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School Board Must Explain. An order was issued: yesterday com pelling the Board iof Education to appear before Judge Seawell. next -Friday to show cause why its members should not be punisned for contempt of court for hav ing suspended vi. C. Kilpatrick, principal of the Business Evening School, pending the decision of the board on the charges recently preferred against . him. ' Kilpat rick contends. that the board is in con tempt, as a temporary restraining order was in force at the time the order of suspension was issued by the board. sent to San Quentin by Judge Lawlor yes terday for a term of three years. Wynn sold the saloon for 5145, but on investiga tion the purchaser discovered that sev eral barrels and many bottles had been filled with water. James D. Soulard, colored, was sen tenced to one year in San Quentin for an assault with a deadly weapon. As Sou lard's offense was not an aggravated one the court would have sent him to the County Jail but for the plea of the pris oner, who informed the court that he did not want to "serve time in a dirty, un kept hole." Charles Boyle, who pleaded guilty to a charge of burglary, was sentenced to one year in San Quentln. I A FEW SUGGESTIONS. g I Outing Skirts. | § LINEN, GRASS CLOTH, PIQUE AND DUCK SKIRTS, 8 I $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50. | I Silk Waists $5.00. I g Made of good quality Taffeta Silk, newest style, perfect fitting, « % the best value ever offered. § I Linen, Duck and Pique Suits at 1 1 ${.50, $2.50, $3.50, $5.00. 1 I Feather Boas $10.00. I S 45 inches long, elegant quality in black and gray, special i$ g value $10 00. g 1 Silk Petticoats $5.75. I g 24 SILK PETTICOATS will be on sale, good quality new 8 S plaids, real value $8.50, at $5.75. . g 1 $15.00. I I Biack TAFFETA SILK SKIRTS, elegantly appliqued, new box g g pleat, tailor made and perfect fitting, at $15-00. g I $5.00. | I Black CHEVIOT SKIRTS, elegantly appliqued, box pleat, good g § percaline lining and well made, at $5.00. « I Golflßn Gate Cloa^* Suit Hiinse I I £ 1230-1232-12^4 MARKET STREET. , | Officer Harrison Assaulted. i Police Officer Luke Harrison, who is I known as the Tom Sharkey of the Seven teenth-street police station, was more than, surprised while on his way to the station to report for duty at 12 o'clock Friday night. As he passed Eighteenth street, turning into Shotwell, he received a blow under the right ear that sent him to the curbstone on all fours. In his fall he seized his assailant by the leg and brought him down with him. After a fihort tussle he succeeded in laying out his antagonist. He placed the cuffs on his wrists and yanked him off to the sta tion. The man gave his name as Aus tin W. Oliver and his occupation as a druggist in the Railroad Hospital' on Mis sion street. He declined to give any rea son for the assault and was charged with * battery. CARPET DEPARTMENT Hassocks. Great variety, bright colors, strongly made. Tapestry covered; 25 Cents each. Moquette, covered, ; 50 . Cents each. Free Delivery, Oakland, Alameda, Berkeley M. FRIEDMAN & CO* 233 to 237 Pott St. \ Open ereaiagg NearStoektom FRIEDMAN'S ANNOUNCEMENTS. Odd pieces and odd effect sin furni- ture are popular. Roman, India and many other odd chairs in rich carv- ings and woods, $5 up to $5° Drapery Department— Just arrived Genuine Arabian Lace Curtains. The finest patterns and greatest va- riety of new and beautiful effects in the city. From $11 a pair up. Genuine Battenbergs. Newest patterns and effects, $8 a pair up. CONTRACTS FOR SHOEING FIRE HORSES AWARDED The Fire Commissioners met yesterday afternoon and referred a petition from the Eureka Valley Improvement Club asking for a fire engine and apparatus to the Board of Public Works and a peti tion from