Newspaper Page Text
IXOW OF BIVER3. The following table srves a comparative statement tor two years of the estimated flow of certain California rivers In cubic fe*t. per second, i or second, feet, cne seconU foot equaling 50/ California miner's inches, or about 40 Colorado miner's Inches. The figures are by J. B. LJpplncott. hydrosrapher of United States Geological Survey: ' E7Friends and acquaintances are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral to-day (Tuesday), at 2 o'clock, from the funeral par lors of H. F. Maass, 917 Mission street. In terment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. C^Frlends and acquaintances are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral to-mor row (Wednesday), at 2 o'clock, from B'nal B'rith Hall, 121 Eddy street, where services will be held under the auspices of the Ger man Krlesrer -.Verein. Interment Odd Fel lows' Cemetery. Please omit flowers. Re mains at the parlors of H. P. Petersen, 22S McAllister street. SMITH— In the City and County Hospital. July 21, 1002, Michael Smith, a native of Ireland, aged 57 years. WHITCOMB— In this city, July 21. 1902. George R-. beloved son of James H. and Hannah Whitcomb, a native of San Fran cisco, aged 1 month and 22 days. WURM— In this city. July 19. 1902. at the GeT man Hospital. Joseph Wurm, a native of Germany, aged S3 years. E?The. funeral will take place to-day (Tuesday), at 12 o'clock, from the parlors of the United Undertakers, 27-29 Fifth street. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery, Oakland, by 1 o'clock creek boat. SEEBACH— In Blue Lake. July 19, 1902. Peter Seebach, beloved husband of Elizabeth See bach and father, of Henry and Emllle See oach, a native of Bayern, Germany, aged 53 years 2"^ months' and 15 clays. A mem ber of the German Krieeer Verein, Gambri nus Benevolent Society and Germanla Lodge No. 1718. K. of H. Cy Remains at the parlors of J. C. O'Con _nor & Co.. 767 Mission street. Notice of funeral hereafter. ¦ I BUDGE AR— In this city, July 18: 1902. Julia F... beloved wife of William Rudgear, a na tive of Oakland, aged 21 years 10 months and 3 days. ' . • •. . morning: at 9 o'clock, from the residence of her parents, 714 Fell street. Interment pri vate. ROACH— In this city. July 21. 1902. Peter Roach, a native of Massachusetts, aged 60 years. lot on NE corner of Erazlt and Edinburgh streets, N SO by E ICO. block 47. Excelsior Homestead: (10. Joseph. Harriet, Jacob and Bertha G. Welss beln to Virginia N. Weston, lot 260-, Heyman Tract; $10. George and Catherine* Ryan to George II. and Mary J. Loy. lots 1302 and 1350.. Gift Map 3: f 10. , Same owners with Allen & Looney (contrac tors), architects same— Sewering, plumbing and sajftttlng for same on 6am«;-$150O,,-3>|jg|s» Owen and Rox McCooey (owners) with Bernard Dreyer (contractor) architects Shea & Shea — Grading, brick, carpenter and mill work, stairs, glass, hardware, tinning, plastering, electric work, etc.. for a tw,o-story and base ment frame building (four flats) and frame stable, and alteration and moving of cottage tfn lot on N line of Union street. 212:6 W of Lagyna. W 60 by N 137:6; $10,228. O. D. Baldwin (owner) with Petterson & Persson. (contractors), architect E.iJ .Vogel— Carpenter work, glass, plastering electric work, plumbing, water and gas piping and sewering for a two-story brick building on lot on NW corner of Jones and Green streets, N 120. W 117. S 120. E 117; $11,000. . . . Associated Property Owners of San Francisco (owners) with Cook & Young (contractors), architect Albert Sutton — La'thlng-. plastering, tinning, skylights, galvanised iron work, roof ing, roof tiling, marble ¦ work, painting, car penter, iron and etalr work, glazing and hard ware for a five-story and basement brick apart ment house on lot on N , line of Pine, street, 137:6 E of Hyde. E 75 by N 137:6; $67,497. James H. Bellly (owner) with Erik Boes (contractor and architect) — AH work for a one and a half story frame building on lot on E line of Whitney street. 400 N of Randall. N 25 by E 125, being a portion of lot 38, block 27 Falrmount Homestead Association; $1780. Goldberg, Bowen & Co. (owners) with The Electrical Engineering Company (contractors), architect Clarence R. Ward — Wiring, guide posts platform, sheaves, brakes, ropes, drums, mechanism and motor for electric freight ele vator in four- story and basement brick build in*? on lot on S line of Martin street, 97:6 E of Grant ftvenua. E 40 by S 60; $2000. John and Catherine Mooney (owners) with Charles J. Keenan (contractor), architect All work for a two-story and basement frame buildlag (flats) on lot on E line of Missouri street, 150 N of Eighteenth, N 25 by E 100; $4500. Stanley W. Morahead (owner) with Denke Bros, (contractors and architects)— All work for a two-story frame residence on lot on E line of Baker street, 75 S of Oak, S 25 by E 96:10tf : $7065. • The Peter Dean Company (owners) with George' AVelsmann (contractor), architects Havens & Toepke— Reshlngllng, galvanized Iron ridges, tinning and painting for a three story brick and frame building on lot on SE corner of Gough and Page streets, S 120 by E 137:6; $1320. Builders' Contracts. STANFORD UNIVERSITY, July 21.— The Grand- Council of the Kappa Alpha Theta fraternity arrived at the university to-day and was' driven at once to the lo cal chapter house of the Phi Chapter of the fraternity. Miss Wickson, the daugh ter of Professor Edward J. Wickson of the University of California, Is the grand president of the fraternity, while Miss Pearle Green, Stanford, '98, is the grand secretary, the two chief offices of the fra ternity thua being held by California wo men. The other members of the council are the following delegates from the-^East: Miss Hoffman, New York City, first vica president; Miss Miller, Evanston. 111., sec-> ond vice president; Miss Scott, New York City, grand treasurer, and Miss Cockins, Columbus, Ohio, editor of the Kappa Al pha Theta Journal. As the regular business or the frater nity was transacted last week at the an nual convention In Berkeley, the delegates will spend their few days here in enjoy ment of the hospitality of the local mem bers of the fraternity. A number of re ceptions and drives will be given them. Kappa Alpha Theta is the first national women's college fraternity. It was found ed dt De Pauw University, '¦Indiana, in 1870, and has since Increased its chapter roll by twenty-one other prominent col leges. Se Entertained at the > University. Members of the Grand Council Will KAPPA ALPHA THETA DELEGATES AT STANFORD Maria and John Engisch to James F Broad lot on S line of Bush street, 137:6 W of Larkin' W 25 by 120; $10. , **«cin. Andrew and Sarah A. Chrlstenson to Union Trust Company, lot on N line of Vallejo street 73 E of Fillmore. E 32 by N 137:6; $10. William. Peter and John Gavin (or Connein to Rose Gavin and Mary Dwyer, lot on S line of Lombard street, 137:6 W of Fillmore W 27 -ft by S 120; tift. . Edward E. M. and Florence E. Hlbbert to James C. Martin, lot on N line or Page street 130 E of Central avenue (Lett). E 23 by lia^ii NW 10:3, SW to point S 