Newspaper Page Text
TELE SAN/ FRANCISCO CALL, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1901^ 12 ' CLAIRVO YAWTS— Contliined. V MME. M. BERNARD,- ~ : . •• THE. FAMOUS '-} Clairvoyant and business medium, permanently located at 17 Third st, next Examiner bldg. She reads your life correctly, gives an accurate de- scription ofuhe past, reveals -the present. hap- penings and portrays events to occur In the fu- ture If you are in trouble, "discontented, un- happy or not satisfied In life, or have domestic, love -or business troubles, consult this great medium and you:wlll<be told how to overcome them. Valuable advice in all affairs of life; 25c up; satisfaction guaranteed. Tel. Black 4569. MRS. DR. F. CLARKE, the well-known trance medium, is permanently located at 1206 Mar- ket st, corner Golden Gate ave.. rooms 25 and 26; take elevator.' Perfect satisfaction guar- anteed 1 by mall; send stamp for pamphlet with special terms. Dally and Sunday. : ,\u25a0'-.\u25a0 PRINCESS ISHMAEL of the tribe of Alohobar, Bedouins, from Horan, near Damascus; life readings through esoteric astronomy without questions; limited engagement in this, city; hours 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. 1008% Market St., room 1,. second floor. . A-LINCOLN. CLAIRVOYANT, '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-- - HIGH PSYCHIST. The most wonderful clairvoyant on the coast; . he succeeds when others fall; permanently located at 125 Turk St.; readings by mall. ISMAR, the Egyptian Gypsy, clairvoyant and palmist, permanently located 1148 Market, op- posite Sixth; private readings dally, 10 a.' m. to 5 p. m. Sundays from 10 to 12 a. m. CLAIRVOYANT card reader from Louisiana; only 10c; from 1 .to 8. 262 Minna St., nr. 4th. MRS. MELVILL. well known clairvoyant, water reader. 11 6th;. German spoken; tel. Jessie 1563. MRS. B. Baumann, -well-known fortune teller, has removed from 315 O'Farrell to 222 > Eddy.- MME. AUGUST, clairvoyant, reader; palmistry; truth or no pay; 25c. 1149 Mission, over store. MME. SCHAFFER, clairvoyant, card reader; sittings daily. 44S>6 Jessie «t., bet. 5th and 6th. MRS. BROWN, clairvoyant, card reader; ladips 25c; gents 50c; readings daily. 132 Sixth st. MME. RAVENNA reads life fluently; business r.dvlce; names given; 25c up. 5 Fourth. st. A WEEK'S news for 5 cents— The Weekly Call, 16 pages, in wrapper for mailing. $1 per year. CARPET BEATING AXD CL13ANING. WHEN you become disgusted with poor work send to SPAULDING'rf Pioneer Carpet-beat- lng Works, 353-357 Tehama St.; tel. South 40. MODERN Co.: steam cleaning:. 3c: laying; cleaning on floor. Phone Mint 301: 923 Mission. CARPETS beaten or laid, 3c per yard; CHAS. PARRY. 1511% Market St.: phona Mint 1035. AMERICAN Carpet-beatlnc Works— Cleaning, 3c: renovated; relald. 103 14th St. ;tel.Capp 25-12. ADVANCE Carpet-cleaning: Co.. 402 Sutter St.; | tel. Main 394. GEO. WALCOM & CO., Prop. RUDOLPH- & CO., carpet-beating works; prices reasonable. 1703 Harrison; tel. Mission 203. CON KLIN'S Superior Carpet-cleanlnpr Works, 333 Golden Gate ave.: telephone East 326. I CITY Steam Carpet-beatinK Works. G. H. STEVENS, Mgr., 38-40 8th st,: tel. South 250. J. E. MITCHELL. Carpet-cleaning- and Reno- vptine Co.. 240 Fourteenth st.: tel. Mission 74. CHIROPODISTS. BUNIONS, corns, ingrown nails; painless cure. DR. DUNCAN. 206 Ktrtrny St.. room 307. COLLECTION OFFICES.. GEORGE W. KELLY'S Agency— No \u25a0charge un- less successful. Room 810. 5*27 Market st. I COLUMBIAN- Law and Collection Agency, room ' 85. 91B Market. Advice frpe: tel. Red 5211. COTTAGE S^ /TOILET. A MODERN cottage, furnished, 30 minutes from city; 6 rooms, bath, fruit trees, piano, ' chickens. SPECK & CO., C67 Market st. DENTISTS. A— DR. T. • S. HICGINS, S27 Market street. | Emma Spreckels building. Reasonable prices for painless dentistry; pure gold filling $1 50: artificial teeth, on plate, look natural and guaranteed, $5 up: a good metal plate. $15; gold and porcelain crowns. $5 to $10; teeth without plate; painless extraction. . AT the ELECTRO-DENTAL CLINIC. 809 Mar- ket st., cor. 4th, rm. 7. Flood bldg., you can have your extractions done painlessly: teeth without plates our specialty; gold crowns, - $3 50 up; plates, extractions free. $4 50 up; of- ! flee hours. 9 a. m. to 10 p. m.; Sundays. 9 to 2 p.. m. J. W. THATCHER. M. P.. Manager. EIGHT prizes for best crowns, plates, bridges and fillings; extractions or fillings by my wonderful secret, painless method: 20 years' experience: no students: advice free; pripes I cheapest and guaranteed; v lady attendants. DR. GEORGE W. LEEK, 20 O'Farrell st. - A — NEW unbreakable plate, the Rose Pearl, warranted for 20 years; crowns, $3 50; fillings. J 50c; plates, $5. full set; all work painless and warranted. 'Chicago Dental Parlors. 24 Sixth. AMALGAM flllinps. $1; silver fillings, DOc; ; gold or porcelain croyns, $5: set of teeth. $7; i teeth extracted painlessly. \u25a0 New York D«-n- ! tists, 969 Mission St., southeast corner Sixth, j AT Ideal Dental Co.. C Eddy st.— Work done] I on weekly installments; lowest rates. j YOU can save 40 per cent on dental work by i going to DR. BROWN. 54 Sixth st. PARIS Dental Parlors, 235<'Kearny, cor. Bush- Full set of teeth. $4; crowns,* $3; fillings, 25c. ( SET "of teeth without plate. DR. j H. G. YOUNG, 1S41 Polk st. ' DR.R.L. WALSH, 815*4 Geary, nr. Lark!i».-I»aln- I less extraction 50c; plates 55 up; phone Polk 1135. j DR. H. G. TRUMAN, dentist, third floor, Ex^ amlner building; formerly in Murphy bldg. ] • DETECTIVE AGENCIES.. PACIFIC Detective Agency, room 610, Exam- iner building; telephone John 381; reliable! work and efficient service cuaranteed. ' DOG HOSPITALS. : DR. CREELY'S 5 C. P. dog soap by druggists or at the Hospital. 510 Golden Gate ave. v j DRESSMAKERS AND SEAMSTRESSES ! McDOWKLL Dressmaking & Millinery acnool— Class rates; patterns, cut. 101'J Market st. FRENCH accordion and knlte pleating. WM. PILGER. 121 Post, over O'Connor fc Moffatt. EDUCATIONAL. , . HKALD'S SCHOOL Ob' KLKCTK1OAL ENG1- ? JvKKKINU — Theory, demonstration, construc- J tion; laboratory uud tnop work; ihorougnly practical; day and night. 24 l\sc bt., S. t'. ; I catalogue free. 'AYRES' Leading Business College, 723 Market — j $& per month; $i<i lifcscholarshiii guarantees a I complete business education: shorthand, typ- ing, bookkeeuing, arithmetic, penmanship, cpcl'.iriK. Spanish, etc. : experienced teacners; new typewriters; positions secured; cat. fren HEALD'S SCHOOL OK MINES, 24 POST ST., S. F. — Thorough courses; complete equipment; all eubjects pertaining to- mining and ui!nin D - enginefering; day -and night; -catalogue free. I A — The official reporters of the Supreme Court ad- I vise their friends to attend the OALLAGHEK- MARSH COLLEGE. Is this advice worth following? Life scholarshio $$0; catalogue. A— THE LYCEUM, an accredited preparatory Echocl for the university, law and medical colleges; references. President Jordan or any Stanford . professor. Phelan building. CALIFORNIA Business College; most thorough modern methods; positions for all graduates,- new GO-page catalogue free. 305 Larkin st. MEHRILL-MILLER College-Shorthand, typ~ ing, practical bookkeeping. Rooms 40-45, Par- rott bide. : individual instruction; catalogue. i ENGINEERING— Civil, elec, mining. wech.suT^ vey, assay, cyanide; day, eve.; est. 1864. Van der Nallleh School. 113 Fulton, nr. City Hall. BOOKKEEPING, figures; the one man who per- fects beginners, college rraduate* & bookkeep- ers is TARR. the expert. 