¦K*X*l< Paris is raving over/John' Philip 11 Sousa and his band of lusty-lunged l\ Instrumentalists." : The vim and / \ dash of the American musicians, together with the lively American style of music which they are playing, have proved , a decided . innovation to , gay ; Parisians. The principal > topic of conversation all along th© boulevards these days seems to be, the ? remarkable success which Sousa has met with In in troducing ."Le>Temp du . Chiffon," com monly known In this : country, as "rag time." • The native bands . have 'taken ; up this peculiar style ; of , distinctly ', American mu fIc, * even going so far as to ' play . th© "Marsellalse" in rag .time. * It ' is s also re ported that many of : the most blaze Pa- rlslans are • practicing the ; delicate step3 of the cake walk, a feat which to them is extremely difficult. owing to;th#;French fashion of wearing*' *«r \wlth heels ex traordinarily hlgh.^.^, Ji • Sousa has iMrodiicwz.aany.new melo- -, dies to the visitors at the Exposition;: but, t he ' one which seems . to have caught th© populace - Is i the characteristic ¦ cak© . walk < march; -'Bunch o' 'Blackberries," ; by "the composer; - of - in© - "Smoky.? Mokes" cako walk, which was so popular In this coun try.-..- /:. ; :.'¦•¦ ¦, .-:.:. .. The - principal \ strain from ¦• "Bunch o f Blackberries, over which the French men are going wild; Is shown above. It is being hummed, whistled and played in, almost, every nook and -corner, of th© French capital,; seemingly, having been accepted by the 'natives as being far and away ;• th© . best thing . of ~; its . kind - ever, heard therev, --.—••» - * :."¦ PARIS HAS GONE RANG TIME WILD Truxtun Beale holds that tb© evil ef fects of hot climates on the white man are being overcome by science. Hereto fore he has bad to labor hard, and thus reduce hl3 vitality, but now the rapidly increasing labor-saving machinery is sav ing him much muscular labor and short ening his hours of work. Then clothing and housing and drainage and all sanita tion have been greatly improved, and proper ventilation and artificial ice have come to lessen the detrimental influences of the climate. Mr. Beale cites the many cases of the Chinese adapting themselves to all climates. The Philadelphia Medical Journal, not falling Into line with this argument, says: "No mechanical contrivance for perform ing labor Is likely to be devised that will operate without human guidance, and it such machinery Is operated by steam, gas, or electricity, additlorial heat mu-*t be generated somewhere. It Is as much the direct rays of the sun as the work that kills by sunstroke; this is evident . from the large number of teamsters who are affected during any unusually hot days in summer in our large cities. "It Is improbable that the poor will ever be able to profit much by artificial Ice or cooling apparatus, and even if they could afford It this would necessitate some one to work in intense heat to manage th© power needed to run such a plant. "The Chinese coolie can hardly be com pared with the white working man. ' In the first place he Is not a white man, and furthermore centuries of life liko pack horses have jtiven these men many of the characteristics of beasts. Then, asaln, the heat and moisture of the tropic3 are most favorable to germ life, and unless some means is discovered (which is very unlikely) that will destroy bacterial life without injuring other forms of life, th© problem of combating disease In th© tropics will always be a difficult one. No doubt conditions in the tropics will b© Improved so that the more prosperous classtj can live with a fair degree of safety and comfort, but It seems very im- k probable that the working classes. whlcttr* constitute the great masses of the popu lation, will ever be made of anything but native," ~- ; — striding him In Its ro}d3 with fatal ana relentless persistence; his partial moral convalescence; his fal?, brutal and hope less—all this unfolds a story Infinitely sad. because real, a page from the book of nature. .The glimpse the man has of th© dawn of a pure passion before the waters close over him forever Is the climax of a tragedy — the death of a soul. "Sapho" as a play, adapted by another hand, written for the playhouses fre quented by the Anglo-Saxon young per son, with all that hard, bitter lesson dragged to the garish footlights and lta shadows accentuated by theatrical art and a morbid intent — ah! that is quite a dlf-» ferent matter. From the pen of a writer less gtfted] than Daudet "Sapho" would have been base, vile, defiling. Regarded purely as a work of art it Is a sincere, deep study, prepared with Indefatigable skill, teaching by the unfolding of inevitable consa quence the penalty of transgression, written by a genius who