Newspaper Page Text
New York Metal Market. BAGS— Grain Bags. 6%@5%c for June-July ¦delivery ;- San. Quentin. 6.55c; Wool Bags,' 32® 85c; Fleece . Twine. 7Mi@Ste; Fruit Bags. OHc, 6c and 6%c for three size* of Cotton and'O^tf 8%c for Brown Jute. ," n COAL— Wellington, i $8 per ton; Southfleld Wellington, $8; .Seattle, $6 50; Bryant.. $0.50; Roslyn, $7; Coos Bay; $5 50; Greta. $7; Wall send, $6 50;- Co-operative Wallsend,: ; $6 50: Richmond, $7 60; Cumberland,' $12 In bulk and $13 25 In sacks; Pennsylvania Anthracite Egg, '. ;¦ Welsh Anthracite ¦¦ Egg. $13: - Welsh Lump, ?ll 50: Cannel, ' $9 per ton ; , Coke, ¦ $15 per 'ton, In bulk and $17 in sacks; Hocky Moun tain descriptions. $8 45 per, 2000 lbs and $8 50 per ton. according to brand. -- ¦ :. -- • . - - \ OIL-— Linseed, ¦> 54c • for boiled : and 1 52o •. for raw,', in. barrels; , cases, - ac : more; : . Calif or- General Merchandise. NEW YORK, Dec. 1.— To-day'« Btock market ii.ade a rather notable chow of strength and ; rices were up 1 per cent or more. This was •jue in part to the sympathetic effect of move r.ients In special stocks In which a speculative .-ampaiga was going on, but general consider ations also played a part. Of thece special movements the most notable was in the trans rracticn group. The accompanying gossip quite irentrally pointed to a plan with a com i«r-rjj»!islve merger of all the traction facilities vl'Jiin the Greater New York corporate limits dad a supposed share in the control by New York Central and Pennsylvania. Manhattan co:i£plcuously abstained from a share in the movement and was at tlmea below Saturday's level. The dealings in this Btock were rather .light. This gave some color to a supposition that the movement among the other tractions was designed to adjust their valuations to the higher lever already attained by Manhattan. Another conspicuous center of strength was the eoft coal group, especially the north and south roads traversing the region bet ween, the Ohio Rlv<>r and the lakes. Rumors were current of a plan for combining all the railroads in the Nczv York Stock Market. •Receipts of Potatoes (Were very large, aggre gating nearly -12,000 sacks. .Prices -Were; un change'd : and there J was a fair ¦ movement ¦ In fancy | stock. ;*Sweeta were j offering freely at the previously quoted rate. , Three m6re cars camsi in. .Fancy, Onions were In light , supply and firmly ; held, but common offerings were neglected. '<¦" '¦¦' ¦'' '-•V- i ' : ' 1 -'- • > >j»'5 ?•».'•" $ Los Anseles vegetables were in light " receipt and ' continued to bring good prices. Offerings of Lima Beans were .of very .poor quality, hence the low quotations. Prices of .Tomatoes still had ft wide ranee, owing to. abundance of poor stock. ¦-.¦'/ •¦• ¦ ...-•.¦.•.¦.:.•;,,»'•,. </..-,' .» POTATOES— Burbanks from the river. 30© 55c .. per :> ctl; -Salinas Burbanks.. $1@1 15 per ctl; ' Oregon,- 90c@$l 10; River . Reds, 40@50c per- ctl; Early ; Rose. : 65@75o per ctl: Sweet Potatoes, $1 25 per ctl for Merced. ;., ..,-.•. ONIONS — 55@70c per ctl for, the best and 35 ©BOc for lower grades.' . i . . ¦ . . j.,v VEGETABLES— Green Peas, 6@7c per. lb- String Beans. | 8«f!10c. including. Wax; Lima 6c ; Cabbage, • 75®80c per • ctl ;. Tomatoes, 40c@ fl.'per box: Carrots, 40@50c per sack; Cucum bers, 50@73c per box;-, Garlic. 2@2%c per lb; Green Peppers, 40®50c per box; Dried Peppers, S(S9c Der lb: Ekst Plant, 75c@$l per box for Potatoes, :¦ Onions and Vegetables. EASTERN MARKETS. CHICAGO. .. : . . , CHICAGO, Dec. 1.— Cattle— Receipts, 38,000, Including ' 200 Wef terns ; 15®20c "lower. Good to prime steers, $5 75@7 00; poor ¦ to medium, $::<5r» 75; stockers and - feeders, $2@4 CO; cows, $140ii^50; heifers, *2@4 75; cunhers,' SI 40ffl 2 40; bulls. $2@4 5o; calves, $3 5o@« 7^ Texas-fed steers, $3^1 25; Western steers' $3 C0#4 7.". • — : £'¦¦)': ' ' ' ' ' Hogs— Receipts: To-day, 45,000; to-morrow, 3S.0CO; left ov«r, 4000; steady; closed . strong Mixed and butchers' $5 85@0 30; good to choice heavy, $0 .10® 6 50; rough heavy, $5 70® 6 16; light, $5 tS6&t> 15; bulk of sales $««* 0 20. - ... ~-~ Sheep — Receipts, 60.000. Sheep, lOffllOc lower; Iambs, - 10@25c lower. Good to choice wethers, $3 C0@4; fair to choice mixed, $2 60 @,1 60; Western sheep, ' $2 70@3 80- native lambs, $3 70@5 40; Western lambs, $3 75@5. / ST. JOSEPH. ', ¦]'.'. ST. -< JOSEPH, Dec. 1.— Cattle^-RecelDts 2195. Cows and heifers, $2@4 95; veals «•>«; 0; bulls and stags, $2 25@4 50; stockers' ' and feeUers, $2 60@4 00. -.' • • Hogs— Receipts, -s2890. Steady to strone Medium and , heavy, $0 10@6 20; p| K a $3 S5@6. .<. •- " ¦ .; . '.'.' y ~"! Sheep-^-Receipts, 2676; ; active; steady Eastern Livestock Market. The Bean. market shows a general Improve ment, due to the disappearance of the wet lots from the market and a continued good de mand for 1 'overland shipment. Receipts are moderate. ' ¦'¦¦¦'¦-. ¦ . ',- " BEANS-^-Bayos. $2 70®2 90; small White, $3 15@3 Uo; large White, $3@a 25; Pink, S2 40 @2 70; Red. *2 00«3; Lima. $4 20®4 35; Red Kidneys, $4 75; Elackeye, $3 7O@3 85 per ctl. 1 SEEDS— Brown Mustard, $3 25; Yellow Mus tard. -$3@3 25-,-Flax. $2 50@3; Canary, 4@4%c lor Eastern; Alfalfa,' 10@llc; Rape. 1%@2%c; Timothy, >7c; Hemp,'3*i@4c per lb; Broom Corn Seed, $12®15 per ton. ¦.-.¦¦¦ ..- DRIED PKAB— Niles. $2 50; Green. $1 8502; Blackeye. per ctl. , ¦ \ , Beans and Seeds. .The following quotations are lor good, sound Livestock delivered in . San Francisco, less &•» per cent shrinkage for Cattle: - CATTLE — Steers, 8V4®Uc; Cows and Heifers, 7@7 ¥>c ; thin • Cows, 4'u5c per lb. ,-,,.•¦. •* . CALVES — 4®5%c per lb (gross weight).- , . - SHEEP— Wethers.' 3*i&4c; ewe«, . 3V4@3VaC pet- lb {gross weight). / , LAMBS— Yearlings, 4®4%c per lb. ; ' : HOGS — Live Hogs, loll lbs and - u#, C',ic; under 100 lbs, 6@0> / < 1 c; feeders. 5 : Ji@5%c; sow.-, 20 per cent, oft; . boars, 50 per cent off, and stags 40 per cent oft from above quotations. . - PORK-yDressed Hogs. 8^09^0 per lb. 'LIVESTOCK MARKET.. VEAL— Large, 7%®8%c; small, 8%©y ',4c per pound. ¦ . - •• -'"¦•-•. • "¦ , MUTTON — W«thers, 8%®0%c; Ewea, 8®!)c per^lb. .-:¦¦".¦'¦: iw : . ¦¦ - ¦ - ¦. ¦• • -' ¦ ¦ - LAMB— »%©10c :.per«lb. ¦¦"¦¦ ' DRESSED MEATS. . Wholesale rates from slaughterers to dealers are as follows: BEEF — 7©7 J /ic for st««rs and 6©0V4c per Ib for Cows. : ' : : .'-' w ' ¦ ¦¦'":¦.¦¦.¦-¦ --'. ¦ ¦' There' Is no further change. In anything under this head. '. . '. ¦• : ¦ San Francisco Meat LIVERPOOL. Wheat — . Dec. March.' May. Opening ....: 6 10»4 5 11% 5 ll»i Closing .......510% 5 11% « 00 PARIS. Wheat— . : Dec. May^-Aug.' Opening 20 80 21 25 Closing . i 20 70 21 25 Flour — .'. ¦ ¦-.:¦- * : Opening ..........;.;......:.. 28 30 28 10 Closing ...........*.... .. 