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She twns forty hors&a and ten wagens, • has a pay roll of - $600 & month for men • regularly, employed;, besides ; furnishing _J work almost constantly to five or el* e** tra men and teams. . Blacksmlthlng fop ten four-horse teams and as many wagons j is something of an' item, and Mrs. Sum. • mers has her own blacksmith shop, doing ¦ custom work on the side. ' ' All .told, Mrs. Summers has sunk - 1 c»ur- ' teen wells, and each one has been a payer, " Three times she has gone into new. terrL . tory to bore for oil. and her uuccess in striking it every time lias led others - t»j profit. by her Judgment. For. obvious re>n* eons her last wells have been sunk unde? other names than her own. . No one knows, not even th# oil queen* herself, how. much she is worth. Oneo long ago, when she was $10,000 in dtebt and did not know whether Sap £r>r weir waa ' evening attends to the booko and eorre« spondencc. , ; V-v... i * bu t . tiecauso she ha ,/ tne \i-afls Instinct. •.¦:', f Becaus"e. she "loved. It. she studied muslo" ¦ and . fas 'sept ; to -to finish her Vmusicar education:' . ' ; V' Wlth;a.rfch. and •Indulgent 'father, there , r> 4 was jnV thought -of tuinlngrher mtslcal -, gift to" account;- "It. was' cultivated merely ¦•' as an aceompllshment.^But'no sooner had > the iyoung ; % woman* taken her 'place in so ";;; cI * t y; ..than : ehe- wris '.': offered -¦ the position ; * of. musical, instructor in'the public schools }> of«ee., town, -where she was '-v spending ; the' gay. ; season * with ' her uncle's ¦family/5.' ;,'*-;-. '/e^Sti '>:>•¦'' ''i- : :^..-.Perhaps the. offer; flattered her; perhaps * i t> was * the;;buslness \ instinct • again. At any,rate\she> accepted. ;her, father giving- a , reluctant -to gratify, as he -' thousht,;a- whim: •..-.¦¦ . • .'.Teaching, wag harder 'work than being a .'society. belle;,but part of this woman's re ; llgton Is doing vw hat. she undertakes and ¦phevheldithe position- until she married 8 Then, trup , tp^her; Southern nature and >. lipme'seenneda big enough world ; t >for her. ¦¦••%;.-;¦;: v. - v t'<Z "Presently,'- however, .reverses came, and |o; quote 1 Mrs.i Summers,. Tennessee- Is no . place, tq live without money. So the Sum ; mers inovedas far 'ay-ay from Tennessee all the oil that passes through her hands, buys all her tools and supplies, keeps her own books and writes her own letters. She works every day from 8 to 6 as regu larly as if she were on salary, and in the * ways. Mrs. Summers attends to every dc-tafl of the business personally. She hires u'l her men down to the last teamster, testa transactions. No man goes to her. for a check when money Is due him and fails to receive It, and when she borrows from the bank she pays when her note matures — always. On the other hand, she con fesses herself to be a little chicken-heart ed when it comes to pressing a creditor," especially if he has a wife and children. This could hardly be called a fault, though strict principles usually work both There ¦was a time when she spent the hours from daylight to dark out in the forest of derricks, where smoky engines and wheezy pumps fill the air with dis mal noises, where the only pleasant sight or sound, even. to an oil man! is the tiny stream of greenish oil that flows from pipe to tank. But that was in the begin ning when she had more time for prac tical details and when she needed prac tical knowledge and a market. To-day every detail of this intricate business is at her fingers' ends. Ehe Is expert in testing oil and knows the qual ity of oil produced by every well In th«j field and she has yearly contracts with the largest consumers of fuel oil In Lo» Angeles, contracts renewed from year to year. She has learned, too, what men to trust when they tell her their oil run* thus and bo, and Ehe knows when to b<i on her guard. From end to end of th« field she Is known and respected and In the market she can compete with th« best of the men. At first consumers were Inclined to look askance at her when she offered to «up. ply them with oIL They gave her only a part of their orders, by way of experi ment and because she was a woman. In time, however, when she had proved to them her ability to handle their business, they showed their confidence by giving her their entire orders and' recommend ing her to their friends. This was the result of strict business methods and absolute honesty. Mrs. Sum mers stands by every word of a promise to the last letter and such is the reliance placed In her promises that she has never been asked for .bond even in the largest Sitting: quietly at her, -desk in her own home she conducts by telephone the werk of boring wells, pumping oil, buying the product of other wells and marketing it by the thousand barrels — yes, and buying and Belling stocks, too — for this woman Is a keen, far-sighted speculator. And she makes as much money in real estate as In oiL She is a born financier. A busi ness proposition is to her -what the thought of a new gown is to the average •woman. A man In her place would- en joy success better with all the world looking on, but Mrs. Summers hides away from the lime- ¦ light and shrinks from the gaze of the public «ye. The names of men Who have made fortunes since a sea of oil was dis covered under California's crust -are : known the length and breadth of the. State and beyond: but this woman who handles a good fourth of the output of the Los Angeles. field is .scarce -known as an operator except by those with whom ehe deals and her own personal friends. And such a modest, shy and very womanly woman Is this California oil Cueen! . . . ... «^"T WOMAN with a genius for af. f I fairs — It may sound paradoxical. I I but the fact exists. -.