220 Parrott building.. A FULL course of Ellis bookkeeping and the Gresg shorthand costs only $60. San Fran- cisco Business College, 123G Market st. Acting & elocution — Eve. classes, special rat,es; monthly payments. Leo Cooper, 811 Geary *st. ENGLISH, Latin. Mathematics. ; Literature a specialty. MISS ROULSTON. 77S O'Farrell st. SPANISH. French.etc.Prof.DeFIlippe'sAcademy ofLanguages,320Post; eBtab'd 1S71; ablest profs. Chicago Business College. 1435 Market, nr. 10th— Pitman shorthand, typing, bookkeeping, $6 mo. MARY P. WESTHAUS, piano, mandolin, guitar lessons. 50c; piano , for practice. 39 Fifth *t. VAUDEVILLE School of Acting-Pupils pre- pared for the F.tage. ,12.} Mason st. . ... \u25a0 PROF. L. MERKI. experienced teacher: violin, mandolin, guitar: Juvenile class. IOCS Mission. ILLUSTRATION— PARTINGTON'S DAY and ILLUSTRATION-night class. 424 Pine st. HEALD'S Business College. 24 Post Bt. - ; S. F.; founded >1S63; new 80-r>age catalogue free. 5 \u25a0 ARITHMETIC, bookkeeping, grammar, writing, otr.:.<1ay or eve.: <5 mo. ,m?4 Mission.' nr. 6th. EMPLOYMENT£Or^lCES. JAPANESE and .. Chinese V help : - of ' : all kinds ; - cooks, \u25a0 waiters and •\u25a0. house ,: eervants. : .: GEO. AOKI & CO.,- 4a Post St.; tel., Bush 135. , CHINESE * Employment-; Offlce— All kinds i of help furnished. 439. Push -»t. : tel. James- 1601. JAPANESE : Intelligence v Offlce — Furnish- most * reliable help.;,- 524 Bush at. ; tel.*, Bush 516. ORPHEUM Employment Office— Japanese, '\u25a0\u25a0 Chl- * nese help. 426 Powell. nr. Sutter; tel. Black 5072. : RELIABLE Japanese-Chinese Employment Of- <\u25a0\u25a0 flee; all kinds help. 315 Stockton; Main 51S3. ' - / \u25a0 \u25a0 ,\u25a0 ' \u25a0\u25a0•-'• \u25a0:. \u25a0\u25a0 - v <\u25a0. , -v- -.\u25a0 . .. . HELP WANTED— FEMALE— Con. EXPERIENCED operators on "«"*«* JSo^j eteady work: best prices. LOwENBEBO ,* CO.. 27 Jessie St., 5th floor. . , \u25a0 WANTED-Flrst-class waist, skirt and cloak hands. Apply 1200 Geary st. \u25a0 -. - WANTED— Women for light work on fruit. 1731 Folsom st. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office. 2200 Flllmore st. A BRANCH office for Call advertUements and subscriptions has been establlsned at ios« -Valencia st. HELP WANTED—MALE. X^URRAY~<EADT. . . . :. . .Phone Main 584S Leading Employment and Labor Agents. /......OFFICE OPEN -7 A. M. TO-DAY...... ! Ehlp...... :....... ..R.R. Men "••,">;}52 £ R tfaLWters:::::::::f. Ukiah.V.V Free fare 50 laborers tilt 60 steel and ballast men.... Ukiah.... Free fare ;.... MECHANICAL HELP ••••-/•;_•; 2 carpenters, ranch, $1 50 fare.. .$40 and found Blacksmith, drayage company, dty....*3 aay Carpenters, mining company Wm'AA- Boilermaker, mining company $3 60 da> Bench hand, country •••; ;•*» aay Furnace man. blacksmith's helper, rancn.... .MISCELLANEOUS •- J rockmen. San Mateo County.. W2 10 muckers, mining company - *i? Bandsaw flier, sawmill company. •-••V",t,Vi Dogger, sawmill company...... $10 and found Ten 2 and 4 horse teamsters.. $2 and $2 zo aay Horse clipper; 3 stablemen; 13 farm and ranch hands • ••\u2666 28 and *^ Shingle packer and sawyer, eawmlll company, . J66 and found Vi" *-"-" " jl*I 5 laborers, city factory V'^"* 1 J? d y HOTEL DEPARTMENT ••• Second cook, hotel, Nevada, $4o. fare pad. laundryman. country hotel, $33. fare paid. porter, country hotel. $20; short order cook for a boat. $40; assistant nurse. Institution. *25; waiter, $10 week; waiters, $33 and $«>•••• Marker, laundry, city J3o and found Butcher, drive wagon, married; sausage maker, country shop; young man to drive butcher wagon, 12 cooks, different places, $50. $45. $40 and $35; 14 waiters. J30: 3 wait- ers, same hotel, south, see boss here; 1* kitchen hands, dishwashers, etc. MURRAY & READY. 634-636 Clay it. AT C. R. HANSEN & CO.'S 104 Geary st.* Railroad Work Railroad Work FOR CHATSWORTH PARK 60 drlller3 and muckers $2 to $2 60 a day .....FOR TRUCKEE 100 laborers Jl ?5 a day FOR NEVADA 10O teamsters - $2 » day FREE FARE. .SHIP TO-DAT..FREE FARH Fr«e Fare No Offlce Fe« Free Fare 10 carpenters, railroad work $3 a day No Offlce Fee Ship To-day Free Fare 10 house carpenters, country $3 5° a da ? 3 milkers, see boss here $30 2 blacksmiths, country. .$3 a day, $40. & board Farmers, choremen and others HOTEL DEPARTMENT French or Italian second cook. $70; third cook. $50; second hand for cake, $30: 6 waiters, city and country, $25 to $30; night waiter, city, HO; man and wife, country hotel, $40; 20 dish- washers and kitchen hands, $25 and $30; as- ' sistant Janitor, Scandinavian or German; $33 and room; laundry marker, city. $2 50 a day; bell boy. good references, hotel, city, $17 50. C. R. HANSEN & CO 104 Geary st. \u25a0 MAN about place. $30; assistant janitor. $30 and room; planerman. $2 23 to $2 50 day: screw turner. J45 and board;, box nailers, J2 ! day; blacksmith helper, Jl 50 day and board: ! painter and paperhanger. $1 50 day and found; 1 2 bridge carpenters, $3 50 day; carpenters' 1 helpers. $2 25 day; man for milk depot; buggy washer: choreman; farmer and milker. J25; 3 ! milkers. $30; man and wife, private family. J $35; ]<t borers for sawmill, J26 to $30 and board; scraper teamsters, $2 25 day and others. J. j F. CROSETT & CO.. 623 Sacramento st. AT CALIFORNIA EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. ' 69 Third St.. nr. Call bldg.; phone Bush 405. • RAILROAD WORK RAILROAD WORK • ......FREE FARE FREE FARE I FOR UKIAH 8 carpenters, country, $3 SO per day, half fare advanced | „ Teamster for Arizona. ...$80 to $90 per month 1 carload of laborers $2 23 to J2 50 per day Cheap rates to Redding. Shasta County. We charter a car that leaves here Friday... ANDRE'S offlce. S16 Stockton st. — Cook, coun- 1 try hotel. $40 to-JSO; second cook. $10 a -week; ranch cook, $30: 2 waiters for country, $30; I waiter, city, $45; kitchen hands. $15 to $30; [ boy to run elevator. $13; stable boy, $6 a j week; butler. $35, etc. 1 SALESMAN for general merchandls- store, country; $60. W. D. EWER & CO., blO Clay. ' LAUNDRYMAN for Institution, short distance ' in- country, $40 and found; steady place. W. 1 D. EWER & CO.. 610 Clay st. , BOY about 15 years old for store work. $5 week ; and Increase. MRS. M. E. DAY & CO., Sod Geary st. . • ; 'WANTED — Experienced coffee roaster; steady position to right party; give reference, where worked and wages expected. Box 13S5, Call. ! GENTLEMAN of Indomitable enersry and push; ; good opportunity to right man. F. PERSON, room 412. Parrott building. '. YOUNG man. 17, living at home, correct hab- its. In wholesale business; permanent employ- ment: give references. Box 13S3. Call office. WANTED — First-class* coatmaker and pants- 3 maker to go to country: call 11 a. m. DET- l MER WOOLEN CO.. 64a Market at. . WANTED— Boy about 18 years old. to learn draughting and blue printing. Apply designer, .THOMAS DAY CO.. 725 Mission st. . $150 — WOMAN wants elderly man for partner In cigar store;* full value . of money. 257 Fourth St.. corner Folsom. • WANTED— Cash boys at RAPHAEL'S. FIRST-CLASS stitcher, ladies' tailor suits. A. • KAHN. 142 Geary st. . WANTED— Driver for parcel delivery wagon; ; give experience and reference. Box 1386. Call. '. WANTED— Errand boy. Apply HINK, JAE- ; NICKE & CO.. 29 Second st. WANTED— Sober man with $75 can make $15- $18 per week; no risk. 78 Third st.. room 2. BOY wanted about 17 years old. DECKEL- • MAN BROS., 106 Ellis st. EXPERIENCED porter for saloon. Call at 10J7 Market St.. between 9 and 10 a. m. STRONG boy for bakery; some experience. 1509 Polk st. GENT to \u25a0 solicit ' for a popular publication. Apply 519 Filbert st. . CABINETMAKER wanted. 