Newspaper Page Text
ton. lot on N line of Hayes street, 1S1:3 E of Buchanan. E 25 by N. 120; Charles IE. Haneen to National Brewing Com pany (a corporation), lot on E line of Webster street, 137:6 S of Fulton. S 30:0 by E 77; 410. : : ¦ » « FliOWOF BIVERS. TAi* Jcllowing table gives a ; comparatlrs statement for two jyears of the estimated flow of certain California rivers In cubic fe<t per second, or second feet, one second foot equaling SO California miner's, inches, or about 40 Colorado miner' a Inches. The figures are by J. B. Lippincott, hydrosrapher of United States Geological Survey: ; REAL ESTATE^. TRANSACTIONS. Bernard Flaherty to Bridget Flaherty, lot on NE Jthe of Tenth -avenue, «S):6 SE of Rail road avehue, SE 50 by NE 100, block 181, Cen tral Park "Homestead Association; gift; Peter T. Seeulovlch, Mary E. Theriot (SecUlo vich) .and Joseph E. Theriot to Elizabeth H. Jeesup. lots 2324, 2525. 2640 and 2541. Gift Map 4; $10. • ... -Elizabeth C. Herbert et al. vs. Joseph H. Comtrford et ttl. to John G. Klumpke, lot on SE .line of "Mission street, ~S0 XE of Cortland avenue, NE 2a by SB 108:6, Cobb Tract; also iot on SE line of Mission street, 105 NE- of Cortland avenue, NE 25 by SE 103:6, same; $2676. 'Same to Alfred Olson (or Olsen). lot on SE line of Mission street, 55 NE of Cortland ave »nue, NE 25 by SE 108^6, same; $1175. Same to Charles ' R. Hawthorne, rot en SE Corner of Twenty-seventh and Sanchez streets, E 80 by S 30; also lot on NW corner of Mc- Allister street and Parker avenue, W 31:6, N 101 :», NE 31 :6. S 102 :3% ; $1850. City and County of San Francisco to Clar ence H. and Lizzie A. Lamb and Edna M. Earhart, lot on W line -cf' Albion a\-enue, i>0 5 of Sixteenth, S 00, W-' .121:1), N 30, E 30, N 30, J5 91 :9; also lot on N line of Camp street. 110:0 E of Guerrero. E 30 by N'0O:4; $ . — Mercantile Library Association (a corpora i tion) to Henry Kahn, lot- on NJ3' corner ¦ of Golden Gate and Van Ness, a venues, E 109 by N 120; $120,000. ... • Tldbert ! and ;Emttte Wh4te to Robert White Ccmpany (a corporation), lot on NW corner of Octt^vlA street and Olive court, N 30 byW 110; $10., > ¦William W. and Elizabeth J. Oilman to Peter and Mary Owens, lot on E line of FJllmore street, 120 S of Union, S 30 by E 87:6; $10. and Emilie White to Robert- White Company (tt corporation).-, lot on NW corner S of Bush and" Fillmore streets, *W 81:3 by' N 127:6; $10., ' Same -to same. Jot on NW corner of Geary : and 'stFt-ets, N 125, W 135, S 50, 13 27. S 75. E 1Q6; ?10. . Frieda G. Egsers and Frieda G. Sachs to Edward Peiser, lot" on S line of Pine street, • 137:6 W of Scott.^W 25 by S 137:6; $10. Anna K. Denke to August* R. Denke Jr., .undivided one-J>alf interest in lot on SW corner of Golden Gate avenue and Baker street, S 37:6 by W 96:10%; $10. August R. Denfc-e Jr. to -Mae Cullen Denke, undivided one-half interest in same; gift. Joseph A. McAultffe to John Rooney, lot on 6 line of Nineteenth street,»170 W of Folsam, W 25 by S 06; $5. . Robert and Emilie White to Robert White i Company (a corporation), let fin ..N line of [ Fourteenth street, 100 W of Church, W 25 by N 100; $10. " ! Cajetan F. and Louisa Ouer, Andrew John son, -Henry Doty and E. F. Marden (by John Lackmann. Sheriff) to Mrs. Charles Koss, . lot on *W line of Vicksburg street, 204 S of- Twen- : ty-second,. S 24. W 125, N 100, E 25, 8 76. E 100; also lot on W line of Vicksburg street. 228 S of Twenty-second. S 32 by W 125; $1707. Joseph M. and "Mary Furrer to Daniel Mur phy, lot on W line of Sanchez street, 89 N of Twenty-eighth, N 25 by W 100; $10. I Robert and Emilie White to Robert White Company (a corporation), lot on NW corner of Twenty-third and Eureka streets, N 115, W 10O. S 25. E 50, S 90, E 50; $10. Mary A., Charles H. ana Adella A. Athearn to Louis .Friedlander, lot on SW corner of Bush and Burrltt streets. W 78, S 57:0. W 39:6. S 30. E 60. S 50,, E 57:6. -N 137:6; $10. • • Louis and Jennie Friedlander to Harry N. Ster.son, same; $10. ! / .-6. (or Stefano) and Josephine' J3aneri -to Angelo and Julia M. Devincenzi, lot on N line of Union street, l«0:2 E of Mason. E 30:0, N ! G8:9. E 0:4. N C8:9, W 30:10. S 137:6; $10. j Angelo and Julia M. Devincenzi to Konrad j Schneider and , Christopher Nicolai, lot on N line of Union street. 160:2 E of Mason, E 30:10 by N 137:0; $10.. .*;- . : , -¦"..-: :¦¦•!.. 3 fij ¦ Mary -E. (or ,Mary) Cavanaugh to John ' J. Wtssels. lot on NW line of Clary street, 183 :4 . NE of Fifth. NE 22:11 by NW 80; $10. Edward. Daniel F.. William J. and Neal P. McLaughlin and .Catherine M. O'Leary (Mc- Laughlln) to Augustus S. Llllie. lot on NE line of.Langton street, 225 SE of Harrison, SE 50 by NE 80; $10. .••-.'•-. Daniel and Mary O'.Nelll to Helen L, Smith. I lot on SE line of Rlngold street. 150 NE of ! Ninth. NE 25 by SE .75; $10. JcIIa Galvin ¦ to same, lot on SE line off Ringold street. 175 NE 'of Ninth, NE 25 by SE 75; $10. ¦¦¦..-¦ Robert and Emilie Whits to Robert White j Company (a corporation),' lot on W line of Wis consin street. tlCO S at Twenty-fifth, S 50 by ¦\V 10O; also, lot on E line of Wisconsin -street. J 250 S of Array. S 50 by E.J00: also-.loton E line of Wisconsin street. .566: S or Army. E 100. ! S to Precita Creek. W to W line AVlsconsin. N I 50; also lot on W line of Texas street. 100 S j of Twenty-fifth, 6 50 byW 100; also lot on E j line, of Texas street. 150 S of Army. :S 50 by K 100; -aleo lot on SE corner of Twenty-fifth , street and Pennsylvania avenue, B CO by E .100; $10. - . .. - " Same'to same, lot on SW corner of Mlnne-oti and Army streets, S 50 by W 100. lot 12, block 803. Golden Ci ty .Homestead ; $10. Same to same, lot on NE corner of Tulnre and Indiana streets, E 50 by N 125. block 364. same; $10. Same to same, lot 10, block .303, Goldnn City Homestead Association; $10., ¦ Samo to sense. lot on SE corner of Minneso ta and Army streets. S 50 by E 100. lot 1, block i.'!66. Golden City Homestead; $10. . Same to same, lot on W line of Arkansas street, 200 S of Marin. S 85:7%. NW 62:7, NW 75. NW -61:2%. SE 153 n. lot«> 1 s and Hi. block 220, tide lands; also lot on E line of Wiscon sin street. 225:4% S of Marin. 3 35 :S. NE 48. NE 14:1. NW 50:6. SW 10:8, lot 6, bloek 220, same; $10. — / Same to same, lot on E line of Georgia street, , 125 N of Marin. N 75 by ."E 100. lot 4, block 4(59, Golden City Homestead; $10. -v. Same to same, lot on SE comer of Indiana and Army streets, E<lC0 by S 50, lot 1, block 3(53. same; $10. • • • Same to same, lot on ~\V line of "Tennessee street 200 S of Army. S 75 by W 100. -block 366. same; $10. . game to same, lot 3. block 469, same; $10. David. and Florence Cahn to Joslah A. Simp -son. lot on W line of Missouri street. 300 S of Colusa, S 100. W 200. N 50. E 100, N 50. E 1C0; $10. , . : Same to same, lot on W line of Maryland street, 125 B of Twenty-sixth. S 75 by W 100 ; $10..-. . .Same' to ;same.. lot on W line 'of Maryland street, 50 N of Twenty-sixth, N 75. by W 100; $10. . • ' •-• . • a I Catherine McDermott to .Nora MeDermott. \ lot on E line of Eighteenth avenue. 12S:11 N I of Clement street, N .25 by E 120: $10. i j Same to same, lot on E line of Seventeenth : iivenut- 28 ;11 N . of Clement street. N 25 by ! E 120; gift. .' . .¦ . ¦ . : .( • Estate of Emily F. Currier (by Christopher B Cnrrler. ¦ executor) to ' George- M. Mitchell, } lot on N line of A street. 