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Insolvent Stonemason. Jeremiah Carroll, a stonemason of. Sac ramento, filed a petition in insolvency yesterday in the United States District Court He owes JSSSSOand has $105 as ¦ets. '¦ A meeting of the Presbyterian min isters, at which they were joined by min isters of the Congregational church was held yesterday morning at the head quarters of the Occidental Board of For eign Alisslons on Sacramento street Th« Rev. Dr. Burnham of Valleio Dre"«?i<i<ii The Primary object of the meiting was^ hear the Rev. Dr. Minton. late mlderltor of the General Assembly, deliver an ad dress oa the proposed revision of the Westminster confession of faith Th^ sneaker said he believed the brains and the heart of the Presbyterian church were loyal to the Westminster confession of faith and where relief was needed it was given in the report of the committee. iS which he denied anything of a revolu tionary nature could be found » The address was followed bv remark* by Rev. Dr. E. H. Avery. Rev. J. C^per Rev. Dr. Adams, Rev. J. b. WorraJl Rev. Dr. McLean and Rev. H. Forman. ' ion. of Westminster Confession of Faith. Hear Ideas of Dr. Minton on Bevis- COITGKEGATIONAI. PASTORS MEET PRESBYTERIANS The cornerstone of the new Home for the Aged of the Little Sisters of the' Poor, located at Lake street and Fourth avenue, Richmond district, will be laid on Saturday next at 9 o'clock a. m., the day of the feast of St. Anne, patroness of the home. The blessing will be rro nounced by the Most Rev. Archbishop Kiordan, assisted by members of the clergy of the diocese. The ceremony will be of a simple religious character. Laying of Cornerstone. What will be the largest dredger in the world when it is completed is now in course of construction' in this city in the shops of the Golden State and Miners' Iron Works on First street. Four hundred thousand feet of lumber and forty tons of iron will be placed in the hull. The hrge float will be 135 feet long, fifty feet wide and eleven feet deep. The machin ery will swing a bucket at the end of a boom 150 feet long so that the material can be taken from the middle of a river and placed on the bank 150 feet distant without the use of barges. The capacity of the dredge, which is operated by 1000 horsepower engines, is 12,000 to 15,000 cubic yards per day, which is equivalent to 25,000 tons of material, as closely as it can be estimated. The owner is A. McMillan. When the great machine is ready to operate, it will have a task of large size and general interest to perform, which Is no less than the construction of levees for Sherman Island, between the Sacra mtnto and San Joaquln rivers, sufficient to protect that body of land forever from floods at all stages of the two rivers that fret its shores. .Something like a quar ter of a century ago the island was finally inundated. The debris from ¦ the mines steadily raised the river beds and the levees that were then in existence were insufficient to do the work demand ed of them. When the floods broke In, crops, houses and all improvements were put out of use. For years the Island and its houses ¦with only roofs above the water have been pointed out to travelers as a melan choly example of the ruin that the rivers have wrought. Some levee build ing has been performed recently, but nore is needed. Now the big dredger will build, banks thirty feet high around tna entire island which is about ten miles long. The time estimated for the com pletion of this work is two years. Sher man Island is the most important of any of the islands along the rivers of Califor nia. San Francisco capital is largely back of the scheme for its reclamation. ACCOMPLISH MUCH FOR ILL-TREATED BEASTS Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Holds Annual Meeting-. The thirty-fourth annual meeting of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was held in the assembly room of the Parrott building yesterday. Secretary Holbrook reported that 2i53 cases of cruelty had been reported and investi gated during the year. Animals taken from work numbered 1381, killed 291, re lieved 2517, involved 5953; horses moved in the society's ambulance, 77. The organi zation has 446 members, of whom 275 are swern in as officers. The Band of Mercy, the society'? auxiliary in the public schools, has a membership of 29,550. The secretary was ordered to do all that ho could to prevent the proposed bullfight at Richmond. The society has no juris diction in that town, but the law on the subject Mill be laid before the peace of ficials, with recommendations that no such abuse as projected be allowed. The following named members were elected to serve as trustees during the en suing year: N. P. Cole, J. S. Hutchinson, H. E. Holmes, F. A. Vail. John Part ridge, Martin Stevens, H. W. Thorp. J. M. McDonald. G. M. Mitchell, I. B. Dal ziel, C. B. Currier, James Duncan, Henry Peters, G. A. Smith and A. R. Fredericks. To Entertain Traveled Editor. Miss Ellen Parsons, editor of "Woman's Work for Woman," is expected back to morrow from her tour of the Presbyte rian mission stations in. the Orient, and on Friday afternoon there will be ten dered her a welcome and .reception at the Occidental Home from 3 until 5 o'clock It is expected that Miss Parsons will on that occasion give some interesting ac counts of her long travels and experi ences. