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! Pages 29 to 40 ! CARRIE NATION NO LONGER WIELDS HER BIG HATCHET Kansas Saloon $m®shg? Comes to Town and Loses No Time in Visiting Three Mesmrfs, Whtre'She Makes Addresses: NOTfcSRIOtiB "SMASHER" AVD AGOEESSIVE APOSTLE OF PROHIBITION. WHO ARRIVED IN SAN FRANCIS . • Cb.Y£STT;.RDAY iRMED WITH HER •'HATCHET" AND ACCOMPAND3D BY A PRESS AGENT, WHOSE ! "-. BCSII^ESS IT IS TO KEELT HER NAME BEFORE THE PUBLIC. .-.^i. -,> , (7; f '"'' M „ \l HERIS.s'ne Is!" shouted B'tti..-ff * tn « B crowd. >>.nd • '•.-.. 'B . * a wild .rup.b was mad« ;*. .'. .• B *"» for ihe f • oht of the ser_ 1 : . • JeL one coaca e* the coast '¦.'•' '.'•' ¦_** * '\ loijal. . A pudgy, ."ittle '•roman • <jts£S*<3 slrr a black' xlpaca gown »nd wearing a email' mourning bonnet, s ipped-ba'ck* so as to expose a -..^untenancs readily. ns»ogyiize.d by the crowd, was al ready from the platform. . A ?econ4 later Carrie A. Nation or Kfi raa haei flnnly set,>ter- feet ?jpoi.* San Ti <Ln Cisco e oil antt -gas greeting a hoat of fect'ruders. J • '•';' • Th* "H«6ie» e oefender," as the i-aloon Wrecker is pleased to call her&tif, arrived Jn'the city yesierdayl afternoon front Paso Robins, wheie she stopped over last night en her way fro»n Los Angeles to deliver t lecture. ¦••'Howdy do., Howdy^ do." was her :• rponse to the greeting given her at l : ie Third end Townsend '*tr££$ depot and a Jew. minutes later she?was on her way in cl carriage to- the Gomd Hotel. If Carrie had had her way she would have chosen iom« more modest quavers than those at the Grand, but her press e gent, with an eye to business, believed In having: his star perfornftr located In the center of the city. whe£e she t&n be 'readily reached and from where, should l.e deem the lidvertlsefteift necessary, she can be nurried out on^a Ealoon-rjnashlng, expedition. ¦-©/- ® <if . HEARD AWFUL THINGS. . "Do you know," ealfl the little woman ¦who has been In thlrteprj Jajls In Kansas. •; have heard some awful things about the sl'rful do'ngs .in San Fritnclsco. Be fore I started on 'my Western trip I re ceived. ' some blaspheming -letters frSfca peeple here. Oh, they ftvere terrible and I really thought I was bound to hell itself. t Uut the more I have traveled the more^ *J ; liave become convinced th'at there «3> good and bad people everywhere and I pucss San Francisco Is as good as any ctfccr towji." ' • Mrs. Nation said that"Lo« Angeles was EM bad as Kansas towns, in that its of ficiala were neglectful In their duties. Asked if she purposed to do any hatchet work during her stay in the. city, she re- P i-d: ••No, I don't do that kind of work any rncre. I have realized that u^e saloon r.v n ar<* not to blame. It is the Govern i. . :u. The caloon men are simply Gov ernment agents." "And what has become of your famous 1 uichet?" was asked b°y some one. "Here's ray hatchet." quickly answered < arrie. bringing forth a Bible from her quiche!. "You know, I am simply follow ing the word of God. He told me to go forth on this mission and I obeyed. They have made it appear that I am crazy, but J'm not. I'm only a representative wom an fighting a terrible crime for my sex. The saloon men, the brewers and the dis tillers, with the party politicians, have made this covenant with death, an agree nn nt with helL I'm fighting for a cause isi.d the people will some day realize It. The matter has got to be agitated. ../or ell revolutions were preceded by agita tion." SAYS GOD DIRECTS HER. It Im two years sines Carrie Nation in- Says She Will Bring Bible Into Play Hereafter. aug&rated her crusafle against saloons and she cays God has .directed her in eV ery step. She quotes -freely from the scriptures to support her claims that she Is on the right road and during^-the course of her interview last evening she empha sized the ilet that she is not a temper ance advocate, bat an out and out pro hibiticnist. Temperance," sh» declared, "is a mod erate use of whisky. Prohibition means abstaining from the awful habit. Hell ¦s for the temperate or licensed criminals and heaven i=s for prohibitionists." Mrs Nation says she /wants t" meet the members of the Woman's Christian Tem perance Union during her stay in San Francisco. She «ays the organization has pot supported her as It might and she also complains that the doors of many ch rches have be*n closed against her. "But I continue In my way," she said. "I seek out and try to rescue those who are h>F* and often I go where ministers of your churches refuse to go. That's my buslnf^s." During tier stay in San Francisco