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rlous duties connected with the Filipino war,! r v -'''¦-•. f ¦>¦'••"¦ -.-.' -'¦ '> :»:."• ';-,•-:-¦: ¦; Captain A. S. Barker • relieved Captain Clark as '- commander yonv on : August 6, IS9S, and he In turn was relieved by Captain G. F. F. • Wilde,' her present commander, some' months lago.v" The 'Oregon 'has a displacement of;ll, 000 tons, 16.79 ' knots speed,. 11,111 'horse power.. '•;. She ;' Is • S4B feet long and ¦ draws feet of water. -She cost more than $3. 200,000." She carries' four 13-inch breech loading rifles, eight 8-lnch breech-loading ; rifles.- four 6-inch rapid ' fire guns,- be sides 4 twenty rapid' flre-6-pounders,- eight' one-pounders,- rapid , fire. - two ¦ Colts, and two 3-inch rapid fire field guns." the absence of pfficlal Information Secre tary Long is imable"" to 'take action. ; It is thought that V the , Oregon .has gone aground Captain F. P. Wilde, command ing, will immediately notify Rear Admiral Remey,- who fortunately does not \ leave Hongkong until to-morrow, and that offi cer will make Immediate arrangements for sending lighters and wreckers' to the battleship's assistance. The Oregon received from the Zaflro at Hongkong a detachment of seamen and marines ¦which .were intended as reinforce ments for Rear Admiral 1 Kempff at ; ,Taku. Her dispatch to , Taku was primarily for the purpose of giving the United States an ¦ adequate ! naval " representation : - at " that point, tho authorities deeming it advisable that ' this Government \ show ' by " a strong > naval force that it proposed /to carefully • look out . for ; American interests during the present Chinese' trouble. , The Oregon Is a ¦ first-class battleship, not only one of the best— lf . not the best-^ in ' : theT. United' States navy, but;! all things considered, one' of , the meat ; formidable fighting 'c machines - : In the 4 world. v? San Francisco^ and the Pacific Coast : have[al ways had a' proper and ] peculiar pride In THE UNITED STATES BATTLESHIPS OREGON. INSTRUCTIONS TO CHAFFEE PREPARED WASHINGTON, June 23. — Secretary Root devoted the afternoon to the prepar ation of instructions to Brigadier General Chaffee, who has been assigned to the ; command of the troops ordered to China, and after a conference the President ap proved \ them with only a few verbal changes, which -did not alter their gen eral character. Although Secretary Root would not make public the text of the Chaffee instructions he said that gener ally, speaking General Chaffee had been ordered to look out for the. lnterest of the United States in, China, to avoid en tangling alliances, to. act concurrently with the other foreign powers where It ; was to the general Interest to do so and. In' a word, to continue the policy that has 'marked" the actions of the United States .'slnce.the beginning of the Boxer troubles In China. These instructions will be tele graphed to General Chaffee at San Fran cisco .in . order to reach \ him . before the departure of the Grant on Sunday even- Ing. Secretary Root said that In case the progress of events made It necessary It would be an easy matter, to modlf y. Gen eral "Chaff cc's Instructions' by 'cable' to Nagasaki, which would be the first port visited i by the Grant' after her departure from San Francisco. Secretary Root was asked If any more troops would be ordered to China and he replied, "Not yet." but intimated that the "further action of the War Department In that matter would be governed entirely by the exigencies of the situation. To-day's instructions are supplementary to his original orders "to proceed to Peking by way of Nagasaki tin d Taku." GERMANY PREPARING FOR A LONG CAMPAIGN BERLIN, June 29.— 1t Is evident that the German Government expects the disturb ances In China to last for a long time, in asmuch as all volunteers Joining the. naval battalions for China have been pledged for service until the autumn of 190 L The ex pedition will take 2200 tents, each to serve for two men. Bishop Anzer, the German missionary Bishop at - Shantung, who has been in Europe for several months, will leave Ber lin in a few days to rejoin his mission, go ing by way of the United States. Consid erable comment has been caused by the failure of. Emperor, William to grant him an audience during this vfsit. which is said to be. due to the, fact that the Bishop's .views do not coincide with the Emperor's. PREPAREDNESS OF NAVY FOR ANY EMERGENCY WASHINGTON. June 23.