Newspaper Page Text
THE SAN EBANCISCO CALL, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1902. 10 HELP WANTED— -FEMALE— Con.^ OPERATORS AND A NUMBER OF BRIGHT GIRLS WILL BE TAKEN FOR INSTRUC- TION ON -OVERALLS, WITH A STATED AMOUNT GUARANTEED TO BEGINNERS. STANDARD SHIRT FACTORY, CORNER GOUGH AND GROVE STS. WANTED— Young girl who desires to attend school and do light housework In small fam- ily in Alameda; good home; no washing or cooking; references; can call Sunday. 2045 San Antonio ave.. Alameda, HAIRDRESSING, manicuring, massage hair work taught in 2 weeks. $4 50; positions guar- anteed in stores and with private customers, $oO and $75 per month; class day and even- lng. College, 233 Geary st., rooms 1,3-15. WANTED— Saleslady for retail crockery store; one with" experience In this line preferred; give reference, wages expected and business most familiar with. Box 2237. Call offlce. PACIFIC College, 1236 Market, cor. Jones and McAllister; learn for $5; halrdressing, mas- sage, dyeing, manicuring, switches, etc.; po- Bltlons guaranteed stores and private ;day, eve. LADIES to learn barber trade; only two months required; special offer this month; halrdressing taught in four weeks; catalogue free. MOLER System College, 635 Clay st. PICK hops in August; healthful, enjoyable and very profitable outing for young and old. Ap- ply to HORST BROS., 122 Battery Bt., S. F. GIRLS wanted. Apply Buswell Co. Bookblnd- ery. 536 Clay st: MILLINERY trade and positions guaranteed in 4 weeks for $5. 143 Stockton St.. room 13. ~ WANTED— Women and girls to work on fruit. 1731 Folsom Bt. * A BRANCH offlce for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 109tt Valencia st. HELP WANTED — MALE. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT AG'CY, 638 Clay st. Phone Main 1191. Utah To-day Utah 1200 laborers, teamsters and rockmen, Ne- vada. Salt Lake and Utah Division; to Vista, Rokeby, Telegraph Point, Moors, Wads- worth, Pequop. Lucln, Holborn and Fenelon. Utah $2 25 and $2 50 per day Utah Free fare. .Office fee $1 Free fare 60 R. R. men. S. P. Co's work, section and extra gangs, $1 60 and $1 70. Sawmills and Lumber woods 10 log-loaders, El Dorado Co.. $45 and found 10 woodsmen. El Dorado Co., $35 and found 20 lumber pilers. El Dorado Co. $45 and found 25 mill and woodsmen, Mendoclno Co., free fare $30 to $00 and found 10 tie-makers, Mendoclno Co. 12 and 18c each 25 woodchfippers. Sari Luis Obispo Co.. 4-foot , wood $1 50 per cord 10 woodchoppers, Santa Cruz Co., tools furnished $1 and $1 60 per cord 175 laborers and miners.. $2 and $2 50 per day 18 laborers, San Mateo county" $2 per day 20 laborers, city $1 75 and $2 per day 1 blacksmith $50 and found 1 blacksmith $60 and found 10 teamsters, near city.. $2 and $2 25 per day 4 farm hands $30 and found 1 handy man for farm; see hoss here; 9 a. *n ; $30 and found AT C. R. HANSEN & CO.'S 429 Bush st 642 Clay st. NEW RAILROAD WORK Ship to-day FOR NEVADA AND UTAH We ship to all points on C. P. reconstruction work in Utah and Nevada .".... Wanted— 5000 teamsters, laborers, rockmen. concretemen, tunnelmen, drillers and muck- ers; wages $2 to $3 a day FOR a P. CO. WORK NEVADA 50 laborers, SDikers and strappers for track and steel gang $2, $2 25 and $2 40 a day Ship to-day ship to-day FOR CHATSWORTH PARK 600 tunnelmen, drillers, muckers and outsid* laborers $2 to $3 a day SHIP TO-DAY Free fare Free fare C. R. HANSEN & CO 420 Bush st. Branch offlce 642 Clay st. BAND sawyer. $5__day; carriage setter, $3 60' day; typesetter a"hd feeder. $8 week; house painter. $3 day; cabinetmaker; cutoff saw- yer. $2 day; box nailers; blacksmith, $3 day; cobbler for country; millwright, $3 50 day: wheelwright. $2 50 day; horseshoer. $2 25 and board; tank maker; door molders; 3 far- mers, $30 and found; 2 creamery butter- makers $50 and board and $2 day; milker, $40 and board, see boss here; farmers, labor- ers for different kinds of work, $2 to $2 25 day and $30 and found, and others. J. F. CROSETT & CO.. 628 Sacramento st. WAITER, private family. $35 and found; res- taurant cook, country, $50; cook for 15 men, $40; boarding-house cook, $50; 2 short order cooks. $45 month and $12 week;' hotel wait- ers, $30; baker, country shop, $14 week and found; porter for restaurant. $25; elevator boys, dishwashers and others. J. F. CROS- KTT & CO.. 628 Sacramento st. GERMAN farmer and wife, $50 and found, see boss in city;. farmer and wife, $40 and found, nice place; man about place, $30 and found; 2 choremen. $20 and found, and others. ' J. F. CROSETT & CO., 628 Sacramento st. AT THE CALIFORNIA EMP. AGENCY, 69 Third st. (nr. Call Bldg.) Phone Bush 405. FREE STATE OF NEVADA FREE FARE FREE FARE STATE OF UTAH. BOO teamsters $2 25 to $2 50 per day COO laborers and rock laborers. $2 25-$2 50 day FREE FARE TO MENDOCINO-«CO. .. . Ship to-day to Fort Bragg, Caspar and Mendocino City; big lumber companies. Free 100 men for sawmill and lumber woods.. fare $30 and $C5 month and board CO railroad laborers, sawmills co. ...Free fare 10 lumber pliers $40 per month and board. 6 section hands, sawmill $2 25 per, day 2 spool tenders $50 per month and board Band sawyer $5 50 per day Tall sawyer $2 60 per day 2 setters or screw turners $3 50 per day 1 man in lath mill $2 50 per day 20 mill hands $2 to $2 50 per day Second tree feller $55 per month CALIFORNIA EMP AGENCY. 59 Third st. A BOY to help in kitchen In a private family; wages $20, room and board: no experience necessary. MISS PLUNKETT, 425 Sutter st. near Powell. A— HOTEL GAZETTE, 20 Montgomery, r. 12. Colored waiters, $32; houseman. $25; waiter $30. $150 — WANTED — Immediately, partner in good paying real estate offlce; terms $.100 cash, with chance to make remainder out of busi- ness; no experience required, but must bo sober and reliable; no time for triflers, only those meaning business. Inquire at Business Exchange, 83 Third st. WANTED — By E. B. and A. L. STONE CO.. teamsters. $2 25 per day; board $4 50 per week; report for work at end of Mountain View-st. car line, Oakland. WANTED— Reliable young man with some cash;. $70 month year round; no experience necessary: no night or Sunday work. Par- tlculars of BROWN & CO., 1221 Market St. WANTED — Reliable young man with $125 cash for plain office work; will pay $65 a month to good man; steady place and short hours. Ap- ply 1016 Market st.. room 10. WANTED — Edgerman for sawmill, $75 per , month and board. Call at California Saw 1 Works, 210 Mission st. WANTED^ — S carpenters for country; steady work. Apply room 1315. Call building, at 9 a. m. Thursday. BOY wanted, about 16 years; German preferred. SUNSET TEA & COFFEE STORE, 2120% Mission st. A GENTLEMAN of. Indomitable energy and push; good opportunity for right man. F. PERSON, room 412 Parrott building. WANTED — Boy to run elevator. Apply HOLM & NATHAN. 512 Market at. WANTED — Good barber; steady Job; $15 week. J. J. Schneider, San Rafael; tel. Red IS. WANTED — Bootblack for barber shop. .-Apply 492 Halgh^t st. . WANTED-^-Bedmaker at The New Adelaide, 614 Howard st. ,¦ ¦ WANTED— Man of good addres* with $100} big wages to right man. Box 2246. Call. WANTED— Blacksmith. A. D. SCHRODER, corner- Stelner and Waller sts.' • WAITER in a restaurant. $25 a month and room. 1759% Mission st. GOOD waiter wanted at 907 Kearny Bt. WANTED — Old man around restaurant. 