119 Main st.. S. F. i 7 \u25a0/ ~ \u25a0 WHEELWRIGHT wanted. 1504 Folsom st. WANTED— A young man for stock clerk. 1220 Market st. 1 WANTED— Bright boy about 15 years. DAN- : _ZIGER. 237 Powell st. GET your shoes half-soled while waiting; 25c to 50c 563 Mission st., bet. 1st and 2d sts. i i WANTED— Boy to learn boat build In < trade! I Apply 646 Second st. : BEDMAKER at 639 Clay st. . WANTED— Cook and dishwasher at 1508 Ken- \ tucky st. : . WANTED— Job press feeder; apply 8 a. m. P. . A. & P. Co.. S36 Howard it. 1 WANTED— Watchmaker. Baldwin Jewelry Store. 846 Market st. GOOD waiter wanted. 134 Third st. - . WANTED— Men for light work on fruit. 1731 ; - Folsom Et. \u25a0 1 STRONG youn< man about 18 years old at fac- . tcry. Klrhteentfr and Hampshire sts. I GOOD barber, steady or evenings. 193S Mis- sion st. " * \u25a0. ... J WANTED— Cook at 416 Third «t. i EXPERIENCED dishwasher. 612 Kearny st. c ~~ ~~- \u25a0 ~~ ; r \u25a0 NIGHT cashier for 29 Stockton st.- . r '\u25a0 — : \u25a0 — . WAITER wanted at 17 and 19 Powell st. WANTED— Bright boy. who resides with his parenta to run passenger elevator In a whole- g sale -house. Address box 1343. Call offlce and -state age and references. \u25a0 - i WANTED— For the country.- a cutter who Is also a coot maker, and also a pants and vest - maker. Apply REISS BROS.. 24 Sutter st. . COAT, vestr and pants makers wanted, apply 11 a. m., Stevenson st entrance. CHARLF^ : LYONS. London Tailor. 721 Market «t. '. WANTED— Young man. some exoerience In • .painting and paperhangtns;: one that is wt'i . Ing to work., S23!4 Jackson st WANTED— A strong : errand boy who Vn™»i ; thefdty well.. Apply R. D. DAVIS & CO * . corner Geary; st. and Grant ave. . 1 FITTERS for architectural Iron* work Tron . - stairs, etc.: also strong. Intelligent boV« i» > to 20. to learn machinist tSde. MS feon : TI^gr e(1 - American Can Company! V B^E^-G^d_3 r chalr shop f or .ale. Box - BARBER; shop for sale; good country town nr j clty; lC ood reason, inquire 22^. M?nt°Z',," r 1 TAILORS-Flrst-class ladies' tailor wanted fjr the country. .Apply to STEIN. SIMON & cq! e WA NTED— Waiter for 2 hours >v?rv nl<»>,f ««j all day. Sundays. HI Larkin 8 t. ° S * BUSIXESS^ CHAKCES— Conttniied. A. STENBERG CO....... 753 Market «t. •Phone Black 6491.- • Stores, city and country rear estate and all kinds of business bought and sold. Lodging- houses, restaurants and cigar . stores a spec-^ laity. . FEW BARGAINS. J35CO— Grocery; central; large trade; n. Mrkt. $500— Grocery; good small stock; horse, wagon. $iOO— Partner in grocery; fine stock; well lo- cated; wants practical groceryman; half Int. $2000— The best paying restaurant north Mar- I ket; usual receipts J150 day; seats 100; sick- n«es compels sale at once. $3000— SECOND mortgage on valuable real 'es- tate fot sale; one-third off; a snap. Box 1 1370, Call offlce. \u25a0\u25a0•"\u25a0. \u25a0 -. •' LIQUOR store; good family and bar trade; rea- sonable; main street; fine location; -owner going north. Box 2342. Call- offlce. Oakland. $300— RESTAURANT; chance to get bargain; part down: good location. DONALD McRAE. k37 Mission ex. '\u25a0 SMALL boarding-house and saloon for sale. Apply 311 Broadway.* IF you wish to purchase or dispose of a busi- ness see Brown & Odell. rms 8 and 9. 41 3rd. BUSINESS Board Trade. 326 Pine st. WANTED— Partner; offlce business;- large re- turns. Box 1366, Call offlce. \u25a0 "WANTED — Small re'staurant or lunch counter; must be cheap for cash.- Box 1346, Call office. LARGE paper route for sale; good Inducements offered. Box 1263, Call offlce. SALOON for sale, opposite the ferry. Apply "I East St., north of Market. .kRBER shoD for sale; profits over $160 monthly; bargain. 8C3 Kearny st. WANTED — Partner in horseshoeing business. 40« Jackson St. SALOON for sale' on water front' Apply at 12 Jackson st. FOR sale— Fruit store with horse and wagon, cheap. 1249 Mission st. A BRANCH offlce for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at IOCS Valencia £t. - LODGI.\ti-HOL'SES FOR SALE. H. C D^C^CElv5^3FFfc^r^0^"aiarkeTst! i 48 rooms; clear-- $200... ..,:.. .........$3200 8 rooms; on Howard .* SOO 50 rooms; new; payments 9000 110-room hotel; clears $600 '..... ..10.000 ZZ rooms; transient; clears J250 2CO0 8 rooms; on Mission 275 St rooms; tine corner ;...... 323 24 rooms; the best 3000 ] 12 rooms; large yard 1500 40 rooms: boarding 4300 17 rooms; fine corner , 1350 liO rooms; apartment house 4200 7-room flat on McAllister st 223 MONEY TO LOAN ON ANY HOUSE. 8 rooms; fine yard S30 10-room house; tine location 425 24 rooms; on Geary st 1900 100 rooms; clears $350; payments to suit... 6CO0 16 rooms; transient; only $400 cash 750 | 5 rooms; flat; near City Hall 350 18 rooms; on Sixth st.; clears $S0 800 24 rooms; on Market st.; clears $150 IbOO 10. room?; on Mason Et. : new 750 32 rooms; oinces; clears J25U 3500 £1 rooms; $600 cash, balance payments.... 1230 ABSTRACTS FREE WITH EVERY HOUSE. • FRENCH SPOKEN. H. C. DECKER. 1020 Market; tel. Mint 736. THE DONALD INVESTMENT CO.. 800 Market st Tel. Davis 281 15 rooms; fine Jocation; new; clean 1500 16 rooms; full: Vveiy thing good; snap. .....160) 20 rooms; elegantly furn.; a snap ."....2500 41 rooms; fail; choice; bargain. 4500 17 rooms; north of Market; snap ...lil>> ! 12 rooms; boarding; best location 1300 10 rooms; corner; on Geary st S54 11 rooms; corner; on Jones ....1200 30 rooms; everything good? bargain 3253 10 rooms; light and sunny; cash $300 600 11 rooms; cheap rent; clears J35 '. .... 300 16 rooms; a fine corner 140J 44 roams; choice location? pays well 31)00 18 rooms; clo&e in; good business 1200 WE WILL MAKE LIBERAL LOANS ON ANY I OF THE ABOVE AT LOWEST RATES. AT once— Lady with few hundred dollars to manage Al rooming-house with boarders. DONALD INVESTMENT CO., 850 Market st. A FEW SAMPLES OF OUR LARGE LIST: Any of the following on monthly payments: 13 rooms; fine furniture $1050 21 rooms; corner; part cash 1500 28 rooms; piano; clears SCO; payments... 400 SS rooms; grand corner; clears $600 ,. 5950 42 rooms; cost $12,000 to furnish .'. 7C0t 6 rooms; coiner flat: payments 360 ! 9 rooms; JU'5 cash, bal. payments V.* 40 rooms; always rented: sacrifice 1250 10 rooms: O'Farrell: $150 cash, bal. pymts 750 , CALL, WE CAN SUIT YOU. 18 rooms; respectable; clears $90 liOO i 110 rooms; modern; hotel; clears $600 10,000 I 20 roorr.s; good location; moneymaker.... 750 i MONEY LOANED PHONE JOHN S31 j A. H. RETt-LOFF. £06 Market Et.. corner Ellis, room 12. . MARION GRIFFIN. 719 Market Et., rms. 1, 2. OFFICE NEAR THE CALL BUILDING. He has been in this business 15 years. He draws up the le^al papers free of charge. He has 4 salesmen— Business is booming. Money to loan— payable monthly or yearly. Call for his long free list of lodging-houses: 23 rooms; rent $30; corner: workIngnv»n..$30D 14 rooms; Pest St.: rent $53: clears $63.... SOO i 7 rooms; Leavtuworth St.; 2 floors; new. 500 j 11 rooms; near Sutter; Axmlnster carpets. 75*> i 16 r ; apartments: newly painted; rent $50. 