Newspaper Page Text
THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1901. 14 HELP WANTED-— FEMALE— Con. MACHINE operators at LEVI STRAUSS & CO.'S overall factory, 32% Fremont st; good wages; no experience necessary: steady work. Apply MR. DAVIS. ' , EXPERIENCED operators on fancy and neg- ligee shirts; also a few bright girls about 18 years of age for instruction; paid while learn-' Ing. Standard Shirt Factory, corner Gough and Grove sts. WANTED— Women for light work on fruit \u25a0 1731 Folsom st. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office. 2200 Flllmora »t A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions hax been establisned at 10}* Valencia st. HELP WASTED MALE. A— MURRAY & "READ YTTr.TTphon* _fn "w« ..Leading Employment and Labor Agents.. Office open 7 a. in. to-day Ship Railroad men Free Railroad Men. Ukiah C. N. W. H. R. UKIAH TO-DAY FREE 50 teamsters, Ukiah ...Free fare to laborers, Ukiah Free fare SO men, steel and ballast gang, Ukiah. free tare FREE FARE FREE FARE MISCELLANEOUS 4 carpenters, near city, rough work. .$3 day Blacksmith, city H ao day Deckhand, dredger $40 and found Horseshocr, camp. $52; harnessmaker, ranch. $40 and found Catholic choreman $20; 5 more laborers to do mucking, mine, $75; 10 laborers, %i 23 day; 15 drillers, $2 60 day; 15 farm, hands and plow teamsters, $„ and $30; G thoremen and boys; 3 stablemen SPECIAL Blacksmith, sharpen drills, no shoeing. $65; 10 laborers, near city, no experience required, steady job, $60 HOTEL DEPARTMENT Second cook, plain hotel $45 and found E cooks different places; dishwasher, of fleers' mess, $20; sausage maker, $40 and founds 8 waiters, MURRAY & I— SADY, 634-636 Clay. AT C. It. HANSEN & CO 104 Geary it. ....Railroad Work Railroad Work.... Free Fare Free Fare FOR CHATSWORTH PARK CO drillers and headers $2 to !2 60 day 60 muckers and laborers $1 73 to $2 day FOR COMPANY WORK CO laborers, different divisions $1 75 day FOR EXTRA OANG 60 laborers $1 75 day ....Free Fare Ship Dally Free Fare.... Pick and shovel men, mining ditch $2 25 to $2 50 Drillers for mining ditch $2 50 day Woodturner, country; farmers, milkers, chore- men, coachmen and gardeners; others; 2 car- penters, rough work, $.1 a day HOTEL DEPARTMENT Baker and pastry cook, country hotel, $60 and found; 3 second cooks, country hotels. $50. $40; second cook, fry cook, broiler. Gentile place, city. $70, $63, $60; waiters for winter resort and spring, $22 50; pantryman, country hotel. $30; porters, country hotels, $20, $23; upstairs porter. $23; 2 waiters, hotel, city. $25; dish- washers; veg/tablemen; dishwasher, country .hotel.- $30; others C. RJHANSEN & CO 104 Geary st GERMAN attendant for Invalid. $40: cook and wife, country hotel: restaurant cook, coun- try, $C0: fry cook. $50; 2 hotel, waiters, $25; pantryman, $22 SO; dishwashers, vegetablemen and others. J. F. CROSETT & CO.. 628 Sac- ramento st. FRUIT fanner and wife, $40 to $45; clerk, country store; 3 machinists, $3 day; coopers, $35 and found; driver for milk wagon, $30 and found; 5 teamsters, $2 25 day; 6 laborers fo- mill yard, $26 and $30 and board; milker, $30 - and found; farmer, $23, and many others. J. F. CROSETT & CO.. 623 Sacramento st. A— TWO waiters, first-class commercial hotel, country. $30. MRS. M. E.' DAY & CO.. 335 Geary st. \u25a0 A SHIRT starcher and' polisher for laundry, country, $50. MRS. M. E. DAY & CO.. 335 Geary st '" A MAN and wife to cook, small hotel near city. $45. MRS. M. E. DAY & CO., 335 Geary st \u25a0 \u25a0 AT THE CALIFORNIA EMP. AGENCY. 69 Third st (near Call bldg.) Phone Bush 403. 'RAILROAD LABORERS FREE FARE FREE FARE UKIAH C. N. W. RY B0 R. R. teamsters. Ukiah.. $3 to $2 25 per day 60 laborers. Ukiah $2 per day 50 steel and ballast men. Ukiah $2 per day Carload of laborers $2 25 to $2 50 per day ....Cheap rates to Redding, Shasta County.... ....We charter car that leaves here to-day AT W. D. EWER & CO.'S. 610 Clay at— Farmer and . wife- for orchard, $40; rough carpenter for ranch. $30; 4 winery hands, $30 and fare refunded, no experience required; driver for milk wagon, $30; clerk for country store, $60: laborers, sewer work, $2 a day: scraper teamsters, country, $2 25. a day; pick and shovel laborers, $2 25 a day. A— HOTEL GAZETTE, 28 Montgomery, rm. 12. Walter, country hotel. $30; half rate ticket WANTED— A gentlemen of good address and education who can approach best people; sal- ary; high-class position for right man. Call room 61, S09 Market st. WANTED— First-class window trimmer and card writer; also wrapper for Salt Lake City. Call after 10 a. m.. Lick House; J. D. SMITH. ERRAND boy about 14 years of age for hard- ware store: write In own hand, giving age. schooling and experience: no smokers need apply. Box- 1707. Call. COATMAKERS and pants and vest makers for the country. Apply REISS BROS., 24 Sutter st WANTED — A first-class window dresser and salesman for a tailoring establishment Ad- dress box 1572, Call office. WANTED— Competent man who Is well versed - in second-hand furniture business. H. SCHELLHAAS, 40S Eleventh st. Oakland. GENTLEMAN of Indomitable energy and push; good opportunity to right man. F. PERSON, room 412. Parrott building. WANTED — A bushelman: steady Job for good man. RAPHAEL'S. t BOY wanted. JOE ROSENBERG, 11 O'Far- rell st. WANTED— Sober man with $75 can make $15- $18 per week; 'no risk. 78 Third st.. room 2. 2 PORTER'S. 2 dishwashers wanted. Bohem- ian Club, corner Post st. and Grant ave. WANTED— Strong boy as assistant porter, etc. Address box 1493. Call. BAKER; one who has worked in pie bakery. Noon hour, 116 Erie st WANTED — First-class bookkeeper for whole- sale" commission house. Box US7. Call office. PRESSER wanted. 656 Mission St., fourth *; floor. "~, WANTED— Plumber for ship work. Apply 110 Steuart st ABLE solicitors can earn $100 per week on our propositions. A. E. Co.. 1413 Call building. ERRAND boy wanted in wholesale house. Ad- dress In own handwriting box 1595, Call office. $75— WOMAN wants elderly man for partner . in cigar store. 257 Fourth st r cor. Folsom. WANTED— A dishwasher. Apply at 1502 Ken- tucky St.. BUSHELMAN wanted at 635 Post st. near Taylor. BOY to take and deliver orders for meat mar- ket Box 1593, Call office. ACTIVE, elderly man for chores; $10 and found- Box 1591. Call office. ALL sizes men's shoes, slightly damaged, half price. 563 Mission st. bet. 1st and 2d sts. WANTED— Wagon blacksmith. 637 Brannan street. \u25a0 MANUFACTURING jeweler: first-class wages. Baldwin Jewelry Store. 846 Market st A DISHWASHER wanted at 1502 Kentucky street. . WANTED— A middle-aged man to work on- a farm. Apply 119 Tenth Bf. ELEVATOR boy wanted. 29 Stockton «t WAITER. 19 Powell st. A. BARBERS— Good young union barber wanted Saturday and Sunday. 1739 Union st 7 WANTED— Cash boys. Apply bet 8 an<l 11 a. m. HALE BROS. (Inc.). * a " TOR sale— Two-chair barber shoo: no rpamn able offer refused. 222 Gough st reason ' WANTED— A man to repair gas meters WIESTER & CO.. 22 Second St.. S. p? WANTED— Strong. Intelligent boy«, 18 to "0 years, to learn machinist trade. £05 Mission: A COAT maker for the country. AddIv rpi«;«j / BROS.. 24 Sutter st * -»PP»y «tlS>3 W C A o^ T 6fo^wen?y-a he 3 r e. ,&_££ *--** BOTT wanted to learn Jewelry trade. Box 1938. f^^^Si^3___r__~^ 5 5 R FoF£ BLE man t0 d0 k "chen -work wanted. I . 