32:6 W of Eleventh avenue, W 75 by. N 100: also lot on NE corner ] of A 'street and Twelfth avenue, N 100 by E > 57:6: also let on S line of B street. .30:0 W ! ot .Thirteenth avenue. W 100 by S 100: also; lot on' W line of : Twenty- third avenue. 260 N ! of Clement street. N 25 by W 120; $.{750. : E. B. and Emma C. Hallett and W.-.S. and! Vesta L. Gee to Ruby .A." Morrill. lot on!E! line of^Eleventh avenue, 200 S of H street, S ! 25 by E 120; $10. ' ' . i •.Same to Edla Xi. White. Iot on E line of j Eleventh .avenue, 225 S of H street, S 25 .by ! E 120; $10. . . : - ' Jacob Hey man Company (a corporation) to 'James W. Bonn«>y. lot. on E line of Forty-eighth avenue. 150 S of J street. S 25 by E 120; $10. .Union Trust Company of San .Francisco to Mary "L. Alexander, lot on 'E line of Ninth avenue. 212:6.N »f O street, N 37:6 by E 120; $10.. .-•¦ •¦¦ -. . . ;! Robert B. Galley ¦ to Peter J. Tormey. lot on W line of Forty-second avenue, 175 S of Wi street. « DO by W 120; 1S100... , i Edward B. Swales to Thomas E. :Swales, lot I on E line of-Ashbury street. 50 N of Eight-'; eenth, .N 50 by E 05. lots;32 and S3, block F, j Park iLanfi Tract' 4; S . . ¦ | ; Cecilia" Kruse to Eldrldge J. Bailey and i ! Thomas Connell. -lot .on- SE line -tt. Edinburgh ! !, street. 25 .SW. of Brazil avenue." S.W;30 by SE ! ! 10f> block 40. ;.Excel3ior Homestead; '$10. I i -'Elizabeth and Robert E.- -Romer >to' Susan -Gilligan. lot 18. block >4t), same; $10. . Estate of Adolph Sutro (by Emma L. Mer rltt and W.H.H.'Adamson.. executors) to Carl D. Salfleld. lots 21 to 30, block I. Park Lane i Tract 7;$10:i5. - ¦• ¦ . a ¦ Same to-same, lot !l7.-blo«k-K, -same; $1023. '. Robert and Emilie White to Robert ¦ White Company (a corporation), "lot on SW line ot i fourteenth street. -25 ;SE of SE 25 by SW .100 block 2S5, South San Franci3co Homestead; • ¦^10" ,•.,: ,, . . ¦ --. -¦.'¦ i ".Same to same. ,lot .on :SW cornerof Cortland ! avenue and Wayne street . S :125 .by I W 70. 1 lots 224.' .220. 228 and ; 230 and 232. . Gift Map 2; also lot on SW corner of •¦Union avenue and I Gates street. S 125 by AV 7(T. lots U70. 38Xf 383. 385 : and 387. Gift Map 2; $10. . • Henry W and 'MaryL. Qultzow .to CD ffessup. lots 2271 to 2273, 2294 to 220C. Gift Map-'4;.$5. '. ¦ .James Shea: to Annie :Shea' (wife), all proper- ; "ty;gift. -, . . ¦.-.'¦ -.";.-. ¦¦'.-.:¦ .¦¦:'. :• .., . . I . Savings and Loan .Society to Susanna Knip- | per. slot; on, S line of Pacific avenue, 112 W of Larkln > street, 'W. 27:6 by S 7127 :$Vi; -$3C0o. | ¦ iSylvaln Schnaittachef Ho ¦Benjamin: Barbash.i lot .on K 'line of Post street. ; 5i W of Frank lin. W 26 by N 137:6; $10., j .rrrihn F.'^. Skivlpgton to Anna M «klvlnjr- THE SAN FBANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1902. 13 Second Feet. 1901. 4902. October 12 21 20 October 13 21 v 20 October 14 .~ *.. 21 20 October 15 \. 21 20 October 10 ...» 18 U 19 October 17 . 18" 19 October 18 18 ' 19 KINGS RIVER AT RED~MOUNTAIN. . \ ¦¦ I -Second Feet. 1901. 1902. OctQbsr 12 1 | 400 215 October 13 400 215 October 14 360 215 October 15 360 25U October 10 360 215 Octobe* 17 3«O 215 October 18 SCO 216 '. TUOXUMNB RIVER AT LA GKANGE. Second Fe«t<, 1801. 1002. October 12 25 25 .October 13... .......,' 15 25 October 14 . ,.. - 7 35 October 15 35 October-16 ... 35 October 17 ... 25 October 18. v .. ", ¦ 25- SACRAMENTO RIVER AT IRON CANHON Second Feet. .. ,_ 1901. j 1902. : — ¦ I— October 12.. ........... ? - October 13..' October 14 ,. . October 15 -\ , October 16.... October 17 October 18.....: • 3080 3980 3980 ; 3980 3080 3080 3930 -I — 5000 - 8000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 Second Feet. 1901. 4902. October 12 21 20 October 13 21 v 20 October 14 .~ *.. 21 20 October 15 \. 21 20 October 10 ...» 18 U 19 October 17 . 18" 19 October 18 18 ' 19 KINGS RIVER AT RED~MOUNTAIN. . \ ¦¦ I -Second Feet. 1901. 1902. OctQbsr 12 1 | 400 215 October 13 400 215 October 14 360 215 October 15 360 25U October 10 360 215 Octobe* 17 3«O 215 October 18 SCO 216 '. TUOXUMNB RIVER AT LA GKANGE. Second Fe«t<, 1801. 1002. October 12 25 25 .October 13... .......,' 15 25 October 14 . ,.. - 7 35 October 15 35 October-16 ... 35 October 17 ... 25 October 18. v .. ", ¦ 25- SACRAMENTO RIVER AT IRON CANHON Second Feet. .. ,_ 1901. j 1902. : — ¦ I— October 12.. ........... ? - October 13..' October 14 ,. . October 15 -\ , October 16.... October 17 October 18.....: • 3080 3980 3980 ; 3980 3080 3080 3930 -I — 5000 - 8000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 ALL the leadin« makes. inc'.adinV^tuTTan\ou« Gabler. latest and imcro «nl Sell iWuHS 3s; ;$rki£ ri K£} J1U5 up; 1 Fischer. <tl«- 1 Heine Vo^ * ChickerinK. $96-$lSi; t BteinwTy % lk$h£ !Sn m^n'L n^5 y^ th^ r bargains; renu and n- PIA^CO-fha^ ff^^- HEIX = A SMALL Flsch gt upright left on sale* SS9- ni reasonable c^h offer refused. 237 Geary' st! °^^^l E l^ t '' lnwajr u P rt Kht: bargain; no reas- onable offf/- refused. 237 Geary st for tn*. reaeon that our expenses are small m ?', ow n cur own building and buy our l?rJi l& larE t3, Ua S. Utles for cash - For these rep^ons we will from to-day place on the ' tr^rket a piano for $200 which we claim is 'Ae best Instrument on the Pacific Coast for <A.e money. It willpay you to look us up ¦»M 0 H*JS' 1 St' SCOTT - CUBT AZ PIANO CO.! 4, CHANCE for a rood second-hand piano at a low price : 1 Nugent & Co.. oak case, cabinet grand.$140 1 Vose & Sons, walnut case ... 190 1 Colby & Son, walnut case...! *" *>oo 1 Howard, oak case --...... « SHERMAN. CLAY & CO.. Steinway pianos Angelas piano player*. Kearay and Sutter ets.. San Francisco; 13th & Broadway. Oak- land. Agents In every Important coast city. 'a few bargains. ' •»One Marshall & Wendell; mahogany case^l63 One \ alley Gem; walnut case 165 One WUlard: mahogany case 175 ATI In fine order; fully guaranteed: easy payments. BETNJ. CCRTAZ ft SON. 16-1S-20 OTarreU. JLXT piano sold by us taken back any time j v.-lthin two yean and full purchase price al- j lowed on a new peerless Knab« at regular ; price; cost* you only 20c a day to buy a pi*no from us. KOHLER & CHASE. 30 OFarrell st.: gstabllghed 1S50. TVE are overstocked -with second-hand pianos. '' taken In exchange, and to clear them out shall cut the prices way down. Call soon eoon and secure a special bargain. THE ZEXO MATTVAIS MTSIC CO.. 769 Market st. SOHSIEB, Byron Mauzy pianos. Cecilian piaco player. BYROX MAUZY. 30S-312 Post st. TOUR piano can be made new for one-quarter the cost of buying; send for booklet Pierce's Piano Factory. Market. 14th and Church sts. .PIANOS to burn: cheaper than firewood; sell for storage; $25 up; flirt cheap. WILSON'S STORAGE. 1710 Market et. Party going to K.T. sacrifices magnificent 3- pcflal Weber upright piano; 90S Van Ness ave. aXEATTTIFUL ne-^ pipe organ, suitable for church or lodgeroom. Byron Mauzy.30S-312Post HARE chance; three-pedal upright: good as new. 16 McAllister st THE WrLET B. ALLEX CO.. 931 Market et. - bteck.Evgfctt.Ludwlg and ether good pianos. Sl^ I i. R1OH vl °Kns. withers, old and new. H. MULLER. Tn-aber. repairer. 2 Latham place. CHEAPEST acd test in America— The Weekly r- , 16 Baees, sent, to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1. rAfXTEHS A3TD DECORATORS. HOOMF papered. $3 up: roofs painted and guar- aateed. Hartmann Paint Co.. 319 3d; tel. 3521. PALMISTRY. A, FREE test. 20 years' experience In New York reading hands;- let ir.e read yours: satisfaction or no pay. Cll Turk st.