Newspaper Page Text
Wanted for Forgery. Delia Bheehy, the Innocent looking girl wJjo was arrested Wednesday for stealing from bouses where she was employed as a domestic, ' Is an old hand at the busi ness. July IT, 1893, she was sent to the House, of Correction for. one year, being elx months on each of i two charges of petty larceny for doing precisely the same thing. Leon Henry, one of the two men arrested with her, was also with her on the previous occasion. Old Sand at the Business. St. Alban's Literary and Social Club. The St. Alban's Literary and Social Club held a social last evening in Golden G«t» Hall. .The programme was as fol lows: Barytone solo, selected. John J. Lynch: fancy Ranees. Miss Ruby Cam eron; mandolin and guitar trio selections, selected, Harry A. Pttten Thomas V. Eajstwood and Julius \V. Itiller; soprano solo, selected, ' MJss Merle Bunn: mono lojrue, Henry I* Auerbach; specialties. Miss Bessie Chandon; specialties, original. A. F. Williams. The officers of the club are: E. M. Cameron, president; William G. Badger, vice president; J. S. Miller, secretary: O. G. Sanches, corre spondent; E. A. Lee, tj-castirer. The Police Commissioners met last night and heard the cases of several officers charged with. various offenses. The first to be tried was Patrolman Frank Grt-enan, who was 'accused of rf porting late for duty. He gave a satisfactory excuse and wai let off with a remimand: A similar charge against Officer Peter Mitchell wa* dismissed. Policeman Henry Clancy, charged with neglect of duty in allowing a prisoner to escape, was acquitted. Officer Thoman Cashln was fined $10 for falling to notify his** superior officer that he had changed his residence. The case against Police man Blrdsall, who wa« charged by Attor ney Knapp with uslnjj violence In arrest ing him. wan heard and taken under ad visement until Tueedav. Bert Cadwalader was appointed perma nent secretary of the board, he having successfully passed the civil service ex amination. Residence. One Fined for Failing to Report That He Had Changed His FIVE POLICEMEN TRIED BY THE COMMISSIONERS day. while cutting grass in the front yard. He was a native of England, 78 years, of age. Death was due to heart failure. 7 Joseph Scott. r SANTA CHUZ, Jan. 8.— Joseph Scott, an old resident of this city, dropped dead to- DENVER, Jan. 3.— Miss West Temple of the "My • Friend ' From ; India" company has died of pneumonia at St. Joseph'^ Hospital. She was taken 111 when playing at the Denver Theater two weeks ago. Miss West Temple. prominent and pioneer of this county, residing near Valley Spring, died suddenly at his residence. He was a prom inent member of the I..O. O. F. and will be interred under the auspices of that so ciety. * . - Henry Bemking. MILTON, Jan. 3.— Henry Remklng, a CHICAGO, Jan. 3.— Word was received here to-day of the sudden death from apoplexy In Newark, N. J., thls'mornlng of Huntington "W. Jackson, one of the best known lawyers in the West. Mr. Jackson was formerly receiver for the Third National Bank and was connected with several public Institutions, including the Grear Library. He was 59 years of age. H. W. Jackson. LOS ANGELES, Jan. 3.— Governor Gage will leave for the north P*rlday evening. He expected to 'start to-night, but was unable to get away. Several of tho Sena tors and Assemblymen, will leave at the same time, most of them going to Sacra mento via San Francisco. Gage's Trip Delayed. • Judge Dalnjrerfleld rave Judgment .yes terday condemning the property at the southeast corner of California and Qulnty streets, which will be a portion of the new St. Mary's Park. The court ap praised the value of the property at $2J. 000. Upon the sale of the property to lite city $16,000 of the price paid will §ro ta Upproan Sachs in liciuldation of a mort gage upon the property and the balance will go to the present owners of the prop erty. V. Albouze. Joseph .W. Goldstein, Georg-e H. Goldstein. Henrietta Marke wltz and Adeline Tarbenhelmer. The property is E4xS5 feet. Condemns Park Land. The San FVancisco Chamber of Com merce has been presented