521 Kearny st -vl tures, located 4 years; cheap. Inquire at Calt. j FIRST-CLASS presser wanted on ladles' gar- j menta. f Apply 22 Grunt ave. | RA .$ ICH . f oreman wanted ; single , man : wages \u25a0 \u25a0 $40; reference.^- Address Box 148§, Call office. ! LOQGIKG HOUSES ' FOR SALE— Con. FOR gale— Lodging-house near water front; 14 rooms; paying business. Address box 170S.Call. $700— BAY-WINDOW house; 18 rooms; 3 baths: rent $44; modern: always full. Box 1427. Call. SPIRITUALISM. A^Miai^RTT^RNHA^^ and life reader; mining a specialty; dr. Sun., Wed, and Friday evenings. . 1035 Market %t. C. V. Miller, world's famous materializing me- dium; spirits speak face to face; seance Tue., Fr.. Su.. 8 p. m.. 60c. 10SI Bush; p. Larkin 2275. MRS. J J WHITNEY, trance, bus. medium; Jife reader; medical, clairvoyant; sittings. $1; letter. $2. 1164 O'Farrell St.; Ellis car. BROCK WAY'S psychic seance, Sunday, Tues- day, Thursday. 8:15 p. m. ; 25c; readings dally. 299 Hyde, cor. Eddy; phone Hyde 2564. MME. YOUNG'S demonstration of spirit return to-night; lCc. 619 McAllister; come, skeptics. MRS. GILLJNGHAM; hours to 6; phone Howr, ard 745; no circle this eve. 305 Larkin st. MRS. HARLAND'S circle to-night; articles read. 10c; will leave city Friday. 14S Sixth. MRS. LESTER, circle 8 p. m... 10c; readlnss COc and $1. 14S Sixth, r. 12; tel. Howard 1129. A— PROF. GEE, 108 Sixth Bt— Satisfactory readings. COc and $1; circle every night, 10c. ARNOLD DICICSON. tells everything; 60c, $1; full materialization Thura., Sun. eve. 201 Turk. FRIENDSHIP Hall, 335 McAllister-Mrs. C. J. Meyer; sittings dally; test to all to-night, 10c. HARMACHEIS read this week only 00c; con- vincing test clr. everybve.. 10c. 332 O'Farrell. CLAIHVOYAKTS. JrtME. MrBERNARD~~^ "~™ ~~~~ THE FAMOUS Clairvoyant and business medium, permanently located 11 1 17 Third «t, next Examiner bldg. She reads your life correctly, gives an accurate de- scription of the past, reveals the present hap- penings and portrays events to occur In the fu- ture. If you nre in trouble, discontented, un- happy or not satisfied in life, or have domestic, love or business troubles, consult this great medium and you will be told how to overcome them. Valuable ojvlce In all affairs of life; "5c up: satisfaction guaranteed. Tel. Black 4569. DAGMA, the Egyptian, just arrived from Egypt, draws aside the uncertain yeans ahead; happiness nnd success go hand In hand, yet hundreds fall where success. Is ponslble were It not for the lack of foresight Into the future; if you are-ln trouble, unhappy or not satisfied in life, consult DAGMA. for she Is a prophet- ess of world-wide fame and her name has be- .come a proverb In thousands of homes made happy byhor. 1035 Market st, room 14, third floor. Office houra 10 a, m. to 10 p. m. MRS. DR.-F. CLARKE, the well-known trance medium, is permanently located at 1200 Mar- ket st. corner Golden Gate ave.. rooms 25 and ?6; take elevator. Perfect satisfaction guar- anteed by mall; send atamp for pamphlet with special terms. Dally and Sunday. A— LINCOLN. CLAIRVOYANT, HIGH PSYCHIST. The most wonderful clairvoyant on the coast; he succeeds when others fall; permanently located at 125 Turk st; readings by.maiL MME. ARNDT, the great clairvoyant, tells past, future; never falls: has the greatest Egyptian secrt-t; shows picture future husband or wife; fee 26cand up; satisfaction to everybody; open Sundays; hours 10 to 8 p. m. 215% Sixth st. MME. PORTER, wonderful clairvoyant & card reader, born with double veil — second sight; diagnoses disease with life reading; ladles SOc. gents II; palm, and clalr. sit. $1 CO. 126 Turk. ISMAR, the Egyptian Gipsy, clairvoyant anil palmist, permanently located 114S Market, op- posite Sixth; private readings dally, 10 a. in. to 6 p. in. Sundays from 10 to 12 a. n^ Miss M.Wllle,326A Ellist st, greatest of ail crys- "tal seers; reads your life correctly; full names given; sittings, SOc up; 3 questions by mall $1. Princess Ishmael. clairvoyant, 100SH Market, from Alohobar: 1st appearance; read life wlth- • out ques. ; hrs. 9 a. m.-9 p. m. ; Sun. till 2 p.m. CARD readlnc: ladles 10c, gentlemen 25c. 625 Minna st., downstairs. MRS. BROWN, clairvoyant, card reader; ladies 25c, gents 60c; readings dally. 132 Sixth St. MRS. DR. VALEEN, clairvoyant, palmist, glv^s names: advice all matters. 15S3 Market, nr. 12. CLAIRVOYANT, card reader, from Louisiana; only 10c; from 1 to 8. 262 Minna St.. nr. 4th. MRS. MELVILL, well known clairvoyant, water reader. 11 6th; German spoken; tel. Jessie 1563. MRS. B. Baumann, well-known fortune teller, has removed from 315 O'Farrell to 222 Eddy. MME. AUGUST, clairvoyant, reader; palmistry; truth or no pay; 25c. 1149 Mission, over Etore. MME. SCHAFFER, clairvoyant, card reader; sittings daily. 44SVz Jessie Ft., bet 6th and 6th. MME. RAVENNA reads life fluently; business advice; names given: 25c up. S Fourth st. ' CARPET BEATING AND CLEANING. WHEN j'ou become disgusted with poor work send to SPAULDING'S Pioneer Carpet-beat- ing Works, 353-357 Tehama st; tel. South 40. MODERN Co.; steam cleaning, 3c: laying; cleaning on floor. Phone Mint 301: 923 Mission. AMERICAN- CarDet-beatlne . Works— Cleaning. . Sc; renovated; relaid. 105 14th st. ;tei.Capp 2542. ADVANCE Carpet-cleaning Co., 402 Sutter Bt; tel. Main 394. GEO. WALCOM & CO.. Prop. RUDOLPH & CO.. carpet-beating works; prices reasonable. 1703 Harrison; tel. Mission 263. CON'KLIN'S Superior Carpet-cleanins "Works, 333 Golden # Gate ave.; telephone East 121. CITY Steam Carpet-beating Works, G. H. STEVENS, Mgr.. 38-40 8th St.; tel. South 250. J. E. MITCHELL. Carpet-cleaning and Reno- vnting Co.. 240 Fourteenth st. ; tel. Mission 74. CHIROPODISTS. BUNIONS, corns, - Ingrown nails; painless cure. DR. DUNCAN. 206 Kearny st, room 307. * CORNS, bunions, ingrown nails removed with- out pain. Dr. E. Menor. 6 Kddy st. room 105. COLLECTION OFFICES. GEORGE W. KELLY'S Agency— No charge un- less successful. - Room 810. 927 Market st. COLUMBIAN Law and Collection Agency, room 85. 91R Market. Advice fr>>e: tel.' Red 5211. DENTISTS. A^DrT ~~t7 ~s7~HIGGfNS. S27~MarkeI~street7 • Emma Spreckels building. Reasonable .prices for painless dentistry; pure gold filling $1 50; artificial 'teeth, on plate, look natural and guaranteed,' $5 up: a good metal plate, $15; gold and porcelain crowns, $5 to $10; teeth without plate; painless extraction. AT the ELECTRO-DENTAL CLINIC, 809 Mar- ket st, cor. 4th. rm. 7. Flood bldg.. 'you can have your extractions done painlessly; teeth without plates our specialty; gold crowns, $3 60. up; plates, extractions free. $4 no. up: of- fice hours, 9 a. m. to 10 p. m.; Sundays, -9 to 2 p. m. J. W. THATCHER. M. P.. Manager. EIGHT prizes for best crowns, plates, bridges and fillings; extractions" or fillings by my wonderful secret, painless method; 20 years' experience; no students; advice free; prices cheapest and guaranteed; lady attendants. DR. GEORGE W. LEEK. 20 O'Fa.rrelI st A — NEW unbreakable., plate.' the Rose Pearl, warranted for 20 years; crowns, $3 50; fillings. COc; plates. $5. full set; all work painless and warranted. Chicago Dental Parlors, 24 Sixth. AMALGAM fillings. $1; sliver fillings, 60c; gold or" porcelain crowns. $5: set of teeth. $7; teeth extracted painlessly. New York Den- tists. 969 Mission st. southeast corner Sixth. PARIS Dental Parlors. 