Newspaper Page Text
The standing timber of -Canad* tqaaU that of the continent of Europe, and la nearly, double loat of tne United States. TOPEKA,' Kan.. July 2.1.— Special advices froth a trustworthy source, rrom: Pratt,' Kans., Btate that i there has been * no rain In .-; that f ectlon : f or .bU w«6ks.\ ant) that the corn, crup KANSAS CITY. Mo.. July ' 23.— Mr«. - Wil helmlna Grace . Harrington wan to-day granted a- divorce front ' "Lord"- Frederick- Seymour narrtnfrton. f who Is : now under arrest at St. Louis' ch4rKed;.wlth murder, ; ln the Dlsttlct Coort-at Kansas City.. K_. ¦-¦....¦• KANSAS CITY. Mo.. July 23.— Because of, ah Increase of about 7 cents a ton that was granted the coal miners of the Southwest at the PIttsburg, Kane., min ers'.and.operators' convention, the operat ors have, decided to Increase the price to consumers from 50 ccnta to $1 a ton. , Increase Falls on Consumers. HONOLULU, July 21— The Pacific Mall Steamship Company's Meanver Siberia, which sailed from Honkonar for San Fran cisco July 2. has arrived here, one day ahead of her schedule time. Siberia r Day Ahead of Time. ' OAKLAND, July . 23-V"Work That Women May Do in theMatter of Munlci* pal Improvements,' Y is i the subject of an address which ; Mayor, Olney . will deliver before* the- Ebeir Society* on September 8. Women'i Work for Civic Uplift. OAKLAND, July 23.— The will of John Brannan, 1 deceased, was filed for probate to-day., He leaves property valued at $3600 to Maggie McBryan of this city and Eugenio Gruggei: of Pleasant Valley. The property consists of a lot and j improve ments at | the northwest corner of Pied mont avenue and Mather street and val ued at $3tiO0; ; money In bank,; $200, and an interest, in a note valued at $400. Heirs File Will. The Postal Telegraph-Cable Company, m direct connection with the Commercial Pacific cables, also announces that on and after Saturday. July 23, the rate between San Francisco and Honolulu will be re duced from 50 cents ¦ to 35 cents par word. Midway. 60 cents; Guam. 85 centa: Manila and Luzon Island. $1 OS; all other Philippine Islands. $1 15; Hongkong, $1 10; China, $1 10; Macao, ?l 13; Japan. $1 41; Chemulpov Fusan and. Seoul in Korea, fl 41; other places la Korea, *1 49; Formosa, SI 21. Notice was sent out yesterday that th« lines of the Commercial Pacific cables will be open on and after Saturday, July 25, for business between San Francisco and the Philippine and Ladrone islands, China. Japan and Korea. To-morrow therefore this city will be in communica tion with, the Orient by direct ¦ wire and the dream of many years will be accom plished. In connection with this an nouncement the tolls to be charged for cable communication are made . public. The rates per word are as. follows: * ;;* . According to the allegations ln Whit ham's petition,- the land has no other claimants ftrtd Is free to be pre-empted under, an act "To appropriate the pro ceeds of -the salea of public lands and to grant pre-emption rights." > Whithatn states. that he has'proceeded according. to the. provision of the law in regard to. the filing .of ; his claim, but that; Woods has. refused to -accept it. Whltham states that . the, land \ he wishes to( lake up Is ' In" the ; same category with the balance of the grant and that the de cision Will affect : the entire: amount of it.- Suit to establish the status of 500,000 acres of school lands, deeded by the United States Government to 'California for State school purposes, was. begun to day by J. H. Whlthatn against Victor H. Woods as Surveyor. General of this State. Whltham is anxious to pre-empt a section of land ln Monterey County which Is a" part of, the grant given the. State /Under an act of CongresB in 1S41 and later con firmed by an act in 1S91. Judge Hall has Issued an alternative ."writ of mandate commanding .Woods to file Whltham's claim "or show cause why he should not do so. . , - , :• Oakland Office San Francisco Call, 1118 Broadway. July 22. Mrs. Greenhood says the house wan en-, tered by a rear door and thoroughly ran sacked. She insists there Is • no clew to the miscreants and believes that her be-, longings were taken by thieves. French gold-case mantel clock, silver chaf ins dish, . large silver forks and [knives, half a! dozen silver soud spoons, one Dronxe vat>e, one Dresden china vase, three linen tablecloths and three silver dollars. » During the temporary absence this noon of Mrs. S. R. Greenhood from her' resi dence, 1924 Oxford street, burglars entered the house and "carried off several hundred dollars' wortn of 'silverware and. valuable bric-a-brac. Opinion of the police Is di vided between theories that the stuff wa-« carried off by ' **-nt esslonal thieves and tnat college students did It as a prank. At any rate the^town authorities, as well as the Oakland police, have been furnished with a long list of Mrs. Greenhood's miss ing-household goods. Among the articles that have mysteriously vanished are the following: i ¦ ¦ Berkeley Office San Francisco Call, 2143 Center street. July 23. Surveyor General Is Told to File Claim or Show Why. Commercial Spanning of Broad Pacific Is Ac complished. Enter Berkeley House During the Noon Hour. * Mendoza Is charged with being a "cattle rustler" by James Abrott, a rancher liv ing ln the hills back of Sunol. The case has been continued on one pretext or an other for a year, and Mendoza's com panions have escaped- from the" cordon drawn around theql. ¦, OAKLAND; July 23.