Newspaper Page Text
Do You Want a Trunk DELHI. India. Jan. 6.— The Etate ball to-night in the palace of the Grand Mogul proved to ba one of the most attractive features of the Durbar festivities. The European dance among the colui^is and pillars of the palace was a strange arid wonderful sight. When a. fanfare of sil \er liurapeis at 10 o'clock announced the arrival of the Viceroy, Lord Curzon of Keddleston, the scene was a brilliant one. l^ady Curzon was gowned In gold brocade J «nci more a magnificent tiara and neck lace of diamonds, with four rubles that had belonged to Klng'Theebaw. Some SOT guests were present, among them the Duke of Connaught, Ixird Kitchener and iill th<- prominent personages in India and t!;< Duche.-s ».f Marlborough and numer ous oilier Americans. • I^ird and Lady Curzon and the Duke ¦ aid Duchc«p of Connaught. on the rr^al • .:.!!•. received stores of native ' princes Whose costumes were Oazzling creations. Feature of .the Durbar Supplies a Brilliant and Wonderful Spectacle. STATE BALL IN PALACE OF THE GRAND MOGUL Board of Resents r.r the University of Call- Charts S a uh Of , A - S o «»«»«•• riecea^d Charles S. Wheeler. San Francisco member board of regents of the University of Callfor nia. in plac* of Albert Miller, deceased v . " eIr "an. San Kranel»co. memhv £?» !„ n, reK<?nts of th< " University of CaU'oT: of trustee, of the \Vhmw SuM h m T b " rlao of himself.- lorm >"pl"d ' • h °° 1 - ln «££££;?£& V^~a A r ;r lM County - br1 **- ber" boa r d < -of lnl r ? s i.M ! r oF'X y ' ™ m ~ Those who took part in the entertain ment were G. W. and D. P. Callagnmi Miss. Alice Hawkes and Miss Mary Ha san. Clara Bell Brown read a poem written by her specially tor the occasion. The ceremony of. Installing officers" o{ James A. Garfield Post No. 24. Depart ment of California and Nevada. G. A. 11., took place last* night at the headquarters. Alcazar building. There was a large at tendance and after the Installation a con cert was given much to the enjoyment of the members of the post and the numer ous ladies who came to aid the proceed ings with their enthusiasm. After the in troduction of colors the following were Installed by General Edward S. Salomon- Commander. Frank Elliot Myera; senior vice commander. John T. Greenwood; ju nior vice commander. William Irelan:'sur ceon. Peter Johansen; chaplain, j || Hilton; officer of the day. AVallace M Park; adjutant. Jacob Wollner; quarter master. A. E. Cohn; officer of the guard John Shay: quartermaster. Sergeant Soi Cahen. -. v After Ceremony* Musical Entertain ment Is Given and Specially Written Poem Is Head. GAUFIELD POST INSTALLS OFFICERS TGR THE YEAB CALL. HEADQUARTERS, SACRA MENTO, Jan. 6— Governor Gage an nounced this evening: that he would not appoint • any ort« to nil the vacancy caused by the elevation of Judge Wj C. Lorlsan of. Santa Clara to the Supreme Bench. . He stated he would leave the vacancy for his successor. Dr. Paxdee to nn. Xiorigran's Place Still Vacant. Tho display to-morrow will be a brave and brilliant one. Major General Stone, chief of Governor. Gage's staff, has charge of tlie arrangements. Colonel If. I.' Sey mour of Sacramento will have charge of the troops from this city and vicinity. San Francisco National Guardsmen CAT.T, HEADQUARTERS, SACRA MEKTO. Jan. €.— Troops from San Fran t-.isco arrivod here to-night. They canio by-vpectal train and are now encamped at the armory. In a special car were Major Genorals Dickinson and Muller and staff?, members of the Governor's staff and other officers of the National Guard Invited to participate in the inaugural ceremonies. Troop A. cavalry, and mem lirrs of the sipnal corps were on the train. Special care were provided for the horses. Arrive for the Ceremonies. TROOPS AT THE CAPITAL. 