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again the theater managers of San Francisco have been called ,/i \\' J P° n to aid a common cause und relieve a distressed people. The ap- II llpeal from the inundated districts of the Texas coast has been" a* promptly rt-Vponded to by thtm as though It was to them alone it was iddressed.'- The news of the Galveston disaster, followed by the call iJv.i.. for aid, took them to the counsel chamber. Thera they laid their plans for a benefit, but that their aid might be of greater benefit in the fields of, .suffering and death they decided to forthwith subscribe $1000 to the relief fund and. immediately forward the same to the authorities of Texas. A' check was yrepared and signed and by to-night this money will have been expended in securing comfort for many of the homeless. The discussion of the proposal to five a benefit to secure additional funds for the relief of the sufferers was next taken up. Without much arsument It was decided to give the benefit at the Orpheum-on Tuesday next. Kach thf Jter In San Fran cisco will send its talent to take part in the performance. Clay Clement and L. R. Stockwell and their company from the Columbia, Ferris Hart man and the "Ship Ahoy" company from the Alharnbra. the fumous Italian opera com pany booked to appear at the California. Jessie Bartlett E>av:a and other stars from the. Orpheum. Ada Lewis and company from the Alcazar, the Frawley company from the Grand and the Tlvoll opera company and chorus will ap pear, on- the hill and vie In entertanlng. those fortunate enough to be among the audience at the monster entertainment. ". . Though the above f*cts have been announced by the thtater managers, the hour of beginning and the length of time necessary to run the programme through have not been announced. During the remainder of this week the managers will busy- themselves completing arrangements. Jeciding upon th« prices to be charged for admittance and preparing the bill. Though these pre liminaries must yet be arranged, the one fact Is assured— that through the the ater managers of San Francisco the people will substantially respond to the call for aid -from": Galveston. the scene of s/uffering. desolation and death. Managers Send Big Check to Flood Victims and Will Again Respond to Call for Aid. SAX FRANCISCO'S Board of Trade will make immediate and substan tial response to the urgent appeals for aid from stricken Galveston The appalling tragedy that destroyed the business of the city par alyzed its commerce and left no employment for thousands of home less and suffering people but to search the tide for the dead and dy ir.K. is as keenly lamented throughout San Francisco as elsewhere on the Rlobe. Likewise the response to the call for aid has been as prompt and will be as rich in result. Though yesterday was a holiday, early in the morning various members of the Board of Trade conferred with President A. A. Watkins as to the advisability of calling a meeting of the directors forthwith. Messengers were sent to the various members of the board of directors. Within a few hours the meeting had convened and suggestions had been offered as to the beft means to the end. At the suggestion of President Watkins it was agreed that three solicitors ehouid be employed to visit each and every member of the Board of Trade, lay before them the purpose of the board andsecure their subscriptions. A corps of employes under the direction of Henry S. Smith, secretary of the Board of Trade, took up the labor of notifying as many mem bers as possible of the, distress and urgent reed of the people of Galveston. Until late In the evening the work of notifying the members of the Board of Trade went on. This morning It is rxptcted that the gold will begin pour ing into the coffers cf the relief committee and into the satchels of the so licitors. At the meeting: yesterday It was decided that money, not food and cloth ing, would b<" forwarded for the aid of the distressed. Before food or cloth ing could roach Galveston from this part of the country it would be too late to be of benefit. As soon a^ the money comes In it will be r.lred to GaJveston and within a day or two, perhaps by to-night,, the first Installment of San Francisco's contribution will have reached the ucepe of the disaster. "Our action for the relief of the sufferers of Galveston." said President