114:2; $3. **?,*"' Hibernia Savings and LoaniSociety to ChrJa. tlna Sullivan (widow) lot on NE corner of old San Jose road and Twenty- fourth street E 6t\ N 80. W 60:5, S 70:8: $1010, "« eB *« *? W. J. J. and Julia Rauer to John Sullivan lot on W line of Dolores street, 114 S of Twe'ntv ninth. S 25 by W 114. lot 15, block 53- $10 Caterlna (or Caterina P.) Paladtnl to Amelia P4ras«o estate of Maria Peseta, deceased also lot on N line of Broadway, 206-3 W of Sansome. W 34:4% by N 137:6; $4000. • John W. Mackay to Marie L. H. and Clar ence H. Mackay. undivided half of lot on NW corner of Pine and Montgomery streets. N- 125 by W 138:6; also undivided half of lot on E reeoVd^r^euV^r 1 ,." Camoroia Mark * t « Andrew P. Welch, Geo H. and Bessie H. Lent to Mary M. Wilson (wife of Farnk'P.). lot on SW corner of Post and William 'streets W 57 j6 by S «7:6; $10. i ; John W. and Marie L. H. Mackay to Clar ence H. and Marie L. H. Mackay. lot on E cor ner of Market and Fourth streets. NE 173 by SE 170; elf t. • • . * . John W. Mackay to same, undivided half of lot on N line et Mission street. 115 W of Third, N 27I» by W 170; gift. Henry Q. Phelan to Nellie M. Dwelle. lot on NW line of Clara street, 150 SW of Rltch. SW 25 by NW 75; $10. Margaret Morrison (widow) to Janet Green, Kate A. Thornton, Ella H, Tyler and Maggie B. Snell, lot on W line of Mission street (or old San Jose road). 130 N from stake four miles more or lens from Four-Mile House and dis tant 184:0. more or less, from S line of Ran dall,'if projected 446:6 N of French. W 64:4. N 70:6, E 75:3, S 72:3 and any property in 3an Francisco; gift, Joseph Aschwander \Q Ernest a, Burkh ard. MONDAY. JULY 21 Theresa Alexander to Leopold Alexander, lot on S line of Washington street, 181:3 W of: Broderick, W 25 by S 127:8Vi; $10. Una, and John Stlerlen to Edward J. Roberts, lot on NE corner of Masonic avenue and Fred erick street. N 28 by E 94: $10,700. Crocker Estate Company (a corporation) to Fannie R. Stowe (widow), half Interest in lot on S line of Waller street. 181:3 W of Shrader. W 25 by S 137:6; $10.. Leontlne Hoerter (Peyre) to Francis A. Chapuis, lot on W line of Elgin Park. 94 S of Hermann street. S 28 by W 75: $10. Mary A. (or Mary) Bailey to Thomas and Mary A. Brennan, lot on SW corner of Four teenth and Minna stre'ets, W 30 by S 70; $10. Abbie R. Wood (widow) to Thomas Wilson, lot on S line of Eighteenth street, 100 W of Guerrero. W 30, S 100, W 24, S 113, E W. N 213; »10. ' Estate Joseph M. Wood (by Abble Rose Wood and Martha Wbod Caughlan, executrtcet) to same, same; $3623. Emelia Ursin to William Melnberg-, lot on W line of Noe street, 25:6 S of Henry S 25 by W 96; $10. | Thomas W.. Katherine A., Christopher C. and Lily A. Rivers to Ruth Kelly, lot on W line of Dolores street, 83 S of Array, S 23 by Alexander Kelly to same (wife), same: gift. Demlng-Palmer Milling Company to Sperry Flour Company (a corporation), lot on N line of Sacramento street, 50 W of Drumm, W 125 by N 119:6; also lot on NE line of Sixth straet, 110 NW of Brannan, NW 12. NE 120. NW 8a NE 155, SE 05. SW 275; $10. John and Maud A. Hayes to Katie Thomas (wife of John G.), lot on N line" of Moultya place, 115 W of Montgomery street, also distant 125 S of Union, W 22 :« by N $2:6; $10. Abbie M. Trask to Hattle T. Westerfeld and Emma T. Wagner, lot on E lln« of Jones street 112:6 N of O'Farrell, S 23 to alley by 137:6, and right of way over said alley; gift. Hugh and Katla Dugan (or Dugrgan) to Pat rick Ferry, lot en N line of Valparaiso street. 91:3 E of Taylor. E 23 by N 60; $10. Catherine SUnon to Mary A, Austin, lot on W corner of Clara and Rltch streets SW 73 by NW 37:0; also lot on S corner of Clara and Rltch streets. SW 75 by SE 50; $10. George and Andriana Slavlch to Alexander Bradley, lot on W line of Kansas street 175 S of Humboldt, S 25 by W 100; $10. George T. and Adella S. Hawley to Marlon Van Oatrand. lot on SE corner of Elizabeth and Bellevue streets, E 125 by S 64, lot 1 block 12, Xoe Garden Homestead Union; $10. " Frank D. Cooney to Jamie V. Cooney lot on E line of California avenue, 25 S of Vireinla avenue, S 23 by E 70. lot 74, Jacob Heyman's subdivision of Cobb Tract; $100. Wilhelmine English (widow) to Oscar Hey man, lot on SW line of Thirtieth avenue ISO NW o£ O street, NW ISO by SW 200 lota 3. 4. 13 and 14. block 537, Bay View Homestead; SATURDAY, JULY 19. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. SACRAMENTO, July j 21.— The State Board, of Equalization met here to-day and fixed the dates upon which railroad representatives . shall appear before it. Under the law the assessments of rail roads traversing more than one county are fixed by the State board. The latter also calls representatives of the counties before it and equalizes their assessments and determines the State tax rate. The following railroads .will have agents be fore the State Board of Equalization on their respective datea for hearing: July 23 — New California and Oregon. Sierra Valley. North Pacific Coast and California and Nevada, July 24— Nevada County Narrow Gauge. Gualala River, Alameda and San Jose. July 25— Pajaro -Valley. Lake Tahoe. Sierra Railroad of California. July 2t>— Pacific Coast. -. July 29— California Northwestern, Sullman. July 30 — Santa Fe. Randsburg. s July 31 — Southern Pacific. 8an Mateo. Representatives of the California Lines Summoned Before State Board. . * FQUAI/IZEBS FIX BATES FOR RAILWAY HEARINGS Army ordera: The leave of absence granted Captain Edward P. Lawton of the Nineteenth Infantry, Department of California, has been extended two months. First Lieutenant Joseph Herring of the Twenty-fourth Infantry, now at the Gen eral Hospital, Presidlo t San Francisco, will join his company at Fort Missoula, Montana. Contract Surgeon Louis A. Molony la relieved from future duty in the Department of California and ordered home for annullment of contract. Washington: Original — Francis M. Pumphrte. Little Falls, $6; Frederick Lu benhammer. Soldiers' Home,' Orting. $5. Increase— Willard J. Phillips; Spokane, $3; Wesley Brunmett, Waltsburg, $12; Fred erick Leloh, Columbus, $17. Widow— Helen J. Pelton, Garfleld, $8./ These pensions were granted to-day: California: Original— pzekiel Wattera, Sacramento, $8; Marshall M. Pixley, San Jose, ?6; William M, House, Sanger, 16; Daniel F. Sewell, Miramoni»e, $6; Win field S. Crane, Shingle Springs, $6; Wil liam G. Warren, Sirison, $6; Q wen Rey nolds, Soldiers' Home, Los Angeles, $12. Increase— Mills Church, Campbell, $10; John E. Wood, Stockton, $12. Widow— Rosamond Ensley, Cottonwood, $8, Origi nal—P. Andreas Krogstad, Toledo, $6. WASHINGTON, July 21.— Postoffice es tablished: California— Vineburg, Sonoma County, Abigail M. -Robinson Postmas 'ter.» Postmaster appointed: Oregon- Marvin Webb, Sand Lake, Tillamook County, vice W. C- King, resigned. Postal Service and More New * Pensions Granted. Several Changes Are Made in the OF INTEBEST TO PEOPLE OF THE PACIFIC COAST THE SAN FBANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1902. 11 TULE RIVER. NEAR PORTERVIIXE. [Second Feet. 1 1901. 