SACRAMENTO, June 30.— The Exempt Firemen's Association of this city, or ganized in 1872 with 342 members, to-night voted to" disincorporate, sell Its valuable property and divide the '. proceeds amonjj its members, now numbering sixty-seven The first member of the association to die- was Joseph W. Coffroth, the eminent lawvar of parlv/davs. Firemen to Disincorporate. CAPE TOWN, June 30.— It is understood here that after defining his position on the reassembling of Parliament the former Premier, Mr. Schreiner, -will resign- his loot in tha Hfiiisa. MASERU, June, 30.— The^ Boers attacked Hammonla yesterday, ' but " were repulsed. His Seat in the, House. Rumored that Schreiner Will Resign BOHItS REPULSED. Three of the Crew Go to th« Bot tom With, the Luckless . / Craft. PORT HURON, Mich., June 30.— The tug Marion Teller sank last night and three of her crew went down with the boat. The dead are: Al Holmes, engineer; John Kirk (colored), cook; George Moisner, fireman, all of Detroit. • Captain John Cornwall and his brother Ray were rescued, clinging t.o an over turned small boat. They were picked up by the steamer Nonvalk. . The| Teller was towing the schooner Cantondown. bound across the lake, when she began to leak badly. The pumps would not work. A Btrenuous effort was made to beach the tug, but before reach ing shore her fires were extinguished; the steam .was ; exhausted and she filled rap- Idly and sank. Application for a Receiver. CHICAGO, June 30.— Application fcr the appointment of a receiver for the Chicago Consolidated Traction' Company has been made in the Circuit Court by Sutro Bros. & Co.. of New York, bankers and stock holders . In the company. The complain ants are Lionel Sutro. Richard • Sutro, TUG MARION TELLER SINKS IN LAKE HURON to the arrangement carried through to-day the six delegates will be apportioned among the several districts of the county, and each district will be al lowed to choose Its own delegates to the State convention. Judge J.. H. Pryor of Sausalito was a strong advocate of the policy of allowing each district to name its own delegates to the State convention A county convention will be held here September 28 for the purpose of nomin ating a candidate for the Assembly, three Supervisors and Constables and Justices of the Peace, where vacancies may exist. SAN RAFAEL. June 30.— The Republi can County Committee met in this city this afternoon and Was called to order by Chairman E. B. Martinelll. The principal business transacted was the making of a provision for the election of delegates to the Santa Crnz convention, August 28 The manner of selecting the delegates' was discussed very fully by the different members of the committee. On August 11 a convention will be held /to nominate delegates to be voted at the primaries to be held August .14. : . . Special Dispatch to The Call PLAN OF SELECTING ;¦ . DELEGATES IN MARIN On arriving at Salt Lake City the dele gation was met by Chairman Moyle of the bait Lake Democratic Committee, which escorted It about the place and showed every attention. A ride to Salt Atr was followed by a swim in the great Salt Lake, then a visit to the salt palace. At the Mormon Tabernacle, Organist Davis rendered three beautiful numbers. A ride about the city in a special electric car concluded the entertainment. M F Tar pey Is making a vigorous fight for Na tional Committeeman. Other matters are not much discussed. The opinion on Vice President seems to favor x New York man, but neither Hill nor Sulzer. SPRING VILLE, Utah, June ¦ 3O.-The California delegation held a meeting on the train to-day. Mayor Phelan pre sided, in the absence of Senator White. D. W. Carmichael was unanimously elected permanent secretary and ,A1 McCabe assistant secretary. It was agreed to postpone action In regard to the election of National Committee men until the entire delegation should meet together dn Kansas City. A meet ing was called 'to be held at the Coates House. Kansas City, at 10 o'clock on the morning of July 3. The use of the Cali fornia headquarters was tendered to the Hawaiian delegation. . The Ha waiians were pleased with the offer and accepted with alacrity. Special Dispatch to The Call DEMOCRATS ENTERTAINED AT SALT LAKE CITY In the Oklahoma contest the factions are known as the Sipes and Jacobs fac tions. ¦ ¦ - The Indian Territory controversy Is based ujjon a fight over the memberHhip of the National Committee. That position is now held by Thomas M. Marcum, who heads one delegation. These delegations were chosen by separate Territorial con ventions held in Ardmore on the 11th of June, and both claim to bo regular. ¦ but it is essentially a flght for supremacy in the party in the State, and it bids fair to be