28 20 28 15 ' WEATHER CONDITIONS AND GENERAL FORECAST. ¦ : A depression or great depth (jnd wide extent \f moving tapldly souti.rastward over the Rockv Mountain?. During tht- past twenty-four hours the pressure has fallen about half an inch over L'tah. There has been an unusually rapid rise in pressure over Vancouver Island, Wash ington and Oregon. • Main bas fallen from Eureka northward and a thunderstorm is reported at Boise. High west winds j.revail from North H«ad to Tatoosh Island, exceeding fifty miles «n velocltv. The temperature lias fallen 10 degrees over •lie greater portion of Oregon and Washington. It will probably fall rapidly Tuesday over Ne vada and Northern California. Forecast made at San Francisco for thirty hours ending midnight, December 2: Northern California — Cloudy; cooler Tuesday hrtsfc northerly winds !n the interior; brisk to jhiKh westerly winds en the coast. Southern California — Cloudy '.Tuesday; pos- Eibly light rain: brisk (southwest wind. Nevada — Cloudy Tuesday with light snow In northern portion; decidedly colder Tuesday T.:»rht; brisk to high northwest winds. San Francisco and vicinity — Cloudy; cooler Tuesday; brirk to high westerly winds ALEXANDER G. McADIE, * . ¦' ¦ ' Forecast Official. Foreign Futures. CALIFORNIA STOCK AND OIL EXCHANGE. . Stock— I Bid, j Asked." Abby Land A Improvement.. 1 10 1. 20 Alameda sugar 18 0U , American Biscuit SO- 0O ........ American District Tel 6 50 ........ Bay Counties Power 70 OO Cal Central Gas & Elec 55 00 Cal Cotton Mills. 75 to ........ Cal Jockey Club 105 00 ' 135 0O Cal Powder | ......'.." Cal Shipping Co 1 W ou 32 50 Cal Title Ins & Trust | ......... Central Bank of Oakland,..,., 45 OO Chutes Company 7 73 City and County Bank ...|.... Cypresa Lawn Imp't Co |. e 00 Eastern Dynamite Ewa Sugar Plantation... ;....|...\ .". Equitable (pool) Gas *..| 2 50 « Four Oil I \ 54 Gas -Consumers' Association.. 20 0O . ........ Hanf ord OU .-, S*O 0i > 91 0O Home Oil f 2 85 S 90 Honolulu Sugar 1 24 50 27 00 • Imperial Oil ltt 00 Kern Oil ." & 75 4 00 London and S F Bank (Ld) Monte Crtsto Oil.. 1 35 1 40 Mercantile Trust Northern Cal Power 75O 8 CO Nevada National Bank 205 0O - ...:.... North Shore Railroad 1O0O 16 00 Oil City Petroleum 14 Orpheum Company 13 75 Peerless Oil .- 1175 12 00 Pacific States Tel & Tei Parafflne Paint Postal Device & Imp't ... .-. -2 30 Resd Crude Oil 32 3 f Dry Deck ii. ... .-...-.,-; *¦. 8an Joaquln Oil.... ....I 7 25 7 5O Sausalito Land & Ferry .. 13 tf> Sperry Flour Company 32 00 ' Standard Electric 21 00 Sterling Oil 1 70 1 721J Thirty-three Oil ............ 7 25 S CO Twenty-eight OU I 52% Truckee Electric j. 14 00 15 0O Union Oil ........ Union Sugar 12 0O ........ United Petroleum :-... ........ United Gas & Electric.:...... 33 25. ; Western.'Fish Co..... ,.' West Shore Oil 2 Oo | , . -— ________ 1-'-i i*f' "' . Morning Session. Board — 2500 Independence '. 09 1300 Sterling ....:.; ... 1 70 100 Sterling, b 30 : 1 T2Y % 100 Sterling, b 30 1 00 60 Thlrty-thre« 7 50 200 Monte Crlsto 1 5U 11CO Mflnte Crlsto I 47ft 100 Monte Crlsto 145 100O Four Oil 65 2 Hanford : 80 00 . ' Afternoon Session. ' Board — 1C0 Reed Crude " 32 . 10 Kern i River 7 25 2 Kern' Oil- 7 0t> . 20O Mont* Crlsto :...... 1 42Ji 50O Monte Criato 140 1100 Monte Crlsto - 1 37 ft 50 San Jsaquin 7 •CS • 300 Sterling ." 172ft 10 Peerless, b 30... 13 00 •- .Street— . 600 Reed Crude .'. ••• 32 600 Sterling, b- 30 1 "2_ .All descriptions remain as before.' Receipts of Hay arc. running light and the market is firm. BRAN— $10(321 per ton. . MIDDLINGS— £22025 per ton. FEEDSTUFFS— Rolled Barley, $25@26 per ton; Oilcake Meal at. the mill. $25@26; Jobbing, $26 50@27 ; Cocoanut Cuke, $^0'a21 ; Corn Meal, SaOCFiUi Cracked Corn, $: JO C0©31 00; Mixed Feed, $204J-21 ;¦ Cottonseed Meal, $26 50. . . HAY — Wheat, $12<!£14 50, with sales at "$15; Wheat and Oat, $lltfl4; Red and, Black Oat, $llft<13: Wild Oat,$'.'^12 5U; Barley, $'J®l0 60 block $S 50@W 60; AitaUa. $'J@U 50; Clover, SHilV 50 per ton. . isTRA'W— 45@ti5c Der bale. Hay and Feedstuff s. MILLSTUFFS— Prices in packages are as fol lows; Graham Flour. $3 50 per 100 lbs; H>u Flour. $3 25; Rye Meal. $3; nice Flour, »,•; Corn Meal, $3 25@3 50; extra cream . do, $4® 4-'5;'Oat Groats, $5 25; Hosnlny, $4 25®4 5u; Buck-wheat Flour. $4 50(^4 75; Cracked \vheat. $4; Farina, $4 DO; Whole Wheat Flour. $3 73; Rolled Oats,' barrels, $r 35@D; In sacks, $6 &&u> SCO; Pearl Barley, $6; Split Peas, boxes, $6 50. Green Pea*. $5 per 100 lbs. FLOUR— California Family Extras, $4 20® 4 45, usual terms; - Bakers' Extras, $4 100 4 20; Oregon and Washington, $3 50@3 75 per bbl for Family and $3 50@4 for Bakers'. Flour and Millstuffs. ' Advices from the two Northern States report hop growers weaker and accepting rather lower prices. The situation In Calltornia has become unsettled and vague, some. Sonoma and Mendo clno growers Slaving advanced tneir price to 30c; while buyers have reduced their bios .t-j 23fr'25c. ' • ' niuKS AND SKINS— Culls. and brands Sell ubout l'/^c under , quotations. Heavy batteu bikers, lie; medium, loc; iisht, »VaP; cow nia-.t, tie fur heavy and 4'ac tor light; sta*->. ,u; baited Kip, »*Sc; Salted Veal, U>>,cj & tt4kei i uaif. 10c ; Dry Hiaea, IWqIIc; culls, 15c; M y lvlp, ll&13c; Dry ealf, «oc; Culls unU iiiuuuo, lCc; Sheepskins, shearlings, 25©.«0c each; »nuu wool, 40I&0OC each; medium, U5)!75c; long woui... tuu(*i$l 20 each; Horse Hides, salt, $3 for iar*e. and *2 f>0 fcr medium, $1(0 — for small aiu'M lor Colts. Horsehldes, dry, $1 75 for iaij;<, yi GO far medium, iliiil 25 for small and oU<i tor Colts. Buck Skins — Dry Mexican, 32V-jc; dry t>alted Mexican, 26c; dry Central- Ameriou, 3214c. Goat Skins — Prime Angoras, 70c; large ami ero'joth, 00e; medium,' 35e. . ¦' . . TALLOW— No. 1 rendered, SJi^Cc per lb; No. 2, 4&@0c: grease, 2V4®3> / iC. \VOO1»— Spring— Valley Oregon, Lambs. 14 Vi (315c ver Ib. . '¦" • C - -¦ .¦'¦:, ¦¦¦¦•: Fall Clip — S»n Joaquln and Southern. 7@10e i;erlb; do Lambs, Sijloe ; Northern free, lOfli ]2c; defective, - UQUOc per ' lb; : Humboldt And Mendoclno, 12© 15c; Middle County, u@llc pt-r pound. ;• - HOPS— 23(^27c per lb. "- ,' Hides, Tallow, Wool and. Hops. Last This Last Stations — 24 hours. Season. Season. Eureka 0.34 13.73 11.07 Red Bluff 0.01 10.03 8.12 Sacrarr.erto 0.02 3.71 4.M) San Francisco 0.01 3.69 4.M0 Fresno O.00 2.66 2.01 Independence 0.00 0.79 1.29 Can Luis Obis-no 0.00 ; 3.78 4.44 Lts Angeles 0.00 2.45 2.46 S«n Diego 0.C0 2.50 0.75 g 2 S 3 2 "t i flSlf SI af ' I STATIONS. ~ 2- S l =1 £"* S •? S 3 S ¦ c = : ? ¦? : : I Astoria 30.08 4S 42 KW Pt Ody 37 Baker 2a. 94 VJi 32 Pt Cldy .11 Carson 29.94 54 34 SW Clear .00 Eureka :jo.28 04 52 N Clear .34 Fresno :{O.<>8 «0 38 W Clear CO Flagstaff 4« .. W Pt Cldy .00 Pocatello. lda.2».78 :{8 £6 SW Cloudy 20 Independence. .29.02 5S 23 SE Clear 00 Los Angeles.. 2».»2 (« 40 SW Pt Cldy .CO Pteenlr 2y.S« «4 tS s Pt Cldy .00 Portland 3O.14 4« 42 102 « e «S Bluff .W.12 52 44 N ' Clear '.01 Roseburg 30.24 4S 48 SW Cloudy 8t Sarramento 10 SU 44 NW Clear 02 Salt Lake ...2!>. 