Newspaper Page Text
Gus'Fromm was arrested' on; Market street yesterday by Policeman W. D. Scott . and Deputy . Sheriff ¦ Connors and booked at the City Prison. Fromm was the leader of a gang of six -boys who made their escape from the Whittier' Re form School on October 16 last. ; He was sent there from Alameda County and will be taken back by Connors. • Made His Escape From Whittier. OAKLAND, Jan. 13.— Rufe Turner, will finish his training at Blanken's, . on : the San Bruno road, San ¦ Francisco, for his bout with Carrig at the Acme Club. Tur ner will leave Stockton to-morrow. A referee for/ the flght ' will be selected Thursday evening at Corbett's. thy show-stock to disease as a result. A committee will be appointed to present the matter : to s the Secretary ; of Agriculture with the request that the Bureau of Ani mal Industry f provide a remedy. A reso lution urging' that Congress impose the same ad-valorem duty on imported pelts and skins as is? now imposed . on - cattle hides was 'passed. It was further urged that ,. pickled ;¦ hides,', skins and pelts ' and the splits of the same be -placed on the dutiable ., list as "partly manufactured." A resolution was passed asking that Fed eral sheep inspectors be: appointed, as the county sheep -Inspectors of Wyoming have insufficient means to check or cure scab and other contagious diseases among. «tif r Turner to Finish Training. Eight Fair Players Will Meet in the Opening Bound of Contest This Morning. •Eight women, members of the- San Francisco Golf Club, competed yesterday in the qualifying rounds of the council's cup. Miss Edith Chesebrough coming in with the 'best score. 111 for the two rounds. The ladles went around the course In pairs as . follows: Mrs. Nickel and Miss Houghton, Miss Ives and Miss Chesebrough, Mrs. Gervin and Miss Hoff n>an, Mrs. ; J. R. Clark and Miss* Carroll. The scores are shown in the table: . Qualifying round. Council's cup for women: , • First Second Competitors — Round. Round. Total. Miss , ChAebroush 50 65 111 Miss . Houirhton .".* r.3 113 Missives 68 CH 114 Mrs. Clark ....: 61: 65 " Jic Miss Hoffman.;. 61 57 -• 118 Miss Carroll «l . GO 12a Mrs. Nickel ;.. 72 .«? 135 Mrs.;: Gervin ............ 68 .' 63 * 137 The first ;_ match play : round , will take place to-day between the- above named eight ladles, : who • are • paired as follows: Mrs. Gervin > and * Miss Chesebrough, Miss Houghton and Miss Hoffman, Mrs. J. R.- Clark and Miss Ives, Mrs. Nickel and Miss Carroll. / Btggaw WOMEN GOLFERS QUALIFY FOB THE COUNCIL'S CUP Officers of Architectural Club. a i a m-eni raeeung of the San Fran. Cisco Architectural. Club the foUowln- o£ fleers were elected for the ensuing yen- President. E. B. Scotf vice nr«irtL f \V* A. SchmidUn: treasurer. II*G CoVwhi : director, A. O. Johnson. *-or»in. BERKELEY, Jan. 13.— E. Abadle. a crack California sprinter^ will not return to college this year. His loss will be a severe one, as he was the victor In the 100-yard dash with Stanford at the last field day and also won the same event at Yale when the track team was last California Loses Sprinter. President. Joseph Shea; vice presidents T>r Hosfcrd of Alameda and J. U. RossVter'' «?,• retary. F. A. Cushlns: treasurer 8 W Bm'th* •xeeutive committee— J. H Ualtoa p p SUJi* Chiarlnl: d«le e ates to California courafne «n ventlon-J R. Dickson. E. Hood. CarlcKnT It. K. Malcolm and Joseph Shea At a meeting of the Interstate Courslni Club last nisht the following orScer* Interstate- Club Elects Officers. During the course of the speechmaklng the route of the Salt Lake Railroad through the San Bernardino Valley was referred to. As has been intimated the management will not, for the present, at least, build a private line through the stretch of country extending from Riv erside, twelve miles south of here, to the Cajon Pass, but will lease the Santa Fe tracks Instead. . This will only be for the present, it being the plan to extend northward the main line, now graded as far as Riverside, circling Sa.n Bernar dino to the east and passing through the famous Highland orange district Agents for the company are already at work quietly purchasing land for the line and for the site of the future repair shops which will be located at some point between this city and Highland. Construction rests at Euclid avenue un til to-morrow, when it will be resumed through to Santa. Ana River near River side, now being bridged. SAN BERNARDINO. Cal., Jan. 13 — Several hundred people, with -a. brass band, gathered on the grounds of the Salt Lake Railroad in Ontario this afternoon to witness the completion of the laying of the tracks to the center of the town. An address of welcome was mado by J. 8. Miller, on behalf of the people, to which H. A. Olmsted, engineer In charge of con struction responded, j The engine of the construction train responded vigorously to the band by whistling. Oranges were distributed to all the workmen. ;«','"' SpeelaJ Diipatch to Th« Call, Several resolution* of importance were passed. One of them had reference to the lack of proper Inspection of swin« /ex hibited at county, I State" and national fairs and the frequent exposure of heal- ; Another memorial was addressed to Chairman Payne of the Ways and Means Committee of the House and Purged ?that the Grosvenor. anti-shoddy bill,, now be ing held up in committee, 1 - be 'reported 'at once. ¦ ¦.