235 Kearny, cor. Bush — Full set of teeth, $4; crowns, $3; fillings, 25c. AT Ideal Dental Co.. 6 Eddy st— Work done , on weekly Installments: lowest rates. YOU can save 40 per cent on dental work by going to DR. BROWN, C4 Sixth st SET. of teeth without plate. DR. 5! a " YOUNG. 1841 Polk st. , DR.R.L. "WALSH. 815% Geary, nr. Larkli»— Pain- less extraction 50c; plates $5 up: phone Polk 1135. DR. H. G. TRUMAN, dentist, third floor. Ex-' 'amlner building; 'formerly In Murphy bldg. DETECTIVE AGENCIES. ' 'PACIFIC Detective Agency, "''room 619, Exam- iner building;, telephone John 331; reliable work and efficient service guaranteed. DOG HOSPITALS. 1 : L _^ DR. CREELY'S C. P. dog soap by druggists or at the Hospital. 510 Oo'.dpn Gate ave. . DRESSMAKERS AND SEAMSTRESSES McDOWELL Dressmaking & Millinery School— Class rates; patterns cut 1019 Market st FRENCH accordion and knife ple'atlng. WM. PILGER. 121 Post, over O'Connor & Moffatt EDUCATIONAL. . ~ H^AXD^S*^CI?56irbT^L_CTmcTL~ENGT NEERING — Theory, demonstration, construc- tion; laboratory and shop work: thoroughly practical; day' and night 24 Post St. S. F. ; . catalogue free. . --, AYRES' Leading Business College, 723 Market— ' $8 per month; $50 life scholarship guarantees a complete business education; shorthand, . typ- ing, bookkeeping,- arithmetic,, penmanship, spelling, Spanish, etc. ; experienced teachers; new typewriters; positions secured; cat." free. HEALD'S SCHOOL OF. MINES. 24 POST. ST., S. F.— Thorough courses; complete equipment; ; all subjects pertaining to mining and mining engineering; day and- night; catalogue free. \u25a0 A— The official reporters of the Supreme Court ad- vise their friends to attend the GALLAGHER- r MARSH COLLEGE. Is" this advice worth following? Life scholarship $50; . catalogue. : FINANCIAL. J PACIFYc^Coast' i^U^derVrltinV'ci^'"^^)— We have 42 offices in operation; new method of placing \u25a0 stocks and bonds; companies Incor- porated; stocks and bonds underwritten. Call or address main office, 507-S-9 Parrott bldg._ COMPANIES promoted and financed; stock taken In payment for services; good mining and Industrial propositions wanted; gold bonds furnished PACIFIC STATES MININO AND INVESTMENT CO.. 326 Post st. FLATS TO LET. NEw'uppcr •"lO^rooni flat ; bay window a In every room; fine grounds and view. Northwest cor- ner Portola and Duboce Park, off Waller, be- tween Stelner and. Pierce. ' NEW and Cheap; 6 flats; from $22 60 to $30; 7 rooms and bath; all modern Improvements; marine view. SE. corner Green and Stelner. O'FARRELL. 1931 and 1933— Modern flats; < rooms and bath each; yard, basement: reason- " able rent to good- tenants. \u25a0 . HAYES, 1747, near Park— Modern sunny flats, 4 and 5 rooms. $14 and. $20; bath; water free. $22 60— 111 LIBERTY et., near Guerreroi hand- some flat; choice neighborhood. A MODERN flat, just renovated j 6 rooms and bath. 735B Ellis st. " POST.' 625A— Flat of S rooms; suitable for offices. t 1 • ELEGANT sunny flat, t rooms, bath, basement. yard. Apply at 130 Castro st. near Fifteenth. TREMONT av., 153 A, near Frederick. Ashbury "Heights— Upper flat. 8 rooms and bath; new. VALLEJO, 1220. bet. Hyde and Leavenworth— Nice flat 7 rooms; rent $20; sun all around. • FLATS TO LET — KUIIMSLIED. A NEWLY furnished flat of 7 rooms; must sell at once. 1S0O O'Farrell st $25—1517 GOLDEN GATE ave., furnished parlor floor 4 rooms, etc. ; piano, bath, garden. FLATS WANTED. WANTED— Nicely furnished sunny flat, 6 or 7 rooms; will lease. Box 1408, Call of flee. FltAMES AjyD I'ICTUUES. CLYDK L. KELLKR. 128-1S0 Hnyes, nr. V. N«m —Best work and lowest prices west Chicago. FUKMTUR- FOIi SALE. 4 ROOMS furnished In oak, $48 60. with No. 7 range. King Furniture Co.. 1127-1131 Market. BLACK walnut mantel and sideboard; & great chance for some builder. 760 Howard at. . f uia it u it l: was t_ p. WILSON buys all kinds of household goods. 1710 Market; tel. South 413. , A. WOLLPERT, 773 Mission st. pays highest price for second-hand furniture; tel. Red 1354. A. L. STORRS. 634 Ellis st. ; telephone Larkin 2782; highest price paid for furniture, 1 carpets. TEL. Jessie 761 before selling furniture, car- peta; pianos, etc. CHAS. LEVY, 1135 Market. •^ D. & F. new $1 glove, retailed at factory price; warranted; kept in repair. 121 Grant ave. il_Li* \VAj.vr__— *'_j>1AL_. A^MRS. ~ ili : - E. ' DAY & CO ... . Phone Main 1575 .' HOTEL DEPARTMENT 2 waitresses, new hotel, north, fare paid; 15 waitresses, city and country, $i'O and $25; res- taurant waitress, city. $30; 3 chambermaids to wait, $20; pastry cook. $30; waitress. In- stitution. $a) FAMILY DEPARTMENT Mother and daughter, small American fam- ily, $40; woman cook, country, $30; woman cook, city, $30, see party here; many other choice places for cooking and housework, city and country; best wages. MRS. M. E. DAY & CO., 335 Geary st. A— WOMAN cook, $30; 6econd girl, $25, for? . American family, choice place. MRS. M. E. DAY &. CO., 335 Geary St. ,A — REFINED middle-aged woman for second work and care of grown children $20. MRS. M. E. DAY & CO., 335 Geary st. AN experienced chocolate dipper for retail fac- tory; best wages. MRS. M. E. DAY & CO., 335 Geary st. AT C. R. HANSEN & CO.'S. ...Phone Grant 1S5 HOTEL DEPARTMENT Head waitresses, waitresses, chambermaids to wait, cooks, laundresses, city hotel, $35 FAMILY DEPARTMENT Swedish cook, $30 nurse and light second work, $20; cook same house, $25; others C. R. HANSEN & CO 104. Geary St. A WAITRESS for icecream parlor. $8 a week; hours 7 until 6:30 C. R. HANSEN & CO.; 104 -Geary st. •WANTED— 2 Scandinavian cooks, $35, no wash; 5 cooks, plain wash, $25, $30; 2 laundresses, $25; 7 second girls, $20; hotel waitresses, $20; restaurant walti esses, $7. $8, $30 a month: hotel cook, $35; 4 boarding house cooks, $25, $30; German nurse $25; French nurse, $25; kitchen helper, institution, $20;' call early. J. F. CROSETT &CO., 316 Sutter si. WANTED — By wholesale firm, competent sten- ographer and typewriter; salary $40, with suitable increase after one year If proving satisfactory. Address In own handwriting, . stating experience, box 1491, Call office. WANTED— French .'or German girl; waitress and chamberwork: small family adults; good wages. Call between 13 and 2 or after 5 p. m., 1809 California st. SMALL girl to assist with light housework; . wages $7. 264 San Carlos ave.; between Nine- teenth and Twentieth sts., near Mission. A WOMAN for a position of trust with local firm ; business experlence^necessary. Box 1571. Call office. '. A LADY of indomitable energy, possessed of self-assertion: good opportunity to right par- _tr. F. PERSON, room 412. Parrott building. WANTED — Girl for cooking, laundry and "downstairs work." Call Saturday .morning, 948 Haisht st - • OPERATORS on children's wear; work In fac- tory. I. MAGNIN, 656 Mission, fourth floor. OPERATORS on fine underwear; work In fac- tory. I. MAGNIN, . 656 Mission, fourth floor. OPERATORS on ladles' waists; work In fac- tory. I. MAGNIN, 656 Mission, fourth floor. WANTED — A fine talloresa on fine coats. - 850 Market st., rooms 3 and 4. GIRL to assist In general housework; plain washing. 1920'Sutter st. WANTED — A woman to wash dishes in a res- taurant. 182 Seventh St. YOUNG girl for general housework Oakland, 2 in family. $20. Box 1494, Call office. WANTED— A girl who can sew neatly. Apply 1821 Polk st. GIRL for general housework and cooking; small washing; $25; references. 1714 G ear y . WANTED — Elderly "woman to do work for room and board; little wages. 