72 42 HO SW Cloudy .19 fcan Francisco..t0.14 5G 46 W Cloudy 01 S. L. Cbispc..:iO.OO 06 46 N Clear "oo San Diego ....2y.U4 64 44 S Clear 00 Seattle 30.00 it 42 S Pt Cldy 's'> Spokane 23. 78 46 40 SW Cloudy T* Tatoosh 2*J.*.)8 46 42 XV Cloudy 4'» Walla Walla.. 2«. J»4 r.C 46 SW - Pt Cldy T~ Vv'innemucca. .29.00 TO 3'5 NW ("lear fin Yuma 28.S8 6a 42 NE Clear '.O0 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, quiet and steady; No. 1! spring wheat. 74S574UC NO. 3. 69@7.1c; No. 2 red, 75H©7e%c- No o corn, 53c; No. 2 yellow, 53 %c- • No 2 oa'ta" 29%c; No. 3 white, 31c : No. 2 rye,' 4S@51c' good feeding barley, 34@3Sc; fair to choipp malting. 5r>©5Sc: No. 1 flaxseed. $1 15- No 1 Northwestern, $120; prime timothy seed Si mess pork, per bbl, $16 62%®lo 75- lard ner 100 lbs. $10 47%@1O 60; short ribs sides S. 00 ! 8 -??; A S Jr 5@0 , : dry * alted 8 h9uMers (boxed). $9 12%@9 25; clover, contract grade, $10. Articles— Receipts. Shipments". Flour, bbls 27,«0O 20 000 Wheat, bu 108,400 r.20'0OO Corn, bu 228,200 122 700 Oats, bu 395.800 • 218 300 Rye, bu -12,300 41000 Barley, bu 77,400 -32,500 On the Produce Exchange to-day the^butter market/ was firm; creameries. 18@28c. Cheese firm; 11012c. Kggs, steady; 24c. 5 Giant Powder Con. .". .. • . . 79 06 ¦ 10 Giant : Powder Con .........:...... 7« 25 400 Hana Plantation Co....; .......... a 50 100 Hana Plantation Co.. '..v.... ...... 5 62U 100 Honokaft ........'..:..;..'..;...... 15 25 120 Honokaa .......... .'...T..:: 15 50 100 Honokaa 15 75 Afternoon Session, Board — , •• - - ' • ¦ ;10 Alaska Packers Association 160 50 - J20 Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar.. 44 00 125 Honokaa Co ...15 25 75 Honokaa Co ..rjs 371/ 50 Hutchinson S P Co 15 75 250 Hutchinson S P Co.. 15 00 es Makaweli ....... — .;..." ::rr.v.v; 25 tx>" 100 Paauhau S P Co. . IS 25 60 Pacific Gas Imp.'.... *5 0O ' 50 Pacific Gas Imp..: 85 25 5 8 F Gas A Electric Co............ 42 00 $7000 S Y 4s (2d Mortgage) 103 00 Street— - '' :. : ¦¦ ;•" - -• -1C5 Alaska Packers' Association. 160 50 - 60 Pacific Gas Imp 35 00 $7C00 Markef*st R R Con 6s 121 50 Morning Session. Am N B....120 — First Nationl — - — Anglo-Cal ..87 90 LP&A....166 171'- Bank of Cal.455% — Mer Ex -(lq) 40 — . Cal Safe Dp.137%142% S F Nationl. _ _ : .. ¦ <- savings-banks. :¦ Ger S 4 L.2095 2175 , Sav A Loan. 90 105 Humboldt .. — —;,, Security Sav.325 Mutual .."... — 82% Union Trst.1830 — S.F Bav U..540 — - I r * STREET RA1LRO ADS. ' .. California '-.. 102% — • Market-st .. 99% — Geary — — Presidio — 50 - i POWDER. . Giant ; ...... 76% 76^ VJgorit .... 3>i 3% ' •.: •¦••': sugar., . ¦ Hana ...... 5% — Kllauea .... 9 - 9% Hawaiian .. 44% 46 Makaweli .. 25H 28 Honokaa ...15%. 18 Onomea .... 22% 25 Hutchinson ..18% 16% Paauhau ... 18% — MISCELLANEOUS. , Ala'sk Pack.lOO%ieO% Oceanic S Co — 20 Cal Fruit Can. — 93% Pac A F A.. 2% 3 Cal Wine Aa.lOVA — (Pac 'C Bon. — 167% BANKS. UNITED, STATES BONDS. Bld.Ask. I 4s qr teg., lftnuino Bid. Ask. 4s qr c (newilS f!,. 4s qr coup. . .109%110 1 3s V coup lCgtilCS *? MISCELLANEOUS BONDS. ' Ala A W 5s. — — I Oak TV • ¦ k_ " Bay CPC 53.108 108% Oceanic 1 1* ~ X %* Fer&C H 6s.ll7%121 Pwl7 at °2 g, 1 } 8 ,* 121 L Ang R 5s. 118 119 " K^ . A 9 « , ol L^o^ Stl^Hi 8 <K ,:-:ii 3 4 V 4m B LA D P° f l c d on 6 5 V2! XOT% ffi)Sr i'lOS* _ Mkt-9t C 6S.125 — <lf^)Sr B.106% — DO lem 5S.12U4 — ' jl^> -...108% _ N R of C 6S.111 112 Q <1°12) ....119% — Do 5s ....121%123 S P of c 1st N C P R 6s.lO»^llOi4 "r^Btd 5s.. 120 ,— N C R 5s. .112 — a Do stmpd.109 109% N C P C 58.101% — S P B RC6».14O H S R 5s 101% — S V W 6s..lOOVillO O G L H 59413 Do 4s 2dm.lO2% — Oak T Co BS123 — Do 4a SUm.102 Do 53 ....114 — . Stkn OftE«s.lO:{Ul07 Do con 53.107 :103 Un O&E 6s. 107' _ • WATER STOCKS.' Contra Costa 69% 71 I Port Costa.. 64 " 66% Marin Co... 60% — (Spring Val.. 85% — GAS 1 AND ELECTRIC. Cent L & P. ¦ 3% 3% Sac E G & R — 30 Eqt G L Co. 3& ,3% S F G & E.41% 42% Mutual E L. — .6 S F G L Co. 6H 0 O G L & H. 66' 69 Stktn G & E » - _ Pac G Imp. 35% 35% Un G*E Co. 33% — Pac L Co.... — 63% . .INSURANCE. Firem's Fnd.305 315 / MONDAY. Dec. 1—2 p.^m STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE. ' CLOSING QUOTATIONS. MONDAY. Dec 1 — 4 p. m. , " Bld.Ask. Bid.Ask. Alpha ....... 01 , 03 Justice 04 ,.00 Alta — 00 Kentuck .... 01 -03, Andes 05 00 Lady Wash .. 05 Oti Belcher ..... 12 15 Mexican .59 «O Best & Belch... 85- 86 Occidental ... 18 17 Bullion ...... — ' 0J Oplslr '98 1 W) Caledonia 1 15 1 2C Overman .... 22 23 Chal. Coni.... 11 !•» Potoal is 19 Chollar « 12 ( Sava«e is n Confidence .. W» «0i Scorpion .... — «l Con. Ca.AVa.1 10 15 Seg. Beicher . 04 od Con. Imperial 01 02 Sierra Nev. . . ' 20 n l Con. NY,...— 02 Silver Hill .. 51 {£ Crown Point. 09 K St. Loul« ... _ cu Eureka ...... 18 -r- Syndicate ... (n Exchequer . . — ¦ 01 : Union Con. . . 2-4 25 Gould A Cur. Id it/ Utah 1 03 M Hale & Nor.. 2a 23 Yel. Jacket., u 13 Julia ........ — 04] COT'i'OLKNK — One half-barrel, OTic; three hali-barrei», Xi'-kc: one tierce, i»*&e; two tierces, i>Jic; liv-e tierets. 9-?i>c per lo. Chicago was weak. This market was dull and unehanced. . . " v . ¦ . CURED MEATS— Bacon. 13%c pet ib lor heavy, '14c for light medium, ICe for light, 17c, tor extra light, 18c for sugar-cured and laQtfOc lor extra sU3ar-curcd; Eastern sugar-cureU lian:s. H%&lC>c; California . Hams, 13® lie; Mess Beef. *1<> per libl; Extra Mess, $10 buifil; tamily, »11 bUtflZ; prime MtSd Pork, »i5v l& 60; ¦ extra clear, $27; Mess, $iu &o;' i>ry balled Pork, 14&14%c; Pig Pork. <i30; Pig» I eel, $5; Smokta Ue<-(, 15c per lb. LARD — Tierces quoltd at t>VitoS%c per ;b lor comcouud ftild 12%c for pure; hatf-barrei*. l»ure, l^->ic; 10-lb tins, Uftc; 5-ib tins. U^c; \-lb tint-, 13%c. ' Provisions. Articles - Open. High. Low. Clotfe. Wheat, No. 2 — - ffir?^.:::::: ?a^fs8 JU &rn;-No:-2- "* 7^ «« ,™ Ja Oa U fs ry No."2- 47 «&. «S «? Mess potk, per bbl— . * " ¦ J - % January 15 85 15 92% 15 80 15 82V, M iw- *ev -iA^ i5 wi i4 1! May 18 82% 8 87% 8 80 8 80 Short ribs, per 100 lbs— ° °" » BO January 8 20 8 22% 8 12% 8 15 May ...¦¦¦..... S 05 8 05 7 02% 7 is The following are the seasonal rainfalls to date, as compared with those of the Fame data last season, and rainfall in the last twenty-four hours : Weather Report. (120th Meridian— Pacific Time.) SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 1—5 p. m. CHICAGO, Dec. 1.— The feature to trading in wheat to-day -was the unloading of a big line by the leading long and the consequent throwing en the market of a large amount held by traders who had been following in* his wake. The result was a decline of over a cent in May, while the nearby deliveries were also easier. The news in general was bearish, lower cables, liberal receipts in the Northwest and a large increase In the visible supply be ing the main depressing tactore. Buying by commission houses at the low point caused a rally late in the day, the close being at lower figures, with May %«f»4c off at 75(<}>iS%c. The opening was %c lower to %c higher at 76%c@ •Jo^c, and ranged between i4%c and 75%c. Trading in corn was light and the weakness in wheat affected this market and caused an easier leellng, but toward the end of the session there was a fair demand, and the early Iobs v.