1507 Market st., near 11th. WANTED — Clerk In grocery store. 433 Third st. y SECOND on bread. 612 Kearny Bt. STEADY man with $150 cash can make $100. month year around. Apply 78 Third st,, r 2. VEGETABLEMAN wanted. 631 gay st. MIDDLE-AGED physician for special practice. Box 2222, Call. , STEADY restaurant waiter; $9 per week. 611 Montgomery st. WAITER wanted at Tivoli Cafe. 18 Eddy st. WANTED — Second waiter at new Golden Gate Hotel. 134 Fourth St. • . -' BARBERS — Good shop for sale at a sacrifice, on account of sickness. 618 Kearny et. EMPLOYMENT WANTED — MALE. A NATIVE of Guam who " speaks English, Spanish, Italian, Tacalo and Visaya, . Philip- pine, dialects, wants place of any kind with party or parties going to Philippine Islands. Address 004 Vallejo st., B. V. WATKINS. WANTED — Situation by young married man In retail grocery and provision business; has five years' experience, private place; good refer- ences. Box 2730. Call office. FIRST-CLASS butcher wishes position in Oak- land or vicinity. Tn reply state salary- Box 47C3. Call, Oakland. ; SITUATION wanted by an all-round engineer; 10 years' experience; can give best of refer- ences. Box 2733. Call offlce. H. S. McMAHON, trained nurse and masseur; charges reasonable. Box 2236, Call office. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch offlce. 2200 Fillmore. •A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and » subscriptions has been established at 1096 Valencia st. FINANCI/ Tj. _ i^_ >^ THE REALTY SYNDICATE. CAPITAL PAID IN $2,500,000 00 SURPLUS 40S.612 77 ISSUES SIX PER CENT INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES AT PAR. OFFICE— NO. 14 SANSOME STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. COMPANIES incorporated and financed; stock and bond issues guaranteed, underwritten and sold; stock accepted for services. Send for Pacific States Investor. PACIFIC STATES MINING AND INVESTMENT CO., 328 Post. FLATS TO LET. 418% Hermann; 5 r.$25i>355 Geary; 7 rms... $35 781 Halght: 5 rms. .$2511424 Van Ness; 8 r. .$45 1310 Ellis; 6 r.. .$27 50[C50 Sutter; 8 rms. . $75 1340 Webster; 6 r...$30ll40 Minna; 28 rms. $100 SPECK & CO., 667 Market st. A SUNNY modern 6-room flat, 1132 Stanyan St., near Golden Gate Park $30. SPECK & CO., 667 Market st. A — WALKING distance; cozy; 4 rooms; por- celain bath; sanitary plumbing: clean and sunny. 316 Myrtle ave., bet. O'Farrell and Geary sts., near Van Ness ave. v $27 50 PER month; 2650 Hyde st.; new, ele- gant 6-room flats; permanent; gas range; everything modern. RIVERS BROS.. 205 Montgomery st. FLATS, 477-481 Chestnut St., nr. Powell; 5-3 rooms, bath each; $16-$12 60. CARL, 256— Cheapest new flat In city; yard; basement; park view. NEW, up-to-date 7 and 8 lower: light and sun- ny; marine view. 2521 Van Ness ave. TO let— Lower flat of 4 rooms at 1520 Broad- way, near Van Ness ave. FLATS WANTED. WANTED — Lower flat of 3 or 4 rooms arid bath and yard; state rent. Address A. L». S., Sausallto. Cal. _______ FURNITURE FOR SALE. TO LET; furniture for sale; house of 1 rooms and bath. Apply from 8 to 11 a. m., 525A Post st. FOR sale or rent — Furniture 6-room flat; nearly new; walking distance. Box 2666. Call offlce. FURNITURE WAXTEEL BIG price paid for furniture for 00 days; special reasons. S. J. WAUGH, r. 415 Examiner big. A. WOLLPERT, 773 Mission St., pays highest price for second-hand furniture; tel, Red 1354. FURNITURE AND MATTRESSES. LOW prices and good work In making over furniture and mattresses. ' HOPKE BROS., 411 and 413 Powell St.; tel. Bush 421. GLOVES. TRY Danicheff One Dollar Glove; you will never wear others; warranted. 121 Grant ave. HELP WANTED — FEMALE. WANTED — 3 cooks, little wash, $30; cook, country, no 'wash, $35; cook, small boarding- house, $30; nurse for children, $25, institu- tion; 8 second girls, $20, .$25; cook, 2 in fam- ily, $30; 2 chambermaids, $18, $20; 6 hotel and restaurant waitresses, $7, $8 and $25; also n. lame number of housework Klrls at $20, $25 and $30. Apply to J. F. CROSETT & CO., 334 Sutter et. WOMEN AND CHILDREN FOR FRUIT WORK. 100 families to go camping, cut, pick and pack fruit, $1 50 and $2 per day; 100 girls and women to cut fruit, $1 50 to $2 per day; -good water: fine, healthy place; fuel handy; 3 to 4 months' work; small f/es; cheap fares; tents can be rented cheap; lots of fun camp- ing. CAL. EMP. AGENCY, 50 Third St. ANDRE'S Employment Offlce, 816 Stockton — Chambermaid In hospital, $30; chambermaid, first-class hotel, $18; German cook, $30; sec- ond girls, $25 and $20; laundress and cham- bermaid, $25; French nurse and seamstress, $25; chambermaid, $25; girls for housework, $20 and $25; cook and second girl, same place, $25 and $.20. TWO flrst-class lroners for Lake Tahoe, $35 to $40, fare paid both ways. MISS PLUNKETT, 425 Sutter st., near Powell. FIRST-CLASS laundress for a private family, $30; infant's nurse, $30; Irish Catholic parlor maid and waitress, $25 to $30. MISS PLUN- KETT, 425 Sutter st., near Powell. A WOMAN to cook for men, $30; second girl, San Jose, $25; 2 chambermaids, $20 each; house girl, two In family, $30; 4 cooks, $35 and $.10; 2 second girls, $25 each. MRS. NOR- TON, 313 Sutter st. 60 WAITRESSES: choice city and country places; best wages. MRS. M. E. DAY, 335 Geary st. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY TO LEARN HOW TO SEW OVERALLS; WE TEACH YOU FREE OF CHARGE AND PAYWHILE LEARNING; STEADY WORK; GOOD PAY. LEVI STRAUSS & CO.. 32% FREMONT ST.; MR. DAVIS. GOOD, willing girl, 15 to IS years old; to help with general housework. Call between 9 and 12 a. m., or address 144S Benton St., Ala- meda; waces $15. YOUNG Catholic girl for general housework In small family; must do good, plain cooking; good pay. Apply mornings, 1614 Golden Gate ave. WANTED — Experienced fancy feather mak- ers. Apply HOLM & NATHAN, 512 Mar- ket st. EXPERIENCED salesladies for millinery; highest wages ; steady positions. Apply 130 Sixth st. A LUCRATIVE position as manager Is open for a first-class business woman. Address box 2230, Call. PROTESTANT Eirl about 1C to assist with housework and care of child. Call between 10 and 12, 417 Capp st. WANTED — A girl for general housework and assist with cooking; wages $25. 2725 Pacific ave., near Devisadero. LADY of indomitable energy, possessed of self- assertion; good opportunity for right party, i F. PERSON, room 412 Parrott building. A— SHIRTMAKERS and ' finishers. EAGLE- SON & CO., 635 Market Bt. GIRLS about 16 years to work on gloves. CARSON GLOVE CO.. 35 Market St. GIRLS IB to 18 for factory work. Apply at once, AMES &* HARRIS, 100 Sacramento st. GIRL for light housework, wait at table; hours 8 to C p. m. 514 Central ave., near Hayes. YOUNG German girl; general housework; small family; $20. 836% Harrison 8t. A WOMAN accustomed to handling country trade. Box 2223. Call. YOUNG slrl, housework and cooking; email family; wages $20 to $25. 2065 Bush Bt. WANTED— A girl for general housework; three adults only in family; wages $25. 22 Second. STRONG woman for work In rooming house. Apply between 1 and 3 p. m., 824 Bush st. WANTED — A Birl for light housework, small family. 1930 Sutter st. NURSE girl to take care of one child; no other work. 2028 California st. WANTED — An experienced tailoresa for bush- ellng department. S.N. Wood Co., 718 Mkt. BRIGHT girl for bakery. 