850 j 80 rooms; rent $200; moneymaker 3600 ; 40 rooms: central: clears $150 month 2C00 j 15 rooms; sunny corner; 2 floors; rent $70.. S50 ; 63 rooms: rent JIM; fine location 4900 A. CAMERON & CO., 850 Market Et. and 8 Stockton St., Rooms 21, 22 ar.d 23. Phone Bush 32S. See our list of bargains. to r , rent H2j. boarders, elegant fur $8000 \u25a044 r., rent $120, inc. $300, apart, house SOOO 75 r., fent $175, full, good Inc 5500 24 r.. rent SSC, clear $75, trans., 3d st 1150 14 r. rent $60, sood turn., inc $105 1000 10 r. rent $43, clears $40. good fur., carp-- 600 8 r. rent $40; Brussels carp., housekpg 425 6 r., rent $35, fine little flat. 275 Flat?, 3 to 14 rooms, $150 to $1000 Private residences, 7 to 28 r.. $250 to $3000. NEW HOUSES JUST LISTED— 17 rooms; rent $50; clears $55; only $1000 19 rooms; rent $53: lease; part cash 1600 32 rooms; rent $100; elegant place 3150 35 rooms; must sell; make offer 1000 41 rooms; rent $S7; money-maker 2209 I .24 rooms; rent $63; part cash 1000 ] 27 rooms; business corner; cheap rent 180<J 28 rooms; rent $50; clears $100 5nW 40 rooms; cheap rent; north of Market 3S00 120 rooms: r^nt $110: profits $1600 yearly... 3500 WINSTON & WOLF, 1026 Maiket St. HEALY & HENDERSON. \u25a0 6 Eddy st., IS and 19; Phone James 2771 9 rooms: rent $23 $355 18 rooms; downtown: rent $53 1 200 23 rooms: close in: see this; rent $65 . 1,0 JD \ 11 rooms; Turk St.; rent $4"). GM J 1C0 rooms; electrir: lights 15,000 7-room fiat; 'McAHirter ft 250 S-room flat: new; rent $45... \u25a0 75) -10 rooms; G. G. ; new ,650 ! 28 rooms; downtown: elegant 2.530 BUYERS— Before buyins a house go to G. W. SCHWEINHARD. Phone Mint 1311. 917 Market St.. opp. Mason. He can ruit you in houses and prices. OWNERS — To effect a quick and. satisfactory tale of your house fend fnr or call on - ' G. W. SCHWEINHARD, Phone Mint mi. 317 Market st.. opp. Mason. J900— 14-ROOM house, a bargain; half cash, balance to. suit purchaser. McBRIDE & CO.. S93 Maiket st. _j . FOR Sale — At n gropt sacrifice a 100-rcomed - house paying Ji.V) per month; rent ?65; price 81300. 993 Market st. McBRIDE & CO. THE largest and best list of lodging-houses, I hDtelf and business chances can be found at the ofSce of FISHER & CO.. 935 Market St.; ;ihonc Folsom 1532. A— NOTICE— We have rooming-houses, all siz«-s and prices in all parts of the city: pet our list first. MITCHELL & CO.. 1206 Market St. A— LODGING-HOUSE wanted: 30 looms: no ob~- Jectlon to transient: no agents. Box 1384, Call. SPIRITUALISM. A— MRS. DR. FARNHAM, spii-rUjal~mediura and life reader: mining a specialty; cir. Sun., Wed. and Friday evenings. 1033 Market st. MRS. J. J. WHITNEY, trance, bus. medium; life reader; medical, clairvoyant: sittings $1; letter. $2. 1164 O'Farrell Et.; Ellis car.. C. V.i Miller, world's famous materializing me- dium: spirits speak face to face; seance Tue., Fn.. Su.. S p. m., 50c. 1084 Bush; p. Larkin 2275. BROCK'WJiY'S psychic seance, Sunday, Tues- day, Thursday, 8:15 p. m.; 25c; readings daily. 2S9 Hyde. cor. Eddy; phone Hyde 2564. Miss M.Wille.326A Ellis st.. greatest of all crys- tal seers; reads your life correctly; full names . given; sittings, 60c up; 3 questions by mall $1. MRS. GILLINGrfAM. test meeting,, 8 p. mT 10c. 305 Larkin: hours 1-5; phone Howard 745. Mme. Younc's demonstration ~ of spirit return to-night. 605 McAllister; 10c; come, skeptics. ARNOLD and Diekson's materializing seance to-night; ell can see spirits. 201 Turk st. M 5 S - LESTER. "Circle" 8 p." m.MPc; reading* 50c and $1. 148 Sixth, r. 12; tei. Howard 1123. HARMACHEIS. occult medium; circles ~Sun7 Tues..Wed..Frl.eves.;rdgs.dally. 332 O'Farrell. PROF. Gee. 108 6th— Readings 50c and.Jl: cir every night ex. Sun.. 10c; tel. Howard , 1123. FRIENDSHIP Hall, 335 McAllister-Mrs; C J. Meyer; sittings daily; test to all to-nlfiht, 10c. CLAIRVOYANTS. MME. PORTER, ' wonderful clairvoyant & card reader, born with double veil— second sight; diagnoses disease with life reading; ladies 50c. \u25a0 gents $1; palm, and clalr. Bit. $1 50. 126 . Turk.\ MME. HANSEN. • card reader and palmist, tells paet. prewnt and future. 25c. 14$ Sixth, r. 14. KMPLOYBIEXT WANTED — FEMALE. TRUSTWORTHY position as working h,ouse- keeper by an experienced and refined. woman . (English) ; highest ; references. . Please call , after 6 p. m. or write particulars, 230 Brod- • erick st. < r ;-; ; ' \u25a0 ; •"; .-•: \u25a0 '\u25a0•.' ' ..- RESPECTABLE German. lady would like a po- sition as - working • housekeeper in - a small i family; references. Call or address at 2805 Harrison St., near Twenty-fourth.:-. PROTESTANT woman wishes housekeeper's : position in Protestant family; neat and re- v liable; steady place wanted; references. Ad- . dress box 1330. Call offlce. -: \u25a0'-.:\u25a0 - ' '---'\u25a0 -'\u25a0'' YOUNG married woman with a child would like to do light housework; wages *6 or $3 j a month. Call Thursday afternoon' 868 . Fifth _st., corner Mission. . - - GERMAN , woman wishes situation to do gen- eral work by day or week. Apply at 162 Jes- sle Et.. coiner 0? Annie. . MIDDLE-AGED . woman -wishes < light house- work or taking care of an old lady. : Apply 2 . Hampton court, off HarriBOn st., bet. 2d & 3d. INFANT'S nurse • wishes situation; can .take full charce; city or country; wages $25. 929 \u25a0 Pine st. i \u25a0 . - '- \u25a0- \u25a0 :\u25a0.'•\u25a0 .. .• ' • RELIABLE woman with a child attending school wishes any kind of employment during school hours. Address R., 443 Golden Gate ave. RESPECTABLE woman wishes work by the day as first-class laundress or housecleanlng; , good references. D. F.. 1115 Treat ave. WANTED— A situation as cashier or to assist , at counter of restaurant or bakery. Address , box 1381.' Call offlce. • \ WANTED-By a middle-aged woman a situa- tion to do light housework and sewing.' Box 1387, Call offlce. RELIABLE young girl desires general house- work and cooking In American family; wages $25. Call at 412 Linden ave. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 WOMAN wants position to do housework; good cook; wages $23. 204 Van Ness ave. WANTED-By a Kood American girl, house- work by the day; is thoroughly honest and ( trustworthy; Jl tO^per . day. Call or address 1061 Howard st.. room 2. *i ELDERLY American woman wishes position; general housework: good plain cook; moder- ate wages. 1239 Market st./ near Ninth. RELIABLE woman wishes position to do- gen- eral housework; is a good cook; city or coun- try. Address 10 Stockton place, off Grant ave. MIDDLE-AGED lady as chambermaid and seamstress and care of children. Address 118 -. Wlldey ave. . \u25a0 GIRL would like a situation doing upstairs work. Call or address 407& Harrison st. WANTED— Work by chambermaid and, stay home nlEhts. Add. Mrs. S. T., box 1336. Call. A LADY would like a position as housekeeper. ! 141 Fifth Bt. . \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 . ' EXPERIENCED nurse would like nositlon In sanitarium doctor's office or would care for Invalid lady; references. Address CM.. 1926 Market st. - A RESPECTABLE woman would like work by the day washing or cleaning; terms moder- ate. Call at 337 Jessie St.. bet. 4th and 6th. WINCHESTER House. 44 Third St.. near Mar- ket— 200 rooms; 2-ic to Jl 50 per night; Jl 50 to 16. week: convenient and respectable; free 'bus and baggage to and from ferry. \u25a0 CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Cull branch offlce. 