Newspaper Page Text
, SEATTLE. • Jan. 'V 22.— Julius, Richter, foreman of ; the . Chlopeck Fish Company, received In jurie's this afternoon by the ex plosion is of a retort* from - 1 which he died two 'hours'; later* , Fatally Injured by an Explosion. Up to a lato hour to-night the^Foreign Office has received no representations from Washington regarding the bombard ment through either the Italian Embas sador to the United States, Stgnor Mayor Desplaches, or the American embassy litre. -The embassy is still without of ficial news of the occurrence. ROME, Jan. 22.— The second bombard ment yesterday of Fort San Carlos by the German warships has produced an unfa vorable impression here, as the necessity for. a recourse to .violence is considered to have passed. Government officials are mest cautious in expressing, opinions of the matter, in view of the peculiar situa tion' of /Italy, that country being allied with Germany independently of the Ven ezuelan affairs. Officials, however, say frankly that Italy will continue heref fcrts toward conciliation, as she has no resentment toward Venezuela and Is seek ing only to effect the payment, of ; her claims, j German Bombardment Creates Un favorable Impression in Rome. ITALIANS DO NOT APPROVE. The '. VIneta ..' and ..Gazelle, during the whole ; of; yesterday , lay , outside ¦ the reach of the fort's guns.' On ,t wo occasions the -Panther.' steamed' in and tried to;p^ The .last i,dl8Datch. from General? Bello, commander of the fort, announces his be lief that; he can hold the fort indefinitely and ithat he Is determined to ; doso. President Castro received me In Mina flores , Palace / this morning and . showed me all the official advices from Maracaibo. These reports are unanimous on the point that the German gunboat Panther pro voked the Incident by opening fire* on the fort. several Venezuelan soldiers were, killed and vwounded the bombard ment yesterday does not appear to have been effective.- CARACAS, Jan. 22.— Official and private cable dispatches which Wqre received here at noon to-day from Maracaibo an nounce that three German warships, the cruisers VIneta and Gazelle and. the gun boat Panther, resumed the bombardment oC Fort San Carlqs, begun yesterday, at daylight this morning. Details of re newed bombardment have" not:been re ceived, but they are anxiously awaited in Government . circles. Herald Publishing Company Venezuelan President Receives Re ports From San Carlos Commander. Special Cable to Th« Call and Xew York Hrrald. Copyright, 1003, by the New York CASTHO SAYS IT IS WAR. STOCKTON. Jan. 22.— Charles and Wil liam de Carle, the former a grocer and the. latter employed in a local stock yard. have just learned that a fortune of $20,000 leit by their father, who died in Stockton nearly forty years ago, - awaits them In the French Bank in San Francisco. Learn That a Fortune Awaits Them. VICTORIA. B. C, Jan. 22.— The steel berk Baroda, which stranded on August 2J off the Oregon coast and was floated after ten months' work and has since been lying at San Francisco, haa been pur chased by R. Dunsmuir & Sons of this city and will be towed north by the steam, collier Tellus on her next voyage, north. The Baroda will be converted into a hulk for the coal carrying trade between the Island mines and Vancouver. Bark Baroda Finds a Purchaser. PARIS, Jan. S3.