Newspaper Page Text
THE SAN JFBAIsCISCO CALL, FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1903. 12 If you want to stagnate, Ilk© the man in the chair With tha coarse clumsy boots and the stray wisps of trair. You can sit down and wait for your patrons to comet But If you're wide awake and want business to hum Put an ad in The Call— then all will be bustle And yourself and your clerks must* dl& in and hustle. Every merchant, w© know, will the statement support That Call ads will bring trade, for 'tis common report. ' - - - H1B ?- I ?y WAy T E _ p r~" it ? A . 1 k 1E — -c 011 ' PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT AGENCT, ?V" 620 SACRAMENTO ST. PHONE MAIN 1191. SPECIALS TO-DAT. BOSS IS HERE TO-DAY. CALL EARLT. BUTCHERS — BUTCHERS. 8 beef butchers $70 fd. 2 sheep butchers ....,-. $60 fd. • South — very /cheap fare. OREGON OREGON. Near Astoria, on Columbia River. VERY CHEAP FARE. «5 laborers ..$31 60 fd. 73 rockmen $59 fd. Al steady Job. Come and see us. OREGON— 10 COAL MINERS. FREE FARE OREGON— 10 COAL MINERS. FREE FARE BUTTE CO BUTTE CO. FEE fl. SHIP TO-NIGHT. 100 teamsters, laborers and rockmen. $2 23 to $2 60 day _ .'.FEE $1. S. P. R. R. Co.'s own work. FREE FARE. 800 section and extra gang men; ship to-day on all trains. FEE $1. WILLITS FREE FARE FEE $1. SPECIALS. Cook, survey outfit, $40 and fd.; waiter, country hotel, $30 fd.: blacksmith, sawmill. $3 day; 8 buckers, $40 fd.; 6 swampers, $40 and found: barber, country hotel; 10 la- borers, near city, board home, $2 day; fruit 'cook and helper, cannery; also a solderer and a leek mender. MISCELLANEOUS. 75 miners, all over State, $75 to $90; 100 carmen, laborers and. muckers, $60 to (75: 100 laborers for three different sawmills, $30 to $70 fd; eaw filer, hammerer. 1 edgerman, boss Lere. Men, we have lots of other Jobs. Come and read our bulletin boards. Get a free list of Jobs at PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT Agency, 620 Sacramento st.. cor Leldesdorff st. TRY our men's shoes, union made, at $1 per pair; foot-form shoes at $2 50, or orthopedic shoes, $3 50; best shoes on earth. 11 Third st.. Examiner building, 5 doors from Market. A STRONG boy wanted. Apply JOHN J. FULTON CO.. 400 Washington st. BARBER wanted. Apply 643 Sixth st. WANTED— Hotel waiter at New Golden Gate Hotel. 164 Fourth st. WANTED— First class barber. 1023 Howard at. BOOTBLACK wanted. 1065 Market st. BOY wanted — 259 Stevenson St., between Third and Fourth. WANTED — A man to take care of two bourses. 119 Tenth st. ERRAND boy. Apply 12G Kearny St.. room 1. BRIGHT boy for Jewelry store. 846 Market st. WANTED — Shipping clerk; state age, salary, references. Box 4913, Call. COOK wanted at Pacific Hebrew Orphan Asy- lum, 600 Devl3adero, cor. Hayes; good wages. WANTED — Locksmith or vise hand. William H. Gutzman. 1706 Dwlght way, Berkeley. BARBERS — 2 chair chop with lease In Mission, living rooms; snap. Deckelman Bros., Ellis st. BARBER* shop, fully furnished, for rent. Corner Ellis and Webster sts. BARBERS — Must be sold to-day et your own price. 2-chalr outfit. 2S0 Minna st. TRY our men's shoes, union made, at $1 pair; foot-form shoes at $2 50; we pay express cr mall charges. 11 Third St., Examiner bldg. PANTS finishers wanted by S. N. WOOD & CO. Apply at 27 Geary st. RELIABLE cash boys. S. N. WOOD & CO.. 740 Market st- : WANTED— For the U. S. Marine Corps, able- bodied, unmarried men, between 21 and 33; good character; must speak, read and writ* English; marines serve at sea on men-of-war In all parts of the world, on land in our Isl- and possessions, and at naval stations tn tha United States. Apply at recruiting office. 40 Ellis st., San Francisco. Cal.; 222^ N. Main ct.. Los Angeles. Cal.. and 401 K st.. Sacra- mento. Cal. THE Golden West Beneficiary Employment As- sociation. 24 Drumm st. — I kitchen man, $3 per week, one day off; 2 stable men, 20 labor- ers, 3 women cooks. S waitresses and cham- bermaids, 2 pantry girls, girls for candy fac- tory. • ¦ WANTED — Laborers, drillers, rockmen and rough carpenters for ditch and flume work. Apply at office. Placerville, Cal., or room 14, 26 Montgomery at.. San Francisco Construc- tion Co. PICK hops In August; enjoyable, healthful and very profitable outing for men, women and children. Call or write to E. CLEMENS HORST CO.. 122 Battery st.. San Francisco. MEN to learn barber trade; only requires two months to complete and secure . positions; catalogue and full particulars mailed free. Moler System Barber College. fi35Clay st WANTED — Laborers and mechanics 'to know that Ed Rolkln. Reno House proprietor, stilt runs Denver House. 217 Third st.; 150 larg* rooms; 25c. per night; $1 CO to $3 per week. WANTED — Men for steamers and sailing ves- sels; all parts of the world. W. B. SWEARS. Pacific Mall Dock; Tel. Bush 436. , EXPERIENCED building ana loan men; new 'territory; salary and commission. Box ISM, Call • office. ¦ V ..'-i WANTED— Boy with horse to carry ' morning ¦ paper; must reside In the Mission. Call, 33S Thirtieth St.. between 6 and 7 p. m. WANTED — A bookbinder for all round work " In forwarding and finishing. Apply SAN- BORN, VAIL & CO. 741 Market st. TRY our men's shoes, union made, at $1 pair; foot-form shoes at $2 50; we pay express or mall charges. 11 Third st.. Examiner bldg. WANTED — Bench hand. Planing mill, corner Melvlaand Addlson sts., Berkeley. WANTED — A good shoemaker on repair work. 2801 Mission st. BOY not over 18 years for beer bottling estab- llshment Call at 1510 Ellis st. WANTED — Boy. to- learn trade and do errands. 13 Trinity et. bet. Kearny and Montgomery. A BOY about 16 for dry goods department. M. FRIEDMAN & CO.. 237 Post st BARBERS.; attention— Shaving parlor for sale; living rooms. Inquire 1541 Geary st BOY In tin shop; learn trade; age 16 years. Ki3 Mission st .WANTED — Men/ to. learn- barber trade; cata- logue. . S.' F." Barber College. -741A Howard. . BAILORS and ordinary seamen for Europe and Australia. HERMAN'S. 26 Steuart st. COO MEN to buy! new and 2d-hand army shoe*. :. 60c up; soling cheap. 023 Howard St.. nr. 5th. PENSION atty. E. A. ' Bull Is, room 40. Phelan bldg.. Past Com. Geo. H. Thomas Post.G.A.R. WINCHESTER Hotel. 44 Third st. near Mar- ket — 700 rooms. 35c night; reading- rooms: ; free 'bus and baggage to and from ferry. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1004 _, . Valencia^ st. . v • ALL sizes men's shoes/ slightly damaged, half : price.. 563 . Mission st., bet.'. 