2200 Flllmore. A BRANCH olfice for Call advertisements and Fubscrlptlons has been established' at 109J Valencia rt. \ ___\u25a0 '' CHEAPEST and best, in America— The Weekly Call. 18 pages, sent to any address In the United States or Canada one year for Jl. EMPLOYMENT WANTED—MALE. A GARDENER wishes position, having long • years of experience and thoroughly competent in all branches of horticulture for Inside and outside work; versed in all work pertaining to extensive grounds; best ot recommendations. Address box 1725, Call office. PRACTICAL miner and mill man of 15 years' experience in general mining and milling de- sires position to take charge of mine or mill; good references; moderate wages. Address Miner, box 1407, Call office.. UNDERSTAND incubators. tend chickens, drive horses, care of carriages; give refer- ence; willing to do any other work; wagtf $20 per month. Box 1402, Call. A WELL-EDUCATED young man of 26, pur- suing a professional course at nights, wishes honorable work of any character with some firm. Box 1375, Call office. A MIDDLE-AGED man, well educated, desires position as porter in some wholesale commis- sion house. Address H. SCHROEDER, 2269 Geary st. . EXPERIENCED metal prospector wishes em- ployment, either- at salary or an Interest In discoveries; reference as to sobriety and hon- - csty. Box 13S8, Call offlce. . WANTED— Position as coachman; an experi- enced man, young, with good references. Ad- dress box 1368, Call offlce. NIGHT work- by reliable, competent young man; offlce work preferred; Al references. ' Kox 1403. Call office. - WANTED — By a nurse, a position in a hospi- lal or on a private case; well recommended. i:ox 14C5, Call office. POSITION as teamster in wholesale or deliv- ery: Al references as to character and ability. Address box 1401, Call offlce. MAN and wife, German, without children, de- ' sire to take charge of a country place. Ad- dress P, O. box 162, Santa Cruz. > « ' EXPERIENCED salesman wants position; ac- quainted with city and country trade; salary or commission. Box 1372, Call office. POSITION in wholesale liquor or grocery busi- ness as Ealesman; experienced either in city- or on the road. Box 1373, Call offlce. ; . SITUATION wanted by'a good kitchen hand; can do short x>rder8; also, restaurant porter. Box 1331. Call olflce. f \u25a0' \u25a0 AN American, 30 years of age, who neither drinks nor gambles, would like a single cr double team- to drive, or any kind of respec- table employment until first of April; well acquainted with city; salary no object. Box 1 1351, Call offlce. POSITION wanted by thoroughly reliable Scan- dinavian on city or country place as coach- man,- gardener and general utility man; can milk and understands his business' thor- oughly; references. Box 4502, Call olflce. A STRONG reliable young man with sev- eral years' experience In liquor work wants \u25a0position in any capacity in liquor or. wine house; can do barrel repairing; good refer- • ences. Box 1113, Call office. WANTED— Situation in private reHidence by Japanese ' man and wife: I just came from Japan; cannot speak English; but very faith- ful and good Eervants; wages small. Address £60Vi Brannan St. - • \- • WANTED— Situation as Janitor or porter; se- curity if necessary; Al references; 4 years at once place. Address R. N. MICHEAL, 451Vi Jessie st. . .- : ENGINEER well up In the Ice machine busi- I ness, electric light and power, with 26 years' j experience, wants position; Al references. Address box 1238. Call office. ; EXPERIENCED grocery clerk wants a posl- I tion; understands liquor business well; city , or country; has the best ' references. Address box 13CD, Call offlce. YOUNG gentleman wishes position with whole- sale house as traveling salesman; can furnish good references: paints and oils business pre- ferred. Box 1292, i Call. -. \u25a0 . ... ANY kind of occupation, from 12:30 to 4:30 dally, wanted by reliable man,' aged 40, \u25a0 ex- perienced with offlce. and", store work. Box' 12?6. Call office. , -' - \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 . YOUNG Englishman, 24, very willing, respect- able, and of good habits, wishes employment of any "description. Address J. E. H., box 1333. Call office. ' \u25a0' :\u25a0'-'•. .-„ - .' EDUCATED Dutchman, speaking ! Spanish, German and English, wants position; city or country; 5% . years'. . references. -. L. . VAN GELDER.,443 Eddy st.' • MAN. with wife and 2 children from the East would like to find employment for himself \u25a0 on a ranch; also for his wife at same place. Address A. E. CRAIG. Montlcello. Cal. WANTED— By an experienced j baker, J a place as foreman in the country. Address Baker, - box 1323. Call offlce. . -,\u25a0'\u25a0 , " ' ; :: JAPANESE," honest boy, wants .situation In private family; j small wages. , Apply MAYA, 923 Sacramento st. . '\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 - \u25a0\u25a0'.- JAPANESE, first-class cook, wants situation \u25a0In private family; understands any style of cooking. Apply YAMA, -923 Sacramento st. WANTED— By a young man attending school,' a place to work for his board. Box 1291,' Call. WANTED by a young man — A place to work and attend school. E. C. B.', box 1267. Call. . CLASSIFIED advertisements and' subscriptions -; received at Call branch office. 2200 Fillmore si. A, BRANCH offlce for Call 'advertisements and .^-subscriptions, has-been established at • 1091 Valencia Ft. \u25a0' -. " - . ' COMPANIES promoted ; and \u25a0 financed; stock taken in payment for services; good -mining \. and industrial . propositions wanted; .-: gold bonds furnished PACIFIC STATES MINING _ AND INVESTMENT- CO., 326 Post et. PACIFIC Coast~Underwrltfng f Co." (Inc.)— We have 42 offices -In: operation; new: method- of '. placing stocks > and bonds; companies . incor- porated ; stocks and bonds underwritten. Call or address main offlce. 507-8-9 . Parrott bldg. JFK AMISS AXP PICTURES. CLVDK U KELL,ER~~128-1SO Hayes." nr. V.Nmi ;•- -Best? work and lowest prices west Chicago. ' ;.$25 . HELP WANTED — MALE— Con, EXPERIENCED boilennakers wanted by tb.9 RISDON IRON WORKS of San Francisco: also blacksmiths, capable of working under steam hammer, ship and machine forcings; S3 50 a day and steady employment. Apply at office of company, Beale and Howard sts., San Francisco. 1000 MEN wanted— Rock drillers, tunnel, brush and shovel men to work on ditch line being constructed for the Sweepstake Mining Co., near Weaverville. Trinity Co.. CaL ; apply on work: steady work, good board and beat wages in State. San Francisco Construction Co.. 26 Montgomery- St., room 23, San Fran- claco, Cal. \u25a0 . WANTED— Steady, sober German as driver for baker wagon, on Western Addition route; must have 'sufficient experience and refer- ences; good wages; state former employmeut. Box 1341. Call offlce. WANTED— Laborers and mechanics to know that Ed Rolkln. Reno House proprietor, still runs Denver House. 217 Third St.; 150 large rooms; 25c per night; $1 to $2 per week. MEN to learn barber trade: only eight weeks required; tools donated: positions guaranteed; catalogue free. MOLER BAR3ER COL- LEGE. 635 Clay St. WANTED— Sober, reliable youns man with some cash; $60 month; no experience neces>- sary; close Sundays. 1221 Market t.. r. 1. ALL sizes men's shoes, slightly damaged, half price. 563 Mission St., bet. 1st and 2d sta. WANTED-Good general blacksmith. Apply to J. O'SHEA. Seventeenth and Vermont sts. WANTED— A blacksmith's helper on carriages and wagons. 1507 California st. SHOEMAKER on repairing; good wages for sober, steady man; come early. 2140 Fillmort. BOY for stable work and milk wagon. 433 Connecticut at.; Elghth-st. cars. WANTED— Iron molders and machinists, at 605 Mission st >_ ~" ELDERLY man who understands nursery •work aad florist business. Call 500 Halght. YOUNG men to learn barber trade; catalogue . mailed. S. F. Barber College, 741A Howard. SAILORS, ordinary, for ships for all parts of the word. HERMAN'S. 26 Steuart st. PENSION atty. E. A, Bullis. r. 40. Fhelan big. Past com. Geo. H. Thomaa Post. G. A. R. WINCHESTER House, 44 Third St., near Mar- ket— 700 rooms. 