- 1 till 8 P. m. MRS. EELMONT. . MRS. Morton, palmist, 502 Taylor, cor. Geary; 10 ». m. to 6 p. m.; evenings by appointment. MMQ G. L. NEERGAARD reads 1 to 4. 702 Per ft St.. corner Jones; phone Polk 831. PATEKTS AND PEXSIOSS. 2 OBTAIN patents and assist in financing mer- ' . itorious inventions. FRANK P. MEDINA, i Patent Socialist. .^4 Emma Ppreckels bldg. [ persoxals. - ' jq h.nsovs n63^tox^^auT^e5toKek U composed entirely of hygienic herbs and contains no noionous substance whatever, no glycerine nor any oleaginous matter; will -restore color of gray hair in a few days more ' natural than any dye without staining the scalp; an excellent hair tonic to use, whetlrcr gray or not. Oa sale at HALE BROS.', San Francisco, and HYDE'S Drug Store, I3th and Washington sts.. Oakland. ¦ A— The Star Hair Remedy restores gray and rafled hair to natural color.improves its growth j stops telling, cures dandruff and itching scalp; i 3iot a dye; no Ftain. grease or stickiness; the j ¦pest of all hair preparations: druggists and j fcsjr dressers sell it; If youra does not. there ar o | «-»t..erc; insist upon having it: no substitute. THg STAR REMEDY CO..-0S5 G«ary st. - • I Ore«.>nbaum-« Dental Toilet outfit, consisting ot j Jfjsterol tooth powder, mouth and gum ivasii, j * truar. toothbruEh and spool of dental Hoss, I with booklet on "Care of the Teeth." sent prepaid to any address on receipt of 73 cents. 1 money order or stamps. Address GREEN- i "BAUM-S LABORATORY. 200 Post St.. S. F. j ELECTRIC light in every room— Winchester ! Hotel. 44 Third st.. near Market: 700 rooms j 25c to $1 50 per night; fl 50 to $6 per week; i free bu* and baggage to an.1 from the ferry: j 2*>OT v O t cheap, but how good Is the motto ! of the manufacturers of the Rapid Rotary | Star.dard. the sewing-machine of to-day. J. _JT. EVANS, agent. 1021 Market st. j WI3ITE enamel iron beds single, three-quarter ' ct double. $2 23. EASTERN OUTFITTING j CO.. 1310-1312 Stockton st.. near liroadway. 1 IRr.NKEXVESS. morphine e.r.d all drug dis- ' eases positively cured by the Willow Bark Co.. 1S33 Pc'.k st.. S. F. ; consultation free. AT les« than cost uncalled Tor suits, overcoats and trousers, at CHARLES LYONS'. London tailor. 721 Market et. ANY style cf hairdressing-. 25c: manicuring, j 2-k:: fcharapdoing. 50c up: all kinds of hair 1 work. G. LEDERER. 123 Stockton st. SPECIAL for a few day*— Alaska seal jackets. 1115: regular price $150. Atlantic Fur Store, 10 -Grant ave. Jkm-$2 £0 DERBY and Fedora bats. $1 73. Pop- ular Price Hatters. 330 Kearny St.. nr. Pine. .A KJICE «uit. t~: rtyliKh pant?. "SI 75. MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS. 437 Montgomery -t. j CUPHRFLUOUS hair and moles destroyed with I electric needie. MISS EATON. 1110 Sutter st. j THE DR. 'PERRY benefit Is postponed until j further rotice. PRIVATE detective work; reasonable rat^s- 10 ' years' crpertenc*-.- J. B. RAY. 457 Minna st. I S5UPEni-T.UOt;s hair and mclea removed -by electric neftdlg.PT.&Mrs.Travc-rse.lKOJ.larkfcc. IH, G. S. MOORE'S scientific hair restorer; send for circular. 332 O'Farrell st. -TAILOR-MADE i«alt5. $7 50; pants J2 50 Slisflt Clothing Parlor, cor. Btish and DupontJ ACTITCA restore eyesight, cures rteafnes-s and catarrh. A'Vlda Co.. 7C3 \'alencla. cor. 10th. ALKREDT'MS Ejrj-ptian Henna restores gray ! fcalr lo Us natural color; $1; at All druggl«ts. ONE MINUTE TOOTHACKiC DROPS CURE inrtantly; 30c and .25c: all druggists. SfASQtTERADE certBiaw. play books, wigs; ¦country onlerf. GOLDSTEIN A^CO.. 7S3 Mkt. 33R. LAMOTTE'S FRENCH COIW PAINT; the best corn cure; -25c; ajl druggists. . j CHEAPEST and fcert in America— The Weekly I Cali. Hi pages, -sent to any address In the ! tTTilted States or Canada one year for %\. [ KEAL ESTATE — -CITY— FOR *AL.K. J TO TAXPATEES. V« 'i Under advice of our attorney we are having j>r*i-ared protests to accomjaany . the payment «J city taxes paid through our office for the present fiscal year toi enable our clients to re- cover from the city the tax of 15 cents per $100 for «chool bulIdingE and a hospital, which we &re advised in illesal. Property owners who wish to have their taxes paid by us under protest are requested to communicate with us immediately. BALDWIN & HOWELL. Firrt lnttallraent now due. ; Deltacuect November 24. 1M2. - ; j <JNLT *nvo LEFT. 1 7250— Elegant new modern r*sf<Jenc«! of 9 | and 31 room*; natural w<**5 finish through- out- 4- mantels; pressed brick and mcrble e.irtrs. etc For terms f="e GEORGE .STIER- LEJCon the preroiFes. Masonic ave.. one and a blocks soutji of Hai?ht et. ' .-. . SJAMIATXASS LOAN COMPAXY (Inc.). Loan* «a rrral estate, alro for the full cost of impi-ovements and part cost of lot; houses built on terms to suit: plan* free; Interest C per cent. HfT-8 Crocker building. JFGJOO — MODERN 3 flats, No. 711 Castro tt, near Twentieth, rent S726 yearly; also new «u-ner flats, corner Twentieth end Hartiori Et?., near Castro, rent $54<> yearly; easy terms If desired. Owner. 70t> Castro st. Jje.OOO— LOT 30x75 and improvemenls; S.W^. corner Gouirh et. and Ivy ave.: doiftile bouae 17 rooms, facing Gou«h ft.: 4-room cottage on Ivy ave.; telling to divide *eute. Ayply en • premises. ' ¦ $9000— MOrjEKN* house. 14 rooms, beautiful CTptisdc; lot 75x137:6. Owner. .2050 Post -fit. . SOUTHERN PACIFIC | Train* leave and are due toarrlva a t ¦ »AN i'RANCIsCO. Plain Liae. foot of Market Street / Lim — JFjiom October 19. 19U2. — amit? 7.00a Benlcia, &u}su_ , £l_lr» and Sacr»- mento ....". ... .... — • 8 55? 7.00a Vacaville, Winters, Ramsey........ 7.Bbr 7-30* Martinez. San Ramon, Vnllejo, . Xapii. Cslistosfi. Saot&Bosa 625? S.QOa Davis, Woodland. Knights .Landing. ilarysTllle. OroTlllo 7-SSp 800a Attoniic Express — O?den and Eaat. 825* S.00a Nllea, Lathrop. Stockum. ..:.......- 7-C6? 8-OOa. Sties, Mendota,H*ttfora.VUirtra,i4.«» Portervnie : t m 4.Sir 840a Shasta Express— Darts, William* (for Bartlett Springs), Willow*, lied Bluff, PortUnd.... 7-65* 8.30a San - Jose. Llvermore, Stockton, lone, Sacramento. PlacervlUe, MnrysvlU*. Chiuo. Red Bluff 4-25* 8.30a Oakiale. Chiaexe. Jamestown. So- ; . nora, Tuolumne aad Aaget» ..... 4-25? 9.00a Vallejo 12.*5# id. CO a Los Angeles Express — Martinez, Tracy, Lathrop.&toclcton.Merced. Kaymond. Fresno, Bafcersfleld an» Los Anzele*. 8.25a 9.30 a Vallejo, Martinez and Way Stations 7.55 r 1 0.00 a The Overland x LImlte4 — Ogden, Dcaver, Omaha. Chicago. 6.2Sr 1200m H.iyward. Mies aad War Stations. 3.25r ti.OQp Sacramento River Steamers fli.CO* ' 3-03x> Benlcla. Winters. - Sacramento, Woodland, Williams, Willows, , , Knights Landing. Marys vine. Oroville. Colasa.Cornlns.Tehama 10.55 a 330p Hay ward, X lies »nd Way Stations.. 765r 4-OQr Mar:inei,S:i:iKanioa.VttllejQ,Napa. \ Cailstoga, Santa Rosa ' 925a 4-OOp Kllea. Llvermore. Stockton, Lodl.. 4.25r 4.30P Hayward. Xiles. Inrtngtoa, Saa t t8-55* - . Joae, Llvermore I ;i1.55a 4-30p Tbe Owl Limited— Fresno, TuUre. BaSersfleld. Saajcus for Saata Barbara, Los Angeles 8.65a GOOp PortCosts.Traey.Lathrop.Stockton ID 25a BOOp ilartlnez, Antioch. Stockton, Her- ced. Kaymond, Fresno 12-25r tS.ZOP Xiles.Saa. Jose Local.. 1055a 6.00r Haytvarii.Xlle* and San Jose 7.25a tS-OOp V*i»ejo» „ 11.25a . 