OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, July 24, 1903, Image 11

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1903-07-24/ed-1/seq-11/

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BEANS— Bayos. $3 60®3 70; Pea. $3 25®
3 50; Butters, $3 25: small White. $3 15@3 30;
large White, $2 00®$3 15; Pink. $2 00®3;
Red, $2 90@3; Lima. $3 45@3 60; Red Kidneys,
nominal: Blackeye, $2 60@5 per ctl; HoTse
Beans. $1 2501 35. ¦¦
SEEDS — Brown Mustard, nominal; Yellow
Mustard, nominal: Flax. $1 90©2; Canary, 5%c
for Eaetern; Alfalfa.' nominal; Rape. l%iSJ2Mic;
Timothy. 6®6%c; Hemp. 8%@3V4c per lb: Mil
let. 3©3%c: Broom Corn Feed, $1S@2O per ton.
DRIED PEAS — Green. $202 25 per ctl.
There is no further change to report in this
market, trade being quiet.
Beans and Seeds.
K K » 2 a <
if it p 111!
STATIONS. lUS I! | S fl" . &5
: : ll : v j j
Colusa so XA ... Clear
Eureka 04 64 ... Clear W 1«
rre * no »<» Vi ... Clear NW Lt
Hanford ;c T,2 ... Clear .. .•
HolJlBter 7» .v) ... I>t.Fog ..
Indepen-lenr,. . . - H w _ CJear NW j 6
King City fc.i 45 ; -- c,^,. N Lt
Llvermcre 715 55 _ Clear
Lo« Acgeles ... 78 tt ... Clear W 10
e P* ~~ M ... dear SW ...
Newman kj .',3 ... clear
Palermo ki u ... ne*r 8
S Orl T. i: ir* • •••" S1 ••• Clew w •••
Red Bluff m> ,V5 __ near SE Lt
Kacranjento ... 7« 62 ... Clear 8 12
f* n £!H SO , ¦¦•'* <* ... Clear NW 12
San Francisco.. ««? t>i \\ w 34
g* 0 / 08 * y : 2* M --. Clear
S. L. Obifpo.. 7<i 4S ... clear W • 8
S«:«ta Maria ... 74 4S ... dear W Lt
Santa Rosa .... 76 44 ... Clear .. ...
Stockton 78 wi Clear
Willows 7a S5 ... Pt.ddy BE '.'.'.
Hanford-Pearhe, heavy crop, other frnlt
rc^.,r rcp: * hf;at «*tter than last expected.
\\ "low*— Dampness retarding harvesting.
Hollisur— Apples doing well, large cron.
Cod!in moth doing some damage
Colusa— Harvesting commenced' late In day.
arcount of heax-y dew. Fruit ripening dowly.
Livennore— Hay bxling i a tall bltst. weather
Tery favorable.
«.^ tockt0B ~ WaterB1 ' Ion cr °P Urge, with llm
/teu acreac'e.
6*M* iiarla-Prcvaillnfc- cold weather taTtw-
Fruit and Wheat Bulletin.
For the twenty-four hours ending 5 p. m.,
120th meridian time, San Francisco, July 23:
The market seems to be trembling on tha
verge of a break, both here and at Western
centers. Conditions continue unsatisfactory at
Chicago, where receipts of Hogs are running
large and stocks of the cured products are ac
cumulating. In this market a fight has broken
out in Lard and quotations are being cut. while
there are predictions of lower prices for Hams,
Bacon and Lard before long. In fact, "heavy
Hams have already been reduced %cto 15c.
Local packers and dealers say . that prices of
cured meats are too high for the demand.
CURED MEATS — Bacon. 12%c per lb for
heavy, 13c for light medium. -15c for light.
15%c for extra light, 17%c /or sugar-cured
and 10c for extra sugar-cured: Eastern sugar
cured Hama. 15@15%c; California Hams. 14%@
15c; Mees Beef, $11 60@12 per bbl: extra Mess.
$12@12 50;, Family. $13 50; prime Mess Pork,
$19: extra clear. $26; Mess, $20; • Dry Salted
Pork. 12%c: Pig Pork. ?2S; Pig*' Feet, $5 23;
Smoked Beef, 15c per lb.
LARD — Tierces quoted at 7%e- per lb for
compound and -9%©>10Vic for pure; half bar
rels, pure. 10@10%c; 10-lb tins. lOttGllc; 5-lb
tins, 10%Q>Uttc: 3-lb tins, 10%@ll%c.
COTTOLENE— One half barrel. 9%c; three
half barrels, 9%c; one tierce, 9%c; two tierces,
9%c;- five tierces, 9 Kc per lb.
THURSDAY. July 23—2 p. m.
BiJ.A.-k. ** Bid. Ask.
4s qr coup.. — . lllVi 4s q c (new).135Vil36V*
4s qr rear. ..Ill 111% 3 9 qr coup. .108 »i 109
Ala A W 5s. — — Do 5s — 115«;
Bay CPC 5s. — 105% Do con 5s. — 105
C C G & E.. — 1072 Ok W C g5s. — 100
Cal G & E g Oceanic SC5s — R3
m and ct5s — 100 Oni C R Us. .124 125
Cal-st C 5s. — — Pac G Imp4s 98 —
C C Wat 5s. — 105 P E-Ry 3s..l06%10S
Kd L A P 63.128 — P & C R 6s. — —
F CI R Cs.. . UC14 — P & O R 6s. — —
Geary-st R5s — — Powell-st 6s.ll6U —
H C&S 5Hs.lO2% — S E G&RSs. — 104
ClltSJt.- 100 SF A SJV5&. — 120tf
Hon R T 6s. — XCS S R of C 6s.U04112h
L A Elec 5s. — — S P of A 6a
LA Ry5s.ll3*4— (190ft) ..M07*J —
L A I. C 6s. — ' — <1910) 108k —
Do gtd C«. — — 8 P of C 6s
Do gtd 6S.10C — <10C3)Sr A.1O3941O4H
LAP lem 5s.iau;iC4U O»05)Sr B. — 105U
Mkt-st C tis.122 125 <1»OM> .... — 107
Do lem 6s. — 118V- (1912) 117^113
N R of C 6s. — lot* " S P C lcgr»9.120i, —
Do 5s — 120 Do stmpd.lOS —
N P C RR5s — 1CS14 5 P B R ts. - 140
N C Ry 5s. — H4«i S V Wat Os.107 —
N C P 53.100 — • Do 4s 2dm. — 101
N S H 5s.. — 100 Do 4s 3dm. 99»ilOOVi
O G L II 5s.H0 — Stkn G&E 6* — 101
Oak T 6s... — 122 U G A E 5s.lO5 107
Contra Costa — 61 : )Port Costa.. «S4 6flt-J
Martn Co .. 60% — I Spring Val.. S5 80
Cent L & P. — 5Vi Sac E GAR. 39 —
K'liilt Gas... 4-S 5 S F O A E. 67H 67%
Mutual E L. 12% 12% S F Gas S 3)4
Pac G Imp.. 52V« 5.". Stkn G A E. 5 —
Pac L Co... 53 v; 57 u G A E... 3Hi —
S F G & E. 67 — /
Fircm's Fnd.325 — /
Am Natl Bk.125 — Lon P A A. 165 — .
Anglo-Cal ... — — Mer Trust... 2C0 X50
Eank of Cal. — 575 Mcrcb Ex... 55 75
C S D & T. 142^160 S F Natlonl — —
First Natlonl — —
Ger S A L. — 2275 Sav A L So. — 100
Hum S A L. — — Sec Sav Bk.40O 600
Mut S Bank. M — Union T Co.2150 —
S F Sav U.600 750
California ...199 205 (Presidio .... — 45
Geary ....... — 60 f
Giant 71 — /Vlgorit 4 5}J
Hana P Co.. 05c 25c Kllauea S C. 5 8
Hawaiian C. 45 46% Makawell S.. — 21
Honokaa S C 12% — Onomea S C 22% —
Hutch S P C 14 H 15V4 Paauhau S C 15 17
Alaska Pack. 150% — Oceanic S Co 6% jy,
Cal Fruit As. — 90% Pac A F A.. 2% —
Cal Wine As. — 99 Pac C Borx.lCO —
Morning Session.