— A sign of the preparedness of the navy for any emer gency that may, arise in the East Is ex hibited in the alacrity with which Admiral Bradford, chief of the equipment bureau, has taken steps to maintain an ample sup ply of coal In 'readiness at convenient points for naval use. " Almost before, there were any general misgivings as to the. re sult of the Boxer movement In China the equipment bureau was looking over the colliers purchased . in the Spanish-Ameri can war and since lying out of commis sion at the navy, yards, with a view to loading them up at once for foreign ser vice. Steps have been taken to anticipate the arrival cf these ships in Chinese waters by diverting nearer cargoes of coal to Admiral Kenny's support. The Navy Department to-day received news of the arrival at Singapore of the Ataka, with 6000 tons aboard. She ia from Norfolk for Manila and put Into Singapore for orders. She will probably be diverted to Taku, carrying her cargo to Admiral Rezney. _ TI3EE FOR A MASSACRE. HONGKONG. June 23.— A river boat which has arrived at Wu Chow reports that It was detained for twenty-four hours at Wu Chow Fu by order of the British Consuls in order to afford protec tion for foreigners. The gunboat Robin arrived, it was added that anti-forelgm placards had been posted at -Wu. Chow Fu saying the time had now arrived for the ma.<sacie of ffireigners. The British gunboat Sandpiper. It was further announced, was still between Wu Chow Fu and Nghau King Fu and could not be recalled owing to the wires being cut. ;/ . TO COMMAND ALLIED FORCES. SHANGHAI, June 23.— 1t Is officially an nounced that the Russian vice admiral. Alexleff. will take command of the allied forces In the north. WOLSELEY SAYS CHINA:. ; COULD OVERRUN THE WORLD i r T^7?iß^rasJ)f*fftf'^r'rrTi«iti.».l)ii«li(illlM Xlffff' Wl'IIWl I" IN II lIH'UWI'WHW EONDON, June 30.— Lord "Wolseley Jn an Interview published tills morning says: • "China possesses every requisite for overrunning the world. She has a population of 400.000.000, all speaking the same language or dialect, readily, understood from one enu of the empire to the other. She has enormously developed wealth and still more enormous natural wealth awaiting development. Her men, if properly drilled and led. are admirable sol ; fliers.'" They, are plucky and able to live on next to nothing. Moreover, they ar© absolutely fearless of death. . Begin with the foundation of millions upon mil lions of such soldiers as these men are capable of being made, and tell ma. If WASHINGTON, June 20.— N0 informa tion confirmatory of the report that the battleship Oregon was wrecked off Chefu had reached the White .House -or Secre tary Long at midnight. The Oregon is about at Chefu, and no surprise would be expressed if there should be truth in the report, though . flfficials naturally hop# that the press report Is exaggerated and that when the Oregon is lightered she will float off the reef upon which she struck. .In LONDON, June 30.— The Shanghai cor respondent of the Times, telegraphing yesterday, says: "The battleship Oregon went ashore in a fog off Hoo Kie Island, thirty-five miles north of, Chefu. Messrs. Jardlne, Mathleson & Co. are sending her assistance." SHANGHAI, June 23.