Newspaper Page Text
VOLU31E XCIII— 1ZQ*y 152. Continued on Page 2, Column 3. Continued on . Pagej 2, Column - 1. SPRINGFIELD, III., April 3>. -The JmX> miners, In the ninth sub-district of Illi nois to-day struck because the operator* refused to come to an agreement by which the differences existing could bo settled la a Joint convention, . OR Illinois Miner3 Go Out on Strike. "V WASHINGTON, April SO.— George Lorll •lard.-son of the late Pierre, Lorillartl, has bVen; appointed second secretary: of the legation at Havana.. In place of Henry P. F^etc^er of Pennsylvania,- who; has : beeh transferred tio {Peking t^cplace E! Balnbridge, ;who ; has ¦resigned; to* act as United-Estates » arbitrator* in-' the." ap- Vroacbina;" Caracas- arbitration, '",'^,^-JV J Lorillard Will Go to'Havana; BOUNCING BABY BOY AT THE MARTIN HOME Twelve-Pound Heir to Millions Is Born at the Newport Villa. NEWPORT. R. I., April SO.-The stork «ii£hicd at the villa of Mr. and Mrs. Peter li.. Martin last night, leaving a bouncing baby boy. "who will be heir to ki lu.Ai'n millions. Martin was Miss Lily Oelrichs, cau^hter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles m! Oelrichs. The arrival .of this twelve l»uund heir to the Martin and Oelrichs for- Hinei will be most welcome to both fam i'.ich. Mr. and Mrs. Martin were married Wro last July, fend the wedding was a tupcib function. | _; — il» — j Spanish "War Service Medals. WAHIINCTON; April 3O.-The War De- I'srurait hav decided to issue service niedalB to all. the officers and men of the tcfcular army who participated in tho Sr«T*.!r h, the Philippine insurrection or t!ie Chinese- campaign. About 25,000 «»*-dal£ viii le required. #¦.-¦. . • - ! The tW; front sections of ; the - auditori um proper were o'ecupied by the Govern- ; ors of States and,their. staffs, the;Nation al World's Fair. Commlssloners.'.thc' Unit cil -.States Government; board, United States i Senators" s and Congressmen who were not . members '- of ; the Congressional •¦;/-.,:¦ ?,¦ ••¦' ¦ ¦ ¦ . . President Roosevelt. ex-President Cleve land, ' President Francis of -the exposi tion company! 'President Carter of -the World's' Fair •Commissicn. members --of the Cabinet and the . Supreme Court had seats in the center of the platform. At the President's right sat the visiting dip lomats.^ distinguished looking contin gent, which attracted much attention!": In this section 5 also. were" other distinguished foreigners and- , representatives of .* ; ttie State Department In' Washington, headed by Assistant Secretary of State -Loom's. To the; left rfthe President sat the ; joint delegation of ' Senators and. Representa tives" representing Congress, tho! foreign commissioners ;to.' trie fair and .General Miles, Adjutant General Corbin and^Gen eral John C. Bates, with many j others scarcely less distinguished. . ; . . .. ., v \i&U-'> building to-day with all the dignity and; splendor, befitting such an occasion; Sixty-, thousand persons crowded ' into the big auditorium;' where. In the presence of the official representatives of all civilized nations* of. the^world, the words of dedi cation were spoken by the ¦ President.of the United States. V :-*.;. ; ; g^T. LOUIS, April 3O.-The .rites * which present the Louisiana Pur « .¦¦ chase Exposition to the world r~* were performed In the Liberal. Arts LONDON, April SO.— At ths night ses sion of the London Diocesan Conference yesterday the Bishop of London, night Rev. Arthur F. Ingram, made a state ment to the effect that he had thrice sent for an explanation, from Rev. Mr. Had den regarding the Vandcrbllt-Rutherturd wedding and that none had been received. The galleries and the floor of the little churchhouse In the shadow of Westmin ster Abbey were crowded In anticipation of ,the Bishop's announcement. Arising amid Intense ' silence, the prelate salt! he had hoped to present to the conference an explanation from the officiating cliryy man'ln the matter of the. "grave scandal which recently ba"U occurred in the dio cese." He could only surmise that a fam ily bereavement, the death of a child, was responsible for ' Mr. Hadden' a ' havin? en tirely ign/red the Bishop's letters ami messages. The Bishop characterized the use of St. Mark's Church for the per formance of the ceremony as constituting a "grave moral scandal." and expre3acd his determination not to enter the church until due reparation had been made. The Bishops remarks were vigorously applauded, and the session ended with the passage of a vote of thanks, moved by the suffragan Bishop of London. Rev. Mr. Hadden Neglects to Send Explanation Regarding the • Vanderbilt Wedding. MESSAGES OF THE BISHOP BRING FORTH NO REPLY Big Arts Building Holds Army of Auditors. ! There were 11.000 men. in line— 3100 regu lars^and 7900 of the National Guard, New- York being represented by 1000 officers and men; Illinois, '1000: Iowa/ 963; Missouri," SOOO;, Oklahoma, 200; Ohio, 1000. "The 