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Seems Tireless in His Movements All Through. the Day Big Fellow Enjoys Every Branch of . His Hard Training Ruhlin Is Taking Less of His Exer \u25a0 v \u25a0 • - cise on the Road Curious Precedent Is Established by the Akron Giant JEFFRIES CUTS DOWN HIS WORK IN ORDER TO GAIN IN SPEED AND VITALITY THE SAN FRANCISCO-GALL, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 19OT. PASADENA. Oct. SO.-President James Wagner of the Pasadena Tournament of Rose3 Association Is arranging a football game between Stanford and Michigan universities for New Year's day. ,The Stanford manager has replied that the date Is oDen. and Michigan expects to «cme hew v . : Stanford May Play Michigan. The gymnasium of the Olympic Club was crowded to its utmost capacity last night. The occasion was ladies' night The programme was all good, but the ladles were particularly interested In the boxing bout between J. E. Britt and W. J. Leonard. It was a clever imitation of a fight. The fencing between Professor Louis Troncbet and E. Ortion drew ap plause frequently from the spectators. The Japanese wrestling by K. Inouye and two pupils took the breath awav from the ladles as well as from the pupils Major Robert Reed's feats of swordsl manship were thrilling. He placed a po tato on the bare neck of G. L. Woolrieh and cut the potato in. half with a slash from a keen-edged sword. The blade could be heard distinctly cutting Its way through the potato: * Clever Wrestlers, Boxers, Jugglers and Swordsmen Contribute to a Programme of Especial Merit. THRILLING FEATS AT OLYMPIC LADIES' NIGHT Totals 34 18 0 24: 10 5 •2atte<J for Hodson. RUNS AND HITS BT INNINGS. Los Angeles 0 0100 113 •— c Base hits 0 12 0 112 4 •— 11 Oakland 0 0 0 0010 0 0—1 Ease hits 0 002 12102—8 SUMMARY. Runs responsible for— Hodson 2. Three-base hit-Hemphill. Two-base hitB-Rellly 2, House holder, Dunleavy. Sacrifice hits— Dougherty. Jones 2. First base on errors — Los Angeles l" First base on called balls— Los Anpoles 2 Oak land 1. Left on bases— Los Angeles 9 Oakland 8. Struck out— By Jones 4. by Hodson 2. Hit by pitcher-Householder 2, Francks. Double play— Hodson to Mohler. Time of game— 1-43 Umpire — Levy. Totals 32 6 H 1 27 10 1 OAKLAND. AB. R. BH. S3. PO. A. E. Francks, cf 3 000300 Mohler. 2b 4 0 0 0 4 10 Dunleavy, 3b 4 1 2 0 2 2' • 2 Moskiman, rf 4 0 1 0 2 0 ' 0 Eajraw' lb 4 0 2 0 8 0 0 Babbitt, e. s 4 0 10 1 l n Kar.Fon. rf. 4 0 1 0 1 10 I-ohman, c. 4 0 1 0 2 1 3 Kodson. p. 2 0 0 0 14 0 •Schmidt ....1 10 0 0 0 JL 0 An Error by Reitz Is Responsible for the Only Sun They Were Able to Score. LOS ANGELES, Oct. 20.— Oakland was never In the hunt to-day, and the score falls to show how badly Lohman's men played. Reitz's error was responsible for the only run made by the visitors. Score: LOS ANGELES. » ,_.„ . AB - R- BH. SB. PO. A. E. Eeiaphill. If 3 1 l o 3 0 6 bourherty. cf 4 12 13 0 0 Householder, cf. ..3 0 1 0 2 0 0 Reitz. 2b. .. m .... 4 0 10 3 11 Kihm, 1b 4 0 0 0 8 0 0 ReiHy. Sb 4 2 2 0 0 1 0 Kelly. «. S 4 110 3 3 0 Sptes. c 4 1 3 0 5 10 Jones, p 2 0 0 0 0 4 0 OAKLAND CRIPPLES LOSE FIRST SOUTHERN GAME Exciting Series of Baseball Games Promised This Week — Earlier Start to Be Made. It Is refreshing to know that Cal Ew- Ing's baseball cripples have departed. They have ended a protracted engage ment at Recreation Park much to the de light of the fans. Los Angeles will have them for thi3 week's series, and as a consequence there will be some games worth seeing ct Recreation Park. The Eacramentos have come to town to meet the Friscos. Owing to the shortening days the games will be started at 2:45 p. m.. instead of 3 o'clock as hereto fore. Manager Beebe's bluff about bet ting $1000 that the champions can beat the Friscos, which was called by Mana ger Harris, Is now In statu quo. The line-up for to-day is as follows: San Francisco. Position. Sacramento. I Catcher Stanley Pitcher ...McNeeley Pabst First base Pavis Kru s Second base Flood g£i"7 .Third base Sheehan f, h f7 -••\u25a0••• Shortstop .Devereaux Hildcbrand Left field McLauphlin Jvorayke Center field Courtney Schwariz Right field Doyle TTXCLE HEITOY'S ME2T MEET THE SENATOES Open stake, sixty-four entries— W. C. Glas- For/s SleiKhbells vs. A. R. Curtis' Kibosh: T. Ma her 1 s Lord Goff vs. A. L. Enderson's James Lick; P. J. Morgan's Faugh a Ballagh