23c night; reading rooms; free 'bus and baggage to and from frry. A BRANCH offlce for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1098 Valencia st. ___________ CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch offlce. 2200 Flllmore st. HORSES AXP WAGOXS. A HUNDRED head of well broke German army horses, suitable for all business pur- poses. Just arrived. JOHN H. HALTON. at Chase & Co.'s sales yard. 1732 Market »t. ONE 1-horse- truck, one 4-ton express wagon, one rurney; all second-hand; one second-hand trap. CARVILL MFG. CO.. 48 Eighth «t. DO not fail to attend the special auction sals Wednesday. October 23, at 11 a. m.. at th<» Arcade Horse Market. 327 SlxtJi st. JOHN ' J. DOYLE. Auctioneer. . VERY stylish bay carriage team; seventeen . hands; sound, gentle. E. 9.. 7:' Howard st. A BARGAIN In Rcod carriage, saddle, bus'nesa and road acrtey. DALZIEL. 605 G. G. »ve. 3 DOUBLE team* for sale. Apply D. RING. 1942 Union st. CHEAP— New panel body delivery. 1 laundry, t baker's. 1 shoe. 1 grocery wagon. 828 Harrison. ALL kinds of wagons, buggies, carts, harness, etc.. cheap. EGAN & SOX. 2117 Mission *t. AN A No. 1 express wagon, single; also light camping wagon for sale, cheap. 532 Mission. DISSECTING subjects wanted. <3. F. Vet. Col.. Sin (1 O. av».. Dr. E. J. Craelv. dean. HOSPITALS. MENTAL and nervous diseases cared for at ST. ELMO HOSPITAL. 230 Douglass St.. S. F HOUSES TO LET. A— PRINTED list houses to let; send for cir- cular. G. H. UMBSEN & CO.. 14 Montgomery. $18 -S-ROOMS; near Powell and Washington, or -will sell: $300 cash, balance 125 per month. THE MCCARTHY CO.. 646 Market st. J HOUSES TO LET— FURNISHED. CLAY,' 3710 — Furnished house of 3 rooms and bath; billiard table and Stetnway grand piano; marine view; rent $70 per month. LOST AND FOU^dT MISGIVEN. Tuesday. October 22. at Zoonlmlr social. Pythian Castle, a feather boa. Please return to 8C6 Mission st. LOST— Female St. Bernard. Oct. 22. $10 rewar 1 will be paid for her return to 433 Seventh st. LOST— Brown and white dog, vicinity Third and Market sts. ; liberal reward. 3360 Twenty-third. LOST — A large fountain pen. gold mounted. Re- turn to 123 Front st. ; reward. LOST— Blue silk garter, with gold clasp, set with one diamond; suitable reward on return to FORTESCUE. 300 Front st. LOST — Grocery book with name of H. Clyne on inside page. Return 413 Tenth ave. LOST— On Friday, October 13, 1901. a turquoise, surrounded by diamonds. In the form of & brooch. Suitable reward at 2125 Jackson st. IT will pay to "Remember" that the Califor- nia Watch Case Co.. 220 Sutter st., needs old gold and silver to make new watch cases. MATTRESSES AXD PILLOWS. TO order, also cleaned and sterilized, uphol- stery; Al carnet cleaning; honest work guar- anteed. HOPKE BROS., 411 to 415 Powell St.: tel. Bush 421. Upholstery and mattress work done In houses by the day or job. P. JOLY. 257 Stevenson st. MEDICAL. DR. O'DONNELL— All who are sick and la trouble call and consult the specialist. My medicines have been used for many years by thousands: the unfortunate helped; relief In all cases taken; the most obstinate cases havs been relieved by my medical treatment: frea confidential advice on all subjects of a deli- cate nature; all classes of^female complaint* treated; relief to the longest cases. DR. G W. O'DONNELL. 1018 Market St.. opp. Fifth. A— Mrs. Sweet, graduate Royal University, B-r- lin; 25 years' experience In midwifery cases; utmost confidence can be placed in her; takes & treats ladies before & during confinement; best care, attention: confinement $15; board H week: infants adopted. 3827 ISth St.; Mission- st. cars; consultation free; phone Capp 2S03. MRS. D. WYETH and Mrs. Kohl, reliable ladies' specialists for female complaints; in- etant relief guaranteed; 30 years" experience; private home before and during confinement. 410 O'Farrell st.. near Taylor; hours 9 to 5. HINDOOHERB AND MRS. DAVIES' original method of treatment; maternity home: homo in confinement. 1126 Market St.. S. F. MRS. D. ALLEN. HIS Market-Reliable la- dles specialist; a prir. home before and dur- lng confinement; best medical care: low fees. THE original MRS. DAVIES^ Is still located at 1228 Market; maternity home provided; offlc* houra 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. and < to 8:30 p. m. DR. NG TOY KEE. 210 Stockton st.. opp. union square: all diseases cured by herbs. M1SCELLAXEOCS— FOR SALE. BOILERS, engines, 2d-hand machinery! Mc~ IfrTOSH & WOLPMAN. 193- 1S7 Fremont St. BARS, back bars, mirrors, restaurant and po- ker tables, barroom chairs, linoleum, new and second hand ; we always have a large stuck oi 'saloon outfits on hand: 32 complete outfits on one floor, ready made: we can ship everything . In 24 hours. J. NOONAN, 1017, 1013. 1021. 10:5 Mission St.. above Sixth; write for catalogue. GOOD firewood for sale cheap. Risdon Iron Works, cor. Howard and Beale sts. RETIRING from business— We are selling out our' stock of pictures, frames and moldings at a reduction of half off: must close out everythlns by Nov. 15. JONES & CO.. 704 Larkin st., near Ellis^ LOT machine shop tools. lathes, planers, shap- ers. etc.: also wood-workins tools, such as band saws, wood planers, shapers. stickers, mortisers, saws, etc. J. B. JARDINE, 2» ; Fremont st. . .':\u25a0\u25a0» A — BUYS, sells or rents gear, machinery, en- gines, boilers, water pipes, shafting, pulleys. etc. WHITELAW. 253-253 Spear st. FOR Sale— Two thoroughbred Irish Setters (males). S months old. Address P. O. box 101. Novato. CaL HAND tenoning machine and hand shapwr suitable for caroenter shop; also No. t Hooker steam pump. 843 Howard st. FINE suits. $10; dress pants. $2 75. MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS. 437 Montgomery St. A— $3 SO DERBY and Fedora hats, Jl 75. Popu- . lar Price Hatters, 330 Kearny st. near Pfne- 8 HP. boiler and 6 hp. automatic engine- eork- plete. perfect. H. S. WHITE. 518 Mission ft. FOR sale — 2 National- cash registers,. Inquirs Old Louvre, Phelan building. SAX FRAJVCISCO CALL. : BUSINESS OFFICE of The San Francisco Call, corner of Market and Third streets; open until 12 o'clock even* night In the year. BRANCH OFFICES— 5!7 Montgomery street. corner Clay; open until 9:30 p. m. _ SOO Hayes rtreet; oi>eD until 9:30 p. m. C39 McAllister street; cuen until 9:30 p. m. SIS Larkin etreet: open ur.tll 9:30 p. m. 1S41 Mission etreet; open «:ntll 10 p. m.- 2261 Market etreet. corner sixteenth; open until S p. m, 191 Eleventh etreet: open until 9 p. m. 1036 Valencia et; open until 9 p. m. Northwest corner Twenty-second and Ken- tucky ttreetE ; open until 9 p. m. £200 Fillmore street; open until 9 p. m. MEETING NOTICES. A REGULAR meeting of Yerba Buena . Lodge of Perfection No. 1. A. and A. . tht 1 Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, will . be g\ he'd in Commandery Hall. Masonic /cj\ Temple on THURSDAY EVENING, V&.V October 24, 1301. at 8 o'clock. Degree 14th. HENRY BURNER. Secretary. MISSION Chapter No. 7?. R. A. M.— m Special meeting THIS (THURSDAY) JW EVENING. Past Master and M. E. y&ja Master degrees. By order of the H. r^y p. JNO. R. HILLMAN, Secretary. CALIFORNIA Lodge No. 1, F. and A. ' • M.. will meet THIS (THURSDAY) _#%, EVENING, October 24. at 7:30 o'clock. Tt/f First degree. By order ot the Master. '\u25bc' FRANKLIN H. DAY, Secretary. FIDELITY Lodge No. 120. F. and A. M. • — Special meeting THIS (THURSDAY) -^\_ EVENING at 7 o'clock. Third degree. TC2C Master Masons cordially invited. By/^T\ orficr of the W. M. FREDERICK BARRY. Secretary. SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO Lodge No. m 212. F. and A. M.. meets THIS m^k lk (THURSDAY) EVENING at 7:30 Ttlf o'clock for . third degree. Master \u2666 V Masons cordially invited. By order of the Uacter. E. C HARE. Secretary. DOKIC Lodge No. 216. F. and A. M.