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SAX FBANCISCO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1903. VOLUME XCIII— XO. 73. PRICE FIVE CENTS. « ... * ; JpOLLOWING ... the' A ' proclamation of zvarK against Salvador and Honduras the • Guate •malan Government has es tablished - a rigid : censor ship- over 'the ; telegraph, : and . no further news has been permitted to go out : from its capital-city.. From '¦' other sources it is learned '.that Guatemala liaJ /J«f- % I ried the army to the fron tier and a clash of the rival forces at an early . date is probable. Nicaragua has sent' troops to assist one of the factions in Honduras'. Continued on Pace 2, Column 6. HRIJSSELS. Feb. 10.-<5ennaro Rubino, the Italian anarchist, who has been on tilaJ here since February 6. charged with :m«--mpting to assassinate King Leopold, November IS. by firing three shots at thc Kins while he was returning from the cathedral after attending a Te Deum mass in inemnry of the late Queen Henrietta. «u found truiHy to-<3ay and was sen tenced U> ;)::;¦! it unnicnt fur life Rubino Goes to Prison for Life. MANAGUA, Nicaragua, Feb. 10.—Presi dent Zelaya of Nicaragua, has hot heard of the reported . proclamation of War against Honduras and Salvador by Guate mala^ The ' v revolution in Honduras is ex pected ,to be soon quelled. Salvador 'and Nicaragua , have taken '» precaufionary measured for the Drbtection of their, fron tiers. : Nicaragua until now has "remained neutral. ZELAYA HAS NO NEWS. Professes Ignorance as to the Procla mation of War. Suggestions of the Eecent Landlord and Tenant Conference Are to B« Ignored. LONDON, Feb. 11.— The Daily News un derstands that In the new Irish land bill I be Government has decided to Ignore the principal suggestion of the recent Irish landlord and tenant conference, presided over by Lord Dunraven, and will frame a measure mainly on the lines of the pre \ ious Irish land, purchase bills. If this decision is carried out It will cause con- Ftcrnaiion in Ireland. NEW IRISH LAND BILL WILL AFFORD SMALL RELIEF The *Fish Commission boat Albatross is now the -only ; representative J of the Great White ' Navy ' in ; the harbor. :; ; If heavy 'weather, is met with, it may be necessary, for the -squadron to :'call 'at some southern : port for. coal. All possible Kaste, however, will " s ; be made," as ; from" the indications Admiral Glass : and his fighting force will have' quite a busy time looking --out'- for '• American . Interests in what promises to be' the most elaborate fighting-fast ever" indulged In by the re publics of ; un-unlted America. ¦ .-' ¦•' •In command of the flagship New;-Tork.Is Captain McKenzle; Captain ; Phelps ! is in command"', of ,, the:* Marblehead;;' Captain Perkins of", the .Boston, and .Captain Por ter" of tHe 'Ranger.- ' 7 : ¦;<¦' ;.to the base of the ferry depot flagstaff, the NewjYork, -the Boston, thc Marblehead and the ; Ranger, in the order named, were j steaming out toward the Golden Gate on their way "to Amalpa. The • speed > of : the squadron will be regu* lated by. the -pace of .the Ranger, which is thc slowest vessel in the squadron. "¦'¦''¦¦ H^ . Rear Admiral Henry Glass had ordered each, commander to" have hi8 ; vessel : in readiness '-for " a y start at v daybreak \ and when the sun 'rose it found the four ships with booms in, ;boats aboard- and anchor chains hove short. •• : ; '-.•;.[.- P 'V \ HE slgnal for thc sailing of the B Pacific squadron was hoisted Jflr 5 on the flagship New York ¦ B '¦ ,:' shortly before noon? yesterday •^ ' ahd.before the time ball dropped The Nicaraguan Government has sent forces from various points to help the re tiring President of Honduras, General Si erra. President Zelaya of Nicaragua and President Kegalado of Salvador are . con vinced that General Sierra will not allow the meeting of the Honduran Congress. Senor Alvarado Guerrero, one of Sierra's Ministers, has left him to Join President elect Bonilla, who has organized his Gov ernment at Amapala Island. The origin of the present conflict is the opposition of President Cabrera of Gua temala to the Intervention of Salvador and Nicaragua In favor of General Sierra. . War preparations are reported to be proceeding In Guatemala, where a strict censorship has been established over out going cablegrams. It is reported that Guatemala has hurried 8000 men to the frontier. mala against Salvador "and Honduras. It is -well known that Guatemala openly sympathizes with the President-elect of Honduras, Senor Bonilla, but it is believed that the present critical situation .in Guatemala will not allow the Government to rendor Senor Bo nilla any substantial aid. Salvador and Nicaragua are protecting their respective countries. • . . VST'^ ANAMA, Feb. 10.