Watkins. "was tho result of our own deliberations and followed the sugges tion of various members who called and made known to me their determin ation to aid the sufferers of the flooded district. As soon as the relief fund has assumed Fubftantial proportions it will be wired to Galveston. "P<rhaps w* will sono the money to the Mayor of the stricken city, maybe to the Governor of the State or to any committee which we are advised is in charge of the relief work. By taking thrs means we will be able to assist the sufferers when they most need assistance. From one day's labor we ex pect substantial results." Directors Meet at President's Call and Decide to Raise Funds to Aid Homeless. BOARD OF TRADE WILL SEND GOLD THEATERS WILL GIVE A BENEFIT Galveston "under orders of the. War De partment to investigate tue condition of affairs and report. It is understood i.ere that he will take charge of affairs there. He has already taken charge of the Gal veston. Houston and Hmderson Railroad, the only road in -operation to the coast, and a rigid decree against people going to oalveston has been Issued. There 13 loud complaint at the order. Hunareds of peo ple are here who have relatives in ual veston. and they are using every effort to *?et Into the city. Special correspondents are also having a Continued on. Fourth Page. . HOUSTON, Tex.. Septl .11.— General Me : Kibbcn, commanding ? t he ; Department \ of Texas, left to-day- on -the. .Galveston ,' [Houston ' and^' Henderson - Railroad/ for- Texas 'City.' where he got a skin* and went I to: Galveston.\V General , McKlbben'goe's r to •'. ¦ V .¦- :. .. '-..-- .'Or •'•••,.¦¦,-? .:' :.•¦'¦ CARLOADS. OF RATIONS AND TENTS; FOR HOMELESS "All. that I have done so far," said he, "is to announce that if any desire to con tribute they may leave their contributions at the office of the Mayor, where care will be taken" to see that the gifts are safe until disposed of as intended. I'wlll wait until. to-morrow /before I act. in any capa city. .To-morrow's "reports may throw some" different light upon the situation at Galveston, and then is time to 'act. It has .been suggested . that committees be appointed to solicit contributions v from the kind-hearted of. this city, but I have done nothing in this direction as yet and will not until to-morrow. ...By .'that; time we will know more, and the' holiday* being over '.we' can' approach "the matter: in a businesslike ' way. So - far ; I - have formed no plans and will not until to-morrow." , . According -to .the statement of Mayor Phelan, he has not made any move In the mattci 1 of relieving the sufferers of Gal iveston and will not until" something more definite is learned from the stricken dis tricts " ' .¦ V : -*rt. '.' ' " i* ' '¦ :V . No Move Made by Mayor. The result of the Governor's .cogitation was the flashing over the 'wires of the message of Buccor from the. Golden State. which has just "celebrated her fiftieth year of prosperity, to the Lone : Star State, crippled and crushed .by. the loss of one ; of her finest cities and thousands of human lives. "Yes, this can be done," said the ,Gov r ernor. "I will give the matter my serious thought, and will do what seems best under the* circumstances as we learn of the condition in ' Texas in the next few hours.' Whatever. is done must be wlth r out regard to political, or private ambi tions. The assistance must come from the people" of .the State, and I will assist in the capacity of one of the people." Ix)s Angeles, Sacramento. Stockton. San Jose and other large coast cities. request- Ing them to act as assistant committees to co-operate with the main committee of this city. ; ; GOVERNOR GAGE sent a telegram late last night to Governor Sayer3 of Texas assuring the latter of the sympathy felt by California ' for the sufferers from the terrible dis aster which has overtaken Galveston. Thu telegram offers assistance -to those de prived of home and fortune by the awful storm. The Governor . returns to Sacra mento to-day, and upon receiving a repiy to the dispatch .the chief executive will appoint a committee' to take charge of the collection of the" aid money. - Will Appoint a . Committee. Shortly after his -breakfast with Cali fornia Parlor, N. S. ;G. '.'