Newspaper Page Text
Steamer Movements. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31. Sun rises • * : *^ Sun sets V.V" Moon .rises 9:09 p. m. Time lTlme lTlme! Time e Hw^rw^Hw^rw^ H 2:66 4.9 7:30 2.9 1:3S 6.0 8:39 -fl.7 1*1 8:56 4.9 8:36 3.2 2:36 5.5 9:39-0.4 2 * 4:55 5.0 10:00 3.2 3:46 5.2 10:40 0.0 3*.. 5:51 5.2 11:24 2.8 5:02 4.9 11:38 0.4 4 -L 6 W- "h^w" 4 - 5 HW 5 .. 0:34 0.8 7:30 5.5 1:41 1.9 7:40 4.4 6 .'.. 1:20 1.1 8:14 5.6 2:32 1.4 8:44 4.4 NOTE— In the above exposition of the tides the early morning tides are given ln the left hand column and the successive tides of the day in the order of occurrence as to time; the fourth time column gives the last tide of the day except when there are but three tides, as sometimes occurs. The heights given are in ad dition to the soundings of the United States Coast Survey Charts, except when a minus (— ) sign precedes the height, and then the number given 13 subtracted from the depth given by the charts. The plane of reference is the mean of the lower low waters. NEW TORK— Arrived Oct 30— Stmr Majestic, from Liverpool ' and Queenstown: Sailed Oct 30— Stmr St Paul, for Southamp ton; stmr Germanic, for iLlversool.'. \u25a0 : HONGKONG— Arrived prior 1 to Oct 30— Stmr Empress of India, from Vancouver, via Yoko hama. . * . SOUTHAMPTON— Sailed Oct 30— Stmr Co lumbia, from Hamburg:, for New York, via Cherboure. ' QUEENSTOWN— Sailed . Oct 30— Stmr Ulto nia. from Liverpool, for Boston. , - -\u25a0 OCEAN STEAMERS. HONGKONG — Arrived crior to Oct 30— Br stmr Empress of India, from Vancouver. To sail Oct 31— Br stmr Strathjtyle. for San Diesro and San Francisco. -, > MAZATLAN— Sailed Oct 28— Stmr Newport, for San Francisco. . PORT. SAID— Arrived v Oct 30— Br stair In drani, from Norfolk, Va. CUXHAVEN— Arrived Oct 27— Ger ship Ne reus, from Oresron. VALPARAISO— Sailed Oct 26— Br ship Glen lui, for Oregon. YOKOHAMA— Sailed Oct 16-Jan stmr Idz uml Maru. for Victoria. FOREIGN PORTS. NEW YORK— Sailed Oct 29— Stmr Advance, for Colon. - • • - • \u25a0 - HONOLULU— Arrived Oct 23— Br stmr Mo ana, from Sydney; schr Falcon, from Albion River: bktn IrniEard, hence Oct 7; U S stmr Wisconsin, from Seattle. Sailed Oct 23— Schr Spokane, for Port Gam ble; schr Rpbert R Hind, for Port Townsend. Oct 22— Br stmr Coptic, for China and Japan. Oct 23 — Bark Alden Besse, for San Francisco, Br Etmr Moana, for .Victoria. EASTERN PORT. ISLAND PORTS. ' SAN PEDRO— Arrived Oct 30— Schr Lille bonne, from Grays Harbor; stmr San . Pedro, from • San DIeso. Sailed Oct 30— Stmr Alcatraz. for. San Fran cisco. Arrived Oct 29— Stmr Del Norte. from Cres cent City, to sail Nov 1 for Crescent City. I SEATTLE— Sailed Oct 2»— Stmr Progreso, for San Francisco. Arrived Oct 30— Stmr Queen, from Nome. Arrived Oct 30— Stmr Valencia, from Nome. Sailed Oct 30— Stmr Senator, for Juneau. BALLARD— Sailed Oct 30— Schr Corona, for San Pedro. -. \u25a0 - SAN DIEGO— Arrived Oct 30— Ger ship Slam, 141 days from Hambunr. Sailed Oct 30— Stmr Santa Rosa, for San FranciscoJ stmr Carlisle City, for San Fran cisco.**^ • • •\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0.-•- \u25a0 1 .....-...,\u25a0..»:--\u25a0 ' SEATTLE— Sailed Oct 30— Stmr Progreso, "for San Francisco. \u25a0 • . - LONDON. Oct. 30.— Justice Wright ha* ordered the compulsory liquidation of the London and Globe Finance Corporation, one of the Whitaker-Wrig-ht group ot companies. In -view of the serious allega tions of fraud made, counsel for the di rectors. Lord Dufferln, Lord Edward Pel ham Clinton, Whitaker "Wright and Lem on, desired the court to make the fullest Investigation. Demand a Thorough. Investigation. to arrive. . Steamer. ' \u25a0' From. . | Pn». Crescent City. Crescent City Oct. 31 Santa Kosa.... San" Diego & Way Pts. Oct. 81 Point Arena... Point. Arena Oct. SI Iaqua Humboldt OcC 31 San Pedro San Pedro-..'