-..¦•'.• : , ¦•¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦. w-.; . One. memorial, which was telegraphed to Senator Frye to-night, was as fol lows: .Your petitioners, the National 'Live Stock Association of -the United States, representing the feeders and handlers of live stock In the United States, desire through you to call. the attention of the Senate to ' House Resolution 15,922, a *1U which provides the Secretary of Agricul ture with authority to prevent the spread of contagious diseases in the . United States and to establish rules and regu lations for the Inspection of live stock to be transported through . the United States, and your petitioners would, re spectfully represent that there is an,im mediate and imperative : necessity 'for the passage of this law. .We would there fore urge the Senate to consider this bill at an early date and we respectfully re quest that the said bill be enacted into law."" ' ' '..¦¦:¦* '.'". -'-•- ': :. . -. ,• KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. 13.-Presl dent John W. Springer's attack upon the beef trust, so called, ¦ and the passage of memorials to Congress urging that laws for the betterment of live stock condi tions be enacted, were the features of the first day's- session of the sixth an nual convention of the National Live Stock Association. President Springer, after declaring that "the American stockman proposes to take care of himself," served- notices that "these Interests must receive protection from the Congress of the United States Just as long as the finished products made from our raw materials are heavi ly protecte'd." The sentiments were received with ap plause. East This, with the elcknesa of Robert Westdahl. the distance man. and uEdH parture of Herbert Cheek, the hurdler and high Jumper, for China will materially weaken the track team and will lessen California's chances of defeating Stanford this spring. Harry Forbes of Chicago and Prank ICell. the clever bantam-weight, boxers, will meet to-morrow night In Mechanics' Pavilion for the second time. Forbes is a 5 to 10 favorite in the betting. He has had a better chance to condition himself since his first appearance on this coast and a fast battle Is expected. The bout between Frank JTcConnell and Spider Welch Is expected to prove equally as good as the main event. The third number on the card Is a ten-round go between Fred Muller and the Dixie Kid. Jack Welch will referee the Forbes-Nell bout. > ¦ Forbes Is th© Favorite. Memorialize Congress to Take Action on Anti-Shoddy Bill. Ontario Celebrates Entry of Salt Lake Line to That City. The deaths of Charles Meinecke, Oliver Eldridge and W. C. Glbbs, who were leading members of the chamber, were officially announced. Senator Macomber's bill providing for a $250,000 exposition building to be situated at Shanghai. China, was Indorsed. V Resolutions were passed favoring the purchaso by the Government of the Na cemiento ranch, • in Monterey and San Luis Obispo counties, for an army drill pest. , . At the regular monthly meeting 1 , which followed the election, it was resolved . to request the California delegation at the national capital to exert Itself toward the Introduction of a bill authorizing Govern ment construction of a cabl© line from the State of Washington to Alaska. The annual election of the Chamber of Commerce, held , yesterday, resulted as follows: President, George A. Newhall; first vice president, E. R. Dlmond; second vice president, William E.Mlghell; trus tees. C. H. Bentley. W. J. Button. A. B. Field, William L. Gerstle. Rufus P. Jen nings, William H. Marston, George W. McNear, James Otis, H. Rosenfeld, James B. Smith, Edward L. Eyre and Charles M. Yates. The ticket was practically the same as that of last year and the choice in. each case was made unanimously. Members of Chamber of Commerce Heartily Indorse Administra tion of Last Year. TJNANIMOTJSLY BE-EL.ECT WHOLE OFFICIAL STAFF THE SELECTIONS FOR TO-ID^Y FIRST RACE— MOITNTEBANK, HAXNAUI/r, TOWER OF CAfX DliES. SECOND RACE— BUCOLIC, MATT H0GAN. MR. DINGLE. THIRD RACE— CASCINE, PXAirET, RED "Vta-nt, FOURTH RACE— CORRIGAN, ISHTAR, BON MOT. FIFTH RACE— M0CORITO, BARD BURNS, SAD SAM. sixth race— leader; esherin, iliowaho. New Orleans Racing;. ORLEANS. La.. Jan. IS.— Crescvnt City rwrulta: First race, mile — Shrine won. Burke fcockran ferond. Blanco third. Time. 1 :45 2-5 Second race^ mile. Belling— Alfred C won. El Key second. Russellton third. Time 1:45 4-5 Third race, six furlongs — Imp. I'Etlenne won' Carl Kahlor second, Pbilo third. Time, 1:13* Fourth race, mile and aa eighth, handicap— >T«'ttle Regent won. King Barleycorn second Major Tenuey third. Time. 1:5ft. Erie fin ished third, but was disqualified. Fifth race, mile— Flintlock won Harris sec ond. Emshee third. Time, 1:43. Sixth race, two' miles', selling — Glnspray »on. Compass -second. Latson third. Tlm«, OAKLAJTD RACETRACK. Tuesday. Jan. 13.— Weather fine. Track fast. | 4132. FIRST RACE— One mile; selling; four-year-olds and upward; value to first. $325. Index I Morse ana Owner. rtVtiSt. •*. £T fr. Str. Fin, j Jockey.