with a hand 6ome silken banner by Ho Yow, the Im perial Chinese Consul General. It will :be exhibited to the members at the annual meeting of the organization on Januarv 06. The following letter was sent to the Chinese Consul by President Nelson: RAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 1. lSCt Hon. -Ho Tow, Imperial Chinese Consul G«ti mral. San Francisco. CaJ. — Sir: It affords us *•— sj pleasure to •cknowledg* on b*half ' of th* Chamber of Commerce the receipt of the handsome B'.lk banner which you have eo gen erouBly sect to us. . It ie Indeed most beautiful ana will be first rf~<\ In <l»»oora.tinp our room at the next annual »>eetlnjr on the l."th inrt. at 2 p. m. Hoping that the new year will bring great prosperity to your good i-Mf. as wen as peace and harmony In your country, now unhappily '- disturbed, and thanking you cordially for your kindneos.. » - e have the honor of eubscriblng ourselves, elr. your otjedlent iMi-vants. CAPTAIN N*KL6ON. PresUrr.t. Banner. of Commerce With a Silken CONSUL GENERAL HO YOW MATTES A GENEROUS GIFT Presents tlie San Francisco Chamber Student Christian Federation Interests an Audience at Pacific Grove. MOTT ADDRESSES THE CONFERENCE General Secretary of the "World's Special Dispatch to The. Call. PACIFIC GROVK, Jan. 3. — The most prominent figure in to-day's session of the Pacific Coast Students' Conference was John R. Mott, general secretary, of. the World's Student Christian Federation. Mr. Mott arrived last night and from the first moment of his presence at the con ference his powerful personality Im pressed Itself upon students and leaders alike. This morning Mr. Mott addressed the members of the missionary institute department He also took part In every exercise. The platform address, this morning was open to the public and a' Iar&re audience was in attendance. E. T. Colton, inter national college secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association and chair man of this convention, presided, and some excellent music was rendered by the conference quartet. Rev. Dr. H. C. Mlnton. president of the Presbyterian Theological Seminary of San Anselmo, delivered the first address at the public session, hSe theme being "The Authority and Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures." The question of to-day, said Dr. Mlnton, is not so much what does the* Bible say as have we a Bible and is it authoritative. Then, with clear, logi cal arguments, he proceeded to solve prob ably the most difficult as well as one of the mos\ Important fundamental ques tions of the Christian religion. The dis course was rather technical, for the speaker lost slKht of the (general audience and talked straight to the trained minds of the college men, to whom he came to speak, but It was full of Interest to all who heard it. At the close of the public session. John R. Mott addressed the, students on tho splendid results of the past decade of work among college men. Henry J. Mc- Coy, general secretary of the San Fran cisco Young Men's Christian Association, and Dr. Minton addressed the' Life Work Conference. The convention held open house In the museum lecture-room to-night, and a function such as only a lot of students could have carrled t out was enjoyed. If the story told yesterday by Emilia Gulzar to Immigrant Inspector De la Torre be true. Valentine Hadcoek. a tailor doing business In the city of Stockton, will be deprived of the. society of a lady \rith whom his relations were of an ex tremely friendly natura. MJss Gulzar, In response to the question put bv the in epector. paid that she had lived in Stock ton sinc»» 1SS5 up to three months ace, when t-he went to Mexico for a visit to relatives. She informed Mr. De la Torre also that she had txvn living with the tsaior and was returning to him. to re sume the former re'ations. Her ptorv was backed up with a business card of the tailor named. With Miss Gulzar came Maria Garcia. A comely Mexican datnscJ of 30 years. She had no relatives here, she said, and no money, but Miss Gulza.r had paid her pas- F&ge and would obtain e*sy employment for her. Tpon De la Torre's report Immi gration Commissioner North ordered both women deport «*d on the steamer Peru on ¦which they had arrived; Miss Guizar be cause ehe had admitted that she was re turning to lead an Immoral life with the tailor, and Miss Garcia because she was ilkely to become a public charge, being a pa.uper. . Home. Allowed to Return She Wcat to Mexico and Will Not Be TAILOR HADCOCK WILL JJOSE 3TTS sw Ki-ri'FrF.ATrr Bpedal Dispatch to The Call. SANTA CRUZ, Jan. 8.