6.00 1" Oriental Mall — Ogden, Denver, - Omaha. St. L*nls. Caicai^o. . 4.25* . 700p San PaUo, Port Costa, Jlartlnej and Way Stations 11.25a *7.00> VaUeJo 7.56? B.OSr Oragon * California Express— Sao ramento,. Marysvllle, ReddlDgr, Portland. Puget Sound and East. 8.55a 19.1Qy Hftywarq. yilcs and 8an Jose ti 1 - 65 a COAST LINE (Samm fiaag*). (Foot of Market Street.) 8.15a Kevark, Ccnterrllte. San Jose, ¦-•'.¦¦ Fclton, Boulder Creek. Santa Cruz and Way Stations.... 65OF t2-15r Newark, Ccntervtlle. Baa Jose, ¦ - Keir Alnmden Felton, Boulder - Oreelt. Santa Cruz aad Principal 'Way Stations i *t1050A 415p Newark, San Jose, LosGato* t850A I10-45F Hunter's Train t7-20? Arrive! San Jose 12.43 ax Sunday . , - 1ht«i Los Gfttos 4.33 r* Sunday j OAKLAND HARBOR FERRY. from SAN JfT.AXClSCO, Foot of Market St. (Slip 3) — tT:15 9:00 11:00 A.M. 1.00 300 5.15 »".«. Trom OAKLAND, iuot of Broadway — IS :00 iBiOO ts-.Oo 10:00 AJt. 12.00 2.00 -4.0tPai. COAST LINE (Broad Sa^aj. " (TUlrd and Townaend Streets.) 6-10 a Sap Jons and Way Stations......... BSOr 700a S»n Jose and Way Swtions ... 7.30p /7 00a K<w AlTiaden „„ „ /3-5Q» 8.00a Court Line Limited — San Jmb. •jww Gllroy.Halllster.Sallnas.San Luis Obtspo. Santa Barbara. Lo» Anse- les and Principal IatermedSate •Stations 10.43* 9.00a S«u Joae. Tres PInos, Capitals, j- SAauCraz.PactfleGroTe.SallB«*. Sau Luis Oblspo and .Principal . Intermediate Stations .......... 4.10F 10.3Qa San Jose and War Stations 1000a 11.30 a San Jose.LosGatosand Way Stations 530p tUOy San Jose and Way Stations.......'^ 2'JqJ 3.307 Bijrliosame. San Mateo, Red-arood. . > Menlo Park, Palo Alto, Mountnla View, Saata Clara and San Jos«. 8.38a 4. 00p Del Monte Kxpres?— San Jose, Gil- ' roy, Holltster. Santa Cruz, Pel Jlonte. Monterey. Pacific Drove, and PrlndpalWay Stations....... 10.45a t4.3C? San Joacnnd Principal War Stations tSJUU ' t5.0Qp Sao.Jofte, Loa GaW* and Principal Way Stations ....'.. ... J ... ' t9-00A 530p San Jo»e and Principal War Station* 1.30r tS.loP San Mateo. Belmont. lledwood, -- ¦ Menlo Pnrk. Palo Alto tB48A 6.30p San Jose and Way Stations ' 9.38a 7.00p K«w Orleans Express — Saa Luis Oblspo, -Santa Barbara, Los An- geles, Demlntj, El Paso, Sew -Orleans and East. ..:....... HMSa n11.45pPft!o Alto and Way SUtlons. ....... t9 45p «t!1.45p San Jose and Way Stations flM&y A for Morn in?. - P for Afternoon. • Dally irom Los Gatos. Saa Jose and Way SXatUuwt except Sunday beyond. ' t Sunday excepted. X Sunday only. . a Saturday only. e Monday only. & Connects at Gosben Jc. wltn train for Han ford - At Fresno, for Vlsalla via Sanger. / Tuesday and Friday. - m Connection may be made at Gothen Jc. with tr US from Bakersfleld. . _ n Dally except Saturday. _,' NORTH SHORE RAILROAD. Via Sausalito Ferry. . Commencing April 27, 1302. FROM SAN FRANCISCO TO MILL. VAIXKT AND SAN RAFAEL. WEEK DAYS— «:45. *7:45. 8;45. 9:30. llrf» a. m.. 12:20. •!:.«. 3:15.4:13. a:I5.*a:lS. «:«. 9:00, 11:45 p. id. 7:45 a. m. does not run to M SUNX)AYS— 7:80, 8:00, *B:CO. "10:00. l*rtX)u 11:30 a. m., 12:30, 1:30. 2:30. »3:*5. 6M. «;00. 7-30 0:00, 11;45 p. m. Trains marked C* run to San Quentln. FROM SAN RAFAEL TO SAN FRANCISCO. WEEK DAYS— 6:20. »6:20. 7j40. 8:1B. «9ao. ll:0O^T. m.. 12^5. 2:15. •3:30. 4:10. 5:aO. %M, 10 roNDAY'S-6U», «8:eo, «:30. •11:00 «. ra.. •lltCOinT. 1-.00. 2:15. -3: 30. 4.1S. ?5:43, «:43. 7*30 10:20 p m. • 'Trains marked <•) start from San Qnentln. FROM MILL VALLET TO SAN FRANCISCO. WEEK- DATS— 5:40v «:40. 7:43. 8:23. 9:43. 11:10 a. m.. 12:35. 2:45. 3:50. 5:10, 6:28: 7:10. 10 SU 1 &AT&- i «:30. 1 1Q:CS. 11:10 a. m.. 12718:1:20.^30. 3^5. 5*0. «:06. 1H3. 16:40 *• m ' THROUGH TBAINS. 7:45 a. m- week .day*— Cazadero and way Btations. -'"_ 3:15 p. m. Saturdays — Caza4«ro and -way «ta- tlcns. ¦5:15 p. m. .we«lc days (Saturdays excepted)— Tomales .-and way stations. ' . S : 00 a. m. Sundays— Cazadero and way sta- tions. 10:00 a. m. Sundays— Point Reyes and way ¦U tions. . Legal Holiday boats and trains will run oa Sunday time. .. ilOUNT TAMALPAI5 RAILWAY ," Leave . Via Sausalito Ferry • • Arrive San Fran. Foot nf Market St. San Fran. MM. ££z±?z> ££ S£ 9:S0a. 8:00 a. _fc. - m^.^ u , rM „ Ia , 12:15 p. O.Ioa. 1:4op. »"-«0a. rrTZ|*^T * 1:15 F. J-^5f. 1:15p. 10-.OQA. "f^^l^t^ 3:30 »" *»». 11:30 a. *'"-'"•" b*** "**¦ 4»0 p !".r.~! 1:30 p*. "THRnBfTlllLTltl"- S.oO T.'".'~iZ ......... 2:30 r. «p«»iiu»j«ti«uKi. 8:15 p -«» SlTUaDltt (HLf— Imr, Inn H> r. airir. Su frucfan UM *. "™ P.-W o«n». ci-MAmr limn »«« mmxro bmi. : THE WEEKLY CALL per Year. . - - - - • • ROOMS TO LET— Farn. and tJninrn. SILVER, 3S — Single room 'for, gentleman^ •" BT. DAVID'S, 715 Howard— 200 rms.; ea suite . or ei&gle; clean beds; $1 £0 to $5 per week. STOCKTON, 41 and 45— Newly furnished sunny . suites; also single rooms; $2 to $7 per week; phone Black 2712. . :-.¦-. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office, 2200 Flllmore. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements- and : i subscriptions has been established at 1090 ' 'Valencia st.' ' ' ¦ ROOMS ' AND BOARD. - CALIFORNIA, 807 (Stevenson Maneion)— Large front cor. room; suitable 3 adults; handsome- ly furn.; exceptional table; rates to perman't. STANLEY place,* 54, bet Harrison and Bry» ant, off First — Table board, 2Bc meal; .room' ted board. $5 week. - . ¦ ' . . TURK. 620 — 2 connecting rooms, • with' board; running water; gas; bath; -suitable for '2 gen- tlemen; home comforts; $25 month each. - LAMBOURNE. 420 Eddy— High-class house; furniphed suites or single: steam heat. - ROOMS "WANTED. YOUNG German man wishes a room In private family. Box 3472 Call. : . SEWING MACHINES AND SUPPLIES. ALL kinds bought, sold, rented, exchanged; re- pairiLg; lowest rates. Tel Green 144. 205 4th. ALL kinds bought, sold and repairing guaran- tetd. Chas. Plambeck. 1015 Mlfflon. nr. :15lh. j "3 SPECIAL NOTICES, | LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no .other. SeDd 4c, stamps, Tor particulars. ".Relief tor Ladies." in letter by return. mall. Ask your druggist. Chlchester Chem. Co.. Phlla., Pa. STORAGE AXD^WAREHOUSES. A— EMPORIUM aiOitXGli eO.'''s£?£M FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD <JOOD3 STORED— MOVED— PACKED— SHIPPED. 725-731 HOWARD, near THIRD ST. • Phone GRANT- 161. 1'IERCE-RODOLPH Storage & Moving Co.. of- fice Post and Powell sts.; tel; Priv. Ex. 571. GOLDEN West Storage: advances made; S10 Mission gt. ; tel. Howard 941. F. W. ZehCuss. BEKINS Van and Storage Co.. C30 Market St.; tel. Main 1840; chipping at cut rates. PACIFIC Storage and Furniture Moving Cnm- pany. 2320 Flllmore st. ; phone Jackson 2S1. AND St'l'PJUIES. GREAT BARGAINS KTTYPEWRTfE^S-W-e eell better machines for less money than any house in the city; rentals $3. The Typewriter Exchange. 53U -California; telephone Main 2«0. 2D-HAND typewriters sold, rented, repaired. Webster Typewriter Inspec. Co.. 20)) Sansame. TYPEWRITING & MIiMEOGRAPHING. EXPERT typewrit\ng. 4c folio; copies,2c;mlm- eograpnlng. 027 Market, r. 305; Howard 15:JU. PROPOS ALS.^ .PROPOSALS for Clothing - and .Equipags. Depot Quartermaster's Ofn'ce, 3tJ New Mont- gomery Street, San Francisco, Cal., October 27, 1902. — Sealed -proposals in triplicate will be received at this' office until 10 o'clock a. m., Monday, November 10. 