Newspaper Page Text
: George and Alice M .Edwards (owners), • with WllllanvW. Rednall (contractor and architect) —All work for a 2-story and basement • frame building (flats) on E line of Minnesota street. 116:S N of Twenty-second, X 25 by E 104; total, i32aa • _ < .- David and Sellna E. Lewis to Alphonzo and Emm^Harrinjrton. lot on W line of Eleventh avenue. 250 S*f H street. S 23 by W, 120; $10. Josephine Cockrlll (widow) to Anna D. Joost, lot 6, block 513, Bay View Homestead Associa tion; $10. - '\u25a0•'-" • -. -\u25a0 James P. and Lizzie McDermott to T.Comls ky lot on S line of Plymouth avenue, 358:1 E of 'Holly street. E 23 by S 100, lot 18, block 3, Holly Park: $10. Builders' Contracts. Solomon and Dora Getz to John Skillicorn, lot on W line of eleventh avenue.- 275 N of Point Lobos avenue. N 23 by W 120; $10. . William J. and Emma C. Gunn to John Wal ton, lot on NE corner Seventh avenue and A street. N 100 by E 32:6: $750. Mary E. Dewing (widow) to Josephine B. Dil lon, lot commencing 82:6 W-of B street and Twenty-second. avenue, W 23 by S 10O: $10. > WUlard V.and Marie L. Huntington to Fred erick Madge, lot 'on W line of Eighth avenue, 225 N of D street. S 50 by W 120; $10. Adelaide F. McDonnell to Solomon Getz. " lot on- W line of Sixteenth avenue,- 200 N of I street. N 23 by W 120; MO. George. F. and Helen E. Shelton to Mayo A. Greenlaw, lot on S line of Frederick street, 28:1% E of Clayton, E 25 by S 106; $10. - A. E. and Emma C Baldwin to Wllhelmlna Duve, lot 23. block 1, subdivision 1, Castro street Addition: $10. Potronelle Oetzmann (widow) to Thomas Rychold. lot on SW corner of O'Farrell and Beldeman streets, S 45 by W 60; $10. A. M. De Hart (by John S. Ellis, Sheriff) to Thomas Knight, lot on S line of California street, 68:9 E from Montgomery. E 68:9 by 3 137:6, E % 50-vara lot 273; $50. Amos S. Allen (by Charles Doane, Sheriff) to Thomas Knight, lot In rear of 227, 229 and 23X California street, being the inner part of 30 vara lot 273. betweeen California, Pine. Leides dorff and Montgomery streets, on which Is a brick building- or stable, being 65 In width by 110 deep, known as E H 50 vara lot 273, front ing on California by 137:6; $300. William T. and Flora E. Albertson to Charles A. and Miss M. Stewart, lot on W line of Powell street. 23:l*i S from O'Farrell. S 4« by W 137 :«: $10. Jonathan and Anna M. Anderson to Andrew R, Peterson, lot on S line of Elizabeth street. 180 B - from Hoffman avenue (Ellen), K 2S by S 114: $10. - - Joseph R. and Sarah E. Mogan to Mary K. Mogran, lot on SW corner of Sharon and Fif teenth streets,- W 25 b^ S 100: also lot on SV? Una of Fifteenth street, ICO W from Sharon. W.25 by S 100; sift. - r . Sarah D. Johnson (wife of George) to Bertha M. Johnson. .lot on E line of Dolores street, 61 S from Twenty-third. S 61 by B 117:6; gift. Julius Jacobs to Hoznmo Botjes, lots S to 7. block 24, Sunny Vale Homestead Association; ?350. Rlenzl Huehes to 'William E. Oilman, lots 37 to 45, block 26, Lake view: $10. Odd Fellows' Cemetery Association to Jo hanna Franke, lot In Odd Fellows' Cemetery; 1110. Felix and Mary D. McMahon to Louts. Tungr, all . Interest In lot on X line of Farallonea street. 300 E of Plymouth. E 25 by N 125. being lot 8, block N. Railroad Homestead Associa tion: |1. Timothy Kelly to Mary E. Williams. Kate O. Meyers, William J. Kelly and Sarah J. Par quer, lot on N line of Fulton street. 27:6 "W from Octavla, "W 27:« by N 120: gift. Charles A. and Jessie M. Elliot to William Stapelfeldt, lot on N line of Waller street. 33:8 E from FUlmore, E 1 by N 87:8; »10. , - Christopher C and Mary Cox to Minnie A. Taylor (widow),* lot on S line of Clay street, 82:6 E from Broderlck. E 27:8 by S 100; S10. - . Fannie Keller (wife of Richard) to sams, same, quitclaim deed; $10. . John F. and Carolina O. Sarber to James SI Kelson, lot on N line of Page street, 34:3 W from Cole. W 25 by N 100; $4000. John and Ellen Carroll to Catherine .Lovett (widow), lot on SW line of Dore street, 1S1 NW from Bryant. NW 24 by SW 85; $10. George T. Lyon to Edward B. Robinson, lot on N line of K street. 100 W of Ninth avenue, W 25 by N 100; 110. A. S. and Emma C. Baldwin to A. 7. and if. M. Dlssmeyer. lot 1, block 5, subdivision 1, Castro-street Addition; $10. , REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Archibald Claverlng Gunter, the well known author, arrived yesterday from New York and registered at the Grand. He came here to look after his realty holdings. Gunter says that his latest book, "The Deacon's Second Wind," is a story of a country girl who goes to New York, be comes rich, but is afraid to tell her par ents. She eventually returns to her horn* on the farm and after working around the place finally tells her parents of her wealth. - Gunter is the owner of the Home Pub lishing Company of New York and says that the business takes up so much of his time he is unable to devote much atten tion to his literary work. Gunter was born in Liverpool, but came to California with his parents when four years old. He grew up In this city, but went to New York Ih 1873. His flrst book. "Mr. Barnes of New York," made him famous. He expects to remain here sev eral months and will renew old acquaint ances. He still considers San Francisco his home. He is a member of tha Bo hemian Club. Clever Author of "Mr. Barnes of New York" Will Spend the Win- " . ter Here. NOVELIST GX7NTEB PAYS VISIT TO HTS OLD HOME John M. Graves, grand secretary of the Grand Grove of Druids, died at his home, 1003% Valencia street, last night alter a short Illness. Graves, who was a native of Hartford, Conn., and 71 years of age, wa3 In his office up to ten days ago, -when an attack of la grippe, from which he had been suffering for a short time, compelled him * to relinquish his duties. He was thought to be Improving when, suddenly last" Friday he was stricken witn apo plexy. * . • . Graves was for many years a resident of Modesto. He moved to this city about five years ago, when ho was elected to the* office of grand secretary. He was re-elect ed four times in succession. Ha was ex ceedingly well versed in Druidlsm. He had the faculty of making friends at sight and was quite popular in every grove in the jurisdiction. Among the members of the order he w»s better known as "Papa" Graves than as grand secretary. He was a member of Modesto Grove, U. A. O. D., Four Creek Lodge and Modesto Encamp ment of the Odd Fellows and Modesto Lodge, A. O. U. W. He leaves a wife and two sons grown to man's estate, one a practicing physician in this city and tha other a' resident of Modesto.' The funeral will be held under the ' auspices of tha Druids. Grand Secretary of the Ancient Order of Druids Succumbs to Attack of Apoplexy. JOHN M. GRAVES DIES RATH KB. TTNEXPZCTEDL Y IiATE SHIPPTN^a rNTELUEGEN-CE. ARRIVED. Wednesday, October 23. Stmr Ruth, Andflndaen, ES hours from San Pedro, via Blgrsbys Landing: 12 hours. \u25a0 Schr • Bonlta, Ericksen, 23 days from TJn alaska. \u25a0 • • , \u25a0 . " • • \u25a0• •: SAILED. . ,. '. Wednesday, October 23. Stmr Coos Bay, Nicolson, . \u25a0 Stmr San Pedro. Jensen. — — .' ; Stmr Anryll, Gllboy, Panama. DOMESTIC PORTS. BANDON — Arrived Oct 23 — Schr Albion, hence Oct 14. • -TACOMA— Sailed Oct 23— Ger ship Llabeth. for Queens town; Br stmr Glenloean, for Cape Vincent. . . Arrived Oct 23— Stmr Matteawan, ; from San Francisco; stmr Walla Walla, from San Fran cisco. . - • . ' - SEATTLE— Sailed Oct ; 23— Stmr • Al-Kl, for Skaeuay. Arrived Oct 23— Stmr . Rainier, from San Francisco; schr Preston, from the Arctic. I SAN DIEOO— Sailed Oct 23— Stmr Santa Rosa, for San Francisco. * Arrived ' Oct 23— Stmr St Denis, from Ense nada. . PORT LOS ANGELES— Arrived Oct 23— Stmr Newburgh, from . . Sailed Oct 23— Stmr Mlneola. for Nanalmo. PORTLAND— Sailed Oct 23— Ger bark Fa vorlta. for Queenstown;- Ger ship Renee Rlck mers, for Queenstown. ... OCEAN STEAMERS." : - ' "NEW YORK-Arrived : Oct 23-Stmr Britan nia, from Marseilles, etc. "-\u25a0- ..