— After numerous delays and mucji Wrangling of attorneys the trial of Frank Alendoza, charged with stealing cattle, was begun before Judge Hall this morning. The day was spent In the examination of Jurors. Mendoza, with three companions, .originally had seven teen charges' of grand larceny against him. He was tried once at San Jose on the same statement of facts which will be presented at the present trial and was acquitted. . ¦' ¦ Hearing of Oft-Continued Case Is Finally Begun Before Judge Hall. FRANK MENDOZA'S TRIAL' FOR "CATTLE RXTSTLING" CABLE TO ASIA READY TO WORK WOULD PRE-EMPT SCHOOL LANDS THIEVES SECURE VALUABLE LOOT AI..AMEDA, July 23.— Bogus checks In exchange for gpods and good change of the realm were. offered a number of local business men by a smooth operator to day. Martin Joost is out of pocket $4 60 arid John Lubben is short $4 with noth ing to fihow In exchange but f worthless drafts on the Bank of Alameda bearing the namo "D. A., Carrington." Ludwlg "VVarnke has a check for 110 inscribed with the same, signature and Alois Kist has another for $15. Warnke and Klst took the checks, but as they gave no change back and failed to find the place where the swindler ordered them to deliver what he had bought, they are short on nothing and longer on experience. No trace of the operator has been discovered by the police. V.i J Bad Paper Man Does Faying Bust* ness With Some Merchants ' of Alameda. . TOOK BOGUS CHECKS AND ARE OUT GOOD CHANGE THE SAN FRANCISCO -CALL, FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1903. 13 - PERSOSALS. ; A— FACIAL BLEMISHES REMOVED. Wrinkle*, yellow and flabby skla, birthmarks, •mallpox pittlncs and ecars scientifically re- moved m-Jtfcout cutting, massage, electricity cr medicine; epecltl demonstration? this week. Call or write DR. L. WILLIAMS. o'Tl Geary. MORPHIXK. cp;um and laudanum habits cured at horse by a palnlees home treatment; In- dor»*<S e.nd used by leading physicians; corre- •pendeoc* etrlctly confidential: la plain, sealed ?rvelcr*; tall cr writ* to-<Say. India Drug Cur». 201 Turk rt.; Bruce P. Klmmla. ilst. WANTED— 988 men with scalp £ls*a»M>: los» cf ha!r and baldness prevented (can treat by ir.atl. blank for etamji): consultation free; *-.3b to «. tundajR 10 to 12. Pror. GEO. A. GARLOW. Specialist. roorn_S18. 0*7 Mark«t. THE Star Hair Remedy restores pray hair. — J- proves it* growth; etops fallinc, cures dandrua anA itchlnc scalp; no it_n or etickineis; cleans** scalp; at drugtiFts'. hairdressers' ;ac- c»pt no substitute. EUr Remedy Co-.^SS'-^ary. Js'OT how cheaj>, but how pood, it tfc« raotto of th« manufacturers of the Rapid Rotary Ftacdard^the sewing-rr.achlne of to-a*y. ¦*• W. EVAKS. agent. 1021 Market st. PHYSICIAN. 16 years' <*P« r '« DC '\ # cur £,P e r:«:tlr nsornliln*. cocaine habit, allot •66ress Central Pharmacy. 251 orant are., comer Setter st.; tt* moderate. ; DANCING Tu*«3ay, Thursday. Saturday and Sunday evesinrs at Hall. Howard rt.. near Ninth; msnsptrger.t Prof. 1-oster. ana trouwrs. at CHARLES LYONS . London TalloT. 721 Market *t. ELEGANT EUlTs en f»ry bftalinats: 8» CCOtl •nd up per week. LEON LEMO8. 112. Mar- Wet rt.. between Seventh and Eighth. BfREAU of Practical Information— Formulas and recipes for everytMng. Room 32. 331 Kearny gt. eriTS to crccr ca installment*. Sl_ per wwt Neuhaus & Co.. giercB.taiIor»,?77-7— Market, ALL etviea ba'.txJrejf-ir.c. 25c; hair goods: mani- curing 25c. G. LEDHRER. 123 Stockton st, TAILOR-MADE suit IT 60; dress pants $2 50. Misfit dc_ Ing Parlor, cor. Bush and Dupont. £UPEKFLT.*Ot"S hair acd mole* removed by electric r.eedle. Dr.&Mrs.Traverse.llTOMarktt. *4AS« L'ERAPE oof-.umes. play books, wigs, country orders. GOLDSTEIN & CO.. 733 Mkt. ALFREDUMS Egyptian Henna restores gray hair to tt* natural color; fl; at all druggists. Superfluous fc&ir Sz moles removed with elec- trtc needle. Mr*. & Miss Eaton. 1119 Sutter. VAKICCSE veins and catarrh cured at horn*. Call or wTite for testimonials. Dr. WILL- 1AMS CO.. I4O O>arv yt,. S. P. ROOMS FOR HOCSEKKEPIVB. AT M.«i>"Cower: cut rates now for summer. 308 3d St.: (5 up; also beautiful rooms (1 week. EARTLETT. 413. near Twenty-fifth— 4 larft, *unny rooms, gas and bath. $14. ELEVENTH. If*— Two Funny furairhed rocms for Ti.->uFrkeeplr4r. FELL. _S— Sunny front con. suite, furn. for housekpg: fl6: bath, pas ranpe; adultc. GOTTGH. 706—1 or.. 3 ur.furn. hskrng rooms; sunny corner; quirt ; adults; call 1 to 3. HERBERT «The) — Sunny apartment* for housekeeping; c*s raises; just cewly fur- TiUhrd. 1&30 Polk rt. ___ JEPFIE. S33 — I-arse Funny front room, furnish- ed housekeeping; g«« rar.gre; (12 month. LINDEN ave.. SSI- 2 or 3 nice, clean, sunny housekeeping rooms; every convenience^ MCALLISTER. MS— Sunny front furn. room. flO; pas range, bath, laundry^ulte.fT; adult. OAK 117— Extra sunny furnished suite; sink, C*s' ranpe. hot bath, laundry; adults; Si:;. THIRTEENTH. Z<>7. above Howard— 2 Iarg« front rooms, furnished complete housekeep- lng: ga» ranre; <l<<. VALENCIA. 