19M. July 6 78 ftt •July 1 71 tH Ju'y 8 71 53 Juy »¦• 71 «4 July 10.... i m 51 July 11- • W 45 July .12..., »n 45 KINGS RIVER AT RED MOUNTAIN. I Second Feet. 1901. 1902. July R.... on»0 1834 July 7.... 0«ft 1S34 July & 8900 1930 July »i 7910 ,1930 July 1ft. 7.100 18.14 July 11 7040 " 2t»4 July 13- 673Q iX3a TTJOLUMNE RIVER AT LA GRANGE. DATE. (Second Feet, 1901. f 1302. " July 6. 5507 1300 July 7 ,...* 5307 1060 July 8. .. 4007 88O July 0.. 49C7 10«0 July 10. 3837 HSO July 11....: 3352 1180 July 12. 383T 1000 SACRAMENTO RIVER AT IRON CANYON. I Second Feet. 1901. 1902. July a July 7 July 8. July 9_ July 10. July 11 „ July 12. 45£O 4M0 ; • 4360 4560 | 4500 4560 4.160 I- 6630 6630 ««O ecao «630 C!50 easo TULE RIVER. NEAR PORTERVIIXE. [Second Feet. 1 1901. 19M. July 6 78 ftt •July 1 71 tH Ju'y 8 71 53 Juy »¦• 71 «4 July 10.... i m 51 July 11- • W 45 July .12..., »n 45 KINGS RIVER AT RED MOUNTAIN. I Second Feet. 1901. 1902. July R.... on»0 1834 July 7.... 0«ft 1S34 July & 8900 1930 July »i 7910 ,1930 July 1ft. 7.100 18.14 July 11 7040 " 2t»4 July 13- 673Q iX3a TTJOLUMNE RIVER AT LA GRANGE. DATE. (Second Feet, 1901. f 1302. " July 6. 5507 1300 July 7 ,...* 5307 1060 July 8. .. 4007 88O July 0.. 49C7 10«0 July 10. 3837 HSO July 11....: 3352 1180 July 12. 383T 1000 SACRAMENTO RIVER AT IRON CANYON. I Second Feet. 1901. 1902. July a July 7 July 8. July 9_ July 10. July 11 „ July 12. 45£O 4M0 ; • 4360 4560 | 4500 4560 4.160 I- 6630 6630 ««O ecao «630 C!50 easo residence. 24" Hardy street, between Six- teenth and Seventeenth. Frank J. II., dearly beloved husband of Emma Niemeyer, a native of Rhelnbeck, Germany, aged §7 years 2 months and 26 days. I E7" Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Wednesday), at 1 o'clock, from Union-square Hall. 421 Post street, between Powell ; and Mason, where services will be held under the auspices of the Germania Club. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery by carriage. NORTHE.'t— In East Oakland, July 21, 1902, Mary L., beloved wife of. V, S. Northey, mother of Mrs. S. Adams, Mrs. ¦Carro Roma . Douglas, Mrs. R. E. Revalk. and sister of Mrs. George Chase, a native of Maine, aged (il years 11 months and 22 days. OLAGUEZ--In,this city, July 20. 1902. Augus- ttn, dearly beloved husband of Martha Ola- guez, beloved son of the late Francesca Ola- guez, father of Lottie," Francis, '-August, Frankie and the late Thomas Olaguez. and brother of Thomas Olaguez. a native of Du- rango, Mexico, aged 34 years 5 months and 20 days. ' ¦. ¦ - ICj^Friends and acquaintances are respect- " fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Wednesday), at 10 o'clock, from his late, residence. 144 Rose avenue, between Halght and Pase streets, thence to Sacred Heart Church, corner of Fell and- Fillmore streets, where a solemn high mass, will be celebrated for the repose of his soul. Interment Holy Cross Cemtery, PERRIN— In this city, July 21. 1902, Francois, beloved husband of . Mrs. Mercedes Perrln, and beloved father of Mrs. J. L. Canalizo, Mrs. J. F. Godoy and Mrs. J. Tausy, a na- tive of France, aged 73 years 11 months and 21 days. \yJ"A high requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of his »oul on Wednesday, July 23, at 10 o'clock, at the Spanish Church (Nuestra. Senora de Guadalupe). Interment private. Please omit flowers. PRINCE— -In this citv, July 20. 1902. Mary, beloved wife of Joseph Prince, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Buckley, a native of th» city of Cork, . Ireland, aired 31 years. C7"Funeral will take place Wednesday PNEUMATIC Carpet Cleaning |i| WOfKS. GARINIE <fe BERNSTEIN, Props. Phone Mission 99. . Carpets not beaten but cleaned^ by Pneumatic Process. We raise the nap, brighten the colors and remove every particle of dust Our work is all done by skilled workmen and it costs you no more. / .*•.'¦ • -.' ¦ Our New Plant Is Now in Operation. ( It Will Pay You to Give Us a Trial. 34-36 Capp, nr. Sixteenth, B.| x^n.t p u% t i o |[^ ROOMS AND BOARD. j ATLANTA Hotel. 452 Ellis— This new, strictly j modern, f.rst-class hotel will be opened July \ 20; rooms can now be reserved on the prem- , U<»e; electric light and elevator; private j baths; single and suites; hot and coid water! steam heat; telephones on every floor. HOTEL Dartmouth. S65 Post st. — First-class . house; just completed; everything modern, up to date; our table is our prtde; terms reas- onable; select patrons solicited; references. THE Marmion, . 130S Post st. — Newly opened; first-class private boarding house; table board. CALIFORNIA. SO7 (Stevenson Mansion) — Select family hotel; exceptional table; popular rates. LAMBOURNE. 420 Eddy — High-class house; furnished suites or single; iteam heat. SPECIAL NOTICES. LADIES! Chlcnester*s English Pennyroyal Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4e, stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Toadies," in letter by return mail. Ask your druggist. Chlchester Chem. Co.. Philada., Pa. ABANDONED children In St. Joseph's Infant Orphan Asylum since Jan. 1, 1901 — Harold Sprague, 6 years 4 months; Leslie Sprascue, 5 years 4 months; Josephine Lahe, 4 years. BAD tenants Vjected for $4: collections made: city or country. PACIFIC COLLECTION CO.. 415 Montgomery, rooms 9-10; tel. B5S0. SEWING MACHINES AND SUPPLIES. ALL kinds bought, sold, rented, exchanged; re- palrlng; lowest rates. TeL Green 144. 203 4th. STABLES TO/LET. STABLE for 4 horses. Apply 5 Capp St., near Fifteenth. ' ' - STORAGE AND WAREHOUSES. FIERCE RODOLPH Storage & ifoving Co.. of- fice Peat and Powell sts.: tel. Prlv. Ex. B71. GOLDEiN WEST Storage: advances made; 840 Mission Et. ; tel. Howard »41. V. W. Zehfuss. Two adjng. store rooms, with large basement, below Kearny to Vase, Owner, 636 Clay, r. i; BEKINS Van and Storage Co., C30 Market sL; tel. Main 1S40; shipping at cut rates. - PACIFIC Storasv and Furniture Moving Com- pany. 2320 Fillmore st. ; phona Jackson 281. TO LEASE. WANTED — To lease small ulace. from 10 to 20 acres, suitable for raising hogs or poul- try; state »rlce and particulars* Addresa P. ROTHER. Naya. TO LET. $75— MARKET^ST~locatlon; floor 45x_2£""h. A. SMITH, 25 Market st. *45— MARKET-ST. location; ficjor 40x601 H. A. SMITH. 25 Market St. TJfP^VRJT^RS^XD^y^'LIHJS^ GREAT BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS— W*i sell better machines for less money tipn any house in the city; rentals $3. The Typewriter Exchange. 530 California; telephone Main 260. 2D-HAND typewriters sold, rented, repaired. Webster Typewriter Inspec. Co., 209 Sansome. TYPEWRITING & MIMEOGRAPHiy G. EXPERT typewriting, 4c folio; copies. 2c; mim- eographing. 027 Markt..rm.3O5; Howard 153<>. ...V^-P.VPA^h.?'.^., ' PROPOSALS will be received at the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Navy Department, "Washington, D. C, until 12 o'clock noon, August 12, 1902, and publicly opened imme- diately thereafter, to furnish, at the Navy Yard, Mare Island, Cal., a quantity of ma- chine tools, motors and transformers. Blank proposals will be furnished upon application to the Bureau or to the Navy Pay Office, San Francisco, Cal. A. S. KENNY. Pay- maBter General. U. S. N. 7-12-02. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. — Notice is. hereby given that the Sum- mit Lime Company, a corporation, organized under the laws of the State of California, having its principal place of business at the city and county of .San Francisco, intends to change its principal place of business from said city and county of-San Francisco to the city of Los Angeles, California. That the oonsent . In writing of the holders of more than two- thirds of the capital stock of said corpora-: tlon that such change of the principal place of business of said corporation be made, has been obtained and filed in the office of said corporation. That this notice is given pur- suant to authorization of the Board of Direc- tors of said corporation given subsequent to the said obtaining and filing of said consent. Ban Francisco. Cal..- July 7. 1902. E. K. HAWKINS, Secretary. Summit Lime Company: DIVIDEND NOTICES. OFFICE of the Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, San Francisco, July 21, 1902. — At the regular meeting of the board of directors of this company, held this day, a dividend was declared, payable on and after July 23, 1902. LOUIS- WEINM ANN, Secretary. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses were Issued yesterday: . Frederick A. Hooper, 24, Oakland, and Anna R. Corrigan, 22, city. John J. McConvHle, 38, city, and Mary G. Phillips, 30, city. Walter R. Locke, 27, San Leandro, and Eliz- abeth I. Klrwin, 24, St. Paul. Minnesota. Arthur Barthels, 28, 517 Pine street, and Emma K. Esterberg, 33. (J Monroe street. Charles Greenwald, 31, Sacramento, and Hattle Cohn, 23, city. William B. Amner, 30. Santa Cruz, and Zll- pha B. Merrell, 30, Santa Crus. Glrolamo Vernengo, 33, city, and Teresa VeVnc-neo, 21, city. Charles E. Stanley, 21, 327 Elizabeth street, and Millie Schmitt, 20, 2S3 Jersey street. Emil Karroth, 27; l)48 1 / a Mission street, and Frances Smith, 38, 918V> Mission street. William C. Rodgers. 28. 33 Sanchez street, and Susie V. Hanson, 19, ctty. Jacob P. • Moeenson, 28, Bella Vista Hotel, and Mary A. King, 21, Healdsburg. Ciprlano H. Silvas. 32, Pinole, and Nellie O. Snyder, 25. Pinole. Grant S. Gray, 29, 112 Perry street, and Margaret E. Morley, 22, 112 Sliver street. Chrlstoph Treulieb, 40, Quartz, and Marie J. Schoellhorn, 2«, 1332 Turk street. BIRTHS— MARRIA&ES—DEATH& Birth, marriage and death notices sent by mail will not be inserted. They must be handed In »t either of the publication offices and be indorsed with, the name and residence of per- sons authorized to have the same published. BORN. _____ > FULTON — In this city, July 8, 1902, to the wife of J. R. Fulton, a daughter. IMHAUS — In this city, July 10. 1902, to the wife of Alfred C. Imhauc. twins — a son and a daughter. EPENCE— In AlameSa. July 21, 1902, to the wife of Clark Spence, a son. STEVERS— In this city, June 28. 1902, to the wife of T. L. Stevers, a son. WOOD— In this city, July, 17, 1902, to the wife of Charles W. Wood, a son. mabbiedT ~~™ AMNER— MERRELL— In this city, July 21, . 1902, by the Rev. Dr. John A. B. Wilson, William B. Amner and Zllpha B. Merrell, both of Santa, Cruz. HOOPER— EWALD— In this ctty, July 21, 1902. by the Rev. John Stephens, Burt E. Hooper and Maize Ewald, both of San Fran- cisco. HARIOTH— SMITH— In this city, July 21, 1902, by. the Rev. Dr. John A. B. Wilson. Emil Harioth and Frances Smith, both of San Francisco. • HASSELGREN— LJUNGGREN— In this city, July 12, 1002, by the Rev. C. J. E. Hatertu», Charles J, Hasselgren and Olga E. LJung- cren. ' . LARSON— PETERSON— In this city. July 19, 1002. by the Rev. C. J. E. Haterlus, Algot E. Larson and Jenny Peterson. NOLD — HOWE— In this city, July 20, 1902, by the Rev. John Stephens,- Paul John Nold and Gabriel Florence Howe, both of San Fran- cisco. . ' STEARNS--CRANDELL— In this city, July 20, 1902, by the Rev. H. Parrlsh, Roy Stearns of Oakland, Or., and Bessie Cran- dell of Fresno. Cal. • DIES. . ( ~~~ Antonlnl, Edith Hill, Catherine Botuford. Dr. Geo. " Koeper. Magdalen Bovee, Elizabeth Markham, Catherine Burke, Alice C. McGuire, Je£«a C. Chaftee. Martha M. McKee. Israel 1 Coffser. John Myers, Meyer Cory. Perry NIemeyer, F. J. H. Daley. Ann .. • Northey, Mary L. Doremus, Ellle W. Olaguez, Au~ustin Durkin, Lorena R. Perrln, Francois . Eberle, Clifford Prince, Mary Fauss, Adam L Roach, Peter ' "Felse, Albert Rudgear, Julia F. ¦ Gibney. James C, - Seebach, peter Goeppert, Annie C. Smith, Michael • Goldman, Evelyn M. Whitcomb, Geo, R. . Harklns, Robert H. Wurm, Joseph ANTONINI— In this city. July 21. 1902, Edith, beloved daughter of Katie and John Anto- nlnl and loving sister of Eddie Antonini and granddaughter of Theresa and 'Antonio . Avansino, a native of San Francisco, aged. > 1 year 1 month and 2 days. . rv E?"Frlendn and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral Wednes* ' OCEAN STEAMERS. Pacific Coast Steamship Co. fcw Steamers leave San Fran- wW_. Cisco as follows: HJ|3_%ia_ For Ketchikan. Juneau, 9^ _, Skagway, etc., Alaska — 11 a. |_rfc_5(V^_ *n.. J U] V 10 - 1S < 2 0 ' 30 » K*^/4 V»1 August 4. Change to com- JgSM__\>>*«2 pany'a steamers at Seattle. r'^HUi^m For Victoria. Vancouver. Tort Townsend. Seattle, Ta- 1 **H coma. Everett. Whatcom— 11 a. m.. July 10. 15. 20, 25. 30. August *¦ Change at Seattle to this company's steamer* for Alaska and G. N. Ry.; at Seattle for Ta- coma to N. P. Ry. ; at Vancouver to~C. P. Ry. For Eureka (Humboldt Bay) — 1:30 p. m.. July 11. 18. 21. 28. 31. August 5. For Los Angeles (via Port Los Angeles ana, Redondo), San Dl;go and Santa Barbara— Santa Rosa, Sundays. 9 a. m. State of California. Thursday. 9 a. m. For Los Angeles (via San Pedro and East San Pedro). Santa Barbara. Santa Crux, Mon- terey. San Simeon. Cayucos, Port. Harf ord. San Luis Obispo. Ventura. Hueneme and 'Newport (?Corona only). Corona. July 13, 21. 29. August 6. i k; - Cooa Bay. 0 a. m.. July 9, 17. 23, August 2. For Ensenada. Magdalena Bay. San Jcse del Cabo. Mazatlan, Altata, La Pas, Santa Rosalia, Guaymas (Hex.) — 10 a. m.. 7th of each month. For further Information obtain folder. Right reserved to change steamers or sail- ing dates. ' TlC'* rF! T CFFTCE-^* N « w Montgomery street (Palace Hotel). GOODALL PERKINS. & CO .' Gen. Agents. C D. DUNANN. Gen. Fass Agt.. \ JO Market st.. San Francisco. PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP CO. TOR . LEAVE SEATTLE: VALENCIA 9 P. m.. July 31 SENATOR 9 p. m. Au-ust W And fortnightly during the season. The new and elegant steamships Senator and Valencia made regular trips to Nome- last year, landing all passengers and freight with- out loss, mishap or delay. Tor passenger rates and: Nora* folder apply OFFICE — * N«w Montsomery str»»t (Palace Hotel). • . GOODALL. PERKINS A CO.. Gen. Agents. C. D. DUN ANN. Gen. Pass. AKt.. 10 Market St.. San Francisco* O. R. & /V. CO. CNLY STEAMSHIP LINE TO PORTLAND. Or., And Short Rail Lino From Portland to ATI Points East. Through Tickets to All Folnts. el! Rail or Steamship end Rail, it ZiOWSST RATX1S, ,-.V." Steamer Tickets Include Berth and Meals. SS COLUMBIA Satis July 12. 22. Aui. 1. 