\u25a0 . Sailed Oct 23— Stmr Appalachee. for London stmr Fuerst Bismarck, for Naples; stmr Phila delphia, for Southampton; stmr Kensington for Antwerp; stmr Teutonic, for Liverpool HONGKONG— Arrived before Oct 22— Stm- Tosa Mam. from Seattle, via Yokohama. Be fore Oct 23— Stmr Tacoma, . from Tacoma, via Yokohama. ' \u25a0 . ~ . . GLASGOW— Arrived Oct 23— Stmr Numl dlan, from Montreal. BOULOGNE-Arrlved Oct 23-Stmr.: Amster dam, from New York, for Rotterdam. - - .-/ SOUTHAMPTON— Sailed ", Oct 23— Stmr - Kat serln" Maria \u25a0 Theresa, . from : Bremen, for New York, via Cherbourg:. / - : r Arrived Oct 23— Stmr St t Louis, from New York. ."-•.-\u25a0 ••.-.-. •, \u25a0\u25a0 i HAMBURG— Arrived Oct 23— Stmr Columbia, from New York, via Plymouth and Cherbourg. CHERBOURG — Sailed Oct 23 — Stmr Kalaerin Maria Theresa, from Bremen, 'for New York. THE SAK FRANCISCO CALL, THURSDAY, OCJOBEK 24, 1901; 13 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS..' NOTICE to creditors— Estate of EDWARD HARMON , SHELDON, deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, WALTER • D. K. GIBSON, - administrator I with the will ' annexed of the estate of EDWARD HARMON SHELDON, - deceased, ' -to the creditors of and \u25a0 all persons having claims c against < the said deceased, - to c exhibit them with the necessary t vouchers, within ten (10) months '.: after the -first publication of \u25a0 this notice, to the. said administrator, at the • office ,of .Morrison & Cope, room 123 Crocker. building, 'at the northwest corner of Market and Mont- gomery streets, San Francisco, California, the same being his- place for the transaction of \u25a0 the business of the said estate in -. the -• city i and county of ] San . Francisco. State of California. . • . ' "" ' '. - si 1 .„• WALTER D. . K. GIBSON, administrator ' with the will annexed of the estate of ED- WARD HARMON SHELDON, deceased. Dated at San Francisco, Octobe'r 16, 1901. ** RO _ I * o _ s A Ij _ s i 1 _ _ - i "5 ' PROPOSALS for. Box Lockers, • Depot Quarter- master's Office, 36 New Montgomery st., San Francisco, Cal., October 15, 190L— Sealed pro- posals, in triplicate, will be received \u25a0 at this office until 11 o'clock a. m., Friday. October 25, 1901, ' Pacific Standard Time, and ; then opened, for furnishing Box Lockers. Quantity subject to an increase of 20 per cent. If desired by this department; Unguaranteed bids, - and bids . upon samples differing \u25a0 from specifications, will under no circumstances be considered ; proposals for - less quantity than I advertised for will be entertained. Early de- . liveries are essential. The rate and time of delivery must be stated by bidders In their \u25a0 proposals. Preference will be given to articles of . domestic production and manufacture, con- - ditions of price and quality being equal (In- cluding in the price of foreign production and \manufacture the- duty thereon), and. such preference ' will be given to articles of Amer- ican production and manufacture produced on the Pacific Coast, to the extent of the con- sumption required by the public service there. The United States reserves the right to ac- cept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Information and blanks for pro- posals -will be furnished on application.* En- velopes containing proposals will be endorsed "Proposals No. 9093," and addressed to MA- JOR C. P. MILLER, Quartermaster, _U. S. : Army, Depot Quartermaster. . . PROPOSALS will be received at the Bureau . of Supplies and Accounts. Navy Department, "Washington,. D." C, until 12 o'clock noon. November 5, 1S01, and publicly opened Imme- diately thereafter, to furnish at the Navy Yard, Mare Island, Cal., a quantity of burrs, brooms, brushes, cement, muslin/ glass, locks, nails, thermometers, leather, lumber, mahog- any.boat knees, brass rod, sheet copper, bar j. Iron, sheet lead,' steel, packing, shellac, borax, vaseline, paints, red lead, zlnc,_ pipe and fittings, valves, tools and files. Blank proposals will be furnished upon application to the Bureau or to the Navy Pay Office, San • Francisco, Cal.' A. S. KENNY, Paymaster ' General. U..S. N. ' ' . A WEEK'S news for 5 cents— The Weekly Call. ".' 16 pages, in wrapper for mailing, $1 per year. , MARRIAGE. LICENSES. - The following marriage licenses were Issued yesterday: . .•'.-' Joseph Ward, 21," 86S Mission street, and Ag- nes Allen, 18, 868 Mission street. Charles L. Creierhton, 21, Santa Rosa, and Margaret H. Emberson, 21, Malone,' N. T. William G. Nelson, 26, city, and Elfrida A. Tepper, 19, Dimond, Cal. James D. Cure, 40, Point Arena, and Jessie Allan, 37, Jersey City, N. J. . H. Maximo Prouse, 26, 874 Mission street, and Mollle V. Spangenbergr, 26, 874 Mlwlon street. Fred W. Bertram. 21," Houston, Texas, and Laura Mordecal, 21, city. . ; .' George E. Macdonald, 34, '/Vancouver, B. C. and Annette M. Creighton.^26, city. ;'\u25a0 Thomas C. Ragsdale, 42, Stent, and Ella M. Barry, 33, Stent. . - . Andrew F. St. D. Skinner.' 41, 1286 Washing- ton street, and Lucy.E. S. Freeman, 31, 60GB Powell street. . . \u25a0 Charles M. Olson, 29, . 255 Natoma street, and Hilda Johnson,' 26, 1324 Stelner street. Oscar F. W. Sesser. 34, city, and Evelina A. Powell, '27, city. ' .-• • .•-'.-.., John M. Connelly, 33, city, and Sarah Duzel, 28, Fort Jones. • • »\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 , • William F. Black, 32. 1604% Powell street, and Amelia W. Pimentel, 32. 1604% Powell St. Frans L. Billgren, 34, 603 Stockton street, and Anna Jonson, . 27. \u25a0 New York City. » Charles F. Knight, 54, Kinsley, and Cora N. Smith, 41, 284A Clara street. Aaron Ury, S9, San Leandro, and Elizabeth Sellgman, 19, San Leandro. ' ' Charles F.. Overman, 43. 933'4 Howard street, and Leonle F. Bradley. 32, 933 Mission street. Levi Johnson, 35, 113 Page street, and Mattie Carlton, 27, 113 Page street. , J: Henry Lackmann, 35, 816 California street, and Elsie. Sohl, 20, city. Lulsrl Maggl. 27, Stanford Heights avenue, and Celestlna Maggl, 18, Stanford Heights ave. BIRTHS— MARRI &SES— DEATHS. V 30RN. ATTENBOROUGH— In this city, October 21, 1901, to the wife of Henry W. Attenborough, a-aon.* ' \u25a0' \u25a0 :-\u25a0 - .«- .- . . .'. \u25a0---\u25a0;•.-.-\u25a0 \u25a0-.- BOWEN— In this city, October 23, 1901, to the wife of. John B. Bowen, a son: : . . CANNING— In this city. October 19, 1901, to ' tho wife of J. D.. Canning, a son. REED— In this city, October 15, 1901, to the wife of William Reed, a son. WITT— In this city, October. 10, 1901, to tho wife of Otto Witt, a son. MARRIED. ANDERSON— TAYLOR— In, this city. October 21. 1901, by the Rev. Dr. Woods, Samuel A. Anderson of Westport and Florence M. Tay- M lor of San Francisco. . ; ANDREWS— WELT— In this city, October 23, 1901, by the Rev. George W. Beatty, A. Le Roy Andrews of Merced and Jennie June Welt of .San Francisco. BELLOF— DWYER— In this \u25a0 city, October 20. .1901,' by the Rev. George W. Beatty, George Bellof and Kittle Dwyer, both of San Fran- cisco. . *\u25a0 BOOTH— CREBA— In this city. October 22. 1S01, by the Rev. I Herbert F. Briggs, pastor of Central M. E. Church, Edward Booth of Cosumne, Cal., and Jane Creba of San Fran- cisco. . v v . \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 K BUCHHOLZ— MAAS— In this city, October 23. 1901, by tha Rev. J. Fuendellng, William Buchholz and Clara Maas. " . CONNELLY-DUZEL-In this city, October 23. 