vs. E. Geary's Fenll; E. Geary's Fannie Hughie vs. E. Geary's Ireland; W. H. Kobinson's Fred Freedom vs. O. Strahl's Three Cheere; E. Geary's Ruby Sankey vs. J. Connolly's New Moon: Chiarini Bros.' White Hat vs. Sterl & Kpowles' Olita; PI Geary's Minnie Sankey vs. A. R. Curtis' Fly by Night; G. Sharman's St. Iv«* vs. P. M. Clarkson's Golden Garter; A. L. Enderson's Royal Joker vs. G. Nethercott's Hickory Dick; H. Lynch's Merrlmac vs. F. S. Price's Brutus: D. J. Healey's Evangellne vs. L. B. Barre's Amede; Pasha Kennels' Royal Archer vs. L. F. Bartels' Best Bargain; Sterl & Knowles' Sleety Mist vs. G. Shar man's Bowery Boy; D. Sllva's Master Rocket vs. J. McCormack's Black Daisy; M. Nealon's Achilles vs. L. F. Bartels' Brother Bob; A. Vanderwhite's Lear Kins vs. M. Nealon's Apa niemnon; A. R. Curtis' Lorena vs. T. Cox's Crockett Hill: D-~ J. Healey's Tapioca vs. W. H. Robinson's Lord Freedom; A. R. Curtis' Leola vs. W. C. Gla'son's Master Workman: A. R. Curtis' Candelaria vs. A. R. Curtis' Bed of Roses; A. R. Curtis' Loyal Lad vs. A. R. Curtis' Lord Beaconsfield; M. Nealon's Aeneas vs. Star Kennels' Black Head: J. Carroll's Master Clair vs. G. Sharman's The Doctor: A. R. Curtis' Vulcan vs. Pasha Kennels* Rocker; Chiarini Brothers' Lucky Baldwin vs. P. Doyle's Liberator; F. Jones' Lovina vs. A. R. Curtis' King Cotton: Star Kennels' Pickpocket vs. D. J. Healey's Fine Form: Sterl & Knowles' Rusty Geld vs. J. D. Cardinall'g Union Jack; G. Nethercott's Red Rock vs. Star Kenn£7s* Fcntenoy; D. J. Healey's Alisto vs. H. H. .Gray's Rona; G. Knight's- Shadow vs. J. Car roll's Auckland. Twenty-four dog special stake — Pasha Ken nels' Rural Artist vs. D. J. Healey's Tiburon; G. Xethercott's Floodgate vs. A. Vanderwhlte s Flora McDonald: A. R. Curtis' Flying Fox vs. A. R. Curtis' Charta; Pasha Kennels' Roman Athlete vs.. A. R. Curtis' Narcissus; G. Shar rcan's X.lttle- Sister vs. E. Geary's America: G. Sharman'a Warship vs. A. R. Curtis' An chor; G. Graham's Tyrone Prince vs. G. Shar man's Sir Pasha: Star Kennels' Game Boy vs. T. J. Cronln's Vandal: F. Jones' Wedge wood vs. O. Z&hl's Homer Boy; Chlarini Bros.' Dew drop vs. H Lynch's A. J. Martin; Yosemite Kennels' Mose vs. G. Nethercott's- Freda C; Star Kennels' Herschel's Pride vs. Sterl & Knovrles" Freezeout. A. R. Curtis, the young coursing man Irom San Jose, whose greyhounds, Beacon fcad Rector, finished first and second in \u2666he John Grace Cup stake, is strongly rep resented at Union Park this week. By an unusual coincidence four of his dogs are drawn together. The complete draw fol lows: Will Send Many Past Grey hounds to the Slips at Union Park. . ]?he San Jose Coursing Man Is Represented Strongly. CURTIS' KENNEL OUT IN FORCE QUEENSTOWN, Oct. 30.— Sir Thomas Upton, who arrived here to-day on board the White Star steamer Celtic from New York, says the_ report that the Sham rock II was for sale in New York was quite untrue, as he Intends racing her again in American waters next season. He reiterated his purpose to again chal lenge for the America's cup, and ex pressed himself as being quite satisfied with the manner In which the Sham rock II had been sailed. Sir Thomas de nied the report of disagreements with those who were on board the yacht, say ing that at no time were his relations with those In charge of her in any way strained. >'•»'; Idpton's Yacht "Will Race Again. BERKELEY. Oct. 30.— The Associated Women Students' reception to-night to the football men In Hearst Hall was one of the largest social function^of the year. The guests were almost entirely from tho student body, and they, with the football men, crowded the upper hall. In the lower rooms refreshments were served. John Eshleman introduced J. W. S. But ler and Dr. K. C. Babcock. who made short humorous speeches. The choral so ciety and the banjo club rendered several selections, and at the close of the recep tion an informal dance was held. The main hall was decorated with an immense football, Hanging from the cen ter of the room, with festoons of blue and gold bunting extending from it to the sides and ends of the room. { ...\u25a0:• Reception to Football Men. . BERKELEY, Oct. 30.