Newspaper Page Text
Maria Kip Orphanage. Colonial Minstrels Will Render Mu sical Programme ' for Benefit of VATJDEVILLE PERFORMANCE IN AID OF WORTHY CAUSE ' England, it is said, is preparing for. war in the Orient. Not ; even .the ,most mendacious of corre spondents'will suggest that 'our dear cousin is looking for "trouble in South; Africa, . ..' , . Art critics in the East are 'wondering why Ve restchagiri, who won fame by. painting battle pictures of. Napoleonic wars, should have come to this country to paint not the scenes of our great Civil War but those ' of the Spanish 'war, such as the ' battle/ of Za pote Bridge and the battle. of ; Caloocan. ( " It, is^quite possible, however, the astute Russian is working, us for.: coin .and not for art, and when he returns to Europe will mock at, us. Delaware recently permitted her penitentiary con victs to play a game of football/and'now if she would let her Legislature settle the Senatorial deadlock on the gridiron all would be fofgivea » To ; Mark Historic Sites. The , California Promotion Committee and the landmarks', committee ' held a joint meeting yesterday at the rooms of. the first named committee, when the movement to place tablets on the city's hlstcric sites was considered. The meet ing adjourned to hear further information on a future, date. There were present A. Sbarboro, W. H. Mills, Rufus P. Jen .nings, J. J.»Liermen, Joseph R. Knowland and Mrs. Laura Bride Powers. «. Customs: Appointments. ' J.'. H. :. Dawson 1 was appointed by the Collector,' of the : Port i yesterday aa tem porary examiner ot teas, vice Cornelius Toohey, . who is on a two months' vaca tlcn.> D. G. Lewis -was ' appointed a Cus tom": House Janitor 'at a salary of $60 per month.'-. .;',,;" ;. - . • • . IN view of the fact that the discouraged and misled Democracy is advised to enter upon another cam paign of class against class it is of "interest to again review., the , fate of its last^ campaign ofx the same kind. ¦: lltt it be understood that we -repudiate the; existence of classes in this' republic. Rant as the ranters may, this is a country of equal laws and equal = opportunity. All men are not' equal in ability; to ; take advantage of opportunity, but no 4aw can equalize ability any more than statutes can equalize- those other natural differences of stature, 1 color, of eyes' and hair, and physical strength or mental individuality*-, When an act to amend an act can make all men write' the poetry of Tennyson or Longfellow, or. sing. like, the masters! of .vocal melody, then such a statute, can equalize natural ability of all men to see..and;.seize^ opportunity. Foreign agitators have laboi<d with out ceasing to create "a permanent labor class, antag onistic to all other interests, into which men- 8hall b'e born and whence they shall riot escape until they die. :>But this- classification is unAmerican andini imical to all our national ideals. As it is evident that the next dependence of the Democracy is to be on this artificial and anti- American classification, it is interesting ' to note the public judgment which;, has soberly condemned the last} appeal: of ,that~party" class : prejudice * and -distinctions*' /' .' { ••¦'" V/ . X- •. In 1896 Bryan carried, west of. the Missouri' River, * 1 the ten States of. Colorado,- Idaho, Kansas, Montana', ' Nebraska, Nevada, ¦ South Dakota; Utah,' Washington and Wyoming by an aggregate majority 0^280,369. In 1000 he carried of that: group only Colorado,- Idaho, i? Montana and Nevada, by ah aggregate majority of 34,548, though four, years before the same States gave him an aggregate majority of 190,232.^ In 1902 1 the' whole group except Nevada is Republican. \Thefall in Nevada" is indicative of the return of that "'State' 'also to. the Republican fold; in; 1896 it gave; Bryan ; 6439 majority, in i960 2498, and in . 1902 its majority for Brya'nisnvwas only 1000.. From this drawn the lesson that the Anieri-' cans are American. They reco'gnize arid;" value: -the! The Svriday Call ehristmas Edition; <=jj=jHE most talked of book of the year is f<The Gospel of Judas I Iscariot," by Aaroni I>wight.: Baldwin. It has created a tremend- ' 11 ous literary. and religious furor, both in Europe and America. It is stronger than "Ben Hur," more thrilling than "Quo Vadis/' and by far superior, to any -of the great modern., books, that tell of the fierce struggle between the Christians and the Romans. "The Gospel of Judas Iscariot" throws a new" light on the strange life of this, the most bitterly execrated, the most despised man in either biblical or profane history of all ages. .The Sunday Call has not bnly secured the exclusive rights to this literary, treasure for publication as an extra section absolutely free— with the Christmas Call out December 14, but has illustrated the whole eight pages of the first -installment with half-tone and color reproductions of art masterpieces of the life and . scenes of Christ and the/ Romans, by the most famous painters in the world. Then there is thg/ big special fiction section, wherein every story is written by a prominent San Francisco divine. This