1901, by the Rev. George W. Beatty, John M. Connelly and- Sarah Duzel, both of San Fran- cisco. \u25a0 . CREIGHTON— EMBERSON— In this city, Octo- • ber 22, -1901, Charles L. Crelghton of Santa Rosa - and Margaret Hadden - Emberson - of •Malone, N, Y. . HARTMANN— SHARP— In this city. October 20, 1901, by the Rev. J. Fuendellnsr, Henry Hartmann and Birdie Elphlne May Sharp. KOEBERER-HEUER— In this city, October 17, 1901, by the Rev. J. Fuendellng, •. Carl Koebcrer and Mrs. Frlda Heuer. KROMELBEIN— FLICK— In this city, October 19, 1901. by the Rev. J. Fuendellng, John V. Kromelbeln and Josephine Flick. \u25a0 LANGERMANN— BRAUER— In this city, Octo- ber 22, 1901, by the Rev. J. Fuendellng, C. F. August Langermann and Emma L. Brauer. MANON— WELT— In this city, October 23, 1901, by the Rev. George W, Beatty, Clarence L. Manon of Eureka and Charlotte L. Welt of San \u25a0 Francisco. . \u25a0 \- ' MOLL— LATHEROW— In Redwood City, toy Judge Harlon, Frank O. Moll and Mabel M. Latherow of San Francisco. OLDAG— FROBOESE— In this city, October 16, 1901, by the Rev. J. Fuendsllng. Carl Oldag and- Mrs. Catharlna Froboeae. - , • PILSTER— MULLER— In this city, October 22, 1901, by the ' Rev. J. Fuendellng, Theodore Henry Pllster and Llbbie Charlotte Muller. PRATT— SULLIVAN— In this city, October 22, 1901, at St. Joseph's Church, by the Rev. \u25a0 Father Hartnett. William M.- Pratt and -Frances L. Sullivan, both of San Francisco. PRICE— HANKS— In this city," October 22, 190L by the Rev: George W. Beatty. Milton Z. Price of Franktown. Nev.. and Eliza Abigail Hanks of San Francisco. . ... - . - . SAVAGE--CHAVDIN— In thli city, October 22,' 1901. by the Rev. George W. Beatty, Nelson . . Savage and Minnie "J. Chavdln, - both of San ' " Francisco. . \u25a0 \u25a0 \: r \u25a0 ,'\u25a0 . -. . SESSER— POWELL— In -this city, October 23, 1901, Oscar F. W. Besser and Evelina -A. 1 Powell. - . . SMITH— LITTLE— In this city." October 19. 190L HENRY J. GALLAGHER CO. . (Successor to Flannasran & Gallagher.) DANIEL; P. DONOVAN. Mgr. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS. 20 Fifth st.. opposite Lincoln School. - '-. Telephone South 80. ' . Mt. Olivet Cemetery, » : < : ' Ban Mateo County." OFFICE ©16 MARKET STREET. J. HENDERSON. Manager. - Funeral Directors and Embalmers, " 31 EDDY STREET. . - - Telephone South ,252. • San Francisco. No. Connectlon_Wlth_^Any_Other House. . NEW FIRM OF UNDERTAKERS. Samuel . McFadden, 18 years manager for the United. Undertakers'. Association; M. J. • McBrearty, with the same company for 10 years; P. F.' Green, -late, with J. C. O'Con- nor & Co.; have opened new Funeral Par- lors at 1171 Mission street, between Seventh and Eighth. - Telephone South 44.- r CREMATION. The 'Odd Fellows' Cemetery Association '"- Point LoboB ave.. S. F., Cal. \u25a0 The" ordinance ' prohibiting ,- burials' In San Francisco after ; the \u25a0 first day of- August, 1S01, does not refer to CREMATION. - Neither does it affect the COLUMBARIUM, because there Is nothing' less > harmful to the living than the ashes of. their dead. ' -• • \u25a0 -.-- ; - . • ' : Permits to cremate ; will ..-be . issued by the Board of Health the same 'as heretofore. »-.";-• GEORGE !> R.' FLETCHER.*; Manager. < REAL . ESTATE— CITY— FOR SALE. HEADQUARTERS FOR PARK LOTS! . $500 to $900— Bargains in "Sunset" lots; all graded;. elegant view;. $10 monthly.. .• - ... $100 to $300— Choicest Ocean Boulevard lots. ... \u25a0 $75. $100 to $250— Unexcelled bargains; near Mlssion-st.. cars; $5 monthly.. $400 to $800— Cheapest and. best Richmond lots; very easy terms. $1000. $1300 to ' $3000— Splendid cottages. Rich- mond, Sunset and Mission; easy terms. ; .. $3000— Choice corner in ' Mission ;\u25a0 great bar- gain; 50x100. with new store and flat; rent J40. •• Sunset branch office. Ninth aye., near. H. St.. - : « SOL GETZ & BRO., 54 Chronicle -building. A RESIDENCE to cost about $4000 wanted to purchase In the Mission or Western Addition, on or near to a car line: must be modern - built and In good condition. W. J. GUNN. 530 California st. - . ' r - \u25a0' A CORNER property wanted to purchase on Mission or. Valencia sts. W. J. GUNN. 630 California st. -•..'.- •\VANTED to purchase two or four flats that are in first-class condition and modern:; either in Mission or Western Addition. W. J. GUNN. .530 California st. . . , THE undersigned wants to purchase a lot im- - proved -or unimproved on Valencia, ' Mission. Howard or Folsom. W. J. GUNN. 530 Call- fornla st. \u25a0 ; . .\u25a0 \u25a0 FOR sale— Cottage of .4 rooms, large basement and yard: half cash. 3022 Pierce st •• REAL ESTATE COUNTRY- — For. Sale GOOD . land ; low price; bank's figures; coast road; fast trains; best climate; best soil; crops sure;, selling fast: to saving people on monthly payments; within the reach of fru- gal people; $14 14 monthly will buy 10 acres; careful men will plant vineyards or orchards to suit buyers; a pretty colony is forming now; the kind of soli; the kind of climate, !' the kind* of people you want to be 'with; Santa Clara "Valley; come see us. WOOSTER, : WHITTON & MONTGOMERY. 631- Market St., and San -Jose. ... \u25a0 .. • -.. . , OCEAN View Mountain ranch, near Pescadero, • for "sale: SOO acres, mostly redwood and tan oak- lOCO fruit- trees in full- bearing,, prln- ! cipaftly late, apples; no frost; can raise pota- toes all the year round; lovely view; owij,er too old to manage it and will sell cheap. J. EVANS, Pescadero, San Mateo County, i ' FOR SALE NEAR SAN FRANCISCO "- j Small, tracts, $60 to $90 per acre, on Rancho i Cotatl, Sonoma, Co.; future" value assured, as San Francisco is • growing rapidly; location .best for poultry, and general farming. Apply to The Cotatl Co.. 302 California St., for pam- phlets and Information. A — IF you want to > buy, sell r or exchange city or country property call on MARION GRIF- FIN, 719 Mfket St.; S. F., office near Call big. $2500— IMPROVED foothill farm. -.204' acres; El Dorado County, near R. R; ' Box 222, Call. POULTRY and dairy ranches for sale; write for free list. C. R. WINFIELD, Petaluma,' Cai. A WEEK'S news for 5 cents— The Weekly Call. IS pages, in wrapper, for mailing, $1 per year. ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS. ALAMEDA REAL 'ESTATE. GREAT BARGAINS. In Improved and unimproved property In Ala- meda. Cottage, $3000, reduced to $2150. Cottage, 6 rooms, $3250; price reduced to $2350. Cottage of eight rooms, $3500, $2350. Two-story 8-room house, new, $4500, reduced to J2000. .,-. . - . ' . Two-story. 9 rooms, all modern improvements; on Clinton ave.: lot"50xI50; offered for $4750. A few of - our", cheap lots . are still' unsold, price from $150 to $250, and must be sold regard- less of cost. \u25a0 '\u25a0 E. J. JUDD COMPANY, . 1424 Park st. A RARE opportunity; for sale or lease; one of the prettiest homes in Alameda; house and stable built one year; lot 75x175; house of 8 rooms; splendidly finished with 2 tiled baths. Call mornlnrB, 1004 Grand st., corner San Jose ave., Morton st. station, narrow-gauge. BARGAINS; Improved & unimproved -property acquired byi foreclosure ; M. cash. Bank. of Ala. BERKELEY ADVERTISEMENTS BERKELEY REAL ESTATE. - ; WILL THIS TEMPT YOU?-' 'V : $3000 will buy a fine two-story ' house and \u25a0' loOnear the .station on the sunny side of .the street; street work all done;- to any one -buying this during the coming vweek I will give as a bonus a fine corner lot, 60x100, adjoining the above; mind you, there • is no mistake, will . give you the lot free- if -you buythe house and lot. Apply to JOS. J. MASON, adjoining P, Qi. Berkeley station. .'\u25a0";\u25a0 . \u25a0.- -. OAKLAND : ADVERTISEMENTS. OFFICE— 1118 BROADWAY. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE. \u25a0 $30w£-COST TO DUPLICATE $4000. New 7-room house;':. cement basement; the latest in design and' .finish; nickel and open plumbing: choice neighborhood; Improve- ' ments opposite cost $16,000; 3 blocks to local station; owner non-resident; house must be sold; v positively the finest property for the money ever offered for sale In Oakland; call early or you may lose an opportunity. J. 8. MYERS & CO.. 1002 Broadway, Oakland. Cal. $3000— CHOICE new story and a , half house; six rooms; basement; in fact, an Ideal beauty In location and architectural finish; lot Is high and sightly: near Senator Perkins' house on Vernon Heights; owner compelled to sell; no reasonable offer refused; space too limited to extol Its charming qualities; seeing Is be- lieving; call early. • • 'J. S. MYERS & CO., 1002 Broadway, Oakland, Cal. ON ACCOUNT OF. SICKNESS-COST $3300. I am Instructed to sell without reserve a' 6- room two-story house with all the latest con- veniences to the highest bidder this week; I think $2600 will buy the, property; it is a forced sale; space too expensive to enumer- ' ate hs mar.y good qualities; lot EOxllO; con- venient to' cars, schools and business center; owner must sell.- J. S. MYERS & CO.. - IOCS Broadway, Oakland, Cal." $2500— FINE large comfortable 8-room . cottage, - with bath and all modern improvements, and ' all In good condition; select central residence location on Myrtle at.; lot 50x125 feet; sunny front; easy walk from local station; rents for $24 per month; terms can be arranged. i • . - GEO. W. : AUSTIN & CO., 1008 .Broadway. Oakland. $800— PLAIN but cozy cottaga of 6 rooma - in good -condition; . sunny side; close . to- San Pablo-ave. electric cars; street work all done; insured for $800; policy, paid for 3 years In advance goes with, the place;.' title perfect; terms can be arranged; would rent for $S to $10 per month; look this up; owner on prem- ises. yi r u GEO. W. AUSTIN & CO., - \u25a0 : \u25a0 - - ; 1003 Broadway. Oakland. $5 CASH. $2 60 monthly; 2 lots, 25x256; price $39 each. \u25a0\u25a0': \u25a0 $20 cash. $5 monthly; lot 100x100; price $250 In all. • \u25a0 \u25a0 «• $50 cash, $5 monthly; 4 lota, 100x100; trees and shrubberies; price $300. : $75 cash, $7 50 monthly; 8 lots, 100x200; fine oaks and laurel trees; price »575. . $65 cash, . $10 monthly; 200x200; price $935 In all; fine soil; grand view, superb climate; near electric car line; fine school; building up rapidly with a good class of people; no fogs nor raw winds; adjoining East Oakland; call or send for circular. 4G5 Seventh St., opposite Broadway station, Oakland; carriage free.' H. Z. JONES, owner. •- \u25a0• . OAKLAND FURNITURE FOR SALE. AN. Introduction to you from H. Schellhaas, the furniture dealer. 11th and Franklin. Oakland. ROOMS JFORHOUSEKEEPiyG. EDDY, 156^ — Newly furnished sunny front room; . use of kitchen, with gas range included. ELLIS, 330—2 small furnished housekeeping rooms in rear; rent $10. .;.\u25a0.-. . . ; "- ; \u25a0 FIFTH, 353— Furnished housekeeping; two, $12; -three, $14; three, $16; also single, $4, $5 and up. GOLDEN GATE ave.V 409— Alcove and 1 kitchen; completely furnished;, bath; grate;, yard. HOWARD, 2381—3 sunny, well furnished, $12 for couple; 4," $15; bath. \u25a0 yard, etc. - - - „; ...-:.\u25a0 • HYDE,' 408— Sunny hskpg suite, : $17; basement . rear suite,' yard, laundry, $13'; permanent only. LARKIN, 819V4-^Sunny ' front alcove >• rooms; light housekeeping.; gas, bath, phone." . OCT A VI A,- 1408, corner Geary— Large sunny front and back parlors; gas. stove ; housekpg. PAGE, 1138— Two unfurnished housekeeping • rooms,'- bath, -closets,.- pantry, etc \u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0. '. ' „..•\u25a0-- POLK, 615 — One ; clean sunny ; . housekeeping room; gas stove, bath; $10, POLK. 1002—3 and 5 room . suites; completely .furnished for housekeeping; cheap :, reference. SUTTER, 995, corner Hyde^ — 2 front rooms fur- - nished for : housekeeping. -^ : \u25a0-; ; ,, THIRD, 419— Newly , furnished housekeeping rooms; also single rooms. ..-. ; ,.^.. ; . . . THE PIEDMONT, 119A Sixth— 4 . connecting \u25a0 ; rooms/, complete for housekeeping..'- . -,- \u25a0\u25a0» ROOMS ; FOR. HOUSEKEEPING— Con. THE St James, cor. Laguna and McAllister ' sts.— Large; well-furnished; single room,: $8; ' handsomely furnished suite for- light \u25a0 house- ' .keeping \u25a0 $15; handsomely; furnished' corner suite for light housekeeping, extra kitchen ln- .. eluded; select home for families; near park. VALENCIA, 128—2 or 3 sunny furnished bay- window, rooms; kitchen; private family and : adults.' -',-' \u25a0 ..\u25a0-,>''"\u25a0..'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0:•\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0'-.'.:\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0••\u25a0-'\u25a0\u25a0 ",\u25a0".. .^v ; : CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions . . received at Call branch office, 2200 Flllmore st. . A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been, established: at 109S Valencia st. * "- \u25a0 1 JHl_j t _£- '. '•'"'-\u25a0 - \u25a0 ROOMS TO, LET— Fnrii. nnd Unfurn. ARGYLE. 284 McAllister— New, elegant, sunny; irlll attached; country visitors find no placa like the Argyle; take McAUlster-st. cars. ..'-.- A— BRUNSWICK HOUSE, 148 Sixth— Rooms, 25c to $1 per night r $1 25 to %a per week and light housekeeping rooms; open all night. AT Shasta House, 24S Third— 200 rooms; newly renovated; 25c to 75c. $1 to $3 week. A SUNNY, suite, and \u25a0 singles, neat and clean, bath, phone. Prices low. 332 Stockton. BURNETT, 1426 Market (old No. 1364)— Fur- nished rms., suites, single; also unfurnished. CLIFFORD, 204 Ellis, corner Mason— Elegantly furnished sunny rooms; prices reasonable. \u25a0 EIGHTH. 126B— Pleasant furnished front room, suitable for man and- wife; references re- quired. \u25a0_ '.''.' \u25a0' \u25a0 • \u25a0 * \u25a0 . ELLIS, 310— Newly furnished rooms. . . ELLIS. 922— Nicely furnished room with private bath attached. \u25a0 ' . " / *\u25a0- . EUGENE, 2G5 O' Farrell— New House, fireproof, new furniture;- electric elevator; 25 private, suites with bath;'baths free; first-class. » ' FELL, 253— Furnished rooms for .gentlemen, $150 and up per week; '.laundry free. Call after. 6 p.m. ' .'..'-. FRANCISCO HOTEL— Elegant suites; single; transient; baths. Mrs. King, Turk & Taylor. FURNISHED rooms, '$1 per week. . 820 Folsom t - St.. near Fourth. ' — - GEARY, 405, The Navarre — Elegantly furnished suites and single; travelers accommodated. GEARY, 1101 (The Martinet)— 2 very desirable, handsomely furnished suites; modern conven- iences; everything new; prices moderate. GOLDEN GATE, 1521— Three large unfurnished rooms; also two rooms in rear. , y HARRISON, 702—2 unfurnished rooms; bath; \u25a0 gas; \u25a0 \u25a0:' ' . \u25a0\u25a0 : \u25a0. - . " \u25a0 \u25a0 •• .-- .-,•'\u25a0\u25a0• HARRISON, 784%, ' near Fourth^-Flnely . f ur- • nished , rooms; bath; all latest- convenl- ences; homelike; $1 week up. \u25a0\u25a0..." HOTEL ST. DENIS (European .plan), .24 Turk et., near Market — Central location; new build- ing- elegantly furnished; strictly first-class; EOc per. day and upward; special- rates by the .week or month; best in the city; references; \ take Mar ket-st. cable cars to .Turk st. JONES, 919A — Nicely furnished, sunny room; private family; for gentleman. . \u25a0 . MINNA, 667, corner Eighth— Newly furnished bay-window room; $1 per week; transient.- MISSION, 930% (Laurel House}— Rooms to let; locked door;- no transient. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 ' MISSION, 1011— Furnished and 'unfurnished rooms, to .rent. •. NEW ARLINGTON, 1015 Market st. O'FARRELL, 20— Sunny furnished rooms and offices; elevator; elec. lights; day, week, mo. O'FARRELL, 537— Front room suitable for one - or two gentlemen with private family. ROYAL House, 126 Ellis— Incandescent light; reading-room, smoking-room : and ladles' par- lor; rooms, per night, 35c to ?1 50; week, $2 to ' S8; month, $8 to $20; elevator on ground floor; rooms with hot and cold, water; baths. SHERMAN Apartment House, 28 Eighth St., near Market— Furnished or unfurnished. SUTTER, 309— Nicely furnished sunny, rooms cheap; also housekeeping. _\u25a0 - ' I TAYLOR, 810— Sunny room for gentleman; IIP: TWO sunny rooms; handsome; private residence; gentlemen; central. M., box 1371, Call office. CLASSIFIED- advertisements and subscriptions | received at Call branch office, 2200 FUlmore st. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been, established at 1096 \u25a0 Valencia st. '. . ' ' RO OltlS^Ay D^BOARD. \u25a0 n HOTEL Lambourne— Strictly high class; most elegantly furnished; reasonable In price; suites and single rooms; board optional. 420 ' Eddy, Et., near Leaveuworth. \ : , , :. -~~- ' HARRISON, B70— Rlncon Hill for genteel peo- ple- $3 50 $4, $5; housekeeping rooms at mod- erate prices; room only %i month to $12; write or call for- particulars. ._ \u25a0 THE CECILERNE, 930 Van Ness ave. . THE CORBIN, 836 Sutter st.— Rooms single and en suite: private baths; all rooms sunny; ex- cellent table. - - - SUNNY front parlor suite, with good boardfor 4, in private family; $18; telephone. 616 Jones. O'FARRELL 605 (Johnson House)— Exception- ally fur. suites; beautiful grnds; table board. TWENTY-SIXTH. S31fc-Nicely furnished rooms •without or without board. ,> . . -. WANTED— A few first-class boarders; refer- ences given and required. Box 1209, Call. CALIFORNIA, 807. (Stevenson mansion)— Select family hotel; exceptional table; attractive rms. HOTEL Las Palmas. 1S20 Market— Suite 2 or 3 rooms." bath; board optional; single rooms. HOTEL Repplier, 781 Sutter— Newly furnished; excellent table; , special rates to tourists. A WEEK'S news for 5 cents— The Weekly Call, 16 pages. In wrapper for mailing. $1 per year. ~~ ROOMS WANTED. PHYSICIAN desires 3 rooms, unfurnished pre- ferred vicinity, of Union square or Sutter N st. Box 1374. Call office. \u25a0WANTED— A housekeeping room; within 10 . minutes' walk of Kearny; north of Market; respectable house; permanent;' state terms; a Japanese couple.- Box 1340, Call office.: 2 OR 3 furnished housekeeping rooms: no chil- dren; state rent. Box 1404, Call office. HOUSEKEEPING room where baby can bo cared for during day. Box 1324. Call office. ' RUPTURE SANITARIUM. .. HUNTER'S RUPTURE 6A^ITAmUMy"i206 Market; treatment free; $100 paid for any truss as good as our new double lever rupture holder. • SPECIAL NOTICES. BAD tenants ejected for $4; collections made; city or country. PACIFIC COLLECTION CO.. 415 Montgomery st., rooms 9-10; tel. 5580. CHEAPEST and best In America— The Weekly Call, 16 pages, .sent to any address - In the United- States or Canada, one year for $1. DISEASES and . ailments of men treated: con- sultation free. • American Dispensary. 514 Pine. SEWING MACHINES AND SUPPLIES. ALL kinds bought, sold and repairing guaran- teed. Chas. Plambeck.1915 Mission, nr. 16th. ALL kinds bought, sold, rented, exchanged; re- palrlng; lowest rates.Tel. Black 1124, 205 4th. ALL kinds bought, sold, rented, exchanged; re- - pairing -.lowest rates; phone Mint 45. 145 6th. STORAGE AND WAREHOUSES. PIERCE-RODOLPH Storage and Moving Co., office Post and Powell sts.; tel. Main 6713. GOLDEN WEST -Storage Warehouse. 840 Ml»- slon-Et.; tel. Howard 941. F. W. ZEHFUSS. PACIFIC Storage and Furniture Moving Com- pany, 2320 Fillmore st. ; phone Jackson 281. • ; BEKINS Van and Storage Co., 722 Mission st.j tel. Main 1840; shipping at cut rates. » f; TO LEASE/ CORNER~ioC^87;6xli7?« i f eetrSE.corner Beach and Taylor sts., North Beach, .near seawall. - Apply owner, 310 Ellis st. • : j AMD SUPPLIES. GREAT BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS— W« sell better machines for les« money than any house in the city ; rentals, $3. The Typewriter : i ; Exchange, 638 California; telephone Main. 266. WEBSTER Typewriter Inspection Co.— Expert typewriter doctors ;estimate - free. . 209 Sansome. ; " DIVIDEND NOTICES. \ TO . the shareholders ; , of the '\u25a0 Ind. Red Men's . Hall Assn.— At the last « regular ! meeting . of '."the board "• of directors -, of \u25a0 the. Independent \u25a0;, Red Men's Hall Assn.',- a dividend of 25c per - share was | declared, I payable : on Friday even- ing, October 25,' at 8 o'clock,- In , Red \u25a0 Men's Hall, 610 Bush st '\u25a0\u25a0' - • ' - C.G.BOLSDORFF," President. - B. A.' SAMMANN. Secretary. ' .-• \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 « ., OFFICE ; of : the .Fireman's .'Fund Insurance Company,;. San Francisco, Oct. 21, 1901.— At a regular meeting, of ; the board 'of directors \u25a0 of this company held this day a dividend was • declared. \u25a0 payable \u25a0 on and after October 23, • 1901.- LOUIS -WEINMANN. Secretary. " \u25a0..••-••.v.< \u25a0\u25a0**\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 '.-\u25a0\u25a0 ,". -j-r; *\u25a0•?\u25a0-* :*..-,:- * \u25a0\u25a0 . by the Rev.' Dr. "Woods. Du Ray Smith and S Nella Gertrude Little.-both of Oakland, Cal. STANOVICH— MAURER— In thi« city, October 1, 1901, by Justice of the Pe.ace H. I* Joach- lmsen, Robert J. Stanovlch "of San Francisco and Nellie B. Maurer of Ohio.. TIDELL— HALEN— In this city, October 22. 1901, by the Rev. Dr. C..J. E. Haterlus, pas- tor of Lutheran Ebenezer. Church, Andrew G. Tldell and Alma D. Halen. , ;; WALSH— GALLAHORN— In this city, October , 22,. 1901. at the First Baptist Church, by. the . Rev. Dr. i Woods, Vincent Sanders Walsh and .Metta Elaine Gallahorn, both of San Fran- claco. : - - . DIED. Allen. Oliver P. : Lovett. John ' \ Billings, O. J. \u25a0 Lynch. John " Brooks, Lionel ' Masher, Hanorah • ' Burns, Arthur Q." Murray, Edwin J. Clark, Irma L. . Nesley, Wallace . Cunningham. James Packard. Georsre K. , ' Dunlevy, Nettle M. - Pendersast, Thomas Euler. • Henry Sr. '. Presson, George R. Foster, Alden T. r • Samml, August C. j Graves, John M. Sullivan, James C. Herbert, Gladys M. Trezeyant, . Lewis , K. Kanstelner, Carlton. '^:--- ALLEN— In East Oakland. October 13. 1901. Oliver P., beloved husband of | Sarah F. '. Allen, and father of Edward O. and Edith M. Allen, aged 63 years 2 months and 5 days. ICPFuneral services to-day (Thursday), * at 2 o'clock, at his late residence. 101S Sixth avenue. East Oakland. Interment private. BILLINGS— In the City and County Hospital.' October 22, 1901. O. J. Billings, . a native of California, aged 23 years. • BROOKS— In this city, October 23. 1901. Lionel Brooks. Civil Service Clerk. U. S. A., a na- - tlye of England, aged 56 years. - E7Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Friday), at 2 o'clock, from the parlors of Halsted & Co., 946 Mission street. Interment National Cemetery. Presidio. BURNS— In Alameda. October 22. 1901. Arthur G., beloved husband of Alma - Burns, a na- tive of Canada, aged 34 years 5 months and 22 days. (Portland papers please copy.) . H7Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-day (Thursday), at 2 o'clock, from I. O..O. F. Hall, corner Park and Santa Clara avenues, Alameda. Interment Mountain View Ceme- tery. CLARK— In this city. October 23, 1901. Irma . Louise, dearly beloved daughter of Ellsha M. and Nellie A. Clark, and sister of Milton Clark, a native of San Francisco, aged 4 : months and 8 days. : .. \u25a0 \u25a0 CUNNINGHAM-In this city, October M.' 1901. James Henri, beloved son of Owen and Ro- sanna Cunningham, and brother of Eugene • F. and Theresa M. Cunningham, and cousin of J. T. Curren, a native of California, aged . 