1st : and 2d sts. GET your shoes half soled while waiting; 25c V, to 1 50c. 563 Mission St.. bet. 1st and 2d sU. MEDICAL. •¦ MKS. VU. WYETH. rpeeUSUt for all *"»«* complaints: Instant relief guaranteed: *> years' experience. • -.2* Pest st.. near Jones. MK" DK KOHL, reliable *ptcla»l»t for alt f«- ma"te troubles and lrr«?gularltU»; Instant re- lief guarant-ed. lOCS^ Market St.. opp. 5th. DR. C W O'DQNNELL— All who ars sick or • In trouble consult this specialist on fsmal* complaints; positively corrected: the unfor« tunate helped: the most difficult case* trv^t-' ed: advice free. Office. 1013 Market st. iIR° D ALLEN. Ills Market— Reliable ladles' specialist; a private home before and durla* confinement; brst medical care; low fees. DR and MRS. DAVIESnnd HINDOO HKRUS; original methcrt of treatmtr.t. 112<: Market at. Dr*. Goodwin. 733 Turk. nr. Van Ness — Expert In obstetrics, female conip. : 25 yrs. exper'nee. DR. ROSEN, moved to 2995 Folsom at. cor. 26th: relief $10: ladles' exclusive office. DR. NG TOY KEE. 319 Powell at., opposite Union square: all diseases cured hv herbs. Ml.MXO AND ASSAYING. I HOLD a four months' cptton on valuiole goid mine; I also have parties ia the Kasi ready to purchase. Want a party to Join rme who can furnish expense money to close tha deal: will divide profits. Address box 4011. Call. *aiI3CELLA.\KOL'S — FOR 3 A Hi. BOILERS engines, 2-hand machinery. McIN- TOSH & WOLPMAN. 10&-197 Fremont st. ALL our goods delivered on first payment: you can buy from us diamonds, watches. Jewelry. sealskins, men's tailor-made clothing, trunks. I suit cases, on a very small weekly payment; no interest charged- it wtll pay ycu to ex- amine our rood* and prices; established 1S30. LICHTENSTEIN BROS.. 25 Stockton st. DOES YOUR KOOF LEAK? Repair It with elaterite; In rolls easy to fmy: needs no painting or costing: good ovsr old Iron, tin or shingles: best fcr ne-w roofs. ELATEKITE ROOF1NO CO.. 713 Marteet st. SECOND-HAND machinery, boilers, engines, pumps, water pipe, bought, sold, rested and exchanged Sea Sunday's papers. II.S.WHITB MACHINERY COMPANY. 130-132 Beala st. A— Fine suits, 57 50; dress pants. $2 00. Orig- inal Misfit Clothing Parlors. 233 Kearny St.. near Bush; open to ft p. m. Sunday to npoa. A— $3 30 DERBY and fedora hats, $1 75. Pop- ular Price Hatt»rs, 330 Kearny st., near Pine; open Ml 9 p. m. Sunday to noon. A— BUYS, sells or rents gaar machinery, •«- glnes, boilers water pipe, shafting, pullejt. etc. WHITELAW. 153-253 Spear st. , TWO Irish national flags. <ne bunting. on« silk, at half price If sold right away. Ap- ply 1217 Market st. C. J. 3ARRON. SLOT machines; all varieties. Dewey"s. $50.00. Euraka Novelty Co.. 1508 Seventh. Oakland. MILES of pipe and fittings; all slate*. EU- CENE RILKY & SONS. 1C0 Vall^Jo st. MOVING picture film and u»g sl:d«s. 103 Montgomery «t.; SAFES— New and second-hand. E. D. BECK A CO.. 122 Market st. ____^ ' All bargains: camp stools and .hairs, hammock*. metal beds, mattresaes.J.F.Hotter.712- Mission Edison phonographs, records, supplies, raovtns; picture machines, films. Bacigalupl. 933 Mkt. GASOLINE engines, automobiles and launches. all sizes. J. E. DOAK. 46 Fremont st. SAFES — New and second-hand. THE HER- MANN SAFE CO.. 417-423 Sacramento St. ASK for prices on second-hand typewriters: all makes. ALEXANDER & CO.. M0 Montg*y- MAGIC lanterns, new and 2d-hand T.ortn* pic- tures. BULLARD ft BRECK. 1.11 Ptwt st. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. TILTOX wants good second-hand clothing and] theat^cal goods. 134 9th St.; tel.Jes»t» 2S31. $S0O0 WORTH cast-off clothing wanted: highest price paid. 322 Grant ave.: tel. Red 333X .MONEY TO LOAN. AAA— HERMAN MURPHY, """"""" C01-6C2-CO3 Examiner building. Quick settlements: no disappointment. Have expenses by dealing directly. Estates, second mortgages, undivided Inter- ests, assignments of rents, property in trust, etc.; legacies, life estates and ur.&vld«d in- terests in property purchased. Courteous treatment. Strictly confidential. When You Need Money See HERMAN MURPHY. HIGHLY respectable private place to obtain liberal advances on diamonds. Jewelry, at lowest rates. Baldwin Jewelry Store. 94«J Market at., tel. Main 1644. Branch. 10 Third. MONEY loaned to salaried peopl*. retail mer- chants, teamsters, boarding-houses, without security; easy payments; largest business In 46 principal cities. Tolman, 533 Parrott bldg. A — 1 per cent on furniture or piano:no removal; no commission; no publicity; $23 up: quick, quiet, confidential. 20 Montgomery St.. r. 7. MUNICIPAL LOAN OFFICE. 103 Grant av».. LOANS FROM $1 to $10,000. AT cut rates on real estate, furniturs-or piano; no commission. E. W. LICK. 1003 Mutual Sav. Bk. bid.. 70S Market; phone Main S16. S. F. DISCOUNT AGENCY — Loans to salaried people on their note. The TOUSLEY CO 143 Phelan bldg. MONEY to loan on low Interest; gold, silver. diamond" pearls and precious stones bought at W. J. HESTHAL'S. 10 Sixth St. ONE per cent on furniture; $5 a month loo each $1000; any security. 802 Montgomery, room 19. S% ON furniture & pianos; $15 up; no removal; V. TREMAIN. room 81. 6 Eddy St.. floor 4. ALL loans on diamonds and Jewelry 2 per cent mo. S. F. Collateral Loan Bank. 533 Kearny.. STAR Loan Co. of Wyoming loans money to salaried employes. R. 311. Mutual Sar.Bk.bld. CASH loaned salaried people on not** without lndorser. MORRELL. 609 Examiner bid. MUS^C J Aj ;^j^STJRjniENTS. A NUMBER of good pianos returned from renters will be sold at greatly reduced prices. Among these instruments axa s»varal of th» leading makes. Other bargains: 2 Chlckerlngs $130. $133. $233 1 Klmball. walnut upright, celluloid keys..$«g 2 Emerson $1S3, $215 2 Stelnway .$1S5. $255 4 Heine $235 to $393 12 square* $13 to $17(1 10 organs $10 to $73 Rents $2 up. allowed on purchase: install- ments $4 up; piano-players from $90 up: new Planes from $117 us. HEINE PIANO CO.. 235-237 Geary St.; phone Main 5744. STEINWAY upright, left by prirata party. $163; great bargain. 237 Geary it. A FEW good upright pianos from $70, comprise Ing Vose. Sterling, Jacobson. Scbwechtan. Sherwood. Weser. Marshall A WendsO. Hatnes, Everett and others: easy laymeata. BENJ. CURTAZ & SON. 10-20 O'Farrell st. No branches In San Francisco. THIS week we glvs BIG BARGAINS Instead of big "ads." Our prices are ail right anrt our terms easy. THE ZENO MAUVAI3 MUSIC CO.. 769 Market st. BAND Instruments: F. Besson. Paris, maker. Gus Maiw&ld. Agt. Pac Coast. 278 CFaxrsIl; skillful repairing; 2d-hand Instruments sold. FAMILY sailing for Australia offers at sac- rifice handsome Stelnway upright piano. • Sid Eddy »t. BUY direct from th» factory and save 50 per cent. HORNTJNG. 