Newspaper Page Text
AGENTS WASTED. GOOD thine: ladies or gentlemen; city or country. Crown Studio, 1140 Market St. LADY agents— lf you want the best monejfs" makers get the Hygela Electric Corsets and cklrts; the standard for 20 years. Address Western Corset Co.. St. Louis, Mo. •".¦> AGENTS for an all-round useful utensil; best ever Invented; $15 to $25 per day; profitable, permanent business. Call or write HERRICK, 1417 Brush St.. Oakland. EXPERIENCED building and loan agent*. Room 140 S. Claus Spreckels building. ASTROLOGY. PROF A. MASERY of Egypt, greatest a_trol- opist and palmist In the world; satisfaction .guaranteed. t5 Powell st. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ADVICE free; divorce law a specialty: private; no fee without success; collections. O. W. HOWE, att'y at law. 850 Market, cor. Stocktn. '. W. A. X NICHOLSON, attorney at law; tele- phone Davis 234. 410 Kearny st. I ADVICE free; no charge unless successful. W. W. DAVIDSON. 927 Market St., opp. Mason. I F. H. MERZBACH. attorney at law. has r-- j sum*d practice at tO3 Cal. st.. Clunle bldg. j L. 6. CLARK. Emma Spreckels bldg.. 927 Mar- ket st.: consultation free: no fees in advance. I PATH CABINET—HOT AIR. VAPOR. i ROBINSON $5 4-panel folding; door opens firm ; and safe W. S. BROWN, -en. act.. 426 Ellis. !1 1 ' BELGIAN HARES. I CALIFORNIA BELGIAN HARE ASSOCIATION NEPTUNE GARDENS. ALAMEDA, I Have mure IMPORTED and HIGH-CLASS j animals than all the rabbitrios around the Hay of San Francisco combined. When we i hay IMPORTED we mean brought from Eng- I land, and parties purchasing hares should de- ! maud that dealers who advertise IMPORTED ; animals produce bona fide certificates show- ; Ing that animals were actually Imported from England. I We have 10 animals that score S5 and over. We have 30 animals that score &4 and over. Our stud is led by that famous animal. WANTAGE FOX. score S6; fee $iO. More money was paid for him than any bare on e_rth. Arrived from England April 16, ISOO. — Special announcement. — We will on January i. 1801. pay the sum of 1 $'.00 in gold coin for the beet specimen sired ; by our WANTAGE FOX from any doe bred to him after April 24. 1900; competitors for this prize to select the Judges. Further particulars can be obtained at our office NEPTUNE GARDENS. ALAMEDA. lgl|,ned) CALIFORNIA BELGIAN HARE ASSOCIATION. Next on the list Is England's latest cham- pion buck, CHAMPION DUKE OF CHESHIRE. .Fee $50 Winner of 13 first prizes and gold medal In England. Mom richly colored animal ever brought to America. DASH PRINCE (Imported); score Fee $25 Sen of CHAMPION DASH and winner of Special prize In Encland. RARISI (imported) Fee $2o Sire. COOK OF THE NORTH, most perfect in shap* and form ever imported. PIKE CF TECK (imported) Fee $20 MARQUIS OF LORNE Fee $20 EARL BANBURY Fee $20 hire. LORD BANBURY; dam, LADY ROSEWIN. , DUKE OK BELMONT Fee $15 Famous Yukon strain. SIR FREDERICK Fee $10 Son of Rochedale. SIR ROBERT fee $10 Son of Lorti Britain. And 8,-, me 40 others of equally famous strains. Call and see our magnificent collection of IMPORTED DOK.S and HIGH-BRED DO- MESTIC ANIMALS. No matter what grade or strain of animal you desire, we i-p.n fill your order at prices that will be satisfactory- Our Rabbltry :s lrx.ateil at Webster-street f-tailon. on the narrow-gauge railway, Ala- meda. If you take the broad gauge, get off at Mas- tick 'station. Alameda electric cars run within one block. Open from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. every day. In- cluding Sundays. GEORGE A. YOUNG, Manager. LORD EDINBORO (imp); fee $25 LORD EDINBORO (Imp.); fee $25 LOUD KI'INBORO (imp.); f»e $::. | LOUD EDINBORO (imp.); fee i2o j LORD EDINBORO (imp.); f<>e $25 LORD EDINBORO (imp.); fee |2j DUKE OF CLARENCE (Imp.); fee $15 M"KE OF CLARENCE (imp.); fee $15 DUKE OF CLARENCE (imp.); fee $15 DUKE OF CLARENCE limp.); fee $15 SIXTEEN TO ONE (Imp.): fee $10 SIXTEEN TO ONE (Ira?.); fee $10 We have over twenty-five of the flneFt bucks in the State In our stud, healed by the above grand trio. Does cf the be?t Imported and domestic ¦ striiinc. bred to them, for sale at lew prices. ; Greatest number ct fine Belgians to select from on the coaet. Have over GO I .' mature animals on han4 now. : Crackajack youngsters for sale now, by EDINBORO. DI"KE OF CLARENCE, SIX- ! TEEN TO ONE I»ind-m Surprise: out of such I d.*B as QUEEN CF LONDON. JANE SEY- j MOT-R. LADY OLOA. EMPRESS MATILDA. QUEEN HENRIETTA and ten others, all of '¦ which score over &4'». If In want of the best you must 6ee these. 6AN FRANCISCO BELGIAN HARE CO. SAM C. HAMMOND, Manager. • Visitors welcome. Ot*n dally until 9p. m. i Rabbitry— lols Shotwell street. Office— Spreckels Market. THE AMERICAN RAT.TMTRY. \V. R SINK JR.. Proprietor. Importers and bree^f-t s of pedigreed Belgian Hares. NOTE THESE PRICES: To make room in our hutches for a large ship- ment f-f fancy exhibition Ftock we are selling the following hares at prices quoted: , Sir IJanbury flees; 4 months old; beautiful j color and fine shape; $10. Nonpareil strain 7-months-old does; already ; bred: fine color; beautiful ticking; splendid j length of body; $16. Bucks by Lord Clethorp" (half brother to ! Champion Fat-hnda); 4 months old; beautiful ' color, great length of body, nice heads, etc.; tio. Bucks by the great sire Ambrose; great lenirth of body, fine color; really grand speci- mens; $20. Ten i>er cent discount on orders of three. All stock rained outdoors; (fuaranteed healthy and much lep« susceptible to draughts i and atmosj.hrric changes than haxea raised in- ' doors or In Sr._thern California. We have nothing to hide; we 6how our stock i in the daylight. Visitors- invited. Call and see the magnifi- cent young bucks BANNOCKBURN and BEATT EDINBOHO And the most beautiful imported doe In America, PRINCESS XENIA. Stock by all the champxn*. Correspondence solicited; satisfaction guaranteed. Park aye., Emeryville. 1 block from Oakland ra<~»track and San Pablo-avenue cars. Phone Black 1312. XI NG FASHODA. King Fashoda. son of Champion Fashoda, winner of 12 first prizes at the Crystal Palace show. Breed your does to King Fash6da if ycu want blue blood cheap, fee $13, for a short time only, or buy a good doe already bred to '. him for $3".. I am receiving shipments every few rieys 'rom my rabbltry In Los Angeles. I ran «=>*ll —ood does cheap; come anl see me be- I fere you buy. ORANGE GROVE RABBITRY, ; College Hall, cor 12th and Harrison, Oakland. ATTENTION! ATTENTION! SUNNYPIDE RABBITRY, ' 552 Broadway. Oakland. Is the home of SENATOR DASH. He has marvelous color, shape and style; service fee for the present. Jl5. Btock of" all ' egfs constantly arrfvlnf:; will give a special barr-'n in fine does for a few days. Call I and see them. i BOES Rabbltry. 3515 Howe St., Oakland— Thor- oughbred Belgian hares, breeding does; young- sters for sale from the following strains; Yu- kon. Lord Rochdale, Klondike Nugget and Red Sovereign; British Klnir at service; vls- ltcrs welcome; take Mountain View cars. COLORADO RABBITRY, 609 East Twenty- nlnth et., Los Angeles— The following week we offer _ood values In 6-months Banbury does and bucks (score 92 and up), by Mrs. A M. Bush; also 6 Leopold does; mature. Write for price. $S— THOROUGHBRED BELGIAN HARES— $5 We offer for quick sale a shipment of Lord Britain strain at $5 each, $10 pair; other strains from $5 up. KENWOOD RABBITRY, t3B Fourteenth St., Oakland, adjoining City Hall. , HIGH-GRADE Belgians— Our hutches contain blood from the best strains of America-bred and Imported hares; our priceß on mlidllng- rrade stock cannot be beaten. The FASHODA JR. RABUITRY. 