..'. Nov. 1 Columbia Portland and \u25a0 Astoria. . Nov. 1 Ralnlerl Seattle & N. Whatcom Nov. 1 Washtenaw.... Tacoma Nov.! 1 Pomona Humboldt Nov. 1 Prosreso ... Seattle ! *.......... Nov. 2 J S. Kimball. Seattle and Tacoma.... Nov. 2 Despatch '. San Pedro Nov. 2 Mandalay Coquille River..- Nov. 2 Xoyo Humboldt Nov. 2 Santa Barbara San Pedro Nov. 2 Eureka Humboldt Nov. 3 Umatllla Puget Sound Ports Nov. 3 Newport Panama & Way Ports Nov. 3 State of Cal... San Diego & Way Pts. Nov. 3 Ventura Sydney & Way Ports.. Nov. 4 Maria Nanalmo : Nov. '4 Empire.... Coos Bay Nov. - 4 Peru I Valparaiso 4: Way Pts. Nov. 5 G. W. Elder... Portland and Astoria.. Nov. 6 Ne'wburg....... Grays Harbor Nov. 7 Algoa China and Japan Nov. 7 Corona San Pedro & Way Pts. Nov. 7 City of Puebla. Puget Sound Ports Nov. 8 Hongkong 1 Mai China and Japan Nov. 8 North Fork.... Humboldt Nov. 8 TO J3AIU ~ Steamer.. Destination. Sails. Pier. ~ October 31. Sequoia. Humboldt 12 m Pier 2 Leelanaw.... N. Y. via Panama. 2 pm Pier 10 Eureka Humboldt » am Pier is Arcata C. Bay & Pt Orford 10 am Pier 13 City of Pekln China & Japan.... 1 pm PMS3 Rival Wlllapa Harbor.... 6 pm Pier S November 1. San Pedro... Humboldt 10 am Pier 2 G. Dollar .Grays Harbor pi er 2 November 2. Despatch Seattle direct 5 pm Pier 18 Iaqua Humboldt 5 pm Pier — Santa Barb.. Humboldt 10 am Pier 2 Alameda Honolulu 2 pm Pier 7 Walla Walla. Puget Sound Ports 11 am Pier 9 North Fork.. Humboldt 9 am Pier 1 American.... Honolulu Pier 20 Corona Newport & Way... 9 am Pier 11 Point Arena. Point Arena ...... 2 pm Pier 2 November 3. i Pomona Humboldt 1:30 p Pier % Santa Rosa.. San Diego & Way. 9 am Pier 11 J. S. Kimball Seattle & Tacoma pj er 2 November 4. Columbia Astoria & Portland U am Pier 24 November • 5. Rainier Seattle & N. What. 6 pm Pier 2 Noyo Humboldt 5 pm Pier a November 6. . State of Cal.. San Diego & Way. 9 am Pier 11 November 7. Sesostris Hamburg & Way pi, r 27 Gaelic (China and Japan.. 1 pm PMSS Curacao Mexican Ports 10 am Pier 11 Umatllla > Puget .Sound Portsjll amjpier 9 FROM SEATTLE. Steamer. : - - i From. Du». Dirigo Skaguay & Way Ports. Oct. 31 City of Seattle Skaguay & Way Ports Nov 1 Humboldt..... 1 . Skaguay & Way Ports Nov 3 Dolphin Skaguay & Way Ports. Nov! 6 Farallon Skaguay & Way Ports. Nov 7 City of Topeka Ska.cruay A Way Ports. Nov. 0 Bertha Valdez & Kodlak Nov. 10 NEWS OF THE OCEAN. Hatters of Interest, to' Mariners and >!:\u25a0•,&}. Shipping: Merchants. ; - The Ballachulish will : load ' salmon on Fr&ser Captain Ahlin of the schooner Ida W picked up a 16-foot pleasure •- boat two miles off shore near Bolinas. The sail, boom and bowsprit were inboard, and the boat looked as though it had gone 1 adrift. Tho tramp steamship Horda is coming here with a cargo of coal. From here she goes .to Portland to load lumber for Ma nila under charter to the Charles Nelson Company. The City of Peking, from the Orient, and the Leelanaw, from Panama, will be due to-day. Commencing November! and continuing until further notice, the, steamer, Sunol will not carry passengers 'to and from Vallejo. This change is necessitated by the large increase in the freight business. Captain John Prior of the well known firm ot Brann & Prior was back on the front again yesterday and received -a cor dial .welcome from'hiB friends. He has been making ah extended tour of the East. * . . ' ; \u25a0 j There Is still no trace of the five Chi nese who escaped from the Mail dock, and it now begins to look as though the Mail Company would have to pay the required fines. \u25a0 . . - Among the arrivals yesterday, was the British bark Kilmeny, from Antwerp. She ran into a'gale after leaving port and had to anchor for three days off , Flushing. During the voyage Adolph A- Sjolseth fell from aloft and was killed. He -was 24 years old and a native of Norway. Water-Front Notes. Julia Morg-an Secures Honors. PARIS. Oct. 30.