5 Alaska Packers' A*n, cash.... 150 60
10 Cal Wine Assn. cash 9S 75
60 Hawaiian Com'l A Sugar. ¦ 10.. 44 50
75 Hawaiian Com'l A Sugar 45 00
10 S F Gas & Electric Co. 67 87H
100 S F Gas A Electric Co 68 00
20 Spring Valley Water, cash 85 60
65 Trustees' Cert, S F Gas & Elac. 67 00
30 Trustees' Cert. S F Gas A Elec. 67 25
$10,000 Los Angeles Ry 6s ...114 PO
$1,000 Spring Valley 6s ..107 00 ,
. Afternoon Session. '
Board— * • '
40 Alaska Packers' Assn 150 50
200 Honokaa S Co 13 00
50 Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar. 45 00
15 Hutchinson S P Co 14 50
135 Hutchinson S P Co 15 00
60 Mutual Electric Light 12 75
10 Pacific Gas Imp 52 75
30 S F Gas & Eletrlc Co 6s 00
40 Spring Valley Water '85 50
10 Spring Valley Water 85 75
10 Trustees' Cert.. 8 F Ga* A Elec. 67 12Va
15 Trustees' Cert. 8 F Gas A Elec. 67 37%
20 Trustees' Cert. S P Gas A Elec. 67 60
$5,000 S F A S J V bonds.:; 120 50
40 Pacific Lighting 86 00
California Stock and OH Exchange
Stocks— ~ : Bid. Asked.
Caribou Oil Co. « .... . .85
Hay rules firm at the recent advance, with
a cood demand for local and interior con
sumption. Bran and Middlings are also firm,
with Ilxht offerings. . ..
BRAN— $24 50625 per ton.
MIDDLINGS— $27®30 Der ton.
SHORTS— $24025 per ton.
FEEDSTUKFS— Rolled Barley. $22@23 per
ton: Oilcake Meal at the mill. $2ti@26 60;
Jobbing. $27027 60: Cocoanut Cake, $20@21.
Corn Meal. $27 6O02S 50; Cracked Corn. $28 60
@29 50; Mixed Feed. $22Q23; Horse Beans.
$30 per ton.
HAY — Wheat, $12@14; Wheat and
Oat, $U@13; Oat. $10©i2 50; Barley, *8 50©U;
Clover, $9@10; Stock. $S#i); Alfalfa, $8010 par
STRAW— S5@60c per bale.
Hay and Feedstuff s.
Morning Session
Board —
300 Four Oil 70
Evening Session.
- 400 Sterling CHI 3 l'»
2CO Monte Crlsto Oil (s 3) 95
10O Occidental Oil .18
30 Sovereign Oil 33
Street —
12C0 Central .Point Con Oil 80.
Mining Stocks.
Following were the sales on the San Fran
cisco Stock and Exchange board yesterday:
Morning Session.
150 Andes IN ] 200 Occidental . 34
300 Gould AC. 38 100 Savage 14
100 Mexican ... 95 (200 Silver Hill . 83
Afternoon Session.
, 200 Union 79 / 2C0 Union .... 80
Following were tha sales on the Pacific Stock
Exchange yesterday:
Morning Session.
150 Best & Bel..l 801 20O Ophlr .-.I 45
100 Caledonia 1 35! 600 Overman .... 2?
800 Chollar 201 4rt> Potosl ..:... 21
400 Chollar is 500 Savaga ...... 15
10O Con C & V. .1 401 500 Union Con .. v7«
200 Gould & C 3*i 300 Yellow Jacket «7
100 Mexican 9V 500 Yellow Jacket (9
300 Occidental . . 35
Afternoon Session.
300 Cnollar 20f 100 Mexican .... 9*
20O Chollar 19 600 Potosl ...... 22
ICO C C A Va ..1 42H" 200 Union Con.... 79
300 C C 4 V» ..1«' 100 Yellow Jacket Til
300 Con NY 15! SCO Yellow Jacket e9
200 Gould A C .. 38i
Following were the sales on the San Fran
cisco and Tonppah Mining Exchange yesterday:
Morning Session.
1000 Esperanxn ... 0B 100O Rescua Id
2000 Esperanza ... Cf> 500 Rescue 15
600 M'Namara .. 20 10O Ton Bel 1 J>5
10O Mont Ton ... 94 200 Ton North S-. 5f
100 Mont Ton ... W 500 Utopia 51
2500 Mont Ton . . !)."¦
Afternoon Session.
1000 Cent Eureka.. 90 100 Mont Ton .. 07
100 Colehan IS 075 Rescue 14
200 Colehan .1... 17 10O Ton Bel 165
600 M'Namara .. 20 1 CO Ton Bel . .1 97>-i
500 Mont Ton 94 450 Ton Nortli S-. 50
THURSDAY. July 23—3:30 p. m.
Bld.Ask. Bid.Ack.
Alpha 05, 06 Imperial ;.... 03 04
Andes ...OS 00 Kentuck 02 0.V
Belcher ...... 40 42 Lady Wash... — CS
Best A Belch. 1 85 — Mexican OS 99
Bullion 03 05 Occidental ... 34 39
Challenge ... 44 47 Ophir 1 45 1 5O
Chollar 20 21 Potosl 21 23
Con Cal A V.I 40 1 43 Savaga 14 15
Confidence ...1 15 1 23| Sierra N*v. .. 64 55
Crown Point. ID 2O Silver Hill.... 82 J»5
Exchequer... — OllUtah *4 3(1
Gould & Cur. S.S 40, Yellow Jacket 70 71
Hale & Nor.. S3 55
Bid. Ask. I Bid. Ask.
Colehan 16 IT Rescue 14 IS
Esperanza .. 05 06 'Ton Belraont.l 95 7 00
Gipsy Queen.. 27 29 T A Cal 37 60)
Gold M Con.. 10 15 Ton Fraction. — 1 CO
Lucky Tom .. — 10Ton&OW.. W 10
MacNamara . 21 27Ton of Nev.. — 8 CO
Mlzpah Ex .. — 45 Ton N Star.. SO St
Mont Ton ... 94 96 Ton Midway. » 4S
N Y Ton .... — 15 Ton A B Lake 55
Paymaster . . .15 — t 'nit ed Ton. . — 19 .
Fine Grova... 60 —'Utopia ...... — M
BUCKWHEAT- *2@2 50 per ctl.
FLOUR— California Family Extras. $4 40®
4 65. usual, terms; Bakers' Extras. $4 30#
4 40; Orejron and Washington, $3 70®4 per
bbl for Family and $3 7O®4 20 for Bakers".
MILLSTUFFS — Prices in packages arc as
follows: Graham Flour, $3 25 per 100 lbs: Rye
Flour, $3 25; Rye Meal. $3; Rice Flour, *7;
Corn Meal. $3 25; extra cream do, $4; Oat
Groats, $4 60; Hominy. $*itl 25; Buckwheat
Flour. $4 50«t4 75; Cracfced Wheat, $3 50; Fa
rina, $4 25; Whole Wheat Flour, $3 50; Roiled
Oats. bbls. $U 7. r .®S 00; in sacks. $U 25@8 10;
Pearl Barley, $5 50; Split Peas, boxes. $7;
Green Peas, $5 60 per 100 lbs.
KYE— $1 1001 15 per ctl for old or new. »
California large Yellow, $1 40@l 45; small
round do. $1 7o®l 76; White. $1 40S1 45;
Egyptian. $1 45@1 60 for White ar.d $1 40tf
1 43 for Brawn.
Flour and Millstufis.
Weather Report.
O2pth Meridian— Pacific Time.)
SAN FRANCISCO. July 23—5 p. m,
= 2 K 3 2 ~
j f 'f:j ': J
• • • '. • •
Ks*er 2S.S4 82 M BW Cloudy .04
parson ....a.Mi 11 64 W Clear .00
Eureka 30.14 O4 M W Clear .00
Frtxno :#.u s 90 68 jrvr Clear .00
FlagstalT 29.sk* 70 66 NW Cloufiy .<!2
Indeper.fi.m~e .» 7S f-Q M BE Clear .00
Lo« Angeles... 2i> 00 78 64 W Clear .00
Mt. Tair-aJpaU.SO.OS CO 45 NW Clear .00
North Hem... 30. 08 IA M SW Rain .04
2*** 1 *, ».&0 «>* 78 W Cloudy .02
rocatello 2a 84 83 60 8E Cloudy' .10
SO.c-6 €8 88 BW Cloudy .01
Point Iteye»...30.00 €2 64 NW Clear .00
5*4 BIbS 30.00 *0 66 6E Clear .00
Koeoburjr 3o.io e# 64 NW Cloudy .06
6acrarnento ...30.02 76 52 S Clear 00
Fait Lake 2S.WI B0 66 EE Pt Cldr Tr
6an Francisco.80.12 f,6 64 \V Clear 00
6aa I* Oblepo.S0.04 70 4S W 6ear '©0
£*n Dle*o 28.66 74 t2 NW Clear 00
S«*1U» UtO.M CS JK} BE Cloudy Tt
Ppokan* 25>.R0 80 e2 EW CToudy 06
% g I- j*£ ¦«
_ A. flrnression rtill continues over Nevada and
the vafley of the Colorado. Rain continue* In
Arizona and light showers ar« rented IS
norUiera "Washington and northern Idaho The-S
h **-,. t r a * fa " la te^P*ratur« rf fV^n ™
to IS degrees over Nevada. Utah end ArtBon.^
la the sreat valley of CWKornta **6 Uta°?he*
Sierra* the weather continues remarkably cw>i
far this time cf the year. r CO01
Fore** mad* at Ban Francisco for thlrt»
hour* ending: njlflnirfjt. Ju!y 24- T
Northern California— Fair Friday warmer-
IlSbt eoutherly winds Inland; fresh weXiy
winds on the coast. «=»wiy
Southern California— Fair Friday- fr«-h
xrwterly winds on the coast. .' ira!a
Nevada— Fair Friday, warmer; brisk to hiirh
westerly minds. en
Ean Francleeo and vicinity— Fair FYUrfv
brisk westerly winds. ' *rucy.