1703 New England St.. Los Angeles. SOUTH PIDE RABBIT FARM Keeps constantly on hand from 1500 to 1400 ; Belgians; all colors and sizes: heavyweights a ! specialty: correspondence solicited. Address i 875 East Forty-eighth St.. Los Angeles. FOR SALE— Fine pedigreed Belgians; does bred and unbred; bred to Fashoda and Yukon stock; alto Sir Dash. Yukon; other youngsters. Address CALIFORNIA RABBITRY. Main ar.d Thirty-first sts.. Los Angeles. MILWAUKEE Rabbltry. Rose aye., nursery. Mills College P. O.— Standard Belgian hares, both young and breeding does and bucks; prices reasonable. T. G. ARMSTRONG, prop. BELGIAN HARES. BELGIAN HARE LUNCH. THE PACIFIC BELGIAN HARE CO., E. B. CAMPBELL & CO. On Saturday. May 5. will open business at their new headquarters with a sale commenc- ing at 9 a. m.. which will consist of some choice stock, both fancy and heavyweight Does,' bred and unbred, and does with litters. Our Mr. Campbell has been In Los Angeles, arranging a second carload of Belgians for this sale from our model rabbltry. Isote a few of our^aders^ Em?JBOROi Only Imported buck holding first-prize cer- tificate at exhibition held at Los Angeles. ENGLISH SURPRISE; YOUNG FASHODA; LORD BRITAIN JR.; SIR STYLES JR.; BANBURY CHIEF. Remember that we are not sell ng out and retiring, but remain behind all sales. Headquarters formerly at 713 East Twelfth st. Oakland; now removed to N. v\. corner Blossom st. and Frultvale aye.. IruitVale. Take broad-gauge and etreet cars and trans- fer to Fruitvale-arenue cars. • Lunch served free. ____________________ LAUREL DELL RABBITRY. Agency of the Meadow Brook Belgian Hare Company of Los Angeles, Cal.' At stud: Gold Britain; score 95 Fee $10 Liverpool II (son of Lord Liverpool) $5 Oro Fino (Klondike Nugget) $5 High-bred, pedigreed bucks and does, all the popular strains, $10 up. Does with litters. Full line of Rabbltry Supplies. Bend 2c stamp for our book on The Belgian. H. E. PYBURN & CO., 735 Market St.. San Francisco. BLUE RIBBON RABBITRY, 604 West Twenty- seventh st., Los Angeles, Cal.— We offer for the first time several of the handsomest does of the Lord Britain. Dexter and Sir Styles strains ever shipped from Los Angeles; only a few for sale; if you want them write at once for price and particulars. Also several choice Lord Britain and Dexter bucks. Extra choice does, bred to Lord Yukon or Lord Salisbury. $15 each. Good, well-colored does, bred to Duke of York (.score 94). $10 each. Choice breeding docs, bred to bucks scoring not less than 92, $7 50 each. AT F. E~ MASON'S. 1710 Everett St.. Ala- meda— "LOßD ESSEX," imported, fee $20: "Teddy Roosevelt," winner first prize Los Angeles, fee $15: "Dandy Styles." own son of "Sir Styles." fee $15: "Britain Prince." own son ol "Lord Britain" and "Avalanche," fee $15; "General Washington" (heavyweight), son of "Star Buck." fee $10; does bred to these bucks from $13 up; closed Sundays. THE largest and best-equipped rabbitry north of Los Angeles; Imported Belgian hares; wholesale and retail; fashionable strains of imported bucks nnd does always on hand; nurse does; a full line of rabbltry supplies. GOLDEN GATE BELGIAN HARE CO., 608-611 Golden Gate aye., S. F. ; tel. South C5l. IRA BARKER DALZIEL. Proprietor. AT a eacrlflce— About 20 does and 2 bucks; a chance to secure a grand start on a small capital. OAKLAND RABBITRY. 468 Oakland aye., Oakland. BELGIAN hare fanciers are invited to attend a meeting to be held at Excelsior Hall. 102 O'Karrell ft.. Foresters' building, on Mon- day. April 3n, at S p. m. . for the purpose of forming: a Bele ; an Hare Club. BAM C. HAMMOND. President Pro Tern. D. C. BOLE, Secretary Pro Tern. LORD FASHODA CHIEF (copyrighted) Im- ported, fre $25 : Yukon Prize, fee $10. and other fine- bucks at Ptud. Lady Lunt. winner of firpt iTize at Itrldllngton, England; and the choicest strains c.f Belgians, at the Eureka Rabbltry. 1816 A Turk st., San Francisco. DR. S. R. JACOBS. Prop. BEAUTIFUL Fashoda buck PREMIER at ptud; fee JIB. Banbury l.v.rk at stud. FASHION; fee $5. Ivaohoe Yukon buck FALCON: fee $5. Literature, medicines and supplies. MARKET-ST. UAIIBITRY, IFS2 Market St. WILLIAM C. BENTHAM. Prop. COLUMBIA RABBITRY-High-class Belgian hares; clmlr" ctock from priz?-winn!ng strains for Bale nt all times: prices right: correspond- ence solicited. 15f,5 West Twenty-first st, Los Angeles. Cal. RFDFOOT RABUITRY— Choire Sir Styles, Yu- krn. Banbury. Klondike Nugget. Roil Rover, Puke of Auckland and other?: fine does, ready to litter; crack young bucks. Seventh und Clay sts.. Oakland. ATTENTION— TREMONT BELGIAN HARE CO.. 2134 Fi'.lmore St.. San Franrisco, Cal Pend 6 cents In stamps for book on care and fer-ding The cheapest and best treatise on the subject. RELOIAN hares— Fancy Ff>ck on palp; bred and unbred 6vfg frr.m $10 to $10f> ; young pe.ll- Kreed Ftnrk on sale at reasonable prices; cor- respondence solicited. Pajaro Valley Rab- bltry. P. O. drawer IX Watannvllle. Cal. ,VX> HEAD finf-M prdipree^ r,elp!an har.-s In Ptate: acclimated to Central California; docs brpi to bucks scoring 9fi; start right; booklet and descriptive Ust free. BRITAIN RAB- BITRY. Watsonvllle, Cal. PEDIGREED does for salo; bucks— Richard 111. service $10; pe.Htrreed younßsters. $2 60 up: lot fine {.fork Just received, l'al.nce Rab- bitry. 1134 Ea«t Twelfth Ft.. East Oakland. ROPEMONT Rabbltry. 3S Maple court, off l«th Et., above Guerrero — Breeding docs $12 Ml up; younpytTs $4 up; large stock; finest strains. PKnirjßF.F.n rloe? with litters and young does. $2 up: «>xpre!>sa-« puM. W. K. ADAMS. 742 Prutii Man ft.. Lop Ancreles. Cal. MASroT FtAHBITRY. 427 Putter St.. S. F. Fine ff-dlgreed Mock guaranteed; at reasonable prlres: renlco. $15 and $?5. FLEMISH ginnts and Australian lop ears. Address ROUT. A. FATJO. Santa Clara.. Cal. PnpiOnEED Belrian hares 2 months old $5 per pair. ROUT. A. FATJO. Santa Clara. Cal. | THE Enctnal Ra'nbltry. HafMt & Hew. 1222 Or.-'id st.. AlaniPila.; correspond, solicited. muniiiNii nut 1 iiii.dkkv. YOUNG couple would like to take charge little pirl as companion to their- daughter. 41 Ju- lian aye., near Fourteenth. WIDOW would like 2 children to board; gaod home. 2178 Perry st. BOARD for one or two children In German family; sunny yard. 439 Minna st. GOOD home for a child, with German widow. I 1?I 1 ? IHrkiry avo., near Ormen. lli'OKS — MSW AND OLD. VJ^_^__ J _^_^_ SJ , _. J ,_^ ttvJ _ v , _-^_^_— _,-___, ECHOOL ROOKS bought snd^~exchangedT I- - . r v- .'- -11 <Nf<,.'-- «, -„,„ Third. IHIU 1 \.\tt hHUiii KAUGAI.