18 years. v - \u25a0 . gp ICTFrlends and acdualntances are respect- . fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day (Thursday), at 8:45 o'clock, from tha parlors of J. C. O'Connor & Co., 767 Mission street, thence to St. Patrick's Church for services at 9 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Ceme- V tery. DUNLEVT— In this city, October 23, 1901. Nel- lie M., baloved - wife of T. Dunlevy, niece of Michael, Edward and Annie Supple, and cousin of Mr3. M. Moldrup, a native of San Francisco. - E5*Notice of funeral hereafter. EULER— Entered Into rest, in this city. Oeto . ber 21. 1901. Henry Euler Sr., aged 76 years and 13 days. ... . IE7 Interred at Cypresi Lawn Cemetery Oc- tober 23, 190L I FOSTER— In this city, October 23, 1901, Alden ,T., "beloved husband of Mary Foster, and • father . of Mrs. C. S. Engle. : & native of Waterville, N. T., aged 73 years 2 months and 17 days. -. " * £7Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day (Thursday), at 2 o'clock, from his late resi- dence, 1408 Van Nesa avenue. Interment Lau- rel H1U Cemetery. GRAVES— In this city, October 23, 1901, John :M. Graves, beloved husband of All etha Anna 'Graves, and father of George R. and Dr. J. •H. Graves, a native of Connecticut, aged 70 years 4 months and 6 days. . E7 Notice Of funeral hereafter. HERBERT— In this city, October 22, 1901, Gladys M., beloved twin daughter of Wll- ..11am and Maude Herbert, a native of San • Francisco, aged 5 months. KANSTEINER— In this city, October 22. 1901, Carlton 1 Ewert, beloved and I only son of Charles H. and Ellse Marie Kanstelner. a ',. native of San Francisco, aged 5 years and 5 days. \u25a0 . LOVETT— In this city,- October 20, -190L John. beloved husband of Margaret Lovett, and \u25a0 father of . Charles H., John M., Thomas F. and James D. Lovett, a native of Kenmare, County Kerry, Ireland, aged 53 years. (Bos- ton and Lowell. Mass., and Nashua, N. H., papers please copy.) C7Frlends and acquaintances are.respect- . fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day (Thursday), at 8:30 o'clock, from hfs late • residence, 623 Minnesota, street, thence to St. . Teresa's Church, where & requiem high mass .will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at - 9 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. ... ; . - -" LYNCH— In this city, October 23. 1901. John Lynch,* a. native of Ireland, aged 75 years. MAGHER— In the City and County Hospital, October 22, 1901. Hanorah Maxher, a native of Ireland, aged 42 years. MURRAY— In Alameda. October 22, 1901, Ed- win J. Murray, beloved husband of Maria Murray, a native of .California, aged 4S years and 3 months. NEGLEY— In Alameda, October 22, 1901, Wal- lace, beloved son of Frank and Bertha -A. Negley, a native of Los Angeles, Cal., aged 6 months. \u25a0 PACKARD-i-In this city, October 22, 190L gone ' to rest, George Knight' Packard, beloved and . oldest son of Mrs. A. Packard, beloved brother of J. W. Packard of San Gregorio. C. H. Packard of San Francisco and Mrs. . Al Newman of Port Townsend, and nephew of A. D. Mathewson of Redwood City, aged . 50 years 8 months and 16 days. He glveth his beloved sleep. PENDERGAST— In this clty,\ October 22, 1901. Thomas Pendergast, husband of Mary Pen- dergast, a native of Ireland, aged 74 years. (Bangor, Me., papers please copy.) (C7"Tho funeral will take nlace . to-day (Thursday), at 9 o'clock, from his late resl- I dence, 2851 Twenty-second street, thence to St. Peter's Church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9:30 o'clock. Interment private, Holy Cross Cemetery, by electric car. +\u25a0 PRESSON— In this city. October 22. 1901. Georgo R. Presson. ' beloved husband of Mary ' P. Presson. a native of Gloucester, Mass.. aged'SS years 2 months and 16 days. - [CTFuneral and Interment private. SAMMI— In this city, October 23, 1901, August C, beloved son of Henry L. and Catharine .. M. Samml, and brother of John H. and ' Henry C. Samml, a native of i San Fran- cisco, aged 29 years 3 months and 5 days. '. in?" Friend s and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral services Saturday, October 26, at 1 o'clock, from ths residence of his parents, 284 Thirteenth street, near Mission, thence by electric funeral car from Fourteenth and Mission streets. Inter- - ment • private. . : .-• SULLIVAN— In Oakland. • October 11. 1901. James C. Sullivan, a native of Ireland, aged 63 years 10 months and 21 days. - (t7Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral services to-day (Thursday), at 10 o'clock, at the resi- dence. 373 Fifth street. Oakland. , TREZEVANT— In Alameda, October 23, 1901. Lewis Kelm, beloved son of Mrs. Henrietta \u25a0 V. and the late Robert B. Trezevant, a na- ' tlve of Arkansas, aged 27 years and 2 months. - tBatesvllle, Ark., papers please please copy.) ETRequlem mass to-morrow (Friday), at Bt. Clalr's Church. Santa Clara on the &r- rlval of the morning train from Alameda. $ianahan Florist go. V^ ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS Prices Reasonable r 107 POWELL ST.NtAAELLIS 2£*5056 AliVEHTISEMENTS. BLENDED COFFEES "The Coffee Roaster in our employ Roasts Good Coffee you can enjoy." We carefully select from our stock of 400 sacks of Fine, Rare, Old and Mellow Coffees the proper varieties .to ensure a delicious cup of coffee. Our Mocha and Java Blends — Aden Arabian and Old Government Java. Roast and ground 45, 40, 35, 30c Ib. Our Java and Costa Rica No. i — Old Government Java and Fancy Costa Rica. Roast and ground 35c, 3 lbs. $1* ' Our V« Java Kona" Blend — Old Dutch Java and Hawaiian Kona. Roast and ground 35c, 3 lbs. $1. Our "Gold Medal" Blend— Moun- tain Guatemala and Pine Apple Mexican. Roastand ground 35c, 3 lbs. $1. Our "Champion" Blend — Java, Costa Rica^ Kona arid Venezuela. Rbast and ground 30c, 3 1-2 lbs. $1. Our " Banner" Blend—Costa Rica, Guatemala and Maracaibo. Roast and ground 25c, 4 lbs. 1$. Serve afternoons "Gold Medal" Blend made in Vienna China Coffee Machine. 043 Market St. bet 7 & 8. Tdphone Mint 751 __J£USICAL INSTRUMENTS Con. A I KEEFFE-S, 22, Turk St.. near Market^ bhonlnger. Schubert nn d Stelnway bargains. E m^ GA <£X££ w "Pright pianos for rent, '$3 per' . mo. SCOTT-CURT A2 Piano Co.. 560 Hayes. OFFICES AXD STORES TO LET. 22 L£ AC l F1C st— Handsome store; also 804 San- eome gt.. nice 6 tore. $10 per month. ROOM > "Sht. phone; suitable for designer or _ c frd_wrlter; $5. Inquire 1008 Mission st. OIL. -, - ' r OIL, tanks, second-hand. In good order; all sizes; cheap. H. S. WHITE, 516 Mission st. ~W~>~-~^~1 PALMISTRY. H ;- JEROME FOSELLI. scientific palmist; 515 Taylor st.. bet. Geary and Post; tel. Black 561 TAlVliSKs A.MjJlJEcuKATOKS. 3. C. ROMAINE, e40^TGT7ve7rp^onTpoliri42i^ best quality work; lowest prices, get figures. EOOHS papered 93 up; whitening dene. HART- MAN PAINT CO.. tel. Red 3521. 319 Third st. _^_ PKRSOXALS. NAVAJO blankets; hand made by. Indians; have not been known to wear out; 9 pounds to 16 pounds ; relic hunters, | housekeepers and dealers save money by . seeing , these at . SMITH'S CASH STORE, third floor. . 25,27 Market st., San Francisco. • .. •• > .• INDIAN baskets, Indian relics, curios and an- tiques bought. NAT RAPHAEL. 118 Geary St., largest curio store In America; visitors welcome; Indian baskets from $1 upwards. . MRS. ' BRIGGS, DERMATOLOGIST- Supcrfluous hair, moles and other facial blem- ishes permanently removed without pain or scars by the latest electric appliances. 