55; clerk sergeant at arms. George Sharp, $5; assistant minute clerks. W; D. Reynolds. Clarn Howard. $0; Journel clerk, rt. I. Dempsey, $0; clerk of Committee on Judiciary, E. J. Dwyer, $ti; aseistant Journal clerk, George MeWilllams. $5; engrossing clerk and enrolling clerk. Jesse A. Galland, $ti; assistant engrossing and en rolling clerk*. S. P. Moorhead. W. F Esch bacher, $5; blll^Hers?, M. D. Hopkins. J. F Silver, J. T. Lynch, Charles Kelly, $4; poHt mlstresfi. Ida Thomas. *1; assistant-postmis trers, Alice Barns, $4; mail carrier, Willie WriKht/ $3; pages, GeorRe Berry, -Kd Roeder. Wesley Smith, Pierce Cromwell; J. Whelan Lewi? Knight, $2 60; gatekeepers, Henry Wes- Ber, E, O. Kincaid. J. H. Blodeett, |3; door keeper, E. C. Hinkle, $3; gallery door keeper, W. L. Phillips, " $3; messen ger ¦ to printer, J. K. Vail,- $:»; history clerk, Bert Swan, $6; bill clerk, S. G Tyler, $*; assistant bill clerks, J. F. R. Arel lanes. W. A. Smith. W. R. Johnson. Steven Walsh, $4; committee clerks. . John Milllken, K. U. Banks. C. H. Campbell. Jliss lma Mc- Carthy. ¦ W. M. Scott, W. H. Wright F P Mouser, -Fred Schneider, R. 'B.9Qoodnell, H. H. Rose, F. P.. Barnes. J/. E. McMartln C. H. McKenny, M. La Baree. Paul . Mosher V C. W. Bates, L#. J. Stellman, L. Devine. r't Wallcott. Mabel E. 'Waste. W. R. Leeds"' Charles A. Whitmore. W. A. Brown, Lottie 1>" Burgess, J. W. Crosland, Frank Storer, Fred Moesch. W. H. Peyburn, Miss Jessie Balstoes, Mrs. Francis S. Jordan. $4; stenographers, Ar thur Helfrelch. M. A. Stanton. D. R. Frazer Alice M. Birdsell. E. Washburn. $5; porter Wet-ley Carroll, Thomas Castro. J. W. Butler" George II. Poole, H. . H. Squire.- $:i; \vatrh< men.-.JV- E. Daley,. James Cooney. E. ;C. Cot ter. $:t; sergeant at arms to Judiciary Com mittee, Frank Sweeney. $.1: xorgeant at arms to 'Ways and Means Committee. G. A. But- If by any means that rollcall should be reduced in time there are four resolutions now repos ing in the inner pocket of Sena tor Leavitt's coat that will dis tribute the patronage of the Sen ate and these will be introduced one after another. The rollcall upon each is estimated to last twenty minutes. It will therefore Now. Dr. George C. Pardee will be inaugurated Governor to morrow at i o'clock, which is twenty minutes after the meeting of the Senate as fixed by Senator Leavitt and adopted by the body of which, he is a member. It takes twenty minutes to simply call the roll of the Senate alone, and by the time the. upper house of the Legislature has answered to their several and separate names as simply being present it will be necessary to adjourn and attend the ceremonies that will mark the induction of the new Governor into office. NO TIME FOR MESSAGE. the Senate adopted Leavitt's time as theirs. Dr. Pardee will also be able to take con troj of nearly every State commission, in cluding the Home for the Feeble-minded at Glen Ellen, the Deaf and Dumb and Blind Asylum at Berkeley, several of the State hospitals-, or insajia asviuma ¦ and ' the Yosemlte As several of the Senators to whom this intimation .was dropped have bills anil appropriations .that will require friend ship on the part of the Governor, the hint was taken very quickly, and from that moment the value of the Democratic votes dwindled into insignificance. But all of the- work In the Senate by which the postponement of Governor Gage's nominations has been accom plished has been done by Senators Leav itt and Lukens of Alameda County, and this is regarded as enough to' be called a hint from tho administration. The fact having been, established to a certainty that these nominations will be i thrown Into the care of the new adminis tration, speculation is now rife as to whether any or all of the names will bo resubmitted to the new Governor, (and if any are' finally withdrawn which they w-ill be. It lias been said by some that tills move was aimed at a certain clergy man who appears upon the list of ap pointees, but the indications- are that the name in question will be resubmitted to the Senate by Dr. Pardee, .together with a number of the other appointments. Gov. ernor Gage has chosen particularly for tho honorary offices several leaders of the Republican party/and it can be stated to night that these names will be resubmit ted to <he Senate by Governor Pardee. There are some of the appointments that will not go back, however, but which ones jcannot be forecasted with accuracy. As will be seen by reference to the list below Governor Pardee can at once lake absolute control of the State Boara of Harbor Commissioners of San Francisco by withdrawing the names of John D; Mackenzie and John C. Klrkpatrick, both of whom were named within the lirst two years. With these two appointments ' In his power and the term* of Paris Kllburn shortly, to expire Dr. Parde'e