\S. BARGAINS Iri~ladTeT and~chlidren's shoes; drummers' ramples st manufacturer's cost. J Kf'TM PF'-vfr u t, ypurth B t. BUSINESS CHANCES. A CANDY store, near Market; cause, death" COWING & CO.. 713 Market. St. A HOME kitchen and dellcaclei! store; re- ceipts $15 day. COWING & CO., 719 Market. A— BUTCHER shop, near Call bldg.; bargain, COWING &. CO.. 719 Market st. A — BOARDING and roomlnK-house north Mar- ket: a snap. COWING & CO., 719 Market st. A— RESTAURANT, near Market; great sacrl- fice this day. COWING & CO., 719 Market. A SALOON on Market; fine location; must sac- I rlfice. COWING & CO.. 719 Market at. ¦ I A GROCERY and bar, near Market St.: fine corner place. COWING & CO.. 719 Market St. A CANDY and Icecream parlor; Market St.; a snap. COWING & CO., 719 Market st. $1600— NEWSPAPER route; leading morning paper will pay about $76 per month. Foi particulars see McLAUGHLIN & CO., 777V4 Market st. JRijO— BARBER shop: 4 chairs; well established- bargain. McLAUGHLIN A CO.. 777H Market. $800— BAKERY; bargain; disagreement of -part- ners cause of sale. McLAUGHLIN it CO., 777H Market st. THE RELIABLE HIRSUTTNE CO. MRS. E. R. DUNLAP, late partner of T. O. Carpenter, desires to thank her many friends for their patronage, and still solicits same, as she will treat them square, giving ; value received by way of curing applicants of all scalp and hair troubles; no swindling half-Interest to sell; beware of so-called fakers; State agent for Lewis Chemical Co.'s Luxurlol, bust developer; all my specialties guaranteed. Address with stamp, E. ¦ R 1 DUNLAP. 6 Eddy St., 8. F. Cal.. parlors 73 j and 74. | FOR sale In Alameda— An old established candy and confectionery store, with all utensils for candy and cake making; good ; trade; low rent; party must leave for different climate under doctor's order. Address W. DUFOUR P. O. box 1124, Alameda, Cal. FOP Sale— Owing to a sudden death In the ' family will have to go East. I offer my new stcck of millinery goods for sale. For fur- • ther reference inquire of any wholesaler In ! Ban Francisco. MISS S. ESCHER, Salinas ' Cal. A SNAP— A good-paying thoroughbred poultry and Belgian hare business for sale for value • of stock and fixtures; owner going to Nome- fine location. Address box 2763. Call office Oakland. . FOR Sale— General merchandise stock; well established; one hour from San Francisco* j full Investigation Invited; best reasons for selling. Address Q. M. 8., Call Branch. Okld. FOR sale dirt cheap— Grocery store, saloon and also furniture for a 15-room house. Apply O K. DOAN. 1318 Grove St. ' BUSINESS CHANCES — CONTINUED. SOME GOOD SENSIBLE ADVICE. We have on our list some baricalns rare. And In our dealings we are fair; Saloons and restaurants of every size. For sale, In The Call we advertise. So If In business you wish to go In seeing us do not be slow. The number Is Market, seven five nine. So come up early and fall in line. If you wish to sell or wish to buy, When you mean business, us do try. We are not here iußt for our health. But, like our patrons are gaining wealth. You don't risk life, nor pay biff fare To come, and In our profits share. 80 don't risk life In going to Nome. Invest In business and stay at home. REMEMBER MARKET 759. Don't fall to call on us in time. ____ BROCKLEHURST & MEGLADDERY. QUICK sales Is our motto. Should you want to buy, sell or exchange any property or business, we are able to please you In every respect. BROCKLEHURST & MEGLADDERY, 759 Market st. FOR sale— l6o acres of pasture and rolling land, near Reddine; bargain at $5 an acre. Call BROCKLEHURST & MEGLADDERY, 709 Market st. A— $350— PARTNER wanted; must be steady, reliable man, satisfied with $18 to $20 a week; no night or Sunday work; trial given before buying. Apply at 9 Geary St., room 2. A— S2OO— HOME bakery for sale; a bargain. Apply 9 Geary St., room 2^ $800— FINE carriage and wagon factory; a bar- galn; must leave city. JONES A CO.. 860 Mkt. FIRST-CLASS saloon and lodging-house, fur- nished, for rent; within one block of Powell and Eddy. Apply to DONNELLY & BRAN- NAN', wholesale liquor dealers, 1069 Mission. $10,000 TO $20,000 wanted; corporation; monop- oly: manufacturing product of universal use; rare chance for amount of investment; princi- pals only. Address X. X. X., box 3445, Call. DO you want good paying dairy depot, clear- Ing more than $2 per day? some delivery: on account of departure; no reasonable offer refused. Address J., box IS3I. Call office. COMPANIES organized and financed: guar- anty bonds furnished securing investors in stock against loss: be up to date and get your company "going." Box 1814. Call office. WANTED— A man with a reasonable amount of money to Invest In Cape Nome; no chance of loss; a fortune assured. Box 1863, Call office. GOOD chance to rent running bakery, with tools and wagon route; 2 barrels per day; ac- count, retiring from business. Box 1837. Call. DINING-ROOM and kitchen with a paying pat- ronage; well turn.; will be sold reasonably this week. Call at d l n lng-room. 122H Turk st. A CAPABLE business person wants a partner with $2000 cash; good opportunity; good secur- ity; principals only. Box 4550, Call office. A— WANTED; middle-aged lady with some money as partner in business at Cape Nome. F. J. DECKER. 724 Market St. HORSESHOEING business for sale; also horse, cart, surrey and harness. Apply at 1223 Franklin Bt., Oakland. PERSONS capable of Interesting capital re- quested to call room 13, seventh floor, Mills building. NEW cigar stand for rent: cheap; southeast corner Third and Townsend, opposite R. R. depot. NOT a living only, but a competence on Kearny st. ; $1350. Box 1536, Call office. FOR sale— Handsome furniture of a family ho- tel in full running order. 728 Sutter st. BUTTER, eggs, milk and delicacies; fine fix- tures; paying business. 115 Sixth st. FOR Sale— Oyster and chop house; 268 Hayes street; cheap; other business. FOR sale— Delicacy store; srood location. 60Q4 Post st. ' ¦ ; PARTY leaving the city has for sale a tin and j copper shop: also stpel ranee: dolnjr good I business: established 14 yeurs. 411 Vi Callfor- j nla St.. EUGENE ROBIN ET. j RESTAURANT for sale cheap: rent and water $15: price $250: owner other business. Inquire at grocery store, 1282 MiFsicn sv j STATIONERY, branch bakery, candles, cigars and laundry in connection. 1559 Market st. BICYCLE repair shop, sundries, tools and wheels; $100; golr.s to Nome. 1454 Mnrket ft. SALOON cheap: located In the Potrero. Apply on premises, 1543 Kentucky st. S-..TIONERY, school supplies; clean, new stock: JICOO. Box JS2O, Cull offlce : BRANCH bakery and delicacy store cheap. 203 Twelfth st. TO lease— Old established brewery: fitted up for Immediate operation. 217 Sacramento st.. San Francisco. 1 $300 CASH— Double Express, and business; es- tablished IS years, with good paying hauling. Address box ISO:.. Call. FOR sale— Old-established drug store In North- ern 'California town of 6500; no better drug town in State: invoice about $5000: will sell 25 per cent below Invoice; reason for selling satis- factory; business very Drofltable. Address box 2153, Call. DRUG store for sale or exchange for San Fran- cisco property: a weU-stnrkedT modern, paying | rims store in a cood mining town; cash trade. Call at 720 O" Farrell ft., city. SALOON for sale cheap. 172 Fourth st. BARBER shop for rent: completely furnished; 2 chairs: Ion? established business; pood lo- cation on Third st.: rent complete, $22. In- quire V/M. HENDRICKSON & CO., 614 Call bid.-. $225— CIGAR stand near Market St.. with spare room; lew rent and laundry. Address box SEO, Call office. BAKERY store. 1105 Howard St.; 4 rooms; large oven and tools to let low; location excellent. BARBER shop; (rood business; 3 living rooms In rear. 1220 Market St.. Oakland. GOOD paying saloon and cafe for sale; cheap; rent J2O. Box 3332, Call office. COFFEE and tea routes supplied from GEO. W. CASWELL & CO., 412 Sacramento st. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office, 2200 Fillmore. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1096 Va- lencia st. ' . LODGING-HOUSES FOR SALE. 22-ROOM CORNER TRANSIENT HOUSE. CLEARS $:00 PER MONTH. PRICE $1050 IF SOLD MONDAY. For sale by DECKER, 1020 Market st. 18-ROOM house at your own price. Apply to DECKER. 1020 Market St. 100 rooms; rent $50: clears $200 $1.V)O IS rooms; on Third st 230 30-room corner; 2 entrances; half cash..... 2000 S-room fiat; new; elegant 250 IS rooms; on one floor; near Call office... 650 37 rooms; on Howard St.; only $300 cash.. 400 25 ror«ms; on Market St.; worth $1200 800 10 rooms; on Mason St.; payments 450 86 rooms; on Market St.; payments 1800 TELEPHONE JOHN 81. H. C. DECKER. 1020 Market St., opp. Fifth. MARION GRIFFIN, 719 Market, nr. Call bldg. 36 rooms, 5 blks. N. Mkt.; 23 boarders.... sl6oo 48 rooms; clears $140 a month $2500 SO rooms; N. Mkt.; rent $90; bargain $1200 10 rooms; S. Mkt.; rent $20; full $150 11 rooms. 4 blks. N. Mkt.; rent $50 $600 6 of IS r. ; $550. $400. $1100, $1000. $1400, $500. SELECTED list of good houses: 10 to 100 rooms; prices to suit all; money loaned buyers at 2 per cent. SCHWEINHARD & CO., 917 Market St., rooms 1 and 2. A— ROOMING-HOUSE north Market: best bar- gain In city. COWING & CO., 719 Market st. 10 ROOMS; nice fur.; rent $30; Larkln St., near Geary; price $275. C. P. DAVIS. 916 Mkt.. r. 69. BARGAIN— 9-room lodging-houße; central lo- cation; all occupied; good furniture; rent low; clearing $32 above rent; will sell for $300. Call between 11 a. m. and 7 p. m., 743 Howard st. $275— ELEGANTLY furnished: 8 rooms: bath! yard: full roomers; great bargain. 913 Howard. CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. NEW & 2d-hand wagons, buggies, carts & har- ness, work _ driving .horses. 15th A Valencia. BELLING out, half cost, 100 sets harness. 200 waconi. 1140 Folsom st.. near Eighth. CAI'E i>O3IK. FOR SALE. The steamer Cella; a good steamer for Cap* Nome business: Just off the ways at Hay & Wright's shipyard, Alameda; length UJ feet,' beam 29 feet, gross tonnage 281.46. W. H. HIGH. NW. corner of Broadway and Twelfth st.. Oakland. Cal. "PARTIES wishing to obtain stock In the Alaska and Cape Nome Company, or Informa- tion regarding same, can apply to W. E. BARNARD, secretary, Examiner building, 8. F., room 202, or 1118 Broadway, Oakland. ROUND trip to Nome and York, a home while there; an Interest In a schooner: superior prospecting and mining advantages, for $250. Inquire . of LETCHER, 403 Montgomery st,, room 5. . A FEW first and second class tickets for Cape Nome; call at once: sailing May 80: S. F. to Nome In 10 days. C. F. MOORE. 935 Market st., room 8. ONE room, 6 berths, ladles' room: 6 berths, Rents; center steamer Tacoma; May 21: $100; baggage and freight $40. Call on MRS. 11., 1302 Twelfth aye., East Oakland. CAPE NOME and all points In Alaska. For freight or passage, call or write C. F. MOORE, 935 Market St., room 6. -'' THE Bllckensderfer Typewriter Is especially adapted; durable, portable, reliable, practical; '$40. 117 Eutter st. CARPET BEATING AND CLEANING. WHFN you become disgusted with poor work send to SPAULDING'B Pioneer Carpet-beat- lng Works. 353-357 Tehama St.; tel. B. 40. J. E. MITCHELL Carpet Beating and Reno- vatlng Co.. 240 Hth st.; tel. Mission 74. CITY Steam Carpet-beating Works. O. H. STEVENS, mgr.. 38-40 Bth St.; tel. South 250. J. MCQUEEN'S California Carpet Cleaning Co.. 453 Stevenson st.; tel. South 228; lowest rates. CARPETS cleaned at 3c per yard; laid at 4c STRATTON'S. 3 Eighth St.; tel. Jessie 944. ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co., 402 Sutter st.; tel. Main 894. QEO. WALCOM, proprietor. CONKLIN'S Carpet-beating Works. 333 Golden Gwte aye.: telephone East 126. SPIRITUALISM. A^TENTib^"rrrr^™....Tr.Trrr7r^?EMovED! MRS. DR. A. D. HOWE, The World's Me st Famous Medium and Clairvoyant. Reveals Your Life From the Cradl* to the Grave. Every Hidden Mystery Revealed, To the Sick Especially • Her assistance Is priceless. Her "Revealed Medicines," registered and copyrighted, cure all diseases on earth, consumption, paralysis, rheumatism, all skin ! diseases, heart and nervous affections. The wonderful cures which she has made are the talk of the whole slope. WRITE If you cannot call, for thousands upon thou- sands have been made rich, happy and healthy without ever having come to see this wonderful woman. Consultation by mail is always suc- cessful and satisfactory, and all correspondence Is kept sacredly confidential. Address or call, MRS. DR. A. D. HOWE. Offices removed to her residence, 1061 Seventh aye.. East Oakland, Cal. N. B— Take S. F. broad-gauge ferry and get off at Clinton Station, second station from Broadway. GO to Watson, "only natural" palmist and oc- cult medium: the luckiest and truest on the coast; readings 25e. 15S1 Market st., near Twelfth: specimens, mall. 50c. MRS. BAILEY, circle 8 p. m.. 10c; readings 25c and up. 1204 Flllmore st. MEDA HOSKINS. spiritual medium. 1423 Mar- ket, bet. 10th and 11th; clr. Mon.. 8 p. m. MRS. ELLIS, business and prophetic medium; sittings. $1; clr. Frl.. 2 p.m.. 25c. 233 Valencia. MRS. J.J.WHITNEY, clairvoyant, test, business medium, life render: x'ftlne. __ 11A4 Market. CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. DR. CLARK, — ™— THE WELL-KNOWN TRANCE MEDIUM. PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT 205 TURK. I May be consulted on all affairs of life: while entranced she reveals every hidden mystery; she will show you how to overcome your ene- mies; remove family troubles; restore lost affections; unite the senarated: recover lost or stolen property: locates minerals; tells your entire life, while In a perfect trance; satisfaction (tuaranteed by mall. . Send stamp for circular, with special terms. MRS. DR. CLARK. 205 Turk st.. near Jones; hours. 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. • ally. MME. LANGE. the great clairvoyant, tell* past, future; never falls; has the treatest Esyi ; .an Becret: shows picture future husb.' nd or w fe: fee 2ne and up: satisfaction to everybody, ti^s 1 on races. 11S7 Market st.. bet. 7th and Sth GO to WATSON, "occult medium and palm- | Ist," the luckiest on the coast; readings. 23c. I 15S1 Market si., near Twelfth; advices by mall, $1. MME. A. CERVANTES, the celebrated Spanish fortune teller; gives best advice tn difficult matters. 19 Fulton St., near Larkln. MISS MELVILLE, great clairvoyant and water reader; German spoken. 92lhi Mission, op.Mlnt. MRS. DR. WEST, business, teat medium: re- furned: magnetic treatment. 12C6 Mkt., r. 15. MME HANSON*— Palmistry: card reader; past, ; present, future, 25c. 14S Sixth st, room 12. MJ.IE. AUGUST, clairvoyant, card reader and palmistry, 25c; truth or no pay. 1143 Mlsston. MME. ZEREDA of 5 Seventh Bt.. original gypsy life reader; readings 25c: no sign. CLAIRVOYANT, medium and palmist; test reading this week, 50c. 126 O'Farrell st. MME. SHAFFER, clairvoyant, card reader; sittings dally. 212U Sixth Bt. MME. VERLEIN. life and card reader; busi- ness advice. R27H Post st. MME. RAVENNA reads life fluently: business advice: names given; 25c up. 5 Fourth st. MME. PYHILLE— CradIe to grave: future hus- bpnd's picture. !. r .r: lndle*. *»14 O'FsrreH ?t. COLLECTION OFFICES. GEORGE W. KELLY'S Agency; no charge un- ' leys successful, rtnom 310 027 Mark»t st. COTTAGES TO LET. COTTAGE 4 rooms; large yard; next to Doug- lass School. 214 Colllngwood st., between Nineteenth and Twentieth. COTTAGE and stable to let; four rooms. 2524 Harrison: $13. COTTAGE i rooms and bath; fine view; rent $35. 