— 1t is reported here that the United States battle ship Oregon is ashore on the island of Hoo Kie, in the Mlao Tao group, about fifty miles north of Chefu, and that a steamer of the Indo-China Steam Navigation Company has gone to her as sistance. her and her doings,' built as she was at our own -Union Iron Works, and named after a sister State. The Oregon was launched on October 26, 1593, and put into commission, Cap tain C. E. Clark commanding, on July 15, 189 C. On the approach of hostilities with Spain she was ordered- to the At lantic, and left San Francisco. on March 19,1§98, and arrived at Key West on May 26, making the phenomenal run of nearly 15,000 ' miles, down to and through the Straits of Magellan, and up the Atlantic to Jupiter Inlet, Florida, in sixty-six days,, without the smallest mishap to any of her machinery or belongings. She went from Key "West to Santiago and took a leading part in the destruction of Admiral .Cervera's squadron, -especlally the Cristobal Colon. She. was one of the Vessels named for the expedition to Spain and was Admiral jj Watson's flag ship. Later In the*year she was ordered back, to the Pacific, and on arriving at' Callao, went on to the Philippines, where Bhe has been ever since engaged in va-' Strikes on the Island of Hoo Kie During a Fog— Steamer Sent From Shang hai to Her Assistance. BATTLESHIP OREGON ASHORE NEAR CHEFU was fine, the largest nugget taken out being valued at J3O. The Recorder of the district is J. Kuck- Ttadt. Topkuk has a population of 300. It has three Ftores and three ralocns. J. Kuckstadt and elcht others took out SIC.IM in one and a half month's work. They have struck a quartz ledge. The ere. it Is claimed, runs SICOO to the ton. A stamp mill is now on the way from San Francisco to work the property. Twenty to thirty men have taken out JIO.COO aj'iece here and 100 men have taken out about KOOO aniece. M- Stokcley and his. u two. .partners, one of wbtra n-a.«i c. Custom houi.? p.'ficial at ft. Michael, were , among the lucky . -ones at .Top kuk, taking out abcut $37,000 between them. Two Irishmen, who took out JIQ.CCO apiece at Topkuk. hired two guards to escort them to Nome City. On their way up they mistook two posts r.ear an Indian village for two road agents and It was quite a little tims before they discovered their mistake. The joke finally got out at Nome and the two felt very cheap. Very little work is now being done on Nome beach, as everything is staked by the trans portation companies end private individuals. Many pieces of land have been Jumped three and four times. At the present tlrr.e the town is full of .lawyers and they will have their hands full cf business this summer. The night fhe ZeaJandla got in KOO men and women walked the streets, as there were no accommodations for them and no one would allow them to erect tents on their property. Zwicker. on No. 11 Dexter, with two men. cleared up $1500 in on» week's work. The creek? are taming out well. No. 5 on Dexter is reported to have turned out $10,000. A physician, who owns a claim en » Anvil Creek, deported fifty pounds of dust from his claim with th» North American Transportation Company at Nome. Uampart City had a population of 1000 people this - winter and has turned out very well. L.lUl* Minook here has turned out good.- Nos. *3 and 24 have turned out rich. They are owned by Messrs. Meyer and Beck. MeGrau's claim. No. IS, on Little Minook, has yielded pome very coarse gold; also No. 15, owned by Louis Sequin. Nos. 16 and 17 are doing well, but the gold is very fine. Norton Bay most likely will he the next excitement. . Many claims were located there thin spring and some very rich pay dirt was found. This place is 190 miles from Nome City. Council Qity, eixty miles from Nome, has been exciting a great deal of attention lately. Some of the claims have turned out as well as Dexter. Buster or Anvil creeks. At Nome they are paying $1 per hour for unskilled labor and 25 cents for five gallons of water. Fuel and lumber at the present time tre pcarce and high, but soon will take a drop, as many Bailing . vessels are expected in. A man with a horse and wagon is busy all day long at $15 per hour. Many dog teams ' are working, can-yln* freight around town. Unlucky -Vessels. The Zealandla brings the news that the Ohio was not the only . vessel to reach Nome with smallpox aboard. There were two cases on the Roanoke and one on the Santa Ana. all of which went north from Puget Sound. The vessels and their pas sengers were sent to Egg Island, where they were still in quarantine when the iZealandla sailed. The barge Falkenberg, which started ,for