."W., In the Palace Hotel," the. Governor .was approached by Charles M. Shortridge and a representa tive of .The Call, who drew his attention to the great distress of -the Texas- people. It was suggested* to him that California should not be behind in .succoring .those whom the elements, had rendered desti tute. In order that the contemplated as sistance-should be '• delicately offered it should come' from the entire people of thi3 State, one-. is -more .representative of the people than the Governor. Private enterprises in this worthy direction' are always regarded with the suspicion that self-aggrandizement or: personal gain arc the prevailing -motives,. -but when, the Governor takes up such, a movement the public : has full cpnfldence in what Is be ing done and a conviction, that; their do nations are not going astray or being mis applied. : • ' Governor : Gage grasped' • the : situation and stated that from an oflicial position he could not act. He'nad not, been of ficially informed of any disaster in Texa» or that help for the sister State Is needed/ and added, "However, there ;is '.another standpoint to view the situation from. The sentiment of : humanity' and brotherhood demands that action be taken without of ficial red tape. I cannot see '¦¦ my way clear to act ; in ah official capacity, but as an individual' I do. : A rough plan which suggests; itself to my. mind, is to appoint a -committee of representative': men whose Integrity Is unquestionable, and have them take in hand. the matter of collecting food, clothing and cash"* for - those" who are * in need In Texas. The urgency, of the 'case demands 1 that the majority of . the com mittee, be selected from the; business men of, San Francisco."* ¦'¦'; : .• ¦ •. •. Vj/ ; Mr. Shortridge ¦ suggested r that' the Gov ernor wire to some prominent citizens ; of Qoveraoir Qage •. Sends a Message, ©f Cond oflemice .and a Promise of .Succor to ; Texas 5 CUM piiltlii CALIFORNIA WILL AID HOMELESS OW GALVESTON SCENE OF DEATH AND DESTRUCTION IN STORM-RENT GALVESTON. GAL.VKSTON, Tex., Sept. 11.— Over 2300 bodies have already been taken out to sea or bjirled in trenches. Other hundreds are yet to be taken from the ruins. These bodies are now ill badly decomposed and they are being burled In trenches where they are found. Others are being burned in the debris where it can ¦foe done safely. There is little attempt at identification and It Is safe to say that there will never be a complete list of the dead. . Chief of Police Ketchum Is in charge of the work of burying thfc dead. There are large bodies of men engaged in this work, tearing up the ruins and getting out the corpses. Sorrie of those •whose bodies arc being taken out were probably only, in jured when they were first struck down, but there was no getting relief to them, and they perished miserably. , The remnant of the force of regular sol diers who were stationed here, and It is a very small remnant, have joined the po lice in patrolling the city. ' • ¦ Several persons have already been shot, It' Is reported.- A soldier of Captain Raf ferty's battery, while patrolling the beach this morning, ordered a man to desist from looting. The fellow drew a weapon and the soldier shot him dead. . The sol dier was attacked by fcur other men and he killed all of them. He had five'car tridges in his rifle and each of them found a victim. Other men have also been shot but the details. are not known, nor can the exact number be ascertained. It. is probable that twenty-five were killed. Some of these were shot for falling to halt when' ordered to do so. Others were shot for vandalism. The ruins of the brick buildings have not yet been searched for the dead, and there is a large number in them. In the mass of rubbish which marks the site of the Lucas Terrace Bridge house forty or fifty people were killed outright and' their bodies are still In the ruins. The Orphans' Home is totally demol ished. Ninety-two children and eleven nuns were killed. It is rumored that one sister escaped, but if she did no. trace can be found of her. Of the regular soldiers few remain. Twenty-three were drowned at the bar racks at Camp Hawley and seven at Boli var. .One man drifted about in the bay until Monday morning and was taken out alive. The correspondent stood at the foot of Tremont street and counted" nine floating bodies without- mo'vlns, and* this Js .only, one instance. \ It is not known 'whether these were water, front victims . or. dead beings cast up by the sea. A lot of rub bish was. being: loaded