612 Kearny st. PROTESTANT girl; general housework; no children; good home. 222 Dolores, near 16th. A GIRL for general housework; references. Call 156 Central ave., between Page and Haight. WANTED — Girl for general housework; wages $15. Apply 1976 Green st., near Buchanan. COMPETENT girl for general housework in small American family; $25. 2209 Brodertck. WANTED— Male or female to handle a need- ful and ready seller. 414 McAllister st. APPRENTICES for ladles' tailoring; steady ; paid while learning. Ad HOENIG, 810 Post. WANTED — 2 good girls learn to wait table; restaurant; wages paid. 52 Eighth st. YOUNG girl for light housekeeping; small fam- ily. S63 Masonic ave. SAN FRANCISCO CALL. BUSINESS OFFICE of The San Francisco Call, corner Market and Third streets; open until 12 o'clock every night in the year. BRANCH OFFICES— 527 Montgomery street, corner Clay; open until 9:30 p. m. 300 Hayes street; open until 9:30 p. m. 633 McAllister street; open until 9:30 p. m. 315 Larkin street; open until 9:iJ0 p. m. ami JAifcsion street; open until 10 p. m. 2itil Market street, corner Sixteenth; open untii 9 p. in. 106 Eleventh etreet; open until 9 p. m. 1096 Valencia street; open until 9 p. m. Northwest corner of Twenty- second and Ken- tucky streets; open until 9 p. m. r2ciQ Fillmore street; open until 9 p. m. MEETING KOT1CES. THE members ot California Command- _ cry No. 1, Knights Templar, are noti- "KB* 1 tied to assemble in the asylum. Ma- Fj eonlc Temple, on THURSDAY, July fcf 24, at 1 o'clock, p. m., to attend the w Iuneral of our deceased Past CommanJer, Eminent Sir W. H. L. BAKXKS. A lull attenCance Is requested. By order of THOMAS H. BROWNE. Acting Commander. W. E. SMITH, Acting Recorder. MISSION Chapter No. 79. R. A. M. — m Special meeting THIS <.TUUJfc>I>AY) m g\ m EVENING. 7 :o0 o'clock. Koyal Arch *g ZP degree. By order of the H. P. ' ¦ JOHN R. HILLMAN, Secretary. CALIFORNIA Lodge No. 1, F. and A. • M., will meet THIS (THURSDAY) -g\- EVENING, July 24. at 7::i0 o'cl.^'k. IIX Second degree. By order of the Mas- / ' ter. FRANKLIN H. DAY, Secretary. FIDELITY Lodgre No. 120, F. and A. m M.— -Special meeting THIS (T11UBS- m £\ m DAY) EVKN1XG at 7:.W o'clock. T£2f Second dofjree. Fellowcraft Masons / V l cordially invited. By order of the \Y. M. FREDERICK UARHY. Secretary. SOUTH San Francsico Lodge No. 212, m F. and A. M.. meets THIS (TUCKS- - M S\_ M DAY EVENING ;u ':¦'¦'< o'clock for ]\J\ third degree. Master Masons cordially / V i invited. By order of the Master. E. C. HAKE, Secretary- CALIFORNIA Lod^e No. 1, K. of P.. 5~ meets THURSDAY EVENING at S^ Pythian Castle. Ksquire Hank July 5S<S&" 24. F. O. MOLL. K. of R. and S. M-^S^i THE S. F. Scottish Thistle Club . n* w n-.eets THIS (THURSDAY) EVEN- A, QlFI ING at Fraternity Hall. 32 O'l-Vr- X%JLgc rell st., at *> o'clock. Smoker Col- Iowe; strangers welcome. JOHN H. MelNNES. Royal Chief. GEORGE FCLLERTON. Recorder. THE California Debris Commission having re- ceived applications to mine by the hydraulic process irom Fred G. Low Jr. in. the Lone Star mine, at Cromberg, Plumas County, Cal., to deposit tailings In Jackson Ravine, draining into Jackson Creek; from E. 11. Wemple and A. M. Davis in. the Clippership mine, near St. Louis, Sierra County, Cal., to deposit tailings in Cedar Grove Ravine, draining into Slate Creek; from Cataract Gold Alining and Power Company In the In- dian Bar placer mine, near Spanish Ranch, Plumas County, Cal., to deposit tailings in basin draining Into north fork of Feather River, and from George \V. Cox in the Do- berty mine, at Howland Flat, Sierra County, to deposit tailings in Slate Creek, gives no- tice that a meeting -will be held in room »tt. Flood building. San Francisco, Cal., on Au- gust 4, 1U02. at 1:30 p. m. ANNUAL Meeting — The regular annual meet- ing of the stockholders ot the Spreckels Sugar Company will be held at the offlce cf the company, 327 Market St., San Francisco, on MONDAY, the 2Sth day of July, at the hour of 11 a. m., for the purpose : of electing a Board of Directors to serve for the ea«ulng year, and the transaction of euch other business as may come before the meetine. Tbe transfer books' will close en Friday, July 25, 1902, at 3 p. m. W. H. HANNAM. Secretary. ANNUAL Meeting — The regular annual meet- ing of the stockholders of the Mbnterey County Water Company will be held at the office of the company. S27 Market et.. San Francisco, on MONDAY, the 2Sth day of July, at the hour of 11:30 a. m., for the purpoee of electing a Board of Directors to eerve for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. The transfer books ¦will close on Friday, July 23, l»02, at 3 p. m. W. II. HANNAM. Secretary. ANNUAL Meeting — The Risdon Iron and . Locomotive Works — The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Risdon Iron and Locomotive Works for the election of Trus- tees for the en«uing year and the transaction of euch other business as may be brought before the meeting will be held at the offlce of the company. 29S Steuart st.. San Fran- cisco, on MONDAY, the 4th day of August, l»02. at 11 o'clock a. m. AUGUSTUS TAYLOR. Secretary. AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS — Do you want something raore profit- able and easier to sell than books or lnsur- ance? F. PERSON, room 412. Parrott bldg. ATTORNEYS AT LA W. R. W. KIN'G, atty.-at-law. Examiner bldg., rm. 613; ail cases; damages, estates, wills, mort- gages, partnerships, attachments, collections, etc.; legal papers drawn; consultation free; no advance charges; call or write. ADVICE free divorces a specialty; quick, quiet; no charge without success; established 10 yrs O. W. HOWE, S50 Market st.. cor. Stockton. ADVICE free all cases; no advance fee; no charge unless successful. Room 316, 3d floor. Examiner building. R. C. ADAMS. ' ADVICE free; phone Mint 8C5. 819 Market st J. M. THURSTON; offlce open every even- lng; private divorce a specialty. AVOID the police; consult Attorney Qulnlan, room 3, 624 Kearny st. Phone Clay 825. 14 FIFTH, Mills bldg.— Trust funds to loan. R. Masfon Smith, atty. and Com. Yukon Ter. ADVICE free; no charge unless successful; all cases; open evgs. W.W.Davidson. 927 Market. JOHN R. AITKEN. attorney at law. Rooms 203-10-11 Clunie bldg.. 503 California st. L. S. CLARK, Emma Spreckels bldg., 927 Mar- ket St.; consultation free; no fees In advance. BICYCLES — For Sale or Exchange. ALLEN has beet bicycles made all prices; call before buyinr: repairing; tires bells. 301 Larkin, 305 Market. 1968 to 1974 Page. BOARDING FOR CHILDREN. A FEW children to board at lowest terms; grand, healthy part of city; German or English spoken. 42 Winslow st. GERMAN lady wishes children to board. 1741 Twelfth ave.. South Pan Francisco. A LADY wishes 2 or 3 children; near school; lowest terms; large yard. 1607 California. BOOKS NEW" AND OLD. BOOKS of all kinds bought; libraries purchased : H. C. Holmee, 1149 Market; tel. Howard 1340. BUSINESS CHANCES. ~ A^350oT ROADHOUSE across the" bay, with property; lot 50x123; house of 12 rooms; splendid location. It. G. WILKE. 26% Kear- py st. ; A — f750; CORNER ealoon; rent $35; 2 blocks south of Market Bt.; a' good-paying business and large stock of liquors. Call R. G. WILKE. 