Nome in. tow of a Sound steamer, was abandoned at sea. Later she was picked up by the steamer Lakme and towed to Nome, where both vessel and cargo wero sold by the agents of the steamer. The barkentine 'Catherine Sudden and her cargo were sold by the agents of the steamer Corwin. Vessel and cargo will be a total loss to the owners, as a genera tion of litigation would not get them back a cent. Might is right at Nome, and the man with the gun carries the aay. The transport Rosecrans that was re ported by the Portland as ashore on a mud flat was towed off by the tug Meteor and* was safe at Nome when the Zealan uia sailed. The Government vessel with all the supplies for the : soldiers aboard went hard and fast on the mud during the night of June. ls. The steamer Valcn cJa came along and trlf-1 to rendor as sistance, hut she also ijot into shoal water and had to sheer off. The captain of the Valencia offered to take the crew of the Rosecrar.s off. but the, captain would not abandon his ship. Later the Alaska Kxploration Company's tug Meteor came along, and Inside of an hour ha<! .-tht" tranFjiort in a place of safety. Tl-.r. car«»ain of the tug would not accept a ' toy.'" fljnire. but dcmanui-d sal vase, and the chances are the mishap will cost L'iria Sara HW.OOO. A Stingy Skipper. There wts cor.f-Iderable indignation. both at Dutch Harbor rind Cape Nome, over the tnr.tmtr.t cftlie Httlc. steamer. Elk JTo.^l by the steamer ban Fearo". The latter yes- TrTERE are hard times ahead for the gold hunters at Cape Nome. according to new? brought by the Zeals.ndia. which returned frnm Nome yesterday. The nigrht the Zealar.dia reached Nome 1500 men valkod the «=tiests looking for a bed and coul^ not P,nd v 4. "Bunkhouscs" were making from SSOOVvTIOCrt a day. Restaurants were coin infTOoney. The gambling places were aoinc a thrivintr business. Suicidos were of daily occurrence. Every man from jCpjne to York was afflicted with what is fcr»n*m «<¦ •H*- << Sitka couch," The /mall r^t oJln la clrciiiaiton was «. tm+SXl n'-fj l/.ttle or no mining has been done, as the cold hunters have been afr-iid to leave their town lots for fear they would be lumped. Shooting scrapes were frequent and misht was ripht- The women have become better shots than the men and they ke«>p the larder supplied while their rmshands guard the claims. So far all the lighterinjr at the gold fields has been done by the Pacific Steam Whaling Company. The other concerns had not succeeded in ret'lng their plants in operation when the Zeaiandia wa? there, and in consequence the entire welfare of the camp depended cpoa the whaling company. A private letter which came down on the Ze?.landla from Captain Humphries cf the whaling company describes the sit uation as follows: VOUE Alaska, June 15. im— Since writing you my last letter, which was pent out on the Portland. this pr«>at (?) city of Xome has rrotrn to alannins: proportion!!. The Or»~on ha« arrived -with some €00 pas eenrers the Pt. Paul with COO. Pan Ula« with 500. Orecon 4SC. Oeorffe "W. Elder with M» and the Tacoma with 300. The Ain ance, Pwth Portland, Luella, Ranier and Fls ral. th«» barjfe Dewey. in tow of the lyuella, and the'echooner Seven Sisters, also the steamship Sadie and Annie M. Fay from St. Michael have arrived. The Pa<!le reports that the Thrasher arrived at Et. Michael a few hours before t"he sailed end will leave Immediately for Nome, with a foil load of passenirprp. and it is reported there are <*» pa«=eneers nt St. Michael waiting for a chmocc to reach thin place. Humerouf Accidents. Reports of accidents, arid serious ones, arrive CaHy. To-fiaT I have the rpport of the loes of the bri« Pltcalrn, which was crushed in the ire cJf St. Lawrence. The steamer Ranier picked t:p »orne f*ssenrers ia » n open launch at sea eff Bt. Latrrenee and reports the total loss of the bark Hunter, which was crushed in the ice near Et. U»rence Island. The None City. wMch was !a company with the Ranier, re turnefl to Et. Lawrence Island for the wrecked jui^er.rers. The eehooner Eclipse was also crue v ed in the lee and th« whereabouts of the crew U