-as wholly regained. May closed «c higher at 42* 4 <g!42%c, alter selling between n^w 42%c and 42%«?42%c. t Although mere was llttle'doing In oats, the undertone was firmer, a good commission house demand being the sustaining factor. May closed %@Vic higher at «y 4 ©oi-)fcc. a^ter ranging between 31%c and 32%c. Provisions were quiet and after a slightly higher opening price3 showed a tendency to move downward under scattered selling by longs and on lack of any particular support. The closing _ was steady, with January pork selling 2%c lower at $16 82%; lard was down tf $4ea 'is %# and rlb8 ott 2%o at The leading futures ranged as follows: 100 Best & Belch. 73 200 Gould & Cur. 21 100 Best A Belch. 82 500 Gould & Cur. I'll 100 Best & Belch. 85 300 Hale & Nor. . 'ii 200 Best & Belch. M 20O Mexican 60 100 Caledonia ...1 25 17CO Overman .... "j:; 10O Caledonia ...1 20 25CO Savage la 1500 Chollar 12 6OU Savage ill 300 Chollar 11 200 Savage 14 :500 Con.Cal. &V 1 12% 50O Savage IS 1600 Con.Cal&Va .1 15 300 Sierra Nev... 21 200 Con.Ca& V.I 17% 300 Sierra Nev. .. 20 200 Gould & Cur. • 15 ' Afternoon Session. 20O Best & Belch 82 300 Overman .... 23 1 300 Chollar 11 S0O Overman .... 22 SCO Gould & Cur. 19 200 Potosl 1O 100 Hale & Nor. .. 24 100 Savage 13 400 Mexican 62 300 Savage 14 200 Mexican ..... 61 200 Sierra Nev. .. 21 100 Ophir 102% 500 Sierra Nev. .. Zi 200 Ophlrj 1 COJ . . , '.» ,¦} MINING STOCICS. Following were the sales in the San Fran cisco Stockj and Exchange Board, yesterday : Morning Session. SCO Best & Belch. 851 100 Occidental ... IS 10O Beat & Belch. &.; 200 Overman .... 22 3C0 Caledonia ...125 500 Savage l:: 600 Chollar ...... 11 100 Sierra Nev... 2O 400 Con.Cal. &Va.l 15 200 Sierra Nev. . Zi , 800 Gould A Cur. lu 100 Union Con.. 2f 500 Gould & Cur. 20 500 Utah 04 100 Mexican 66 - - - • - Afternoon Session. • 400 Best & Belch. 85 1C0 Overman .... Zi 300 Best & Belch. SU 200 Savage 15 700 Gould & Cur. 19 20V Savage 1* l€0 Hale & Nor.. 21 300 Sierra Nev. .. 2X 200 Mexican .... 63 50 Silver Hill .. 51! 100 Mexican 64 200 Union Coo... 25 350 Ophir 1 00 The following were the sales In the Pacific Stock Exchange yesterday: Morning Session. The market remains about as before/ the de mand for fruits being good and quotations rul ing firm. -.-*/. .. '. > FRUITS — Apricots, C4i8c for Royals 'aha 8% @13c for Mooi parks; Evaporated Apples 4@7c, sun dried, 4®4%c; Peacnes, 4%ig7%e; Pears, 3%©4%c for quarters and 5<g9%c for halves; Nectarines, 4?4ifJ'5%c for white;. Plums. . 5®6c for pitted and lj£l%c for unpltted; Figs, 3%# 0c for»black and 3V>@5c for white. PRUNKS — 1902 crop. 2&@j:».:jc for the four elzes. with %@l%c premium for the large size... RAISINS — l'JOz crop are quoteil as follows: 2-crown loose Muscatels, 50-lb boxes, 5!ic pfcr lb; 3-crown, 5%c; 4-crown, 6c; Seedless loose Muscatels, Cc; Sultanas. 5c; Seedless Thompsons, T.%c; 2-crown London Layers, 20 lb boxe«, $1 40 per box; 3-crown, $1 50; 4-crown fancy eiuiters, 20-lb boxes, $2; 5-erown Dehe sas, 20-lb boxes. $2 SO; ti-crown- imperials, 20-lb boxes, $3; Seeded, f. o. b. Fresno, lancy, IB ox., 6 1 [J,c;.-12 6z.,' 5%c; bulk. ft%d: choice, 10 qi.. U»ic; 12 -oz., 5%c; bulk. 6%c. - NUTS— Walnuts. No. 1. ' uottshell, 13®13%c; No. 2, 10@llc; No. 1 hardshell.' lHJfll%c: No. 2. U%@10c; Almonds, lie lor Nonpareils" 10U<$ lie for I X L. 10@10%c for Ne Plus Ultra and M^rS%c for Languedoc; Peanuts, 0@7c for East ern; Brazil Nuts,' 12@12%c; Filberts, 12®12J6e; Pecans, ll@13c; Cocoanuis, $a !Jl)©0; Chestnuts. l2V.®15c. v;a* hONEY — Comb, ' ll%@13c for bright and lie fcr light amber; water white extracted, 0%ft> ii%c; U&ht amber extracted. 5Q5%c; dark. 4 '«4%C. . BEKSWAX— 27%®29c per ib.,,. . ' Dried Fruits, Nuts and Raisins. WHEAT — Liverpool futures were lower. -The ! world's shlDments for the week were as fol- I lows, in quarter?: Russian. 181,000; Danu blan. CO.COO; 'Argentine. 20. COO;, Indian, 91,000. ' Broomhall cabled that prospects in the Argen i tine were lor a fine crop, notwithstanding re cent storms. The American visible supply in [ creased 3,302,C0O bushels. 1 Chicago dropped from 75"-;c to 74%c, but i partially recovered to 75%c. cash demand was ; slow at all markets, though stocks everywhere i are reported much smaller than a year ago. Northwest Interior elevator stocks, on which Minneapolis has been predicting a decrease of from 4,0(iO,000 to 5.000.COO bushels, have actu ally decreased 500,000 bushels. i This market was weak, but there- was no decline in the cash grain. Futures, however, 1 were lower. -• ' ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ « ¦' • ! CASH WHEAT, i No. 1. $1 40@l .45; .Milling. $147^150 per Ctl " . '<-¦-". . FUTURES.' ' :' - '-, . ' Sessloh « to 11 :30 a. m. Open. Illzh. Low. Close. May .$1 36 $1 m% $1 35% $1 30% I December — No sales; 51 3i% bid. • . ¦. 2 p. m. Session. Open. High. Low. Close. . I May $1 36% $136% $1 36% $1 3b<fc ¦ December — No sales. I BARLEY — The market was dull all and futures were lower, but aash grain remain ed the same. CASH BARLEY. Feed. $1 22%@>1 25; Brewing and shipping -grades, $1 27fe; Chevalier. $1 i>5&l 00 tor fa.r 10 choice. * . FUTURES. Session 9 to 11 a. m. 1 May— $1 25% bid, ?1 27 asked. No sales. December— No sales; $1 21 bid. 2 p. m. Session. No sales. OATS — There Is nothing new to report. The market is quiet. • =. . ¦ ' , White, $1 204*1 30: Black, $1 10@l 20 for feed and $1 27%®1 35. Tor seed; Red, $1 12%© 1 22%- (or common to choice and $1 25<@1 o0 lor lancy CORN — Previous prices rule, with a quiet but firmly held market. Western (sacked) Is quoted at $1 30 for Yellow and $1 40 for White; California, Large Yellow ?1 40@l 50; small round do. $1 52!«@ . 1 5ft; White. $1 42%@1 45; Egyptian, $1 2o® i 1 35 for White and SI 15<gl 25 for Brown. RYE— $1 03(gl 10 per ctl. BUCKWHEAT— Nominal at f 1 .75 per ctl. Wheat and Other Grains. Chicago Grain and Produce. * I Silver advanced asaln. Sterling Exchange, 00 days — $4 S4 Sterling Exchange, sight — 4 s"< % Sterling Cables — 4 88% New lork Exchange, sight — par New York Exchange, telegraphic. — -J%' Silver, Der ounce . 48% Mexican Dollars, nominal 38 Exchange and Bullion. I I Price During I No. I ; Month. ¦ |Snares| ' -. . ' ¦ ¦ . 1 Bold. 1 Lowest. I Highest Bonds — ¦ ~j U. S. Government . . 300| 110% U. S Gov.. new issue 8,O00| ..... 136 U. a. Government... 20oj ..... 108 Bay Co. Power Co. . . 17,000) 108 108% Cal. C. G. &'E. Co... 10,000) 105* Contra Cqista \V. Co.. 5,000| 103 1C9 Hawaiian C. & S. Co. 9,0001 96 Loa Angeles K. Co. . . 4.U00J 118 L. A. P. R. R. l»t mg| 1S,OOO| 106% 107 Market street C.Co..j 2,4>0O| ...... 125% Mkt. st. Ky. 1st c mg.j 2.0001 121 North. Ry. C« of Cal| 0,OOO| 111% North P. C. «. R....