1902. Pacific Standard Time, and then opened, for fur- nishing Knit Wool Drawers, Berlin Gloves, Neckties, Muslin Shirts. Heavy Cotton Stock- Ings, Heavy Wool Stockings, Suspenders, Knit "Wool Undershirts, Heavy Corn Brooms, Scrubbing Brushes, Mattress Covers and Pil- low Cases. Quantities to be subject io an increase of 60 per .cent, if desired by this Department. Bids will be opened for the delivery of the same articles at either the San Francisco. Boston, Chicago -and Phila- delphia Depots. To avoid misunderstanding as to the exact nature of the articles to be furnished bidders will carefully -examine the standard samples and specifications, so that proposals may be submitted by them with a full knowledge of what will be required, as an absolute compliance with the standards and specifications will be Insisted upon hi the inspection of the goods. Unguaranteed bids, and bids upon samples differing from stand r ards and specifications, will, under no cir- cumstances, be entertained.- Proposals for lees .quantities than advertised for will be entertained. Bids for -delivery, or Inspection at other points than those named above will net be considered. Early deliveries are es- sential. Bidders ¦ must state In their pro- posals .-the rate and time of delivery, should contract be awarded to them. The articles advertised Tor are the same for, which bids will be wpened at the other depots. 'Prefer- ence will be given to articles of domestic production and manufacture, conditions of ' price and quality being equal (Including in • the price of foreign production and manu- facture the duty thereon), .and- such prefer- ence will . .be given to articles of American ' production and manufacture produced on the Pacific Coast to the extent of , the consump- tion required by the public service there. The United -States reserves the right to ac- cept or reject <ny or all proposals Or any part ' thereof, /information and blanks for proposals will be furnished on application. Envelopes containing proposals will be in- dorsed "Proposals No. 8C91. S " and addressed to Lieutenant Colonel C. P. Miller, Deputy Quartermaster General, U. S. Army. Depot Quartermaster. SAN HIANCISCO, Cal., Oct. 25, 1002 — Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received here and at office of quartermasters -until 11 a. m. Nov. 24, 1902. for furnishing during six months ending June 30, 1903, forage and straw for San Diego Barracks- and for camp t near Monterey, Cal. ; also at same time, at . this office only, for forage and straw for Al- ' catraz island. Fort Baker. Benlcla Barracks, Fort Mason. Fort McDowell, Fort Miley. Presidio of San Francisco, San Francisco, and San Francisco, Cal., for shipment to Hono- lulu, H. T.; and fuel, forage and straw for discharge camp. Angel Island, Cal. U. .S. re- serves Tight to reject or accept any or all bids in whole or in part. Preference given . to articles of American production, condi- j tions of price and quality (including In the I price of .foreign productions the duty thereon) being equal, and such preference given to articles ot American production produced on the Pacific Coast, to extent of consumption required by the public service there. Informa- tion furnished on application to quartermas- ters at San Diego Barracks and at camp near Monterey. Cal., or to undersigned. Envelopes containing bids to be indorsed "Proposals for Fuel. Forage and Straw," addressed to said quartermasters or to D. D. WHEELER, Chief Quartermaster, v . ' PROPOSALS for army transportation — Depot quartermaster's office, 36 New Montgomery ¦st.. San Francisco, Cal., October 25, 1002 Sealed proposale will be received at this of- fice until 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday, Nov. 10. 1902, for transportation of passengers, ani- mals and freight for the army to and from S: Sun ; Frai.ciseo, Cal. ; Portland, Ore. ;, Seattle Wash.; Tacoma, Wash., and Manila, P.- I until June 30, 1903. Bids will be received lor such .transportation fron one or -moro or all of the ports of departure mentioned. Full particulars will be furnished on application to -Lieutenant Colonel C. P. MILLER. Depot Quartermarter. MABRIAGE LICENSES. The following; marriage licenses were issued yesterday: Umberto A. Guaepari, 24, 940 Jackson street, and Lillie .Cavacfcaro, 17, 240 Ocean House road. Geonre I. Haldofn, 30, city, . and Cora Thomas, 28, city. ¦ Walter F. Hough, 37, New York City, and Myrtle Hyde. 32, New, York City. Arthur M. Van Dyke, 30, 3728 Twenty-third ¦street, and Alice E. Smith, CO, Burlington la. David S. Litchenstein, 84; G05 Post street and Katie Hayes, «4, 1254 Montgomery street. Arthur A. Fountain, 33. Chicago, and Marion L. Brand. 23, Taeoma. Wash.' William 3... Medina, -21, Crockett, and Etta M. Hill. 21, 3020 Sacramento street.'- : Joseph Cane, -24,'.. city, and Kathryn Healy, 22, city. ' ¦ Antonio d* Andrade, 32, 908 Sansome street, and Roza Freita, C5, 90S Sansome street. Henry W. Goldstein, 34, Oroville, and Lit ta Jacobson," 22, city. Christian L. M. Kuhne, 40, 421 "McAllister ' street find Anna . M. M. Haberecht, 27 421 McAllister street. 1 • „ * •¦ ; ! Charles Kaufman, 8.9, Corning, ' and Eva' Gyle 27, 1^29 Webster street. ' Giuseiipe Snfdalere. 21, 1318 Kearny street, and Antrela Seria.' IS, 1318 Kearny street. Nathan Eckstein. 21, Seattle, and Mlna A. Schwabacher, 21, /city. .. "BIBTHS-liBRIMES^EAmi Birth, -marriace and death -notices sent iby,; trail will not bo inserted. They must be hand<*d I in nt either of the publication offices and be Indorsed with the. name and residence 'of ptr- ; sons authorized to have the same published. . : VBORN. GOLDSMITH — In Sausalito, October ,22, 1002, • to the wife of M. F. Goldsmith, a daughter. PLATO— In this city. ¦ October 10. -1802, to the wife of John .Platb, a daughter. . . „ _____ FULLERTON — FIUJSH— in.San Jose, October 2, 1002, by Justice Wallace, George Fuller-' ton - and Mabel Frush, both-- of San Fran- . Cisco, i ¦ . ' ' " . . • - . HOUUH— HYDK— In this city, October 27, l ( .)02, by the Rev... John Stephens, Walter i Fairchild HouRh and Myrtle Hide, ..both of New York City, N. Y. . ', NEWBURT — MORGAN— In' this city, October 20, ' 11)02. by the Rev. William C. Pond, I G«orse i Baxter Newbury and Kathryn iMor- can.' ¦ • .-.'¦; . . " • \ BARIS—BEHA— In this city, October .20. 1902, by. .tne 4 Rev. T. ¦ N. Psshkovsky, Vasili p. Slris and .Elisabeth Beha, both of San Fran- eiseo. * . ...:". . . REAL ESTATE -Country— For Sale. FOR SALE NEAR SAN FRANCISCO Small tracts. $60 to (90 per acre, on Rancho Cotatl. Sonoma Co. ;• future value assured, ax Ban Francisco Is growing rapidly: location best for poultry and general farming. Apply to The CotaU Co.. 302 California fit. for pamphlet and Information. Alfalfa land, with water for irrigation. $10 per acre. P. H. JORDAN. 116 Montgomery st. FINE land; cood climate; cheap homes. Joy ¦ & Maher. Watsonvtlle. Santa Cruz Co. Writa. PHVSICIAKS AND SDRGEONs! DR. C. C. O'DONNELL. — Office and residence? 