the Nuevo Potrero Improve ment Club asking that Rhode Island and De Haro streets be repaved so that fire engines might get into the district was also referred to the board. The contracts for horseshoeing In ac cordance with the resolution passed at a special meeting last Wednesday dividing the city into districts were awarded as follows: District No. 1, T. J. Crowley 11 Merchant street; district Xo. 2, T. F. Mc- Gee. 300 Gough street; district No. 3, P. Friedhofer, Third and Silver streets; dis trict No. 4, James Mooney, 321 Sixth street, and district No. 5, N. Morrissey, 332 Ninth street. By innuendo Frank Frisbee, a local blacksmith., has charged the Board of Fire Commissioners with favoritism to ward others of his craft and has filed suit against the board to restrain it from enforcing the provisions of a resolution heretofore adopted, in which It was de creed that those in authority in the va rious districts should decide as to whom should be granted the contract for shoe ing the department horses. In his peti tion Frisbee alleges that the object of the resolution In question is to give into the hands of political friends of the mem bers of the board all of the work of the kind mentioned. He says that such ac tion is illegal, and that competitive bids should be solicited. Shot in the Shoulder. Al "White's saloon, 435 Dupont street, was the scene of a shooting affray early yes terday morning. James R. Shepperson. an ex-soldier, and J. E. Sweaney. a sailor on the United States steamer Manning, quarreled over a woman. Shepperson drew a revolver and fired at Sweaney. the bullet striking him on the left shoulder. Sweaney was taken to the Receiving Hos pital. Shepperson was arrested and booked on the charge of assault to mur der. He told the officers that he shot to kill. WORK OF SAVING FLOOD HERS IS FAIRLY STARTED Preliminary Surveys Are About to Be Made at a Cost of $12,500. Government, Water Association and State Universities Are Backing the Big Jndertaking With Money and Men. The first substantial steps toward pre serving the flood waters of the State were taken yesterday. At a conference of the interested Institutions held at the University Club the expenditure of $12,500 was authorized to secure data as to the cost and feasibilty of the contemplated undertaking. The conference was attended by Presi dent 'William Thomas, Secretary T. C. Friedlander, F. W. Dohrmann and Mars den Manson of the California Water and Forest Association; Professor Soule, Uni versity of California; Professor Marx, Stanford University; J. B. Lipplncott, United States* Geological Survey. An agreement was entered into by which the Government and the water association will supply the funds and the universities contribute the services of several of their professors, including Professors Soule and Marx. The money to be expended in the Imme diate preliminary work was apportioned as follows: For the investigation jointly by the irrigation expert of the Department of Agriculture and the two universities of the sources of supply, rights, etc., of the watersheds of Lassen County, Yuba, Kings, -tealinas and San Joaquin rivers, $5000, the Government to put up half of the money and the association the other half. For investigating reservoir sites and kindred matters. $5000. contributed as follows: Kings River Canal Company, $1500; United States Geological Survey, $2500; "Water and Forest Association, $1000. The reconnoissance of the Salinas River will cost $1000, to ba shared equally by the Geological Survey and the associa tion. If the reconnoissance develops that the Salinas watershed has good reservoir sites the association will expend $1000 for its survey. ' The reconnoissance of either Stony Creek, Cache Creek, Putah Creek or Cottonwood Creek will also 6e made at a cost of $500. All this