very bitterly contested. In the case of the District of Columbia the factions are known as the "Norrls" and "Holmead." The regular delegation is headed by National Commltteeman James L. Norris. while William Holmead gives name to and Is a member of the contesting delegation. Holmead's peo ple allege gross fraud In the election of regulars. • The steamer City of Seattle touched here this morning on her way from the north for Seattle. She brought down $200,000 in gold dust, the major part of which is owned by Professor Lippy of Seattle. Dawson passengers say that the exodus from Dawson to Nome still continues., every steamer being crowded pros pectors bound for Nome or Koyakuk. At Ketchikan the dead body of an unidenti fied American was recently found in the river with a stone tied around his neck. It waB at first supposed to bo a case of suicide, but now murder is suspected. VANCOUVER. B. C. June 30.— The steamer Cutch arrived this morning from Skaguay with fourteen passengers from Dawson. The total amount of sold dust brought down was $50,000. Moat of the passengers were for Seattle. C. J. Dum bleton had the largest Individual amount of dust, bringing out $12,000. . • Captain Pillsbury of the San Bias re ports great activity upon the creeks of the district. William Kerr and Thomas Kinman were capsized from a small schooner in the bay of Nome and drowned. They were returning from a prospecting trip. A man named Lucas shot and killed an unknown man while the San Bias was ly ing in tho harbor as a result of the lat ter's attempt to jum-p a claim owned by the Alaska Commercial Company. Luca<» was-, employed by the company in the ca pacity of watchman. Before the unknown man expired he managed to inflict a wound upon the watchman which resulted In his death. J. H. Murray of San Francisco took pol son with fatal results at Nome on June 13. as a result of gloom over the death of his son at that place receiflly. L. M. Woodward of Philadelphia blew out his brains with a revolver on the same day. The suicide was without funds and, brooding over his misfortune in be ing driven from a claim which he had staked, ended his life. . The gold dust aboard the San Bias was all taken from the Dawson cleanups and shipped down the river. The passenger* aboard tho vessel had approximately $200, 000 in dust, which was taken from th 1 * claims at Nome and Rampart City. : The San Bias reports fifteen vessels at Nome when she left and that lighterage rates had advanced to $15 per ton. Shu confirms the, Report that the steamships Ohio and Santa Ana are In quarantine at Egp Island on account of smallpox on board. The Garonne is also In quarantine at Dutch Harbor. : SEATTLE, June 30. — The steamship San Bias, which left Cape Nome Juno 21. ar rived here to-day. The vessel brings $1,000,000 In sold duVt. consiRned from the Bank of British "North America to th-j Seattle assay ofllce, together with news of several tragedies and one suicide whiqh recently. occurred at Nome. . . Attempt of an Unknown Man to Jump an Alaska Commercial j - Company's Claim Causes a , Double Tragedy. Steamer San Bias Arrives at Seattle From Cape Nome. BRINGS DOWN A MILLION FROM THE NORTH REDDING, June SO.— Nothing especially new developed to-day In the Japanese matter. Detective Ahern has returned to Sacramento and everybody is anxious to learn what the Southern Pacific will do. If the Japanese come back trouble ta cer tain. The. Labor Alliance Is exactly In the same attitude on the question as here tofore. They say the Japanese s«hall not return. They met again- last night. Sheriff Behrens Is apprehensive of the outcome. The expelled Japanese are now living in a boxcar, sidetracked at Red Back the Japanese. No Attempt Has Been Made to Bring QUIET AT KESWICK Frank Pachman and Penrose Fleischer. In effect the court is petitioned to nul lify the agreement between the Consoli dated Traction Company and. the Union Traction Company, which was practi cally brought about several months ago by the transfer of the stock of the Con solidated Company for mortgage bonds of the Union Traction Company. » ' ¦ -. — PHOENIX, Ariz.. June 30.— Teresa Lr rca, commonly called Santa Teresa, the younp senorita who has helped to incite the various Yaqui Indian rebellions in Mexico, was shot at Clifton. Ariz.. Friday by G. X. Rodriguez, to whom she had been married two days before. . The youns woman If retarded as a saint and hundreds of Mexicans chased Kodri- Buez into the mountains, wh^re he waa captured after a hard fight. He was un mercifully beaten and narrowly escapea lvnchinp. The pirl will live. ring Yaquis to Rebellion and Was Regarded as a Saint. She Has Been Instrumental in Stir- "SANTA TERESA" SHOT BY HER HUSBAND Bluff, awaiting the action of the railroad. The railroad provided the boxcar for their especial accommodation. The Japanese say they are willing to return if the militia will protect them. Presidency was discussed at length. Mr. Sulzer told . Mr. Bryan he was in the lat ter's hands: that while ho would be grati fied to be Mr. Bryan's running mate, the success of the Democratic party was the first condition and If it was Mr. Bryan's belief- that some other man would add greater strength to the ticket he (Sulzer) would willingly withdraw.