136 McAllister st. WANTED— Middle-aged German woman for light housework. 524 Post st. . GIRL for general housework; wages $20. 1603 Laguna st. , GIRL to do plain washing and chamberwork. 434 Fifth st. .^ . \u25a0 . \u25a0 ••• "YOUNG, girl to assist with housework; good home; wages $10. 2450 Bush st. WANTED— A girl to do light housework. 1629 Golden Gate ave. A LADY for small rooming-house. Call at 255 Stevenson St., bet 6 and 7, evening. A GIRL, German preferred, light housework. 1053 Market St.. up3talrs. . » GIRL to attend laundry office and assist in laundry; $4 per week. 114 Hayes st. GIRL to rub shirts and collars and assist gen- erally. Standard Laundry. 114 Hayes st. HATRDRESSING taught in- 2 weeks; manicur- ing & facial massage included; course $5; po- sitions positively guaranteed; 4 good positions waiting. S. F. College, 233 Geary st, room 15. WANTED-— An experienced waitress; none but experienced need apply. 20 Third st. GOOD skirts hands and flitter and neat sew- ' ers for ladles' tailoring. 819 Post st. -•*\u25a0 WANTED— A girl to do general housework in a family of 3. Call at. 22 Second Et. " \u25a0 \u25a0 FIRST-CLASS waist trimmers. COX. . 1514 Pine st . WAIST . finishers. . Apply "COX; 1514 Pine st - PHOTOGRAPHIC retoucher and reception- room lady. Rembrandt Studio. 850 Market st AMATEUR singers wanted. 'Apply at Chutes at 6 o'clock this evening. \u25a0 - - - EXPERIENCED • hairdresser " and manicure ' wanted. Emporium Hairdressing Parlor. - WANTED— Girl in art department of wholesale house. Apply at 422 Battery st. EXPERIENCED salesladies for millinery- good wages; steady position. ( 130 Sixth 6t. FIRST-GLASS finisher wanted on Jackets and skirts. Apply 22. Grant ave. GOOD finisher on pants; also an apprentice : 935 Market st. room 16. . WANTED— Lady canvasser. California Rug Co..' 1278 Union st." \u25a0 \u25a0 • .A GOOD operator on pants. 36 Geary - st room 33. '- . -.,\u25a0-. r ' APPRENTICES. to 1 learn, tailoring; paid while learning.', Belasco & Harris, Co.. 541 Market WANTED— First-class waist, skirt and ; cloak hands. Apply 1200 Geary . st',:" - — EDDCATIOXAL— Con tinned. "^ A— THE LYCEUM, an accredited preparatory BChool.for. the university, law and medical colleges; references. President Jordan or any Stanford professor. Phelan building. \u25a0; CALIFORNIA Business College; most thorough modern methods; positions for all graduates; new 60-page catalogue free. 305 Larkin st. MERRILL-MILLER College— Shorthand, typ- ing, practical bookkeeping. Rooms 40-45. Par- rott bldg.; Individual Instruction; catalogue. ENGINEERING — Civil, elec, mining, mech. eur- vey, assay, cyanide; day, eve.; est. 1S64. Van der Nalllen School. 113 Fulton, nr. City Hall. BOOKKEEPING, figures; the one man who per- fects beginners, college graduates & bookkeep- \u25a0 era Is TARR, the expert, 230 Parrott building. A FULL course of Ellis bookkeeping and the Gregg shorthand costs only $60. San Fran- clsco Business College. 1236 Market st. Loo Cooper's School of Acting, 814 Geary st; Say and even, classes; send for new circular. ENGLISH, Latin. Mathematics, Literature a specialty. MISS ROULSTON. 776 O'Farrell st. SPANISH.French.etaProf.DeFlllppe'sAcademy ofLanguages,320Post: estab'd 1871: ablest profs. Chicago Business College, 1435 Market, nr. 10th— Pitman shorthand, typing, bookkeeping. $6 mo. MARY P. WESTHAUS, piano, mandolin, guitar lessons. EQc; piano for practice. ' 89 Fifth st. VAUDEVILLE School of Acting— Pupils pre- pared for the stage. 125 Mason st. PROF. L. MERKI, experienced teacher; violln.i mandolin, guitar; juvenile class. 1008 Mission. ILLUSTRATION— PARTINGTON'S DAY and ILLUSTRATION— night class/ 424 Pino St. HEALD'S Business College. 24 Post st, S. F.; founded 1S63; new SO-page catalogue free. ARITHMETIC, bookkeeping, grammar, writing, etc. : day or eve. ; $5 mo. ' 1024 Mission, nr. 6th. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. JAiPAiNE^E^'^^ailnMrTelir"o? 1 "ail' kinds; cooks, waiters and house servants. GEO. AOKI & CO., 421 Post st; tel. flush 135. CHINESE Employment Office— All kinds of . help furnished. 43t) Bush st. ; tel. James 1601. JAPANESB Intelligence Office— Furnish .most reliable help. 624 Bush st; tel. Bush BIS. ORPHEUM Employment Office— Japanese. Chi- neee help. 426 Powell, nr. Sutter; tel. Black 6072. RELIABLE Japanese-Chinese Employment Of- flco; all klnria help. 315 Stockton; Main 618S. BMI'LOYMENT AVA.NTlflD— KEMALK. COOK with 4 years' references desires a sit- uation in private family. J. F. CROSETT & CO., 316 Sutter at. SWEDISH cook; best city references. Call J. g\ CROSETT & CO.. 316 Sutter St. \u25a0 RELIABLE elderly woman wishes position to do light housework In small family; good plain cook; no children; no postals. 611 Stev- enson St., near Sixth. WOMAN wtehes washing and Ironing and gen- eral work^by the day; $1 60 per day. 143 Sixth st., room 22. *\u25a0 \u25a0 COMPETENT dressmaker; good cutter and fit- ter; dresses made over; latest styles; quick woiker ; $160 per day. Address 1S41 Mission. AMERICAN woman desires position; cooking and housework; moderate wages; no postals. Please call at 416 Minnie st. .. A GERMAN woman wants work by the day; washing, ironing and house cleaning; $1 and carfare. MRS. SIEBOLD, 4 Elizabeth place. YOUNG • woman wants a place for : Friday washing or housecleanlng. Call" evenings at 78 Julian ave., rear, near Fifteenth st. WANTED— By i2 strong German girls, washing or any kind of housework by the day; $1 50 per day. Call or address 12S Eighth st. WANTED^ — Place to care for children and sew; no objection to country. Call ,110s Railroad ave.. East Oakland. FIRST-CLASS laundress or housecleaner wants work hy the day. Please call at 604 Minna st. FRENCH young lady with best education wishes a position in a good family to give lessons to children. Address E. M., S14 Jack- son st. > - RELIABLE woman wishes position to ' do housework for elderly man 1 and wife; object good home. Address 339 Sixth st, flat 2.. YOUNG girl wishes situation to do general housework; good references. 635" Natoma st. DRESSMAKER wishes engagement by the day. Address A. B., box 1701, Call. WINCHESTER House. 44 Third St. near Mar- ket— 200 rooms; 25c to $1 50 per night; $1 50 to $6 week; convenient and' respectable; free 'bus and baggage to and from ferry. - CLASSIFIED Advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office, 2200 Fillmore. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1096 Valencia st. • \u25a0 EMPLOYMENT AV ANTED MALE. YOUNG man, 26, thorough business education, good Spanish correspondent, who has trav- eled in Europe and South America, well ac- quainted with commission and banking busi- ness, desires position;- best references on per- sonal interview; bond if Box 1496, Call office. ~ FIRST-CLASS | coachman and valet; single; neat appearance; sober; uses no tobacco; ex- pert horseman and driver; best ref. and per- sonal from last employer. Box 1431, Call. WANTED—A position as bartender, town or country, by a respectable middle-aged man; single; speaks German; references. K. G., 9S9 Howard st SOBER man, German, 29, speaks and writes English, wishes position driving grocery, laundry or' any light delivery wagon or any other position; references. Box 1592, Call. YOUNG- man wishes situation as porter In wholesale store or drive delivery wagon; speaks English and French. Box 1492. Call. PHOTOGRAPHER, good all round man, wants position ; any branch of the business. Address box 14S6. Call office. YOUNG man, aged 21, wishes employment do- Ing anything; experienced grocery clerk and boxmaker. Box 1570, Call office. RELIABLE, Intelligent and energetic sales- man with experience wishes position with an established house. Box 1594, Call office. GARDENER, steady, competent and reliable, wants Situation. Please address box 1C69, Call. SITUATIONS wanted by man and wife; wife is a perfect cook, man perfect gardener and coachman; lately from the East with the best, references. Please call or address Humboldt House, 1309 Stockton st. A YOUNG man, good habits, seeks position as bookkeeper or office work of any kind; good references. Box 1482. Call office. A STRONG reliable young man with sev- eral years' experience in liquor work wants position in any -capacity in liquor or wine- house; can do barrel repairing; good refer- ences. Box 1113, Call office. WANTED— By a young man with much office and business- experience, a good position; knows perfectly French, German and Rus- slan. Box 1705. Call office. \u25a0 YOUNG married man, reliable and sober, wishes position as collector, watchman • or driver, etc.; is well acquainted with the city; references. Box 1704. Call office.. MIDDLE-AGED Eastern man with broad com- mercial experience, wants position In whole- sale house or with broker; practical office man. Box 1481. Call office. - A YOUNG man with experience as traveling solicitor and capable of producing business desires to Identify himself, as salesman, with an established house. Box 1432. Call office. WANTED— By a reliable. \u25a0 sober, young man, a position in a wholesale house, with chance \u25a0 to rais.e; references given;. bond if necessary. Box 1500. Call office. MIDDLE-AGED man wants light work in fac- tory, store or wholesale house; willing to work for small wages; has good references. Address S. M., box 2092. Call office. . MIDDLE-AGED man wishes position in private family; take care of horses and be generally useful; good worker: good home more object than salary. Box 1462. Call office. " . MiDDLE-AGED man' of family, position, as- sistant bookkeeper, shipping clerk, collector, cashier: anything. 'Address Steady, box '1728, Call office. - " - MIDDLE-AGED man, handy with all kinds of tools," wants steady work any -place or In factory or wholesale house or as watchman; Al.'references.'.'M. L., 719V6 Bush St. - - •\u25a0 WANTED— Work as a waiter by a trustworthy man; has not much- experience; -small wages . expected. Box ,1956, Call office. • SITUATION, by young man as stationary engi- neer at rumping plant ; can. give references. Box 1459, Call office. . - .'•;- :. ; • UPHOLSTERER, German, with 3 years expert. ence, wants . position where he could- learn .'and better himself. Box 1497, Call office.. - MAN of 30 wishes • position as ' stableman or driver; active, willing to work. Box 1498, Call. A GERMAN man and wife without children, reliable, desire \u25a0 to take charge of country place. Box 1731. Call, office. . -. \u25a0 YOUNG man of ability, age 22. wishes to study under good lawyer; willing ' to work. Box 1461. 'Call office. POSITION wanted ' as ;• watchman- by trust- worthy man. ;- Address A.- H..-' 2993 Folsom st. : YOUNG man; 22; good appearance; wants posl- tlon ; at anything ; , references. Box 1730, Call. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions . received at Call branch office, 2200 Fillmore st • SAW FRANCISCO CALL. BUSINESS OFFICE of The San Francisco Call, corner of Market and Third streets ; open until 12 o'clock every niftht in the year. BRANCH OFFICES— 527 Montgomery street corner Clay; open until 9:30 p. m. SOO Hayes rtreet; open until 9:30 p. m. C9 McAllister street; cpen until 9:50 p. m. £15 Larkin etreet; open ur.til 9:30 p. m. 1T-41 Mission street; open until 10 p. m. irei Market street corner sixteenth; cpen until 8 p. m. 106 Eleventh etreet; cpen until 8 p. ~- 10% Valencia st; open until 9 p. tn. * Northwest corner Twenty-second ana Ken- tucky cireets; open until S p. m. £200 Fillmore t-treet; cpen until 9 p. m. MEETING NOTI^S^ A~6TATED meeting of Yerba Buena Lodge ol Perfection No. 1, A. and A. J7 Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, will be f\ held in Commandery Hail, Masonic JQ* 9 Temple, on THURSDAY EVENING. ««•* October a. H .^. R V^ NER , secretary . A STATED meeting of Yerba fj Buena Chapter No. 1. Rose Croix, _^r_| A. and A. Scottish Rite of Free- —ffi masonry, will be held In Com- 11 mandery Hall, Masonic Temple. HI on THURSDAY EVENING. Oc- H tober 31, iS»01. *— • HENRY BURNER, Secretary^ MISSION Chapter No. 79, R. A. M.-Spe- « Clal meeting THIS (THURSDAY) _»V EVENING. 7:30 o'clock. Royal Arch JK JSP ; degree. 13y order of the II. V. . •*&^ JNO. R. HILLMAN. Secretary. DORIC Lodge No. 216, F. and A. M.— m ' Special meeting THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, at 7:30 o'clock. Second de- y^>\ Cree. Sojourning brethren ore invited. /Xr » liy order or the Manter. J. R. GOLDSMITH. Secretary. CALIFORNIA Lodge No. 1. F. and A. » _.. will meet THIS (THURSDAY) /I EVENING. October SU at 7:30 o'clock. JXJSv Third degree. <5Jy order of the Master. * FRANKLIN II. DAY. Secretary. CALIFORNIA Iiodgs No. 1. •*". and A. \u25a0 M.— The officers and members of the A\ above named lodge are hereby notified TiJ?\ to attend the funeral of our late'^r ' brother, JOHN EDWARD AGAR, at his late residence. 824 Barilett Ft, near Twenty-fifth, on THURSDAY, October 31, 1901. at 2 o'clock p. m. 7*he brethren will assemble In King Solomon's Hall, ilaeonlc Temple, at 1 o'clock, and proceed thence to the house. Master Ma- sons and friends of the deceased are invited. Hy order of the Master. FRANKLIN II. DAT, Secretary. FIDELITY Loose No. 120. F. and A. M. m —Special meeting THIS (THURSDAY) A EVENING at 7 o'clock. Third de- Kjf gree. Master Masons cordially Invited, -vi . By order of the W. M. fc FREDERICK BARRY, Secretary. FIDELITY Lodce No. 120, F. and A. • M. — Funeral notice: Officers and mem- _fl\_ bers are requested to assemble at Ma- >SL3f sonic Temcla en THURSDAY, the 81st /V A lnst. at S:30 a. m., for the purpose of conducting the funeral ceremonies of our late brother. MOSES BRUML. late of Woodbridce Lodge No. 131, Woodbridse. thence to Home of Peace Cemetery. By order of the W. M. FREDERICK BARRY. Secretary. THE California Debris Commission, having re- ceived applications to mine by the hydraulic process from N. Gilman. In the American House Mine, at the American House, Plumas Co.. to deposit tailings In a ravine below the mine; from James A. Modglln. in the Old Gardiner's Point Diggings, near Port' Wine, Sierra Co., to deposit tailings In Saw Mill Ravine: from the California Company, In the North Hill Placer Mine, near Milton, Cala- . veras Co., to deposit tailings In Rich Gulch, cad from L..V. Tefft, In the Lone Star Mine, near Cromberg, Plumas Co.. to deposit tail- ings in Jackson Creek, gives notice that a meeting will be held at room 5S. Flood build- ing, San Francisco. Cal.. on November _, 1901. at 1:30 p. m. \ AGEXTS WASTED. AGENTS WANTED^Our great set of Christ- tnas books now ready. Best and newest books for children. Colored pictures. Lowest prices. Beet sellers ever known. Agents selling from 32 to Ca books a da". Also life William Mc- Kinley and Complete Story of His Assassina- tion, including Lives of Lincoln and Garfield and Stories of their Assassination. About 500 «»xtra large pages. Biggest, best book. Superb- ly Illustrated. Lowest price. Handsome and valuable premium. 