'formation' throughout was in col umn of platoons/of 'all, arms, at half dis tance, .the; infantry marching, sixteen flies and -the .cavalry twelve "troopers front. The . regular,, army division was ordered by General CorbSn to be in position on the main drive of Forest Park at 8:15 o'clock. Ifwas there _ to the- minute. , --While the : regulars and National Guard MANY;. REGULARS 'IN LINE. tacle of the' dedicatory ceremon ies, 'proved -to be'rall ' that Its pro moters could wish and all "that the regu lar army officers' who controlled it could hope for. ... • - »a ; •¦• , The, sight of the marching thousands from the point "occupied * by ' President Roosevelt's reviewing stand- was one long to be u remembered. ;: For a half mile to the left and for an equal distance to the right the" winding column was in com plete view. The President .watched the march past with, eager- attention. Every well set ; rank, : accurate . formation elicited his hearty, commendation. From end to end of the. line of march the cheers of, the Immense crowd were as cordial as President Roosevelt's ; - approval. The pa rade in* all features was a most beautiful and Imposing inaugural of the ceremon ies. . .. > _ Although'- Adjutant General Henry' C. Corbin was the- grand, marshal and all things done received : his sanction, the active work of organizing the columns and managing; the parade was done by Brigadier. General' John A. 1 - Johnston. U. S.; A... and Lieutenant^ Colonel E. A. God win, Ninth; United , States Cavalry, Gen eral : Corbin' s chief « of staff. • . J^T.LOUIS," April 30.— The great mU- K ¦' Hary' parade which was designed |yB -.' to be; distinctively, the show spec- COLD AFFECTS SPEAKERS. ' Condyfons in the LibcrarArts building, where^the dedication ceremonies proper were held, were little better. There was no wind, but there were manifold drafts, which added to the dampness Inseparable from ncv.iy erected" buildings produced a penetrating chill. that Was uncomfortable tn a degree. , The. effect. of this was;evi dent In all of the speeches, as the sneaky cts, commencing, in clear . ! tones, wtre without exception given over to catarrhal Inflections as they finished. Despite thl3 heavy handica'p. hon r av<.r, the ceremonies proper "were ,>plcn'l|ajy handled. and thr proRrammo' was carried out to the letter,. _Tbe; police i work »wa» JT. LOUIS. April 30.— The buildings of the Louisiana Purchase Exposi tion were to-day, formally. ' dedi cated to. their -.purpose with all possible pomp and ceremony. In every way save one the exercises were asucc«ss, and this one circumstance was the weath er. It would .be difficult to Imagine,, a more disagreeable : day. 'The wind blew fiercely from,; the. west, t sending t great clouds of dust whirling into the faces, of the troops as-they marched past the' Pres-' Ident,' and at times so-ncarlybllnding^ihe President that It was well : nigh, lmpossl-i ble for him to see across the, street'_on which the troops were marching. - v v , Added to the discomfort of the .wind and dust was a" temperature- which sought for the marrow, and; generally. reached it; The ladies, ; who; on the; strength of'the ( warm weather of yesterday came in sum mer dresses" to the 'reviewing stand, suf- fered keenly, and but. for the thoughtful ness of officers; commanding the guard thrown around the reviewing stand, who provided them with blankets,, many of them would have been compelled to leave the place. Both President Roosevelt. ami former President Cleveland remained in the reviewing stand T cxposed Vo the Icy wind uhUl the end of, the parade, al thcugh their faces were blue and. their limbs stiffened by the cold. LEADING PARTICIPANTS IN THE DEDICATORY CEREMO- Great Gathering of Notable Men. Troops March on Wind-Swept Streets. Following this ex-United States Senator. Thomas H. Carter of -the National Com mission,* who acted . as of the day, ' was introduced. 'After the rendition of "The: Heavens Proclaiming^,. by the chorus of 2000 j voices, • David -R. : Francis, president of the fair association, delivered the* address presenting, the of theTfair. At; its conclusion terrific cheers broke .forth in 'greeting to" President Roosevelt.- who delivered -the, dedication 'address. .Then the chorus rendered "Un fold, ; .Ye" Portals.". \ Former President Grover Cleveland, was Introduced "and delivered an ,address;and the exercises closed with , a ' benediction pronounced ' - by. Bishop Potter of New- Yorker ' • ¦, '<¦ SPEAKERS OF THE DAY. -Back of these* rose' tier on' 'tier . .the thousands commonly - spoken of - as. the "general public." .Those in . the rear -of this contingent had difficulty in hearing the speakers, lor the hall is a long 'one, and the i miles of. bunting. and flags, ex hibiting the ; mingled .. colors ./of ,.' Spain, France and the United States, impaired the '.acoustic properties of the . building. Besides President Roosevelt, other par ticipants, in the ceremony were Cardinal Gibbons, Bishops E. R. ,J£endrix' and Henry C.'Potter,-former;Presldent Cleve land, Thomas H. Carter/ president of. the day, and. David R. Francis. " .