26H Kearny st. A— *500; PARTNER wanted in restaurant do- ing a— large and good-paying business, sur- rounded by Iron foundries and machine chops. Call R. G. WILKE, 20% Keyny st. A— 112,500; MANUFACTURING business with corner store; establ. 30 years; well adver- tised; goods sold in every saloon, drug and 8TOoer>' store; old age of owner only cause of sale. All particulars R. G. WILKE, 20& Kearny Ft. CIGAR rtand with cardroom in wholesale dis- trict; fixtures $250; etock at invoice; 4 years' lease: good business. Call R. G. WILKE, 26^ Kearny et. A— $600; ROADHOUSE; clears $150 month; lease; rent $16; fine resort. STRAND & CO.. 78 Third st. A — 175; CORNER cigar store; good trade; full value; bargain. STRAND & CO., 78 Third. A — NOTICE — We buy. sell or exchange all kinds of business. STRAND & CO., 78 Third. A — DAIRY produce, branch bakery and deli- cacy store; location on leading street, in lodging-house district; doing a very profit- able business; a banrain flke this is not offered every day; only $300. LOONEY & CO.. 14 Third rt. A — EXCELLENT chance for a reliable party to lease the well-known Wm. Tell House for a term off years; furniture for sale. Inquire SI" Rush Et., room 12. AN investment of $2000 will net $300 per month to steady, industrious party: legitimate bus- iness; capital absolutely secure. Room 527 123 California, st. $75— CIGAR stand, well stocked. In good loca- tion; chpap rent; fine chance for one of small mrans to rtart in badness. Apply 245 Thin street. WILL sell 4 choice !ots in Stockton or ex- rhanjre for merchandise or furniture 411 _McAlllst^r Et. $1275 BUYS 23 rooms; Kearrty St.; pays $175 month; bargain. s?r-e Coaft. 7S3'£ Market st. GROCERY and 11<juor store; no bar; ''delicacies'; 4 living rooms; rent $lfi. Box 22.38. Call. A BARGAIN — Lunch and coffee parlor. 798 Folsom Ft. LAUNDRY route for Bale; new Varon and baraeso; JIM. Box 2247. Call office. HESTAUBAflT fofjal*. 668 Fourth «t» l^L , CARPET BEATING AND CLEANING. WHEN vou become disgusted with poor work send for SPAULDING'S Pioneer Carpet-beat- ing. Works^SSS-SpTTeJiama^^Je^Sout^^O. TRY HOPKE BROS.' excellent carpet clean- ing. Phone Bush 421. 411-413 Powell st. Karison Karpet Co— Cleaning 2%c yd; upholster- ing. 1213 2912. ADVANCE Carpet-cleaning Co.. 402 Sutter st.; tel. Main 394. GEO. WALCOM & CO.. Prop. RUDOLPH & CO., carpet-beating works: prices reasonable. 1703 Harrison st. ; tel. Mission 263. CONKLIN'S Superior Carpet-beating Works, 333 Golden Gate ave. ; telephone East 126. J. E. MITCHELL Carpet-cleaning and Reno- vatlng Co.. 240 14th St.; til. Mission 74. COLLECTION OFFICES. ADVICE ¦ free— Columbian Law and Collection Agency, r. 85, 916 Market st. ; phone Bush 104. GEORGE W. KELLY'S Agency— No charge unless successful. Room 310. 927 Market st. COTTAGES TO LET. COTrAGEr$10:"4 roomsTyard. Key 623 Sec- ond et., near Brannan. DENTISTS. ELECTRO-DENTAL CLINIC, 809 Market, cor. 4th. r. 7, Flood bldg. ;- extractions done pain- lessly; teeth without plates our specialty; gol<l crowns ?;» CO up; plates, extractions free. $4 50 up; office-hours, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. ; Sundays, 9 to 2. J. W. THATCHER. D.D.S., Manager. A NEW plate — The Whalebone — cannot break; warranted 20 yrs.; crowns. $3 50: fillings, 50c; . plates. $5. full set; all work painless and war- ranted. Chicago Dental. Parlors, 24 Sixth St. PARIS Dental Parlors 235 Koarny, cor. Bush — Set teeth. $1 50 up; crowns, $2 up; fillings 25c. SET of teeth without plate. DR. H. G. YOUNG, 1841 Polk st. Thorough work guaranteed bv The New York Dentists. Dr. Perkins, prea't, 6th & Mission. DRESSMAKERS AND SEAMSTRESSES McDOWELL Dressmaking and Millinery School; corset-making taught; patterns cut. 1019 Mkt. * EDUCATIONAL. HEALD' S^c156^L^F^EllScTRiaATrENGT NEERING — Theory, demonstration, construc- tion, laboratory and shop work; thoroughly practical; day and night. 24 Post St.. S. F.; catalogue free. AN evening session begins at the Lyceum on July 28; candidates are prepared for the uni- versity, the medical colleges, colleges of den- tistry, of pharmacy, of law, etc.; thorough work with rapid advancement has been our achievement for last 10 years; on completing course candidates will be recommended; terms very 'reasonable. Room 333, Phelan building. A — IF Gregg stenographers are not fast writers, how do they all get positions and hold them? I 90 positions since April 1: Ellis bookkeeping V makes real bookkeepers. S. F. Business Col- lege, 1230 Market St. HEALD'SVCHOOL OF MINES. 24 Post St., S.F. — Thorough courses; complete equipment: ell subjects pertaining to mining and mining engineering; day and night; catalogue free. A — THE LYCEUM, an accredited preparatory Echool for the university, law and medical colleges: references. President Jordan or any Stanford professor. Phelan building. GALLAGHER-MARSH BUSINESS COLLEGE conducted by experts; best combined short- hand and commercial course to be had; in- dorsed by official court reporters. 1382 Markt. GOLDEN Gate Com'l. College, 530 Golden Gate ave., S. F. ; private help in bookkeeping, penmanship, shorthand, typing, English. SPANISH conversation taught; new short easy method; 25c per lesson. PROF. W. M. SIMMS of Mexico City; studio, r. 1, 519 Montgomery. Address Ayers' Business College, 723 Market St., for their new catalogue; it is free and the nicest in the State. Life scholarship, $50. ENGINEERING — Civil, elec.minlng.mech.. sur- vey, assay, cyanide; day, eve.; est. 1864. Van der Naillen School, 113 Fulton, nr. City Hall. ACTING, elocution, specialties; Hallet School; associated with theatrical agency securing positions. Alcazar building, 120 O'Farrell st. GERMAN; good experience; piano teacher; wishes few more pupils. 216 Golden Gate ave. Prof. Merkl, from Paris, experienced teacher violin, mandolin, guitar. 1008 Mission, nr. 6th,. FRENCH and German taught 5 weeks; satis- faction absolutely guaranteed. Box 2230, Call. PIANO and German; pupil of Lelpslc Conser- vatory; lessons 75c and $1. 320 Golden Gate. ZITHER studio.Max Mater, 112% Oak St., bet. Franklin & Gough: Individual les. & classes. ARITHMETIC, bookkeeping, grammar, writing, etc.; day or eve.; $5 mo. 1024 Mission, nr.6th. SHORTHAND taught by mail or personally. MISS M. G. BARRETT. 302 Montgomery at. Chicago Business College, 1435; Plttman shorthand, typing, bookkeepg; $6 mo. Harpist, only teacher West.desires pupils.Mme. CaruBl, Hallet School Actlng.120 O'Farrell st. HEALD' S Business College, 24 Post st., S. F., founded 1863: new 80-page catalogue free. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. CHINESE and Japanese help; estab. 20 years. Tel. Main 1997. BRADLEY & CO., e40 Clay. CHINESE and Japanese Employment Offlce — Eest help. 411% O'Farrell St., tel. East 426. ORPHEUM Employment Offlce — Japanese, Chi- nese help. 426 Powell, nr. Sutter ;tel. Black 5072. RELIABLE Japanese-Chinese Employment Of- flce; all kinds help. 315 Stockton; Main 6188. Grand Japanese-Chinese Emp. Offlce, 415 Stock- ton; tel. Grant 168; expert, reliable help. JAPANESE Intelligence Offlce — Furnish most reliable help. 524 Bush St.; tel. Bush 516. JAP reliable housecleamng; cooks, waiters on short notice. 