11. 21 SS. GEO. W. ELDER Sails ,.7. July 17. 27. Aug. 9. 1« Steamer sail* from foot of Spear st.. It a.m. D. W, HITCHCOCK. Gtn. Agt.. 1 Mong*y.S.F. TOYO IBJN KAISBA. STEAMERS WILL LEAVE WHARF, COR- ner First and. Brannan streets, at I p. in., for YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG, calling at Kobe (Hiogo), Nagasaki and Shanghai and connecting at Hongkong ¦with steamers for In- dia, etc. No carso received on board on day S9. NIPPOM MARU.. Thursday. July 2 i. 1902 83; AMERICA MARU , Saturday. Auzust 18, 1903 SS. HONGKONG MARU Thursday, SeDtember 11. 1902 Round-trtp UcKeta at reduced rates, Fo- ' freight and passage apply at company's office, 421 Market street, corner First. W. H. AYKRY. General Agent. PACIFIC STEAM NAVIGATION CO. And Gia Sud Americana di Vaporai To Valparaiso, stopping at Mexican. Central and South American ports. Sailing from How- ard 3. pier 10, 12 m. .•'..;-, PERU July 30 COLOMBIA . . . Aug. IS GUATEMALA.. Aug. 8 AREQUIPA ...Aug. — These steamers are built expressly for Cen- tral and .South American passenger service. (No chango at Acapulco or Panama.) Freight and passenger office. H16 California st. BALFOUR. GUTHRIE &¦ CO.. Gen. Agenta, f_rf»aa*_l!> Q £ a* A tuWA!! > 8 * H0 *» **• if £€gB1£ 5,5X0, 2s*uw«os»o«t. _.__ y. oisEcruasToTAwa S. S. VENTURA, for Honolulu, Samoa. Auck- land and Sydney.... Thurs.. July 24. 10 a. ra. S. S. ALAMEDA. for Honolulu Saturday. August 2. 10 a. m.. S. S. MARIPOSA. for Tahiti ." Wednesday. Aug. 2O. 10*. ra. J.D.SPHECKElS_BMS.C8,Jljt$..rickitO!nc«,B43IHrtrtSL Fr#HffiB,3M Iarht!t.,Pitf la. 7, Pacific St l :'' -¦ AME-ilCAX L.IXE. NEW TORK. SOUTHAMPTON. LONDON. South'k.Aug. 5.7:30 amlSt. Paul. .Aug. 13.10am Phlla.... Aug. 6, lOamlSt. Louis. Aug. 20.10am RED STAR LINE. NEW TORK. ANTWERP. PARI3. Kroonl'd..July 26. noon iFrlesland. Aug. a, noon Zealand... Aug. 2. noon |Vaderl'nd. Aug. ltf.noon -INTERNATIONAL. NAVIGATION CO.. CHAS. IX TAYLOR,O.A.P.C..30Montgom'y st. COXPASHIS QENZRALI ¦nUHSATLAlfTIQIIS. DIRECT LINE TO HAVRE-PARIS. __. V^ Sailing every Thursday, instead o( «_i_R2S Saturday, atlO a. m., from Pier 42, •¦«•«¦«•¦ North River, foot of Morton street. First-class to Havre. *70 and upward. Second- class to Havre. $43 and upward. OENERA1. AGKNCY FOR UNITED STATES and CAN- ADA. 32 Broadway (Hudson butldlnz). New Tork. J. F. KUOAZI & CO.. Pacific Coasc Agents 5 Montgomery avenue. San Francisco. Tickets sold by all RaJlroad Ticket Agents. BAY AND ElVEB STEAMEBS. iSiririiAW^^ VALLEY Ueamerj GEN. FRISBIS or MQOTSLi,) 9;43 a. m.. 3:15 and S:30 p. m.. except Sun- day. Sunday. 9:45 a. m., 8:30 p. m. Leave* Vallejo 1 a. m.. 12:30 noon. 6 p. m.. exc«pt- Sunday. Sunday, 7 a. m.. 4:15 p. m. Faro 5<» ctnts. Telephone Main 1308. Landing an.1 office, pier 2, Mission-street dock. HATCH BBOS. "* MONEY TO LOAN." 1IEKMAN KUUPUT, OUi-tiU:: Examiner bidg. $4,:>U0,0<ai at less than bank rates LOANS MADE On first and secoad mortgages Lile iaterests in estates' Property btin^iield in trust Undivided interests in reak estate Estates in probate — Legacies Assignments or rents Life insurance policies ..Financial problems of all sorts and sizts.. If you need money See HERMAN MURPHY 6rtl-GC2 Examiner building aa— Manhattan loan company (inc.) Crocker Building ....Post . . . ._nd .Market . Streets.... S5.C00.0C0 CAPITAL ..DEAL DIRECT and AVOID EXPENSE.. Loans at Zt\ t and 0 per cent; sums to suit; CHy. Oakland. Country and Town Property: Kstates, Legacies. Undivided Interests in Realty; lnttrests in Unsettled Estates and Contested Estates; Second Mortgages and Lite Insurance Policies; full cost of improve- ments at 6 per cent. MANHATTAN LOAN CO.. Crocker bldg.; tel. Main 5i>24. A — R. McCOLGAN. 24 Montgomery st.. room 3. Loans any amount at lowest rates. Deal direct with lender. On first morteaces. On second montages, on third mortgages. • <:. undivided interests in real estate. on estates In probate. > dn legacies. NO DELAY. Telephone Main 6516. R. McCOLGAN. 24 Montgomery st.. room 3. KENTERS' LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. Eale Deposit bldg., 32S Montgomery St., VV'm make loans on real estate. Low rate of Interest. cr short term. proposition any amount; 6 per cent; first, second and third mortea_es. estates in pro- bate. Interest In estates, legacies, undivided interests, securities, manufacturing and mer- cantile interests, corporation loans. Rooms 16. 1st floor. Chronicle big. GEORGE E. OLSEN. MUNICIPAL Loan Office. 103 Grant ave., near Geary st.; phone Red 1C03. HIGHLY respectable private place to obtain liberal advances on diamonds, jewelry, at loweFt rates. Eaidwln Jewelry Store. 640 Market st. ; teL Main 1644. Branch, 19 Third. LOANS on real estate, 1 per cent; on furniture or pianos, etc.; no removal; $20 up; quick. 20 Montgomery st., room 7. ON real estate. 1st or 2nd mortgages and on ' furniture or pianos; no removal; any amount; lowest rates. BECKER. 30 Geary et.. roomCS. A PRIVATE party loans any amount on furnl- : ture. pianos; no removal; low rates: conflden- tlal. WHITEHEAD (Wilson's). 1710 Market. E. F. DISCOUNT AGENCY— Loans to salaried people bn their note. THE TOUSLEY CO 143 Phelan bldg. ON furniture, pianos; no removal; money quick; lowest interest; easy terms; no brokerage; reliable party. 1170 Market St.. room CS. $10 TO $100 loaned salaried people without se- curity; quietly, quickly, confidentially; lowest rates; easy payments.' Drake. 453 Parrott b'g. LOWEST rates ce furniture, etc.. by private party; no removal; no commission; confiden- tial. Room 3. Conservatory bldg.. 301 Jones. ON furniture, piano*; lowest rate: no removal: ftrictly private. E.W.LJCK.liq McAllister st. 3% ON furniture St pianos ?15 up; no removal; phone Black 1709; room 81. 6 Eddy, floor 4. ONE per cent on furniture: $5 a month on each $1000; any security. 302 Montgomery St.. r. 1. CASH loaned 5a!arled people on note without indorser. MORRELL. 609 Examiner bldg. LOANS money on salary; no indorser; Eastern plan. Venem Loan Co.. 303 Phelan bldg. A WEEK'S news for 5 cents— The Weekly Call, 16 pages, in wrapper for mailing. $1 per year. -4^^ A FEW GOOD BARGAINS — Two nice uprights for practice..... $47 00 A fine Schuman. eood order 145 00 Two Steinways — very reasonable. A Pease — beautiful case: a snap. A Sterling — used very little. A Chester — mahogany case; used 7 months. A!so 10 others from $40 us; easy payments; all euaranteed. Call sn<l investigate. BENJ. CURTAZ & SON. 16 O'Farrell at, ALTHOUGH many seemingiy advantageous proposition* are offered ih the way of prices and terms upon pianos, pleace bear In mind that we can not only duplicate them, but can offer exceptionally fine pianos and largest assortment of best makes to choose from. SHERMAN. CLAY & CO.. Steinway dealers, cor. Kearny and Sutter ets.. S. F. ; Broad- way and Thirteenth St.. Oakland. ANY piano sold by us taken back any time within two years and full purchase price al- lowed on a new peerless Kr.abe at regular price; costs you only 20c e. day to buy a piano from us. KOHLER & CHASE, 30 OFarrell St.; established 1S50. WE have some very good uprights ranging from $100 up; good squares from $25. Call early so as not to b* disappointed. THE ZENO MAUVAIS MUSIC CO.. 763 Market. ARION upright. $6S; Steinway, $185; Heine, $335;Ch!ekerlng. $186: ?00 others; rents $2 up; install. $4 up. Heine Piano Co..235-237 Geary. YOUR piano can be made new for one-quarter the cost of buying; eend for booklet. Pierce's Piano Factory, Market. 