District Forecaster.
The only thing new under this head is a
growing nrmness In new Prunes. The demand
East ia increasing, and whenever a fluctuation
occurs it ia generally In the direction of a
fractional advance in some one particular slse.
Karly reports of the failure of the French
crop are fully confirmed, and Europe Is ex
pected to draw liberally on this market before
Trie Davisvllle Alrr.cnd Growers' Association
will open bids for its crop of Almonds on
August 1.
NEW FRUIT— Apricots. 7®Sc for Royals;
Evaporated Apples, 6!ic; Peaches, 4ft®5c for
fair to good stock; Pears, nominal at 7c.
OLD FRUIT— Evaporated Apples, 4Q5Vic;
sun-dried. 3@4c; Peaches. 4@5Vjc: Pears, ifp
4>Ac for quarters and 5@l>ftc for halves; Nec
tarines. for \«ilte: i'lums. 4@0c for pitted
and 1«MJBl- for unpltted; Figs, 3ftS*c for black
and l^."*?ior white.
l'KUNES— I»o2 crop. 2«&®2%c for the four
sizes, with ft@lc premium for the large Mxea.
RAISINS— 1002 crop are quoted as follows:
2-crown loose Muscatels. 50-lb, borfes. 5Vic per
lb; 3-crown. 6%c; 4-crown. 6c; Seedless, loose
Muscatels, 5c; Seedless Sultanas. 5c; Seedless
Thompsons, 5ftc; 2-crown London Layers, 20
lb boxes. $1 40 per box; 3-crown. $1 50; 4
crown fancy clusters. 20-lb boxes. $2; 2-crown
Dehesas. 20-lb boxes, $2 60; 6-crown Imperial.
20-lb boxes. $3; Seeded, f. o. b. Fresno, fancy.
1-lb cartons, 7 : >«c; choice, 7ftc.
NUTS — Walnuts, No. 1 sortshell, 12ftiJ!13c;
No. 2. 10ft®Uftc; No. 1 hardshell, Ilfttfl2c;
No. 2. lOtfMOftc; Almonds, lie for Nonpareils.
lOftSllc for I X L. 10@10ftc for Ne Plua Ul
tra and 8©8ftc for Languedoc*. Peanuts. 5©7c
for Eastern; Pecans, ll«*13c; Ccoanuts. $4 60
HONEY — Comb, new, nominal: new water
white extracted. '5ft0Gc: light amber extract
ed, 5#5ftc; dark, nominal.
BEESWAX— 27©29c per lb.
Dried Fruits, Nuts, Raisins,Honey
Stock and Bond Exchange.
Kecent oil assessments are California Com
bined. 2c. delinquent August 7. and New San
Francisco Crude, 7c, August 15.
Though local securities were quiet yesterday
morning, there was .more fluctuation than of
late, Hawaiian Commercial selling higher at
$44 50ff43. Oas and Elactrlc at $67 87fteti8
and the certificates at $07@t!7 25. Spring Val
ley Water was lower at $83 25. The oil stocks
were neglected.
There was no particular change In the after
Session !> to 11:30 a. m.
Open. Hlsh. Low. '¦ Close.
December ... «5*4 «5ft »5 05ft
• 2 n. in. Seesion.
December ... '<&Ya-
OATS — Continue steady and unchanged, ex
cept a small advance in black.
White, $1 17ft©l 25; Black. $1 10@l 20:
Red. •$! 12ft©l Hft for common and $1 2U©
1 Y3 for choice; Qray, nominal.
CORN — Hardly any samples have been seen
on the Produce Exchange for several weeks,
and the feeling is accordingly very firm. Prices,
however, show no change.
Feed. new. $1 01>iC?l C5; new shipping anJ
brewing $1 12ft01 17ft; old brewing. $1 I5ty
1 20; Chevalier. $1 15?3>1 30 for fair to choice.
Open. - Hisli. Low. Clone.
December ...Jl 4:»H *1 «% ?1 4.1'i $1 4.!V»
BAKLKY — Tliough futures wore easy the
cash tcrain waa firm, with a sale of Feed at
?1 05.
Session 8) to 11:20 a. m.
Open. High. Low. Close,
December ...$1 4:i<i $1 43ft $1 41'?i $1 43
2 p. m. Session.
California Club. $1 4<x?M 42ft; California
White Australian. $1 OOjil 52ft: Northern
Club $1 40Q1 42ft: Northern Blue Siem.
$1 4S$t©l SO; Oregon Valley. $1 47ft.
Chicago was htKher airaln. Threshing re
turns continued Uisftpi>olntlntf. even from Kan
pas, where the temperature yesterday was
112 degrees, with a hot wind. The shorts cov
ered freely, and the millers were good buyers.
This market wan- not materially changed,
though the feeling was firm all along the line.
New Wheat. $1 37Vifrl 4214 for shipping and
$1 47ft©l 62ft for milling.
WHEAT — Liverpool futures were weak. Oth
erwise the foreign markets were featureless
and a"iet.
Wheat and Other Grains.
Flour, qr «ks .. 25.251 Straw, tons .. .IT
Wheat, ctls 1.9«5 Wool, bales .. 214
Barley, ctls 8.775 Tallow, ctls . . 207
Oats, ctls 1.150 Pelts. No 604
Corn, ctls 425 Hides. No .... 203
Beans, ski 23? Quicksilver, flks 60
Potatoes, sks . . 1.S10 Wine, gals . . 36.200
) nlons. ska 640 Leather, rolls . .28
Bran, eks 2.420 Chicory, bbla .. 12
Middlings, sks.. 1,000 Lime, bbls .... 634
Hay, tons 502| •
Flour, qr sks.. 6.124/ Feed, <ka .... 800
Receipts of Produce.
The eteamer Ventura, due from Sydney on
the 27th, is expected to bring up $l,5C0,C00 In
Australian pold.
Sterling ExchanRp, sixty days.. — $4 84%
Sterling Exchange, eight ., — 4 87ft
Sterling Exchonjc^. cables — 4 SSft
New York KxchRnjre."- sight .... — 05 .
Nevr York Exchange, telegraphic — 07 ft
Silver, per ounce — 55
Mexican Dollars, nominal — 42
' The Doric took out for Hongkong a treasure
list of $280,233, consisting of $200,212 In Mexi
can dollars and $21* In gold coin.
Sterling Exchange is higher and domestic
lower. Silver is a fraction better.
Exchange and Bullion.
Mail a^ vires from. IC«w York sayi:
"Prunes epot er* In jobbing demand and
value* are maintained. In a Jobbing way
come business in &O-COs Is heard of at S^c and
'.'. Is believed few holders would sell In round
lots at r.'-v'-.. Sices 40-BOs are Quoted up to
Tc. There is reported a somewhat firmer feel
ing in.€0-70a and sales of 00-100s are beard of
at 3*4c. Futures, according to wires from the
coast, are held a little firmer by th« prinel
; j.: interests en a 3c four-size basis for Santa
Claras, first half Ocjober shipment; a 2«4o
basis Is more generally quoted on Sonomas. A
report from San Joaculn Valley states that
packers are higher In their Ideas on 4O-50« and
oO-60s. Iteports ;.re current Here that offer
ings of <¦."-:•¦ -e prunes In Santa Claras are avail
able from 6maJ:er packers at a 2%c basis. Oc
ceslcnal sales are reported, but buvers gen
'-raHy art not ready to tak« hold freely. Ore
pon futures are not attracting cpeclal attention.
In Apricots the tone of the market on the spot
in rteady. with a moderate Jobbing demand
noted within the range. Futures are offered
fre.-:y but the basis is regarded as too high
in view oi the lower prices on rpot roods.