1S7— Three large, sunny room*. rumlRhed complete for housekeeping; separata catrsnee fror.t :. r.d back, with bath and (u; ro tn:_l children; rent $22 50. A. WEEK'S news for 5 cents— The Weekly Call. - 16 pages, in wrapper, for mailing. $1 per year A BRANCH offlce for Call advertisements and pub^criptions has been established at loi'tl Valencia Bt. ' IIOOMS TO LET — Furn. and I'nfnrn. A.A. — City Room Renting Agcncj, 1104 Market St.. cor. Turk, and Market st*.. Room* 3 and 4. Phon« Jesale 4471. FREE FREE We locate you free or chanr* ln Rooms with or without board. HouMkeepirx Rooms cr Hotele. A— HOTEL NETHERLAND — EUROPEAN PLAN. 18 TURK BT.. 4 DOORS FROM MARKET; TM OUTSIDE ROOMS; STEAM HEAT AND TELEPHONE IN EVERY ROOM: RATF.J* TSc A DAT UP; SPECIAL RATES nr THE MONTH. . • A— BRUKSWlA House. 1 48 Sixth— Roomi 25c to Jl per right. $1 25 to *3 per week* and light housekeeping rooms; open all night. AT "The Almonte." S73 Market st. (or No. 1 Firth ft.)— Rooms. t5c. Wte. $1. $1 50 night; tl 50 to fit) week; house open all night. ANTLERS. 415 Turk— 3. 4 and 5 room a part - mer.t« for hkr-g. : rtrictly mod. : elec. elevator. A LARGE^ed rocm for 1 or 2 genu: fc»th; running vx:er; references. 8S8 Post st. BUUmCZT. 1*^6 Market — <o!d No. 13G4) — Fur- nished rooms, su.te*. single ; also furnished. CLIFFORD. 20* E'.Ji*. cor. Mason— Elegantly {urr.itbed sur.r.y rocrr.i; price* reasonable. FMLSOM. K.M. nesr Twelfth— Throe mT- ¦ furtUyhcd rc<-,rns. rround floor, rent f 12. GRAND Southern. 7th and Mission— Rooms M>= to H M night: fS to $8 -*e«>k ; rf-ading-room. HOTEL Bt Yi.-KfiU. S41 «th— New h.iuse, new- iy turnlshf-;! rooniy. ?1 week up; also suites. MART. '."0. ncp.r Fifth— Front room $2 a wvck • ylde room. $1 50 week. ":„-- ' j ilAPON. *OH, near O Farre'.l— tpstalrs nicely i furnis.hp<! roorr.». I OFAHHELL, 20— Sur.ny furnished rocrr.s asd qflpfs: >l>-va:t',r: r| er . UghU; <*y. week, tr.o. OF.".RRi:U.. ST1-N>w!y furn. runny rms. astral; qulft; tc-l.; baths; moderate. ROYAL House. 12r. E:Uf— Incar.degcent light*. rt*.dlr.g-roon; f.-r.oV.ltiS-rocm and ladle*' par- -Icr; rocms pet r.ifht % c to $1 BO; week. $2 '° •*: *s to *r.0 ; elevator on ground floor; roomt with hot and cold water; Uath*. TO LET— A n»w!y t_t_bc4 front bay-window room ln new modern flat with use of bath; I 15*: from Third fc n1 Market ft*.; north «!de cf Market; hanfiy to 3 car lines; must fr.ave rcrerctices. Box 13. Call efflce. itTRK. 416. P.ejrlr.a— Besutifu! runny su'*c<i & tlccle: latest imptt: lowest rat^, ln the cItr _ INCITED 6TATES. 123 Efidy st near Market -400 gag* and 1 family rooms; 35c to $1 rlrht; $1 .5 to $B «-«k; elevator electric IlClitt: i-radirig-raom; free fcug and baggage. VAN NES8 are.. 6l'i— Renovated; handsotn* ¦usny furnished mites front ring; mod, conv. WINCHESTER Hotel. 44 Sd «.. near Market— Mo«t convenient and rerpeetable; 700 rooms- SSc to $1 50 r:.p!.t. S2 to $$ week- elevator* elec. light?: reaClng-rcora; free bus ; bagga^el CLASSIFIED advertiremenu and subscription* received at branch orflce. 2200 FUlmore *t. A 4 BRANCH office for Call advertisement* and Vubscrtption* ha* been efttblished at 1036 Va- jenclm rt. ROOMS A.VD DOAIID. HOARD at a cozy, prettily situatM ranch dos* to city, r>«rfect climate; no children; b*in* high anfl dry: rpecially adapted for those •¦uf- fering from rhwumatlsm or luns trouble Ad- Cres* box 84. Sur.ol, Alameda County. AMOT. THE 901 DEVISADERO'st! Strictly first-class family hotel; eur.r.y room*, cuit* tf F'.ngle; billiards; Eteaci heat. VAN NEES. 1714 — Belect private boarding- house; rooms single or en suite; desirable lo- cation; all conveniences of home. OLD Stevenson Mansion, cpp. Grace Church, with annex. 807 California «t. — Attractive tn- tertcr; exceptions.! table; free billiard -room. OCTAVIA, C(i6. between Hayes and McAllister — Roomy. >.-» yp; board $3 00 per week. TADLE board in family hotel; very cheap, c. P. H.. box 1S30. Call. THE JOHNSON. 605 O'Farrell «.— Sunny *ulte« end tingle rooms, with board: refa. CLASSIFIED advertiKements and subscrlptioni received at Call branch office. 2200 Fillmore. A BRANCH office for Oil advertisements and njbscrlptlons ha* been established at 1098 Valencia »t SEWWC_MACIUSES A.VD SUI'PLIK.H $15 50 drop-head oak. guaranteed: *econa-hand. JO to 916: some nearly ntw; 60 days' exchangs ««— *ment. Chicaro S.M.Exrhanse, 833 Mkt. et.. bet. 6th and fith; phone South 433; eleva- tor: branch. :>5 <;»>ary »t. : phone Main 750. __SJC«»A^3^AJVD^AnEHO USES. A— EMPORIUM Storage _ Van Co.; furniture, hounebold (food* rtored. moved shipped. 725- «».i. Howard tt.. near Third: phone Orant 16L PIERCE-RODOLPH Ftorage & Moving Co., of- fice Port and Powell t t*. ; tel. Priv. Ex. S7L CONKLINS ftorare-Furnnure and merchan. dice. 523 Golden Gate ave.; phone Ea«t 128. GOLDEN Weet Storage; advance* made; -840 MUKlon tt.; tel. Howard ML F. W. Zehfu**. PACIFIC Stor*r* and Furniture Movin* Com. r pahy. 2320 Fillmore tt.; phone Jactoon 281. tEKINB Van and Btorsit* Co.. 11 Uontrnmerjr •t.; tti _a_ ISlO. BhiFping tX cut rate*. RCXJL ¦ ESTT^TE-^ITY----FOR - SAXB. CHARMING Mill Valley is growtng- very f— t New houses are I springing up on all sides. Land values are increasing rapidly. Lyon ft Hoag have placed a new tract on the market, right at the nation, and are selling lots at from f S to ?12 per front foot on terms of 10 per cent cash, balance f 10 monthly. Over 80 \ lets have be«n fold recently. Streets are traded, water mains laid, electric lights, etc.; grand old trees. Don't delay, but get In en the ground floor. Branch office. Mill Valley, ctftn Sundays. Send for booklet. LYON & HOAQ, 118 Montgomery at. $1SCO PAYMENT on S new flats on Mission et.. nr. 30th: will pay 22 pr ct; rents $45 mo. |1500 payment on 2 new flats on Army st.. nr. Mission: will pay 20 pr ct; recta $3S mo, D. COFFIN. 