— A party of Re bekahs returning from Soquel saved a pretty cottage from destruction by flre last evening. While passing along West Flames Are Discovered and Ex tin guised by a Party of He- ¦ bekahs Returning From SoqueL INCENDIARIES FIRE SANTA CRUZ HOUSE v» "yj- ylCHITA, Kans., Jan. 3.— The \L/\/ friends of Mrs. Carrie Nation \u\V are determined that h >r bond V . V Fhall be accepted and her freedom granted notwith standing the quarantine the Sheriff Is maintaining against the Jail. Mrs. Na tion Is the president of the Women's Christian Temperance Union at Medicine Lodge. Recently she traveled to Gover- Mrs. George Davis Expires After Im bibing a Bottleful of tha Deadly Poison. HER DEATH CAUSED BY DHINKCTG WOOD ALCOHOL Mrs. George Davis, aged 29 years, died yesterday from the effects of a bottle of wood alcohol drank by her under the Im pression that It was wine alcohol. She came from San Mateo December 31 for the Surpose of taking care of the children of Cr. and Mrs. James Galvin. at the Wind sor Hotel, Mrs. Galvin being In St. Mary's Hospital under surgical treatment. Mr. Galvin purchased a bottlo of burning al cohol from the Owl drugstore for fuel with which to warm the baby's food, and Mrs. Davis, not knowing: that wood or burning alcohol was a deadly poi3fln., mixed it with water and drank It In place of whisky. Mrs. Davis was a native of Ireland and leaves m. husband in San. Mateo. nor Stanley's home city to more strongly call to his attention violations of the pro hibition law. To accomplish her purpose she entered one of the most prominent Faloons and with a cobblestone ruined valuable paintings, statuary, glassware and liquors to the \aJue of $3000. She was arrested and has since been in Jail. Notwithstanding her bond has been filed the Sheriff refuses to release Mrs. Nation for the reason that he says the place is under quarantine for smallpox. Sycamore street one of the party saw a bright light in the unoccupied building owned by Mr. Wyman. Entrance to the building: was pained through an open window and it was at once discovered that an Incendiary had deliberately planned the destruction of the building. A pile of cloths soaked with oil was blazing In the hallway. Oil had also been plentifully scattered on the flooring and walls and every window la the house was wide open. A bucket brigade was organized and the fire soon extinguished. The burning building adjoined the earn belonging to Williamson & Garnett. Tne losa Is nom inal. Ljuid Laws for Hawaii. WASHINGTON, Jan. 3.-A bill prorld- ing for the extension of the land lawB of the United States to Hawaii was Intro duced to-day by Senator Hansbrough. NEWPORT, Or.. Jan. 3.— The mail car rier from Waldport to-night says it is re ported that a schooner came ashore last night about seven miles south of Alsea Bay bottom up. The vessel Is about one hundred feet in length. It is supposed- to be the schooner Joseph ajid Henry. Schooner Goes Ashore. LOS ANGELES. Jan. 3.— The schooner Alcade, now lying, at San Pedro, has been libeled by the Bank of Pedro for $975 ad vanced on order of the captain to pay salaries and make repairs. I>rafts were made on the agents of the vessel In San Francisco and returned dishonored. A Deputy Marshal was placed on board the schooner to prevent her departure from port, but the captain summoned a tug and bade defiance to the officer. Whor. the captain of the tuiar 'was cogni zant of the facts he refused to tow. The captalnrof the Alcada then attempted to leave* port under sail, but a second dep uty was placed aboard and the schooner will be forced to await the process of the iaw - ¦ — > m. Another Victory for Terrill. SAN JOSE. Jan. 3.