1323 Washington St., near Jones. $20 — COTTAGE; 2 bay-windows; B rooms, bath, yard, basement. Call 1222 Valencia St., near Twenty-fourth. . $8 PER month— 4-room eunny cottage and base- ment. 171 Collins St.. near Geary-st. cars. $10— COTTAGE; 3 sunny rooms; yard. 134 Rose aye.. between Gotigli and Octavla. COTTAGES FI'RMSnED. 4-ROOM sunny cottage, complete for house- keeplng; reasonable. 3314 23il st.. nr. Sanchez. ¦ ¦ ; i>_.vrivrs. A— DR. T. S. lIIGGINS'' dental parlors, 927 Market St., over Cafe Zlnkand— Teeth extract- j ed without pain by use of electricity, gas or chloroform; also by local anaesthetics applied j to the gums; the best and most artistic dental work at reasonable prices; pure gold fillings from $1 up; other fillings from 50c; badly de- cayed teeth carefully treated and filled or crowned without pain; plates that fit from $4 CO up; open evenings and Sundays. A FULL set of teeth on a rubber plate, $5: a full set of teeth on a gold p!ate. $25: teeth without a plate: crown and bridge work pur specialty; see our flesh-colored plates, thinner and stronger than rubber, warranted for 20 years, fillings. 50c: crowns. $3 50: all work 1 painless nnd warranted. CHICAGO DENTAL I PARLOK3, 24 Sixth st. AT the ELECTRO-DENTAL CLINIC. SO9 Mar- ket st.. cor. 4th. rm. 7, Flood bldg., you can have your extractions done painlessly; teeth without plates our specialty; gold crowns, $3 fiO up; plates, extractions free, $4 50 up; of- fice hours, 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. : Sundays. 9 to 2 p. m. G. W. WILLIAMSON. M.D.. Manager. , DR. GEORGE W. LEEK. 20 O'Farrell St.. ex- tracts ar.d tills teeth painlessly ky his won- derful secret method; crowns, $2; bridges. $4; rubber or flexible plates, $3; received 8 first prizos; no students; guaranteed 12 years. FULL set of teeth. $5; gold crown-. $3: new methods In bridge rrork: fillings, fcold. $1 up; silver. 50c; painless extraction. 50c; gaa ittve-.. New York Dental Parlors, 963 Mlsslon,cor.6th. DR. LUDLUM HILL, 1443 Market, nr. Hth— No charge for extracting when plates are made: old plates made over like new; teeth from $S per set; extracting, 50c; gas given. IDEAL gold filling Inserted for 75c, with writ- ten guarantee for 5 years; plates, $3: crowns, $1. IDEAL DENTAL CO.. 6 Eddy st. PARIS Dental Parlor, 235 Kearny. cor. Bush- Full set of teeth. $4; crowns, $3; filling.. 25c. MEYER, Deutscher Zahnarzt, 6 Turk; painless ext., crowns, bridge work; open Bund, till 12. EASTERN Dental Parlor. 119 Third St.: crow-.; ext. painless; full set teeth $7. VAN VROOM— "Painless"; evenings and Sun- days. 1001 Market st., corner Sixth. SET of teeth without plate. DR. H. O. YOUNG. ISU Polk st. . ' DOG HOSPITALS. DR. CREELEY'S C. P. mange cure and worm pills; by all druggists or at the dog hospital. 610 Golden Gate aye.; a special ward reserved for contagious diseases. Telephone East 287. DR. BU7*ARD'S Dog Hospital. Post. Flllmore— Advice and medicine. 7sc; city visits $1 50; all animals treated: dogs boarded. Tel. Wcßt 636. DUIiSSMAKEUS A.MJ Si^AiUS i M.i_Ss__ FASHIONABLE Suit Parlor— Suit, made to order on short notice; perfect fit guaranteed; men and women tailors; now ts the time to da your summer sewing; sewing lessons $1 ?, c , r , week - 8 - F< Ladte -' Tailoring College, 411 Van Ness aye. MCDOWELL'S Is the place to learn practical dressmaking: late patterns cut. 103 Post st. S. F. Dressmaking, Ladles" Tailoring School; French tailoring system taught 411 Van Ness. PARISIAN dressmaking, 387 Geary st. ; dresses made, $5 up; dresses made over; perfect rit. AN experienced misses' and chlldrens' dress- maker; latest stylea; 50c up. Box 4533, Call. ACCORDION pleating factory. All kinds pleat- Ing, pinking. 121 Post, over O'Connor&Moffatt. EDUCATIONAL.. SHORTHAND— lndividual instruction elch evening by J. WILLARD SMITH, expert stenographer, 1720 Market St.; highest speed known accomplished by Isaac Pitman sys- tem (the Inventor of phonography); rates $5 per month; by mall $4; another class May 1. HEALD'S Business College, 24 Post St., 8 F — Practical courses In bookkeeping, shorthand typing, languages, telegraphy, English branches, civil, electrical and mining engin- eering, etc. ; new 80-page catalogue free. ' EDUCATIONAL. A HIGH grade school— Commercial Western , Business University; arranged In departments; pay only for what you get. Call or address 723 Market st.. San Francisco^ AYRES', the leading business college. 723 Mar- ket; bookkeeping, shorthand, typing: Uto scholarship, $50; day and evening; catalogue. ALL students but two taking full course this year got positions. SAN FRANCISCO BU3I- NESS COLLEGE. 1236 Market St. ENGINEERING, civil, elec. mining, mech. sur- vey, assay, cyanide, arch.: day, eve.; est. 1564. VAN PER NAILLEN SCHOOL. 933 Market SHORTHAND taught personally or by mail; ac- knowledged by official reporters "best teacher. best system." M. G. BARRETT. 302 Montgmy. ADULTS and children taught English branches; Individual Instruction; day and eve. 334 Hyde. BOOKKEEPING practically; no theory: rapid calculations. Tarr, Expert Acct., Flood bid?. MANDOLIN, the latest fad. thoroughly taught by PROF. MERKI. lOCS Mission; violin, guitar. ESPINA. Penman; business writing a specialty; engrossing; Spanish. 337 Phelan building. ARITHMETIC, bookkeeping, grammar, writing, etc.; day or eve.; $5 mo. 1024 Mission, nr. 6th. KMrLOVMKAT OFFICES. A— JAPANESE-CHINESE Contractor and Em- ployment Office furnishes best laborers and domestic servants. 4 Carlos place, off, O'Far- rell, bet. Powell and Mason; tel. Black 4354. A— MOST reliable Japanese and Chinese em- ployment office; established over five years. 421 Post st. : telephone Bush 135. JAPANESE and Chinese employment office; best help furn.: tel. John 2121. 80«H Stockton. CHINESE and Japanese Employment Office— Best help. 411 V. O'Farrell st. ; tel. East 428. UNION Japanese-Chinese Employment Office— Best help. 417 Powell st.. telephone Clay 88. ORPHEUM Employment Office— Japanese. Chl- nesr. 426 Powell, near Sutter: tel. Black 5072. A WEFK'S news for 6 cents The Weekly Call. II pages. In wrapper, for mnlllnr. <1 per year. EMPLOYMENT WASTED — FEMALE. BUSINESS WOMAN'S CLUB. Tel. South 279. Emma Spreckels' Bldg., »27 Market st.. rooms 201. 202, 203; Oakland office, 10034 Broadway. "Phone Brush 821— If you want a stenographer, cashier, bookkeeper, saleslady, domestic, phone or send order; all help furnished free^ HOUSEKEEPER, managing, hotel, board In g- house, lodging-house; ref.: city, country; first class. BUSINESS WOMAN'S CLUB. »27 Mkt. FIRST-CLASS German cook desires situation; also Norwegian cook, second girls and a num- ber of housework girls await situations; city or country. MISS CULLEN. 325 Sutter st. NEAT young girl desires situation as second girl or housework In a small family; refer- ences. MISS CUIXEN. 325 Sutter st. A GERMAN woman wishes to do washing and cleaning or plain sewing and mending by the day. 4G9A Minna st. A WOMAN with a child wants a position as; J housekeeper; either city or country; object, 1 j good home. 124 O'Farrell st. j NEAT, reliable American woman, elderly, wishes situation as housekeeper; good eco- nomical cook; kind to children; has good ref- erences; wages $12 a month. Box 1539, Call, j GERMAN lady wants family washing by the \ week: work at home. 2334 Greenwich St., near Pierce; telephone Baker 118 S. STRONG woman wants work by the day; washlrg, house-cleaning, etc.; wages 11. Ap- ply 212 Clara st.. rear. LADY wishes a altuatirm to do family sewing by the day. Call at 11 Essex st. AGED or Invalid, etc.