— m Special meeting 'THIS (THURSDAY) _#\_ EVENING at 7:3) o'clock. Sscond de- jLjZ grce. Sojourning brethren are Invited. ' ~ By order of the Master. J. R. GOLDSMITH. Secretary. TERBA Buena Lodge No. 15. I. O. -aQgittK^. O. F.— Officers and members are £j*p i55Sr cordially Invited to attend an en- tertalnicent and social to be given '\u25a0//!»" in Memorial Hall THURSDAY EVENING. Oct. 14. 1901. \u25a0 \u25a0 . T. C. MARTIN. Noble Grand. J. J. DE HAVEN, Recording Secretary. THE S. F. Scottish Thistle Club A «Tv meets THIS (THURSDAY) EVEN- ?), SffJ ING. Fraternity Hall. 22 O'Farrell iXXSic et.. at 8 o'clock. '•Smoker" fol- lows. Finance Committee meets at 7:45 p. m. GEORGE MILLER. Royal Chief. GEORGE W. PATERSON. Recorder. ACEXTS WANTED. AGENTS WANTED^Our great cet of Christ^ mas books row ready. Best and newest books for children. Colored pictures. Lowest prices. Best sellers tver known. Agents selling from 12 to 25 books r>*r day. Also life of William McKlnley and Complete Story of His .Assas- sination, Including Lives of Lincoln and Gar- field and Stories of their Assassination. About 500 extra large rases. Biggest, best book. Su- perbly Illustrated. Lowest price. Handsome . and valuable premium. 75 per cent to agents. One book free with each ten ordered. Freight paid. Credit given. No experience necessary. Outfit free. Fell the best book. Make the most money. We pive the most liberal treat- ment. All orders shipped day they are re- ceived. We own the largest binderies and are the only publishers shipping books promptly. HENRY NEIL, 323 Dearborn st., Chicago. III. AGENTS to establish route nrr.or.K business houses: $15 week; pxpenres allowed while es- tablishing route. 516 Commercial Et. AGENTS— Do you want something more profit- able and easier ti yell than books or Insur- nnce? Ad. F. PERSON, r. 412. Parrott bldg. ADOPTIOS. MATERNITY Villa— Good homes for healthy ln- f»rt«. Dr. Kmii'f! Funke.141fi fith rtl. Alameda. ASPHALTl.M ROOFIXG. 3. PELTIER, asphalt roofing, sidewalks re- nalred: postal. 11S6 Mission: tel. Folsom 2477. ASTROLOGY. PROF. ROUSSEAU, astrologist: complete life reading. ECc: by mail. HOc. 1163 Market st. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. FREE advice— J. M. VERDENAL. attorney, 314 Montgomery st. — Divorces, private; fees low; probating: bankruptcy: collections; cults; titles perfected; documents drawn; mortgages; property bought: money loaned: insurance 30c on $100. P. B. TRAVERS. evenings, 41SH Post. ADVICE free: divorces private; bankruptcy; col- lections; attachments; mortgages; bills of sale; partnership: 1 : deeds; wills drawn ;fees low; open eve's. THURSTON, 1005*4 Mkt.. r. 4, opp. 5th- ADVICE fr^e— Divorces a specialty; quick; quiet: no charpe without* success; collections, wills, deeds, etc., prepared: charge low; estb. 16 years. Atty. G. W. HOWE. J50 Market st. ADVICE free; moderate fee- if successful; office open evenings. HUGH C. GRANT, 927 Market. ADVICE free; no charge unless successful. W. W. DAVIDSON. T27 Market st.. opp. Mason. L. S. CLARK. Emma gprecktls bldg.. S27 Mar- kfct Ft.; consultation free; no fees in advance. UICYCLES — For Sale or Exchange. ! GOOD second -hand bicycles for sale, $5 up; eer.d for bargain list. LEAVITT & BILL. 309 Larkin tt. [IOAIIUI.\G FOIt CHILDREN. LADY with email child would furnish good home and care for little boy or girl at reason- able compensation. Address box 1320, Call. GOOD home for small child, with motherly care; o'eject. company. Call or address 831 Et., Oakland. MOTHER'S care and good home for two or three children; low terms. 1607 California st. HOOKS XEW AAO OLD. BOCKS of every kind bought. Tel. Red 2556. HOLMES BOOK CO.. 704-706-708 Mission st. - PCttllAU iTaUSKS. TRUNKS of every description at bedrock pnees. Factory and salesroom. S26 Howard. uvhixas&a chaaciss. A— *2<W— CIGAR store; wholesale districrTspienl did cbance lor lady or gentleman. R. G. \\ lLKE. 26V4 Kearny et. . JJOO— CORNER snocery and bar: H\-ins rooms; cheap rent; best part of the Mission; tee and n.ake an offer. K. G. WiLKE, 26'^ Kearny. A— J'.COO— CORNER grocery and bar. doing a large cash business; splendid bar trade; rent 425; £ickne5s of wile only cause of eale. riee H. O. WILKE. 2S& Kearny st. "A-I12C0-BAKERY and restaurant; established for years; doing a tirst-class paying business. Call K. «. WILKE. 26H' Kearny et. A— $15(0— BAKERY In Western Addition; estab- lifched £*> years; rent J4a; 2 norses, 1 wagon; more «>tore trade; baking t barrels, per day Particulars M. li. WILKE. 2*»* Kearny st, A— J40y— CORNER taloon on Mason St.; rent $25; cood business; must be sold at once; owner accepted Government position. Call ! R. U. WILKE. 25', Kearny st. A-tlt-00-COFFEE ("loon and lunch room m wholesale district; tut rent; daily receipts lrcrn $25 to f40; !:e:i> expenses only $3 per day Oil KG. WILKE. 2S% Kearny st. . A— J25C— DELICACY and pork store with 3 living rooms; rent Ji4; business established ] years and clearing above $100 per month. Call ! U. G. WILKE, 26% Kearny st. ! A- $1000- LIQUOR store on Market st.; estab- ! lii-hcd many years: doing a good paying bu*i- I ness; investigate and you will find a hpleniiid j Lufclness offer. It. G.- WILKE. 26% Kearny. A— tro— COFFEE Faloon and restaurant on I-ourth Ft., near Market; rent *30; place does I a good payine: business. Call R. G. WILKE I 26% Kearny ct. ff.-00-MONEY-MAKINO oil route; 1500 retail customers and wholesalers; horses wacons _an*L ta^ks : _JD]E?CK_&jCO. ; _m_Market. r. 20S. FOR SALE— A goo-1 saloon on Market st • on acco-unt of death will be sold at a bargain'- no agents. Apply McLEOD & HATJE, 615 Mar- ItOOMING and boarding-houses, hotels flats stores and business places of every description sold end exchanged. McBRIDE & CO. 993 &i&rket ct.; phone Folsom 450. FOR *ale — Oni> of the b*»t transient corner sa» locne in city; established 20 years; with 44 newly fum:ehed rooms: will pell together or separate; price SCQCC. Box 1408. Call offlce. HAIR dressing parlors; well located: parties leaving. PALSBT;RY. 459 Ninth eU, Oakland. A SMALL corner ealoon for sale: paying busi- ness: low rent. Inquire at 143 Fifth st. FOR SALE — The Call agency In Santa Cruz- price J1200. . 1230-RESTAURANT: cost 810C0; rent $30; sound value. D. McRae 'Furniture Co.. S37 Mission. t40 — RESTAURANT and coffee saloon to-day; wrcure it. Apply, furniture store, E37 Mission. A— DELICACY store In first-class running or- der; enap. .MITCHELL & CO.. 120C Market. A— BUSY dp-ar stand, netting $3 daily, sacrl- Cccd account death. Hedges. 410 Parrott bldg. : _'_V_^-_-.v^AT^:_TO>LET. /\u25a0-<\u25a0•\u25a0- MODERN sunny upper flat. 7 rooms and bath; : : flr3t-class order. 105 South Park. . O'FARRELL. 1933— Modern flat. 6 rooms, bath; yard; .basement; cheap to good tenant. $15— SUNNY flat. 5 rooms and bath. 2211 Geary St., corner Devlsadero. , FIFTEENTH, 1898. corner Dolores-Sunny bay- - window, flat, .7 rooms and bath. ' - 3 ROOMS; also range for sale. 20 Harrison \u25a0, ave.. off Folsom st.. bet. 7th and 8th ; $10. J8— FLAT of 3 rooms and yard on Linden ave.; '.-; water and ashman free. Key at 524 Fell st. \. Ml 50— MODERN bay-wlridow" flat. 7 rooms and bath. \u25a0 15B Henry st.. near Market and lath. ; FURNITURE FOR SALE. FOR Sale— Contents of newly, furnished house; - party'going East. Call 1205 Chestnut st.. Ala- meda; no dealers. ' \u25a0- . 