1293 Page St.; tel. Fell 8501. EMPLOYMENT WANTED — FEMALE. A SWEDISH girl, good cook and house worker, good references. MRS. NORTON^ 313 Sutter. A GERMAN girl, flrst-class cook, city or coun- try, best ref. MRS. NORTON, 313 Sutter st. A SWEDISH first-class laundress, ref., city or country. MRS. NORTON, 313 Sutter st. DRESSMAKER, flrst-class, perfection in flt- ting and trimming: costumes remodeled; latest styles; $1 25 per day in families. Ad- dress Modiste, box 2240. Call offlce. SCANDINAVIAN girl wishes a position as cook or general housework; light washing; city or country; wages $20. 810% Ritch St., bet. Third and Fourth, Brannan and Townsend. REFINED lady wants rlace Jn private family to do upstairs work and plain sewing or tak- ing care of children or Invalid; references. Box 3S02. Call offlce, Oakland. A REFINED young lady wishes a place for light housework in Oakland; good home. Box 2232. Call offlce. A YOUNG woman to do washing and house cleaning by the day; $1 50 a day. Apply 210% Sixth st. WOMAN who is a good American cook and baker, neat and economical, good city refer- ence; wages, $3 50 per week. 511 Bryant st. GOOD reliable woman wishes to go out by the day, washing or cleaning; $1 a day and car- ¦ • fare. Apply 31 Fulton St. A WOMAN wishes situation to do hosework; good cook; city preferred. 34 Hawthorne st. A YOUNG German girl wants situation for up- stairs work. 731 Turk Bt. NURSE night or day. Address B-. 1041 Mission. YOUNG woman would like a position as house- keeper. Box 2208, Call. YOUNG woman wants position as housekeeper or cook; no washing or windows; best ref- erences. Call or address S, WILSON. 601 Harrison St., phone Davis 858. YOUNG Danish girl wants position in family of two; salary $20. Box 2745, Call. WINCHESTER House. 44 Third St.. near Mar- ket — 200 rooms; 25c to $1 60 per night; $1 50 to $6 week; convenient and respectable; free bus and baggage to and from ferry. WANT ads and subscriptions taken for The ' Call at Eaton's Bazaar, 639 McAllister st. A BRANCH offlce for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1096 Valencia St. EMPLOYMENT WANTED — MALE. WINEMAKER as foreman in a large estab- lishment; experienced in all branches of the trade; flrst-class references. Address O. K., 249% East First St., Los Angeles, Cal. SITUATION wanted by middle-aged sober sin- gle Swiss as coachman or general man for private plstee; good references. Box 2224, Call. YOUNG man wishes position aa man about place; understands care of horses; can milk; handy and steady man. Box 2221, Call. MIDDLE-AGED German desires situation as ; useful man about place; refs. Box 2225, Call. TO flrst-class installment • houses — An experi- enced stock clerk and salesman in blankets, '. "comforters, lace curtains, portieres, etc., ' . wishes a position; references Al. Box 2746, 1 Call offlce. J A GERMAN wishes situation In grocery store and barroom: flrst-class references. W. BOH- LING, 417 Kearny st. '. RESPECTABLE young man wants work round I private place; understands care of horses and can milk. Box 673, Call Office, Oakland, - FOR sale — A number of fine driving horsea .a use in this city every day; broke single and double; guaranteed perfect in every way: prices low. Occidental Horse Exchange. 2 It* Third st. ; A LOT of horses for sale, at Arcade Horse Mar- ket. 327 Sixth St.; also buggies, wagons, har- ness, etc.; auction sales every Wednesday at 11 a. m. JOHN J. DOYLE. Auctioneer. TWO bay horses. 15-1 and 15-2. weigh 1100 pounds; broken single or double. Address Conlon's Stable, 152U California st. FOR sale— Two black horses, just from past- ure. Call 1120 Pacific gt. FINE flve-zlass. leather back, rubber tired landau. O'BRIEN &. SONS. Polk & G.G.ave. SEE auction sale "ad." under head of auction sales. STEWART, 721 Howard st. 1 carriage team; 1 work team, $150; buslnes* and saddle horse. PALZIEL. 605 G. C? ava. Largest asscrtm't 2d-hand wagons, buckb'd.sur- r ey.harness, work, driving horses. 15th- Valencia. AN Al express wagon, single; also light camp- ing wagon for sale cheap. 532 Mission St. LOST ANDFOUND^ LOST or stolen — Certificate No. 435 of th« Larkin Mining Company for 500 sharea ot stock, issued to A. R. CLARY. April 12. 1900. All parties are hereby cautioned against negotiating for same, as transfer has been stopped. Larkin Mining Company. LOST— A diamond locket on Third St., bet. Folsom and Harrison; liberal reward. J. WARD, 3C0 Third st. LOST — At Ashby station. Berkeley, a black pointer dog, 10 months old; rettirn 942 62nd st.. West Oakland: reward. LOST — On Fourth st.. a bunch of keys. Return to 670 Fourth St.; reward. LOST — A dog collar with license attached. Return to 322 Grant ave. and receive reward. . LOST — A railroad ticket; reward. JOSEPH- INE WINBERG. 711& Ellis. LOST— Big white and brlndle St Bernard bitch; reward at 1506 Powell st. (rear). FOUND — Sunday. July 20. 12:30 a. m., a roan horse; no brand; owner can have same by paying expenses. 114 Jackson st. IT will pay to "Remember" that the California Watch Case Co., 220 Sutter st. needs old gold and silver to make new watch cases. BUTTRESSES AND PILLOWS. METAL beds, bedding, camp goeds, window shades. HOTTER. 712 Mission: tel. Main 730. X MEDICAL. A — DR. O'DONNELL, world-renowned special- ist. — Ladies, all who are sick or in trouble, consult the specialist on female complaints; menstrual female complaints positively cor- rected: the unfortunate helped; relief in all cases taken; the most difficult cases treated: have relieved thousands of most obstinats cases; free, confidential advice on all subjects of a delicate nature. DR. G. W. O'DON- NELL. offlce & residence, 1018 Mkt., op. 5th. MRS. Ok. KOHL — Well-known, reliable ladles' specialist; Instant relief guaranteed; home ia confinement. 1008% Market st., opp. Fifth. MRS. DR. WTETH— Well-known ladies* spe- cialist; 30 years' experience; private home la confinement Moved to 728 Post st.. nr. Jones. A SURE, safe and speedy cure for all femal* troubles and rheumatism, paralysis, liquor and morphine habits; guaranteed safe and re- liable by Mrs. Dr. Gwyer. City Hall ave.. over Good Fellows' Grotto, 1504 Market st.. r. 23. MRS. D. ALLEN. 1118 Markett— Reliable ladles' specialist : a private home before and durlnj confinement; best medical care; low fees. LADIES — Try Dr. Bennett's famous English regulator; never fails; reliable and safe; price $2. Pacific Coast dept.. 105 Ellis at. DR. AND MRS. DA VIES and HINDOHERB original method of treatment. 1126 Market. DR. ROSEN. 993 Market St.; specialist on fe- male complaints and ladies' difficulties. Mrs. Dr. Wegener, formerly G. G. ave.. now 210 Eddy st. — Home for patients; babies adopted. DR. NG TOY KEE, 210 Stockton St.. opposlt* Union Square; all diseases cured by herba. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. BOILERS, engines. 2d-hand machinery. McIN- TOSH & WOLPMAN, 195-197 Fremont st. FOR sale — 2000 shares cheap in Golden Gat» Salt Company; plants in San Clemento, be- tween Tiburon and' San Rafael. Apply 130 Sixth St., San Francisco. A — BUYS, sells or rents gear, machinery, en« gines, boilers, water pipes, shafting, pulleys, etc WHITELAW. 