216 McAllister st. KOHLER Si CHASE. SO O'Farrell St.; largest and eldest piano house. BEST renting piano In city for $3 per month. SCOTT-CURTAZ PIANO CO.. 5C0 Hayra St. BARGAIN: good uprlcht; must b» sold at ence. SCIIMITZ A CO.. 16 McAllister St. bOHMSR. Byron Mauiy planes. CecllUn piano player. BYRON MAUZT. 30S-312 Post at. SUPERIOR vlollnj. ilthers. old and new. it" MXTLLKR. maker, repairer. 2 Lathttm place. OFFICES AND _ STORES TO LBT.~ STORE with largo basement; near Kearny st. See owner. 636 Clay st.. room L pal»»ist:>y. MADAM DEVA8, scientific palmist and astrolo- glst. Office 2« Liebes Bldg.. 100 Post st. $1 palm reading a specialty. PAPERHANGING. ETC. P.OCM3 papered. $3 50 up; tinting, palntinr Hartmarn Paint Co.. 310 3d st.: teL Main 411 PHYSICIANS AND SUIIGEONS. Drrcrcro 7 DONNELLZoffi^r aa4 , rMldenc^ 1021 % Market st.. bet. Sixth and Seventh. REMCVED-OR. AVONO HIM. nerb do«o7I treats all diseases or the human tody; for past four years at lli-117 Mason: now lo- cated at »C7 Geary st.. near Leaven worth, DR. TONG PO CUr. successor to Dr LI Po Tal. herb doctor; cures all diseases of human by use of herbs and teas. 727 Washington st. DR. BALL. lO-tiVl Market st. WONG WOO. the famous herb doctor— All dis- eases cured by Chlnntt^herhn 7M-» O»y rt. tro^ejity~\vant1bd^ "^M^rk^V* 1 "™. 10 .'- n , ot over $1000: north of .Market St.; not too far out- others from $2000 or u* MO3SJ1AN 830 MaSkitV nELP WASTED— MULE— Coti. :,; MURRAY & READY. 634 and C3tf Clay su PHONE MAIN 584S. mONE MAIN CS4S. Leading Employment and Labor Agents. : ¦ ¦ ¦ THIS IS WHAT MADE US FAMOUS. WE KNOW NO DISTINCTION BETWEEN MAN AND MAN. YOU ARE ALL EQUAL. YOU ARE ALL WELCOME. 1902 Wfe Gave" 1903 We'll Give 45,000 Men Work,. 60.000 Men Work. WE SHIP YOU FREE TO ONE, FREE TO-DAY. . FREE TO ALL. Ogden. Utah, . All Parts Nevada. L05 Angeles County. - Santa Barbara, Chatswdrth Park. Hawaiian Island... Santa Susana, Oregon. San Fernando. Washington, Los Angeles Countv Central America. Arizona. Wlillts. Uk.*,h. AND ALL POINTS NORTH, EAST. SOUTH. INCLUDING OGDEN. UTAH. Carpenters and helpers, pile drivers, fence builders/ drillers, single, double and machine men. corner and bench hand*» muckers, chuck tenders, car dumpers, teamstera. la- borers, track men cooks, waiters, engineers, blacksmiths, etc., $5 $4 $3 50 S3. $2 50 and $2 a day. < ' FREE FARE. FREE FARE. FREE FARE. Everybody Talking. Thousands Going. ARE YOU? ARE YOUT * ARE YOU? MURRAY & READY, 634 and 630 Clay st. WHAT IS IT? S. P. R. R. on all their own divisions, free — free fare. 165 laborers, etc., extra section gangs. TO BUTTE. THAT'S ALL. 865 laborers, two four-horss teamsters, $73. 65 ax- men, you'll suit. $75. Lcok! $42 per month, found; far* $2 60. 12 laborers for large mine company; you'll suit; ?42. fd. —GOING — ARE— OREGON— FREE PARE —GOING — YOU— 25 COAL MINERS, $3 to $5 For stables, 12 men. SCO to $75. For farms. 125 men. $30. $35. * 10. f d. For orchards, 250 men, $2«, $30, 'fd. * For dairies, 65 men. $30. $35, $40, found. For chores, 36 men and boys, $30, »25, $20, $15. fd. For hay harvest, 63 men, $1 50, $2, $2 50 flay and found. 56 FRUIT PICKERS, $2« AND FOUND. MINES— LOCATED— GOLD AND SILVER. MINES— EVERYWHERE— COPPER AND COAL. 80 single and double also machine drillers, $75 and ?90. 14 ttmbermen, muckers, $75. $90. 186 laborers, no experience required, $60, $75. TO QUARRIES AND TUNNELS. 185 drillers, hammermen, $75 to $S5. 196 laborers, no experience wanted, $60, $75. LOOK. 89 teamsters, city, $22 week. $2 to $2 50 day. 655 laborers, country, $2; $2 SO day. Coachmen, gardeners, private choremen. Married Help Wanted. 18 men and wives for mines, ranches, dairies, hotels, sawmills, etc., $40, $50, $70. $80 and found. MURRAY & READY. 634-636 Clay st. SPECIAL. Man to take charge of boys" Institution. $30 and found. 16 boys and young men about stores, etc.. $40 and $26 a month. Picture framer; solderer, $2 75 day; budder. . nursery. $40 and found; 9 butchers, slaugh- ter-house men, $30 to $60 and found. LOOK— PRIVATE WORK. 12 laborers, board yourselves, $2 50 day. VIA SANTA FE TO-NIGHT TO ARIZONA. MURRAY & READY. 634-636 Clay st. HOTEL DEPARTMENT.\ETC. 57 cooks, all over California, $90, $80, $75. $60, $50. $40. $35 and found, for hotels, mines, sawmills, camps, ranches, cafes, res- taurants, saloons, harvest outfits, etc. 18 waiters. $35. $40. $30 and found. 36 pot and dish washers, $35. $30. $20 and found. 18 bell and elevator boys, porters, bed- makers, $45 to $15 and found. Crisp maker, $10; porter, city store, $40. Second cook. mine. $40. also waiter, $30 fd. Steward. $50 found; third cook. Eureka. $30. 21 laundrymen. all classes, $18 week up. 6 bakers and helpers $35. $40. $60 and found. 12 boys to learn trades. MURRAY & READY. 634-636 Clay st. MECHANICAL HELP. ' 68 blacksmiths. $3; engineer. $3 day. 0 helpers, $2; 12 bench hands, $3 50. 9 carpenters, $3 to $4; 5 plasterers, $5 50. Carriage makers. $4. 12 coopers, lie barrel. U brick molders. $3 50: Iron workers, country. 155 other mechanics, $3 to $6 day. SPECIAL — 12 two-horse teamsters. For a larg-e lumber comffany. manager here, $C0. MURRAY & READY. 634-636 Clay st. 86 LUMBER TRUSTS AND SYNDICATES. Located «n 4 States Managers Here 2 Territories FREE— FARE— FREE. 005 laborers, no experience, wanted. $33 to $70 and found. 186 experienced mill yard men. $40 tc $150 fd. j 3S3 woodsmen. $40 to $150 and found. Millwrights and stlckermen. Tallymen. Spool tenders. Machinists. Buckers and trackmen. Line pullers. Blacksmiths and woodturners. •»• Barkers and carloadem. Tree fellers. Jackscrewers. Log loaders. . Shingle sawyers. Dolbeer loggers. Carriage setters. Swampers and trimmers. Gang edgermen. Oilers and engineers. Saw fliers. Pondmen, band sawyers. Carriage doggers. Porters, graders and peelers. Chain tenders. Shingle packers, also jointers. Chute builders. $40. $50. $60. $70, $S0. $90. $100 to $J30 month and found. 380 woodchoppers. tlemakers, shingle, pest, picket and box bolt makers, tools and provi- sions found. Big L MURRAY & READY. Trusts. 634 and 636 Clay st. CARPENTERS. 12 carpenters. 50c fare, millionaire doing his own work, very plain work, big Job, $90 and found: boss at our office. . MURRAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay st. ' LOOK ¦ 65 Italians, free fare, new work. 65 Greeks, free fare, new work. 65 Austrlans, free fare, new work. MURRAY & READY 634 and 636 Clay st. SPECIAL ON MIDNIGHT MAIL PHONE TELEGRAPH. Cook, sawmill, south, few men, $40 fd. 2 deck hands, dredgers. Section boss, lumber co.. north, $45 fd. Pruner for ranch, fare $1. WILLITS. URIAH. 