|182,000j 109»i North. Cal Power Co. I 10,0001 104 North Shore R R J 13,0001 101% 101«4 Oak.and T. . Co. . 1 1,0001 ..... 123% Oakland Transit | 2O,0OO| 114 114% Oakland Transit ¦ consj 27.0OOJ 108 103 Vt Oceanic Steamship Co| 54,000 86% 87% Omnibus Cable Ry... 3,000 128 Sac. Elec. G. & Ry..f 13,000 100 103 >£ S. F. & San J. V I '17,000 123ft 12JVj S. P. K. of A. (1»OW)| 41.000 113 113*, S. P. R. of A? (1910) 18.000 114 114>4 S. P. of Cal.. Ser. A. 2.0WJ 105% lOo-jw S. P. of Cal.. Ser. B. 25,000| ..... 1O*£ S. P. R. K. ot Cal... 8.OOUI 11»% ltOv* S. P. R. C. 1 con (stpdi 15.00OI ' 10MV* S. P. Br. Ry of Cal. «,000| 140 S.,V. Water., 1st mtge 27,000! 11*9^4 llo S. V. Water t 2d mtge 21,0001 102% 103 ' S. V. Water, 3d mtge 14.0001 ..... 1U2 United G. & Eiec. Co. 17,000 106 107ii Water Stocks— Contra Costa 825 70 72 Spring Valley 798 • 84 !4 87 ¦ Gas . & Electric . • . . Equitable G. L. Co... 55 3 W 3% Oakland G. L^& H.. 105(- 63%- e8 Pacific Gas Imp*.... 285| 34% 35 Paciiie Lighting Co.-.h 130 W^i 53tt Sac, E. G. & Ky. ,Co. 10 ...;. 40 S. K. Gas & Elec. 'Co. 755 40% 41% Insurance Stocks-— ' •' " - Fireman's Fund ..... 85 ..... 310 Savings Banks— - . ' . Gei'man Sav. & Loan. 3 ...... 2125 Street R. R. Stocks ¦ California ;.. : 70 195 . Powder Stocks — ' Giant Con. Co 420 75 79V Sugar Stocks— /* Hana Plantation .... 1,030 3% 5U Haw. Com. & S Co... 1.K3O 39Ti 43U Honokaa Sugar Co.. 2,695 -13% 13* Hutchlhaon Sugar P. '3,905 14 15T4 Kllauea Sugar Plan.. 155 7% u{T MakaWell Sugar Co. . 1,815 22% «>4tJ Onomea Sugar Co 845 22% 23 Paauhau Sugar Plan. 3,750 15 igu Miscellaneous — " Ahieka fack Aasn... 247 160U 161% Cal. Fruit Can. Assn. 60 My* w-1% Cal. Wine Asm les 101 U 101 £ Oreanlc S. S. Co 5 ..... IS Facitic Coast Borax.. ¦ 15| 1^3 5 S V Water 85 7.1 $1000 Northern Ry of Cal 5s 121 75 $1*000 S P Cal 1st Con 5s (stamped) 109 25 $1000 S V 4s (2d mortgage) 103 CO Street — $1000 North Shore 5s 101 50 $56,000 Northern Ry of Cal Ca 121 75 50 Honokaa. b 30 15 75 250 Hutchlnson S P Co 18 00 20 Hutchinson S P Co 16 12Vi 150 Hutchinson S P Co IS 23 $1000 Los Angeles Ry 5s 119 12% 70 Makawell 23 00 15 Makawell 25 12Vj 15 Makawell 25 25 ' 25 Makawell 25 50 100 Makaweli 23 75 25 Makaweli 25 S7& 10O Paauhau S P Co... 18 25 "•Combinations of retailers and contractors In Oakland anj the Santa Clara Valley will ad m.t of a betterment in the price conditions, owing to the creation of more confidence. Build ing in both of these localities promises to be *itremcly brisk even during the winter, for contracts are being for many structures 01° all sizes and importance. "The burning of the Navarro mill has re moved a well- known old rime landmark of the redwood belt, but fortunately this will not In tertene with the impending transfer of the prop erty. There is mar': talk ot several new V>lants being built in the near future in order 10 keep up with the redwood demand, while. i!k- mill at Willits is nearing completion ; and Siill be under operation before long. All in. all, the lumber conditions pervading the entire Pa cific Slope are of the beet and the coming win ter and spring promise excellent remuneration to bothe the retail and wholesale lumbermen." "Building has been v<-ry active throughout the coatt and San Francit-co with its suburbs has made some heavy calls for coast redwood and pine products. Many of the contractors around the bay have had trouble getting their orders rilled tor constructive materials, but lor some tini4> now they will be better satisfied. '•Little of interest has transpired throughout the Pacific Coast during the past thirty days. lor trade conditions have been normal. Prices have been well sustained and the orders have bt^n coming as they usually do in November. The Eastern demands have been falling off a trifle owing to the setting in of an early winter ar.d trade now will be somewhat slack until tpring oixt.s. This roht from the pressing de n.unos ironi the Eastern Rockies will allow the lumber manulacurere <.t the pine and redwood btlts a little time to e&tch up with thetr local demands, which are extremely large and num erous. \ Pacific Coast Wood and Iron says of Lumber In November: The Lumber Trade < OREGON. -. . . , '. PORTLAND, I Dec. 1.— WHEAT— Quiet; weak. Walla Walla,' 71c; blue stem, 78c; val ley, 75c. WASHINGTON. TACOMA, Dec. 1. — WHEAT — Half a cent lower for club. Blue stem, 79c; club, 71 %c. Northern Wheat Market. WHEAT — Receipts, 189,175 bushels; exports, 55,733 bushels; spot easy; - No. 2 red, 78%c elevator; No. 2 red, 76%c\l. o.'b. afloat; No. I Northern Duluth, 82%c f. 0. b. arloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, 8J%c f. o. b. afloat. Options were stfcady at first, but soon met such heavy selling .trom All* sides, including the big Chi cago long, that prices collapsed, losing over' a cont per bushel. Bearish Argentine cables, big domestic receipts and fine weather all con tributed to the decline. The close waa un- Eettled at %c net loss. May, 78 11-16® f9%c, closed at 'isftc; July, 77%@77%c, closed at »<^c. ...,., HOPS— Firm. WOOL— Firm. : SUGAR — Raw, firm; fair refining 3%c* cen trifugal, 96 test, 3?4c. Molasses sugar 3%c. Refined, firm. I COF>EE — Spot Rio, quiet; No. 7 Invoice, 5 3-l6c; mild, quiet; Cordova, 7%@12c. Fu tures closed quiet, net ; C@10 points lower; total sales were 29,500 bags,, including Decem i ber, $4 45@4 60; January, $4 55; February f4 05; March, $4 75@4 80; May, $5@5 05- Au gust, ?5 25; November. $5 36. NEW YORK, , Dec. 1.— FLOUR— Receipts, 27,228 barrels; exports, 49,244 barrels; market quiet and unsettled by the wheat decline; closed easy. CITRUS FRUITS— Oranges, Navels, $2 2o@ 3 per box; Seedlings, ?1 2p@l 75; Tangerines, 75c<g?l 25 per small box; Lemons, 75c«g:*l for common, $1 50 for choice and'$2@2 50 for lancy; Grape fruit, 42'a'- 00; Mexican Limes. $4®4 50; iiananas, $1 'ioit- 75 per bunch lor j\ew Orleans and $l@2 lor Hawaiian; Pine uppies, itiidi* per dozen. a: j PLKS— 35®50c per box tor common, 60<& 85c lor choice and $1@1 25 for fancy; fancy Oregon, $1 25<&:i 75. . PERSIMMONS— 5C@85c per box, according to cize of box. PEARS— Winter Nellis. $1 25@1 50 per bcx: other Winter Pears, POMEGKANATLS- *1 lor small boxes and $2'<j 2 5u lor large. . GRAPES — 8o^V5c per box or crate; large open ooxes, J»l!c@$l. • Supplies of deciduous and "citrus fruits were In free supply and prices were unsteady. Th« market waa exceedingly dull and featureless. CRANBERRIES— Cape Cod, $12^12 50 per bbl. RASPBERRIES per chest. . STRAWBERRIES ¦. . per drawer for Longworths and Sil/Tt per chest for Maiindas. VtUlNCl^S —^i>(f»..uc per box. • ••- PLUMS AND PKUiNKS — 2»®40c per box for Plums and 75c@?l per crate lor Prunes. A car of Cape Cod Cranberries arrived unex pectedly and was marketed yesterday. The berries were choice and sold well at an ad vance. Two chests of poor Mallnda Strawber ries came in and Bold slowly. There were no Longworth Strawberries or 4, Raspberries ri* celved. - • •-%¦--' : . • ' Deciduous and Citrus Fruits. 