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Lee and Dr. and MrB. Moffatt will also be guests of the committee that will entertain Miaa Parsons. Is Charged With Cruelty. Sarah Van Rappard of 2 Winter place swore to a warrant for the arrest of her husband yesterday for cruelty to herself and two infant children. It is alleged that Van Rappard broke up the family furni ture, poured coal oil over the floor and threatened to kill his wife. The case was referred to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and Officer Mo- Murray is hunting for the man Seizes Undersized Bass. Deputy Walters of the Fish Commission seized 700 pounds of undersized striped bass on the steamer Gold yesterday. The fish were consigned 'to local marketmen but went to the Poorhouse instead to be used by the inmates. No trace of the shipper could be found. The arbitrary assessment of Charles S. Wheeler, which was raised to $15,000 in the afternoon, was restored to the orig inal figure of $10,000. When pressed to file a statement of the company's earnings Curran said that .It was impossible to secure the figures in the brief \ space allowed. On motion of Supervisor D'Aricona the board decided to let the assessment of $3,155,090 stand. The petition of the Giant Powder Com pany that the assessment on its franchise be reduced from $150,000 to nothing was denied, as was the petition of the Hiber nia Bank that the assessment of $555,000 on loans outside the State be canceled and that Its assessment of $2,459,156 be reduced by the first named amount. At the evening session of the board Cur ran stated that the telephone company had increased its personal property by only $150,000 over that of last year. As sessor Dodge said that in San Benito, Ne vada and Santa Cruz counties the tele phones are assessed for $25 each, yet In this city the company had returned the value of 31,000 telephones at $10 each, on which basis the assessment was fixed. Dodge argued that the company is receiv ing an Income of 6 per cent on a capitaliz ation of $7,812,000, and that were as sessed on 70 per cent of that amount, as is the custom, it would have to pay taxes on $5,468,400 instead of $3,158,090 as it how stood. Dodge said that the company should be cited to show cause why its as sessment should not be raised, but it al ways came in at the last moment to make its protest and it was too late to subpena its officials. Dodge figured the net earn ings of the company at $436,000. , BIG ASSESSMENTS STAND. The board instructed John Curran, rep resentative of the Pacific States Tele phone and Telegraph Company, to furnish a sworn statement of the gross receipts of the company in this city and county for the last year; also a sworn statement of the receipts for each calendar- month, to gether with an itemized detailed state ment of the expenses of the corporation. The corporation petitioned that the as sessment on its personal property be re duced from $2,115,685 to $1,649,560 and on its franchise from $S23,7S5 to $300,000. AVilllam H. Crocker, $70,000; J. McDonald, $25,000- A. J. Gunnison, $20,000; J. Mershon, $20,000; Ignatz Steinhart, $20,000; Mahony Brothers $15,000; Doak Steamship Works, $10, ••00; Janies K. Prior, $10,000; San Francisco Timber Preserving Company, $10,000; Mrs. H. \V. Seale. $10,000. The assessments of $100,000 on S. W. Rosenstock and $25,000 on J. D. McCarthy were referred to the Assessor for action, while the following were allowed to stand: Hyraan Wolf, whose assessment on a house was previously reduced to $50, had it raised to $1000. Dodge said that after the p_ssessment was reduced Wolf sold the house for S1000. Refuses Reduction. The board declined to reduce the assess ment on the estate of C. Hansen from $350,000 to nothing. H. C. Cheesebrough, attorney for the estate, stated that the estate only owned land and a shingle mill in San Mateo County, the other property being in the State of Washington. As sessor Dodge stated that the City Attor ney advises that the stock of an estate be ing probated in California courts is as sessable in this State. Robert Oxnard, from 525.000 to $35,000: Ru dolph Spreckels, from $70,000 to $80,000; R. E. Queen, from $20,000 to $25,000; A. W\ Blun dell, from $10,000 to $15,000; C. S. Wheeler, from $10,000 to $15,000; Joseph Hirschf elder, from $7000 to $10,000; J. F. Adams, from $5000 to $10,000; S. M. Levy, from $5000 to $10,000; Louis Lissak. from $5000 to $10,000: Sidney V. Smith, from $5000 to $10,000; Fred TiUznann Jr.. from $5000 to $10,000; Charles