Newspaper Page Text
Dockham. J. M. Johnson. Karl Dove. Alice Prideaux. John 9. Florentine. Alexander Roser. Albert L. Gisln. John F. Slebke. Frederic- Hayes. Henry Southern. Jennie S. Hobbs, Cart. H. H. Spauldlng. Jerome Westeate. George E. BEAUVAIS— In Valencia. Santa Cms County, April 22. 1300. Larinla D.. wife of the late Andrew B. Beauvais, and mother of Mrs. «. E. Milwain and Kate R. Beauvals. a native of Corinna. Me., aged £6 years ar.d S months. BIGELOW— In this city, April 27. 1300. Dorcas F. Bigelcw. mother of Mrs. L. M. Tuttle and Mrs. I. H. Kittredge. a native of Massachu- setts, aged S3 years S months and 1 day. (Bostnn. Mass.. papers please copy.) CTFriends and aCQuaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral this day (Sunday), at 2 o'clock, from her late resi- dence. 2519 Bush street. Interment private. BLOHM-In Berkeley. Annie Blohm. mother of Mrs. W. L. Arnold. Mrs. H. D. Kelsey and Charles H. Blohm. a native of Birmingham. England. . , . E7"Funeral services will be held at her late residence. Shattuck avenue and Berryman street. Berkeley, to-morrow (Monday), in- terment private. BLUM-In this city. April 23. 1?00. Bennett M. Blum, beloved brother of Jacob Blum, a na- tive of Dobnyn. Poland, aged 70 X*ar_ •» months and 25 days. A member of Artel Lodge. I. O. B. 3.. of San Jose. C7Triends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Monday), at 10:30 o'clock, from the parlor* of Theodor Dierks. 557 Mission street, by 11:30 o'clock train to New Salem Cemetery for Interment. BORBA-In Sausa'.lto. April 28. 1900. Manuel P. Borba. beloved son of M. P. and Maria A. Borba. a native of Sausallto. aged 14 years. BORDWELL—In this city. April 17. 19W. George A. Bordwell. beloved husband of Lii- zle S. Bordwell. and father of Fred A.. W. Percy. Frank V.. George Otl*. Paul H. and Haul* Bordwell. . ... I_r Funeral at Presbyterian Church. Ala- meda. to-morrow (Monday), at 1 o'clock. In- terment private. BRUNE— In this city. April 26. 1900. Gu»tave. beloved brother of Henry and Dr. A. E- Brune, Mrs. C. A. Kern. Mrs. A. O. H*t;e- dorn. Mrs. D. Pabst and Dledrick. Ernst. Louis and Fritz Brune. a native of Germany, aged 33 years o months and 2 days. CTFuneral this day (Sunday), at I o'clock, from the parlors of H. F. Suhr * Co.. 1137 Mission street, between Seventh an.i Eighth. Cremation at I. O. O. F. Cemetery. Please omit flowers. BUNYAN— In this city. April 26. IXC. Michael Bunyan. beloved brother of Thomas. Kane and Peter Bunyan and Mrs. Maria Cron.n. and uncle of Julia, Norah and Mary Bunyan. a native of the parish of O'Dorney. County Kerry-. Ireland, aged 43 years. (New *orU papers please copy.) E7"Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral this day (Sunday), at 10:30 o'clock, from the parlors of the Pacific Undertakers. 777 Mission street, thence to St. Patrick's Church for services. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. A solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the re- pose of his soul at St. Patrick's Church to- morrow (Monday), commencing at 9 o docK. DANTON-In this city. April 27. 1900. Roy B , beloved son of J. M. and Agnes Danton. a native of San Francisco, aged U months. JC7"Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral this day (Sunday), at 10 o'clock, from the family resi- dence. :i25 Sixteenth street, near Guerrero. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery, by car- riase. DOCKHAM— In this city. April 2T. 190n. J. M. Dockham. a native of Maine." aged 63 years. A member of Evergreen Lodge No. ISI. I. o. O. F., of Sebastopol. Sonoma County, and of Santa Ro«a Encampment No. 53. I. O. O. F., Santa Rosa. C7"Frier.ds and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral this day (Sunday), at 11:30 o'clock, from Odd Fellows' Hall corner of Seventh and Market streets, where s?rvtces will be held under the aus- pices of I. O. O. F. Relief Board. Interment LaurM Hill Cemetery. Remains at the un- dertaking parlors of J. S. Godeau. STS Mont- gomery avenue. DOVE— In this city. April 28. 1900. Alice Dove, beloved wife of the late James Dove, and mother of George S. Dove. Mrs. Sarah Tay- lor and Joseph A. Dove, a native of Notting- ham, England, aged S3 years and « months. FLORENTINE— In the City and County Hospi- tal, April 23. 1500. Alexander Florentine, a native of New York, aged 64 years. GISIN— In this city. April 28. 1900. John Fred- erick, beloved sen of C. E. and Mrs. L. I. Glsin (nee Center), and brother of Erne»t and George Gisln. a native of San Francisco, a<»J 9 years 2 months and 23 days. .TyFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral this day (Sunday), at 1 o'clock, from the parents' resi- dence, 343S Sixteenth street, thence to Mission Dolores Church for services. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. HAVES— In East Oakland, April 28. WOO. Henry Hayes, a native of Reedsvllle. Pa., aged 74 year* 5 months and 25 days. HOBBS— In this city. April 28, 1300. at his late residence. 202S Bu»h street. Captain Hiram H. Hobbs. a native of North Berwick. Maine, aged CS years. E^Funeral private. JOHNSON— In Reedley. Fresno County. CaL, April 26. 1300, Karl, beloved son of Alfred and Emma Johnson, and brother of Axil, Alfred Jr. and Ebenezer Johnson, a native of San Francisco, aged I year 3 months and 15 days. B_TFr!ends are respectfully Invited to ai- tend the funeral this day (Sunday), at 2 o'clock, from the residence of his parents. 23D Bryant street, between Twenty-flrst and Twenty-second. Interment Laurel Hill Ceme- tery. LAW— In Clarendon. Texas. April 2S. 1300. Rev. Victor Marshall Law. aged 47 years. LEWIS— In this city. April 28. 1900. Jennie, be- loved wife of the late John Lewis, a native of Scotland, aged EX years 10 months and _> days. C7*Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Monday), at 10 o'clock, from her late resi- dence, 1024-rj Folsom street. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery- MAKIN— In this city. April 2S. 1900. Eunice, beloved wife of John Makln. and raot-er of Mary E. Makin. a native of County Donegal. Ireland, aged e5 yeara. inXFriends and accualntanees are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Monday), at 9:30 o'clock, from her late resi- dence. 314 Jessie street, thence to St. Pat- rick's Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencinn at 10 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. MATHEWSON— In this city. April 2S. 1900. Nel- lie, dearly beloved daughter of Nelson N. and Nellie Mathewson, a native of San Fran- cisco, aged 2 years 3 months and 3 days. CTFrlends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Monday), at 2 o'clock, from the residence of the Darents. 60 Natoma street. Interment Odd Fellows' Cemetery. MEAD— In this city, April 27, 1900. Charles F., beloved husband of Adelaide Meade. and father of Lillian Mead, a native of Kahway, N. J.. aged 63 years 9 months and 8 days. (Massachusetts and Minnesota papers please copy.) CJ" Friends and acquaintances and Ladles of the G. A. R-. and comrades of the Civil War are respectfully invited to attend the funeral this day (Sunday), at J o'clock, from the parlors A. W. Martin & Co.. 118 Geary street. Interment National Cemetery. Presidio Reser- vation. MEHSE— In this city. April 21. 1900. Hazel Inez, beloved daughter of Louts A. and Cora Mehse. a native of Idaho, aged 4 years 4 months and 20 days. MICHAELS— In this city. April 27. 1300. Julius Michaels, beloved husband of Sarah Michaels, father of Consuela Michaels, beloved son of G. Michael." and brother of Mn. Max Abrams. Mrs. H. Abrams. Mrs. 11. Appleton. - Mrs. H. Bloom and Leo and Ray Michaels and Manuel Michaels of Hartford. Conn., a na- tive of San Francisco, aged 23 years 7 months and 12 days. FT Friends and acquaintances and also members of Bay City Lodge No. 7L I. O. P. F., are rc-SDectfully Invited to attend the fu- neral this day (Sunday), at 10:1 a o'clock, from 629 Golden Gate avenue. Interment Hills of Eternity Cemetery, by 11:30 o'clock train from Third and Townsend streets. O'BRIEN— In this city. April 27. 