3303 Mission 6t. Open Eunday. HOTEL snd lot; 40 rooms; restaurant, bar and billiard rooms; part cash. MOSSMAN. 850 Market st (j • 'J LOT r>n Third st.: * small buildings; $15,000. MOSSMAN. S50 Market st. THE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION COM- PANY, S11-C12 Callaghan building, will buy you a lot and build you a house; small cash payment : $S per month pays : principal and lntrrert on each $1000 of balance due. WHOLE block of houses Just started near the Park on Carl. Cole.Skrader & Parnassus are.; plans, terms, prices to suit; apply premises. JAMES ROUNTREE & CO.. 137 Cart at. NEW houses and flats on Second ave. and C st. for sale on easy payments; ona bICcfc to McAllister cars; prices to suit you: open. FCR sale — House S rms.; high basement; sunny side l'Jth, bet. Valencia &. Mission; no rcas. offer refused. Stephens Sc Co., 221 PowelL FOR sale— 50x100. NW. cor. Eighteenth and Folsom sts>.. with the improvements. Call at 213S Folsom st. • 6-ROOM bouse on Twenty-first near "Castro. J. ANDERSON, builder. CHEAPEST and best in America— The Weekly Call 16 pages, sent to any cdfiress ln the United States or Canada one year for $1, pectage paid. It UAL GSTATE— Country— For Sale. ALFALFA lands, etock ranches, orchards, vineyards: Inspected bargains; monthly cata- logue sent free. C M. WOOSTER CO.. 648 Market st. SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE. MATS and Information of San RAfael, Ross Mill v«ller« and Marln County of ! CRO- KER A- CO.. real estate agents. 137 Mont- gomery Ft. ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS. ALAMEDA REAL ESTATE. JUST WHAT TOU ARE LOOKING FOR! A PRETTY HOME INT ALAMEDA. Purrounaed by flowers and fruit trees; near train and schools: only J2S50; lot 73x125. Nice 5-room cottage and bath. ALAMEDA LAND COMPANY, Tel. Grand 14G1. 15C0 Park et.. Alameda. BERKELEY ADVERTISEMENTS BERICELEY REAL. ESTATE. BUSINESS and residence corner for sale in AlameUa; the NE. comer of Central ave. and Sixth st., 54 feet "on Central ave. by 123 feet on Sixth et.. containing cottage of & rooms, bath, patent closets, etc., on Fixth Et.; also store building on. corner with living rooms; now doing a fair business; S. P. narrow gauge station opposite; satisfac- tory reason* for selling. Apply or address H. C. BALLHEIMER. 601 Central ave.; Ala- meda. on premises. $2300— HANDSOME, well-built 5-room house; high basement; large lot; lovely lawn; half- block from cars; $.'J00 cash, balance $20 per month. W. C. MORAN. Lorin Station. " Or C. C. Emslie. Ashby Station. BARGAIN — Well-built 10-room house; raurt b« sold: owner leaving. 2433 Warring st. .'•..'¦ OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE, 1118 BROADWAY. OAKLAND REAL, ESTATE. $3<X)0 — NEARLY new, modern colonial cottage of 1 6 rooms, h'fn basement, brick founda- tion, porcelain bath, sanitary plumbing: all ln fine condition; lot £0x140 (note the «fze); street work all done; stone side- walks- laid: open lawn; choice residence location near Grove st.: fine barn, gravel driveway, garden and a few fruit trees; must be sold: owner away; cannot be du- plicated at th« price; must be seen to be appreciated; terms of payment if desired. GEORGE W. AUSTIN, 1C02 BROADWAY. OAKLAND. ALEX. MURDOCK. Chronicle bldg.. San Fran- claco. for Oakland. Berkeley or rural homes. OAKLAND FURNITURE FOR SALE. FURNITURE good and cheap this month.^lE ECHELLHAAS. 408 Eleventh St.. Oakland. __^ SPECIAL \OTICES. THE following children have been received at the Fan Francinco Nursery for Homeless Children. 1334 Mission ft., since last publica- tion oj^ gam*-: Albert Haight half orphan, ago 7 yf-arn; Martha Siebe half orphan, agrs 10 year?: Rtbert Slebe. half orphan age 8 years; Flora Siebe, half orphan age 0 years HARRIET W. MANNING, Secretary. SPECIALISTS. ~ CATARRH. DEAFNESS and NOISE3 ln EARS positively cur«ed; new method; 1 week's treat- ment free. Dr. Cottlngham. 204 Sutter et. DR. CARRIE EDWARDS, eye. ear nose and Removed to 428 Ediy st. STl'TT— RING A.\D STAMMERING. MELBOURNE System School, Van Ness and Market: positive cure for all." Don't delay. *gS TYPEWRITERS fAlf D SUPPLIES. GREAT BARGAINS IN TY^P^W^TfERS^W^ tell better machines for less money than anr hcuxe ln the city; rentals $3 The Typewriter Exchange. G3B California; telephone Main 266. A FEW good typewriters at $30 each- get par- ticulars. L. & M. ALEXANDER. 