R. Johnson, from $2500 to $5000, and H. T. Lally, from $2500 to $5000. The arbitrary assessment of $250,000 on the Crocker Estate Company was not changed. The following arbitrary assess ments were increased: The board denied the application of Daniel Meyer that his assessment be not increased from last year's figures of $500, 000 to $750,000. Meyer's plea that he had not made any money this year and on that account the assessment should not be increased proved Ineffectual. Most of the time of the Board of Su pervisors, sitting *lb a Board of Equaliza tion, was taken up yesterday with the consideration of arbitrary assessments on personal property, nearly all of which were allowed to stand as levied by Asses sor Dodge, while not a few were In creased. The California Street Cable Railroad Company filed a statement showing that its Gross receipts for the year ending June 30 1902, under the privileges of orde? Ivo. 2058, were $208,211 55 and the city is entitled to J14.3C6 59. •? " ls The petition of the Merchants' Ex change fora permit to erect a fireproof building of twelve stories 225 feet In height from the curb to the top of the cornice, was postponed until final consid eration of the new building ordinance Charles Alpers addressed the board In opposition to the permit, as did Supervisor fcrauuhart, who argued that the per manency of structural iron buildings had not as yet been demonstrated Supervisor Wilson's amendment that no bay windows be permitted on buildings £ ro ? t i5X on Etre€ts 'ess than thirty-five feet wide was adopted, i The building or dinance was then referred to a special committee consisting of the flavor Supervisors Wilson. Braunhart and BrandenBtein, to revise the ordinance T E "u K -?e tZf re P, rese nting the Johnson- Locke Mercantile Company, appeared be fore the board and petitioned that the electric sign on the building at the cor ner of Powell and Ellis streets be al lowed to remain for another month. Mayor Schmltz stated that when the resolution permitting the erection of the sign was passed three months ago it was v.;th the understanding that it should come down in ninety days. A resolution rescinding the permit has since been passed, but has not been complied with. A\ ynn said that the permit had been granted under a misrepresentation. The lire Committee in recommending the per mit did not understand that the sign was to be as large as it is. The board, how «\er, extended the time for the main tenance of the sign until. September L The petition of the engineers of the r,-£S partm . ent i. that the charter be «i?-£ de<^2» that thelr P^ be raised from 513o0 to $1680 per year was referred to the Charter Amendment Committee The Islais Creek Property Owners* As sociation filed a protest against building a bridge at; the Intersection of Islais S r 1f k nd Tulare Btreet by the United Kallroads. ., ' , TROUBLE OVER SIGN. P. Fredrich petitioned the board for payment of salary amounting to $493 23 while acting as Justice's clerk in April May, and four days in June and ten days in January. The petition . was referred to the Finance Committee. The Auditor was authorized to appoint twenty-five extra clerks for a period not to exceed three months The ordinance fixing the license to be paid by drugstores that sell liquors at 13 per quarter was passed to print. Wynn thought that if it was desired to place -drugstores under police regulation no fee ehould be charged for the license. Alptrs' motion that the license be fixed at $15 per quarter was lost, as was also that cf DAncona to fix it at $2 per quarter. The ordinance regulating the installa tion and use of electric wires and appli ances in or about buildings and fixing the fees to be charged therefor by the de partment of electricity was passed to print. ¦ . Ordinances were passed to print requir ing the use of grooved rails within a des ignated district when new street railway tracks are to be laid or old rails are to be replaced by new, and directing the Board of Works to remove the "bobtailed" cars left standing at night on the corner of California and Montgomery streets. Ordinances were passed to print pro viding for the acceptance of the follow ing roadways: Clay street, between ilaple and Cherry; Seventh street, be tween Berry and Channel: Lombard street, between Sansome and Battery; Devisadero street, between Union and Filbert, and Carl street, between Stan yan and Cole. LICENSE ON DRUGSTORES. The Mayor was authorized to purchase for the city for the use of the Fire de partment, for the sum of $25,000, a lot of land or. Bush street, near Taylor. The claim of J. \V. Douglass for the sum of &!, fees paid to P. Fredrick as clerk of the Justices' Court, was denied. The ordinance regulating the use of signs projecting over streets and side walks, and revoking ail special permits for such privileges, was passed to print. The Board of Works was requested to make a report es to whether there is any