ts a feat ure that is absolutely unique. Nothing likeit has ever been origi nated in the West before, v*' V t : ' -" v "San Francisco's Bump of Benevolence," by ¦William Ford Nichols,. Right Beverend Bishop of California; "Nyanza, .a Christ mas Tale of the Thirtieth Century," by Rabbi Jacob Yoorsanger of the Emanu-El Church; Redemption of the Mtasked Marauder," by Father John A. Lally of All Saints Church, Haywards; "The Choir Boyfs Last Christmas Solo," by Father Herbert Parrish, Church of the Advent; "The Carols of San Francisco de Asis," by Rev. Wil liam Rader, Third Congregational Church; "The Red Devil of the .Slums,", by Colonel George French, Conxmander of the Pacific Coast Division of the Salvation Army,- etc:- ; ' -<\* ; ; -'; Then there is a If ull -page poster picture, photographed from*. real life, that will appeal to every heart, oW or. young, "Santa Claus Discovered.", A fidl page of pictures of "National Types of Ma donnas." A magnificent studycalled "The Christmas Star." A full page of society girls In Christmas "Mother Song" living pictures— They are "ail San Francisco girls— just watch that page. :; : Then there are "The Colonel Kate Papers." . Who is : Colonel •KateP Do you know? -Wellj. there is the mystery, and therein, too, lies a big surprise.. The first article is "The Beautiful Woman Who Knows It All." Then there are two pages of Christmas Menus by leading- San . Francisco. chef s^-godd. recipes— and how to prepare them, and a page by the best waiter in the Palace Hotel, telling you how to arrange the Christmas table. , " • '"^% t ¦'( Two more pages, edited -by' the. Ladies of the Woman's Ex^j change, tell where,, how and .what" to buy for Christmas—espe cially, the inexpensive presents. - Butthis is only a small- part of THE STTNDAY OALL^S . CHRISTMAS NITMBER-OF 32'SPECIAL PAGES ; BER 14. pon't.fofgetthe date. THE DECLINE OF BRYANISM. It is said Henry of Pless wishes to come to this country as Embassador from Germany, and it will be remembered that he is reported to have told the Kaiser that he had met in this country some very intellectual men, so if he gets the position we will be glad to see him again. . . ¦Portland was too ponderous and formal for him. Her notion of Siam seems to have been founded on the late and lamented Siamese tjnns,- who came to,us; from; the land « of the white elephant and interested two generations of Americans.' But* Siam is no longer, the land of Eng and Chang. It .has: railroads, elec tricity,- Milwaukee beer and , all those things; that go to make up a civilized-state," 'and -the-Prince himself talks as 'good English as the Portland; papers -print.' He went away with the sweet savor !of£an Francisco in -his. mouth and the opalescent vision of California scenery in his eye, the odors of our.Araby in hisnos trils- and the diapason of our cataracts in^his ears. •Naturally he'did not wish to mix these with the frigid charms of the northern: city. PORTLAND is undulv ; excited because the 'Crown. Prince of Siam did , not respond to a public demonstration prepared : for,/ him there, and did not receive the-Mayor of that city as part of ' an official function. There is no reason why Portland should kick at vanishing' royalty on that account. He did not meet the Mayor of -.San .Francisco. While here his entertainment was* entirely private. He partook of private hospitaljjjf like any "gentleman, and was received *in the clubs. For the rest of the time he was left to enjoy himself in his. own way, and did it like a sensible ; man.'/ ' : . ". t He took recreation' in Golden Gate .Park, -visited the Cliff House, had a delightful day at;; Stanford University, saw our ,snipyards, ; docks and business places, and when it was all-' over, admitted that in' San Francisco he^had the time of his life. Yet there were no addresses made of fustian and replies made of fatigue. His Royal Highness was treated as an in^ telligent, self-respecting -gentleman, with a youthful sense of pleasure, and a desire to \mingl_e. enjoyment .with"- the acquisition of information. The officers of his father's .court , who , guarded him did the dignity act and exuded responsibility and formality,-' as they would jf set to watch any one of his ninety-two brothers who compose his father's;, fine family of boys* . A ' . -.^. ¦ / * ,-' ' ¦ THE PRINCE AND THE MAYOR. Irving M. Scott, president Pacific Commercial Museum; George A. Newhall, president^rian Francisco Chamber of Commerce: A. A.