— The rooters of the University of California are prepar ing for a series of football rallies to take place between now and the big game on November S. The last and most import ant will be held on the evening before the game in Harmon gymnasium. It will be in the nature of a smoker and will be \u2666or men students only. Several /promi nent members of the alumni will speak, among them John R. Glascock, W. R. Davis and Frank Powers. On Friday af ternoon and on the afternoon of Novem ber 2 rallies will be held on the bleachers. On November 6 an ax rally will take place. The famous ax. which was taken from the Stanford rooters by Berkeley students two years ago, will be brought out by Football Captain Womble. the present custodian. ' \u25a0 , Hooters Plan Many Rallies. * Captain Forsee and M. McSherry of the Pinkerton detective agency dropped in from Chicago yesterday morning. Both are noted for the efficiency of their work on race courses and are general favorites with turfmen. F. Laudermaan, a well-known veteran bookmaker, will be here in time to cut in on Saturday. , Sam Shaen. who has been connected with the field books at the local tracks for several years, has returned from Chi cago, where he has been booking this summer for George Rose. He has had a successful season and will be seen at the Oakland track on opening day. Arth/ur McKnight, the competent assist ant starter of Jake Holtman. arrived from Chicago last night. Holtman. is due here to-night. Recent Turf Arrivals. The Olympic Club team will go to Honolulu for a Christmas game with the Oahu College eleven. C. G. Bailey, a University of California alumnus, who la athletic instructor in the college, haa written to J. Muma, the Olympic Club football manager, giving him a guaran tee of all expenses. The Olympic players will sail some ten days prior to the data of the game. The California management received a telegram yesterday from K. C. Gordon, the Princeton manager, asking that an offer of terms for a Christmas game be made. Manager Decoto will wire an offer of half the net receipts, with a guarantee of expenses, contingent upon California" 9 success in the game with Stanford. The cost of bringing the Princeton team out would be about $5000, but as this would be the first appearance on the coast of cne of the "Big Four" teams it is be lieved there would be no danger, of finan cial loss to the university guaranteeing expenses to the visiting team. The offer comes to California through the Influence of "King" Kelly, Califor nia's old coach, who is head football coach for hl3 alma mater this year. It is the first time that the manager of one of the "Big Four" has asked for a defin ite offer of terms. A definite proposal has come from Princeton for a Christmas game in San Francisco with the University of Cali fornia team. The Berkeley men are will ing provided they win In the big game November 9 with Stanford. If they lose it . Is probable a game between Stanford =jid Princetpn will be arranged. Olympic Club Team Will Go to Honolulu to Play Oahu College. V:\ Prospects Good for Great Football Game Christmas. PRINCETON MEN MAY COME WEST Mini was thrown back 2 yards by-Hun ter. Overall punted poorly for a 20-yard gain. Graham punted 25. yards. Califor nia's ball on .the 38-yard line.- Two'dqwns netted but 2 yards, and Overall punted for 40 yards to the 80-yard' line. .\u25a0 Nevada fumbled ' on the second . down and * was forced . to punt. . Mini ran . the ball • in ; 25 yards to the 80-yard 1 line.'. Then Califor nia fumbled and I Nevada 1 got the \ ball. Graham punted 40 -yards , and Riordan downed More, in his tracks, 2 yards'from the center, of the field. 7 v /. : Hudson funibled .'and .Nevada got' the ball. ..ASbuck ;for; 2 yards,' a i loss •* of ' 2 yards : by'3CedcUe and a misunderstood sig nal gave '- Calif ornia the . ball >\u25a0 on downs. Then Womble made a 20-yard, run around end. Mini tried the other' end,- but-failed to- eain..., A , second-; down; netted i\{ yard. \u25a0i Whipple fumbled the 'first pass and a Nevada man fell on the ball on the. 50-, yard line. Then Graham fumbled the first pass and , California got the . ball. ;[ Mini, Whipple and Overall made gains aggre- , gating 10. yards, and then .the ball was lost on a fumble" again. Nevada carried the ball; 32 yards to the 72-yard line on bucks by Graham, . Keddie, Smith, Dripps and Riordan, and' then lost the ball on downs.' , . -,''\u25a0 r _ - . '>.- .->\u25a0;\u25a0 T ,^ At.