253-255 Spear st. NEW and 2d-hand boilers, engines, dynamos, motors, pumps, wood and iron working ma- chinery. H. S. WHITE, 130 Beale st. BAR fixtures, big stock; installments: billiard; and pool tables; easy terms or rented. The* Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co.. 652 Mission. SAFES— Carey Safe Co. E. B. BECK & CCU Agents, 103 Front st. ENGINES, boilers, lathes, planers, second-hand machinery. J. BCRKB, 139 Eeale st. SECOND-HAND lumber, sashes, blinds, doors and bricks for sale. Valencia St., cor. 15th. ASK for prices on second-hand typewriters (all makes). ALEXANDER & CO.. 110 Montg'y, BOATS, launches, rowboats carried In stock. BAKER & HAMILTON. Edison phonographs, records, supplies, moving picture machines, films. Baclgalupi. 933 Mkt. GASOLINE engines, all sizes, new and 2d-hanrl and launches. J. E. DOAK. 46 Fremont st. SAFES — New and second-hand. The HER* MAN SAFE CO., 417-423 Sacramento st. lST-CLASS 2d-hand modern engines & boilers bought, sold. Krogh Mfg. Co., 619 Market st. MAGIC lanterns, new and 2d-hand moving pic- tures. BULLARD & ERECK, 131 Post St. A WEEK'S news for 5 cents — The Weekly Call. 18 pages. In wrapper for mailing. $1 per year. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. i^ , ~w^»_ BIG prices paid for sealskin coats; also genta' full dress and Tuxedo suits. Portland Loaa Office, 25 Stockton st. ; phone Bush 484. TILTON wants good second-hand clothing and theatrical goods. 154 9th st. ; tel. Jessie 2851. OLD gold, silver, diamonds and precious stone* bought. J. R. JENKEL. 817 Market st. MONEY TO LOAN. HERMAN MURPHY, 601^602 Examiner bid*. ......$4,600,000 at less than bank rates Z LOANS MADE Z . .. On first and second mortgages.... *.« ......... ..Life interests in estates. .......... Property being held In trust. ........ ......Undivided interests in real estate..... * ........Estates in probate — Legacies.......^ Assignment* or rents ..., Life Insurance policies .....* ..Financial problems of all sorts and sizes. * If you need money * See HERMAN MURPHY Z 601-602 Examiner building , AA— MANHATTAN LOAN COMPANY (Inci Crocker Building „ ....Post ....and ....Market Streets.... ; $5,COO,000 CAPITAL _ ..DEAL DIRECT and AVOID EXPENSE. « Loans at 5Vi and 6 per cent; sums to suit; City. Oakland, Country and Town Property; Estates, Legacies. Undivided Interests in Realty; Interests in Unsettled Estates and, Contested Estates: Second Mortgages and Life Insurance Policies: full cost of Improve. ,*nents at 6 per cent. MANHATTAN LOAM CO.. Crocker bldg.; tel. Main 5324. A— R. McCOLGAN, 24 Montgomery st. room JL Loans any amount at lowest rate* Deal direct with lender. On first mortgages. On second mortgages. On third mortgages. On undivided interests 1a real estatat On estates In probate. On legacies. NO DELAY.- Telephone Main 5518 R. McCOLGAN. 24 Montgomery st., room X ANY proposition any amount; 6 per cent; flrat. second and third mortgages, estates In pro- bate, interest In estates. legacies, undivided Interests, securities, manufacturing and mcr. cantlle Interests, corporation loans. Rcoms 13. 1st floor. Chronicle big. GEORGE E. OLSEN. RENTERS' LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY Safe Deposit bldg.. 328 Montgomery at.. Will make loans on real estate. Low rat* of interest. Long or short term. MUNICIPAL Loan Offlce. 103 Grant ave.. nea* Geary st.: phone Red 1603. s HIGHLY respectable private place to obtain liberal advances on diamonds. Jewelry at lowest rates. Baldwin Jewelry Store j>4O Market »t.: teL Main ltU4. Branch. 13 Third. LOANS on real estate. 1 per cent; on furnitur* or pianos, etc.; no removal; $20 up; auickj" 26 Montgomery gt.. room 7. ON real estate 1st or 2nd mortgages and on furniture or pianos: no removal; any amount- lowest rates. BECKER. 36 Geary «t. room "^ A PRIVATE party loans any amount on furnl- ture, pianos; no removal- low rates- crm «,»»,, tlal. WHITEHKAD (Wilso£s)f Mip^MaVLet S. F. DISCOUNT AGENCY-Loans to iaUrl^ TOP TftrrcT m'-r r>n pe °P Je on their note. THE TOUSLET CO na phelan blUg. lowest Interest: easy terms; no brokeraza : rellabl. party. 1170 Market" «g? ST' ON .£ ur ? lture - P 1 * 00 *: lowest rate- no removal - •trictly prtval.. E.W.UCK.U8 McAllUUrrt: BUSIN^ES^CHANCES —^on tinned. JOSEPH~STRAUB. phone Grant 177. ' A bakery and coffee saloon, near Market St., daily receipts $40 to ?50, low rent, lease. A good paying grocery and bar, 4 rooms, lease, low rent, bar receipts $20; call. A very nice and large saloon, among factories, 3 rooms, cheap, low rent, lease. Country boarding-house, 20 rooms, cash $200. JOSEPH STRAUB, 850 Market st. BAKERY for sale; sood location; established trade; lone lease. Apply D. A. CURTIN, room 24. third floor. Mills building. FOR sale— Saloon and lodging-house of 11 rooms, cheap; account of death In family. Apply 212 Townsend st. STATIONERY rtore. flrst-class, doing best business in Alameda, for sale. 14.35 Park st. VARIETY of restaurant outfits; $100 and up. D. McRAE Furniture Co.. 827 Mission st. FIRST-CLASS saloon; half-interest If desired. Apply 1C07 Folsom st. MISSION route on this paper for sale. Inquire tiS4 San Jose ave. FOR rale, cheap — Roadhouse in good running order; must sell. Apply 513 Pacific si KOUTE in Western Addition; building up dl»- irlct: reasonable. Box 1792. Call. LODGING-HOUSES FOR SALE. A — 20 ROOMS; clears $95; only $8JW 45 rooms; clears $'->00 i;^/" wSt 20 rooms; north Market; clears $100... 1.WU 100 rooms; clears $«*0u J :!^ 14 rooms; clears' $:>0 jrjj" 11 rooms; cleaj-s $40 -•• SXX 14 rooms; O'Farrell St.; clears $t0 <00 20 rooms; all sunny; running water law 10 rooms; swell house lii*" £?„ ll» rooms; steady roomers; clears ?C3... <x>o 9 rooms; rent $:50; clears $35 ........ io KETSLOFF-McMlLLEN, phone John 531. 1KI0 Market, cor. Kllis (upstairs, rooms <-»)¦ MITCHELL & CO.; 1206 Markt; ph. Jessie 2981. Z2 rooms; rent $50; clears $100 * 1^> 30 rooms; rent $47: clears $50 <™ S-room flat; rent $26; fine house. g-J 10-room house; rent $30; clears $30.. 325 20 rooms; Market; rent $50; clears $o0.. 0o0 10-room house; rent $60; clears $43 . 800 13-room house; rent $27; G. G. ave c.M 12-rcom house; rent $-"50; clears $35 aoO 1 S-room house; rent $C0; clears $50 900 2:l-room house; rent $75; clears $55 1JO0 Part cash, balance on easy payments. Office open S a.m. to 6 p.m. Plenty of money to loan. Payable monthly or yearly. MARION GRIFFIN, 719 Market Bt., rms. 1-2, Near the Call building. Telephone Green 4-5-8. Big free list of houses. Terms — Part cash and little monthly pay- ments; business is booming here; 4 salesmen now; official abstract of title with every_sale. C. E. HINKLEy! « PHONE MINT 796. SUCCESSOR TO H. C. DECKER. ESTAB. 27 YEARS. 1020 Market St., opp. Fifth. Call on us for bargains. Largest list; best selections; houses sold on monthly payments; terms to suit buyer. 20 rooms; Market Bt. ; clears $125 mo.. .$1500 }~ rooms; clears $75; rent $50; reduced.. 750 00 rooms; 2 entrances; oak & maple furn 4000 ] 100 ROOMS; country transient; low rent.$6500 300 rooms; corner house; for men 5000 16 rooms; sunny corner; fine location.. 1500 14 rooms; rent very low; bargain 600 40 rooms; man house; rent $45; bargain 700 Money loaned at 1 per cent. Hotels, roadhouses. flats. 5 to 200 rooms. EITEL & CARROLL, 1032 Market st. A. CAMERON & CO.. 850 Market st. and 8 Stockton Bt., Rooms 21, 22. 