1021 Vt Market Bt.. bet. Sixth and Seventh. LADY patrons — DR. ROSEN has moved office to his residence, 1007% Market, near Sixth. SPECIALIST for diseases of men and women. Call nr write DR BALL. 1073*4 Market «t. ALAMEDA ADYEftTISEMfiNi\ ALAMEDA REAL ESTATE. SEE our beautiful homes for sale. Ideal location. Great bargain. EASY TERMS. ALAMEDA LAND COMPANY. ISOO Park St.. Alameda. BERKELEY ADVERTISEMENTS BERKELEY REAL ESTATE. , 4-ROOM high basement cottage (4 good rooms can be added in basement), bath, hall, man- tel, folding doors, ; bay-window; water con- nected from well ana tank; fruit and shade trees; barn and driveway; chicken house and yard; lot &3xL35; fenced; price $1650; terms $500 cash, balance to suit. O. A. RUDOLPH, Lorin. Open Sundays. SNAP. " ~~~ " ' Investment property: house In first -class con- ; dition, containing 15 rooms, and baths, sta- j tionary tubs; gas; street work done; cement sidpwalks; lot 50x135; nice garden; fruit trees; chicken houses; everything in first- class condition; 2 blocks from station; rented for $48 per month; price $2830;' terms $600 cash, balance $35 per month; must be sold at once; owner Is leaving for the East. O.v A. RUDOLPH. Lorln. Open Sundays. HOUSES FOR SALE IX EAST BERKELEY. $1000— 4-r. house;- 35x100; near station. $1600 — 7-r.. house; 40x100; good view. $2000 — 6-r. house; Scenic Tract; fine view. J-2350 — 0-r. house; new; Shattuck ave. j S25C0 — 8-r. house; near College ave. $3000 — C-r. house; corner Mllvia st. ' $3150— 6-r. house; North Berkeley; lot\S0xl30. $4liC0 — 7-r. house; cor. Walnut st. $4250^ — 10-r. house; Channing way; central. $47(X> — S-r. house; Hillcgass ave.; bargain. $10.000 — 10-r. house; Benvenue ave; new. $25,000 — 12-r_ house; Durant ave.; very fine. CHENEY & BERRY, Berkeley Station. $S0OO — A SNAP; new building, consisting of 2 flats of 5 large rooms ¦ each. 2 large stores and a bakery and oven; lot 50x 1.S1; small cottage and barn for 6 horses in rear of lot; rents for $88 per month . -net: 202S-2030-2032 and 2034 Addlson st.. Berkeley .station. i W. C. MORAN & CO.. 2131 Stanford place. I FOR SALE: — One of the best residences in Berkeley; house of 10 rooms; everything mod- ern; fine corner lot, 125x147; street work all done; view unsurpassed; location excellent JOSEPH J. MASON. Real Estate, Berkeley station. FRDITYALEADYERTISEMENTS FROTVALE REAL ESTATE. BUY A HOME IN F^UITVALe" "¦ $1200 — 4 rooms and bath; ?500 cash;' terms. | $1300 — 5 rooms and bath; lot 50x120; fruit j trees. $1500 — « rooms and bath; $150 cash; $15 -mo. $2300 — 5 rooms and bath; half cash; lot 100 X175. : $2500 — 5 rooms and bath: n«ar local. $2900—6 rooms; up to date; very fine; $750 cash, balance long lime. P. H. BLAKE\ Fnntvale, E. 14th. nr. P. O. OAKLAB ADVERTISEMENTS. \ CJI I ICK. 3!I8 BROADWAY. OAKLAND HEAL ESTATE. j $200 CASH. $5 monthly; one acre of good land ! In fine section; mord if needed adjoining- price $375 all told; adjoining East Oakland; j juet the place for- a chicken run; about Is \ lots In all; near electric cars, school house and neighbors; delightful climate; no fogs nor ; raw winds here; adjoining "East Oakland. Call ¦ or send for circular. 455 Seventh st., opp. Broadway Station, Oakland; carriage free. ; H. Z. JONES. Owner. , , I OAKLAND-^- ••-*, ~~ ; S21 S3d st.; 5-room story and half hous»; modern; barn; cement sidewalk and street paved; price $1500; small payment down, ; balance same as rent. A. E. RUDELL, 301 • California Bt. . IF you want to get some genuine maps in cot- : tage property for each or exchange, city or i country, call on L. BLODGETT. 1153 23d I ave.. East Oakland. . — -— — _ _ j PAY the Oakland Home Co. what you are pay- j ing interest and they will pay off your mcrt- ' ' gage for y»u. 950 Broadway, Oakland. ¦ $1050 — LOT nn-t-clas» locality; only a minutes' walk to City Hall: handy to cars. Address GEO. H. VOSE, 4t>7 Twelfth st.. Oakland. OAKLAND FtRXITLRE FOR SALE. KUKN1TUKE good and cheap this monthT~H? j ECHELI.HAAS. 4t#i Eleventh »t- Oakland. ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING. BUENA VISTA ave., 449. near Frederick^ famished or unfurnished rooms to let. with- stable. ELLIS. 736 — Large room, 2 beds, 2 closets, ' grate, bath; smaller "room, $8. I GOLDEN Gate «ve., «22 — Two sunny bay-wln- j dow suites, 2 and 3 rooms; 1st and 2d floors. ! HAIGHT, 21S— Beautifully furnished rooms, ! single «r en suite;' grand view; terms leas- ; enable; new. : JESSIE. 335 — Large sunny, bay window room; | -pas stove; complete for light housekeeping; $12. LAGTTNA. G42 — Two connecting sunny front rooms furnished for light housekeeping; priv. OCTAVIA. near Market— New modern flat, ; choice of 2, " or 4 unfurnished or partly fur- ] nished sunny rooms; 3 front connecting rooms; with young American couple; no chil- dren; gas. bath; ref. exch. 1510 Mission St. STEINER. 1327, cor. Ellis— 2 or 3 nice fur^ j nished housekeeping rooms ; $-0 per month. WEBSTER. 711—2 nice' sunny rooms, dining-' room and kitchen; every convenience. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office. 2io:> FiUmore. A EKAXCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1030 Valencia xt. ¦'.'.'¦:¦¦¦ I j ROOMS TO LET — Farn. anil UnCiirn. i A— rTHE AXGELTJS. M0 Stockton — Brick build- ' lnc; elegantly furnished suits, with or wlth- J cut private baths: elevator, heat, hot and , cold water; reasonable; breakfast if desired. ARGYLE Hotel, 23J McAllister— New, elegant, tunny, 75c day upward; McAllister cars to door; handsomest grill room in California. A— EEUJCSWICK- House. 148 Sixth— Rooms. 25c to $1 per night; $1 25 to $5 per week, and light housekeeping rooms; open all night; AVON HOTEL. 502 Bush st. — Newly furnished rooms and suites; transient solicited. j AT .. Tne Almonte." J>73 Market st. (or No. 1 Fifth et.); rooms 25c." 50c, $1." *1 50' night: $1 50 to $10 per week: house open all BURNETT. 142C Market (old No. 1364) — Fur- n'.fhtd rms.. suites, single ; also unfurnished. CLIFFORD,, 204 Ellis, corner Mason— Elegantly i furnished sunny rooms; prices reasonable, g ELLIS. 321 (Mozart) — Nicely furn. rooms. 35c, $1 50 night: $1 50. $0 week: open all night. GEARY, 730 — Sunny parlor suite: running^ ¦water; -w:Jl furnish for gents; board optional. ' Grand Southern, 7th and Mission — Rooms ftOc to $1 50 night: $2 to *t! -w«"»k: reading room. ¦ ' JESSIE, 3.#t— Sunny room; furnished; house- I keeping: gas; range; $10. . I JCNES. C14— Sunny front parlor nicely furnlsh- cd, $15^ sonny -eingle room/; $8. '. s" _' . - • MCALLISTER. 054 — Large nicely furnished, •eunny front room; bath. MINNA. CC7, cor. Eighth— Newly furnished bay-window room, $1 per week; transient. OAK, 10T» — Two large furnished bedrooms. O'FARRELL, 20 — Sunny furnished rooms and offices; elevator; elpc. lights; day, week, mo. O'FARRELL, ,1510 — Newly- furnished- sunny - houuekeeping rooms: nrivate family. UOYAL House. 12C Ellis — Incandescent light, reading room, smoking room and ladies' -par- lor: roomc. per night. 35c to $1 .00: week, $2- to $S; month. $S to $30; elevator on ground floor: rooms -with hot and cold water: baths. iEHERMAN House. .28 8th, near Market— Re- fpectable family : rooming-house; 35c. to 6.0c.. BAILWAY T3AVEL. SANTA FE I TRAINS Leave Market-street Ferry Depot. • I Llm'd I Local Mon & Local Ovrl'd DaUy Thurs Dally Dally Lv Ean Fran.... 8:00 a »:30a 4;20p 8:00 p Ar Stockton 11:00 a 12:08 p 7:18pll:15p "Merced l;45p l-40p 1:30a "Fresno 3:20p 3:«0p 3U5a "Hanford 5:00 p 3:51 p 8:05* "Vlsalla ...... 4:4Sp 4:48p ., 5:00a — Bakerstteld .. 7:10p 5:50 p 7:33a "Kansas City 2:61a .....; S:02La •• Chicago 2:Q0p ...... 8-47 p a for morning; p for afternoon. 