15 men. free fare, $67 SO Baker shep, south, $50 fd. 2 muckers, mine, fare $2, $45 fd. 4 gold miners, boss at our office, $82 50 fd. Woodworker, Fresno County, $3 50 da>. Chef cook, mine, $70; vegetable man, mine, $30. BOSS AT OUR OFFICE. Steward, $60; -3 waiters, same hotel. $30 fd. Stableman, country, $47 fd. Cook, camp. $45; waiter, camp. $25; both lumber company. 3 lumber pliers, ¦ $50 f d, exceptional good mill. MURRAY & READY. 634 and 636 Clay st. CHEAPEST and best in America— The Weekly Call. 16 pages, sent to any address tn the United States or Canada one year for $1. HORSES AND WAGONS. ~ ON account of going to build, entire stock of wagons, buggies and harness must be sold at sacrifice. Corner 15th and Valencia sta. TWO truck horses, 3S00; 20 work and driving. 1732 Market st. 10 GOOD horses from the country, for sal* cheap. 327 Sixth st. ' - Al EXPRESS wagon, light campl/.g wagon and gocart for sale chesn. ST? Mi»»lon nt. HOUSES TO LET. A — PRINTED list of houses to let; send for circular. G.H.UMBSEN ft CO.,14Montgomary 4 ROOMS, stable. 4 stalls. Apply 338 Thlr- tieth St.; large barn for 20 tons hay. BEFORE moving get our printed list of houses to let. BALDWIN & HOWELL. 25 Post at. A WEEK'S news for 5 cents^ — The Weekly Call. 16 pages. In wrapper, for mailing. $1 per year. ' HOL'SES TO LET FURNISHED. A WELL furnished house, piano. 10 rooms; very sunny; fine location: 1375 Masonic ave Apply MADISON & BURKE, 30 Montg. st. HOUSES FURNISHED — FOR' SALE. HOUSE. 12 sunny furnished rooms: fliuPplano Included: $450; rent »35. 1533 Buchanan. LOCSSMITH3 AND EXiECTKICIASTS. LOCKSMITH and electrical works; I make and repair anything. .E. J. SCHNETZLER. 118 . McAllister st. LOST AND FOUND. LOST— Along lower Geary and Market sts.. lady's gold watch with short chain; dog's head engraved on back. Finder. will receive reward by returning to cashier Call office or * 757 Fifty-ninth st.. Oakland. LOST— Small purse containing $13 gotd two rings and pin; liberal reward. 904 Lastina. LOST— An Irlah terrier dog; docked tall: short, wiry brown hair: answers to the name of Pat. Return to Calif. Safe Deposit & Trust Co. and receive reward. LOST— School bonds of Laurel district Ala- meda County, for $1600; somewhere between Eausallto and broad-gauge boats: $20 reward for return to J. R. CRAIG. Haywarda. GOLD rimmed eyeglasses and chain: Turk. ! Market ' or Powell sts. ; reward. 206 Turk st. 1 ¦ i IT will pay to "Remember" that the California Watch Case Co.. 220 Sutter st. needs old Cold end silver to make new watch caaes. HELP WASTED- fEM ALE— Con. 1 GIRLS FOR FACTORY WORK; GOOD WAGES; PAID WHILE LBARNINO; STEADY EMPLOYMENT: APPLY AT ONCE. AMES & HARRIS, 100 SACRAMENTO ST. AT OUR NEW FACTORY. 1873 MISSION ST.. NEAR FIFTEENTH. SEWINO MACHINE OPERATORS ON OVERALLS WANTED INEXPERIENCED PAID SALARY WHILE LEARNING :OPKRATOKS AND RI\ KTEhS ALSO WANTED ATLOUR MAIN FACTOR*. 32 H FREMONT BT?> LEVI STRAUSS & CO. APPLY TO MR. DAVIS. GIRLS, stay away from the bag factories; strike on hand. Burlap and Cotton Bag Workers' Union No. 10648. GIRLS to learn millinery now for fall «eason: trade taught from start to finish In one month for $5; positions guaranteed at $10 week upi Eve. School only. 143 Stockton tt.. rm. 13. WANTED — Experienced millinery saleswoman to accept a position out of the i-ity; state age, experience and salary expected. Address box 4604. Call. WANTED— Experienced cloak and suit sales- woman to go to a city not far. from Fan Francisco; state age, experience an J_ salary expected. Address box 4009. Call. PICK hops In August; enjoyable, healthful and very profitable outing for men. women and children. Call or write E. CLEMENS HORST CO.. 122 Battery st.. San Francisco. WOMEN to »ew on buttons at LEVI STRAUS3 & CO.'S shirt factory. 36% Fremont St.; take elevator. See MR. HINDSHAW. REFINED woman, who has had some experl- once among the sick, for buslntss position. Box 4219, Call. ¦ ¦ WANTED — Experienced millinery saleswo- man; state age, experience and salary ex- pected. Address box 4910. Call. SCANDINAVIAN or German middle aged wo- man ,for family of two; If wanted, sleep at home. ASMUSSEN. 016 Capp st. OPERATORS ON SHIRTS AND OVERALLS. STANDARD FACTORY. CORNER GOUGH AND GROVE STS. WANTED — Experienced feeder on ruling ma- chine. Apply SANBORN. VAIL 4 CO.. 741 Market st. 7 ¦ ¦ - - ITALIAN lady who can speak English wanted to travel. Apply Girls' Directory. Central ave. and Waller rt. YOUNG German or Swedish fclrl; 3 In family. C54 Waller st. ' . GIRL for housework; references; $20 per month. U29 Hayes. YOUNG apprentice wanted; paid while learn- lng. 1320 Larkln st. GERMAN girl for general housework; $25 per month. 2314 California st. WOMAN wanted to cut ladles' waists. Apply, between 10 and 11. 43 Ellis st. i__ CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions received at Call branch office. 2200 Flllmora. A BRANCH officr for Call advertisement! and subscriptions has been established at 10»e. Valencia st. HELP WANTED — BIALE. A^~THE*'cALr^:MPLOYMENT AGENCY, 59 Third st., nr Call bldg.: phone Bush 405. FREE FARE. NEVADA AND UTAH. S. P. Co.'S OWN WORK. 500 laborers, $1 75 to $2 25 a day. 100 section men In all parts of California. WE SHIP DAILY. CHATSWORTH PARK TUNNEL FREE FARE. FREE FARE. 10 tunnelmen. $3 a day. 2 swampers for lumber woods, $45 and board. CHICO. BUTTE COUNTY. CHEAP FARE. 50 teamsters and rockmen $2 BO a. day 50 laborers and axmen $2 25 a day COAL MINERS. FREE FARE OREGON. .25 coal miners $1 a ton. Camp waiter $25 a month Cook, near city, 2 In family $30 3 hydraulic miners $3 a day 1 handy man with tools, flume .work $3 s. day and board. Man and wife, man to mine, wife to cook for 6 men $0O a month CAL. EMP. AGENCY. 59 Third st. RESTAURANT .cooks, $70 month and $12 week; broiler,. $76; Inside servant, private family, $35 and found; colored porter, $25 and found; porter for springs. $20 and found: 2 country hotel waiters, $30 and found; bell and elevator boy, $15 and found: and others. J. F. CROSETT & CO., 628 Sacramento st. FARMER and wife, $50; Iron mold^r, country. $3 a day; Ironer and polisher, country, $45 and found; 2 plain carpenters, country. $3 day; 10 woodchoppers for mining company. $150 cord; fmlt peddler, $20 and found;, butter maker, $40 and found: milkers, $30 and $35 and found; farmers. $26 and $30 and found; old man to care for place, $5 and found; stable and choreman, private family, $25 and found; 4 teamsters for lumber com- pany, $00; miners, laborers, quarrymen, chore boy, $15 to $20 and found: and others. J. F. CROSETT & CO., 628 Sacramento St. ANDRE'S office. 317 Stockton st.