touches wltlx ease hidden chords of human emotion. — W. S. McClure, ia Personal Impres sions. Evil Effects of Hot Climats Overcome by Science. thinks the poor old Venus did not get out of the way quick enough and it has to be gene through again and again. Then" the calcium light man gets roast ed. In a voice that would dim any cal cium Miss Roberts shouts: "You girl there, stand back and let the light shine on me. Now, here, you man, does the light shine all over me? Mr. Morrison, what are you doing? Why don't you tell me? Are the lights on me? Here, some of you people take down that tree. How can I stand here with that palm leaf tickling me in the back? Now back to 'Down with Venus and up with Sapho/ and, while the lights are down somebody remove that tree." Again the scene is rehearsed, this time with the offensive tree removed while the lights are down. Too bad, for that trea was the only thing in the show that tickled Miss Roberts. Then came the couch scene. . "k. "This will not do." paid Sapho, as she sat bolt upright on the couch. "You peo ple go farther down stage. I want the people in the boxes to see me.' You girl there get out of my line. You are keeping the people in .the right box from" seeing me," and the pcor inoffensive little girl skulked down si age a few steps to clear the line of vision from the boxes. "There; how's that? Can everybody see me? Mr. Morrison, Morrison, Morrison, where are you?" shouted Sapho in a voice that bounced over the empty orchestra chairs out Into the desertedstreet; "bank ed" against the Orphcum and on the,re bound caught Mr. Morrison in the. lobby of the Alcazar. "Where have you been? Get over into one of the boxes and se,e if everybody can Bee mo." Mr. Morrison "got" and re ported, and then came back to the lobby to explain that Miss Roberts had. had two performances that day and. was very tired and nervous./ There was no need ¦ to ex plain the latter. It was/a'' self-evident fac^. Also that she was very, much out of temper. Anybody can keep ' temper when surroundings are conducive, but "there arc times that try men's souls.'* ;if the author of that had ever seen Miss Roberts at' rehearsal he would have writ ten,. "There arc stars that try; managers' souls." The most placid person '.during the rehearsal was- Mark Thall v Perhaps it>was because Sapho thrcatened;at one time to "put the play in my. pocket and there will be no performance; to-night." In just what pocket of her Sapho gown Miss Roberts would put the play she did not explain, but stars do not have to ex- plain. Then came the incident that nearly broke up the "rbow." Mr. Thall wanted a flash light of the "stairway scene." The camera was all in plaeo, the powder" ready and In leas than one second it would be over. Miss Roberts saw her chance for.'a rehearsal of lines not in the piay. She raved and stamped and said "things." "There'll be no photo of the stairway scene," she shouted, and there wasn't. Curious how infectious temper is. In one hour Miss Roberts had everybody keyed up to a state of exejtement and bad tem per. At 3 o'clock she called for coffee. "Mr. Morrison, get me some cofree at once. I cannot go on any further without coffee." Then Lewis started on the hunt for cof fee. There wasn't a chorus girl in the house who couldn't have found gallons of coffee Inside of five minutes, but none could tell Mr. Morrison where he could tind any— not even if Sapho did want it. Surprising how forgetful people can be at times. One hour later Sapho still had a coffee thirst and the rehearsal closed be cause Mr. Morrison could find no coffee in San Francisco. What a Critic Has to Say WHEN* Daudet wrote "Sapho" for the^ French people he directed hl3 rare analytical power to probe and expose huma*n weakness as dispassionately as a great surgeon intro duces his scalpel 'Into human flesh. He did not create Its main characters as first eccrc ret. Meantime the chorus minpled with the principals and overran the Etas* out into the orchestra seats, the dress' circle and lobby, while Florence Roberts seemed to be devoting her time mostly to adjusting her Sapho crown and workinp herself into a furious temper. 3-iffer from Moral Standpoint. ' i _¦> VEK irftaess a drers rehearsal cf a Then you have ml??ed the most irK'.-restins ?ido of theatrical life. Vcti have niJr-scd seeing the chorus ¦worry the stajre director, actors. boss the chorus, the mur.a^r boss the actors and Ifce Ptar boss the whole t-ur-inej*. The first drcs:- rehearsal of "Sapho" at the Alcctir was jriven last Sunday n!eht. or rclhcr Monday morning, lor It was Ions cftcr micnl^ht fcefore all the stage *et tlr.sr. t.r.d properties were la crdcr. arid the J&t q £>ress Rehearsal £s inhere the Reading £ady Rules When Great Sapho Shows Her Temper THE CALL. 8