Mrs. NatQm's manager will endeavor to have her do a little of her sensational lectur ing in the various public resov^s. On Monday evening she will lecture at the Alhambra Theater^ and after a trlQ to Sacramento and Stockton she will return^ here and give another lecture. Q Accused of Forgery. H. W. W«gner, restaurant-keeper, 761 Howard street, secured a warrant from Police Judge Cabaniss yesterday after noon for the arrest of H. Blaume on a charge of forgery. He secured a loan of $2 from Wagner and gave him as security a check for $25 on the Union Trust and Loan Company, purporting to be signed by W. M. Condon, Baume did not return, and when Wagner presented the check hi- was informed that the signature was forged. ';." : Defaulting Messenger Boy. William McKenzie, a messenger boy, who absconded some weeks ago with $200 Intrusted to his care and for whose arrest a warrant was secured by J. M. Corcoran, superintendent of the American District Telegraph Company on a charge of felony embezzlement, was booked at the , City Prison yesterday by Detective Coleman. McKenzie had fled to Los Angeles, and on his way back got off at San Jose and stole several bicycles, which be sold in Oakland, where he was arrested. De Lussan Will Soon Appear. Madame Zelie de Lussan, the famous operatic star, will appear at the Tlvoli Opera-house in four performances of "Carmen" during the latter part of the present month. This will be a great treat to the local music lovers, .and the Tlvoli management .had great difficulty in se curing the famous star for their show. SAN FRANCISCO, SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 1903. CARRIE NATION did not tarry long ere she began to start in to give herself a little of the free advertising tjiat is always Qo be picked up on the streets of our great city. ShortKJ) be fore 10 o'clock last night the hatchet thrower began to operate-Lnd for a while it looked as though she would transform the peaceful throng on Market street into a mob of howling maniacs. At 9:45 Mrs. Nation betook herself to the Oberon beer hall on O'Farrell street. She did not announce her arrival and the merry guests of the resort \tere rather taken aback when the freakish-looking be ing sallied up the main aisle and £& llberately walked in upon the privacy of the ladies' orchestra and disturbed the warble of a < fair maid who was gently chanting the chorus of "Hiawatha," Carrie lost no time In telling those pres ent of her mission. She removed her tlme-horored bonnet and planked herself In tlxe middle of the stage. "Hear me, men and women," quoth the oracle, "you are damning your souls and sending your families to the poorhouse by ' this vile practice. \,; .-.--„ CARRIE GIVES ADVICE. "You are mCkingr fortunes for the keeper of this brothel and the hundreds of others In your city. Now beware and take my advice; stop before it is too late, for If you dOnot the devil .will have you and then what can you do? I have no hatchet with me; my Bible is my weapon and I am going to use it to advantage in this town." Carrie said a whole lot more on these lines and also warned her listeners agajpst^-the evils of tobacco. Finally she requested that the waiter bring her a beer, but the cup-bearer lacked the cour age. She frankly admitted that she would not drink the beverage, but would put it away so no one else could take a chance at it. ' ¦ '¦£&4, From the Oberon Carrie proceeded to the Majestic saloon on Market street. The crowds on the street began to realize that Carrie was in town and when she reached the latter place, nearly 1000 people were hot on her trail. The mob pushed and crushed its way Into the saloon and Car rie stood in their midst and made another speech, only she addressed the bartender this time. She even requested, a. drink, but the knight of the white coat refused to serve it. INVADES ZINXAND'S. The heroine finally emerged from the Majestic and betook herself up to the Cafe Zinkand. People began to follow in her wake and by the time that the Zin kand was reached nearly 6000 of the curi ous were close on the heels -of* the saloon smasher. The mob tried to follow Car rie inside, but the doors were locked by. the waiters and only a chosen few man aged to gain an entrance. • . Carrie's stay at the Zinkand was brief, yet she occupied her time well. She went right to the tables occupied by the men and women patrons and began to upbraid them for their devilish practices of im bibing Imported, beer. When about to leave Carrie encountered William Zin kand, one of the proprietors of the place, SALT TRUST IS CHARGED WITH