— From Caracas the cor- The condition here was compared by a high official to-day to that which existed in the United States before the war with Spain. The Government resents the ac tion of a foreign power. Public sentiment, he said, is being worked to a high pitch. And public, sentiment will force any ac tion by this country just as it did when the administration of President McKin ley was doing all it could to avert the Inevitable conflict with Spain. There are still reports current here that the State Department has called on Ger many to explain her reasons for bom barding San Carlos. It Is officially denied that this has been done. The non-partici pation of British battleships in the bom bardment is taken as an indication by some that England' does not approve of the course of action followed by Ger many, and predictions are made that England will take her first opportunity to withdraw from an alliance so obnox- 1 ious to the English people. If the alliance is broken Germany will be robbed of an opportunity, to further her territorial ambitions under the cloak of Great Britain. This makes it felt that Germany will not go so far as to' perform any act which will cause England to break the alliance. On the other hand, it is believed that It will not take much to induce England to withdraw and leave * Germany In ' . the lurch. The termination of this alliance by a disagreement would prevent any similar alliance in future. England is somewhat " depending on Germany for as sistance should events in the Far East so develop that England would stand on one side and Germany on the other. FORT REPORTED DESTROYED. designs for the acquisition of territory there may be better carried out. Continued From Page 1, Column 3. The two women, both of whom are elderly, were severely bruised and cut about the head and face. They were taken tu the Fabiola Hospital. They suf fer more from the shock, however, than from their external Injuries. The hors« was stopped by a bystander before it ran away. OAKLAND, Jan. 22.— Mrs. Laura Pel ouze, widow of the lite former Supervisor, 'William S. Pelouze, and her companion, Mrs. M. Kerr, were violently thrown tf» the ground this afternoon at "Eighth anrt Bay streets by the breaking of the king bolt of the buggy in which they were riding. The horse became frightened at a passing: train and its sudden jumping to one side wrenched the bolt apart, let ting loose the front wheels. Them Severely. Breaking of Kingbolt Precipitates Both Women to Ground, Cutting MRS. PELOTJZE AND FRIEND ABE .THBOWK FROM BUGGY VIEWS GERMANY WITH SUSPICION A'fisherman from the village of San Carlos has arrived here in a canoe with his family. Two of this man's children were killed by shells from the German cruisers. He reports that more than twenty-five Indian fishermen have b<ien killed or wounded at San Carlos. The fishermen there are helpless. Last night there was a popular demonstration on the streets of this town. The people paraded, but there were no words of hatred or insults as they passed the German stores, which are numerous in Maracaibo. Village of San Carlos Suffers Greatly. The report that the biggest of the three attacking vessels was cither an English or Italian ship is untrue. It is known that all three vessels are German. / The Venezuelan gunboat Miranda is in Lake Maracaibo. It was doubtless the intention of the Panther in trying to pass the fort and get into the lake to capture this vessel. The pas sage over the bar that leads into the lake is narrow and the fort commands it. General Bello is confident that he can sink the Panther if she attempts to get by with the fire of the five guns that remain to him. Wednesday passed'without incident and the garrison of Fort San Carlos rested from the fight of the day and made preparations for what the morrow might bring. • The British cruiser Tribuna and the Italian cruiser Carlo Alberto are an chored.before La Gualra. The- latter is In communication with the VIneta and the Gazelle by wireless telegraphy. respondent of the Matin- says In a dis patch upon the bombardment of Fort San Carlos that the fort has been de stroyed and that the limited range of the fort's guns prevented them from be ing effective against the, German cruis ers. The Panther has entered Lake Mar acaibo, according to the Matin, but the other vessels were prevented from fol lowing by their greater draught. the fort, but owing to the heavy fire was forced to