will be the only Governor since the adoption of the new.' constitution to begin his administra tion with complete control of that organi zation: - - . ; CONTROL OF COMMISSIONERS. To all outward appearances Governor elf ct Pardee has not taken any active pait in this move to hold up the nomina tions. The only time that he has come into the open was for a few moments last night; when it became evident that Gage was flirting with the Democratic mem bers and had secured the support of Sen ator Curtin of that party. There was fear for. a few moments in the Pardee forces that Gage might possibly gain his point, and then It was that the Governor-elect 'directly intimated to a few Senators that he would consider it a personal affront if these nominations were not allowed to find their way into his administration. SENATORS ABE PRUDENT. be impossible for the Senate to take up these appointments un der any consideration, and as the Senate lias but twenty minutes to remain in session before the in auguration a very few moments of argument upon any motion whatever would consume all of the time that is allotted. F. W, Johnson, Yuba County, trustee State Normal School, at Chico, in place of himself term expired. , , . . -, ¦ •• '. Lew A. - Phillip*. Los Angeles County, trus tee State Normal School at Chico, in place of N. P. Conrey, resigned and term expired.. John ¦ S. Collins. Ventura County, ¦ Trustee State'Normal School at Chico, in pla»:e of him self, term expired. . • • Dr.-H. C. Brown. Santa Clara County, trus tee State Normal School at Chico,' in pliice of himself, term expired. • Fronu w; Jilarston, San Francisco, trustee "Dr.'WInsIow Anderson, San Francisco, mem ber of State Board of Health, in place of him self, -term expired. '• Myron Wolf, San Francisco, Insurance Com. misBloner, In place of Andrew J: Clunie. term expired. ¦¦¦-.• ¦ Dr. C A. Ruggles, San Joaquin-, County, member of State Board of Health, in place of himself, term expired. — Dr. C. . Ij. ' Gregory. STIskiyou, member of State Board of Health. - In place of- C. w. Nutting, term expired. -';; .; . . Dr. Franklin G. Fay, Sacramento County, member of State Board of Health, in place of William J. Hanna, term expired. Dr. \V. P. Mathew«, Sacramento County, member of State Board of Health, In place of. himself, term expired. John D. MacKenzie, Santa Clara County, member Board of State Harbor Commissioners for the port and harbor of San Francisco, in place of Rudolph Herold Jr.. term expired. Dr. R. W. Hiir, htoa Angeles, county mem ber istate Board of Health, in place of him self, term expired. ' Dr. W. B. Coffey, San Francisco, member State 'Board of Health,; in place of D. 1* Crowley. term expired. John C. Klrkpatrick, San Francisco, member of the Board of. State Harbor Commlssibners for the harbor and port of San Francisco, in place of P. J Harney, term expired. Robert H Uenton. San Dletro County, mem ber of the' Board of State Harbor Commis sioners for the bay of San Diego, In place of George M. Hawley, resigned. Charles P. Douglas. San Diego County, mem ber Board of State Harbor Commissioners for the 'bay of San Diego, in place of J. E. O'Brien, resigned, and term expired. W E. Gerber. Sacramento County, Fish Commissioner, in place of Alexander Vogel sang. . • H. E. Lcland, San Francisco, member board of trustaes of the California Home for the Care and Training of Feeble-minded Children, in place of John D. Mackenzie, resigned, ¦ Th© Rev. A. C. Bane, .San Francisco, member of tho board of trustees of the California Home for the Care and Training of Feeble minded Children, in place of Herbert F. Du gan, ( resigned. The Rev. William Lyons. San Francisco, member board . of trustees of the California Home for the Care and Training of Feeble minded Children, in place of Thomas ' H. Rooney. resigned. A complete list of the- nominations that were to-day sent to the Senate for con firmation is as follows: : Georgre W. 