1900. Cather- ine, beloved wife of Thomas B. O'Brien, and mother of James 1.. Matthew S.. Edward J.. Antone and Katherine O'Brien and Mrs. J. J. Miller, a native of Ireland, aged 53 years. CTFriends of the family art» respectfully Invited to attend the funeral this day (Sun- day), at 12:30 o'clock, from her late resi- dence. 1611 A Sutter street, thence to St. Mary's Cathedral for services. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. PHEA— In this city. April 2S. _»00. Walter Har- vey Ohea. beloved son of Richard Ohea. and brother of Margaret, Lizzie. George. Robert and Harry Ohea, a native of San Francisco, aged 27 years I months and 7 days. (Brook- lyn. N. V., Chicago and New Orleans papers please copy.) ICTFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Monday), at 11 o'clock, from Calvary Pres- byterian Church, corner Powell and Geary streets, thence by 1 o'clock creek boat to Mountain View Cemetery for Interment. PRIDEAUX— In this city. April 26. 1300. John S.. beloved husband of Rose Prideaux and father of John H. and Frank W. Prideaux a native of Dodgevllle. Wls., aged 60 years 5 months and 15 days. (Dodgeville and Mil- waukee. Wis.. papers Dlease cotiy.) E7Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral this day (Sunday), at 1 o'clock, from his late resi- dence, 540 Natoma street. Interment Cyprett Lawn Cemetery, by carriage. ROEER-In this city, April it. 1300. Albert L. Roser. beloved husband of Agnes M. Roser and stepfather of George 8.. Walter P and Arthur E. Ehrenpfort. a native of New York aged R0 years 1 month and 2S days. (ETFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited tn attend the funeral this day (Sunday), at 2 o'clock, from the residence of HENRY d. GALLAGHER CO.. (Successors to Flannagan & Gallagher). FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS, 20 Fifth st.. opposite Lincoln School. Telephone South 80. UNITED UNDERTAKERS. *_ and » Fifth st. TeL Sooth "C rUNERAI, DIRECTORS AND SJfBALK-RS. Finest Equipment at Moderate Rates. HOTEL ARRIVALS. NEW WESTERN HOTEL. J F Parker &w. lowa j W Chlnn. Vallejo H C Parker. lowa 'Mis* Brown. San -Rafael Miss Parker. Icwa A Z_ hner, Los Angeles J Kaiser, Stockton O Wells. Bakersfleld C Wilson. Vallejo L Barry. San Jose J P Silver. Alvarado J McCarthy. Fresno J Mahon. Merced iH D Roper. Arkansas T Baruchl A f. Vallejo 'j M Davis. Modesto J G Bode. Castrovllle iH Scrensen. Los Angela GRAND HOTEL. E Huerch. St Louis ;W A Newton. Cnlcago W C Swain. Cal w a Llttlefleld. Cal W R Stone. Cal ! R Spear. U S N P H l'Estrella. Berkly J E Tener. Phenlx M Sears. U S N a B Stevens. L An; E Fl3her. Sacramento J Wllzlr.skl. Visalia H M Earstow. Cal M Greenwald. Arcata C A Berdlnc. Ferndale T D Witt. St Louis C H Grimm. Cal ;o R Millet & w.Seattl* W Dclan. Cal : W E Hampton. L Xr.g W R MeGuffick. Stktn i> Hlgslns. Denver E L Jones. Cal ;C P Chandler, Denver R Lewis. Santa Clara | W s Watson _ w. Pa E L Smith. Merced j Miss H Watson. Pa F W Hankey. Honolulu E Crouch. Chlco J B Mullany. Portland H FerrU. Cal J C Ellis. Dayton , L Hamberger. Ky G W Dwinell. Montague J L Russell. S Dakota G H Foster. _ w, St M McDonald. Colo Raphael iMlss O'Hara. Cal C A Myers _ w.Sonora Miss M O'Hara, Cal H E Haggatt & w, C W Furts. New YorH Juneau W P SweUert & w, F J Cressy, L Angeles i San Jo«e A G Slocum. L Ang ,Dr A L Tlbbetts. Cal D L McCurdy. Utah ;W S Little. Boetnn R C Gardner. Truckee H R Hay. Nogales W D Hendry. Chicago A J Johnston & w. Sac M Wilson. New York C O Wiggins. Pa A Simon A w, N York; Miss M McLera .n.Sangr J H Sterling. Nebr i_is3 L Wortherby. E Beruck. Monterey I Sander PALACE HOTEL. P J Hart, r S N iMn A J Erwta. lad L Waterbury. X V jG L White, Manterev Mrs WateTbury, N V (Mrs White. Monterey , T M Allen. N V IMiss White. Monterey C O Webber. St Louis 'Mrs R R Rand, Minn W L Peppei— lan.Wash Miss W Rand. Minn C Zung. Belgium Mrs R G Evans, Mlna Dr A R Hull. lowa Mrs Lintner. N V J F Davis. Jackson Miss Lintner. N T C F Ackerman. NY R Woldenberg. Cal J W Foley. U S N 'HA Strauss. Chicago G Kirkman. Cal 'Mrs Strauss. Chicago H H Shutts. Chicago :D Kennedy. Phila A H Gefferey. Oakland Mrs Kennedy. Phlla C B Kaufman. Cal jMlss E Mlson. Phila J B Llppenectt. Lcs A'M!.«s Fraude. Phl!a C L Johnson. Los Ang F B Clarke, St Paul P A Detmas. Los Ang !F W Baldwin. Cal Miss Detmas. Lcs Ang J Underwood. Cngo J J Byrne. Los Ang ;o W Welghtmaa. N V Mrs H H Shutts. Chgo ; Mrs Welgatman. N V H H Shutts. Chicago iW E Winship. Cal T J Field. Monterey E A Wiltsee. Denver T H Wender. Boston W Wentzer. Cal J II Rulgot. NY L H Moore. Phlla W G French. NY ;j R McLean. Boston J S Chapman. Los Ang F Smith. Trenton Mrs Chapman. Los A G W Lyon. N V H»D Hurchburg. Mo iMiss Moody. N V Mrs Hurchburg. Mo Miss Carey. N V E I Wills. NY M X Murphy. N V D E Murphy. Cal Mrs S A Buntnall. NT Mrs Murphy. Cal . W Fontaine. N V E Petty. London Mr Kennedy. N V Mrs A H Bray. Mo G G Gage. S N O H Bray. St Louis H A Manon. San Jose S W Bray. St Louis II C CcClure. S Q Mrs J H Weilly. Mo ' REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS Alameda County. Henry «nd Annie Westphal to J. W. Phillips, lot on W line of San Pablo avenue. (5 N of Doyle avenue. N 50 by W 200.73. being lot 3. block A. Doyle Tract. Map 2, Oakland: also lot 4 and W 50. IS feet of let S and lots 3 and 9, block E. also lot 4, block J. also lot* 1 and 2. block H. John Doyle Tract. Oakland Town ship: $10. Joseph and Sarah H. R. Hume to the Es» peranza Gold M!o?ng Company (a corporation), lota 38 and 37. block 6. amended map Central Park. Alcatra- and Newbury Station. Berke ley: $1000. Charles M. WUson to Ingre Wilson, lots % and 12 block T, Leonard Tract: also lot 10 block T, of above tract. Berkeley; also un divided quarter Interest In lot on S line of Twenty-first street. ICO E of West, E 25 by S 100. block 230, Oakland: gift. Andrew and Jane C. Jonen to Vlncenzo Abena lota 14 to 17. blcck 3. Map of Berthler's Addi tion to Jones Tract, being a subdlvisim of lots 2 and IS. Peralta Tract. Brooklyn Town ship; $10. E. N. Prouty to C. H. McLenathen. lot 30 on map of subdivisions • and 7, Hardy Tract Berkeley; $ld Constance A. Meeks and Blanche T. Heath (executrtccs estate of W. Newtnn Meeks) to Frederick Bammann. lot on NW lire of Broadway. 135:9 NE from N corner of Broad way and Santa Clara avenue. NW 140-2 ND 200. SE 140:2. SW 220 to beginning, being Tots 3 to «. block 2. Hays and Caperton property Alameda: $4050. »«>P«rty. Cornelius Brleson to Grace Hagerty (wife of John F.). lot 9. block I^, Map of Haywards Park Homestead Union. Eden Township- $10 Alexander Martin to Charles W. Bolles t'hw S 33:4 feet of lot 5, on subdivision Man of lots 14 and 15. as per survey No. K4 for H C L*«. 100 acre traft. Oakland; $10. George W. Manuel to Jennie E. Manuel tot on N line of Fourteenth street. 230 W of Grove W 70 by N 103:3. belntr portion of plat 235 of J E. Whltcher's Map, Oakland: gift. B. Kelsey to A. J. Warren, lot" 10. block H Amended Map of J. W. Crawford Tract, ault clalm deed. Oakland: $10. , ct * qult James Watklns to Robert F. and Ida V Rodgers. lot on N line 0} Crawford street 336 E of Herzog. E M by N IB being lot 2' block B, tame. Oakland: $10. * "°' W. J. and Lettie 11. Baker to John M and Annie J. Taveira. the E 20 feet of lot 5 and W 7 feet of lot «. block C. Map of Broadway nnd Telegraph avenue Park Tract, being a resuMl ?and; n s?0 f "^ A** E * W " l< ™ *™«! <££ Annie J. and John Taveira to W J rr a t. lot on W line of Magnolia street ' Kfi-s « „? Fifth. 