Newspaper Page Text
I Adams' . Hareaparilla Pills, ; (chocolate-coated) I cure constipation,; biliousness, sick" headache, • dyspepsia; 10c,' 25c. • All druggists', r • [ On October 23, 1902, Mrs. Emma" Geno chlo^was granted a divorce from John A. Genochfo '-by /Judge Buck of San ;Ma teo County on j the ground of extreme cruelty, the court allowing her to resume her maiden name.' ' * ' Judge Seawcll refused .to- issue a writ of mandamus yesterday compelling the Spring Valley Water Company tofurnish Mrs.' Eliza HuyckV who resides. In Jersey street, with water. It/ was, shown; that ; UrB. liuyck's" home was inaccessible. Must Do Without Water, i ¦ Daniel' Hanlon,-. a" stevedore, who was injured, by a", fall Into the .hold I of -the steamship" Sonoma,'- filed, a suit for $10, 000 damages against 1 the. Oceanic Steam ship Company yesterday. ':¦ George :B.', and' Lulu i Knowles filed a suit for $10,000 damages the. Unit ed ¦ Railroads -for;; injuries , received by Mrs. Knowles last June. ; Sheclalms that she was hurt .by^ being. ithrown- from ,a car at"' the corner -'of Sacramento and Kearny ; streets. V V^v " V Damage ', Suits Filed. ~ San Francisco Aerie No. 5, of the Fra ternal Order of Eagles will give a musi cal concert and ball . this evening at Na tive: Sons' Hall, 414 Mason . street. The committee of arrangements -, consists : of W. H. Rice, chairman; Hon. Julius Kahn, E. F\ Burns; Dr. F. E. Allen, J. T. Sulli van, J. G. ; Bass, C,i A. Cohen, i Dr> T. J , Mil ler, E. W. Slateri Frank D. Mullen and David j Becker, , floor manager. Professor Bamberger will be; the- musical/director.- Aerie No. 5 to Give a Ball. . Livingston !Jenks is ; thoroughly qualified for the office of Superior Judge.: Remem ber the name.. ','" • Assistant to the President Kruttschnitt gave out the statement yesterday that the Southern Pacific Company had or dered sixty-six new locomotives for use on its systems. Of these engines some are "big battleships" for mountain work tome are lighter locomotives for passen ger work 'and some are switch engines. The order was placed with the Baldwin Locomotive Works. The new dining cars that were ordered by ex-President Charles M. Hays have all been delivered. Sixty-Six New locomotives Ordered. John Bazzini, fruit, merchant, 530 Mont gomery street, secured a ' ¦ warrant from Judge Mogan yesterday for the. arrest of A. Bezakis and Peter George, j fruit , ped dlers, for obstructing Montgomery street between Clay and; Merchant. Bazzini al leges ' that . the " peddlers "keep :', wagons standing -on the j street, to the : annoyance of business; men and their customers.' The case is to be made a test one. 1 Beza- Ris and George were arrested and re' leased.on ball. Peddlers' Test Case. Toy San Hoy, an aged Chinese who ¦was beaten on the head ; with an; iron bar in his room at," 8 Oneida place early last Thursday morning and had seventeen wounds on his scalp, swore to complaints in Judge Mogan's court yesrterday against William Madden^ ahd Thomas Sheldon, who ... were . arrested Vat 1 the time as they were leaving .the'; house. They . were booked at the City Prison on. charges of assault to murder and -assault ':to commit robbery. Toy Files Complaints. Miss Olivia S. Ungo, a guest at the Oc cidental Hotel, reported ... to the police yesterday that while she was entering the • Sausalito ferry building Sunday af ternoon a man wreriched her gold watch from a pendant attached to her dress and disappeared in the crowd. She was unable to give a description of the thief. The watch was valued at $150. Mrs. Black, matron of the City and County Hospital, also reported that while she was at the ferry depot Sunday afternoon some j>ne snatched her handsatchel, which contained $14. § \ v Thieves at the Ferries. Vice President Cornish Here. W. D. Cornish, vice president of the Union Pacific Railroad, with headquar ters in New York, is at the Palace. He 1p touring the coast for pleasure and refuses <o discuss railroad affairs. Henry Altman was held to answer be fore the Superior Court in $2000 bonds. bj' Judge Conlan yesterday on a charge • of