- the '. beginning of play, in \ the first half Stowe kicked off for California 45 yards and Graham ran the ball in five yards. Nevada at once began. hammering the tackles for three and four yard, gains, varying this by an occasional try at- end, Keddie once going around Womble for a four-yard gain. After advancing the ball 30 yards without a pause Nevada lost the pigskin on downs, Riordan failing to make the distance through Braler at tackle. Fumbles Are Numerous./. for an off-side play by Nevada, several bucks on tackle for short gains and an end run of twenty-three yards by Womble placed the ball two yards from the goal line. Mini gained a yard by a criss cross on" tackle and then went over for a touchdown on a straight buck against tackle. ; Overall again kicked the goal, making the score 12 to 0.- . Johnny 1 More, playing fullback, did bril liant'work in running in Nevada's punts. One 33-yard gain, another of 34 yards and several of 10 yards made in the total an important factor in California's came. The Nevada.ends got down the field well, driv ing "More In, but the other linemen failed \ there to do the tackling and More 'was allowed to get under headway behind good ; interference \ for long runs up \u25a0 the center of the field. : ; : . The first touchdown was made two and a half minutes after the whistle blew for play in the second half by Whipple after a. magnificent run of 59 yards behind' the interference of Albertson. and Overall. It was the • first consolation \ the California partisans had had, but it was sufficient. to bring them '- all to their feet for : several minutes of wild cheering. Overall • kicked the goal without difficulty. Late In 'the half California advanced the ball to .with in half a yard of goal, and on the next down Whipple : carried the •. pigskin . over the line, but a touchdown was- not. al lowed and the ball was taken back ten yards, : both . Overall and Stroud having been. oft side. .From the H)-yard line;Over all tried" a. place: kick,' for field goal, but big Caesius . Smith ." got A through and blocked the ball. " • \u25a0 v A good' run-in of ten yards by More'of £ punt to the center of the field, ten "yards Whipple Makes a' Great Bun. There were good reasons for . Nevadats joy. To begin with, in the first half the visitors fairly outplayed \u25a0\u25a0 the.) California team. They had the ball • much "of the' time and were able to gain many yards by line bucks and end plays,' and Call-, fornia found their line almost- Invincible and could not run their ends because their' tackles got through and spoiled'^ the plays.' Only in the second half, when 'they be came worn down by their hard; aggressive work,- was California able, by spectacular end-running, to score. / - •./";\u25a0'•. . . By comparison with last* year's game^ the' Nevada men feel that they.' have. every' reason to be proud of their achievement. In that game California defeated them 32 "to 0, and in the entire contest Nevada was able to advance the ball but thirteen yards on line bucks . and end runs.-/. The team haa made a' great jump to. the front and; can make it, interesting for the 'best of the coast elevens. "\ ' \. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:. •;',The game, like most of the contests this year, was full of spectacular plays. Cali fornia's* victory was | due to sensational en* running by Whipple, Womble and .Mini, good punting by Overall and bril liant running in of punts by Johnny More, who played at fullback In Duden's place. NEVADA'S game and shifty foot ball players went down In defeat yesterday on the Berkeley cam pus before -California's Btalwart eleven. Two touchdowns and two goals were scored against them— 12 points to 0 for Nevada — but the game was not without glory for the visitors,: and players and the little contingent of loyal support ers left the field happy though defeated. : . Visitors Display Surprising Strength, but in the Second Half the Home team Scores Twice by Brilliant Runs afnd Clever Team Work. Indicted; as the Leader V of a Big Ring of Boodlers. In the Judicial proceedings which cul minated recently in the indictment of Customs Collector Hoey of the port of Nogales by the United States Grand Jury at Tucson, Ariz., David D. Jones, official interpreter of Chinese for United States District Attorney Marshall B. Wood worth, acted a prominent part. He was detailed by request of the United States Attorney General at Washington