8:00 a. m. Daily is Bakensneld Local, stop- ning at all points in San Joaqulh Valley. Cor- responding train arrives at 7:50 a. m. daily. » :30 - a. m. Mondays .and Thursdays is the California Limited, carrying Palace Sleeping Cars and Dining Cars . through to Chicago. Chair Car runs to Bakersfleld for accommoda. lion i of loeal ftrst-class passengers. No second- class tickets are honored on -this train. Corre- spondlns, train arrives at 11:10 p. m. Tuesday and Friday. 4:20 p. m. Is Stockton Xocal. Correspondinir train arrives nt 11:00 a. :m. dally. . 8:00 p. m. Is the Overland Express, with through Palace and Tourist Sleepers aad Free Reclining Chair Cars to Chicago; .also Palace S'eeper which cuts opt at Fresno. Correspond. Ing train arrives at 6:00 p. m. dally. . Office — 041 Market street and In . Ferry De- pot. San Francisco; 1112 Broad-way, Oakland. CALIFORNIA KORTBWESTEBN RY. CO. ¦ }- LESSEES .TAN FFANC1SG0 AND Nf'RTH PACIFIC RAILWAY CO.lIPAJrr.. Tibnron Ferry, Foot of Market St. SAN FRASC1SCO TO SAS RAFAEL. WEEK DAYS — 7i30, 8:00, 11:00 a. m.; 12:35. 1 a:30 5:10, 6:30 p. m. ThursdayB — Extra trip at il:30 p. m. , Saturdays — Extra trips .at 1:50 -and '11:30 -p.- m.- -: ¦ > • SUNDAYS— 6:«W. W:30. U:00 a. m.;, l:3p. 3:30, " 5:00 and 6:20 p. m. SAX RAFAEL TO SAN FRANCISCO. WEEK DAYS— 0:05, 7:35, 7:66. 0:20. 11 :U a m.; 12:50, 3i4tt r 8:00. 5:20 p. ra. Batur- :days — Extra trips at 2:C5 and .6:33 «. m. SUNDAYS—* :00. ..9:40, U :15 a. m. ; 1 :40. 3 :10. 4:65, 5:05. 6:25 p. m. -. • Leave I In Effect I Arrivs San Franciacol -May 4,. 1902. [San Franclaeo Week I Sun- I Destina- i 6un. I Week Days. |, days. I tlon. ¦[ days. | Days. 7-3tta 8:00a Ignado 0:10a 8-.il0a 3:30p 9:30a and . 10:40a 8:40a 5:10 p 0:00 p Novato 0:05 p 6:20 p ... -. ... 7:35 p " 7-30 a 8:00a Petalrsma ¦ 10:40 a 8:40a 3:?.0p 9:30 a . and «ti:0i> p 10:20 a ,5:10p 6:00 p Santa Rosa 7:35 p .6:20 p Fulton ¦ 7:30 a - Windsor ¦. . 10:20 a 5:00 p Healdsturg 10:40 a Lytton Geyservllle . : -3:30. p .8:00 a Cloverdale 7:35 p CtZOp ~1 :3o"aT"8 :00"a I Hopland <jl0 :40 aJlO :20*a S:20p|.5:00pl > -Uklah .( 7:£5 p{ 6:20 n 7:30a| SiOOa Wllllta " 1 7^5p| 6^0 p "7:30 al 8:00 al Guerneville -j *7:35 p]l«:20a 3:30pls:C0p( ; (lO^tO a| 8:S0 t> ¦7:30 al 8:C0 al ..' Sonoma ' " : | 0;10a| S^Oa tiilQpl 5:00 p| GleU £llen | «:05.p 63tOp 7-30 al S:00a| Sebdstopol 110:40 aho:2O a :3:30,pr.S:OOi>{ ¦¦'-¦¦¦..:•-. |-7:3Spf6:20p Stages -connect at Santa Rosa for Mark West Springs -and White Sulphur Springs: at Fulton for Altruria; at Lytton for Lytton Springs; at Geyservllle for ' Skassa Springs; at Cloverdalo for the Geysers and Boonevllle: at Hopland "for Duncan Sprinfrs. ?Hlshland Springs, Kelseyvllle. Carlsbad Springs, ;Soda Bay. -Lakeport and Bartlett Springs; at Uklah for Vichy Springs. Saratoga Springs, Blue Lakes. Laurel Dell Lake. Witter Springs. 'Upper -Lake. Pomo,>Fot- ¦t-er Valley. "John Day's. :Rlver»ide, L.lerley's.' Bucknell's Sanhedrin Heights. HullrlUe. Orr's Hot Springs. Half-way House, Comptche, Camp Stevens Hopkins. Mendoclno City, Fort Bragg, Westport, Usal: at Willits for Sherwood, Cahto. Covelo. Lajftonvllle. Cummlngs.. Bell's Springs. Harris. Olsen's. Dyer. Pepperwood, Scotia ¦ and Eureka..'- ¦ ¦' - •¦ : ," » '•• . Saturday to Monday round-trip tickets .at re- duced rates. : . ' - ¦" • ->¦ -. - . ¦ ¦ On , Siradays— Round-trtt> 'tickets 'to , all points beyond San Rafael. at half .fates. ' • ¦ ->;;-, - Ticket .office, . C50 • Market st.. Chronicl* building.. .. . ' H. C. WHITING,'- K. X. RYAN. i C^e n.' Manager. . . Gen; ; Pass Ait. "¦ •¦ *.-*•' '¦"- ' ¦: ' .. " "* "!>¦ be celebrated for the repose of her soul, conw rnenclfig at 8 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross :¦- Cemetery^ ; . ... WASHBURN— In this city, October 25, 1902. A. H. v Washburn, hushahd of Jean Bruce WaBhburn, father of Mrs. C. C. Hlggina, brother of E. P., J..S. and J. F. Washburn, .: and uncle of -Fannie. -Alice and Ctarlotte .Bruce.- a native of Vermont, aged C6 years. ETFuneral ¦ services at 12 o'clock to-day (Tuesday), at - St. Paul's- Episcopal Church, California street, between Fillmore and Steln- - er. - Interment Cypress . Lawn Cemetery by 1 :30 train from Thl/d aBd Townsend streets. WILLIAMS— In CamDtonville, Yuba* County, Cal., October 26, 1902, Ann Jane, beloved ' and -only daughter of Thomas and Eleanor Williams, and sister of John J. Davtes, E. Rowlands and Benjamin T. Williams. : W1LL0UGHBY— In th« City- and -Coanty Hos- pital, October 27,- 1002. Ralph WillouKhby, a native of England, ared 51 years. OifiORAL DESIGNS ¦ ¦ "107. POWELL^*" ELLISZ^ 5056 • . . ¦;.. sies, ; fittdger* Walter C. Knuttei Ester tt. branch, Anabella r ' - Leroyle, ; Hennessy . Buckley, Ellen ¦ '¦ • . McCracken, John H. Carpenter, Wn; H. M«ngel; Henriette B. . Curtln, John Murphy, Klchard J. Diercks, William J. ". Niederstrasser; .Cren- Evers, Emll L. H. zia „. - - Falvey, Edward A. Parish, Dr. Edward Gallagher. May Rollet, Elizabeth x Isaacs, Agnes G. . Sam, Sarah ,. ~ . •Kelly, Michael J. Swanton, Mrs. A. Kenney, Gertrude Washburn, A. H. ! Kingsbury, Eliisa Williams, Ann J. ' ; Komula/'Mary " Wlltoughby. Ralph BADGER — At sea, on board steamer '<leoree Loomifs, October .26, 1902, Walter Charlei Badger Jf», beloved, soh of Walter C. and tl&ry flatlger, a native of Baft Francisco, : aged 8 years 3 months and 24 days. CyNotlce of .funeral hereafter.. , ' \ ¦• I BRANCH—^In this city, October 26, 1002, Ana- ! bellar beloved wife -of .George ,.W. Branch, i daughter of Mr. ana Mrs. Thomas Keane, ahd sister ot Mrs. Charles Andrews, Mrs. George Andrews and John and Carrie Keane, i a native of New York, aged 44 years. ¦- C7"17>e furieral will take place to-day (Tuesday), at 12:30 o'clock, from the rest-; I ¦ dence of Thomas Keafle, 1002 Stockton street, : thence to St. Peter's Church, Filbert and" Stockton streets, where* services will be held at 1 o'clock. Interment Cypress Lawn Ceme- tery by carriage. BUCKLEY — In this city, October 27. 190'?, -'ISlleh Buckley, beloved Bister of- Patrick! "Buckley alid the late Mrs. . Cornelius Burns, and be'loVed aunt of John and James -Bwrns and Mrs. William McMillan, a native of Ire- land, aeecl 55 years BmonthB and 21 dayi. : CARPENTER— In this city, October 26, 11)02, W.illlam^il. Carpenter, an ex-Union ioldier, ' a~ed 64 years. -..•-... ' E7"The fuperal will take place to-day (Tuesday). -*t. lo o'clock, from the oarlors of A. W. Martin & Co., 310 O'Farrell street. Interment National Cemetery, Presidio. CURTIN— In this city. October 24, 1902,. John I C»rUn. a native of Troj-, N. Y., aged 60 ! years. . — - • . '. ' ! C^Friends and acquaintances are respect- ' fully Invited to attend a requiem high mass : :for the renose of his ¦' aoul-^to-morrow . (Wednesday), af 9 o'clock, at St.- Patrick'a Church. Interment at Troy, N. Y. Remains at the parlors of J. C» O'Connor & Co., 18i: Mission £tre*t. mERCKS— In this city, -October 27, 1002. Wit" 11am Jacob Diercks, a native of -Germany, .aged 51 years. - . E7"Friends and acquaintances are respect-; fuLly invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Wednesday), at 2 o'clock, from Druids' Hall, 413 Sutter street, wher-e the services will be held, under the auspices of San Franclaco Grove No. 3, U. A. O. D. Re- mains at the Dajlors of Theodor Dierks, 067 ¦ Mission street, between Fifth and Sixth. In- terment Laurel Hill Cemetery. 'I EVERS— In Oaklnnd, October 27. 