). b. bfrtLCKELS A iJi.oa. CO., Nats.. •!? Montoomen Pier 7. Foot Pacific St Freight owr-?. 327 Market St TOYO KISEN KAISHA. STEAMERS WILL LEAVE WHARF. COR- ner First and Brannan streets. ¦• 1 p. m.. for YOKOHAMA and HONOKONO. calling; at Kobe (H!o*o), Nagasaki and Shanghai, and connectlnx at Hongkong: with steamers for In- dia, etc. No cargo received on board on day of Bailing. ' SS. AMERICA MARU..: Baturday, May 19th. 1900 SS. HONOKONO MARU ; Thursday, June 14th. ,1900 SS. NIPPON MARU Tuesday, July 10, 1900 Via Honolulu. Round-trip tickets at reduced rates. For freight and passage apply at company's offlce, 421 Market st. corner First. W. H. AVERY, General Agent. I/AOBIAO I ItkltC HATHOH .0500 Ton* KOSMOS LINE zss&t rssss ?o°s: B EB.API3 .4000 Tons Hon'hly sailing 1 for Valparaiso and Hamburg rla Mexican ports, Central, South America, etc 8. 8. CCTAVIA SAILS ABOUT MAT 10. If. D. BrRICKXLS a BROS. < <).. .itinu, 114 RMlmurr St. 26 In the Future