— Educated, versatile English woman offers services as attendant or housekeeper; absolutely trustworthy ; kind; musical; likrs animals; careful driver. Box lsS3. Call office. YOUNG widow from the East wants work by the day or week. Call or address 74* Folsom. COMPETENT North German nur?e seeks po- sition to go to Europe with a family: Is us*d to traveling; best city reference. Address F. F., 1516 Pacific aye. RESPECTABLE young lady wishes a position as housekeeper, either city or country. 801 Jefferson St., Oakland. A GERMAN woman wishes to work by the day washing, irunlng and tnusecleanlng; Is a good laundress. 731 Minna st. DRESSMAKER from the East; flrst-cla*s cut- ter and fitter: go out by day; make a -ult In one day. 1532 Polk st. A YOUNG woman with a good education. In quick at figures and penmanship, wishes a sit- uation as bill clerk In a wholesale or retail house; references. Box IS3B, Call office. COOK— Competent person wants place; willing to assist In general houseworK tn small fam- ily. 2415 Clay St., near Flllmore. MAN and wife want work In the country on a ranch. Call at &03 Pacific St.. above Stock- ton. WOMAN wishes to do either house cleaning or washing. SOS Natoma ht., near Howard. RESPECTABLE "middle-aged woman wants po- I Pltton as housekeeper In city or country. Ad- dress box 1«16, Call office. WANTED— A position as housekeeper by one thoroughly competent: city or country; please state waxes. Box 1535. Call. 1 TRUSTWORTHY woman, good cook, would as- sist with washing; city or country: postals answered If .carfare paid. 5 Ewlng place, off Lacuna, between Post and Sutter. NEAT, reliable American woman, elderly, wl.-hrf situation as housekeeper; good eco- nomical cook; kind to children: has good ref- erences, wages $12 a month. 230 Minna st. A YOUNG German girl wishes a position to do I general housework; no postals; speaks French. I 711 Mission st. WOMAN would like plain sewing to do at home. 821 Mission ht.. room 1. GERMAN girl, speaking German. French and English, wishes a position to tak« car* of children or lady's maid, to travel to Europ*. Apply or address 215 Union st. WANTED— MiddIe-aged woman; light house- work. 4232 Twenty-fifth st. AN elderly woman wishes a situation as house- keeper: xoud reference. 60S Franklin st. I WANTED — A lady wants a partner in a well- established business; will bear Investigation. 626 I st.. Sacramento. Cal. WINCHESTER House, 44 Third st.. near Mar- ket: 200 rooms: 25c to $160 night; $150 to t w»ek. convenient and respectable; free "bus and baggage to and from ferry. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office. 2200 Flllmore. A BRANCH office for the reception of adver- tlsemente and subscriptions has been opened at 1223 Polk St.: open until 9 p. m. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 109« Va- lencla st EMPLOYMK.Vr W ANTIC O MALE. A— BUSINESS WOMAN'S CLUB, 'phone South 279 Emma Spreckels building. S!7 Market st.. rooms 201. 202. 203. OAKLAND office, 1003H Broadway; 'phone Brush S2l. We can furnish competent cooks, waiters, other restaurant and hotel help. FREE OF* CHARGE. " RESPECTABLE gentleman of good address, 43 years of age. best reference, would like a po- sition as traveling companion with an old gentleman. Address box 3442. Call office. GARDENER. German, wishes position; refer- ences from home and abroad. Address R. 8.. box IE3O. Call office. * OLD gentleman and wife want to go Into th« country to take care of small place: wife good cook, man understands taking care of stock, understands massage: city reference. Ad- dress box 4574. Call office. YOUNG man of good appearance and habits would like a position as nurse or attendant; Call at 2435 Folsom st. MAN wishes to take charge of cattle or horses for fare East. Box 1811, Call office. WANTED— A position as bookkeeper by a young man who has had < years' experience with one of the largest firms In the East. C. L. HAGAN. 217 Pest St. A MIDDLE-AGED man wishes situation, care of horses and garden; can milk; good refer- ences. Address box IS4I, Call office. COACHMAN, thoroughly understands his busi- ness In all branches. Is trustworthy and reli- able, desires situation In private family; ref- erences. C. S., 1022 Jackson st. WANTED— Position as Janltsr. watchman or any kind of work around house: can give good references; aged 26. Box 1860, Call. YOUNG man. Inexperienced, desires position to learn to tend tar; references: work first month for board. A. SPECK. 618 Gough st. COMPETENT gardener wants work In Jobbing gardening. Address E. WAGNER. 570 Mission. TEAMSTER would like lumber, freight or quarts team to drive In northern or middle part of State. Box 1327. Call. YOUNG business man. 12 years' experience In retail grocery business, desires position as manager, salesman or solicitor. Box 4CJ4. Call. SITUATION by competent woodworker on gen- eral work. Address box 1822. Call office. JAPANESE wants situation as a laboratory man In dental office. Box 1826. Call office. YOUNG Irish Catholic ecclesiastical student, without means of pursuing his studies, de- sires position as teacher or tutor or any con- genial situation. Box 1806, Call office. E3IPLOYM_;NT WASTED — MALE. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper seeks situation la office; thorough knowledge of office routine; exceptional references. 11. _? 623 Fell st.. San Francisco. MAN and wife would like situation on ranch; man as general ranch hand, wife as cock. Address J. H.. 474 Jessie st. COUNTRY newspaper man. practical ag- round compositor and pressman, wants posi- tion; references. W. J.. box ISijB. Call office. YOUNG Japanese boy wants situation as good cook In a family. H. 1.. Zl3 Ellis st. ENGINEER, first-class traction, thrashing of any kind, would like work. Call or address Engineer. 2308 Laicur.a st. GOOD gentlemen garment cutter with much • experience desires position in city or country. Address box 4573. Call. NURSE, graduate of training school, would like situation. O. A. McKENZIE. til Minna st. AN experienced gardener. S3 years of ag-. Gey. man. has knowledge of few other mechan.-al trades desires position aa gardener. Janitor or house agent. K. W. P.. 101 Hartlett gt. BY active, middle-aged, respectable, educated man cf family: outside work preferred, refer- ences for 30 years here and security. Box 4551. Call office. CLASSIFIED advertisement* and subscription* received »t <"-!! branch office. 2200 Killmore st. A BRANCH office for the reception of adver- tisements and subscriptions has been opened at 1253 Pclk st. : open until 9 p. m. A BRANCH office for Call advertisement* and sub«rrlptlons has been established at lW« Va- le—eia «t __________——. EXPERT OPTICIANS. GEORGE MAYERLB. German expert optician. 1071H Market st. ; examinations free: German eyewater by mall. SOf- Phone. Mint 257. exchange:. ALAMEDA business block; rents $350; ex- change or sell: price 136.000; equity $20,000: for clear Improved property or mercantile bust- ness at or near San Francisco. Address box 2764. Call office. Oakland. FLAT* TO UCT. A— NW. COR. Butter and Scott— Finest flat tn city for the price; Investigate: « large rooms and large glazed porch: appreciated If seen. A— $2O— NEW; every room sunny: 4 rooms, por- celain bath; marina view. 1421 Green st.. near Van Ness aye. ' A NICE sunny upper fiat: S rooms and bath: newly papered. 