- Ot>- cl 4120 Kitty Kelly. 6 fStanfleld) I1O41 4 In 12 12 1 1161 1 [Birkenruth JJ <* 4008 Rosarie. 4 (Howley & Co.)... KW| » 9 V, 1 % 8 hi " - - n J Be11 *„ in 4115 Forte, a (B. Schrelber) VXS\ Z i % 3 h 4 n 2 n 3 1i J. Daly » 4115 Learoyd, 4 (H. A. Cotton) 1011 a 8 n 8^91 S3 4 Ms 'Conner *<> _*« 41CO Matin Bell. 4 (Llnd & Co.> | »9ilO 7 4 n SI 4 »4 B n [C. Kelly - W;^ 4112 |J. McCartey. 5 (Hazelip).^ 1O4|U 12 12 11 2 W S 8 >4 IReaU 2 r> fS 410S 'All About. 4 (Sanders & Co.).. |01 7 6n51 3n61 71 IPleratt 'iuL&.jSL' 4114 |LJ?ht Ball. 5 (J. Curl) It6\ 5 2 3 2 n 2 Vi 3 h 8 2 Knapp W *«* 4119 jGH^sando. G (Romigh)...: lOef 1 41 D % " h 11 1 91 (Wattrbury . B 40f»« INligar. a (Mrs. P. E. Jones).. 10«i 0 5 h 10 1 10 1 10 2 10 2 (Lewis -j> %' 3U3T, Rim Kock. 5 (S. J. Jones) lOfcl 8 1O :i « n 6 n 5 n 11 2 ;. Minder ti- : V52 40»7 iDlciey Bell. 4 »\V. M. Sloan).. ltUjl'J 11 5 11 4 12 12 12 !W. Walt!a. . IS la Time— :25. :50. l:16»i, 1:42. At post 7 minutes. Off at 2:21. Kelly, place. 3; show, 3-2. Rosarie, place. 12; show. C. Forte, show. 2. Winner, br. m. by Apache-Play Toi (Trained by W. L. Stanneld.) Start Bood. Won cleverly. Next six driving hard, iviliy Kelly had speed to-day. Forte will take some beating at a longer route. Matin Bell awa> poorly. Johnny McCartey a slow, beginner. All About gave it up. Glissando did badi>. Digley Bell bled. \ ' 4133. SECOXD RACE: — Seven furlongs; selling; 4-year-olds and up; value to first. $325. lnUexl ; Horse and Owner. WtlSt. *i. >n. %.. 8tr. i'tn. I Jockey. | Op. Cl. 4123 Maggie Felix, 6 (Burrows).... 112 4 4 K A 1U3 »i 2 1 1 »i [Burns .....' 1 9-10 4tO8 Sleeping Child. 4 (Moran) 107 C2nlnlnll2n IMinder .... 8 10 (40S1) JHp Gore II. a (G. Webb) 114 2 112 I»,i2 % S n 3 2*iiKanach 4 »-2 4OS-'{ Bernota. 5 (C. H. Ledgett) 110 3 3 V, 3 h 4 l»-.4 >-j 4 l>^i Bullman ... T « 3923 Windward, a (Hennessy) 10M & 52 60 5 3 53 58 Kelly N 6O 20 4C53 Blackthorn, 4 (C. P. Fink)... 114 1 b'4 5h«««10 6 10J. T.Sheehn 10 25 B. Walkaway. 5 (Slaughter).. 114j 7 7 M 7 50 7 50 7 20 7 8 Donnelly ... 30 60 4120 Tufts. 4 (C. W. Chappell) ¦ . . . l&'H 8 8 S 8 8 8 Alarle ?& U<> Time — :24. :49^. 1:16. 1:23. At post 3 minutes. Oft at 2:40. Felix, place. 2-5; show, 1-S. Child, place, 3; show. .1. Gore, show. 1-3. Winner, ch.* m. by St. Felix-True Blue II. (Trained by J. Burrows.) Scratched— Montana Peeress Resin,. Hanclpresa. Prue. Start bad. Won handily. Second and third driving. Maggie Felix excellently ridden. Sleeping Child Improved some. Bernota outfooted. Av'indward no account. Blackthorn a mud der. Tut ta away poorly. ______ 4134. THIRD RACE — One mile and 100 yards; selling; three-year-olds ana up; to first. $325» lndex| Korse and Owner. JWtjSt. &. h- %. Str. Fin. I Jockey. Op. Cl. 4070 Ignacio. 4 (Del Valle & M.).. 107) 8 10 3) 7 14 4 h In 11 'Minder « 10 4117 Nigrette, 3 (Jennings & Co.).. 841 5 In In 11 23 2 a i Connell 6-2 4122 St. Sever, 4 (H. E. Roweli)... 104] 4 41 4 h .1 \'-. 3 n .5 l',-i Waterbury . 10 13 4124 Hesper, 0 (M. J. Daly) 1112 9 8 2 H »i 8 1 4 h 4 \ 1J. Daly 7-2 I 4112 Bonnie Lissak, 5 (Lanka) 107 2 6 *, 8 n- 7 >j i 2 52 Birkenruth 10 13 (41CS) Larry Wilt. 4 (Stevens) 107 1 2 1^2 >i 6 n 81 6 3 |L)onnelly ... 10 1:J 40K8 Iras. 3 (Smith & Co.) 87 7 7 1 10 2O10 6 8 3 7 HilJ.T. She«hn 1UO 1<»> 4047 Castake. a (O. "W. Boesecke).. 110 a S*4 3V,2%51 8 lVa! Bullman .. 1O la 4000 Escarola, 3 (Western Stable).. 82 1 G 5 %_ 0 1 9 2 « I%8 10 Hildebran/ 100 SOU 4117 Dupont, 3 (Fountain) 104jl0 I) \ G ft 3 n 10 6 10 3 Bell f.. 4 * ft 4117 Almarlc. 3 (J. F. Schorr) | 87111 11 11 11 11 11 Reed 40 &0 Time — :24. :49}4. H15%, 1:41, 1:47. At post 1 minute. Oft at 3:10. Ignaclo. place. 4: show. 6-2. Ninette, place. 7-5; show. 3-0. Sever, show. 3. Winner, ch. h. by Hock Hocking Jr.-Plchona. (Trained by W. Dunbar.) Scratched — B^ana. Hungarian. Nellie Forest. Start poor. Won easily. Next four in a hard drive. Ignacio runs well under strong handling. He passed Nigrette when asked. He?per interfered with at start. Larry Wilt cut oft and pocketed on far turn. Castake quit. Dupont away badly, tell > _^J^*j!"^ d^"p*_j^__?'_y V^"y^y'"^.". 81^ _*. ™'i<? 4135. FOURTH RACK— Seven furlongs; selling; 4-year-oId3 and up; value to first. $125. Index Horse and Owner. WtjSt. %. ft. %. Str. Fin. | Jockey. ) up. cT 4122 Ada N 5 (Antrim Stable).... "l07| 4 3 h 4 n 2 Hil n 1 -v_ *;£e^i7 '"^5 8^3 4007 Golden Cottage. 4 (Daly) 109 3 2 1141 »i 1 2 1V-2 5- U r>aly 1O 13 4100 Mission. « (J. H. Robbina).... 107 2 1 n 3 14 15 1 » ns iMlnd-r . . 4 1S-J 4116 Nat Goodwin, 4 (Hazlip) 103 8 5 h 6 4 3 V, .1 a; 4 4 [W. Waldo.. 20 «O 4030 Brlssac. 4 (J. J. Markleln).... 103 5 « 1 6 n 6 U 4 U 5 U 'c Kelly 10 20 4078 Angeleno. 4 (Zahn & B.) 1CH5 1 7 4 7 h 71 81 «! ' Uirkenruth" 12 2a 4112 The Weaver. 4 (H. I. Wilson). jllO 10 91 82 02 82 7 1>iiBullman » « 4012 Legal Maxim 4 (Jones & Co.)|103 I 8 n 10 2010 20 9 1 8 l»-.Pieratt 2© f.i» 4108 Tlng-a- ling. 6 (G. F. Smith).. 107 » 1O 15 » 1 8 1 10 ;{0 0 1 "iBell ...".'.'. 20 3l» 4120 Del Vista, 6 (McKenzie) 90 6 4 1^2 1^6 Y 3 7 1 10 50 Wd 15 V2 4115 Constable. 4 (Musto & Ruiz).. jlOC 11 11 11 u n n iVVaterbury . 10 So Time— :24. :49^. 1:141$. 1:27^. At post 5 minutes. Off at 3:30. Ada X. 3-5; show. 1-3. Cottage, place. 