* Mr.. Bryan told Mr. Sulzer he would not' presume to dictate or even advise as to the Vice Presidential nominee; that the convention was competent to make a fit selection without a suggestion from him. He told Mr. Sulzer to go ahead with his canvass and that his only hope was that the best man would win. The Sulzer. men were jubilant when tho developments of the day were made known. Congressman Sulzer, ex-Con gressman-v'Lewis; and others left shortly after noon for Kansas City.. LINCOLN, Nebr., June 30.— Lincoln di vided with Kansas City to-day and to night the task of framing a Democratic platform and selecting a running mate "¦for W. J. Brya n. • r The two questions uppermost during the day— and practically the only ones— were the financial plank of the platform and th© Vice Presidency. There was no mistaking the sentiment of the gentlemen in Lin coln on the first proposition. It was a free silver crowd, as. radical In Its stand as Mr. Bryan himself four years ago, Congressman Sulzer and ex-Congressman J. Hamilton Lewis repeated the state ments made last night that there must be an emphatic, explicit declaration for free coinage at 16 to 1. The gentlemen around them echoed the sentiment, and while all were careful not to assume to quote Mr. Bryan, It Was easy to see that they claimed him as one of the disciples of the original faith. Colonel Bryan from early mornlns un til late at night was the central, pole around which gravitated the Democratic hosts. His city home was tha Mecca of the party pilgrims, as a steady stream passed in and out throughout tho day. Mr. -Sulzer had another conference with Mr. Bryan this morning and the Vice SILVER ENTHUSIASTS FLOCK AROUND BRYAN KANSAS CITY, Mo., June 30.— Charles A. Towne. the nominee for Vice President by ihe Populist Convention at Sioux Falls and candidate for the same honor at the hands of the Democratic Convention, ar rived in the city to-day and at once opened his headquarters in the Coates House. He gave his first attention to the arrange ments for the convention of the Silver Re* publicans, whi;h Is to be held In the auJi toriwm in this city on July 4.'and later re ceived a number of politicians. "I really think that I can bring greater strength to the ticket than any other man who has been mentioned up to the present time." he said in an Interview, "and in the circumstances I consider myself the logi cal candidate. It must be remembered that back of me Is the. full strength of the Populist and Silver Republican par tie?, and while it Is true that a consider able part of this will ro Uemocratic any how. I am able to carry Up full vote, anil this I do not think at the present time any other man can do. The Sliver tienubli cans will ask that th*r<» be In the Demo cratic platform a specillc declaration for silver at 16 to 1. An out-and-out reaf tlrmation of the. Chicago platform wilt satisfy u-<, but we would prefer the real thinv ami no beatlnjj about the bush." . Who w;ih to present his namn to tho Democratic convention for Vice President Mr. Towne could not nay. The matter was to be nettled, he said, at a conference of tho Silver Republicans* to be held on Monday, and all arrangements regarding his candidacy will be settled at that time. As to whether his name would go before the convention provided his candidacy were not Indorsed by the Democrats at the conference v to be held between the Democrats nnd Populists and Silver Re publicans prior to the convention Mr. Towne would not say. but he intimated that his name would be placed in nom ination no matter whether the Democratic committee accepted him or not. "If tho Demflcnatic party Bays that It does not want me," said he. "I rather think that my chances of securing a nom ination from them are somewhat slim. I might not even get the nomination, even though the committee said that It did want me. The voice of a committee is not always the voice of the convention and it will be ample time for me to settle that matter when I know what I am called to pasH upon. At the present time I would say, however, that my name will go before the convention." — * TOWNE SAYS HE IS LOGICAL CANDIDATE .CANTON, Ohio. June SO.