8 23 by W 133:3. being lot 3S Wock 4"8 Brtggs Tract. Map 2, Oakland: $10 " Margaret E. and Gilbert Wvman tn TT« n ,— East, lot on SW line of HamlCn place it? V NW of Oakland avenue. NW Jfl by 9 M h7^ lot 31. Hamilton Tract. Oakland : $10 ' * Union Savings Bank to same lot nn a n~- ~r SS»Ss_ff_r?SSs * •A. M. and Mary C. Benham W n ,»i fh. M. Tlio-a*. __ P. IteaucsSpYid Rp_sfR p_5fl c E n^ Factory (corporation) (by j b L-nkt^T Jl£ Kiln-toner) to First National Bant of otk'?mi" REAL. ESTATE CITY — FOR SALE. FIDELITY REAL ESTATE COMPANY. 207 Montgomery st. WE AnVTRTIEE ONLT BARGAINS. Hlepar-t* corner; Hayes St.; large lot; Z-Ftery bulldir.g; ctore and 2 flats; always rented: rents $*2 50. N&toma st., near Flirt; 25x75: good house, 10 room* and etabie: rplesdld investment. *4T:O— EaFtlake cottage. In W. A.; lot T7:6x 127:6; ctoM to car line; S rooms and bath: large basement; modern. $2200— Must be «:»:<5: Tremcct aye., near Fred- erick: i*iM; desirable building lot: make o2«r. IS2SA— Foreclosure sale: Hill rt.. near Caetro: modern hruse cf S rooms and bath; elegant view: lot 23x1!4. $!I. oo"— Clay st.. r.ear Van Ness: 42x127:?: two fat* ri 7 rooms and bath and rear cottage; rent* $£24 per annum: key lot*; bargain. CHEAP LOTS. JlinO— North sifie Liberty «t-. near Dolore*; SCxll*. 5l;oc — Ofcurch «.. near Eighteenth; 27x88. SJOOO— Twer.ty-elghth St.. near San Jose are.; rtxr.4. $:uoo— Twenty -fim et.. near Castro: 25x114. $££*— Sar.rfcex *t.. near Eighteenth: 15x119. FIDELITY REAL ESTATE CO.. 297 Montgomery st. JOHN PF^RR, 4C3 Pine Ft.. Opposite the Nevada Bank. js&flo— F".'lmor* rt.. near Haight; 4 fine, nearly reTv flats: lot SCxSO; rent, $65. $r^0 — A p;ek-t;p; only a few blocks from F;ra wherry Hill: a N. W. corner: E2:6x100 feet. JSTOfi each— 4 aplendia lots. 25x90 each, on Thirteenth (formerly Ridley) *treet. Just weat cf Valencia street. lli-50 each— Five lots. 25x70 each, on Clinton Park, west of Valencia. Ik •'.-i>r. < .f $£40 pcx aassxa; store and fiats or, Geary street. $3400— Rent £30: a *j>lea_l3 piece of business property: store and dwelling: Jot 25x71. FAP.X LOTS— AN EASY METHOD TO GET ONE. On inrtallraenta— Rs down and $5 per month: price SISC; park lot* 21x120 feet each: well lo- cated: oxlr S~e blocks from the park and four blocks from the boulevard. FOR SALE BY HAWKS & EKELTON, 223 Montgomery st- t_*.ooo— Northeast corner Hyde and Francisco •ts.; fine view of bay: Hy<ie-st. cars pass It; fcuy It now while you can get It cheap. j4O(WN>w hnue*: Sixth aye.. r.ear Calif M-cla •t. : mrxle— 1 every way ; good growing neighbor- 1 b^od IS. OOO— Third *t-. near Howard: good building an<! basement: rer.ts $!?» per annum. $14. &¦»>— Geary rt.. near Larkln; «=tcre ana flat*; r.ever vacant: rent* $!2O per annum. ni.MO— Geary st.. r.ear Octavia; large lot. lin- pro%-ed; rented low, $:'*S p«t annum: lot worta the price: good investment: make offer. j— 7/^Xice house; Hartford Ft., near C_stro ar.d Twentieth; 6 rooms and bath: mortgage.> ran remain; ret In a home for W> cash. HAWKS & SKELTON. 323 Montgomery >• *t. f1250 — ABSOLUTE sacrifice: nearly new 5-room octtage; stable and large lot; SCth and Dolores sts.: <!e<-tric car passer ; principal bank loaned MM at 7 per oent f!x months ago; can remain If desired ; between brothers; Is cheap for COOT 1 : opportunity of a lifetime to pay rent to yrwrflf. P. A. DOLAN. II Montgomery st. J2o<v>— TWO Cats, five ar.d four rooms: all known improvements: bay-windo-.-; bulkhead: brick | walls and foundctlor.; best street; sunny: Mis- 1 510r. ; only two vr>n.r» built; a *aer!Sce; on in- ! rtar.zr.eats: $15 mrr.thly or will exchange for vacant irvtF ar.y part of city. P. A- DOLAN. -.1 Montgomery rt. C C. BEMIS Real Estate and General I_>nd Agent. 224 Montgomery st. M— ke offer— Northeast corner Twenty-seventh ar.d Douglass sts.; must be sold; 80x114 feet. s:k»— North line Carl rt.. near Stanyan: 2lx :ZT:« feet. BARGAIN— Cost $:?.0OC: tr'.:i b«'.! $€2X>: elegant hou«e S> rooms ar.d tat— ; j-arden. Apply 1 to 4. • EIO Page »t.. between Pierce and Scott. ; "WILL sell or rer:t IC-room house; nicely fur- j r.'.shed. A. B. Sn-.!th Furniture Co.. 12S El- , _!!___ j BARGAIN— 7 rocn-.s. bath, basement. lovely j mantels, sideboard, jass pantry, bay win- j dew. electric appliances: view of park. W. j X GRANT, builder. E> St.. r.ear J. 1 PAYS 12 per cent net— 4 mcierr. fiats; all rent- | e<J; large lot; $4400: half cash. Apply on 1 premise*. Harrison Ft., near Twenty-f.rct. MARKET ST. PROPERTY. 30-foot ecmer: unimproved. Address REEL F TATE. 2? Eighth it. I;a\'K j«i real mate In tae Mission or Her-, i-ei's Afifilticn that you wish to dispose ol •r#-< rail m W J QT^XK. E3(» California «t. HEAL ESTATE COIMRY — For S_le j A — fJLVj— TEN acre* !n prunes, apricots and , peaches, at San Martlne. Santa Clara Ccunty. ; with cottage and lot texts! directly opposite; a 1 bargain; ." minute* frrm railroad station. *13 per acr«— Fine etock. grain and dairy ranci of —I'JG acres at Halfmocn Bay, San Ma- teo; bar.k foreclosure. COLUSA COUNTY BARGAIN. CO per acre — 3000 acres, rear Arbuckle; re- claimed land, fully protected by levees: all in grain which will produce 12 to 15 sacks per j acre th*e year; rented for one third of the crop, delivered; crop will go with it if taken coon. GLENN COUNTY. $10 per acre— l^'w acres, I*4 miles, north of Prlncttor.; ha* half a mile river frontace and near steamer landing: about €00 acree in gro— - Ing crop, balance being summer fallowed: flr.e j buildings of every description ar.d completely 1 egjj^ped with stock and tools; if taken soon ¦ crop goes with it. YOLO COUNTY FRUIT LAND. $75 per acre— Some of the best orchard land in ¦ the State; Woodland, fronting en main county road; ra'.'.road Ftatlcn on place; will subdivide: photos at office. FAN JOSE FRUIT ORCHARD. 21 acres In bearing orchard of prune* and ap- ricots, with firrt-clas* Improvements cf every ¦ description; enly 2 miles from city; particulars ; at office. LAKE COUNTY RESORT. Thl* beautiful summer report place, situated at Laurel Dei: Lake, comprif-es 30 acres of land ar.d hat elegant UlltH Vie— testa of every d^scnp- j tion ar.d is completely equipped; is op*n the | year around; boatir^. hunting and fishing, and i ha/i 1170 visitors last year: good fcr $3000 net per anr.uin; particulars and tihotos at office. FAIR OAKS. A beautiful V.'Az. site of 7H acres, with nice I oak trees, on a corner in the Polhernus Tract, at i a bargain; also 40 acres r«n St-lby Lane, sur- : rounded by beautiful homes. Particular* of DAVID BUSH. Country Dept.. G. H. UME.SEN & CO.. 14 Montgomery Et. A LOVELY 6>-acre foothill ranch: 20 acre* very richest of highly cultivated level dark loam; 12 acres bearing orchard; 4'» wooded hill pas- ture; splendid ft-room residence ; good large tarn; abundance pure water piped *rery- where: offered with stock, vehicles and tools; orly $2iOO; i miles fey good road from Napa. ..:... GIVEN AWAY Only JfiCflO for Jl6.'">'> first-class general farm: 13 acres: all very test of Napa Valley loam; Al fencing; complete and elegant Fet build- Ings co»t and worth over I^>Xj; 12 acre* bear- ioK orchard; 12 acres resistant vineyard: bal- ance in frra.'.n; unsurpassed water Fupply; in- cluding stock, vehicles, tool* and growing : crop (worth near $4»;>; adjoining railroad station. ONLY RSM FOR Neat ar.fl rood 10-acre place: half In bearing prune*; adjoining railroad town, center cf Sar.ta C!ara Valley; residence, etc. N. D. FICKHLS, the Land Agent. 10 Geary rt.. o;.p. Chronicle building. S. F. |2t'.r«fX— l2l ACRCS best valley land; 4-roora bouse and lnspro\'ementa t'.'S:-' — 112 acre* richest grain or vegetable land: some In orr-hard: house*, crop* and teams: mv« be sold Immediately; lnvestigate. >4&00 — Modern &-rotra house and CTi-acre or- chard; $550. 