retire. "I have instructed General Bello," said President Castro, "to make rid useless sacrifice of men. He assures me that the vessels cannot" pass the fort, even If it is reduced to ruins. "And now what do you think In Wash ington?" inquired the Venezuelan Presi dent. "Will they not see that the Ger mans do not want peace, but are forcing a war? For the 6ake of obtaining a set tlement I yielded to the allied powers and consented to hard conditions. The Germans reply by firing upon Venezuelan forts every day, and yet Mr. Bowen, as commissioner of Venezuela, is, in Wash ington with full power and every oppor tunity to satisfy the exaggerated de mands." \ President Castro concluded his remarks by saying: "But it is war now." , ). How far Germany will go in her ap parent attempt to obstruct a settlement is what troubles this nation. It is fully realized that owing to' the treaty con cluded by this Government, Great Britain and Germany are jointly responsible for the actions of the combined fleet. Wed nesday's bombardment intensifies the feeling that the Government committed a grave blunder when it bound Itself to Germany. It would not be an altogether unexpect ed step on the part of the British Gov ernment If an official statement were Is sued disclaiming any responsibility for the hostile acts of Germany. The Daily Chronicle says: "There is now danger idea of the general sentiment is to be obtained from the comments In the evening papers. "The Kaiser's Revenge" and "The Mailed Fist's Might" were two o£ the striking headlines describing the bombardment of Fort San Carlos. LONDON. Jan. 22.— Germany's • latest outbreak has caused a decidedly bad Impression in London. Some Special Dispatch to The Call. "When Herr Bebel says that naval of ficers, retired and on waiting order.", have written articles claiming that our fleet must be strong enough to annihilate the British "navy, I answer him that this, of course. Is a fancy picture which is found In the literature of all peoples. We follow no aggressive plans, but purpose merely the defense of our coasts and the protection of German interests and citi zens abroad. That we should not re main defenseless at sea is the wish of the majority— I may say without exaggera tion of the great majority of the Ger man ' people. If Herr Bebel contradicts this, then he is out of harmony with the sentiments of the nation." "Herr Bel»l has defended the singular behavior of " the Venezuelan Government against us with a degree of animation such as I have «een In no" European newspaper. President Castro doubtless -will. read Herr.Bebel's speech with the greatest delight at his morning coffee. Let me further remark that the question at issue between Venezuela and the pow ers Is not merely one ot claims, but of the defense by the powers of their pres tige, which has been Impaired . through President Castro's action and through the manner in which he repudiated, im pclltely, to express it mildly, our just claims. \\e were therefore perfectly jus tified in proceeding jointly with Great Britain and Italy for the preservation of our prestige." In answering Herr Bebel's attacks upon Germany's naval expenditure, the Impe rial Chancellor said: United States." General Boguslavskl, retired, the well known writer on military matters, dis cussing the press telegrams, says: "The commander of the Panther In the first incident was merely making the blockade effective on his station by seek ing to prevent the carriage of coffee through Colombia. The second bombard ment was probably intended to- chastise the insolence of the Venezuelans' and their exultation over the first affair." Chancellor von Bulow again spoke on Venezuela in the Reichstag to-day In an swer to the criticisms of Herr Bebel (So cialist) on the Government's policy. The Chancellor said: Peril on Every Side, the Opinion in Britain. BERLIN PRESS SCORES GOVERNMENT