23. Phone Bush 328. If vou have hotels, rooming-houses or busi- ness to sell, list with us; we have bargains in hotels, lodging-houses, all sizes and prices; no trouble to show houses. Carriage at door. Money loaned at 1% per cent. ' ' DONALD INVESTMENT COMPANY, 850 Market Bt.— (Inc.). ..Phone Davis 281. Reliable dealers In rooming-houses, hotels, business chances and real estate. We furnish vacant houses and loan money at lowest rates. Something new every day. New houses to lease. HOME REALTY CO., 873 Market st. Special— 5 r. & bath; Leavenworth; fine.$3(0 6 r. & bath; 6th St., nr. Market 250 26 r.. Leavenworth $2r.0O; St r.. Taylor. 3500 50 r., Ellis $3500; 53 r.. Mkt.. $4800; 37 r., Ellis, $5000: 60 r.. north Market. $4200. MONEY SAVED, $ $ EARNED! Bargains, square dealing, general satisfaction and largest list of houses and hotels at '. G. W. SCHWEINHARD'S, 917 Market St.. rooms 1 & 2; fone Mint 1911. $550 — 10-r. lodclng-house; Mason et. ; bargain. $400 — 30-r. lodginK-house; Howard: bargain. $300 — 9-r. lodging-house; Mission; all good, well paying. McBRIDE & CO., 765 Market. A SMALL sum will give you a partnership in a business that will clear $100 per week. 842 Howard et. $90— NEWLY furnished and renovated. In- quire 842 Howard st. SPIRITUALISM. BROESKE'S convincing materializing seance in light; 8 p. m. to-night; admission 50c; test conditions medium sits outside cabnt. 205 Trk. A — Mrs. J. J. Whitney, trance, business me- dium and life reader; examination of diseases free; sitting $1. letter $2. Offices. 10 Turk st. RETURNED — C. V. MILLER'S seance to-mor- row. S p. m., 50c. 10S4 Bush Bt. MRS. HOUSER, wonderful medium; truth or no pay; 50c. 28 Sixth st., room 1. ELSIE REYNOLDS, materializing In full light, Thursday, 2 and 8 p. m. 225 Ellis St.; 50c. MME. YOUNG'S convincing test circle to- night; 605 McAllister;- 10c; come, skeptics. JOHN SLATER, circle this afternoon. 2:1.1; sittings 10 to 4. S36 O'Farrell; phone Red 390G. MRS. SHEEHAN. trance, test medium ;readlngs 50c, $1. 316 Third St.; cir. Tues., Frl., 25c. MRS. HUBBARD. 109 Oak; circle, Tues., Frt., 8 p. m. ; Wed.. 2 p. m., 10c; read, daily, GOc. PROF. REED, English developing medium and astrologer; readings daily. 133A O'Farrell st. DR. FOSTER, spirit medium; business advice; seance every night; readings 50c-$l. 123Turk. CLAIRVOYANTS. MME. M. BERNARD, THE FAMOUS Clairvoyant and business medium, permanently located at 17 Third Et., next Examiner tol£g. She reads your life correctly, gives an accurate description of the nast, reveals the present hap- penings and portrays events to occur In the fu- ture. If you are in trouble, discontented, un- happy or not satisfied in life, or have domestic, love or business troubles, consult this great me- dium and vou will be told how to overcome them. Valuable advice in all affairs cf life; 25o up; satisfaction guaranteed. Tel. Black 4569. MRS. DR. CLARK. The well-known medium and clairvoyant may be consulted on all affairs; every hidden mystery revealed; she will show you how to overcome your enemies and unite the separ- ated; tell your entire life — past, present and future; satisfaction by mail; send stamp for circular with Epeclal term*. 1206 Market fit, cor. Golden Gate ave.; offices 25 and 20. MRS. DR. CLARK. CONSULT PAUL DESTINE. ~— The first registered graduate palmist and clairvoyant ever In San Francisco, who Is so eure of his powers to read your destiny cor- rectly that he will positively refuse to accept a fee unless you obtain the information for which you consult him. 326 O'Farrell st. A — ISMAR, the Egyotian gypsy clairvoyant and palmist, permanently located 1104 Market St.. cor. Turk; private readings dally, 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. ; readings by mall as satisfactory as In person; 3 questions answered, $1; full life $C; send lock of hair, date and year of birth. 'A — 25c; SPECIAL $2 reading one week for 25c; clairvoyant, palmist, card reader; advice on all affairs; reunites the separated; makes happy and epeedy marriages in 9 days; 10 to 8 daily. 1010 Mission st., near Sixth. A — YOUR hand read for 10c by MME. DELL- MAINE. PASTELLA or JUANITA, noted palmists, clairvoyant card readers. School of Science. 759 Market st, hours 9 to 9 dai 1 y . MME. PORTER, wonderful clairvoyant & card reader, born with double veil — second sight; diagnoses diseases with life reading; ladles 50c, gents $1; palm and clalr. sit. $1 50. 126 Turk. MISS M. WIL.LE, 614 Taylor St.. clairvoyant, crystal seer; reads your life correctly without questions; names given ;.60c-$l; 10 a.m. to 8p.m. MISS ZEMDAR, young gifted clalr. and palm. ; she has second sight; a wonderful prophetess; names given; L. 50c: G. $1. 217 Eddy st. MME. RAVENNA: business advice; names given; full life readings. 6 Fourth st. MME. HANSEN, clairvoyant, reads card and palm; 25c; satisfaction guar. 148 Cth, r. 14. PROF. SMITH, clairvoyant readings. 28 Sixth st. ; 50c; satisfaction or no charges; room 4. MRS. SHAFFER, clairvoyant card reader; eit- tlngrs daily. 448 V4 Jessie St.. bet. Bth and 6th. Mme. Ehrhorn. clairvoyant & palmist; diseases diag. ; cir.Mon., Wed.,Frl.,10c.lllChattanooga, MADAME LA FERN, card reading 25c up. 109 Fifth et.. room 11. MME. ODELL, clairvoyant: cards & tea leaves read accurately; L. 25c; G. 50c. 521% Eddy. OLDEST palmist and card reader In city; la- dies, 25c; gents, 5Oc. 1032 Market, euite 19. LINCOLN — Clairvoyant and high psychist ; hours 11 to 3; readings by mall. 125 Turk st. MRS. BAUMANN, the well-known clairvoyant, has moved to 317 Ellis gt.; readings dally. MRS. BROWN, clairvoyant card reader; ladies, 25c: gents. 50c; readings dally. 132 Sixth St. MME. AUGUST, clairvoyant and palmist; truth fir no cay; 25c up. 1149 Mission, over store. HELP WANTED— MALE — Com. MURRAY * & READY . . 643-636 Clay street Phone Main 5S4S. Leading Employment and Labor Agents. Office Open 7 A. M. ....0634 MEN WANTED TO-DAY.... For Hawaiian Islands, Arizona, Washington, ..Oregon. Utah, British Columbia, Nevada.. ....and all parts of California Wages $150, $130, $120. $109, $100, $90, $S0, $70. $60, $50. $30. $25, $20 and found per month COME AND SEE Free To-day Remember Free To-day For 5000 .... Five Thousand .... 6000 men Come One To Utah Come All To Utah Also To Nevada Salt Lake and all the Nevada and beautiful Sierra Nevada Divisions, including to.... Moleen, Battle Mountain, Vista, Ditho, Reno, Wadsworth, Rokeby, Klko, Golconda, Fene- lon, Cluro, Carlin, Iron Point. Stone House, Kelton, Terrace, Clark, Comos Spur, Salvla, Wells, Pequop, Lucln Laborers $2, $2 25, $2 50 a day Teamsters $2 25 a day Drillers, hammermen, rocKmen $2 25 to $2 60 a day Concrete laborers and mixers $2 25 a day Carpenters and helpers, blacksmiths, cooks Good wages Great crowds going Are you? Are you? Are you? First-class food and accommodations.... Southern Pacific and Central Pacific pass free for you SPECIAL Southern Pacific Co.'s own work, track gang 70 laborers for track work. Southern Pacific Co.*s own work Wages $2 a day. .Free fare. .Board $4.50 week FREE FARE TO THE MINES GOLD AND SILVER 6 more gold miners quartz, see boss here, $82 50; 3- miners, shaft work, $90; 18 miners, other Jobs. $60 and $55 and found and $2 75 day; 185 laborers to work around mines, no experience required any man can fill the bill, $40, $42 and $52 and found; 10 muckers, large mine, north, $55 and found; 4 laborers, furnace. Trinity County, $45 and found.... CARPENTERS AND CARPENTERS MECHANICAL HELP 4 carpenters, ranch, long Job. $52 and found: 2 carpenters, sawmill, see boss here, free fare ;. 