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VACATION'S DONE. » ¦ ¦ "Confidentially," said the statesman, "I wrote that plank In the platform. "I congratulate you," said his friend; heartily. "I read It over three times, and I'xn blest If it commits the party to any thlng!"-Puck. . - A MASTERPIECE. ."Yes, we had Quite a blowout at our house early this morning." "Peculiar time for it." "Yes; the new hired girl blew out the gas in the pas stove and the gus blew out the side of the kitchen." —Cleveland Plain Dealer. A DOUBLE BLOW. "Don't you dare kiss me," she said, waxningly. "Why, I wasn't thinking of such a thing," he said. . "Well. -I was," she replied firmly. — An •swers. " MAKES A DIFFERENCE. asked the office cat. "I don't thijik I can," replied the clockr "How about Tialf past 6, then?" "Oh. I can make that, hands down."— Philadelphia Press. "Will you meet me here at 4 o'clock?" ALWAYS MADE THAT WAY. Willie — No, ma'am; but she elves me a lickln' when I ain't. . • ¦ Visitor— Does your -mamma give you anything for being- a good boy? AN INCENTIVE . Householder— IW you know I sometimes think that gas meter cheats me? Gasman — Well, what of it? Wouldn't you cheat the meterlf you knew how to do It?— Boston Transcript VERY LIKELY. "I am pretty tired to-night." com plained the organ grinder's monkey. * "I feel all played out myself," said the organ. THE DAILY GRIND, Citizen— Dear me, how short < the years get as a man grows older. - Offlceseeker — Oh,, say, old man, you ought to go Into politics.— Indianapolis Journal. v Judge—You were begging on the public streets and yet you had $20 in your pocket. Prisoner —Yes, Jedge, I may not be as industrious as some, y'r honor, but I'm no spendthrift.—New York Weekly. A LONG TIME BETWEEN ELEC TIONS. HIS REDEEMING QUALITY". Ethel— Mamma, don't you think women should know how to cook so that they may be able to look after their husband's. digestion when they marry? Mamma— Certainly, dear. Ethel— Mayn't I go to the kitchen, then, and practice making butter scotch? — Brooklyn I Aft. Boss—I don't know whether to: dis charge that new boy or raise his salary. Manager—What has he been doing? Boss—He rushed Into my private office this morning and told me there was a man downstairs who would like to see me. Manager—Who was it? Boss—A blind man.—London Tit-Bits. PREPARATORY. SMART, BUT-.INDISCR.EKT. •Vcbic on, Itootie: let's rush down the hill and trip 6p that old duffer!" it." :. ' ' : . ; '"".¦ ¦ ¦ ':, "But I want thd ribs for dinner. Dave is coming now." "For dinnerriT:::! "Certainly. For dinner.". "Madame, what : do you think this place is?" ' .'The butcher's, of conrse." "No, madame. this Is an umbrella facr tory."— Chicago " News. "Just to think!" said young Mrs. Tighe. "Dave will be home In a few minutes and there is nothing' to" eat in- the house. V 1 sent an order to" that butcher this morn- Ing.--' How, stupid. some people are!"- Then she went "out "In the hallway to the telephone. 2 Connections were made and a deep masculine voice called: s Mrs. tiptoed and responded:. '.'Where are- those ribsf ' "What ribsr^U, ; - ' - : ¦ .-¦. "The ribs I ; ordered this morning." : "Did order any ribs?" ' V Yes," . and . j ; ou promised to Bend them in less than m hour. - Here ¦ it la _.';*¦ • "Who Is tnlsT" "Mrs. TIghe", 820 Indiana avenue." ¦". "One moment, please, and I 'will: In quire." -"''-. • '.'¦: In. a few. moments he was back. * . "Boss says he didn't receive any order from you." "He did. He took the order hlms.elf." ; "Strange! r How many ribs was it, ma -' "Seven or eight, I guess.".: ".. "Well, I don't know what to do about different Kinds of Ribs. T PUTTING OFFDUK& Ella— The gentleman who lodges above appears very attentive to you. Bella— Ah. yes ; I am even . engaged to him. But yet I am tortured with doubt. Would that I knew whether he loves me for myself alone! " Ella— But why In the world should he marry you otherwise? Bella-Well, to tell the troth, he owes ray mother six months' rent.— St. Louis Globe-Democrat. THE LOVELY POTTER& •The Potters have a new runabout." **I should think those Potter girls were til the runabouts they could stand."— Cleveland Plain Dealer. WELL SUPPLIED. ••Bredderin," remarked Deacon Dark leleh, "some: ob de younp^h members ob tbe congrregashun hab been makin" fun ob de size ob ouah " belubbed pastoah's feet I wants ter tell dem dat ouah pas toah's Li strickly in accohd wif Solomon, who said: *Wif all dy elttin*. pit ondah standin"."—Baltimore American. THE POET. "Sir." said the Long Haired One Indig nantly to the editor, "the poet is born." "Oh. la her* retorted the editor. "Well, Fn darned sorry he is. But this Isn't the place where they take In the birth no tices. You go on downstairs to the busi ness office."— Detroit Free Press. "By ram! Every thing does come to the man who waits!" THE SUNDAY CALL. DOING THK SPLIT Back from tft^ farms and hills and dales. Back from the valleys and back from the vales. Back to school and the comrades there. Back to the playground's noise and glare. . Come the children, bronzed. and tanned, Back from the surf and the ocean strand; Books are open— school's begun. Work bard now— vacation's done. 'Away we go!" "Great hambone! What are we up against?"