work will be per formed .before next fall. The conference will be continued this afternoon. has no complaints to make about lack of condition, but simply says that he was unused to the style 'of fighting in vogue in this country. A return match between the men is being advocated by local sports. The gross receipts of the fight were JoT.'K. Of this sum Neill received $2764 40 and Murphy $1113 85. According to their agreement with the National Club the men were entitled to 72 per cent of the gross receipts. This was turned over to them and was divided, the winner taking 70 per cent and the loser 30 per cent. THREE CONVICTS GIVEN TERMS IN SAN QUENTIN A. Swindler, a Gun-Fighter and a Burglar Must Pay th.c Penalty for Their Crimes. 7 P. J. "Wynn, -who on February 26, ISS9. Bold a "Btufled" saloon at 634 Mission •treat to John Kins, and who was subse quently convicted on a charge of obtain ing money under false pretenses, was NEILL NOW READY TO MEET "TOMMY" RYAN "Tim" Murphy Anxious for Another Meeting With the Pacific Coast Champion. Al Xeill's stock as a boxer has risen 100 per cent In the estimation of the ring goers of this city. The clever manner in which he lowered the colors of Tim Mur phy, the hard-hitting Australian, leads the followers of the fistic game to believe that the young Californian is lit to cope with the best men in his class now before the public. Many are of the opinion that Neill would give Tommy Ryan a hot ar gument, and the young Californian is of that opinion himself, lie dots not fear a meeting with Ryan; he invites one. Murphy only asks that he be given an other chance at his victorious rival. He feels certain that the experience he gained In his eleven rounds of lighting with Nelll would stand him in good stead in a second meeting, and he confidently thinks that he can defeat the local middle-weight. He THE SAN FRANCISJDO CALL, SUNDAY, APRIL. 29, 1900. Hales. I Hales. I " Hales. | Hales. I Hales. | Hales. | 2^5: g. * B beginning to-morrow (monday) we celebrate a week of jubilation; Wednesday, may the second, we have been in these stores eight years; three times during these eight years have we had to I \C\r^f\ tGLCvL^ IAQO l\ '\n enlarge our store, the store pictured on the left is the beginning of our career in this city; the sketch on the right shows the modern five-story building we are now putting up in the same x&fo. Ijy^^. VCr/ **Jy* jsr b ] ock on Market street, we shall move into it this fall, this week we really commence selling out our vast stock, from now on we shall offer goods at prices which will be explained by I the fact that we arc «oing to move, come this week; you won't see lavish decorations, preat floral pieces; you won't receive souvenirs otherwise than the birthday presentswe make in the *JS&3 np-VA/ ~ -'^jj*' /•- - \ reduced prices attached to these quotations, watch our announcements from now on with more than your usual attention, and remember every article, every piece we advertise is on sale &P\&*' lllt - v y -'¦' \~tei. ~^j*^s(BffiffiQifi t flsf\ | at advertised price until sold out. , I StOF*O iS^saFT^ a^ millinery and flowers recked j@^ drusd f h -"c^iw <^\ i lIIIIIIIIUIJ WliU lIUWWUIU lUUUUUU I ?reat P S™ s-v^g^g^ <=>j? *****«***; b . |||mm| < _^ r^^Js. S°honor n of our birthday anniversary to $4-00, ?5-°o /^ and brown, ribbon. band; for anniversary sale 20c nJllflWfflnC £8"l It* I PSI •' — *¦' *-jbzst t !G!'-*i3n~>:'"r~>\ ' arK i <6.00. sale commences Sa. m. monday. (see millinery in our big window .»londay.) piiiun IUJJO gjjr ,j~p*««gaaaait^JL| t^^Mmj §\ g^ wash fabrics curtain sale suit, skirt and petticoat attractions handkerchiefs sco?£5 c o?£? ne 3 I B^^^^^^^^S- SO pieces dimity <g*. to celebrate jg^'\ xff&h misses' eton vacation suits, in brown rT-~v for our birth- many of one pat- jj fE=^as§3ti=l jjgfgElllgP 1 Ifcfll I^l I =^?