waste in the use of water in the public buildings, including the school buildings, engine-houses, etc. The demands of the gpring Valley Company for $5929 for sup plying water to public buildings were re jected, as the appropriation of 114.000 for the purpose is exhausted and the com pany is charging the city by meter rates. It Is held that there is no authority for charging in that manner under the or dinance fixing water rates. The resolution awarding the shoeing of the horses of the Police Department to E. F. Graney, which was passed to nrint at the last -meeting; of the board, was de feated on final consideration. Braunhart ooposed the reference of the resolution to tlVe Judiciary Committee, claiming that the charter specifically provided for com petitive bidding in the awards of con tracts. GBANEY LOSES CONTRACT. The ordinance setting- .forth a charter amendment so that lelief in the sum of ioOuO yearly may be afforded exempt fire men was linally passed. The offer of the Presidio and Ferries Kailroad Company to sell its system to the city for $550,000, with interest at 5 per cent per annum from the foundation of the road less the dividends paid, was re jected. The resolution on the subject re cites that in the opinion of the board the offer of- the company is not so advan tageous to the municipality as to acquire by original construction and completion 8 municipal railroad upon Geary and oth er Btrtets in accordance with the plans and estimates of the City Engineer. An ordinance was passed to print by the Board of Supervisors yesterday which Etts forth a proposal to the electors to an.end the charter relating to the regu lation of street railroads so as to permit two or more lines of street railways op erated under different managements to use the same street jointly for not to ex ceed ten consecutive blocks, each paying an equal portion for the construction and repair of the tracks. The charter at pres ent provides for five blocks only, and the amendment will make it possible to run the Geary street road down Market street to the ferry after it has been acquired by liie city. Daniel Meyer's Plea That He Makes No Money Is Inefficient. Thousands of Tons of Mud Are to Be Moved Each Day. Supervisors Reject Presidio Road's Offer to Sell System. Board of Supervisors Finishes Work of Equalization. . Board Favors Railways Using Ten Blocks Jointly. Reclamation of Sherman • Island's Lands Its Mission. PROPOSE CHANGE IN THE CHARTER RAISES SOME ASSESSMENTS MAKING LARGEST OF ALL DREDGERS THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1^02. 4 NAPA SODA SPRINGS NAPA COUNTY, CAL' For health and pleasure go to Napa SodA Springs. Situated 1000 feet above the beautiful Napa Valley. Hot and cold soda baths. Shet- land ponies ar>d burros for children. Two trains dally, 7;30 a. m. and 4 p. m. Address DOLLMANN & JACOBS, Napa Soda Springs. J BARTLETT SPRINGS. Here ls an opportunity to gain Health and Strength; also, have a pleasant vacation. DA TEC Hotel $10 to $15 per week. Eon«e- UA1LJ. keepicg Cottagei $3 t« $16 per week. Send for Illustrated booklet. Two routes; Via C. & N. W. Railway and S. P. Co. AMUSEMENTS. GEORGE WATSON, manager of amuse- ments; Halm's Orchestra; dancing every week day evening: Tennis, Bowline, Cro- quet. Billiards. Shuffle-Board. Ping Pong, Livery, Burros; Swimming Tank, 20x80; Hot Water, Vapor, Tub. Mineral and Ro- man Baths; competent Massagists; Guides, Dogs and Horses for Hunting and Fishing; Shady Drives and Walks. BARTLETT SPRINGS CO.. P. O.. Bartlett Springs, Or No. 2 Sutter Street. San Francisco. o — o SANTA CATALINA ISLAND, 3 X A Hours from Los Angeles. UNRIVALED ATTRACTIONS FOR SEASON . -1902. , Our famous band of 25 musicians, including the great cornet soloist, CHARLES STREEP- ER of St. Louis. Dally concerts June 14 to Sept. 15. Phenom. enal fishing. World's records for rod and reel angling. - The Marine Gardens, Aquarium and Glass Bottom Boats. Wonderful natural at- tractions. All outdoor sports. Increased Ho- tel and Camping accommodations. CAMP LIFE a special feature. HOTEL /V\ETROF»O1-E Enlarged, lighted by electricity and in all respects up to -date. GOLF, TENNIS, DANCING, all amuse- ments. For full information, illustrated pam- phlets and steamer schedule apply to PECK'S INFORMATION BUREAU. ' BANNING CO.. 11 Montgomery st.. S. F. 222 S. Spring St.. Los Angeles, Cal. -4 /ETNA SPRINGS, NAPA CO. A plunge In the Swimming Tank filled with warm mineral water is a delightful sen- sation. Apply for Booklet. EDWARD L. SANFORD, Manager. CAMP CURRY First in time, first in location, first in patronage, first in quality of tents, first in quality of table; no misrepre- sentation to get business or keep it. Office 11 Montgomery. Peck's Bureau. YOSEMITE. HOTEL GENEVA AND COTTAGES, SAUSALITO. Only 30 minutes from the city. Most beautiful location and marine view. An unexcelled summer and winter resort. Table and service of the best. W. G. GRAHAM. Prop. KLAMATH HOT SPRINCS. Finest fishing, hunting and health resort on the coast. Climate perfect: On Klamath River. Rates, $2 and $2 50 per day; $10 to $14 per week. Call Traveler Office, 20 Montgomery st., or address EDSON BROS., Beswick. Siskiyou County, Cal. PARAISO SPRINGS. The leading summer and winter resort of the State. Send for beautiful booklet to F. W. SCIIROEDER, Mgr., or call at City Agent, 11 Montgomery st. Forrest and Health in THE SIERRAS near Colfax on C. P. R. R. Elevation just right — 21C0 ft.