Continued From Page 1, Column 4. Continued From Page 1, Columns 5 and 6. HOLDS KAISER'S FLEET IN CHECK. A Daylight Valley Train. Ton can make a quick trip, see the country and reach any point In the San Joaquln Valley by daylight if you take the Southern Pacific Valley Special leav ing Ban Francisco ferry at 8 a. m. It carries buffet parlor car and chair car. Full particulars at Southern Pacific In formation Bureau, 613 Market street. • Dr. Voorsanger "Will I*ecture. Dr. Vdorsanger will at 8 o'clock on Fri day evening at the Temple Emmanu-El deliver a lecture on the subject of "Rc llsious Minorities." NETT TOEX. J*a. 22. — H. B. Parson* hai V-»«»ti s!««rt.ea vice preaifieri of the TTell»-F»rfft> The freight left the Third and Town- Bend' street depot shortly before 10 o'clock last night. It was well loaded with merchandise and was going- at a. high rate ot speed. Just as the train pulled out of the Twenty-sixth and Valencia street station one of the cars was de railed and the train was quickly brought to a. standstill. Within half an hour the car had been replaced on the rails and the train was able to troceed on its way. A eerioua accident to freight train No. 334, bound for Salinas over the coast line, was narrowly averted at the Twenty sixth and Valencia street station last night, shortly after 10 o'clock. One of the cars of the train was derailed, but fortunately no one was hurt and no se rious damage resulted. Freight Car Is Derailed at Twenty- Sixth-Street Station, but No Damage Is Done. • SEBIOTJS ACCIDENT NABKOWLY AVERTED Thomas H. Corcoran is a very success ful yovzig merchant of the Mission. He Is c Cirector of both the Baa Francisco Re tall Grocers' Association and the State Grocers* As*O£iaiion» He Is alsa the sec retary of the Mutual Biscuit Company. Trfcich is composed cf the largest ETOcery establisiments In this city. The bride is an accomplished mnsidan. Ehe Is one ot the most pcpnlar yours ladles of SL Pat rick's parish arsd ha» a wide circle of f rlcnfia throcglrout the city. Ur. and Mrs. Corcoran Trt^ take a trip through the f onlhem psxt cl the State for their hon fymooa aid en their return will resi*d» ir» a coxy residence at Twenty-fifth and fcfcctweH streets. •/ ¦ The brida, who is a handsome brunette, was attired in. a beautiful gown of white Eiik. She wax attended by illss Ida Bar ry, while "W. R. BorlisI Ti»>* the honor of ecting as best man. The ushers were Fred A- Gri2ir.g and Emmet Dunn. J. lIcDoxald sacr an Ave Maria. At the condraloii cf the ceremony a bridal gup pcr -wrzs tendered Mr. and Mrs. Corcoran ct the residence of the bride's parer.ts. Shirley, who *re pioneer residents of tills city, -was usited ia marriage with Thomas H. Corcoran, a prominent young business man of the Mission. The altar wsls tastefully decorated with palms, fenis and fragrant blossoms. The church was crowded with the friends and rela tives of the happy young couple. Rev. Father Patrick Cummins, who was the bride"* parish priest, officiated at the cer ejnonj-. AVEKY pretty wedding occurred last night in St. Patrick's Cburch, when Miss Emily C. Shirley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis During the tenure of his office here Inspector Dunn has been strongly op posed by many powerful political fac tions, chief among which was the Pa cific Mail Steamship Company. Mr. Dunn said last night: "A year ago I was offered a change of post and I re fused it, as at that time the affairs of this office were not in such a position as to permit of my # leaving. I have been ex pecting the order I received to-day slnca last November, when my superior was In San Francisco. At that time I ex pressed my desire to leave San Francisco and he gave me to understand that my wishes would be granted. New York Is now vacant and I think that Is the place I am to fill." According to Inspector Dunn's state ment his removal to another post had been