^' and lawns, 28 and I§P^ *J1 c e ' cnt^ /£% tf^'* fi^S? aml Rray covert c l° tn '- Jacket satin- l^*aTi day week 1200 tern; many differ- yr^zr«'^4^^^^3j^^jg^ -j" ' t*r|£Wf&£* 36 inches wide, y^l^^^f^K birthday oi fe& \i£s{ *Z&\ fat lined: box plait skirt, corduroy bound (\p-5& ladies' fancy ent values, such as <U-=== ¦^^^r^^k^^ih^i^^. , good white this store £^t <ii s^Ji#^& and percaline lined; sizes 14, 16, 18. . *j ¦ white S^ viss 2 ?°' 35C> . s °C>° C> b " r (j :l: l '^^^^^ "rd^ birtH^ /T^lliM weVfJe^n u\\\ I Ij^rf ladi ° S ' sln e'e-breasted eton cheviot / \^.o^/{-V\ ' Stchi^ fow^S I°' rl ula" I '" day price ioc '/^ Vi/^P-i^'c P a r s ec r v NAI I V 7lVlX r { afllfl 4 Cr h.°i SUI *1 l aC j' C 'c-Y T v a t \ \ f//v'i • it! embroidery prices ranging •- :\ JkJwl TJ&ilivfri r.ew dimity, *o V _^^ [ft Wf ig>) and white /vj lRv/JW«i W t?^ tltchc f . ta f rcta - mcd , wlt . h \j/VL^W and lace bor- from 60c to $i.oS O^^^^^"^%®# I S^l3 inches wide, in «J?^i / / y&ai - : t,W& nottineham JZi Mf/.fi J X black taffeta; skirt box pleat back, \r / Ujg^=^ ders, a dainty each, you can have l ~ /l M "~*~-^-^ . fe, ilWrK^i^O lavender, light 2-*+ v / /7' \a>'< "vMt curtains » / \yJi t *^\ ffV front seams tailor stitched with tat- , handkerchief. your choice of any )\\> blue, pink, cadet, / jR It '-^i^tr yards long / \\| \ ba. feta, percaline lined, velveteen bound: and worth 20c one for 35c jg^S^^ ac^ =^ =^^ =C '"" na\7 and blue, tsmjd&Ell \ I (^V/r^l^¥ . by , 5°5 ° to -/ 8 I \l \ w)^ sizes 32 to 40. .: $14.00 ' apiece; • birth- ... . with white fi^T^tT MM A WMiftvLAJi inches wide. I \J 1 L—-^'^V . day price.. ..gc tU/n ITPmC flt Pnct and even firOCC fTfinriC stripes; birthday SjO W C/^. MjMM in six P3t " fe^iJ ' v\jo> ladies' heavy Venetian double breast- IWU 1181115 31 COSI 6e/aHr UieSS gUOQS S§H W pS=7 I \J i^lpii vacation, hints |1| fn 'SSS S W«? "^ bitVhda'v / ill * > braid trimmed lined with percaline, mexican grass hammocks, full size easel ,_ b . ack I the y sell "Eularly for natCf a n d include heliotrope, gray. SvcndS oMrtn-1 H — iTh^S nric i $?, I__ bound with corduroy; sizes 32 to 40. . 7 - c and go,. 25c; birthday offering at 15c reseda, new blue; 44 inches wide; day price.... TV....!. ..?. iS?c novel" net"cartain's"for parior win- ?15 -°° colored mexican grass hammocks, we have a combination paper-cutter bought to sell for $13.50; suit birth- | new white crepe pique, 22 inches dows;"we are showing an ex- j v ..., ¦ .„ •". _?' .!,,, .„ J . extra large size. .$1.25 and letter-opener, with knife at- 2^ P^":L"V;; v;""-*Vv ;""-*V "¦¦^l°°, ! wide, three paSems. very pretty for ceptionally fine variety of S.voo %^£ ladl " .^ P r^ » J2> ladies' black silk drop fine cot en hammocks, with steel tached and sterling si i vcr handle; J. ne $ OT $ $l h ™™?tin navy blue' oea Turnismngs d tat \\x¥v\ 'CJirJSS W b ™\: tri T ci : »s t«« of Mme hose. »¦* cou P i,n K sSfflifjSss&S! iSI#S^ MM II? Jr J m men's furnishings newest silks ment- U/rannor CQIQ 'W J I we call your at- ffif*& JJ r h /" t p ' c "; X S [ lch neckw « r WA plain £»> Jv& inches each47^c WldPPBr Sdl6 e M \ tention to the rich tsMm ladies> black camels ' g ,- tr0we15.......... .sc for men; not the and fan- WJ £>^ 6JX9O inchU*. :::::*." ll%c / ?.. fc . &£/ *^y ° f silk hairdrop &i cut Onourbig and busy basement.) ordinary 25c .^l^v. cy silks, .^^ %(\t\\ 72x90 inches " KyQir » dozen ladies house wrappers, m "11 skirts now on dis- f, nrv = r nii ftn «.H nt k-uk -u d ' as a look /^X^V/aT^A , including -^JT,V_ \A|'A\ Slxoo nches " feS medium shades, braid trimmed yoke, [^^JU^ play in our w in- aS^^ fancy, scalloped at Wll prove; kV^l'A>/| the old v^tk/§2?a k TSS' notions: belts $2S0 ° -.'