— Julia Morgan of San Francisco passed an examination -with honors at the architectural section of the School of Fine Arts. The Charles Nelson Company asked the Board of Harbor Commissioners' yester day for 200 feet additional space at Mis sion-street wharf. The business of the firm has grown wonderfully and extra room is required. The matter was re ferred to the chief wharfinger. Specifications for the repairing of How ard street and Folsom street wharves were ordered prepared. The contract for the sheds over, car ferry slips 1 and 2 was let to Fred Miller for $3136. Harbor Commissioners Meet. LEIPSIC, Oct. 30.— The police to-day seized an edition of Count • Tolstoi's brochure, "The Meaning of Life," at a Leipslc publishing house. Police Seize Tolstoi's Brochure. Thousands upon thousands of seagulls are living on the marshes back of Sau salito. There are but few of the scaven gers on the bay, and mariners have been wondering what was the matter. The recent high tides, in conjunction- with a big run of small sardines, are responsible for the disappearance. The tide carried the fish up Into pools all over the marsh, and not only left them there, but also great quantities among the sea grass. On these the gulls are feasting. The people along the beach at Sausalijo also made a haul, and men, women and children were engaged all day carrying the fish away. Seagulls Are Feasting. The Andrew Hicks will be refitted and will sail again for. the south in a month or six weeks. The Andrew Hicks, one of the last of the old fleet of whalers, arrived from the Okhotsk Sea yesterday after a successful cruise. She was built thirty-five years ago in Fairhaven,' Mass., but Is as sound and stanch to-day as when she was launched. She left here in February last to hunt the sperm whale, and after a visit to Hawaii, the Marshall group and Guam, she was headed for the coast of Japan. Several whales were taken and the bone and oil shipped home. The vessel, nevertheless, brings home 2000 pounds of whalebone and 270 barrels of oil. On the 2Sth inst. she spoke a vessel supposed to be the German bark H. F. Glade, bound south. *" ' \u25a0— Whaling Bark Andrew Sicks Home From the Japanese Coast. BACK FEOM SOUTHERN SEAS. Among the passengers was C. A. Wat son, who is. connected with the .Stan dard Oil Company, and was on a visit to the islands i in the Interest, of that corporation. R. Pechotsch is a noted violinist, and Madame Cole is a singer who is touring the world with him. Both artists will be heard here. Smith volunteered an opinion that the ruling of Thomas Ryan, First Assistant Secretary of the Interior, adverse to the proposed Kohala Mountain water fran chise, was based wholly on the distinc tion between a license as applied for and a lease. A lease would have been within the power of the Territorial Government to grant, under the condition of a term of twenty-one years and that of compe tition at public auction for the privilege. Atherton's visit to New York may be in connection with the affairs of the Ha waiian Automobile Company, a concern in which he is heavily interested. Another arrival on the Alameda was F. M. Swanzy, managing director of the old English house' of Theo. H. Davis & Co., Limited, and acting British Vice Consul in Honolulu. Both Smith and Atherton positively de nied that their trips had any thing, to do with the