^Vvat kins president San Francisco Board of Trade; George TV McNear," president Merchants' Ex T change- F. H. Wheelan, . second vice president Merchants' Association-,' A. Sbarboro, president Manutacturers' and Producers' Association; Jamo/Rolph Jr.', president Shipowners' As sociation of the. Pacific Coast; Rufus P. Jen nings, executive officer California promotion c6mmlttee: James .K.. Lynch. ..president Cali fornia State Bankers' Association; N. F. Chip man, president California State. Board of Trade. Committee on arrangements — A. Frank Hess, secretary ¦ California promotion'- committee; Robert S. Clarke, secretary Shipowners 1 Asso- 1 elation; Robert M. Welch, secretary. California State Bankers' Association. Committee on invitations — B. Scott, • secre tary San Francisco Chamber of Commerce; Eugene Goodwin, secretary. Pacific Commercial Museum; J. A. Filcher, .secretary California State Board of Trade. " Committee . on' .' speakers — I*. M. -King,- sec retary ¦: Merchants' • Association; T. C Fried bander, secretary Merchants' Exchange; Charles E Bancroft, secretary. Manufacturers' and Producers' 'Association; H. L.. Smith, secre tary San Francisco Board of Trade. ; ' The members of the California Promo tion Committee held a special meeting at the Palace Hotel yesterday afternoon in order to arrange for a public reception; which^wiirbe tendered to the officers and men of the cable steamer Silvertown, now in this port. r A: reception will be given next Thursday at the Palace Hotel to the officers of the Pacific Cable Company. Tho following committees were appoint ed yesterday to take charge -of both re ceptions:, Meeting Is Held to Make Arrange ments for Reception to Pacific Cable Company "Officers. Evidence in several recent English divorce cases in high life indicates that domestic infelicities f^und their inspiration on the hunting" field." Our English friends should be more particular in reference to the character "of the game they, chase. ONCE upon a time Germany was supposed to be a land of beer and metaphysics; her peo ple were believed to derive from their brew eries and their philosophies a disposition of grave and immovable serenity, and any such thing as a row outside of university dueling clubs was looked upon as about as rare in Germany as a peaceful cat in the neighborhood of Kilkenny. It was known of course that now and then some learned philosopher would write harsh words of another, just as Schoppen liauer called Hegel a .'charlatan, but it was presumed that such utterances were to be taken in a strictly transcendental sense and not as evidence of any de sire to fight. However, it seems we must abandon all those old beliefs concerning the repose of the German mind, for now that Germany has a Parlia ment her people are showing as large a capacity of rows and ructions as any other people on the globe. At this time the Reichstag is the- liveliest show on earth. The Parliaments of Britain, France, Italy and Austria are mild in comparison. Compared with the reports from the Reichstag it may' be said that in alj the other Parliaments on earth there is; nothing doing. Here and there in other capitals there may be a bold, bad word or two flung into a debate, but in Berlin it is a dull day when the debates of the statesmen do nojt rise to the height of a tumult and suggest to the presiding officer the advisability of calling in the Kaiser. Of all parliamentary bodies on earth the Reich stag has the least reason to disturb itself. It has so little political power that its debates are hardly more than academic. It cannot turn out a Ministry like the Parliaments of Britain and of France, neither can it originate legislation and make deadlocks like our House of Representatives. It can, in fact, do very 'little more than make talk itself and furnish occa sion for further talk from the country. Therefore it ought to be calm and philosophical, but it isn't. We learn from our dispatches that for weeks past it has been a daily occurrence for the debaters to denounce one another as "dogs, hogs and scoundrels." The presiding officer has no power to call on a sergeant at-arms to arrest anybody, silence anybody, or expel anybody, so when the row gets too hot he has to sus pend the session. He has had to do that so very often of late that it is. getting monotonous. The Socialists are said to be making most of the disturbance, and the report is not surprising, for ex cessive sociability is always allied with a fondness for a fuss. Wherever there is a family there is a row. -It is only the unsocial that live in peace and' are silent like dams. It appears, . however, that in the Reich stag the Socialists have been subjected to many irri tations and are to a large extent justified in trying to raise the roof so that the eye of heaven can see. how they are treated even when they are trying' to ' be good. "'.:¦", .. An illustration of the exasperating way in which the Socialists are teased by the Government occurs in the reports of the session of Thursday. Arrange ments were made a week, ago for a series of social istic mass meetings throughout - the country. No less. than twenty-one such meetings were to be. held in Berlin. The drators of the party in the Reichstag desired Jto attend and to make speeches. The desire is natural. In fact, a desire to serve humanity by making an extempore, speech to a sympathetic .au dience is one of the instincts of the true orator, and among socialistic orators, the instinct is cultivated and venerated as a" conscience. Consider, therefore, how great was the provocation when "oh the very day of the meetings the majority of the Reichstag decided to hold a late night session and even threatened to • . take a \'ote on the tariff bill before adjournment. Compelled by such tactics to remain in the Reich stag instead of going forth to spreadeagle at the meetings of their party, is it any wonder the Social ists felt like raising Cain? Is it strange thatthere should have been vociferous illusions to hogs, dogs \and scoundrels? .,—.,' . . - In the meantime the serious work of the Reichstag is this: Last year there was a deficiency in the rev enues of the empire amounting to nearly $15,000,000, and during the current year the deficit is expected to exceed $37,000,000. Under .such circumstances the • Government naturally doesn't 'feel sociable. Hence the conflict Fortunately -the rows, are not very se rious. The , Kaiser lives arid . Germany Is ' all right- THE ROARING REICHSTAG. 