to proceed to Tuc son and assist the officers of the Govern ment as interpreter for the Chinese wit nesses and in translating Chinese letters, etc., produced before the Grand Jury. For more than a year past Chinese have been landed at Guaymas, Mexico, then taken overland and passed across the line at Nogales into the United States. This was in pursuance of a conspiracy, at the head of which was the Collector of Cus toms, and the members of . which* were receiving large sums for landing Chinese from Mexico. The ring was exposed by a line rider named Webb. Webb was a cus toms inspector, detailed by Collector Hoey to guard a- portion of the frontier by pa trolling it on i horseback. He. thought !t strange that, he was never able to catch any. Chinese crossing the line and that certain points were kept out of his itin erary.. So one day he disobeyed orders and rode in a direction-opposite to that which he had been ordered to take. He bagged seventeen Chinese attempting to get Into the United' States. Then the matter was taken up by the United States authorities. Secret Service Agent Dickie and United States -District Attorney Mc- Lamore of Texas were detailed to uproot the ring, which they succeeded in doing admirably. One of the chief conspirators and boodlera, Chinese Inspector Josey blew out his brains when confronted with the evidences of his guilt. He had been a church leader and posed as a very re ligious man. Dates for! I»os Angeles Fiesta. * LOS ANGELES, Oct. ,30.— The fiesta committee met and '. decided, after some discussion, to name May 7, 8 and 9 as the official days for the fiesta celebration. In cluding , the flower, parade 'and other features.' - • - ' -."- .... ... . when time was: called, with the ball on California's 70-yard line. , . "In the second half, Keddie kicked- oft for 45 yards, More running it In 20 yards. After two line 'bucks and an exchange of punts, California had the ball, 3 yards from the center in California's territory. Mini lost a : yard. Then it was that Whip pie's great run with the equally great Interference of Overall and Albertson won California's first touchdown.- For the re mainder of the game, California's better condition, shiftier playing, better punting and runnlng-in of punts, and better in terference on end runs, made - its play clearly superior. Except for. an occasional lapse, the Nevada line was strong, fully equal to California's. >.' \u25a0<- Just at the end of the half Sherman went in at half in Mini's place, and he was given the ball In hope that he might skirt the end for a touchdown. Big Rior dan, however, was through the line after him and caught him back of the line for a loss. The game ended with the ball in California's possession in the -center of the field. Captain Leadbetter Injured. "Cleve" Leadbetter, Nevada's plucky captain, had a rib fractured late in the second half, • before California's second touchdown. . It is feared he will not be able to play in the game Saturday with Stanford on the Stanford campus. - After the game Nevada's coach, A. C. \u25a0fiteckle, Michigan's famous right tackle of '98 and '99, captain of the team in the latter year, and • assigned to a place in the "All-America team" of '98,. expressed himself as well pleased with the showing made by his team, considering that it represents a student body of but 125 men. He ' complained •; that California's runners held:to; the ; beltsof men In the interfer ence, In . violation of the rules, and also that the time-keepers," both- California men, lengthened out the second: half to give California a chance to score a third The line-up was as follows: \u25a0• • California. \u25a0 ' Position. Nevada. Starr............ ..L.—E.—R.. ......... Kearny Albertson ..L.— T.— R Riordan Btowe, Stroud L.. — G. — R;.........C. - Smith Gehdotti. . .~. . .." — .. ..Center. Hunter Overall. .............. .R.~— G.— L. ...:.... Lawrence Braley, Hansen ..R.—T.—L.. .......... Dripps Womble,..; :......R.— E.— L. :.......;. 'Wright Hudson .' Quarter C. " Leadbet ter Mini, Sherman .L.— H.— R.. . . .'. ...... Keddie WhI pple .:..;. f. ....... R.— H.— L. . . Smith, Stewart More. ..;;....";... ".......Fullback.:. :......