Teaches are steady. u"lth a moderate Jobbing
df-mand reported on choice and fancy grades.
Future* are dull. Spot Raisins are meeting a
fair interest, with reeded Quoted more firmly
at the range. 6om« 3-crown loose has been
*c!d at '; ! «c and 4-crown at 6^c. Valencia
layers are steady, with supplies light. Pul
\rv.u* ere quiet. In Currants the market is
stt-ady. with most interest noted In cleaned.
Ho'.dc-rs are a 5hade firmer on cartons at 6c,
v.iih boxes quoted at 5» 4 c Inside on fine Amal
ias. I'ncleaned in barrels Is held at S l-16c
to 5%c."
Dried Fruits in Nezv York.
LONDON, July 23. — Consols, t 92; silver,
23%d; French rentes, 97f 47fte. Wheat
cargoes on passage, quiet and steady; English
country markets steady.
LIVERPOOL, July 23.— Wheat, quiet; No. 1
Standard California. Cb Oftd@Cs 7d; wheat In
Paris, steady; flour in Paris, steady; French
country markets, weak.
COTTON— Uplands. 6.6Sd.
Foreign Markets.
Adams Con 10|Llttle Chief 06
Alice 20,Ontario 6 50
Breece 15 Ophir 1 30
Brunswick Con ... O4!Phoenlx 08
Comstock Tunnel.. 07iPotosi 18
Con Cal A Va 1 25 Savage ...V 12
Horn Silver 1 CO Sierra Nevada 60
Iron Silver 1 60, Small Hopes 25
Leadvllle Con 05 ; Standard .3 00
Money— . Westinghouse cm. 86
Call loans 3@4 Mining —
Time loans 5@6 Adventure 4%
Bonds — AUouej .......... 4ft
Atchlson 4s 98 Amalgamated ...40%
Railroads— Blngham 21%
Atchison 63% Calumet & Hecla.420
Do pfd 87% Centennial 14
Boston & Albany. 245 Copper Range ... 41ft
Boston & Maine. . IOsJ Dom Coal .' 94
Boston Elevated.. 138 Franklin 7
N Y N H & H...195VJ Isle Royale 6ft
Fltchburg pfd ...130 Mohawk 33ft
Union Pacific .... 75% Old Dominion ... 10ft
Mex Cent ISft Osceola 47%
Miscellaneous — Parrot 10
Am Sugar 114 . Quincy 96
Do pfd 118 ISanta Fa Copper. 1
Am Tel & Tel 129ft Tamarack 75
Dom Iron A Steel l2ft|Trimountaln 82
Gen Electric 160 Trinity 4%
Mass Electric ... 21% United States 17%
Do pfd 60ft Utah 24
United Fruit 97 Victoria 3ft
U S Steel 22% Wlnona "7
Do pfd 70% Wolertne 42
Con for money. 91 13-16'N Y Central .....122
Consols for acct...91% Norfolk & West.. 64%
Anaconda 4ft Do pfd 91
Atchlson 66ft Ont & Western.. 23ft
Do prd 91% 'Pennsylvania .... 02%
Bait & Ohio .... 85ft'Rand Mines .,1" '
Can Paclflo 123 (Reading 25%
Chcs & Ohio 34% Do 1st pfd 41ft
Chi Gt Western.. 17% Do 2nd pfd 35
Chi M A St Paul. 148 fSouthern Ry 22ft
DeBeers CO Do pfd bH
Den A Rio G .... 25% Southern Pacific. 4<i%
Do pfd 81% Union Pacific ... 78%
Erie 30% Do pfd 88:
Do 1st pfd WV, V S Steel 24%
Do 2nd pfd 52ft Do pfd 75%
Illinois Central ..134 Wabash 22ft
LouU A Nash ...110 Do pfd 39ft
Mo Kan & Tex... 20%
Bar silver, steady. 25%d per ounce.
Money. lft@l% P«r cent.
The rate of discount in the open market for
short bills Is 2% per cent; for three months'
bills. 2% per cent.
New York Grain and Produce.
NEW YORK, July 23. — FLOUR — Receipts,
15.800 barrels: exports. 20.827 barrels. Mar
ket was fairly active and firmer.
WHEAT— Receipts. 98.900. Spot firm. No.
2 red SOftc elevator and 61 %c f. o. b. afloat;
No. I Northern Duluth. 92c f. o. b. afloat; No.
{ 1 hard Manitoba. 92V«c f. o. b. afloat. Options
I opened a trifle lower, but at once became very
Btrong on covering started by a violent advance.
In corn. After midday realizing and a decline
the market again advanced on damage re
ports following hot weather in the Northwest
and closed %@%c net higher. July closed
1 6lc; September. SO%$?S1%. closed 81c; Docem
< ber. 80%6Sl«ic. closed 81%o.
HOPS— Quiet.
HIDES— Dull.
WOOL — Firm.
PETROLEUM— Steady. "
COFFEE: — Spot Rio. quiet, mild. easy. The
market for coffee futures closed at unchanged
prices to a decline of 5 points. Sales were
9730 bags, including: August. 3.0..c; Septem
ber. 3.75c; October, 3.65c; May. 4.65c; June,
SUGAR — Raw firm; fair refining. 3 3-lCc;
centrifugal. 96 test, 3 ll-16c; molasses sugar,
2 15-16c. Refined firm.
showed no change from the general condition
recently noted, and while the tone is steady
business i* reported well within the quoted
range. Common are quoted at 4@5ftc prlirjJ.
¦ at 5*;<g<te. choice at fiU^Ciic and fancy at
I « 1 -i«7^c.
j PRUNES— Spot prunes showed somewhat
¦ easier tendency and it was believed that on
fair sized orders slight concessions would be
j granted. Quotations, however, range from
3c to 7c for all srades.
APRICOTS remain steady at 7*i@8ftc for
choice and 10*M2ftc for fancy.
PEACHES are culet with choice quoted at
7%'&8W|C and fancy at 8®10c.
Chicago Grain Market.
CHICAGO. July 23. — Reports of extremely ,
hot weather in the Northwest and disappointing '
threshing return*, together with light move- 1
ment, created a bullish sentiment in wheat and 1
j September sold up, under free buying by St. I
Louis houses and local bulls, to 7«%c. after I
opening steady at about yent?nlay's close. Some
of the early buyers took proflta on the bulfje j
and this caused a reaction to 75Vic but on the
I strength developed In corn buying was renewed 1
I and September closed at 76%e, a gain of %ip
1 %c. Local shorts who oversold on yesterday's
break covered freely end helped the late tone.
- Hot winds in Kansas and adverse crop re
ports, with email receipts, gave a strong gjiA j
excited corn market early in the session, and i
with slight depresrion here and there, the I
strength hsld until the close. Influential sell- I
Ing on the early advance caused a decline from
the high figure, but final prices showed Sep
tember lc to lftc to l«,«c better at 50%©5lc.
Oats were stimulated to fair activity on high
er ranee of prices by the bull movement In
corn. On the whole th« market wae firm, with
local bull traders Inclined to favor the lonjj
side of distant futures. September closed *i®
%c higher at 33ftc.
Constantly declining- hog receipts and higher
prices at the yards caused strength In provi
elons. There was some good outside buying
and better prices ruled all around. Packers
sold moderately on the advance, but the mar
ket held steady, with September pork up 7ftc,
lard 7ft&10c higher and ribs 5@7ftc better.
The leaciinK futures ranged as follows:
Articles — Open. High. Low. Close.
Wheat No. 2 —
July (old) 75% 76 75% 70%
July (new) 76 70 75% 75«Ji
8ept. (old) 70% / 7014 . 75% 70ft
Sept. (new) 75% 76% 75% 70%
Corn No. 2 —
July 60ft 80ft 60 60%
Soptember 60% 61 50 51
December 4U% 50% 49 Vi . 50%
Oat* No. 2 —
May :... 35% 35% 35 35%
July 38 40 38 39%
September S2% 33ft 32% 33«,i
December 33% 33% 33% 33%
Mess Pork, per bbl —
September 14 30 14 35 14 30 14 32ft
Lard, t>er 100 lbs —
September 8«2ft 807ft800 8 07ft
October 7 75 7 82ft 7 75 7 80
Short Ribs, per 100 lbs—
September 8 42»J 8 45 8 37 ft 8 42',£
October 8 20 8 22ft 8 17ft 8 22ft
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour,*
steady; No. 2 red wheat, 75%©76c; No. 2 corn,
51c; No. 2 yellow, filftc; No. 2 oats. .TJ@34c;
No. 2 white, 40®>41c; No. 3 white, 37@40c; No.