— Attorney Samuel B. Terrill, who has been tried ten times for forgery and embezzlement, has scored an other victory In his flght for liberty. This time the Supreme Court has sustained his contention and denied an appeal to Dis trict Attorney Campbell in the Ann Smith embezzlement case. SCHOONER ALCALDE LIBELED. MRS. CARRIE NATION OF THE W. C. T. U., WHO IS IN JAIL AT WICH ITA. KANS., FOR SMASHING SALOON FIXTURES IN ORDER TO CAX.L ATTENTION TO VIOLATIONS OF THE PROHIBITION LAW. Bishop Nlnde was well known on the Pacific Coast, having served as superin tendent of the work of his church in Cali fornia, Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico. He was born in Cortland.N. Y.. in 1S32, and was the son of an Episcopalian preach er. His education was obtained In Wes leyan University, from which institution he wns graduated In 1S55. In the follow ing year he Joined the Black River confer ence, where he sprved several Important churches. In ISfil he was transferred to Cincinnati and was appointed pastor of Trinity Church. In 1S70 he became a mem ber of- the Detroit conference and pastor" of Central Church, Detroit, the leading charge In that city. In 1873 he wa« elected to the chair of practical theology Mn Gar rett Biblical Institute, and six years later ¦was elevated to the office of president. His election to the episcopacy took place in 1X84. Special C^pateh to The Call. SAN J»3E, Jan. 3.— A number of promi nent citizens of the southern end of Santa Clara County are advocating a division of the eounty and the creating of a new county with Gilroy as the county seat. It is said a determined effort will be made to secure the passage of such a bill at the coming session of the Legislature. This matter of forming a new county has come up annually for some years and its advocates now believe there is a chance of it being carried. Henry Miller, the cattle king, has cherished euch a hope for years. His home is near Gilroy and he has large Interests there. For some time Miller and other cattle and dairy, men around Gilroy have been possessed of the idea that they are not getting fair treatment from the Board of Supervisors of this county, because of a law passed compelling the examination and testing ot milch cows to see if they ¦were afflicted with tuberculosis. Miller successfully re sisted the attempts of Veterinary Spencer two years ago when the latter attempted to kill six of his cows that were afflicted with tuberculosis, and his action resulted in the ollice being abolished at that time. Apsemblyman Ell Wright, who left for Sacramento to-day, stated he had been informed the people of the southern end of the county would ask the Legislature to create a new county. He said he was not advised, however, as to the details. There Is an especially rich country around Gilroy. Las Animas has been suggested as the name of the new county, with, Gilroy as the seat of government, it is said Miller has offered to give the nites for what county buildings would be I needed. Should such a bill be introduced a warm fiKht would be made against it by the bal ancf of the county. ll is eald the division haa progressed so far that a prominent San Francisco at torney is drawing up a bill looking to such an end that will be presented to the Legislature. The division line will be run ea*<t and west, just south of Coyote, some fourteen miles from here. It Is also pro posed to annex a strip of San Benito County, which adjoins Santa. Clara. San Benitoites approached on the matter are paid to favor the move. The area of the proposed new county is estimated at 450 to 550 square miles, with a population of about 5000. The total assessed valuation of the territory In round numbers is •*S,000,OGO. With Gilroy as Its Seat. ETROIT, Jan. 3.