-Prcsldent Me- Klnley reached Canton to-»l.iy and went, directly to the remodeled cottage in North Market street, in the.lSOfi campaign, where ho was Kroeted hy tho members of tho citizens' reception com mittee of lSW. who had arranged an Infor mal reception. -The Vrosklont paused on the porch In response to the calls of a vast crowd and said; : .; : .-¦¦• ' My Fellow-cltlzons: It 1b nredlrsa for me to say that wo arr very slad to pet homo uRaln ond to be with you ami each one of you n« of oldiL And the pleasure "'-M? very Krontly «>n hr-noeil by the warm n ml hearty welcome which my out neighbors and fellow-oifUens -have : givqn nu- here this mornttiK. fur which I meat pro foundly thank you all. ¦ ! .: It was just such- a scene as was. .wit nessed every day- of:' tne «::impalK!i.' and the cheering wnsas loud and aa lusty and the r enthusiasm as. great.;'aa- when tho crowds from nil over the. country On nit. here In the llrst campaign. The reception was entirely iioiv-iviirtisaii— a- welcome of friends to rrlcrfd?..>l( brgwn. as the regv lar Pennsylvania; train appeared, at tho eastern limits, of the city, wlicn.a shrill Mast from one «f the. busy factories gravo the signal, lustantly other whistles all over the city joined in the deafenlnK re frain. At the same Instant employes oi the numerous shops alortK-the railroad rushed to the windows mid. -with cheeYn and waving hats and handkerchiefs, wel comed the distinguished;. party. When the arrivals left the train tho.citl jiens" reception committee of "J>tj. wearing the badges which became familiar then, opened the way to the carriage. Tho President's carriage took Mrs. McKinley and her maid directly to the Rarber home. The. President, Secretary Cortelyou : anil other members of the party took landaus and were driven to the McKinley. home, The Canton troop and the mounted: recep tion committee- of 1S9G led the way. the (•rand Army Band playing "Home, Swoet Home." ¦ ;' i •- •'• . : . •. , •• • .. ' :AVhat Canton did hi welcoming: the Pres ident other cities/ did along the route to the extent of the opportunity afforded by the brief stops of a fast train. From day light on. there was an almost continuous ovation. '.Demonstrations were made, at Alliance* Salem. Latonia and other man ufacturing towns along the line by the crowds on the platform and by workmen In shop windows. The President-, appeared on the platform and acknowledged., the Greetings with bows and waVings of his hand.' It was remarked that both the. President, and Mrs. McKinley were ap parently, in excellent health. '•¦:¦ :¦¦'. Factory ,Whistles Announce the Ap ."• proacli of His Train and Old * .Neighbors Escort Him ; • v. From the Station. Home-Coming of the Presi dent Made a Gala , , Event CANTON GIVES WARM WELCOME TO McKINLEY Convention May Split on the P.roposM Evasion of a Specific Declaration for a Sixteen-to-One Ratio. J DEMOCRATS DIVIDED ON THE SILVER QUESTION THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, JULY 1, 1900. 14 Hopes of Bryan and Democracy Frozen to the Trust Which Will Not Be Condemned at Kansas City. KANSAS CITY, June 3?.— There is a constant bang, bang of hammers, rasping of sawp, shouting of or ders and rushing of fV»fct day and night at the big hall where the I>emocratic National Convention is to be i held. As fast as one portion of the struc- 1 ture is finishe'd the decorators pounce upon j it £.nd with bflts of bunting. I'a.-^s and ! pictures of Democratic leaders. *ct In the national coat of arms, cover up the •walls and pjiace? so that the delegates who assemble on' the Fourth will se<» all the colnrs and emblems of the national holi day coupled with evidr-nce of a Democrat ic celebration. Seme f^ars are expressed by now ar rivals regarding the possible failure to have the hall ready in time, but the gen uine Western push and energy, character istic of Kansas City, encourage tjie be lief that everything will r*> ready when Chairman Jones calls ihe convention to ordr-r at noon next Wednesday. The decorations on the outside of the State delegation headquarters are not yet in place, save in a few instances, a:;d only a building here and there is ornamented with ft^gs. but on Monday there will be a great change in their appearance The decorations are being saved in ordr-r that they may be fresh when the delegates come. About the hotels, however, there is al ready briskness and moving throngs of ramiljar convention fac^s. A number of old-line Democrats who have been going to conventions for year? and the youngtr men who belong to the "new Democracy" have arrived and taken up the work "in nand. Several boomer? of the Vice Presi dential candidates have come in and are making considerable noise. ¦ Divided on Silver Issue. Delegates are dropping