— No- con- B Mr fi rnmt - lon has been received Mj here regarding the reported J^ declaration of war by Guate- Nicaragua a Meddler in the Honduran Civil War. Pacific Squadron Be gins Voyage to Isthmus. ./ Mrs.' Patek, 1 in the meantime, managed to 'get up 'and returned to the house, but a. few minutes later another fall was heard j and shortly smoke, was seen to come- from -the Patek ', residence. Arthur D. ' Stevens, a; painter, living opposite at 315* Natoma.; street: A. \H. Shipley, work ing at f the ' United Carriage . Company's stables on Natoma street, and ', Thomas Sullivan, ; of the Occidental ; Hotel coachj whowas also at the stables, has tened to the house, while Thomas Waters, an employe of the carriage company, sent •In ? an .• alarm. Stevens ¦. was the first to enter. He found the smoke so dense that he -.had fto- grope his way into' the room. Through the 'smoke he saw flames arising which , he thought came, from the. furni ture, but .to his ; horror ,. discovered . tha t SMOKE ¦ WARNS NEIGHBORS. Mrs. Patek had been suffering for years from epileptic fits and was partially para lyzed. She was in the house alone and at 8:30 o'clock her neighbor," Mrs. Catherine Matheson', residing at 308 Natoma. street, was startled by, the . sound' of some one falling from the rear steps of the next house into the yard. She looked out to as certain the trouble and/saw Mrs. . Patek lying on the' ground. The woman called for help, but Mrs. Matheson told her that she was unable to climb the fence to aid her. ' Mrs. Matheson.' however, called to a little girl named Alice Farrel, living at 307 Natoma street, to give assistance, but th'o child said she . was not able *to do > any thing 1 , as she, too,' could "not get over the fence to the next yard and the front door she found was locked. Mrs. Mary. Patek, 33 years of age, wife of 'Harry Patek,' an employe of the United Carriage Company ana living ; at 310 Na toma street, ; was burned to death last night through falling, it is presumed, upon a lamp-: which,* she is supposed - to have been' carrying upstairs. . „"? PACIFIC SQtTADRON, WHICH HAS SAILED FROM SAN FRANCISCO TO PROTECT AMERICAN INTERESTS IN, CENTRAL. AMERICA, AND FOREMOST PERSONAGES IN THE QUARRELS THAT THREATEN TO INVOLVE FIVE REPUBLICS IN WAR, WHICH MAY END IN THE CREATION OF A FEDERATI6n. ' Deputy Coroner Brown made an investi gation and permitted Patek to remove the remains of his wife to an undertaking es tablishment. Tha burns Mrs. Patek re ceived were most severe and, being princi pally beneath the chin and on the breast, prompted the conclusion that when carry ing the lamp 'she fell "forward upon it wl}lle overtaken with a fit. An inquest will be: held. - ''gmS&fc ' Stevens tore the gown from the wom an's body and dragged her to the door, where she breathed her last. He then threw T^ater on a couch which had caught fire and r a few minutes later the fire en gine arrived. Harry Patek, husband of the deceased, arrived at the house shortly after the fatal occurrence. He said that his wife had been treated by Dr. McGet tigan at St. Mary's Hospital for her af fliction. Patek also said that Mrs. Patek had had very little use of her limbs for some time owing to the paralysis from which she. suffered. He said at the time of the fatality he wan out working for the carriage company. it was Mrs. Patek doutfieo! up at the*foot of the stairs leading to the upper part of the house, enveloped in the flames, which were quickly consuming her clothing. TEARS GOWN FROM BODY. Financier. •. LONDON, Feb. 10.— According to the Dally Chronicle two bills for more than $55,000 each, purporting to have been giv en by J. P.' Morgan in payment for pur chases of pictures and bric-a-brac, which were. sent to, New York for collection, have just been returned with an intima tion that the signatures wtfe forged. It is reported i that many more such bills have been circulated In the London mar ket. The origin of the forgeries has not yet been discovered. .