2 rye, 50ft@51V4c; good feeding barley. 42c;
fair to choice malting, 4(!©50c; No. 1 flaxseed,
»0c: No. 1 Northwestern. 95ftc; prime timothy
seed. $3 S0@3 50; men nork, per bbl, 51 1«;
14 05; lard, per 100 lbs. $7 S0S>7 82ft; short
ribs sides (loose), $8 15@8 20; dry ealted shoul
ders tboxed). 7ft7%c; short clear sides
<boxed), 8%®8%c; clover, contract grade, fl2
gl2 50.
Articles — Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrel* 21,300 14,400
Wheat, bushel* 40.000 10.900
Corn, buhhels 177,200 226,000
Oats, bushels 300.000 150,000
Rye, bushels 7,600 1
Barley, bushels ..28,100
. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was steady to easier: creameries, 174^
l»ftc; dairies, 15017c. Cheese, steady, 100
llftc. Egg*, easy; ll©13c.
Foreign Futures.
Wheat — July. Sept. Dec.
Opening 6 2ft 6 2%
Closing 6 2% 6 2ft
PARI8. 1 w -
Wheat — July. Nov. -Feb.
Opening 24 90 22 20
Closing 24 80 22 15
Flour —
Opening 32 20 29 95
Closing .....32 15 29 93
New York Metal Market. '
NEW YORK. July 23.— Spot tin advanced
£2 10s In London, closing at £125 16s and fu
tures were £2 2s 6d higher at £122 17s 6d.
Locally tin was firm at $27 50©27 75.
Copper in London was higher, spot advanc
ing 12s 6d to £r>d 12s 6d and futures 7s 6d to
£65 7s rid. Locally copper was quiet and more
or less nominal at $13 25i@13 30 for lake - and
electrolytic and $13 for casting.
' Lead was stead" and unchanged in London
at £11 7s Cd and *4 3Ofj4'60 in New York.
Snelter closed at £20 6s In 1 London and at
$5 87 ft In 'New York, being unchanged In
both markets. . : -
Iron closed at 62s 8d In Glasgow and at 46s
9d In Mlddlesboro.
Locally iron was quiet • and easier. No - 1'
foundry. Northern,' $18 23@18 75; No. ' 2 do.
$17 60©18; No. 1 foundry. Southern, and 'No.
1 foundry soft, $17 6O@1S.
New York Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. July 23.— Cotton ODeaed atxcm*
Stock— Sales. Hlrh. Low. Close.
Atchlscn 23.200 65 «W>i HiU
Atchlson pfd 5.300 89 &7H 87
Baltimore & Ohio .. 12,230 8.l«i 62^ 82V*
Bait & Ohio pfd 91
Canadian Pacific .. 6 # 600 122% 121U 121V4
Cen of New Jersey. 100 159 15U 1574
Chos & Ohio 3.400 33*4 32 S2Vi
Chicago & Alton .. 1.400 24 »i 21 21'Va
Chi & Alton pfd .. C(r> «5;» 65}, &S?i
Chicago & G W . . 3.950 17 10 1CV»
Chl&GWBpfd.. 300 S3H 33 3-'^
Chicago & N W .. 3,400 104 161 161
Chi, Ter & Trans 11
Chi T & Tpfd .... 1,250 20 19 19H
C C C & St Louis.. 100 75 75 74
Colorado 80 1.200 13% 13 12%
Cclo So 1M pfd .. 450 53 f>2 52
Colo So 2d rfd .... «00 22*i 22 21 Vi
Delaware & Hud .. 400 160 1C5 I''-* 1 *
Del. Lack & W .. 300 241 23j«i 23tt>*
Denver & Rio G .. 200 2i% 24 2:5 -\
Denver 4 R G pfd.. 100 71H» 79»£ 79
Erie 15.350 3UV 29& 29Vi
Erie lHt pfd ...... 10.452 USH 07 ', C7
Erie 2d p/d 2.523 50^ 47^ 41\*t
Great Northern pfd 170
Hocking Valley 70
Hocking Val pfd 83
Illinois Central ... 2.822 130*, 129>* 129*4
Iowa Central 800 22 20 18
Iowa Central pfd.. loo 36 36 35»i
Kansas City So 800 21% 2i>% 20>4
Kans City So pfd. 300 39 38 37 Vi
Louievllle & Nash.. 6,600 107% 105^ 105^
Manhattan L 1.300 131 132ft 1321,
Metropolitan St Ry. 750 117*4 116 115'j
Minneapolis & St L 74
Missouri Pacific ... 17.»5<J a8* t »7 07>,i
Mo, K & T 600 20 19Vi l»Vi
Mo. K & T pfd ... 800 40% SS& 39
National of Mexico. 300 19 in IS
National of M pfd, 37
N Y Central 9.500 119 117 117%
Norfolk & Western. 2.100 63ft 62 «2
Norfolk & W pfd 68
Ontario & Western. 1.300 23 22 H 22 ft
Pennsylvania 60,100 122% 120^ 120^
PlttFburg.CC&St U C8
Reading 43.550 50% 48 48Vi
Reading 1st pfd ... 200 81 81 81
Reading 2d pfd 900 67% 67ft 67
Rock Island Co ... 31,450 28*1 23% 23%
St L A San Fran 58
St L & S F pfd a 75
St L & S F 2d pfd. 1,100 51 4S«i 49ft
St Louis S W 400 14»i 14ft 14ft
St Louis 8 W pfd.. 1,200 32»4 31«4 31 ?g
Et Paul 20.600 142ft 140ft 140
8t Paul pfd 170ft
Southern Pacific .. 15.100 45% 43 42%
Southern Railway.. 3,950 21% 20% 20%
So Railway pfd.... 6<>0 85% M 84ft
Te-xas & Pacific .. 1.800 26»; 26U 20%
Tol. et L A West. 250 20 19ft 19%
ToL St & W pfd.. 1.400 30ft 28 29ft
Union Pacific 19.950 76% 75% 75%
Union Pacific pfd 85
Waba»h 1.500 22ft 20% 20%
Wab*ah. pfd 4,400 38% S6ft 37Vi
Wheel & Lake E 17
Wisconeln Central . 1,200 17% 16ft 15ft
Wisconsin Cen pfd. 100 38ft 38ft 36
Express Companies —
Adamg 221
American ... .... • •••• 176
United States 100
Wells-Fargo •. 185
Miscellaneous —
Amalpam Copper.. 83,0«5 45% 89% 40
Am Car & Found. 620" 34% 23 3.1
Am Car & F pfd.. 2,180 86 K\i 85ft
Am Llnteed Oil 9
Am Lin Oil pfd... 200 30 30 27
Am Locomotive .. 1.800 18% J7 17
Am Locomotive pfd 1.800 85 82 82
Am Smelt A Ret. 3,900 4.1 41% 42
Am Smelt & R pfd 1.6B0 90% SSft 89ft
Am Sugar Ref... 4.340 115ft 113ft 114
Anaconda Mtn Co. 1.170 77 70 69
Brooklyn Rap Trn. 8.C55 .48% 4« 46
Colo Fuel & Iron.. S00 49 43ft 45ft
Columbus & H Coal 100 14% 14% 14%
Consolidated Gas.. 1.000 186 185 1S4
General Electric... ll.eoO 184ft 159 101
Internat Paper ... 200 13 13 12ft
Internat Paper pfd 67
[nternat Pump 40
[nternat Pump pfd 75
National Biscuit... 7(>0 37 "0% 36ft
National Lead 400 13% 15ft 15
North American 80ft
Pacific Mall 830 22 SI 21ft
People's Gas 2.700 91 Mft 04ft
Pressed Steel Car.. 850 47 46 40
Pressed S Car pfd. 100 S3 bS 84
: Pullman Pal Car 201
Republic Steel 800 12% 12% 12ft
Republic Steel pfd. 1,000 C9 07ft «7ft
Rubber Goods 1,000 21 19% 20ft
Rubber Goods pfd 73ft
Tenn Coal &. Iron. 17.500 42% 39% 40ft
U 8 Leather 2,800 7% 7ft 7%
U 8 Leather pfd.. 1,000 .81ft SO 80
U 8 Rubber 200 12% 12 11%
U S Rubber pfd... 300 47% 46ft 45ft
U S Steel 49,275 23% 22% 22%
D S Steel pfd .... 15,750 72 70% 70%
Western Union ... 600 83ft fc2% S3
Total chares. 630.000.