— Bishop W. X. Nlnfle, aged CS years, of the Methodist Episcopal church, was _ found dead in bed at his home here to-day. It is thovight the cause of death was heart trouble. He at tended a funeral yesterday and caught a cold. Deceased had been a Bishop of the Methodi5t Episcopal church since 1SS4. He was at one time a missionary In India. He leuves a wife, three eons and one daugh ter. Yesterday the presiding ciders of Michi pan held a conference and decided to sell the episcopal residence here, now occu pied by Bishop Nind*»'s family, because the churches if Michigan outside of De troit and other cities had failed to con tribute sufficient funds to maintain it. BILL FOR DIVISION OF SANTA CLARA ? - Legislature to Be Asked to Authorize the Formation of a New County Elmer Locke. th« llttl* newsboy wtvp was injured while trying to save his pet dojj from being run over bv a Folsom street car. will be presented with a «tt- . ver medal by the Society for th» Vn-. ventlon of Cruelty to Animals. ¦ : . At a meeting of directors of the. organ-, lzatlon yesterday it was unanimously afrreed to reward the boy for his brav» and humane action. Elmer is a member. of the Band of Mercy, which numbers twenty-seven thousand in this city. Secretary Holbrook stated In his annun-l report that of the 4»M cases reported 2W had been investigated. ."52 prosecuted. 3t' sick and disabled animals kllWl and 12 removed in the society's ambulance. .• . Dr. C. Bodwell Currier was elected a trustee to fill the vacancy caused by th»». death of Colonel J. P. Jackson. The fol lowing were elected to membership: . George R. Puckett. Miss Edna r>avts Caryette, Arthur L. Fish, Mi.*s M. Fran ces Johnson, Char!e3 II. Harle-y. David Plnkney, Llnonln Buttner. Mrs. T. G. Boyne. E. B. Mayer and Arthur Thack ray. Elmer I/ocke "Will Be Berwarded for . Trying to Save His Pet : Dog. HEROIC NEWSBOY TO BE GIVEN A STLVER MEDAL THE LATE BISHOP NINDE, WHO HAS JUST DIED IN DETROIT AND WHO FORMERLY WAS PRESIDENT OF THE PACIFIC COAST METH ODIST EPISCOPAL CONFERENCE. INSIST THAT THE SHERIFF RELEASE MRS. NATION Temperance Woman Who Smashed Saloon Stat uary Still Held by the Authorities. MANY STORES AT SAN PEDRO ARE DESTROYED Town. Disastrous Early Morning Fire in the Little Has a Narrow Bs- Two "Hotels and Five Saloons Are : Burned and the City Hall HEROIC WORK *0F FIREMEN BAN TEDRO. Jan. 3.— One of the most disastrous fires that has ever been expe rienced here occurrr-d in the small hours this morning. The Union Hotel. Murphy's Hotel, five saloons, two butcher shops, a general merchandiso store, three fruit stands, three restaurants and a furniture store were burned to the ground. The total loss is estimated at $50,<X». The in surance will aggregate about $20,000. The alarm was sounded at 1:45 a. m. The f.ames were first observed in an Italian fruit store In the rear of J. L. Griffin's Seaside market. In the dry wood of the fragile buildings the fire gained rapid headway. Sweeping along Front and Fifth streets, the entire block was soon In a blaze. Citizens turned out and tried as best they could to <o:;Sn<» the conflagration to the block, and as there was little wind their efforts proved effective. The flames attacked the Union Hotel and that of J. Murphy, both email structures near the wafer front. These soon succumbed, and the lire spread to the adjacent restaurants and saloons, low structures, that served to intensify the force of the flames. The Esperanza saloon and that of Mur r>hv were burned and Angelo Bessola's followed. J. F. Nolkinson's saloon fartd equally as bad, and then Charley Men vig's place pave way. Melville's furniture store Fhared th» general fate, and only by deeperate efforts was the City Hall saved. . A line was formed and the men engaged in working- the hose were kept from suffocation by turning another Ftreaai on themselves.. The energetic ex ertions of the volunteer department alone prevented the loss of all the municipal records and the building In which they were stored. Three firemen entered a wooden block at the corner of Fifth and Front streets. ajxfl by playing: the hose freely over thz exposed surface of the structure succeed ed In saving the building. The three fruit etcres and three restaurants In the block r.rct attacked were ewept away in a few moments. One ' of the restaurants was owned by Mr. Mene. Not eince 1SS6 has bo disastrous a firo rage4 In San P^dro. That no more se rious results followed Is cause for con gratulation. Owing to the fact that mott of th« buildings are of •wood and dry as tinder it might have been much worse. Pr*cial rr.siiatch to The Call. 