in from different sections and ths meeting of the sub-com rnitteo on convention arrangements at tracted quite a knot, of men about the national committee headquarters. As on Friday, the most interesting topic, and that which gives the Democrats here the most concern, is promised contest over the 16-to-l phir.k of the platform. The utterances of men like National Chairman Jones. William J. Stone and ether Western and Southern leaders, to gether with the action of Western ana Southern Democratic State conventions in their platforms, would seem to indicate that a reattirmution of the Chicago plat form is all thrit would be necessary. Such action under ordinary circumstances would be apt to be accepted as the prob able action of the national convention, but the reports from Lincoln indicate that 16 to 1 must be specifically declared if the views of Mr. Bryan are to be followed There are so many delegates who desire to carry out the wishes of the coming nominee that tfc» clash between them and those holding different views is likely to be spirited and the result somewhat doubtful. Chairman Jones said that the declaia tion on silver should not vary the breadth of a hair from that marked in the Cbi- CCgo platform, and he thinks a reaffirma tlon is sufficient. The breadth of a hair, however, . is Ktill too wide for some and they favor splitting the hair, especially if the Chicago platform Is to be the test. The extreme silver men insist that a "re afllrmation would be a concession." Gold men and others who have returned to the party s:iy yuch a concession Is sufficient. So the hair that Senator Jones spoke about seems to be wide enough to cause a lively contest when the platform is con sidered. There are some other features of the platform that may not be agreed upon at once— expansion, the present Chinese sit uation and the Coeur d'Alene riots. But the' differences over these can be readily adjusted, as they are either foreordained now or susceptible of manipulation by the platform expert?. Candidates Arrive Early. Three Vice Presidential possibilities came in to-day — the chairman of the Sil ver Republican committee, who was named by the Populists for Vice Presi dent, Charles A. Towne: Benjamin F. Bhiveley. ex-member of Congress from In diana, and William Sulzer, member of Congress from New York. The latter ar rived late in the evening, after spending a day or two at Lincoln, where he had been conferring with Mr. Bryan. Mr. Towne modestly outlined the reasons which prompted him to bo a candidate. Mr. Shiveley said he was not a candidate, while his friends declared that he would be presented by Indiana. No one" is yet ready to hazard a prediction that any one of these men will be selected. The arrival of these candidates created talk and speculation, but neither they nor any one else can now even guess how many votes any one of them will receive. There has been a renewal of the talk about nominating Mr. Bryan on the Fourth of July, and a night Fession\has been suggested in order to accomplish this. It is even paid that he may be nom inated before the platform is adopted, but many are doing what they can to dis courage the proceeding, declaring that it will be crowding sentiment too far to de part from the regular and orderly proced ure of the convention. Thfre is still uncertainty a? to whether Mr. Bryan will come to Kansas City after the convention makes the nomination. No one now here is authorized to speak for him. It has been said that the con vention can conclude all its business in two days, and the third day be devoted to giving a reception to Mr. Bryan and listening to a speech from him. This would be an attractive programme, es pecialiv for Kansas City, as the appear ance of Mr. Bryan would doubtless attract as many people as the opening day. Although the National Committee has taken no action, there has -been a great deal of correspondence and consultation among leader? everywhere on the*subject at presiding f^Ticers, and the understand ing is that Mayor Roue of Milwaukee will .1>e the temporary chairman and James T). P.ichardson of Tennessee, the minority leader in the House of Representatives, the permanent chairman.. CLARK-DALY FEUD v.^ , AGAIN TO THE FORE KANSAS CITY, June 20.-So far us the National Democratic Committee is in formed, the convention -will have four con tests to decide.' Only one. of yiese- con tests involves a State delegation.' Two of the others refer to the representation of Territories and the other to the District of Columbia. ' The State contest is over the representation from Montana and the two Territories involved are Oklahoma arm In-" dlan Territory. ' . ; . ¦" .