NEW YORK, July 23.— United Railroads of
San Francisco bond transactions : 8000 at
U S ref 2s reg..-10*5% Hock Val 4%s ..104
°o coup 106% L A Nash Unl 4s. PS%
Do 3s re* 107% Mex Cent 4s 73
Do coup 108ft Do 1st Inc.... 18%
Do nsw 4a reg.lH4V« Minn A 8 L 4s. 09ft
Do coup 135ft M K & T 4s 9flft
£k> old 4s reg..lll Do 2ds .77ft
Do eld 4s coup. Ill ' N Y Cent g 3fts. 96
Do 6s reg 101% N J Cent gen5s.I27
Do ccup 103 North Pac 4s 99%
Atch rcn 4s .... 99% Do 3s 71ft
Do adj 87 N A W con 4s.. 98 .
Bait A O 4s ....101 Penna 94%
Do 3fts 82 R 1 1 70ft
Do conv 4i....ioo Rea( j Q^n 4b . W
Cana So 2ds 106 St L A I M c 5s. 110%
C of Georgia 5s.. 103ft St L A B F 4s.. 96ft
Do I*t Inc....'. 70 St L S'west l«t. 91
Cheta &. O 4fts.. 72ft Do 2d« ... 74 .
Chic A Alt 3fts. 74 S A A A P 4s.. 77
C B A Q new 4s 89% South Pac 4s.... 85ft
C M & S t P g4*.108 South Rail 4s.. .112%
C A N W con 7s.l3Hi Tex A Pao 1st .114
C R I A P 4s. ..100 T St L &.W 4s. 71
CCC*SLg4s96 U Pac 4s 99%
Chic Ter 4s 79 U Pac conv 4s... 03%
C F * I ....... 61ft Wabaeh lsts ....114%
Con Tob 4s..;... 67ft d 0 2ds 106ft
Colo A So 4s 87 Do Deb B...V. 6»ft
Den A Rio O 4s. 87ft West Shore 4s... 107
Erie Prior lien 4s 97 W A L E 4s. ... 90
Erie Gea 4s 81ft Wls Cent I*. ...88'
F W *P C Ut.104% ,
•VEW YORK. July 23.— There was a fur
ther decline in the stock market to-day, th«
industrials being the most affected by the
railway lift, including a number of high grade
Issues which suffered In sympathy. A num
ber of causes contributed to to-day's break.
In addition to adverse crop reports and fur
ther wild speculation In cotton a building
trade failure created a leellng of alarm. The
break of 5 1 ' points in Amalgamated Copper
is rather more far reaching than is generally
supposed. Much of the stock was purchased
outright at prices fully fifty points above to
day's quotations, and the shrinkage to-day
was as a last straw to many holders. Large
quantities of copper were . thrown overboard
at practically any price that was offered. Bos
ton, according to all accounts, was forced to
let go at least 20.000 shares and the same
doubtless applies In a lesser degree to numer
ous places. Sales of Amalgamated Copper ag
gregated over 80,000 shares out of a total
business of esn 000 shares. Some new low rec
ords were registered to-day. The list em
braces United Statas Realty. Colorado Fuel,
Tennessee Coal and Rock Island common.
This by no means covers the ground. Net
declines of 2 to 5 points were numerous.
New York Stock Market.
TACOMA. July 23.— Wheat— Unchanged.
Bluestem. 72c; club. 78c.
PORTLAND, July M 23.— Wheat— Walla
Walla. 77#78c; blu*>?tem»SOc; valley. 80c
Northern IV heat Market.
X*.t« zsail (prices from. New York gtv« th*
following cheerful view of tfc« business situa
tion: "Mor» eacourageraent Is found In th«
crop tituatloa at present than elsewhere.
Wh*«,t, corn and cotton have all made great
rcogwgs during th» last two wteks. and th«
chasces arc good for a liberal yield of all three
'of these Important staples. Ther« is nothing
!n the agricultural outlook thus far but what
lc hopeful. Buslsess and Industrial conditions
In the Interior continue satisfactory. A much
xnor* careful spirit is observable than existed
a year ago aiaor.g those who control ar.d tak»
th» Initiative the financial reaction and tha
prevalence ci high prices and diminishing
profits being the cause cf this change of atti
tude. On th* other band the volume of busi
ness shows no Eigns of diminution; traffic
continues upon an increasing scale and there
ax* few signs. If any. of j production having
overtaken consumption. Were It not that
prices* cf manufactured products are usually
on such a high level consumption would prcb
tt'.y be on a larger ec&le, t!.:& being particu
larly true of Iron and text!!* 'products." .
Condition of Trade.
able for beass and be«ts, light crop. Aprloots
Palermo— Early Crawford peaches are ripen.
Section Director. .
SEATTLE. July 23.— Clearings, $583,836;
balances, $151,402.
TACOMA. July 23.— Clearings. $250,590;
balances. S47.47S.
PORTLAND. July 23. — Clearings, $415,015;
balances, $.*iO,7rJ4.
SPOKANE. July 23.— Clearings. $397,619;
balances, $S4,U71.
Northern Business.
BAGS— Grain Bags. 4.75®5c: 8an Quentln.
5.55c: Wool Bags. 32@35c: Fleece Twine. 7%©
tic; Cotton Fruit Bags. 6V4c, 6Hc and" 7Yt.o for
the three grades.
COAL— Wellington, 93v*r ton; New Welling
ton, IS; Seattle. $0 50; Bryant. |8 60; Roalyn.
$7; Coos Bay $3 DO; Greta, $7; Wallsend. $7 30:
Richmond. $7 30; Cumberland. $13 In bulk and
$14 25 In sacks: Welsh Anthracite Egg, $13;
Welsh Lump. $11 00; Cannel. $S 50 p«r ton;
Coke. $11 50013 per ton In .bulk and $13 in
racks: Rocky Mountain descriptions. $3 45 p er
2000 lbs and $8 50 par ton. according to brand.
OIL — Linseed. 48c for boiled and 46c for raw
In barrels; cases. 5c more; Castor Oil. In cases
No 1. 70c; Bakers' AA. $1 1001 12; Lucol. 44<j
for boiled and 42c for raw in barrels; Lard Oil
extra winter strained, barrels. 00c; cases. 85c";
China Nut. 57%®62o per gallon; pure NeaU
foot-ln barrels, 75c; cases. 80c; Spann pure.
70c;' Whale Oil. natural white. 60®55o per gal
lon: Fish Oil. in barrels 45c; cases. 60c; Co
coanut OH. in barrels. CSc for Ceylon and C5o
for Australian.
COAL OIL— Water White Coal Oil In bulk.
14c; Fearl Oil In cases. 20^c; Astral. 20V»c;
Star. 20^c; Extra Star. 24%c; Elaine. 23%c;
Eocene. 23%o: deodorised Stove Gasoline. In
bulk. 17c; In cases. 23'ic; Benzine. In bulk,
13c; in cases, lOVac: So-desree Gasoline. In
bulk, 21c: In cases. 27^c.
TURZ ENTINB — 70c per gallon to case* and
64c In drums and iron barrels.
6Hc per lb: White Lead. 6S6^ic. according to
SUGAR — The Western Sugar Refining Com
pany quotes as follows, per lb In 100-1 b bags:
Cubes. A Crushed and Fine Crushed. 5.75c;
Powdered. 3.60c: Candy Granulated. 6.60c;
Dry Granulated, fine, 5.50c: Dry Granulated,
coarse. 5.50c: Fruit Granulated. 5.60c; Best
Granulated (100-lb bags only). 5.40c: Confec
tioners' A. 6.50c; Magnolia A. 5.10c; Extra C.
6c; Golden C. 4.00c: "D," 4.80c; barrels. 10c
more: half barrels. 20c more; boxes. 50c more;
60-lb bags. 10c more for all kinds. Tablets—
Half-barrels. 6c; boxes, 6.25c per lb. No or
der* taken for less than 73 barrels or its equiv
General Mefchandise.
LONDON, July 23.4-A sale of sheepskins
was held In Mlncln? Lane to-day. The offer r
lnga amounted to 3547 bales. The attendance
was moderate and bidding was fairly active.
Merinos sold at unchanged prices and crosa
breds were unchanged to 5 per cent higher.
Sale of Sheepskins.
MELONS— Cantaloupes from Coichella. $1 23
©1 76 per crate; from Bakcrsfleld, $1 25®1 "5:
irom Winters, $1 75itf"_'; Nutm*K Melons from
the river, $1 0-1 CO per box; Watermelons.
$6S» ( > Ptr humhed.
URAl'KS — Thompson's Seedless from Vaca
vl!le. $1 25 per crate: other varieties. oC37oc
CITItCS FRUITS — Navel Oranges. $1 J^@
2 50 per box; Seedlinss. SH'l Valenclas.
$1 COM; St. -Michaels. $:@J; Mediterranean
Sweets. $1 25® I 50; Lemons. 75c®?l tor stand
ard. $1 25^1 T5 for choice and flQ'l 75 for
fancy; Grape Fruit. *16l -«: Mexican Limes.