premised him by Sargent when the latter -was in this city in November last, and his choice of New York as a future post had been made to the Commissioner General at that time and found favor with him. A dispatch last night from Washing ton to The Call contradicts Dunn's state ments. Commissioner General Sargent acknowledged that the San Francisco in spector had been ordered to Washington, but denied that he had been relieved of his San Francisco post for assignment elsewhere. Inspector Dunn announced last night that his trip to Washington upon the orders of Commissioner General of Im migration Sargent meant a new assign ment for him. According to his state ment New York is the port which he has been unofficially designated to fill, and Charles Mohan of the Immigration Bu reau of Boston is to be his successor. James R. Dunn, for three years inspec tor in charge of the Chinese Immigra tion Bureau at this port, received orders yesterday to report to Washington. He will leave for the capital within two weeks. Advices From Commissioner General Indicate His Removal. Is Instructed to Report at Washington Im mediately. INSPECTOR DUNN ORDERED EAST • THE SAN FBAKCISCO CALL, FBIDAY, JANUARY (23, 1903. MERCHANT WEDS THE DAUGHTER OF A PIONEER POPULAR YOUNG WOMAN WHO BECAME A BRIDE LAST NIGHT. 5 <^n, S|| _THE ART SALES GALLERIES, 230 Post St. ANTIQUE PERSIAN (FRIDAY) <<^^/f)^^ And Following Days v At 2:30 P. M. 5t^^ • o iilllliiiisllii YUZUK & CO. ar; th; successors to th; we I-known firm rf HAGOPIAN & CO., and have brought a. m-st magnificent collection of 1500 pieces of rars antiques, to m&t their opening sale an event out of the ordinary . O'fur llolll.lnv llanshnrt la f«»t iecnrlntf_ » tremtndon* reputation botB here and ubrond a* an illnfltrator. Por- traits of women are his* strontr point. lie In the -American ¦l«n Van Befre." llln plctare* nave a srare and ilelirary e»- KcntJnlly Gallic. IHm «uccpm |i extraordinary In vlrrr of the fact that a decade afro he man Rlmplr a bniilofM mun. al- temllnsr art aehool ot ereo* lnitH. With lii* meteoric career Mr. Banshart neeina deittlned to follow In the footatepn of •>•» urciit compatriot. Whistler. Certainly no American artist Mince the Rlorlon* trinity of Whistler. Abbey and Snrcront tlrnt Ntartled Knrope ha* made. »uch an extraordinary noectia. In li l.<* now fnmnii* pletnrrn/of women llantlinrt Is an ple««- Inc a« Aubrey IteuriNley na* nnplenanntly original. .More- over, to create an lmpreanlon Banichart haa not fonnd It neceasary. a la lleardsley. to make bin women look an If they had their nones in a Ironsli. The picture* offered their readera by the Snnday Call are certainly the moat be- nltrhlnc creature* that Mr. Banghart has finished. THE EMPOBITJM. | THE EMPORIUM. >-.¦ | THE EMPORIUM. , | . THE. EMPORIUM. J THE EMPORIUM. K j ' ' " I "..''..'.: ' - - ' ' Ci.' I ' i'5 i Emporium Song /^S^ >-^ " v--^ *-^~wv -*t <d t&^^ dCTV >^ m '?^^ '¦¦- Expert Writing h i Playing Recitals g |§ S|'a>| g Hm yl g fl^ Chiropodist Tablets, 8c It Si To-day and Satur- ttno^» M . c a = noon, in VIP 1 . ja*. /V*»- *H»" . **l ; JJB. A ¦ H . , ing cs air easing ur( J av » - c note J et . ft* . . M«ic Departmrnt at /V/ j/ *> •» j-% * \1 - - C * * Parloii; corns removed ' J . jg g oni y , «- 4^; ' J5JkfF r^z^f^//z<5 w 'frida&anduaturdau | & t 2 packs 25c In P°P ular new ton P- w,*.^-* - _ t *%*¦ ±y .... ~C* . . <-^ t!n S . tor Sc £ *I Ladies' Pillow Tops "X/9*"* 1 " 47* m Piano instructors These ** I Pocket- ana Backs, 33c *//<^ JJ°i M . . IL^ jl - MM ~-^ * Special Sale Popular '; ftT °of**# Nearly I OOO Tapestry Pillow Cov- g£^ M^g 3- M^fvMad/rilljSJBMJrffa On Frday and Saturday only, these two Books * * 1-3 Off ¦ erSi ' rea dv to put pillows in, wfep^ £f £ AL^L^/ S B&^MAV h/ &*/M / &W/B M & standard and most popular piano inst net- f n ' •* I Handsome books bought with tasse l/ on c^ f uU 24 inches 7*^ J" * »BW-£%^ V ors « iQo tnd 4QCa - §1.08 J ** for Chris-ma? trad: — scuare;handsomr, rew, bright, Oiicntal CALIFORNIA'S l-A'RGESTn^ m&^0&^^^^^^ Bellak't Piano Method— Board covers . Another lot of them •* K genuine srul, vva'ms pattern?; regular 50c quality; Friday and .