— J86 miles from San Fr. No staging; good table; finest scenery, water, air, fruit and climate. Ideal forests and grounds JS.IK) ft week. Send fot booklet Orchard Springs, CoHax. C*l CONGRESS SPRINCS. A charming resort In the Santa Cruz Mts., 2 hours from San Francisco; delightful cli- mate; swimming and all sports; table unsur- passed; best mineral water on the coast; open all the year. E. H. GOODMAN, Manager. DUNCAN SPRINGS. Two miles from Hoclahd; best medicinal waters In the State; fine hotel and first-class table: -rates $10 and $12; housekeeping cottages. O. HOWELL. Hopland, Mendocino Co., Cai. JOHANNISBERG. IN THE NAPA REDWOODS: NEW HOTEL; large dining-room; exhilarating air; hunting, fishing, swimming and boatine; terms reascn- oble. Inquire of TKEO. BLANCKENBURG JR.. prop.. Oakvllle, Napa County, or Peck's Information Bureau, .11 Montgomery st. WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. Nearest olace to S. F.; 2% 'hours; 5 miles from Vallejo. Hot Sulphur baths; cure rheu- matism, neuralgia, eczema, kidney, liver, stom- ach diseases. Lake for boating and bathing. Dancing pavilion. $10 a week and up. Free bus to Kuests. M. MADRID, Vallejo, Cal. CLIMB MOUNT SHASTA From "SIsEon. Address H. McGuInness, Prop. EL MONTE HOTEL. Sisson, Cal. Expe- rienced guides at hotel. LAWRENCE VILLA. Town Home, Sonoma. Will meet guests. Pleasant location. Plenty shade; nice drives; swimming; fruits; $6 per week. HENRY PEL- LI8SIER, Sonoma,"' Sonoma County, Cal. WHITE SULPHUR SPRINCS. TWO MILES FROM ST. HELENA.— POSI- tive cure for rheumatism, stomach trouble and blood diseases. Livery stable. Carriage meets all trains. Board, including baths, $S ter.week. Address W. N. McCORMICK, St. Helena, Cal. ... "the crove,"- Lake Tahoe, half mile east of Tallac. Rates, $2 per day, $9 per week; meals, 60c; good sad- dle horses and the best of livery ? boats free to alt guests. J. E. PARMETER, proprietor, Tallac P. O.. Cal. MOUNTAIN HOME. X At foot of Loma Prleta, highest point in Santa Cruz Mountains. Grand scenery. Fishing, hunt- ing and. swimming. ' Table and climate unsur- passed. Stage at Madrone .Monday, .Wed. and Sat. Train leaves S. F. 9 a. m. daily. Send for eouvenir. VIC PONCELET, Llagas, Cal., Prop. SOLID COMFORT HOME f^df&Yt: altitude. No fog; climate delightful. Large' or- chard, vegetable garden. Hot, cold baths. Spring water; swimming tank. Rates $T wk. up Stage meets train. Schuler & Scheben. Napa, CaL California Northwestern Railway (Lessee of Ean Francisco and North Pacific Railway.) THE PICTURESQUE ROUTE OF CALI- FORNIA. IS MORE THAN ATTRACTIVE FOR SHORT SUNDAY TRIPS. On Sundays Hal! Rates, or One Fare for the Round Trip, , From SAN FRANCISCO to St. Vincent, Iarnacio, Novato. Petaluma, Cotatl, Santa Rosa. Fulton Windsor, Healdsburg. Lyt- ton. Geyservllle, Astl. Cloverdale, Preston. Hopland, Guerneville" Schellville. Vineyard, So- noma, Agua, Caliente, Glen Ellen, SebastopoJ. Uklah. SPECIAL RATES FOR THE SUMMER SEASON. Round Trip, f Round Trip. Preston $5.20 Hopland $e.W» Echo 5.50!Largo 7.00 Cummiskey 6.70; El Robles 7.50 Pieta tt.£o Ukiah 8.00 Fountain 6.20 Wlllit3 10.00 RETURN LIMIT. 60 DATS. Round Trip. Round Trip. Schellville $1.35 Olivet $2-50 Vineyard 1.33 Trenton 2.50 Buena Vista .... 1.45 Forestville 2.50 Sonoma 1.50 Mirabel Park 2.50 Verano 1.60 Green Valley .... 2.50 Agua Caliente.... 1.65 Hilton 2.50 Watriss 1.65 Korbel 2.50 Madrone 1.65 Camp McCoy .... 2.50 Eldridge 1.75 Guerneville 0 2.50 Glen Ellen 1.80 Camp Vacation... 2.50 Meacham 2.50 . CLOVERDALE .... $5.0O. RETURN LIMIT. September 30. 1902. TAKE BOAT AT TIBURON FERRY. Ticket offices— 650 Market- st. (Chronicle building) and Tiburon ferry, foot of Market st. General office. Mutual Life building. Cali- fornia and Sansome sts., San Francisco, Cal. R. X-. RYAN. Gen. Pass. Agent. H. C. WHITING. Gen. Manager. Springs LAKE COUNTY, CAL. For stomach, liver and kidney troubles— pos- itive cure for constipation. New kitchen and dining-room, under the supervision of Carl Raymond and Hans Mortensln and assistants, recently from Hotel del Coronado. Five new houses. Room for all. We have more testimo- nials from people cured than all other springs combined. For further particulars and printed matter at Travelers' Information Bureau, 20 Montgomery St., San Francisco. • DR. W. R. PRATHER. ' ¦ Adams Springs. O£f M f>f*O HOT SPRINGS. SONO- Afi MLllJll MA COUNTY; only 4% **l\rl\J\J\J hours from San Fran- cisco and but 9 miles staging; waters noted for medicinal virtues: best natural hot mineral water bath In State; boating and swimming in Warm Springs Creek; good trout streams ;' telephone, telegraph, dally mail, express and San Francisco morning and evening papers; FIRST-CLASS HOTEL AND STAGE SERVICE: both morning and afternoon stages; round trip from San Francisco only $3 50. Take Tiburon ferry at 7:30 a. m. or 3:30 p. m. Sundays 8 a. m. only. Rates $2 a day or $12 a week. References, any guest of the past seven years. Patronage of 1901 unprecedented. Tourist Information Bureau. 