burglary. "Altman came from, the East about two, weeks', ago and registered j at the Occidental jHotel.' Articles were soon afterward reported* missing from 'several of the rooms and Altman was arrested: He was charged with, stealing 1 a number of articles' from. the room of.R. H. Flint on October 14. : : The police say > that. he. came here to operate /in hotels, but his career of crime was cut. short. Hotel Burglar Held. Doctor Sues Druggist. An action was commenced in the Su perior Court yesterday by Dr. L. H. Grunig against G. J. Redmond, a druggist^ to recover $10,000 damages. The plaintiff charges that the defendant, in the pres ence of several persons, called him a thief. Both men are members of Court Sutro Heights of the Foresters of America and the row between them grew out of mat ters connected with a picnic the social ciub of the court recently gave at Glen wood Park. News has just reached here of the mar riage In New York of Miss Annette * H. Bradshaw to Charles Ernest Tebbs. Un til recently both were numbered among the popular newspaper artists of this city. The couple were joined in wedlock at St. Michael's Church on Monday, October 6. The announcement of the marriage of the young newspaper artists was not a sur prise to their many, friends in this city as it has been known for some time that they were engaged. Both Mr. and Mrs. Tebbs were employed on The Call art staff for several years. Mrs. Tebbs Is. a handsome brunette, well . liked socially and withal a clever artist. • The groom's home is in New York, but he was em ployed on the newspapers of this city for several years. Formerly of Call Staff Joined' i in Wedlock. Annette Bradshaw and Charles Tebbs POPULAR YOTJNG ARTISTS MARRIED IN NEW YORK Mrs. Sarah San of 110^ McAllister street, a widow 50 years of age, died yes terday in the City and County Hospital, presumably from natural causes super induced by the effects of carbon monox tte poisoning. On October 2 she attempt ed to asphyxiate herself with illuminating gas because her daughter had left home. She was taken to the hospital and kept there until the 20th, when she was dis charged cured. On the next day she was taken sick again and returned to the hos pital. *:_' Mrs. Sarah San Dies. Before the police arrived Bert -Walsh and S John Duran, two neighboring busi ness men, i reached the scene. Seeing the dead body of Hellwig lying on the side walk, they knocked'at the door and asked Hillen to let them' ; in. The young man CARRY BODY INSIDE. tfce fight- I 'blew a police whistle twice. He then went to. the drawer, where my pistol was and opened it; but I ran and got it ahead»of him. ; put It, in my pocket and ran out with him after me. ¦ My mother followed behind us. When he- saw • that he ( * could not catch me he turned- on my mother and brutally kicked -her, punched her and bit her. until she fell to the floor. I drew 1 out the' pistol after a vain at tempt to get him" to desist, and said. "Otto, if -you don't leave my; mother alone I'll shoot you." He came at me ; with a vicious rush and we grappled, fighting jfrom the sidewalk into the. street. I. had .'the gun in my hand and h« was struggling . violently to obtain posses sion of It. During the battle the pistol went off twice and he let .go of me and. started to walk to the saloon, but fell Just as he reached the door, j I picked my mother up, assisted her into the saloon and went back and helped • to carry Hellwig in the saloon. . _ •.Otto R.. Hellwig worked for my mother for the last six years and received; $30 a month with his board and lodging. He often got drunk and offensive. He was 21 years of age, while I am but 18. . ¦ was '. In ¦ ; the barroom weeping over • the prostrate form of his mother, - but he opened the. door and allowed Walsh and Duran to carry theV body : of Hellwig In side. "Policemen- Dalton, Cullinan, Good win and 'Carroll, who : were, attracted to the neighborhood ; by '¦¦;¦ the> shooting, took Hillen In charge and J, telephoned for a physician ;. to ; attend ;: Mrs. -Hillen. The Coroner.. was^notified. ''':'-'¦ .