1 the people of Plumas County would Inves ! Ugate for themselves," said Mills, "they • would wish to have the Government take charge of the forests. Private owner ship is not to be trusted with the cus tody of the forest. Private ownership means- private greed and rapacity. Who ever controls- the forests of California •controls its future and destiny." SEIZING I*A23DS. : Some attention was paid by Mills to tha extent to which the .forests of this State are passing into private ownership. A few years ago, he : said, locators came into Calif ornia in * large numbers. The wealthier ones had from twenty to forty timber cruisers in . their, train. One of these men is now credited with the own ership of ljOOO.000 acres of forests in Cali fornia. Olher men haye 20,000,000 acres. The purpose of the majority of the timber men Is to take from California the raw timber to have H "worked up in the East, thus carrying a great amount of wealth away from the State. Eight men in one day located 242 quarter sec tions of timber land in Plumas County as placer claims. They thus acquired 130,000 acres of timber. They represented that they - were going to mine on the north fork of the Feather River, In Plumas County, and transport the graxil to Oroville to be washed. Tha Govern^" ment has 3 sent an agent to investigate this and other matters. Speaking or the way In which tho min ers may have suffered by the placing of timber locations over their claims. Mills said that he believed,, after Investigation, that mineral lands had been covered by the timber locators and that timber lands had been taken up as mineral claims. The Secretary of the Interior had withdrawn five large bodies of land in California in order that he misht have a chance to In vestigate and find?- out "whether frauds had been committed. The agents sent out to investigate for the Government would probably recommend . that all lands be reserved until they can learn all the facts. It would be useless to appoint a commit tee,' he said, to tell the investigators what the California "Water and Forest Asso ciation desire, for they would reply that they have only to Investigate and -have nothing to do with tho Government pol icy. . •' : . • At • the afternoon session a series of resolutions were adopted. These were to ask Congress- to appropriate $75,000 for the irrigation Investigations carried on by the Department of Agriculture; pledging the support of the association to the Cali fornia Club's bill for the establishment of a school of forestry in tho State Univer- , sity; asking the Secretary of tho Interior to have a definite determination made of the lands under the proposed storage reservoir. In Clear Lake* ..Lake v County^ for the reclamation of arid lands, and that the Secretary of the Interior be also requested to Inform the association what lines to proceed upon that the district may organize and enjoy the benefits of the law for the reclamation of arid land. The following resolutions were also adopted: ¦ ' . Resolved, that the executive committee of this association shall elect a committee of three from among its members whose duty it shall be to gather facts and present them to the Government commission with a view to laying before such commission the relation of the> forested area of the northern portion of the State to the valley or agricultural portion thereof, and to illustrate the vital Importance to the agricultural portions of the State, of the absolute preservation of the forest areas, not only of the Sierra Nevada (and Sisklyou moun. tains, but also of the Coast Range, especially the eastern slope of the latter. Resolved further, • that in the Judgment of this association a withdrawal of the forested lands of the State from private entry would ac complish the objects had In view without tho objections which are being urged to the -with drawal by means of the . Forest Reservation Act. :. .• . ' . ¦¦-.