5; show, 2. Mission, show. 7-1O. Winner, b. m. by Herakfc. Santi Rosa. (Trained by C. F. Fredertckaon.) Scratched— Assessment. Start t«Jd. Won under restraint. Next three drlvinghard. Winner best. Cottage ran his race. Mission out t p Ji° e _^^ n l y J d J^l d^^{ ! J^ Yemen^JJi 0 er off P° crl y. Angeleno outclassed. ¦413C. FIFTH RACE — Six furlonya; selling; three-year-olds: value to first. $523. " lndexl Horse and Owner. Wt St. % . ¥t- ¦ %. Str. KtoTj JocKef! T~&*- 4101 (The Major (Bianchi & M.) 110 8 ... 2 h 4 2V-3 n 1 nsiBunmani C~2 T? (4061) Jockey Club (W. Fisher) 108.7 ... S3 IS 12 2 \ Minder a \ (4081) Ballroom Belle (Llnd Ss. Co.).. 105 4 ... 11 3 1V'.2 S ns C Kelly'" * - (4100) Epicure (J. Touhey) 112 8 ... 6 1^2 h 4 h 4 5 BurrTs 5 \ (4«rf4) Somencs (A. Josephs) 108 5 ... 4 n O 7 5 5 iu w Waldo" ' S \K .... Pure Dale (W. R. GrifOn).... 10cl 2 ... 6 h B?55 « 2 Lewis 40 lirt 411S Andrew Ring (Ferguson) 103 1 ... 7 2 7h til 7 >i Bi-kenruth" 6 « S672 Horatlus (Chlnn & Forsyth).. 1151 3 ... 83 85 8h 8 5 Knight 40 r.o .... Instar (Ward & Harlan) 103 0 ... 9 1%5» 1H« 4 ft n iBell *"' In t,°, 4101 Alice Carey (McXaughton) 102,10 ...104105105106 iConnell s m 3808 Isabelllta (E. J. Baldwin).... lOtijll ... n 11 it 11 jrgSovln' '.V. 15 3u Time—^'i.^ 1:14*4 At post 4 minutes. Off at 4:06. Major, place. 4-5; show 2-5 Club place, 5-2; show, t>-5. Belle, show. 8-5. 'Winner b. c by Midlothian- Ella qmitd it«i» i by O A Blanch!.) Scratched-Leader. Onyx II. LitUe Margaret ? SuSt'pS "VS^S^l hard drive of two. Jockey Club nearly made a runaway race of it. The Major cut o« on far turn and compel ed to finish on the outside. Ballroom Belie outfooted last cart! Alice pyfy almost left. Pure Dale ran well. " ulluuveu last P*" 4137. SIXTH RACE-One mile; gelling; four- year- olda and upward; valua to first. $323. Index Horse and Owner. Wt St. K . H. %. Str. Fin. | Jockey. 5£ cT 8596 El Orlente, 5 (Spiers & Co.).. 106 ~3 1 1%1 1U1 1141 ltii 1 Ido-IIiTZ ' 72 — 3«71 Sir Hampton, a (Purser) 109 6 2 „ 3 >i" 5 3 4 « n Ransch " ? -*? 4006 Rasp, 5 (J. Green) 106 5 4 lUj ilj n 2 n 3 "i B>11 "" i« 7 ;5 4115 1OU.4 (C. W. Chappell).... 102 2 7 1^5 i?a u, 4 n 4 4* Atarii 2 -?Z 411« Illtlouon. 6 (W. r>. Randall).. Um 4 6 4 ? «« 4 «i 5 2 6 k j n.Iv"" i 7 '2 4108 Hutch Miller. S (McAlester). . 106 1 3 «{ 4 n 6 1*48 3 8 n II{irken™Vh * in A 4110 Ohio Girl. 4 (J. Stuart) 94 10 » 1 » :¦«" S « 14 ? lVcinnT i2 JS 406S Sir Lewis. 4 (J. M. Crane).... 1041 9 10 10 »5 7- 4 8 « wZinW ? i® 4115 Mont Eagle. 6 (C. P. Fink).. 106 7 5 X* C 3 a 9 10 0 10 I T "neehn J « «? 4108 Lecturer, S (Wocds & Co.) .... U3J 8 8 1 9 %1Q 10 1" W J. T . Wc^ods 15 Time — :24. :49. 1:14?;. 1:41. At post % minute. Off at 4:28. Orient- nlae* in- -k«— m Hampton, place, a-5: show, 1-3. Rasp, show. 3. Winner be bv'^nV-T,^^?' B " Leaf. (Trained by W. J. Spier*.) Scretched-Stromo Tibwte. S'art z£>A W^ -Oraa e . Second and third driving. El Ortente not supposed to be ready *£ SEht™ ,«5" 0Ut stralnt for six furlongs. Rasp ran a good race Lecturer away U.r1y" Und " r9 ' Second race— Futurity course, selling, three year-olds and upward: 4083 Matt Hogan. ..11.1 8C67 MI Iteina 92 (4102)Onyx II . . 87 4090 Tyranus 100 39SS Rublno 10.'! 4064- Bklp Me 108 (4120)Gladys Bell... 05 4078 Fausturo 113 4007 Pat Morrisaey.llJ 4104 Mr. Dingle.,. &J 40S8 Hungarian ...IK: (4090)San Lution...lOD 4037 Mild. Schultz.107 4122 •Bucolic 02 4081 *Gua, Lanka., if- , Third race — Three and a half furlongs, two year-olds: Tacolaw 112 Box Elder 112 Ch. c. Bassetlaw- B. c. • Ogden-Red La Toquera. • Spinner. .... Resigned 109 4127 Planet ..106 B. f., Figaro-Res- 4127 Emll 100 ignatlon. 4121 Red Man 109 4121 Dollle Qrey...l0fl 4103 Caseins 109 Fourth race — One mile and seventy yards, handicap, four-year-olds and upward: (4105)Ishtar ....... 081 8745 Bon Mot. .....113 4 (.«» Corrigan .... 120 1 4 105 Lord Badge . . . 103 . Fifth race— Six furlongs, selling:, four-year olds and upward : 4130 Nefl Dennis.. .107 410C Huachuca ..i.110 4122 Bard Burns... 107 (4122)Mocortto ...:.1O2 8S83 Shellmount ...104 (4124)Jarretlere d'Orl07 4123 Dlvlna U» 4117 Sly J.05 (4009)Sad 8am 116 , Sixth race— One mile, aelllnr. three-year-old* and upward: 4124 Alb. . Enrlght.105 4130 Axminster ...104 (4107)*Esherln 01 4123 The Pride... .112 4129 Iltowaho 107 4065 Frank Woods. 109 4118 'Llader 95 3615 Frangible 1CU 4129 'Bill Massle...lO4 •Apprentice allowance. Bullman, who rode Castake in the third race, was fined (25 by the Judges for crossing his Meld at the start. Entries for the rich "Washington Park stake events close • on January 15. • Blanks may be obtained from Starter Dick Dwyer. Caesar Young states that the Los Angeles meeting will begin January 31 and run for forty days. Xo Durse will be less than $300 and the ring: will be open to any v r«putable bookmaker who wishes to cut In. Following are to-day's entries: First race— Six furlongs, selling, four-year olds and upward: 4122 Br. Phoebus. .104 4000 Frank Mayo.. 113 3»42 Mountebank. ..104 K<1 Adack 101 8923 Ulloa ....... .i0."> 411M> King DeIlis...lO4 4106 Lapldus »8 4074 Tow. Candles. 102 (4072)Botany 101 Cherries 0t» 38S6 Frank Pearce.101 •Largamcme . 1M 8907 Halnault '.....104 Honor Bright. 