- ": . , . . At the j O'Farrell street station,' where Hillen was first taken, , he; made a ram bling statement, about the shooting. Later upon being: removed to the, Hall of Jus tice,; he gave Chief of Detectives Martin a long written {statement of the facts leading. up to 1 . the killing. Dr. Shumate, .who was called to attend Mrs. Hillen, says she . is- seriously injured. She is about; 55^ years, of age," and it is feared the r shock, together with her se vere injuries, may .. result - fatally. " Mrs.. Hillen could not" make • a , statement for some hours after the shooting,- and when, she did,. it was so • obviously at variance with .the. known, facts and circumstances surrounding; -the that Detective Wren, who has charge of the case. Is not inclined -;to^ believe. the aged woman saw anything after Hellwig struck her ' with his fists.for. the': first time.- ; - After; being booked at; the Hall of Jus tice upon a charge .of murder Hillen was taken -to ) the . Emergency Hos pital to; have one of. his; thumbs dressed and : cauterized,- Hellwig * having bitten hinvin the "death struggle. - On November 1 the new Golden State Limited between California points and Chicago will be placed in service by the Southern Pacific and Rock Island System The route will be new, viz., via El Paso" Topeka and Kansas City, a diagonal from El Paso to Chicago. San Francisco trav elers will find a train daily at 4:30 p. m connecting with the Golden State Lim ited at Los Angeles. The train is superb ly equipped. Particulars at office of Southern Pacific. That New Train. PRINCIPALS IN THE- TRAGEDY ENACTED IN THE SALOON AT DE VISADERO AND BUSH STREETS AND DIAGRAM SHOWING PRO-" GRESS OF STRUGGLE" THAT ENDED IN DEATH OF HELLWIG. ' "The only reason I can assign for the cowardly assault," said Perry, "is that I have had a bill against McClung for col lection for some time, and he possibly felt aggrieved that I asked him for the money." Perry said he was walking along Mont gomery str # eet between 12 and 1 o'clock yesterday 'afternoon, and just as he passed the corner of Sutter street Mc- Clung came up behind him and struck him on the head and arm with either , a loaded cane, or a blackjack. McClung then ran away. The blow on his arm w*as so severe that he could scarcely raise the member. Attorney George H. Perry, manager of the Commercial Collection Agency, Mills building, secured a warrant from Judge Mogan yesterday for the arrest of J. W. McClung, an insurance man on Califor nia street, on the charge of assault with a deadly weapon. Warrant for J. W. McClung's Arrest. Attorney George H. Perry Secures a CLAIMS HE WAS STRUCK . WITH A LOADED CANE Joseph King Faces a Jury in Judge Lawlor's Court on First Charge. The trial of Joseph King, the convict preacher, on a charge of burglary was commenced before a jury In Judge Law lor's court yesterday. There . are alto gether four charges against him, the first one selected for trial being for breaking into the rooms of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, 132 McAllister street, last April and stealing a quantity of clothing and other articles from a trunk belonging to Miss E. Shepherd. King was arrested at 835B Howard street, along with Thomas Barker Henry Hamilton, Annie Barker and Kittie Ni hill, her sister.- Mrs. Barker and her sis ter testified in the Police Court against King and they repeated their testimony ; yesterday. The other witnesses exam j ined were Miss Shepherd and Policemen T. Murphy, Skelly and McNamara and Detective Braig, through whose ingenui | ty the arrests were made. The trial will I be resumed this morning. ' • CONVICT PREACHER ON TRIAL FOR BTTP,GLARY H. J. Finger, president of the v State Board of Pharmacy, '.secured .warrants from Judge Mogan' yesterday for ; the/ar rest of" B. ' . Meyers';. Ninth avenue .'and H street, and ,W. 'B.'