14th and Church sts. PARTY leavine for Alaska offers at sacrifice elegant upright piano, nearly new. 486 Eddy. ELEGANTLY flnUhed standard upright piano; tempting offer; leaving city. 9C4 Geary st. BARGAIN— Slightly used 3-pedal upright. JOS. ECHMITZ & CO.. 16 McAllister st. FISCHER upright in good condition. $98. 237 Geary et. $3 PER month — Best renting pianos In . city. Bcott-Curta* Piano Co., 5CQ Hayes et. THE WILEY B. ALLEN CO.. 931 Market st — Steck, Everett, Ludwig and other good pianos. 6NAP— 2 only, new, $450; high-grade uprights, dropped from catalogue. $250.Bruenn.20SPost. , BYRON JIACZT, 308-310-312 Post St.; Sohmer . and other pianos and pipe organs. A^'PERIOR violins, zithers, old and new. 57 MULLER, maker, repairer. 2 Latham place. CHEAPEST and best in America— The Weekly Call. 1£ oages, ' sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $L PALMISTRY. SCHOOL of Palmistry — Readings dally, 1-5; free demonstration Tuesday eve. 318 Taylor. JiME. G. L. NEERGAARD reads 1 to 4. 700 Pott et.. corner Jones: phone Polk 837. PERSONALS. DR. G. S. MOORE'S Scientific Hair Restorer, a positive cure for eczema and all scalp dis- eases; s-.ojis the hair from falling and causes hair to grow; will challenge the world to produce an equal to this remedy; send for circular. 322 OTarrell Et.. S. F. I WILL not be resoonsible for any debts In- curred by my wife, JENNIE P. FITZGER- ALD, she having left my bed and board. J. H. FITZGERALD. ELECTRIC liirht In every room — Winchester Hotel, 44 Third rt., near Market; 700 rooms, 26c to $1 r.'J per night; $1 60 to $6 per week; fre« bus and bagg&ge to and from the ferry. , NOT how cheap, but how pood is the motto of the manufacturers of the Rapid Rotary Standard, the sewing machine of to-day. J. W. EVANS, agent. 1021 Market St. HONEY to loan at low Interest; gold, silver, diamonds, pearls and precious stones bought at W. J. HESTHAL'S. 10 Sixth St. DRUNKENNESS, morphine and all drug dis- eases poEitively cured by The Willow Bark Co., 1S33 Polk st., S. F.; consultation free. . NVHITE enamel Iron beds, single, three-quarter / or double. $2 25. EASTERN OUTFITTING «^_CO.. 1310-1312 Stockton St.. near Broadway. SCALP treatments a epeelalty; they will save vour hair; 50c a. treatment; hair dressing. 2lc. G. LEDERER. 123 Stockton st. AT less than cost, uncalled-for suits, overcoats and trousers at CHARLES LYONS', London tailor. 721 Market st. fcUPERFLUOUS hair and moles destroyed with electric needle. MISS EATON. 1119 Sutter st. A— $:J 60 DERBY and Fedora hats. $1 75. Popu- ular Price Hatters.- 330 Kearny st.. near Pine. FINE SUITS, $10; dress pants. $2 75. MISFIT ' CLOTHING PARLORS, 437 Montgomerry st. PRIVATE detective work; reasonable rates; 10 years' experience. J. B. RAY, 457 Minna, st. CLARENCE SCHNEIDER, general engraver: firrt-class work done. 331 Kearny st., rm. 1. 1 WILL pay rood cash prices for old sealskins; send postal; will call. Box 4960. Call. RETURNED— DR, W. M. FORSTER, new of- ttces 11&-113 St. Ann's building. 6 Eddy st. ELECTRIC needle specialist: superfluous hair and moles destroyed. Mrs.H.Eaton,531 gutter. ACTINA restores eyesight, cures deafness and catarrh. A'Vlda Co.. 763 Valencia, cor 18th. . ANDERSON, theatrical eostumer; private the- atricals: masquerades supplied. 2C O'Farrell. TAILOR-MADE suits. $7 60; dress pants. $2 50. Mitflt Clothing Parlor, cor. Bush and Dupont. Mrs. Briggs— Superfluous hair. mo!es destroyed by electricity. 1719 Buchanan et. ;tel.West 259. SUPERFLUOUS hair and moles removed by electric needle.Dr.&MrE.Travcrsc.ll70 Market. fc^LI-'REUrMS E-yptlan Henna; restores gray r hair to Its natural color: $1; at all druggists'. ONE MINUTE TOOTHACHE DHOPS CURB l&su&tly; 10c and £5e; all druggists. ][*E*\SO>"AI^S— Cjon tlnnedl^, I MASQUERADE costumes, play books,: wigs; ! country orders. GOLDSTEIN & CO.. 733 Mkt. DK. LAMOTTE'S FRENCH CORN PAINT, th« best corn cure: 25c; all druggists. i ' « THYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. ' RUPTURE and plies~cured; no pay until cure.!; no operation; no detention from business: all private diseases treated fuccessfully; consul- tat'.on free Drs. Forden & Porterfield.6 Turk. DR C. C. O'DONNELL— Office and residence. 1021% Market st.. bet. SUth and Seventh. ALL diseases of men and women. Call or wilte DR. BALL. 10":<% Market st. REAL ESTATE — CITY — FOR SALE. $1200— $300 CASH. bal. $12 60 per month; new modern 4 rooms »and bath, hard-finished cottage; well iocated; no taxes nor In- terest. $1300 — W00 cash, balance $14 per month; new 5-room cottage on car line; splendid home. $1700 — $500 cash: balance same as rent; new modern dwelling: 30 minutes' ride from Kearny st. on car line. WELLS & SAUNDERS. C30 Market st. ftX>00 — A SPLENDID investment: 10-room house. 2 flats and attic, with or without fur- niture; rents $40; part cash, balance easy payments; located near the Mission c«*r- houss; lot 30x114; driveway on the side of house; 15 fruit trees; chicken house and 30 chickens; present owner will take lease for number of years. Box 2792. Call. $4Sr-o— AT a E3crlflce; lot 25x124 feet: on Oc- tavia st. near Vallejo; improvements mod- «rn 2-Eto*ry house of 7 rooms and bath; on tunny side of street; marine view; owner will sell at the above low figure to get out of debt: mortgage $3200 at 6 per cent to bank, which can stand. Apply R. McCOL- GAN. 24 Montgomery ft., room 3. WANTED — To purchase a neat cottase resi- dence, located either in the Mission or near the line of the Union-st. road, for an Imme- diate buyer. W. J. GUNN. 530 California St., Savings Union Building. ! FOH rale — New 5-room cotta-e with bath, : basemen*, and Kxrdcn; lot 30x150 feet; handy ! to ail oar lines: located in center of city; price ?25O0; write 'o owner, box 2738, Call. I HOUSE and lot for sale; 69:11x23:11; 6 rooms; rente $12 a month:* steady tenant; 230 Fran- cisco Bt. Inquire 0 O'Farrell ct.. room 19. CHEAPEST and best in America— The Weekly Call, 16 pages, sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1, postage paid. I ¦ i REAL ESTATE — Country — For Sale. FOR sale — $3S5O; store and general hardware business: residence of tt rooms, bath; hot, cold and soft water; aeotylene gas plant; : complete private water system; fine barn, | garden, fruit and berries: all on same lot of | 1 acre; good society; school house, R.R., etc. Full description by addressing A. B. HOAO. Danville, Cal. • FOR SALE NEAR SAN FRANCISCO Small tracts, $60 to $90 per acre, on Rancho Cctati. Sonoma Co.. future value assured, as Ean Francisco is growing rapidly: location beet for poultry and general farming-. Apply to The Cotatl Co.. 302 California St.. for pamphlet and Information. LAND barpalns: new catalogue sent free. Wooster. Whttton & Montgomery, 634 Market. COLONY tracts, estates, ranches, ranges, tim- ber, mines. EMMONS & SON. Mills bldg. CHEAPEST and best In America— The Weekly Call, 16 pages, sent to any address In the United States or Canada one year for $1. REALTY TO EXCHANGE. FOR eale or exchange for S. F. paying prop- erty, one of 'the finest ranches In Sonoma Valley. Address R. CLARK. Agua Caliente. Sonoma Valley. 