— Meat cook. $55; helper. $35, for college, country: dishwasher, family hotel, $25; waiter, $10 50 a week; French or Swiss confectioner. '- $50: man to tend to lunch counter, $30 and board; butler. $40; shoemaker. $12 a week; man for poultry ranch. $30; carpenters for Institution, must run gas engine, - $40 and found; man and wife for vineyard, $40; 2 porters, country hotels. A MAN and wife to take charge of a small country hotel laundry: see .partv herb this morning. MISS PLUNKETT. 425 Sutter st., near Powell. - .; ¦ . ' ' • A IAUNDRYMAN to take . charge of tmall country laundry; best ' of wag>!s; see pro- prietor here this morning. MISS i'LUNK- ETT, 425 Sutter St.. near Powetl. ; A— HOTEL GAZETTE, 2<1 Montgomery, r. 12. Cook, $70 and fare; waiter, helps' hall, $25; bell boys. $15. ¦' - •--:--" i^ OPERATORS ON CASSIMERB PANTS; STOCK WORK. STANDARD FACTORY. COR. GOUGH AND GROVE STS. WANTED — Dentist, licensed; good extractor, good . raDld - crown ' and bridge < worker, good address and habits; Dermanent; • $30 to $40 week. ; according to ability and application. Schlff man Dental Company, Los Angeles. - : WANTED— Young man who Is an experienced drapery salesman. Apply between 9 and 11 a. m. at HALE BROS.' • ¦' .TRY our men's shoes/at $1 pair; foot-form • shoes at $2 50 ; we pay express charges. : 11 Third St.. Examiner big.; catalogue tent free. BOY wanted to assist on cakes In bakery. 1704 Halcht st. ' : ,' : -^ EXPERIENCED prlmper salesman ' wanted. MYSELL-ROLLINS CO.. 22 Clay st. ' TRY- our men's shoes, union made, at ' $1 pair; foot-form shoes at $2 50;. we pay express or man , chantes. a Third wU Examiner bid*. j EMPLOYMENT WASTED-— MALE. I A POSITION kb cashier or assistant .treasurer In first-class hotel, or wholesale or large retail dry-goods company, or large lumber cempany. Box 4222, Call Office. I LILIPUTIAN TWINS (man- and woman). 44 Inches high, refined and respectable, who ccn speak several languages, seek position as I attraction or advertising purposes. Address I "Cute Midgets," box 4214, Call ofnee^ WANTED — Position In or near San Francisco by linotype operator-machinist; 8 years' ex- perience; day work preferred. Address box 43. Petalumq. Cal. ¦ ' ¦ A GOOD head gardener, well -recommended, marrlfd, wishes situation. Address F. S.. 516 Twentieth St., Oakland. Phone Black _5330. RELIABLE young man wishes position; ha_ had some experience as salesman and ship- ping clerk. Box 4208. Call office. - RELIABLE, honest young man. German, steady, sober, wishes situation as bartender; clt" references. Box 4200. Call office. YOUNG man would like work as carpenter In city; 0 years' experience. Box 4207. Call. YOUNG man wants position as nuree or valet; j city references. S5D Grove at. . I JAPANESE wants a position to work couple I hours: phone Green 250. B. Y..315A Mason. ' CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions i received at Call branch office. 2200 Flllmor*. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1008 Valencia St. - ¦• " ¦ ¦ • ' FINANCIAL. COMPANIES incorporated and flnanoed; stock and bond Issues guaranteed, underwritten and rold; stock accepted for services. Send for Pacific States Investor. PACIFIC STATES MINING AND INVESTMENT CO.. 326 Poet. './'FLATS TO LET. . HOUSES and flats to let; an Immense list; ser- vice absolutely free; take advantage of this department; it will save you time and trouble. Cordes Furniture Co., 245-259 Geary *t., on the square. PARK flats; new; elegantly finished; on Sec- ond ave. and C St., one block to McAllister cars; 5 rooms, 6 rooms, 7 rooms, 10 rooms; $25 to $45; sunlight all around; open. ELEGANT new flat 5 rooms, all modern Im- provements; low rent. 1050 Noe st.:' Mission and Twenty-fourth-st. cars pass. . NICE 7-rcom flat; new, tinted, sunny; reason- able. 447 Broderlck st., bet. Hayts and Fell. TWO new modern upper flats. 6 rooms each; sun all day. Cor. Twenty-sixth and Florida. VAN NESS and Union — 7 and 8 rooms: sunny, modern and up to date; marine view. $13 — UPPER Cat 4 sunny rooms. 27C Pearl et.. off Market, bet. Valencia and Guerrero. TO let— Flat of 4 rooms; 1837 O'Farrell. HOOKER & LENT. 14 Post at. $11— COTTAGE of 4 sunny rooms, yard. 132 Rose ave., bet. Gough and Octavla sts. GREENWICH. 2727— Upper; sunny; 6 rooms; new; marine view; $25; open. * FLATS TO LET— FCUNISIIED. A FLAT to rent and new furniture for tale; bargain. 1553 Post St.; Inquire forenoon. FL'HNITLItE FOR SALE. EIGHT-room house newly furnished cheap; go- ; Ing away. 1435 Mission st. FURNITURE WANTED. A. WOLLPERT. 773 Mission, phone Red 44C2. buys, rents, repairs, packs furniture, carpet* A BOOKKEEPER and stenographer for res- - taurant (middle-aged woman only need ap- ply). $25 and board: a cashier and assistant bookkeeper, hotel, country, must have hotel experience, good wages. C. R. IIANSEN & CO 4-9 Buah-st. Al WAITRESS. Pacific Grove, free fare— $25 Waitresses, springs, resorts, city, country hotels $25 Chambermaids, city, country resort hotels. * $20-$25 Chambermaid to wash glasses, country hotel $25 Fancy lroner. Lake ,Tahoe, free fare both ways $35 and found Starch lroner, resort $35 found. Ccok, Institution, city, no bread baking, $35-$40 Cooks, country hotels ?35-$10 FAMILY DEPARTMENT. Nursegirl, care of children In hotel, $12; housegirl on a ranch, no objection to a child. $25, party here; cooks, houseglrls, second Klrls. nursegirls, $15-$30. C. R. HAN BEN & CO 429 Bush St. WANTED— 3 second girls. $25 and $30; Ger- man nurse, $30; cook for Institution. $40; cook, country, no washing," $35; 4 German cooks, $U5. $30; ironer for laundry, $40; laun- dress, private family, $30; hotel laun- dress, country. J25; cook, $10; men, hotel, $40; 5 nursegirls, $20, $25; 4 waitresses for commercial hotels, country, $20, $25; housework. Belvedere, $30; Ross Valley, $30: infant's nuree, *25; chambermaid and assist, waiting, city. $20: kitchen helper, $6 week; cook, small boarding-house, $25; 40 house- fcirle, city and country. Apply to J. F. CRCSETT & CO., 334 Sutter st. WANTED— First-class cook, $35, also second girl, same house, $30, for country, for Aug. 1; also cook for Institution, $50; nurse and steamstreES, $25; waitress for resort. $25; and a lot of girls fcr housework In city at $25 and $30. Apply to-day to J. F. CROSETT & CO.. 334 Sutter nt. A PARLOR maid and waitress. $30; a Ger- man nursegirl. $-'J0; a chambermaid and b<-amstres8 for a very Sight plaie In city, wages $2T<; a nursery maid for 2 grown children, $25; a chambermaid and laundress, $30; a nurse for 2 children, $20; 2 waitresses for .same hotel In country, wages $25, see party here. MISS PLUNKETT, 425 Sutter St.. near Powell. HAIRDRKSS1NU, manicuring, massage, hair work; remc-val of superfluous taught frsm A to Z in 2 weeks for $4 CO: positions guaranteed; $10 to $20 per week; school day and eve.. 233 Geary, r. 13: maids prepared. A — Ladles, learn all branches Jiairdresslng trale; manicuring, massage, etc., 1236 Mar- ket si., cor. Jones, room 94; positions se- cured at highest wages; day & eve. class ;call A — OPERATORS on ladies' underwear; good wages; steady position. I.. MAGNIN & CO.. C56- Mission st. » M A— OPERATORS wanted en ladles' Vralsts; good' wages: steady employment. 