*[," Circulate Worthless Checks Purport ing to Bear Signature of Noted LONDON FORGEBS USE THE NAME OF MORGAN Is Supposed to Have Fallen on Lighted Lamp. AUCKLAND, N. Z. t Feb. 10.— Neither the Friendly Islands nor the adjoining Mards experienced any effect from the tidal waves which caused heavy loss of life In the Society Islands January 31st. "According to the record at Chelten ham, the tremors began at five minutes before 9 o'clock and lasted twenty minutes. According to the record at Baldwin. Kan., they began at seven minutes before 9 o'clock and ended six minutes after 9 o'clock on the evening of the 13th of Jan uary, reckoning by seventy-fifth meridian time." "The earthquake reported In the press yesterday as having- caused disaster in the South Seas on January 21 was felt in Mexico and It was recorded as a seis mic effect at the magnetic observatories of the Coast Survey, in Baldwin, Kan., and In Cheltenham, Md., as appears from reports just received. WASHINGTON. Feb. 10.-O. H. Titt »rmr., superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, to-<3ay made the follow ing statement concerning the earthquake disturbance: Magnetic Observatories in Kansas and Maryland Also Show Rec ords of the Disturbance. SOUTH SEAS TEMBLOR IS FELT IN MEXICO INVALID WOMAN MEETS HORRIBLE END IN FLAMES ~ This diamond came packed In a thick envelope of* meteoric lron^ some of which still- surrounds it. It fell to the earth In Canyon Diablo, at the foot of Crater fountain in Arizona. It is, not a Kohl noor in size, but is of a purity and hard ness never found in a stone taken from the finest mines of the earth. .NEW* YORK, Feb. 10.— Some planet has hurled a diamond to the earth. This Is a purely scientific deduction to account 'for the presence of what is certainly the rar est gem ever seen. It was placed on pub lic exhibition to-day for the first time In the American -Museum- of Natural His tory. • Special Dispatch to Th« Call. Gem of Rare Purity Is Found Encased , .in a Meteor. SOME PLANET HURLS DIAMOND AT THE EARTH Promoters of a Charity Ben efit Hold Exciting Meeting. ' Passengers Make Perilous Trip Through High Seas in Lifeboats. Object to the Presenta tion of a Ten-Cent Handkerchief. Thrilling Wreck of New York Ex cursionists. Pleasure Cruise Ends in Disaster on Coast of Bermuda. STEAMSHIP STRIKES ON CORAL REEF PRESIDENT'S WIFE STIRS TEXAN IRE Women of Dallas Vote to Return a Gift. GUATEMALA HURRIES ARMY OF EIGHT THOUSAND TO FRONTIER; WARSHIPS START SOUTHWARD TO GUARD AMERICAN INTERESTS "Finding that the center of the ship was firmly fixed between two rocks, and that there was no immediate danger of her breaking up. the passengers gained confidence. I^ater we saw the tug GladH fen approaching. She lay to about a mile off, not being able to come nearer on ac count of the heavy seas. At about 11 o'clock one of the Madiana's boat* was lowered, but before any one could get into it it was smashed to bits. The other ship's boats were then launched with bet ter success. The passengers were at tached to ropes, the' women first of all. and lowered into the lifeboats. It was a dangerous journey to the Gladisfen. The boats' crews had to pull through heavy seas but no mishap occurred and w« "I was in my bunk when the shock of the steamer's stranding awoke me. I ajt once rushed on deck, being the first pas senger to reach it. The other passengers streamed up from below immediately aft erward. There was no confusion among the officers or the passengers. The offi cers faced the situation coolly and quick ly reassured the passengers. The cr«w. who were mostly foreigners, became dis orderly at first, but discipline was soon restored. Joseph Krofut of Hartford, Conn., on* of the passengers said to-day: The crew of the Madiana launched a boat, but it could not live in the sea then running and was dashed to pieces against the steamer's side. A second and more successful attempt was made a little later and some of the passengers were lowered into the boat. and. after much exertion, it succeeded in reaching the Gladisfen. The Madiana's other lifeboats were then launched In succession and the remainder of the passengers and the captain and crew gained the salvage tug In safety. By the prompt action of Engineer Nel son, who had the Madiana's bulkheads broken through, the malls and the pas sengers' light baggage were taken out and brought in the last boats to the Gladis fen, which landed the passengers, crew, malls and baggage