11 Montgomery st. ; also at Traveler office, 20 Montgomery St.. or of J. F. MULQREW, Skaggs, Cal. Rt/ronffotSprmqs\ •^ CONTRA COSTA CO.. CAL. New Hotel. Magnificent appointments. Rooms en suite, with mineral baths con- nected; sure cure for Rheumatism and Ma- laria. Only 3 hours' ride. S. P. R. R 9 »• "»•• 5 P. m. Address MANAGER LEW IS. Byron Hot Springs. Cal. Call on LOMBARD fc CO.. 36 1 Geary st.. city. BLACK ROCK RANGE Resort. Altitude 3000 f-et. 10,000 acres- rich in game. Hunting reserved for guests. 20 miles of fishing streams. Guides, livery saddle and pack horses. Mineral springs. Hot and cold baths. Superior accommodations $3 to $10 per week. Special rates to families (cir- cular). T. J. CROWLEY, Laytonville. Mendo- cino County, CaL Peck's Information Bureau 11 Montgomery st. '. HO! FOR BLUE LAKES! Boating. Bathing. Fishing and Hunting- new tennis court, mineral spring*. Our famous St. 0 *. JP&FgPi&A" ""' "^ TllPNRirv :: " °, n lln » of Sierra Ry. : lUKINDAuK :: elevation 2553 ft.' INN. . •• m °st elegantly apl TUOLUMNB, j m^un^rsUM^ LAL. •• on your way to or • • from Yoaemlte Valley HOBERG'S Among the Pine Mountains. " , " *f California's choicest climate. Tha place to enjoy the country. Bowling, swim- ming, croquet, hunting, fishing and the best o( meals. Rates $8 per week. Kor further Infoc- inatlon Inquire 10 Montgomery st. or Hoberg's. Lako County. MRS. M. HOBERG. Prop. INDEPENDENCE LAKE. Fishing; boats; excellent table- cllmat* per- fect; 10 miles from Truckee. in aa unbroken forest. Further Information Traveler office. 20 Montgomery at., or MRS. H. M. CLEAIONS, SEIGLER SPnlNGSs&fssL &. mineral waters unexcelled for rheumatism, malaria, stomach diseases. Swimming, billiards, dancing. Pine Pong; $8 to $12 week. Office. 117 Grant avt., or Selgler Springs. Lake Co.. H. McGOWAN, prop. DEER PARK INN AND COTTAGES. to zalles from LAKE TAHOE. Typical restin* place; 6607 feet elevation. Mineral spring*. Take 6 p. m. train, S. F. Send for booklist. J. B.. SCOTT. Deer Park. CaL tahoe irvrv. Tahoe City, one mile from new Hotel. Now open Write for terms. MRS. VADE BRYSON. propl AAVES & HARRIS Inc.— — TENTS. HAMMOCKS. FLAGS. AWNINGS. CAMP FURNITUrS. • 100 Sacramento SL . . San Francisco. ALL ATTRACTIONS For the summer the Hotel Vendome management announces many new at- tractions at that popular resort. Two magnificent swimming pools are near the hotel and guests may have all the pleasure of seaside resorts. Bowling. AT golf, tennis and ping pong are amor.; the many diversions. Johannsen's Or- chestra will be there all the time. Automobile coaching from the hotel throughout the valley. GEORGE P. SNELL.. Manager. HOTEL VBNDOME, 6AN JOSE. CAL. MEDICAL SPRINGS. CERTAIN CURE FOR STOMACH. LIVER, kidney and bladder troubles. Absolute guar- antee for all skin and blood diseases. Works wonders in all female complaints. Recommend- ed by leading physicians. Thousands cured. Tickets Cal. & N. W. R. R. ; atago from UktaH. Call or address WITTER P. O.. LaUs Co.. Cal- Main office and water depot. 918 Market street, room 64. city R. McCORMICK. Manager. TAHOE TAVERN, LAKE TAHOE. "NOT BETTER" THAN THE BEST. BtTT BETTER THAN THE REST." Now open for guesta and said to be "'finest mountain hote: west of the Rocky Mountains." New, modern and elegantly furnished. Rest- dent physician. Try it and form your own opinion. For folder giving full description call at tha S. P. Information Bureau, under Grand Hotel, or write to Tahoe Tavern. Tahoe City. Cal. In Santa Cruz Mountains, Half Mil a From Big Tree Grove. Buy ticket to Camims Station. For portion* lars and booklet write THO& L. BELL. JP. O, Felton. Cal. Opens Jan* 1st. E»R. C C. O'DONNEI-X-'S MINERAL SPRINGS AT GLEN ELLEN, the best camping, picnic and pleasure re- sort on the Coast. The greatest remedy for lung disease, liver and stomach complaints, rheumatism and catarrh in the world; 49 miles from S. F. The S. P. R. R. and S. F. & N. P. R. R. give special rates to campers: 30 cottages and tents furnished; rent cheap; no fo£3 nor poison oak at the park; mineral water, boats and bathing free. Meals served on the grounds at reasonable rates. Inquire of DR. C. C. CDONNELL, office 1021 % Market St., bet. Sixth and Seventh, San Francisco. YOSEMITE VALLEY, BIO OAK FLAT AND TOSEMITB STAGS CO. — Running; directly through th* Tuolutna* Big Tre* Grove. Special rates for teacher* an-t parties. Staging 2ft hours first afternoon and • hours next day. arriving at Yosemlt* Valley 6 p. m. Bend for Illustrated folder. Wll. J. WHITE Gen'l. Agent. €30 Market st.. opposite Palace Hotel. S. F.: tel. Black 3371. the tallac; Lake Tahoe. with many additional attractions. among them the splendid new amusement pa- vilion. Resident physician. Address M. LAWRENCE * CO.. Tallac. CaL Note^ — Positively no consumptives taken. For descriptive pamphlet call at S. P. In- formation Bureau. 