development of water, arising on public lands. Joseph B. Atherton, head of the large corporation of Castle & Cooke, Limited, and president of many other Hawaiian companies, -also arrived on the steamer and goes to New York. "When I am through with my business in New York I may go to Washington, incidentally. I. am not going away for my health or for politics." Among those who arrived on the Ala meda was TV. O. -Smith, former Attorney General of Hawaii, who goes to ' New "iork on business. It was published In Honolulu that he was going to oppose the income-tax act of the late Hawaiian Legislature at Washington, but to a re porter he said: The Alameda brought up a considerable amount of cargo, fifty steerage passen gers and the following named in the cabin: C. I>. Argus, J. B. Ailierton and wife, lime. Cole. W. R. DuBlas, G. H. Falrchlld, wife, three children and two maids, J. W. Hunter nnd wile, J. F. Libby, Mrs. l Myers. M. O. RhaughneFsy, R. Pechotsch. A. H. Reetz, L. Reinardt. F. M. Swanzy and wife, W. O. Smith, Miss A. Watson, Miss J. Watson, H. E. Walty, wife, child and maid, C. A. Watson, M. Mil lar a*1 Mr. Schulr. There was no sign of the overdue Amer ican ship Benjamin F. Packard, now out 141 days from Norfolk, Va., for Honolulu, and on which 15 per cent reinsurance is being paid. The City of Peking, due to day, may bring word of her. If she does not the rate is sure to advance. THE Oceanic Steamship Company's Alameda and the Pacific Mail Company's City of Para arrived from Honolulu yesterday. The latter vessel has been carrying Porto Ricans from Port Los Angeles to the sugar plantations and has come home for an overhauling. She brought up two steerage passeneers and no cargo. % i The Alameda was expected to make a good run, but did not do any better than before her engines were changed from compound to triple expansion. The trou ble "was due to the firemen. The vessel took away a Japanese crew, and nearly all of them turned out to be "green" in stead of "seasoned" hands. They could not keep steam in the boilers, and conse quently the vessel fell behind time. The Aiameda After a Few Minor Mishaps Completes Her First Round Trip Since Her New Engines and Were Put In— Whaler Andrew Hicks i Back From* Cruise—Sea Gulls Feasting on Marshes Back of Sausalito OCEAN STEAMSH IPS FROM HAWAII MAKE PORT BUT A FEW HOURS APART THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1901 Shipping Intelligence. . ARRIVED. \u25a0 ' . "Wednesday. October SO. Stmr Robert Dollar, Olsen, 105 hours from Port Hadlock. Stmr North Fork, Fosen, 24 hours from Eu reka. Stmr Corona, - Glelow, 77 ' hours from San Pedro, etc. ! Stmr Alameda, Herriman, 6 days 18% hours from Honolulu. Stmr Grace Dollar, Fosen, 80 hours from Grays Harbor. Stmr Alex Duncan. Smith, 4% hours from Amesport. Stmr Edith, Hall, 107 hours from Seattle. Ger stmr Sesostris, Pemme, \u25a0 75 hours from Seattle; put ln to finish loading:. Bark Amy Turner, "Warland, 16 ' days from Hiio. *\u25a0-.-..\u25a0 . \u25a0•••—; • . "Whaling bark Andrew Hicks, Shorey, SO days from Okhotsk Sea.' • "\u25a0. • Br bark Kllmeny, Jones, 140 days from Ant werp. \u25a0(. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0:, : • •\u25a0 : 8chrAbbIe, ; Petersen, 3 days from Eureka. Schr Archie .'and Fontie. Skipper, 16 hours from Fisks Mill. ' Schr Ocean .,• Spray, Olsen, . 16 ' hours from Bowens Landing. • • \u25a0 , • ' CLEARED. \u25a0 ' " . ." • ' ","••'*\u25a0' '\u25a0" ' : ; Wednesdayl 1 October 30. Ger stmr Ramses, Blelenberg, Seattle; J D Spreckels & Bros Co.