75 per cent to agents. One book free with each ten ordered. Freight paid. Credit given. No experience necessary. Outfit free. Sell the best book. Make the most money. We give the most liberal treatment. All orders shipped day they are received. We own the largest binderies and are the enly publishers shipping books promptly. HENRY NEIL. S23 Dearborn «L. Chicago. 111. AGENTS wanted for "Life of President Theo- dore Roosevelt": thrilling illustrated bio- graphy of our youngest President; complete outfit mailed on recejpts of 25c in stamps; be first in the field. S. C. MILLER & CO., Port- land. Oregon. "LIFE of McKinley"; complete books now ready; can fill orders for book written by Marsh&ll Everett cr Murat Halstead; best edl- tiors published; outfit free. S. C. MILLER & CO.. Portland. Or. INCREASE your income $10 to $25 per week; no canvassing, no soliciting; strictly legiti- mate; no capital required: stamp for partic- ? ulars. P. O. box 501. Oakland. Cal. AGENTS— Do you xrant something more profit- able and easier to f>«H than books or lnsur- ance? Ad F. PERSON, r. 412. Parrott bldg. MATERNITY Villa— Good homes for healthy !n- fantx. Dr. Emllle Funke.1416 *th St.. Alameda. ASPHALTU5I UOOFIXG. 3. PELTIER, asphalt roofing, sidewalks re- paired: postal. 11S6 Mission: tel. Folsotn 2477. ASTKOLOGV. PROF. ROUSSEAU, astrologist; complete life reading. 50c: by mall. f>0c. 1163 Market at ATTORNEYS AT LAW. FREE advice— J. M. VERDENAL. attorney. 314 Montgomery et — Divorces, private; fees low; probating; bankruptcy; . collections; suits; titles perfected; documents drawn; mortgages; property bought; money loaned; insurance 30c on $100. P. B. TRAVERS. evenings, 418>4 Post. ADVICE free; divorces private; bankruptcy; col- lections ; attach— en ts ; mortgages; bills of sale; partnerships; deeds; wills drawn;fees low; open eve's. THURSTON, 1008^ Mkt, r. 4, opp. 5th. ADVICE free — Divorces a specialty; quick; quiet; no charge without success; collections, \u25a0wills deeds, etc., prepared: charge low; eetb. IS years. Atty. G. W. HOWE, 850 Market et COLUMBIAN Law and Collection Agency, elxth floor, 916 Market — Legal business of all kinds solicited; advice free; able bouy of attorneys. ADVICE free; moderate fee If successful; office open evenings. HUGH C. GRANT. 927 Market ADVICE free; no charge unless successful. W. W. DAVIDSON. STJ Market St. opp. Mason. L. 6. CLARK. Emma Spreckels bldg.. 927 Mar- ket Et: consultation free; no fees in advance. BICYCLES— For Sale or Kicbanse. GOOD second-hand bicycles for sale, $5 up; send for bargain list LEAVITT _ BILL. 8C3La.rkin.Et. . " -V- : - BOAROUG FOR CHILDREN., MOTHER'S care and good home for two or three children; low terms. 1607 California st BOOKS SEW AND OLD. BOOKS of every kind bought Tel. Red 2958. HOLMES BOOK CO.. 704-706-708 Mission st BUREAU TRUNKS. TRUNKS of erery description at bedrock prices. Factory and salesroom. 826 Howard. BUSINESS CHAJVCES. A— $450; SALOON, living rooms, cheap~rent; surrounded by warehouses; opposite freight depot. Call It G. WILKE, 26& Kearny st. $400— CORNER grocery and bar: living rooms; cheap rent; best part of the Mission; see and make an offer. K. G. WILKE, 25ft Kearny. A— $1000— CORNER grocery and bar doing a large cash business; splendid bar trade; rent J~j; sickness of wife only cause of sale. See R. G. WILKE. 26>i Kearny st. A— $1250— BAKERY and restaurant; established for years;" doing a first-class paying business Call R. G. WILKE. 26V4 Kearny Bt. A — $250 — DELICACY and pork Etore. with 3 living rooms; rent $14; business established years and clearing above $100 per month. Call R. G. WILKE. 26ft Kearny st A— $1000— LIQUOR etore on Market st; estab- lished many years, doing a good paying busi- ness; investigate and you will find a splendid bug'.ness offer. R. G. yiLKE, 26ft Kearny. GROCERY and bar In the Mission $650 Grocery, notion and stationery store 250 Orocery; enao; Invoice $700; must go 350 Grocery, delicacy, branch bakery; rent t25 325 Notion, stationery, candy, bakery; rent $15 250 General Etore, up country; 80c on dollar.. 4500 If you want a Bnap we have them. DECK & CO.. S27 Market «t. room 208. HAN with $300 in office bi'slness; experience not necessary. DECK. 827 Market Ft. rm. 208. 1300- PARTNER wanted In light business; sat- isfied with $20 a week; no experience re- quired; trial Eiven. 935 Market Bt., room 14. GROCERY and bar. 3 living, rooms; bears full investigation. Call at 935 Market, room 14. CIGAR etore, \ery good corner,* at a bargain. Call at S£) Market Et. room 14. jjnTSIXESS Contlnned.^ FOR sale— The oid established . grocery busi- ness with bar attached at the SE. corner of Ellis and Polk sts.. No. 745 Ellis St.; busi- ness established twenty-five years. Also the well-known saloon and eating- house at *the NE. corner of Twentieth and Illinois sts.. Potrero, one block from Union Iron Works. . Sale Is caused by death of one partner and departure of the other partner. Terms cash. Bids may be made for either place separately, or for both places together, and left with WILLIAM P. HUMPHREYS, No. 401 California ft., room 20, on or before November 6. 1901, Bids subject to objection. $1400-COL*NTRY hotel In railroad town of 25.- 000; contains 40 rooms well furnished; barroom and dining-room; 40 regular boarders; rent only $75 per month; clears over $200 per month; books open for inspection; bargain in this; ill-health only cause of sale. C. F. MOORE. S35 Market st.. room 6. . ROOMING and boarding houses, hotels, fiats, stores and business places of every description cold ond exchanged. McBRIDE & CO.,' 933 Market »t. ; phone Folsom 450. .- FOR SALE— A good saloon on Market st; on account of death will be sold at a bargain; no agents. McLEOD & HATJE. 515 Market st. J300— RESTAURANT; chance to get bargain; part down; good location. DONALD McRAE, K~ Mission tt A FINE business, not telling but giving away: call and eee. FISHER & CO., 935 Market St.; phqne Folsom 1592. . A k -J35O; Beautiful Market-st. cigar stand sacri- ficed. Ask HEDGES. 461 and 462 Parrott big. A— CIGAR stand: SO to select from; $100 to $lC00. Ask C. L. HEDGE3.-461-462. Parrott building. A— DELICACY store in first-class running or- der; snap. MITCHELL & CO.. 1206 Market. $200— PARTNER: commlslon business; clears $75 month to each. STRAND & CO.. 209 Kearny. J5000 AN Investment of $5000 which will pay yearly a profit of $3000 to Investor; Industrial enter- prise; parties dfflring Interview address A. B.. box U73. Call office. FOR rale — One of the best transient corner sa- loons In city; established 20 years: with 44 newly furnished rooms: will sell together or separate; price $COCO. Box 110$. Call office. PLAY a system nnd beat the races; this Is not a H'lifmc, but a straight business proposition. Racing System. CSS Fourth st. GROCERY business; cheap rent: will be sold at a nacriflde. 