'Social Plspatch to The Call. l.OS ANGELES, Jan. 3.— Coroner Hol land -was notified this morning of the finding of the headless corpse of a man near the summit of Mount Lowe, and will go up to-morrow morning- to make an In vestigation. T^he man had evidently been dead for several months, as the corpse was practically; a skeleton, though fully dressed. No trace of the skull was found in the vicinity of the body, and this looks as though there might be some mystery back of the affair, as it Is not believed that wild beasts would have carried off the head alone and left the rest of the body undisturbed. The grewsome llnd was made by some truf-sts of the hotel while they were ex plorlnp the mountain on the east side, from a> quarter to half a mile beyond the hotel. It was lying in the bushes, and the discovery was made by the 4 merest acci dent. ¦ ' , , The clothing of the PkPleton would seem to indicate that the deceased was a man in reasonably good circumstances, being of fair material and well made. The cufl buttons were in the, cuffs and $1 42 in money whs found In the pockets. A gold watch anil chain' wore also found on the corpse, all of which would indicate that, in matter what else was the motive, It was not robbery. Not a slip of paper or anything else was found by which the identity of the corpse could be established. At the Echo Mountain House no ad ditional facts could be ascertained. So far as known no one was missing from the hotel, and no explanation could be given. It was at first thought that the corpse might be that of one of the men who was engaged in. fighting the mountain fires several months ago, who .had been over come and fell down in the brush and died. Hut as against this theory it was pointed out that It was highly improbable for the reason that the skull was missing. This fact was also urged against the suicide theory, or the possibility of the unfortun ate man having wandered away in the mountains nnd lost his way. . Hy some It is urged that the head being missing' Is almost positive proof that a crime has been committed; that the man was probably lured into the bushes and murdered, and the head severed to pre vent identification; The fact that nothing was taken disproves the robber theory and leaves revenge the only motive for the crime, if one was committed. Money and a Gold Watch Found in the Clothing and the Motive of the Crime a Matter of ¦MAN^;- IDENTITY 13 UNKNOWN Evidence ol a Foul Murder in Los Angeles Cototy. — ¦' ?¦¦ — — HEADLESS BODY FOUND ON SUMMIT OF MOUNT LOWE Los Angeles Councilman Promptly Resents . ."; an Insult LOUS VETTER PLANTS FIST ON DE GROOT'S FACE TROUBLE OF LONG STANDfflG the Bohemian Club in San Francisco, had a. lively encounter with W. de Groot. an oil operator and money lender. In the Wellington saloon to-night. Do Groot was in a quarrelsome mood and persisted in insulting Wtter, finally applying a Vile epithet to him. -which the Councilman, after unsuccessfully demanding a retrac tion, resented by planting hia sturdy right fist on De Groot's optic, the impact lovel ing the oil man to the floor. .-¦ Neither man will talk of the affair, ex cept that De Groot declares he will "at* tend to Vetter, ad he has done in tiie past." L>uring Vett«»r's term in the Council Jt. desperate effort was made to reduce the prescribed limit of distance from West Lake Park In which oil drilling operation.* may be conducted. De Groot waa very much interested in the success of: the measure and worked hard to prevent Vetter's renominatlon for the Council at the late city election. lid i3 reported to have said that h*» would give $10,000 to. encompass hla defeat. De— Groot was seen after th© enpoiint**r at ma rooms. He was lying In bed", sufr fering from an abrasion over th*» left pye and on the left chf»«»k. His left ear vaj covered with a wet towel, which con cealed a considerable swelling. Votter.. apparently well satisfied with the direct ness of his blow, spent the r*»st of tho evening at th*» theater enjoying "The Fortune Teller." :.,•¦>•> LOS ANGELES. Jan. 3.