102 NOTES OF TUB TRACK. As the ordinance stands now it applies to poolrooms and race track alike. ' Those most Interested profess to believe that the oraiance m Its present form will not be come a law. At all events, preparations are proceeding to begin racing Janu ary 31. LOS ANGELES, Jan. 13.— The action ot the City Council yesterday in passing an ordinance prohibiting betting on races within the city limits has passed up to Mayor Synder the question whether or not there will be a winter, race meet in Los Angeles. The Mayor is at present in Sacrdmento. and his decision in the mat ter will -not be known until he returns home. Los Angeles Ordinance Will Stand or Fail by His Vote. MAY0B MUST DECIDE ¦ ;V-: P0OLB0OM QUESTION STOCKMEN MEET AT KANSAS CITY Nellie Ban?, winner of second prize, Is a lightweight, trimly built lemon and white pointer by Senator I'-Manltoba Belle, and Is owned by J. W. Flynn. who is also the owner ot her tire. Senator I*, the noted field trial winner. She is exceedingly fast, uses good Judgment and Is snappy on her points and should be heard from In the future.- She was also handled by W. B. Coutts. Mkrgarette. winner of third prize, is a lightweight black and v.'hlte pointer bitch by Cuba's Zep-Jlngo Bagpipe. She was handled by R. M. Dodge, and In her work j showed the effects of proper training. The drawing for the all-age, which begins to-morrow, is as follows: Stockdale Kennels' pointer dog Cuba's Zep vs. W, W, Van Arsdale'8 wetter dog Bell Boy; C. E. Worden's pointer bitch Pearl's Jingle vs. J. E. Terry's setter dog Kilgarif ; . Moun tain View Kennels' poiriter bitch Fan Go vs. J. E. Terry's setter bitch Lady; W. W\ Van \rsdale's setter dog McCloud Boy vs. J. "\v. Consldlne's setter bitch Lola Montez; A. H. Nelson's setter bitch Sport's Destiny vs. Stock dale Kennels' pointer dog Cuba Jr.; T. J. A. Tledemann's setter bitch ' Northern Huntress ve. W. W. Van Arsdale's pointer dog Dr. Dan iels: W. W. Van Ar»dale's setter bitch- Peach Blossom vs. 'Frank Pratt' s setter dog Bush. The winner. Kllearlf, is owned by J. E. Terry, president of the Pacific Coast Field Trial Club, and waa trained and handled by \V. B. Ooutts. He is a large, handsome, black, white and tan English setter by Orion-Mary Lou. lie is possessed of all the qualification of the successful field trial dogr, being fast, wide ranging and' positive on- his points, per fectly stanch and Is possessed of that most necessary and admirable quality known a» bird sense. sponded to the whistle of his trainer and re turned to the' course. After making- o, halt circle and turning toward the starting point. Kilgarif was Feen to whip into a point, and on the handler coming up a large bevy of birds flushed from the weeds and settled a short dls tunce away. Sent on, Kilperlf again pointed and yet again before a dozen yards had been covered. He soon located the scattered birds and pointed again, always being steady to wing and ehot. If hlf« work was clever yes terday. It was superb to-day, and applauss rrom the spectators was given with a will. Ills competitor. Jay M, failed to do Justice to him self owing to a badly crippled foot, which was evidently a source *of much pain. J. E. TERRY'S KII.GARIF. WIN NER OF FIELD TRIALS DER BY AT BAKERSFIELD. Games in the Alleys Are Closely Contested by the Many . Players. The tournament of . the San Francisco Bowling "Association was continued last night,. games being played on five alleys. The scores follow: ; California— IJnker 106 162. 157: Beebe. 167. 145. 106; McDowell. 14,, 167, 156; Frauen knecht 1C!> 170, 178; Jenning. 103. 1C3, 167. Anil— RanlEner. 183. 191. 201; Williams. 148. 180 12S; Mercina, 144 168 130; Teigler. 156, 15». 181; Stanford, 0. 172. 106. Start — Weuraman 143. 156. 137; Smith. 187. 118. 175; Bender, 109, 386, 1S5; Meyer, 124, 109. I»; Ward 1K5. ltfl. 150 O'Farrell's— Decher. llH, 177, 100; R. Hand. 110, 18:.'. 180; K Hand. 141. 133. 166; Ross, 115. 125 137; Kamsey, .142. 147. 142. Eusenes — Lean, 206. 235. ' 190; Borro, 162, 152 172; Ahern. 207. 212, 169; Shave, 237, 175, lWwThorpo 184, 212, ISO. Rex— Carroll. 167. 157, 215; Clark, 182, 153. 211; Knowltori. 156. ISO. 190; Hegen, 203, 2(36. 135; C. Crar/ford. 171. 128 16S. . i i Kagles — Jdlwsori. 22O -215 157:' Reeves,- 188. B34, 154; Berquest, 153. 164. 1B7; Campbell, 167. 177, 174: Bird, 136. 211, 109. , Iroquols— Felss 197. 155. 157; N*olt»- 156. 178 156; Morton 149, 183, 173; Melnhardt 200. 164". 172; Nolan. 160. 247. 183. CSolden West — Schult. 195. 147 183; Mlorner, 1CS 1(53, 103; Rohrs, 137. 163. 143; Schllchtlnjr, 172, 188. 177; Kroml. 130. 180, 157. Pacific— La garde. 148, 132, 160; Lauffhres, 143 201. 106; Tresselt. 131, 152. 172; Carl Dielerle. 174, 153. 