¦ ' The greatest interest centers in the Mon tana contention, because of the Clark- Daly feud, which found such bitter ex pression during the last session of Con gress in the fight over the scat of Horn \V. A. Clark in the Senate. The advance representatives of both fac tions are already here, and they are quite busy in presenting their respective claims' to recognition. Senator Clark will head the delegation bearing his name, -while the Daly delegation is led by Hon. Martin J. Maginnls, who received Governor Smith's appointment for Senator, as Mr. Clerk received the . appointment by the Lieutenant Governor In the absence of the Governor. Others of the Clark delegation are:, former Governor Hauser, J. M. Holt Frank Higgins and H. E. Frank. 'Mr Ma- Kinnis' associates are: Robert B. Smith W. M. Cockrlll. Paul Fuse, Dr. J. M. Fox and ex-Congressman Walter S. Hartman. In this contest both the Clark people and the Daly people claim regularity. They held separate State conventions and both were held in Butte on the same day. Some technicalities are Involved in th« raw • An Honest Tired Feeling Is caused by necessary toll and cured by natural rest. But very different is "that tired -feeling." which takes you to bed tired and wakes you up tired. That tired feeling originates In Impoverished blood and needs Hood's Sarsaparllla for Its cure. The tonic effect of this medicine is felt by the . stomach, kidneys and liver; appetite comes back and that tired feeling is gone. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Medicine. Price fL HOOD'S FVJLG cure co&ftip&tlca. Price, I*c Will Be Afldeil to Our CLEARANCE SALE TO=Mt>RROW, MONDAY, JULY 2, 1900. 5000 GARMENTS JUST RECEIVED, Purchased from Leading Eastern Manu- facturers and Importers At Exactly Half Regular Values. This Enormous Purchase consists of TAILOR-MADE SUITS, TAILOR - MADE JACKETS, OUTING SKIRTS, DRESS SKIRTS, LADIES' AND MISSES' CLOTH CAPES, ULSTERS, AUTOMOBILES, PLUSH CAPES, MISSES' CAPES, Etc. 500 LADIES' WHITE PIQUE SKIRTS, handsomely braided, former price $1.50, will be offered CCf* ¦ Ladies, call and examine these sroods J. OIBrien never misrepresented goods. Ladies, purchase or no purchase, you will be treated with politeness. LADIES' ; TAILOR-MADE SUITS, valuefjr ftft for $22.50, will be offered at UlUiUU ALL GOOD.S MARKED IX PLAIN FIGURES. COURTESY AND ATTENTION GUARANTEED. None here but competent young ladies. . THE LARGEST STOCK OF CLOAKS AND SUITS EVER EXHIBITED IN SAN FRANCISCO. Uiv DniLlivu vUi 1146 Market Street. "Finally. I wrote ... to Dr. Hartman, and .1 am thankful ¦ : to say . that I am now Avflll, through bis good advice anil medicine. I am gaining in flesh and foil young again. I was .very emaciated, but how tty own children are surprised In tho great change in me when they visit me." "/ was not well for six years, pat many doctor bills, but never im- proved very much. I gave up hopes of ever recovering. : So many housewives suffer from ner vous depression due to catarrhal weak- ness peculiar to their sex. and suffer nn year after year, not knowing what thei- ailment is. Mrs. Mary Cook of. Pitt: ford, N, Y., .suffered for six years befo:. she learned of Peruna. Mrs. Cook rt cently wroto the following letter to D; Hartman: -. * ' ' ' "/ took a couple of bottles and be- gan to feel better. I continued its use until now I am a we II woman. I praise Peruna highly and wish other women would use it." Miss Annie Zlott, 72 Livingston street, Newark, N. J., took Peruna for extreme nervousness. She says: "I was very III and thought I would die. I had a ter- bU headache and my head swam; I unight I would never get well; I seemed i have a great complication of diseases nd bought medicines, but they did me TO good. "Finally I gave up and thought I would wait for my end. One day 1 happened to pick up one of your books. I read of ither women who were near death and had been cured by , Peruna, so I thought I wcjifild try it. Most wrmen feel the need of a tonic to counteract the debilitating effects of fummer weather. Peruna is such a rem- ery. It cures all catarrhal conditions, whether it T>e weakness, nervous depres- sion or summer catarrh. For a. free book cn summer catarrh, address The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus. Ohio "Four weeks ago I believed I had consumption; I took a severe cold, and although for ihe first few days the mucus in my throat and chest was loose, it finally became so bad that I had difficulty in breathing. "Pain In the shoulders followed. As I had placed by confidence in you and Peruna, I followed your directions strict- ly, and improved from day to day, and am now well again." :. Mrs. Anna Roes, 2313 North Fifth street, Philadelphia, Pa., writes: ADVERTISEMENTS. oTT ' (0^^^^^ C^V*^ V^> 1 NEWARK. W*"'***ft0 a