— Louis F. Vet/ tcr, City Councilman and a member of Oil Operator Retires to' His Boom After the Fracas and Declines ..' to Discuss the Matter. •— Pl>eclal Dispatch to The Call. BISHOP NINDE IS STRICKEN BY THE HAND OF DEATH Prelate of the Methodist Episcopal Church Passes Away at Detroit. _?_ ! ' .. •_ "• •' THE 8AN FRANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY,; JANUARY 4, 1901 Frank Ruckenberg, an old soldier, was arrested In Oakland yesterday afternoon by Detective Ryan of this city and a charge of forgery placed against his name. The complainant. Nells Jessen, swore that Ruckenberg forped his name to an order calling for $40 some time ago. Ruckenberg was arrested in ¦ December on a charge of burglary committed in Ala xneda County, but entered a plea of in sanity and the case against hfa -was dls mlesM. Yesterday he was released from a hospital and the arrest for forgery fol- 4 THE DAY'S DEAD. ¦ A. great two-step by Eduard Strauss, the waltz king, will be given free with next Sun- day's Call. This is a gem— do not fail to get it. 1« A cleaufvoijt of cvcrytl^irvoT %"^^^^^^^^!i g Now for the Century Sale! A hundred price reductions on a hundred different nl^ll^^v^^^>^^^^>^/^ n iH H $S| thing's — a money-saving carnival that comes "but once in a hundred years"— a clean- \ ~*x\jgfi''^^^%s. v^--^^^^^^fi:H 'i up of "last century's stocks" — a making-the-way for t he new century's merchandise a ;^y?^^o^^^^^^^^^^/^^P"i ¦'j sale we've been planning for six months past — a sale not only big but g'ood good W^ for us, in that it gives us added buying power; good for you, because it makes money >^^^^^^^^^^^^^p@S^^** ~Jj \ Oi/R boys' SUITS— 1^° K^ntlemen's Vhtte and colored bordered hand- _ -..^^^^^^b^^^^h^^^^^^^^^^^^l suit of wonderful wear and worth— the entire line Mo derby ribbed men's underwear riflo irar ,«,,„ - ••••Oo.Uu eacn jb *zltV»W^'£ * *2.OO each 85c natural camel', hair woolen underwear^ • full of warmth and wear-well g reefer SUITS- .-/».. •¦••••••?•• •••••; ••••• • 70c gar. ma de and food fit-blues, black and browns In ker- j. one of the strongest values on sale— ages 3, 4 and 5 l**a<> tan and blade sox— «l-3c pair, or 6 pairs for... say and tan In covert— on tha counters for the sale ?( years only— these are the suits we have been sell- — - 45c •••« i 8S.17> each H' ing for $4.00 and $5.00— entire line cut to close them 16 2-3o heavy balbriggan box.. „..._.., 12U« »..,. svits— M out before the spring ;stocks arrive....... ..:S1.75 11-60 men's sweaters -...81.00 each orblua serffe-rood and heavy and unusually well S3 BOYS' MIDDY: suits— 75c. colored percalo shirts on «ale.^^.«....KO<» each made— all sites— hav« cut the prices for a speedy \] 25 per cent or one-quarter off on any middy suit 25o neckwear on sale at 1 Kn each exit— here whlla they last at. 80.15 each « in the store— If you cannot find what you want in ko c underwear en m»i« «t ooi , fj mkavt CJISSfMEffe mrtwrm— }< M sp >°" — f mm —' I¥SEBr£:^iii ::: l ; ji =? S^SKsffiawssw «r I j COIF CAPS- / *f™ w ° 0 ' Pants for men jmj solo at-....81.8."» each made- th» usual price is |lia>-«entury sale price ¦ £ ¦ w« have been Helling the br St 65c Rolf cap In San Fran- - g-g> **ncy worsted striped pant»..~-...g2.25 each -.-.- - SS.«3 U £| cisco-lt is a cap that sold for a dollar* In many atoreu— •*.«) ajid J3.00 fancy vests......... Sl.5M> each „»,> OHDBmm— %*.", %J If It Is a cap that fits, wears and Kivca bet- **-00 and $5.00 fancy vests „ —83.10 each orders"? mall receive rmr nrnnmt ittoiUnn-,^ H If ter golf cap cannot bemad, at any price-thls line has W.OOhats on sale at.. ....81.35 each SS^M e %^ to fllVall^rH?r .£!£?.& i £w hSTTE? ' ¦ m-. been cut a. a, leader for the sale to .....45c each »6? hats on sale at.. — '.... Jl.gS each 2Sd .hiJnSnt orders-careful selecUon and g ¦ .^ flt*"( Iff £^ r G 1 —^^ OF*J*. JPOVVH: JLJL %/~7\ '4