¦in.iiiiW.HIfl'iilllliBlliffiyV'^^ — 4Qc just in "Th- Right *% $ and other leathers: Saturday '. . . 33C -mmg^m^^^^^^^ AMERICA'S GRANDEST. STORE KohL-r Piano Method -Paper cover*. Iff O Princes "bvClaraLouisc •* fc* 85 sty'es . . .57c _v.^ _^¦¦¦^¦^^^^¦¦¦^¦^^—^-¦fc-^— ¦¦"^^^¦^¦^^^¦^^^^^^^¦¦^^¦¦^^¦.¦^^¦¦¦¦^ •'« "* \ li|iE::ifi 49f Last Bays of Clean-Up Mackintoshes $2m95^p^< *^2^T^"'\ & 1.75 styles . $t.17 SvKr'hi mm f2B**4foSn*m n**n*4 Ladies' Sleeveless MccKtntosh Data Coat — Adjustable y^^/ Vs. c ' 3 " tt0 ' 3 > j *.co«>j« \Jj&-~^ &®s® B§ * **amnmg uep w capcs> plaid cloth ]ining> lcngths from 3 g 3.00^.31.90 £4j£Uf I You have only until closing time Satur- to 62 inch«, worth $ 4 .oo, for . . . $2.95 /^WmLa Gas 5 »f _,. fiLVy day night in which to take advantage of Children's and Misses' Sfeeveiess M a ckinfo:h Ram coats x %£^P<s\ Mantles -5 I PZnll rra these best clothing offers in town: JSpf/ ' 9 ° I *" The ioc lind' 1 Al1 ine 5A ? rf *-OtS in Men's Suits and Misses' Raglan Mackintoshes, worth $4. 50, for S3.5O A "f/NA / r Tri P Ie wc * ve » S S . /, . , ' I J\ OverCOatS that have been £12.50, $15.00, Ladies' Raglan Mackintoshes, Worth 5 4 .c O to, 'VV/ dou b!e frame, 35c 5 J nchly pnnted.. ffP^ and £17.50. «nctly up-to-date materials and fcr $3.95 and $4.95 Mantle.; for Wei,- | 1 7oyard W \ «yk.; at the unmatchably low clean- gif&S Ladics ' havener Ragman Rain Coats, worth $6. 00, , V*\ bach or other bum- \ it \ \ up sale price • m n ma^w f QT \ &ji \\ i •" g — - \\ Youths 9 OverCOatS— Sizes 15 to 19 years; good, Othrr Rain Coats, up to . . . . . . . . $17±5O V \ "** -* H, French .\\ stylish garments worth $7. 50; clean-up-sa'c price . . . Flannels \\ v ... $3.98 Veiling Remnants Half Price -> # j- n^ J h The coc kind, in / \\ Bnvi" 2 and 3 Piece Suits— All-wool Cass- , . Ml Ty hu " dr^ lei ? ths W» l and >^ > ard 0 cf th » •««»•• « h ° ic «t Veilings; .if if '5 S } / \L U Py S . rt ";^ .^! fl. A" »ooi v.ns phin and dotted Tuxedos, plain and dotted Chiffons, Brusjels Nets, MaUnes and Sewing Silk Link ButtOHS % * so.ld colors, jLJ t^ imcres and Cheviots; Sizes 8 to I 5 years: clean-up-sale effects; will be placed on sales tables in main ais'e, this morning, ,t exactly half p Ice. 4finn * ? 36c yard "^^ \U ?™* $2.98 ' * ¦ 9liUU j % m^^ mmmm^^ mmmm^^ pa Youths' Fine Suits—sizes for i 4 to 20 years; The Incomparable Gold filIcd with * § Canton extra good *' 2 * 5 ° valu " ; clcan ' up ' sale P rSce -^^^g -JRb Wluslin Underwear Sale new bean ends. | K —^— — — — — — — — — — S T*: p* The quantities, assortments and qualities of the Mus in wear offered in mm^^ mmmmmmm — m }t S rlanitelS POSitiv~elV LSSt TWO D&VS'OT J"( ' this ycari b 'B J anuar y tale hire never befjre been equaled by the Empo- X * Unbleached Very m mm- Mt— : " tm U jf ''<J$L tmm - NVlthcr havc the UndermtuKn sales been equaled curng a like GCOm W. '"I | wy. , 1)ic W, The Big Fur Sale §mtt\ omus | g Qq yard Until clcsing timi Saturday enhr we will continu: to sell the balance of th: Great Eastern fciJzl&lZk j\ we menton: • CiuarSm ¦ •*• X( Fur Co.' s (New York) styli.h Capes, Collarrttes, Scarfs and Muffs at less than half regular |h[ i ji // 8 Styles of Ladies' Gowns - Made of high grade muslins, cambrics ar.d §> fn V ——¦—¦'—« pr j CCJ " I' I 1 / '// long cloths; all of them nicely trimmtd; worth ,$1.25 and J 1.50 ech; O JOr £ Velvet ¦ ' j'/ / 'l! row marked. ¦ . . . QQ O 25O « \ carpets, Wrapper Sale, S9g and 79g I /:•/ ?