on-barges and this stuff had many bodies In it. MORE THAN TWO THOUSAND BODIES HAVE BEEN BURIED dertake this work without charge and all' moneys subscribed will be promptly. forwarded. The company Issued a statement to this effect last evening and by to-night the sounders in ¦ far away Texas will begin to tap off the many sums . subscribed by the people and or ganizations of this city. The Postal Telegraph Company's offer means the saving of many dollars to the relief fund and will doubtfes be taken advantage of. HE elves twice who gives quick ly.". This truth has been rec ognized by the people of San Francisco and prompt organization by those who have taken up the relief work assures quick returns. All moneys subscribed for the re lief of the Galveston sufferers must be as quickly forwarded. The Postal Telegraph Company will un- RELIEF FUND TO BE WIRED FREE GREWSOME WORK AT GALVESTON IN COLLECTING AND BURYING THE DEAD Many Conflicting Reports Sent Out Concerning the Num ber of Victims of the Hur ricane, and the Figures Range From 6OO to 5OOO. Some 23OO Bodies Said to Have Been Buried. GOVERNOR OF TEXAS WIRES THE CALL ON LOSS OF LIFE AND PROPERTY MOST conflicting arc the reports from Galveston relating to the number of persons killed by the hurricane. Es timates of the dead range from hundreds to thousands. In a message to The Call Governor Savers of Texas says the loss of life in Galveston alone is from 600 to 1500. The relief com mittee of Galveston, headed by Mayor Jones, declares the dead will number 3000. In another message Jones figures out that 5000 perished in the storm-swept city. However this may be, the fact remains that thousands of families are homeless. Relief is being hastened to them from many sections of the Union. GALVESTOX, Texas, Sept. 11. — Some order is being brought out of chaos, and something like a systematic attempt is being made to clear the debris and remove the dead. Idlers are being pressed into the service at the point of the bayonet and made to work, and a military cordon is being drawn tighter and tighter about the place. Even- horse and mule that was left in the city is in service. Supplies are coming in from Houston, and the first line of communication with the outside world was obtained to-day via Texas City. The forces are working on rail roads, and in a few days the people of Galveston believe the situ ation will be greatly improved. AUSTIN, Tex., Sept. 11.— To The Gall, San Eran cisco: The loss of life at Galveston -alone is from 600 to 1500. The loss of property is $10, 000,000. Four thousand houses were swept away. JOSEPH -D.-SAYERS.yr SAN FRANCISCO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1900. PRICE FIVE CENTS. VOLUME LXXXVIII-NO. 104. The San Francisco Call. MAYOR OF GALVESTON SAYS 5OOG PERISHED » GALVESTON, £»pt. 11. — It is my opinion, based on personal information, that 5OOO people have lost their lives here. Ap proximately one-third of the residence portion of the city has b«en swept away. There are several thousand people who are home less and destitute — how many, there is no way of finding out. Ar rangements are now being made to have the women and children sent to Houston and other places, but the means of transportation are limited. Thousands are still to be cared for here. We appeal to you for immediate aid. WALTEB C. JONES, Mayor Galveston. Tex.. Sept. 11.— The following statement of conditions at GalvcFton and appeal for aid is issued by the local relief committee: A conservative pFtlmate of the loss of life is that It will reach 30flf>. At least MK30 farellles ar* FVlterless an* wholly de«mi>t<». The entire remainder of the population if FurrertliB in greater n- 1i>sb degree. Not a Mncl? church, school or charitable insti tution, of tvhieh Galveston had bo many, is left Intact. Not a building escaped damage, and half the whole number were entirely obliterated. There is immediate r.eed cf clothlngr. food and household goods «,? a!l kinds. If nearby cities will open • Fyluras for women and children the Fltuatlon will be preatly relieved. Coast cities should Fend v* rn»: eg wen as provision*. Including kerosene oil, gasoline and candles. W. C. JONES. Mayor. M. I,ASKHR. President Island Savings Bank. J. D. BKPfXER. President Cotton Exchange. C. II. McMAPTER. for Oamlxr of Commerce. R. O. LOWK. Manager Galvppton News. CLARENCE OWSL.EY, Manager Galveston Tribune.