4-rocrn country house, large lot. a rr.ap. Apply to A. WH ELTON, agent. San I^-andro. FOR rale at ha'.f price— Beautiful «5-acre ranch near fianta Cruz: 40 under cultivation. 10 orch- ard: abundance wood; living rtream; hou«e 7 Turrit and outbuilding*; Drice $4000. WEST- HRy.LAND CO.. C4O Market rt.. S. F. AT X DO PER ACRE. A mountain home of 120 acres. 15 acre* Im- proved under a ditch c.nd eelf -Irrigating; bal- ance good fruit and agricultural land; school on the quarter Faction; «-aj>y payments. T. HEN- PHRSON. Wergler. Pharta County. CaL FOR SALE— t_X»: Stock ranch In. Mendoclno County; over 500 acre*, mostly >we timber land; Improvement* In best condition; liberal terms or In rxchange for city property. A. PCHOHAY. owner. 208 Haye* rt. tZ*— TWO miles east of Redding, county seat of Fharta; 20 acre*; fine location; level; some timber; adapted to fruit of any kind; cost, year ISS€. $210. before railroad line wa» built; — -«rt • half of lot JL Shasta Citrus Colony. __ COFFHY. CIH4 Natoma et. FOR sale— At a sacrifice. In c thriving e!ty a few hour* from S. F. ; a *ell paying produce business and route; established 14 years; also house. 4 lots, orchard of choice fruits, stable trranary. chicken houses, etc.; horses and wagon. Box U'3. Call office. ETOCK and grain ranch for ¦¦!• In Coluaa County: 1240 acre*; 110 per acre; 500 grain. rert hill land. M. E. CHANDON. Marys- vllh>. Cal. ' JItW— FINE 20-acre ranch; level garden land; rood house; barn full of hay; fine hurse, !»u?gy; 100 chickens and farming tools, etc.; farr 50c: mile to station. Clearance sale: 50c on the Jl: 2$ fine Im- proved farms In price* ranging from $1000 to SSt.GflO each; they belong to a bank and are ordered sold within sixty days at '¦* appraised value: easy terms; freight to S. F. $1 a ton; fare Me. Call for full Drinted descrtDtlon. Jlso— Nice 10-acre home, on It. R.: nice land; rome onk trees; payable $10 a month. WESTERN LAND CO.. 640 Market rt. A SPLENDID bargain— For sale to close an estate, popular resort in Santa Cruz moun- tains: accommodates 100 people; 25 acres rrapeF, 30 choice fruit, 45 hay and 200 heavy saw timber; boating, bathing and fishing; ea*y terms. WESTERN LAND COMPANY. €40 Market st. ALTA PUNTA Tract. San Pablo are.. 3 miles nf*rth cf Berkeley, near Santa Fe Railroad — Valley land by the acre. $1S» to $200. Call for x=-f». etc.. en G. W. HAIGHT, 401 Cal. Bt. REAL. ESTATE COUNTRY — For Sal* THE Esparto Colony farms in the Capay Valley country should be looked after at once, as thl* 1* the time cf the year to arrange for tree and vine planting; farms range In size from 10 to 40 acres and now sold to Induce Immediate action at low prices and easy terms; home- eeekers will never regret securing one of these homes; no malaria, no frosts; products earli- est in market: good society, rood school* (In- cluding high school); macadamized roads; S railroad trains daily from San Francisco; water for Irrigation when desired: •uperior to 6outhern California for raising all kind* of citru* fruit, recently so pronounced by lead- Ing Southern California experts: these lands, w'.th the «ut>erior soils and all other advan- tages named, will be sold at prices far below thoee asked In localities hitherto considered unapproachable in excellence; th*Te t» no mere independent life than the small diversified farmer's: the farm* sold before the panic have become developed and are paying annu- ally a* much as $100 per acre; you can leave Fan Francisco on 8 a. m. train, have 3 or 4 hours at Esoarto. and beck to San Francisco early the same evening; you will find an agent at Hotel Bame*. Esparto, to show you the lands. Communicate by letter with GEO. D. FIPKE. Woodland. Cal. MARIN CO.. M miles from 8. F.— s4o to $80 per acre; choice lands in tracts of all sizes; Im- proved farms, chicken ranches, hay. grain, fruit and vegetable lands: easy terms; rail and water transit: good schools. HOME AND FARM CO.. room 2. Sth floor. Mill* bldg.. 8. F. ACCURATE personal knowledge — each of the 3990 ranches on my sale and exchange Hit. N. D. SICKELS— the land agent— 10 Geary st. ACCURATE personal knowledge — each of the 8000 ranches on my SALE AND EXCHANGE lift N. D. SICKELS— the LAND AGENT— 19 Geary rt. KOSS VALLEY REAL ESTATE. ROES Valley lots— soxlso. «00. or larger piece* In proportion; San Rafael water sy*tem: fine rlew; eprlnkled road*: 5 mlnutee* walk from new station of Kent. 10 minutes from Ros* •tatlon; all trains stop at these station*. At>- ply P. ROSS. Kent station, or C. H. STAN- YAN. 31 Market st.. Pan Francisco. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. LARGE list city and country property for ex- change: send for catalogue. SCHWEINHARD — : CO.. 817 Market »t.. rooms 1 and 2. It OO. MS FOR HOCSEK.EEPING. BUSH, 14C8— Three rooms and bath furnished for housekeeping. , — BUSH, 1417. near Polk— Four convenient fur- nished housekeeping rooms; small private house: rent $20. COMPLETELY furnished parlor. I*o bedroom* and kitchen: rent only $12. including water. Apply at CIS Second »t^ COR. McAllister. 824 Laguna— Handsomely fur- nished large sunny frcnt suite. $16: also mod- em iflttlnrsforlighthskpg__Sjt_jJames. EDDY, 207— Large front room, $2 75: front room, running water. $2 25; sunny room. $2. EIGHTH. J4B. near Market— One or two sunny fror.t r»ns and kitchen, furnished for house- keeping; bath. ; I EIGHTH. 1015— Sunny housekeeping room: fold- ! ing bed; email range; sunny porch; etation- | ary tubs; $7. FIFTH, 345— Suite of room* furnished for housekeeping; rent cheap. FOLSOM, 620 —Large furnished and unfur- nished; large grounds for children. FOLPOM. S34— Sunny bay-window room ar.d kitchen, $3 25: also 2 ethers: closet, bath. $2 50. FULTON. 30S— 2 sumy rooms, furnished for housekeeping; hot and cold water; yard. GOLDEN GATE aye.. 129— Two sunny connect- ing rooms, furnished for housekeeping: rent __± _— ; HOWARD. 1324— 0ne or two front rooms for j light housekeeping. HATES, 461— Four newly furnished rooms and tarh. $15: also three rooms, $11 50. | HYDE, 4CJ— Sunny parlor floor cf 2 or 3 rooms, complete for housekeeping; also single. GOLDEN GATE aye.. 334—1 or 2 rooms for housekeeping; also single room: reasonable. GUERRERO. 733— Three beautifully furnished I rooms; nice nelchborhood : furniture for sale cheap, with or without upright piano; rooms to let. IVY 2:4-3 rooms furnished for housekeeping; rer.t 13. JACKSON, 514—2 R-jr.r.y unfurnished rooms for housekeeping; water free. JESSIE, 267— Furnished and housekeeping room j to let. JEFSIE. 476— Furnished rooms for light house- keeping; also single rooms. KEARXI. I~t. r.ear Sutter— A front suite. SU: t-«>. Janitor service free. Apply 15 Grant aye. LARKIN. 707. nr. Ellis— Newly furnished, nice cltan housekeeping rooms. $15; no children. LEAVEVWORTH. 1521-2 or 3 rooms furnished cr unfurnished, for housekeeping. MARKET. IC-2S — 2 rooms furnished for house- < keeping. $11; 2 unfurnished $?: 3. $S. MARKET. IS*, opp.— Large *unny al- cove. $7; also comfortable bedropm and I kitchen. | MARTHA place. 6—26 — 2 sunny furnished rooms; housekeeping: sink; w. c. same floor. I MINNA, 2S— Furnished housekeeping and single rooms. 7Ec ar.d $1 per week. MINNA, 434— Large sunny furnished room, with stove, $6. MISSION, Large front and back sunny room* to let: suitable for housekeeping. MISSION. &4S— Front room and kitchen, with fo!*d: complete for housekeeping. MISSION. 1113— Sunny housekeeping rooms; newly furnished; $5 and $5 month. MISSION. 1735— 2 pleasant connecting front rooms complete for housekeeping; bath; $12. MISSION. 2CS3. near Sixteenth— Large front room, furjjlshed for housekeeping. $4. O'FARRELL. 742— Nicely furnished, sunny par- !rr flocr; 2 to 5 rocms; housekps. or otherwl»e. O'FARRELL. 