here this afternoon. WOMEN RESCUED FUtST. All the passengers were in their bunks when the Madiana struck the rocks, but the shock of the impact awakened them and they rushed on deck, the majority of them without attempting to dress. Much alarm, though not a panic, prevailed among the passengers when they four..: that the vessel was hard on the rocks. Officers went among them and calmed them, but a number did not venture be low again to seek their clothing. Part of the crew did not share the coolness of the officers, but. the latter soon restored order among the troublesome seamen. Signals of distress were sent up ai«! the passengers had an anxious time dur ing the latter part of the night. The Madiana listed' heavily after a timo and when morning broke lay broadside to the wind. The passengers were huddled to gether on the hurricane deck and th« water drenched them to the skin. As soon as the news of the wreck be came known here. Government and other tugs proceeded to the scene to endeavor to render assistance. A heavy sea was running and they dared not approach too closely to the reef on which the Madiana. was pounding. For some time no com munication with the Madiana was pos sible. The tug Gladisfen stood about a mile off, awaiting an opportunity to as sist, but it was not until 11 o'clock that it became possible to effect a rescue. ONE BOAT IS CRUSHED. COOLNESS OF OFFICERS. According to statements by those on board, the Madiana was threading her way. in the night through the narrow channel between the coral reef which leads to Hamilton harbor when she struck a reef one and a half miles north cast of North Rock. No explicit explana- tion is yet forthcoming as to> how the ves sel went on the rocks and the only infor mation obtainable from the officers it that the light which indicates the chan nel could nor "be seen. HAMILTON, Bermuda. Feb. lO.-The Quebec Steamship Company's steamer Madiana, Captain Frazer, which sailed from New York last Saturday with a party of excursionists for a special crutao around the Caribbean Islands, went ashore on- the reef off this island at 3 o'clock this morning. The passengers had a thrilling experience. The ship i.i a total loss, but all on board were res cued and brought safely to land after a perilous trli> in lifeboats from the wreck to a tug standing a mile off. The mails and the passengers' baggage also wer» saved. At to-day's meeting, after much spirited discussion, it was moved and eeconded that the "piece of cotton" should be re turned to Mrs. Roosevelt after it had been exhibited at so much per look at the reception. Mrs. Henrj- Coke was one of the few women present who appealed to the woxn en to be conservative in their actions, and requested that the matter be dropped. The motion was passed, however, and un- Ws the ladies vote to reconsider their notion the handkerchief will be sent back to Washington. DALLAS, Tex.. Feb. 10.— Mrs. Roose velt, wife of the President of the United States, was talked about most discourte ously by society ladies assembled in the Klks' Club rooms !n Dallas to-day be cause of what they regarded as evidence of "stinginess, closeness and cheapness." It was all because of the quality of a pift Mn=. Roosevelt had pent In the inter est of the Dallas free kindergarten, for which a festival has been arranged, called the "Columbia reception." At a mas? meetinfj to-day much indig nation was expressed at the gift and re marks were made, in regard to Mrs. Roosevelt's handkerchief tastes which v.<=re anything but complimentary. The handkerchief dctnated by Mrs. Roosevelt is of cotton, machine hem stitched, and it is said by ladles who are considered competent judges that it « ould be duplicated in any dry goods storp in Dallas for the sum of 10 cents, or three for a Quarter. The gift was solicited by Mrs. W. A. Callaway. who conducts the woman's and children's department of the Dallas Morn ing News. Mrs. Callaway recently wrote to Mrs. Roosevelt, asking that she give something that could be sold, the pro ceeds to go to the free kindergarten fund. At the same time she wrote to Mrs. Jef ferson Davis, and received from her a costly handkerchief. beautifully hand worked by Mrs. Davis and containing her monogram exquisitely stitched. Mrs. Da vis' gift was enthusiastically and unani mously accented at a meeting held on Saturday last. SpeciaJ Dispatch to The Call The San Francisco Call.