'Reed. Alameda County. . member board of directors of the Deaf and Dumb and Blind Asylum, In place of himself, term ex pired. C. Walter Gould. v San Francisco, member board of trustees of the California Home for tho Care and Training for Feeble-minded Children, In place of Kobert A. Poppe. term expired. , A matter of some little interest in Dr. Pardee's own home city if what he will do in th«; caseof George W. Reed. Reed has been one of the most bitter and im placabio enemies of D.r. Pardee in Oak land. The enmity between the two is more, than political and is personal. Reed has been the warm friend of Governor Gage, who gave him control of the Deaf, Dumb and Blind Asylum at Berkeley, and one of the last acts of Governor Gage's ad ministration was to reappoint Reed to the directory of that institution. It Is now within the power of Dr. Pardee to withdraw Reed's name entirely and the outcome will be watched with interest in Alameda County. . . Valley Commission. This condition of affairs has been brought about by the negligence of Governor Gage himself. Gage has been most dilatory in making appointments and by his delay he has jeopardized the positions of many of his friends. Continued From Page 1, Column 4. SENATORS DECLINE TO CONSIDER GAGE'S APPOINTMENTS M. L. Ward. San Diceo County, trustee SUate Normal School at San Dteso, In place of 52. B. Weit, terra expired. Warren R. Porter. Santa Cruz County, mem ber State Board of Prison Directors, In place cf Daniel K. Hayes, resigned and t<rrm ex pired. , . > Robert T. Devlin, Sacramento County, mem ber State Board of Prison Directors, in place of hlmsntf. term expired. • Garret W. McEnerney. San Francisco m«-m b«-r Board of Itesents of the University or Ctll fornia. In place of Stephen M. White, de ceased. Dr. C. N. Ellinwood, San Francisco, member "George C. Pardee having received a majority of the votes cast, I declare him to have been duly elected Governor of the State of California) for the ensuing four years." This anouncement was followed by hearty applause and when it subsided Speaker Fiak continued: "It also appears from the returns from the Secretary of Stafe and also from the County Clerks, which have been can vassed by the gentlemen on behalf of the Senate and Assembly, that there waa cast for Lieutenant Governor a total vote of 2K>,245, of which Alden Anderson received 150,020, Isidor B. Dockweiler 129,743, Frank lin K. Whitney, 10,541, S. P. Meads 4844 and scattering 72. I therefore declare that Alden Anderson having received a major ity of the votes cast has been duly elect ed Lieutenant Governor of the State of California for the four years -ensuing." Senator Lukens then offered a resolu tion fixing the hour of 1 o'clock on Wednesday, January 7, Assembly cham ber, as the time and place for the Gover nor and Lieutenant Governor, to take the oath of office in the presence of both houses assembled, and empowering trie general committee on inauguration to no tify the Governor and Lieutenant Gover nor, i This resolution was unanimously adopted. Upon motion of Senator Lu kens the secretary of .the Senate read the minutes of the joint session, which were approved. An adjournment was* then tak en until 1 o'clock to-morrow afternoon. State Normal School at Chico, in place of George \V. Pierce, term expired. Dr. William J.- Hawkins, San Francisco, trustee San Francisco State Normal School, in place of XI. Cooney, deceased. Vanderlyn Stow. San Fmnclsco. trustee San FYancisco State Normal School, In place of TV". G. Jobaon. term exDired. ¦ E. E. Swanton, Lea Angeles County, trustee State Normal tichool at San Diego, in place of L. J. Rose Jr.. resigned. . ' Speaker Fisk called out the vote for the candidates for the two high offices and the tellers checked off the statements re ceived by the Secretary of State from the various counties. At the conclusion of the canvass Speaker Fisk announced: "It . appears from the Secretary .of State's certificate and from the returns that have been canvassed by the gentle men appointed by the presiding officers of. bbth hefuses that George C. Pardee has received a majority of the votes cast for Governor at the recent election; the total vote being 304,473, of which George C. Pardee received 146,232, Franklin K. Lane 143,783. Gideon S. Brower 9592, Theodore D. Kanouse 4636, and scattering 130. The purpose of the joint session was an nounced and Secretary Brandon of the Senate read the sections of the Political Code relating to the' canvassing of the vote. Lieutenant Governor Neff appoint ed Senators J. B. Sanford of Uklah and Lukens of Alameda as tellers for the Sen ate and Speaker Fisk appointed Assem blymen N. K. Foster and E. N. Baxter for the lower house. CALL. HEADQUARTERS. SACRA MENTO, Jan. 6.