'A r <?tc/ York Grain and Produce. Government Money Here. Julius Jacobs. Assistant Treasurer of the United States at San Francisco, reports cash on hand in the Sub-Treasury on November 29, :'.•(.!!. as folIowE: United States notes $879,003 00 'ireasury notes of 1«M> 2,tt35 00 , National B&nk notes 93, 703 00 j Gold certirtcates 1,461,100 00 ( Sliver certificates 440.5SS 00 ! Geld coin 27,874.161 59 ( standard sliver dollars 32,014,467 00 j Subsidiary silver coin 300,509 91, Minor coin 10,304 64 Fractional currency 14 88, Coupons 957 60 interest checks, funded loans of l!(07, IStM, 1925. l'JOS-1918 and consols ot 1930 42120 Total $63,078,877 82 Shipped in November — Standard silver dollars ill $132,500] fractional coin 107.490 j Total $239,990 ! Of thp geld certificates and other currency | that appear in the November statement, $2,400,- j UUO was shipped to the Philippine* yesterday 1 on the transport Sherman, matting about $30.- UUO.WJO thipp<?d from this city since the begin ning Of the war with Spain. Total sales 64S,n00 shares. ' NEW YORK BONDS U i? Tet .Z s re S--.10-% L & N Unl 4s..;.101U Bo ref 2s cou P ..108«/ 4 Mexican Cent 4s 79 P° 8s «g 107% Do 1st Inc.... 25- Do Js coup 108% Minn & 8t L 4 8 .:103% -Do new 4s reg.,130% M K & T 4s . »8% Do new 4s coup. 135% I Uo 2ds « 1 u, Do old 4s rc S ...108%lN Y Cent i'sts!'!!lO2(4 Do old 4b coup. . 1O-J% Do &en »%s . ... 105 Do 5s reg 103% In J Cent sen SA..136U ,P?. B% coup 103% [Northern Pac 4s.10.iil Atchlson t-en 4s..lOl«4j Do 3s.. . 72% Ealt & Ohio 4s.. lOO'.i 'Reading Gen 4s.. 00^ Do 3%s 95 SLUM con 5s.ll4 Do conv 4s 104% St L & a V 4s. 100 Canada Sou 2ds..I07%:6t L SW lsts 96 Cent of Ga 5s....lO0% Do 2d« • 85 Do 1st inc 75 8 A & A Pass 4a" 86U Ches & Ohio 4%.-104% Southern Pac 4 S . 91 Chic & Alt 3%*.. 78%!southern Ry5s...ll8% C B & Q new 4s.. 953, Tex & Pac lsts HS14 C M &S Pg 48.113'' Tol St L& W 4s". SO' 4 C & Neon 7s. ...134 Union Pacific 4s. .104% C R I & P 4s.... 108% Do conv 4s 105% CCC&St L gen 4s. 99% Wabash lsts 116 Chic Ter 4s 80% Do 2ds. ...... ..108% Colo & Sou 4s 92 » ! Do Deb B 76Sfc D & R G 4s 100% West Shore 4s! . . !ll.3% Erie prior Hen 4s. 98 ,Wh & L E 4s.. 92' Do gen 4s 84 Wis Cent 4s. ..... 92% F W & D C lsts.. 110 Cont Tob 4s...... 64 Hocking Val 4%s.lO7% I . NEW YORK MINING STOCKS. '. A.daros Con 75 iLittle Chief .... 10' AHce ... 23 Ontario ... ....6 00 Dreece 45 Ophir ......... 90> ISrunsMck Con.. 03 Phoenix ...",... 06> tomstock Tun .. 04%iPotosi ...,.;....': 10 Con Cal & Va.%.1 05 Savage 08 Horn 8ilver . ;..l 25 Sierra Nevada... 15 Iron Silver ..... 70, Small Hopes ... 30- Leadvllle Con .. ,03 EUndard ... ...8 00 ' . . ¦¦ ' \ ' , ¦ . J I" ¦ ..." ¦ .;¦¦ group toy making a holding company of one of the smaller companies. Hocking Valley ana Kanawha and Michigan were most conspicuous ly affected. Among the more general consid erations which affeoted-the market was a hope that the December disbursements of Interest and dividends, which are estimated at about $75,000,000, would afford relief to the local money market. The payment in London to i day of twenty to twenty-five millions of dollars I on account of the shipping combine also aroused { hopes of easier conditions in the money market, jj Actual quotations for call money were firm un rder the continuing influence ot preparations for ! the December disbursements, and time money I rates were unchanged. The opinion of bankers I in tpite of to-day's stock market view, is for • a continuance ot clpse money conditions over the end of the year. There was some speculation on the assump tion that selling of stocks on the ground of supposed anti-trust views to be expressed in the President's message would prove unwar ranted. Some very heavy blocks of St. Paul i were placed on the market, the source of which I gave rise to much gossip in connection with j the authorized new stock issue. The mysterious I selling was unrevealed. The seasonable cold > weather has a good effect on the general market i and more especially on the coalers. There j were occasional setbacks ¦ throughout the day, ' but the closing was firm and at about the top tor many stocks. Bonds were irregular. Total sales (par value), $2.01O,0OU. • - United States 3s (coupon) advanced !i per cent on the last call.. NEW YORK STOCK LIST. Stock— Sales. High. Low. Close. Atchlson 20,000 83% 82% 83% Atchison pfd 1,300 99 &&% 98ft Baltimore & Ohio.. 15,050 100y« i>bft 100 Bait & Ohio pfd 93% canaaian Pacific .. 13,000 129% 127% l'M-fo Canada Southern 70 Chesapeake et Ohio. . 4,800 48 4« 46% Chicago & Alton... aw i MX 1 33 33 Chicago & Alton pf 200 71 70% 7O*;S Chi & Eastern 111.. .... 215 Chi & Gt Western. ,9uO 2U% 25% 25% Chi & G West Apfd . 83% Chi 4z G West Bpfd 500 • 37 37 37 chi it Nortnwesm .... . .... 223' Chi Verm & Trans ".... 17 Oil 'f & T pid 300 83 32% 3*% C C C & St Louis.. ' W colo Southern 800 29% 2»vi I 2a Vi Colo Southrn 1st pf 400 ti9% i (i»% toft Colo Southn 2d ptd. 100 43 43 42% Delaware^ & Hudsn 400 162 161% 161 Del Lack & 1,600 249% 245 249 Denver & Itlo Gd.. 700 40. 39% . 40 Denver &. it G pid 1,5W sa% sa-r* 8a% Erie '. . . . »,«0l> 34% &£% 34»s Erie 1st pfd 2,400 O7Vi ««** W> Krie 2d pid 200 4«% . 4« . 4« Great Northern pfd 5U0 18tJ«i 186 - 186% HocKing \auey ... 1.4W HWft 9S% 101 % Hocking Valley pfd 1,700 95% 04y 4 <J5% Illinois Central ... 2,900 145% 144% 145 Iowa Central • 1,200 3ti§i , 39% 39 Iowa Central ptd.. 100 08 CS .07% K C Southern l.aOO ic:% 32. . 32-,-s fK C teouthorn pid.. 7W) 55% 53% 55',i Lake Erie & West. . .... .... 52 Lake Erie tt W pfd ...... ..;. 115 Louis A: Nash l.tSOO -130% ,128- 129% Manhattan L 21,000 157% -150 15« Jiftropvlitan St Ry 131,000 144% 141 ,144V4 Mexican Central . . . 200 23 23 22% -Mexican National.. ...:. .... .... 16 Minn & St Louis.. 700 108' 107 107V- Missouri Pacific ytX) 107% 106% 107% Mo Kan & Tex 2,000 20\i 25% 26y 4 Mo Kan & Tex pfd 800 57% 67 57 N J Central 165 N Y Central 57,000 156 154 155-7, Norfolk & Western 10,700 71% 70% 71 ft Norfolk & W ptd.'. ..... 91 Ontario & Westn.. 4,900 30% 2914 30 Pennsylvania 10,700 157% 15t»!i 157% Reading 43,200 «2 B0% Ul % Reading 1st pfd 86 Rock Island 5:i,OW 44% 43% *.i% Rock Island pfd... 0,000 81% 81% 83 . Reading 2d pfd. »... 3C0 77 76 76 St Louis & S F... 500 73% 72% 73% SL&SFlstpfd 80 S L & S F 2d pfd. 500 71% 71 71% St Louis Soutliwn. 100 28 28 27% St Louis Sown pfd 4.W C3 Ki'i 63 St Paul 50,700 176% 171% 175% St Paul pfd 180 Southern Pacific 26,700 63% 62% «3% i Southern Railway.. 7,200 32% 32% 32% Southern Ry pfd.;. SCO 92% 92"^ 92% T°xas & Paclrtc 2,900 42% 41% 42 Vx Tol S L 4- West... 1,200 29% 29 / A 29V 4 Tol S L & W pfd.. 1,700 48 47 47% Union Pacific 30.U0O 101 S»U% 1OO; 8 Union Pacific pfd.. 1,500 02 91 , 92 Waliash , 1,000 2U% -JaVf, . 2aVi WabaEh pfd 900 44^ 43% 44 Wheel & Lake E .. 500 29 23% 23% W & L E 2d pfd 500 33 32% 33 Wisconsin Central 700 25% 25 25% Wis Central pM .. 