1 ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS. ALAMEDA REAL ESTATE. $2250 — THREE elegant modern cottages. 5 R. & B. each: large lot: under foreclosure. See us: a snap. ALAMEDA LAND COMPANY, 1500 Park St.. Alameda. , IF you want to build (on terms), buy or sell call or address J. H. YOUNG. 1213 Park St.. Alameda. Cal. OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. OFFICE, II !8 BROADWAY. OAKUM) REAL ESTATE. $SCO CASH. $20 monthly, pays all; ideal chick- en ranch, small but good; 4-room cottage, bath and basement; 2 years old; neatly fur- nished; chicken houses, cr«ek, trees and 6hrubberyi- ctty water; soil the very best; adjoining East Oakland; no fogs nor raw winds; near fine school and car line; 175x 150; all wire fenced; a lovely home and cheap; price all told $1930. Call or send for circular, 455 Seventh St.. opposite Broadway station. Oakland; carriage free. H. Z. JONES, owner. ¦WANTED — Improved property for sale in Berkeley; I have many calls for homes rang- ing in price from $2000 to $5000, and can sell your property if listed with me. A. J. SNY- DER. 4t>7 Ninth st^. Oakland, Cal. OAKLAND FURMTCHE FOR SALE. FURNITURE good and cheap this month. H. SCHELLHAAS. 4OS Eleventh St.. Oakland. ROOMS FOR- HOUSEKEEPING. CALIFORNIA, 1304— Sunny front bay-window room and kitchen; bath; phone; reasonable. FIFTH 353—3 furnished, housekeeping. $12; 3 $14, tv o beds; 3 $20. two beds; also one $3. FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping to let. Apply &O5 Mission st. GOLDEN GATE ave.. 1202— Furnished sunny front alcove; large kitchen; gas range; bath. HOWARD, 761^4— Nicely furnished bay-wln- . dow suite, man and wife; other rooms: rea- sonable. SUTTER. 407 — Four rooms suitable for house- keeping. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office, 2200 Fillmore. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1006 Valencia st. ROOMS TO LET— Pnrn. and Unfnrn. ARGYLE Hotel. 234 McAllister— New. elegant. funny; 75c day upward; McAllister cars to door; handsomest grill 'room In California. A— BRUNSWICK House. 14S Sixth— Rooms. 2&c to $1 per night; $1 25 to $5 per week, and light housekeeping rooms; cpen all night. * AT "The Almonte," 873 Market st. (or No. 1 Fifth st.); rooms 25c. 60c. $1. $160 night; $1 60 to $1C per week: house open all night. ANGELUS Hotel. 630 Stockton St.. bet. Bush and Pine— Elegantly furnished rooms; suites. BRADY, 36. near Market — Furnished rooms to let from $4 upward. BURNETT. 1429 Market (old No. 1364)— Fur- nished rms.. suites, single; also unfurnished. CLIFFORD. 204 Ellis, corner Mason— Elegantly furnished sunny rooms; prices reasonable. EDDY, 730-— Elegantly furnished rooms en suite or tingle. ELLIS. 321 (Mozart) — Nicely turn, rooms. S5c, $150 night; $150. $6 week; open all night. ELLIS. 653 — Elegantly furnished parlor suit; suitable for three gentlemen. FILLMORE; 2216^4— Furnished front room; suitable for 2. - . FOLSOM, 776%— Neatly furnished room, suit- able for I or 2 gentlemen; reasonable. FOLSOM, 820, near Fourth— Furnished rooms, $1 per week. Grand Southern. 7th & Mission — Rooms 35o to ' $1 60 night; $1 75; to $5 week; reading room. GOLDEN GATE ave.. 847., opp. Jefferson Square — Handsome tulte, furnished for house- keeping: fine park view. LARGE double parlors, dining room and kitchen furnished. Call from 8 to 12 or 2 tu 5 D. m. 1421 California, near Hyde. MINNA. C67. correr 8th — Newly furnished bay- . windsw rooms, $1 per week; transient. ONE large sunny front room; also sunny sin- gle room. Apply 5 Capp st. O'FAtlRELL. -20 — Sunny furnished rooms and offices; elevator; elec. lights; day. week, mo. O'FARRELL, 120A— Nicely furnished rooms, $5 per month and up; large front room, suitable . for office. ROYAL House, 120 Ellis— Incandescent light, reading-room, tsmoking-room and ladles' par- lor; rooms, per night. 35c to $160; week. $2 to $8; month. $S to $30; elevator on ground floor; rooms with hot and cold water; baths. SHERMAN Apartment House. 28 Eighth, near- Market— For respectable ladies & gentlemen. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 100C ' Valencia Et. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1090 Valencia st. ¦ ... A WEEK'S news for 6 cents— The Weekly Call. 16 rages, in wrapper for mailing. $1 per year. day July 23. at 1 o'clock, from the resi- dence of her parents, 728% Green street. In- terment Italian Cemetery. BbTSFORD— In • this city. July 21, 1902, Dr. George Botsford. a native of Canada, aged 40 years and 9 days. C?The funeral will take place to-morrow (Wednesday). ¦ at- 10:30 o'clock, from th<». parlois of Halsted .4 Co.. 040 Mission street. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery. BOVEE — In San Mateo, July 21, 1002, Eliza, beth Warner Marshall Bovee. widow of the late William H. Bovee, and .mother .of Mrs. B. F. Norria, Mrs. H. P. Sonntag and Mrs. G. D. Toy, a native of New York. BURKE— in thi« city, July 21, 1902, Alice Catherine Burke, dearly beloved daughter of John and Catherine Burke and loving sistor of Frank. Irene and Nellie Burke, a native of San Francisco, aged 1 year and 22 day?. CHAFFEE— In Oakland, July 21, 1902, Martha May, beloved wife of Delbert L. Chaffee, a native of California, aged 2G years 3 months and 24 days. COGGER^In this city, July 21. 1902, John, dearly beloved husband of Elizabeth Cogger and beloved father of Joseph, .John. Thomas ' and Edward Cogger and Mrs. JJ. Fitzgerald and Mrs. F. O'Nell, a native of Liverpool, England, aged 72 years. CCiRY— In this city, July 21, 1902. Perry Cory, a native of New York, aged 72 years and. 4 months. (ETTuneral services in chapel at Odd Fel- lows' Cemetery, July 23. 1002, at 12:00 o'clock. DURKIN — In this elty. July 20, 1902. Lorena R. Durkin (nee MacDonald), beloved wife of J. F Durkin, mother of Tom and Mary Dur- kin. beloved daughter of Allan and Margaret MftcDonald. and beloved sister of Christine, Ada, Ella. Allan. Gertrude and William yMac- " Dbnald. a native of San Francisco, aged 22 years 7 months and 6 days. IDTrlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-day (Tuesday) at 9 o'clock, from the residence, of her parents, 1435 Ellis street, thence to Holy Ci-038 Church, where a solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9:30 o'clock. Inter- ment Holy Cross Cemetery. DALEY— In this city, July 21, 1902, Ann, be- loved wife of James Daley and beloved mother of William J., Thomas J. and Mary A. Da- - ley, a\ native of Carney, County Tipperary, Ireland, aged 67 years and 4 months. ETFrlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend funeral to-morrow (Wednesday), at 8:30 o'clock, from her laja ¦ residence 70 Manchester street, between Howard and Folsom, Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eighth, thence to St. Peter's Church, where a solemn requlenv mass will be cele- brated for the repose of her soul, commenc- ing at 0 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cem- etery. DOREMUS— Suddenly, July 20, 1902, at Whitestone, L. I., EUie Wilton, beloved wife of Thomas C. Doremus and sister of Mrs. Q. H. Bogart, Thomas H. and Mark Leon- ard, a native of Albany, N. Y. . EBERLE— In this city, July 20, 1902, Clifford, dearly beloved and only son of Louis W. and Anna Eberle, a native of Los Angeles, ag«d 4 years 0 months and 26 days. • FAUSS— Drowned at Antioch, Cal.. July 20. 