FELONY Federal Grand Jury In °dicts the Combine in Findings. Violation of Sherman Law Against Monopolies Is Proof of Incriminating Contracts In sures Conviction According to District Attorney Mar shall Woodworth. Like a thunde©*>lt out of a clear sky came the indictment filed yesterday with the United States District Court by the Federal c^jand Jury against the Federal Salt Company and fifty odd corporations and Individuals on the criminal charge of violating the Shefinan act of 1890 prohibit ing unlawful combinations in restraint of trade. The Pacific Coast trust, which •was perpetually enjoined from any fur ther operations by the United States Cir cuit Court on November 1, is now made to stand as the defendant in a criminal action ins0tuted by the United states Government for viQation of its statutes. The indictment ofQhe Grand Jur-©arj raigns the salt trust upon three counts. The first, which is the most general and sweeping chs-cge, Is practically a dupli cate of the first twenty-three complaints in the petition entered by District Attor ney Marshall "Wood worth in the Circuit Court on October 15, which resulted in the injunction issued against the trust by Judge Morrow. The remaining two c0uges specifically Indicate unlawful con tracts made between * the Federal Salt Company and Christ Madsen and Getz Bros. '& Co. CONSPIRE AGAINST TRADE. The arraignment of the Federal Grand Jury cites first that the Federal Salt Company, organized under the laws of New Jersey but Q>ing business in Califor nia, supplied «?onsurnera with salt in all the States aQl Territories wes&) of the Mississippi River and in/Alaska, Hawaii aod foreign countries. Auout 100,000 tons o? the commodity were supplied by the resources of the State and a like amount imported by the company from Liverpool. Ninety per cent of the entire salt trade was alleged to have been in f\io hands of the defendants in the present, suit. ,"¦:¦'¦. Naming an arbittgxy-.'datl^fdr gtfje sake oi legal conformity, : t bo Indictment pro ceeds: "And on the 1st day of July, 1902, the Federal Salt Company did unlawfully, willfully and knowingly monopolize the trade and commerce in salt with intent to hinder other persons and corporations from the business of producing and ship ping salt and to destroy fair, free and unrestraint© competition In said trade. "The firms and indlviuals herein men tioned engaged in an unlawful conspiracy with the Federal Salt ¦ Company for a valuable consideration not to engage in the production of salt for a term of five years and to purchase all their supplies at the list price of the' Federal Salt Com pany, with intent to form a combination, trust and conspiracy in the restraint of the salt trade." INCRIMINATING CONTRACTS. The indictment further charges tha* the salt combine caused 100,000 tons of the commodity to be stored in warehouses for the purpose of creating a scarcity and thereby raised prices to suit themselves. There then follows a copy of a con tract entered into between the Federal Salt Company, and Christ Madsen, where in it is shown that the latter bound him self to sell only to the trust for the sum of $1000 per annum. -X second contract with Getz Bros. & Co.- of tnis city stipu lates that for the consideration of $10,000 the smaller firm will purchase 'solely from th(g)Federal Company at their list price for a period of two years. The Indictments alleges that similar agreement* had been entered Into with the following corporations: American Salt Company, Union Pacific Company, Conti nental Salt and Chemical Company, Car bon Island Salt Company, New Liverpool Salt Company, Redwood City Salt Com paQy, Leslie Salt Refining Company, China Mutual Steamship Company and Inland Crystal Salt Company of Utah. Besides these companies thirty-eight in divldials are cited as defendants equally culpable with the Federal Company. Conviction is assured. When Attorney Woodworth instituted suit against the Federal Salt Company In the Circuit Court last October it was freely predicted that the trust could not be made amenable to the law, but 'after a brief trial the perpetual injunction against if was issued by Judge Morrow. This venture against the power of | the trusts and the decision rendered served as the pioneer suit for others started on similar grounds In the East. A crucial point of evidence which did much toward winning the suit in the former case and which will be, a weighty argument in the coming' prosecution .of the criminal suit exists in a certain fla grantly Incriminating clause, a part of a contract entered into between