400 51 50% 00% Express Companies — Adams ' 2C0 American .... 220 UnlteQ States 125 Wells Fargo 210 ' Miscellaneous — Amalgamated Cop. 21,500 58% 56% 57n-; An-. Car & Foun-.. 300 34% 34% 31% AmC&F pfd.... 700 90% OOii 90% Am Linseed Oil .. 100 15 15 15 Am Lin OU ptd 42 Am Locomotive 700 28% 28 ' 27 » 4 Am Locomctv pfd.. 300 01% mK »iL Am Smelt & Raf. 4,4)W 40% 38 k A Emelt & Ref pfd 500 91 60% ai Anaconda MIn Co gg Brooklyn R Trans. 7C.200 671/. 64 67'i Colo Fuel & lroa 500 89 SOU 86V, Consolidated Gas... 1,700 214% 213 " 213 Con. Tctacco pfd 117 General Electric... 200 179& 179 177 Hccklng Coal 2,300 22 21M 21''. Intern Paper 100 18 18 17i.\ Inter Paper pfd... HX) 72% 72% 71% Inter. Power 700 50 '50 -48' Laclcde Gas qq National Biscuit... 700 40 45V4 > 45 North American .• n£ Pacific Coast «g Pacific Mail 100 40 40' 3S People's Gas 6,700 102% lOO-v lO^ii Pressed Steel' Car . 1,200 61 (JO n*£ Press Steel Car pfd ui Pullman P=.l Car ./". 228 Republic Steel 1,100 20V. 19?t 201V Republic Steel pfd. 1.100 77% 77 771J fcugar 2I.C00 122'i n>ov, r>-> Tenn Coal & Iron. OGO &7«; 57v. 57V, Union Bap & P Co '* i 2 ,^ Union E&P Co pfd. ](J0 78 is, 7714 77 U S Leather 1.700 12«i I2*i liti US Leather pfd... 200 sa SS% 88% U S Rubber n • jf,'- 1 U S P.ubber pfd ""* lf iu U S Steel .11,500 3«^ 3 <;% 36^ U S Steel ufd..... 14.000 84 S.i-t 83"! Western,. Union..?. 1,200 8S',4 8S «-i£ NEW YORK, Dec. 1. — Close — Money on call was firm at 4%@5% per cent, . closing at 4@ 5 per cent. Time money was steady. Sixty days, G per cent; ninety days, 0 per cent; six months, 3%@t» per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 5>j<&G ,per cent. Sterling exchange was firm, wltn actual business • in - bankers' bills, at $4 8".%@4 87.h5 for demand, and at $4 8."{.50@4 S.'5.(J'J5 for sixty days. Posted rates, $4 84% and $4 8S. Commercial bills, $4 83© 4 84. Bar silver, 4S%c Mexican dollars, 37%c. - . -..-. Bonds — Government, firm ; railroads, Ir regular; State, steady.;' Ntw York Money Market. The London and San Francisco Bank — Regu lar semi-annual of 3 per cent. Sacramento Electric Gas and Railway Com pany — Regular monthly of 15c per share, amounting to $2787 60. . . .'-••¦ Peerless Oil Companyr-^-Regular monthly of 8c per share, amounting to $8000. The lollowlns were ex- coupon: Northern California Railway — Semi-annual of "% per cent, amounting to $20,850. Northern California ¦ Power Company — Semi annual of 2% per cent, amounting to $10,265. '¦ Pacific Gas Improvement Company—Quar terly o( 1 per cent, amounting to $12,100. Spring Valley AVater Company (third mort gage) — Quarterly of 1 per cent, amounting to *iu,0O0. . - Ihe Gould & Curry Mining Company has levied an assessment of 10c per share. The Caliiornia Wine Association has declared a. regular monthly dividend of ttOc per share, payable December 10. • In the afternoon the Sugar stocks were very active and firm, Makawell 1 advancing to $25 87%, Honokaa to $16 75, Hutch Inson to $16 25 and Hana to $5 62%. Giant Powder waa hrm at $7C@76 25. .... The following were ex-dlvidend yesterday: On the Bond Exchange in the morning Gas and Electric was higher at $42. The Sugar stocks continued firm, Hawaiian : Commercial selling up to $44 and Makawell to $25. .with fractional advances in several others, aa will be seen. • " . . ., SEATTLE, Dec. 1. — Clearings, $SG2,SC7; bal ances. $147, 13."5. --.•¦, , ' TACOMA, ' Dec. 1.— Clearings, $3S4,803; bal ances, $37,409. / - ,- PORTLAND, Dec. 1 — Clearings, $9i(i,202; balances, $84,374. SPOKANE, Dec. 1.— Clearings, $.40,770; bal nnces, feo.OOtt. . Northern Business. LONDON, Dec. 1.— Consols, 02;4 : silver. 22%d: French rentes, 99f 25c; wheat cargoes on passage, quiet and steady ; No. 1 Standard California. 30s 3d; Walla Walla, 2!>s{ English country markets, dull. Import into. United Kingdom: Wheat, 348,000 bushels; flour, 217,000 barrels; wheat and flour on passage to United Kingdom, 2,210,000 buEhels; wheat and flour on passage to Continent, 1,530,000 bushels. •> LIVERPOOL, Dec. 1."- Wheat quiet; No. 1 Standard California, -Cs 7%d<Ji>es 8d; wheat in Par!*, quiet; flour in Paris, quiet; French country markets, steady; weather in England overcast.- • . ¦ ' COTTON— Uplands, 4.52d. < Foreign Markets. Neiv York Cotton ; Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 1.— The cotton market opened quiet with prices unchanged to a de cline of '- points and closed 0@ll points net lower. .- . ¦- . UNITED RAILWAYS OF SAN FRANCISCO. NEW YORK. Dec. 1.— Curb quotations of se curities of .United Railways of San Francisco: Bonds, $91 asked, no bids; 'subscriptions, 513 asked, $46 50 bid. .. , New York Stocks somewhat higher. No further change in Exchange. Silver higher again, JVhcat and Barley quiet and rather weak. Oats. Corn a nd Rye unchanged. Hay in light receipt and firm. Fcedst tiffs steady. Beans doing better again, zvith a shipping demand.' Butter and Eggs lower and quiet. Cheese still firm. Dried Fruits as previously reported. Provisions easy and quiet here and in the East. Hops more unsettled, with some weakness up north. Cattle, Sheep and Hogs unchanged. Deciduous and Citrus Fruits in free, supply. Poy.liry and Game about as before. Potatoes in excessive receipt. Lumber market exhibits feiv new features. ' LONDON. Dec 1.— The offerings atthe wool auction sales to-day numbered 13,079 bales, including a good selection of new clip. - New Zealand cross-breds were in large receipt and sold readily at high limits. The Continent secured a fair selection of scoureds. Merinos sold well at dearer .rates. Good greasy grades sold quickly. ';• ' , v - .. London ' Wool Sales. BOSTON STOCKS AND BONDS. S Money— Do pfd '......,. 83% Call loans ........ ~.6 '. Westinghse com.'.lOO rime loans ....... 5@0 Mining — Bonds— . Adventure ...... 13 ¦ AtChlson 4s ....100 Allouez '.'. . ."¦" 2'A 0a 8 lsts ........ 08% Amalgamated ... 56>! Mexican -Cen 4s . . 70 Bingham ... , . . . . 20% Railroads— Calumet -& Hecla.4.'J0 Atchlson ... ..... 83% Centennial / 16.... Do pfd dSy, Copper Range .. 5«X Boston & Albany. 258% Dominion Coal ..128 Boston & Maine. 100% Franklin 8 ' Boston Elevated.. 154% Isle Royale . 11 N Y N H & H. . .224 Mohawk . . . .... 37% Fitchburg prd ...142 Old Dominion ... 10V> Union Pacific ...100% Osceola ". . . 49% Mexican Central.'. 22% Parrot ..". l..r.. 22 Miscellaneous— ' Qulney' 100 %ra»rican Sugar. .121% ;Santa Fe Copper. 1% Do pfd 118 Tamarack ....... 10 J4 Amer Tel & Tel..lB0UTrlmountaln .....'93 Dom I & Steel .. 54% Trinity ... ...... 8% lieneral Electric 178 ITnited States ... 21% Wass Electric ...35%l:tah 22«i Do pfd 96 ; Victoria ... .....' 5 United Fruit . . ..100%'Winona ... ..... 3'i U S Steel 30%i\Volverlne 5s' SUMMARY OF THE MARKETS. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL .Eggs were weak, and 40c was quoted as the top for- ranch all over the street. Receipts continued light,: but the demand was slow. Receipts, were 35,000 lbs Butter, 334 cases Eggs and 15, COO lbs Cheese. " •.. -¦ BUTTER— Creamery, first hands, 32@33c per lb for fancy; 30c "for firsts and 20c for seconds; dairy, 2G(fi';f 0c ; store Butter, nominal; cold stor age, 24@27c. - ..-,¦¦ ¦ i '¦¦ % : .-¦¦¦ CHEi-SE — New, lS'/Jc; old, nominal; -Young America, 18c; ¦ Eastern, ltt@10V4c; Western, 15^@16c per Ib. - , .'.,,-•. EGGS — Ranch, 40c for fancy and 35@39c.for lower and medium grades; store, nominal; cold storage, 22@27c; Western Eggs, 22@27V&c.. Dealers almost without exception quoted a lower 1 butter market yesterday, Btocks being larger and the demand slack. There were fresh arrivals from the north, and * there, was still considerable old stock from, last week on the market. , . :"> ':" > ( , , . Cheese continued firm, with light supplies. Butter, Cheese and Eggs. POULTRY— Dressed Turkeys,' 17@20c per lb; live Turkeys,: 15@1 6c for Gobblers and 15@10c for. Hens; Geese, per pair, $1 5O®2; cTos lings..$l r>0®2; Ducks. f3@4 for old and $4 50 @<S 50 for young; Hens, $4 50ig5 50; young Roosters, ?5@5 50; old I Roosters, ' $5; Fryers, $4 50@5; . Broilers, ' $4@4 50 for large and *3 ®4 for small; Pigeons, $1 12y 2 @l 25 per dozen for old and $1 75@2 for Squabs. ' i . GAME-r-Doves, $1 per dozen; Hare, $1 25 per dozen: Cottontail Rabbits, $150: Brush Rab« '..•Its. $1; Mallard Ducks. $2 i>0@3; Canvashock. $.{©7; Sprig, $1 75@2;, Teal, $1 5C@1 75; Wid geon, ¦ $1 *6@1 CO; small Ducks, $1 25; Gray Geese, $3 50; White Geese, ?1@1 50; Brant. $2 50 for large and $1 00 for email; Honkers, $4 50@5; English Snipe, $2; common, $1 50. . The market was practically bare of domes tic live Poultry : and all quotations were • un changed. | ; A car of Western 'was ; marketed and moved off well. Another car ia scheduled for to-day's market/. Six cases of dressed Tur keys came in and sold slowly. . <-. , . Receipts of .Game wore 206 sacks.' Prices stood about the same, though the demand was of small volume.' , xj -' -'¦'.'¦ •¦'¦" Poultry and Garnet Stockton ¦ and 8@10c per" Ib for Los Angeles: Dried Okra,. 15@20c per lb;. Summer Squash,' from'. Los Angeles,. ?1 50 per -box; Marrowfat Squash, $8@10 per ton; Hubbard, $S@10;,Mush rooms, - — per lb. ; ¦ .¦ ' ¦-¦¦¦¦ ..-.:. : ' ' nla Castor Oil. in cases. No. 1, 70c; pure, $1 IS; Lucol. 47c for boiled and 45c for raw. in barrels; Lard Oil. extra winter strained, bar rels, 8oc; cases. $1; China Nut, 53® do per gallon; pure Neatsfoot, in barrels, 70c; cases. 75c; Sperm, • pure, 7wc; Whale OIL naturai white. CO® 55c per gallon; Fish Oil. in bar rels, 45c; cases, 6oc; Cocoa nut Oil, In barrels, 03 Vic for Ceylon and 53 %c for Australian. COAL OIL— Water White Coal OU, in bulk. 15@15&c; Pearl Oil, in cases, 21^u; Astral. 21 Vic; SUr, 21 Vie;. Extra Star. 24Hc; Elaine, 26Hc; Eocene, '23 V*c; deodorl xed Stove Gaso line in' bulk, 17c; in cases. 23Vic, do. 72 de gree's, in bulk. 18 >4 c; in cases, 23c; Benzine. In bulk, 10c; In cases, 22>/4c: 86-degree Ou> line ' in bulk, aio; in cases. 27%c; -i: TURPENTINE — 72c per gallon in cases and C6c in drums and iron barrels. ~ i REDUND WHITE -LEAD— Red Lead. 60 6VaC per lb; White Lead. «J@C&e, according to quantity. ; ¦ • ' ' SUGAR — The Western Sugar Refining Com pany quotes as follows, per. pound, in 100-lb bags:- Cubes. - A Crushed and Fine Crushed, 4.70c; Powdered. 4.55c;. Candy Granulated, 4.56c; Dry Granulated Fine. 4.45c; Dry Granu lated Coarse. 4.45c; Fruit Granulated, 4.45c; Beet Granulated (100-lb bags only). 4.35c; Con fectioners' A. 4.45c; Magnolia A, 4.05c; Extra C. 3.95c; Golden C. 3.85a; "D." ».75c; barrels. 10c more: half barrels, ,25c more; boxes, 50c more; 50-lb bags. 10c more for all kinds. Tablets — Half-barrels, 4.90c: boxes. 6.20c per lb. ' No order taken for less than 73 barrels or its equivalent. . ' 17s 6d. " or at a gain of £1 5s. ; Reflecting the strength abroad i New York .was also higher, spot closing at $25 15@25 25. . ->,'.\ .. .- :. ;. r Lead was quiet and unchanged here at f4 87% and in London at £10 12sCd/' Spelter was lower here,/ being quoted at ?5 12}*,, but was unchanged at London at £19 17s 6d. ¦ Iron in England was lower and dull, Glas gow closing at 53s lid and Mlddlesboro at'olsi" The '- local market was and unchanged. "No. 1 foundry v northern. $24@25; No. 2 foun dry, northern. ?22@23; No. 1 foundry, southern, and No. 1 foundry, southern, soft. $22@23. THE SAN FRAtf CISCO CALL; TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1902. STOCK MARKET. STOCK AND BOND SALES. Sales on the Stock and Bond Exchanga in November were as follows: LOCU. MARKETS. Tin had . a - sharp, advance In ¦ London,', spot there closinc at £113 5s and' futures at- £111 NEW -YORK. Dec. .1.— Copper -was" 1 un changed in the London , market ', to-day, spot there , closing, at £49 15s and . futures - at £50. Locally the metal was dull and without chance" Standard. $10 60; lake, $11 K5@ll 50; electro lytic and casting:, $11 12%@11 25. < ; ,.. . - Exports 6TN. copper for the month of Novem ber were '10,520 tons, making 153,200 tons for the eleven months of the current year, as com pared with 83,788 toni for. the Same period of last year, and 141,217 tons in 1900./ .. , * 11 AUCTION SALES ANNUAL SALE Thoroughbred Yearlings FROM NAPA STOCK FARM, £fo : PROPERTT OF ' j^ A. B. SPRECKELS, ESQ. Consisting of sons and daughters of Imp.' Candid. Sevens, Break o* Day. Nellie BelL Floriana. Bridal Veil. Dolly McCone. Bo- hemian Lass, Marcell. Glitter. Chartreuse. Straight Tip, Belguard. Folly. Abbl* F. Imp. Atossa, Sacbartssa, Plquante, etc Brothers and sisters to Gavlota. Sachrometer, Gulda, Sevens, Katan- ga. Alexis. Fridolin. Aluminum. Bruto. Tlzona, Alice Cary. Oratossa. etc . ¦ Sale will take place at ' *_ ' Occidental Horse Exchange, 246 THIRD STREET, . Bet. Howard and Folsom. San Francisco. Tuesday Evening, Dec. 2d, 1902 Commencing- at 8 o'clock. WM. O. LAYNG, Auctioneer. » Catalogues ready. Horses at yard. "- .', " -tg fe AT AUCTION. Saturdays - - December 6th and 13th - . At 10:30 A. M. at the Ranch ot th« B B. an* A. L. STONE CO.. '. ELMHURST. ALAMEDA COUNTT. CAI* * WILL BE SOLO Q.nn HORSES QAA OUVJ AND MULES.OUU Comprising draft animals i weighing frota 1100' to 1800 pounds), business, gentlemen' • driving and saddle horses. Also dirt, lumber and spring wagons, scrapera and other vehi- cles and tools. 50 seta chain, cartiag* and buggy, harness, saddles and bridles. Hay-wards electric can, connecting wlt!» every broad gauge local from San • Francisco at Twenty-third ave. station, pass the ranch, i ' L. SCHAFFEH. Auctioneer. *w REGULAR WEEKLY AUCTION SALK yfc5^ at ARCADE HORSE MARKET. 327 SIXTH 8T., WEDNESDAY. Dec 3. at 11 a. m. SO head of good horses must be sold without limit. : 1 rubber tired buggy and harness. JOHM , J. DOYLE, Auctioneer. , . £* ' fc* £* JUST ARRIVED and must be sold, a car of 'good gentle horses; also wagons, surreys, cart* and harn«as. at 1140 Folsom at.. .December 2. at 11 a. m.