^Jamieson/'^vHoward' street, on charges" of selling carbolicacid without being r-eistered pharmacists.' He also secured two warrants for the ar rest of "John -Doe"- Samuels, clerk in- a drug, store at'Ninth and Howard ;streets,; for selling laudanum without'being a reg istered pharmacist and. for; not register ing the sale in a book as. required by law. : Seeks Arrest of Drug Clerks'. PRENZIED at the sight of his aged mother lying on the floor uncon scious from the effects. of having' been bitten, "kicked and beaten in r a shockingly brutal manner -'by Otto Hell wig, a burly bartender, Robert Hillen grabbed a revolver and after ' a struggle succeeded in killing the old wom an's assailant. ' The shocking tragedy oc curred shortly after noontime yesterday just outside of the front door of the fam ily liquor store and saloon at iSOl'Devlsa dero street, of which Mrs. A. A. Hillen, Jhe woman whom Hellwig assaulted, is \he proprietress. Hellwig was employed as a bartender by Mrs. Hillen. The son who. did the shooting Is the manager of the place. Hellwig attacked Mrs. Hillen in the bar room while he was in a drunken frenzy, and before her son Robert could stop him succeeded in blackening one of her eyes, breaking a " rib and inflicting sev eral ugly bites on her arms and hands.- . Hellwig, who had been employed by Mrs. Hillen for the last five years, was given to heavy drinking at times. He was intoxicated yesterday morning when he opened the place, and when Mrs. Hil len. who lives upstairs, came down- she scolded him for reporting for work in such a condition. = Hellwig 'resented the scolding Mrs. Hillen gave him and .warm words ensued. Later young Hillen came into the place to report for duty and got Into an alter cation with Hellwig Qver the latter's con dition, which led to the brutal beating of Hillen's mother and the shooting of .Hell wig. The details are best Atold In the statement which Hillen made to Chief of Detectives' Martin' last- flight. It is as follows: When I came in from lunch ' I noticed that Kellwig had been drinking. He was only half dressed and I asked him to put his collar on. My mother whistled down the talking tube to me not to go out this afternoon. as Otto had said he would, quit. I tried. to talk him into staying, but to no avail. I ; went to the tube and told my mother that Otto . was ' going. She came down stairs. Otto was making a' terrific racket, throwning things around • his room, crying out and swearing. • I went to his door ana told him to stop his noise or I would break tho door la He wouldn't do it, so I broke in the panels of the door and reached 'for the key. but he had taken it out and was standing on a chair looking over the panel and laughing at me.. I went to the telephone and phoned for a policeman to the O'Farrell-street station. Otto was still making a big racket. ' ; I went to the door to look for a policeman, and when I returned he had cone into the closet of his room. I cried to my mother not to let him go until the police came. When I again went to the front door he was climbing out of the window into the street with nothing on ex cept his pants and shirt. As soon' as he saw: me he made a rush at me. . I ran -in > the side door and tried to lock it, but 1 he , got there ¦' before I could do it. "He came; in and, said that the room belonged , to til m' and that' 'he could do as he pleased. I-then weht be- ; hlnd the bar to take charge.- as he was in'no fit condition. When he. started. to come behind the bar I warned him that' he had no-business there. He retorted that he'd "see about that,, and grabbed a. bottle and; struck at. 1 me.y My mother got the bottlcfrom him arid'.I. tried to throw him to the floor, but was unsuccessful, as I was nearly exhausted. * He r then v seized a beer mallet and attempted to use' it.:: -,'In'- the' scuffle, in which we relieved him of the. mallet, he bit one of, my fingers.,- During thi3 'part J of, • * • . * f * ? ?__?_-?_-*, ,T M .T M -* M * M T M a*aa\BT«>T«* i ¦¦¦¦!