not known. The bark Hunter, which was without food, boarded • the schooner and took her stcres previous to the time of her be ing wrecked. The steamer Grace Dollar was etove in the lee laid is now beached near Eledpe Island. These are the reports of the day and, en the whole, can be relied upon. - The Etreets are full of people at a" hours of the day and nlgt-t and the beach is strewn with tents, co that it Is - impossible to land cargo from the rteamers which I am discharging. The Ftear^fhip Senator has- arrived, or did arrive yeft'-rday. and has dkcharpM h»r passengers and bacEase. but to-day a heavy rjrf Is run rln* and Jt is Impossible to do «iythin£. I also filyrharp'^ th « Bteamshlp San Bias, which sailed tfcU tnornin-. June U, for Bt Michael: Also dlscharclrsK the Georee W. Elder. I also <sS»ehars^ the rteaniFhlp Portland, which sailed for San Francisco, and steamship Dora, which railed for Ft- Michael. The harbor te full of sfcirptrijr. the city is crowded with people and ruicidcF are of common oc<njrrence. Thousands cf r«ecrie have ventured here with the same eld Idra In their minds that they could pick up gold in the ftreetfi. only to be'.radly dlrap ix>inted The rteamship Ohio arrived yesterday with CM* paw^nsers arrt.fmalUwx on fraard. Lieuten ant Jarvis uofc Uw matter in hand and has ordered the Ohio Into tjuarantino at ?t. Michael. As I tfcir.k I have stated th* teach !s strewn vSth tent* and '.t is impossible at the present t!in«; t<> E'-t ro^m tnou?h to land th» carso on the l«-*cli. I have *e*-n th» commissioner anj arked him if \ » <-ou!d,riot ciear that b?ach r. rjjj p-ive me a.rhan-r- to land 'the cargo of these Ftfeam^r* an<i h«- ha* app«-ale<l to the lieutenant In tharpe of the Military, who has refused to awtrt him. but he is tryi»K to accomplisli sane thtr-s at a.l events. The officers cf the Zralandia report that the latest find in the poldc-n north tva:* Topkuk, or Monumental Heach. It Is ebout toty miles smith of Nome.^A text miners mnd<- fortunes thore In a fow days. A correspond en t of The Call writer as follows: New Finds at Topkuk. TopKulc vcau flrsrt fta-lu-d «,r. April . 14. I*so. Piece that tiire to date over $:iOC,C*O has been t«i»:i oat in edd rtu«*. Most of •*»» dust sel overhauled the Elk and found her out of coal. An offer was made to take her passengers anil crew aboard, but the cap- THE ZEALAXDIA MAKING HER WAY THROUGH THE ICE. laska she had still twelve tons of coal in her bunkers." : " -v The Zealandia made a splendid run from Nome to San Francisco. On the way north the Ohio and some of the cracks tried con clusions with her, but she beat them all into Dutch Harbor and was coaled and away eight days before the Ohio. Captain Dowdell was presented with a flattering testimonial by the passengers. It is signed by 200 of the gold hunters who went north on the Zealandla. Chief Steward James two shooting affrays which occurred at Nome recently. On June 18, A. G. Lucas, a watchman for the Alaska Commercial Co.. while guarding some land for the company, was accosted by J. Lyons, another claimant. The men became involved in an alterca tion and Lucas shot Lyons, the bullet taking effect In the man's stomach. Ly ons was also armed, and fired five shots at Lucas, all taking effect. Lucas died instantly. Lyons* wound was fatal, and he died the following day. The other shooting scrape occurred in a saloon. A stranger in Nome, who had arrived on June 20, got into a fight on the same day and was shot and instantly killed. The trouble was the result of a gambling dispute. The name of tha mur-4 dered man had not been learned when the Elder left. Restaurants I are doing well, a tquara meal costing $4, while ham and eggs are worth ¦ $1 50. Everything la hustle ai" Nome and the activity at Daw son" tiur ing the height of the Klondike excite ment Is surpassed. The following, vessels were at Nome when the Elder • sailed: Roanoke, St. Paul. San Pedro, Rainier. Luella, Dewey, Albion, Olympia, South Portland. U. 9. S. Bear, Tacoma, Fulton, Santa Ana, Sena tor. Signal, Aloha. Utopia. Grace Dollar. Alliance. Valencia, Lakme, San