1002, Adam Louis, beloved son of Katherine and the late Otto Fauss, and brother of Otto, Gustave, Emlllu and Lillie Fauss, a native of San Francisco, aged 25 years 5 months and 2 days. FEIGE— In this city. July 20, 1902. Albert, be- loved husband of Mary Feige, father of Fred- die Feige^ beloved son of Mrs. Julia M. Feige, and brother of Hemy, Julia and Ella Feige •and Mrs. J. P. Donahue, a native of San Francisco, aced 28 years 1 month and 21 days. ¦ 1C? Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral services (Wednesday) July 23, at 1:80 o'clock, at the mortuary chapel of the Golden Gate Under^ taking Company, 2475 Mission street, near Twenty-first. ¦ Interment Drivate. GI.BNEY— In this citv July 21, 1902. James Clyde, dearly beloved son of James and Jen- nie Gibney, and nephew of Mrs. C. Parker, Lilly and Georgle Gibney, a native of San Francisco, aged 2 months and 1 day. E7Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Wednesday), at 1 o'clock, from the residence of his parents. 4 Cadell place, off Union street, near Dupont. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. GOEPPERT— In San Rafael. Marln County. Cal., July 19. 1902. Annie Caroline Goeppert, beloved daurl.ter of William and Henrietta CJoeppert. sister of George Goeppert, and granddaughter of Mrs. William Goeppert Sr., a. native of Hamburg, Germany, aged 30 years 4 months and 12 days. (E7"Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-day <Tuesday), at 2 o'clock, from the residence of her brother. George Goeppert. 2132 Green street, near Webstar. Cremation Odd Fel- lows' Cemetery. GOLDMAN— In this city, July 21, 1002, Eve- lyn Mae, dearly beloved wife of Joseph H. Goldman, daughter of Mrs. Lauretta Ladd French and the late J. M. French, and sister . of Mrs. J. L. Halstead and George French, a . native of San Francisco. IC?"Notlce of funeral hereafter. HARKINS— In this city. July 20, l»02, at Po- trero, Robert' H., beloved son.of Margaret and the late James Harklns and brother of James, Albert and Margaret and the late George and Willie Harktna, a native of San Francisco, aged 20 years 2 months and 4 days. CTThe funeral will take place to-day (Tuesday), at 1:30 o'clock, from the parent's residence, 1127% Tennessee street, Potrero, where services will be held. Interment Mouiit Olivet Cemetery. HILJwln this city, July, 21, 1902. Catherine, beloved wife of the late James F. Hill, and mother of Mrs, N. B. Skinner. James B. and John P. Hill and Mrs. Martin Keano. a native of Ireland, a_ed G2 years. . ICyThe funeral will take place to-morrow • (Wednesday), at 9:30 o'clock, from her late residence. 34 l'lluxome street, thence to St. Rose's Church, where a requiem high mars will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 10 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery via 11:30 o'clock train from Third and Townsend streets. KOEPER— in this city. July 10. 1902. Magda- lsrti Ko»j>er, beloved wife of Bernhard Koep- «r. and >lovln_- mother of Mrs. William Kehlemelcher, Mrs. Ed Le Fevre and Miss Lena Delarue,' a native of Germany, aged 4S . years and 23 days. * E?"Fr!ends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral services Tuesday, July 22, at 10 o'clock, at Charles J. B. Metzler's Undertaking Parlors, (!30 Washington street, under the auspices of the friends of Golden Gate Verein. thence to \ Third and Townsend streets by 11:30 o'clock train. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. MARKHAM— In this city. July 21, 1902 Cath- erine V.,' dearly beloved daughter of Ellen and the late John Markham, and sister of Mary Margaret, James and John Markham a native of San Francisco, aged 21 years ° months and 7 days. (E?"The funeral will take place to-morrow (Wednesday), at 8:30 o'clock, from her late residence, 3341 Twenty-second street, thence to St. James Church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 0 o'clock. Interment Holy Crosa^Cemetery. McGUIRE— In" this city, July 20, 1902 Jesse Cornelius, beloved son of Nathan and Mary McGuire and brother of Mrs. G. H. Jackson and Mrs. Ethel Brodrlck, a native of Santa Rosa, Cal., aged 29 years 4 months and 15 days. icy Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully -Invited to attend the funeral to-day (Tuesday), at l:30,o'clock, from the funeral parlors of Charles H. J. Truman & Co. 1900 Mission street, between Fifteenth and ' Six-" teenth. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery by carriage. . McKEE— In this city. July 20, 1902, Israel be T loved husband of Katie McKee, and brother of Mrs. R. C. Wilson, a native of South Caro- lina, aged 64 years and 4 months. (Savannah Ga., papers please copy). " IcyFrlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral services to-morrow (Wednesday), at 1 o'clock, at the Third Baptist Church. Powell ptreet, between Sutter and Bush, under the auspices of Vic- i toria Lodge No. 3, F. and A. M. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. rmelU MYERS — In Kennett, Shasta County Cal July 20, 1902. Meyer Myers, beloved son of Professor Morris and Rachael Myers of Mel- bourne. Australia, .and brother of Rabbi Isl dore Myers and Phoebe Myers, a native of Melbourne, Australia, aged 20 years. C?"Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Wednesday), at 10 o'clock, from his late residence, 1836 Sutter street. Interment Sa lem Cemetery by 11:30 o'clock train from ¦ Third and Townsend streets. - . NIEMEYER— In this city. July 21. 1002. at his HENRY J. CALLACHEHCO. (Successor to Flannagan & Gallagrher ) DANIEL P. DONOVAN, M_r. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS 20 Fifth St., opposite Lincoln School. Telephone South SO. Qv|VsAr^ BRurib hills ~] I OF^CE: 916 MARKET ST. I NEW FIRM OF UNDERTAKERS. Samuel McFadden. 18 years manager for the United Undertakers' Association ; M. J,- McBrearty, with the same company for 10 years; P. F. Green, late with J. C. O'Con- nor & Co., have opened new Funeral Par- lors at 1171 Mission st... between Seventh and Eighth. Telephone South 44. - The Odd Fellows 1 Cemetery Association, FuneraT Conductors; (FOR CREMATION ONLY). Funeral • rooms- : -429 Golden Gate ave.; tele- phone South 034. Oakland office — 1004 Broadway: telephone Clay 701. . Main office at cemetery. Point Lobos av«., San Francisco: telephone West 896.- Prices of cremation — Adults over 15 years ,of age. $25; children under 15 ' yea,ta of . age, sis. Circulars mailed to any address on ap- plication. GEO. T. BOHEN.Pres. QEQ. PEN.LINGT.QN, Sec.