¦ r^l«T Ti The cases quoted for Registrar 'U'alsh are under entirely different statutes from that of California. The Supreme Court of this State, when it ordered the names to be placed under both party designations, . practically ignored the decisions of the other States. Hollowing, out the line and theory of decisions hereto fore rendered- in this State, especially in Farn ham vs. Boland, if there are two crosses under different tickets it throws out the ballot as to that vote. It is the same as if you voted for tvro rival candidates for the same office. In the case of Farnham vs. Boland the court held that the cross must be placed opposite the name but once, no matter how often that name appears on the ballot. ¦ . Thomas D. Riordan, who will appear before the Election Board this morning on behalf of the Republicans, said yester day: The case of Kills vs. Glaser. 51 N. W. Jtep., CIS, of on all fours. The court at first held that such ballots were to be deemed invalid upon the ground that The crosses so placed constituted dis tinguishing marks. Upon a rehearing this ruling • was reversed, .largely .upon the ground that voters had probably acted In reliance upon certain opinions of the Attorney General, which had been pub lished for their instruction. To now hold in this case, under the condi tions -existing as aforesaid, and as alleged in the petition, that all of these ballots so marked contained, by reason alone of the additional unnecessary cross, a distinguishing mark, re quiring them to be entirely rejected, would be doing great injustice to the voters, who may have so marked their ballots honestly and with the uett intentions, as well as violence to the statute. Registrar Walsh was served yesterday with several authorities on the matter. The first Is the case of Swain vs. Pease, 42 Pacific, 750, a Wyoming case. Mrs. Swain's name as candidate for County School Superintendent was printed twice on the same official ballot, once on the Democratic ticket and once' on the Peo ple's party ticket. In that case the court says: The matter was brought up by friends cf E. J. Llvorr.ash, Democratic and. Labor candidate for Congress in the Fourth Dis trict. ¦ Mr. Livernash's name appears first on the Democratic ticket j in the of ficial ballot and then again on, a line al niQst horizontally to the right, where the Labor party's ticket begins. It was seen that the ordinarily careless voter, after stamping the cross opposite the name in the Democratic ticket, would be likely to place a cross opposite* the same name In the Labor ticket. A matter of great interest to the voters of. this city will be argued at 9 o'clock this morning before the Board of Elec~ ticn Commissioners. The question to be decided is whether j a ballot ¦ shall be thrown out or counted when the cross is stamped twice for the same candidate, the name appearing twice on the official ballot under the heading of different par ties. . As a result of the rise in wheat flour advanced 25 cents a barrel yesterday. The wholesale quotations are $4 and $4 25 per barrel for family brands and $3 SO and $4 , for bakers. Retail prices . are from 25 to 3714 cents higher. In the matter of the advance of wheat the situation is growing still worse for i he Big Four. Agents of the grain manip ulators have been scouring the State and offering handsome prices for wheat with which to flil their contracts, but the growers remain obdurate and will -not re lease their crops at the figures offered. At Fresno $1 30 a bushel was bid and re fused; in Colusa 51 27 has been freely prof fered but there have been no purchases. The conditions are the same in Stockton and Modesto. Spot wheat in San Fran cisco is worth ?1 35 per bushel, but the transactions are light. May wheat opened yesterday morning at $1 3594 and after a recession to $1 So it advanced to $1 36^. December product opened at $1 36, dropped to }l 35 and closed at 51 35"». To wholesale trade the yrices will be a? I'olicws: To consumers using: 1 to 5 cans in rlUFive daily, 00 icnts per can; over 5 cans and up to 10 cans daily, 55 cents per can; 10 caci and c.