-. Graham -- Everett '. Brown, California, was '\u25a0 referee, and G.'iC. Collins." Nevada,-- was {umpire. * CALIFORNIA DEFEATS NEVADA'S PLUCKY FOOTBALL TEAM M A SNAPPY GAME ON THE BERKELEY CAMPUS COLLECTOR HOLT nrrnqc TUr PUR DtrUnt Int DHn The Edison Company will take klneto- Bcope pictures .of the big flght. It was shown to the satisfaction of the boxers' representatives that the light would not be produced with great heat and that the boxers would not be inconvenienced by it. With this understanding all - objections were withdrawn. A permanent record of the fight is thus assured. Pictures Will Be Taken. Ruhlin fought Joe Goddard six rounds to no decision ' in- Philadelphia and Given', a second chance, Gus has never failed to put away an antagonist who beat him the first time. There Is something behind this peculiar performance of Ruh lin. It may be that going Into the ring with a precise knowel'dge of how hard the other fellow can punch and how fast a pace he , can cut out helps the Akron fighter. Certain it is, however, in- Ruh lin's case, that defeat teaches him the road to future victory." ! Whether or not this will prove true in his coming mill with -Jeffries -remains to be seen. Ruhlin lost to Yank Kenny some years ago at North . Baltimore in sixteen rounds. He was not 'entirely, out, but was beaten so badly that the police stopped the "fight. He met Kenny In Hartford some time after and 'took him into camp In six rounds. If Champion*' Jim^ Jeffries "defeats Gus Ruhlin he will have* broken "a" peculiar prei cedent which has been noted all through the big Akron fighting man's record. Akron Giant Furnishes What He Conl .;:>\u25a0'. sidersTa Good Reason- - \u25a0 to wear in his make-up when he fought Ruhlin. Jeff is not at all superstitious, but to please his friend has worn the button in all his fights, with the result that it has^proved a, talisman. This button Jeffries said was an ordi nary coin affair with "8. T.", Thall's in itials, on it. This he said stood for "sure thing.". The champion told how It was worn by/ Corbett when he fought Sulli van and won the championship and later worn by. Jim when he defeated Mitchell. Thall,. he said, could not hand it to Jim when "he fought FItzsimmons at Carson' and the" Hayes Valley" boxer was defeat ed. Jeff | said he \u25a0 wore the 'button in ! his belt the nights '; he i defeated .! Sharkey, "Fitzslmmons, - Corbeitvand.iWquld'r please Thall ;by, wearing; It , when She met ; Ruh lin. Jeff said he would win whether he had the button or not, as he would enter the arena in --the : best of condition •,- and ready to put up the fight of his life.' ; strained Muscle Heals Rapidly. Jeff has not boxed for the past three days as he strained a muscle of his right arm' .upon. Bob Armstrong's .hard head. The soreness has disappeared and he will probably take up the gloves to-morrow. He means to make his opponents work faster a*nd will keep them on the jump from now until a few days before the fight."- "::\u25a0'':. -"'":-'' : <Y : "/. .:•'•.''.; ;\u25a0\u25a0/\u25a0..\u25a0•• -•::::' . Jeffries learned to-day, that his oppo nent had Injured li Is ' hand. He said he hoped the Injury was a slight one, as he does not want to disappoint the public. He is taking great care of himself. He had a' slight accident a " few days ago. While boxing with his. brother Jack he was butted in the mouth and his lip swelled considerably. The re- HARBIN SPRINGS, Oct. 30.— From this time forward Jeffries will cut out heavy road-work and de vote his time to. attaining .speed. He will no longer punch. 'the bag for. hours nor do other feats of endurance, but will save his strength for the night of battle. In future he will bcx faster, take shorter sprints and <ft> other work that will make him faster on his feet and with his hands. He inaugurated this system yesterday and as. a result he was not fatigued at the close of his day's work. The way he moved around the gymnasium reminded one of Corbett or some equally fast boxer. He started in his day'B training. at 10 o'clock. For ten minutes he rowed at the rate of thirty strokes a minute, after which he donnec' small cloves and had a seance the bag. .The rat-a-tat sounded like distant thunder. He .worked fast and perspired freely. As a fitting 'finish: to this popu lar form of exercise lie .rained heavy left and right swings on the inflated rub ber. Onlookers thought he would- burst the bag with his tremendous blows, but it withstood the walloping. After a few minutes' rest Jeff skipped the rope.; He pirouetted around ' the* gymnasium and danced jigs, seldom interfering with the whirling rope. He reeled off' 11S0 skips without turning a hair and when he fin ished informed his trainers that he was perfectly satisfied with the condition of his wind. He breathed freely and with out effort. ';.; '• '"" \u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0.