143; Fred May. 191, Hi'J, 216. • | BOWLERS OF THE CITY MEET IN TOURNAMENT «¦. by McKinnev-I^eonora; Georte T. Becker's br. r. Zobelein: J. D. Cart's ch. f. Mamie D; J. D. Carr'g ch. f. Hercedee; C. A. Durfee's Mk. c. Almaden; C. A. Durfee'g b. c. Johnnie McKenzie; W. G. Durfee tc Co. 1 * blk. c. by JicKlnney-Relle; IV. G. Durfee & Co.'s b. c. I'v Derecho-Lsdy J:i'a; D. J. Desmond's l>. f. • Jeraldlne; George W. Ford'e b. c. Nut Mac; W. J. Fitzgerald's br. f. Kathleen; Faris Stock Farm's b. c. Judge Bigg*; H. A. Gammon's hr. t. Easter Direct; J. A. Gardner's br. t. by McKinney-Black Swan; J. B. Iverson's b. c. lvar; J. B. I\-rrson*s <-h. t. Glgna.; La Siesta Han<h'« l>. f. Wanda II: George J. Morgan's br f. Neergard; C. \V. Main's b. f. Lady Lu s-ella; H. W. Meek's b. f. Fenella; W. Mastin's b. <r. Marvin Wllkes; C. Masvero'e b. f. Vo landa; I. W. Minturn's b. c. Stra.thca.rma; I. W. Mint'urn's b. c. Ramon; I. C. Moosher's b. c. Ea*ter Alene; Oakwood Stock Farm's br. f. by Charles Derly-Xaulaka; Oakwood Stock Farm's br. f. by Charles Derby-Lucy E; Oak wood Stock Farm's b. f. by Direct-Bella. II; OsJc»rood Stock Farm's b. f. by Dlrect-Stelnola; Oakwood Stock Farm's b. c by Charles Derby- Hertha; Rosedale Stork Farm's b. f. by St. Whips-Fila D; John 'Rowen's b. f. Bella; B. 7.. Miller's b. c. by Stanu.B-Bell ; Thomas Smith's blk. c. by McKinney- Daisy S; Thomas Hmlth's b. c. by Mambrino Chl-f-JIoover; W. I*. Spoor's b. f. Neerest; Santa Roea Stock Farm's b. f. by McKlnney-Bre Bye: Santa Rosa Stock Farm's b. c. by McKlnney-Carlotta IVlIkes; Santa. Rosa. Stock Farm's .blk. o. by 2&cKinn*y-Blscar&; Santa. Rosa Stock Farm's b. c. by McKlnney-Stamboullta; Santa Roaa Stock Farm'* b. f. by McKlnney-Buy Guy; Santa Rosa Stock Farm's b. c. by McKlnney- Rot=« Russell; Santa Rosa. Stock Farm's Jb. t. by HcKlnr.ey-Adioo: Santa. Rosa Stock Vsu-m's b. c. by Sidney Dillon-Lilly Stanley; Santa Ros* Stock Farm's b. c. by Sidney Dillon- Oakley Russell; George A. Kelly's blk. c. Bon nie McK; A. B. Spreckels' ch. c. . by Dexter Prince-Galena; A. B. Epreikels* b. c by Cupld- Erosine; A. B. Spreckels' cfv. f. by Cupid- Countess: A. Truman's b. t: by James Maddl «in, dam by Guy Wllkes; Tuttle Bros.' b.- c. by Stam B-Laurel; Vendome Stock Farm's fclk. c. Marconi; R. \v*Uliams' b. c Black Ras. r*l Jr.; H. Williams' ; ch. c CoIHs H; O P. Willis' b. f. by Arthur Holt-Jennie Alexander Brown's ch. c. by Prince Ansel- Nosegay: T. W. Barstow'a b. f. True Heart; John Baker'* b. f. Nut Bird; C K. Book's b. An unusually large number of second payments have also been made on nomin ations for the *>take In 1904. The list fol lcws: Vrani; A. J. Hudson's b. c. Strathcoiia; <i. W. Kingsbury's b. c, by X>yumont-L>aisy; W. H. 1-urcsden's b. c. Robin Stanley; La. Siesta Ilanrh's b. c. Search Me; H. E. Meek'i b. I., by W>leoTne-Hyt>!a; W. E. Meek's b. c. bjr Weloofne-l^iecnora: Wj E. Meek's b. c. by M'llllam Harold-Fenella; £>. J. Desmond's b. f. Fairy: O. W. Main's b. f. Zomilea; Oakwoud Stock Farm's b. c, by Owyhee-Xnex; Oakwood Block Farm'* b. f. Tuna: Oakwood Stock Kama's r. c, by James Madison-Stelnola; Oak »ood Stock Farm's b. f.. by James Madison- Babe Marloti: Oakwood Stock Farm's br. f., by McKinnfy-El'-nway: Owens Brow.' ch. g. Acme; Rosedale Stock Farm's b. c. Dacus; J. A. Richardson's b. c. Swift B; Santa <losa Stock Farm's ch. c. by Sidney Dillon-Silver Kye; Santa Rosa Stock Farm'* b. t.. by Sidney Dillon-Pansy ; Fama Kcca £tock Farm's b. c, by U W. RuEsell-Pacita; Jam*? A. Smith's blk. c. by McKinney-Dalsy E.; Thomas Smith'a b. c. Fred P; Tuttle Bros.' b. f.. by Etam B l^aurel; L.. II. Todhunter's br. >c. The Jester; Valencia Stork Farm's bile c Amado; P. J. "Williams' blk f. Monterey Bells; F. E. ¦Wright's b. c. Kir Knight. I. L.. Border's b. f. Sadie L: \V. G. Durfee'* l>r. I., by Zombro-Iifononi: Mrs. S. V. Ji*r * tow's b. c. Star IS; Alex Brown's b. c, by Arthur B-N'osegay; Aler Brown's eh. f.. by Nutwood WiJke?-Vi*ildnower: John Haker'a b. f. Precklebird: \V. Maben's br. f. Dixie \V; C _\. Durfee-'s Mfc. or br. f. Ra«sie: C. A. iJur f«*e'« br. c. Grwko: C A. I>urfee"s br. c. Jim I>a: B. Davle" blk. f. Dixie 6; B. Krken breckers blk. f. California Poppy: G. W. Korti's th. r.. by Neernut-Klorence; J. Gallegos' b. f. Sophia McKinney: E. A. Gammon's blk. f. Tl-ore are forty-three fashionably bred youngster? in the list. Those still e!l p'hle for the rich event, which will be de rided during the State fair, are: Acting Secretary Harry I»wden of the <"a!iforiiia State Hoard of Agriculture has made public the nominations for the Oc cident stake of 1903 upon which third pay ments have been made by their owners. HARNESS HORSE OWNERS FAVOR OCCIDENT STAKE Large Number Slake Payments on Their Nominations in This Rich Event. GIVES WELCOME TO NEW RAILROAD The first brace were turned down on scat tered birds in the vineyard. Both dogs showed Rood speed and range and quartered their ground admirably, yet neither seemed able to scent the birds. This was Judge Hunter"* first opportunity en birds, as none were found In Ms heat or yesterday. Harry II did no better, the X'allure no doubt, being due to unfavorable wtathtr conditions. Lou and Mountain Quail ¦were cast off in the same territory and worked from the vineyard Into an adjoining field, where part of the bevy had taken cover. They were no more fortunate than the preceding dog* until near .the end of the heat, when Mountain Quail made a nice point on a single and was etancbly backed by Lou. An adjournment was then taken for luncheon, which consumed about an hour and a half. During this time the fog lifted and a llfrht breeae dried the grass. This made the running much more favorable for Nellie Bang and Mar isarette. This heat was run in a field where the cover -was shorter and a few