431 — Two cr three sunny rooms, furnished for housekeeping; no children. PINE. 142?. cor. Polk— Two furnished room* for housekeeping; gas; running water; also one single room. POST. 972—4 furnished rooms, with bath, for housekeeping. Call bet. 1 and 3 and 7 and 8 p. ; m. EIXTH. 113A — 4 connecting rooms, with piano, furnished for housekeeping: also other rocms. EIXTH. 136— Large runny room, light house- keeping: also other roem«; rent reasonable. SOUTH PARK. 90 — 2 nicely furnished house- keeping rooms, $3; also unfurnished. SOUTH PARK. IS4— Two sunny front rooms; nicely furnished; convenient: housekeeping. SUTTER, 407— Two rooms, furnished or unfur- nished, for housekeeping. EUTTER, 823 C —Unfurnished front rooms with mantel, gas and closets. $S 50. ' EUTTER. 1111, near Larkln— Comfortably furn. elngle suites: also hkpg.; terms reasonable. THIRD. S4A— Two rooms complete for house- keeplng; $6 per month. TWO unfurnished rooms for light housekeep- ing: private family; references exchanged. Address box 1807. Call office. VAN NESS. 43— Sunny front rooms for house- keeping. $10 to $18; also single rooms f6r gen- tlemen, $6 to $10- VAN NESS aye.. 1021— Front sunny suite with kitchen: gas range, bath. 2 OR 2 large eunny rooms, connected, for house- keeplng; sink, bath and gas. 14D1 Powell *t. $7 A MONTH— Bed and sitting rooms; finely furnished; Bunny. G. P. H.. box 1562, Call. $14— BAY-WINDOW; 5 room*: gas and bath; rooms newly fixed up. 3154 Twenty-second St., corner Capp. A BRANCH office for the reception of adver- tisements and subscription* has been opened at IR3 I'clV St.; open until 9 p. m. A BRANCH office for Call advertlaementa and «-b*criptlons has been established at 10M Va- lencla St. ROOMS TO LET — Furn. and Ilofnra. A- BRUNSWICK HOUSE. 141 Sixth— Rooms 25c to $1 per night: Jl 25 to Ji per week, and light housekeeping; open all night.. A— "THE ELMER HOUSE." 524 Bush St.. ad- joining the Rus* Hotel: 84 rooms; all prices. BOHEMIA. 2» Post. cor. Stockton— Single and corner sunny suite*; finest In city; hot and cold water; elevator; tourists accommodated. BROADWAY. 635 A —Unfurnished rooms, suites and single. $2 up. BURNETT. 1426 Market st. (old No. 1364)— Fur- nlshed rms.. suites, single; also unfurnished. BUFH. 112t— Elegant suite and aingle rooms; bath; running water: beautiful reception room; breakfast reasonable; elegant home. BUSH. 1124. corner Hyde— Sunny corner room*; lawn, telephone and all conveniences; hot water and bath. CALIFORNIA. 832— Nob Hill; elegantly furl shed sunny rooms; bath and phone. CAPP, 1020 A —Nice furnished room; private family. CARROLTON. 1201 Market, cor. Golden Gate aye. — Sunny corner; well furn.:rms. it office*. CLEMENTINA. 227. flat B— Fine room to rent to gentleman by a German lady. DOLORES. 381— Large sunny furnished room; reference*. EDDY. 21&— Booms, day, week or month; best for. the money la the city. ROOMS TO LET — I'nrn, and I'nfnru. EDDY. 431— Sunny furnished room; running water; gas; bath. 1 EDDY. 732, bet. Polk and Van Ness— Elegant furn. parlor suite; choice location for doctor. ELLIS, Bl6— Parlor suite: sunny alcove; use of kitchen: single room. $6. ELLIS. 639. corner Larkln— Sunny furnished room: mantel: gas; for 2; $11. FOLSOM. £34— Large single sunny front fur- nlshed room; closet; bath: priv.: $115 week. FULTON, lit— One single; also double; rent reasonable^ GEARY 405 (The Navarre)— Elegantly furnish- ed rooms: suites or single: travelers accom. GOLDEN GATE aye.. 6*4— Sunny rooms; fur- nished: rent very reasonable. GOLDEN GATE aye.. 631— Furnished and un- furnlshed rooms: very reasonable: gents only. GOLDEN GATE Aye, 121>— Front rooms, fur- nished or unfurnished; gas and bath. GOUGH. 649, near Fulton— Sunny furnished room $1 25 a week. GRAND SOUTHERN, southeast corner Seventh and Mission sts.— Eunny rooms, en suite or single: ladles' parlor: reading room; elevator. GUERRERO. 1147— Suite of parlors and kitchen. furnished for housekeeping: $15. HANCOCK HOUSE. 7SI Mission St.— Select family rooming house: $1 50 to $6 per week. HANOVER HOUSE. 827 A Howard— Changed hands ; newly renovated; housekpg. and single. HARRISON, 7MH. near Fourth— Finely fur- nished sunny rocms; bath; all latest lmprove- mtnts; homelike; $1 week up. HOWARD. S2>— Rooms from $1 week up to $5; 25c to $1 night: also housekeeping rooms. HOWARD. 1072— Four *unny rooms and bath; $12 00. LEAVENWORTH. 405— Sunny front hall room. $6. MINNA. 667. cor. Eighth— New furnished bay- window room, $1 per week; transient. NATOMA. 38— To let. 8 rooms with separate yard and water; rent $8. NATOMA, ts3H— Nicely furnished *unny front room. $4 E0: tack room, $4. NUMBER of large sunny rooms for gentlemen: $10 to $35; call for list. 613 Examiner bldg. OAK, 116— Sunny newly furnished front bay- window room: gas; bath; private family. OAK, 3Ss— Large front room, nicely furnished, with private family; with bath and gas; cheap. OTARRELL. 20— Sunny furnished room* and offices: elevator: electric lights: day. wk.. mo. PINE. Sl3. nr. Powell— Nicely furnished single front room: closet: private; $6: also* double. POWELL. 121— Light, clean, comfortable rms.: suites or singles; running water: gas; reas. ROSEDALE House. 31S ft 321 Ellis st.— Rooms. n!r,ht. 26c to $1: week. $1 25 to $4; open night. ROYAL HOUSE. 126 Ellis st.— lncandescent light, reading room, smoking room and ladles' parlor: rooms, per night. 35c to $160; week, $2 to l«; month. $S to MO: elevator on office Coot; rocmi with hot and cold water: baths. SHERMAN Apartment Houee. 2S Eighth »t.. near Market— Furnished and unfurnished. STI7VENSON, f.37Vi, bet. Sixth and Seventh- Large front room neatly furnished. STEVENSON, 620— Sunny front rooms; elngle or double; light housekeeping. TAYLOR. 511, near Geary— Nicely furnished sunny room. TAYLOR. 610B — Fine large sunny parlor, upper Ftory: also side sunny room: moderate. THE A«tor, 1120 Market— Electric bells, ligbts; elegant new furniture; single, suites: trans't. THE OAKS. !19 Third— A rood rooming house for good people. R. HUGHES, proprietor. TO let— N!re runny front rooms for offices and also furnished rooms; very cheap. Apply at rooms 1! and 13, IS Montgomery st. TURK. 613— Furnished sunny sleeplns room; $5 month. WEBSTER, 711— Two or three large sunny un- furnished rooms; every convenience. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscription* received at Call branch 2200 Fillmore. A BRANCH office fcr t v e reception of adver- tisements and subscription* has been opened at 1223 Polk st.; open until 9 p. m. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1096 Valencia st. CHKAPFST and best in America— The Weekly Tall. 16 pages, sent to any address in th* Ur.lted Rtate* or Canada one year for $1. pcctnire paid. nooMs A.\n no ait d. A FAMILY having a large, well appointed and refined home wishes to secure a few couples to board and room: first-class In every particular; references required. Address box 3454. Call office. A— FIRST-CLA.SS family hotel. The Bradbury; nice sunny bay-window rooms; first-class table; prices moderate: 2 car lines pass aotel: elevator: telephone Hyde 2771. 1604 California »t. : comer Polk, near Van Ness aye. A— HOTEL La Normandie, 326 Eddy — Sunny suites and single rooms; everything new; ex- cellent table and services; prices moderate. BUCHANAN. «12— Sunny, well-furnished rooms; cor.; with or without board; phone; reas.; ref. CALIFORNIA. 2:23— Sunny parlors; also single room; breakfast if desired; references. LARGE sunny room, with first-class table. In a quiet home on Van Ness aye.. for a couple; $»0 a month: refined people; reference; a few other boarders taken. Box ISI9, Call. NEW family hotel: first class In all appoint- ments; excellent table; special Inducements to select people. SO7 California St., occupying corner opposite Grace Church. JOHNSON House. 