Jose. Signorita, Elihu Thomson, Ohio and Charles Lane. Purser Hayward describes the scene at Nome as one of unparalleled activity. He says the beach claims have been worked over three or four times, but la of the opinion that the creeks near Nome are rich. He thinks the population of Nome may reach 50,000 before the rush subsides. was also liberally praised, and the Mid- Ocean Message, printed on board, said of him: "He deserves the generous thanks of the passengers. The task of feeding the crowd has been a great one, and had It not been for him some of us would have gone hungry-" There was only one row on the steamer during the passage, and that was when two gamblers began 1 quarreling. Guns were drawn and shots fired while the ves sel was at Dutch Harbor, but no one was hurt. The men were put in Irons, but es caped* while the vessel lay at anchor off Nome. The mall for Dawson, Unalaska, St. Michael. Nome and Yukon River points will leave en the steamer Portland to-day. Mall closes at Station D (ferries) at 3:30 p. m. The. Zealandla ; brought down only $40, 000 in gold dust and the. chances are that there" will not be many larger shipments this year; as claim Jumping has prevented the diggings' from being worked. •ivj'i-' . ¦ ¦ » TWO FATAL SHOOTING AFFRAYS AT NOME Steamer George W. Elder Brings News of Operations in the Gold Fields. The Elder's passage was a quick one. She left here on May 26 and arrived at Nome Juno 14. The Elder brings news of . PORTI.JV.NT>, Or.. June 20.— The steam er George W. Elder arrived this evening nine days from Cape Nome. THE CLARK CLAIM, WHERE THE BIGGEST NOME NUGGET WAS FOUND. ivEiglit Is K,iglrfc on tlie Isrortlierii ZBeetoH axica. Slxootixxg -A.££ca-y-s Are of JFreQ/iaeio-t Occnrrence. tain of the Elk said all he wanted was four tons of coal. This the San Pedro re fused to give, and when the request was cut down to half -a ton It also was met with a' curt refusal. The Elk then decided to sail In. and five days later made Dutch Harbor. When the San Pedro made Una- THE HEROINE OF THE GOLDFIELDS Of? RS. HARRY- CLARK w»a the /'Vyy. ' heroine of -> Nome and 'the &a- J^ ft Jacent"^* g-old fields v when the ''ZealandJa/ wasv there. ' She stood xaard over her hus band's town lotj*> while he was working his beach claims and when .provisions ran short Ihe made -trips "of 190 miles alone to brins) back^ supplies. , : Mrs. Clark Is \ the ; wife* of -Harry Clark, the former swimming? - Instructor of ¦ the Olympic anU ; Blater-ln-law of. Dr. 1 "\Vaverly~- Clark ;1 of f . the; Zealandla, She aiid her huEbandlhave a host oi friends In" San Franclßco. and the news of her adventures will 'come as a surprise to them.' : ¦• "Might Is light.* < in Nome at the present time and whatever n man holds he has 'to "defend. -Harry. Clark owns some valuable , lots In Any.'l City and manj a, time*-,; Mrs. , Clark haß had. to drlv» would-be' equatters away at the point of : a. slaitffun. , During the win ter the stock." of provisions ran very low at "Nome and It became a question of either*. Clark or his' 'wife going to Norton Bay for a fresh supply. Mrs. Clark decided her husband would make a better" guard than she, so she hanjessed th*.'dcgs. to' the sled and drove alone ever .190. miles of Ice and snow ' to- Xorton Bay. ' There she se cured her. supplies and then drove home again. .Three times during: the winter she made the .trip and on each occa sion brought home a string of ptarmi gan which she had brought down With her shotgun. Every night she made her camp, in the snow and with her dogn curled up around her slept with out thought of danger. The accompany ing cut ; shows; Mr. and Mrs. Clark at work onf their, claim behind their cabin. The •• largest -. nugget found in Nome cu_;e out •of that hole and Dr. Wa verly Clark bßjught it down with him as a souvenir. • *'•'-. Tales of isJlar^relo-ULS Finds in tlx© To^lsi-ulIs: Siszt-y- IMliles Scru-ttL of ±lolg Capa ZEALANDIA BRINGS FIRST NEWS OF CAPE NOME GOLD HUNTERS SAN FRANCISCO, SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1900. VOLUME LXXXVIII-KO. 30. PRICE FIVE GENTS. The San Francisco Call.