minutes after the start Nellie located a. bevy In a patch of sunflowers. The birds flushed wild and scat tired over a large territory, giving a splendid opportunity for Judging the merits of the two pointers. Both were speedy and enappy on tlie'r points and each secured several good i ones. Nelli* Bang had clearly the best of the heat, which lasted fully half an hour. The next two dogs, Jay M and Kilgarif. were- cast off in a field a mile distant from ¦where the last heat was run. Jay M kept the course, but Kilgarif made a wide cast and was soon lost to sight. As running birds were seen in that direction it was evident he had located a bevy or at least was making game. He re- C. E. "Worden's Karry H with Fred Butler's Judge Hunter; J. E. Terry's Lou with Charles Coggln's Mountain Quail: J. W, Quinn's Nellie Bang T.-ith Stockdale Kennels* Margarette; C. E. Worden's Jay II with J. E. Terry's KilRarif. Owing to the non-arriva! of one of the handlers, almost an hour was lost before the bye dog, Stockton Kennels' pointer. Midget (Cuba's Zep-Jingro Bagpipe) was turned down. Dodge, her handler, elect ed to have one of her kennel mates as a companion In the heat and the dogs were cast off In a vineyard, where birds were soon found. As the glass was wet, and a heavy mist falling, the birds flushed to the trees and but few could be induced to seek ground "cover. A few were lo cated in an adjoining field, but no point, work was secured. Juflge Humphrey then announced that the dogs carried Into the Becond series would be as fol lows: • Coast Field Trial? Club meeting to-day, with Nellie Bang second and ilargarette third. Clever as was K;l garlf's work in yesterday's race, it was excelled by to-day's performance. It is wonderful if two such heats can be ac credited to any Derby dog In the history of the club. A dense fog hur.g over the landscape this morning when the start was made for the field trial grounds, which were located almost twelve miles from Bakersfield. BAKERSFIELD, Jan. 13.-KI1 g-arif. the dog which ran the sensational heat yesterday, landed first money at the Pacific At each twenty-five miles th^re will be Ftalior.ed a committee of control, who will note the arrival and departure of the au tomobiles. An association of dealers and manufac turers of automobiles is being formed'and during the first week of April the twtn ty-Feven firms engaged in the business will unite in an exhibition of their ma chine?. Mechanics' Pavilion has been secured for one week and during that time wiU l>e given up to the exhibition. I'niting with the enterprise all dealers in sporting j;ood«. rifles. lishing taekio. photographic iipparatus. bicycles and pleasure boats will their products on cxhibiti'in. Though the pavilion is ample in site it 1«= not proposed to have any trial* of au tomobiles take jj'ace In that building-, but arrangements have been made- for a test of the different machines. It is proposed to run a hundred-mile t^st under condi tions that will be decisive, not of speed. l>ut of endurance. The route will com mence oj) the vest Fide of San Kraneiseu Rsy. returning by way of San Jose to Oakl.*fr>d. a distance of 1(X> miles. Gasoline tuiomobiles will be required to make the entire distance without stops. Steam machines will be allowed l-i .^top throe times to replenish their water supply. The FfFed is not to exceed fifteen miles an hour. The machine that makes a contin uous ]Q0-mile run at fifteen miles an hour i\ ill win the race and be entitled to the Use ribbon, the only prize for success. \V. B. Hinrhman. Alameda Boat Club; James E. Murphy. Hay City Athletic Club: J. C. Grif fiths. Occidental - Athletic Club; Fred Koch, Academic Athletic League; V. W. Ollphant, Multnomah Athletic Club; John J. Gleason, Olympic Club; Herbert Haflser, Stockton Ath letic Club; T. I. Fitzpatrlek. South End Ilowingr Club; M. J. Calnan. Pioneer Rowing Club; Al Kothkopf. Uolphln Boating Club; E. J. Lynch. Ariel Howinif Club: Thomas Harris, I,urllne Swimming Club; Morris Levy, Hayes Valley Athletic Club; George James, Sacramento Ath letic Club; David Brown. Stanford University. President Hinchman, in his address, called the attention of the board to the desirability of public playgrounds .in the thickly populated parts of the city. lie hoped the association would lend ita in •tluence toward their establishment. Addresses were made by men represent ing the various branches of athletics. Those in attendance were: John J. Gleason was elected a' member of the Pacific Coast committee of the Olympian games. He will visit Sacra mento as its representative and will en deavor to bave a small portion -of the money which it is expected will be voted for a California exhibit at St. Louis set aside for sending a team of athletes to the exposition. This will be supplemented with money derived from field days and other entertainments. The board of governors of the^ Pacific Athletic Association held its annual meet ing and banquet last night. The chief matter considered was the world's Olym pian games to be held next year either at Chicago or St. Louis. The latter city is working .on the International commit tee having the, games in charge and hopes to have them transferred from Chicago to form part