636 Mis- ¦Ion St.. I. MAGNIN & CO. A — OPERATORS wanted on children's and In- fants' wear: steady position; good wages. I. MAGNIN Sc CO.. WG Mission at. OPERATORS ON CASSIMERE PANTS. STOCK WORK! STANDARD FACTORY, COR. GOUGH AND GROVE STS. WOMEN and girls wanted to work on fruit and canning; steady work; highest wages. Apply California Canneries Co.. Brannan et., between Third and Fourth. WOMEN and girls to work on fruit; steady employment highest wages. CODE-PORT- WOOD CANNING CO.. Bryant and Tenth. A WOMAN to cook for 2 men. $15; lady's maid, $25; seamstress, $25; laundress, $30; cook, $35; 6 housegirls. $30 and $35; house- keeper $15; woman with a child, $15. MRS. NORTON, 313 Sutter st. WANTED — Experienced sick nurse; one who can ftttend to small house; two In family; (rive references and wage per week. Box 4224. Call. . WANTED— Young lady of 16 to 18 years for ofllce work. Apply to S. N. WOOD & CO., 740 Market st. WANTED — Girl for general housework; large wash given out; wages $25. Mrs. H.'. Ross Station. WANTED — Girls to learn book-folding; also experienced book-folders and sewers, at Me* INTYRE'S Bindery. 424 Sansome St. WANTED — Girl to do . housewprk : and plain cooking; small family; references; wages $20. 1871 Page St.. nr. Park; call -before noon. A — Practical Millinery School, estab. 14 years; terms easy. 816 O'Farrell, for. 1000 Van Ness. WANTED — A flrst-cUss candy packer for re- tall trade. W. 3. TOWNSEND. 715 Market. FIRST class'sklrt hand wanted. GOLDMAN, ladles' tailor, 14C2 Market gt. 5 YOUNG ladles ; to train for nurses. Box 4225. Call. . GIRL wanted for general housework and assist in bakery. 1794 Halght st. WANTED — Nureeglrl of experience; ref. re- quired; wages $20. 2607 Flllmore st. WANTED — Experienced demonstrator; give particulars and salary. Box 4226 Call office. FIRST-CLASS trimmers and makers; steady positions: good salary. Apply HOLM & NATHAN. ¦...-. OSTRICH feather curlers and fancy feather makers. Apply HOLM & NATHAN. GENERAL assistant In; foto; studio; '• experi- enced. ".--JOHNSON, IO14 Sixth st. GIRLS for factory work; good wages; ; no ex- perience m-cessary ; . steady employment. Clllf Ha* On.. -fiO-711 Vrnnt ct. SPIjMTUAMSM. !• RHEUMATISM, kidney and bladder troubles cured by Hlstlonlc suggestion; diagnosis free. Inetltute of Science. 1C5 Ellis tt. .' JOHN SLATER circle to-night et 8:15 sharp; readings 10 to 4. 330 O'Farrcll ft. ETHEL CRINDLE. materialising soance Fri- day eve., Z*)e. 1115 Pest St.; 8 o'clock. > KATIE HEUSSMAN, circle Friday evening. 25o; sittings. 1000 Harrison st.. cor. Sixth. CLAIRVOYANTS. A^ CALL~AT ONCE AND SAVE $2. 'My Regular $3 Reading This Week for |1. «1. • 51. $1. $1. $1. $1. . PROFESSOR PAUL DESTINE, The First Registered Trance Clairvoyant and Palmist Ever In San Francisco. I do hereby solemnly agree and guarantee to make you no cherge if 1 fall to tell your name, occupation and what you called for; I premise to tell you whether husband, wife or sweet- heart is true or false; to tell whom and when you will marry; In fact. I will tell you every h©i>e, fear or ambition better than you can tell yourself. He restores j lost affections, reunites the eepar&ted, causes speedy and happy mar- riages, makes you successful and prosperous, cures disease and lost vitality without medi- cine, locates hidden treasures; hours 10 a. m. to 6 p. m.; Sundays 2 to 8. 326 O'Farrell St., 320. MME. M. BERNARD, THE FAMOUS Clairvoyant and business medium, perma- nently located at 17 Third St.. next Exam- iner bldg.; shs reads your life correctly, I fives an accurate description of the past, re- veals the pr??ent happenings »nd portrays ' events to occur In the future; if you are in trouble discontented or not satisfied in life, , cr have domestic, love or business troubles, consult this Krcat medium and you will be tcld how to overcome them; valuable advice In all affairs of Htf; 25c up; satisfaction guaranteed; readings by mall. Tel Black 4a63. A— CASnMIRE. the eminent trance clairvoyant adept can be consulted regarding all matters of business love, marriage, divorce, property, speculation changes, law. reuniting separated, etc.; everything revealed; secret power to change. Influence or control any one or anything as you wleh in 3 to 21 days; reduced fees for this wwk. 1007% Market et.. bet. 6th and »th. IEMAR. the Egyptian gyp*y. clairvoyant and palmist, pcrmaner.tly located at 1104 Market tt cor. Turk; private readings dally. 10 a. m.'to 5 p. ra.: readings by mall as satisfac- tory «s In person; 3 questions answered. 51: full life, $5; uend lock of hair, date and year cf birth: don't send currency. Send postofflce. Well«-Fariro mone;- order or registered letter. A— MME. PORTER, scientific clairvoyant and card reader born with a double veil and sec- end eight: tells the past, present and future; Ie<31*». 60c; cents. $1; by card*, palmistry sr.d clairvoyant sitting. ?1 CO. 126 Turk st. Mrs. A. II. Krcnenberg. palmist, clairvoyant, card reader, will give a good reading. 10c, for a chort time only; when others fail try me to convince yourself. 4C2 Franklin, near Grove. ilADAM CAROL. Just arrived, will tell your past. pre5er.t and future life. 901 Buchanan et.. corner Fulton; no Flgn. * A— Mme. Ravenna reads life, business advice: * names given: 25c up. 5 4th St.. near Market. MISS GINSBERG, greatest clairvoyant; ladies, 25c; gents, 5Oc. 33 6th St.. rm. 9. 1st floor. OLDEST lady palmist and card reader in city. 26H Kearny. room 20; ladles 25c. gents 50c. MRS. SHAFER. clairvoyant card reader; sit- tings dtlly^USTiJesfies^bet^Cthandeth. CARPET-nK ATIXC AXD CLEAKlXa AIR. compressed, dry. Ice cCIC. is now univer- sally used In eanitarily cleaning carpets, on floor, without removal or injury: prices mod- erate. Apply S. F. COMPRESSED AIR CLEANING CO.. Call big.: phone Main 53.»7. WHEN you become disgusted with your work send for SPAULDING'S Pioneer Carpet-beat- ing Works. .'£5-357 Tehama st. ; tel. South 40. CALIFORNIA Carpet-beating Co.. J. McQueen, proprietor. 