<» g F h -%0 l"^: T V -^V /# S, t m . nUSrf moiM nnnnr*nnitu m* riches : ribbons from our >^F) ? nes in the ] st;5 t; the ?; t we " ™ ade up for shirt waists, 20 inches wide.. V\Y ft--? sheeting; ex- { O r May and its many outings and \\\ W3 SI DUDQIIL llllV 4^L ricnest nn D DO »s irom our y^ZJ from 50c and 75c silks, hard v any Sl oo TWO? 2d a H^ T P icn ;"-V ffC K raSampleline ° fhigh UppUllUllllJ stock and reduced from (TJW t alikc> bought for our birthday W V offer' hea-vy' 'silk ' iaffciai' 7n " V/U| 3j ££ a £ T » rade Icather b « lts : not 2 belt in the 10 dozen percale shirt waists, with stitched yoke, body lined; W^ in fine nripe 1 in 1 assorted • fls / o ff " in g, and now go on sale at...2.=5C shades. 19 inches wide, including \' > lowcise...." h?gh'°a? 1i%5- an th 77 e sy'5 y' ° mC in blue and white stripe and red and white; sizes 32 to 44....50 C jfe%fL colorings and with the ivory, rose reseda, grays and popu- L^. —^r^/>—^ I2^sc come in white" kid S. 20 dozen shirt waists, of heavy percale, with white yokes nicely pompadour border, it is <y§h\ P D R III P WfITP lar pastel shades 75c r^^/O ,60 sheets black sea1 ' brown ' f\ tucked down front and back; in blue and white, red and white, VV/W' SH - incheS Wlde and is - an [01 UIIU " igiIIUI ° ™*..««U ( ryy r. sneers, __-«_ -?_, o-am^t £ \ n 1 , , ¦ \ Lib U anniversary opportunity na-v / soan dishes 6c , OnrflFl CQIQ Jr aS?an,"rrealK fp\ black and white; sizes 32 to 44. ... 75c N^. at !.. per yard 50c Xf '^Sart mS: J^\ B^sBlB size, 2-inch hem at top. good grade "' \ zXl x / 2 J nch :. a " d U\\ 'r- ¥ } / EZ 7 kettle 15C iL ErK \ children's white lawn aprons, wide maslin; size 00x90 inches; regularly kid or leather lmed; M U J / / / ] * / 10-quart con- "^^l J awn reveres edged with lace, square worth 75c; birthday price.... <oc t s ? me metal studded: //] fc| V / I if '"¦^ / / " v T I _ - _ • vex kettle.. 35c \[ mf g^ yoke trimmed with embroidery, for y - y birthday price 48c ffc\lX\ \ L^^r I " ja, J / / f\ 2//V^ 12-quart con- K»^ t'si.iA ages 4to 12 38c fnWOIC dozen "Anchor" i/|lj zV* \ / !^« **? B it / *~~ \ f ¦ vex kettle.. 30c -.i-^^ta 3 styles children's white lawn aprons. lUnultf hose supporters, of yy j ¦ i^'^T / f^ Mai 4 /m/ mm ~ mmm ~^ ll 14-quart con- *^tiu-i^.-;'JsSS^ with round or square yoke, embroid- , ? • . ? . . , fancy frilled elastic. / / M i f C^*^ §>$ I L^^^ \ I S**^ ~1 J w vex kettle.. 49c cry or lace trimming, 4to 12 years.. 72 dozen bleached turkish towels; witl / button dasp and hosC protector: / / / / I rJ V^T^ \^T~£^ 10 -inch pie plates 8c 43c 1 samples trom a Dig mill, Dougnt at co i ors pi n k ( blue, orange, red and 111 / X*^^ _^__^^*" IT^ i-quart graduated measure 13c 3 styles children's white lawn aprons. a price to sell at a price to crowd bl?ck; worth 25C pair . birthday / / / "" ,~ -^ 6-quart rice boilers 60c embroidery bretelles over shoulders o-jr ccrnestic department. Pr ,- c S g vJP&&/&]} ]Th 4&/f%J&PS o **^ straight seamed saucepot, with coy- or lawn reveres: yoke plain or em- I 45c quality now 30c (ste other notions on sale at birth- jf | **r¥S^& UjZVVw/j£f[*?l£r^^ w0 ~~ crs— 6-quart 29c, 8-quart 35c, 16- broidery trimmed; ages 4to 12 yean t 30c quality now 20c 1 day pric( . s lhis wrek a i s ] e no . x .) quart 490 53c « THE CREDIT HO USE" •S Six StariiM High India Window Seat. An odd Resign for an odd corner. For variety in the home. Useful and convenient in any room in the hous* , 75 cents TRADE MARK ON EACH SHOE. y^Hg\ The tremen- ypg|lg|\ dous success of /=s£-sS£.£«l other manufac- 3 *i|s«s?£{|||r Remember that. 1 ''fi^S^f every pair has XgP£jZSf& the abov e trade- mark branded in 1 w£~^M lhe sole - Thfrt y- |&««g|| fiY3 styles, Ml&Zjqisk widths AAA to IWggSaSjga EEE, sizes 2to k^^^^^S world over W8 5 3. 50 4 EXCLUSIVE AIiKNTS. CO Third et., S&n Francisco, second j shoe store from M&rket. Illustrated cata'osrue of eprins: styles mailed free, j 32