&*£*£ i t- 98C Vard A manufacturer's surplus stock cf good Fbnndette Wrapper, weU made with yokes and S k iri»-4 «tylei of fine cambr.c and lawn; cut fu'l and «-ide; Saturday night. jj *' The re E ular< I 2 - ™ted -^ Uning and turnover ecl ar S; many of them have flounce on skirt; good color assort- * UXk \ ' nmmed W ' th C "' '" Ckl ' fl ° UIK "* CtC -i £ m * * * " ??O ' X » 1 ne regular^ * • 2 ) . * . crs made t0 jdi for f 1.00 and gi. = c, _ _ ¦^^¦'ii _-» . * There are gowns 4?C 98f; Draw " ! 9c to 5Cc, Chemuet 45c to — — —^^— — > « J. Wilton Carpers- ZT^i^' ' . . ....... . . . ! 59C and 79G ** 9«C, Skir , 9 «c to H 7?l Con :t Cover, 25c u P . | )l *! sewed, laid and lined ' rancy * 2 groceries— LIQUORS FSnc* Rfla*4s*M &2ff*tri<si 5?*» Nofinns Tn-Haxr Striped :« « — — Friday and Saturday rBMte iWGwai DGSiS^ Zp*>m^& notions i O-uay Waistinas % i $1.35 Hams-Beit Eastern; sugar f -/ W&'M&M -<*V •'*/,.. V ¦'¦. ' n-- Stockinet DrtS$ Shields - Pair .... Sc T o "' S 5 r*~~.*~~4~~r~ cured; to-day and Saturday. . i M fi > /2G Another of . our unmatcbable furniture offerings , **aO X V UOmTOrterS, Coffee— Best quality Java Z nd Mocha, to- p'anned for to-day, and Saturday also if quamity la t ? . Only 30 of *g UirlUiJ Iron Heaters— Each ff O jC $t.O8 day and Saturday, lb 2.9 G these first-c*as3 fu'l or three-quarter size metal beds, ename'ed in a < >¦ 5 w Colored Hook 1 and Ey« - Card .. . SO .' .. '% ii V „- m ol,.. o.««J Pf»llf!eS— E"tra SanU Clara, g*f*<~. dark green, with pretty brass trimm : ngs, worth Jo. 00, and never i^ld 1 . ' .» „. . c . c ,~ru c V+~ and 8 %C qualities. *<f » Fine makes, good 2^ lb . boxes> worth j,.^ for . ,9SC by u, before at le P . than * 7 . S o each and much cheap at thar; for .hrTfiTffT Black French Sewin 5 Coiton- Spool #5O ? M j tC coverings, we.l Sardines- Extra boneless, dozen $2. 7S the two days O" \3^ t^n^^c\ French Mending Cotton— On cardsj black, % j ' ulicd - $6.25 I ,J *W£tMli *™,^^«™-- ¦ -3o Novelty % tt — — 1 ™™ — — ¦"¦— — —pound 1BC ipwmmm^Mf , j t^^^^^ [__^_^^ ; ¦*&^''*r* r= TT5\ Linen Corset Laces -5 yards long . . ffc Siiit % J^ WMte Shaker Salt— Fine and dry, pkg. .. /Oc A spcc \ z ]\ v UOOd * ' — f^ ' ¦* " T *" Hair Pins— Amber and sheU, dozen. . .© C PaiicmS "* S* ma, m Zmfandei- -Extra 5 year old wine, m r . if v v %m jp -_-r - . ~?^^*^| -VH" «-«a*««s# #**> <, ti WCOien to-day and Saturday only, gal'on. . 55O SfirmU to ht «bovc bed Wi ]7) fr TV m $%> ** '^ ; ' P^^ ' -L^\\\\A Gair '* SWrt Supporters- A'l sues. . JQc at Half 5 I Blankets °S*&gSg^^j£- *'•**•¦ 11111111 '¦^ > €M^ ™&W^&? '• '•*'•**!**. 5 » 10-4 size, a most \ V 'hite Ubil'Stout-McAlulIen's Guinn-ss, Choxc Hair Mattrc s, Um^frW^W^^^^ln l^TzZZ^' White Pearl Buttons— 150 gross best qua!- ported for the holiday }« fc; all wool, pzir, dozen $1.90 to fit doub'e bed, offered at ity, sizes 16, 18, 20 a-d 22 lnes, to-day trade; ¦ b«utitul elk tad \ I $2.45 s$1 f 5 i $9.00. ... Qc \^u^, g San Francisco, Friday. 23 January. 1903. _ China closet and buffet A combination of two useful dining-room pieces — a china closet and a bnffet or sideboard. A superb fur- niture piece, and especially adapted to use in a dining- rocn where economy of space must be considered. China closet section has a curved glass door and glass sides. The bnffet compartment contains a large cab-' inet, txvo good sized drawers and a French plate mirror 20x22 inches. In two finishes— oak golden finish and oat weathered finish. Price for either finish, $50.00. About a hundred patterns 'in the china closet line, ' and equally as many different styles of buffets, should you prefer either of these pieces separately. We're not selling as much matting now as we will a little later, but those who are calling for it have no complaint to make against our exhibition of patterns. A good quality in splendid colorings is offered at 25 cents the yard. At £43.00 we are showing a three-piece parlor set which would be hard to equal for a third more money elsewhere. . Diran, crmchair and reception chair. (Successors to California Furniture Co.) I 957 to 977 Market Street, Opp. Golden Gate Avenue.