329 Guerrero st.. tel. Mission 4t>. TRY HOl'KE BROS.; excellent carpet-beating; mattresses made over. 1432 Howard :South 216 ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co.. 402 Sutter St.; tel. Main 304. GEO. WALCOM & CO.. Props. RUDOLPH & CO.. carpa-beatlng works: prlcej reasonable. 1703 Harrison st.: tel. Mission 26.1 CONKLIN'S Fuper*.r Carpet-beating Works. 333 Gclden Gate ave.: telephone East 12a DENTISTS. Dr7~LUDLUM HILL, 1443 Eleventh No charge fcr extracting when plates are made; old plates mafe over like new; teeth from $3 per set; extracting. 60s; gas given. REMOVAL. DR. C. W. RICHARDS, dentist, has re- moved from 47 Pest et. to Mutual Bank bldg.. room 614. corner Geary and Kearny sta. A NEW plate — The Whalebone — cannot break; warranted 20. vre.: crown. $3 50; fillings. 30c; plates. $5: fulf set: all work painless and war- rcnted. Chicago Dental Parlors, 24 Sixth st. FARIS Dental Parlors, 235 Kearny. cor. Bu«h— Set teeth. $1 50 up; crowns.$2 up; fUUngs.25a. GOLD fillings 75c. silver 35c. crowns $2; no pain; open Sunday. Dr-O-B.Hewltt.204 Sutt?r. 10 PER CENT off this month: estimates free. New Tork Dentists. OCD Mission Ft., cor, flth. BESS BOOM WAXTTED. DESK room wanted in or vicinity of Claus Epreckels building, by a Japanese gentleman; references exchanged; detail answer request- ed. Box 4213. Call office. DRESSMAKERS Jfc SEAMSTRESSES. McDOWELL Dressmaking and Millinery School — Any pattern cut to measure. 1019 Market. ACCORDION, sunburst & knife plaiting. Stew- art's button A- buttonhole factory. 110 Taylor. DYECTG AWD CEEAJHTO. SEA breezes sweeten all garments, blankets, lace curtains, etc. done by the Presidio Heights Dye Works. 3016 Sacramento; phon* for wago-. "Tent 453. H. H1CKMAN. pres. EDUCATIONAL. A^CALDWELL College of Oratory, Acting, Opera and Authorship; largest In the West: 14 teachers; positions guaranteed; fall term Sept. 7; day & evening class; beautiful "new catalogue free. 12*J5 Market., cor. Ninth. HEALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 24 Post. S. F. — Bookkeeping, shorthand, touch typing, languages, telegraphy, English branches; day and night .sesglon3; illuv catalogue free. GALLAGHER-MARSH BUSINESS COLLEGE, conducted by experts; best combined short- hand nnd commercial course to be had; in- dorsed by official cdurt reporters. 1382 Mkt. AYRES. the leading business college. 723 Mar- ket st'. ; special summer course In all depart- ments; handsome catalogue free: life scholar- ship. $50: day and evening sessions. HEALD'S School of Mines & E!ectric!ty.24 Fost St.. S. F. ; a practical school of engineering; comp'.ete' equipment./ Special catalogue free. ¦ THE Berlitz School of Languages has removed to 10D0 Van Ness ave. ; rates reduced during eummer. Send for catalogue. ENGINEERING — Civil., elec, mln., mech..sur- vey assay, cyanide; day. eve.; est. 1864. Van der Na!ll«n School, 113 Fulton, nr. City Hall. A SUMMER school of shorthand and bookkeep- ing; enroll now and be ready for position In fall. S. F Business College. 1230 Market st. SYSTEM, discipline and results; the Golden Gate Commercial College, Van Ness and Golden Gate aves.,S.F. ;fllls every requirement DANCING Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday and Sunday evenings at Teutonla Hall. Howard et.. near Ninth; management Prof. Foster. • KENT Law School; day and night; insures admission to bar; 6 Eddy St., cor. Powell. SPANISH Academy — Professor Arribos; classes day and evening; private lessons. 834 Sutter. LESSONS given In Water Color or Oil Paint- ing from Nature. CURRIER. 372 Sutter st. ARITHMETIC, bookkeeping, grammar, writing, etc., day or eve.; $5 mo. 1021 Mission, nr.Cth. Chicago Business College. 1435 Market, nr. 10th. Pittman shorthand, typing, bookkpfr. $8 mo. E3IPLOY3IEVT OFFICES. GEORGE AOKI. 421 Post rt?T7eT~15ush~135^ Japanese-Chinese employment -office; fur- nishes best help; contracts for farm help. etc. A — ORPHEUM Employment Office— Japanese, Chinese help. 426 Powtll. Tel. Main 5752. A — GRAND Japanese-Chinese Emp Office, 415 Stockton; tel. Grant \<&; expert, reliable help. RELIABLE Japanese-Chinese Employment Of- fice; f-.U kinds help. 315 Stockton; Main 51S3. CHINESE and Japanese help; eetab. 20 years. Tel. Main 1997. BRADLEY & CO.. 640 Clay. EMPLOYMENT WA-vTEP — FEMALE. WANTED by mlddle-ogcd woman, situation as cook; small boarding-house or ranch cook; no general housework; city or country. Ad- drees box 4221. Call. MIDDLE-AGED woman wishes light work In small family. 2 Hampton court, rear C68 Harrison St.. near Third. A RESPECTABLE Swedish woman wishes work by the day washing or cleaning. Ad- dress C. S.. 127 Second st. YOUNG woman wants 'work by the day wash- Ing Ironing or housecleanlng. Box 4216, Call. POSITION as nurse cy a refined colored wo- man for a child or with family going East. Address J. E.. 1000 Clay; phone Grace 1044. WANT ads aud ' rubscrlpt'ons taken for The Call at Eaton's R"»». C32 MaAIllater at. ¦AS FRAiCCISCO CALL. BUSINESS OFFICE of The Ban Francisco Call, corner Market and Third streets; cpen until 12 o'clock every night In the year. BRANCH OFFICES— S27 Montgomery street corner Clay; open until 0:S0 p. m. 300 Bayes street; open until 0:30 p. m. CS3 McAllister street; open until 9:30 p. m. €15 Lerk'.n street; cpen until 9:S0 p. m. 1941 Mission ctreet: open until 10 p. m. 2261 Market street, corner Sixteenth; open until S r>. m. 106 Eleventh etreet: cpen until 8 p. m. ' JC36 Valencia etreet; open until 9 p. m. Northwest comer of Twenty-second and Ken- tucky streets; open until 9 p. m. 2200 Flllmcre etreet : open until 9 p. ra. M E ETI \ G NOTICES. CALIFORNIA Commander?- No. 1. K. T.— Regular ar-sembly THIS EVEN- K3T ING ftt 7:30 o'clock. Order of the By! Temple. All fratera courteously In- vited. THOS H. BROWNE, Commander. T. L. HENPERSON. Kecordfr. _^ PACIFIC Lodge No. 136, F. and A. M-, g Mesocle Teran!?. r*?*ts THIS (F1U- VW DAY) EVENING. 7 :30 o'clock. Sec- /V\ ond Decree. - GEOKGE PENLINQTON. Secretary. FAN FRANCISCO L-jdge No. 3, .^CSj^. I O. O, F..— Installation of of- -^ge^SSfe I fleers THi.< .FRIDAY* EVE-^S35*3{3y ! NING, July 24. _ ¦ .' -fcKIO J. L. HILLERICH, N. G. J. W. E. ALLEN. R. S. APOLLO Lodge No. 123. I. O. O. fc F. — First UeO Degree THIS ->j2>e3Uggfg (FRIDAY) NIGHT. 8 o 1 clock sharp. Memor'.&I Hall. Visitors '•JEVW^' cordially invited. R. B. DOWNIE. N. G. W. F. NORCROSS. Recording. Secretary. BAN FRANCISCO Tent No. jdf&T&bi 18. K. O. T. M.— Review A*G-^-i?i\ THIS (FRIDAY) EVEN- DST^Vsiffl ING. at 8 o'clock. Pioneer C?J»I Hall. 24 Fourth st. XtSS {r&J&S D. B RICHARDS. vX*^«K/by Record Keeper. Nt^jjygjy THE funeral detail of the aT-pjy v Riggers' and Stevedores' \^v L'mon A^^f.