- . •• Br BhiD.. Lord ; Templetown, . \u25a0" McCracken, Queenstown; Glrvin • &• Eyre. • Br ship Allerton, Toye, Sharpness; Balfour, Guthrle & Co. . ' . . SAILED. Wednesday, October 30. , Stmr' Matteawan, Croscup, Tacoma. Stmr Geo W Elder, Randall, Astoria. Stmr Czarina, Seaman, Seattle. Stmr Alliance, Hardwick. Portland. Stmr Santa Cru«, Hinkle. . Stmr State of California, Thomas, San Diego. Stmr Greenwood,- Fagerlund, .' \u25a0 Stmr Newsboy, Ahlstrom, -: — ;*.•' • •• ; • Br shlo Maxwell, Young, Hull. Br ship British General. Thomas, London. Bark Willscott, Macloon, New Tork. \u25a0 Bktn Amaranth. . Bowes, Salina Cruz. , Schr Mary C, Campbell, Bodega. Schr Bender Brothers, Wetzel. Bowens Land- Schr Nettie Sundbor»r, Larsen. Point Arena. ' Schr Newark, Crangrle, . SPOKEN. - Aug 2, no position— Br ship Ardnamurchan, from Cardiff, for Santa Rosalia. Per Br ship Kllmeny— Sept 6, lat 68 S, Ion 72 W. Ger bark Windlne. for Iqulque. MISCELLANEOUS. Schr E K Wood, from San Pedro for Fair haven, is stranded on Smith Island, Puget Sound. Tujr Sea Lion Is'' standing- by. . Later — Tugs returned this morning and re port vessel on middle of north side of the spit and has sustained no damage as yet. Tugs made an unsuccessful attempt to float her.' Another attempt will be made on evening of Oct 30 at high tide. v . MEMORANDUM. Per schr Abbie — Otto Ander»on, a native of Sweden, became insane during the voyage, and upon arrival was sent to the hospital. Per bark Andrew, Hicks— Oct 28, lat 38 23 N. Ion 128 40 W, saw a large German four-masted ship steering to the southward. All well. DIED AT SEA. On board Br ship Kllmeny, Sept 4, lat 68 S, Ion 67 W, Adolnh Anderson SJolseth, seaman, a native of Norway, aged 24, fell from the main upp«r topsail \u25a0' on deck and killed In stantly. He was buried at sea. . TELEGRAPHIC. POINT LOBOS, Oct 30, 10 pm— Weather 'oggy;^wlnd south, velocity 8 miles per hour. DOMESTIC PORTS. POINT REYES— Passed Oct 3ft. at 10 a m— Stmr Lakrae. from Eureka, for San Pedro. . EUREKA— Arrived Oct 29— Stmr Noyo, hence Oct 28. . Arrived Oct 30— Stmr Pomona, hence Ocf29; stmr Westport, hence Oct 28; stmr Noyo, hence Oct 28. . .' — \u25a0' Sailed Oct 30— Stmr Iaqua, for San Francisco. FORT- BRAGG — Arrived Oct 30— Stmr Na tional City, hence Oct 29. . TACOMA— Sailed, Oct 30— Stmr- City' of To peka, for Alaska. v . \. . Arrived Oct 30 — U S stmr Bear, from. Alaska, via , Port Townsend ; Rubs bark Farwold. from Seattle. • , SANTA BARBARA— Arrived Oct 29— Schr James H Bruce, from • Grays Harbor. PORT- TOWNSEND— Passed \u25a0 Oct 30— Stmr Queen, from Nome, for Seattle; stmr Valencia, from Nome and Hunters Bay. for Seattle. \u25a0 . BOWENS LANDING— Arrived Oct 30— Stmr Gualala, hence Oct 29. Sailed Oct 30— Stmr Luella. for San Fran cisco. . . \u25a0 " " . ' • "- SAN. DIEGO— Sailed Oct 30— Br stmr Carlisle City. • for San • Francisco. . » " ASTORIA— Arrived Oct '\u25a0 30— Stmr • Crusader, from : Victoria: > tu>c \u25a0 Tatoosh. from" Seattle: Fr bark Du - Guesclin, from Hamburg;- Fr bark Lamoriclere has not , arrived in. : , ! Sailed Oct 30— Stmr Columbia, for San Fran cisco.-'' \u25a0 • \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0'.\u25a0 ..'\u25a0.'• - KLAWACK— Sailed Oct 23— Scbr . "W ' F Jew ett, for San Francisco. \ J \u25a0 \u25a0- , "The bark Willscott sailed yesterday for New Tork with 70,292 ctls barley, . valued at $65,000. . The British ship Maxwell sailed yesterday for Hull, England, with 48,250 ctls barley, .valued at $48,250:. 