110 Mont- gomery et. 2D-HAND typewriters sold, rented repaired. Wtbttf r Typewriter Inspec. Co.. 200 Sansom». PROPOSALS. ~~~ NOTICE tu Contractors — Pursuant to an order of the Hoard of Trustees of the State Nor-" mat Hchool of ban Dieco, California^ notice is iiereliy fciven that sealed proposals will be received by said board until 2 o'clock p m of August i>. l»03, for furnishing the ma- teriais iind performing the labor necessary for the traction and completion of the west wing of the San Diego State Normal School build- ing. Separate proposal* will be received and separate contracts made for furnishing the materials and lierforming the labor necev- Fary for each of the following parts of. said west wing, to wit: 1 — For masonry work, including all brick, coucrete and cement work, and all necessary excavating and fill- ing. 2 — For the iron work.. 3 — For the car- penter, plastering, electric and glazing work. 4 — For the plumbing and gasflttlng work. .">— For the eteam heating and ventilating work, including the equipping of the central por- tlun and the east wing of the building there- with. 0 — For the tinning and galvanized Iron work. 7 — For the painting and varnish- ing work. No iToposal will be considered unless accociuanled by a bond of the pro- poser equal to ten per cent of his" proposal,' with sufficient sureties, conditioned that if his crcuosal shall be accepted he will duly «nter into a proper contract and faithfully perform his or their contract or contracts in accordance with «aid proposal. Each propo- sal mu^t be made on blanks furnlthed for that purpose, and, together with the abov- !i;< :.Uu!.«-'i bond, enclosed in a sealed env'e- lcpe, addressed to the Trustees of the State Normal Kcliool of San Diego, California, with an indorsement thereon showing what por- tion of the building is covered by th« in- closed nrouosal. and delivered to the Board cf Trusteee of the Bute Nofma! School of Han Dit-go at the office of the school in the Staw Norrnnl School building at San Diego, California, before 2 o'clock i». m. of August 8. ia«3. Said proposals will be publicly opened and contracts based thereon will 4>e awarded on August 8, l»O3, at 2 o'cloclt p. m., at the office of the school ln the State Normal School building at Kan Diego, Cali- fornia. The VlaiiK, descriptions, bllw and specilicatlore for Bald west Wingr will be open to public inspection during all business hours at the office of Hcbbard & Gill, archi- teen-, O.rant building, UXiti Fifth et., San Diego. California, from the date of this no- tice to the msklng of such contracts. Th« . Board of Trustees reserves the right to re- ject any or alt proposals made. State Nor- mal School of San Diego, California, by, 11. M. POWER*. President Board of Trustees.* Attest: FRED W. PARRISH, Secretary. Dated at Fan Diego. California. thU 20th day of June, 1903. . , UNITED STATES Engineer Office, office of California Debris Commission, Flood build- Ing. San Francisco. C»L. July 21, 1003 Healed proposals for building portiohs of dama 'known as Barriers Nos. 1 and 2) on Yuba Rlv«. TuU County, about 14 to 16 miles •**>?• M »~svMe. Cal., will be received here until 12 noon. August 8, 1903. and then pub- licly opened. Information furnished on ap- plication. R, P.JOUN8T0N, Captain, En- gineer*, Secretary. MARBIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses werW lesued ' yesterday: Eric E. Okerlund, 27, city, and Gertrude : Carlson, 24, city. Max C. Greenberg, 21.* city, and/Agnes Hy- raan, 21, city. - - ' . Albums Atkins, 51. 2152 Sutter street, and! Anna D. Baagster. 39. 30« Noe street. i Harry E. . McCrea. 26, 1505 Washington Btreet. and Nellie" E. Clemow, 18, El Paso, Tex. William N. Dunn, 29, 184 Fourth street, and Kate M. Kornbaum, 30, Enid, Oklahoma Ty. John H. Lane. 21, 3941 Twenty-fourth street, and Naomi O. Mac Donald, 21. 407 Fair Oaks. William F. -Brong, 30, 612 Van Ness avenue, and Mercedes E. Ruiz, 21. 614 Van Ness ave. Charles Adams, 32. 807 ii Union street, and Gertrude A. Lucas, 31, 2402 Larkin street. Albart S. Edwards, 21. city, and Delia Clay- burgh. 21. 1216 Manonlo avenue. Bernard W. Lester. 40, Santa Ros|, and Eleanor McNutt, 37,- 878 Geary street Henry H. Zellerbach. 35, 1550 Fell street, and Rose Breelauer, 24, 215S Sutter street. Alfred Nassl. 40, Rocklln, and Amanda Mat- tila, 24, Rocklin. Frank B. Gerber, 33, Presidio, and Emma Miller, 22, 3131 Pierce street. Willson Bennett, 39, 532 Turk street, and Clare Bremkamp, 80, 1285 Page street. BIRTHS— MARRIAGES— DEATHS. Birth, marriage and death notices fient by mail will not be inserted. They must be handed in at either of the publication offices and be indorssd with the name and residence Of per- sons authorized to have the same published. JAGER— In this "city, July 20, 1903, to the wife of Will P. Jager, a son. REVALEON— In this city, July 22, 1903, to the wife of Edw. Revaleon'. a son. STOLNER— In this city, July 20,' 1903, to the wife of K A.' Stolner. a son. _________ - ATKINS— SANGSTER— In this city, July 23, 1903, by tlv> R*v. Philip Coombe, Albums Atkins and Anna D. Sanirster, both of San Francisco. CLAMER— MOLL— In this city, July 21, 1WK, by the Rev. Herman Gehscke. Fritz damer and Dora Moll, both of San Francisco. WHITE— JOHANSON— In this city, July 22, 1903. by the Rev. F. W. Fischer, castor of F.manuei Evangsllcal Church, Henry L. White and Stella Johanson, both of San - Francisco. _____ __ Armbruster. Sophia Nlcholla, Ernest A. Cochran. Conley A. O'Neil, Lizzie Daniels, Sarah E. Paul, Daniel . De Groot. Peter Plhlstrom, Annie Donohue, James J. Pierce, Mary Engestrom. Elizabeth Pierce (Infant) Ervin. Lulu Sheridan, Thome* Foute, Rev. R. C. Shortall, Thomas Frost, AJbert J. Smith. Isaac P. '¦¦ Hanlon, John x Stambaugh. Mary ¦ Harrington, Wm. Treuholt*. Ernest E. Klevesahl, Ernst W. Vnkovlch. John G. Kreye, John L. Wagner. Annie , , t Layden, William H. Xeromldos, Tam Nelson, George H. ' Young, Charlei C. Neumann, Henry _ mmmmm . . ARMBRUSTER— ln this city, July 22, 1903, . Sophia, dearly beloved wife of the late Adolph ArmbruetoT, and beloved mother of George W., Charlea J., Edward P.. Rudla H. and William F. Armbrujter. Mrs. John Gardner and Mrs. B. P. Wilbur, a. native of Clay County, Missouri, aped 62 years 4 months and 6 days. (Reading, Pa., and New Orleans, La., papers please copy.) • E7Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral Friday, at 11 o'clock, from her late residence, 1515A Howard street. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery. ' *¦ COCHRAN— In this city. July 23, 1903, Conley Alexander Cochran, . beloved father of Mrs. L. E. TobW of San Diego. J. A. .tJochran of Bakersfleld. Charles A. and W. W. Cochranr of Los Angeles, Mrs. M. Degener and Robert E. Cochran of San Francisco, a native of Virginia, aged 74 years. CTThe funeral will take place to-morrow (Saturday), at 10 o'clock, from the parlors of Carew & English; 23 Van Ness avenug. DANIELS— In Alameda. July 23. 1903, Sarah E. Daniels, widow of the late Seneca Daniels, and mother of Elmon, Frank and Frfed Dan- iels, Mrs. J. H. White, Mrs. C; D. Stuart and Mrs. E. J. Simon, a native of New York, aged ct years and 11 month*. It^Frlends and acquaintances are. respect- fully invited to attend the funeral services Friday. July 24. 1903. at 2 . o'clock, at the residence of Mr». J. H. White, 1311) Railroad avenue. Interment at Petaluma Saturday, July 25. 1WKJ. DE GROOT— In this city, July 23, 1903, Petej-. beloved husband of Juliana de Groot, grand- father of Mrs. Harry Zitsch, ' and- great- grandfather of Anna Zitsch, a native of Hol- land, aged 61 years 10 months and 4 days. DONOHUE— In Folaom. Sacramento County, Cal., July 18. 1903, James J., . beloved- son of Martin and Johanna Donohue. and brother of John T.. Mary E.. Kathryn 8., Frank M.. Agnes, Alfred E., Maud I.. Florence and Genevleve Donohue of Tomales,' - Marln County, a native of Marin County, Cal., aged 21 yearn 3 months ami 5 Oays. CyThe funeral will take place to-day (Friday), at :• o'clock, from the parlors of McAvoy & Co.. 1230 Market etreet. thence to St. John's Church for services. Interment . private. ENGESTROM-^In this city. July 22. 'l&03, Elizabeth, relict of the late Fritz Engeatrom, a native of Sweden, aged 81 years. (Boston and Chicago papers please -opy.) I_"Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-day (Friday), at 10:30 o'clock, from the parlors of Halsted & Co.. 940 Mission street. Inter- ; mer.t Laurel Hill Cemetery. ERVIN— In this city, July 23, 1903. at 472 Fourteenth street. Lulu, dearly beloved daughtf-r of Daniel W. and Alice Ervln, and beloved sister of Alice, Anita and Clarence Ervln, a natlvo of San Francl.«co. ICTNotice of funeral hereafter. FOUTE— In this city," July 23, 1903, the Rev. Robert Chester Foute, retitor of Grac<? Church, and president of the Standing Com- mittee of the Diocese of California. E7Funeral from Grace Church Saturday, at 2 o'clock. FROST— In East Oakland, July 23, 1003, at 1523 Eighth avenue, Albert James,' beloved eon of A. A. and Abby F. Frost, and grand- son cr Mrs. S. 13. Frost, a native of Oak- land, Cal.. aged 5 years 11 months and 20 days. ¦ ; ' . . HANLON— In this city. July 2J, 1903. John beloved husband of Ellen Hanlon. and loving father of W. J, Hanlon of Stockton, Cal Philip N., Robert D. and Katie Hanlon Mrs T. F. Oreaney. Mrs. C. D. Uoehm and the late John J., Edward D. and Henry P. Han- lon, a native of County WIcklow. Ireland aged 85 years and 7 months. (Calaveras pa- pers please copy.) ' — CTThe- funeral will , take place to-day (Friday), at 0 o'clock, from tils late resi- dence. C01 Seventh Etreet, thence to St. Rose's Church, where a solemn requiem^ mass jwlll be celebrated for the repose of nis soUl, com- mencing at 9:30 o'rlock. Interment Holy Crops Cemetery. 'V. HARRINGTON— ln this city, July 22, 1903, William, beloved son of *Slary and the late Daniel Harrington, and brother of James and Kosi« Harrington and - Mrs. William Ward, a native of San Rafael, Cal./ aged 31 years 11 months and 17 .days. B7Frien<is and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to Attend the funeral to-morrow (Saturday), at l»:."t0 o'clock, from the parlors of McAvoy & Co.,' 1239 Market street, be- tween Eighth and Ninth, thence - to St. Jo- seph's Church for services. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery, by electric funeral car from Eighteenth and Guerrero streets. :, KLEVESAHL— In this city, July . 23, 1903, Ernst William, beloved husband of the late Sophie Klevesahl, and father of Emll, Henry Minnie. Fred, Julius and Sophia' Klevesahl. a natlvs of Germany, aged 74 years 5 months and 14 days. A member of Germanla Lodge No. 1718, K. of H., and Concordla Lodge No. 122. I. O. O. F. ¦ \ •;• ' j CT'Notlce of funeral hereafter. KREYE— In Alameda, July 21, 1903, John L beloved husband of Anna L, Kreye, and de- voted father of Lizzie Kreye, a native of Meinburg Germany, aged 01 years. A mem- ber of Hannoveraner Vereln. (Sacramento papers please copy.) • • - pyFrlendg and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend: the funeral to-day (Friday), at 10:30 o'clock, from his late resi- dence. 827 Taylor avenue, between Eighth and Ninth streets, Alameda, .and thence by electric funeral car, leaving foot of Market street at 12:45 o'clock to Cypregg Lawn Cem- etery for Interment. LAYDEN — ln this city, July 23, 1903 Wil- liam 1J-, beloved son of Michael Layden and brother of James, Charles and Walter Lay- ' den and Mrs. J. T. Crummey, a native of San Francisco, aged 36 years. .