613 Market st. TROUT FISHINC. Best In State at BOCA. CAL. For information address Boca HotaL Boca. KeT. Co.. CaL. on TRUCKEE RIVER. OWN A HOME "yySS* CAMP MEEKER Free from fos and wind. Lots $10 up. Cot- tages built $50 up. Boating, bathing, tenting ground. Board and lodging. $7 up. Sawmill, depot, store,, postofflce. Sausalito ferry, $i round trip. Address M. C MEEKER, Carrj Meeker, Sonoma County. LAKEPORT AND BARTLETT SPRINGS STAGE LINE — Hopland to Bartlett Springs. via Lakeport. carrying passengers for Lakeport and Bartlett Springs. Stages connect with train* at Hopland. Leave Hopland at 12:30; arrive at Lakeport at 3:30; arrive at Bartlett Springs at 7:30. New 6-horse 14-passenger tourist wagons, made to order for this stage line, with all tn» most modern improvement?. Passengers for Lakeport or Bartlett Springs call for tickets by Bartlett Springs Stage Line. Tickets can b* had at office Cal. Northwestern Ry.. 630 Mar- ket St.. or at Tiburon Ferry. MILLER & HOWARD. Proprietors.' TCBTT SPRINGS— 3 miles from Uklah. Mendocino Co. Natural electric waters, champagne baths. Only place in the world cf this class of watecs having continuous flow cf natural warm water direct from springs to tub?. Lovely grounds, fishing, hunting. Crys- tal Springs. Accommodations; table nrst-clasa. J. A. REDEMETEK & CO.. Props. BEAUTIFtrL CAMP MEEKER— One ot C»l- Ifornia'e most romantic spots; cottages and room* newly furnished; restaurant remodeled; under new management; terms $6 p«r week; boating, bathing and other amusements; tak* Sausallto ferry; lots for sale. $10 up. Address H. M. GREGSON, sole proprietor. DICHABDSON'S SPRINGS— 10 mile. IV from Chico, Cal. Noted for being a sura cure for rheumatism, malaria, dyspepsia, blood and kidney diseases, nervous troubles, etc. A deadly enemy of poison oak and skin diseases. Hotel and baths open entire year. J. V. RICHARDSON. Prop., Chico. Cal. BERGESHEIM — In Santa Crux Mountains. 9 miles from S. Cruz. Plenty of fruit, milk and cream. $7 per week; children under 10 haii rates. MRS. E. WILKEN. Santa Cruz. RIVERSIDE HOTEL and cottages : 73 rms ; Santa Cruz, Cal. Near Beach. Rates to families. Information at 11 Montgomery st. Free bus. Long dlst. phone. Fred Barson. Prop. MOUNTAIN View Ranch— Hotel, cottages, well-known table. Phone, swimming, daily mall; campers xo Glenwood. including carriage. $3 75 round trip. F. R. DANN. Santa Crua. HITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, the best r«- sort In Sonoma County. Open all year round. Rates. $3 to $12. Take Tiburon ferry. Bus meets all trains. E. HAWE3. Santa Rosa. BELLEVUE HOTEL— El Verano. Sonoma County. Cal. Term* $1 00 per day and upward. Long distance telephone. Hot min- eral springs near ty. Peter Gouailhardou. Prop. Vy ILLOW RANCH — Delightful summer * • home In Redwoods; mountain water; ex- cellent table; abundance of fruit; 6 miles from Santa Crux; $6 50 wk. W. Crandell. Santa Crux. CISSON TAVERN, near Mt. Shasta. Par- >-* ticulars "Information Bureau." 20 Mont- gomery at., or MR3. L. M. SISSON. Slsson. Cai. STAGE LINES AND UVEBIE3. w J lt T7 T< ?£ lsts ' cam P« r '. hunters, write J. Sjy^d-of^u^ouf tt * T ' 7lOr - WUUU - f 5 )oooo©oooi>eooo©ooo©oeo0oo©coo©o©ooooo©oooo© A LETTER EROM I TOMMY RYAN.i The Great Middle-Weight Writes From Kansas | "Gity and Tells How He Keeps in Condition. 5 r> - --- - ¦ I=BS^ 1^ fVR. MCLAUGHLIN: In answer i U to your letter of recent date I *' -.,.., ' <* o would say that your Electric 1 Belt has become invaluable to | ' ¦ . ' ' ¦ jl' * Belt has done for me I am sure • 4 it will do for others. . V6ry trulv £ t.^, „ jH yours, TOMMY RYAN, ¦ f '"••^ «¦ wmmmm^rtr Champion Middleweight of the g World. * Give me a man broken down from dissipation, hard work or worrv from i any cause which has sapped his vitality. Let him follow my advice for three 5 months and I will make him as vigorous In every respect as any manV his * I will not promise to make a Hercules of a man who was never intended * by nature to be strong and sturdy. Even that man I can make better than he 4 is, but the man who has been strong and has lost his strength I can make as i 4. Co ™eand see me and I will show you how the vigor of youth can be re- « stored when lost and all back paing, stomach trouble and other evidences of 2 Si^ilfs^dTt^ale 1 !, pi°^f: SendfOr my b0 ° k - Incl0Se thls a * € Dp. M.'C. -McLau&hlln. 9oe MAR £ ET street; aw, sm,, j Office hours. 