^:ati.-n. begin- :?>??Sf*py»ygfc) nmg with the name of AL- " ¦'"fr^^nJ?" 1 ' KXANDER RYDER and ending with WAL- TER SHEELE. will assemble at tbeir hall. . <:C3 Front St.. SATLRDAY. July 25. at 1 P. xn.. rhs.n>. to attend the funeral of our late brother. CHARLES YOUNG. By order of THOS. F. BRYANT. President. HENRY JEND. Recording Secretary. THE Bo*rd of Medical Examiners of the State of California v.-jll bold a regular meeting in the examination chambers. Civil Service Cofcimlesion. City Hall, San Francisco, Cal., on TUESDAY. Aucust 4. 1&03. at 10 a. m. GEO. G. GERE. M. P., Secretary. ANNUAL MEETING — The regular annual meeting of tie stockholder* of the SprecK- ele Sugar Company will be held at the office cf the company. 327 Market st.. Han Fran- d«co. en MONDAY the 27th iay of July. 1803. at the hour cf 11 a. m.. for the pur- poce o' electing a board of directors to serve for the ensuing year and for the transaction cf rucli ether business as msy ccme before the meeting. The transfer bocks will c!o*e ca Friday, July 24. 1&C3, at 3 p m. W. H. H ANN AM. Secretary. ANNUAL MEETING— The regular annual meeting cf the stockholders of the Monterey County Water Company will be held at the office cf the cempany. 527 Market St.. San Franciecc. en MONDAY, the 27th day of July. 1903. at the hour of 11:30 a. m.. for the purpose of electing a board of directors to serve for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may ccme before the meeting. The transfer books will close on Friday. July 24 1903, at 3 p. tn. W. H. HANNAM. Secretary. ANNUAL Meeting — The Rtsdon Iron and Lo- comotive Work* — Thv annual meeting of the stockholders of the RlFdcn Iron end Loco- moti-flfe Works, tor The election of trustees for th«- ensuing year and the transaction of tuch other business as may be brought be- fore the meeting, will beTield at the office of the eo*Bpaay. No. 2»S Steuart street San Francltco. on MONDAY, the 3d day of Au- gKSt, 1903. ct 11 o'clock a. ra. AUGI'STI-'g TAYLOR. SecreUry. CHEAPEfT best in America— The Weekly Call. 10 paees. eent to acy address In the United Ftates or Canada one year for $1. ACCXTS WANTED. THE only authorized life of Pope Leo XIII. Written with the. encouragement, approbation • r.d blessing cf his Holiness by Bernard O'Reilly. D. D.. LL.D.. who for eight years lived in the Vatican as domestic prelate to the Pcpe. This distinguished American au- - tiiT wa« summoned to Rome and appointed by the Pope as his o/flcial biographer. Ap- proved and recognized by Cardinal Gibbons «r.{ all church authorities as the only of- ficial biograjihy of the Pcpe. Over SOO l.ages. magnificently Illustrated. Published in Er.gliFh. French end German. Uai-aralleled opportunity tor agents. Best commission Elecer.t outfit free. THE JOHN C. WIN- faTOX CO.. 3TS Dearborn »t. Chicago. 111. TO e':!1 authentic life of Prpe Lee: special terms; ser.d 25 cents for outfit. G. W. WIL- LIAMS. 4-"2 Eleventh ft.. OakUnd. Cal. ASTROLOGY. ™ Astrology tausht. horoscopes ca»t. Prof Hay- tr.ond. bioktt're. <Mii Ellis. By mal: if Oilred. ATTOK.\EYS~AT LA\Y\ r.OBT. W. KING. atty-at-Iaw, Examiner bid , rm. fill; all caws, damage*, estates, wills, attachment*, collections, etc.; consultation free; no advance charge*; call or write; by appointment. Tel. Red 3601. PP.OMPT attention to all case*; divorce.estatd,, collections; ro fees unless successful; call or write: eves Tue*. sr,d Frl.: est. 15 yrs. ED- WARD ACKLEY. 027 Mcrket: tel Jessie 1530. ADVICE free — I will advance cent in meritori- ous cane*, divorcee. pir>bate and all other law ctfef. ro fees In advance: open every even- lrg. J. M. THT-RSTON. S19 Market St.. r. 31. ADVICE free; divorces a specialty :quick.quiet; no charge without fuccpf?; established 15 vrs G. W. HOWE. 1122 Market st.. opp. HalVa. ' AITKEN" i- AITKEN. attorneys, rs. 3C3-KM1 bldg.. .V« California st. : tel. Main 727. WICK MATTHEWS, attorney at law. (£3 Mar- ket ft., room 23; legal advice; .bank refs. BIRDS. DOCS. ETC. •YOUNG talking parrotE.15 each :Oerman singing renariefr, f2; we will try to please : - ou;every- thir.jt in our line at right prices. 154G Market. DLSI.VESS CHAXCES. $T<*> — General express business In country town close to city, including 4 horses. 2 wagons 2 sets harness, flc. ; all in first-class condition. Address D., care International Advertising Agency. 130 SanFome et. DP.t'G rtore for sale: located centrally In this city; old established business; modern In all its OTjyo'.r.tments; tales J2000 per month; in- ventory 511.000. Address Granules f-ox <22:: Call. J.-J5CO— FI RST-CLASS comer grocery and bar; kept by present owner 15 years; doing good raying c&*i\ business; no agent*. Box 4314 Call office. ' MAN who knows the country wants man with some money to Join him on a trip to Alaska- references. 445 Eddy st. ' OUTSIDE route No. 4 this paper for sale Inquire hardware tstore. 10th and Folsom ets. Haireressing: parlors ;cheap;value in sight :good location; retiring. 1153 Market^bet. 7th-ftth. SfcOoO— Salr*;n. well located, long established - go A oppo:tunity; ntirir.g. Mcs5rcan. 8V» Mkt' SSSO — Delicacy, doing big business: better look ¦ t this: rent $2n. MOSSMAN. S50 Market st. VINE fmloon on Market et. SC590 GFO '¦ CLARK. 10*;7 Market St. TOR r>ale — Good paying restaurant, J250. 2723 Sutter rt. AN outslJe mute for sale. Apply Cajl office. A WEEK'S news for 6 cents— The Weekly Call. 1C raw, (n wrar>r>er. for trtiline. $1 per year IX>DGI>G-HOrSES FOK SALE. 100 ROOMS: house for men; rent $140 $4000 CS rooms: couth cf Market; rent J100. 2000 24 rcom»; comer; part cash; baL eaty. 850 II rooms; good Income; rent $20 350 21 rooms: water front; rent $40; lease. 650 120 rooms; good lease; low tfnt 6500 67 rms. ;apartments: Western Add; rent. 230 Money loaned at 1 cer cent. Hcteis. flats. 5 to :00 rooms EITEL & CARROLU 212 K« irnv st. fI75— 9 ROOMS: 5 furnished; rer.t $S0; 5 sub- let at ?2K. on 11th st.; 3 of the 5 unfurolsh- rd. MOSSMAN. 850 Market st. $<750— 70 ROOMS; 3 years' lease; rer.t $350 IB rooms: rent $45: clears $100; {I.IOO- 0 years' lease. MOSSMAN, 650 Mcrket st. MARION GRIFFIN, rm. 406. Examiner bWg — Hotels, arartmfnt houses, fluts and ROOMING HOUSES. A BIG FREE LIST. CO LLECTIO* OFFICES. r ~™ P.DV1CE free; bad tenants ejected s;>ve(i'i?*^CO^ LUMBIAN LAW AGCY.. r. 85. »10 Market- tel. Ked CIS; collections; gen'l law business! BAD tenants ejected for $4: collections made: city or country. PACIFIC COLLECTION CO.. 415 Montgomery, room* 3-10: tel. S5S0. CHIROPODISTS. DUNLAP FOOT INSTITUTE. 50 Geary— A \l tlim-r.lj of the feet cured; corn*, bunion?, tic.