4 ROOMS furnished in oak, S4S 50. with No. 7 range. King Furniture Co.. 1127-1131 Market. Will furnish your house on monthly payments. A. B. Smith Furniture Co., 128 & 132 Ellis. FOR sale— Furniture of 5 rooms.' Call from 12 to 5, 353 Fourth st.; no dealers. - . * FURNITURE WANTED. CAL. Auction" Co., 759 Market— Buys furniture, merchandise, etc. ;. phone Black 5491. WILSON -buys .all kinds of household goods. 1710 Market; tel. South 413.- . A. WOLLPERT. 773 Mission St., pays hljrhest price for second-hand furniture; tel. Red 1354. A. L. STORRS. 634 Ellis st ; telephone Larkin 2782; highest price paid for furniture, carpets. .TEL.- Jessie 761' before selling furniture, car- pets. pianos, etc. CHAS. LEVY. 1135 Market. : CLOVES,; WE are selling through our coupon system 4 pairs of ladies' cloves or 3 pairs of gents' gloves, each ret valued at $5, for 25c; in order to Introduce,, the system all over the- U. S. , we .offer to send free of charge one of our coupon books, value $1 23. to the first reply from this ad In every city and town In tho IJ. 'S.t ALEXANDER & CO.. Glove Manu- facturers, 40 Beach St.. Boston, Mass. D. & F, new $1 glove, retailed at factory price; warranted: kept in repair. 121 Grant ave. ~ IIULP WAXTKD FEMALE. A— MRS. M.E. DAY & CO..... Phone Main 1575 HOTEL DEPARTMENT Waitress, Sacramento. $25; 2 waitresses, same place near city, $20; 12 waitresses, first-class city and country hotels. $20 and $25; -2 res- taurant waitresses. $7; 2 lunch waitresses, 60c; cook, light work. $30 FAMILY DEPARTMENT 2 cooks, country, |30; second girls, $20 and $25; houscgirl, 2 in family, country. $20; housegtrl; $20; houseglrl. country, $25, 'see party here, fare paid. Female help of all nationalities, city and country; reliable posi- tions; best wages MRS. M. E. DAY & CO.... 335 Geary st. AN experienced chocolate dipper for retail candy factory; steady place; good wages. MRS. M. E. DAY & CO 335 Geary at. AN English lady's maid for family living In city hotel, $25. MRS. M. E. DAY & CO 335 Geary st. MAN and wife as cook and helper, private boarding-house $45 Cook for men, country ;.$25 ! Cook, 4 In family, no washing .$35 3 cooks, American families $25. $30 Housework for Napa, 4 In family..' $23 20 girls for housework, small families.. $20, $2i 3 laundresses, city and country 925. $30 4 waitresses, family hotel ...$20 4 second girls ....$20 Cook and second girl, same house, Alameda* $20. $25 2 children's nurses .' $15 I Housework, 3 In family. Oakland $30 30 girls for all kinds of housework, city and country: call early. J. F. CROSETT & CO., 316 Sutter st. . - \u25a0 - . - A— 2 EXPERIENCED girls for labeling and painting cans. $7 50 week." Apply to MUR- RAY & READY, 634-636 Clay at. '___ A— HOTEL GAZETTE, 26 Montgomery, r. 12. 2 waitresses, same country hotel, $25, free j fare. . • j WANTED— Girls for laboratory work; age 16 to 22 years; must furnish good references. Call bet. 10 and it a. m.. Thursday. October 24. at j offlce of CLINTON E. WORDEN & CO., 214 Townsend st. HAIRDRESSING taught in 2 weeks; manlcur- lng & facial massare Included; course {5: po- I sitlona positively guaranteed: 4 good position j waiting. S. F. College, 233 Geary st., room 15. : YOUNG couple wants woman 'or girl for light 1 work in exchange for a good home. Apply | at 10 Eureka tt. A LADY of Indomitable energy, possessed of self-assertion: good opportunity to right par- ty, i F. PERSON, room 412. Parrott building. WANTED— Good, reliable girl for housework; wages $15: German or Swedish preferred; I : reference required. 1303 Leavenworth st. ! COAT finishers wanted at once. HENRY . HILP, 102-104-106 Battery st . AN elderly German woman for general house- i work; no washing. 1253 Folsom st. CHOCOLATE and cream dipper: retail. Call I evenings at The Sugarie, 993 Valencia st. FIRST-CLASS finishers on skirt*. A. KAHN. ! 142 Geary st. ' . WANTED— Glrl»,to work in paper box factory. Apply at 434 Jackson st. WANTED— A flr'st-class dinner waitress- at 304 Mason st. ; wages $3 10 a week. WAIST and eklrt hands for dressmaking. 121 Post st., room 49. WANTED— Youne girl for general housework; 2 in family. ,1110 Filbert St., lower flat. ) GIRL for candy store; must be experienced; none others need apply. 512 Hayes st. . GIRL' for general housework; small family; reference. 1128 Ellis st. . DRESSMAKER help, also apprentice wanted. 1207V4 Bush St. ; > . . GIRL for light housework and take care of lit- tle child; good home. 1632 McAllister st. j WANTED— Girl to assist In care of two chil- dren; liberal wages. 1518 Fifteenth st. GIRL, general housework; wages $20 to $25. 2S11 Buchanan st. '' MACHINE operators at LEVI STRAUSS & " CO.'S overall factory, 32>£ Fremont St.; good wages; no experience necessary; steady work. Apply MR. DAVIS. WANTED — Experienced operators on women's wrappers and waists; steady work; electric power; good pay. MARKS BROS., 1212 Mar- ket st. ; WANTED— Experienced operator on buttonhole machine;, also operator on women's waists i and wrappers. MARKS BROS., 1212-1214 Market st. '. - \ - EXPERIENCED operators on fancy and neg- . ligee shirts; also a few bright girls about 16 years of age for instruction: paid while learn- . ing. • Standard Shirt. Factory; corner Gough ' and Grove, sts. WANTED— Infant's nurse; middle-aged wom- an of experience; must have unexceptional references. \u25a0 Apply Hotel St. Nicholas office, 9 to 12 a. m. ' • YOUNG arirl : for light housework. Apply i0 Pratt dace. - between' Stockton and Powell. off California. ' '-. . l . WOMAN over 30 to act as traveling. manager; excellent opportunity to . right party. - Box ' 1344, Call.' \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0- ..\u25a0-': ;\u25a0\u25a0'.-,' WANTED— A competent girl to* assist in housework and cooking. . Apply at Bee Hive Shoe Co;, 717 Market st. WANTED— A girl to assist with light house- : work find care of two children. Call 2124 . .Buchanan st. ' . V WANTED— By mercantile house, first-class '.stenographer and typewriter; must be quick and accurate; state experience. Box 1295, Call. GIRL to "assist "in housework. \u25a0 791 McAllister St., near Octavla. • * - .. YOUNG girl to. assist in light housework. In- \u2666 ; quire 1 Broderick st.'. , corner Waller. , GIRL ' not under . IS for light housework. 108 ;•' Collingwood St.; near Eighteenth. AMATI.UR slnecrs wanted. \u25a0 'Apply at Chutes at 6 o'clock this evening. . - . . . WANTED— Experienced tobacco strippers. Ap- : ply .10 to 12 a. m.V Jacob . Brandt. 413 Battery. WILLING person; good steady home; $10 mo.: I short dis.: country; gen.- hsewk. Box 1333. Call. WANTED — Girl to wait .in a small restaurant; «? experience not necessary. . 1727 Market »t: , ELDERLY German lady to help with house- work; Rood home. > 1317 Caroline st., Alameda. FIRST-CLASS waitress - for . private boarding- house; reference, required. .1414 California st.> WANTED— A , flrst-clasa saleslady; : references. ..Call bet. 7 and 9 p. -m.. 206 Hickory ave. 1 ; EXPERIENCED hands on corsets. MME. . WALTER/ 5C8 Powell : «t. - . . . FINISHERS on v coats; also girl to learn; call rafter 9 a.m. , 254 Geary st.i , \\, :;\ . ; GOOD' finishers, on '- ladles' tailor coats. A. .-:.. CAILLEAU. 114 Kearny »t. . -< WANTED— Immediately, a wetnurse. 9C6 Guer- \u25a0 :rero st. \u25a0 . "_••:\u25a0 ~ .-y . :. ":,-.. ~ . , . : WANTED— Girl to ' do light . housework and \u25a0 : mind, child. ., Apply: 2237 Polk st. ,-.;.•\u25a0•; v- '• PANTS ' finishers wanted ; by S. ; N. ' WOOD & ;-; CO. -. Apply at . factory," ' 27 • Geary \u25a0 st.