605 O'Farrell— Double and single Funny rooms, with excellent board; large grounds: references; reasonable. BELGRAVIA Hotel. Polk and Clay— Sunny bay-window rooms: superior board: $2." up. BUSH. 1105—2 large elegantly furnished rooms; 2 persons In either, $55; 1, $33: billiards; piano. HAIGHT. 232— Sunny rooms with board; terms moderate. HOTEL CLAIRMONT. 615 Taylor— Renovated; suites and single rmi.; sunny; excellent table. HOTEL SALISBURY. Hyde and Eddy: changed hands: thoroughly renovated: elegant room*. LAS PALMAS. l? 20 Market St.— Suite of 2 or 3 rms.; private: bath; sin. rms.: board optional. POWELL. 524-S2B (The He<lges)-Large sunny rooms; marine view; excellent board: reas'ble. VAN NESS aye.. 544 (The Wallace)— First-class appointments; furnished or unfurnished if de- sired: table supplied v.-lth the best the market affords; cannot be surpassed; special Induce- ments to students and oouples; $20. VAN NESS aye.. 944 (The Wallace)— Rooms and board: furnished and unfurnished: $20. CHEAPEST and best in America— The Weekly Call. 16 pages, sent to any address In the United States, postpaid, for $1 per year. po*t"re paid. ROOMS WANTED. WANTED— By young married couple, 2 house- keeping rooms In private home; furnished or unfurnished: privilege of bath; vicinity of Twenty-fifth and Mission Rts. Address, stat- ing terms, J. E.. 1096 Valencia st. YOUNG couple, no children, desire 3 sunny fur- nished housekeeping rooms; best references; location central. Box 1543. Call Office. SPECIAL NOTICES. LADlES— Chlchetter's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; safe, reliable; take no other: send 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles." in letter by return mall: at drug- gists. Chlchester Chemical Co.. Phlladel.. Pa. THE Union Oil Co. of California will remove its office May 1 to the Mills bldg., rooms 21 and 32. seventh floor. BAD tenant* ejected for $4: collections made: city or country. PACIFIC COLLECTION Co., 416 Montgomery St.. rooms «-10; tel. 6580. ROOMS papered from 13: whitened. $1 up; painting done. Hartman Paint Co.. 319 Third. BEWIKG MACHINES AND SUI'PLIES. RENTED, repaired, bought, sold; machine sup- plies. Standard Agency, 145 6th ; phone Mint 45. ALL kinds bought, oold. exchanged, rented: repairing at lowest rates. 205 Fourth st. STORAGi: AND WAHKHUI'StS. p7RR^-m)D^LpSr&torage and Moving Co! Offlce. 401 Post St.. cor. Powell; tel. Main 5713. BEKINS Van and Storage Co.. 1340 Market Bt.; tel. South £35; packing, moving and storage. PACIFIC Storage and Furniture Moving Com- pany. 2320 Fillmore st. : phone Jackson 281. SUMMER RESORTS. CAMPING ground at Redwood Crovc: 10 mln^ utes' walk from Fairfax station, near Pan Rafael: also furnished house of 7 rooms to rent. Inquire of J. 3. Bellrude, Sausallto, or J. E. SLINKEY & CO., SE. cor. Market and Fifth Ht«. • _______ „ FOB rent— Fine dairy; 100 to 125 cows; In Sacra- mento County; cheap rent to right parties; this Is a money maker. For further particu- lars aoply to FRANK HICKAL/LN. 41i J st., Bacranjento. ¦ - • • . , ... SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE Continued from Pace Thirty-One. CREMATION. Odd Fellows' Cemetery Association. SAN FRANCISCO." CALrFORNIA. If deceased was a memtter OF ANY ORGAN- IZATION havirg a presiding officer and secre- tary, the charge for cremation, a copper re- ceptacle fcr the ashes and organ service Is $30. The* sarr.e for members of his family. GEORGE R. FLETCHER. Superintendent. ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS. ALAMEDA REAL ESTATE. RABBITRY— Corner lot suitable for rabbltry, J550, will put up buildings, terms, owner; JHOO. lot 50x150. north side San Antonio aye., near Willow st.; $2000 will build a new house of 5 rooms, lot 35x100. between the railroads, west of Park St.: JlO6O. nice house, 4 rooms and basement. large lot. J. H. YOUNG, 1243 Park st. .-;.'' $9000— 4 MODERN houses; 6 rooms: corner lot. 100x125; rent pays 1 per cent per month on 111.000. J5SOO— Fine NW. corner. 100x150. with modern house of 10 rooms; great bargain. Fifteen handsomely furnished houses for rent, :i5 to $75. E. D. JUDD CO., 1424 Park st. BARGAINS ON TERMS. 6, 6 and 7 room cottages; 7. S and 9 room houses: waterfront property; lot 66x195, on Central aye.. near Fifth St.: double lV»-»tory house rents for »24; price $2200. Apply to A. R. DENKE. Webster-st. station. $800— FORECLOSURE; modern * room and bath cottage: sunny eld* of street: 1 blocks from rtatton and school; terms $100 cash. Sw per month. $1900— New modern cottage: 5 rooms and bath: street work, cement walks, etc.. com- plete: near station and *:hool; $100 cash. $20 per month. $1650 cash— To close an estate; worth $3000; finest corner In Alameda: »cc this at onc Jv_ Fine modern house: 8 room* and bath; $S000; no money down; easy monthly payments; or will exchange for lot; this Is a snap. , H. P. MOREAL - CO.. li» P*t* st. CHEAPEST and best In America— The Weekly Call. 18 page*, sent to any address In th« United States, pcstraid. for II per year. ALAMEDA FURNISHED HOUSES. COMPLETELY furnished— lo rooms, bath, large grounds: best part of Alameda: 3 minute* from Chestnut station; to lease S months or longer. Address 1727 Endnal aye.. Alameda. BERKELEY ADVERTISEMENTS BERKELEY R_AI. ESTATE. $2JOO— SIX rooms and bath: basement floored and plastered; lot Mxl3s; abundance of fruit and flowers; sewered; street work all done: $500 cash, balance on terms. W. C. MORAN. $2000— NEW. modern cottage of 8 rooms and bath, to be completed in a few days; comer lot, 46x125; sewered and fenced: sldewalked: 1 block to car; terms to suit. W. C. MORAN. $1300— FIVE rooms and bath: 100 feet to car line; two blocks to station: close to store and Postofflce: lot 40x105: south frontage: $400 ca»h. balance flat loan. W. C. MORAN. $1200— GOOD 4-room house and three lots; all fenced and sewered: near school and church; two blocks to car; close to station; $150 cash, balance $12 a month. Including Interest. W. C. MORAN. PRUNE ranch of 10 acres In Santa Clara Val- ley, near Campbell, to exchange for small home In Berkeley, near university. TV. C. MORAN. '^. JSfO-t-ROOM cottara; lot 25x120; fenced and sewered: good well and pump; near school; two blocks to carline: cement walk all the way. W. C. MORAN. Lorin Station. Berkeley. THE HOME BUILDING COMPANY. J7OO-Close to lorin Station; lot 50x150: fenced; wells: sewers; city water; S rooms: *50 down, balance $10 per month. Il2Ro— sloo down. $16 monthly: lot 40x110; 7 rooms; city water: good plumbing: house Is new and lot completely fenced: half-way between Berryman and University stations. Jl2r,o— Lot tthcttO; 6 rooms; high basement; sewers: city water; graded otreet: close to Lorin Station: $50 cash, balance $17 per month. $1400—7 rooms; good basement; sewers; city water; sidewalks; street graded; good location; laree lot. An 8-room house; unobstructed view; has to be seen to be appreciated. Call and get our complete lint of property In Berkeley. Oakland and Fruitvale. MONEY TO LOAN. FLAT OR ON INSTALLMENTS. THE HOME BUILDING COMPANY. San Francisco office — Room 2, ground floor. 222 San^ome St.; afternoons. Fruitvale office — Half a block above Fruitvale Station. $S5O— A POOR man's chance; cost double: nearly new; house 5 rooms and bath; barn, trees and shrubbery: close to station. H. D. IRWIN, Lorin Station. $1050— BIO lot, 50x135: near station; house of 4 good rooms and bath; fine garden. H. D. IRWIN, Lorin Station. $1300— CORNER lot. 45x120; close to school and station: 2- story house 7 rooms and bath; a bartrain: easy terms. ~ JlBoO— let. 60x135; right at' station; new house, modern: contains 5 rooms and bath fin- ished and 3 unfinished rooms: cheap. ' H. P. IRWIN, Lorin Station. EXAMINE these new, strictly up-to-date cot- tages; 6 rooms, porcelain bath; tiled sink, tinted walls, gas fixtures, cement walks; com- plete and Ideal; $2000; choice of 3 fine loca- tions; easy terms. Some bargains In choice lots. H. D. IRWIN, R. R. Waiting Room, Open Sundays. Lorin Station. SOW In course of construction, a splendidly arranged house of 10 rooms, bath. etc. : only two blocks from university. For sale by MAFON & McI.EKaTHEN. adjoining Post- office. Berkeley Static^ _¦ A FEW more of these very large lots at' a very low price In the H'.llegass tract; electric cars pass the pf>oerty. For sale 'by MASON & McLENATHEN, Berkeley Station. 