120 Battery et. ______ $350— CORNER grocery and bar; fine location; cheap rent. Box 14S9. Call office. BARBER chop. 3 chairs; profits $40 week; cheap; no agents. S03 Kearny st FOR exchange— A full-rlscged topmast schooner, A No. 1; now earning $200 net per month: al- ways In demand. Address R. W.. postoffice box 364, Alameda. PARTNER with $1000 to take half interest in first-class restaurant with fine business. Ap- ply C22 Market et., room 23. SALOON: best transient corner in the heart of city; very fine trade; selling account of other business; only $1500. Box 1600, Call office. . GOOD paying restaurant for sale; 32 years in came place; account sickness. 207 Third st. $1000— PARTNER wanted in dyeing and laundry business. 1421 Point Lobos ave. FOR sale— Cheap established saloon; good busi- ness; first-class place. 12 Jackson Et. RESTAURANT, 410 Kearny. for half its value to-day. SPLENDID business opportunity with small capital. Box 15SS, Call office. FIRST-CLASS saloon with grocery; on account of death. Inquire at 1697 Folsom st. COAL and wood yard for sale. Apply 6C3 Halght st. ; ' J250-RESTAURANT: cost $1000; rent $30; sound value. D. McRae Furniture Co.. 837 Mission. $40— RESTAURANT and coffee saloon' to-day; secure it. Apply furniture store* 837 Mission. LODGING-HOUSES FOR SALE. $350—7 ROOMS; near Sixth and Market; cost $600; must sell. Apply DECKER, 1020 Market. ALL BARGAINS— CALL FOR LIST. S rooms; on Mission -». $275 9 rooms'; fine corner 325 24 rooms; the best .'. 20U0 12 rooms; large yard 1500 ; 40 rooms; boarding 4500 17 rooms; fine corner J... 1350 60 rooms; apartment house 4200 7-room flat on McAllister st 225 MONEY TO LOAN ON ANY HOUSE. S rooms; fine yard 350 10-room houEe;'n"ne location 425 24 rooms; on Geary Et.... 1900 100 rooms; clears $350; payments to suit... 6000 16 rooms; transient: only $400 cash.; ... T50 5 rooms; fiat; near City Hall 350 18 rooms; on Sixth St.; clears $S0 SOO ' 24 rooms; on Market st; clears $150 1600 10 rooms; on Mason st; new 750 22 rooms; offices; clears $250 3500 21 rooms; $600 cash, balance payments.... 1250 ABSTRACTS FREE WITH EVERY HOUSE. FRENCH SPOKEN. H, C. DECKER. 1020 Market; tel. Mint 796. Al TRANSIENT HOUSE. Good corner: money maker for light party; don't fall to see this bargain; easy payments. RETSLOFF. D06 Market st A FEW SAMPLES OF OUR LARGE LIST: Any of the following on monthly payments: 11 rooms on Ellis; a bargain $325 17 rooms; $250 can remain; clears $S5 5uO S3 rooms; grand transient location. 2,200 25 rooms; good location; clears $150 1,203 £0 rooms; best in the city 2,300 13 rooms; fine furniture 1,050 £1 rooms; corner; part cash 1,500 28 rooms; piano; clears $U0; payments.... 400 I'll rooms; grand corner; clears $600 6.950 42 rooms; cost $12,000 to furnish 7,000 6 rooms; $125 cash, balance payments.. 350 40 rooms: always rented: sacrifice 1,250 CALL. WE CAN SUIT YOU. 18 rooms; respectable; clears $90 1,600 110 rooms; modern; hotel; clears $600 10,000 20 rooms; good location; money maker... 750 MONEY LOANED PHONE JOHN 631 A. H. RETSLOFF. 906" Market Et " \u25a0 THE DONALD INVESTMENT CO.. 850 Market et :Tel. Davis 2S1 WE HAVE NEW 45-KOOM HOUSE. WE FURNISH TO YOUR ORDER. WE WILL SELL IT TO YOU AT YOUR OWN PRICE- PART CASH. .36 rooms; good income $2,600 18 rooms; Folsom st 750 17 rooms; good transient location... 1,500 15 rooms; Van Ness; good furn 1,400 6 rooms; fine furn.; a nice home 700 5 rooms; a bargain '....... 650 13 rooms; good; new; clean 1,500 16 rooms; fine condition; all rented 1,600 19 rooms; modern house; fine furn 2,500 21 rooms; well furn.; good Income 2.600 18 rooms; good location; pays well 1,500 6 rooms; good furn. and carpets 500 100 rooms; elev.; furn. and carpets new. .10,000 40 rooms; new furn. and carpets; lease.. 5,000 AT once — Lady with few hundred dollars to manage Al rooming-house with boarders. DONALD INVESTMENT CO., 850 Market St. ___________ S50 Market st. and 8 Stockton st Rooms 21. 22 and 23. Phone Bush 328. See our list of bargains. ,, fa r.; rent $175; Al loc; carp., fur.; full..$5500 28 r.; rent $100; hotel and bar; 30 board's. 2500 26 r.; rent $75; Market; well fur.; pays.: 1000 14 r.: rent $60; good furn., Inc $105 1000 19-r. : rent $25; cor.; fine flat; pays well.. 475 8*r. : rent $35; water free; good home.... 300 7 r.; rent $35; Ellis; modern flat 600 6 r.; rent $35; fine little flat 275 Flats, « to 14 rooms. $150 to $1000...... Private residences, 7 to 28 r., $250 to $3000. NEW HOUSES JUST LISTED— IT rooms; rent $50; clears $55; only $1000 19 rooms; rent $55; lease; part cash...;... 1600 22 rooms; rent $100; elegant place 3150 £5 rooms; must sell; make offer 1000 41 rooms; rent $87; money-maker 2200 £4 rooms; rent $65; part cash 10C0 27 rooms; business corner; cheap rent 1800 28 rooms; rent $50; clears $100 :.... 900 40 rooms; cheap rent; north of Market 3800 1 120 rooms; rent $110; prollts $1600 yearly... 3500 •WINSTON & WOLF, 1026 Market Bt MARION GRIFFIN, 719 Market Et. rms . 1, 2. Tel. Black l-S-0-3; office near Call bldg. He has 4 salesmen. Business is booming. He has 3 ladles canvassing for lodging-houses. . Get his free list of 541 lodging-houses. He has money to loan; payable monthly or yearly. Itemized inventory with every house. A CLEAR TITLE OR NO SALE. Several good city and country hotels. Houses, prices and terms to suit all buyers. A— 10 ROOMS; Ellis st; rent $32 60; only... $300 16 rooms; good furniture, carpets; only 725 16 rooms; Leavenworth: good carpets; fur. 700 £? rooms; Market St.; rent $40; good house 550 Slany more bargains; get our 11st first. MITCHELL & CO., 1206 Market St. A— NOTICE— We have rooming-houses, all sizes and prices, hi all Darts of the city: get our llEt first. MITCHELL & CO.. 1206 Market st. FOR rale at great bargain, price $1400, 37-room house on Market st; rent $50; must be sold at once. McBRIDE & CO.. 993 Market st. $900— 14-ROOM house, a bargain: half cash, balance to suit purchaser. McBRIDE & CO.. 993 Market st . . ' .-.,', FOR Eale— At a great sac/lflce a 100-roomed house paying $150 per month; rent $65; price $1500. 993 Market st McBRIDE & CO. 23 ROOMS; clears $65; rent $65 stO 9 rooms; rent $20; clears $30 226 20 rooms; rent $50; water free 700 14 rooms; rent $25; snap; south 330 15 rooms; north Market; rent $75 1050 44 rooms; 8 front rooms and good location. 2000 We have other snaps besides these - DECK & CO.. 827 Market st. room 208. THE largest and best list of lodging-houses, hotels and business chances found at the office of FISHER & CO.. 935 Market st- phone Folsom 15S2. -1 ' ____________________________ BUYERS— Before buying a houee go to G. *W. SCHWEINHARD. Phone Mint 1911. 917 Market st, opp. Mason. He can suit you ' In houses • and prices. • HELP WA.VTED— MALE--C0H. f WANTED— Reciuits for the marine corps u S. navy; able-bodied, unmarried men of good character, between the ases of -21 and %• cot less than 5 feet 4 inches and not over 8 f C et 1 inch: able to speak and read English. For lurther information acpiy at the Recruiting office, 40 Ellis st-. s an Francisco. I00O MEN wanted— Rock drillers, tuanel, brusa and shovel men to work on ditch line being constructed for the Sweepstake Mining Co.. near Weaverville. Trinity Co.. Cai.; apply O u work; steady work, good board ana best wages In State. San Francisco Construction Co., 26 Montgomery St., room 23. San Fran- cisco. Cal. WANTED— Laborers and mechanics to know that Ed Rolkln. Reno House proprietor, still runs Denver House. 217 Third stu 150 larga rooms; 25o per night; $1 to $2 per*>week. MEN to learn barber trade; only eight weeks required; tools donated; positions guaranteed; catalogue free. MOLER BARBER COL- LEG-E. 635 Clay st. COAT, vest aud pants makers wanted, apply 11 a. m.. Stevenson st entrance. CHARLES LYONS. London Tailor. 