2 carpenters, mine, fare $1 50. $70 and found; 2 carpenters, rough work, factory, city, $2 60; 10 carpenters, rough work. $2 50. $2 25 and $3 day; handy man to repair fruit boxes, orchard, $40 and found; wheelwright, coun- try shop, $3 day; blacksmith, machine shop, country, $3 60 to $3 75 day; 7 blacksmiths, other Jobs; 5 blacksmith helpers; electrician, mine, see boss here; carriage painter, $50 and found; 2 pipefitters, sawmill, fare paid FREE FREE FREE FARE ......"... SAWMILLS FARE SAWMHiLS SHIP TO-DAY 25 men to work around sawmill, no experience needed, see boss here, free fare. $30 to $50 and found; 15 laborers for mills yards and woods, you'll do for this Job, $60. fare $1 50, go to-night; 174 men for other sawmills, fare paid. $30 to $60 PLANING MILLS. BOX FACTORIES. ETC. KELP Head donkeyman, woods, see boss here. $75 and found; bookkeeper and stenographer, sawmill. $70; 3 log loaders, $35; 25 lumber pilers, $45 and found; 2 car repairers, $2 50 day; S section hands, sawmill railroad, $40 and found; lumber grader. $75; 20 woodsmen, $35 and found; 3 setters, sawmills, $65 and found; 90 shingle sawyers. $65; rip sawyer; planorman; sticker hand; cutoff sawyer.... AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT FARMS FRUIT DAIRIES 2 derrick forkers, $3 day and found; 5 straw bucks, $2 day and found; 24 hay balers. $3 to $4 day; 43 hay and harvest hands, $1 50 to $2 50 day; 5 teamsters, fruit farm, $30 and foundV 16 farmers, steady Jobs. $30 and $35 and found; 23 choremen and choreboys, $15, $20. $25. $30 and found; 3 milkers, Oregon, fare paid; buttermaker, city milk depot, $35 and found; 16 milkers, other places, $35 and $40 and found; 12 fruit pickers. $30 and found; 25 men to cultivate beans, $32 50 and found MISCELLANEOUS Milk wagon driver, city, $40 and found; milk wagon driver, $30 and found; delivery wagon ¦ driver, city; 11 stablemen, city and country . stables, $30, $32 50 and $40 and found; gro- cery clerk, city, $25 and found; 3 laborers. 8 hours, $1 50 day; 327 men for laboring work, city and country, $2 to $2 50 day; 25 laborers, board home, $2 day; 123 teamsters, city and country, wagons and scrapers, etc., $1 25 and $35, $40 and found, $2 to $2 50 day MARRIED HELP Fanner and wife, fare $1, $60; farmer and wife, San Mateo County, $50 and found; choreman and wife, $45 and found; 3 cooks and wives, $55 and $70 and found; 4 other men and wives ,... HOTELS, ETC CAMP COOKS COOKS COOKS Camp cook, 16 men, see boss here, $40 and found; cook, ranch, 0 men. $30 and found; cook and helper, big ranch. $70 and found, see boss here; cook, 4 men on farm, Napa. $20 and found; cook, city restaurant, $50; 28 cooks, other places; .....\ 15 waiters, hotels, restaurants, camps and boats; 3 butchers; 7 laundrymen; second - waiter, country hotel, $25 .and found; 8 bell boys, $15 and found; porters, bell and elevator boys; boys to learn trades and work in fac- MURRAY &"REAr>Y.'.*.*.".*.".".*.*63*4-*636" Clay Vt* A— SPECIAL ~- Mine company boarding house Second cook, $45 to $50; 3 camp waiters, $30 and found ; 2 vegetablemen, $30 and found ; roustabout, $30 and found MURRAY & READY. 634-636 Clay st. WANTED — For U. S. army, ablebodled unmar- ried men, between ages 21 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and tem- perate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to Recruit- ing Officer, 121 New Montgomery St., San Francisco, or Masonic building, Sacramento. WANTED — Advertising man competent to pre- pare and get out circulars, catalogues and advertisements and to take charge of corre- spondence with customers. Address box 2201, Call offlce. v WANTED — Bright young boy who resides with ! his parents to run an electric passenger ele- vator; state age and references when making application. Box 2229, Call offlce. WANTED — A reliable man with $125 to Invest in old-established business that will pay him $70 a month: no experience required; light work. Particulars at 331 Kearny St.. r. 12%. J FOR SALE — A taflorlng establishment in coun- try; good business: owner must sell on ac- count of sickness. Inquire J. BAUMGAR- TEN. 7 Montgomery st.. 8. F. . MEN to learn barber trade; only requires two months; constant practice and expert instruc- tion; catalogue free; special Inducements this month. Moler System College. 635 Clay st. WANTED — Laborers and mechanics to know that Ed Rolktn, Reno House proprietor, still runs Denver House. 217 Third- st, 150 large rooms; 25c per night; $1 to $2 per week. WANTED — Retail delivery driver. Address. stating age. experience and references. NA- THAN-DOHRMANN COMPANY. 124 Sutter. WANTED — Iron workers and iron grill work- ers, a F. Novelty and Plating Works. Bay and Stockton sts. BOYS, 16 years, to learn trade; graduates pre- ferred ; start V$3 50 per week. Carson Glove Co. , 35 Market at. BARBER shop, old established, running two chairs steadily, San Rafael, can be bought cheap. Particulars at STOLTZ'S, 723 Market. PICK hops in August: healthful, enjoyable and very profitable outing for young and old. Ap- ply HORST BROS.. 122 Battery st., S. F. WANTED — Experienced male and female cut- ters for factory on women's wrappers and overskirts. Apply box 1116; Call offlce. BARBER wants work evenings and Sunday or Sunday morning. Box 222S. Call offlce. GOOD barber shop for sale; S living rooms. 155 Seventh st. TWO all-around registered dentists. Sterling Painless Dentists, 997 Market at. WANT a bookkeeper with knowledge of build- ing plans. Box 2227, Call. $200 — WORKING partner In cash business; profits $100 per week. Call 777% Market at. BARBER shop for sale; good German location; rent $12 50; 2 living rms. Inquire Call office. WANTED— Jewelers at 17 LJck Place. Lick House. ¦ V" WANTED— Honest man with $85; take cash, restaurant; $40 month. BROWN, 1221 Mkt. 600 PAIRS new and second-hand army shoes; size 5 to 12. McDONALD & PERRY. 261 3d. 50 QUARRYMEN and rock drillers, $2 and $2 25 per day. Apply 212 Ninth St. WANTED — Young men to learn barber trade. S. F. Barber College, 741A Hqward st. PENSION atty., E. A. Bullls, room 40. Phelan big. Past Com. Geo. H. Thomas Post. G.A.R. 600 MEN to buy new and 2d-hand army shoes. 50c up; soling 20c up. 923 Howard St., nr. 5th. SAILORS and ordinary seamen for Europe and Australia, HERMAN'S 26 Steuart Bt. GET your shoes half-soled while waiting! 25c to 60c. 563 Mission St., bet. 1st and 2d sts. ALL sizes men's shoes, slightly damaged, half price., 563 Mission St.. bet. 1st and 2d sts. WINCHESTER House, 44 Third St.. near Mar- ¦ ket — 200 rooms, 25o night; reading-rooms; free bus and baggage to and from ferry. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch offlce. 2200 Fillmore. HOUSES TO LET. A — PRINTED list of houses to let; send for cir- cular. G. H. UMBSEN & CO.. 14 Montgomery. GUERRERO. 1128 — Modern and sunny house of 10 rooms and bath. Key at 1138 Guerrero. HOUSES WANTED. WANTED — 3 or 4 room cottage with barn on Howard or Mission sts.; close to cars: net over ' $15. Address H. HERTZEL, Frult- vale P» Q, .v.'v' --*<!3|5Sp