— Governor Pardee will to-morrbw take the oath of the high office to which he was recently elected. The formal cere mony of canvassing the vote for Governor and Lieutenant Governor was held this, afternoon in the As sembly chamber. It was a joint session of the houses and a roll call developed the fact that there were thirty-nine Sena tors and seventy-six Assemblymen pres ent. Lieutenant Governor Neff sat be side Speaker Fisk and called the members to order. CALL HEADQUARTERS. SACRA MENTO, Jan. 6.— Grove L. Johnson of Sacramento had the honor of of fering the first resolution in the House at this morning's session. Ad journment was taken yesterday until 30 o'clock to-day, but it was fully half an heur after that time before Speaker Flfk called the Assembly, to order. The Rev. Dr. H. C. Shoemaker of Sacramento of fered a brief prayer and a moment later the second day's business started with a rush. Johnson's resolution asked that the Sen ate and the Assembly meet in joint ses sion in the Assembly chamber at 2 p. m. for the purpose of being present when the Speaker of the Assembly opened and pub lished the returns of the election of the Governor and the Lieutenant Governor. Duryca presented a resolution fixing $25 as the amount to be allowed each mem brr as contingent expense; said expenses to include postage stamps. Speaker Flsk announced the appoint ment of Greer, Goodrich, Barber and Kill ingsworth on the Inaugural Committee. A resolution by Johnson, asking for the appointment of three members, to act with a like number from the Senate, both committees to confer with the Sacra mento citizens who are in charge of the arrangements for the inaugural ball, found favor with the members and was passed without dissent. The Speaker appointed Houser, Rolley and Copus to represent the Assembly. V -PI The committee appointed to wait on the Governor reported that they had visited his Excellency! who had informed them that his message would be sent to the House at a later date. A round of applause greeted a resolu tion by Carter asking that the Assembly chamber he heated in the early morn ing so that the members could warm up to . their work. When the Speaker in formed Carter that the matter had already been attended to, Carter replied that \\\ was sorry, as he had expected to be 1 grafted the privilege of appointing an extra engineer. Brown of San Mateo presented a resolu tion asking that three members be ap pointed as a temporary committee on con tingent expenses and mileage. The reso lution was adopted. The Assembly adjourned until 2 p. m. DurJng the noon recess the Republican members of the Assembly went into cau cus. Tlie only business before tho body wa3 the making up. of the patronage list. It was expected that not more than ten minutes would be consumed in straighten ing up affairs, for things looked cut and dried for the slated ones to go through. Factional differences, however, made themselves manifest from the* outset and it lecked for a time as though the caucus would b« grinding away when the time arrived for calling tha House for the af ternoon session. With the calling to order of the caucus csrne the first contest. In the order of business the naming of the chaplain took precedence. . The Rev. J. V. Stevenson of Sacramento was chosen, but it required a second ballot to gain his indorsement. The Rev. Dr. R'eagor. also of Sacramento, was his opponent and showed a strength that created no little surprise. \ The In troduction of a third candidate iri the per icn of the Rev. Dr. Beans made th« Ftrugsle more Interesting. Not that the latter had a following, but the three votes that were cast in hia favor were precious to the two stronger candidates. Then came the naming of the minute clerk. Two southerners were pitted against each other in a battle that showed considerable political feeling., w. Q. Wickham, who has for e!x sessions held the position, was beaten out by Colonel A A. Wood of Riverside. Wood received 32 votes to WJckham's 25. At the after noon session of the Assembly the caucus nominees. were ratified and elected. I. Wertheimer was elected bookkeeper to the sergeant at arms. On motion of Stanton of Los Angeles the following at taches were appointed; Assistant serueant at arms. Albert Ltwi!,l. Regime of the New Chief Executive Begins at 1 O'clock. Colonel Wood of Riverside Defeats Wickham for Minute Clerk. In Joint. Session Votes That Elected Pardee Are Canvassed. Hot Contest Precedes Elec tion of Rev. Mr. Steven son as 'Chaplain. CALL HEADQUARTERS, SACRAMENTO; Jan. 6.