8 a, m. to, 8:30 p. m.; Sundays, 10 to L g Seattle office, 105 Columbia Bt. ; Los .Angeles, 129 S. Spring Bt. \ ADVERTISEMENTS. jHfl CARTERS mSaSmSSBR HSh I II LC ff/&S&£j EtISI Ii ¦ Em m Positively cured hy these Iattlo Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestidn and Too Hearty Eating. A per- fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi- ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. ¦ They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price- UNITED STATES BRANCH. STATEMENT —OP THE CONDITION AND -AFFAIRS i QF THE London Guarantee And Accident COMPANY (Limited), OP : , in the State of , Jn the 31st day of December. A. D. 1901, and for the year ending on that day, as made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of California, pursuant to the provisions of b«c- tions 610 and 611 of the Political Code, con- densed as per blank furnished by the Commis- sioner. ASSETS. Cash Market Value of all Stocks and Bonds owned by Company.. Jl, 020, 292 6S Cash In Company's Office .... 1.226 97 Cash in Banks 95,300 00 Interest due and acerued on all Stocks and Loans : 10,147 63 Premiums in due Course of Collec- tion 104,851 01 Total Assets $1,231,818 21 LIABILITIES. v Losses In process of-Adjustment or in Suspense ' $80,400 00 Losses resisted, Including expenses. 221,100 00 Gross premiums on risks running, one year or less, $ ; rein- surance 50 per cent 400,847 81 Gross premiums on risks running more than one year, $ ¦— — ; , reinsurance pro rata 9,980 55 Due and accrued for salaries, rent, etc 3,934 80 For reinsurance 666 20 Reserve for State fees and taxes.. 20,000 00 Contingent reserve 50,000 00 Total Liabilities $786,929 45 INCOME. ~ ~~ Net cash actually received for premiums $979,749 33 Received for interest and dividends ' on Bonds, Stocks, .Loans, 'and from all other sources i 36.477 92 Total Income $1,016,227 25 EXPENDITURES. ""' Net amount paid for Losses $502,762 85 Faid or allowed for Commission or Brokerage 269,571 IS Paid for Salaries. Fees, and other j charges for officers, clerks, etc. ' 46.SS0 11 Paid for State, National and Lo- cal taxes ! 23,636-12 All other payments and expend!- < tures Ufil.374 11 ¦ - — « : — Total Expenditures $944,224 37 A. \V. MASTERS. V. S. Manager. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of January, 1902. MARK A. FOOTE. No- tary Public. LIABILITY, ELEVATOR, TEAMS ... AND ... ACCIDENT INSURANCE. EDWARD C. LANDIS, General Afetnt, 416, 418 CALIFORNIA STREET, 8AN FBANCI8C0, CAL. ' ORLAN CLYDE CULLEN, Counselop-at-Law U. S. Supreme Court. Registered Attorney U. 8. Patent Office, United States and For- eign Patents, Caveats. Trade Marks and Copyrights. No. 700 7th Street, N. W. Qpp. u. s. Patent Office Washington, P.C. ft l II I Napa County. The most \T rSfilQriQ charming spot In Calif or- Ull lininiln "i 3 - Ideal for a summer wii iiwiviim vacat | On . Drives over picturesque and sprinkled roads. Good hotels. Summer resorts adjacent. Special round trip tickets, good from Saturday until Monday, $2 50. Take boat foot of Market St., 7:30 a. in. and 4 p. m. LAUREL DELL, The Switzerland of America: hunting, boating, bathing, toboggan, new livery, tennis, bowling, 'etc.; free teams to mineral springs, IS kinds. Call "Travelers' Bureau." 20 Montgomery st., or address E. Durnan, Laurel Dell, Lake Co., Cal. ¦ DAW ADTtPICM k M I" the heart of the Santa KUWAKUEnnAn Cruz Mountains, yet near enough to the ocean for a daily salt water swim. Ked woods and «ea breezes — a wonderful combination. Souvenir booklet free. Peck's Information Bureau, 11 Montgomery Street, S. F., or B. Dickinson. Lessee. Ben Lomond. Cal. MT. VEEDER FAMILY RESORT. Redwood groves. Elevation 16S0 feet. No tog. Climate delightful. AH varieties fruit, iron springs, bunting, mountain scenery, pleat- ant home, good table. Terms reasonable. Ad- dresB^P. E. HOLZREITER. Napa. SARATOGA SPRINGS Better than ever this year. Booklet and full Information at Peck's, 11 Montgomery at., or R. R. office, COO Market, or John Martens, Bachelor P. O.. Lake Co., Cal. BROCKWAY, LAKE TABOE. ~ Round Trip From San Francisco. ¦ J Only 911.85. Circulars at S.' P. Ticket Office. . I-.AK.B TPIHOE, Glenbrook, Nev. Lake shore house and cot- tages. Best fishing on the lake. Partially fur- nished cottages for campers. Write for particu- lars and rates, D. CORRILLAND, proprietor. RUBICON SPRINGS. Ten miles west of Lake Tahoe. Stage daily, connecting with steamer at McKlnney's. Rate* on application. Fishing unsurpassed. McKln- ney'B P. O., Cal., D. ABBOTT, prop. , . Rubicon Springs are NOT at Rubicon Park. THE CEYSERS. (Sonoma County). New management; rooms plastered and hard . finished ; new' furniture; new, private bathhouse; bunting, fishing year round; white help only; best livery; cooking ' specially supervised 'by manager. See pamphlet. SUMMER RESORT, Among the Pine Hills; altitude 2024 feet: $7 per. week; flrst-claBs accommodation. Before going elsewhere write to CHAS. GROTTIAN, Applegate. Placer County. CaL • •