527 Dolores st.. nr 19tt: $14. A MODERN sunny upper fiat; S rooms: porce- lain tath; $1«. 1903 McAllister st.. near Park. AN upper flat of 4 rooms, with large yard and stables. 2 Hayward St.. near Eighth. BEST centrally located flats for small famine*: nice neighborhood: must be seen. Hanover place, off Sacramento St.. above Powell. BUSH. I>«2, near Buchanan— Modern sunny light flat; 8 rooms and r>ath. CAPP, 774— Sunny Bats. 4 and 5 rooms: all con- veniences; rent cheap. ELEGANT sunny flat. 8 rooms and bath. 131» Pine st.. between Hyde and Larkln. FELL. 524— Flats of 8 rooms and bath, $13; also fiats, 4 rooms, no bath. $3. FILLMORE, 113, rear— Flat of 3 rooms, with yard. FIRST. 305, Just above Folsom— Upper cart of house: 3 rooms; $J. FULTON. 142— Extra fine modern middle flat; « rooms: bath; City Hall: fur. or unfurnished. FULTON. 24225;— Flat 3 rooms. $6; nice garden. Inquire 810 Mission st. IF you want to move get printed list fiats to let from BALDWIN* HOWELL. 10 Montgomery. MISSION. 1513.— Upper flat: 6 larg" sunny rooms, bath, gas and laundry; rent $IS. NICE flat. 6 rooms and bath: only $20; water. Apply 10 to 4. 707'- 3 McAllister st. O'FARRELL. 735— Upper flat. 6 sunny rooms: key 737 O Farrell st. _ SIX-ROOM fiat— TT-ira st.. rent $14: also three rooms for $3. KREDO & CO.. 3B Qeary st. SUNNY hard-fln'.s'hed S-room fl^ts: $& and $3. Apply to H. LCHRKE A SONS. IVtroro. } SUNNY lower flat; 4 rooms; newly papered: large basement. 114 Perry st. : $10. ! TO let— Sunny flat of 5 rooms, bath. 31s Capp street. TWENTIETH. 3438. near Howard— MMem ran- ! Ny, ft-room upper flat; rent reasonable. ' TWO elegant corner flats of 7 rooms ami bath each, sun all day; rent very reasonable. 300 and 302 Scott st.. near panhandle. VALENCIA. 13C6 — Flat. 6 large rooms; sunny yard; cheap to richt party. 3 MODERN flats; 6 and 7 rooms; yard: base- ment: rent moderate. 1931. 1935; 1337 O'FarrelL $B—4 ROOM flat and barn: water free. 327 Hearst aye., gunnyslde. $7— SMALL upper rear flat. 708 Laskle St., oft Mission, near Ninth; no children. $B— FLAT, 887>4 Hayes st.; S room- and bath and yard; new plumbing. $18— UPPER flat. S rooms, bath: modern: ma- rine view; close to cars. 1121 Filbert st. ri'll.MTl ttli toll SALE. FOR sale— A choice piece of furniture, mahog- any secretary: 150 yean old. Apply 317 Lar- kln St.. room 11. NEWLY furnished flat, 7 rooms. In 1000 block. Post 'st. ; must be sold. A. B. SMITH FITR- NITURE CO.. 118 Ellis St. PARTLY furn!«hed flat of < rooms: furniture and carpets In fine condition; price and rent reasonable. 41 1 Eddy st. FURNITURE of 3 rooms; cheap: elegant: with or without upright piano. 733 Guerrero st. FURNITURE In seven-room Sat; pia*o: no dealers. Box 3444. Call offlca* 4 ROOM 3 furnished In oak for $4S 60. with No. 7 range. King Furniture Co.. 11?7-1131 Market. FL"ll.\lTLll_ WAITED. CHAS. LEVY buys your furnltura. carpets, piano. 1135 Market St.; telephone Jessie 7t_ ALFRED WOLLPERT. 773 Mission St.. p*y» the highest price for your Id-hand furniture. W. E. CODY (late with J. T. Terry & Co.) buys furniture, carpets. 757 Mission: tel. Red X 333. HELP WASTED-FEMALE^ C. R. HA.VSEN & CO *.. Phone Grant US HOTEL DEPARTMENT 2 waitresses, resort, same place, set party here; 2 waitresses. Marysvllle, $20; 1 wait- resses, Fresno, $23: 2 waitresses, Vlsalla, $20; 2 waitresses, Salinas, $20; waitress, Watson- vllle. $20; waitress. Healdsburg. $20; 2 wait- resses, city. $25 and $20; 2 restaurant wait- resses. $7: woman cook. $50; 2 fancy Iron era. city and country. $30 and found. FAMILY ORDERS 2 housegirls, Martinez. $20 each, choice places, ranches near together; nurse, one child. $20; cook for mine. $25, sea party here; working housekeeper. $15: 2 second girls. $20 each; housenlrl. Lakeport. $25. see party her*; houseKlrl. Monterey. $15. fare paid: cook for mine. $IS. C. R. HAXSES A CO.. 104 Geary. A NURSE for sanitarium, short distance In the country: tts and found. C. It. HANSEN & CO., 104 Geary st. A— lo CHAMBERMAIDS to wait at table, city and country. $20 and $25; chambermaid and seamstress. $20: nurse. 2 children, for acroaa the bay. $15: chambermaid, city hotel. JOT; restaurant waitress. $6 p«r week: second girl. Belvedere, $20; 4 second girls, city, $20 each; waitress, private family. $20. MISS CULLEN, 325 Sutter st. 25 girls; general housework: $20 to $30. 2 waitresses: city; good pay. 2 second girls, at once. BUSINESS WOMAN'S. CLUB. 927 Market St. WANTED for Seattle— Thoroughly experienced cloak and suit fitter; also thoroughly experi- enced saleswoman; liberal salaries and per- manent positions: city references. D. a JA- COBS. 220 Sutter st. WANTED— A girl to do second work: waxes $15. Apply Monday morning. 2,90 Mission at. GIRL 14 or 15 years old to help with bouse- work. Call at 911 Stelner st. GIRL for light housework: must sleep home. Call Monday at 130 Twelfth st. GIRL; general housework: plain cooking- fam- lly of »; wage» $15 per month. IS26A Sutter. YOUNG girl to assist In housework: 2 In fam- ily: no washing. Call 10 to 4 at 1032 Kills st. NEAT girl, not over 16. to assist with upstairs work; care of child of 3 years. 171S O'Far- rell st. A GOOD dressmaker: business established: no money required. Address box 1813. Call office. WASTED- Starch work troner; also e-perl- enced girl to rub shirts and collars. Stand- ard Laundry, 114 Hayes st. WANTED-Talloress: steady position. ROOS BROS.. 25-37 Kearny st. A BRIGHT woman looking for a business . opening; must use good language and dr^j neatly. Box 1845. Call office. A REFINED German girl take care of crown child and sewing. $23. MRS. LA.UBERT. 41$ Powell st WANTED— A corset and muslin underwear saleslady. Bo- 1844. Call office. GlR—i for general housework: cottage; small - family; wages |_0- 1705 Baker st. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL., SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 1900. SA* FRA*CISCO CALL. pr-prNEFS OFFICE of the San Francisco Call, corner of Market and Third street-, open until 12 c' clock every night in the year. BRANCH OFFICES— I2I Montgomery street ecmer Clay; open ur.til »:J0 p. m. too Hayes street; open until 9:20 p. m. «I 8 McAllister street: open until 9:30 p. m. CIS Lflrkin street; open until 9:80 p. m. JS4I Mission *treet; open until 10 p. m. ITCJ Market street, corner Elxteenth; open tntll » p. ra. 1C« Eleventh street; open until 9 p. m. ICS6 Valencia street; cpen until 9 p. m. Uts Pc!k street: open until 9 p. m. Northwest corner Twenty-second and Ken- ti-<-k> firfeiF; open u-V.H 9 p. m. CIILKCII SCKVICES. TRINITY Church, corner Bush and Gough sts.. Hiv. Frederick \\ . Clamoett. D.D.. rector- Holy communion. S a. tn,: morning service, II o'clock; evening prayer. 4 o'clock. 6ECONI> Unitarian Church, corner Caup and Twentieth st£.. Rev. E. M. S. Hodzin, pas- tor— ll •_ m. subject. "It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise than for a man to hear the eotiK of fools"; music in the morn- ing Includes soDrano solo, "For All Eter- nity." with violin cbllgatj (Maseberoni); an- them quartet. "The Hea>en» Are Declaring < Heelhover.) ; cello solo, with violin and I'lano. "Ber-ena4e" (Schubert). At 7:45 p. m.. lecture. "The Elements of Christianity^ FIRST Congregational Church, cor. Post and Mason fts.