721 Market st. WANTED— 8 good teamsters; steady work. Apply to J. O'SHEA. 2030 Seventeenth at.. corner Vermont. WANTED— For Seattle, a first-class dyer and •courer. PARISIAN DYE WORKS. 1413 1st ave. Apply 248 Twelfth St.. city. METAL engraver and wood engraver for Salt Lake;' fare paid if necessary; can work to repay. Box 14'J9. Call. , BOY In gent's furnishing store; must underT^ stand something of the business and ma'*a * himself useful; $5 per week. 523 Valencia st. AN experienced label cutter wanted. Abram- ron-Heunlsch Glass Co. Printing Department. Main tt. INTELLIGENT BOY wanted for tin ind hard- ware store: a good chance to learn the buai- ness. Apply Box 1361. Call office. COOP shoemaker for repairing at 30H Clay «. SEVERAL good agents: good proposition. Ap- ply Royal Port Co.. 143 Seventh st. WANTED— Iron molders and machinists, at , 606 Mission st. McDONALD & PERRY have S09 pair* second. hand shoes for sale; SOo up. 241 Third st. GET your shoes half-soled while waiting; _o to SOc. 563 Mission st.. bet. 1st and Id sts. YOUNG men to learn barber trade; catalogue mailed. S. F. Barber College. 741A Howard. PENSION attjr.. E. A. Hullls. r. 40, Phelan big. Past com. Geo. H. Thomas Post, G. A. R. WINCHESTER House. 44 Third St.. near Mar- ket— 700 rooms, 25c night; reading rooms; fre« 'bus and baggage to and from ferry. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1C9& Valencia st. 1IORS-S ASP WAUOXS. A HUNDRED head of well broke German army horses, suitable for all business pur- poses. Just arrived. JOHN H. HALTON\ at Chase & Co.'s sales yard. 1733 Market st. __ DO not fail to attend, the special auction sa^CL* "Wednesday. October 23. at 11 a. m.. at thai Arcade Horse Market 327 Sixth st. JOHN J. DOYLE. Auctioneer. ONE 1-horse truck, one 4-ton express wagon, one gurney; all second-hand; one second-hand trap. CARVILL MFG. CO.. 48 Eighth St. WANTED— Horse, buggy and harness for board and care; good care given. Address C. H. D., 211 Fulton st FOR sale — Good, strong wagon horse; works single, double or In saddle. 1633 Ellis st. VERY stylish bay carriage team; seventeen hands; gound,, gentle. E. 9.. 721 Howard at. A BARGAIN in good carriage, saddle, business and road horses. DALZIEL. 805 G. G. ave. CHEAP— New panel body delivery. 1 laundry."! baker's. 1 shoe, 1 grocery wagon. 828 Harrison. ALL kinds of wagons, buggies, carts, harness. etc.. cheap. EGAN & SON. 2117 Mission st. AN A No. 1 express wagon, single: also light camping wagon for sale, cheap. 532 Mission. HOSPITALS. MENTAL and nervous diseases cared for at ST. ELMO HOSPITAL. 230 Douglass St.. S. F. HOUSES TO LET. A— PRINTED list houses to let: send for clr- cular. G. H. UMESE.V & CO.. 14 Montgomery. $18 -6-ROOilS; near Powell and Washington, or will sell: $CCO cash, balance $?5 per month. THE MCCARTHY CO.. 616 Market sf. < HOUSES TO LET Fl'R.tilSHGD. " $100— MAGNIFICENT 10-room newly furnished home for rent; all improvements; electric lights; furnace; two bathrooms, etc.; Presi- dio Heights: marine view. Box 1607, Call. LOST AND FOUND. LOST— Either in Alameda or San Francisco, October 2j. a chamois bag containing $30 bill, diamond sunburst, a pearl and mounted min- iature, etc. Finder will be suitably rewarded by notifying parties at 27CO Central ave., Alameda. - LOST— A foxterrier bitch, yellow head and ears, black spot over tail. Return to 814 Page st. • and receive reward. LOST— On Monday. October 21. one dress pat- tern of black silk; liberal reward. Return to MISS CALLAHAN. 330 O'Farrell st. MONDAY— Small gold watch, long chain at- tached; marked in case "Ira to Emily." Re- turn to 639 Ellis st. and receive reward. LOST— 2 foxterriers; brown and white. Return to 731 Seventh ave. and receive reward. • LOST— A passbook with the Hibernia Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, In th« name of ARMIN B. LEUPOLD; No. 200-137. The finder will please return to bank. LOST — On Folsom street car, S. F.. 8 p. m. Sunday, telescope containing purse and ladies' apparel. Return to 272 Thirteenth St.. Oakland ;"Feward. LOST— Scotch collie dog. Return to 2326 Fol- som at., and receive reward. IT will pay to "Remember" that the \u25a0 Califor- nia Watch Case Co.. 220 Sutter st. needs olt£-j gold and silver to make new watch cases. 3IATTRESSES A.\D I»IL_OWS. ' TO order, also cleaned and sterilized, uphol- stery; Al caroet cleaning; honest work guar- anteed. HOPKE BROS., 411 to 415 Powell st. • tel. Bush 421. . jUILLIXERY. — — STRIKING original designs, becoming effects new or old material. M. Oliver. 97SA Geary. —————__- __ DR. O'DONNELL-All who are sick and la trouble call and consult the specialist. My medicines have been used for many years by thousands: the unfortunate helped; relief In all cases taken; the most obstinate cases have, been relieved by my medical treatment- frea confidential advice on all subjects of a deli- cate nature; all classes of female complaint* treated: relief to the longest cases. DR. G W. O'DONNELL. 1013 Market St., opp. Fifth. A— Mrs. Sweet, graduate Royal Unl verslty. Ber- lin: 2o years' experience in midwifery cases: utmost confidence can be placed In her: takes & treats ladies before & during confinement* best care, attention; confinement $15; board 54 week; infants adopted. 3327 18th et.; Mls?:on- st. car3: consultation free; phone Capp 2*03. MRS. D. WYETH and Mrs. Kohl, reliable ladies specialists for female complaints; in- stant relief guaranteed; 30 years' experience: private home before and during confinement. 410 O'FatTell st.. near Taylor; hours 9 to 5. HINDOOHERB AND MR3. DAVIES' original method of treatment; maternity borne- homa In confinement. 1126 Market st. 3. F. MRS. D. ALLEN. 1113 Market— Reliable la* dies' specialist; a prlv. home before and dur-* Ing confinement; best medical care; low feea.^ TH £ or '8 lnal MRS. DAVIES Is still located ap 1228 Market; maternity home provided: offlca houra 10 a. m. to t p. m. and S to 8:30 p. m. DR and MRS. GOODWIN, expert specialists: — well known and reliable; 25 years' practice in S. F.; maternity home; fee low. 906 Market DR. NO TOY KEE. 210 Stockton st.. opp. union square: all diseases cured bv horba. MISCELLANEOUS— FOH SALE. BOILERS, engines, 2d-hand machinery^ Mc^ INTOSH & WOLPMAN. 135-197 Fremont st. BARS, back bars, mirrors, restaurant and po- ker tables, barroom chairs, linoleum, new and second band: we always have a large stock of. saloon outfits on hand; 32 completa outfits on one floor, ready made; we can ship everything , In 24 hours. J. NOONAN. 1017, 1019 1021. 10_ Ml— lop st.. above Sixth; wrtta for catalogue. GOOD firewood for sale cheap. Rlsdon Iron Worksycor. Howard and Beale sts. LOT machine shOD tools, lathes, planers, sbap- ers. etc.: also wood-worklns tools, such aa band caws, wood planers, shapers. stickera. rnortisers. saws, etc J. B. JAKDINE, 220 Fremont st. A NEW system of buying diamonds, washes, sealskins, trunks, valises, etc is being in- augurated at the Portland Loan Office _k * Stockton st. AH you need Is a very ainfft deposit. '. . \u25a0 »5r. JEWELRY for sale- diamonds, prectows stone* bought T. FERSHTAND. !„ Kearny st. room 29. CHEAP— 4 hp. gasoline engine, steam pump, t saw arbor, all -kinds tool*. 546 Mission %-