968 Sutter st.; phone Larkln 3171. . - . AN elegant line of remnants 'for suits to or- der, $15; with these bults we make an extra pair pants free of charge; other suits on In- stallments. $1 weekly. L. LEMOS,' 1117 Mar- ket st.. between Seventh and Eighth. HAND satchels, all shapes, all sizes, all colors, all prices, 25c up; lunch baskets, 10c up; trunks at money saving prices. Why not supply your wants at SMITH'S, 27 Market St.? ONE BOTTLE of Pinus will cure any case of rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia or gout; price J2 50 per bottle. For circulars, Plnus Med. Co;. 734 Valencia St.. S. F.; tel. Church 1571. ELECTRIC light In every room— Winchester Hotel, 44 Third St., near .Market; 700 rooms; £5c to 51 GO per night; $1 50 to 56 per week; free 'bus and baggage to and from the ferry. RAG carpets wove to order and for sale; also chenllle-wove rugs, silk portieres; dealer In carpet twine in hank or chain, at lowest rates. GEO. MATTHEWS; 709 Fifth^Oakland. WHY Guess? You can be certain of style and fit by using Standard Patterns; Nov. patterns and The Designer now ready. J. W. EVANS, Domestic office. 1021 Market St., near Sixth.' HAIR. . birth marks, moles, removed forever without pain or scar with electricity . by MISS- GRUBER, the cosmetic artist, S59S Eighteenth St., corner Guerrero. . ' COMFORTS, white cotton filled, 75c. $1. $1 25, $1 75. J2 25. You save money on every pur- chase at SMITH'S. 27 Market st. GOOD work and politeness Is what you find at Lederer's; hairdressing 25c; hair dyeing. G. LEDERER. 123 Stockton st. McCABE's Detective Agency handles all legit- imate detective business. Emma SpreckeU bldg.. rooms 323-324. S. F.; tel. South. 381. AT cash prices; ladies* ftlor-made suits, coats, silk waists, trimmed skirts, etc : weekly payments. C. F. ADAMS CO.. 156 Fifth st. WHITE enamel iron beds, single, three-quarter or double. $2 25. EASTERN OUTFITTING CO.. 1310-1312 Stockton St.. near Broadway. ADELINA PATTI'S Beauty Cream. Secret of continual youth; 50c. postpaid; free demon- itration; come and see us. Bon-Ton. S24 Post. SUPERFLUOUS hair and moles destroyed with electric needle. MISS EATON. 1119 Sutter st. WILL pay cash and good- prices for old seal- skins. Box 1305. Call office. PRIVATE detective work; reasonable rates; 10 years' experience. J. B. RAY. -457 Minna st. Superfluous hair, moles, etc.. removed free for 1 wk by elec. needle. Dr. Brooks, Mission & 16th SPANISH lessons given by a native Spanish teacher: translations. 513 McAllister st. A— If your hair is falling or you are bald, call on Dr.G.S.Moore, 232 O'Farrell: send for clrculajr. LACE curtains cleaned for'35c per pair and up. 1277 Mission street; phone Folsom 2528.. j STOP that "cough"— California Lung Balsam will do It; all druggists; phone Pine 23S6. MASQUERADE costumes, play books, wigs; • country orders. GOLDSTEIN&CO..733 Market. SOO MEN wanted to order suits for $1 per week. NEUHAUS & CO., tailors. 115 Kearny st. TAILOR-MADE suits. $7 50; dress pants, J3 50. Misfit Clothing Parlor, cor. Bu»h and Dupont. ASPHALTUM paint— Fix your own roofs; 60c per gallon. Ill Van N«sa ave. OBESITY cured:no dieting; no weakening. THE A'VIDA CO., 736 Valencia st.. bet. 18th & mh. DR. LAMOTTE'S French Corn Paint, the* best corn cure; 25c; all druggists. .. . ALFREDUMS Egyptian Henna; restores gray hair to Its natural color; II; at all druggists. OLD gold, silver, diamonds and precious stones bought. J. R. JENKEL. 817 Market st. PLAXIXG AXD TPRXIXC MlLLg.~* WOOD and Ivory Turning, Planing, Shaping and Sawing. CARL F. HAAS, 95 Fremont st. PHYSICIANS AXD SURGEONS. DR. cTc. CVDONNELL-Of flee and residence, 1021^ Market «t.. between Sixth and Seventh. DR. WONG HIM, herb doctor, successfully treats all diseases of the human body; tea testimonials at office, 115-117 Mason, nr. Ellis. A— DR. WONG WO, herb doctor; sanitarium. 764-766 Clay st. : see testimonials at office. PROPERTY WANTED. WANTED— For client. Income property on Mis- sion at. or between Market and Sutter, east of Taylor, S. F., $50,000 or' less. Particulars to W. E. BARNARD. 1118 Broadway, Oakland. KtoAL ESTATE— C1TV— FOR SALS. G. it " UMBSENTcoi ~-~-~ 14 Montgomery at. AUCTION AUCTION • AUCTION •' > . AUCTION . . AUCTION ' j AUCTION At our salesroom, MONDAY, Oct. 28th. 1901. . at 12 o'clock noon. REFEREE v SALE. The following three properties to be offered by order of Gustave H. 'Umbsen, referee, sub- ject to confirmation by the court: . . No. l. Nos. 82 to 24H Moss st.. bet.' 6th and 7th, Howard and Polsom sts.; tenements of 6 and 2 rooma each; rents $75. per month; lot 48xS0. No. 2. No. 465 A. B. C, D. E -Tehama st.. bet 6th and €th sts.; C tenements of 8 and 4 rooms each; rents 160 per month; lot 25x80. . No. 2. ... No. 4373 24th St., SE. cor. Hoffman ave.: cottage of 5 rooms, with stable; rents $10 per month; lot 125x110. WESTERN ADDITION FLATS. Nos.. 760-762 Hayes Bt., north line, bet. Bu- chanan and Webster ajs. ; 2 bay-window flats of 6 and 7 rooms and bath each; stable on rear etreet; rents $57 50 per month, which are low; bank mortgage of $5500 at 6 per cent' can re- main; lot 25x120 to Ivy ave. CHOICE MISSION RESIDENCE." No. 1406 Guerrero et., near 26th; elegant resi- dence of 1 15 rooms and bath, with large grounds; can be readily converted into flats at email outlay and made a good paying invest- ment; lot> 50x155, irregular. CHOICE BUSINESS CORNER. No. 843 Pacific st. and 1220 Powell St.; BE. cor.; 3 stores and lodging-house; rents $95 per month; three mortgages. NATOMA-ST. INVESTMENT. 8 • Nos. 415-417 Natoma St., bet. 6th and 6th sts.; Improvements, 2 bouses. 2 flats and 2 cottages of 2-4-5 rooms each; rents $63 per month; lot &OxS0. MART MEAGHER ESTATE.- Executor Sale. SE. cor. Ellis and Broderlck sts.: 4 flats of 4-5 rooms each; rents $42 per month; lot 87:6x 137:6; subject to confirmation by the court. B. TURRE . ESTATE. , The following three properties must be sold by order of lesatees: No. 1. \u25a0 Nob. 105-5H Devlsadero St., bet. Waller and Halght sts.; 2 bay-window flats of 6 and 6 rooms and bath each; rents $13 50 per month; lot 25x100. ' .... No. 2. '/'•---" No. 639 Commercial st., bet. Kearny . and Montgomery sts. ; 2-story frame building; rent* $17 60 per month. • • No. 3. No. C02 Stockton St., bet. Bush and Pine its.; 3-story and basement brick building of 14 rooms; rents $64 per month, which is low. GUSTAV "WALTER ESTATE. -'.,'' -Administratrix Sale. - The following three properties must b« sold to close the estate: No. 1. 27th «t., north line. bet. Church and 'San- chez sta.; building lot 53:4x114. - No. 2. Part of outside land, block 1186. fronting on 14th ave., U Bt. and San Miguel Rancho. No. 3. Part of outside land block 1186, fronting on 14th ave.. V Bt. and San Miguel Rancho. j For further particulars apply \u25a0 to • - — G. H. UMBSEN" & CO.. . - 14 Montgomery st. ; $359 AND $250 each. 2 sunny corner. Mission lots; frontage on 3 streets ;. cash or Install- ments. Apply. 3S0 Jessie st. . mSCELLAVEOCS FOR Sf Con. r I RST-CLASS second-hand modern engines and boilers bought and sold. KROGH MFG. CO V-17 Stevenson St., near First. ' "' TICKET tc > gt7~^^TMoTr^eIpT~Addr7sl box HOS. Call ofHce. FINE gasoline phaeton suitable for physician* bareair ; excellent condition. Box 135S, Call! 3AS engine; perfect condition; only used few days. Consumers' Electrical Assn.. 524 Sutter. CHEAP. 4 H. P. casoline engine; 2 steam pumps; all kinds tools. L. Sparber. 516 Mission. BAR outfits, showcases; all lengths and sizes JACOB SCHWKRDT. S21 Mission sU I'HOTO bareain Ust Xo. 17 now ready for inailinfr. 108 Montgomery £L" DFFE8 named on small stock millinery. Ad- dress SHE. Eleventh St.. East Oakland. LARGE vault front; also laree fireproof safe cheap. I'ERIAM & CO.. 42 Main Et. ?ASH n>.£lst<?r (Hallwood); brand new; 156- re- duction. H. F. ALLEX. 