— The settlement of the United States Senatorship affair is coming about more rapidly thaiYwas expected. The official list of those who signed tlie caucus call for to-morrow" night was given out by Manager George Hatton to-night. It contains sixty-four names, the complete list to date: SENATE-r Pendlefon Woodward Greer Olmsted By" 1 * 3 Barber ASSEMBLY— Houser . ) Pann Cog-gins Barnes Allen John I Prescott "Devlin Bates . Brqwn Johnstone Pyle Greenwell • Black 'Camp King Rolley ¦ IIahn Bli ss -Carter . Leinenger . Soward * Knowland Boisson Cromwell : . Mattos Stansell Lardner " Boston • - il>rew;\ ri ., . ; McCartney Steadman Leavltt Rowell puTyeft : % % v f McKenney Traber Luchsinger Selvage . ..'Ells "V - - McLaughlin Transue Lukens Ward \ ' Fisk . ¦ , . "„ - McNeil Walker Muenter - Welch .'Foster Moore " Walsh Nelson Williams -Goodrich. Mott Waste Oneal ' . . SIXTY-FOUR ON THE CAUCUS LIST GOVERNOR TAKES OATH THIS DAY ASSEMBLY APPOINTS ATTACHES CALL HEADQUARTERS. SAC RAMENTO. Jan. 6. -The clos ing hours of (Governor Henry T. Gage's administration weie embittered this morning by the action of the Senate in declining to listen to the retiring Execu tive's final message. The lengthy docu ment was brought into the Senate cham ber by Secretary Foley and was handed to the secretary with a. flourish. No sooner was it In the latter's hand than Lukens of Alameda. arose and forestalled its reading by moving that it be printed in the. Journal and confide rod at some future time. There were many seconds to ihe motion and it was carried .without a •iissenting vote. Senator Lukens stated after adjourn ment that his motion was* not intended to Hipht Governor Gage, but was simply to .'.ivp time. The Srnate'p session this morning was a short one. Messages from the Assem bly were road and concurred in and a re < ofs taken until 2 o'clock in order to meet with the members of the lower houpe iind canvass the vote for Governor and Lieutenant Governor. Jt was shortly after 11 o'clock that Pres ident pro tom. Flinj. called the member* :<» order. After roll call and prayer by the Rev. Q L. MM, Chaplain of the Sen ate, Smith of Los Angeles moved that the rules be suspended in order that As sembly concurrent resolution N"o. 1. relat ing to the joint meeting of the houses at 2 o'clock Tor the purpose of canvassing the vote for Governor and Lieutenant Gov ernor, be considered. The motion was carried, after which the con current resolution from the Assem bly relating to the appointment of committees to arrange the inaugural <-«remonics was also adopted. Secretary Foley then presented the Governors mes tage and upon motion of Lukens it was ordered printed .in the journal. An ad journment was then taken. The Senate convened at 2 o'clock this Afternoon and at the conclusion of the roll call the members went in a body to the Assembly chamber to attend the joint session to canvass the vote for Governor and Lieutenant Governor. Upon return ing to their chamber Senator Leavitt an nounced that a caucus of Republican Sen ators would be held immediately after adjournment for the purpose of agree ing upon patronage. At the request of Senator Sanford tlie rui?s wete temporarily suspended for re ceivng a resolution relative to the death of Senator John Henry SeweH o f Mendp cino County. The resolution requested tlie appointment of a committee, com posed of three Senators and three Assem blymen, to draw up resolutions of respect to the memory of Senator Scwell. Lieu tenant Governor Neft appointed Senators Sanford, BeJshaw and Flint on the com mittee Upon the resolution 6f Senator Smith a temporary committee of three was ap pointed on contingent expenses and mile- HKe. Smith. Huhbell and Curtin were r>am<-d by the President. Senator Cald wrtSTa resolution, direr-ting the State Con troller to draw his warrants in favor of members and attaches of the Senate, was referred to the committee. I'pon motion of Belshaw an