--.-• V I If Mrs. Emma A. Summers were JL less than a genius she could not, as she does to-day, control the Los' An geles oil markets. . ¦ r "' fi! t ?^f coul<L ' California was very far In i £ the '7P,*s and early *80's. x • , In Los Angeles they built a small home. . and with the pluck and coura?o that la J stowed away somewhere In tho soul of - every Southern woman, and which neces > any, always uncovers, thi3 woman stepped i cut .to take a place beside her husband aa Drf;ad-wirner. ¦£salu sbe gave musio lessons. Pupils c.-^me in plenty and the woman was happy. /Pianos were scarce in Los Angeles then, , -*nd most cf the pupils went to Mrs. Sum _ raers home to practice. When the num „ .ber outgrew the possibilities of one piano \ "«»5L « ght a 3«cond, then a third, fourth, ¦» | nfth, sixth and seventh. When it came to • .having a piano in the kitchen she decided & to build a house bis enough for the I Pianos, and this she did, with only about half the money in sight to pay for it. "It has been this way all my life. Every thing has run away with me. I had so ma ]*y P^Pils I *'as giving lessons all day ? n £ *J a l f the ,?i ght - J got so mauy pianos I had to build a house to put them in. Then I saw a chance in the oil business and sunk a well, and this has carried me on and on, till I don't know where it will stop.". When the oil craze broke out In Los Angeles some twenty years ago Mrs. Sum mers was one cf the first to try her for tune in oil. She had saved just $700 from .per teaching, and this she decided to put :lnto an oil well, some one agreeing to fur nish a like amount. And 3he did put It in. too— so deep that • she thought it would never come out. With It went $1900 more, for Mrs. Summers' credit was good. Boring oil wells then was not what it is now. The equipment was meager, and the experience of those who drilled wells more meager still. Bad luck followed bad luck, and the climax came when first the casing and then the tools went crashing into the well. -Only the man who had drilled the hole . was left on top. Day after day Mrs. Summers stood by that hole. Night after night she hovered iJver it as she would watch a babe that .'had swallowed a tack and three pins. The -..prospect was dreary, but Mr3. Summers jiever ?ays dlt». and sh« fenew there was oil in the well. When ihe hardware was finaliy fished out the plucky woman went on boring, not only the one well, but another, and another and another. It was this whole !i a 0.000 S SnTe!t. Of We " 3 ttat ier . - Meanwhile Mrs. Summers was teaching music to ,help pay the hardware bills. -Even after she was out of debt and had reached her ten thousand dollar mark, the music lessons continued, chiefly because Jier pupils would not quit coming. In t deed, it is less than a year since the last one was induced to go elsewhere for in struction. •Gradually, as Mrs. Summers found more market than she could supply with her own she began -to buy from others, _ sometimes so many barrels a, sometimes, as a matter of specu lation.the*year's output of a well. -And . so, -without" realizing it. this woman be came a power in the local oil world. But - such ups and ' downs as she • had ! ".There have been times when It seemed she could not win out. that everything must go. but the woman's unerring judg ment, indomitable will and perseverance always bring things to the right about. Even now the streaks of good and bad run like streaks of lean and fat In bacon, but Mrs. Summers has learned to take both as they come. Taking-, for example, a day when one of her houses was partly destroyed by fire, one of her wagons broka dewn In the field, with a big contract to till, and "her horse gave her arm a bad^ wrench, all within a few hours, any one would grant her the right to cry— but she didn't, because the telephone rang Just then, or a man called to talk over soma deal. She hasn't time for tears any more than she." has time for society. Once a week regularly she goes to the theater for men tal relaxation, but dlnings, receptions and the rest of femininity's pet functions ara anything but recreation. They bore her, and she escapes them when she can. With no children of her own, Mrs. Sum mers is not without maternal cares. Sha Is thfe best of mothers to tho three or phaned children of a friend. On her death bed the mother of these little onea. whose -father had died some time before, was burdened with the thought of her.chil dren's future. "What will become of them?" she sighed to the friend of her girlhood. And Mrs. Summers gave- her -word that they, should be well cared for How faithfully the promise has been kept can be guessed when one knows that Mrs. Summers has refused to allow them to be adopted into good homes, feeling that she has no right to give them away. She. ¦ has them under the care of a worthy wo man, gives them a house, to live in and provides for them as If they were her own — and loves them. ' .. In business Mrs. Summers is every inch, the man. Away from business she is every, inch the woman, barring