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into A Dajun or soil wai«. ji pieasant shampoo, especially for the little ones, to keep ever ready, is a mixture of two ounces each of glycerin and New Eng land rum In a quart of bay rum. After the use of any of these liquids the hair should be thoroughly washed in clean warm water. Use a fine tooth comb, but be careful not to Irritate the scalp. If a hair oil Is desired perfumed glycerin can be used with always pleasing results. Axiothc-r safe preparation Is to dissolve half an ounce of • transparent soap In a quart of soft water, add a wineglassful of alcohol and a few drops of perfumed oil. shake well and set aside for using. Perhaps the most common shampoo of ail is simply to put a. teaspoonXul of borax Into a. Quart of water; or. mix a table spoonfnl of the- beat olive oil with the gams quantity of spirit* of ammonia, add half an ounce of glycerin and poor all time there is nothing- but ammonia In the water. "Last of all Is a rinsing In abso lutely clear warm water. When the hair is too oily I use a little bicarbonate of soda. '. . "The drying should be carefully done. I take a bath towel, one of the big, soft kind, and rub the hair till seemingly every particle of the water Is absorbed. Then I fan the locks till they are quite dry. I end by rubbing into the scalp some soft ening lotion such as bay rum. Sometimes my. sister's hair is so fluffy that I use a little of the perfumed glycerin! " In the first combing I use nothing but the comb, not taking up the brush till the tangles are all. out." CYNTUU WESTOVEE AJ-DEN. &he right way is W$SQ simple certainly 'mrih learning. Glycerine possesses in a high degree the property of extracting the fragrance of Cowers. Put into the glycerin the leaves of any flower you wish, and by leaving them there a week or two" the agreeable odor will permeate the -whole. Pour a few drops of this Into the rinsing water and the effect will be highly satisfactory. Perhaps no child in New York has a prettier" head of flaxen hair than little Irene Truax of No. 2W We^st One Hun dred and Twenty-first street. Four years ago her hair was shingled close, but it Is now down "to her waist again. This luxuriant hair Is not a gift of heredity, but the result of her mother's patient care." Now, this ; care chiefly 'falls upon Irene's sister Louise, who," for the benefit of many little girls who do riot know how to look out for their hair, tells what she does to keep Irene's curls in such good condition: "I break an egg into a saucer," she eays, "and rub it thoroughly into the hair. Then I rub the egg well into the scalp. A thorough wash with soap and •warm water and a tiny bit of borax fol lows. Then I wash it again without put ting soap In the water, but using instead another egg. and a little, spirits of am monia.- The rinsine comes n«xt. This nth rAlii_ k Dressi ng a Little Girl's Hair