August L. Johnson and the Federal Salt Company. It reads as follower "In consideration of this lease the party of the first part agrees not to engage or assist in any v/ay in the . production of salt or the sale thereof west of the Mis sissippi River during the terra of this lease, except as herein agreed." Speaking of this clause District Attor ney Woodworth said yesterday: "That clause alone, if there was no other evi dence, would serve: to convict. It is a direct and flagrant violation of the Sher man law and as such makes its several contractors liable to criminal prqsecu tion." > and in a short 'speech, began to tell him what a wrecker of J homes he was, Zin kand finally escaped and Carria - again landed in the street. She was ¦> confronted " by a- tremendous mob. It was ; nearly .: impossible to cross the street, but . Carrie's ¦ manager and her press agent finally piloted her to the other side. : Things looked pretty, lively, so Car rie was escorted to a cab and driven off to her hotel t amid the cries of ' the multi tude. 1 ¦-':: ¦'¦':¦ "¦>¦-' ¦" ¦ .'¦-.¦:.'¦ ':';¦-¦ .¦'.'- Farmers Are .Coming. Remind the fanners that you •. know In the Ea«t that rates over, the Southern Pacific until June 15 ; are In their? favor. From Chicago. $33; St. l Louis," Memphis. New : Orleans, ; $30; Omaha and ' other Missouri IUver points, . $2?>. Visit tilU Market street and ask all abouOt. • ASSOCIATION FOOTBALLERS PLAY ON BERKELEY CAMPUS Exhibition Contest Between Two Teams Captained by Williamson and McCallum Attracts an Enthusiastic Crowd of Students. &»--_— II K exhibition game of assoda ¦ ¦ B -tlon football played on the unl- B versity campus at Berkeley yes 0 terday afternoon was not up to Ja. the standard of league matches, though some pretty individual work was shown. As nothing depended on the game, the players did notj manifest the vim shown in closely contested matches for the pen nant.' One side, captained by G. S. Mc- Callum, was called the Whites, and the other, captained by C. C. Y. "Williamson, was denominated the Blue and Reds. The WYNN RESIGNS AS SUPERVISOR Will Begin Term as a * Congressman Next Wednesday. William J. Wynn forwarded his resigna tion as a member of the Board of Super visors to Mayor Schmltz yesterday, , to take effect March 4. 1903, when he will be gin his term as a Congressman. The let ter of resignation follows: f '• / SAN FRANCISCO, Febk 23, 18f»3. . Hon. E. E. SchmlU, Mayor ' City and Coun ty of San Francisco— Dear Sir: I hereby ten der my resignation as member of the Board of Supervisors of the city end county of San Francisco, to take effect March 4. 1903. the date of the commencement of my ¦ term as a member of the House of Representatives of the United States of America. • In taklne ' leave • of • the office to which I was first elected by the 'people, I wish to ex press to yourself as : president,- and to the members of. the Board of Supervisors, my sin cere appreciation * of the unfailing courtesy extended to me - during > my , association with you, •which I shall ever hold In kindly recollec tion. Tours sincerely, '- WILLIAM J. WYNN. The Mayor after receiving Wynn's res ignation said he would announce the name of his ,successor this week.- 13. I. Walsh, who was declared elected Super visor over Alpers In the recount before the Superior Court, has ' been mentioned for the vacancy* The county, committee of the Union Labor party has adopted. a resolution protesting against .Walsh's ap pointment on the ground that he is a Re-, publican. -¦••.--:". ' ,Q / < May Have Been Poisoned. • Charles ¦ Reppen, a * saloon-keeper, who lived at 502 .Washington. street, died at, 11 o'clock Friday,' night at,, the ,; City,. and County Hospital," the "symptoms indicat ing -chloral- poisoning.' •'. His {body Vwas. re moved to the Morgue and the city chem ist will make an examination of the stom ach to determine^ whether, chloral was; the cause of 'death. "I Detective Reynolds'was detailed to investigate the • case. ' team work was not as good as usual. In the absence of President Benjamin Ide Wheeler, Taliesin Evans, president of the California Association Football League, kicked off at 4:15 d. m. In the first half the Whites secured the first goal. Before half-time the Blue and Reds equalized the score. In the second half the Blue and Reds secured three more goals, kicked by Shand. Lydon and Pollock. The fame thus ended. Blue and Reds, 4 goals;- Whites, 1 goal. Johns of the Albion Lodge team played an excel lent game on the back line for the Whites. The forwards of the Whites played a fairly good