$4 5l>©5 5o; Bunanas. $1 W-' 50 psr bunch for
Central American .a n<l 7">c<&$1 50 for Hawaiian;
Pineapples, $1 Wfj'l 50 per dozen.
CURRANTS — SOifeCCc ptr drawer.
APPLES— T5cW*l D*r bos tor choice and
fancy and 4ixgiac for common: Crabappiea. 40$/
00c for Kmall boxes and "iic for large.
PEAKS — liartlett*. 40c&$l per box: to can
nert< 930933 per tun; Deaiboin Seedlings, 35®
SCc per box and 40f(50c per basket.
FIGS — 50<<7ycc i;er drawer; large boxea from
the river, $1 l&ftl OQ. ¦¦-
PLUMS— •- > 5^i^•'^•• »-er box and 40©C0c per
crate: to canners. $1C@2O :er ton.
1'HL'SES- Tragedy, 4i>>]fiOc per crate and
SSeWic per basket.
NECTARINES— C0©S5c per box or crate.
APRICOTS — 5C@75c per box or crate; to can
ners. $20030 l*?r ton.
PEACHES — 5O@05c per box; baskets from the
river. 33®Toc.
Most descriptions of small tree fruits con
tinue to arrive freely, but fin* ripe stock was
still rather scarce and prices of such offerings
were well sustained. There was not much
doing in the shipping line. -but dealers antici
pated a ¦ good demand for shipment on the
Puget Sound and Honolulu steamers. Fancy
Gravenstein Apples and Bartlett Pears moved
off well and the best offerings readily command
ed the maximum quotations. Crab Apples and
small Pears were offering freely and dragged
at easy prices. Plums, Prunes, Peaches and
Apricots in small boxes and crates stood
as previously quoted. Basket Peache*
were in more liberal supply than
previously and prices were shaded. Prices of
Aprlruts in bulk were unchanged, but the can
nrrs uvre backward buyers and offerings had
to be strictly fancy to bring $30 per ton. As
high as $35 was obtained from the regular
trade in a email way. Figs were in limited
supply and steady at a fuxther advance.
Several scattering lots of Cherries were re
ceived and small boxes sold at 85c@$l 25. Some
15-lb boxes came In and brought $2 25 each.
There was but little inquiry for Grapes. Three
crates of Muscat, ths first of the season, came
in from Coachella and scld at $1 50 per crate.
Melons were in fair request and prices stood
about the same. The usual quantity of Berries
came In and trade was fairly active at pre
vious rates. Currants continued firm under
very light receipts.
Slocks of Oranges were light, the market
being well cjeaned up on fancy and choice
under a good demand for shipment on the
Honolulu uteamer. Lemons, Limes and Bananas
were unchanged.
STRAWBERUIES— $5^7 per chest for Long-
Aorths acd $2 50@+ for the larger varieties.
UASPBERKIKS— fJSjT per chest.
LOGANBERRIES— $.$ 50@5 per chest.
BLACKUEHHIEiJ— *'J .Y>@4 per chest.
Deciduous and Citrus Fruits.
All three descriptions under this head con
tinue dull at previous prices. The course of
the Cheese market during the past three or
four days has been a disappointment to those
who recently advanced their prices. The de
mand has fallen off, nnd the shelves arc c-oin
menclng to nil up. The market, however, re
mains unchanged as far as quotations so. Hut
ter Is also quiet, with some houses shading
the quotations to sell. Receipts and stock*
are not large, but the demand is slack. Eggs
are steady, with no tendency either way at
the moment. Receipts are gradually dimin
ishing, as will be teen.
Receipts were 45,700 Iba Butter, 872 cases
Eggs and 34.COO lbs Cheese.
BUTTER— Creamery. dairy, 22^0
24c store Butter. l«@20c; Eastern, nominal. '
CHEESE— New. 12c: Young America. 14^0
15c; Eastern. 14%S15^c; Western. 14S16c
per lb.
EGGS — Ranch, 26ff27c for large white select
ed and 244?25c for good to choice; store. 18@
23c- Eastern. 18@l'lc per dozen.
Butter, Cheese and Eggs.
Hanford Oil 120 «> »» 0O
Home Oil 2 83 • 3 CO
Imperial Ol* •• »»
Independence Oil 1J *»
Junction Oil < _ 21 ....
Kern Oil BOO 5 3O
Lion Oil JO 06
Monte Crlsto Oil W 1 0O
Monarch Oil £ ? 5
Oil City Petroleum 29 32
Peerless Oil "5?
Reed Crude Oil •••• «
San Joaquln Oil 8 75
Sterling Oil SCO ....
Thirty-three Oil » £>
Twenty-eight Oil » 00
Union Oil ,«f JO
United PetroUum 113 OO
West Shore Oil 3 25
Miscellaneous —
Abby Land and Improvement 1 '-•>
Alameda Sugar ....: ..-. *> 00
American Biscuit WOO 100 CO
American District Telegraph
Bay Counties Power .... ....
Cal Central Gaa and Electric
California Cotton Mills S3 CO ....
California Jockey Club 105 0O
California Powder
California Shipping Co 3» oo
Cal Title Insurance and Trust. .130 00) 140 00
Central Bank of Oakland 60 CO ....
Chutes Company 9 00
City and County Eank ....
Cypress Lawn Improvement Co 8 12]% ....
Eastern Dynamite .... ....
Eva Sugar Plantation ....
Equitable (Pool) Gas
Gas Consumers' Association... .... 22 SO
Honolulu Sugar 19 0O
London and S F Bank (Ltd.)
Mercantile Trust -••¦
Northern Cal Power © 73
Nevada National Bank ....
North Shore Railroad 900
Orpheum Company 13 5/>
Pacific States Tel and Tel 122 BO
Paraf fine Paint 3300 ....
Postal Device & Improvement
San Francisco Dry Dock 47 CO ....
Sausalito Land and Ferry 18 00 ....
Sperry Flour Company
Standard Electric IS 00
Truckee Electric 13 23 18 CO
Union Sugar . . . : 22 50 ....
United Ga3 and Electric 34 50 ....
Western Fish Co ....
A conference yesterday between th*
heirs of the estate of the late Major "W.
B. Hooper and the representatives of the
various cartles Interested In the Occi
dental Hotel property resulted In an un
derstanding: regarding the future of the
Mon,tgomery-street hostelry. It waa
agreed that the Occidental Hotel shall be
maintained for a number fcf years practi
cally under the control of. the Hooper
family, although ostensibly Frank I*
Hooper, nephew of the late Major Hooper
and at present steward of the hotel, will
be the lessee and manager. This arrange
ment, it . is said, is satisfactory to the
members of the Hooper family and the
papers necessary to prolong the manage
ment will be signed to-day. It was also
announced that the representatives of
the owners of the property will recon
struct the interior of the hotel In order
to modernize it. Something like fllO.OCO
will be expended In new sanitary arrange
ments, modern bath tubs, a new elevator
and the Introduction of an eleotrlo bell
system and other new appliances now in
use in the more modern hotels.
George Hooper expects to assume the
management of the Occidental on the first
of the new month and will make few
changes In the corps of assistants who
served for many years under his uncle.
The arrangements for the continuance of
the Occidental Hotel were made through
Attorney Gavin McNab. acting for the
Hoopers, and the Donohoe-Kelly bank,
representing the heirs of the Donahue
estate, which owns the major portion of
the property. 3
The old lease of the Occidental Hotel
expired on the first of this month and
since then there has been much specula
tion among local people. Interested In
real estate, as to what disposition would
be made of the valuable property. The
•sickness of Major Hooper prevented hia
securing a. renewal of his lease, as the
bank people declined to act without hia
presence. It was finally decided that the
Hoopers should continue In control of
the hotel until Major Hooper grew better
or died. When he died it was reported
that the owners of the property were a
unit In the determination that the old
building should be torn down and replaced
by a modern office structure. Yesterday,
however, an entirely new plan was
adopted and the Occidental Hotel, one
of the most famous in the United States,
will continue to exist for another ten
years and under the management of a
Another car of Western Hens, making the
fourth for the current" week, was on sale and
moved off slowly at easy prices. Receipts, of
domestic stock were moderate but ample. There
was a steady demand for large young stock.
but second-class offerings, especially of Hens,
were neglected. Game sold oft well at un
changed prices, the supply and demand about
balancing. '
POULTRY — Live Turkeys, nominal: Geese.
per pair. $1 25@1 60; Goslings. /I 25©1 50:
Ducks. " $3@4 per dozen for old and $3 50®
4 60 for youcg; Hens, $4@S; young Roosters,
$6®8; old Roosters, $4@5; Fryers, $3 5004 50;
Broilers. $3@3 50 for large and $2® 1 2 50 for
small ; Pigeons, $1 50 per dozen for old aad
$1 50 for Squabs.