\f-r daily, 50 cents per can. One and a half quarts. $3 T5 per month; 2 quarts. $5; 2^4 quarts. $«5 1!5; 3 quarts. ?7 50; •i':t quarts, fs 75; 4 quarts. $10. All bottle.l milk 25 cents per month extra per quart, driver to eive exact measure, anjl all extras to be charged for. Table cream will coet 40 cents uer quart and heavy cream <•<> cents per quart. Drivers are pl-edgred ¦ not to deliver milk at Jt-ss than above prices. The minimum price to be charg-ed for milk ¦Rill be 51.50 per month for one pint and 52 60 for a quart; extra pints will cost 5 cents and extra quarts 8*4 cents. Single pints are not io be sold Jess thar. 5 cents and tingle quarts not less tfcan 10 cents. Kor one quart, two deliveries a day. $H \clll be charged per mouth. For more than one quart delivery the rate will be as follows: Secretary A. Dijeau says that the union ¦will assist the employers in the matter of sustaining the new prices. The dairymen, on account of the Increase in expenses, have advanced the cost of milk as follows: At the dairymen's meeting 1 , more than 150 representatives were present. After much discussion it was decided to pay drivers, who are now receiving ?C0 a month for a 32-hour day, 575 a month with the concession that they will work but 10 hours. Extra work is to be paid for at the rate of 40 cents per hour. Drivers who board with their 'bosses and who have heretofore received $40 a month, are to have an increase of $15 per month. The dairymen also agree to employ none but union men. The advance in the price of milk, flour and other commodities is ; the principal topic of conversation in the market places and among householders of the city. At a recent meeting of the Dairymen's Asso ciation and Milk Wagon Drivers" Union it was decided to increase the wages of employes and to charge more for the lac teal fluid. Flour has advanced twenty five cents a barrel and the indications are that it will go higher. The raise in price is caused by the action of. the farmers in holding back their supply of wheat, that the Big Four may be forced to pay a desired price, because of the Australian failure. Squeeze in Wheat, Advances Flour Twenty'- Five Cents a Barrel. Ballots So Marked Are Not Valid. Thomas D. Riordan Insists Dairymen Increase Cost of Lacteal Fluid and Also Wages. Legality of Voting Can didates' Name Twice Is in Question. MILK AND FLOUR HIGHER IN PRICE ELECTION BOARD ASKED TO DECIDE SON KILLS BRUTAL BARTENDER WHO ATTACKS HIS AGED MOTHER SLOSS DECIDES AGAINST BANK HIGHEST BIDDER GETS FRANCHISE Robert Hillen Wreaks Terrible Vengeance on Otto Hellwig; for Assaulting Parent in Her Own Liquor Store* Says Corporation's Fran chise Assessment Was Just, Supervisors Order Sale of Burglar Alarm ; - Privilege. Board of Works to Report Condition of Van Ness «'. Avenu©."~~ Court Findings May Affict Important Cases The Bank of California encountered ita first obstacle yesterday in its efforts to prove that the city had no right to assess Its franchise for more than $10,000 and In cidentally to recover from the city treas ury the sum of J12.1S7 76, which the cor poration had paid a3 taxes. The obstacle was in the nature of an adverse decision from Judge Sloss. The court held that the, franchise was properly assessed and that the. money paid as taxes could not be recovered. . The decision docs not affect the hun dred or more other suits that are now pending before the courts. It has, how ever," a direct bearing on the cases of the Pacific States Telephone Company and the Wells Fargo Company Bank. These corporations not only objected to the as sessment placed on their franchises by Assessor : Dodge, but Absolutely refused to pay their taxes. They sued out a writ of Injunction in the United States Courts prohibiting the Tax Collector from col lecting taxes from thenS. In view of the decision rendered by Sloss, the City At torney will now in all probability com mence proceedings to have the injunc tion dissolved. . The franchise of the'Bank of California was assessed by Dodge in 1900 at $730,000 and the tax on this amount aggregated J12.1S7 76.. The bank, paid this stun and then brought suit to recover It on tha ground that the assessment was exces sive. In previous years the franchise had only, been valued at $10,000. Inmates of Belden Place Fined. The five keepers and twenty-one in mates of houses in Belden place who were arrested Saturday night by Chief Witt man and several policemen ¦ appeared be fore . Judge : Cabaniss yesterday. Tho