--• , ETThe funeral will take ~ place to-day (Friday), at 9:30" o'clock, from the parlors of Carew & English. 29 Van -Ness avenue. Interment Holy Cross. Cemetery. NELSON— In this cfty» July 23. 1908, George ¦ . Horatio, beloved husband of Mary C. Nelson, ' _~~ — ; j |) OFFICE: 916 MARKET ST. j J HEriRY J. GALLAGHER CO. (Successors to Flannagan & Gallagher.) DANIEL P. DONOVAN, Mgr. "* FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMER3 l 20 Fifth st., opposite Lincoln School. - • 'Telephone South 80. ~ . * UNITED UNDERTAKERS. . Funeral Directors and Embalmers——. i Formerly in Metropolitan Temple - ' ¦ t /Kbwit B(i9 MISSION, Tel. Soiith 167 ' 1 Between Fourth and Fifth,' Near Fifth St. 1 Finest Equipments at Moderate Rates. " I c • and father of Jessie R. Nelson. Mrs. James R. Leavell, Mrs. Aibln R. Johnson And W. / Wallace Nelson/ a native of Nelson, Scot- land, aged C4 years 3 months and 28 days. NEUMANN— In this city, July 23, 1903,. Henry Neumann, beloved brother *of Dora von 8ta- rten, PoDhle Rensche .and Gretehen Lilken- ¦ dey, a- native of Bremervoerde, Germany, - aged 73 years 8 months and 16 days. v (CTTriends and acquaintances are respect- , fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow ' at l'-o'clook. from the funeral -.parlors of the H. F. Maass ComDany, 917 , Mission street. . Interment Mount Olivet ..Cemetery. , T ; .' NIOHOtiLS— In Spokane, Wash.. July 20, 1303, ¦ -Ernest : A.,- beloved son of Elizabeth J. and the late William Nlcholls, brother of Wil- liam J., Edwin, ' I<l*zle and Albert M. Nlch- olls,' and nephew of Mis. James ttuckett and William and Thomas Pearce or Virginia City, Nev., a native of Virginia City, Nev., ased 21 years and 7 days. -— . ICT 1 Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Saturday), at 2 o'clock, from - the family residence, 1022 Mission street, thence to the Church of the Advent, Eleventh street, near Market, for services. --Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. '.. • O'NEIL— In this city, July 23, >l»03, Lizzie, bclovrd wife of the late John O'Neil, mother of' William. John and. Edward O'Neil, and eht«r of Mrs. W. II. Nolan and the late • Annie F. Lennon and John and David Dona- hue, a native of Dostcn. Mais., aged 42 years 11 months and 23 days. • 1 EP remains at the ¦' parlors of Porter & White, 122 Eddy street. , Notice of funeral hereafter. PAUL— In this city. July 23, 1B03, Daniel, be- loved son Of John and Nora Paul, and brother of Marie and Raymond Paul, a na- tive of San Francisco, aged 1 year 7 months i and 5 days. . PIERCE— In this city. July 23. 1003, Mary Pierce, dearly beloved wife of Frank Pierce, beloved mother of Charles. Frank, Annie, VlftnatJus and Mary Pierce, daughter of Sarah A. McLaugrilln and the late O'Don- nell, sister of Brother. D. F. O'Donnell. g. J,, and John T. and James C. O'Donnell. and stepsister of Sister Mary Paul, Sister of Mercy, and Sadie McLaughlln, a native of San Francisco, aged 37 years 3 montha^nd 0 days. * "" (ETFrlen-ls and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow < Saturday), at 8:30 o'clock, from the resi- dence of her n%ther. 2740 Folsom street, be- tween Twenty-'thlrd and Twenty-fourth, thence to. St. Peter's Church, Alabama street, near Twenty-fourth, -where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock., Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. PIERCE— In this city. July 22, 1903, Infant son of Frank and Mary Pierce. P1HLBTROM— In this city. July 22, 1903. Annie Plhlstrom, a native of Sweden, aged 32 years. (CTFrlenJ* and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to Attend- the funeral to-day .(Friday), at 1 o'clock, from the parlors of Halted & Co.. SUB Mission street. ¦ Inter* Jmeht •¦ Laurel "-HIH Cemetery. V ¦ SHERIDAN— ln this city, July 23. 1903. Thomas; beloved father of Lillian Sheridan. a native of Liverpool, England, in his 66th year. CNotlce of funeral hereafter. ..- EHORTALL— In San Rafael, July 23, 1903. Thomas, beloved husband of Margaret Short-, all. and father of E. P., Mary A., Thomas .'J., Gertrude, William L. and Angella R. •Bhortall and Mrs. J. J. Hayden. a native of Cashel, County Tlpperary, Irfland, afced 62 years 0 month* and 20 days. . . EyRemalns at the home of Mrs. J. A; Ledden. 1711. California street. Notice of .funeral hereafter. SMITH— In this city. Jujy 10, 1003. Isaac Platt Smith, beloved brother of Albert C. William and Ge«rge E. Smith, a native of New York, agt-d fid years 3 months and 20 days. , CFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral " service* Sunday, July 20, 11)03. at 10 o'clock, at the chapel of Charles H. J. Truman & CO., 1801) 'Mission ' street, between Flftee.nth and Six- teenth. Cremation I. Q. O. F. Cemetery. STAMBAUOH— In . this city, ".July 22. 