GAME— Rabbits. $1 5031 75 per dozen; Hare.
$1 2501 BO; Wild Doves, 75o per dozen.
Poultry and Game.
Shipment of $290,232 m treasure to Hongkong. \\-
Wall street stocks lower again.
Sterling Exchange tinner and domestic weaker. Silver higher.
Local securities show rather more fluctuation.
Wheat and Barley firm and in fair demand.
Oats and Rye in light offering. Corn still scarce.
Hay, Bran and Middlings firm. ,
Beans and Seeds quiet at previous prices.
Butter, Eggs and Cheese dull and unchanged.
Provisions getting weaker all along the line.
Hogs easy, with slowly increasing receipts.
Prunes slowly hardening, with an increasing demand.
Potatoes in lighter receipt and higher. Onions steady.
Vegetables in liberal supply and weak.
Not much change in Poultry and Game.
Fresh Fruits arriving freely, but selling off well.
Owners of Hotel Decide
to Modernize Inside
of Structure.
HOGS— Live Hogs. 140 to 200 Iba. 6%©6%c;
under 140 lbs, SVjig^c; Sows, 20 per cent of:
Boars. 60 per cent off, and Stagf. 40 per cent
off from abova quotation*.
The following quotations are for good, sound
Livestock, delivered In San Francisco, less 50
per cent shrinkage for Cattle.
CATTLE — Steers, 8@9c; Cows and Helf«rs,
708c; thin Cows. 465e per lb.
CALVES — *£?&4c per lb (gross weight).
SHEEP— Wether*, 4c; Ewes. 3%0>3«ic per lb
(gross weight).
LAMBS — Spring. $2 75<&$3 p«r head.
Wholesale rates from slaughterers to dealers
are as follows :
BEEF — t5@7c for Steers and &©Cc per lb for
VEAL— Large. 7©8c: small. 9®9Hep«r lb.
MUTTON— Wethers. 8®9c; Ewes. 8®8%o per
LAMB— Spring. 10910%c p«r lb.
PORK— Dressed Hogs, 8%©9He pw lb.
Although, as previously mentioned, some
particularly choice, large Hogs are bringing
6%c. the packers say that they will not pay
over 6%e. and that in view of the fact that
receipts have begun to increase and that stock
men In the country are wiring Into this market
for bids the outlook la that price* are apt to
be easy in the course of a week or so. The
whole Hcg market throughout the We«t is
visibly weakening, and this market will be apt
to sympathize with It In due course of time.
Meat Market.
ST. LOUIS. July 23.— Wool, firm : medium
grades, combing and clothing, 17@22c; light,
fine, 16@18c; heavy, fine. 12<3>15c; tub washed,
20020 Vic.
St. Lotiis Wool. Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo., July .23.— CATTLE— Re
ceipts, 1000; active. Natives, $3 85@5 35:
cows and heifers. $1 75@4 75; stockers and
feeders. $2 7604 35. .
HOGS— Receipts, 5400; mostly 6c higher.
Light, |5 25<&« 42&; medium and heavy. $5 30
©5 50.
SHEEP— Receipts, SOOO; active. Top Idaho
wethers, $3 76. . .
CHICAGO, July 23.— CATTLE— Receipts,
9000. including 300 Texans. Active; steady.
Good to prime steers, $5 25@5 60; poor to me
dium, $4 25<g5 25; stockers and feeders, $2 5fV5>
4 40: cows, $1 C0#4 CO; heifers. $2 25@4 85;
canners. $1 60@l 90; bulls. $2 50<g4 40: calves,
$3©5 60: Texas fed steers. $3 60@5; Western,
steers, $4. r
HOGS— Receipts: To-day, 16.000; to-morrow,
15.000; left over, 15,000. Mostly 5c higher.
Mixed and butchers'. $5 45@5 85; good to
choice heavy, $5 70@5 80; rough heavy, $5 300
5 65; light, $5 5005 00; bulk of sales, $5 60®
5 80. ' ¦ ¦»
SHEEP — Receipts. 10.000. Sheep, steady:
lambs, steady to 15c hieher. Good to choice
wethers. $3 7504; fair to choice mixed.' $3®
8 60: Western sheep. $3 25®4 25; native lambs,
$3*25®6 25; Western lambs. $5 40<35 90.
Eastern Livestock Market.
lie; Valley Oregon, fln«, 18®19c: do. medium.
16017c; do. coarse. 13®16c; Lambs". 13c per
HOPS— 17 ©20c to growers and 21Q22c from
dealers to brewers. Crop of 1903. 16%c bid for
the best.
and Egg Plant are " steadily Increasing, and
prices are gradually declining. '
POTATOES— New White, S5c@$l 60 per ctl
In sacks and $1 10@l 75 in boxes; Early Rose,
75c®$l; Garnet Chiles, $l@l 15; old Burbanks
from Oregon. $1 20® 1 50 per ctl.
ONIONS — 55(g-65c per ctl.
VEGETABLES — Green Corn, $101 75 per
sack; crates from- Alameda, $1©2: from
Berkeley, $1 25@1 50; Asparagus, $1@2 25 per
box: Green Peas. 3@4c per lb; String Beans.
l%@3c per lb; Wax, 3@4c; Lima Beans, 6@7e
per lb- Tomatoes, 40@50c for small boxes and
$1©1 50 for large boxes from the river;
Summer Squash. 40@60c per box; Cabbage,
75c@$l per ctl; Carrots. 75c@$l per sack; Cu
cumbers. 40@60c per box; Garlic. 2%@3c per
lb; Dried Peppers, 5c per lb: Green Peppers,
60@85c per box for Chile and $1@1 25 for Bell:
Green Okra, 60@75c per box; Egg Plant, $1®
1 50 Der box.
at an advance of 6@12 points, closed barely
steady, 3@7 points lower on all options ex
cept July, which closed 10 points higher.
HIDES AND SKINS — Culls and brands sell
about -lHc under quotations. Heavy - salted
Steers, lOVSc; medium. 9%c; light. 8%c; Cow
Hides. 8%c for heavy and SWc for light; Stags.
7c; Salted Kip. 9c: Salted Veal, • 10c: Salted
Calf. 10%c: dry Hides. 16%c; dry Kip. 14o;
dry Calf. 19c; Sheepskins, shearlings, 23©:t0c
each: short wool, 40@t*5c each; medium.' 709
00c; long wool, $1@1 SO each; Horse Hides,
salt, $2 75' for large and $2 60 for medium, $2
for small and 50c for Colts; Horse Hides. 'dry.
$1 75 for large and $1 f>0 for medium. $1@1 25
for small and 00c for Colts. Buck skins — Dry
Mexican. 32%c;. dry salted Mexican, 28c; dry
Central American.' 33c. . Goat Skins — Prime An
goras. 75c; large and smooth, 50c; medium, 35o;
small, 20c. - .7 ",
TALLOW— No. 1' rendered. 5@5%o per 1b;
No. 2. 4®4 He;, grease. 2#e3%c-
WOOL. — Fall ! clip— San : Joaquln - Lambs', 90
lie. Quotations for spring clip are as follows:
Humboldt 'and 'Mendocino, 18@20c; Foothill,
defective. ll®13c: Nevada. 12@16c; . San Joa
ouln. defective. Qtfllc per lb; Southern. 9©
Hidcs, § Tallozu, Wool and Hops. N
: Choice new Potatoes | were in demand for
fhlpment north, and as receipts were very llRht
,the market cleaned- up promptly at higher
rates. Strictly , fancy stock wai eagerly sought
after by the local trade, and occasional lots
sold above the quotations. Old Burbanka were
dull and unchanged. Onions were steady un
der a eood demand ; for shipping, and quota
tions had a, narrower range. The first Sweet
Potatoes of the season appeared from Coa
chella Valley. One crate containing- 66 pounds
came in and sold promptly at 8c per pound.
Nearly all descriptions of Vegetables were
in free supply and prices generally had ' a
downward tendency. Receipts of Tomatoes'
were heavy and mostly green, and . prices had
a wider range. Choice Green Corn was steady
at , the maximum quotations, but poor and
wormy stock , .was , abundant and hard to dis
pose of. The market was overloads! with
Cucumbers, Bummer Squash and ' Green ¦' Pep
pers, and - prices < ranged : lower. . Offerings s of
String ' Beans • were ¦ eenerally poor, : and there
was a ¦ sharp - drop in • prices. • Wax and Lima
«"°"q wcr* steady. ' fiaceinta . of Green, Okra,
Potatoes, Onions and Vegetables.

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