¦¦ >¦ By a< rising vote the association thanked the California Federation of "Women's Clubs for work In co-ooeratlon with the association and indorsed the same r and the efforts of the California Club in tho direction of the preservation of the Cala veras Big Trees was . commended. ' Tha executive committee was Instructed to co operate with the California Club, Mrs. Lemon addressed the association concern ing the work of the women for forest preservation. ..To-day the convention will take up tha proposed irrigation law for discussion. nial Male Quartet .will render a few s&fe lections and a "Florodora" sextet, cora-f posed of clever juvenile talent, will do tbe famous sons and dance. . ' . - Prunes stuffed with apricots.. Townsend*s»» Townsend's California glace fruit an* candies, 60c a pound. In artistic flre~etcne<t boxes. ' A nice present for Eastern friends, 839 Market st.. Palace Hotel building. • Special information supplied dally to business houses and public men by tn« Press Clipping: Bureau (Allen's), 330 Call-, fornia street. Telephone Main 1012. . * One of the highest shot-towers ta thai world *»^to be found at Villach, in Carin thlar, where there is a fall of 249 feet. Loss oS hair, which often mars tha prettiest face, prevented by Parker's Hair Balsam. Hindercorns, the best cur* for corns. 15cta» FROM: present prospects the suit '.brought by. negroes . in Virginia ; to; test the constitutionality of th« law by whichTtliey .•- have been .-disfran chised, promises to be one of the most notable' cases that "ever went to the^Supreme Court. It is stated that nothing quite 'so sweeping as 1 this suit has ever before been known^'e 7 records of American law; and so numerous are the petitions which it is the in tention to file that th^docket^of every court-in-Vir ginia having jurisdiction in the matter is expected: to be filled with them for months to come. ; : . The chief counsel in the case > is John S. Wise, and. associated with him" is; John G.' Carlisle. Both are men of Southern birth and- both are Democrats. Their selection was probably due to a desire to rid the issue of any appearance of party politics, afad in -that respect the choice is fortunate.: • ;' In a recent interview on the subject Mr. Wise'said: "Politics has nothing'to do, with the suits. They necessarily involve" the nature, and origin of suffrage and the extent and character: of .delegated -powers possessed by constitutional conventions. They in volve above all the questions whether any convention/ without expressly delegated power can_ impose its work upon the people as'thejorganic iaw, without first submitting it for ratification or; rejection. This issue was. bound to arise after the proclaiming o£ the con stitution on issues" involving the right of the people to vote in Federal elections. The Federal Supreme Court has recently ¦decided that the-' right to vote for members of Congress is a ri^ht derived riot only from the constitution of the" State but from the con stitution of the United States. . On the merits of the case Ido not think the action of the Virginia Con stitutional Convention can be sustained for a moment. It was a violation -of the plighted faith of the com monwealth when she applied for her readmisfion to her rights in the Union. This is a matter of record." In each case the bill of complaint against Governor* Montague and sundry members of the constitutional convention in these individual suits alleges conspiracy on the-part of these members to deprive the plaintiffs 'of, their, right -to vote, and Governor Montague is^ made a to the 'conspiracy, in that he called upon the people, of Virginia to obey and respect the constitution. It-further relates . that . the defendants knew they were not a lawful body, but, despite that fact, went ahead and' deprived the plaintiffs of their rights. 'The bill 'eftds'; by "asking; $5000' 'damages 'in each case. ¦ -. \ --i r .¦••.•--.¦.:•-:..'• - :> - '-¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ One phase of_ the question that is interesting many is that of the ' costs of the numerous suits. The whites are wondering where the^. negroes are toraise money enough to paythe fees "in so many cases. • It appears that Wise and- Carlisle are not alarmed on that point, for. they go right, ahead. : .... the Virginia case. Those literary felloWs^whb" have. been picturing the Four Hundred of New York as a vicious set have evidently made a " bad impression, for a fashionable minister in that city is reported to have. recently de clared; that it would be' better for. society if all the authors were rounded up and killed. ' Under i the repeated attacks of this associa tion, assisted by other organizations, the * De partment of. the Interior withdrew from sals on October 25 some 6,000,000 acres of public lands for the -purpose of -investigating them and determining what part of the area with drawn should be ultimately converted into a forest reservation. . . In November your presi dent and secretary applied personally to Presi dent- Roosevelt seeking ¦ further withdrawals of a like character. -Our personal Interview con vinced us that the President of the United CALIFORNIA PROMOTION" COMMITTEE IN SESSION FOREST . KESEB.VES. Concerning the -Federal - : f orest reserves, Thomas. had the following to report: This bill, though radical. Is, In toy opinion, an admirable one, and should pass.' It is cer tainly in direct compliance with the suggestion contained in President Roosevelt's message of December, 1901/ that national aid can be ex pected only by those States which "by their