11.179 ctls. wheat, valued at' $11,503; 30 cs wine, valued at $355, and 27,500 ft. lumber dunnage, valued at $385. ; . *' "The British ship Lord Tenipleton was cleared yesterday for Queenstown for orders, with 70,943 ctls wheat, valued at $74,500. and 13,000 ft. lum ber dunnage, valued at $200. : The British ship Allerton was cleared yester day for Sharpness, England. • with 15,750 ctls wheat, valued at $15,750; 54,020 ctls barley, valued at $45,918, and 19,000 ft lumber dunnage, valued at $285. Shipments of Grain. River for Liverpool, 39s 3d: the Bangalore, lum ber on Pugret Sound, for Valparaiso for orders, 46s; the Hesper. lumber on Puget Sound, for Fremantle or Geraldton, 62s 6d: the Henriette, wheat at Portland, for Europe, 37s 6d; the Riv erside, wheat at, Portland, for Europe, 41s 3d. All of above. vessels were chartered prior to ar rival. The schooner Eva will load lumber at Eureka for Hilo. . ' One beauty • about Jesse Moore "Whiskey is you can always depend on Its purity. • CHICAGO, Oct. 30.— The Grand Jury to day voted Indictments against Dr. J. Smy ser, former president of the State Dental College, charged with forgery in the Issue of ; bogus diplomas \ to dental , students. Dentist Accused of Forgery. WHALING BARK ANDREW HICKS THAT ARRIVED PROM OKHOTSK SEA YESTERDAY. SHE WAS BUILT THIRTY-FIVE YEARS AGO, BUT IS STILL SOUND AS A DOLLAR. United States Coast and Geodetic Survey— Times and Heights of High and Low Waters at Fort Point, entrance to San Francisco Bay. Published by official au thority of the Superintendent. NOTE— The high and low waters occur at the city front (Mission-street wharf) about twenty-five minutes later than, at Fort Point; the height of tide la tha-aama at.both places. Sun, Moon and Tide. Time Ball. Branch Hydrosraphlc Office, U. S. N., Mer chants' Exchange, San Francisco, Cal., October 30. 1901. * The time ball was not dropped to-day; mech anism out of order. J. T. McMILLAN, Nautical Expert. In charge. QUEENSTOWN— Arrived Oct 30— Stmr Bel genland, from Philadelphia, for Liverpool, and proceeded. BROWHEAD- Passed Oct 30— Stmr Phila delphia, for Queenstown. LIVERPOOL— Sailed Oct 30— Stmr Oceanic, from New York, for Queenstown; itmr Rhyn land, from Philadelphia, for Queenstown. CORONEL— Sailed Oct 30— Stmr Glamorgan shire, from Portland, Or, for Hull, England. 16 Flannel Gown Sale OUR NEW YORK BUYER MADE A WONDERFUL PURCHASE OF WOMEN'S ! AND CHILDREN'S FLANNEL. NIGHT- ' GOWNS. WHICH . PLACES US IN A , POSITION TO- SELL THEM. IN MANY INSTANCES. AT ONE-HALF REGULAR PRICES. ' IF YOU'RE NOT IN WANT OF THESE GOODS AT PRESENT IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY THEM FOR FUTURE USE. Surely, Now s the Time to Buy. QQ» For 65o ' WOMEN' S FLANI<ELi OO V GOWNS. PTA/-» For 7Bc WOMEN'S FLANNEL OIJC GOWNa " 7Q r For $l.O0 WOMEN'S FLANNEL C Ot GOWNS. « CkELn For 91.50 WOMEN'S FLANNEL UUt GOWNS. Cl IR' For $1.T5 WOMEN'S FLAN- «1>*»1O NEL GOWNS. Sizes of Women's Gowns 32 to 46 bust measurement. A€%r* For 75c CHILDREN* S FLAN- T-Zt NEL GOWNS. DQrt For $1.00 CHILDREN'S FLAN- DOt NEL GOWNS. \u25a0 We use the - best materials ln • all our Flannel Wear — come ' ln pood colorings of Pink and Blue .Stripes, also solid colors of : Cream, i Pink and Blue and ; prettily trim- med with. Braids, Beadlngs, Laces and In- '.certlona. :. . : \u25a0 . A FEW SNAPS IN FLANNEL SKIRTS. , O PS /-\u25ba For 4Oc WOMEN'S FLANNEL A«t SKIRTS. . . - \u25a0APir' For O5c WOJIEX'S FLANNEL "4-OV SKIRTS." ! CQ/i For-OOc WOMEN'S FLANNEL OJ/y SKIRTS.. '7'CC r . For" f< 1^15 WOMEN'S FLANNEL C Ot SKIRTS.// . These skirts are made ot best Cinderella Flannel 1 and trimmed with flounces,' tucks, laces and insertions. . . t •, < WE CLOSE AT SIX O'CLOCK. -. 12124214 MARKET ST;, 'I 'r'-l \ Between Taylor and Jones. » ' ADVERTISEMENTS. ' _ _ [ -'_- r=== W^mR^^m^s^. — i Important Clearance Sale $7.50, $5.00 and $4.50 Choice Portieres Reduced to $3.50 pair. If you have been waiting for a favorable oppor- tunity, whereby -you. could purchase Portieres for less than the usual outlay;— this offer should prove very interesting.