202 California Et. BIG prices x^ald for sealskin*, full dress & Tux- edo fruits. Portland Loan Office. 23 Stockton. r t^a la rH h v M iL^ ats MAGIC :antern«. new and 2d-hand movlne nlc- turcs. BULLARD & BRECK. 131 Post EU j.VSOLI'CE engines, all sizes, new and 2d-hand. and launchea. J. E. DOAK. 511 Mission st. EAFES — ICew and second band. THE HER- MAX SAFE CO.. 417-423 Sacramento et. FAIRBANKS' 10-ton hay scale: jeweler's steel- Uned sale, perfect order. 216 California St. SEEAPEST and best In America— The Weekly Call. 14 pages, sent to any address in the t nited States or Canada one year for fl. J MIgCKLLAXEOL'S WANTS. WAXTED-Second-hand uprirtt for cash. H. L. WHITEHEAD. 1706 Market Vt. TILTOX wants good second-hand clothine and _ theatrical goods. 154 &th St.; tel. Folsom 2E22. fclOKEYlTO LOAX_ COMPANY $300.(.n.K> at 6 per cent in sums to suit. City and Oakland, town and country property; second mortgages, life insurance ic securities Loans en unsettled estates, undivided Interests lu leal estate and legacies. We will purchase any of above securities Tel. Red 5024 MAX- H ATT AN LOAN CO.. 7th floor. Crocker bldg. 1NY AIIOUXT AT € PER CENT. Pint, second and third mortgages Undivided interest in real estate In probate.. Morteziges and legacies bought; no delay.... Get my terms before doing business elsewhere. K. McCOlAJAN :... -4 Montgomery st., room 3 1250.000-EASTERN capital to loan at low rate on California securities, first or second mort- gages, city or town properties, undivided in- terests in real estate, legacies, etc.. also first- class ranch property; will loan as high as 75 per ceit of real value. W. L. HARPER. 3S7 Parrott building. klCY proposition, any amount; 6 per cent; first, . second and third mortgages, estates in pro- bate, interest in estates, legacies, undivided interefts, securities, manufacturing and mer- cantile interests, corporation loans. Room 16. l£t floor. Chronicle big. GEORGE E. OLSEN. HERMAN MURPHT 603 Examiner building— $5,000,tiCK> at 6% or less in large sums; loans on se<iond mortgages, estates, etc.; financial problems of all sorts and sizes. If your prop- erty is mortgaged and you need more money see HERMAN MURPHY. 603 Examiner bldg. ANY proposition; any amount; 6 per cent, on mortgages, estates, undivided interests; chat- tel mortgages, etc. D. J. HALLORAN, Adairs building. 206 Kearny st., room S14. RELIABLE corporation, established 1865, proper place to borrow money on diamonds, jewelry, pianos and sealskins at lowest rate of Interest S Grant ave.. near Market St.; tel. Black 6471. HIGHLY respectable private place to obtain liberal advances on diamonds, jewelry at low- est re.tes. Baldwin Jewelry Store. 846 Market it.: tel. Main 1644. Branch 19 Third et. A MILLrlON at 4 per cent; smaller amounts at a; ci-;y or farm property; long time; state amount desired and location of property. P. O. bcx 2O. MT^CICD?AL Loan Office, 103 Grant ave., sear Geary et.; phone Red 1603. ON real estate, let or 2nd mortgages and on fur-t niture or pianos without removal ; any amount : lowest rates. Eecker & Co.. 26 Montgomery/ 1300.000 AT «"<jxr cent In sums to suit In city; $150.0')0 on large ranches at fair rates; second n.ortt:ases. R. J. MERCER & SON. 412 Pine. CASH loaned to salaried people on note with- out Indorser or on mortgages at 6 per cent per annum. MORRELL. 609 Examiner building. LOWEST rates on furniture, etc.. by private partj ; no removal; no commission; confiden- tial. Room 3. Conservatory bldg.. 301 Jones. OX furniture, pianos; no removal; money quid:; lowest Interest; easy terms; no broker- age; reliable party. 1170 Market et., room 68. LOAN'S en pianos, furniture without removal, llbra:-les, Roods In warehouse, etc.; any amt.; lowest rates; prtv. Ormsby, 26 Montg.,offlce 7. ON EALARIES without indorser; other propo- •itlor*. S. F. Discount Agency. 143 Phelan b. £% on furniture and pianos: $15 up; no removal; no commission; private. Room 81. 6 Eddy st. Lowest rates, furniture, pianos; no removal; no commis. ; confidential. Wbltehead. 1706 Market. CN ruin: lure pianos; lowest rate; no removal; strictly private. LICK. 116 McAllister st. ONE per cent on furniture; $5 a month on each 11000; any security. 302 Montgomery et., r. 1. IF you want a home I will loan you money to buy It. A. E. K UDELL. 222 Sansoma st. THE TOUSLEY Company; loans and dis- counts. 221 Parrott building. w LOANS money on salary; no Indorser; Eastern plan. Western Loan Co.. 809 Phelan bide MOXEY WANTED. ~~ A PAFTV desires to borrow $300 for six months from forn? private party; good security. Box 1342. Call office. mi;siicXl~ixstrume.\ts. I AGAIN we remind you that our piano stock, i both new and second hand. Is the largest x west of Chicaco and Includes the most re- Habit makers to choose from. New pianos sold uuon easy payments of $6 per month; some good plane* for $3. $4 and $5 per month. fcHEHMAN. CLAY & CO.. Stelnway dealers, corner Kearny and Sutter st*.. San Fran- cisco;- corner Broadway and Thirteenth et. t Oakland. ALL highest grades 6old by the Heine Piano. Co.. agents for the most famous and old-* est American maker; easy payments; liberal allowance for second-hand pianos; rents f2 up allowed; bargain list $25 up; Stelnwaye, $1S5: Chickerings, |125; 50 others; agents wanted. 217 Geary et. ATTENTION. BARGAIN* HUNTERS— Second-hand upright pianos from $55 up. Second-hand square pianos from $50 up. Second-hand organs from $25 up; new up- right pianos from $175 up. BENJ. CURTAZ & SON. 16 to 20 O 1 Farrell. Chlckering. Ma- eon and Hamlin, Vose. Sterling pianos. A REAL treat is in store for any one who will take the trouble to call and hear the won- derful Simplex piano player as it is exhibited In our wareroomi every day: It Is the best on ::he market. THE ZENO MAUVAIS MUSIC CO.. 768 Market et. ANY Diano cold by us taken back any tlra* with n 2 years and full purchase price al- lowed en a. new peerless Knabe at reg-ular price; costs you only 20c a day to buy a XjJano from us. KCHLER & CHASE. 30 O'Farrell St.; established 1S30. A SMALL Weber upright, $125; elegant walnut case. Knabe upright, almost new; also Steck. oak case; Hardman square, $15; organs, S2S up. BOWERS & SOX, 23 Fifth St.. IVERS & POXP and A. B. CAMERON. Agentc. \u25b2 FACT worth remembering is this, you get j- your money's worth when you buy a piano \ from us: we cell the famous Decker & Son \ and BaumeUter: cash or payments. THE ZENO MAUVAIS MUSIC CO.. 769 Market st A FIRM'S failure to realize on account of strike has placed two carloads of high-grade pianos In storage to be sold at Eastern fac- tory prices; second-hand pianos for a song. WILSON'S STORAGE. 1706 Market st. PIANCS— The most modern and up-to-date; Steck Everett. Conover. Packard, Ludwig, \u25a0 Hard-nan nnd many others: wholesale and re- tall The Wiley B. Allen Co., S33 Market st., S. F.; ( Branch Store, 851 Broadway. Oakland). HANDSOME 3-pedal upright piano: used 6 mortis: sacrifice; leaving city. 602 Eddy et.. corner Hyde. - \u25a0 NEW :i!ano. pianola and music on sale; great bargain; party going away. 217 Geary st. WANTED — 5 square pianos and organ for coun- try schools. BYRON MAUZY. 308-10-1? Post. PIANO, upright, nearly new. for sale cheap. 140 Minna tt. f CARLOAD J400 pianos sacrificed for $250 each; great bargains. BRUENN. 20S Post Bt. J15— HERTZ piano; good for practice; Schaffer uprigrt. nearly new, fS3. 217 Geary et. SUPERIOR violins, zithers, old and new, H. MULLER. maker, repairer. 2 Latham place. EOHMKR. Bvron Mauzy. Lester Hamilton, fipielnjann pianos. 308 Post st. G7'CI) swond-hand upright for sale cheap. \u25a0J&:uy.lTZ. Jfi McAllister st. " . E»^Gj\NT piano as good as new; standard . make; a cacrifice. Hcrnuns's. 216 McAllister, j