1002, Emil Lecn H-cnrv, beloved husband, of. Evelyn Evers, father ' of Vel4a,' J_*onOra, Mlldrea, ; Henry and Ewroy -E^'ers, .son of Henry, And Mary' Evers, and brother of Albert and Cnri i Evers, e native of Oakland, . ased 33 years. m7"The funeral services, under .tUa aua-' :<pices of Xive Oak "Lodge No. «1, F. and A. M., will be held to-morrow (Wednesday), . at 2 - o'clock, et the Masonic Temple, corner Tw«ltth and Washlaeton streets, Oakland. Interment Mountain View Cemetery. , -'.: FALVEY — In this city, October 25, 1002, Ed- ! Avard A., beloved husband of I-ois 13. Falvey,* and father of- Mrs. J."C. Hunting and Bssttle ' G. Falvey and the late Mrs. Grace C. Van- I derpool. a native of Lowell, Mass., ased Ul ' years 10 months and "3 days. ' E?"Interinent at J'lymouth, Amador County. Remains at -the mortuary chapel of the Golden Gate Undertakinjj Company, 2475 I Mlmsion street, between Twentieth and Twen- i. ty-firEt. ,-.-.. GALLAGHER— In 'this -city. October 27, 1902, I May Gallagher, belo\»ed sister of Mrs. - A. Hcgarty, and aunt of 'George, Grace and Mamie Hegarty, a native of St. Paul, Minn., : . aeed ."2 years ,5 months and 17 days. . ISAACS— In this city, October 215, 1002. Agnes Genevieve, beloved child ot Ike L. and .Abbie Gall Isaacs, and sinter of Ruth and Myrtle I Isaacs, a native of San Francisco,', aged 3 years 9 months and 24 days. • . '. . I icy-Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral services Tuesday, October 28. 1D02, at 10 o'clock, at the residence of her parents. .212 Harriet street. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.. '¦ I KELLY — There will be an anniversary solemn I requiem high mass for the repose of the soul of the late Michael Joseph Kelly Wednes- day morning, the 29th Inst,, afr»I> o'clock, at St. Dominic's Church, Bush and Steiner streets . . . * '¦ . KENNEY— In this city, October 26, 1902. Ger- ' trude, dearly beloved daughter of Joseph and Katherine Kenney, *nd sister of Edna, Ileen, : Ramond, Jcseoh and the late- Loretta Ken- ney, a native of San Francisco, aged 6 jtars 4 months and 8 days. . ¦ Z3" The funeral took place Monday, Octo- ber "7, at 1 o'clock. Interred in Holy Cross j Cemetery. .. .. • i KINGSBURY— In Alameda. October 27, 1S02, Eliza,' beloved wife of the late H.- M. Kings- j bury, mother of Mrs. Alice . HQDgood. Mrs.. ! C..E. Dellitt, C. W. Kingsbury and Mrs. R. I ' 33. Hoase, .and sister of Mrs. E. Sher- I Mrs. S. r Doud and H.' W.. and S. A. Tusten. a native of New York, aged 71 years 3 months -and 2 days.' .' KOMULA— In this citr, October 20, 19C2, Mary ; Komula., " beloved wife of Aksel Komula, j mother of Alfred and Helml Komula. anil I sister of Mae«ie Mattson, a native of Fin- I land, aged 37 years 'J months and 2 days. j lEyFrlends and acquaintances are respect- ; fully invited to attend the funeral to-da>- j (Tuesday), at 2 • o'clock, from James Ha- iron's parlors, 445 Valencia street. Inter- .ment I-aurel.Hill Cemetery. I KNUTTE — In this city, October 27, 1902, Eater j ' L., dearly beloved daughter of Robert and ! Marie Knutte. and sister of Arthur Knutte, j a native of San -Francisco, aged 5 years li j months and 0 days. , I \ LEROYLE— In Vacaville. October 23, 1002, I j Hennessy Leroyle, a native of Australia, \ j aged 3S years. MEMBERS of San Francisco Lodge No. 3 ' B. P. O. E., are notified to attend the funeral of our late -brother, Hennessy Leroyle on • Tuesday at 2 o'clock from Elks Hall," 223 Sutter street. A full attendance la earnestly requested. By order J»ERCr V. LONG, Exalted Ruler.. McCRACKEN— -In Oakland; October 27, 1902, i John Harvey, dearly beloved husband of 1 Mary B. McCracken, and father ot Cather- ine A., Mary. I., Emma I. and Augusta M. J McCracken, Mrs.' S. F. Brown, John Harvey Jr.. and Dr. W. J. McCracken. a native <tf .OhJo, aged 74 years 4 months and 12 days. i 1IENGEL— .In this city. October 2<J, 1902, Hen- riette E., dearly beloved .wife of John Men- j gel.* and devoted mother of Mrs. A. Lorentz Mrs. C. C. Alsasser, Mrs. G. Lindemann and Henry, Eda and JLnhn- Mengel, a native Df i Paris, aged 61 yearn 7 months and . 24 days. ¦ lC?'Frit;nds ar.d acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-day (TueBday), October 28, at 2 p. m., from her late residence. 113S Pierce street, between Turk. and Eddy. Interment I. O. O. F. Ceme- tery. .-. - .. • ¦ ' - - - - ¦...,-. MURPHY— In this city, October 25, 1902, . Richard J.. beloved- son at the' late F. P and M. E. Murphy, and brother of Frank,, William, Thomas, James and George Murphy Mrs. E. B. Carr and Mrs. ' P. J. Carr, a na- tive of. San Francisco, aged 34 years 3 montts and 1 day. - A member of Golden Gate Aer i v No. til, F. O. E. . ... JET> rlends ana acquaintances respect- '.fully invited to attend the tuneral Tuesday, at >J:15 o'clock, from the residence of- his , brother, I Thomas' .'J. Murphy, 814 Waller etreet, thence to Sacred Heart Church cor- ner of Fillmore and Fell streets, where a re- quiem high maBs will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing. at 0:30 a,m Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. N1EDERSTRASSKR— In this city, October 25, 11MJ2, Crenzia UiederstraBser, mother of Maria I Bchluch, and sister of --Catharin" Nlederstrasser^_jMrs. Mat;dalena PinkertI Maria HeiberKer and Mr.s. Margaret Sanders! a nativo of Austria, asred 34 years 5 months and 28 days. , PARISH— Entered into rest, in Alameda .^Oc- tober 27; 1802, at his residence, 815 Railroad avenue. Dr. Edward Pariah, beloved hus- - band of lileanor Parish, and father of Mrs. Mary Parish Murfey, a native of Philadel- phia, azid b9 years. . cyNotlce of tuneral hereafter. ROLLET'— In this City. October 27, 1902, Eliza- beth, beloved wife of Thomas "W. Rollel mother of Olive Francis Berlin, -and sister or' Mrs. Lynda Witteymore, W. E. and Flor- ence Kennison and the late .Mrs. Jvnnle Gal- lagher, a native of Petaluma, Cal., a"ed W> years. -. .-"-'/ JE^ Friends , and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral services Wednesday, October 20, iyO2, jh io o'cloclt at the parlors of, Julius S. Godeau, 305 Montgomery - avenue. Interment Cypress' . Lawn Cemeterv. • ¦ • .. . -. ¦ -> BAil — In this city, October 20, 1002, Sarah .relict of - the .late Joseph Sam, and beloved . mother of Miss Sarah Sam', a native of In- land, aged 04 yeart 4 months and 21 days. SWANTON— In this 'city. October 26 1002 ¦ Mrs. Annie 'Swanton] :a na,tive . -of Oninc' County Kilkenny, Ireland, aged. T>0 years ! XT Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invltefl to attend the funeral to-day (Tuesday), at 8:30 o'clock, trom 'the parlors! of McAvoy & (Co., 1233 -Market street be- \ twecn Elghthrand Ninth, thence :to. St. Jtose'«1 Church, where a solemn requiem mass will | " " " ' " ' " ' • I ; '"-..; sAivj jB^;"'^Q' ! ' : H-' t -i-'S- : "'.¦¦¦ I OFRCE: 91€ IWIftRKET ST. I I F.J. Monahan, Pres. • ; ," - Ge6. :E. Horr.Sec MONAH/YN & CO.,~^ (Inc.) FUNERAL :DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS j 2:W»-2341 .Mission st. , Telexihone MiKsiqn ,;a! ".¦'.¦.¦¦¦;-. Funeral ponductors . for .Cremation*^ 429 GOLDEN GATE AVE Phone South 93* "Circulars mailed to any address upoa appli- cation, r - , . • ODD FELLOWS' CEMETERY. ASS' N, . £an "Francisco, :Cal, c ',: KATLWAY TEAVET^ :_._,_ _._ _ ' / M%^ k~^\X?~~~^^^ah, San Francisco m 5W^"i?^«^ * "• ' " Oft V nSB|^£pJ Everything j^^ROCH ISLAND^