*, : . £ We willplace on sale commencing to-day a special lot of Portieres at a great reduction from the regular seljing price. They are broken lines — of many there are two pairs or more of a kind — all new goods in beautiful colorings, of fine quality and of; the very latest styles in Bagdad, Oriental, and Persian cross striped; also solid colors, and two toned effects. Curtains that formerly sold for $4.50, $5.00 and $7.50 a pair. Reduced for this special sale to $3.50. Tapestry Cushion Tops A perfect imitation of Goblin Tapestry At one-tenth of what the real would cost. We have this week opened a large importation of Tapestry Squares — size 20x20. These are a perfect imitation of the real Goblin Tapestry and come in a large variety of the choicest of designs — suitable for cushion covering — Price while theylast 45 c. each Just lar^ e *' ne °* °* usmon covers in new subjects, comprising Floral, Oriental, College, Smoker and Poster effects — at 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.25 each. The Holidays are approaching and Fancy Work Materials are now in great demand For the past quarter of a century it has been our pride to have the best selected stock of fancy work materials — and having kept pace with the steady advancement of Art Needlework we have to-day one of the largest and most complete assortments in the world, comprising all the best qualities at the . right prices. Here you will find Embroidery Silks Woolen Yams of all descriptions and guaranteed full weight Lace Materials Sli^S? 8 battenberg ' Duchess and Ara * Beads of every kind used for crocheting Bags and Purses. Tassels, Pompons, Cords, Fringes, Etc. *********** *******^*****************««**^ ••\u2666••<\u25a0 I OUT OF TrtUfN f }*'« w «» t JO" trade particularly. Write to us t -" — J UU 1 Ur IUWN 1 for a-nj information yon wish. We will answer J I e-rt 1 vc \u2666 cheerfully. Our new illustrated catalogue mailed t \u2666 rULftb ; 1 to yon free for th« asking. \u2666 ' Sutter and Kearny Street ' .^^^^^H^^teSs a Bed * BED OPEN * «=-" a "^* Cheapest and Best Folding Bed on Earth. •* Jt *-«aESBtiy!llfiaP' Call and examine. DED CLOSED. Pft*rni A I in O/ niCnnil&IT FOR CASH for a short time on NrrlllOl l\\/ \ N our elegant line of BEDROOM 01 LUInL LM/o UlOUUUIl I suits, chiffoniers, side- boards and DRESSING TABLES. \u25a0 . Don t miss this opportunity— must make room for our new goods. Houses furnished completely. CASH OR CREDIT. . KRAGEN FURNITURE Cfl. l0l5^^ tst ' TELEPHONE SOUTH 3TJ. SPECIAL SALE Three -day prices that every economical house- keeper should grab at. These figures for Thurs- day, Friday and Saturday .^Z only, remember. J Sapolio, 4 cakes 25c For cleaning'. Regularly 3 for 23c. Grape-Nuts, 2 pkgs. ..25c A food for brain and nerve. Regularly lac a pkg. UnCie Jerry's Pancake Flour, 3 pkgs 25c Made from corn, rice, potatoes aad wheat. Ready for use. Regularly 10c a pkg;. Black Figs, ib ......... .5c Choice new Cal. black figs. . Regularly 10c. Furniture Polish,**^ 10 * •"&•** The celebrated "IdeaL" Unexcelled by any on the market. . "Will renew old furniture. Rosebud Wniskey . . %« SA »g« ± The highest grade of whisky produced ln America. Regularly $1 25 and |3. ' Whisk Brooms, each. . .10c A neatly finished whisk broom with fancy handle. Regularly 15c Key West Cigars, pntacfon- • Invlnclbles. 