• i' \u25a0 He then had brother Jack toss the medi cine ..' ball • with him. This immense spheroid weighs about twenty pounds and when the champion hurls it the ball cuts through space like a cannon-ball. \u25a0Young Jeffries' is no child in strength. He weighs.' ISO pounds ' and like his elder brother has strength and endur ance i but he could hardly stop the ball sent him by Jim. Jack would brace him self and stiffen his body, but the force would send, him back a trifle each time. This work was continued for some time and the champion stopped when he saw that Jack was losing, buttons and felt weary. The work Jeffries did up to this time would -have tired '.an ordinary man. but as Jim is out of -the ordinary,* he picked up light dumbbells and side-stepped and danced around the gymnasium fighting -an imaginary opponent. Once in a while he would follow a feint with a swing which would have annihilated an antag onist if it had landed upon him. A brisk rub down and then luncheon concluded half a day's work. ' \ : ;\u25a0,'•'"• .• ' : Jeffries Is Tireless. \u25a0 Jeffries ha.3 not used alcoholic , sub stances in rubbing down. He believes in being briskly rubbed with coarse towels until his skin is pink and then stepping under a cold shower. This sends the blood tingling through his body and makes him o •:-i"i"i"i":-i- i-i-i "i-i-i- i-i-i-i-i- i-i-i-i-i- o AMERICANS WIN AT NEWMARKET Whitney's Watershed a Surprise in the Cam bridgeshire. LONDON; Oct. 30.— There was a big at tendance at the second day's racing of the Newmarket Houghton meeting to witness the contest for the Cambridgeshire Stakes, the principal event of the meet ing. The result was a tremendous upset for the betting men. W. C. Whitney's Watershed, the winner of the' race, rid den by Johnnie Reiff , was considered to be a rank outsider and started at 25 to 1 against Lord Wolverton's Osboch, which was second a* the finish, was the favorite at 100 to 14 against. The betting on C. W. Wood's Lascaris, third horse, was 10 to 1 against, Codoman, ridden by Maher was greatly fancied in France, but did not flatter his supporters. M. Ephrussi, Codoman's owner*, is said to have backed the horse to win $40,000." \u25a0 . • • \u25a0• ; Watershed won by a neck after an.ex citing finish, v The American horse re mained in the rear until the. bushes were passed, when he took up the running, fol lowed by Lascaris and Osboch. The lat ter drew up inch by inch, but little Reiff drove his mount in great style and landed him first. Three-quarters of - a length separated the second and j third horses. Twenty-three horses ran. The distance was one mile and 237 yards. • ... -Mr. Whitney's Spectrum : and J. R. Keene's Chacornac were the only starters in the subscription stakes, distance one mile. Spectrum, ridden by J. Reiff," won. Pax '(Maher) won the Wednesday wel ter handicap, distance one mile !and a half. . .:. ;v4:-: . .., .L.C. Dyer's Lady . McDonald (Jenkins) won the New Jersey Plate, "distance five furlongs. ' The American won five of the seven races. . .."" Eocber Will Wrestle .the Turk. NEW YORK, Oct. SO.-Ernest . Roeber to-day accepted Jlehemet Neohad's chal lenge for a wrestling match. Roeber will meet the new Turk for, $250 a side,", best two in three falls '' at \u25a0Graeco-Roman wrestling. The only condition he imposes is .three weeks' in which to .train. - WHY E.TJHIilN' SHOTTLD WTN". duced and he Is experiencing no bother from it. Last night after finishing a fifteen-mile* run he felt as frisky as a young colt. Instead of retiring early he sat on the piazza of the hotel laughJng over his experiences as a boiler-maker, which he narrated to a crowd of Inter ested listeners. He could hardly sit still. Every ten minutes he would sprint up and down the. stretch of road In front of the hostelry and romp with Ahe^ dogs that always crowd around him. (P. Jeff received two " letters to-day that made him feel happy. One was from his lawyer, who announced that he had com promised 1 an oil