6 ACRES, right In the heart of beautiful Berke- ley; small house, laree barns: very conven- ient: for sale at a low price. MASON & McLENATHEN, adjoining Postofflce, Berke- ley Station. NEW house, near university; 9 rooms, bath, etc.; complete In every particular: very ac- cessible. For sale by MASON & McLENA- THEX. adjoining Postofflce. Berkeley Station. 2 ACRES: only 3 miles north of Berkeley; 7- room house, chicken houses, .barn, farming Implements, horses, buggy, cow. pigeons, chickens and everything pertaining to the place; all In first-class condition: only $2500; $500 cash, balance to suit: also a fine resi- dence In Berkeley, to exchange for a ranch. CEO. SCHMIDT. Berkeley. Schmidt block. NEW cottage 6 rooms, bath, pantry, mantel, stationary tubs, hot and cold water; brick foundation, high basement: large lot. 60x140; all fenced and cross-fenced; chicken houses, fruit trees, flower garden: price $1200, $100 cash, balance $15 monthly: 3 blocks from sta- tion: J blocks from 2 electric car lines; close to school, churches and stores: this Is a snap. Take Berkeley train, get off at Lorin Station, ask for RUDOLPH & PERKINS. GOOD BERKELEY BUYS. $5000— Choice corner, new; t rooms: elegant view; close to U. C. $4500— Colonial home, near U. C: easy terms. $500—220x190; North Berkeley: snap. $1500— Modern, nearly new, 5-room cottage; South Berkeley; easy terms. WURTS, Seven- teenth and Broadway, Oakland. . . WE offer a centrally located boarding-house, with furniture or without, at a bargain: also a new modern dwelling In choice location for $3700; another of 8 rooms for $3500. In Scenic Park; all street work done. O. G. MAY A CO.. 7123 Center «t.. Berkeley. FINELY furnished house of 12 rooms to let; in the very choicest part of Berkeley; references required. MASON - McLENATHEN. Adjoining P. P.. Berkeley. NEW houses for rent; only 4 blocks from Uni- versity grounds: all the latest Improvements. MASON & McLENATHEN. . ' Adjoining P. P.. Berkeley. C. C. BEMIS. Real Estate and General Land Agent. 324 Montgomery ¦_ In Berkeley— Corner lot- 87x160, with modern house of 9 room*. • BERKELEY ROOMS AND BOARD. "THE PLEASANTON," 2432 Durant aye., will be open for summer boarders May 15; rates reasonable; board optional. FRUITVALE ADVERTISEMENTS FRUITVAL.E REAL. ESTATE. FOR SALE BY H. A. PLEITNER, $800— Cottage of 4 rooms and basement; fruit trees, etc.: lot £0x110; $100 cash, balance $12 per month. * $850— New cottage of S large rooms, .stable, good —ell, etc. : lot 75x108; all fenced: easy terms if desired. $950— House of S rooms; good well and pump; lot 37:CxlOO; 3 blocks from local train; $100 cash. balance $12 per month. $1500— Modern cottage of 6 rooms and -bath: stable and chicken houses; choice fruit trees In bearing; lot 100x100; all fenced; see this for • a bargain. * $I&oo— Cottage of 4 rooms, hall and basement; ¦ stable, chicken houses: lot 107x250; all fenced.: : $2650— V4-aere lot. with cottage of 7 rooms and bath, mantel, basement: stable, chicken house*: I fruit trees: fine artesian well, windmill and tank: located In best part of Fruitvale. Four acres In bearing orchard; house of 5 rooms and bath; large barn and chicken houses; fine artesian well, windmill and tank; 3 blocks i from electric cars. Chicken ranch: 2V4 acres; house of 6 rooms: 2 stables and outhouse; good well, windmill and - tank; water piped all over the place; for rent at $¦$ per month: stock and implements for sale, consisting of 1050 chickens, GOO pigeons, 4 chick- en houses, one incubator, one feed cutter, one bone mill and 4 brooders. For particulars ap- ply to H. A. PLEITNER. Fruitvale Station. Cal. PNLY $1300; new house. S rooms; lot 155x183 feet; fruit trees: fine well of water; terms to suit. H. W. DAVIS, A«t., 1 block from Fruit- • vale»Utk)_. - - .. ¦-¦¦ ¦ - bis father-in-law. Jeremiah Finn. 124 Morris avenue off Bryant street, between Fifth and Sixth. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery. SIEBKE— In this city. April 26. 1300. Freder- ick dearly beloved husband of Katl* diebke. father of Alfred and Clara Slebke. brother of Mrs. Anna Hamm. son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Fred IMttmar. ant trother-in-law of Herman Dittmar. a native of Meldorf. Schles- wlg-Holstein. Germany. age<i 30 years 3 months and 1 day. -/• G~Friend3 anJ acquaintance* ar* respect- fully invited to att-nd the funeral this dny (?unday> at 1 o'clock, from Union-squar- Hall 4*l Post street, where services will be held und»r the au.Tices of Germa.ita Club, commencing at 1 o'clock. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Remains at the parlors of H F Suhr & Co.. 1107 Mission street. SOUTHERN-In th!.« city. April 27. 1300 Jen- nie S b»loved wife of Fred J. southern, daughter of P. and the late Sarah Laughran. and sister of May. John. Thomas. V. Ullam and Joseph Laughran. a native of san Fran- cisco, aged CS years. CTFriends and acauaintanres ar» respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral this day • Sunday) at 2 o'clock, from the funeral par- lors of "Porter & White. 122 Eddy ¦«-_. thence to St. Rose* Church for services at 2:30 o'clock. _,»«,, SPAULDING-In this city, April 2S, 1900, J«r- ome. beloved husband of CelestU Spau!<Mng. and brother of N. W.. Charles Marcenus an<! Madison Spauldir.g. a native of North Anson. M» aged S3 years 4 months and 13 days. CTFriends 'and acquaintances fjy WPW" fully Invited to attend the funeral Oils day ? Sunday), at 2 o'clock, from the Mas"riie Tfmp>, enmer Washington and _•»««_ streets. Oakland, under the auspice* of _M .*- slnn Lodee No. IS?. F. and A. M. I^*™*"* Mountain View Cemetery. Remains «t t..« funeral carlcrs of Bunker A Lunt. 2«68 Mis- sion itreet. San Francisco, until 10:30 a. m. Sunday. WESTGATE— In this city. April 23. iro. at h!« residence. 113 Russ street. George E. »««>• gate, brother of Ned Westgate of Rio * Ista. Cal. *_rßema!ns at the parlors of N. Gray * Co.. 641 Sacramento street. CARD OF THANKS. April 21. \yv. We wish to return our sincere thanks to all friends and accua'.ntar.ces who so kindly showed their respect and sympathy In attend- ing the funeral of Mrs. Jennie Schmesl: also the officers of the Supreme Lodge ef the F. of the f.. and all members of the order: als^ all the officers and members of the Deg— p»» of Pocahontas. Once more, thanking every one for their Exeat kindness, we remain, re- spectfully. HENRY J. SCTTMEHL. Husband. JAMES O. MASTEX. Son. FRUITYALE ADVERTISEMENTS FRCITVALEJ REAL ESTATE. FOREST PARK TRACT. Only a few minutes from the station. H-acre Lots H-acre Lots >i-acre Lots in a millionaire's district at a workingman's Price; for Immediate sale; special prices are being made for last week of April only. Lots 1.5 feet deep and any frontage desired: all streets graded; water piped to every lot; In Kruitvale sanitary district; over 4000 forest and rru It trees on this tract; a good speculation If you do not want a home; we build to suit you; title guaranteed; close to car and transportation ttuO-Lots 50x175; choicest part of Fruitvale; bearing fruit trees on the property. *fw— L«J 100x175; fine place for chickens. JiOOO— Chicken ranch 4 rooms; fenced; lot 137 x 1S1; close to cars. 1350— 550 down, balance Jl2 50 per month: well and pump; lot 50x150; corner; fenced; house of 6 rooms; also chicken houses $1100—5 rooms; sewer; city water; 3 minutes from station. I^~i S0 down - balance 115 50 per month; lot Svxl-0; fine for chickens; fine fruit trees. -. _ T MONEY TO LOAN. -, F^, T^ OR ON * INSTALLMENTS. THE HOME BUILDING COMPANY. Ban Francisco office— Room 2 ground floor 122 Eansome st.; afternoons. Fruitiale office-Half a block above Fruitvale Ftation. OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. OFFICE— 1118 BROADWAY. oakjlaxd 11kal estate, c. eTbunce. 