game, but acted a BOLD FOOTPAD UNDER ARREST Knocks Down and Robs a Man in Broad Daylight. * George McFadden was arrested early yesterday morning by Detectives Regan and^* O'Connell and booked at the City Prison yesterday, afternoon on a charge of robbery after he had been Identified by Frank Plrr,' a cabinetmaker, living at 418 Fremont street, as the man. who robbed him of, $60 .Thursday afternoon on Fremont street, near Folsom. Pirr had been drinking Thursday morn ing and met McFadden in a saloon. They had some drinks together and McFadden followed Pirr around till about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, when Pirr said he wanted to- go home. McFadden offered to accompany him and when they reached an alley > on Fremont street, near Folsom. McFadden knocked Pirr down and took $60 out: of his pockets. Pirr*s nose was badly skinned, from the blows delivered by McFadden before he was knocked out. Pirr, reported the robbery. to the police Friday morning and Regan and O'Connell were S detailed on the case. They got a clew "on ¦ McFadden and discovered that he had purchased a new suit of clothes arid la new overcoat Friday and had left the old clothes he was wearing Thursday in:a room, in the Winchester House, which were also identified by Plrr. • McFadden was arrested last April for the murder of Charles Tucker, an old man; from Martinez. He had been drink ing with Tucker and got him into the doorway of , a house on Howard street, where. he knocked him down and robbed him.". In falling the old man's head struck against the stairs, fracturing his skull. McFadden bought two suits of clothes after ; the . assault * on the old man and spent money f reely v although he did not have a cent before. He was acquitted by a % , jury, in Judge- Dunne's court, as there was a doubt as to whether he was the ac- i Pap 29 toil INCIDENTS IN THE EXHIBITION ASSOCIATION POOTBALJj GAME YESTERDAY AT BERKELEY. J little too much on the defensive. Forrest and Hodge, the Blue and Reds backs, were : steady and sure, and Shand, the center j forward, was prominent In the forward line. Pollock. Lydon Connolly and : Churchill rendered excellent service on the forward line of the Blue and Reds. i Bird was the best halfback on the field. | For the Whites P. Fay showed best form among the- forwards and William son made some good saves In goal. The students received the footballers cordially, the grand stand being fllledwitn spectators, who showed their apprecia tion of the game by shouts of applause. The teams lined up in the following or der: Whites. Positions. Blue and Red» Warren Goalkeeper Williamson J. E>. Robertson .. Back Forrest Johns Back Hodpre McCallum Halfback Bird Harwood Halfback Miller T. Smith Halfback Taylor T. Fay "; Center Forward Shand V. Holland. Outside Left Churchill p. Fay Inside Left .....Lydon W. Jaroieson Outaide Right Connolly Hooker Inside Right Pollock Referee — Henry Roberts. Linesmen — H. Wil liamson and A. N. Other. BEWAILS TRUST IN KELY'S WORD Aged Nurseryman Is Sued for Breach of Promise. David Neely, a prominent nurseryman of Oakland, Is the defendant In a suit for $25,000 damages for breach of prom* lse filed yesterday by Mary Lanlgan. Neely is 63 years of age, and Miss Lani gan, who, when the alleged proposal of marriage occurred, was Neely's house keeper, is but 22. According to the com plaint Neely, who only recently becamo a widower, asked Miss Lanlgan to marry him In September of last year. Notwith standing the fact that the aged defend ant Is more than . three times her age, sho accepted his proposal, she alleges. Neely, she claims, then took advantage of the confidence she reposed in him, be trayed her, and then refused and has ever since refused to make her his wife. Neely Is Quite wealthy. . In the early part of last year his wife wa3 taken'se riously ill. and he. employed Mi3s Lani gan to care for her and to perform th» household duties. In June Mrs. Neely died, and Neely asked the plaintiff to re main in his employ. She did so, relying upon the fact that her employer was so much her senior to stifle Madame Grundy. She remained at hi3 home for several weeks thereafter as housekeeper and then her mother came to reside with them. In the meantime the allegd proposal of mar riage and betrayal had taken place. tuai muraerer, tne aeiense cia-iming mat the old man had fallen and fractured his skull. TOLEDO. Ohio, Feb. 2a— Al Wade, eoavicted of the murder of Miss Kat» Sulltvaa in the first degree, without clemency, will go to th* electric chair. B.F. Stoll. dentist; Halght & Masonic ar.«