legislation and administration show them selves fit to receive it." It is certainly one of the "1 eeded reforms in the State laws and regulations governing Irrigation," winch he speaks of as necessary in -order to secure the assistance of.' the Federal Government. . It has been the policy of the -Federal Gov-. ernment to offer a premium for co-operation, consisting in. the. expenditure within the State co-operating, of a sum larger than its natural and proper quota. In this .work the Federal povernment will' look with psculiar interest on our State. On account of its - climate and soil and unique character ol its water aupply the results of national irrigation will be tha more pronounced and more . successful than any other State. If the necessity or advisability of co-operation ever, existed it still exists. We do not want to. -Bermit ! any .of the . fun A derived from the sale of public lands in California ta be expended in any other semi-arid 1 State "or Territory. Co-operation through the expendi ture of a ' small amount of . money would pre vent the diversion of our quota. So far as pos sible this association co-operated in the passage of the Newlands bill and has received the warm thaans of its friends. The California delegation in Congress has been especially cordial «n giving us more credit .than we pos-? oibljr ¦ deserve. :¦ Both of the leading political parties In this State adopted planks favorable to the caure which we j advocated. These planks of course Pledge the representatives of the two Houses in ihe State Legislature to carry tlie planks into practical effect. If these pledges are ob served Senate bill No. 7 will become a law at the next session of the Legislature. I ex pect the hearty co-operation of. the Governor-; elect. He knows that we have no .private axes to grind and that we are working simply for the good of Ihe State. Even jf he dis agrees - with us on < the details of the legisla tion proposed, g I feel sure that he will stats his objections. Mention was made by Thomas of the appointment of the commission to frame a measure to present to the Legislature embodying a new code of irrigation' laws, the commission being headed by Chief Justice Beatty. Announcement was made that open criticisms of the bill have been Invited and that such criticisms will be discussed by the commission at a meet ing to be held during the present month; Concerning the merits of the bill.-Thomaa said: . / ,• • » SEEK CO-OPEBATION. tention of the California Water and Forest Association, which met ( in convention - yesterday : at the Palace Hotel. Part of - the day Chief Justice Beatty presided. At other times William Thomas or N. P. Cmpman was in the chair. l * ; William Thomas submitted a report as president of the association for the past, year. He called attention to the • passage of the Newlands bill, by which the Fed eral Government . committed itself to the policy of national aid to irrigation. He said that In order \o' secure for this State the expenditure of its fair quota of the money- to be disbursed under the bill, "feasible irrigation projects," as they are described in the bill, should be called to the attention of the Secretary of the In terior. The State, he said, should co operate in the work and this co-operation would secure California her quota. Thomas said that the reservoir site tak ing its supply from the San Joaquin and Kings "rivers was too expensive for the present, as the amount now available for use in California' was less than $2,000,000. It was hoped that he Legislature at its next session would re-enact Senate bill No. 7, -with slight modifications, and that, with the co-operation ; of the. national Government, the. construction; of storage reservoirs might soon be commenced. He said: - ¦ '¦"' . " P"] f*S HB imim " nent destruction of the 1 -forests of California and measures 2 to prevent such destruction formed **' the theme which engaged the at- T. C. Friedlander sai£ that the associa tion was already on record in favor of protecting . the forests to • preserve the headwaters of the rivers of California. W. H. Mills made an extended speech, just before the noon recess, in which he exhaustively reviewed the legal and oth er conditions relating to the forests of California on the public domain. He said that the forests ought all to-be reserved from sale by, the Government. This was a very different proposition from the creation of forest reserves, and "there has been misapprehension throughout the State concerning the distinction between the two. Under the control of the Gov ernment the forests would be forever a Eource of prosperity to California; private ownership meant private greed and de struction to the forests. . Denuded and desert-mountains would look down upon deserts in the valleys -.and,, in place of smiling agricultural hinds there would be only a vast /arid waste. ' Mills, next ~of. the; vandalism which iis destroying '.the. forests on the west flank.of the Sierras. ••It v would be the erimo »bf ignorance and the brutality of barbarism," he said, "to continue this policy." . . Mills paid some attention