keepers were each fined $10 and the In mates $5. Suicide of a t Leper. A Chinese leper named Quong Chung, formerly of 841 Dupont street, committed suicide in the garden, of the pesthouse early yesterday morning by hanging him self to an apple tree. He placed a box under the tree and standing on tha'box tied the noose around his neck, kicked the box away" and strangled himself." The body was found at half past 6 o'clo<-* yesterday- morning partly resting on tha ground. .An ordinance was passed to print by the Board of Supervisors yesterday de claring the Intention of the board to ad vertise for bids for the sale of a fifty year franchise for the installation of an electric burglar alarm system. The fran chise will include the privilege of tearing up the streets for the purpose of laying conduits for connecting wires. The San Francisco Electric. Protective Association has already petitioned for the franchise, and under the Broughton act must be the highest bidder in order to secure the franchise. - . The Board, of "Works was requested to inform the Board of 'Supervisors as to what work Is required on Van Ness ave nue to place the thoroughfare In good condition, and more particularly as to the work required to be done thereon near O'Farrell street. The board was also re quested to advise whether there is suffi cient money under its control to pay for the work necessary . to be done. The petition of property owners that the sewer in Harrison street, between I if th and Sixth streets, . be placed in good condition was referred to the Street Committee. PAPERING OF WALLS. The ordinance prohibiting the papering, tinting or kalsomlning of walls in hotels, lodging-houses or in buildings occupied by at least thre,e families living separate ly therein without first removing the old tinting or kalsominlng- . therefrom was passed to print. Ordinances were finally passed desig nating the location and width of Clemen tina street, between First and Third streets; dedicating certain lands in block 8 of the Flint tract " for park purposes: granting permission to -John Rosenfeld's Sons to erect a seven-story office building on the corner of Sutter and Stockton streets; authorizing the Tax Collector te expend $3500 for the omployment of clerks to collect excess taxes, and providing for an increase In the police pension fund by allowing 10. per cent of licenses collected from saloons and one-half of the moneys received from licenses from pawnbrokers, second-hand dealers and junk stores to be paid into the fund. The Associated Students of Stanford and California universities were granted the. use of sidewalk space on Seventh and Eighth avenues for football purposes, on condition that the fences be taken down by January 10,i 1903* ESTABLISHES GRADES. Grades were .ordered established on Eleventh, Thirteenth and Sixteenth ave nues and K and M streets. '"'* The board j ordered the construction of stone sidewalks around Duboce Park, to cost $3000. • - - The Yosemite Club was granted a per mit ¦ for a professional boxing contest in November.. ¦ - . •• Supervisor Loughery was added to the special committee to revise the proposed building ordinance". ,. . The board adopted resolutions in re spect to the. memory of the . late Colonel George H. Mendell. The preamble pays tribute to the deceased as- a man, a public official and a soldier/ and the resolutions continue: • " . Resolved, That the city of San Francisco has lost a faithful public official in the death of Georee H. Mendell ; and further Resolved.- That we -extend our sympathy to the Board of Public Works for the loss of an esteemed president, to the family for the loss of. an affectionate husband and father, and that these resolutions be entered In the journal and an engrossed copy thereof be sent to the sorrowing i widow. James P. Booth,- John Connor. Robert J. ' Loughery, committee. . LIEUTENANT NEALL MUST STAY IN JAIL Circuit Court of Appeals Decides That the District .Court Had Full . Jurisdiction. -...