adjournment was taken until 12:4'i p. m . to-morrow. PICTURESQUE PERSONS WHO ARE TAKING AN INTEREST IN THE AFFAIRS OF THE LAWMAKERS NOW IN SACRAMENTO. The remainder of the day was devoted chiefly by the solons to disposing of tha legislative patronage. A number of the country members were more or less In different in the matter and for a tlmo their share of the spoHs went a-begging. San Francisco, however, soon came Into the breach and gobbled up ail the loosa pickings. Assemblyman Dunlap is sure to be mada chairman of the "Ways and Means Com mittee of the lower house. This waa learned definitely to-night, along with th« fact, that Governor Pardee had suggested that the appointment would be person ally pleasing to him. Dunlap is also raaca pleased and saye that the post Is almost as good as the Speakershlp. which hia good friend Arthur Kiak won from him. Flsk has not yet expressed his feeling* In regard to his dear colleague's go.d fortune, but he looks pleased every tim« he meets Dunlap, which is very, very often. The suspense was ended and a wave of sound swept through, the chamber. In which the indignant protest3 of the de feated ones were drowned by the- glee ful chortles- of the winners. Just what the message contained no body knew at the time and mighty few seemed to care, for it had been coolly swept aside without even the scant cour tesy of reading It. Gage, however, had. copies prepared for publication and his secretaries dutifully gave them out while their chief stormed and fumed with wrath In the seclusion of his private office. Con sistent always. Gage made the most of his opportunity In this last official mes sage to take a parting: shot *r ht.i />rtr«\ mies with a heterogenoua assortment of blistering adjectives. The message disposed of, tho Senate had but little left to do and in a few min utes adjourned to meet In Joint session with the Assembly for a canvass of th<» gubernatorial vote. Here another embar rassment reared its head and for a brief period it looked as though the business in hand would have to be postponed. County Clerk Bell of Los Angeles hail forgotten to turn over the county returns to Senator Fred M. Smith and, without those 6000 or more votes Dr. Pardee could not be declared elected. The omission had only been discovered tho day before and though the missing, re turns were promptly telegraphed for they did not reach the Assembly chamber un til the canvass was nearly finished. Their arrival, however, saved the day and re lieved the embarrassment. The executive message, with its burden of ill-concealed spite and its long list of anxious appolntec-a, was delivered to th» Senate as soon as it convened thl3 fore noon and for Just one beat of time there was an oppressive, expectant silence. Then Luktns of Alameda broke the spell with a few cold word* that the message. he printed In the journal and considered at some future time. A dozen others sec onded the motion .with one voice and it waa put to a vote and carried before the astounded friend3 of Gaga had a chance to catch their breath. Senate this morning with a promptness and precision that was stag gering and left no room for doubt that the victory was final. Last night the desecrate Gase adher ents made frantic efforts to enliat the aid of the Democratic minority in suspending the rules and forcing action en the un confirmed appointments. To accomplish so drastic a move, however, twenty-four votes were necessary and long* befor** morning this last hope of the Iahmael Governor had gore glimmering. CAL.I, HEADQUARTERS. SAC RAMENTO, Jan. 6.-Coverno* Gage is gown and ¦out. The finishing blow was delivered by the Pardee forces In tho Freda! Dispatch to Th» Call. Members Unmindful of What Message Contains. Message Is Ordered Printed in the ; Journal. Desperate Measures Are Fruitless of Cheer. Legislators Waste No Time in Their Adjourning. EXECUTIVE GOES DOWN TO DEFEAT SNUBBING TAKES BUT A MOMENT MESSAGE ARRIVES WITH SOME FLOURISH, BUT THE UNYIELDING SOLONS PAY NO HEED 1HEJAK FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, , JANUARY 7, ¦ 1903. At a moderate price? One that looks p«od aud is good, or a dress mit case jalbse or traveling sot? \V fi have t»« m ' "II in besi material and at lowrst prices, tacborn. Vail & Co.. 711 Market street. • 4