to the move ment in Plumas County of certain par ties to have the forests pass into the hands of private owners because they thought jthat private ownership- would bring the establishment of .industries by which the County would be benefited. "If General N. P. Chipman spoke in favor of. having the forest lands in a large area- reserved by the j national Govern ment from sale. Chief Justice Beatty was elected presi dent upon the nomination of William Thomas, the retiring -president;^William Thomas was elected first vice president; Arthur. R. Briggs and J. B. Llppincott, respectively, second and third vice presi dents; T. C. Frledlander secretary; F. W. Dohrmann treasurer. SPEAKS OF VANDALISM. States is in hearty co-operation with the ob jects of this association. He P« mlse <* *° &*£ the matter his personal attention and this promise he baa kept, *•_»• . taT tJ!f?f?" °f t d correspondence -with the Interior Depa rt men£ based upon our interview with him. I am impressed with the fact that he »f_»"*S n ? of those men who forgets little thtaKS. and^I feel confident that we will hear further aiiq, favorably from our interview. Notice was feiven of the bills that the association .will present'. to; the. Legisla tures These Include' measures for tne establishment of a State forestry system, for the reservation of all denuded lands purchased by the State for delinquent taxes and for the annual purchase of de nuded lands. Thomas expressed" the opin ion that State ownership and maintenance of a forest reserve is the only way to off set the rapid denudation of timber lands held to private ownership. Bills will be presented* to the "Legislature; by other bodies as follows: By the Calif orriia Club- Asking for an appropriation of $25,000 to establish and maintain a school of for estry in the University of California; by the California JOners' Association—Ask ing -for $50,000 tcf establish a forest fire patrol; by the California Water and For est' 'Association — Providing " for anrannual appropriation of at least $50,000 exclusive of the salaries and j expenses • of the ¦ en gineers provided for in the irrigation- bill; possibly by those intersted in the Big Basin Park— to provide for the mainten ance and beautlncation of the park. In view; of these many prospective ap propriations the appointment of a com mittee of three was urged to meet com mittees of other organizations which have the same objects in view to agree, before January 1. upon some bill or bills that will further the joint interest of all and! .which will^e. reasonable in the demands upon -the gJtate ; treasury. The organiza tions from which - co-operation is hotjed are the California Miners' AssoclaTOn, the California - Club, the Sempervirens Club and the Native Sons of the Qolden West. . In concluding his report Thomas said that the proofs that the Water and Forest Association had not wasted its time were found in the passage of the national irri gation bill; the important planks in the two State political platforms; the with drawal from sale of a large area of frfrest land,- and the promise of co-operation by the Native Sons. |-HROM the fact that only 14,167 persons Meemed J— < it worth while to vote on the eight charter A amendments submitted to the people on Thurs-; day it is V quite evident that '• in. this city at any rate, there is not enough popular interest :in 'municipal matters to make it expedient to undertake govern mental control of public utilities. or to venture^ far in submitting questions of legislation to the popu lar vote. Since' a combination of ;so many and £>< varied amendments proposed at one election failed to bring to the polls more than one voter out of five, it is clear that the mass of the people are averse to mixing politics with their private business. They are willing to rouse themselves to elect a municipal government, but having elected it they desire to be bothered no further. . The prevalent popular indifference to special elec tions would be fraught with great danger were such i. elections to deal with\natters of concern to particular classes or special interests among the people. It is certain that' if such were the case" the parties having a direct interest in the matter would be well nigh. sure of winning because the general mass of voters would let the contest go by default. A comparatively small body of men working resolutely and tirelessly for a particular end would in almost 'every case bring out at a special election a larger vote than the opposi tion, even if the opposition were made up of by far^ the larger number of citizens. Some idea of what might happen in; such a case can be gathered from, what is going on in Australia at this time. The state of Victoria owns and oper ates her railroads, and all railway employes are public servants, bound together by a common interest and a bond of unionism. Some time ago these employes demanded and obtained an increase of. pay and a diminution in the hours of daily service. The result has been a deficit in the earnings of the roads. . tTo remedy the evil the Ministry cut wages, and imme diately the