case in which the big fel low was Interested, and Jeff's bank ac count would soon be enlarged. . The other letter was from Sam Thall, ' the well known theatrical manager and director of the Alcawir Theater, San Francisco. Sam informed Jeff + liat he would loan him his mascot when lie came \u25a0 to the city. Jeff Instantly, understood this to mean that Thall would hand him a silver cuff-button feel fresh and ceady for more work. In the afternoon he played ball with the ladies and guests of the! hotel. He en tered Into the game with full spirit and enjoyed the sport.. The ball was a mushy affair used for playing Indoors, but when the champion swung his bat on It, it sailed far out of reach. .'.''...• :: .' It was thought by this time Jeff had finished his day's work,' and Brother Jack and Bob Armstrong counted upon spend ing the balance of the day loll ing around the hotel, but : Jeff disappointed them by announcing .that he intended taking a .fifteen-mile jaunt over. -.the! mountains. He In vited various people to accompany him, but as he set a terrific pace his Invitation was declined. Jeff then donned j heavy clothes and started out by himself. He returned in three hours covered with per spiration and delighted with his long run. He ate a hearty supper and retired early. It is early to bed and early to rise at the training quartsrs. The day is a busy one for everybody. What with practical jokes and excitement, the time passes " quickly and no one has a desire to return to the city, i." "\u25a0 t .;\u25a0'•;\u25a0; •:\u25a0/.•;; '\u25a0£:\u25a0•:,;. : A Tajisman for the Ring. V PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDY OF CHAMPION JEFFtflES, -SHOWING THE GREAT BULK OF THE BOXER AND THE ARMAMENT WITH WHICH HE HAS PLATED HAVOC WITH THE ASPIRATIONS OF ALL THE HEAVY WEIGHTS WHO HAVE APPEARED DURING THE LAST TEN YEARS. These are busy days down at Ruhlln's training quarters at -the Slx-mlle House. It has been a long while since Blanken's "gym" apparatus has been used so roughly, for Gus Is a terror on everything In the training quarters from the boxing gloves to the nails In the floor. When he works he goes at it with a snap and vim that fairly shakes the building. Ruhlin has reconsidered his vow not to 'put on the gloves again before the big fight. Next Saturday night Gus will Journey down to Redwood City, where he .jwill - box four friendly rounds with Joe McAuliffe, who is opening a gymnasium and boxing school there. Joe has been having a hard trial oi u it for some years back. His old man ager, Billy Madden, remembered the time when "My b'ye Joe" was a money getter In . the. prize ring and when he heard Joe was ..going . to try to better himself In Redwood City he , volunteered Ruhlin's services. This will be the last time Ruh lin will put on^a glove until he steps into the ring with Jeffries. ;. -. V \u25a0'-\u25a0 ,; Ruhlin may- be said to be taking things practically easy as far as outdoor work is concerned. A daily spin from his quarters down to the Sierra Point House and back constitutes all his road work. After his rubdown Ruhlin lounges around the ver anda with Denver Ed Martin and Charlie Goff until dinner time. In the afternoon he works out in the gymnasium. Ruhlin set an unusually fast clip there j yester day. He punched the bag with terriffc power and speed for ten round3 and then mauled "Denver Ed" all over the wrest ling mat for five or ten minutes. It was one of the few fast spurts Ruhlin will indulge in from now until the time of the flf ht. He weighs 200 pounds even, which Is about six or seven pounds more than he weighed when he knocked out Sharkey. better next time." knocked him out subsequently before the Lenox Athletic Club In New York In five rounds. Sharkey knocked Qua out before the Coney Island Club In one round and In the same ring two years later Ruhlin beat Sharkey and knocked him out In fif teen rounds. This performance only left one clean knockout j against Ruhlin that has not been wiped out and this blot on Ruhlln's flstlc escutcheon was placed there by "Lanky Bob" Fitzslmmons, who has not as yet given Gus a- chance to "do 10 , \u25a0 "\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0WIIHHIHH W ! v From I Portland, Maine i to ' I Portland, Oregon i Hunter Baltimore g| The Firs t Sought :|3 The first Bought i , CHRwrr&wisE comnssio* co, im,