- ,~. In the United States Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday decisions were handed down in the , following cases: Issola Rorlck vs." tho- Railway Officials' and s Employes' Association — Judgment on the de murrer reversed, witn leave for the defendant to answer. •• T. F. - Townsley. E. -W. Price and A. B. Graham vs. -, the Crescent City Transportation Company, claimant of the steamer Del Norte. Northern District qf Washington — Judgment affirmed. . . ' •'.¦-•;. J. M. Neall vs. United . States — Decree of the lower . court affirmed. ... The Circuit Court decided that the Dis trict Court had jurisdiction in the case of Neall, notwithstanding that the offense might also have been triable by court martial. Neall is now serving a sentence of two years' : imprisonment in the San Quentln penitentiary .for forging a cer tificate of deposit drawn in favor of John Cranson for $460, Cranson being a private in the Fourth Cavalry, U. S. A., of which Neall was first lieutenant. ""'¦'.'[ J. Chinese Beaten by Three Men. Lee How, a cook at the residence of F. Smith, 2509 Howard street, reported to the police yesterday that, while he was leav ing a grocery at Twenty-first and Mission streets Sunday morning with a basket of groceries three men attacked him and beat him, on the face and body with their fists. He did not know the men. Professor Obata to Lecture. An Illustrated lecture on Japan will bo given next Friday i evening by Professor Obata in the hall of the Young Men's Christian Association. ;THE ?AN FBAIsGISCO "CALL, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1902. 14 I WbM FIVE DAYS I I HAQOPIAN & CO.'S v ;; • *-"•'. "'."/" "" .".'.''''"""''' ' . ¦'¦'¦¦ 2 • 230 POST STREET; "\i % I RETIRING FR OM BUSINESS | JJ ¦ If- you'havc any idea of buying an Oriental Rug • &¦ this is your chance, as the Ru^s must be sold S •'5r3' *•¦'• >° n d''stbrc "vacated^.by.Noycmben 1st. :X ,,X :-X~ 9 2\ v' Orier.tal ; Ru^s-at this sale at the price of • q . . \, .Domestic Rugs*- 5 I S^LES DAILY P. M. | 5; A.W.LOUDERBACK, Art Auctioneer. • 3 IT^AN ORBENTAL RUG \^LL BE GIVEN AWAY:EACH DAY. | THE OLD RELIABLE G3I , Absolutely Pure, THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE APVEiynSKBIEIITS. Agreeable soap for the hands is one^that dissolvs^^ quickly, washes quickly, rinses * quickly, and leaves the skin soft, and comfort- able. It is Pears'. ,- > Wholesome soap is one that attacks the dirt but • not the living skin. It is.. Pears'. soap is one that a touch of cleanses. And this is Pears'. Established over 100 years. EMO^OmCIDE IT IS A SHAME FOR ANT CASE OJ". ] PILES To be cut when more than 500 business men and an equal number of women In this dt» have been permanently cured by this treat- ment without surgery or delay. More than 100 names sent as reference to those who wish to Investigate. The treatment can only be applied by a skillful physician and cannot b« sent. For particulars call or write. THE EMORODICIDB CO.. Rooms 49fr495. Parrott Bulidlnff. O— _o RVSS HOUSE DINING-ROOM. MERCANTILE LUNCH For ladles and gentlemen. Hours, 11 ;05 to 2 p. m. Service as -suests of hotel.. Rates, $7 per month. CHARLES NEWMAN COMPANY, Formerly Prop. Richelieu Cafe. o o _ ! ~ — n — i ¦ BEWARE ¦ o ' ; Of Impostors. Mayerle Glass** . cannot be had from travelin'ir opticians. Order direct frum GEORGE MAYERLE 1071 »n«£*|>i Market. S. F. German E>^- ¦* water 50c. Phone South 572.-. • DR. MONULTyT rfHIS WELL-KNOWN AND RKLIABLE OLD -L Specialist ewe* B lood Poison , t)onorrho» Gleet. ?li d -*P iv>nl , era - on Diseases of Heir. free. ?tSifT e ?8 I ?»^W'^- T o e " n<l reasonable. ilou£ ? ?i . «y.S:J0toa.30ev 'gs. Sundarn, 10 to li CormiU tatloufreeandsacredly confidential. Call oJaddreta gC^Rearnyau San Francisco, Cal. iiliiisoMjs Byron Mot Springs •^ > CONTRA COSTA CC>.. CAL. • • '' Fine hotel, modern Improvements perf*c* appointments.^ Suits with mineral .bath* Waters and hot : mineral and mud baths cure rheumatism and malaria. Addrwi MANAGER LEWIS; Byron Hot 4nrt«« Cal. Call on Lombard & j Co.," g G^H PARAI&p The kading summer and winter »eso!rt of th» Statt. Send for beautirul booklet la V \V * United States or Canada one year for SI. postage paid. - -