19oS, Mary Stambaush, dearly ' beloved ' wife of ..Georfre Stambaujth, beloved, daughter of I Mary and the late John Lacoete, and Bister . of Thomas, Bernard, ROsa and LUzle Lacoste : nni),Mri. George Lewis, -a native of San Francisco, acred 27 years 1 month and 12 days. ' tC^Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral fe*rvlces to-day (Friday), at 1 o'clock, at the »e#l- .dence or her mother, 1163 Nineteenth av«- nue south, corner of H -street south. South San Francisco. Interment Mount. Olivet Cemetery. TREUIIOLTZ— In Oakland, July 22, 1903, Er- nest Eebert.' dearly beloved son of Dr. and Mrs. C. S. Treuholtt, a native Of Fort Eg- bert, Alaska, aired 1 year 6 months and 17 days. (Victoria, B. C, and Seattle papers please cbpy.) : {£7"Friends are respectfully Invited to at- >nd the funeral Friday. July 24, at 2 o'clock, from the residence of M. Treuholtz, 1065 West Btreet. Oakland. VUKOVICH-ifn this city July 23. 1903, John G., beloved husband bfliyda' J. .Vukbvtch, father of Angelina Vukovlch, and brother of Nikola, Mltar. ' Dusan and ' Milan Vukovlch. Mrs. Ljubo Mllojevich and Mrs. Peter ' 8. Setencich, a native of Dubrovnik, Dalmatla, aged 32 years. * WAGNER (nee 8CHNOOR)— In th!« city. July 2.1, 1U03. Annie Wagner (nee Sehnoor), be- loved wife o' Frederick Waener, 'and de- voted mother of John, Chris, Richard and Annie Schnoor and Mrs. Olsen. a native of Schleswig-Holsteln. Germany, aged 03 years 0 months and 28 days. XEHODIMOS— In the City and County Hospi- tal, July 23, 19OT5. Tam Xerodlmoa, a native" of Greece, aged" 23 years. YOUNG— In this city, .July 22,» 1003, Charlea Casper, dearly beloved husband of Sarah ,Youne, beloved father of Charles Young, and brother of George and Peter Young and Mrs. William Rehker, a native of Hull, England, ageri 52 years 3 months and 22 days. icyFrlenda and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral services to-morrow (Saturday), at 2 o'clock, at his late residence, 112 Valparaiso street, between Taylor and Jones, Filbert and Greenwich. Interment Laurei Hill Cemetery. ::::y.y .•*,•?.•.¦?<¦-;¦¦¦¦ '-y-v "¦¦ ¦"'/••• ¦¦*< "'.¦ '¦'.'.'¦¦¦¦¦¦••¦• •".•"•" ¦.¦•••.•r-.*..-->"**^<.v j, -,.^. , _^*, ,,. ; ..¦.¦ "-'• ¦ ¦¦.¦>: .¦¦.¦:¦..¦.¦¦¦ ¦ . . .. .¦..¦¦.¦_¦ : ¦:'. : . :¦¦¦;. ¦¦ ¦.-.¦¦¦¦ , , ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ -. ¦ . ¦ . • . ¦:-.- . : ¦ -. ..,.¦- ._;¦ " . "..-.' ¦¦.'¦""'.. ¦ . ¦ ¦ : ¦ ;. . . -.- ;¦ .:-.:¦.- .. ... . '¦. -.¦. . ¦.¦.-. .'. :...•>.- ". '.;'¦:¦¦ ¦.:•;¦¦-¦*¦¦ '¦'¦¦ '-¦¦¦•**.¦<¦¦'-¦ ¦ ¦ . . 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'-'¦ JMHW cifi-tv- m3CB^B_4HbHUB3C3BBBK>^99^K9 ;¦:.¦/¦:¦¦ ¦:¦:¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦ ¦: .¦-¦": ;..¦.¦¦.¦-. . .¦ ¦ -. .-• ¦"¦::¦.-. /¦: .-:¦. ¦¦¦• ¦ v. -.¦....¦ : . ¦ ¦¦ . ¦:¦-..-..- '.¦:¦¦¦¦.¦¦¦ ; .¦ ¦:¦ ¦¦ .-. . ¦. jW^MjiTftt__iH jj_3e "¦ lltn. "' '¦ . ¦ " . ¦ ¦¦¦¦- ¦- fjff'*' TC JBMI '* **'''- m3l__Bh5P_1_H_| : "H *^-y' I I |^ h p I #H| r*i f\ W^ f^ I* i^5 f§ ree Oil Painting With Next Sunday's Call. , There is nothing in the wide, wide world quite so appealing as home. t Be it ever so humble there is no spot like the habitation of the individtu_ man. Rich or poor, high or low, good or bad, prince or pauper, the in- - clination is for home, and any picture that represents home ties or • horns features touches the wannest spot in the hearts of all men and women. Apropos of this, The San Francisco Call presents as its art supple- ment next Sunday an oil painting' which is a perfect reproduction in color of the celebrated picture by Henry P. Smith entitled "The Old Home; stead." It represents a New England farmhouse and possesses artistic qualities of the highest order. Its composition is well balanced, its color . harmonious and there is a satisfying fidelity in the completeness with which the details are elaborated. There is an element of outdoors in the whole beautiful scheme. The farmhouse, with its antique, cozy character, its great elm tree in front, its-rich greens surrounding and its air of shade," comfort and coziness are peculiarly attractive. Smith, the artist, is one of the most successful of New York pie- , ture-makers and he is one of the most cultivated men in the art world. Hitherto he has devoted himself largely to Venetian /scenes — pictures of- : architectural wonders of the Old World. The present effort is an innova- tion; it* passes from the grandeur of Granada and Seville to the homely * comforts of a New England homestead. The change shows great -wfrsatil- ity in the artist and has in it an atmosphere that is peculiarly graceful and charming* California readers will be especially interested in this attractive pic- ture of Eastern homeliness and natural luxury, conveying as it does a de- licious sense of coolness that seems to exude from the canvas. FREE, of .Course, With Next Sunday's Call! f ' - The Call is Sold by All Newsdealers on the Coast They Are Framing Call Art Supplements . The Following Art Dealers Are Making a Specialty of Framing Call Art Supplements: Sacramento— Hevener, Mier & Co., ' Oakland— E. J. Saake, 13 Tele- 615 J street; C. N. Davis, book graph avenue; J. A. Barlow, 369 store, 817. K street. Twelfth street. Petaluma— H. S. Gutermute, J. M. Alameda— C. P. Magagnos, 1358 / San Jose — George Denne, M. Len- San Diego— W. P. Fuller & Co., y * Stockton— Morris Bros.' Bookstore, Bedding— W. H. Bergh, "Bergh 20 North Eldorado street; Stockton ' Furniture Company." Racket Store, 711 East Main street; Fresno— Sronce & Dick. Gage's art store, 509 East Main Redwood City — W. L. Kline, street; Weber's art store,^425 East Santa Cruz — H. E. Irish, Cook* • Main street. Bros., F. R. Hew, George Hoban. Marysville— G. W. Hall. Chico— Fetters & Williams.