— l'.ev. George C Adams, D. D.. pastor, will in-sch at both services; at 11 a. m.. th«?me. "ilo<\ Is a Spirit"; at 7:45 p. m., theme. "Follow Me." All are cordially in- vited. SEVENTH -DAY Church. Hi Laguna < ft., bet. McAllister and Golden Gate aye.— Preaching this (Sunday) evening at 7:30 o'clock j by the paster. Elder J. O. Corliss; subject. . "The Time of the End, as Shown by the j Pn rhpt Daniel." A cordial invitation is ex- ] tended to all; seats free. j Tin: First Divine Science Church. M. E. I Cramer, pastor— J^iscurse at 11 a. m. Bub- ; Ject. "The Lord Increased His Possessions • Into the Double." t^ri ices every Sunday at H me CVillr^e. CSC& Seventeenth st., between j 1,'..-Mcn and Val^nria. I CHURCH of Jesus Christ of Latter-day £aim»— Services. 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. ra.. -t I^thian Hall, i'OS Market et.. Sun£:iy. Arril 2i; EUer A. W. lUnan will address the evening conerecaticn on "The G&si>el." All are welcome. riP-FT Church of Christ, Scientist. Central Hock, !£3 Gutter fit., bt-t. Kearr.y and Grant , _ye. — Christian Science Bible lesson at 11 ¦ a. rr.: subject, "Adam and Fallen Man." Sun- <iay-Rohc.>.i for children at the tame hour. Wednesday evening meeting at 8 o'clock. Fri- nailing room, :ci> Kearny «. All wel- j cc me. j ASSOCIATION Auditorium, Mason and El'.ts •ts.— MaEs-meetlnt to-day at 3 o'clock, for men only; practical talk by Secretary McCoy on "The Vcune Mar. and His Decision." Feats free; £.«_. i muMc; all young men cor- dially invited. THEOSOPHICAL Society — Public lectures every Sun Jay at S o'clock, in Theo- eorihic Hall, OiM Fellows' building: to-night, "Amient IVru and Its Mysterious Civilisa- tion." by Mrs Ula B. Keefer. MEETINGS SVXDAY. DR. J. DEPEW KERGAN (by request of many Fentleirser.) will »--ive his lecture to Men Only at Crystal Hall. Pythian Caetle. 90s? Market et.. this evening at S o'clock. Subject. "Some j Every Gentleman Ought to Know." ¦ Profusely Illustrated by splendidly llluminat- [ ed mammoth views from lire, presenting a I genuine school of instruction for gentlemen win desire to act in accordance with the pre- ( v|it, -Man Knew Thyself." Seats free. No collection. BENJAMIN FAY MILLS speaks at 7:30 p. m.. Metropolitan Temple, on "Between the Ani- mals ar.<i t!ie Angels"; Mr. AUred Wllkie Bings; remarks by Hon. James G. Magulre ar.d P.ev. George R Allen. AT DR RINP.S' Spiritual Society. M 9 Market— 11 free- 2:i' t; Mrs. Seeley. Yiirars. others; a callt-d me- tir.p May €. 1 p. m.. of the society j t" f.'rm a benefit association; Rines, presi- | der.t; I_ttle. secretary. SOCIETY cf Progres-lve Spiritualists. Oecl- d> ma! Hall, i- rner Larkin and McAllister. Sunday at 7:3" T- — J Mrs. It. S. Lillle. Sub- ; Ject, "The Righteousness of Our Cause." A PPIRITI'AL tes-t meeting every Wednesday | evening. Occidental Hall, SOS Larkln si. ; Dr. I'a.rker. L'r. Carey. Mrs. Griffin, Mrs. Robin- son: 10c. MFFTING of Co-operative Brotherhood. Tues- day. 117 Ln-kin Ft. "A Glance at Civiliza- tion." by Mr. Homing. All welcome. SCuTTISH HaM. IJ7 Larkin: S p. m. ; spirit re- turn demonstrated ; prominent mediums; good music. MRS. WINCHESTER. IGIO Clay: '•Ircie to- Bleht, S: Tues-day. 2 p. m. ; consultation dally. FRIENDSHIP Halt. "25 McAllister: tests to- night: circle ever\- eve.. I>V:. Mrs. C. J. Meyer. ALL Mivlted— To-night, grand convincing test j rr.ourx: ArnG'.d-D.ckscn; others. 14S €th. r. L • tin. Ha'rland'e circ> to-nlsbt: articles read l"c; true prophetic rradlnrs daily. 136 Sixth st. JIM!'. YOVXQ'B convincing test circle to- r.lirht. 6'>r, McAllister St.; come skeptics. AT Mrs. Eberhardt's Temple of Truth— Spiritual j messages to-night, l^. 22^0 T2d st. EDWARD EARLE. 330 EHis et.: seance to- DlCbt; Wednesday night. S o'clock. j MRS. MENA FRANCIS. Independent slate writinc m «-_:um. US Halght -t. MRS. EOOERT AITKEN. medium ; sittings daily. l.ft McAllister gt.. flat 1. MEETINGS — I'nlvemal Brotherhood. THEOSOPHICAL Society in America. El 9 Mar- ket st. — I^ecrure to-n!fcht. "Castin- Out ! Devils." by A. f pinks; I. B. L. Tuesday j nipht; rubjwrt. "Men as Creators." Children's Lotus group. Sunday, 11 a. m., room 20. MEETING NOTICES. THE members of the Past Mas- ,». ters' Association. F. and A. M-. \JL are requeued to attend the A^\ funeral <>t our late brother. B 'A JEROME PPAULDING. P. M.. /X___V at lUaaloil L-«Jge No. ies. from y_J_*^V_ Masonic Temple. Oakland. «[VA THIS DAY (SUNDAY). 2!*h fJ /S*AV% Jnst.. at 1.80 p. ml.m 1. Take 12:30 SQl2___C£*\ ' Lroadfrauire boat. By order of the pieel<sent. PETER T. BARCLAY. Secretary. MISSION Lodge No. IC9, F7and A. M.— _ < *2icers and member* are hereby no- _#\^ tlfifd t attend the r,:- •r m! f our f!~- lf_K ceased brother. JEROME SPAULD- < r^r j ING. P. M.. from Masonic Temple. Oakland, i TO-DAY «SCNIjAY> at 1:30 j>. tn. Take 12:3) ! broadrauge boat. Hy ord«r of the \v. M. C. D. BL'NKEK, Secretary. CALIFORNIA Lo^Re No. 1. I. O. O. j__lfi__. F.— lnitiation MONDAY EVEN- __2si?s£_ ING. Arril 30. Visitors welcome. \VM. TROTTER. N. G. rwsruw KNIGHTP of the Red IJranch— Pl^- jf • nic committee will meet MON- . *V_/ qh ¦ PAY EVENING, at K. R. I 9u fZ Hall, to make arrangements IV; I iilCnle to be held at Shell Mound •jJ^^fP Park May 6. , r CALEDONIAN Club.— Thirty-fourth vr _l annual Katherine and carries at 2t qSj Fhell Mound Park, lierk-ley. on XXXST WEDNESDAY, May 30. corr.iirisinf; ! athletic Kames, feats cf strength, manly ei>or_p and many exciting events. PACIFIC Coast Marine Firemen's Union— I Notice — The rf-t-ular weokly meeting of above t • jclety will be lx-M on Monday. 3'nh Inst.. ' Tuesday being a ho] May. Important business. I 'AM. PAKKEK. Delegate Pro Tern. iNNTAL mooting— The regular annual meet- ing of stockholders of the Hutchtnson Supar I'Uirtatlon Company will be held at the office of '.tie company. 227 Market St.. San Fran- c.sco. Cal.. r- Tuesday, the Sth day of May. 2V«O. at the hour of 11 a. ns.. for the purpoe* of '•lectin* a board of directors to serve for the »:.-..: »¦ year and the transaction of such nther business as may come before the meet- ing. Transfer b'>oks will close on Friday, April 27. ISOO, at 3 p. m. H. W. THOMAS. Acting Secretary. AGBVTS WASTED. WANTKt) . :mme<ji»tely —10 to 16 men and women to mII :>.O chares reliable oil stock each; must be cood ruMlers; can make from J5 to $10 per day. For full Information address R. Y. CAMPTON. Newhall. Cal. AGENTS— You will secure best hustlers In frrall Western towns, by advertising In "Mall order Monthly.** St. Paul. Minn, guaranteed cirvulation 17i.00O; rate, 5c j>er word); results will surprise ycu. TWEICTY-IN-ONE «hirt bosom; entirely new; 20 chanr^s; complete stylifh fronts; lightning (seller: samples £So; call before noon. Manl- lold Nov. Co.. 178 Seventh St., S. F., Cal. IN each town for book quoting value of old coins; 15: 100 samples, 20c. LORRAINE _ CO.. P. O. box 20TC. S. F. SOLICITORS wanted— Harper &. Brothers' fine eubscrlptlnn works offered here for the flirt j time; reliable solicitors wanted. 206 Kearny. I ACTIVE, energetic men of good address and j ability to solicit; steady work, good wages ! and rapid advancement. SIC Market, room 42. i AGENTS— "Hat Bleach" cleans straw hats In | ." minutes; greatest seller out: sample 10c; write to-day. Hat Eleach Co. Xenia. Ohio. AGENTS— NewIy patented article for men'i wear: fast seller: big profits; sample free. \V. K. HERIUNGTON CO.. Aurora, 111. AGENTS wanted for the greatest money maker oa U_e cuLTket. 126 Kearny St., room IS. 28