her dis like for society. She can cook, embroider and sew and has all the accomplishments considered necessary for women one generation back If necessity had not come to develop her wonderful - capacity for affairs she would be the happiest and most contented of home bodies. As It Is now, she loves her home as well as she loves her business. "I wouldn'± have an office downtown for anything," She i asserts with upraised hands and a look of terror at the very thought. "And I couldn't go on the oh exchange with all those men — not for any thing. I never was on 'change In my life." And yet she has managed to buy . and sell many a block of stock, and with out the aid of a broker. There are ways of : hiding one's light tinder a bushel if one cares to. and still keep it burning. "My husband is, awfully nice," Mr3. Summers Is wont to say with truly femi nine pride. • "But we never talk about business unless it Is to tell some little In cident that comes up." No doubt thla is one reason she and her husband are such S good friends. Each goes his own way, having. perfect confidence In the other. " .When the first venture was made In borl Ing for oil, it was Mrs. Summers' scheme, but her husband stood back of her— or, bf- • side her. But Mr. Summers is conserva tive and less aggressive in business mat ter's than his wife, and when she vras « fairly started In her speculative and un certain career as an oil producer, he turned his attention again to his cwn business. VThat he has every confidence in his wife Is evidenced, by the fact ihat she holds always, whether he is at home building houses or in Cape Nome lookincr after his mining properties, a power of attorney which authorizes her to sell any thing he has. " : .And . here Is nomething that smacks of Inconsistency. Mrs;: Summers never ad-, vises, any woman to go into business. ,.."So' many women come to me and ask my advice, and I always tell them to go back and attend -to their housekeeping. "I love business \ myself ." she admits. "I can't . help being . a business woman, but it, is. too strenuous a life for every woman. There are * too many difficulties to ¦ sunnount, too many trials to undergo before "success is attained. The success ful business woman is stronger, more helpful and has a broader sympathy with the world, but it is doubtful whether, she is as happy with the vivid impression that p, world struggle leaves upon her. If she is 'unsuccessful, a woman has lost some thing of her womanlye sweetness and gained in , Ha stead an unwholesome un rest. It istoo greata. risk for me to ad vise any woman to "undertake the ' strus-' gle.V . v , ¦ Strarnger. perhaps, than this verdict. Is the fact that Mrs. Summers Is the* one person who does 1 not think she has done anything out of the ordinary, anything worth talking about, * . years there were no boys, she wa3 very close ._ to" her father, a • banker and large land . owner - in Hickman, Ky. With him she often rode about the plantation when he went to " give orders to his men. The tiny . seed thus"> planted was one day to make Its way to the surface despite a womanly reserve . bordering on timidity, and prove the daughter. ..equal to the father.' -/ '-"',' * In - the days 'of dolls and playhouses, there were always stores and merchan dise, buying' and selling; and first thing the "'sisters knew it .was Emma who Jiad all the stock, iiaver toy- unfair means, $ « a ; dry » hole ; or ¦< an * endless -, stream . of oil , rag Mrs. Summers decided- that' when ski % could write her check for 510,000 she would be ready to "quit. : But she' is I so'/f ar j past 'the" ten. thousand mark that It is only, a i, tiny speck in the; distance*" and "she is no nearer, quitting!, than i'"she : was-when she' - VeachM-lt^ !;She has -never set another' '. limit! % Meanwhile she has been careful to ' **lt: down, a', goodly .share of her earnings, in > valuable estate •.'which; she turns over-to advantage . from', time; to 'time. ., :',. That she' has- neveryet;made a. loss is one of Mrs. "Summers'/! boasts, and one of any financier of - s tho -, man kind ""might be proud.'', -A . ¦• ' " . : _¦ o T • -¦¦ • .'.This % Is Uhe* 1 woman ',who,: years : ago. - in •'the -mountains of Tennessee; was one day: "'nanded r a" roll "of 'greenbacks in payment for some property.'". Although assured, by '; i her' husband that the rh6hey vias all. right.; Bhe" hi"! serious- 5 - doubts -• on the subject, and. rode_ four mllfid /to haWan uncle examine and pass on the ,. money. ;. :'.- ¦¦'¦'¦ , • ¦:./? ' ; >V- '¦;'- "•'•• 'V'.' , Mrs." Summers •; Is 1 a •Southern,, woman. .-That Is, 1 shelwas '.born'in 'the : South. s She has 1 the charming^ personality, of , the'. ' Southerns-woman. vyet> there Sis a. strong ¦ I flavor of the^West^bout- her/. the self-re- ¦} ', HantUndeperidence,': the ifreedom," the>ner- v | vous,' restless' energy; typical '; of the -West. | ' Sho is<quick?to: think,. quick to speak, ' quick to 1 do.' 'She,- is 'shrewd, ? but ,. her shrewdness Is' tempered by« absolute fair-; ¦.: ness \ and. she " never,. takes advantage j of ; any'oneMn : her.' dealings.-.' .;-¦-. .-- As ¦ a . young girl - she ;< was S fond - of : rid ing rowing— anything-, that took her* out of doors. From; her,; father, she Inherited this talent for a business.; Astho .i«iut-i't .Ol.A."ianiiI^ in which '.for -many Sunday Call Magazine Section THE CALIFORNIA OIL QUEEN