3 for 25c; box of 25. *2. Made from choice Havana tobacco. NEW GOODS CONTINUALLY ARRTVTNO. COUNTRY ORDERS SOLJCITED-CATA- J J LOGUE FREE. Ty 39 STOCKTON ST., near Market. ' TELEPHONE MAIN S522. V STUCK IN THB MUD. You will be as surely stock, if you put your money into a poor, cheap ve- hicle made by irresponsible manufac- turers, who do not even put their name on the vehicle they manufacture. Four hundred vehicles shown on our floor. .;— • , STUDEBAKET? RROS.fOMPANY - Market and Tenth Streets. *T^?AM]KW£ri9"** MATERLirS OLASS- -> > V^tfV r$r&l^'?'S, ES can tie used for near vS^SypS2i3?w2to£: and far. George Mayerle. MSS^rS^^flD 1071 H Market St.— Dear Sir: After testlnff your •sX'^sOiSo^Yi-" eyeglasses for a period of — iCfwJSj^Kjty/;^ not leaa than three -Z?<^2&££>fZi<^- months. I can heartily • .^55%?/?/rJii!UY\^vS^ • recommend them to those y^fllWSSSSS* ln need ot Slasses. They </ /' V'VIH >\. * are the only glasses I can find that I can see at a distance with, as well as near by. HodIhk . others may profit by my experience. I am youra. E. N. Davis. Mayor of Los Gatos. Cal. Mayerle's (Classes strengthen the eye and brain. German Eyewater, 60c. George Mayerle, German expert optician. Cut this out. 1071'/i Market st.. near 7th. Look for Mayerle's trademark. - —b . g r—i gr^r per jianextly ' r"B E 6** 6 "5 CURED. No sursery M B B*mJ MS *•— " or delay. Names oC SO prominent business men sent as reference. 600 cures ln S. .F. For particulars address PHYS1CIAX. box tXM. Call offlo. \u25a0 \u25a0 j^ > The Weekly Call. ONE DOLLAR PER TEAR Hale^ I Bale's. Waist Day! I flW\\ I There is a go and chicness . 1 /I / / ) 1 about Hale's waists that make I/A j, // / I them distinctive; that tell of .taste I V \\ /Z^N^^^ 'I and care in making. Take this \ V^Sl/^ 1 French flannel waist we picture, -^-- - J I for example, and note the new- . 1 style collar and cuffs; look it over and you will find the I sewing to be carefully done, the seams properly finished; J try it on and you know it is correctly cut — a perfect fit as- "1 J sured; it buttons in the back; the yoke is handsomely ( I trimmed with four rows of braid. .You can get this in red, 1 blue or brown $2.95 . \ Descriptions of five other charming styles follow: • I Iiadies' All-Wool Tricot Waist — Made with French back, tucked yoke -I and Bishop sleeves — seams are finished. Comes in red. tan. royal 1 blue and black... $2.95 I X.adies' French. Flannel "Waist — Made with full front and French back: I has new style cuffs and silk- finished collar— the colors are red! H navy, light blue and black, set off with white polka dots $3.45 I Ladies' French. Flannel Waist — Has Bishop sleeves and new-style col- 1 . Iar, with tie of black silk— comes in popular shades of red, ; light I . blue, navy and black, and is relieved by a, pretty hair line stripe I very stylish I 98.75 \u25a0 Etamine Waists — Having the new plaited yoke and pretty stock with ! fl silk top collar — colors are gray, old rose and dark sreen...93.75 I French Flannel Waist—With rows of braid and tucks down front and . 1 back, tucked Bishop cuffs and black silk collar — in red. ereen and I tan $4.5O I In bIac^' brown or navy, as best suit3 -J^^^^^S^^^S 1 yO TniI eq styi e i?h en FiXT SHORT-BACK l&SSSi^^lri^ I SAIL0R HAT > pleasingly trimmed W NJ^^^^^gK^X^^ga^ r 1 with Persian silk scarf and feather pom- Y) \u25a0 \u25a0 *f \u25a0#'!» •sSilr . } $1.25. il .> .^jSLr'-' -,--.-, , J I In order to give you just what you wish in I shoes, we have incorporated in our fooiwear of 1 this price every quality that particular people i require in footwear. We have had our $$.-$o H shoes made of good durable leather that they p may stand long wear. We have had them finished I in the stunning effects that distinguish this g season's styles, and formed in the exclusive B shapes that make our shoes so desirablv I different from the commonplace kind. We will I Rive you all that you could expect, and more I than you do expect in shoes, for $3.50.