employes struck. The legislators, fearing the voting power of the railway employes and their allies, took side with them, and the Ministry. has had to meet the situation by bringing in a bill to deprive public. servants of the right to vote in ordinary con stituencies, while allowing them- to elect -two repre sentatives of their own in the Assembly, and one in the State Council. The introduction of the measure has of course raisedysomething of an uproar through out Victoria/ and ail Australia ikrepdrted to be more or less affected and disturbed by it. ';'¦¦'/ The point,, of interest to us in the story iS this: Suppose we Jhad undertakenvany extensive system of municipal operation of railways and had thus brought into our politics a large body of men with a com mon class interest, and that class, had asked special legislation of a kind requiring its submission to the people at a special election, what would have been the result? __ \ > Judging by the small vote of Thursday the class legislation would have been carried with compara tively little difficulty. There would have been re quired a majority of only, a little more than 14,000 votes. ' To ohtain such a majority would not have been hard to earnest campaigners in a city of this size. • ¦* The Call does --not desire to press the analogy of Australian experiments too closely. It is not_in tended the. public shall believe that all the evils and disturbances that have"" attended governmental opera tion of. railways would necessarily follows Jike undertaking 'here. ' It is certain, however, that we. would have to 'meet all those problems of' control that are inherent in tlje governmental system.; The public employes would sooner or later become a special class among the people, having interests s of their own,' and. they Jwould naturally seek to v advance those interests by r political methods. We should then have a situation which would surely be suffi ciently'like that in Victoria to make it worth while for us to study the lessons her' experience is now teaching. '>' \ . The people of San Francisco have shown a desire to keep politics separate from business, / and they have also revealed an unwillingness to turn away from business to engage in special elections. That much has been made evident by the events of the week. The dreams of the socialists of establishing among 'us a system of governmental control of pub lic utilities and of legislating by referendum find but little favor among the masses of our people, and we may congratulate ourselves. upon it. DISCUSS MEASURES TO PREVENT DESTRUCTION OF OUR FORESTS equality of. opportunity in this republic; • They, repu diate; the theory that statutes; can '- equalize unequal individual, mental j and moral qualities, ' and: they re ject as anti-American the theory that all men must be leveled down to the least capable. "Therefore they stand against all attempts to* artificially classify so ciety and make such unnatural classification perma nent. ,-.^ ; \': y ¦'; ¦ . / ' , j The next class campaign will begin in the face of these American principles. It will carry" some States, as did the last campaign;- but, it will not carry the country, and the States ¦ which it temporarily wins will in the sober, second thought desert it, as have nine of the ten in the ds-Missouri group which fol lowed it in 1896. \ " -':•-' REFERENDUM POLITICS. THE SAN rHAKGISCO;CALL, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, ISHJ'A' A splendid array of talent has been se cured for 'the occasion, including some of the cleverest artists in the city. Tom Dobson, the boy soprano of St. Luke's Church, will sing, sfa . will also Mr. Smith of the Tivoli opera company. The Colo- The Colonial Minstrels 'will give a grand benefit entertainment In aid of the Maria Kip Orphanage on Monday night at Gold en Gate Hall, 625 Sutter street. A splen did programme has been arranged/ and as the show Is for. a worthy cause a large crowd is expected to be present. No pains have been spared' by those who' have the affair in charge to make it a bigr financial success.. -;.'r 6 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Herpicide Is -used, by thousands, of people— all satisfied ¦ that ; It Is the most \^>nderful hair preparation on the market to-day." Sold at leading drug stores. Send 10 cents in stamps-fdr sample to The Her- picide Co.. Detroit,, Mich. • ¦: : ¦¦: * That such Is the case has been conclu- sively proven' by scientific research.; Pro- fessor— Unna, the ; noted European > skin, specialist,' declares -:thatN dandruff la -tne burrowed-up; .cuticle - the; scalp, , caused by parasites destroying": the 'vitality in the hair bulb. The 'hair becomes lifeless and in time falls out. f This can- be prevented. >- * Newbro's Herpicide - kills this dandruff germ and .restores -the hair, to Its natural softness and abundancy.' ,"-/. h j - First Appearance of I>andruff a Fore- : runner of Future .Baldness. ¦"" NIP IT IN THE BTTD. SATURDAY '. DECEMBER 6, 1902 JOHN D. SPRECKELS, Proprietor. Address AH Communications to W. S LEAKE. 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