of their exposition. The Southern California horse/ Ignacio. turned things upside down In the mile and 100 yard event, quoted at 10 to 15 to 1 in the books. Under Minder's strong riding the outsider passed Nigrette aa the bend for home was reached, after which it was clear sailing for him. "Connell on Nigrotte was kept^busy to stall off ttie challenge for place of St. Sever. Larry Wilt undoubtedly, would have been a keen contender but for being cut off on the far turn. Ada N enjoyed an easy victory In the second seven-furlong selling number. She went to 'the post an 8 to 5 favorite and after being rated during the early stages of the running ran over Golden Cottage and Mission at the end. Bullman on The Major put up one of his old-time finishes In the sprint over six furlongs for three-year-olds. For a time it looked as if Minder, astride Jockey Club, would succeed in making a run away race of It, especially as The Major was sharply cut off nearlng the turn. This cost Bullman and his mount considerable ground, but he rode a desperate finish the last eighth, beating out Jockey Club on the final stride. Ballroom Belle's slippers must have pinched her feet, for she with drew the last sixteenth, after once looking a possible winner. Maggie Felix; a 9 to 10 favorite for the seven-furlong affair following, was given a stiff argument by Sleeping Child, a 10 to 1 chance with Minder up. At the start the outsider Jumped away in the lead and it took some strong urging on the part of Tommy Burns to get Maggie up in time to score by less than a length. Ransch finished third with Jim Gore II. Bcrnota: appeared ' outfooted from the start. In the opening mile selling run. for which a field of twelve shifty platers faced, the barrier. Kitty Kelly, displayed unexpected speed. With Birkenruth on her back and 6 to 1 In the ring, the mare led from start to finish, winning cleverly in 1:42. Rosarie, a 30 to 1 shot, took the place from Schreiber's Porte by a neck. Away from the post none too well, the 13 to 3 favorite, Matin B?U. ran fifth. While Kitty Kelly, Ignacio and El Orientewere liberal contributors to the surprise column, first choices managed to hold their own. . Maggie Felix, ridden by Burns, turned up a handy winner; Ada N, annexed a purse without much effort, and in the only sensational finish of the afternoon The Major, piloted by John Bullman, was awarded a nose decision over Jockey Club, a third choice. The attendance and betting were all that c6uld be desired, while the clear, frosty weather kept everybody wrapped up. the last race yesterday by El Orlente, a 30 to 1 8hot, ridden by Don nelly. With everybody down hook, line and sinker on Sir Hampton, the favorite, the Spiers entry went out In front and won all<the .wayj It wa? the first 6tart this seaso^' of Sir Hampton, and the brown horse, • on the • strength of pome very fast trials, was touted far and wide as -the most' edible morsel on the card. Held under light wraps for three-quarters of the distance by Ransch, when finally let down he fell short just a length of catching the outsider at the wire. .Rasp, another long-priced one, ran a close third, a length farther away. OF all the bon-bons that have been popped the last few days at Oakland, none caused a more de pressing effect than the win of THE CALL'S RACING FORM CHART. ¦ ; \ ¦ ¦¦ Series of Entertainments Is Planned by Pacific Asso- Hundred-Mile EndurandeTest for All Machines to Be Decided. Ignacio at Long Odds Reaches the Wire Ahead of Nigrette-— Maggie Felix Scores Brackets—Kitty Kelly Beats a Big Field/Leading All the Way. Bullman Lands The Major First, a Scant Nose in Front of Jockey Club . Will Hold Big Show at Pavilion Early in April. Athletes Desire Aid in 1 Sending a Team to St. Louis. J. E. Terry's Handsome Black, White and Tan English Setter Performs Superbly in Competition— J.W. Flynn's Nellie Bang Second, Margarette Third AUTOMOBILE MEN PLAN EXHIBITION SEEK SUPPORT OF LEGISLATURE EL ORIENTE, A DESPISED OUTSIDER, FINISHES AHEAD OF SIR HAMPTON KILGARIF PROVES VICTORIOUS IN THE FIELD TRIALS DERBY RACING, BOXING, ATHLETICS, FIELD, TRIALS, BOWLING, AUTOMOBILING AND OTHER SPORTS THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, JANUABY 14. 1903. 10 The Gall's Great Premium TO ITS SUBSCRIBERS. CRAM'S SUPERIOR ATLAS. A carload of Call Superior Atlases has arrived and ; they are now ready for distribution. All subscribers to The Call are entitled to a copy of this great book at the premium rate of $1 50. Out of town subscribers desiring a copy of this splendid premium will be supplied on receipt of $1 50. All mail orders will be shipped by express at subscriber's expense. Terms of this great offer: Subscribe for The Daily Call for a period of six months and you will be entitled to a copy of this splendid $8 00 Atlas for $1 50. Oscar Holliday Banghart's work is warmly admired by Phil May, the famous English artist who succeeded George Du Mauri er on London "Punch." Mr. May has many of Banghart's originals, and values them very highly. This opinion by the way. is shared by the thousands who have been fortunate enough to pos- sess the series which The San Francisco Call is giving its readers. They are all taken from Mr. Emgharfs famous sketches.