80S Broadway. SOUND AND SAFE INVESTMENTS. 00 * 1 * J2500-Lot 100x133 feet, with nice cottage; must be sold within ten days. Large I_t of new houses for sale on easy terms. 400 lots for sale In Oakland, Alameda, Fruit- vale and Berkeley. tJOOO— 4SO acres land In Napa for exchange. 1100 per acre; 100 acres of oil land for sale or exchange; rare chance. 140.000—600 acres near Oakland; stock, fruit and vegetable ranch. J4500— 25 acres; 10- room house; barn; fruit; fine Improvements. »3500— 3:0 acres; grain ranch. Ranches for sale from 20 acres to 50.000 acres. 1.000,000 acres for sale In Mexico at 50 cents per acre, close to navigable river; well adapted for colonization. Thirty-page catalogue of ranches and homes. Large list of California and Eastern property for exchange. I have good business chances of all kinds for sale. Oakland property for exchange for San Fran- cisco property. Before you buy or loan your money on Cali- fornia real estate get my opinion of Its value for your own protection. E. E. BUNCE. 908 Broadway. Oakland. Cal. 4 ACRES at Fruitvale, with house, family orchard. 6 chicken houses, etc., at a sacrifice: owner soon off for Cape Nome the reason for selling: apply quickly. ALDEN CO.. 1113 Broadway. JIO6O— GROCERY store and 4 rooms, with lot 25x100. all for JI050; the best snap ever offered In Oakland; good location and half-price. ALDEN CO.. 1118 Broadway. WE have plenty of money to loan on real estate, furniture, pianos, etc. ALDEN CO., 111S Broadway. $2600 INVESTMENT. Two modern flats of 5 rooms and bath each; first-class condition; Market-st. station; pay 1 per cent monthly on Investment. J. S. MYERS. 1002 Broadway, Oakland. . _____________ Houm of 7 rooms and bath In the best resi- dence portion of Oakland; modern conveni- ences; close to cars, schools, etc.; now being offered at above price; actually worth SSZ-jO; must be sold; terms easy. J. S. MYERS. 1002 Broadway. Oakland. 1100 CASH, ?8 50 monthly. *i acre, more or less. 3-room cottage, all picket fenced: shade and fruit tree* and shrubbery: fine spring. also city water in the house: away from cold winds and fog; close to steam local, electric cars and model school; sell the very best: price, all told. $J5O; Galindo tract. Fruitvale. adjoining Oakland; call or send for circular; 455 Seventh St.. near corner Broadway, Oak- land: carriage free. H. Z. JONES, Owner. FOR sale— Fine home. 8 rooms: large garden: on Slxteenth-st. electric line: bargain. Ad- dress F. N.. 1431 Bush St.. San Francisco. ELEGANT modern 5-room cottage: lot 3^135; nice yard: concrete walks: fruit trees: chick- en house. Particulars r ( «7 !sth St.. Oakland. OAKLAND FimxiSnED FLATS. $20— FLAT; 7 rooms; complete for housekeep- ing: gas range. 51R E Fifteenth St.. Oakland. OAKUM) FURNITURE FOR SAL_. AN Introduction to you from 11. Schellhaa*. the furniture dealer. 11th and Franklin. Oakland. OIVIOEXD NOTICES. DIVIDEND notice— Dividend No. 104 (50 cents per share) of the Oceanic Steamship Company will be payable at the office of the cempany. 127 Market St., on and after Tuesday, May 1, 1800. Transfer books will close on Wednesday, April 25. 1900, at 3 o'clock p. m. W. P. K. GIBSON. Acting Secretary. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Marriage license* have been Issued as follows: Harry C. Guffln. 27, 832 Mission street, and Maude Smith. IS. 733 Pine street. Ivar Glasberg, 33. 4;6 Sixth street, and Marie Koenig. 2S. 617 Birch avenue. Domenioo Franco. 23, 1313 Dupont street, and Mary Carbonl. 21. 1313 Dupont street. William H. Miller. 49. 2C3 Powell street, and Virginia McLean, 42. 203 Powell street. Henry G. Boell, 28, 503 Greenwich street, and Julia M. Alvarez. 2S. 3 Kramer place. Henry R. Lytle. 29, Davisvllle. and Crlstlna Murray. 2S. 140 Laldley street. Henry Gorman, 27, city, and Josephine Alg- ner, 20, city. Frank Murray. 26, 2074 Mission street, and Margaret Malton. 23. 907 Minna street. • Albert J. Watson, 27, 105 California avenue, and Caroline S. Kreth. 27. 1445 Thirteenth aye. Joseph A, Bush. 26, 837 Capp street, and Agnes Lyons, 22, 511 Ivy avenue. Patrick GrealUh. 31, city, and Nora Rooney, 26. city. Thomas H. Filmer. 23. 534 Halght street, and Alfrlda Fallln. 20. Hanford. BIRTHS-MARRIAGES-DEATHS. Birth, marriage and death notice* *ent by mall will not be Inserted. They must be handed In at either of the publication offices and be- lndorsed with the name and residence of per- sons authorized to have the same published. BLAKE— In San Jose, April 23. 1900. to the wife of George W. Blake, a son. COLLINS— In this city. April 21. 1900, to the wife of John J. Collins, a dauchter. FREDRICKS— In this city, April 17, 1900. to the wife of W. D. Ftedrtcks, a son. GOODWIN— In this city. April 24. 1900. to the wife of William F. Goodwin, a daughter. HALEY— In this city. April 23. 1900. to the wife of Chris Haley, a daughter. HARGENS— In this city. April 23. 1900. to the wife- of Emll J. Hargens. a daughter. HARRISON— In this city. April 26. 1900, to the wife *f W. H. Harrison, a daughter. LO ROMER— m this city, April 22, 1900, to the wife of J. B. Lo Romer, a son. MATTSON— In this city. April 22. 1900. to the wife of Captain John Malison, a daughter. NELSON— In this city, April 26. 1900, to the wife of John W. Nelson, a son. ROSE— In this city. April 24, 1900, to the wife of J. W. Rose, a daughter. SPRECKELS— In this city. April 22. IMO. to the wife of Richard Spreckels, a daughter. BTANGE— In this city. April 17, 1900. to the wife of John E. W. Stance, a son. MARRIED. BAHLS— TUM SUDEN— In East Oakland. April 26. 1900, by the Rev. J. M. Buehler. Hermann Bahls and Alma, turn Suden. BOCCA— DE ROSA— In this city. April 25. 1900. at St. Francis Church, by the Rev. Father McGough. William A. Bocca of New York and Abble de Rosa of San Francisco. CASTLE— O'BRIEN-In this city. April 24. 1900. at St. John's Church, by the Rev. Father P. D. Brady. John Charles Castle and Kate M. O'Brien. HOWE— HOWK— In this city. April 25. 1900, by J.-12. Barry. Justice of the Peace. James T. Howe and Madge Howe, both of San Fran- cisco. JOHNSTON— SOPER— In this city, April 25, 1900. by the Rev. Father Collins of St. Jo- seph's Church, Robert H. Johnston and Mac E. Soper. both of San Francisco. MINOR— CLAASSEN— In San Rafael. April 13. 1500, Elliott B." Minor of San Jose and Emma S. Claassen of San Francisco. MURNANE— DELANEY— In this city, April 22. 1300. by the Rev. Father McGough. Patrick Murnane and Mary Delaney, both of San Francisco. . PERRY— LIGON— ApriI IS. 1900. by the Rev. C. L. Mell of Sacramento, assisted by the Rev. W. N. Bours. Eugene T. Perry and Aline . Ligon, both of San Francisco. DIED. ~~~ ~~ .Beauvals. Levinla D. Law. Rev. Victor M. • Blgelow. Dorcas F. Lewis, Jennie Blohm. Annie Makln. Eunice Blum. Bennett M. Mead. Charles F. Borba. Manuel P. Mehse. Hazel I. Bordwell, George A. Mathewson. Nellie Brune, Gustave Michaels. Julius Bunyan, Michael O'Brien, Catherine Danton. Roy B. - Ohea. Walter _. ANTWERP— SaiIed April 23— Stmr South wark. for New Ynrk. CHERBOURG— SaiIed April 2S— Stmr New York, from Southampton, for New York. HAVRE— Sailed April 2S— Strar La Bretagne. for New Ycrk. NAPLES— Arrived April 23— Strar Werra. from New York, for Genoa. BREMEN— SaiIed April 2S— Stinr Maine, for New York, via Cherbourg. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 1900. 30