¦¦At .the conclusion of ,the.speeches,"to day being the one hundredth anniversary of the signing of the treaty, which trans ferred the Louisiana --purchase - fr rn France to the United- States, a cent'.-fiial salute of 100 aerial guns. was fired." -The doors of the Liberal "Arts building were opened >• at 1 : o'clock and: at- 2:15 o'clock, when President Roosevelt entered the building, he' was greeted .by the cheers of 60,000 persons.' Ten. minutes later,; when the assembly was called to order by Pres ident Francis, the noise was :so- great that his voice could not'be heard twenty feet ; from ' the 'rostrum. . He introduced Cardinal Gibbons, who delivered the in vocation. .. , v „•• r \'.\ THOUSANDS OF COMMONERS. jolntidelegatlon .and other r guests. Across the aisle:wns,a brilliantly, gowned^assern b]age.'of'womcn/,lncluding*/ivi\;cs or guests : of the men connected- with , the, ceremon ies,, and the. board', of lady managers. / The important- ceremonies' In the' Lib eral Arts building were handled with all possible 1 dispatch. From first jto /last the events* on*. the programme succeeded each The crowd, inside the tent- was dense when the President, with the^secret ser vice men and Adjutant General Corblri acting as '.'interferer," forced his way to the ; counter,, lie was so closely pressed that- when he .attempted to move* his arm his elbow disturbed a cup of coffee' held 1 by General Corbin/ With- some difficulty the officers -forced -the crowd -to- allow the distinguished- guest elbow room, but it would allow .him nothing, more. This' maneuver forced the adjutant general out of range of the sandwiches, but the Presi dent devoted .one hand to passing food to' his escort. while; the other was devoted to his jown advantage. Owing to his advan tageous position the President soon felt called upon to help other friends, and he was- kept 'busy- passing plates, a service which .he^ performed : with alacrity and che'erf ulness.' The manner of the Presi dent taking luncheon Was sufficiently un conventional .'to excite curiosity, and prob-, ably 75 per. cent of the people -who con gested/the".'tent' were- present merely to witness. the'ehief executive of the nation eatingfat'the democratic level of a clerk in a j quick-lunch . restaurant. . ; CROWD {APPROPRIATES CHAIRS Some' of "the' diplomatists 'and more St other distinguished \ visitors ; mounted the reviewing, stand to -find that there were no chairs for them..:It developed that the chairs ¦ had' been cheerfully appropriated by unofficial- guests who had arrived early on 'the, scene.". I With some ' difficulty, other chairs/were procured^, but they were - little used, as' the. visitors^ found they could keep off :the. chill more . effectively by standing. • - -• • - ¦¦ ,'¦¦'¦ . . . . , > The parade, which took ' place in the morning, was somewhat longer in passage before the President than' had been ex pected,, but .for., all ..that ho. was but.flf teen,minutes behind the scheduled time when he was "escorted by the committee to the Liberal Arts bulldinp. PRESIDENT'S 'HURRIED MEAL. In order to arrive even as crarly as that he was compelled to. take his noonday meal under, somewhat uncomfortable cir cumstances.,; During the luncheon which he took at the conclusion of the parade he was shoved' helter-skelter by, half the people who had , been* in the grand- stand. The food was placed on" a rectangular counter and the .PresidenC like everybody else, "helped himself." excellent,' and the 'p'atrolllng of avenues and passageways by the First Missouri Infantry was. ably/done, and all possible consideration -was : shown to the great crowd, which , numbered 1n round figures 1*5,000.. .\,;f ¦ . LONDON, Arril SO.— Lord Cranborne, the Under Foreign Secretary, replying to a number cf questions of the House of Commons to-day, said that negotiations on the subject of Manchuria were «till pro ceeding between the power* concerned. His Majesty's Government, however, had received from a trustworthy source con firmation of the statement that Russia had announced that she had no knowl edge of the reported convention, and that •he disclaimed any intention of seeking exclusive privileges or departing from her previous assurances regarding Manchuria. Answering a suggestion that the Gov ernment should propose that Russia refer the Manchurian, Persian and similar dif ferences to The Hague Arbitration Tribu nal. Premier Balfour said that, while de sirous of using to the utmost the advan tages offered by The Hague Tribunal, the Government did not think that the ques tions pending between Great Britain and Russia could be submitted thereto. Prince Ching, the Grand Secretary, pur poses urgently to request Russia to pro ceed with the restoration of the Govern ment cf Manchuria to China, according to agreement. PEKING, April 30.— The denial from St. Petersburg of the authenticity of the Rus sian demands on China previous to the evacuaflon of Manchuria has created comment among the members of the in terested legations. It is said that on the day the denial was Issued M. Plancon, the Russian Charge d'Affaires admitted to his colleagues that their information on the subject was correct. ARE STILL SUSPICIOUS OF RUSSIA'S MOTIVES Foreign Legations in Peking Com ment Upon Statement Made "by Plancon. I&liv Wea ifieM the One Marring . Feature: Crowd Elbows the President at Luncheon. VIENNA, April 30.— Telegrams received here from Sofia declare the Mitallene Bank at Sofia also has been burned. The outrage at Salonica, following two attempts to destroy the raltway in the neighborhood of that city with dynamite, has again caused anxiety, regarding th« Balkan crisis. All accounts of the out rages concur in stating that the aggres sors were employed by the Macedonian committee and it is believed that the at tack on the bank was intended to provoka severe reprisals by Turk3 and thereby cause European intervention. It is re marked that the present occurrence bears an ominous resemblance to the Armenian attack upon the— Ottoman Bank in Con stantinople on August 26, 1536. which was immediately followed by the Moslem pop ulace massacreing 5000 Armenians In the streets and by similar slaughters In the provinces. The Neue Freie Prcsse says the fight ing reported from Sofia. Bulgaria, yester day between Turkish trocps and a large band of insurgents near the frontier of Bulgaria,' in Macedonia, occurred last Tuesday. The insurgents lost v efchty three men killed and the Turks thirteen killed or wounded. In an encounter with Turkish troops yesterday at Nevrokop. European Tur key, eighteen Bulgarians were killed and fourteen were made prisoners. There also was a serious. encounter near Djumbala. where a band of more than 100 Insurgents was annihilated. The destruction of the Fr**chj steamer Guadalquivir by an explosion while leav ing this port en Tuesday ovfd«nt!y was caused by a bomb. A Bulgarian has been arrested in connection wi'h the outrage. through the principal streets of the city throwing, bombs into the 1 cafes. After ward a bomb 1 was thrown into the rail road station and . some locomotive* were damaged. -In addition to the two bands -which at tacked the Lank, a number of men rushed SALONICA. European Turkey, April 30. —The Ottoman Bank hers was destroyed by dynamite to-day. The Turkish post office- and other buildings also were at tacked, resulting in a panic during which two men were killed and two wera In jured. A detachment of 2000 additional troops has since arrived here from Smyrna. The attack on the bank was carried out by two bands of men. Oi-a of them at tacked the guard on duty at the bank and the other hurled the bombs. It is believed that the strong room resisted the explosion. Several of the men who took part in the attack have been arrested. in which the blackmailing ha<l taken I'lace. The couple then left. . Though wesk, Mr. Brosseau forced open a door and went immediately to Chief Carpenter oi the detective bureau. According to * detectives thjs man and^ v oroan "havt-'had *everaT*£.Stam*fent' men it! Montreal in her apartments and it Is bettered each was blackmailed in turn, li is also said by detectives that a man *md r.oman, supposed to be the same as thost under arrest here, plied their trade euccesEfully on a Winnipeg citizen, from they got $2000. Mr. Brosseau is very ill as a result of hi* experience. The penalty in Canada for the crime of trfcfch the man and woman are accused is imprisonment for life. lied husband. He sat all Monday, night with the handcuffs on his wrists. As soon as his "confession" was signed the woman locked all doors of the apartment Bro&seau was handcuffed and gagged and threatened with a knife by the, al- In f<-a; of death he finally signed a check and note* aggregating $13,000 and also a statement that he was sorry that he had been too intimate with the wife «_>! the man who made the demand. MONTREAL* Quebec, ; April 3O.-Hand cuffed, ragged,,with a knife wound in his leg and threatened with death If he did not gi\t $5t>,OO0 in blackmail. Delphise Ca t£.iilc Brosseau, a millionaire, fought for iwenty-Sve hours before . he yielded to a and a woman/ Fp~-lil Dif patch to The Call. Sultan's Soldiers Annihilate . Insurgent Band on the Frontier. Man and Woman Wanted for a Bold Grime in .,' Montreal. Postoffice and Other > Turkish Buildings' Attacked. Gagged and in Captiv ity for Twenty five Hours, Submits to Black mail to Save His Life. Destroy tfie Otto man Bank in Salonica. MILLIONAIRE IS TORTURED FOR MONEY MACEDONIAN REBELS USE DYNAMITE LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION IS DEDICATED WITH ODD BLENDING OF POMP AND DEMOCRACY SAN-FKAjSTCISCO^ -F^tDA^Y- MAY V;\ 1903; PRICE FIVE CENTS. The San Francisco Call.